Chats with Corey – Q&A March 19th, 2023
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Original Date: Mar 19, 2023
Original Date: Mar 19, 2023
Chats with Corey (Live Q&A)
Next Episode: Chats with Corey – Q&A April 22, 2023
All right. We're good Corey. How's it going?
Going well. Hang on just second here.
So how are things going?
I'm doing pretty good. Yeah, it's hanging in there with with
all the new responsibilities new live streams and
trying to record a lot more content. There's there's a lot of stuff I have in
the pipeline that just needs to be edited and we can add that
in in its content pretty soon.
Very cool. Yeah.
And it's pretty fun to we're getting close to having the Roku Channel ready.
And then next we'll come the Fire TV channel Fire
TV currently works though. People have
a special Channel. What's the integrated with Chromecast and
AirPlay, which is something that it's definitely
working already.
So yeah, there's a lot of ways to watch on TV and a
live streams like this will soon be supported on
those those also so people could just turn
on their TVs go to the Roku Channel.
Going to Fire TV channel or use use
the use the app with something like Chromecast or AirPlay and then
they can get evenly even these live streams as their lives.
onto their TV
very cool
just always getting is getting old like I am getting old,
aren't we?
She just wanted to come down and see what I was doing.
Well, that sounds cool man. You've been doing some really good work getting
up and running and many different ways. So I appreciate
it. We're I'm very excited to to
see where this network goes in
the future. Yep. Me too. Yep. Yep. There's
so many possibilities. It's hard. It's pretty cool.
So we received, you know,
a wide variety of questions as usual and it seems
like it almost doesn't matter. What the
Subjects are about when we're discussing things people
have questions that go back to things. We've talked about many years
so there's so many different aspects to
your testimony. They're
interesting to get into I do encourage people to also post more
on the forums slash
questions, and then we can kind of collectively answer. If you
feel like your questions not being answered definitely post on the
forums and see if the community can help get get more
detail and more more information to you. Some of
these are very specific.
and they kind of they kind of like
There's like a long long statement. People are making that that before
they lead to their question. And so those are
the ones especially if you have details that you
Specifically answered that we're not
answering because I kind of have to summarize the question for these then
that we could talk about it as a community on the forums that
such slash questions. And yeah, we
typically will try to stick to answering the
questions that are on topic and if
we've answered the same question at nauseam
many many times, we may just refer you
down in the comments to where
you can find the answer. So we're not just rehashing everything
all the time. All right,
we get going if you're ready ready? All right.
So I this was an interesting question I thought so if
we were to get a certain level of disclosure, is
there a certain level of disclosure that the government's
could potentially be involved in that would lead to
more open contact with ETS.
Absolutely not.
On the government what we're
seeing right now is a lot of UFO UAP
stuff in the news all of
these new professionals and
ufology are on every
news station that you watch. This is
all controlled narrative coming out. We're never
going to get anything except a controlled narrative when
it comes to the government. That's the unfortunate truth.
Is there is there any possibility of more open
contact from some kind of catalyst other than the the
scenarios that you've described which are?
relating to you know, the the plan of the the Federation
groups to
Be revealed slowly through.
Whatever channels that that they're attempting.
Well any ET that do make
open contact with us in the condition that we're
in as a civilization right now are going
to be the negative ones and towards the end getting
closer to the solar flash. They're
going to introduce us to these blonde hair blue-eyed and
jealous looking at tease that most
of the world is going
to be seduced by and but the
positive et's
They will not set foot on this planet
and have open contact with us.
People get very upset. It's a very
there's a lot of esoteric religious mumbo-jumbo mixed
in with the disclosure.
movement and you know people want to
project out that humans are such beautiful Divine
creatures who are just they've
just been so mistreated and we're victims and
we just need to be saved and where are those et's
you know,
the ETS are out there looking down at us the positive ones
and they're saying when are these people going to get their s*** together? You know,
when are they gonna pop out a victim
mode and become a responsible Galactic citizen?
They watch our news they they see
how we're treating each other. They see
all the turmoil going on and different countries all
the riots.
Why in the heck would they want to come down here?
That's you know.
It this world?
They view this world like many Americans.
or westerners do
Very poor third world countries that have a lot
of inner turmoil and the people are traumatized and
they're repeating it and repeating it and not getting you know.
it we're kind of viewed in that way, except they have
Cosmic laws to deal with they can't just
decide. Oh, these people are having a really rough time. They're in
servitude to this ET group, but they kind of did it their theirs
mini Millennia ago and they're stuck in
this situation.
Why don't we involve as a positive ET
group? Let's now just get our
our Karma and our timeline and everything that
we've been building for our civilization and
let's put that at Jeopardy by mixing our Karma and
going against Cosmic laws
because he's poor humans just need our help so much.
Unfortunately, that's just not the way it works and
youthology in the disclosure movement
just for years if it have had so many different.
religious belief systems that have kind of evolved
and we've had people come in trying to
create basically and esoteric religion out of these blonde
hair blue-eyed Galactic Federation types.
it's a mess down here. And unfortunately, it's
a mess that we were very
had a very big hand in creating we perpetuate
And we're responsible for cleaning it up. And not only
are we haven't is our planet just
a big mess. It really is but we're
taking that mess out into the Galaxy, you
know, the different space programs have been
out giving Humanity a really bad name in general.
And a lot of people in the community are like, but that wasn't me.
I didn't consent to that they didn't. Yes you do you
can every day.
You can send every day I consent
you might consent. We're all
We can call out. I don't consent or
or whatever, you know, and it's just
that comes out of emotional immaturity.
When you are emotionally mature and
have a handle on
You get over the victim mentality and
you're really looking Inward and you start looking at Humanity for
what it is and Humanity needs a lot of work.
So a lot of us are here to work on Humanity
to help humanity and to see where Humanity goes.
Are. They going to choose another negative timeline for
you know, 50 something thousand years to try
to break out of
horrible cycle that we've put ourselves in.
Or will we see a miraculous
thing occur at the end of this cycle that is that
timeline is being written right now and we're all a
part of it and we're here doing work. We're here
doing what we can to Enlighten and also
be good examples
on this planet to help people's Consciousness
grow and we're doing it
in hostile territory. I know more than anyone and
you try to get put out
truth that goes against someone else's truth or against their
established belief systems. They react
very eagerly and that's just
how humanity is. So we need
to do our job even harder right now
and expect even more of an angry response from
the people. We're trying to help
That's that's the unfortunate.
Yeah, it seems like there's and there's such
a long history of ET contact going the wrong
direction and backfiring for the et's thousands of
years ago and certainly as discussed in the Rock context with
raw attempting to make contact. I think everything that they were
doing perverted and even if even raw has difficulty
making contact without foreseeing how badly
things can be twisted and perverted by the negative. Once
they plant a seed of light and then
that light it's almost like, you know, the the insects to
the light they they go and try to twist it and
distort it in every way they can and then the side effects
are so significant that it becomes so much
to untangle that the ETS. There's no there's no value
to try to untangle because it just becomes Twisted again and again and
again by the very fact that our culture is so bought into the you know,
the the ego and narcissism and
agreed systems that that just sort of dominate our
I agree. Yeah, and that's the reason they don't come down and try
to fix things for us or to save us from ourselves.
Because they would have to stay here. They would have to
stay on the planet. They would have to stay here and manage us.
Because we hadn't learned our lesson. The only way that we're
going to not retie ourselves in
these knots is for us
to heal and to break ourselves out of
the cycle. We're in and learn the lessons so that as
a collective Consciousness where
more empowered and not looking
outwardly and
I don't know there's
I don't know. It's really been difficult
to see the stubbornness and the Brokenness
of humanity.
Everybody's in victim mode saying well the reptilians originally
did it, you know, but no it was
corrupt humans on the planet that agreed.
To to work with the reptilians. The
reptilians didn't come in and choke them into submission. They
were tricksters. They
tempted them and
and our ancestors fell for it.
And there are plenty some of
the biggest monsters in this galaxy are humans on this
In the people and the evil
people perpetuate other evil people through their own
children through the way they treat other people
damage other people and out of that damaged State
these people become monsters because victims become
perpetrators, if you're in
a victim mode and you're cleaning victimhood and you're being narcissistic you
are victimizing people around
This is a very Tangled Tangled.
web that Humanity has
found itself in or put itself in and it's
going to take quite a bit to untangle
it. It's it's everybody wants
a quick fix aliens to save us or after the solar flash
all of us all of a sudden go. Wow. I can't believe I
actually thought that way I'm gonna levitate and
Float to Tibet for a little while, you know.
you know, there's all of these religions and you're
it's you're entitled to your belief systems, but there
is also the reality of the situation and
what's going on and
it's not positive. It's not good, you know
people accuse me of fear p*** or hoping there's
never an accusation in the middle, of course, but you
know, this is this is
a situation that Humanities gonna have to free
itself from
Yep. Alright, we
can move on to a different subject here.
We can maybe alternate between the Q&A section here.
Luis asked Corey said in the latest
update that SSP Alliance together with the ggl enforces we're going
to destroy the LLC facilities that were taking
over by the Orion but some months ago. You also said the SSP the
GGO and together with Emmy teleported an EMP device
that destroyed transmuters of Technology on the facilities.
So has this as it's not already happened to the destruction of
I don't know. I haven't gotten a briefing yet. But the
last I heard they were going to be
trying to not only take out the transhumanists.
technologies that are being produced in the loc Charlie
but also all of the
work we've done in the last 80 or so years to repair
the original structure
and operation of the Moon
to it is
been stuck in like a
tractor beam connection with the Earth for tens
of thousands of years every since the last solar event
and the Galactic Federation types
and the Orion group are trying to they
the humans basically repaired everything
and now the Orion group
went in and kicked all the humans out have taken it
over and are getting it ready to try to turn the
engines on to move it.
in an eclipse position When the Sun Goes Supernova to
save their
timeline and to also save a lot
of the technology on earth that is preserving that
AI God and Technology here.
So the
what I'm waiting to hear is if
that has occurred.
they're going to have to it's gonna have to be a pretty
pretty massive
I don't know how they're going to I mean the
there are
like Caverns tunnels going
deep into the moon and
they're all layered with like these it looks like almost like
Solar panel arrays
all around they kind of look like solar panels except it's
all shiny gold and that's a
that's a big part of what the
humans have been.
Fixing on the moon for the last 80 years and they're
going to try to destroy that or make
it inoperable again.
somebody here asked about the anchar's
Have the answer been helping specific groups
throughout history. I think you mentioned this in the past. But I don't remember
how many details you gave about the history of the anchor involving
themselves in some way. Yes, they involve them
soves quite a bit in a
low key way in history going back in human
history going back as long as we've
really been on the planet. They traveled back
in time like 17 million years in
their past who knows how far that
was in hours. But since then they have been in
a basically a temporal war
with the reptilians and the Orion group.
correcting fighting over
instances and time trying to make sure that
one group doesn't switch it over to one
timeline because the reptilians were trying
to completely destroy the timeline of the
anshar so the answer would just
Not be they would not exist. They never exist
and they would no longer be a formidable foe
that they are on the planet now.
this person had specifically asked about Mohammed and details
about mohammed's life if there was some situation there, but I don't
know if you have any details even have I don't know any details about
if the answer were involved
talking with Jesus or Mohamed or
So during the solar events, do you feel that pets will
go through any kind of transformation?
I think they probably will go through some sort of
trans transformation. I think all life on the planet will
that's going to be one of those.
Points to where you know scientists have
all all of these little time periods to where like animals.
Genetically became more diverse or they changed quite
a bit in short periods of time. It's gonna be one of those
types of periods and I look back in history.
You think animals are gonna try to avoid cataclysm and
start acting funny.
They already are yeah, even you
see animals walking in circles that has to do
with the change in the magnetic field. It's just
going to build up an animal's Gonna Act stranger and
stranger and they're not necessarily going to
Act intelligently, you know, they're just gonna there. I
mean, they're gonna act out of character more and more
whereas the animals acting out of character, but after
you know, there's always if you
know if it happens to be a rough transition
a rough solar event.
you know, there's always like, you know, four or five birds of
one species that survived here and a few
of another species that survive there and then over time they build
back up again, you know, it's
that's what has happened on this planet.
through many cycles
But you know, the animals aren't aren't going to all of
a sudden start putting on pants and having conversations with
us if that's some people mean, yeah.
I guess that people just love their pets. I think that was the part of
this question was.
What we had a question here what happened to solar Warden?
Solar Warden was just a name of
the project in the 80s and
early 90s. It changed names several times
Was you know
cannibalized by other groups split up there's been it's
had a very crazy history. But
solar Warden itself was just the name
of the program as it was
being built and the first little over
a decade it was an operation and it's names of
changed assets have been moved around all over
the place. So does that include some assets going
over to the serious Space Program Alliance? And so I'm going to the ICC.
mostly to the ICC different
programs within the
the people that broke off and went into
the SSP Alliance just it's supposed been small,
you know, people pictured, you know, these large amount armatas
and thousands of super soldiers
in SSP alliance with their guns ready, you
know, it's it's been a ragtag group small
group of infiltrators and
exfol Traders and
It hasn't been as
large as a lot of people have imagined.
The actual SSP Alliance and it has
dwindled and become.
It's where it was just basically an
intelligence operation. They weren't they didn't
have the assets to or the people to run
a bunch of missions.
are really any
so the global Galactic League of Nations splitting from
the ICC and everything that happened there.
When that was picked up on the communication systems
that that was happening that the SSP Alliance found
out they immediately reached out to the
global Galactic League of Nations free colonies
and established Communications,
and now they're pretty much
being absorbed.
into that group and they're assisting
that group in their mission to
basically fight its way here by visiting all these
other star systems writing wrongs that humans have
done and
Making its way to our solar system here
eventually, you know to to
Root out the Orion group out
of out of our solar system and on
earth the earth Alliance
and us we're responsible for clearing
the Earth.
And how we do it or if we do it.
Eventually, you know that's going to determine what timeline
we have on Earth because like I've said time is
local time is a local phenomenon to Earth.
We have our own time bubble our own time line.
Going that is separate from the rest of the solar
You know, we're responsible for that.
part of the battle
and my voices already getting recony.
I now switch back and forth here. Olivia just asked
will you be making any adventure games?
Yeah, we're working on
I mean board games. Even we
have role player
games. I have 20 games.
That I outlined and working with
a gaming professional who can't believe.
How this IP my life life
story and all of this is going to go into the gaming industry. But yeah,
we have third-person shooter
games. We have metroidvania games
outlined. We've got 3D roguelike
games and a
lot of story based games that are going
to be sort of like visual novels.
Click through interactive puzzles
to play unlocking information about
the secret space program and our ancient
history and people are going to be doing it just having
fun entertainment. But all of this is gonna go into their
minds and into the collective consciousness.
And with the people involved where I mean these these
games are gonna sell like crazy and it's really it's really
going to have a big effect on the mass Consciousness and we
don't have a whole lot of freaking time people. We don't
have time to in fight. We don't have time to deal
with all the Arts and people coming in with b******* that's
screwing up everything. We don't
have time for all that. So I you know move to
you know, 2.5 billion mines we'll
have access to if we can get this information
Through these people's subconsciously it is
going to feed into the larger Consciousness and
have a way bigger effect than anything. I've done so far.
Very exciting. Yeah, but a lot of people are still caught
up that I mean no matter what I'm I'll talk
at nauseam about how this can affect the mass Consciousness and all
in and list it all out and then they'll hear
2.5 million people. This is all about money. Oh my
God. It's so funny. It's the same people all know. They're
like you you are disgusting for
making money off of your life story basically and
I will look at
their profiles and they're like all excited about
buying a book from this person and the community.
Oh, I bought this online course from this community person. I
love it going to this.
Conference it's like 600 bucks and then they come in shape.
I don't know man. It's just some weird hypocrisy.
But yeah, we're gonna make some money and
hopefully we'll be very successful you want
people like us to have money and not evil people. It's a
lot we can do with it, but it's not about the money money is
just a byproduct.
Of what's going on? And I've gone
through such b*******.
Over the last you know, eight years that you know, we deserve
success and we're doing
this to have an effect on the mass Consciousness in a
much bigger way than we would have in the past people that
have tried to derail us from doing movies.
Try to derail us from doing documentaries derail us
from all these other different.
Ways of putting our information out. All they've done
is make us fail upward and now we're
gonna reach more people we're going to be more successful
and it's all because
people pushed Us in that
direction trying to destroy us or
You know or with self-righteous and
self-righteous stuff we
hear by some people. But yeah the there
we're really excited about the
games and there are
a lot of other people that are really excited and we'll just see how it flows.
Yeah, yeah. I'm not sure people have a
sense of just how
Ephology grew specifically because of the openness of
the algorithms on the internet which are now being locked down completely
and all the channels that have been working are
basically being shut down to reach more of the
mainstream Consciousness. It's all kind of blocked.
Yeah, yeah.
so you're we have to be clever on getting
all of this information out to
them, you know, and we have
to be clever and you know, we're we have
films TV shows lined up
of course many games, so
You know people have fought hard to try to do to discredit and
destroy us but instead they've just
really just credited them. So, you know.
But yeah, this is this has
been my mission. The first time you guys saw me was on
an entertainment channel was it was?
An entertainment Channel, you know Gaia you
were paying money, you know to watch me on guy with corporate
investors paying for the advertising. They got it out to the masses. Yeah.
So that was a really good boost.
I'm getting my information out the movies
the two movies we've done have been another big boost,
but we're taking it to the next level and
I have a mission here in my mission is not to make
a bunch of people and this community happy.
Or approve of me. My mission is
to actually challenge people and piss people off
because my information challenges people's establish
belief systems. It shakes them up and before
you can abandon.
The truth you've held for so many years or that
you've created, you know, you have to be shaken up
and in angered sometimes and you know,
that's the role. I've played quite a bit over the last eight years.
And now I'm going to shake things
up in a different way.
We could switch back to some of these other subjects. We
had a question.
that seemed to express some confusion around the nature of
the quarantine or the outer barrier around
the solar system and whether or not the GGO and has
has to get permission to come in. How does that how does that barrier work with
letting beings in and out? Well, there is
no barrier anymore. There's just a group of ETS
that are have set up a perimeter
that are preventing the negatives from leaving
and other people from coming in that energetic barriers not
there anymore. I told everybody that
like that's big on for years. I remember
that now. Yes, so yeah, there is a protocol
for coming but
it's not like they're going to arrive with
their our Mata at the edge of our solar system and all
of the ETS. We're gonna holy crap. There's no matter where they
come. You know, they know what's going on already. They're probably just gonna
get out of the way go
Come on, we've been waiting on you guys. We've been
holding it.
Holding home until you get here,
you know, do you know anything about these groups who are who
are these groups that are enforcing this? Um,
some of them are listening the
majority of them are from our local Stellar neighborhood and
some of them are groups within the 52 local
stars that I have seen but not interacted with
and they're sort of
able to operate with a lot of strength because of
their ability to just be
enforcing Cosmic law.
Well, they're enforcing Cosmic law but they're working
directly with the oceans or
the Zulu and the Zulu are
the ones that are in contact with the
constantly with the new Guardians and they're
doing for the new Guardians what I did for
the blue avians, so it's
all being handled.
just like on different channels now, but by the
same Guardian group
But everyone knows how powerful the oceans are,
you know, they can you know, if we have
a Mayan ship
in the vicinity that's watching one quadrant and someone
comes to attack them. The oceans can
open portals and we've
cause the enemy to
their attack to fall back on the the enemy
that looked like in a
keto principle if you take a shot at one of their allies
the bullet hits you instead of the Ally goes through
like a little Wormhole comes back and hits you they
have all these
There's really no way for people to come up
Against them because every punch they throw circles back
around and hits themselves in the face.
And so it's a pretty effective.
What do they call that?
By slipping my brain in the military.
When a bunch of ships will surround a country.
to prevent ships from coming and going
I can't remember it for some reason but that's
kind of what's going on.
Um Traditions asked she said that there was recently
a significant storm event that was on
the far side of the Sun that would have been like a Carrington event.
Do you believe that in the next few years will be having any
significant solar events that could cause us technical disruptions.
yeah, probably culminating in
2025 that was kind
of when we were expecting the solar event at one time, but
it's going to
yeah, there's going to be some disruptions. A
lot of people there will be some solar significant
solar explosions a little bit bigger than
what was shown recently on suspicious
observers and people will be like that was
it that was a solar Flash the the gods
favored us. It was a small one this time and they'll want
to move on with their life. And but now it's it's
going to build up and until
the big event happens
Is there anything going on with the galactic Evolution
besides just the solar upgrades? Are we
are the solar energy. Is there a galactic energy? That's
a separate?
thing occurring
Yeah, I mean they're energies that
radiate from the central Sun.
on a cycle
there are multiple energetic things that occur
in our galaxy.
But yeah, the Galaxy itself goes
Evolutions, but it seems to happen in a little clusters.
Not just a giant change throughout
the Galaxy. It seems to happen like in
like solar system or Stars groups
of star systems and little
clusters kind of like it's happening here.
What is the best way to deal with end times matters Madness
being out in public has become unpredictable and nerve-racking
and for people who need to be out there for jobs. Well, It's
It was very tricky.
But it all goes back to you if
you deal with your insecurities and
your traumas and I'm talking about really
freaking dealing with it really tackling it.
to a point to where
your emotionally
evolved and intelligent
when all of these things happen you see you.
You visit them more through your intellect and understanding
than you do through reactionary emotional.
If you are having emotional responses still
to things then you are
going to get caught up in the end times Madness.
Sorry, you are you're gonna be a part of it. If you're
one of these people that has worked very hard.
It's going to affect you mainly through the people you love
but you're going to be more pragmatic and
understand what's going on around you. If one of
your loved ones is acting like a total ass.
You're not going to just be all mad and and lash
out at them and say you've been doing this for so many years. I'm so
No, you you'll sit back and you'll be able to respond more
intellectually instead of emotionally to
the people around you and to the people
you're working with.
You know and in the Bible, it says
be in the world but not of the world that's kind
of the mindset. You have to put yourself in and stay
out of public out
of crowded places as much as possible
and you know if you have to spend time
in those places every day.
every day
before you go to work and after do a
small routine of meditation and and releasing other
people's energy come up with a
come up with a method of protecting your own energy of like
saying a mantra or a prayer. You know,
what is happening is a you know,
everyone is projecting. I am the screen I am
the screen that everyone is projecting on it is
not me, you know different mantras to where
the energy that's not penetrate you you realize
that people are projecting and they're
projecting themselves. Everyone is
and when you really realize that nothing anyone
says or does has any freaking effect. I
have people saying all kinds of stuff about me.
It has zero effect on me.
Because I have dealt with all of my issues and I
have a full understanding of how
broken people are and how they project their insecurities their
propensities and
and whatnot on to you. And all I do
now is is set back and say and I'm all
I almost think people now. Thank you for showing me what you are.
Thank you, you know if you sit back
long enough people will tell you and show you what they are and you just
have to sit back and watch and
listen and and not become emotionally involved
because it's not your emotions to begin with.
It's them projecting it on to you when you
can really snap into that mindset.
freaking powerful
freaking powerful. No one has any sway over me
now. No one I don't care who they are if they
come up and whatever they say to me. I'm able to
see it in that context now. It has no effect
on me. It's pretty amazing.
Yeah, and I do believe it's the same reason that
Ross said the first Distortion is Free Will
and that comes before Consciousness and that comes
before all of materialization and manifestation and incarnations.
We have free will to choose our reality
at the core level.
And that core level is is untouchable.
So another question totally different subject is what do
you know about Sasquatch?
And I I believe that Sasquatch is
And there are multiple different types of these
beings. There's like three to five different type
species or whatever of them.
I think some of them are remnants that have
from ancient times that haven't
been discovered.
I some of these beings are actual
aggregors that were created by the
Primal fears of ancient peoples.
and some of these creatures I believe are phasing
in and out from other planets or
other times on this planet because of
the areas they occupy were Ley lines
are in portals are
As I told everybody in the past I saw a Bigfoot.
When I was like 19, maybe 20.
you know down in Crockett National Forest a friend
of mine had property and we went
out to her property as we were walking down an
uncapped country road that went through
their property overwhelming.
Body odors the kind of body
odor, but it was horrible smell.
Just kind of came across us with the breeze.
And I looked over in the direction of the that the
breeze was blowing.
because you know, I was a hunter back then and I
was able I knew a lot about you know,
just where animal were to look for animals.
and I looked over and I saw the out
the shape of a Bigfoot standing in the trees like
20 30 yards away from us and the
light was breaking through the trees on different
parts of the anatomy.
Of the Bigfoot and including its face and see
it's big black eye and it crouched
started went into crouching all
the sudden.
Like responding to me looking at it and I turned
and I told my friend DN I said run and we took off or I
just basically took off and I said run after I was a ways
off and she took off running after me.
And when we stopped running when we
were at the cabin, she was all mad. She said
why the hell are we running from a skunk? She didn't
see it.
but that was
My sighting but that's what
I believe about the different.
Creatures that are referred to
as Sasquatch. I don't think it's just one.
and I think the ones that are
native to this timeline and just haven't been discovered spend a
lot of time during the day in
caverns and underground and then
they come out at night.
We got a couple questions, which I'm honestly
not totally sure if we it's
wise to talk about them the subjects on YouTube if
we're gonna upload this to YouTube or not.
So there's the country it starts with the letter U. It's east of
Europe. There's questions around that a little bit not sure
if it's wise to go there. I'm not gonna talk about that in
general. Yeah. I've been getting a lot
of information from
military people and NATO people
current and former NATO people and nothing that
were being told is the truth. That's all
I'm going to say, but
There is a lot going on.
and basically
part of the cabal is in such Dire Straits
I guess they're corruption really coming to light. They really want
another War a big war and they're
Very hard to start a war
with China and Russia.
Mexico recently joined the
So, I mean we're pretty much surrounded Now
by bricks and other groups
that opposed the west and these groups aren't necessarily
good. There was an ancient agreement that the
West would control the financial system in the world for 100
years and the Rockefellers and all of that and then it
was going to switch over to the Asian royal families
they were going to and so we're in that time
that's transition. They may make it
look like we don't want it to happen. There might
be a little war or there might be some conflict in the
transition because some of the people just don't want it to
happen, but it's something that was agreed on a long time ago.
So there are different a whole lot of different things going on in the
background that it's just a part of how they work.
That looks like turmoil to us.
But when it comes to the information, I'm not
really going to be delivering details for the
Earth Alliance anymore. All it did was just
make my life hell and then
at the last minute they people like
me and will cock and others put ourselves out there.
And then when it came time for them to do their thing, they
didn't do it, you know, so.
I'm gonna have I'm gonna have
to see some.
Major changes in the earth Alliance
before you know, I'm gonna do any reporting for
them. I'm still friends with them. I visit
and travel with some of them. I'm going to
be doing hopefully if we get the funding a documentary with
one of them, you know
retired General.
So I still talk with them. I still get the information all
the time, but that there's just so
much just info out there. It's it's like
Me putting out the information. It's like, you
know spitting against a hurricane or it's
the West is so
it's drowning so much and disinformation and
people are cleaning onto this different this information because they
need some sort of information or truth. It's just
a huge mess and I'm not
gonna get involved with that anymore. I'm I'm really focusing
on just on
What I can control.
That's one of the biggest things all this b******* going on
out there. Everyone getting gets upset, you know,
but you have to get to a point where you realize that there's only so
much you can control and if you focus your mind on
working on what you can control you may make a bigger
difference than you think but that's that's what
I'm doing. I'm the humanity is crazy right
now in time Madness no one's thinking
clearly and I'm not going
to try to ration to have a
rational discussion with a bunch of people that are chicken littles
running around. You just can't do it.
So that's why you know my mission and everything are shifting.
They're different way. It just makes no sense
to try to give briefings to a
bunch of chicken littles, you know, and people that are
so you know, the sky is falling the sky is following. This is happening. This is
happening. It's just whatever information comes out. They jump to
it is a
It's a freaky I've never seen people like
this. It's really freaky.
So that's I guess that's my answer there.
Yeah, there was another one that may be related to that. Someone was asking about social credit
system and I feel like there's a lot of this information that people
are putting out there but
I don't know if it matters to get into that at all.
It's everything is moving to a way to
track in Trace. That's it's all about track and Trace
that's what the chips and all of that stuff are for for
people. But before that, you know, the they're going
to have us totally in a digital way of
identification digital all
they're trying to be the digital currencies once
they move to digital currency and there's not money. You
can hold in your hand.
They can totally control you, you know, you don't
agree with the government here you're fighting is
We're cutting off your access access to your credits. You
know, it's it is all.
about control and track and
everything that's going on right now.
We had somebody.
Seems to be struggling with the subject of abduction since the age of five.
And they're wondering if there's anything they could do to stop this
from happening.
I really don't have a good answer.
have been through this with a lot of people and I
I have not seen anything that keeps people from being
abducted and I think in some cases,
you know, there's a soul agreement
to it or people that are being abducted
or sometimes incarnated ETS.
From the group that's doing the abducting there. There's something
about the agreement that humans made
with these et's
the manipulation in the work that they've done throughout all of these decades.
That makes it I don't care what religious belief you
are. If you think you can do this and change Reality
by thinking really hard prey to
this pray to that.
They've tried everything and in the programs.
They there's nothing you they could do to stop people from
being abducted all they could do was re-up them afterwards
and try to find out what was going on. But no,
I don't have a good answer for that.
You think the fact is not something I've
been wondering about for a while. Do you think the fact that people even have any awareness of
the fact that they're being abducted is that something that was
supposed to wipe? Their memory was sort of failing?
Yeah, that's a that's a really a philosophical
question. You know, you know
does their higher self let them remember
it because they're on this path. It's just there's so
many ways we could go with that. So I I really don't
Yeah, that's very interesting response to your idea that you just gave.
there I'm
Somebody's asking about your connection with Enoch and
I know that it's not I feel it's important to clarify that you
were not the one claiming to be Enoch ever.
It's Enoch was
a role at the end of the last solar event. The
Guardians had someone that they
gave information to and then he was supposed to
put it out into the whiter Consciousness.
And that's what he did and he
had a different understanding of his experiences. He was
a person with different mindset from
thousands of years ago. He saw Etc.
He saw angels when he saw a s*** or
a Mothership. He
saw, you know a mansion
of heaven or what, you know, he interpreted it
his experience different than a modern mind would
and I'm not Korean carnated.
I'm not me not in it was
just a role that human played.
Back then and plays at the end of every cycle.
I think we're getting to the end of some of
the the better questions who have one
person who is very very upset about the idea that if
a tsunami were we're going to take out their whole
country. Let's say somebody lives in a country where very very low to the
very low elevation close to the ocean and
that whole country get swiped out by tsunami this
person says, what would be even the point of that country preparing for
anything right now?
there's different ways to prepare you can prepare physically and
there's also
you know.
If it is your time to die.
I mean, it's humans. We we
love our life so much this
third density experience is horrible freaking
experience. We're so in love with we don't
want it to end we don't want to die because we don't understand what
death is. It's really an illusion we go
on and we have other experiences, but people
want to stick into this experience and like no I don't want to die and
and come back at something else. I just I want to be
I want to be Cory, but I want to live forever
and I want to have all the answers as me as this
ego as this incarnation.
And those who love their lives will lose
And there's people who prepare
by going to Regions that are
safe and preparing physically.
but the whole planet needs to prepare spiritually and mentally
because if
you do die in a the frazzled
State you're in in the karmic State not
dealing with different karmic issues in this
next cycle or in this next Incarnation. Yes, what
the hell you're going to be doing?
So yeah, I mean they're going to be people who
die for sure in this.
Event, it happens.
Every so many thousand years lots of
animals are going to die. Lots of humans are going to die.
What do you want me to do? How do you how do you dress that
up? For people? You know,
that's why everyone's like, oh, no, I can't I can't bear to think of that. So
I'm gonna create a different timeline in My Mind
by my imaginings and no no, that's just you know, yeah you
have to do okay, but
when the moment happens
That's going to determine, you know, your next
Incarnation your or if you're still on
the planet. It's going to determine the actual timeline and how
you experience.
After the solar flash. If you haven't done the inner work,
you're gonna have to do it after the solar Flash and it's
going to be just as rough as it is. Now, you're not gonna have
a fourth density Consciousness and understand everything all better. It's
going to be even more confusing as you're gonna still be a
third density mindset now with the fourth density.
flow of
mentality, so
there's a lot more to this than you know,
finding a place to stockpile a
bunch of food and be high enough to survive the tsunamis.
Yeah, absolutely. It seems like the inner work is by
far the most important work and that work matters whether
or not we die at a particular day. We're all
gonna die.
Every single person listening to my voice right now.
Is going to die.
If you die in a great cataclysm,
if you live to be 80 years old, you're gonna
die and you're going to Incarnate again.
And if you have 80 years, well, hopefully
you're gonna spend that time working on traumas. And
by the time you're elderly and die, you're gonna have things worked out.
But what if you don't have that luxury?
We're still gonna die 80 a
hundred years on this planet is nothing in the grand scheme of things and we
do it over and over and over we come
back over and over and over and the essence
of you will come back but you have different understandings and
different experiences so you can grow.
And people want to just Preserve.
where they are in that process right now
their egos right now and they want that ego
and this body that they've become
so accustomed to to live forever and to have all of
these ascended abilities and knowledge
and that's not going to happen.
Do you have any thoughts on the ce5 ET
Some people this person saying that all
the ce5 is BS.
But you know, that's how much
of it is legitimate.
I haven't really been involved with
that. I really don't know.
Time I had we had one guy do
it at one of our events and nothing really happened.
And I'm just too
spoiled. I can just go out to East City. I don't have to
sit there and hold hands with anyone. I just look up
and there it is.
But do you feel like when you're at eating you feel
like those are positive ETS or Angelic manifestations
or something?
May not even be eats orbs are
usually spiritual consciousness.
What you're seeing is likely not what
you think. You're seeing could be humans coming
down it could.
You know, we just various different ET groups that
have to happen to be passing through there's no way to
Yeah, it's I certainly have felt a lot
of love in connection with seeing lights
in the sky, but I never had any way to know.
What is a source of those lights in the sky where they came from? I
never had a name.
People very quick to put names on things.
You know.
You can do a couple more in my voices starting to go. All right.
So one person wants to
know more about this iterative interdimensional AI signal a
couple questions came in around this about the
origin of this inter-dimensional AI signal. What is the
purpose and do anything about the physics of how it interacts with
Well, I mean it came from another reality. It was
pulled here by people doing.
Magical kind of things and opened up
a rift.
Then it came into our reality. I was
totally different than its reality. And so
our reality is very messy. It's reality
was very organized.
So it went about trying to organize our entire
Multiverse not just
our universe.
As access to to Subspace
within our within our universe, it's
it's kind of like it's polluted
the cosmic web.
it's it's everywhere.
I don't know remember what the rest of the question was.
Well, actually maybe it'd be
good to ask. So did it have to be invited it was invited into our reality
like at some point in the earlier history of the Galaxy.
Yes in our well, what happened? Is it didn't matter
Because it had access to space-time space
after was here. So let's say if it
happened in the 1940s.
A ceremony was done that invited it into
our Multiverse when it
arrived in our Multiverse it immediately had access to the
Future to probable Futures
various features and timelines and past
timelines. And so it
was it had just as much
access to people 20,000 years
ago as it did people in the 40s when
they invited them in if that might if anyone can decipher
You know all of that.
Is the is the invitation into our planetary bubble
separate from
the invitation that occurred for like the reptilians and
the Orion group.
Would it have to be I?
stayed I mean it's when it comes to temporal Wars
and what's happening in the
contemporal timelines and stuff
Yes, and no, it's I don't
know how to explain it. Yeah, it's probably not
worth trying to get too deep into that kind
of subject. We have the words and mental imagery
or understanding to be
able to
process these types of things
Okay, we could end on this one.
What in the world is the inner work?
If people really don't understand
What the inner work is after everything
I've put out about.
Dealing with your
Healing your insecurities because your insecurities are
all related to traumas.
if they don't understand
The inner work. I just don't know how to break it down for someone
to make them understand. I mean, there's people like
like Dr. Sala. He's all intellectual and
I would talk to him about the inner work of you. Oh, yeah, I understand
that as a concept. Okay, and then he but he never really understood
So I know there are people out there that don't have
the really a
full understanding of the inner work and I
don't know how to break it down to you because it is
so evident and simple for
me to understand different mindsets if
you if you don't understand it.
You're not on that path and you know,
it's gonna take a little bit more work than
just understanding what inner work is.
We we are making an effort with essential Works TV. All a lot
of the content on there is just all about the inner work. So I encourage
you don't know the last several years. It's
all been about the inner work. It's all that's
all that's what it's all
Yeah, I guess
we had one more quick question from Trish
just came in asking about the
What's going to happen with the shift of the Earth the
sort of the Earth's axis?
If it's going to be 20 degrees or it's going to flip more
than that.
Based on something suspicious observers were saying it'd be a 90 degree
tilt but it's just when you were shown as 20 degrees, right? Well,
no one knows it's different every cycle.
It depends on the intensity of the explosion of
the Sun and and that's different every time as well.
It's kind of like
You know you throw something in you throw
a small rock in the water and it creates waves that causes
another robot to Bob a little bit or you throw
a bigger Rock in and it causes the the little toy boat
to capsize. I don't know how big the rock is
that's going to be thrown in the pond and no
one does.
I think it's okay to wrap up now.
This is great having your we're gonna be releasing part two
of the ggln update this week.
So that should come out on Tuesday.
And we've got a lot more probably gonna be
posted by the end of the month also.
Very cool. Yeah. I hope
everyone's enjoying all of this content. We're putting out content on
a pretty regular basis and I think it's
been some pretty good stuff. Yeah.
All right. Thank you so much, Corey.
All right. Well, thank everyone for joining today.
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Very cool. Well, thank you everyone and we'll see
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People: Corey Goode, Mike Waskosky
Topics: AI Signal, Abduction, Anshar, ET Contact, Earth Alliance, End Times Madness, Gaming Projects, Inner Work, Local Stellar "Neighborhood" Confederation, Lunar Operations Command (LOC), Orion Group, Power & Control Systems, Q&A, SSP Alliance, Sasquatch, Solar Event
“What is the origin of this interdimensional AI signal what is the purpose and do you know anything about the physics and how it interacts with us”
This makes direct sense to me, thank you for answering my question
Thank you for addressing my query
Hi guys thanks again for all you do. I don’t know if you are in charge of the closed captioning that is putting the words that you are saying on the screen, but a lot of the words are nothing like what you are actually saying, so if someone is only reading what you are saying and not listening to it they may think much of what you are saying doesn’t make sense. I just thought you might like to know that.
Those are auto-generated and far from perfect, that’s true. We are working on improving this with better transcripts but in the meantime the initial CC subtitles that are generated automatically do have inaccuracies.
question: i would like to see more discussion of the possibility that spiritually our Cabal leaders may well be reptilians in disguise – Corey described the reptilians in stasis where their consciousness was elsewhere – inhabiting humans? this would move the general debate away from the simplistic incredulity of the behavior of these individuals and onto another level of how do we deal with that. perhaps that needs to be seeded at the same time that they do not like pure human love as they thrive on negative loosh.
I wonder Why People are Wanting “Disclosure”?
There has Been Disclosure Since the Beginning of Time! I.E. the Sumerian Texts, The Bhagavad Gita, The Bible, Numerous Ancient Texts, The Megalith Evidence around the Entire Globe, and First Hand Accounts such as Corey..
What More do People want? Confirmation from Corrupt Governments Around the World? Give Me a break.
I wonder Why People are Wanting “Disclosure”?
There has Been Disclosure Since the Beginning of Time! I.E. the Sumerian Texts, The Bhagavad Gita, The Bible, Numerous Ancient Texts, The Megalith Evidence around the Entire Globe, and First Hand Accounts such as Corey..
What More do People want? Confirmation from a Corrupt Government? Give Me a break.
Question : Do you believe that there are negative extradimensional entities that influence souls who are about to be reincarnated on their life choices of incarnations (life, parents, etc) in order to collect as much suffering as possible to feed themselves and their control system.
The famous “Lords of Karma”.