Chats with Corey - October 2023
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Original Date: Oct 28, 2023
Original Date: Oct 28, 2023
Chats with Corey (Live Q&A)
Next Episode: Chats with Corey - November 2023
Yeah, I guess we could just, just get started on some of these others now.
Um, so do you have any thoughts on Jaime a shed who was the,
I guess the head of the Israeli space Organization Organization, um,
do you think that, that this was, uh, a legitimate disclosure?
Do you think this was an attempt to take over thenar the narrative in some way?
I think it was a legitimate disclosure. Um, yeah, there,
there is this federation that is working closely
with Western governments, um,
that have told us that they're the enemies of, uh, the grays,
uh, and other groups, and that they're here to help us.
But they're really a part of the bad guy
syndicate, and they're very, I mean, they're master tricksters.
Um, we're, we're fall, uh,
our governments and militaries are falling for the things that they're doing,
hook line and sinker. But just think about it. They have, uh,
to space military factions that are supposedly at war with each other
that really secretly aren't. They just use that as a way to come in and,
and get,
have planets and civilizations to fall for this big ruse to become
a part of this bigger galactic syndicate that they have. But,
you know, our military does, our militaries do the same thing,
or our government, our, uh, the secret governments, they will really,
uh, have people on both sides of a conflict,
but they will have conflicts happen every once in a while to,
for different reasons, including being able to control people or to,
to bring in more social control structures, you know, as above,
so below in that case.
I had a question from Bob who asked if the Nazis may have been,
um, given the same nans that the Orion group uses to control people.
I don't know. They were given technologies. Uh,
I would imagine it would be beneficial for the, uh,
reptilian groups to give them nannis as well. Uh, but I, I just don't know.
Right. Um,
so after you've said that the timeline that we're on will be completely locked
in once the solar flash occurs, and, uh,
this question is in that event, will we know what timeline was chosen,
how positive that timeline is after that event, after that event occurs?
Will we have any sense of what ha what, what is going on with our timeline?
Yeah. Yeah. I mean,
how it unfolds if it unfold. Well,
I don't know.
I don't know if the average person is going to be able to know, uh,
the difference, to be honest. Um, like I said,
even the most positive timeline starts off very rough.
So I'm sure the people who, when the,
the Ann Shar were describing how this timeline unfolded,
even though that was the most positive timeline,
people were dying and suffering,
and I'm sure the people thought it was the worst possible timeline.
So I don't know if I can really answer that question.
Um, but after the, uh, solar event occurs,
we will have some sense of freedom from the entity attachments or the,
some of the aspects that have been plaguing us.
It just depends on what timeline we end up on.
Hmm. I see.
Uh, uh, it is, I mean,
it does for like about a thousand years.
It prevents a lot of these different negative groups from getting back in just
because of the energies, uh, after, after the solar event. It,
they have to dissipate, uh,
before all of these different groups can come back in the way they are now.
Well, that's a good amount of time. Give us, um, and, uh,
yeah, it,
It is and it's not, I mean,
look back a thousand years in the past and
how much have we evolved? How much have we changed? I mean,
we've got like cars and planes and that kind of thing,
but we're still the same, you know? Yeah.
Still still the same.
Um, so we got a question here. Um,
when you were on your second and third, 20 and back, uh,
did you have a awareness of your prior 20 and back services?
I don't know. I don't know.
I only have pieces of the, uh,
I have like maybe 60% recall of the second
20 and back, and maybe 20 or 30% of the third, uh,
20 and back.
We have a question that came in a few different places. Um,
so if, if, if there's,
if there was an agreement made to switch the power of the financial system over
to the east, um,
is the east aware that this is a time period that will be this during
this cataclysmic area era of time? And do they, do they,
will they be controlling financial system even after the solar event and things
start to fall apart?
Yeah, I mean, that's the plan. I mean, um, you know,
even if you know that or you are pretty sure things are gonna end
or change at a certain date,
the wise thing is to keep things planned and working as if they go on forever.
And that, I mean, that's really how things work. You know, people don't say,
okay, you know, we'll start like, uh, you know,
pulling back in all of these different ways closer to the event. No,
they want the world to go on as normal. Um,
a vast majority of the people in the East are just as ignorant as the people in
the west about the solar event. It's only the people with the top, top,
top or the people with the golden tickets that know, um, everyone else is,
I mean,
why would they tell a bunch of minions that work for them who they're not gonna
save, who they're not gonna bring onto their arc. You know?
They want those people to be faithful servants till the end and not be
disgruntled in wanting to find ways to get their family on board, you know,
the arc.
So, uh, question here, I think we've talked about this, uh, in general terms.
Um, but do you have any thoughts on, you know,
the community that you wanna be a part of after this event occurs?
Would this look like the Ubuntu movement concept of contribution is,
I don't know. I, I don't know. Um,
I am setting myself up, uh, as things are,
you know, starting to go better for us, uh,
uh, in business and all of that. Finally, you know,
we're gonna be investing in property,
a place in the mountains, and, uh, I'm gonna create a little,
um, safe zone for, for a certain amount of people, you know,
including my family. I'm not really,
stress changes people. And you could have, you know,
12 people that you have an agreement with and you have a piece of land with,
and then everything goes to hell,
either World War II or the solar van or whatever.
And then everybody starts frazzling out in different ways.
And you have, uh, it's just a human, the human factor.
It's very difficult. So, um,
I'm just doing my own tight knit little group community. Um,
is is my plan.
Okay. Um,
there's a question that came in that I think might be valuable to address, uh,
right away here, uh,
about the countries that start with I and p that are in conflict
there in the Middle East. And do you, do you have any specific intel on, um,
uh, what causes that? And what if this is a new thing,
if this is just a continuation of an old drama?
There are people who follow an old religion
who think that if they manipulate this part of the world
into fulfill in certain prophecies,
then they win. Somehow. It's a,
I don't fully understand it myself,
but there are the people that are just, like I explained earlier,
the people who are manipulating the eyes against the
peas and all of the others are the same people. It's the same freaking people.
And, uh,
they're using hatreds and generational disputes and all of
that for this very small area
of the most violent, uh, blood soaked,
uh, earth on, on, you know,
it's the most blood soaked ground on the planet, really.
So there's a lot of weird energetics there. Uh,
there are portals, there are underground, um,
things that go between Egypt. There is a lot going on there. Um,
it is not, uh, it doesn't have to do with et groups fighting it out.
This is all human stuff. And, uh,
there are human elites who think if they can push us to the,
uh, battle of ghetto Armageddon,
then um, it,
it sets them up for their plan of destroying, um,
big part of Israel, setting up a huge new temple complex,
um, uh, dedicated to different religions and man,
uh, and all these other things that I've heard that are, that are,
that are planned out to totally bring people into a one,
you know, between aliens and World War kind of scenarios.
They want to finally bring us, bring us all together. Um, but I don't know.
I don't, I don't know how they plan on making that work.
They've created such a problem getting people to hate each other.
I don't know how after their grand plan happens, happens,
how they think that they're gonna be able to control humanity unless it's,
they just wipe most of this out. I mean, this, this group is sick and insidious,
and they're very difficult to figure out,
because I just had a discussion earlier.
A lot of the people that are involved in these generational cults that are a
part of this old religion,
they've been conditioned to be psychopaths and to be very broken, um,
psychological beings from an early age.
And they're almost aliens compared to us.
They think so differently than us. They, they look like us,
but they might as well be alien shapeshifters 'cause they're not like us up here
at all.
Uh, do you suppose that the,
this larger plan was a part of the reason why, um,
this country that starts with I wa was given its own space back in like
1950s after World War ii? It was given, given this controversial, uh,
agreement that they would have that land,
You know, it, everything plays out into prophecy and, um,
everything is inter intertwined.
Um, I don't know if it was specifically set up for that purpose or if it,
that's just a part it plays in this timeline. Mm-Hmm.
Right. Uh, a completely separate subject.
We had somebody send us in an article from that said that there's an
organization called the Vanishing and appearing sources during a century of
the Vasco project that has cataloged possibly 800 stars that have gone
missing from the night sky.
And do you have any idea what would cause that kind of thing to occur?
Um, yeah, actually, there's, uh, a pretty good, uh,
video that I watched recently about,
there were five stars that disappeared on a different area. Um,
it has to do with expansion of gases and other things in the area. Um,
um, uh, I, I'll,
I'll try to remember to put that, uh, video up, but yeah,
these stars aren't actually disappearing. Uh,
there's also the roal nature of space. And, uh,
as stars are moved and changed in positions, I mean,
sometimes we'll see what we think is a real bright star,
but it's a binary or Trin star system, and those two stars move further apart,
and their luminos, the overall luminosity drops.
So it appears that the star disappeared when it really just turned into two or
three very dimm sources.
But when they were together, because of gravitational lensing and other effects,
it makes it brighter. Um,
there are a number of reasons why that occurs. So not everything is,
uh, you know, as big of a mystery as we,
A lot of times we want things to be a bigger mystery than they, they're,
Yeah. Um, so another question came in about,
I think this is referencing, uh,
another research er researcher in the community who put out a video
about some intel that there's an organization, uh,
that's called, uh,
joint Special Operations Command with the United States Special Operations
Command, um, and Ref Orhan,
jss O and also Raytheon. And a was a program called Zodiac.
Asking if you know anything about these names as being related to the
organizations responsible for recovering down to crafts. How do they,
how do they manage the down craft issue across different militaries?
Uh, well, there's,
there are special groups that work in, in this, a long time ago,
they called it Operation Pounds, but, uh, they're not military.
They're civilians that work for companies like Raytheon or whatever. Um,
if there's a down craft in a certain country or in our country,
they may call in the local military to coordinate the area off,
but for the health of the soldiers, coordinating,
coordinating the area off, they better hope they don't get a look at what their,
uh, protecting, uh, usually they have a cover story.
There's a chemical spill put on your equipment, grab your guns,
keep people out of this perimeter. Um,
and that's what the military types will be told. And then the specialized, uh,
civilian group from Raytheon and Lockheed and these other groups,
um, they'll have a group that will, and, and different groups.
It depends on where it happens, where on the planet it happens to.
And then these more corporate private groups will come in,
follow the protocols for recovery, uh, bring in, you know, uh,
then remove it, uh,
hire local contractors to come in and bulldoze the area and, um,
make the ground look different to where, uh,
to where any other explanation would work other than that's, uh,
imprint of a fuselage of a spacecraft, you know? So it's,
it's done in layers and, um, it,
it goes back to the civilians. They, I mean,
why capture something with the military and then have to go through the process
of debriefing all of those people after you pass it on to the civilian group
that's going to be doing the work anyway.
They just have the civilian group come in, grab it,
and take it to their facility. Um, that's how it works.
All right. Um,
there's a question here. Um, so you've said in the past that, uh,
if a, a being who is infested with Nan Knights in the Orion Group,
like at Reptilian is, is killed, uh,
that their body will self-destruct. And the question is,
why is that the case that they are not recoverable very easily?
Well, we didn't know about Nanonics until we finally did recover their body.
We didn't know that other reptilians were infested with them, um,
because they would self-destruct and just leave back, leave a husk of a body.
And, uh, you wouldn't be able to even have the neurology that had, uh,
'cause the neurology gets really funky with the nannis. Uh,
the neurology goes through the nannis and they're like embedded
into the neurology, um, and muscle tissue and all of that.
So when they vaporize, they,
they take out large areas that would be, uh,
useful for people to study in a lab. Um, it took them,
uh, they had theories of what was going on. They,
they figured out that there was something, some,
they thought it was kind of like a, uh, poison pill,
cyanide pill that,
like the Reptilians had to where it was like a suicide destroy evidence button.
But over time, they came to a theory that it was some sort of technology.
Um, they developed through trial and error,
a dampening field that they used, uh,
to bathe the reptilians in during a battle. The Reptilians died.
They didn't vaporize, they kept them, uh, under this,
uh, energy bath, um,
until they dissected them.
And that's when they started finding all of the nites and, uh,
how interwoven with the physiology they had become.
Very interesting. Um, so, uh,
let's go to a question here about the Council of Nine. There, you know, there's,
in the law of One Books,
there's discussion of the Council of Saturn is having a very large role,
and there's other books that have come out that were channeled that call
apparently the same group, the Council of Nine. Um, and, uh,
do you, do you have any specific information about that group?
Was that ever talked about in the, in the program that there's a, um,
an et hierarchy that is, um, uh,
influencing the whole solar system in some way,
Uh, that wasn't in the programs? Uh, there are,
there are different groups that have seven and
nine members, so, uh,
that are here to observe. Uh, most of them are here as,
as watchers observers, uh, as a part of this greater galactic,
uh, civiliz civilized body.
I don't know how to describe it, uh, that report back and are,
are witnesses basically. Um,
but there are groups around Saturn because of the dynamics of Saturn and the
portals that open up around Saturn. Um,
a a lot of what people think are in our
solar system kind of are,
it hasn't really made it through cleanly through channeling,
but I described it earlier about the onion, layers of onion,
of different dimensions that exist here.
Some of these beings, that's where they are. That's where they're from.
And they just come here and they observe. Here. They have like,
kind of like telescopes that open up and let them to look and experience
everything here, you know, so the vernacular and,
and what was used and channeling, um,
it, it's, it is limited, uh, because what's happening out there,
there aren't really the words and concepts here to even
begin to describe. So a lot is lost, uh, even though,
you know, people, like really, a lot of people really trust channelings.
There is stuff that is lost. Um, but, um,
I don't know of a group in our dimension, in our solar system,
in around our Saturn that is on a base or in
that, that it says that they're the council of nine. Um,
the only thing I know of in that area is the Super Federation base,
and that's not even in our solar system. It's in its own dimension.
So, uh,
we are just now beginning to understand dimensions and temporal types of things.
Um, like 10 years from now, people,
when they understand more about these types of things,
if they were to bring a channeled message,
it would be completely different than one in the eighties, nineties,
or two thousands because of our level of understanding and a whole lot of other
factors that people probably don't wanna hear about because they love their
channels. So
We got a question here, uh, from a active member here who says,
in terms of disclosure, what info do you guys recommend? We spread,
we first spread, and I actually created the, you know, the recommended watching,
recommended viewing series category on Essentia Works tv,
just to have some really easy to access information there,
including the latest David Rush information.
So that would be my recommended recommendation. But do you have anything?
I would just point people right now towards David Grush and
then the different people in Congress that are taking this very
seriously and, uh,
have them focus on that because that alone is very sobering
for your average citizen who's,
their whole life has been told that it's total BSS and only crazy people talk
about it. And now you're seeing these congressional representatives and
highly intelligent,
obviously intelligent engineers and military type people discussing it very
seriously that that's all we need right now.
Um, okay. Well ask, answer the question. Um,
you previously said that the solar event,
the Earth's access tilts when the earth access tilts and then tilts back again.
Do you know if it tilts back immediately or after a period of time,
after many years? And is that, uh, action, what's causing the,
the shift in the tides, and is there gonna be like two different, um, you know,
title, uh, shifts because of that?
I would imagine it happens over days.
Okay. Yeah. All right. Um,
uh, with the question, are you gonna do any webinars like this in the future?
And I think it'd be great if we did. I think, I don't think I'm voting for that.
We could,
Um, I mean, as they become more,
when, when they're appropriate as certain information comes out,
we'll probably start doing more, like even more emergency kind of, uh,
webinars on, on certain topics,
but it'll be when kind of bigger chunks of information come out.
Yep. Alright. Um,
we have a question that is about the, the nature of, uh,
all the sorrow on earth and feeling like this is basically like a, a, uh, why,
why would God put us through suffering kind of question? Um,
He didn't. We did.
We actively do it. We actively perpetuate, um,
you know, our generational b******t. You know, it's just,
we constantly perpetuate it, perpetuate it, perpetuated, perpetuated it's us.
God didn't create us to to be all
loving and happy all the time. That's heaven, right?
Earth is exactly what it was designed to be.
It's a very rough ass kicking school.
It's where you come to learn, teach until you get to a certain point,
and then you're off to another sphere. Um,
that's the way it's worked for a long time. And, uh,
it's the,
because of the gravitational density of our solar system
and our planet, it's just how it affects consciousness, how it affects time.
It creates this type of dynamic now that changes as it goes through its
own ascension, our star and, uh,
planet, their graduating, uh, and, uh,
you know, it's a slow process and it was never meant to be a kumbaya.
Everybody love each other kind of existence. I mean, that,
we love that, you know, but that's maybe what happens on another plane, uh,
maybe Sunday after certain events and certain changes that'll be
like that on earth. And we can aspire for it to be like that. But this,
this reality is serving the purpose it was designed
for, and we're going through the meat grinder
that was part of the plan.
So that's part of God's plan for all of this to happen,
for all of these experiences to occur on different planets that have different
dynamics, they have different experiences.
It's happening across the cosmos through and, and other dimensions as well.
Anything that could be possible is possible throughout these different
experiences, realities and dimensions.
And the thing that we think of as God is sitting back
thinking about the good, the bad, the ugly,
imagining how it all plays out and is a part of it. You know,
it's not God. There's God and then the devil and the bad stuff.
It's all the creator. It's all happening within the Creator. It,
uh, I mean that,
that doesn't go along with a lot of people's concepts of religion and, and God,
the man on the throne and the beard. But I'm sorry, I,
I'm way, way past those types of concepts.
Do you have any thoughts on the nature of dark energy or dark matter
Plays into, uh, yes. To,
into the var various densities, but it also has to do with the torsion.
Uh, they're, they don't understand the torsion universe.
A lot of what they think is dark energy or extreme
electromagnetic twists and pulls. Um, uh,
dark matter, um, I think,
uh, is just a misunderstanding of, uh,
of the electromagnetic universe, uh,
that there are different energies produced in ways that we don't understand that
we could call dark energies. But the dark matter thing,
I think is eventually going to be disproven
Or re or recategorized, so that it is proven,
but not really proven. But you know how science works.
Mm-Hmm. All right. Um,
I, I guess this is a question that comes up periodically. Do you feel like the,
the r timeline you were shown is still the timeline that we're on?
Not right now.
What are the difference
Timeline is con it's constantly changing and splitting and coming back together.
It does that all the way up until the event.
So we're gonna be writing this right, all the way until the event. But, uh,
it does seem to me,
and evidence that I've been getting from the Ensure and others that
humans are indeed hell bent on trying to choose another,
uh, non-positive timeline.
But with enough work, we can switch back to positive timeline
With yeah, with enough work and expansion and all of that. But, you know,
we will just see what happens. Uh, there's, the odds are against us, uh,
to begin with. And, uh, you know,
it depends on whether we're going to be our own hero or if we're gonna just
continue to play the victim. You know, it's not our fault. How can we do this?
Oh, you know, if we do that, then yeah,
we're gonna end up in another negative timeline until, until we figure it out.
So the,
the basics of what defines a positive timeline would be that we set ourselves on
a path such that within a thousand years, we can be united as a, as a planet.
I mean, that's part of it. It also has to do with rejecting transhumanism.
Uh, but it's mostly the spiritual, uh,
uh, psychological,
spiritual side of things. Uh,
that would bring us more into vibratory unity with the rest of,
uh, our cosmic cousins out there. Um,
but I don't know, we will see, I, um,
I am not seeing a whole lot of confidence from many different groups that we are
going to choose the optimal timeline. We may choose a more, uh,
a timeline that will lead us to the optimal timeline after another cycle,
another 20 something thousand years. Um,
but I'm told that at most we'll have one more cycle before,
before we make it to another, to a, to a positive timeline.
And that means 25,000 years,
25 or 28, I can't remember. Mm-Hmm.
Um, there's, there's,
I'm going back to older questions. There's, there's so many, but, um,
I guess I should go back to the,
the chat here for people who are actually attending. Um,
so this per person asked how far above sea level is likely safe? Um,
from, from any title shifting?
Uh, I think it has to do with position being between, uh,
mountain ranges and the ocean. You know, uh,
the west of the Rockies is not ideal and like
east of, what is it? The Appalachians and, uh, what's the other mountain range?
But the
Ozarks, yeah. In that area,
you'll find most of the people that are billionaires or what are engineers
that know what's going on, are building, uh,
their safe places in between those two mountain ranges.
Right. Um, um,
yeah, there's a lot of specific questions about, uh, other,
other individuals not, probably not worth covering right now. Um,
so, uh, there's some people who are,
who ask about the idea that should I really concern myself with, uh,
the solar events since I can just die and reincarnate, uh,
is it is important to focus on survival? Or is it important to focus on,
you know, maintaining the positive vibration as much as possible?
That's up to you. That's up to you. You can,
I know a lot of people that are like,
I'm just gonna live on the beach and when it happens, I'm gonna go praise God,
woo, and welcome the waves. All right. You know, that's good.
Some people are like, I'm gonna make a bunker.
I'm gonna make sure that my family's taken care of. That's good.
That's up to you.
But it's gonna happen, you know, when it happens, you'll either,
you'll we'll have made a decision by not making a decision.
And do you have any estimate of how many people, um,
are likely to survive those,
those initial events?
I don't know. I'm not hopeful. I mean,
80% of the world's population lives on the coast.
Mm-Hmm. So do you think that there's,
there's a possibility that we could get to the point where people are at least
convinced that they should move away from the coast?
I think that there are gonna,
it's not just going to one day, uh, you know, news broadcast.
The sun just exploded. We think that the ocean's gonna, in any,
you got six minutes until the ocean goes, you know, uh, no, there's,
it's gonna build up. We're gonna start seeing things.
They're gonna be like weird volcanic things. Like I said,
the weather is gonna get weirder and weirder,
and there's gonna be weird electrical phenomenon in this guy.
It's gonna build up, build up. And, uh,
the people that they're gonna be, people that are,
that just innately are gonna decide, I need to get to a safe place. I,
there's something going on. I, I, I feel a need to get somewhere.
And there are other people that are just gonna be blissfully ignorant throughout
the whole process. And, uh,
it's just the way it is.
I know everybody wants it to be a, they're looking for hope in it, but,
you know, it's, it's a global catastrophe event. You know,
it's going to be horrible. And coming back from, it's going to be a challenge.
Those who choose to come back from it. Um, otherwise,
you know, you enter the, you know,
incarnation cycle again and wait for population to start building out so you can
have another experience.
People are so programmed to just love their life. They just,
their ego, their experience that they're having right now right here,
is so freaking important to them. They, the,
they just don't understand that you don't really ever die. That your ego,
your I identity may die and perish,
but you go on to have another one and to keep,
and you retain that information and, and it,
I don't know, people, people have a,
a really, uh,
a almost irrational fear of, of dying,
and we're all gonna die if you die when you're 90 years old,
you'll have 90 years, uh, year, years of experience.
If you die when you're 40 in this event, you will die with those experiences.
None of us are gonna live forever.
None of us are gonna get out of this experience alive.
None of us are gonna make it out of it alive. We're all gonna die. Except that,
except that that's a part of your process.
That even if we live through the solar event and we make it to the,
to the optimal timeline, you're still gonna die.
You're just gonna die on the good timeline. We're all going to die.
Get over it. Get, get used to it. Get comfortable with it, embrace it.
Try to,
to create a life to where when it does come to the point and you pass away,
you're like victorious. You're like, man, I did everything. Yeah. You know,
and you leave the place better than when you were here.
Don't fight tooth and toenail as if death is coming in in a
hood and robe and pulling you outta your bed by your ankles. Um,
that concept of death is the worst thing for humanity. Uh,
especially it's compressed of lives as we live as it is
in, in this cycle. Um, but that's one of the things I've noticed. You know,
I talk about the solar vent in, at events and everything.
There are people out there going, you know, like, you know, real, I'm like,
these people don't get it.
They don't understand the full spiritual nature of things. It's,
it's all still about their ego and their perception of their identity
and preserving that. Um,
so society has really dumbed us down to, to what we are.
And that's a byproduct of byproduct of it.
Maybe it'd be fair to talk about that there are many, many, uh,
religious groups that believe that they will be able to become like
the, the stories of the Indian Saints who, you know, could,
could levitate and they could, um, seemingly, um,
transmute their physical form or bilocate and those kinds of things.
You think there's a percentage of society that's very, very small that will,
that will actually be able to reach a certain point of consciousness where, um,
they can manifest food in front of themselves and that kind of thing?
No, no. The people that are pretty close to that point,
these gurus that are in the caves meditating like 12 hours a day,
uh, when they get to that blissful moment,
they just transcend. They poof. They don't wanna stay here.
When you get that far advanced, you become that far advanced. You just leave,
you ascend. You don't become superman or,
and do all these parlor tricks, you know, flying around and,
and blinking s**t in with your mind. It, it doesn't work that way.
That's not how it works. People, when you become to,
when you get to a certain level of understanding spiritually and to a certain
the people in the caves that have been working their entire life to get to this
point, when they reach it, they get the hell outta here.
They ascend out to a higher plane that's gonna service them better.
This, like I said, this dimension, this,
all the turmoil and everything going on,
it only serves us for so long in our evolution. After that,
we don't need it.
And for us to even talk about sticking around and hovering and manifesting food
with our brains and all that, that's just stupid Marvel. DC bss,
I'm sorry. Um, that's not how it works. And, uh,
enlightened beings,
you don't see them walking around because when they become enlightened enough,
they phase the hell outta here.
But they could still be on a mission to help humanity in various ways.
Yes. But when they do that, they go through the incarnation process again. Um,
they, they don't become, you know,
like let's say if you like blink out, when you get to like a certain frequency,
they don't like get to that point and say, oh, instead of blinking out,
I'm gonna stay here and be like a superhero superman to inspire the rest of
humanity. That, that's just not how it works.
That's interesting.
They have to go back through the incarnation cycle and teach people
these things by relearning and re-experiencing it themselves. That's,
I mean, I don't know. This isn't a DC comic.
Yeah. That, that is essentially, uh, hint hinted at, in the,
in the law of one books,
when they say that people who activate intelligent infinity could choose to
leave their bodies, but usually choose not to in order to be of service.
But then you're stuck still with the same third density lessons and,
and challenges that you, you were before.
It is impossible to exist in this density when you
reach a certain vibration unless you lower your vibration.
Energies cannot, certain energies cannot exist within other energy fields.
These high, high, high,
highly evolved spiritual vibratory
beings. When you reach a certain frequency, you, you,
it's all of a sudden you can't see what's around you anymore. You're,
you're like in a different world. You, it's a different, it,
it's not, it's not.
You can't just choose to like grunt and Okay, I can stay here as long as I can.
You cannot exist within a certain energy.
When you get to a certain point, you, you're off to the next experience.
Um, if you choose to stay in that
prior frequency, you have to dumb down your frequency to do so.
And that's where reincarnation comes in. They,
they go through that process again.
Right. Um,
any thoughts on the value of, uh, diet right now?
Is this still very important that we focus on avoiding certain things?
Uh, diet's always important. Your body's your physical temple. Um,
your avatar, um,
for your consciousness and, uh, uh,
the more healthy your body is, uh,
the better you can serve your purpose while you're here. Um,
and the,
and the more pleasant your experience will be if you're suffering through heart
disease and all of these different things because you ate poorly or didn't
exercise, uh, that just inhibits you,
but it also might add to your experience that might be what you came here to
experience. So, um, yeah, it's always a good idea to,
to have a clean, healthy diet to make sure you're,
you know, you're up to par
And detoxing from heavy metals you've mentioned in the past too.
Yeah. It's good to always detox, uh, from different things, including metals,
parasites, those types of things.
Right. Another question came in here.
What is the likelihood of a carrington kind of event with a wide grid shutdown
that could happen years before this solar event?
And will we remain off grid up until the event if that kind of thing happened?
Uh, it just depends. Um,
if a parenting type of event happened now, now we would be down, yeah.
For like many, many months. Um, if, uh,
an event, a moderate event happened,
it wouldn't keep us down for more than a year or two before we were able to
bring out all the replacement technologies.
They would have to build them from scratch. Um,
yeah, I think that's my answer. Sorry, I'm starting to lose my voice. Alright.
Can wrap up pretty soon.
Yeah, we need to, 'cause I'm like rapidly losing my voice.
All right. One more question here, um, sent in by Will. If,
if a natural portal opens up, would you see it?
Would you be able to walk into it and not even realize what happened?
No, you wouldn't see it. Uh,
and there's all different levels and energetic charges of portals. Uh,
there are the physical portals that open every once in a while that you will be
able to see the sky and of another place, and you can get caught into it.
Uh, but typically most of them are just energetic portals,
uh, between places.
And you have to have technology to allow you to utilize it to travel.
Uh, but shamans will use it to travel out of body,
to go to other dimensions and other planets to gain wisdom.
Right. One more question.
Now I'm putting piecing together that might help some people.
So let's say that somebody has done their homework and that they've done the
work that the raw contact would say is making them cr eligible for harvest and,
and then the earth goes still into a negative timeline.
Does that person find a different planet or do they stick around with earth to
try to help earth as ascend?
Um, there's just too many variables. Uh,
what, where are you originally from? Are you a star seed? Uh,
what is your agreement when you came to come into this planetary sphere?
Uh, what group are you with?
There are different groups that have come here purposefully to incarnate to do
things. There are so many variables there, but, uh, you know,
different groups will at times harvest planets if they're going
too much in the negative direction. You know, if they go and they take,
if they do take the positives away to give, to bring them to another planet,
what chance do the, does the,
does it ever have of getting on top of its cycle to getting to
positive? If you're constantly pulling all the positive people out,
you need them to reincarnate back in and have more experiences and affect more
people to where it slowly, you know,
raises the consciousness of the whole group. Um, but that, like I said,
there are too many variables, uh, that things are never cut and dry.
This is, you know, that's just not, things are, there's so much going on.
Would it be fair to say that the way that the,
the higher density beings who choose to incarnate here would look at this as
more like a rescue mission or a humanitarian mission to incarnate here and keep
on working on it until it's solved?
Yeah, I mean, the outside beings do see that, uh,
the beings that are just part of, like the original,
if you wanna call it that cycle, I don't think we really reached that point. Uh,
we're, we're too far down, uh, in, in the,
in, in the cycle. Um, uh,
too caught up in the fractured psyche. It, it's,
it's the people coming in from other groups that are really making
the difference, uh, stars leagues that are coming in and,
and making the slight differences. It's just,
it's just this weird cycle that earth has to where
it, it humans show very, very little growth.
Very little growth. So it's very difficult. It's like, you know,
trying to have a date farm in the middle of the desert, uh, in,
in an area where there's no oasis and you know, you're trying to raise,
uh, you know,
or or trying Tori raise these beautiful crops in an area where
they won't, it, it's just, it's not fertile ground. Uh,
and it takes a long time to, to grow, uh,
in this ground and many seasons.
And I think it's probably fair to remind people that this is essentially, um,
the after effects of all the baggage that wasn't properly processed on Mal
Malick and Mars when they had their issues and we're still just, and Atlantis,
even Atlantis couldn't, couldn't handle the advanced technologies. They,
they went negative directions apparently. Those, those civilizations omits.
And now we're at a point where we're still dealing with some of that old
baggage, right?
Exact same. We do not have the spiritual or,
emotional intelligence to handle the technologies that we're developing.
We don't, and, and we're going to continue to self-destruct,
like those other examples. Uh,
that's just what's gonna continue to happen until we reach a certain point.
Right. Well, I guess that's a good, uh,
message then to keep focused on the spiritual side of it as long as we pursue
anything with disclosure.
Yeah. Sorry, my voice is keeling out on me now.
All right. Well this was very great, uh, very great chat.
Appreciate everybody who attended and signed up for the webinar and Yep.
Hopefully keep on participating in the chats with Corey Sessions.
We keep on doing Q and a with Corey.
People: Corey Goode, Mike Waskosky
Topics: Disclosure, Q&A
According to The Ra Material, both the right-hand (service-to-others) path and the left-hand (service-to-self) path are allowed by the Infinite Creator. Thus, a negative entity can evolve or graduate into higher densities by serving to self. It seems that even if they manipulate or even kill lots of people just for self-serving purposes, they can still go on enjoying more light and power without being punished by the Law of Karma. I just wonder how the Law of Karma works for negative entities.
Guys, Thank you for this space that you are holding for us. Does either of you “know” Huna Flash? He is on YouTube. I think he can he get this happening a little quicker that sitting watching. I would love to hear you perspectives.
They gave the Nazis ‘Meth” in cigarette form. Meth is a psychotic and after 3 or 4 days you will go psychotic from it. You own mother will look like the devil.
Is there a dark theme to the app? It’s a little blinding.
On Apple
Products it’s under settings but Idk if u have to adjust apps in their own settings but should be on Yt – that’s where I learned to be an Apple expert after being hacked by an engineer at the beginning of the plan Demic 🤪 bless u❣️🙏🏻💖🌈🌍
Thanks I’ll try it out.
Hi Corey! Thanks for the great presentations! I recently finished the book Seeders by Elena Danaan (2022). Let me quote from this book: “On August 8, 2022 , I received this transmission from Oona in response to a question concerning the threat of a potential solar flash that would cause an extinction event on Earth: “Your star is undergoing a transformation but not as you conceive. It is adjusting to the area of Nataru (another name of our Milky Way Galaxy, my comment A.G.) your star system has recently entered. This is a galactic zone with a higher frequency. Because the frequency of your star system was lowered down by the previous invaders, and then unlocked by the excellent work of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, it needs adjustment to avoid the frequency shock. Your star however responds to the resonance of this higher frequency and it has started shifting. This solar shifting has no devastating effect but it will be felt in many different ways. The shift of a star system always originates first from the star, this is a natural law. Many times in the past, evacuation occurred. It was always due to wars. An evacuation plan was always in reserve, in case if necessary, but I can assure you that no extinction event will happen. We create stars, worlds, we seed life, we fractalize the very consciousness of Source and embed it into planetary matrices. If your star, Sol, would naturally become a sudden threat to all life on Terra, one of our proudest achievements, we would prevent it. We have the power to do this. We cannot stop wars to ignite and to extinguish empires, but we have the power to ignite and extinguish the stars. You are safe. Oona.”
Danaan, Elena. THE SEEDERS: The Return Of The Gods. Kindle Edition.
I have a ? … if by chance that the Dark have a means via Technology or Chemical to have been able to induce some kinda of spell on the masses to the point that these folks seems hypnotized and latched to insane narratives and actions — to me gives Service to Self beings an unfair advantage – unless in someway those effected individuals where allowing of this and its up to them to break free of this as it seems out of our control to wake them up as they are not responding to our signalling — any input on this?
Thank you Corey and Mike that was great I really enjoyed the discussion … good stuff lots to think about 🙏🏼
Thank you , I agree with all you re saying….good luck
He is saying don’t be afraid of death, get use to it happening sooner or later. It may sound harsh but it’s truth. I think when your at a certain level and been through some heavy stuff you realize its not the complete end but a new beginning.
Always appriciating Coreys perspective on things 🙏 Though hard to take in and contemplate on.. Regarding deaths in solar flash… Like myself, i bet there are other parents not actually afraid of their own lives but worrying about the survival of their children and wanting to do anything they can to prevent their children (also feks need of special care family members and old parents) die a violent death with alot of suffering. I don’t want my pets to go thru that either, wondering wether i should put the animals down before the event..
Can you give some insights of safe zones in Scandinavia /Norway? How far away from the coast are we talking about?
Love from Norway
Remember that all things are catalyst and souls know what they want to experience before they choose these lives. Including animals. By definition, Negativity is the desire to control, so for one to attempt to alter the experience of another soul, that is by definition, Negative, whereas the positive path is one of acceptance.
I understand that consept, but how far should we stretch it? If we should let that rule in all cases, there would be even more suffering. Humans are divine beings with a responsibility to take action to prevent suffering, yes sometimes by easening an animals death. As an activist and one who aids animals, i have both tried keep many animals alive by assisting them in hopeless situations but also sitting by their side and help them to the other side when death is knocking on the door. It always feels horrible to take a life but i know when it is the right thing to do. I am glad that we are the guardians over animals in such a way.
On the other hand, watching my grandmother die was not at all peaceful and fast, she was screaming and houling, she seemed absolutely terrified. For many days. As she quit taking in food and liquid, her eyes dried up like raisins and her lips couldn’t even close around the mouth. We tried talking to her and comfort her in every way but even the drugs couldn’t calm her efficiently. I can’t imagine that that is asked of me regarding all the animals i’ve helped in my life. Animals don’t need to suffer like that, and i could not have used my life to help animals if i had to just stand by and do nothing. Like the deer crushed by cars on the highway, but still alive and trying to raise up on broken legs, i cant describe the level of damage. Of course it had to be put down even though it was fighting to get away. I prayed and i cried my eye balls out. And many other situations. Another situation is birth Control, both in animals and humans. Could that not be benefical and benevolent aswell? I can not imagine how even more horrible our life would be if i had more children with my narssisstic abusive ex husband. I got “fixed” against my husbands will during a c-section. And what about abortion? As awful as it may be, sometimes it is for the better. I contemplated ALOT about that.
And spay and neuter animals so that kittens and puppies not having to be born into cold, hunger and early horrible deaths. Domesticated animals have been moved across the world, breed and raised so that they dont have a natural way of making it on their own.
Under a nature catastrophy, wild animals will know in before hand and feel guided where to go.
As long as humans create un-natural circumstances for animals and themselves, unfortunately un-natural solutions are needed.
These hard choices, personally i see that as a responsibility, not control.
I can’t seem to copy this is there a trick to copying?
We hope to add a button for sharing links more easily very soon. Here is the link to share that might be easier to copy:
Carley Simon sang it – “I feel the eARTh move”. The shifting is always goin’ on, its the nature of reality. It’s like when horses “stamp!” the ground.
they’re sounding shock waves to mother. It’s cosmic signaling, cosmic surfin’ -&- rock’n’roll.
I believe it was carol king who sang that…she, James taylor and carly were very close. Love the rock n roll connections!
Thanks for the heads up Mark! I knew it was one of those kittens.