Chats with Corey - February 2024
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Original Date: Feb 17, 2024
Original Date: Feb 17, 2024
Chats with Corey (Live Q&A)
Next Episode: Chats with Corey – March 2024 - Q&A
Mike Waskosky: We're on YouTube, I believe.
Corey Goode: All right. Hello, everybody.
Mike: Hello. How's it going?
Corey: All right, thank you for joining us today on the live stream. This is a, I guess, a monthly Q&A that we do.
If you want to ask questions, please go to and on the live stream there you can actually ask us questions and follow the chat.
So, how are you doing today, Mike?
Mike: I'm doing great. Yes, this has been a very busy month and a lot of business coming up. It was very, very nice that we have a dedicated investor now who's helping us accelerate things with so we can get more content that's not just me and you talking.
It's always been our intention to get a lot more content from the community and people who are very knowledgeable about many, many advanced subjects of metaphysics, spirituality subjects. It's very exciting to see a lot more happening with now.
Corey: Yeah, I'm very excited. And we want to thank the investor for making what you're going to see coming up in the near future possible.
It's . . . I mean, it came just at the right time. I know Mike has had a lot of plans he's been wanting to implement and that we've been talking about that we can finally take those things – some of those things – off the back burner.
And what do you think, Mike? Are you pretty excited about what we're going to do next?
Mike: Yeah, absolutely. I feel like . . . It's been a long journey, actually. We first started as a social platform that was selling some courses back in 2021. And then at the end of 2022 is when we started the subscription service.
So it's been about a year that we've been doing a lot more content now that's also live
But now we can do more on-going series and continue to do more teaching alongside the social platform, which we'll continue to develop out to make sure that's very functional and what people are really wanting and needing from an uncensored social platform.
And hopefully people are getting what they need out of that as a social platform also. And because . . . It feels like we need to be learning together as a community. We can't just have . . . assuming that our ideas are going to be what it has to be consumed. We have to let the marketplace of ideas be completely transparent for people on the platform so that people can continue to exchange information and the things that we don't know about.
We want to hear from you about what we don't know about and the greatest things that you're discovering. We want to see you post that on so we can continue to grow together as a community.
And, yeah, we have groups and forums on there and as well as you can start your own podcast on there. But, yeah, all of these things will continue to develop as we build.
So it was great to have this kind of lead-up time for us to build out the platform.
Corey: Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's awesome. And I think now is also a good time – and I know you'll do a survey at some point – but whether on or YouTube, in the comments, tell us about the content that you would really like to see.
Mike: Right.
Corey: Yeah, we'd be very interested in that input for sure.
Mike: Right. Yeah. We'll probably do a more sophisticated survey here, but you can always email us with anything about the platform you want to tell us, anything you want to see. We're always open to more feedback and ideas and – especially bug reports. If you see anything that's not working right, let us know.
We'll keep on improving everything.
Corey: Yeah, and before we move along, next week you will see some social media postings . . . Man, my mouth is dry – the joy of living in Colorado.
So, for over five years, we've been looking for an agent or an agency to represent us – us being my company that's creating all of the films and graphic novels and all of that and video games, and it's been difficult. Most of the people just don't get it – the information.
But Friday, we signed an agreement with an agency that's a literary, TV and film agency. They just so happen to have watched all of the Cosmic Disclosures and other things that we were involved in and they're very excited. I'm very excited.
We're going to start work right away. They're going to help me negotiate some of these television deals that we're working on. They're going to help us put out a new pro se novel series and web comic series based on this information that's going to reach people between the ages of like 14 and 19 more. So it's going to be impactful to them. We're going to put in a lot of information about . . . They'll be entertained but they'll be finding out how to overcome certain traumas, learning certain things about the wider cosmos. So that's going to be a lot of fun.
They're also assisting us in scripted property based on some of that and video games.
So, things are really, really taking off.
And I'm in discussions with a few venture capitalists that will allow us to take it to the next level. And video games – like I've said 3.2 billion players – we're going to try to reach as many as we can.
So things are going really good in these regards. We're really excited, and I'll throw it back to you and see if you want to say anything before go to Q&A.
Mike: All right. Yep, thanks. So, I guess I should share with people that we do get a lot of the same questions over and over again for the Q&A. And I know that people just don't have the time to watch everything, but we did add a feature on if you do a search website search, or if you're using the app, you can find where it says “Search Everything” in the menu and you can search through basically all the video transcripts so you can find out if we've talked about something before and then you'll know if you have a particular subject in mind you could start learning about that particular subject.
And also for paid subscribers, definitely, there is a feature to quickly search through every single video to get to wherever a particular term was in that video and then go straight into that moment in that video. And YouTube has that feature too if you find it's something on YouTube. There's a transcript that you can look at and search through.
So, I'm just letting you know that I might skip some questions that I know have been asked many, many times, but you can keep asking and we may recover things over time if it's confusing. And I do intend to continue to add more content into an article section that will be added under the website under the “Learn” section, so the most frequently asked questions that we cover should at least be in some sort of text form there soon as well – such as about the timeline that Corey has given and many other commonly asked details.
So with that, I think I'm ready to get started.
Corey: All right, let's do it.
Mike: All right. I think I'll probably cover some of the questions that were asked last month, too, but let's start with some from this month. And also people can ask in the Q&A tab at the bottom.
You can ask anything, and I'll try to do . . . If you ask a follow-up to anything we're talking about, I'll try to get to those in a timely manner, too, so we keep on the discussions.
So, okay, how many planets/moons/planetoids do the Draco own/control in our Galaxy?
Corey: Well, it used to be quite a bit and mostly in the outer rim area of the Galaxy. The closer you get towards the center of the Galaxy, the more advanced the civilizations are and they can't really get away with what they can in the middle and outskirts of the Galaxy.
Right now, the Draco . . . they're scattered. They have little groups here and there in the Galaxy that are kind of isolated, but most of them are contained within two solar systems now – ours and another one that's escaping my brain right now.
I've been in a lot of meetings lately. My brain is like . . . I'm having to reach for my memory at . . .
Mike: Is it Aldebaran?
Corey: It might . . . Yes, yes, that's the Aldebaran system.
But for the most part, they've really been isolated. They're not roaming freely in the Galaxy like they once did.
Mike: But in our Solar System, I guess there are many moons that they operate from?
Corey: Yes. Yes, this Solar System still belongs to this Orion Group. It's like a syndicate of different ET groups, if we want to call them that, that are working together: the Tall Grays, different insectoid groups, working with the Reptilians.
Mike: So we've talked not too long ago about the evolution of Mica's people having to fight off the – in the local 52-star cluster – having to fight off the influence of the Orion and Draco Group.
So what was it that the Anshar went through in resisting that? Did they have to go through a similar process that Mica's people did in their timeline?
Corey: I don't know the full timeline of the Anshar, but, yeah, they went through a very similar evolution before they became what we know as the Anshar.
Mike: But do you think it was not as intense as what we're going through right now or was it very similar on their timeline?
Corey: It sounded intense. It sounded really intense, but they had the most positive of the timelines.
It appears that we are trying our best to choose one of the less positive timelines – we will call it.
Mike: There's another question I had about that. I know people are very often confused about how to interpret the timelines and some people are asking . . . You know, you were shown about a solar event in the Anshar timeline that would affect . . . that was more directed at above Europe, that the biggest impact of the . . .
Corey: The Solar Event happens in all of the timelines. It is what causes them to merge back together into this new beginning of a timeline that then starts to bifurcate again.
But how it bifurcates and changes depends on us and . . . But, yeah, in every timeline there's going to be a Solar Event. There's no getting away from the Solar Event.
Mike: People were asking about Europe specifically. Do you think that what you were shown about near the continent of Europe, was that . . .
Corey: I haven't seen anything that indicated that would change.
Mike: I see.
Corey: The Solar Event happens in all timelines. I don't see why it would change the location.
Mike: I see. Yeah, so people who live in Europe probably are disturbed by that, but you said it was like in the oceans that it was hitting. Was that right?
Corey: No.
Mike: Or the biggest impact part.
Corey: That was a meteor leading up to this in the Pacific. This actually hits over northern Europe . . .
Mike: I see. All right.
Corey: . . . in what I was shown.
Mike: All right. We can skip to a spiritual question here.
“Did the Anshar have any beliefs in a Universal Creator God?”
Corey: Yes. A lot of these more advanced beings believe that we are basically inside the mind of God, that all of this is a manifestation of a big daydream of a being that wanted to understand duality and broke itself up into all of these egos that make up us – the good, the bad, the ugly.
And the point of it is to make it . . . to go from being bipolar to going to come back to being One again, not good or evil or positive-negative, the different polarities of this . . . whatever this is that we're experiencing.
Mike: So there's another question about that actually. “Do these beings believe that we're always just in an illusion or like a dream and that separation is the illusion and that we're ultimately already One same being?”
Corey: Well, yeah, if we're a . . . I mean, are your daydreams you. When you dream at night, is that you? I mean, that . . . I don't know how to answer this.
I'm sure they have their different beliefs on it, but I don't know their understanding of it and I don't know if I could understand their understanding of it because there neuro-pathways are built in different way than ours. They've had different experiences, grew up with different types of technology and consciousness. There's . . . They really have to dumb things down for us or . . . And sometimes it's difficult for them to relate to us enough to communicate.
So there's only so much of these types of concepts they can communicate with you because of your own level of understanding and capacity.
Mike: We will switch to a completely different subject here. We had some people chatting on about the feline ET group. I guess, you know, it's probably a popular subject for a lot of people, but what were you told about the feline group, the cat-like people?
Corey: They're some sort of extra-dimensional type of . . . They're able to pop in and out of our reality. They were . . . I'm told that we would consider them more positive, non-interventionists, but they have abilities and they're from somewhere that's very interesting to Draco and other groups. So, there is a capture or kill order that they have out. They're always on the lookout for this type of being.
They don't pop up very often, but it's a big deal when they do.
Mike: Do you think that Mars can and will be terraformed in the future?
Corey: I don't think it's going to be terraformed, but I think it will be like augmented – the interior and parts of the exterior. As certain technologies develop, they'll be able to build more on the outside, but there would be too much to overcome in my opinion to terraform it.
Mike: Okay. There's a question here about . . . You've often referred to people believing that they're at the top totem pole in terms of power structure or the information that they have. But who are at the true top of the totem pole on Earth, and is . . . does it just go off into ET groups above that?
Corey: I don't think there's any true top to the totem pole human-wise on Earth. Even the Interplanetary Corporate groups don't know everything. It's compartmentalized, and some of the people running these things that we call humans and people are possessed or taken over or compromised in a way to where they're really not human anymore. They're avatars of something else.
So I don't think that there's a . . . someone with a Cabal tie or family member that's on Earth that has all of the information. I think much of the higher-higher information is handled by non-humans.
Mike: I think it's probably appropriate for me to bring up the subject that so many people talk about, which is that if someone has been sort of possessed or taken over completely by some negative entity, do their eyes give it away? Do they have a different way that their eyes look?
Corey: It depends. It depends. If it's a demonic-type of thing, absolutely. Sometimes you can catch . . . I've had a few times to where you . . . people that have those types of connections, the beings kind of come to their eyes and are looking around. You can see it's the being in possession and not them just because of the demeanor and the way the eyes are.
But in this situation, the only way that you can really tell is they have a piece of equipment that they put up against your skin and measure your bio-neural field and it's kind of like a fingerprint. It's not supposed to change that much over time.
When you walk in and you do other biometric security stuff to get in, they are able to measure and see if you have that change of frequency or whatever.
But the people at the very top that are compromised are running everything.
Mike: We have a question that came in about an article I believe that was maybe from the news a year ago about the James Webb Telescope taking – I don't know – something unusual on Proxima B. I haven't had a chance to double-check what this was.
But do you know anything about Proxima B having life or . . . This is four light-years away from here, I guess. Do you know about that?
Corey: Yeah, that's where one of . . . Yeah, there is a civilization there that lives on planet. I don't have it in front of me. I don't remember all of the different planets and everything in that area. But, yeah, the . . . Yeah, there is one of the allies that inhabit that system.
Mike: Okay, we have a question here about . . . We have supposedly hundreds of millions of starseeds incarnated and this person says, “I hear no talk of people banding together. So I don't know how I can believe this. Are the Reptilian efforts this effective? Are starseeds not as awake as they think?”
Corey: Well, starseed is a broad term. There are a lot of souls that are snatched from one planet and dropped here just so the other planet can get rid of them because they have their own totalitarian thing going on and the artists and different people of their planetary sphere were causing problems.
So, when they die or they kill them and they take their essence and they drop it off here or somewhere else. And then they go through the incarnation cycle all confused.
And so they're dropped here. They come from another planet. Do you consider them a starseed or do you only consider the people that incarnated here purposefully to do a mission a starseed?
I don't know. It's a broad term.
But what I have seen is that people that are starseeds have a lot to overcome because from the moment they're born, they have a lot of traumas, a lot of targeting by the negative energies and groups to knock you off your path.
And then you have to overcome . . . You have to be able to overcome that trauma and turn it into wisdom to be able to fulfill your mission.
But a lot of starseeds are unable to find the balance between intellect and emotion and they just go feel, feel, feel and then they just like a plane, burn, burn, burn and crash.
And then they try to get back up off the ground and they do the same thing, but they never realize they have to deal with their traumas. They have to develop wisdom and they have to come into balance not just male-female balance and all these other things you hear talked about in the community, but you have to have an intellectual and an emotional balance.
It's not good to have just a heavy intellect because that is just as detrimental to your journey.
So, yeah, I think a lot of starseeds have been derailed but a lot of them are . . . At this point the onus, the responsibility, is ours to overcome that.
And the people who are not overcoming and becoming a part of what they came here for, it's on them and they can't . . . you can't just always blame someone else. You have to pull yourself out of it.
Mike: We can go to a question in the chat here for people who are subscribers.
“Is there one major super-AI that is monitoring our Internet and manipulating the Narrative through various mechanisms?”
Corey: I know they have multiple AIs that they are using for monitoring people affecting the way people think or the way it appears people think on social media. There are like these chatbot type of social media ghost accounts.
Mike: But not one that's overriding and trying to control everything that the media have sort of agreed to listen to?
Corey: Not that I've been briefed on, not one pervasive human created AI or ET-created AI, not that I know of that has already completely taken over everything.
There's that AI presence that I've spoken about that you see a lot of other people now talking about all of a sudden, but it's . . . I dropped it back like in 2017. And a lot of people . . . And I described it as we could only kind of understand it as an AI because we interacted with it through technology but it was something more.
A lot of people just glommed on to the AI thing and they think that there's some AI, actual artificial intelligence computer code, out there, but they just never really listened closely and they ran with the AI part.
It's some sort of consciousness that is not understood but it interacts with people through magnetic fields and electromagnetics in technology.
They were termed in human terms . . . It's had a few terms, a few names . . . I don't know . . . I can't remember what they used to be . . . similar . . . but artificial intelligence-like is the . . . AI is what they started calling it after a certain period of time just because of how they were interacting with it and the level of what they knew about it at the time.
Mike: Actually, it seems like I remember in 2014, your very first interview, you were talking about concern in the Secret Space Programs about the AI influence.
Corey: Yeah. Yeah. A lot of people out there are talking about, you know, there are positive groups that are using advanced AI and they've learned how to tame it and not have it get out of control, but these positive groups are not using AI. They're so far advanced. They don't need AI. They don't need it.
They are able to operate craft and everything through consciousness interface. They don't need an AI between them. They don't need an AI to do the calculations. They don't need all of that.
And the ones that do use the advanced AI end up becoming compromised. Their whole civilization does.
But, yeah, AI and brain chips and all of this other – my brain's; I can't remember the term for it – human, technology coming together is a very dangerous road. And if you . . . You can't just say, “Okay, I'm going to change my belief systems. Now I believe it's okay. It's good,” and then go on.
I mean, you're just a part . . . you're creating that timeline.
AI and transhumanism has been the downfall of many civilizations.
Mike: And do you think that just by having a phone in our pocked and being attached to our phones we're already far down that path?
Corey: I mean, we're certainly getting there. I've known for a while that you can't trust certain things that you see on TV. You're starting to see now how AI is advanced and so realistic, but that type of thing's been out for a while in the intelligence community, or not community, but as an asset.
They can create whatever reality they want for us on TV and the Internet.
That's our most immediate . . . should be our most immediate concern is not that AI . . . It is their control of our perception. And they're doing that through the media. And the new AI capabilities are going to deceive a lot of people.
Mike: Let's go back to some previous questions that were asked last month.
So this person is just asking: “What do you think is the most important thing people need to know about?”
Corey: What do you mean?
Mike: I guess that wasn't more clear on that – probably not specific enough.
Another question here was about the Mayans and the role that they're going to be playing – if they're going to be fighting alongside the Global Galactic League of Nations or if they're just acting in a role as healers or backup support in some way.
Corey: Yeah, from what I know of the Mayans, they are apparently healers but they're also very tough and they involve themselves in certain battles, and I don't know under what circumstances that will be. But they are not . . . A lot of people have kind of seen them as pacifists since they're one of the biggest healer . . . most gifted healers.
But they have a . . . definitely they have a militant side.
Mike: There's a question here: Do other life forms . . . Do other ETs have pets and are humans ever the pets of other ETs?
Corey: Well, I think the latter is definitely true at times if you want to call them pets. Like, I'm sure they have zoos and . . . But there's all sorts of other ways humans are used .
I don't know specifically if ETs have pets.
Mike: All right. Let's switch back to something current here.
So, I guess we've gotten several questions about . . . We got some questions about the Blue Avians and what . . . There was one that was: Were you able to interact with different Blue Avians entities and did they have slightly different appearances? Did they distinguish from each other?
Corey: They had slightly different appearances, but I only perceived my communications with Tear Eir.
Mike: Okay. And “what did the Blue Avians recommend for humans to . . . as a lifestyle choice: meditation, yoga exercise, diets”, is what they asked.
Corey: They spoke of a high vibrational type of diet, whatever that means for each individual. And then they spoke a lot of, you know, “breaking the Wheel of Karma” through forgiveness and the letting go of what divides us and all of that.
But they really . . . It was more of high level spiritual-type of stuff. They really didn't discuss the mundane.
Mike: All right. We have a question here about the potential of nuclear war occurring. I guess this is partly asking about Putin and Russia and whether or not that's going to escalate, but mainly it's just is there a chance that we could end up in a nuclear war?
Corey: There is a chance of limited, I would say, nuclear exchange or at least attempts at exchange. I am not as confident as Wilcock and others that ETs are going to prevent nuclear war.
They may keep it from getting out of hand or keeping us from getting out of hand, but, yeah, I've been getting information on stuff that's going on with Russia and all of that and I just have to be very careful about . . . especially what I talk about on YouTube.
But I think that Russia might be doing their best to play the waiting game to kind of stretch this out and not get into a conflict until they see what happens with us politically this year and how we resolve, of if we resolve, our inner turmoil in our country.
That's the most I want to say about that topic.
Mike: But you are continuing to get updates?
Corey: Yeah, yeah. I mean, I speak with retired generals, colonels that are still communicating with their active counterparts they served with. And I get information through that means.
I used to get bridge calls on a semi-regular basis where I would listen in, but those have ended. So the nature of information I get is quite a bit different now, these days.
Mike: I guess we could do a slight amount more on this. So do you feel like we're making progress in our perceptions of these other countries that we're trying to be made afraid of?
Do you think Americans are kind of waking up to the fact they're being manipulated?
Corey: Some are. There's some people that are just . . . they have confirmation bias. They just want . . . They've already bought in to one reality. They could never . . . Their egos could never allow them to diverge from that – their little reality that they're all a part of, on both sides, really.
So, I don't know. I'm seeing some people waking up and realizing . . . see different communities who have been pandered to starting to wake up, but we'll just have to see. Humans are humans and we're easily manipulated, so we'll see. We'll see.
Hopefully, I think a lot of . . . if this information I'm hearing about comes out this year, new whistleblowers about UAPs, non-human entities, that with the credible people more and more coming out . . . it's going to cause people to wake up more eventually.
I mean, it's been kind of slow. Like in a Super Bowl commercial they show the aliens coming down saying, “Hello,” and everyone's on their phone. That's kind of like how humanity has reacted to the disclosures we've had so far.
So when some of the more significant disclosures come out that you can't dismiss as easily, I think it's going to open people to other conspiracy theories and other ways they may have been lied to and manipulated.
You know, they start with Santa Claus and then move to aliens. We've been manipulated since we were very young.
So, I think it's going to take something a little bit more major to really get the ball rolling.
Mike: All right. A completely separate subject again here – somebody asking about: “If people are becoming telepathic in the future, does that mean a loss of privacy?”
Corey: It will be an interesting time. Yes. There are people now, their abilities are getting stronger. That's one of the things I have had in my life is telepathic knowing what people are thinking.
It took me, when I was younger, a long time to realize that just because someone thinks something doesn't mean they're going to do it or act on it. It was kind of really confusing.
But I think the more and more, as people develop those abilities, some people are really good at transmitting thought and some people are good at picking it up. And some people are . . . there's a balance of both.
And a lot of people don't realize that they are broadcasting. They'll sit there really be daydreaming and thinking hard and they won't realize that they're broadcasting their thoughts and some people can pick up on it.
As more and more people develop those abilities, people are going to have to learn how to control what they project because in the beginning, yeah, I'm sure it will be . . . there will be some embarrassment and trepidation about interacting with others.
Mike: And I guess maybe as a followup to that, as people are thinking a lot about things, it seems to carry a vibration or resonance that also affects the lessons that they're being presented by the Universe as well, right?
So we can't really escape the effects of our thoughts if we have a pattern that's putting us in a particular karmic direction, right?
Corey: Yeah. Yeah, that's been one of the biggest things that I've had to deal with. If you have certain habits, good, bad, but we'll talk about the bad ones. If there are certain things you consume, you look at, you listen to on a regular basis and they're not good for you, your brains starts to develop neuro-pathways in that direction and things just want to flow that way.
And if you make a change in your life and you don't want think about certain things or desire to be exposed to certain things, you have to overcome all of not just programming but the neuro-pathways you've developed in your brain.
So you have to redevelop new ones and you have to consciously . . . You'll find yourself being pulled in that direction. You have to . . . It has to be a conscious effort to redirect and think and behave in a new way.
And that's something that I've been learning over the last five years and has really been making an impact in my life – especially the last two years.
Mike: All right. We'll try a new subject here. I guess we could touch a few of these names quickly. “Do you have any thoughts on Claude Raëlism, the French UFO religion?”
Corey: We'll most likely touch on that group in this new docu series we're about to start producing. I . . . Yeah, there's . . . I don't really want to go into too much of it right now, but, yeah, there's some very interesting aspects to that group.
But we're going to be talking about all of the different UFO religions that have developed in the community and outside of the community in this new docu series. It's going to be very interesting.
But, yeah, I just think that . . .
Mike: Is it a mixed bag?
Corey: It's people turning everything about Disclosure . . . To a certain part of the community it's all getting turned into a religion. And another part of the community it's all the cerebral mental exercise, and there's no balance to it. People just get . . . I mean, I've seen . . . There's just . . . People have gotten really carried away with a lot of this – turning it and spinning it into religion, you know, exchanging their old religions and ideas of God with certain beings.
And it . . . And we've just moved things around a little bit and we haven't really expanded and changed. We're just rearranging our belief systems and creating confirmation bias and staying within our bubble of reality and our “truth”, and it's preventing a lot of people from actually growing and accepting new information coming in because they've blocked it.
“No, I don't trust any information coming from this type of . . .”
I don't know how to explain it, but the way . . . And actually, there are some pretty big universities studying right now how spirituality has mixed with the Disclosure and that means these beings, a lot of them, are higher spiritual beings.
But what happens when higher spiritual beings come and interact with less higher-vibrational beings? They start to have . . . People will say, “I don't worship them. I just communicate with . . .”
But people . . . We're programmed in a certain way and the worship thing starts to happen.
So there's a whole . . . There's a lot to overcome because when Disclosure occurs or these . . . a lot of these beings start introducing themselves, what are we going to do when they don't match the sparkly-eyed person that we've been watching on the Internet talking about the good ETs being here, the bad ones being gone, this, that. They've been given all of this information. Now . . .
I mean we . . . The information I was given too, who's to say it's going to play out exactly in that way because of the way timelines and reality works?
So we need to stay open-minded, have our beliefs, but not turn it into these fervent religions because then we lose perspective and we lose the ability to be objective and to be a part of the mission we came here to do.
It's all a part of finding balance. I think that's really the most important thing for the community to think about in the future.
Mike: Yeah, the nature of how we're programmed to fall into these patterns is . . . it's hard to perceive when you're stuck in it so strongly.
Corey: Right.
Mike: There's a funny question here about parasites and specifically, “Are bed bugs controlled by extraterrestrials that are trying to harm us?”
Corey: Bed bugs?
Mike: Ha, ha. They're specifically asking about insects and their connection to extraterrestrials and if they're planted here for some reason.
Corey: Hmm. I don't know. Maybe we should move to another question.
Mike: Yeah.
Corey: I need to be much more specific.
Mike: Yeah. Okay. Okay. So we could ask about . . . Somebody . . . I can't remember when was the last time we asked about this concept about graphene or black goo: if that's . . . if you know anything about that subject, if that's connected to some extraterrestrial technology.
Corey: Yeah, it is connected to extraterrestrial technology. The black goo was some sort of nano-type of technology that's immersed in some sort of medium. The black goo is the medium and it's full of these almost granular tiny little microbots.
I don't know what it was originally used for, by . . . who created it. But I know that it has the ability to infect people and affect their DNA.
I don't know a lot of the . . . I used to know more, but I haven't spoken about it in a long time. There's a lot I don't remember.
Mike: Do you know where that was . . . what the context that was associated with, where that information came from?
Corey: Yeah, it had to do with the discovery around the Falkland Islands or something. I can't recall the details. It's . . . I haven't even looked over that information in a long time.
Mike: Okay. We'll go back to a Q&A that was recently asked in this chat. And I think we've discussed this a few times before, but maybe we can make it more clear.
So after a cataclysmic event, a Solar Event, is there a time frame before we start getting assistance? Do you know a time frame before we start getting assistance from ETs or humanitarian assistance?
Corey: It depends on the timeline that you're on. On many timelines there's no assistance. That's because we chose the wrong timeline, and the only assistance we're getting are those who are farming the planet already.
Mike: And what would be the potential scope of the nature of that assistance? Is it helping us with physical conditions, health issues, food production? Do you know anything?
Corey: Yeah, immediately they help us with food and rebuilding power and that type of thing in the positive timeline anyway. But then they kind of pull away because we have a lot of mistrust towards different ET groups and we have to kind of, over the next pretty much a thousand years, we have to go through our process of healing and evolving as we integrate more into cosmic communications with other groups.
It's not overnight. People, after the Solar Event, aren't like floating around. And people argue with me on YouTube, like, “No, no, I believe that everything changes like that and we can read minds and fly like Superman and all this stuff and that everyone's immediately healed all of a sudden. All of their traumas and everything's gone and there are these new beings.”
That's not even close to what I've been shown. It's a process, and we have to go through the process or we will continually repeat the things that we've been doing. We have to go through the process, evolve and learn. There are no shortcuts.
Mike: There was a question here about when . . . “In our timeline, when did the elites . . . Did they discover advanced technology in the past and have they been using that to their benefit and do you know the timeline of that?” Was there a rediscovery of ancient technology from Atlantis or something like that that's been helping them?
Corey: Yeah, for thousands of years they've known about ancient . . . They've had access to ancient technologies that they called relics that they didn't really quite understand what they were but they were technologies.
But, yeah, yeah, we've had access to relics and through those relics people have made communications to what . . . they didn't know what they were. They would call them “angels”, “devils”, “gods” or whatever.
But, yeah, for thousands and thousands of years we've had access to that type of stuff.
Mike: But has it been benefiting them?
Corey: No. I don't think any of this stuff has really been beneficial. I mean, any of the technologies . . . I mean, they can be used for benefit, but humans don't do that.
We . . . They give us something that they say will heal cancer and they send it to the DoD [Department of Defense] to see if they can turn it into something that can create cancer.
So it's the human condition that determines whether something's used positively or negatively. A lot of times it's just . . . our history is not . . . We have not shown that we use things in a positive way.
Mike: “Was there a time when you very first realized or remembered about the “20-and-Back” and was there a trigger that allowed you to first remember your original “20-and-back”?
Corey: I don't have like full, just full, memory of the “20-and-Backs”. It's all . . . I've had big chunks that allow me to put things together, but I don't know if it's possible to fully recover 20 . . . Your brain has to process things in a certain way.
Your brain understands when you're born, when this happened, when this happened and that's like your . . . When you're born that's your zero time reference.
And then your brain has to make . . . All of your different experiences are filed linearly in your brain, and when you have other timeline memories coming in, it throws the brain's ability to process this.
I don't know to . . . if there's a way to really explain this, but it comes back as . . . in dreams and then you have . . . you'll . . . something . . . you'll be doing something, you'll read something, you'll see something and it'll trigger another memory.
And then over time you'll have pieces of memory all over the place that maybe start coming together or give you a bigger mosaic of what happened. And over time more and more pieces come have together and I have some good chunks of memory.
But it doesn't just like come back like the old cartoons where you bump your head, you have amnesia, you bump your head again and it's gone. It's . . . Your brain doesn't know how to process what it remembers as your experience and then memories that overlap that experience that contradict that experience but are real memories.
It is very difficult for your mind to process that.
Mike: We have a few questions that just came in. “So do you believe that there's anything going on with this plan Elon Musk is announcing to try to bring us all to Mars? Is this a cover for something else? Is this just naivete?”
Corey: I don't know. I think that he might end up being a pioneer of the civilian effort to move to Mars, but it's . . . eventually it's just going to be co-opted by the corporate groups because they control that area.
So I don't see his efforts playing out the way he wants, but I think if he wants to throw billions of dollars into building craft to go to Mars, to build an infrastructure, the corporate types will sit back, let him expend the knowledge and expense to do so and then they have treaties in outer space and stuff that we don't know about. They'll just end up co-opting him.
Mike: Gosh, it's wild to think that we could end up on Mars and still have strict controls on information. But I suppose people who have already gone to Mars, you said that they were even told that there are no people left on Earth – people who have been brought off into these . . . some of these programs.
Corey: Yeah. Yeah, people that were brought into programs in the 50s and 60s and have had generations of family since then, a lot of them were told that they're the last remnants of humanity that we were destroyed in a cataclysm.
Mike: So there's a question . . .
Corey: We can do a few more questions and then I just want to make sure I don't . . . I have more phone calls later today.
Mike: All right.
Corey: I just want to make sure I don't totally lose my voice.
Mike: Do you think the government has any . . . Do you think there's any chance the government will try to take over what's currently happening in the AI tech industry to try to control if it gets too advanced or something like that?
Corey: There's going to be regulation around the corner, but the corporations are above the government. They're part of these corporate conglomerates that are mostly former DoD and different types of scientists that develop things while they're in the DoD and held certain things back, and they've started their own companies.
I mean, I think that we should be . . . There's the . . . The DoD and the government are going to get their hands into the AI to be able to control people more and their perceptions.
But it's the corporations that we really need to worry about.
Mike: All right.
A question came in here about relics. “Has Corey heard about Arc of Gabriel, what was found in Mecca Saudi Arabia and then taken to Antarctica?”
Corey: No.
Mike: All right.
Do you have any more updates on the Moon – what's going on with the Orion Group and the Moon?
Corey: I've had nothing new on that level. Nothing. No news.
Mike: All right. It's hard to know what to ask about.
I want to say one more thing is that we get a lot of questions about a variety of channeled material that I have difficulty even knowing if we should go into because so much of it is so contradictory to what you've talked about, what we've seen in the Ra Contact channeled material, which seems to line up with what you've talked about better than almost any other . . . pretty much any other channeled material.
So a lot of this channeled material seems to be contradictory, and as soon as it gets popular, we end up seeing a lot of questions about it and it's just kind of all over the place. And I feel like . . .
Corey: Yeah, I care . . . I don't care to comment on any of that stuff anymore to be honest.
After I've learned more and more about this ultra-terrestrial presence on the Earth that the government and the programs don't understand very much how it . . . Sometimes there'll be craft in Russia that look like our secret craft, US secret craft, and it's not ours. We don't have that asset there, but something's mimicking our asset.
We have this trickster type of entity – non-physical entity on this planet that's been interacting with us for thousands of years. And it's been having a lot of fun with different people from the community . . . people . . .
There's people out there that I used to think were lying that now I know are not that believe they're having these experiences and they're interacting with this . . . whatever this is. No one really knows what it is.
Some of them are calling it the Architects. There's . . . I'm going to speak about it at the event in April at the, what is it, the Disclosure Summit in April.
If you want to get tickets, go to
Mike: That's the, yep.
Corey: So I'm going to be speaking more on that, but there's incidents to where there are these Gray-alien beings that we're dealing with that come in and out of another dimension, and there are this – whatever this is, this ultra-terrestrial force – is mimicking them.
We've had crashes that we've retrieved to where it's just like a shell of a craft, but there's nothing . . . It's nothing to indicate that it would actually work as a craft. And they find slightly different looking Gray-alien beings.
And they take them in and do autopsies on them and find out that their organs in their body aren't even connected to each other or seem to have a function. That parts of their bodies start . . . like the throat will . . . they'll be able to . . . the throat just kind of ends with not connecting to anything. And the different organs are the same way.
It's like they were printed into our reality. They're mimic . . . It's some sort of trickster type of force that we've been dealing with.
So I'm basically just focusing on my mission, what I'm doing. It's so confusing out there right now with all of the deception from humans, different ET groups and now whatever the hell this other thing is that is scaring the crap out of people in the programs.
They can deal with aliens. They can deal with these things coming from other dimensions because when they come here they become physical. But whatever this other thing is, they don't understand it and that's the thing that freaks them out the most.
So I stay away from a lot of the channelings, a lot of different people that are having contact. I just don't have the ability or the time or the energy to try to dig into their energy and what's going on to see what's genuine or not. It's just . . . There's a lot of deception going on and that's why we really need to come into that balance of intellect and feeling because we can be led astray easily with either one of those when they're out of balance.
So I think that's probably the best way for me to end the questions today.
Mike: All right. Yeah, we appreciate that. It's really . . . It's like we would be asking about other people's information all day long if people really . . . if I didn't filter these. There would just be so much of that because there is so much other there.
So I would really encourage people to get back to the basics and not just follow along with anything that is new and popular but figure out what has actually been consistently the trend of ufology that's been consistently reported on.
I think that gives us more clues into what's real than just what's new and exciting on YouTube.
Corey: Yeah, agreed. Avoid the urge to be drawn into new stories every week and the story that resonates with you. Don't just listen to what resonates with you. Listen to other ideas and things that are happening and break yourself out of a bubble if you're in one. That's my only advice for these times right now.
Mike: Yeah. All right. We really appreciate this Corey. We still have a few questions that I might ask next time, and we encourage people to keep asking questions on the forums We have a specific forum on there just for Q&A so that everyone can ask questions and get answers.
And if they're not answered by the community, then we can ask them to Corey and discuss them on our next meeting too.
Corey: Okay. All right. Well, thank you everyone. And we'll see you with another Q&A next month.
Mike: Yep. All right. Take care, everybody.
Corey: Thanks. Bye.
Corey Goode: All right. Hello, everybody.
Mike: Hello. How's it going?
Corey: All right, thank you for joining us today on the live stream. This is a, I guess, a monthly Q&A that we do.
If you want to ask questions, please go to and on the live stream there you can actually ask us questions and follow the chat.
So, how are you doing today, Mike?
Mike: I'm doing great. Yes, this has been a very busy month and a lot of business coming up. It was very, very nice that we have a dedicated investor now who's helping us accelerate things with so we can get more content that's not just me and you talking.
It's always been our intention to get a lot more content from the community and people who are very knowledgeable about many, many advanced subjects of metaphysics, spirituality subjects. It's very exciting to see a lot more happening with now.
Corey: Yeah, I'm very excited. And we want to thank the investor for making what you're going to see coming up in the near future possible.
It's . . . I mean, it came just at the right time. I know Mike has had a lot of plans he's been wanting to implement and that we've been talking about that we can finally take those things – some of those things – off the back burner.
And what do you think, Mike? Are you pretty excited about what we're going to do next?
Mike: Yeah, absolutely. I feel like . . . It's been a long journey, actually. We first started as a social platform that was selling some courses back in 2021. And then at the end of 2022 is when we started the subscription service.
So it's been about a year that we've been doing a lot more content now that's also live
But now we can do more on-going series and continue to do more teaching alongside the social platform, which we'll continue to develop out to make sure that's very functional and what people are really wanting and needing from an uncensored social platform.
And hopefully people are getting what they need out of that as a social platform also. And because . . . It feels like we need to be learning together as a community. We can't just have . . . assuming that our ideas are going to be what it has to be consumed. We have to let the marketplace of ideas be completely transparent for people on the platform so that people can continue to exchange information and the things that we don't know about.
We want to hear from you about what we don't know about and the greatest things that you're discovering. We want to see you post that on so we can continue to grow together as a community.
And, yeah, we have groups and forums on there and as well as you can start your own podcast on there. But, yeah, all of these things will continue to develop as we build.
So it was great to have this kind of lead-up time for us to build out the platform.
Corey: Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's awesome. And I think now is also a good time – and I know you'll do a survey at some point – but whether on or YouTube, in the comments, tell us about the content that you would really like to see.
Mike: Right.
Corey: Yeah, we'd be very interested in that input for sure.
Mike: Right. Yeah. We'll probably do a more sophisticated survey here, but you can always email us with anything about the platform you want to tell us, anything you want to see. We're always open to more feedback and ideas and – especially bug reports. If you see anything that's not working right, let us know.
We'll keep on improving everything.
Corey: Yeah, and before we move along, next week you will see some social media postings . . . Man, my mouth is dry – the joy of living in Colorado.
So, for over five years, we've been looking for an agent or an agency to represent us – us being my company that's creating all of the films and graphic novels and all of that and video games, and it's been difficult. Most of the people just don't get it – the information.
But Friday, we signed an agreement with an agency that's a literary, TV and film agency. They just so happen to have watched all of the Cosmic Disclosures and other things that we were involved in and they're very excited. I'm very excited.
We're going to start work right away. They're going to help me negotiate some of these television deals that we're working on. They're going to help us put out a new pro se novel series and web comic series based on this information that's going to reach people between the ages of like 14 and 19 more. So it's going to be impactful to them. We're going to put in a lot of information about . . . They'll be entertained but they'll be finding out how to overcome certain traumas, learning certain things about the wider cosmos. So that's going to be a lot of fun.
They're also assisting us in scripted property based on some of that and video games.
So, things are really, really taking off.
And I'm in discussions with a few venture capitalists that will allow us to take it to the next level. And video games – like I've said 3.2 billion players – we're going to try to reach as many as we can.
So things are going really good in these regards. We're really excited, and I'll throw it back to you and see if you want to say anything before go to Q&A.
Mike: All right. Yep, thanks. So, I guess I should share with people that we do get a lot of the same questions over and over again for the Q&A. And I know that people just don't have the time to watch everything, but we did add a feature on if you do a search website search, or if you're using the app, you can find where it says “Search Everything” in the menu and you can search through basically all the video transcripts so you can find out if we've talked about something before and then you'll know if you have a particular subject in mind you could start learning about that particular subject.
And also for paid subscribers, definitely, there is a feature to quickly search through every single video to get to wherever a particular term was in that video and then go straight into that moment in that video. And YouTube has that feature too if you find it's something on YouTube. There's a transcript that you can look at and search through.
So, I'm just letting you know that I might skip some questions that I know have been asked many, many times, but you can keep asking and we may recover things over time if it's confusing. And I do intend to continue to add more content into an article section that will be added under the website under the “Learn” section, so the most frequently asked questions that we cover should at least be in some sort of text form there soon as well – such as about the timeline that Corey has given and many other commonly asked details.
So with that, I think I'm ready to get started.
Corey: All right, let's do it.
Mike: All right. I think I'll probably cover some of the questions that were asked last month, too, but let's start with some from this month. And also people can ask in the Q&A tab at the bottom.
You can ask anything, and I'll try to do . . . If you ask a follow-up to anything we're talking about, I'll try to get to those in a timely manner, too, so we keep on the discussions.
So, okay, how many planets/moons/planetoids do the Draco own/control in our Galaxy?
Corey: Well, it used to be quite a bit and mostly in the outer rim area of the Galaxy. The closer you get towards the center of the Galaxy, the more advanced the civilizations are and they can't really get away with what they can in the middle and outskirts of the Galaxy.
Right now, the Draco . . . they're scattered. They have little groups here and there in the Galaxy that are kind of isolated, but most of them are contained within two solar systems now – ours and another one that's escaping my brain right now.
I've been in a lot of meetings lately. My brain is like . . . I'm having to reach for my memory at . . .
Mike: Is it Aldebaran?
Corey: It might . . . Yes, yes, that's the Aldebaran system.
But for the most part, they've really been isolated. They're not roaming freely in the Galaxy like they once did.
Mike: But in our Solar System, I guess there are many moons that they operate from?
Corey: Yes. Yes, this Solar System still belongs to this Orion Group. It's like a syndicate of different ET groups, if we want to call them that, that are working together: the Tall Grays, different insectoid groups, working with the Reptilians.
Mike: So we've talked not too long ago about the evolution of Mica's people having to fight off the – in the local 52-star cluster – having to fight off the influence of the Orion and Draco Group.
So what was it that the Anshar went through in resisting that? Did they have to go through a similar process that Mica's people did in their timeline?
Corey: I don't know the full timeline of the Anshar, but, yeah, they went through a very similar evolution before they became what we know as the Anshar.
Mike: But do you think it was not as intense as what we're going through right now or was it very similar on their timeline?
Corey: It sounded intense. It sounded really intense, but they had the most positive of the timelines.
It appears that we are trying our best to choose one of the less positive timelines – we will call it.
Mike: There's another question I had about that. I know people are very often confused about how to interpret the timelines and some people are asking . . . You know, you were shown about a solar event in the Anshar timeline that would affect . . . that was more directed at above Europe, that the biggest impact of the . . .
Corey: The Solar Event happens in all of the timelines. It is what causes them to merge back together into this new beginning of a timeline that then starts to bifurcate again.
But how it bifurcates and changes depends on us and . . . But, yeah, in every timeline there's going to be a Solar Event. There's no getting away from the Solar Event.
Mike: People were asking about Europe specifically. Do you think that what you were shown about near the continent of Europe, was that . . .
Corey: I haven't seen anything that indicated that would change.
Mike: I see.
Corey: The Solar Event happens in all timelines. I don't see why it would change the location.
Mike: I see. Yeah, so people who live in Europe probably are disturbed by that, but you said it was like in the oceans that it was hitting. Was that right?
Corey: No.
Mike: Or the biggest impact part.
Corey: That was a meteor leading up to this in the Pacific. This actually hits over northern Europe . . .
Mike: I see. All right.
Corey: . . . in what I was shown.
Mike: All right. We can skip to a spiritual question here.
“Did the Anshar have any beliefs in a Universal Creator God?”
Corey: Yes. A lot of these more advanced beings believe that we are basically inside the mind of God, that all of this is a manifestation of a big daydream of a being that wanted to understand duality and broke itself up into all of these egos that make up us – the good, the bad, the ugly.
And the point of it is to make it . . . to go from being bipolar to going to come back to being One again, not good or evil or positive-negative, the different polarities of this . . . whatever this is that we're experiencing.
Mike: So there's another question about that actually. “Do these beings believe that we're always just in an illusion or like a dream and that separation is the illusion and that we're ultimately already One same being?”
Corey: Well, yeah, if we're a . . . I mean, are your daydreams you. When you dream at night, is that you? I mean, that . . . I don't know how to answer this.
I'm sure they have their different beliefs on it, but I don't know their understanding of it and I don't know if I could understand their understanding of it because there neuro-pathways are built in different way than ours. They've had different experiences, grew up with different types of technology and consciousness. There's . . . They really have to dumb things down for us or . . . And sometimes it's difficult for them to relate to us enough to communicate.
So there's only so much of these types of concepts they can communicate with you because of your own level of understanding and capacity.
Mike: We will switch to a completely different subject here. We had some people chatting on about the feline ET group. I guess, you know, it's probably a popular subject for a lot of people, but what were you told about the feline group, the cat-like people?
Corey: They're some sort of extra-dimensional type of . . . They're able to pop in and out of our reality. They were . . . I'm told that we would consider them more positive, non-interventionists, but they have abilities and they're from somewhere that's very interesting to Draco and other groups. So, there is a capture or kill order that they have out. They're always on the lookout for this type of being.
They don't pop up very often, but it's a big deal when they do.
Mike: Do you think that Mars can and will be terraformed in the future?
Corey: I don't think it's going to be terraformed, but I think it will be like augmented – the interior and parts of the exterior. As certain technologies develop, they'll be able to build more on the outside, but there would be too much to overcome in my opinion to terraform it.
Mike: Okay. There's a question here about . . . You've often referred to people believing that they're at the top totem pole in terms of power structure or the information that they have. But who are at the true top of the totem pole on Earth, and is . . . does it just go off into ET groups above that?
Corey: I don't think there's any true top to the totem pole human-wise on Earth. Even the Interplanetary Corporate groups don't know everything. It's compartmentalized, and some of the people running these things that we call humans and people are possessed or taken over or compromised in a way to where they're really not human anymore. They're avatars of something else.
So I don't think that there's a . . . someone with a Cabal tie or family member that's on Earth that has all of the information. I think much of the higher-higher information is handled by non-humans.
Mike: I think it's probably appropriate for me to bring up the subject that so many people talk about, which is that if someone has been sort of possessed or taken over completely by some negative entity, do their eyes give it away? Do they have a different way that their eyes look?
Corey: It depends. It depends. If it's a demonic-type of thing, absolutely. Sometimes you can catch . . . I've had a few times to where you . . . people that have those types of connections, the beings kind of come to their eyes and are looking around. You can see it's the being in possession and not them just because of the demeanor and the way the eyes are.
But in this situation, the only way that you can really tell is they have a piece of equipment that they put up against your skin and measure your bio-neural field and it's kind of like a fingerprint. It's not supposed to change that much over time.
When you walk in and you do other biometric security stuff to get in, they are able to measure and see if you have that change of frequency or whatever.
But the people at the very top that are compromised are running everything.
Mike: We have a question that came in about an article I believe that was maybe from the news a year ago about the James Webb Telescope taking – I don't know – something unusual on Proxima B. I haven't had a chance to double-check what this was.
But do you know anything about Proxima B having life or . . . This is four light-years away from here, I guess. Do you know about that?
Corey: Yeah, that's where one of . . . Yeah, there is a civilization there that lives on planet. I don't have it in front of me. I don't remember all of the different planets and everything in that area. But, yeah, the . . . Yeah, there is one of the allies that inhabit that system.
Mike: Okay, we have a question here about . . . We have supposedly hundreds of millions of starseeds incarnated and this person says, “I hear no talk of people banding together. So I don't know how I can believe this. Are the Reptilian efforts this effective? Are starseeds not as awake as they think?”
Corey: Well, starseed is a broad term. There are a lot of souls that are snatched from one planet and dropped here just so the other planet can get rid of them because they have their own totalitarian thing going on and the artists and different people of their planetary sphere were causing problems.
So, when they die or they kill them and they take their essence and they drop it off here or somewhere else. And then they go through the incarnation cycle all confused.
And so they're dropped here. They come from another planet. Do you consider them a starseed or do you only consider the people that incarnated here purposefully to do a mission a starseed?
I don't know. It's a broad term.
But what I have seen is that people that are starseeds have a lot to overcome because from the moment they're born, they have a lot of traumas, a lot of targeting by the negative energies and groups to knock you off your path.
And then you have to overcome . . . You have to be able to overcome that trauma and turn it into wisdom to be able to fulfill your mission.
But a lot of starseeds are unable to find the balance between intellect and emotion and they just go feel, feel, feel and then they just like a plane, burn, burn, burn and crash.
And then they try to get back up off the ground and they do the same thing, but they never realize they have to deal with their traumas. They have to develop wisdom and they have to come into balance not just male-female balance and all these other things you hear talked about in the community, but you have to have an intellectual and an emotional balance.
It's not good to have just a heavy intellect because that is just as detrimental to your journey.
So, yeah, I think a lot of starseeds have been derailed but a lot of them are . . . At this point the onus, the responsibility, is ours to overcome that.
And the people who are not overcoming and becoming a part of what they came here for, it's on them and they can't . . . you can't just always blame someone else. You have to pull yourself out of it.
Mike: We can go to a question in the chat here for people who are subscribers.
“Is there one major super-AI that is monitoring our Internet and manipulating the Narrative through various mechanisms?”
Corey: I know they have multiple AIs that they are using for monitoring people affecting the way people think or the way it appears people think on social media. There are like these chatbot type of social media ghost accounts.
Mike: But not one that's overriding and trying to control everything that the media have sort of agreed to listen to?
Corey: Not that I've been briefed on, not one pervasive human created AI or ET-created AI, not that I know of that has already completely taken over everything.
There's that AI presence that I've spoken about that you see a lot of other people now talking about all of a sudden, but it's . . . I dropped it back like in 2017. And a lot of people . . . And I described it as we could only kind of understand it as an AI because we interacted with it through technology but it was something more.
A lot of people just glommed on to the AI thing and they think that there's some AI, actual artificial intelligence computer code, out there, but they just never really listened closely and they ran with the AI part.
It's some sort of consciousness that is not understood but it interacts with people through magnetic fields and electromagnetics in technology.
They were termed in human terms . . . It's had a few terms, a few names . . . I don't know . . . I can't remember what they used to be . . . similar . . . but artificial intelligence-like is the . . . AI is what they started calling it after a certain period of time just because of how they were interacting with it and the level of what they knew about it at the time.
Mike: Actually, it seems like I remember in 2014, your very first interview, you were talking about concern in the Secret Space Programs about the AI influence.
Corey: Yeah. Yeah. A lot of people out there are talking about, you know, there are positive groups that are using advanced AI and they've learned how to tame it and not have it get out of control, but these positive groups are not using AI. They're so far advanced. They don't need AI. They don't need it.
They are able to operate craft and everything through consciousness interface. They don't need an AI between them. They don't need an AI to do the calculations. They don't need all of that.
And the ones that do use the advanced AI end up becoming compromised. Their whole civilization does.
But, yeah, AI and brain chips and all of this other – my brain's; I can't remember the term for it – human, technology coming together is a very dangerous road. And if you . . . You can't just say, “Okay, I'm going to change my belief systems. Now I believe it's okay. It's good,” and then go on.
I mean, you're just a part . . . you're creating that timeline.
AI and transhumanism has been the downfall of many civilizations.
Mike: And do you think that just by having a phone in our pocked and being attached to our phones we're already far down that path?
Corey: I mean, we're certainly getting there. I've known for a while that you can't trust certain things that you see on TV. You're starting to see now how AI is advanced and so realistic, but that type of thing's been out for a while in the intelligence community, or not community, but as an asset.
They can create whatever reality they want for us on TV and the Internet.
That's our most immediate . . . should be our most immediate concern is not that AI . . . It is their control of our perception. And they're doing that through the media. And the new AI capabilities are going to deceive a lot of people.
Mike: Let's go back to some previous questions that were asked last month.
So this person is just asking: “What do you think is the most important thing people need to know about?”
Corey: What do you mean?
Mike: I guess that wasn't more clear on that – probably not specific enough.
Another question here was about the Mayans and the role that they're going to be playing – if they're going to be fighting alongside the Global Galactic League of Nations or if they're just acting in a role as healers or backup support in some way.
Corey: Yeah, from what I know of the Mayans, they are apparently healers but they're also very tough and they involve themselves in certain battles, and I don't know under what circumstances that will be. But they are not . . . A lot of people have kind of seen them as pacifists since they're one of the biggest healer . . . most gifted healers.
But they have a . . . definitely they have a militant side.
Mike: There's a question here: Do other life forms . . . Do other ETs have pets and are humans ever the pets of other ETs?
Corey: Well, I think the latter is definitely true at times if you want to call them pets. Like, I'm sure they have zoos and . . . But there's all sorts of other ways humans are used .
I don't know specifically if ETs have pets.
Mike: All right. Let's switch back to something current here.
So, I guess we've gotten several questions about . . . We got some questions about the Blue Avians and what . . . There was one that was: Were you able to interact with different Blue Avians entities and did they have slightly different appearances? Did they distinguish from each other?
Corey: They had slightly different appearances, but I only perceived my communications with Tear Eir.
Mike: Okay. And “what did the Blue Avians recommend for humans to . . . as a lifestyle choice: meditation, yoga exercise, diets”, is what they asked.
Corey: They spoke of a high vibrational type of diet, whatever that means for each individual. And then they spoke a lot of, you know, “breaking the Wheel of Karma” through forgiveness and the letting go of what divides us and all of that.
But they really . . . It was more of high level spiritual-type of stuff. They really didn't discuss the mundane.
Mike: All right. We have a question here about the potential of nuclear war occurring. I guess this is partly asking about Putin and Russia and whether or not that's going to escalate, but mainly it's just is there a chance that we could end up in a nuclear war?
Corey: There is a chance of limited, I would say, nuclear exchange or at least attempts at exchange. I am not as confident as Wilcock and others that ETs are going to prevent nuclear war.
They may keep it from getting out of hand or keeping us from getting out of hand, but, yeah, I've been getting information on stuff that's going on with Russia and all of that and I just have to be very careful about . . . especially what I talk about on YouTube.
But I think that Russia might be doing their best to play the waiting game to kind of stretch this out and not get into a conflict until they see what happens with us politically this year and how we resolve, of if we resolve, our inner turmoil in our country.
That's the most I want to say about that topic.
Mike: But you are continuing to get updates?
Corey: Yeah, yeah. I mean, I speak with retired generals, colonels that are still communicating with their active counterparts they served with. And I get information through that means.
I used to get bridge calls on a semi-regular basis where I would listen in, but those have ended. So the nature of information I get is quite a bit different now, these days.
Mike: I guess we could do a slight amount more on this. So do you feel like we're making progress in our perceptions of these other countries that we're trying to be made afraid of?
Do you think Americans are kind of waking up to the fact they're being manipulated?
Corey: Some are. There's some people that are just . . . they have confirmation bias. They just want . . . They've already bought in to one reality. They could never . . . Their egos could never allow them to diverge from that – their little reality that they're all a part of, on both sides, really.
So, I don't know. I'm seeing some people waking up and realizing . . . see different communities who have been pandered to starting to wake up, but we'll just have to see. Humans are humans and we're easily manipulated, so we'll see. We'll see.
Hopefully, I think a lot of . . . if this information I'm hearing about comes out this year, new whistleblowers about UAPs, non-human entities, that with the credible people more and more coming out . . . it's going to cause people to wake up more eventually.
I mean, it's been kind of slow. Like in a Super Bowl commercial they show the aliens coming down saying, “Hello,” and everyone's on their phone. That's kind of like how humanity has reacted to the disclosures we've had so far.
So when some of the more significant disclosures come out that you can't dismiss as easily, I think it's going to open people to other conspiracy theories and other ways they may have been lied to and manipulated.
You know, they start with Santa Claus and then move to aliens. We've been manipulated since we were very young.
So, I think it's going to take something a little bit more major to really get the ball rolling.
Mike: All right. A completely separate subject again here – somebody asking about: “If people are becoming telepathic in the future, does that mean a loss of privacy?”
Corey: It will be an interesting time. Yes. There are people now, their abilities are getting stronger. That's one of the things I have had in my life is telepathic knowing what people are thinking.
It took me, when I was younger, a long time to realize that just because someone thinks something doesn't mean they're going to do it or act on it. It was kind of really confusing.
But I think the more and more, as people develop those abilities, some people are really good at transmitting thought and some people are good at picking it up. And some people are . . . there's a balance of both.
And a lot of people don't realize that they are broadcasting. They'll sit there really be daydreaming and thinking hard and they won't realize that they're broadcasting their thoughts and some people can pick up on it.
As more and more people develop those abilities, people are going to have to learn how to control what they project because in the beginning, yeah, I'm sure it will be . . . there will be some embarrassment and trepidation about interacting with others.
Mike: And I guess maybe as a followup to that, as people are thinking a lot about things, it seems to carry a vibration or resonance that also affects the lessons that they're being presented by the Universe as well, right?
So we can't really escape the effects of our thoughts if we have a pattern that's putting us in a particular karmic direction, right?
Corey: Yeah. Yeah, that's been one of the biggest things that I've had to deal with. If you have certain habits, good, bad, but we'll talk about the bad ones. If there are certain things you consume, you look at, you listen to on a regular basis and they're not good for you, your brains starts to develop neuro-pathways in that direction and things just want to flow that way.
And if you make a change in your life and you don't want think about certain things or desire to be exposed to certain things, you have to overcome all of not just programming but the neuro-pathways you've developed in your brain.
So you have to redevelop new ones and you have to consciously . . . You'll find yourself being pulled in that direction. You have to . . . It has to be a conscious effort to redirect and think and behave in a new way.
And that's something that I've been learning over the last five years and has really been making an impact in my life – especially the last two years.
Mike: All right. We'll try a new subject here. I guess we could touch a few of these names quickly. “Do you have any thoughts on Claude Raëlism, the French UFO religion?”
Corey: We'll most likely touch on that group in this new docu series we're about to start producing. I . . . Yeah, there's . . . I don't really want to go into too much of it right now, but, yeah, there's some very interesting aspects to that group.
But we're going to be talking about all of the different UFO religions that have developed in the community and outside of the community in this new docu series. It's going to be very interesting.
But, yeah, I just think that . . .
Mike: Is it a mixed bag?
Corey: It's people turning everything about Disclosure . . . To a certain part of the community it's all getting turned into a religion. And another part of the community it's all the cerebral mental exercise, and there's no balance to it. People just get . . . I mean, I've seen . . . There's just . . . People have gotten really carried away with a lot of this – turning it and spinning it into religion, you know, exchanging their old religions and ideas of God with certain beings.
And it . . . And we've just moved things around a little bit and we haven't really expanded and changed. We're just rearranging our belief systems and creating confirmation bias and staying within our bubble of reality and our “truth”, and it's preventing a lot of people from actually growing and accepting new information coming in because they've blocked it.
“No, I don't trust any information coming from this type of . . .”
I don't know how to explain it, but the way . . . And actually, there are some pretty big universities studying right now how spirituality has mixed with the Disclosure and that means these beings, a lot of them, are higher spiritual beings.
But what happens when higher spiritual beings come and interact with less higher-vibrational beings? They start to have . . . People will say, “I don't worship them. I just communicate with . . .”
But people . . . We're programmed in a certain way and the worship thing starts to happen.
So there's a whole . . . There's a lot to overcome because when Disclosure occurs or these . . . a lot of these beings start introducing themselves, what are we going to do when they don't match the sparkly-eyed person that we've been watching on the Internet talking about the good ETs being here, the bad ones being gone, this, that. They've been given all of this information. Now . . .
I mean we . . . The information I was given too, who's to say it's going to play out exactly in that way because of the way timelines and reality works?
So we need to stay open-minded, have our beliefs, but not turn it into these fervent religions because then we lose perspective and we lose the ability to be objective and to be a part of the mission we came here to do.
It's all a part of finding balance. I think that's really the most important thing for the community to think about in the future.
Mike: Yeah, the nature of how we're programmed to fall into these patterns is . . . it's hard to perceive when you're stuck in it so strongly.
Corey: Right.
Mike: There's a funny question here about parasites and specifically, “Are bed bugs controlled by extraterrestrials that are trying to harm us?”
Corey: Bed bugs?
Mike: Ha, ha. They're specifically asking about insects and their connection to extraterrestrials and if they're planted here for some reason.
Corey: Hmm. I don't know. Maybe we should move to another question.
Mike: Yeah.
Corey: I need to be much more specific.
Mike: Yeah. Okay. Okay. So we could ask about . . . Somebody . . . I can't remember when was the last time we asked about this concept about graphene or black goo: if that's . . . if you know anything about that subject, if that's connected to some extraterrestrial technology.
Corey: Yeah, it is connected to extraterrestrial technology. The black goo was some sort of nano-type of technology that's immersed in some sort of medium. The black goo is the medium and it's full of these almost granular tiny little microbots.
I don't know what it was originally used for, by . . . who created it. But I know that it has the ability to infect people and affect their DNA.
I don't know a lot of the . . . I used to know more, but I haven't spoken about it in a long time. There's a lot I don't remember.
Mike: Do you know where that was . . . what the context that was associated with, where that information came from?
Corey: Yeah, it had to do with the discovery around the Falkland Islands or something. I can't recall the details. It's . . . I haven't even looked over that information in a long time.
Mike: Okay. We'll go back to a Q&A that was recently asked in this chat. And I think we've discussed this a few times before, but maybe we can make it more clear.
So after a cataclysmic event, a Solar Event, is there a time frame before we start getting assistance? Do you know a time frame before we start getting assistance from ETs or humanitarian assistance?
Corey: It depends on the timeline that you're on. On many timelines there's no assistance. That's because we chose the wrong timeline, and the only assistance we're getting are those who are farming the planet already.
Mike: And what would be the potential scope of the nature of that assistance? Is it helping us with physical conditions, health issues, food production? Do you know anything?
Corey: Yeah, immediately they help us with food and rebuilding power and that type of thing in the positive timeline anyway. But then they kind of pull away because we have a lot of mistrust towards different ET groups and we have to kind of, over the next pretty much a thousand years, we have to go through our process of healing and evolving as we integrate more into cosmic communications with other groups.
It's not overnight. People, after the Solar Event, aren't like floating around. And people argue with me on YouTube, like, “No, no, I believe that everything changes like that and we can read minds and fly like Superman and all this stuff and that everyone's immediately healed all of a sudden. All of their traumas and everything's gone and there are these new beings.”
That's not even close to what I've been shown. It's a process, and we have to go through the process or we will continually repeat the things that we've been doing. We have to go through the process, evolve and learn. There are no shortcuts.
Mike: There was a question here about when . . . “In our timeline, when did the elites . . . Did they discover advanced technology in the past and have they been using that to their benefit and do you know the timeline of that?” Was there a rediscovery of ancient technology from Atlantis or something like that that's been helping them?
Corey: Yeah, for thousands of years they've known about ancient . . . They've had access to ancient technologies that they called relics that they didn't really quite understand what they were but they were technologies.
But, yeah, yeah, we've had access to relics and through those relics people have made communications to what . . . they didn't know what they were. They would call them “angels”, “devils”, “gods” or whatever.
But, yeah, for thousands and thousands of years we've had access to that type of stuff.
Mike: But has it been benefiting them?
Corey: No. I don't think any of this stuff has really been beneficial. I mean, any of the technologies . . . I mean, they can be used for benefit, but humans don't do that.
We . . . They give us something that they say will heal cancer and they send it to the DoD [Department of Defense] to see if they can turn it into something that can create cancer.
So it's the human condition that determines whether something's used positively or negatively. A lot of times it's just . . . our history is not . . . We have not shown that we use things in a positive way.
Mike: “Was there a time when you very first realized or remembered about the “20-and-Back” and was there a trigger that allowed you to first remember your original “20-and-back”?
Corey: I don't have like full, just full, memory of the “20-and-Backs”. It's all . . . I've had big chunks that allow me to put things together, but I don't know if it's possible to fully recover 20 . . . Your brain has to process things in a certain way.
Your brain understands when you're born, when this happened, when this happened and that's like your . . . When you're born that's your zero time reference.
And then your brain has to make . . . All of your different experiences are filed linearly in your brain, and when you have other timeline memories coming in, it throws the brain's ability to process this.
I don't know to . . . if there's a way to really explain this, but it comes back as . . . in dreams and then you have . . . you'll . . . something . . . you'll be doing something, you'll read something, you'll see something and it'll trigger another memory.
And then over time you'll have pieces of memory all over the place that maybe start coming together or give you a bigger mosaic of what happened. And over time more and more pieces come have together and I have some good chunks of memory.
But it doesn't just like come back like the old cartoons where you bump your head, you have amnesia, you bump your head again and it's gone. It's . . . Your brain doesn't know how to process what it remembers as your experience and then memories that overlap that experience that contradict that experience but are real memories.
It is very difficult for your mind to process that.
Mike: We have a few questions that just came in. “So do you believe that there's anything going on with this plan Elon Musk is announcing to try to bring us all to Mars? Is this a cover for something else? Is this just naivete?”
Corey: I don't know. I think that he might end up being a pioneer of the civilian effort to move to Mars, but it's . . . eventually it's just going to be co-opted by the corporate groups because they control that area.
So I don't see his efforts playing out the way he wants, but I think if he wants to throw billions of dollars into building craft to go to Mars, to build an infrastructure, the corporate types will sit back, let him expend the knowledge and expense to do so and then they have treaties in outer space and stuff that we don't know about. They'll just end up co-opting him.
Mike: Gosh, it's wild to think that we could end up on Mars and still have strict controls on information. But I suppose people who have already gone to Mars, you said that they were even told that there are no people left on Earth – people who have been brought off into these . . . some of these programs.
Corey: Yeah. Yeah, people that were brought into programs in the 50s and 60s and have had generations of family since then, a lot of them were told that they're the last remnants of humanity that we were destroyed in a cataclysm.
Mike: So there's a question . . .
Corey: We can do a few more questions and then I just want to make sure I don't . . . I have more phone calls later today.
Mike: All right.
Corey: I just want to make sure I don't totally lose my voice.
Mike: Do you think the government has any . . . Do you think there's any chance the government will try to take over what's currently happening in the AI tech industry to try to control if it gets too advanced or something like that?
Corey: There's going to be regulation around the corner, but the corporations are above the government. They're part of these corporate conglomerates that are mostly former DoD and different types of scientists that develop things while they're in the DoD and held certain things back, and they've started their own companies.
I mean, I think that we should be . . . There's the . . . The DoD and the government are going to get their hands into the AI to be able to control people more and their perceptions.
But it's the corporations that we really need to worry about.
Mike: All right.
A question came in here about relics. “Has Corey heard about Arc of Gabriel, what was found in Mecca Saudi Arabia and then taken to Antarctica?”
Corey: No.
Mike: All right.
Do you have any more updates on the Moon – what's going on with the Orion Group and the Moon?
Corey: I've had nothing new on that level. Nothing. No news.
Mike: All right. It's hard to know what to ask about.
I want to say one more thing is that we get a lot of questions about a variety of channeled material that I have difficulty even knowing if we should go into because so much of it is so contradictory to what you've talked about, what we've seen in the Ra Contact channeled material, which seems to line up with what you've talked about better than almost any other . . . pretty much any other channeled material.
So a lot of this channeled material seems to be contradictory, and as soon as it gets popular, we end up seeing a lot of questions about it and it's just kind of all over the place. And I feel like . . .
Corey: Yeah, I care . . . I don't care to comment on any of that stuff anymore to be honest.
After I've learned more and more about this ultra-terrestrial presence on the Earth that the government and the programs don't understand very much how it . . . Sometimes there'll be craft in Russia that look like our secret craft, US secret craft, and it's not ours. We don't have that asset there, but something's mimicking our asset.
We have this trickster type of entity – non-physical entity on this planet that's been interacting with us for thousands of years. And it's been having a lot of fun with different people from the community . . . people . . .
There's people out there that I used to think were lying that now I know are not that believe they're having these experiences and they're interacting with this . . . whatever this is. No one really knows what it is.
Some of them are calling it the Architects. There's . . . I'm going to speak about it at the event in April at the, what is it, the Disclosure Summit in April.
If you want to get tickets, go to
Mike: That's the, yep.
Corey: So I'm going to be speaking more on that, but there's incidents to where there are these Gray-alien beings that we're dealing with that come in and out of another dimension, and there are this – whatever this is, this ultra-terrestrial force – is mimicking them.
We've had crashes that we've retrieved to where it's just like a shell of a craft, but there's nothing . . . It's nothing to indicate that it would actually work as a craft. And they find slightly different looking Gray-alien beings.
And they take them in and do autopsies on them and find out that their organs in their body aren't even connected to each other or seem to have a function. That parts of their bodies start . . . like the throat will . . . they'll be able to . . . the throat just kind of ends with not connecting to anything. And the different organs are the same way.
It's like they were printed into our reality. They're mimic . . . It's some sort of trickster type of force that we've been dealing with.
So I'm basically just focusing on my mission, what I'm doing. It's so confusing out there right now with all of the deception from humans, different ET groups and now whatever the hell this other thing is that is scaring the crap out of people in the programs.
They can deal with aliens. They can deal with these things coming from other dimensions because when they come here they become physical. But whatever this other thing is, they don't understand it and that's the thing that freaks them out the most.
So I stay away from a lot of the channelings, a lot of different people that are having contact. I just don't have the ability or the time or the energy to try to dig into their energy and what's going on to see what's genuine or not. It's just . . . There's a lot of deception going on and that's why we really need to come into that balance of intellect and feeling because we can be led astray easily with either one of those when they're out of balance.
So I think that's probably the best way for me to end the questions today.
Mike: All right. Yeah, we appreciate that. It's really . . . It's like we would be asking about other people's information all day long if people really . . . if I didn't filter these. There would just be so much of that because there is so much other there.
So I would really encourage people to get back to the basics and not just follow along with anything that is new and popular but figure out what has actually been consistently the trend of ufology that's been consistently reported on.
I think that gives us more clues into what's real than just what's new and exciting on YouTube.
Corey: Yeah, agreed. Avoid the urge to be drawn into new stories every week and the story that resonates with you. Don't just listen to what resonates with you. Listen to other ideas and things that are happening and break yourself out of a bubble if you're in one. That's my only advice for these times right now.
Mike: Yeah. All right. We really appreciate this Corey. We still have a few questions that I might ask next time, and we encourage people to keep asking questions on the forums We have a specific forum on there just for Q&A so that everyone can ask questions and get answers.
And if they're not answered by the community, then we can ask them to Corey and discuss them on our next meeting too.
Corey: Okay. All right. Well, thank you everyone. And we'll see you with another Q&A next month.
Mike: Yep. All right. Take care, everybody.
Corey: Thanks. Bye.
People: Corey Goode, Mike Waskosky
Topics: Q&A
HEY, Corey! Get in contact with Dr. Michael Salla of EVERYONE on Earth needs to know about the AI God!!
Dear One,
Dr Michael Salla and Elena Danaan’s intel split from Corey’s. The Galactic Federation is not progressive they lean towards Agenda 2030.
Missy is spot on — Dr. Salla used to work with Corey extensively and now has changed direction promoting a false narrative.
Here is what Corey said today in the ECETI Telegram Chat Group regarding Dr. Salla: “He went from being super focused on identifying the fakes and putting forth verifiable info to telling me ‘Corey, every one deserves to tell their story, the community can figure out who is lying…’ which proved to be total BS. ED [Elena Danaan], Salla… all of them are in this for the money and recognition. Our deep dive into the LARP and other parts of this community revealed that many of them have serious criminal records and Salla and the others have put people in harms way by promoting them at events. A number of these events have covered up sexual assaults and harassment, stories that will be told in our reality tv show. A lot of community members are going to be VERY disappointed in what is going on in their community. Gossip and hearsay rule the air with this community, when the true crime series comes out it will be shocking for everyone… and the community will never be the same, well not as gullible anyway.”
Thank you for sharing. Keep my mind open and continue with high vibrational diet and doing shadow work. xoxo
Thank you for answering about lifestyle. I also want to know what we should keep in-house and what not to keep a home at high vibrational? plants, crystals, pets, and less time with electronics?
Should we move away from Croatian coast (east Adriatic coast), in comming event time of Sun corona explosion? I live there ….
I wish I could be there with you guys
How can we deal with Directed energy weapon?
The people (ETS) who survived in Paradise, CA left town or went into existing tunnels. Those who could not died.
Paradise Ca WAS my hometown. 60k residents lost their entire town 11-8-18.
David Wilcock claimed he knew since the 70’s Paradise Ca was the most protected property in the USA due to an Eisenhower Treaty with the Saurians. The Reptillian Dino-Saurians have two rows of bottom teeth. They live under Mt Shasta. I believe from my own experiences in Mt Shasta that the Saurians are 6D shape shifting Reptiles who pretend to look like perfect young humans. The Pleaidian Nordics = Fourth Reich Nazis = Aldebaran Aryan Race beliefs.
I too follow YT Pleiadian Knowledge, Cosmic Agency, Swaruu Oficial, Za’el channels etc.
May I recommend YT Cosmic Brilliance and the interviews of Apollymi Mandylion. Apollymi has full memory of her first existence in the OG Universe HANOVA. In Hanova there is NO FREEWILL CHOICE. If you kill you are deleted!!!
The TRUTH is out there.
@michael-waskosky Does Corey still think that the blue avians are the source of the Law of One material? And if so, what do Corey’s trusted sources, the blue avians and the Anshar have to say about “ultraterrestrials”?
Thank you, I appreciate both or your time, energy and knowledge!
Thank you Corey. Your Ascension Program helped many of us through 2020. The comments about the Sun and Northern Europe echo those by Kim Clements’ vision of the Sun striking Europe (and resultant tidal wave along the US east coast). Controlled thought projections? Maybe we’ll have Thought Police.