Ep1: Timeline Updates Part 1
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Original Date: Dec 03, 2022
Original Date: Dec 03, 2022
SSP Updates Explanations with Corey & Mike
In this episode Corey & Mike discuss Corey’s latest timeline updates posted here: https://ascensionworks.tv/corey/timelines-earth-liberation-battles-and-the-solar-micro-nova/
Next Episode: Ep2: Timeline Updates Pt. 2 + Q&A
Corey Goode: Hello, I'm Corey Goode and I'm here with Mike Waskosky.
Mike Waskosky: Hello.
Corey: Today, we're bringing you the first installment of “SSP Updates Explained”.
I know I've put out a lot of updates over the last number of months. I've had a whole lot going on in my personal life and in business, and Mike thought it was a good idea that we sit down and go over some of the updates and bring some of your questions in and see if we can bring a little bit of clarity, because there has been confusion.
And, of course, we see in the questions that a lot of people come in with other information like Cobra or Galactic Federation and stuff and they bring it in and kind of ask questions which is kind of a mixture of the two when my information really doesn't have anything to do with the other people's information.
So, there's a lot of confusion that kind of comes in.
So, maybe through doing some of these Q & A's we can, you know . . .
Mike: Help to address the distortions.
Corey: Yes. Yes.
Mike: Yeah, and there are so many details and there's so much going on on the planet now and so much going to happen in the future, and there are so many assumptions and overlaps of people's religious beliefs and personal assumptions around what they've heard some snippets from every other source.
So, it's important, I think, for us to explain . . . Also, I love to explain from the perspective of what the Ra context, “The Ra Material”, which absolutely still correlates with everything that Corey has been saying about what the Material seems to suggest is the period of graduation, the period of harvest, as we transition into Fourth-Density Consciousness.
As we're getting closer to this moment where it seems like there'll be a significant shift, it seems like Corey has been getting far more details and sharing them on . . . we've been sharing them on www.AscensionWorks.tv, and I think a lot of people still haven't seen them.
So, hopefully, these videos will help spread more awareness about some of these updates and the significant information he's been sharing and have been receiving.
Corey: True, yeah, I'm also . . . Fabio and his team are going to help us . . . He had helped us do some of, I think there were 8 or 10 SSP – I think there were 8 – SSP updates that were done kind of with a robotic voice that some people don't like – some people do.
He's going to put together another set of reports for us and we're going to post them on YouTube, but also mostly on . . . most of them are going to go on www.AscensionWorks.tv.
They're going to cover some of the written updates that I've put out that a lot of people haven't seen about the Zulu, or the . . . they call themselves the Eoceans.
Their entire history . . . I released a update . . . I can't remember when it was, maybe a year ago – it's been a while – but a lot of people haven't seen it.
The Zulu are a very significant race and group of individuals and a collective that are a big part of what's happening here in our future.
Eventually, they're going to graduate to become Guardians themselves and they are well on their way to doing so.
Mike: I would suggest, they're Fifth-Density Consciousness.
Corey: They're upper . . . yeah, the density.
Mike: All right, I think it'd be good to get started. We could ask about the most recent update which was titled, “Unprecedented Breaking Update: Timelines, Earth Liberation Battles and the Solar Micronova”.
And this to me is one of the most explosive updates you've ever released because it seems as though this is the first time you were given relatively clear specifics about a timeline that it seems like we're already locked into.
Corey: Well, it's the only time I've ever been given access to it.
If you remember, like when I would report back 2016-17 when we were talking about say the micronova, you know, the information we had was changing because it was coming from the SSP scientists.
And their best guess at one point was 2018 and then they said, “Well, 2024, when we're coming out of solar minimum would be the most likely.”
So there was a lot of guesswork and even the ETs that we were talking to that have access to their higher consciousness anyway and remote-viewing technologies they didn't even know the exact time and date.
It was, you know, almost like in the Bible,”No one knows the day or the hour.”
It seems to be that way even among the angelic ETs.
But, finally, these new Guardians that have taken over from the Blue Avians that . . . They kind of go through a cycle of them being leaders out of the Guardians.
The Blue Avians kind of faded back after they did their job, and then the new Guardians came in.
And I've described them. They basically are the opposite of the Shadow Beings. They are like light beings – the shape of sort of a human.
When they bend their arms, there's an iridescent-like skin that kind of becomes visible.
They're a very mesmerizing thing to see.
Mike: You first saw these beings at a station in 2017.
Corey: Yes, at the . . . It was basically a graduation or some type of ceremony where representatives from all the different 52 stars in our local star cluster attended. There were around 52 of them.
But, yeah, that was the first time that any of us had seen them.
And I wasn't allowed to talk about them at all, really.
And there is another group as well that's going to come in after this group that appeared at the time along with them. And I can't really talk about them yet.
But this new Guardian group gave . . . has been working very closely with Emmy from the Eoceans, from the Zulu.
And Emmy has been working very closely with them and they have been sharing information through him about the future timeline – what's about to happen galactically for us.
And they laid out a time line that started it looked like about 2024, 2025, and stretched out past 2033.
They gave me the timeline of what is going to be happening within our Solar System.
And a lot of people have a hard time with time. Time is a very localized event.
Every star that is pulling on space around it is bending space. And gravity pulling at space – that is the engine . . . that's what creates time – the space being distorted through gravity.
Without gravity you have no time.
So each star in our local cluster has it's own density and frequency and it's pulling on space a little differently, so therefore time – they call it “twist rate”, you know . . .
Time. If you take a piece of space and pull it out and stretch it out and twist it . . . that's what gravity does to actual space. It twists. Like at every centimeter there'll be like two or three twists, or on some star systems it'll be more dense so there'll be like six twists for every measured area.
So they measure the frequency similar to that in the space program.
And each star is its own sphere – temporal sphere – with time flowing within it. And that is completely divorced from the next star system over who has its own temporal bubble – its sphere of influence.
Within that sphere of influence of that temporal reality time is flowing at its own rate.
So all of this is . . . All of these different things, these different star systems, have time flowing differently.
Now, within a star, you have planets. Those planets are operating within this time temporal sphere, and relating to each other they are all within this solar temporal time, but each planet has its own density as well and pulls on space differently and has its own slightly different flow of time and its own separate time flow, because each local space is its own time frame.
So that's how they pull us off the planet for 20 years. They bring us to the Moon or to another planetary sphere or another area where time is flowing differently and independently from what's going on here on Earth.
And after you're finished with doing your tasks for 20 years, you are removed and you're brought back to a completely different time sphere to where the things happening in this time sphere [Corey illustrates with his left hand] are not affecting this time sphere [Corey illustrates with his right hand].
So you're placed back on Earth 20 years in the past when they originally took you and, therefore, this is all done in a way not to affect temporal flows on the Earth. They take you completely out of the temporal sphere. You're in . . .
When you're on a ship, the ship has a gravitic drive and the gravity created by that gravitic drive creates your own little time reference within that gravity well, that time well.
So time does not flow like a lot of people think. You think, “Well, a week ago a ship was in . . .” How do I . . . It's even hard
Mike: You could break it up. You could say that this is something that the whole world had to grasp 100 years ago with Einstein telling us that time is relative to the speed at which you are moving.
And to me that implies the physics of Dewey Larson to a degree because The Law of One verifies it's legitimate because he talked about time being three-dimensional and being a reciprocal of space.
So these are two properties that sort of exchange and flow in and out of each other.
And The Law of One also describes gravity as being ultimately metaphysically connected, and they describe time as being . . . time-space as being the metaphysical dimension.
So time is like the engine of metaphysical reality that's kind of pulling space in to have these metaphysical experiences.
Time is the way in which metaphysical experiences occur.
Corey: That's the way all experiences occur is through time.
You know, if you have just a consciousness out in the middle of space, nowhere near stars or the influences of galaxies, there's no gravity there. They're sitting in an area to where space is really very slightly or unaffected at all.
So, therefore, they do not have this perspective of time and they see things as all big picture-wise. They see it all at once.
The perception of a being that you're dealing with . . . If the being comes from such a completely different perception of time and . . . the flow of time, it's hard to relate. And that's why they have problems communicating with us sometimes because they don't understand how . . . They can't really understand how we're experiencing time because they experience it so much differently.
Mike: And I think it's similar when we're dreaming, too, when we have a wider lens on the time that we're existing in and we can see into the future in the metaphysical sense with symbols and in the past with symbols when we're in a dream state.
And I think that's how people can . . .
For example, I'm sure a lot of people have had an experience when your alarm is about to go off and you're having a dream. You'll be told by a character, “Oh, now is the time. Now is the time.” And you wake up because your alarm went off.
And so it's like you can watch . . . In your dream state you can watch . . . you can peer behind the veil a little bit to see the flow of time and how you can see beyond the limitations of death, the linear time, which is really an illusion perception.
So, it's interesting also to me that this year that you're saying the Solar Flash is predicted to occur in 2033 or 2034, is also 22 years after 2011, 2012.
And 2011 was the date that The Law of One material flagged as being a possible nexus point for the Harvest to occur or begin.
It's a little ambiguous what they're saying, but they also said that there would be a period of disharmony and a period of intense polarization that would lead up to this.
So they said that things would get more intense until this event that they said could have occurred 30 years after 1981, which would have been 2011, but now Corey's testimony is that we are two cycles of the Sun – two 11-year cycles – moved away from that 2011 date.
So it all seems appropriate that now that we're about one solar cycle of 11 years away from 2012, 2011, now it makes sense for us to get this update at this time. At least to me it makes sense.
Corey: Yeah, it makes . . . It's hard to make sense out of why they do the things they do.
Basically, I think a lot of it is they see what is going on on Earth. People have lost hope. People have become very complacent and don't really want to fight. They're waiting for saviors to come in – angelic-looking ETs to come in and save them.
We're so programmed to look for saviors that they are . . . You know, they're really worried about the direction that we're headed.
I have had people contacting me after I put out some of these updates, and they're like, “How can we do this? We can't do this. We HAVE to have help! We CAN'T do this on our own! Humans cannot do this. We have advanced ETs that are doing . . . that, you know . . . we're just so out numbered at all of this.”
It's just excuse after excuse after excuse.
We look at what happened with Micah's people on their planet – that's one of updates I put out and I'm pretty sure that was made into a video. If not, it will be.
Mike: Yeah, I'm not sure.
Corey: I think it was.
Mike: There're a lot of details there, too, I'm sure you haven't put in a video.
Corey: I think, yeah. Micah's people were being pushed into transhumanism by very angelic types of ETs that were trying to bring them into the transhumanist agenda.
About 30~40% of their “lightworker community” fell for it and started getting the implants, but the majority of people on the planet finally stood up because they started having more and more totalitarianism like we are – more and more control.
They wanted to track and trace everybody. They wanted to take away their ability to make free will decisions and what they did for work – all sorts of things. It was basically Communism and transhumanism being forced upon them.
They stood up. Everyone walked out of their jobs, walked out onto the streets and peacefully protested.
And within three days that was it. The Cabal had dropped. Everything was exposed.
Everyone just came out and said, “I have had enough.”
Now, we're seeing that happen in China and Brazil, but not Europe or the United States or really Australia.
We see some people coming out. People tell me, “No, no, we've had these groups come out, these groups come out.”
These are small groups.
What happened on Micah's planet and what has to happen here is everyone just says, “Forget this crap. We're not participating any more,” and going out on the streets.
There will be violence, but it doesn't have to be an overall violent thing.
We outnumber them basically 99 to 1.
Mike: And the first distortion of The Law of One is free will. It's always based in free will.
If we collectively choose a new reality as a planet, then we wait to manifest that reality, right?
Corey: And that goes back to what I was talking about about these different time references, these different time bubbles.
On the surface of the Earth, despite all of the freedom that's going to happen over the next decade in our Solar System – on Mars in the future when they come to liberate Mars and the other bases and facilities – that's not going to really have much of an effect on what's happening on the surface of a planet time-wise. That is all happening in these different time references. It's affecting THEIR time sphere.
Ours is going to be affected by our own actions.
And Cosmic Law dictates that we really created this mess. We were manipulated. We fell for tricksters and all sorts of other things, but we made this mess.
And we're all, collectively, going along with it even though they're saying, “No, I do not consent,” and we'll write on the Internet, “I do not consent”, and hit “enter”.
Guess what, you do consent. We're all going along with it.
At some point, we all have to stop just going along with it.
So we need to make the decision on what type of future we're going to have in our local time sphere here on Earth.
ET groups are doing what they can to clear other planetary spheres within our Solar System, but this is something that is going to take a decade.
This is one of the last strongholds of the Orion Group and the Andromeda Syndicate.
They are here. They are stuck here and just a couple of other solar systems similar to ours. They have nowhere to go.
They're forced to be here up until the Solar Flash, and the good ETs are coming in to the outer part of the Solar System and moving their way towards the inside and helping us. They're in a support role, but the people that are going to be doing all the heavy lifting are the SSP Alliance and the Global Galactic League of Nations.
The report that I put out earlier describes how the Global Galactic League of Nations stood up to the ICC and declared themselves to be liberated – [be] their own group.
So the Global Galactic League of Nations has now come together and are working together with the SSP Alliance to free our Solar System, and it's going to take years. It's like the Battle of the Bulge.
They're coming in from the outer Solar System. They're going to have to fight their way in.
And around each of the gas giants are thousands . . . there are armadas of negative ET ships that are in the upper atmosphere of these planets trying to hide out until the last minute.
So there's a lot that is about to happen in our Solar System.
In the next 10 years, we're going to be able to see signs . . . They'll tell us, “A meteor collided with another meteor and that's why there was a weird flash by Mars.”
Or they'll give us all these weird explanations, but we're going to start seeing things: flashes on the Moon; different debris coming into the Earth's atmosphere from craft that are fighting each other.
And when these ships fight each other, it's not like in the movies where you see lasers shooting back and forth and like exotic missiles flying around and chasing aircraft.
These exotic weapons . . . you don't see a report from the weapons. There's not always a flash. On some of them there's like electricity that travels from one node out into space and destroys ships.
You don't see as much “flash and bang”.
The only bangs you see are when the craft are actually destroyed. And often they're destroyed by kind of tractor-beam cannons that shoot and twist space in a beam, basically.
You can't see it, but when it hits a ship, that part of the ship just twists and crushes up like when you take a soda can and just, shssss, twist it like that.
They've had huge ships crush into little, little balls with this type of weaponry.
And we have it and they have it. We got it from them.
But that's the type of battles that are going to be happening from around 2025 moving forward. And I know you have a list, a more detailed list, of . . .
And in the description below we will also put the . . .
Mike: . . . links to the updates.
Corey: Yeah and maybe just the text from the actual dates.
Mike: Yeah, we can do that.
Corey: So people can reference it during the video.
Mike: Yeah. Yeah, you originally said that apparently it takes the GGLN – the Global Galactic League of Nations-led armada – until 2025 in our time frame to work their way back to begin liberating our own Solar System.
Corey: Yeah, we're cleaning up a lot of messes right now. The Dark Fleet was working alongside the Orion Group and they've been traveling to many, many star systems causing problems – wars or looting, those types of things.
So there are a lot of different star systems that do not trust humans at all. We're going to have a lot to live down when we start traveling after we finally win this war and start traveling into space as a civilization.
We're going to find a lot of ET groups out there that don't trust us because of atrocities we have done on their planets.
So the Global Galactic League of Nations and SSP Alliance have been working to remove remnants of the Dark Fleet and also this Galactic Federation of Worlds. It's a very deceptive group.
They're warned dozens of planets that were being manipulated by this group and helped the planets during the nick of time.
Apparently, when we were starting in the 50s, when we were beginning to make deals with these negative ET groups, there were positive groups out there that contacted us and said, “Do not deal with these people. Don't do it! Whatever you do, don't deal with the Orion Group.” But we did anyway.
So, WE are kind of doing that as well: warning people about this Galactic Federation group that is very deceptive and played a key role in taking over the lower levels of the Lunar Operations Command very violently.
Mike: Yeah, it makes sense to me that the Orion Group would use every form of cunning deception they can. And I assume that these groups don't come in waving an Orion flag that makes it obvious, “I'm working for those other guys you know about.”
They try to assimilate as though they're a part of the collective.
This is apparently how the ICC became so infiltrated, right?
Corey: Well, yeah. This Orion Group studied us for years. They know the human condition. They know our lustful, animalistic side. And they're very good at exploiting that, you know, bringing in real tall, lean, beautiful, blonde-haired, blue-eyed ETs that look like angels from all of our religions and having them come in and not only be so beautiful but, “Me, this lowly human, they're attracted to me? They're this interested in me?”
It's this whole cunning con that they do. And they do it on other planets as well.
But, yeah, as I have mentioned, the Galactic Federation of Worlds aren't even really from our galaxy. They claim to be, that they're from Andromeda.
And the Andromeda galaxy has gone through very similar to what we have. They're further along in getting cleaned up by the good guys than we are.
And in their process, some of their bad guys came over here.
One of those bad guys was this blonde-haired, blue-eyed Galactic Federation group that was a part of this Andromeda Syndicate.
Mike: Maybe I could ask a simple philosophical question about this.
So, if we were to completely wipe out the Orion Group from our galaxy, and the Andromeda galaxy succeeds as well in eliminating all these negative groups, there are still going to be a similar process of evolution through third density where people are still having to learn lessons of choosing Service-to-Self and Service-to-Others, because beings are still able to choose themselves that they want to be warlike and then get over that in time so we don't actually depend upon the Orion Group for anything.
Corey: For a negative catalyst. No. That's this because it's a never-ending cycle.
There are many, many third-density planets that are not quite to where we are, you know, that are . . .
There are so many planets out there, so many civilizations, that are going through their third-density negative and then they'll go through their fourth-density positive and negative.
So there will always be bad guys that are going to pop up. That's just a part of the way this universe works.
You have to have negative catalysts, unfortunately, for the way consciousness works, especially in the lower levels. You have to have some sort of catalyst like that for there to be growth.
So it's like the universe is this big engine of experience. And that's all it is. It's a big server or group of servers where all of these people can play video games and forget that they're playing video games and be immersed in the experience and have a new experience.
Mike: And this AI group, or the AI seed or influence that's been affecting a lot of galaxies, apparently, this has been like an experiment of our whole universe you think? Or would you say it's of our galaxy that the experiment . . .
Corey: With multiple galaxies. Multiple galaxies.
They call it AI. It's really a mass consciousness from a different dimension, a different reality. And everything there is electromagnetic. It just comes from a different . . .
And it was pulled into our universe and it's an electromagnetic mass consciousness.
It works well through electronics and all of that, and that's why people started calling it . . . they believed it to be some sort of AI.
But it's not an artificial intelligence. It's a mass consciousness from another realm.
And the only way we can fathom what it is sort of like . . . We just started call it “AI” in the beginning, but we understand much more about it now.
People have been out there, “Oh, you know, the AI has been . . .” They tweaked the code and fixed it.
You're an idiot. It's not what the AI God is. It's a consciousness and you can't change it or affect it no matter how positive you put your hands together and try to transmute it. That's NOT the way it works.
Mike: It's possible that we need a new name. I had classes in AI programming in school. So I know it's a very different kind of thing we're talking about.
But apparently it's like the root of why the negative groups have been so effective because they're working together more harmoniously with the influence of the AI signal?
Corey: Yeah. And it connects them.
And depending on the ET group, you would think that having more group consciousness-type of mass consciousness, more an integrated mass consciousness, would be a good thing against these negative ETs, but they have a different approach to everybody.
If you're a society that is psychically connected, they will approach you completely differently than a group like us that is all broken off into our own egos.
They have many approaches. They study cultures and for eons they've been infiltrating cultures and doing this.
Mike: So leading up to 2025, what are we going to see as a planet? Are we going to see a lot more of this “End-Times Madness” and earthquakes and is the Earth going to go through more cataclysms of different kinds?
Corey: Yes. What I was told is that this “End-Times Madness” . . . So years ago I talked about on my television show with David [Wilcock] how people were going to be getting crazier and crazier up until the Solar Flash, and that you wouldn't even want to go to the grocery store because everyone is so crazy.
If you think we're there now, we're not. It's going to get much, much worse than it is even now.
We see people in the community just get crazy. Everyone around has just lost it, and they think everyone else has lost it.
Mike: Yeah.
Corey: So, yeah, it's going to get much, much worse. Just as I said at the very beginning of my testimony, the volcanoes are going to start going off more and more. The storms are going to become more and more energetic, and more and more signs are going to occur.
There will be signs that the Solar Event is going to happen. It's not just going to be in like 2033, 34, in that area, all of a sudden, boom, it happens.
Leading up to it there's little signs. The Sun is going to do little things here and there that are going to start making people concerned. It will build up and then it will be the bigger event.
Mike: How did you receive the information? Was this . . . I think you said that Emmy was giving you a holographic picture. So were there details in this picture? And how did this come through?
Corey: Yeah. I was like a . . . It was a . . . It was like watching it. It was like being there.
It was a hologram, but it was like . . . it was immersive. It wasn't like looking down a hologram. It's like the hologram grew into the room and the participants, people there, were just looking around and observing.
Mike: Maybe in a later update we can get into the details of that specific meeting.
But I think I'd like to get more into the details of what the timeline is showing us and . . . Do you have details that you can't share yet about the upcoming years that you were shown?
Corey: Yes. This is just what I was allowed to share. I didn't think I was every going to be able to it. I was wondering why it was shared with me.
When I was told to share it on that date, I was very surprised but I went ahead and did so and was very careful to share exactly what I was told to share.
Mike: I see, so I shouldn't go into too much detail right now before 2025. You've got a lot more detail about what happens after 2025 in your report. We'll get into some of that.
Corey: Yeah, in the timeline out in space, it wasn't until 2025 that the Global Galactic League of Nations and their allies were finally able to fight their way back to our Solar System.
In 2025 is when . . . I've talked about, you know, you have the Sun and the Earth, and just outside the Sun's boundary is like a brown dwarf.
Close to that brown dwarf is a Supergate.
Because of where our Sun is located in the local cluster and within the galaxy, and how it connects with Cosmic Web, there is a Supergate that doesn't open up just other stars but to other galaxies. And it's very coveted.
Well, there's a replica of our Moon out in the Oort Cloud. And it's an exact replica.
Inside of it all of these different ET groups have been occupying it for who knows how long.
They observe and it's a way station for groups coming in and out of this super wormhole, Supergate.
So there are all of these different ET groups that monitor who is coming in and out of our galaxy because there's only a certain number of these Supergates in each galaxy. So they are very important to monitor to see if . . . Like if an armada came in from a foreign galaxy coming in to attack us, they would have people there watching and able to report it back.
So they're monitoring stations.
And it was one of those ancient spheres that the Ancient Builder race had built, but this one's more pristine in certain areas and has the ancient architecture still intact. It hasn't been built over like in our Moon where the Pre-Adamites built on top of everything.
But it's also pretty destroyed. There's a lot of . . . It's been through wars and battles and weird occurrences because of the Supergate and things that have gone on for billions of years.
That facility is the first facility that the Global Galactic League of Nations confronts in 2025 as it's coming in to begin the battle to liberate our Solar System.
Mike: So it's interesting to me that there are positive and negative ET groups represented there and represented on the Moon still, but the Global Galactic League of Nations group is . . . Is it because they're a human group that they have to engage in a battle whereas other groups will refrain from battle because they're not karmically entangled in these situations.
Corey: Right. Yeah, the ET groups are giving us intel [and] backing us up. Like Emmy is actually portaling the Global Galactic League of Nations flagship, the Wandering Star – portals it all around the galaxy right now.
You know, they can just . . . Emmy has been on the ship with them.
They're like, “Okay, there's this star system that we need to talk to and make sure that we can bring the rest of our armada along to get them back to Earth, eventually.”
So they appear in that star system. They make contact and get permission and do all of the protocols that are needed.
But that ship was also used, and method was used, to liberate two colonies on Mars that were real close to each other, that worked in the same manufacturing plant.
They were supposed to be the first group on Mars that was forced to take implants – these brain implants and nanites into the bloodstream.
The Galactic Federation people were there. They had brought along a factory.
This factory is like little boxes, cubes. And you pull it apart and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger and then it's a machine. It's weird.
And then these machines create and manufacture these brain ships and nanites, and they're adapted for each person's, not DNA, but each species. They have to adapt them for each species.
They had set those up within these colonies and were starting to manufacture the chips. They were preparing the people.
Apparently, there's something that they have to do for weeks, some chemical they have to consume or be injected with to prepare their neurology. And they were in that process.
And then the Global Galactic League of Nations' Wandering Star, oop, just appeared in Mars orbit and was immediately attacked by Galactic Federation ships and Orion Group ships and ICC [International Corporate Conglomerate] related battleships.
They all came in to attack the Wandering Star.
Emmy used aikido principles and basically reflected back every weapon that came at them.
These ships would position themselves, would fire one of their weapons and their ship would crush instead of the Wandering Star. Everything was being reflected back.
And very quickly dozens of really large ships were crushed and that was the end of that battle. Very quickly.
And then they were able to portal out. Emmy was able to create portals to portal out the inhabitants of both of these facilities, or colonies, before they could be implanted.
And that sent shock waves through everywhere. I mean, the fact that that ship was able to appear, made their strongest battleships appear totally impotent in battle, it really threw them for a loop.
And it was after that that even more and more of the Galactic Federation and Orion Group ships started arriving in our star system, leaving all of their other outposts because they were no longer safe.
And they were around Neptune, Jupiter and Uranus. and for a while they were kind of in outer orbits. But after this incident occurred, all of them went down into the atmosphere and they're all like in the upper atmosphere hiding out in all of these gas giants right now.
There are huge armadas hidden within the atmospheres.
Mike: Did Mika's people have assistance from the Eocean's Zulu like Emmy?
Corey: Yes, they had help from the Eoceans and they were also working with the Blue Avians as well. They had very similar help and a very similar story to what we had . . . have.
Mike: I assume . . . Well, I don't know. If they were taken by surprise that Emmy was capable of this kind of thing, maybe it's just the fact that they were taken by surprise that there's now this kind of help that we're getting?
Corey: That . . . Yeah, they . . . No one has messed with the Zulu for millions and millions of years. They don't even try.
But the last thing they expected was a human ship that appeared in their local space to then have a Zulu on board using his abilities to help the humans. That was new to them, because the Eoceans, or the Zulu, have been very non- interventionists. They're very careful about getting karmically involved with other groups.
They will help them from afar by giving them knowledge and ideas and imparting scientific breakthroughs and spiritual breakthroughs and different things into people's minds and help us that way.
Mike: Are we getting other kinds of help we don't know about yet from them?
Corey: From them? That's one of the main things that they've done is they work with shamanic races.
So they're more interested in people in South America and Africa and the western United States, the indigenous people. They connect better with those people – the people that have more of a shamanic and tribal kind of way of thinking.
They work with them quite a bit.
People that grow up in the West or think we're advanced or are the most advanced civilization on the planet, when we're dealing with the Eoceans, the Zulu, it's . . . they are so far beyond that.
They really just smile at us and look at us like we're three or four-year-olds.
And when we say things from a three or four-year-old perspective, they have this grandfather perspective compared to ours, and the communication between the two is kind of limited.
Mike: So are we getting more help then from the Anshar?
Corey: The Anshar . . . Yeah, we're still getting help from them. They're reaching out to us.
Most groups that's what they're doing, they're reaching out to us psychically and trying to influence us and encourage us to break out of our self-imposed situation with the Orion Group.
They can't just come and save us. That's just not how it works despite our UFO religions.
* * * * *
To the listeners:
Corey: Well, thank you for joining us on this episode. We're going to be doing other episodes of the SSP Update Explanations and we'll be asking for your questions on a regular basis.
I appreciate, Mike, for you coming out here and taking the time to do these recordings, and we'll see you in the next video.
Mike Waskosky: Hello.
Corey: Today, we're bringing you the first installment of “SSP Updates Explained”.
I know I've put out a lot of updates over the last number of months. I've had a whole lot going on in my personal life and in business, and Mike thought it was a good idea that we sit down and go over some of the updates and bring some of your questions in and see if we can bring a little bit of clarity, because there has been confusion.
And, of course, we see in the questions that a lot of people come in with other information like Cobra or Galactic Federation and stuff and they bring it in and kind of ask questions which is kind of a mixture of the two when my information really doesn't have anything to do with the other people's information.
So, there's a lot of confusion that kind of comes in.
So, maybe through doing some of these Q & A's we can, you know . . .
Mike: Help to address the distortions.
Corey: Yes. Yes.
Mike: Yeah, and there are so many details and there's so much going on on the planet now and so much going to happen in the future, and there are so many assumptions and overlaps of people's religious beliefs and personal assumptions around what they've heard some snippets from every other source.
So, it's important, I think, for us to explain . . . Also, I love to explain from the perspective of what the Ra context, “The Ra Material”, which absolutely still correlates with everything that Corey has been saying about what the Material seems to suggest is the period of graduation, the period of harvest, as we transition into Fourth-Density Consciousness.
As we're getting closer to this moment where it seems like there'll be a significant shift, it seems like Corey has been getting far more details and sharing them on . . . we've been sharing them on www.AscensionWorks.tv, and I think a lot of people still haven't seen them.
So, hopefully, these videos will help spread more awareness about some of these updates and the significant information he's been sharing and have been receiving.
Corey: True, yeah, I'm also . . . Fabio and his team are going to help us . . . He had helped us do some of, I think there were 8 or 10 SSP – I think there were 8 – SSP updates that were done kind of with a robotic voice that some people don't like – some people do.
He's going to put together another set of reports for us and we're going to post them on YouTube, but also mostly on . . . most of them are going to go on www.AscensionWorks.tv.
They're going to cover some of the written updates that I've put out that a lot of people haven't seen about the Zulu, or the . . . they call themselves the Eoceans.
Their entire history . . . I released a update . . . I can't remember when it was, maybe a year ago – it's been a while – but a lot of people haven't seen it.
The Zulu are a very significant race and group of individuals and a collective that are a big part of what's happening here in our future.
Eventually, they're going to graduate to become Guardians themselves and they are well on their way to doing so.
Mike: I would suggest, they're Fifth-Density Consciousness.
Corey: They're upper . . . yeah, the density.
Mike: All right, I think it'd be good to get started. We could ask about the most recent update which was titled, “Unprecedented Breaking Update: Timelines, Earth Liberation Battles and the Solar Micronova”.
And this to me is one of the most explosive updates you've ever released because it seems as though this is the first time you were given relatively clear specifics about a timeline that it seems like we're already locked into.
Corey: Well, it's the only time I've ever been given access to it.
If you remember, like when I would report back 2016-17 when we were talking about say the micronova, you know, the information we had was changing because it was coming from the SSP scientists.
And their best guess at one point was 2018 and then they said, “Well, 2024, when we're coming out of solar minimum would be the most likely.”
So there was a lot of guesswork and even the ETs that we were talking to that have access to their higher consciousness anyway and remote-viewing technologies they didn't even know the exact time and date.
It was, you know, almost like in the Bible,”No one knows the day or the hour.”
It seems to be that way even among the angelic ETs.
But, finally, these new Guardians that have taken over from the Blue Avians that . . . They kind of go through a cycle of them being leaders out of the Guardians.
The Blue Avians kind of faded back after they did their job, and then the new Guardians came in.
And I've described them. They basically are the opposite of the Shadow Beings. They are like light beings – the shape of sort of a human.
When they bend their arms, there's an iridescent-like skin that kind of becomes visible.
They're a very mesmerizing thing to see.
Mike: You first saw these beings at a station in 2017.
Corey: Yes, at the . . . It was basically a graduation or some type of ceremony where representatives from all the different 52 stars in our local star cluster attended. There were around 52 of them.
But, yeah, that was the first time that any of us had seen them.
And I wasn't allowed to talk about them at all, really.
And there is another group as well that's going to come in after this group that appeared at the time along with them. And I can't really talk about them yet.
But this new Guardian group gave . . . has been working very closely with Emmy from the Eoceans, from the Zulu.
And Emmy has been working very closely with them and they have been sharing information through him about the future timeline – what's about to happen galactically for us.
And they laid out a time line that started it looked like about 2024, 2025, and stretched out past 2033.
They gave me the timeline of what is going to be happening within our Solar System.
And a lot of people have a hard time with time. Time is a very localized event.
Every star that is pulling on space around it is bending space. And gravity pulling at space – that is the engine . . . that's what creates time – the space being distorted through gravity.
Without gravity you have no time.
So each star in our local cluster has it's own density and frequency and it's pulling on space a little differently, so therefore time – they call it “twist rate”, you know . . .
Time. If you take a piece of space and pull it out and stretch it out and twist it . . . that's what gravity does to actual space. It twists. Like at every centimeter there'll be like two or three twists, or on some star systems it'll be more dense so there'll be like six twists for every measured area.
So they measure the frequency similar to that in the space program.
And each star is its own sphere – temporal sphere – with time flowing within it. And that is completely divorced from the next star system over who has its own temporal bubble – its sphere of influence.
Within that sphere of influence of that temporal reality time is flowing at its own rate.
So all of this is . . . All of these different things, these different star systems, have time flowing differently.
Now, within a star, you have planets. Those planets are operating within this time temporal sphere, and relating to each other they are all within this solar temporal time, but each planet has its own density as well and pulls on space differently and has its own slightly different flow of time and its own separate time flow, because each local space is its own time frame.
So that's how they pull us off the planet for 20 years. They bring us to the Moon or to another planetary sphere or another area where time is flowing differently and independently from what's going on here on Earth.
And after you're finished with doing your tasks for 20 years, you are removed and you're brought back to a completely different time sphere to where the things happening in this time sphere [Corey illustrates with his left hand] are not affecting this time sphere [Corey illustrates with his right hand].
So you're placed back on Earth 20 years in the past when they originally took you and, therefore, this is all done in a way not to affect temporal flows on the Earth. They take you completely out of the temporal sphere. You're in . . .
When you're on a ship, the ship has a gravitic drive and the gravity created by that gravitic drive creates your own little time reference within that gravity well, that time well.
So time does not flow like a lot of people think. You think, “Well, a week ago a ship was in . . .” How do I . . . It's even hard
Mike: You could break it up. You could say that this is something that the whole world had to grasp 100 years ago with Einstein telling us that time is relative to the speed at which you are moving.
And to me that implies the physics of Dewey Larson to a degree because The Law of One verifies it's legitimate because he talked about time being three-dimensional and being a reciprocal of space.
So these are two properties that sort of exchange and flow in and out of each other.
And The Law of One also describes gravity as being ultimately metaphysically connected, and they describe time as being . . . time-space as being the metaphysical dimension.
So time is like the engine of metaphysical reality that's kind of pulling space in to have these metaphysical experiences.
Time is the way in which metaphysical experiences occur.
Corey: That's the way all experiences occur is through time.
You know, if you have just a consciousness out in the middle of space, nowhere near stars or the influences of galaxies, there's no gravity there. They're sitting in an area to where space is really very slightly or unaffected at all.
So, therefore, they do not have this perspective of time and they see things as all big picture-wise. They see it all at once.
The perception of a being that you're dealing with . . . If the being comes from such a completely different perception of time and . . . the flow of time, it's hard to relate. And that's why they have problems communicating with us sometimes because they don't understand how . . . They can't really understand how we're experiencing time because they experience it so much differently.
Mike: And I think it's similar when we're dreaming, too, when we have a wider lens on the time that we're existing in and we can see into the future in the metaphysical sense with symbols and in the past with symbols when we're in a dream state.
And I think that's how people can . . .
For example, I'm sure a lot of people have had an experience when your alarm is about to go off and you're having a dream. You'll be told by a character, “Oh, now is the time. Now is the time.” And you wake up because your alarm went off.
And so it's like you can watch . . . In your dream state you can watch . . . you can peer behind the veil a little bit to see the flow of time and how you can see beyond the limitations of death, the linear time, which is really an illusion perception.
So, it's interesting also to me that this year that you're saying the Solar Flash is predicted to occur in 2033 or 2034, is also 22 years after 2011, 2012.
And 2011 was the date that The Law of One material flagged as being a possible nexus point for the Harvest to occur or begin.
It's a little ambiguous what they're saying, but they also said that there would be a period of disharmony and a period of intense polarization that would lead up to this.
So they said that things would get more intense until this event that they said could have occurred 30 years after 1981, which would have been 2011, but now Corey's testimony is that we are two cycles of the Sun – two 11-year cycles – moved away from that 2011 date.
So it all seems appropriate that now that we're about one solar cycle of 11 years away from 2012, 2011, now it makes sense for us to get this update at this time. At least to me it makes sense.
Corey: Yeah, it makes . . . It's hard to make sense out of why they do the things they do.
Basically, I think a lot of it is they see what is going on on Earth. People have lost hope. People have become very complacent and don't really want to fight. They're waiting for saviors to come in – angelic-looking ETs to come in and save them.
We're so programmed to look for saviors that they are . . . You know, they're really worried about the direction that we're headed.
I have had people contacting me after I put out some of these updates, and they're like, “How can we do this? We can't do this. We HAVE to have help! We CAN'T do this on our own! Humans cannot do this. We have advanced ETs that are doing . . . that, you know . . . we're just so out numbered at all of this.”
It's just excuse after excuse after excuse.
We look at what happened with Micah's people on their planet – that's one of updates I put out and I'm pretty sure that was made into a video. If not, it will be.
Mike: Yeah, I'm not sure.
Corey: I think it was.
Mike: There're a lot of details there, too, I'm sure you haven't put in a video.
Corey: I think, yeah. Micah's people were being pushed into transhumanism by very angelic types of ETs that were trying to bring them into the transhumanist agenda.
About 30~40% of their “lightworker community” fell for it and started getting the implants, but the majority of people on the planet finally stood up because they started having more and more totalitarianism like we are – more and more control.
They wanted to track and trace everybody. They wanted to take away their ability to make free will decisions and what they did for work – all sorts of things. It was basically Communism and transhumanism being forced upon them.
They stood up. Everyone walked out of their jobs, walked out onto the streets and peacefully protested.
And within three days that was it. The Cabal had dropped. Everything was exposed.
Everyone just came out and said, “I have had enough.”
Now, we're seeing that happen in China and Brazil, but not Europe or the United States or really Australia.
We see some people coming out. People tell me, “No, no, we've had these groups come out, these groups come out.”
These are small groups.
What happened on Micah's planet and what has to happen here is everyone just says, “Forget this crap. We're not participating any more,” and going out on the streets.
There will be violence, but it doesn't have to be an overall violent thing.
We outnumber them basically 99 to 1.
Mike: And the first distortion of The Law of One is free will. It's always based in free will.
If we collectively choose a new reality as a planet, then we wait to manifest that reality, right?
Corey: And that goes back to what I was talking about about these different time references, these different time bubbles.
On the surface of the Earth, despite all of the freedom that's going to happen over the next decade in our Solar System – on Mars in the future when they come to liberate Mars and the other bases and facilities – that's not going to really have much of an effect on what's happening on the surface of a planet time-wise. That is all happening in these different time references. It's affecting THEIR time sphere.
Ours is going to be affected by our own actions.
And Cosmic Law dictates that we really created this mess. We were manipulated. We fell for tricksters and all sorts of other things, but we made this mess.
And we're all, collectively, going along with it even though they're saying, “No, I do not consent,” and we'll write on the Internet, “I do not consent”, and hit “enter”.
Guess what, you do consent. We're all going along with it.
At some point, we all have to stop just going along with it.
So we need to make the decision on what type of future we're going to have in our local time sphere here on Earth.
ET groups are doing what they can to clear other planetary spheres within our Solar System, but this is something that is going to take a decade.
This is one of the last strongholds of the Orion Group and the Andromeda Syndicate.
They are here. They are stuck here and just a couple of other solar systems similar to ours. They have nowhere to go.
They're forced to be here up until the Solar Flash, and the good ETs are coming in to the outer part of the Solar System and moving their way towards the inside and helping us. They're in a support role, but the people that are going to be doing all the heavy lifting are the SSP Alliance and the Global Galactic League of Nations.
The report that I put out earlier describes how the Global Galactic League of Nations stood up to the ICC and declared themselves to be liberated – [be] their own group.
So the Global Galactic League of Nations has now come together and are working together with the SSP Alliance to free our Solar System, and it's going to take years. It's like the Battle of the Bulge.
They're coming in from the outer Solar System. They're going to have to fight their way in.
And around each of the gas giants are thousands . . . there are armadas of negative ET ships that are in the upper atmosphere of these planets trying to hide out until the last minute.
So there's a lot that is about to happen in our Solar System.
In the next 10 years, we're going to be able to see signs . . . They'll tell us, “A meteor collided with another meteor and that's why there was a weird flash by Mars.”
Or they'll give us all these weird explanations, but we're going to start seeing things: flashes on the Moon; different debris coming into the Earth's atmosphere from craft that are fighting each other.
And when these ships fight each other, it's not like in the movies where you see lasers shooting back and forth and like exotic missiles flying around and chasing aircraft.
These exotic weapons . . . you don't see a report from the weapons. There's not always a flash. On some of them there's like electricity that travels from one node out into space and destroys ships.
You don't see as much “flash and bang”.
The only bangs you see are when the craft are actually destroyed. And often they're destroyed by kind of tractor-beam cannons that shoot and twist space in a beam, basically.
You can't see it, but when it hits a ship, that part of the ship just twists and crushes up like when you take a soda can and just, shssss, twist it like that.
They've had huge ships crush into little, little balls with this type of weaponry.
And we have it and they have it. We got it from them.
But that's the type of battles that are going to be happening from around 2025 moving forward. And I know you have a list, a more detailed list, of . . .
And in the description below we will also put the . . .
Mike: . . . links to the updates.
Corey: Yeah and maybe just the text from the actual dates.
Mike: Yeah, we can do that.
Corey: So people can reference it during the video.
Mike: Yeah. Yeah, you originally said that apparently it takes the GGLN – the Global Galactic League of Nations-led armada – until 2025 in our time frame to work their way back to begin liberating our own Solar System.
Corey: Yeah, we're cleaning up a lot of messes right now. The Dark Fleet was working alongside the Orion Group and they've been traveling to many, many star systems causing problems – wars or looting, those types of things.
So there are a lot of different star systems that do not trust humans at all. We're going to have a lot to live down when we start traveling after we finally win this war and start traveling into space as a civilization.
We're going to find a lot of ET groups out there that don't trust us because of atrocities we have done on their planets.
So the Global Galactic League of Nations and SSP Alliance have been working to remove remnants of the Dark Fleet and also this Galactic Federation of Worlds. It's a very deceptive group.
They're warned dozens of planets that were being manipulated by this group and helped the planets during the nick of time.
Apparently, when we were starting in the 50s, when we were beginning to make deals with these negative ET groups, there were positive groups out there that contacted us and said, “Do not deal with these people. Don't do it! Whatever you do, don't deal with the Orion Group.” But we did anyway.
So, WE are kind of doing that as well: warning people about this Galactic Federation group that is very deceptive and played a key role in taking over the lower levels of the Lunar Operations Command very violently.
Mike: Yeah, it makes sense to me that the Orion Group would use every form of cunning deception they can. And I assume that these groups don't come in waving an Orion flag that makes it obvious, “I'm working for those other guys you know about.”
They try to assimilate as though they're a part of the collective.
This is apparently how the ICC became so infiltrated, right?
Corey: Well, yeah. This Orion Group studied us for years. They know the human condition. They know our lustful, animalistic side. And they're very good at exploiting that, you know, bringing in real tall, lean, beautiful, blonde-haired, blue-eyed ETs that look like angels from all of our religions and having them come in and not only be so beautiful but, “Me, this lowly human, they're attracted to me? They're this interested in me?”
It's this whole cunning con that they do. And they do it on other planets as well.
But, yeah, as I have mentioned, the Galactic Federation of Worlds aren't even really from our galaxy. They claim to be, that they're from Andromeda.
And the Andromeda galaxy has gone through very similar to what we have. They're further along in getting cleaned up by the good guys than we are.
And in their process, some of their bad guys came over here.
One of those bad guys was this blonde-haired, blue-eyed Galactic Federation group that was a part of this Andromeda Syndicate.
Mike: Maybe I could ask a simple philosophical question about this.
So, if we were to completely wipe out the Orion Group from our galaxy, and the Andromeda galaxy succeeds as well in eliminating all these negative groups, there are still going to be a similar process of evolution through third density where people are still having to learn lessons of choosing Service-to-Self and Service-to-Others, because beings are still able to choose themselves that they want to be warlike and then get over that in time so we don't actually depend upon the Orion Group for anything.
Corey: For a negative catalyst. No. That's this because it's a never-ending cycle.
There are many, many third-density planets that are not quite to where we are, you know, that are . . .
There are so many planets out there, so many civilizations, that are going through their third-density negative and then they'll go through their fourth-density positive and negative.
So there will always be bad guys that are going to pop up. That's just a part of the way this universe works.
You have to have negative catalysts, unfortunately, for the way consciousness works, especially in the lower levels. You have to have some sort of catalyst like that for there to be growth.
So it's like the universe is this big engine of experience. And that's all it is. It's a big server or group of servers where all of these people can play video games and forget that they're playing video games and be immersed in the experience and have a new experience.
Mike: And this AI group, or the AI seed or influence that's been affecting a lot of galaxies, apparently, this has been like an experiment of our whole universe you think? Or would you say it's of our galaxy that the experiment . . .
Corey: With multiple galaxies. Multiple galaxies.
They call it AI. It's really a mass consciousness from a different dimension, a different reality. And everything there is electromagnetic. It just comes from a different . . .
And it was pulled into our universe and it's an electromagnetic mass consciousness.
It works well through electronics and all of that, and that's why people started calling it . . . they believed it to be some sort of AI.
But it's not an artificial intelligence. It's a mass consciousness from another realm.
And the only way we can fathom what it is sort of like . . . We just started call it “AI” in the beginning, but we understand much more about it now.
People have been out there, “Oh, you know, the AI has been . . .” They tweaked the code and fixed it.
You're an idiot. It's not what the AI God is. It's a consciousness and you can't change it or affect it no matter how positive you put your hands together and try to transmute it. That's NOT the way it works.
Mike: It's possible that we need a new name. I had classes in AI programming in school. So I know it's a very different kind of thing we're talking about.
But apparently it's like the root of why the negative groups have been so effective because they're working together more harmoniously with the influence of the AI signal?
Corey: Yeah. And it connects them.
And depending on the ET group, you would think that having more group consciousness-type of mass consciousness, more an integrated mass consciousness, would be a good thing against these negative ETs, but they have a different approach to everybody.
If you're a society that is psychically connected, they will approach you completely differently than a group like us that is all broken off into our own egos.
They have many approaches. They study cultures and for eons they've been infiltrating cultures and doing this.
Mike: So leading up to 2025, what are we going to see as a planet? Are we going to see a lot more of this “End-Times Madness” and earthquakes and is the Earth going to go through more cataclysms of different kinds?
Corey: Yes. What I was told is that this “End-Times Madness” . . . So years ago I talked about on my television show with David [Wilcock] how people were going to be getting crazier and crazier up until the Solar Flash, and that you wouldn't even want to go to the grocery store because everyone is so crazy.
If you think we're there now, we're not. It's going to get much, much worse than it is even now.
We see people in the community just get crazy. Everyone around has just lost it, and they think everyone else has lost it.
Mike: Yeah.
Corey: So, yeah, it's going to get much, much worse. Just as I said at the very beginning of my testimony, the volcanoes are going to start going off more and more. The storms are going to become more and more energetic, and more and more signs are going to occur.
There will be signs that the Solar Event is going to happen. It's not just going to be in like 2033, 34, in that area, all of a sudden, boom, it happens.
Leading up to it there's little signs. The Sun is going to do little things here and there that are going to start making people concerned. It will build up and then it will be the bigger event.
Mike: How did you receive the information? Was this . . . I think you said that Emmy was giving you a holographic picture. So were there details in this picture? And how did this come through?
Corey: Yeah. I was like a . . . It was a . . . It was like watching it. It was like being there.
It was a hologram, but it was like . . . it was immersive. It wasn't like looking down a hologram. It's like the hologram grew into the room and the participants, people there, were just looking around and observing.
Mike: Maybe in a later update we can get into the details of that specific meeting.
But I think I'd like to get more into the details of what the timeline is showing us and . . . Do you have details that you can't share yet about the upcoming years that you were shown?
Corey: Yes. This is just what I was allowed to share. I didn't think I was every going to be able to it. I was wondering why it was shared with me.
When I was told to share it on that date, I was very surprised but I went ahead and did so and was very careful to share exactly what I was told to share.
Mike: I see, so I shouldn't go into too much detail right now before 2025. You've got a lot more detail about what happens after 2025 in your report. We'll get into some of that.
Corey: Yeah, in the timeline out in space, it wasn't until 2025 that the Global Galactic League of Nations and their allies were finally able to fight their way back to our Solar System.
In 2025 is when . . . I've talked about, you know, you have the Sun and the Earth, and just outside the Sun's boundary is like a brown dwarf.
Close to that brown dwarf is a Supergate.
Because of where our Sun is located in the local cluster and within the galaxy, and how it connects with Cosmic Web, there is a Supergate that doesn't open up just other stars but to other galaxies. And it's very coveted.
Well, there's a replica of our Moon out in the Oort Cloud. And it's an exact replica.
Inside of it all of these different ET groups have been occupying it for who knows how long.
They observe and it's a way station for groups coming in and out of this super wormhole, Supergate.
So there are all of these different ET groups that monitor who is coming in and out of our galaxy because there's only a certain number of these Supergates in each galaxy. So they are very important to monitor to see if . . . Like if an armada came in from a foreign galaxy coming in to attack us, they would have people there watching and able to report it back.
So they're monitoring stations.
And it was one of those ancient spheres that the Ancient Builder race had built, but this one's more pristine in certain areas and has the ancient architecture still intact. It hasn't been built over like in our Moon where the Pre-Adamites built on top of everything.
But it's also pretty destroyed. There's a lot of . . . It's been through wars and battles and weird occurrences because of the Supergate and things that have gone on for billions of years.
That facility is the first facility that the Global Galactic League of Nations confronts in 2025 as it's coming in to begin the battle to liberate our Solar System.
Mike: So it's interesting to me that there are positive and negative ET groups represented there and represented on the Moon still, but the Global Galactic League of Nations group is . . . Is it because they're a human group that they have to engage in a battle whereas other groups will refrain from battle because they're not karmically entangled in these situations.
Corey: Right. Yeah, the ET groups are giving us intel [and] backing us up. Like Emmy is actually portaling the Global Galactic League of Nations flagship, the Wandering Star – portals it all around the galaxy right now.
You know, they can just . . . Emmy has been on the ship with them.
They're like, “Okay, there's this star system that we need to talk to and make sure that we can bring the rest of our armada along to get them back to Earth, eventually.”
So they appear in that star system. They make contact and get permission and do all of the protocols that are needed.
But that ship was also used, and method was used, to liberate two colonies on Mars that were real close to each other, that worked in the same manufacturing plant.
They were supposed to be the first group on Mars that was forced to take implants – these brain implants and nanites into the bloodstream.
The Galactic Federation people were there. They had brought along a factory.
This factory is like little boxes, cubes. And you pull it apart and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger and then it's a machine. It's weird.
And then these machines create and manufacture these brain ships and nanites, and they're adapted for each person's, not DNA, but each species. They have to adapt them for each species.
They had set those up within these colonies and were starting to manufacture the chips. They were preparing the people.
Apparently, there's something that they have to do for weeks, some chemical they have to consume or be injected with to prepare their neurology. And they were in that process.
And then the Global Galactic League of Nations' Wandering Star, oop, just appeared in Mars orbit and was immediately attacked by Galactic Federation ships and Orion Group ships and ICC [International Corporate Conglomerate] related battleships.
They all came in to attack the Wandering Star.
Emmy used aikido principles and basically reflected back every weapon that came at them.
These ships would position themselves, would fire one of their weapons and their ship would crush instead of the Wandering Star. Everything was being reflected back.
And very quickly dozens of really large ships were crushed and that was the end of that battle. Very quickly.
And then they were able to portal out. Emmy was able to create portals to portal out the inhabitants of both of these facilities, or colonies, before they could be implanted.
And that sent shock waves through everywhere. I mean, the fact that that ship was able to appear, made their strongest battleships appear totally impotent in battle, it really threw them for a loop.
And it was after that that even more and more of the Galactic Federation and Orion Group ships started arriving in our star system, leaving all of their other outposts because they were no longer safe.
And they were around Neptune, Jupiter and Uranus. and for a while they were kind of in outer orbits. But after this incident occurred, all of them went down into the atmosphere and they're all like in the upper atmosphere hiding out in all of these gas giants right now.
There are huge armadas hidden within the atmospheres.
Mike: Did Mika's people have assistance from the Eocean's Zulu like Emmy?
Corey: Yes, they had help from the Eoceans and they were also working with the Blue Avians as well. They had very similar help and a very similar story to what we had . . . have.
Mike: I assume . . . Well, I don't know. If they were taken by surprise that Emmy was capable of this kind of thing, maybe it's just the fact that they were taken by surprise that there's now this kind of help that we're getting?
Corey: That . . . Yeah, they . . . No one has messed with the Zulu for millions and millions of years. They don't even try.
But the last thing they expected was a human ship that appeared in their local space to then have a Zulu on board using his abilities to help the humans. That was new to them, because the Eoceans, or the Zulu, have been very non- interventionists. They're very careful about getting karmically involved with other groups.
They will help them from afar by giving them knowledge and ideas and imparting scientific breakthroughs and spiritual breakthroughs and different things into people's minds and help us that way.
Mike: Are we getting other kinds of help we don't know about yet from them?
Corey: From them? That's one of the main things that they've done is they work with shamanic races.
So they're more interested in people in South America and Africa and the western United States, the indigenous people. They connect better with those people – the people that have more of a shamanic and tribal kind of way of thinking.
They work with them quite a bit.
People that grow up in the West or think we're advanced or are the most advanced civilization on the planet, when we're dealing with the Eoceans, the Zulu, it's . . . they are so far beyond that.
They really just smile at us and look at us like we're three or four-year-olds.
And when we say things from a three or four-year-old perspective, they have this grandfather perspective compared to ours, and the communication between the two is kind of limited.
Mike: So are we getting more help then from the Anshar?
Corey: The Anshar . . . Yeah, we're still getting help from them. They're reaching out to us.
Most groups that's what they're doing, they're reaching out to us psychically and trying to influence us and encourage us to break out of our self-imposed situation with the Orion Group.
They can't just come and save us. That's just not how it works despite our UFO religions.
* * * * *
To the listeners:
Corey: Well, thank you for joining us on this episode. We're going to be doing other episodes of the SSP Update Explanations and we'll be asking for your questions on a regular basis.
I appreciate, Mike, for you coming out here and taking the time to do these recordings, and we'll see you in the next video.
People: Corey Goode, Mike Waskosky
Topics: Activism, Awakening & Ascension, Disclosure, ET Contact, Law of One, Metaphysics, Negative ETs, Secret Space Programs, Solar Event
In 2019 here in Puerto Rico we did that and got the then governor out of office, it took about a week.
According to the Benjamin Fulford Report and Real Raw News we’ve got the Cabal, aka Kazarian Mafia on the verge of defeat. The Cabal will likely abolished by this Spring. Which should free up a lot of resources for the SSP. For example, I do no expect to pay the FED’s income tax this year because the Satanic Rockefeller and Rothschild Cults will have been eliminated.
God Bless you Corey Goode. I’ve sent donations. Bought the books. Attended the seminars. I met you and David at the LA Hilton Feb of 2018. Five years ago! You and David both spoke of “Oh the indictments are being unsealed! Politicians are being arrested and tried. The cabal is at an end! NOW you’re talkin’ about 2036!!! WTF Corey?!!!! ALL you folks KEEP MOVING THE GOAL POSTS. What/Who are we supposed to believe?
I don’t have a magic bullet to get rid of the deep state. I don’t like this covid shot situation, and I didnt want mass arrests by an unelected new world governing body either. I mean what if you didn’t like something THAT did… God help you than because they would be prosecutor,judge, jury, and executioner. But let’s look at this strike protest idea more closely. Should ambulances still run? …they are essential services, …and it’s basically covid shut down turned inside out. But then what happens? I mean how does it change anything? Do we still vote our power over to politicians (just a different one again)? If we are going to build a holistic society we don’t need to protest we need to obstain from the old game and declare sovereignty collectively…by county or town. The sanctuary city thing always was a good idea…it was just psyopped to look ridiculous but I think it’s still catching on actually. Lol
Corey seems unaware that the military “white hats”, in the USA, Russia, China, and much of the rest of the world have been working for years to eliminate Satanic rule by the Rothschild, Rockefellers, and others. Most of our leaders are Satanists, and much of our military is mistakenly supporting “Black Hats”. Fortunately, the White Hats are winning and have just about won. Here in the USA the Satanists like the Bushes, Clintons, etc. have been executed for treason. As well as the top Hollywood actors,
Corey’s a really fine fellow. And by far, he’s the most effective, knowledgeable, and insightful prophet regarding ET, cosmological and some spiritual stuff. He really is the “insider’s insider” for ET, Cosmo stuff.
There’s a lot going on in the cosmos, but also here on Earth. For example, Nancy Pelosi was recently convicted of treason and hung at Gitmo. And there are many like her will soon follow, including much of Congress.
For Planet Earth’s war on Satanic elites, see Michael Baxter’s https://realrawnews.com/. Baxter’s RRN is slandered routinely by the Cabal’s media, but has never been sued to force a retraction of a single line. With the US military matters, he is an “insider’s insider”.
We humans are in a much better shape than Corey knows!
Amazing the information he is dropping, and it’s still just scratching the surface.
But if David wilcock’s sources are correct, than everyone who took a covid shot will be dead by 2033. Trump gave us that thing and the SSP gave us him. So I hope they have plans other than just letting it happen.
Thank you greatly, Corey and Mike! I really appreciate Mike appearing in this, as well, for his conciseness and clarity, and how he helps lead the discussion in an organized, understandable manner. I have a few comments: 1) The Taygetans have explained that our Moon is a space station that emits “5th density” frequency canceling waves, most of which are defunct now, with some still effectively working toward the US area, and European area, and not at all operational in Brazil, China, etc. Is there a correlation with this and those countries being more higher consciousness thinking? 2) It seems there is a dichotomy between being service-to-others (positive) oriented and attacking and fighting our other-selves. Will you explain more about this? 3) With these service-to-self oriented (negative) beings having usurped and built out more, the advanced technologies brought to us from ET groups, how is there a realistic expectation that we, the positive beings, could hope to have a chance at fighting the negative beings and liberating our planet? 4) How much affect and effect would meditating and holding high vibes of love and peace have in this effort?
Awesome Corey👌! Let us know about the new timeliness, updates, and the Gardians takeover oveŕ the horrible darkness we have been experiencing lately!
Great and very insightful video as always. Thank you. I posted this comment on youtube, but it was auto-deleted in like 20 seconds. This talk about aikido principle utilized by the Zulu, made me think about something. Maldek exploded as a direct result of hijacking of one of the ‘deathstars’ forming the protective grid. Imo there are two probabilities – not really mutually exclusive – they could be both true at the same time, to some extent. One(as you explained before) – a timing miscalculation on behalf of the people who tried to hack/probe/use those defensive weapons, and they were testing them for a very long time(hundreds of years as I remember). The second one is – an intervention. I think of it in this way. If one leaves automated defensive weapons, that supposed to protect certain area(local star cluster) and the kids on the block find them with an intent to repurpose it to wage war, what will one do? Let the kids to destroy everything around them or give the kids an instant karma, thus preventing to be karmically involved with the actions of the kids. As it occurred, the whole grid of hundreds of ‘deathstars’ went down, ensuring it won’t happen again and opening the whole ‘kindergarten’ to the rest of the ‘world’. It could also mean there was a safety mechanism built-in, just following the protocol – a shutdown program, if you will, and/or the ABR was monitoring the whole situation all along, intervened with the aikido principle, aka ‘an instant karma’ – as they did in many other instances. Live by the sword and die by the sword. In other words “reap what you saw”, and we are reaping it ever since.
I too have wondered if the preadamites were subjected to an aikido principle when they attempted to force a micronova on their foes.