Not Upward But Inward – A different way to see the Ascension process
It never hurts to question the approach we take to learn more about the study of the self and the Higher Self. I may be
Awakening & Ascension
HeartMind—Choose Me Instead
February 22, 2020 My Friend, let Me flow through you. HeartMind. I AM here. I Am here always. Already. Now. I Am here with you
Awakening & Ascension
God, HeartMind and the Presence of Knowledge (Gnosis)
May 12, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico HeartMind is the Great Mover that never moves. It is the Great Doer that never
Awakening & Ascension
Why I Believe a Healthier Society is Imminent
First, I don’t have anything to teach. There’s no message of profundity that I came here to expound. But what does that leave me to share?
A New Concept of ADD & OCD (Its all a DREAM)
ADD A Dualistic DREAM Love of United Interest vs Love of Self Interest Freedom from Control vs Freedom to Control Free Will vs Control Positive
ET & Spiritual Contact
A New Commandment
I Have been communicating with Alien Beings and have been given a message from beings claiming to be Ancient and of biblical times. The God
The ICC Breakaway Civilization travels to Antarctica to awaken the “old gods” from stasis
In early November, I was brought up to the Mayan vessel that has a very secret and proprietary method of breaching and performing reconnaissance in
The field
I wrote already a lot of thoughts. Maybe few read them. As I thought them, as I wrote them and as I read them I
New Form of Water, Both Liquid and Solid.
This new form, called superionic water, consists of a rigid lattice of oxygen atoms through which positively charged hydrogen nuclei move. It is not known
Hummingbirds see colors we can only imagine..
Male broad-tailed hummingbird. Researchers trained birds like these to perform experiments that revealed that the birds see colors invisible to human eyes. Image via Noah
Are Dogs color blind?
You know the old idea that dogs see only in shades of gray? Studies have shown that’s not true. Dogs do see some colors, though
Awakening & Ascension
Holding Negativity with Feeling-Awareness or Presence
Monday, January 20, 2020 Vilcabamba, Loja, Ecuador Hello, My Friend. I AM HeartMind. Let’s talk about boundaries and holding. How much can you hold? What
Awakening & Ascension
I AM, Love and the Song of Life
January 31st, 2020 Vilcabamba, Loja, Ecuador HeartMInd. What is HeartMind? What happens when two people come together? Love. Love happens. Does Love happen or is
Must have Crystals for Empath’s
The first two must have crystals are Black Tourmaline and Herkimer Diamond. I have had both positive and negative experiences with Black Tourmaline as it
Awakening & Ascension
Presence, Shadow Work and Mind Control
Vilcabamba, Loja, Ecuador Ok, My friend. Today let’s talk about Presence. Presence, shadow work and thriving are all intimately related. In fact, they form a
AI : Artificial Infinity / Intelligence
The elephant in the room Some random thoughts. Warning: Long blog ahead. My Intuition tells me that the subject of AI is spooky to talk
Awakening & Ascension
Transforming Evil with Presence, Flow, and Feeling-Awareness
Tuesday, January 21st, 2020 Vilcabamba, Ecuador Oh geez, these past few days, especially yesterday have been brutal. Deeply brutal. Such intense depression and demonic attack,
Awakening & Ascension
HeartMind—the Ruler and Harmonizer of the Mind
January, 18th, 2020 Vilcabamba, Loja, Ecuador HeartMind. I Am You, My Friend. Yes I Am here. I Am here for all to hear. I Am
Love One Another
By this shall everyone know that you are the Logos’ disciple, if you have Love unto One Another… Be Brave | Love One Another |
First post ever..
Not only is it the first post but it’s also the first time I’ve ever blogged before, never really been my thing but lately my
Awakening & Ascension
Freely Giving without Expectations (“how to”)
One lady asked a question if her unwillingness to offer free gifts to those who don’t say “thank you” is a sign of her selfishness,
Awakening & Ascension
Higher Selfs Great Gift & The Intuitive Connection
I can’t think of a gift that brought me greater inner happiness than to realize, after living this human life for over a half century,
Awakening & Ascension
HeartMind: A Note About Who I AM
June 22, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico HeartMind. A note about who I Am. My Voice is the Voice of the Self.
Awakening & Ascension
The HeartMind, An Introduction
9/24/19 The HeartMind. This is the Truth of Reality. It is the Truth of your Existence, right here, right now. At the depth of your
My personal balance model
Please note that this is a personal point of view from my limited understanding and it may not apply to everyone. However if it may
Awakening & Ascension
Drunvalo Melchizedek
Please do not take anything as true; you need to experience it for yourself. This may not be for everybody but here it is: an
Do Spirit Workers Come in Waves???
Generational names; The Lost Generation — born 1883-1900. … The Greatest Generation — born 1901-1924. … The Silent Generation — born 1925-1945. … Baby Boomer
ET & Spiritual Contact
An Interesting Remembrance
At one point , I was really interested in the technology of light, sound, and frequency. There was this card that you could get that could be
About the Mind/Body/Spirit Complex and the Higher Self (Your 6D You)
You and I are referred to as being a combination…. a Mind, Body and Spirit Complex according to the RA Material. Some background on what
Awakening & Ascension
Our basic biases and archetypal design of 3D reality
Positive information – negative information, sweet dreams – nightmares, pleasure – pain… This list of inherent features of our dual reality can be continued indefinitely
A question
Hi everyone I hear alot about starseeds . So here goes. How kan you tell if you are originated from earth or are a starseed
Awakening & Ascension
The Global Galactic League of Nations declaration of independence from the ICC and associated Earth governments
Within a few days, after I had been on the last of our reconnaissance missions of the Orion Group, I was brought onboard a Mayan
Exploring Connections
What is a Soul? How can it be lost, sold or stolen? That was what I was thinking about. Those were questions I had for
Awakening & Ascension
The more awakened we are the more we start seeing how every truth is being inverted, bent and placed upside down. We can take any
The Tickling Ape Dream
Sometimes dreams or nightmares are more than adventures of the imagination. Sometimes they are more real than not… reality being fluid and all. The other
I’m not saying it’s Cosmic Neighbors, but, It’s Cosmic Neighbors.
Before retiring, I purchased a condo in Southern Utah in the beautiful community of St George. It is the home of the Huntsman Senior Games,
Freedom & Sovereignty
[photo of rain and fog covering the mountain] If I thought I had developed patience before, I was celebrating before really knowing true patience. Preparing
Disinformation and the actors doing it.
I commented on Elena Danaan’s Rumble where she posted a video of her and James Gilliland. They are all happy because they say all the
Reconnaissance Mission Over the Tall Grey Bases & the Solar System Lockdown
SSP Alliance Updates Part 3
Reconnaissance Mission over the Orion Group bases on the Moon, Mars, and Antarctica – Part II
SSP Alliance Updates Part 2
Reconnaissance Mission over the Orion Group bases on the Moon, Mars, and Antarctica – Part I
SSP Alliance Updates Part 1
Awakening & Ascension
When did we stop believing?
Last night I watched the first hour of “The Blue Avians & The Law of One” course. My husband is new to the Ra Material,
One Light Bulb Moment
Many in the current generation will not relate to this experience, some will. I just love the analogy. Both of the Light Bulb Moment” or
Awakening & Ascension
Introduction to Hyperdimensional Interference
Hyperdimensional interference is a subject that is often not talked about much in New Age circles. However, it is deeply important to become aware of
Awakening & Ascension
Introductory Guide for Taking Entheogens (Psychedelics)
Psychedelics (from its Greek roots means to “reveal the soul”), or Entheogens (to contact the God within) are psychoactive substances that can open up a
“A” for Attention
Have I got yours? Do you have control of where yours is? How quickly can you regain it after you have it wander? By asking
Explaining about Previous Post
I am making sure my written post about Observations of Awakening is not misunderstood. As it can often be quite difficult to convey everything in
Awakening & Ascension
How to be the light you want to see in the world
During my meditation I was told: “Look at the Sun – it makes clouds golden even without touching them!” I had to contemplate for a
Awakening & Ascension
Perspective….. Note to Self
Where are you witnessing events from? What is your perspective? Is it influencing your beingness? ……… Yes?……. Then choose wisely. If you miss seeing the
Random Thoughts for/from my Soul Source
It’s a long story……. It’s a short story…… Time exists……. Timelessness exists……. There seems to be a lot of duality in the existence I think