Chats with Corey – Q&A March 19th, 2023

Chats with Corey (Live Q&A)

Next Episode: Chats with Corey – Q&A April 22, 2023


  1. “What is the origin of this interdimensional AI signal what is the purpose and do you know anything about the physics and how it interacts with us”

    This makes direct sense to me, thank you for answering my question

  2. Hi guys thanks again for all you do. I don’t know if you are in charge of the closed captioning that is putting the words that you are saying on the screen, but a lot of the words are nothing like what you are actually saying, so if someone is only reading what you are saying and not listening to it they may think much of what you are saying doesn’t make sense. I just thought you might like to know that.

    1. Those are auto-generated and far from perfect, that’s true. We are working on improving this with better transcripts but in the meantime the initial CC subtitles that are generated automatically do have inaccuracies. 

  3. question: i would like to see more discussion of the possibility that spiritually our Cabal leaders may well be reptilians in disguise – Corey described the reptilians in stasis where their consciousness was elsewhere – inhabiting humans? this would move the general debate away from the simplistic incredulity of the behavior of these individuals and onto another level of how do we deal with that. perhaps that needs to be seeded at the same time that they do not like pure human love as they thrive on negative loosh.

  4. I wonder Why People are Wanting “Disclosure”?
    There has Been Disclosure Since the Beginning of Time! I.E. the Sumerian Texts, The Bhagavad Gita, The Bible, Numerous Ancient Texts, The Megalith Evidence around the Entire Globe, and First Hand Accounts such as Corey..
    What More do People want? Confirmation from Corrupt Governments Around the World? Give Me a break.

  5. I wonder Why People are Wanting “Disclosure”?
    There has Been Disclosure Since the Beginning of Time! I.E. the Sumerian Texts, The Bhagavad Gita, The Bible, Numerous Ancient Texts, The Megalith Evidence around the Entire Globe, and First Hand Accounts such as Corey..
    What More do People want? Confirmation from a Corrupt Government? Give Me a break.

  6. Question : Do you believe that there are negative extradimensional entities that influence souls who are about to be reincarnated on their life choices of incarnations (life, parents, etc) in order to collect as much suffering as possible to feed themselves and their control system.

    The famous “Lords of Karma”.