Author: Margarita AoteaRa
~Author (Rita Lev), researcher, counsellor, Dream Yoga adept and student of Ra~
~Being an expat, I live in New Zealand, close to Nature, planting fruit trees and creating a resilient community~
~I'm healthy lifestyle advocate and thriving on raw plant-based food (mostly fruits) for more than 6 years now; my raw food creations and recipes can be found on Instagram:
~Spiritual growth, self-improvement, transformation, self-healing and service-to-others are the main goals of my work and inspiration~
~My published books (in Russian) under pseudonym Rita Lev:
"Language of Dreams. Bridge to the Unknown" [ISBN 978-5-0051-3355-7],
"Nature of Fear. Removing energetic blockages in the body" [ISBN 978-5-4496-4803-7]
and a book of poems.
More information about my work, articles, videos are on the websites:
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