Layla Starling
Forum Replies Created
I would love to learn the answer to that question as well. I question if that “law” really exists… Here are 2 paragraphs of my initial thoughts (draft 3) on this issue… my reasoning that the “law” doesn’t exist is 4 pages long 😉
“…If the Councils et al. true intentions were to allow humanity to choose its own natural path of cultural, social, and spiritual development they would not passively witness humanity continually being guided towards trauma with repeated crises’ thus keeping us in a perpetual state of fear and preoccupied with basic survival instead of their ongoing schemes for dominion. If the Councils truly sought to enable humanity to chart its own course they would not permit direct interference with psychological conditioning, biological tampering, cultural grooming, educational prepping and public declarations of the Faction’s objectives trying to convince us that their reign is inevitable and resistance is futile. Nor would they allow interference with such meticulous care by systematically inserting division, polarization, fear, trauma, disinformation, and misinformation into every facet of our society. Furthermore, they would not allow further interference by allowing the appointed puppet world leaders and government agents to censure, punish, humiliate, incarcerate, frame, and murder those who have exposed and continue to expose their propaganda.
Focus Here Not There
We can safely conclude, based on results, the”Prime Directive” was just another misdirection and does not exist, or the criminal conduct and corruption extend so high up the Council hierarchy that resolving this long-standing issue would require extraordinary intervention. They distracted us by systematically inserting and creating division and polarization in every facet of humanity; environment, healthcare, politics, poverty, race, debt, guns, education, economy, courts, religion, identity, history, globalization, technology, laws, class, culture, age, gender, customs, traditions, conflicts, wars, epidemics, disease, medicines, resources, food, air, water… Their modus operandi was to distract then polarize and divide and then conquer societies forcing submission to the elitist world leader puppets doing their bidding.
Was the Prime Directive just another falsehood to keep us complacent and chasing an unattainable carrot? The Prime Directive has allowed the competing Faction’s Overlords to continue their war of their worlds unchecked; the Overseeing Councils to continue looking the other way without a guilty conscious; and the dogs to keep focusing on trying just a little bit harder, for just a little bit longer, to reach that dangling carrot.”
This snippet might not make sense without its entirety so if you are interested here is the rest… https://open.substack.com/pub/gabriellebonjour/p/councils-i-dont-want-to-be-the-bait?r=2ou99k&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Councils: Sorry to interrupt your party but I don’t want to be the Bait Dog anymore.
The Factions ego-driven quest for dominion.
I heard someone say that the location of the miami mall is 25.786638 -80.364904
if you reverse those numbers it is Antarctica -80.364904 25.786638
I don’t know what that means but I searched those 2 locations and that info is accurate!
This question ties into the homeschooling comment… There are about 40 differnent ways to teach, guide, lead… your children with reguard to spritual development. Government schools is only 1 of them. Here is a list… What type spiritual development teaching method works best with your philosophies (I hope they fixed this quiz I linked) this will narrow down which teaching method will likely work best for you. If the quiz doesn’t work here are the major teaching methods. BTW after 22 years homeschooling and government schooling in 3 states I can state with conviction that the opposite is true… government schools don’t allow positive or productive socialization… kids learn positive social skills homeschooling if you join 1 or 2 of 100 homeschool groups in your area.
Quiz to quickly see which teaching method aligns with your philosophy.
There is a really good book that I can’t remember the name of right now that talks about all the differnt ways to teach your child what you want to teach them. Some are listed below…
Different Teaching Mothods
- Charlotte Mason Method
- Child-Led Learning
- Classical Education Model
- Concept-Based Approach
- Curriculum Based Method
- Deschooling
- Eclectic Homeschooling
- Forest Schooling
- Gameschooling
- Montessori Method
- Outdoor Learning Models
- Project-Based Learning
- Radical Unschooling
- Roadschooling
- Strewing
- Teacher-Led Model
- Traditional Homeschooling: School-At-Home
- True Homeschooling
- Unit Studies Approach
- Unschooling
- Wildschooling
- Worldschooling
Teaching/Educating is a love of mine. There is more information on my blog about schooling and educating a Starseed child. Here is the link to that page…
(you will need to scroll down a bit)
This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by
Layla Starling.
This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by
Layla Starling.
Homeschool Philosophies Quiz – Eclectic Homeschooling
Homeschool Philosophies Quiz – Eclectic Homeschooling
Kim says they were real and they wanted to let the world know they are watching… she says more I can’t remember everything and I don’t remember at what point she talks about that… somewhere after 30min…
Aliens Starts at 41 min
Who they are.
Why it happened in Miami.
What’s under the mall.
I had 2 children who were both diagnosed with Level 3 Autism at age 2, respectively. Neither could speak or communicate with anyone other than me intuitively and with made-up sign language. Long story short, I put them both into remission by removing all toxins from our home and their bodies. They were 2 and 6 when I started. It took 18 months for my younger one and 2 1/2 years for my older one. When we go on vacation they both regress and it takes several weeks to get them fully back. I think the causes of Aspergers and Autism vary but for some, it is their inability to detox. When they were 16 and 20 we stumbled upon a unicorn Medical Doctor (ALL previous Medical Doctors were ZERO help in putting them into remission) who tested them after he heard our story and found they have 2 gene mutations that prevent their bodies from detoxing.
Layla Starling
MemberSeptember 10, 2023 at 8:01 am in reply to: Technique to remove energetic vampirismInteresting! I haven’t heard of this technique – removing the soil – very symbolic. When I first started my journey I made the mistake of removing ALL roots and tethers. That was a big mistake! We are very powerful beings <3
Layla Starling
MemberAugust 22, 2023 at 8:06 pm in reply to: How do they detect psychopathy in SSPs?following! Emotional Intelligence, Meglamaniacs, Psychopaths, Narcissists… have always fascinated me. I too often wonder, how to prevent them from having positions of power, how to get them out of positions of power, and how to educate people that are electing or appointing them to make better choices. I can’t wait to hear the answer!
@abigail I listened to a podcast about a decade ago about this and he had a website and support group. Couldn’t find it this morning, I will look again when I get home from work.
@mikeW BRAVO on your SEO. I am jealous!!! While looking for the above this website/article was on the first page on the BRAVE search engine – I wish I had your skills to get my websites up there!!! You are awesome.
KG talks about a lot of things. Most of it, e.g. quantum computer systems, I know nothing about. My attempts at understanding those and other things were futile because everyone has a different story and/or explanation. The things I hear her say, every single time I listen to her, that I do know something about, is “help others with the skills and abilities you have”, “learn new skills”, “plant a garden”, “become self-sufficient”, “be the change you want to see in the world”, “send us videos of events happening in your city, state or country so we can put them up on our real news channel”, “heal your traumas” … that I know about, understand and agree. I also appreciate her efficient use of my time. I get so annoyed listening to others in the community’s quatrains, allegories, parables, haiku’s… which in my humble opinion, are just a waste of their time and mine. A searchable database of accurate knowledge in bullet points would be very helpful to make informed decisions.
This reply was modified 2 years ago by
Layla Starling.
This reply was modified 2 years ago by
Layla Starling.
This reply was modified 2 years ago by
Layla Starling.
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OHMYGOSH – I just stumbled onto this – you just made my day!!!
Please be gentle, I am new here. I am on about hour 70 of the a m a z I n g interviews with David and Corey. If these questions have already been answered please give me the actual link to them. I know how frustrating it is to answer the same questions, over and over and over again =)
My questions…
Re: Car’ee and Mica (sp?)
Do you have personal pets?
What are the 3 favorite parts of your world/life? If you could change some things what would you change?
Do you need time for your ‘body’ to regenerate/Is sleep necessary? I really waste a lot of time sleeping… is there a quicker way to regenerate?
Do you have a caste system or any ranking system that would make anyone would feel inferior perceived or unperceived?
How do you prevent misinformation from being spread online etc? Do you need/have a legal system/courts? If so, what is the process for finding out who is lying/nefarious to prevent the time, expense, pain, and energy loss for going to “court”. If not, during our transition, how can we streamline this process?
How far have you let AI control your environment/world/life? How do you control AI?
Do all the people with “authority “ have a post-conventional morality level? Sigma? Both? Or something similar? How do you “test” before people are placed it authority positions that they cannot or will not be compromised? What is the process of removing sociopaths & psychopaths etc from positions of authority?
Do you have/use replicators? For what? Are replicators safe for food/ingestion?
Are parasites, fungi, yeast and mold the source of all illnesses? If no, what is? Do you have “medbeds”? If yes, are they a frequency-based healing modality? If not, what is the best healing modality for people topside? What is your healing modality? How do I learn it? How do I protect myself after I learn it?
Do you have “plans” (plot plan, systems needed, home plans, garden plans (permaculture?), frequency raising water systems, educational plans etc… for raising the health/vibrations of inhabitants) for creating sustainable micro-communities? Is there/What is the max number of people to live harmoniously/safely? What is the schooling system for kids/people that want to learn about architecture or agriculture, for example? What do I not know? I have already created one on paper (with my limited knowledge and skills) but instead of making mistakes that have already been made, I would like to jump ahead in the game. Can I have an immediate download AND physical book(s) on those topics and resources to obtain the necessary components? – crystals, minerals, closed system, water? And Free energy too while I am asking 😉 and offer those resources free for all who request them?
Do you have a program/website for a local barter/exchange system that is fair and free for all? Can I have it? I have started to create one but instead of making mistakes that have already been made, I would like to jump ahead in the game and use an existing fine-tuned one. Can an AI manage it – how do I prevent an AI from taking it over? How do I anonymously market it and protect it?
I would like to ‘download, understand, retain, and be able to regurgitate it in easily understandable language/terms in 1-second while in all states of consciousness all the accurate information in your library and the galaxy. How can I make that happen?
What are the powers of a stellated dodecahedron?
Are rose quartz with copper the most powerful connection amplifier to the divine on the surface of the earth? What don’t I know?
Assuming they want to level up. How do you remove the control programming and teach people critical thinking skills, how to raise their emotional quotient and raise their state of consciousness in the shortest amount of time possible?
What additional knowledge would benefit humanity? How can I best anonymously help and support humanity topside? I don’t believe I have made enough progress thus far and I need some guidance.
On a personal note, I would like to immediately level up, be the best of the best, on my Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizant, Clairalience, Clairgustance, Clairtangency (is there anything else?)… What is the quickest way, other than meditating, eating whole foods, exercising, being positive and grateful and around positive and grateful people…? I am clearly missing a component.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you, well said <3
I totally agree with every sentence you wrote when humans are dealing with other humans. When I find myself astonished by the actions, inactions, thoughts or no thoughts of other humans I try to remember to quickly tell myself, “we are all on our own individual paths” or while driving… “safe journey” and not follow that with a swear word… I am a work in progress 😉