Surviving the Transition - Solar Flash, our Future and Ascension - April 2018
Presentation from April 2018 by Corey Goode covering Earth’s future from the standpoint of the Anshar timeline which he was shown shortly prior to this talk.
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Next Episode: Cosmic Cocreation - Corey's Presentation from May 26th 2018
recently on cosmic disclosure.
I described information that I had received in a
couple of briefings and the information the way it
was conveyed was confusing because I also was
I have been trying to understand the cycles of the
sun and the context of the conversation I heard it
in and as you'll see here in a bit,
there's a reason why I was confused because
scientists are actually confused.
So recently we've heard scientists discuss that the
universe is a I guess a giant simulation that it's
maybe a computer simulation somewhere and and we're
just happy to be living it out while others in the
past have thought that the universe behaves more
like a giant thought.
Now consciousness is the key to all of this.
Everyone talks about ascension and they don't
really or they have a different idea of what
ascension is.
And a lot of this information is coming from these
main sources,
a secret space program.
I had access to the smart glass pad.
I would sit and I would read and ask the scientists
or the engineers for their input because a lot of
it was just over my head and they would explain
speculate among themselves and that was the
scuttlebutt that I would pick up on and that I
brought with me on my testimony to cosmic the And
Shar recently when I spent a few days with them
interacted with me in a way through their
technology that they shared with me their past,
which they claim is our future.
The blue avians have shown me this information on a
completely different level from a different point
of view,
from more of 1/6 density point of view and I've
brought all those together to try to explain the
recent information I've been given.
So the SSP alliance,
they've been fighting for full disclosure.
What originally caused the SSP alliance to form was
that they found out about the slave trade that was
going on the galactic slave trade and the trading
of genetic materials to other beings from other
star systems.
And uh they want the crimes against humanity
exposed as well as the technologies.
These alliance uh factions pretty much formed out
of solar warden in the beginning and then some of
the other secret space programs like the
interplanetary corporate conglomerate and the
global galactic league of Nations,
people began to defect and bring technology with
them and information,
which is the most important thing and they could
break out of the compartmentalization and then
began to fully start sharing information in a way
that they couldn't before and begin to put things
the answers are,
they claim to be humanity and the future.
This has caused a lot of confusion.
There already is a lot of confusion in the
program's about nordic looking beings because there
are nordic looking beings that have been
interacting with us since we formed the United
at least that we know and some of them are actually
from other planets,
Others are from completely different,
I guess a dimension.
The ants are claimed to be from a different time,
a timeline,
our our future timeline.
you know,
there are arguments that I heard between the SSP uh
scientist types and engineer types were that they
were from another dimension.
So there's a lot of discussion about where these
people are from and exactly why they're here.
So the ants are their fourth density,
the rust in the future.
They live in an underground civilization,
and they've been in a timeline war against the
reptile Ian's for tens of millions of years.
And I heard a little bit more about the future that
I'm going to share later on about what occurred
with the reptile Ian's,
how the reptile Ian's were in servitude to this
artificial intelligence.
The reptilian are infested with nanites and they're
pretty much slaves themselves and that all ties in
at the end,
the blue avians are part of the sphere being
They're 6th density beings.
And as we've been speaking about recently,
they were part of this ancient builder race,
which was this ancient builder race,
was a conglomerate group that had a vast empire and
our local 52 stars About close to two billion years
And they have stated that there responsible for
delivering the law of one information,
as well as several other teachings here on earth.
Um but uh I'll go into also more details about what
they've said about all of our distortions and how
we filter information,
and even how I deliver information.
Do you know through my own distortions Now they
have claimed that they are the messengers and
facilitators of the one infinite creator and the
realm they come from.
We would basically consider an angelic realm.
So we could basically consider them Angelique.
So I would I would say,
okay now this is where we're going to talk about
the filters because um How many people have read
the law of 1?
And how many people think they understand
What distortions are excellent for those who don't
I've used this metaphor before.
So bear with me when we begin this life,
we come in with no memory,
nothing we have to rebuild are we have to re
experience and rebuild who and what we are.
So we have nothing around us except for little bits
and pieces of information.
We're constantly looking and picking those little
bits and pieces of information,
pieces of sand and we're taking that information
and that experience.
And we're putting in a little dish and we grind it
together and then we make a little lens out of it
and that's how we look at the world and information
And as we build this lens,
it becomes distorted with our emotions and traumas
and how we perceive certain experiences.
That's the lens that we hold up to light which
we're going to call information and then the light
gets refracted through the lens.
And it's not the type of the pure light,
All of us,
every single one of us,
no matter how far we think we've come.
We have one of those lenses that that gives us
distortions and the information we take in.
So when I'm experiencing having an experience with
these beings,
I am bringing in that information through my lens,
my belief systems,
my experiences,
my perceptions and when I then turn and give the
information to everyone else,
the same thing as occurring and you have to realize
that it happened when the information hits you
Already distorted through my lens.
It then has to go through your lens.
So for them to deliver information like the law of
one to us through these lenses and get it in a way
that will filter through all of our lenses in
somewhat of a similar way to where we get the point
It's very difficult and just know that the
information that I'm bringing in is coming through
my lens and everyone should use their discernment.
And also this some of this information can appear
to be fearful.
And the minute I talk about ascension,
people say I'm spraying Hopi um everywhere or if I
talk about the solar flash,
that's fear porn.
So it's uh it's all the energy we feed into it.
It's really all that matters.
So we're gonna be talking about full disclosure the
solar event is our future,
the insurance past and of course ascension and what
it is.
So full disclosure the time of the great revealing
we're coming to a time towards energetic sex are
going to create an atmosphere to where we're not
gonna be able to lie to each other.
We're not gonna be able to keep secrets from each
It's already I mean watch the news.
I mean it's very difficult to to keep things hidden
in this great time of revealing.
I think we're gonna we're gonna get a lot of truths
I it doesn't sound like there's any plan to give us
a full disclosure.
That's something that we're gonna have to fight for
But it's not something that's gonna be just handed
over to us.
So let's see.
So the the space program and the programs they want
as I stated,
a full disclosure.
They want all the crimes against humanity,
information revealed.
And part of that is revealing our hidden history
which is quite um Expansive that the history that
we don't know is amazing.
Sorry got distracted by the noise now on the and
char timeline which they're claiming is our future
They didn't get full disclosure until after the
solar event happened.
What occurred was that the solar event knocked out
all of the technologies and all of our cosmic
cousins just appeared in the sky and began to
render aid.
So it looks like and if we believe that our future
is their past,
then um it could occur simultaneously full
disclosure and first contact.
Now the blue avians have always stated.
I mean the point when I they wanted me to come out
and tell people I was talking to eight ft tall blue
birds and I was like uh no no no no no.
Um and they told me that I said no one would
believe that but let's see how many people do we
have here.
I said No one will believe that.
And they basically told me that it's not important
whether or not they believe this information just
needs to filter into their consciousness and thus
into the mass consciousness and then the job is
It's you know we don't need to convince people and
argue and debate with them.
There less focused on full disclosure than on E.
And technology than they are on us focusing
inwardly and beginning to release karmic energy
that is holding just about everyone back and
anchoring us that their density.
I've discussed in the past where each of our
traumas is and and and I've I've discussed how many
of us we have traumas that are holding us back from
Some of them are dead and gone and they still have
the same power over us as they did when we were a
child when we have that going on that type of
There are memories that you know we don't want to
relive so our our mind segments them and it begins
to it uses a part of your processor.
It's constantly doing that you know corralling that
making sure it doesn't pop out.
And once that trauma is dealt with and that that
memory is nullified the energy of that memory then
your brain you can use the processor and open it up
to work on other things.
That's what they're more concerned about us
focusing on than um you know us praying to them
reaching out to them.
They want us to reach inwardly.
That's that's what when you bring up disclosure,
they always circle you back around to the inner
Unfortunately the Earth Alliance and a lot of the
other groups that sit around in dark rooms and plan
out our futures without our input have decided that
they're gonna trickle information out over the next
2050 100 years depending on if they have to
mitigate any type of disclosure is happening uh
from the other side and just make it a nice long
prolonged prolonged disclosure because they really
really don't think we can handle it and I don't
think we can handle it either.
But I think we have to.
It's not,
it wouldn't be pretty but with something we have to
And of course full disclosure is the complete
antithesis of that.
I cannot talk today.
I don't know why.
And uh the police,
the complete release of crimes against humanity and
the involvement of E.
And R.
Evolution and pretty much all evolution occurs
through stress if you I believe in darwinism.
So the solar cycles this is where I really got
confused because I remembered that solar cycles
were 11 years.
That's just what I remembered from school and it
turns out that they are not On always.
They don't always work on 11 year cycles.
The last one I believe was like seven years You go
through we're entering exiting cycle 24 right now
and we're supposed to be going into cycle 25
according to all of the um the work that they've
done predicting solar cycles.
The solar cycles are supposed to be picking up in
intensity but they're reducing and they're slowly
get the sun is slowly getting weaker and weaker in
Well what I was realizing is that each of these
cycles really is a pulse.
The sun is pulsing it's it's it's always pulsing so
the pulsing has been going on since the sun has
existed now.
The solar minimum date when I was sitting across
from sigma and he was giving the briefing one of
the people at the briefing asked Sigmund have we
entered solar minimum?
And he didn't answer And he kept speaking.
So I and I found out later why you didn't answer is
because you cannot you do not know that you have
switched into solar minimum for at least six months
because they count sun spots.
They and they'll speculate when solar minimum
minimum will occur but they don't know until about
six months after it actually does occur.
And they can say,
we are in solar minimum.
And they're predicting that solar minimum will be
between 2019 and 2020.
This cycle which according to Sigmund,
he said that if this solar event did not occur At
the end of this maximum,
going into minimum,
which I guess is going into 2020,
that it would they did not expected the solar event
to occur again until it came out of solar minimum
into solar maximum again when it when it came back
And that could be anywhere from 57 years.
So there's really no way to predict it.
But that does put us right back Um,
in the original timeline,
pretty much maybe a little bit past that the secret
space program was talking about the 2018 to the
2023-24 period.
So it's still around that period.
Pretty much i In thinking that 11 years site,
they were all 11 year cycles.
I just added 11 years and it added to the confusion
So what is the seller's needs?
I don't,
It was I saw in in the smart glass pad,
how they had talked about it was going to be a
massive 360° full mass corona rejection.
And also in the papers,
they were thinking some people were postulating
that was just gonna be this major just energy pulse
and then people were going to turn into light
There are all these different ideas about what's
going to happen according to the and char what they
showed me when I was sitting in one of the egg
shaped chairs and they were showing me their
they showed me the sun explode and when it exploded
it kind of exploded in an oblong way around the
equator is where most of it exploded out and then
some out from close to each paul and it was just
huge waves of plasma coming in the animation that
shows fire.
But it was it was it was huge plasma mhm clouds
coming in and we'll see you in the animation later
I'm skipping ahead a little bit.
I was sitting here and I was in the chair and it
was funny because the Earth was hovering above my
knees and the sun was over here and then the moon
was moving and it was up here and then there was a
flash and then all of the plasma that I mentioned,
you see leaving and then it hits the moon and then
it hits the Earth and it hits the earth,
The earth spins like maybe 20 degrees it spins and
where it hit,
there's a circle um where it punches through the
atmosphere and it looked like it was above europe
and partially above the pacific and it was like a
a fire that went down and it boiled the water and
burned the land in this one area.
But it didn't it didn't destroy,
it wasn't this huge destruction like they depict on
knowing or some of these sci fi movies where the
earth is just completely destroyed.
But you know,
there were some pretty rough side effects.
I'm skipping way ahead.
So in the in the programs,
a lot of,
a lot of the nuts and bolts,
people thought this is it,
it's going to be the end of all civilization,
all technology,
everyone's gonna die.
Some of the others believe that it was going to
transfer everybody immediately into light bodies
were gonna fly around and read each other's minds,
It's gonna be awesome.
Yeah and then others believed it was just gonna be
the start of some golden age somehow.
Um some we're going to try to create a golden age
through technology and ai and the others thought it
was going to go the spiritual way.
But when it comes down to it,
the truth is somewhere in between.
One of the things Mika told me was that out of all
the local 52 stars,
How many of those,
out of those local 52 stars.
How many of them do you think everything unfolded?
Just like in their religions and prophecies?
not one,
there were similarities,
there was information that helped each of them
but none of them were exactly like how they had
been told in prophecy and I think we can expect the
So the the ants are as I just stated what they
showed me with the explosion.
But when the solar the explosion occurred and the
energy and plasma interacted with the earth,
there was loss of life.
But what occurred was immediately after that our
cosmic cousins came in and rendered aid.
So um the state of I'm going to get much more into
depth in depth about this later on.
But the state of humanity I think is what a lot of
people are curious about.
There was a kind of a split in the way people
reacted after this catastrophe and upgrade the
people I guess like us that have been preparing and
doing the work.
We went through,
we go through trauma.
We get we have to go through a rescue ourselves,
but we come out of it with a completely different
understanding this consciousness is a I mean this
this ascension is a consciousness shift and when
our consciousness goes through this shift we see
everything from a completely different way.
All of our problems.
We see from different angles.
We connect with each other in a different way
because we start to understand oneness,
how we are,
we are all one and how we can communicate easier
when you understand the full concept of oneness and
then we begin to kind of pull together and assist
each other and work with the non terrestrials,
the vast majority of the population who had been
asleep and not doing the work had a very rough time
They once they found out about the 22 genetic
They and and they were told that they were being
handed over the right to control their own genetics
They rebelled.
They stated they pretty much rebelled.
They began to mix all of their genetics together.
You know?
All races began to mix together.
They began to hack their genetics given themselves
like green eyes or purple hair whatever you know.
And they didn't understand until generations later
as this is like generations going on um That the
first genetic farmers that came in had genetically
tinkered with them To a point where if they started
to mix their fully mix their D.
And hack certain parts of their D.
That these horrible genetic diseases would occur.
And even though we've been given all of this new
technology from the surviving space program and
these E.
We don't understand um what's going on.
And eventually we have to we reject the E.
We don't want were very not us.
But the portion of humanity that doesn't do well
during the transition they're very distrusting of E
For a number of generations.
And eventually when they have this genetic disease
they have to call in the E.
For help and then the E.
Come in and assist them and then they begin to open
up to the E.
And their consciousness begins to catch up to the
And after a number of generations the consciousness
gets to a point to where everyone is pretty much
caught up.
Mass consciousness is on this one kind of vibe.
And then at that point we began to feel other
groups like we discover the answers are deep in the
earth and then the answers are come and visit us at
that point openly.
And then it's it's very hard to describe about how
timelines just kind of collapsed together.
The few the our present and their future just kind
of comes together.
They when they're open openly contacting us and
they have technology 20 million years in the future
All of a sudden now we're 20 million years in the
future if we meld with them.
So we that's that's a massive jump that can occur
and that massive jump causes another massive jump
in consciousness.
And this consciousness renaissance we go through is
pretty crazy.
But it does happen over generations.
Mm hmm.
According to the answers are in their path.
The blue avians have always stated that this was
just a natural cycle.
It was not you know,
it wasn't that things just got so bad here that all
the angelic got together and said okay enough is
It was just a natural part of of how the cost the
cosmic machine works.
Um that this would cause not only a consciousness
expansion but the energetic six.
We're gonna cause our DNA to change in vibration
and other strands become more energetically
available to us.
And that helps us with um the,
you know,
that that helps us with the spiritual side,
you know,
more more bandwidth,
energy bandwidth now on the timeline that the,
the blue avians showed me,
they did show me the build up of as the sun got
more of the energy was feeding through the sun,
the earth begins to heat up from the inside from
the the,
the energy from the sun.
And volcanoes began to get much more active and
then the the storms become more and more powerful,
more and more energetic and it's it's these are all
just signs of the energetic is building up in our
solar system.
The one of the major things I said to watch for is
when volcanoes start erupting all around the world
But what was what was interesting about the media
is that it was shown to me that because of the
the elect the electrical charge of the earth is
changing and it's affecting the way things are
attracted to it.
So some more debris is being pulled towards the
And one of them was a meteor that was pulled in
over the pacific ocean exploded pretty high up in
the atmosphere and sent a shockwave and caused a
Not a super devastating one,
but a tsunami.
And that just seemed to be some sort of a marker.
It was after a lot of this,
a lot of,
after a lot of this was shown to me in dreams and
through technology that I decided to move my family
to colorado.
It's one of the safe zones that they showed me the
smart pad information basically,
you know connects to some E.
Databases but mainly connects to all the dark
military scientific databases.
And like I said the scuttlebutt in the programs was
that uh this was going to happen at the end of the
solar minimum which could be next year or the year
So I bet if we talk to five different people in
here we would get five different answers on what
ascension is and you know what we won't know until
the time will we?
Mm hmm.
So the SSP alliance,
like I said,
there's a lot of different ideas about what will
But most of all they believe that the fulfillment
of their prophecies,
biblical prophecies and some other prophecies that
we've never seen that are hidden prophecies,
the part of their secret manuscripts that they are
watching to occur and in many cases they're trying
to make occur,
you know,
they'll make wars in certain cities,
ancient cities occur to you know like Damascus,
they're trying to try to make certain prophecies be
Now the answers are as I stated,
they believe that it is there a annoying feedback,
if they can take care of that.
you know,
we pretty much talked about this.
It's a natural part of evolution according to the
anti R.
And according to the law of one,
those who remain in fourth density upon this plane
will be a positive orientation.
So it appears that I think that a major part of the
negativity being removed from our solar system is
going to be the Ai the ai seems to be the biggest
problem in the universe no matter how advanced
beings are,
they seem to be wrestling with ai in one way or
here we go,
their history.
All right.
So they have All three groups have studied that and
put out how much they understand our co creative
consciousness and our mass consciousness,
how it can create reality.
So the question that was asked and it's a good
question by Sigmund.
Sigmund does not trust the and charred or the
nordics or any of the groups.
He's he's saying if we have this co creative
ability and the cabal has used movies to control
our co country creative abilities to create what
they would like.
How do we know that the ants are really are us in
the future and how do we know that they're not
telling us this information to get us to co create
Good questions.
I don't know the answer to that.
Um I haven't since deception from them,
but there are much more advanced beings than I will
ever be.
So I can't pretend that I'm advanced enough to know
you know,
what's going on in their consciousness.
But all I can do is observe and report and that's
what I'm gonna do.
A lot of the type of information I was shown has
been popping up in prophecy going back thousands of
Even Edgar Case talked about very similar things.
you know,
the Book of Enoch,
a bunch of,
a bunch of other texts,
they talk about,
you know,
cataclysms and things that sound like a pole shift
Now recently I did,
I spent three days with the and char and I got to
end up spending some time with the elders and the
elders pretty much spend great,
they spend a great deal of their time in the chairs
and the elders are probably the number one group
that are connecting with people.
It was,
they were trying to teach me how to use the chair
to interact with the chair and have anyone have you
all used the biofeedback toys to where you'll put a
little thing on your head and try to get a ball to
float and you sit there and you get you finally,
you figure it out,
it's kind of similar to that,
what they started out showing me was how they
observe us,
they sitting,
they sit in these chairs and they will observe us
at home or at work.
And if and,
and they,
they had a readout,
they know what we're thinking and what we're
like if the scientists is sitting there and he's
very close to a breakthrough,
but not quite there.
They'll just do this little,
this little all thing comes up and floats and
theyre messing around that kind of like a mouse
tracker and they'll do things with it and they'll
give people a download,
an informational download and the information comes
in like a,
like a zip file and then it just unzips inside the
person and it's like original thought to the person
and they they've been doing that and what's weird
is they do that to maintain the timeline,
but it's also their entertainment.
It's like watching,
it's like watching television,
some of them will follow,
it's like almost like a soap opera.
They will follow us for like five generations.
You know,
they'll they'll see a person that,
you remember his great great grandfather,
how he would act that way.
He kind of looks like him too.
You know,
They follow us that long because they live over 900
I mean,
that was a little disturbing.
Um and uh I don't know you when you,
when you think you're alone,
you spend your time a lot differently after,
you know,
wear a towel when you wouldn't normally wear a
towel because I mean,
they're probably floating around here right now
observing us,
But that,
that was pretty,
I mean they spend a lot of time in the chairs and a
lot of time observing and interacting with us.
We just don't realize it a lot of time in our
dreams too.
So they at once I finally got to a point to where
they didn't have to spend all their energy helping
me use the chair and I could,
I could use it somewhat on my own.
I started interacting with this one elder in
particular and a little,
he he was almost 1000 years old and he spends
almost all of his time in these chairs interacting
and observing humanity and they also observe other
beings on it.
They can uh,
they'll they can sit in a chair and if they want to
know what's going on,
like the reptilian are having a meeting there,
there just like they would do with us and I don't
think there's any real way of keeping them out.
It's it's pretty amazing.
So let's see.
So I discussed the huge plasma hurricane.
A lot of the,
there was some disturbing,
there was disturbing visuals that came along.
you know,
people bobbing around in the water like dead fish
and just horrible visuals,
a lot of sea life dead burned like it had been
But it was,
it was a small portion,
it wasn't the whole Earth.
It was,
it wasn't like I said,
I was expecting,
it was a smaller local event.
Now when the earth is knocked off its axis,
there were some major tsunamis nearly a mile high
and what land wasn't encroached upon by those
tsunamis was then hit really hard by winds.
The tsunamis pushed the air.
And so if a tsunami is traveling near the speed of
it's like six or 700 mph,
the air is being pushed as well.
So there are this air blast to just blast across
and ah areas that are not in safe zones,
had a pretty rough time.
And there's the simulation again,
you see that little swirl of where that's supposed
to be.
so what they showed me next was amazing.
well the sun literally turned into a giant coronal
it was not black,
but it was almost black and it was that way for a
number of days and then it just,
it comes back with a big explosion,
comes back into equilibrium and it's now a
different type of star,
slightly different type of star.
It went through its fourth density evolution.
When I've talk to these beings about why does the
earth have to go through this cataclysm?
you know what's up with that?
You know,
uh they said,
I'm told that it on all the different planets,
there is some sort of planetary disruption and when
I've asked them,
is there a way to to to stop it from happening and
they asked me,
who are you to interfere with the transition of a
planet going into fourth density,
you know it's kinda hard to argue with,
can't argue with it.
So what happens is the soul,
you see the solar flare knock everything out the
survivors on the planet.
If aid had not been rendered,
90% of them would die.
I mean we this was a technological civilization,
technology is gone,
so civilization is gone.
There is a cosmic loophole to where when
civilization has collapsed or if it's below a
certain level that E.
Can come in and openly interact with us and that's
happened with us many times in the past.
What happened was it was almost immediately after
this event occurred,
you begin to see some stragglers,
small little numbers of secret space program people
that survived that were coming to try to help their
basically their people here on the earth.
But simultaneous with that you see all that the sky
is covered in clouds,
You can't see the stars all of a sudden all of
these stars all over the earth start to appear in
the sky under the clouds and they just hover there
and then it uh they all in unison.
Not one at a time all in unison drop and come down
to the earth and began to render aid to everyone
and helping them stabilize and deal with the trauma
and then begin to share with them information about
the the different projects and I mean everything
and then that's when we,
a lot of us go into our rebellious stage.
And one of the other things that I found
interesting was that even the ants are live and I
mean are born and die and and still go through the
Karmic cycle.
So a lot of us that are expecting a flash to happen
in the sky and then there's no more suffering,
there's no more death.
many generations of us still have to go through
this cycle.
Karmic cycle and and allow for the full
consciousness all of the consciousness to catch up
It's it's it's a process.
It's not what I was taught when I was a little kid
by my granddad,
but now the solar event destroys all artificial
intelligence in the solar system and nanites.
What according to the and char is going to be
curious is how we respond to all of a sudden seeing
bewildered grays and reptile.
Ian's walking around having no idea what's going on
or any memory or understanding of why they behave
the way they had.
I mean these beings will basically be blank slates
and they're going to also be some humanoids and
humans that have had those implants that have done
bad things that after the implants are removed,
we're gonna have to figure out what's the ethical
way to deal with them.
A lot of how we deal with this information pivots
us into the type of reality we're gonna have next
because a lot of disturbing things are going to be
revealed to humanity.
Humanity is already going to be very ticked off and
to find out that truly they had been slaves and
genetic experiments.
It's it's gonna be it's gonna be a rough time.
But for about 1000 years were in this energetic
That prevents any type of ai prevents these
negative Orion groups from coming back in.
And it's an energy field that is maintained somehow
by these sixth density and higher beings.
I don't fully understand how they've tried to show
I just I don't have the ability to comprehend.
And if I try to repeat it it would probably
wouldn't make sense.
So the number one take away I guess Going back to
the 1930s whether they channeled or reported actual
face to face encounters Everyone who has had an et
Experience and an in depth one.
They usually report that the E.
Want to things as to work on disclosure revealing
suppressed technologies.
The existence of E.
S very important and second is to grow spiritually
or to expand your consciousness.
And that's something that we're working.
We're working on both sides of we're trying to get
as many groups as we can together to unite and
begin to do demonstrations.
We're talking about doing red pill parties you know
to where you can invite people over and find
different ways to to wake them up,
and that's all great.
But the number one thing that needs to be done,
the basically the blue avians,
you know,
stated before they left as well is that we have to
start healing the trauma.
This um,
the cycle of being caught up in the trauma and not
able to fulfill our mission because of the trauma.
we don't have time for that anymore.
It's time for us to,
to deal with these things and move on and focus on
trying to bring out the most optimal temporal
reality for all of us.
I think that just about everyone in this room is
most likely a star seed they felt called to be here
to experience this.
I was told that I agreed to this,
although I've asked repeatedly for some sort of a
video clip of me signing,
you know,
I haven't had one yet,
but they supposedly we agreed to this and
supposedly we're here for a reason and I think that
right now we should focus all of our energy on
finding out what that reason is.
If you already know what your mission is,
then now is the time not to let anything hold you
back this.
This is the great awakening.
All of us.
Every single person in here has was chose to come
here and believe it or not.
You chose to have all these crazy experiences to
have this perspective,
You chose to do whatever weird little hobbies,
a little weird jobs that I brought you these,
this knowledge and you didn't know how you would
ever use it.
But it looks like now is the time.
we're going back to the trauma.
We came here to have these experiences and we
supposedly agreed to the trauma,
but as we came here with star seeds and were
identified and seen as a threat and they traumatize
they don't realize they're training us for our
All we have to do is then learn how to let go of
the energy of that trauma and then look back at
those experiences and use them against the enemy.
We've all,
we've all been trained.
We just need to do the final part.
So I think right now,
I've never talked with David and I'm going to use
David because he's been doing this for 20 years and
he has stated that he has never seeing the
community so jazzed up and ready to get involved,
ready to make a difference.
Usually he would sit there and,
you know,
they would smile and be happy in the seats.
But now they're asking,
what can I do?
How can I get involved?
And um,
to that question,
I say,
you don't have to jump on my bandwagon,
jump on your own bandwagon,
use your skills,
your talents,
these weird little oddball jobs that you've done,
where you've picked up this knowledge and you
didn't know why use those to affect the mass
consciousness in a positive way that art music,
even people who have business knowledge,
they don't understand why they became so proficient
in business.
There's when all of us come together we find a way
to take all of those skill sets and make them work
And I think that we're coming together during this
time for a reason because we are service to others
So what do you do?
What what do you do from here?
I've told people that it's probably not a good idea
to go to your family tonight and talk about eight
ft tall blue birds.
How many of you have tried that?
I figured okay.
How did it go?
Not so good.
I haven't had the guest to try that one myself.
The the focus should be on suppressed technologies
There's a lot of information out there about
suppressed health technologies,
information out there about what's going on with um
all the vaccines.
There are a lot of things more down to earth that
you can focus on to begin to expand people's
And I think that if we use our skills,
if we're artists,
if we make movie clips or whatever,
if we use those skill sets mindfully towards our
then we are definitely going to make some major
changes to this world.
And um,
I think that's what we're here for and now is the
I mean if you look around now is the time now,
I've been talking about this for a year,
the I'm happy to to announce that the return of the
Guardians is now on sale Finally,
Thank you.
now this is kind of a lot of I think a lot of
people in the community have been trying to figure
out what in the heck is Corey doing?
He's like making a comic book,
he was talking about doing,
you know,
movies and all these other weird things.
Well one of the things Terrier explained to me is
that we need to use the tools that are being used
against us.
All of us have some sort of an ability to affect
the mass consciousness to affect even just a small
part of the mass consciousness in little groups.
If we can come up with things like imagine if you
had this book and you can hand it over to someone,
they look at it,
they're into sci fi but they're not into aliens,
I don't know how,
but that's sci fi.
People are primed for this and you know,
they usually read books about people killing each
other and you know in different clever ways,
but they get information about consciousness and
the expansion of technologies secretly and it's
done in an entertaining way.
Well this information is getting into their
subconscious and it begins to work on them their
higher self uses that information and leverages
that against other experiences and information
coming in if we can not just me,
if all of you,
if you have experiences go out and do your own
comic book or movie or something,
some find a way to use your creativity and the
abilities that you came here with to affect the
mass consciousness.
That's what I hope most people leave here with and
also buy my comic book.
Um and of course in august how many people here
went to eclipse of disclosure phew Yeah,
it was,
it was an awesome event,
a very family oriented event.
We're going to have another one,
it's going to be in colorado this time,
Loveland dimensions of disclosure as you can see
we're having some big speakers and it's going to be
there's going to be camping and a major family
That's what we try to encourage in our little
festivals or festivals is two people to be able to
bring their kids so we're looking forward to that.
And of course I've got a very large group of
artists that helped me put together these
I would not be able to do anything like like the
production value that my team brings and I really
appreciate it because they mostly do it free of
So did this bring up any questions for anyone?
I think we're gonna have a mic.
There we go.
I can't really see people very well because the
lights just as people raise their hand,
just go to people as they raise their hand.
I can't really see.
Hi Corey.
I've heard this concept uh a number of different
At least 10 different ways from Seth material um
you know,
uh and that has to do with our ascension having or
stopping another civilizations ascension and as of
I've heard of it in terms of of the solar system
being um the third chakra of a grander being as it
were and were kind of preventing its ascension as
it were.
Um Could you elaborate a little bit more upon this
I from what I was told is that the Earth is going
through its It's 3rd 4th density transitional,
just like we are,
the sun is also going through this density shift
and transformation the the earth.
No matter if we were here or not,
if we were happy about it,
sad about it,
it's going to go through this transition,
we're not going to hold it back from the transition
What what occurs is that the energy of the beings
on it can their state can determine how difficult
of a transition occurs.
It's like we almost become like anchors,
you know,
whole as it's going,
trying to go through the energy,
you know,
so it makes it rougher going through if we were uh
as a mass consciousness a little bit more blissed
like has occurred in some of the other planets,
then there's still gonna be a rough transition,
but it's not,
you know,
anywhere near as bad as if um they were putting out
energy of fear and just lower vibrate,
Torrey energy.
The only thing that I heard was similar to that was
that like the blue avians when they were the
ancient builder race and they created all this
technology To keep out the genetic farmers and to
have their own thing going on in the local 52 stars
when they did that when they ascended and left this
plane and left technologies behind.
Those technologies were then utilized by developing
beings that ended up making us karmically tied with
that ancient builder race.
So they were only able to get a certain distance in
their ascension level before we started acting like
a parachute.
They couldn't go any further because of Karmic ties
that they had back to us including over the last
couple of 1000 years when they've delivered
information hoping that we would take it and learn
from it.
Instead we make religions out of it and control
But I hope that answers your question.
Hi Corey.
My name is Tanya Taste.
I want to say hello to you.
Um I read on your blog that you were modifying your
presentation today and I want to let you know that
last night I was looking at the uh flyer for the
entire event and I read what you had posted that
you had intended to talk about,
google facebook and silicon valley and it occurred
to me I'm also clairvoyant.
It occurred to me that there was a possibility that
some of our friends from the government might have
communicated to you about who do you think you are
coming to Silicon Valley talking about such things
in the event?
That that may have occurred?
I do know that I happen to know from personal
experience that those threats can be real.
And you've also communicated and David have has
communicated that those threats are real.
I want to let you know that you are in the arms of
the spiritual community community here in the bay
This is where it begins for the nation.
We love you,
we support you.
We will always be here for you.
You have friends here.
Don't you ever worry,
Don't you ever worry about what you have to say?
Because we want to hear from you.
Thank you.
Thank you know,
threads from Silicon Valley.
Thank you.
Hi Cory.
My name is Leslie Danielson.
And I have a question uh,
does any of those avian blue avians get rick
ordinated into this plane And are,
are they here with us as humans also?
there's probably a bunch of them in here now.
Because I have been to serra ceremonies and I am
known as the mother of feminine energy and the
energy of feminine is that came to the ceremonies
are blue,
A lot of them um doing on the family uh ceremony of
the subito.
So um I just wanted to know if I have any
connection with them.
Yeah I mean a lot there are a lot of incarnates
here from a lot of different civilizations in the
higher densities that are star seeds that are here
to work.
Hey Corey,
thanks for coming.
Uh Could you clarify perhaps the consensus that
you're getting from SSP blue avians and and Shar
with regards to the kind of the process of the
transition at the time of the of the the event of
the solar flash.
Just in terms of I'm a little confused after
hearing David last night um yesterday.
Um I mean are we all going to get like swamped and
blown away and then they're going to come and help
us or.
Uh huh.
Um Yeah pretty much it's a rough day on planet
rough rough day.
And uh our cosmic neighbors kind of undersea what's
happening and decided to come over and help us.
Finally that's Yeah.
It it now the big question is are we able to change
that future?
You know,
I don't know the question when I ask those types of
questions and they tell me who am I to try to
interfere with the transition of an entire planet?
You know looks like you know instead of changing
the planet,
we kind of need to learn how to mitigate what's
going to happen.
I mean um according to what I was told in every
star system when they went through this solar event
There were there were there were some catastrophes
of varying degrees.
So yeah,
apparently that the actual event is what clears
these beings to be able to come down openly.
thank you cory.
Um we're uh we get information saying that our
current president is cooperating with the alliance
and I'd just like to know if you have any intel on
The current climate is so charged that talking
you know I usually say the current president
because the word is just causes an explosion but um
yes my information going back all the way from
before he was elected was that he was approached,
there was about to be an open cu that it wasn't a
coup against Obama against the democrats,
it was against the system.
The republicans and democrats are equally
compromised and they wanted someone who had I guess
I was brash and wasn't compromised by the cabal
wasn't owned that I guess I had the guts to to face
Um now a lot of people say and he's playing the
part of the fool which you know is a lot of people
say that about me too,
that's okay,
I'll own it but he is just a small part and an
alliance of many countries that are working to get
rid of this very occult group that has been running
the planet for thousands of years for the average
person that watches the news every day too um be
told that these horrific things are occurring when
we don't see anything like that in our created
That's a big leap to try to ask people to take.
So um then asking people to believe that there's an
occult group running the planet and then trying to
ask those same people to believe that there are E.
I mean that's it's all a part of disclosure.
All of this stuff is a part of disclosure.
And um I don't think any when all this information
comes out none of us are gonna be like yes my side
was right,
we're gonna be like oh I voted for that guy,
oh no you know it's going to be like that and we're
all gonna have to just move on.
The number one thing is just especially us in this
community is pulling ourselves out of that this
that created environment for you know left versus
right and all of that,
it's all created two cause division,
you know,
one of the another main reason that they most
likely don't want us to know about E.
Is that all of our cosmic cousins around us.
They are not,
they don't have yellow hair and white skin.
You know we hear about the nordics a lot.
They were when I saw them they were all different
shades of brown and there were all different types
and uh you know on this planet,
we're still dealing with,
you know racism and crap like that,
I mean and when the beings come out of the sky to
help us,
what are we gonna do?
And they have,
you know,
they're they have brown skin and we have these
preconceived ideas,
we're gonna have a lot to deal with when these
beings come down and it's it's like I said it's not
gonna be anything like even us how how we think
it's going to be,
it's going to be amazing event hey Corey.
Hi uh first of all um just a really big thank you
for me of course and like everyone for all this
stuff that you do because um it's still a choice to
do this and um you bring um you bring it to us in a
way that I think is just really helpful but most of
all very empowering and that is so useful.
So thank you very much for that.
Um so I hope you feel that love and also um so
obviously predicting things in general,
it's there's so many nuances,
I'm sure in moving pieces,
but I just kind of wanted to get like your general
opinion on Antarctica and if it's kind of like if
you see it,
if it would make sense to call it kind of like a
wild card so to speak because um it's just been a
real wild ride hearing about what's going on down
there from you and others of course and just like
to hear you speak about that a bit because it seems
like I constantly see every other day there's
something in the news about you know,
an accident.
There scientists are doing this there.
But it's it's very interesting.
there it's obvious that they're trying to keep
Antarctica just a little bit in our consciousness
and there's a reason for that.
there were a number.
I spoke with David and he was getting some intel as
I was being told that some of the excavations had
become so dangerous because of the moving ice,
the melting ice from using steam to excavate that
there had been major collapses and that there had
been loss of life even um like university types.
So but yeah,
there I've been expect hoping I guess not expecting
the information to come out a lot quicker.
But it's been interesting to see,
you know,
you know,
I talked about the cavernous area that had
basically a city underneath.
I think it's a university of Hawaii.
One of the universities came out and they talked
about how under the ice there were these huge
thermal domes to where it was like 30 degrees
Celsius and you could be in a T shirt and be
comfortable and I think it's just slow information
is just slowly coming out to to prime our
consciousness to a point to where like if there's
something major that happened and they needed a
mass distraction,
then a sudden discovery under the Ice may be found
And uh,
oh yeah,
the Navy,
This had to be top secret because of the technology
used certain sonars,
found technology under the ocean.
But now we can release that,
you know,
kind of mass distraction type of scenario.
But that's kind of how everyone has seen uh
Antarctica because Antarctica Antarctica.
It's weird because it's part of it.
They want to show you,
you know,
the ancient civilizations and that kind of thing.
But then there's all of these R.
And D.
Programs going on down there that they don't want
anyone to know about.
And a lot of them were wanting me to give intel
about the um underground civilization under i
civilization that they found that they didn't want
me talking about the research and development bases
But you know,
I talked about both hi Corey,
a little bit nervous.
I just wanted to express that.
I flew all the way from Melbourne Australia on the
spur of the moment,
last Tuesday when your promo video came through.
So since you started coming forward on cosmic
I've been following your work and it's changed my
life entirely.
And I've now come out of one chapter of my life and
I haven't found my feet in this next chapter.
But this work that you've been sharing and the
advice and encouragement,
I haven't quite worked out where I'm going to go
and how I'm going to contribute,
if not at the very least energetically,
but from Australia,
a very big thank you.
And uh lots of love and lots of gratitude.
And I've already signed up for dimensions of
disclosure just for me,
there's nothing else that's more important than
this work.
Thank you.
Um as long as I can remember,
I've been interested in what I call this um cosmic
totem pole.
And I always wondered from your perspective,
you're the only one I know who's been talking to
beings who or what do you think might be at the top
of this totem pole,
some kind of God goddess all it is.
Or is it a field of consciousness?
Have you any of your beings talk to you about the
ultimate creator source?
And is it a personality or just a field of
What do you think?
So what is the one infinite creator?
Is that what basically your question?
Is it a man?
Is it a woman?
They have a beard sit on a chair?
And I talked about this on jimmy church the other
Now Oneness is the most important concept to
It's one that very few have fully fully understood
And it was only recently that I I fully understood
it Basically the one infinite creator.
I wanted to understand duality and it didn't want
to understand duality from your point of view or my
point of view.
It wanted to understand duality from every
perceivable point of view possible.
I wanted to know everything about duality.
The experience of duality.
So it exploded into innumerable sparks of which all
of you are.
Each of those sparks is the one infinite creator.
We are the one.
We are a piece of the one and it dispersed itself
in this creation,
this universe which is a electro and electric
What do you have with electricity?
Negative positive.
Everything is based on that.
So when we begin to understand that we are one,
I am you you or me.
Time doesn't matter.
It's just the experience.
So therefore you can begin to under identify uh
begin to work on traumas.
You can understand fully understand if we are one,
I'm the victim,
I'm the perpetrator,
I'm the enabler.
I'm the witness.
I'm all of those were all the one infinite creator
having this simultaneous experience.
To understand duality.
And when I understand that I am the perpetrator,
I am the victim.
Then you begin to understand how to use skills of
uh if you have a trauma,
you go back to that time period and you re
experience that trauma and then you re experience
it as the perpetrator and as a witness and then as
a disembodied witness in the room.
Energy is the energy of that trauma begins to leave
because you realize we are one And people ask the
question after the Flash,
when do we start becoming telepathic and
communicating with each other?
The biggest expense part of that expansion of
consciousness is we understand oneness.
We understand we are one.
If I wanted to write and fully understanding that
they it's the basis of shape shifting.
The native americans would do,
my grandfather would teach me with our dog sitting
close by.
He would say,
we are all that same energy.
That same spark picture yourself laying on the
floor with where the dog is looking up at us.
And I would picture everything in that room from
that perspective.
Match the breathing of the dog,
match the heartbeat of what you perceive.
The dog is uh feeling no,
basically profile,
no of that dog's personality.
Uh take in what you know of that personality about
what they're most likely feeling and thinking at
the moment.
And then you begin to have a buy local Feeling.
You become that dog because you are one we that
happens on a level to where we start understanding
each other's thoughts,
feelings on a level that we can't even perceive of
right now,
when we fully understand oneness that we all are,
that one spark,
that one infinite creator,
not one of us is having a more special experience
in the other to the one infinite creator.
The way each of us we look in the mirror.
We all have those insecurities.
We see the little things that no one else sees,
we uh we go through,
we go through that experience as an agent,
a reflection of the one infinite creator.
And when we fully understand and embrace that we
begin to have a lot of of these superpowers that
we're talking about.
But the number one superpower is beginning to
understand the true nature of what we are and if we
are a piece of the one and the one created all of
and we have the same creative abilities that were
kept ignorant of by those who want to control us
and use those abilities.
So that's probably one of the number one things I
want to leave people with is trying to fully
understand uh going to meditation,
really trying to understand uh oneness and asking
the one to help you understand what oneness is,
because that's what allows you to connect with
everyone and everything else.
uh Jared brian um my question is uh um wondering if
you'd had a chance to see the remote viewing data
from technical intuition about the entity named Raw
and um specifically um about Roz,
um use of sound and energy to sort of lull you into
a state of mind.
And I'm just wondering if you if that's your direct
experience uh during these sessions and what you
think about the remote viewing data which for me by
the way,
really substantiate all of your story and I'll let
you speak.
Um so remote viewers,
they're pulling this information out of the ether
and it still has to go through their lens.
So if they have a judo christian background then
the information is gonna be pulled through that
Um The information that they were pulling in that
remote viewing session was very interesting.
But I could see how you know it had to do with the
person's perception if they think like he was
saying that the blue avians looked down at us like
we're plants or something like that.
That is that persons ah point of view based on what
they saw.
If you have 1/6 density being that has 1/6 density
consciousness and you have a third density
consciousness trying to connect with it and and
relay information back.
It's not gonna work.
I mean it's it's just they're going to there is no
base of reference between those two densities.
So he's gonna use his lens,
his experiences to describe what he's experiencing
which is literally beyond the density that that
he's in.
So they I thought it was very interesting
The fact that they you know dig peeing and connect
with the blue avians was interesting.
But you got to take you know that information is
subjective wow!
Hi Corey.
I'm back here.
We're in the back uh and hi everybody we're one.
Um I want to take us back to you were just talking
about oneness.
But I came here today with this question listening
to your material.
Um so there's this uh huh conflict in the ideas for
me in terms of the solar flash,
the solar sneeze happening ascension happening at
that time.
And then this idea or the idea of of this prolonged
disclosure and it seems kind of pointless if this
event is going to happen and awaken everyone.
And what is making me think of is,
you know,
uh the level of anger,
that's the potential level of anger that is
available through these events.
Um is is are the are the agencies that are wanting
to have this long term disclosure kind of trying to
hide out behind their own crimes of sort of we as
humans forget very quickly.
And the plan all along was to they knew that at
some point there was going to be a big event,
whatever type of event and that they most likely
would go underground.
According to their beliefs weighed out,
you know,
ah you know,
you know,
falling and then come back um that that has been
Their plan all along and to give us as little as
possible to appease us up until that point.
They could,
you know,
us knowing aliens or they could care less.
They're just trying to appease us until um you know
they're scenario plays out.
So my follow up to that is um just how do we deal
with the forgiveness.
Part of it ourselves is the blue avians talked
about any of that.
How we deal with that through this course and
Not just of ourselves,
but these crimes against humanity.
the people that have not done the work of working
on their traumas from their childhood and uh,
you know,
day to day,
just day to day traumas.
If they haven't worked on those,
how in the world are they going to work on such a
large trauma?
The people that have,
we've done the inner work are going are going to
have a rough time.
But those who have all of these hair trigger
traumas are just,
they're gonna go berserk and it's it's going to be
bad and um,
we're going to sit back and watch,
you know,
people flipping over cars and burning,
you know,
places down,
it's just going to be a part of the process.
you know,
I don't know of a way to really mitigate it because
people have been kept so dumbed down so asleep and
constantly daily traumatized by even the media that
they watch.
So it's just a state that we're in and that's what
we're gonna have to deal with.
Hi Corey,
you've talked about galactic slavery.
What's going to happen to the people in mars or I
don't know much,
whatever you see what about their consciousness,
us getting to understand what's happening to them
and then getting freedom.
the people that are slaves in places like mars and
a few other places in our solar system that a lot
of them don't even believe the earth is inhabited
You know they think that they're it after this um
Solar event knocks out the tech most of the
technologies and that the programs that run that
infrastructure will collapse and the same E.
That are going to render aid to us are going to
render aid to everyone in our solar system.
So they will have aged rendered to them.
Now there's another aspect of there are some of the
people that have been taken into the slave trades
and or in other star systems they've been tagging
these people for years.
They were they we started doing that back in the
programs when I was forced to work in these
programs and at that point the alliance had already
developed and they were starting to tag these
people so there would be a way to retrieve them in
the future and supposedly that's what's going to
occur that uh some of our et groups are gonna go
out retrieve them.
Uh Some of these people and bring them to a planet
to where they're going to be healed from the
traumas because some some of the things that
happened to these people off world are extremely
traumatizing and they're gonna have to help a lot
of these people.
Um I guess he'll before they're ready to
reintegrate with the rest of humanity.
Hey Corey quick question.
or to real quick,
I know you mentioned earlier something about safe
zone in colorado being more favorable than perhaps
texas and the other one is on the individual level
How do you or how the,
how did the french are?
See the difference between reincarnation and
ascension on the individual level of what
reincarnation and an ascension on an individual
like being embodied or disembodied or something.
the um,
the ants are they live,
you know,
to be Around 900 to 1000 years old.
And then at the end of that cycle,
depending on where they are energetically they are
given the choice to enter back into their ah
Reincarnation pool basically and come back in as an
and shark kid or two when they get to a certain
then they go to the next uh,
density and they don't,
their bodies don't fade out.
But at the end of that life,
that incarnation no longer occurs within fourth
The incarnation begins and the How exactly that
works in 5th density Procreation and all that.
Don't ask me.
I don't know.
was that what's there seemed like more?
what was the question about?
So yeah,
you can,
I have been shown maps,
but they look pretty much exactly like the ones
that are on the internet of safe zones of areas
being protected by wind and water by mountain
ranges and um,
and that kind of thing.
it was obvious that anywhere living within,
you know,
several 100 miles of the coast was not a good idea
at all.
I mean pretty much everywhere.
my name is eric and uh,
first of all I'd like to express my gratitude for
you coming forward and sharing this information and
bringing it down to an understanding for me,
you know,
two years ago,
I was just living a normal life unaware and awake,
you know,
and then I met somebody that has similar
information to you and similar to our friend in
Australia 30 days ago.
I was first introduced to you and immediately
booked our tickets to come here from ST George Utah
So there is people that are awake in Utah.
It's interesting.
It's interesting.
So my question to you is then when you talked about
being a other species being incarnated as their
dimensional people,
have you ever met anyone with their lens removed
that can,
that is fully aware.
That doesn't,
that can bring down that information without
entering any interference from the lens.
You know,
every single one of us has that lens based on our
experiences and perceptions and uh,
people like us that we'll deal with that have,
that will actually deal with traumas or um,
put away belief systems that no longer serve us,
we are the ones that are constantly adding to and
constantly grinding and correcting our lens to try
to get the clearest light in as possible.
But it's it's just not possible to have a pure
source of light in anymore.
I mean it comes um it all comes through our filters
even when um ah They approached Carla for the law
of one the information that came through.
They use a lot of like harvest and other type of
christian language.
Um And so I mean that just shows you that they have
to use our lexicon of words that are available to
our experiences.
They have to use those to communicate to us.
And that's I mean that's what they use to
communicate with us to us with.
And so that is the lens that we have to use.
I don't know if that explains it.
Oh yeah.
So even if a person has died and had an N.
And is still here they still have some kind of a
lens to speak the lead to transfer the um the
communication or frequency into the words were
saying they use that lens to interpret that
Hello Cory.
I'm so excited to be here today.
I've been meaning to meet you many many times that
I've had opportunities and never given myself
permission to come because I'm always giving to my
Children and not myself.
Um But what I wanted to ask you is if there are
enough people here that are more energetically
charged and we are subject to death in this
cataclysm does our energy fall like acupuncture
points upon the planet where we fall and help raise
the vibration of the place that we're at to
mitigate some of the chaos of the people around us
who are devolving in.
There are a lot of people here that are holding
energetic space for the rest of us.
Um and some of the missions have been for people to
come here and just be and share their energy.
I mean,
that's it.
Um and I think certain nodes on the planet,
they have made sure that certain star seeds are
either born there or find their way there to help
balance some of these energetic sex.
It's something that's,
it's like,
you know,
that's like a big musical piece that's being
orchestrated from all the different densities and
all of these different beings within the densities
Some of them coming here to incarnate as us,
some of them them coming here energetically or
It's it's it's a,
it's like there's a symphony of what's going on and
um what we mainly need to do is is uh,
you know,
focus on ourselves.
If we've gotten to the point where we feel like
we've dealt with all of those and we're just trying
to help others,
then I think that goes back to just your skill set
or what or what you came here with what your lead
to do.
There are some people that are doing energy work?
I can't,
I don't even begin to understand but I know that
they were brought here to do it and that it's an
important just as important as everything else,
an important part of the cycle.
So I really don't know a better answer than that.
I'm really intrigued with the blue avians and I
noticed on the screen that you were showing in my
curiosity came up.
How are we?
Oh how how are we are developing our human
consciousness interfering with the blue avians and
their ascension?
What's interfering with them is the fact that um we
had a developmental process that would have
occurred with or without them other than the fact
that they had the technologies that they had left
behind were used in war and that ended up tying
them karmically and energetically to what was going
They get further got tied when they said they came
down three different times to bring us information
about oneness,
to help us understand oneness and every time we
turned it into a religion or a control system and
that karmically tied them to us.
So until we moved to a certain point,
they're just kind of stuck observing us.
Hi Corey,
thank you so much.
It's a pleasure being here.
My question has to do with how you as we are
informed through our truth lens,
initiate collaboration with other people doing the
same worldwide globally.
To spur a quicker and accelerated past.
So specifically are you able to communicate and
collaborate with people like Cobra uh as well as dr
neruda with the wing makers and finally someone
like Darryl Anka with bashar.
And I've spoken with some of these different people
and um getting collaboration is in unity.
It sounds great,
but it's really hard to do.
I mean really hard.
Um a lot of us came from maybe christian
We didn't have such a good time in that environment
So we chose to leave a lot of us,
Not all,
but so a lot of people joke around about,
you know,
the christian church or or that religion when this
community behaves exactly like it.
They split up into all these denominations,
every other denominations.
every other person is delusional.
But I've got this the way in their light right here
I figured it out.
That's how a lot of people are.
Um so the the number one thing I've been trying to
do is just get us to a point to where we agree to
We agree that none of us has the truth,
but we all want it and will lead and to agree to
not Yeah,
tonight rely on these Ufo belief systems,
we've all developed,
you know,
and not debate those to put all that aside and to
find a topic that we can work together on.
That's why we talk about aliens.
Oh no aliens are all good,
they're good and bad.
there are no aliens.
They're demons.
You know,
it goes into this,
that's why I've been trying to get people to work
on things more down to earth like suppressed
technologies and things that are uh not they have
that the people haven't been programmed to have the
giggle reaction to.
Mhm Hi,
my name is jesus and then my question is that we're
living in a holographic universe is like a big
I'm sorry that we're living in a holographic
You know,
like a big computer system.
That's what I heard about it too.
That's what my question,
Um well as I stated at the beginning,
a lot of people think that we are part of a large
simulation which could be a computer.
Um but the way I like to see it is that we're part
of a big day dream.
you know,
kick back and had a big day dream and we are that
you know,
so the uh I it doesn't totally resonate with me
that we are a simulation running in a machine
somewhere though.
You know,
I couldn't totally discount it a quarry.
Um My name is lisa and um this has been such a
journey learning about this information and going
through all the sort of realizations of,
the world is going to be destroyed.
I was working,
I was gonna I was working on climate change and you
sort of saving the world.
So it's been a big journey to sort of wrap my head
and my heart around,
you know,
what's it's going to happen?
Um And I recently um experienced a retreat where
the teacher was channeling and the messages he was
channeling are so similar to what you're saying
with the ants are saying that I'm wondering if
there was,
you know,
part of that was coming through.
Um and one of the things that came through was um
that by us,
you know,
we keep talking about go inward,
go inward.
Do your work.
Um hold the vibration of love,
you know,
higher frequencies.
Um And by each of us doing that work,
I'm curious,
I haven't really heard a lot of people talking
about the collective impact of that or you know,
critical mass of that.
And what came through the channel was that um that
there's actually the ability and they were talking
about third dimension to fifth dimension and I
don't really know how that correlates to densities
but you know,
they were saying we need to shift our vibration to
fifth density fifth dimensional five D.
And um if we do that,
there's actually the ability to influence timelines
and outcomes,
but I don't know what that would be because it
seems like it's a given it's blowing up,
you know,
this is happening,
but what could happen on a collective level if all
of us are doing this work in that scales or spreads
And is there any point in trying to influence
timelines or outcomes?
What's Yeah,
what's your take on that?
I mean,
like what I said with the other stars in our local
cluster is that the transition that the planet had
depended on the state of the consciousness,
of the beings on it and it affected it.
So any work that we can do to affect the mass
it's going to have a direct effect on the
experience we have um when this transition occurs.
So doing the work is still very important up until
the very last moment of the flash,
because every bit of energy that we put into it
counts and on that I'm gonna have to end it.
Um I know we have someone else coming in to speak
and I need to go the bathroom.
Mm hmm.
I wrote.
Thank you.
I described information that I had received in a
couple of briefings and the information the way it
was conveyed was confusing because I also was
I have been trying to understand the cycles of the
sun and the context of the conversation I heard it
in and as you'll see here in a bit,
there's a reason why I was confused because
scientists are actually confused.
So recently we've heard scientists discuss that the
universe is a I guess a giant simulation that it's
maybe a computer simulation somewhere and and we're
just happy to be living it out while others in the
past have thought that the universe behaves more
like a giant thought.
Now consciousness is the key to all of this.
Everyone talks about ascension and they don't
really or they have a different idea of what
ascension is.
And a lot of this information is coming from these
main sources,
a secret space program.
I had access to the smart glass pad.
I would sit and I would read and ask the scientists
or the engineers for their input because a lot of
it was just over my head and they would explain
speculate among themselves and that was the
scuttlebutt that I would pick up on and that I
brought with me on my testimony to cosmic the And
Shar recently when I spent a few days with them
interacted with me in a way through their
technology that they shared with me their past,
which they claim is our future.
The blue avians have shown me this information on a
completely different level from a different point
of view,
from more of 1/6 density point of view and I've
brought all those together to try to explain the
recent information I've been given.
So the SSP alliance,
they've been fighting for full disclosure.
What originally caused the SSP alliance to form was
that they found out about the slave trade that was
going on the galactic slave trade and the trading
of genetic materials to other beings from other
star systems.
And uh they want the crimes against humanity
exposed as well as the technologies.
These alliance uh factions pretty much formed out
of solar warden in the beginning and then some of
the other secret space programs like the
interplanetary corporate conglomerate and the
global galactic league of Nations,
people began to defect and bring technology with
them and information,
which is the most important thing and they could
break out of the compartmentalization and then
began to fully start sharing information in a way
that they couldn't before and begin to put things
the answers are,
they claim to be humanity and the future.
This has caused a lot of confusion.
There already is a lot of confusion in the
program's about nordic looking beings because there
are nordic looking beings that have been
interacting with us since we formed the United
at least that we know and some of them are actually
from other planets,
Others are from completely different,
I guess a dimension.
The ants are claimed to be from a different time,
a timeline,
our our future timeline.
you know,
there are arguments that I heard between the SSP uh
scientist types and engineer types were that they
were from another dimension.
So there's a lot of discussion about where these
people are from and exactly why they're here.
So the ants are their fourth density,
the rust in the future.
They live in an underground civilization,
and they've been in a timeline war against the
reptile Ian's for tens of millions of years.
And I heard a little bit more about the future that
I'm going to share later on about what occurred
with the reptile Ian's,
how the reptile Ian's were in servitude to this
artificial intelligence.
The reptilian are infested with nanites and they're
pretty much slaves themselves and that all ties in
at the end,
the blue avians are part of the sphere being
They're 6th density beings.
And as we've been speaking about recently,
they were part of this ancient builder race,
which was this ancient builder race,
was a conglomerate group that had a vast empire and
our local 52 stars About close to two billion years
And they have stated that there responsible for
delivering the law of one information,
as well as several other teachings here on earth.
Um but uh I'll go into also more details about what
they've said about all of our distortions and how
we filter information,
and even how I deliver information.
Do you know through my own distortions Now they
have claimed that they are the messengers and
facilitators of the one infinite creator and the
realm they come from.
We would basically consider an angelic realm.
So we could basically consider them Angelique.
So I would I would say,
okay now this is where we're going to talk about
the filters because um How many people have read
the law of 1?
And how many people think they understand
What distortions are excellent for those who don't
I've used this metaphor before.
So bear with me when we begin this life,
we come in with no memory,
nothing we have to rebuild are we have to re
experience and rebuild who and what we are.
So we have nothing around us except for little bits
and pieces of information.
We're constantly looking and picking those little
bits and pieces of information,
pieces of sand and we're taking that information
and that experience.
And we're putting in a little dish and we grind it
together and then we make a little lens out of it
and that's how we look at the world and information
And as we build this lens,
it becomes distorted with our emotions and traumas
and how we perceive certain experiences.
That's the lens that we hold up to light which
we're going to call information and then the light
gets refracted through the lens.
And it's not the type of the pure light,
All of us,
every single one of us,
no matter how far we think we've come.
We have one of those lenses that that gives us
distortions and the information we take in.
So when I'm experiencing having an experience with
these beings,
I am bringing in that information through my lens,
my belief systems,
my experiences,
my perceptions and when I then turn and give the
information to everyone else,
the same thing as occurring and you have to realize
that it happened when the information hits you
Already distorted through my lens.
It then has to go through your lens.
So for them to deliver information like the law of
one to us through these lenses and get it in a way
that will filter through all of our lenses in
somewhat of a similar way to where we get the point
It's very difficult and just know that the
information that I'm bringing in is coming through
my lens and everyone should use their discernment.
And also this some of this information can appear
to be fearful.
And the minute I talk about ascension,
people say I'm spraying Hopi um everywhere or if I
talk about the solar flash,
that's fear porn.
So it's uh it's all the energy we feed into it.
It's really all that matters.
So we're gonna be talking about full disclosure the
solar event is our future,
the insurance past and of course ascension and what
it is.
So full disclosure the time of the great revealing
we're coming to a time towards energetic sex are
going to create an atmosphere to where we're not
gonna be able to lie to each other.
We're not gonna be able to keep secrets from each
It's already I mean watch the news.
I mean it's very difficult to to keep things hidden
in this great time of revealing.
I think we're gonna we're gonna get a lot of truths
I it doesn't sound like there's any plan to give us
a full disclosure.
That's something that we're gonna have to fight for
But it's not something that's gonna be just handed
over to us.
So let's see.
So the the space program and the programs they want
as I stated,
a full disclosure.
They want all the crimes against humanity,
information revealed.
And part of that is revealing our hidden history
which is quite um Expansive that the history that
we don't know is amazing.
Sorry got distracted by the noise now on the and
char timeline which they're claiming is our future
They didn't get full disclosure until after the
solar event happened.
What occurred was that the solar event knocked out
all of the technologies and all of our cosmic
cousins just appeared in the sky and began to
render aid.
So it looks like and if we believe that our future
is their past,
then um it could occur simultaneously full
disclosure and first contact.
Now the blue avians have always stated.
I mean the point when I they wanted me to come out
and tell people I was talking to eight ft tall blue
birds and I was like uh no no no no no.
Um and they told me that I said no one would
believe that but let's see how many people do we
have here.
I said No one will believe that.
And they basically told me that it's not important
whether or not they believe this information just
needs to filter into their consciousness and thus
into the mass consciousness and then the job is
It's you know we don't need to convince people and
argue and debate with them.
There less focused on full disclosure than on E.
And technology than they are on us focusing
inwardly and beginning to release karmic energy
that is holding just about everyone back and
anchoring us that their density.
I've discussed in the past where each of our
traumas is and and and I've I've discussed how many
of us we have traumas that are holding us back from
Some of them are dead and gone and they still have
the same power over us as they did when we were a
child when we have that going on that type of
There are memories that you know we don't want to
relive so our our mind segments them and it begins
to it uses a part of your processor.
It's constantly doing that you know corralling that
making sure it doesn't pop out.
And once that trauma is dealt with and that that
memory is nullified the energy of that memory then
your brain you can use the processor and open it up
to work on other things.
That's what they're more concerned about us
focusing on than um you know us praying to them
reaching out to them.
They want us to reach inwardly.
That's that's what when you bring up disclosure,
they always circle you back around to the inner
Unfortunately the Earth Alliance and a lot of the
other groups that sit around in dark rooms and plan
out our futures without our input have decided that
they're gonna trickle information out over the next
2050 100 years depending on if they have to
mitigate any type of disclosure is happening uh
from the other side and just make it a nice long
prolonged prolonged disclosure because they really
really don't think we can handle it and I don't
think we can handle it either.
But I think we have to.
It's not,
it wouldn't be pretty but with something we have to
And of course full disclosure is the complete
antithesis of that.
I cannot talk today.
I don't know why.
And uh the police,
the complete release of crimes against humanity and
the involvement of E.
And R.
Evolution and pretty much all evolution occurs
through stress if you I believe in darwinism.
So the solar cycles this is where I really got
confused because I remembered that solar cycles
were 11 years.
That's just what I remembered from school and it
turns out that they are not On always.
They don't always work on 11 year cycles.
The last one I believe was like seven years You go
through we're entering exiting cycle 24 right now
and we're supposed to be going into cycle 25
according to all of the um the work that they've
done predicting solar cycles.
The solar cycles are supposed to be picking up in
intensity but they're reducing and they're slowly
get the sun is slowly getting weaker and weaker in
Well what I was realizing is that each of these
cycles really is a pulse.
The sun is pulsing it's it's it's always pulsing so
the pulsing has been going on since the sun has
existed now.
The solar minimum date when I was sitting across
from sigma and he was giving the briefing one of
the people at the briefing asked Sigmund have we
entered solar minimum?
And he didn't answer And he kept speaking.
So I and I found out later why you didn't answer is
because you cannot you do not know that you have
switched into solar minimum for at least six months
because they count sun spots.
They and they'll speculate when solar minimum
minimum will occur but they don't know until about
six months after it actually does occur.
And they can say,
we are in solar minimum.
And they're predicting that solar minimum will be
between 2019 and 2020.
This cycle which according to Sigmund,
he said that if this solar event did not occur At
the end of this maximum,
going into minimum,
which I guess is going into 2020,
that it would they did not expected the solar event
to occur again until it came out of solar minimum
into solar maximum again when it when it came back
And that could be anywhere from 57 years.
So there's really no way to predict it.
But that does put us right back Um,
in the original timeline,
pretty much maybe a little bit past that the secret
space program was talking about the 2018 to the
2023-24 period.
So it's still around that period.
Pretty much i In thinking that 11 years site,
they were all 11 year cycles.
I just added 11 years and it added to the confusion
So what is the seller's needs?
I don't,
It was I saw in in the smart glass pad,
how they had talked about it was going to be a
massive 360° full mass corona rejection.
And also in the papers,
they were thinking some people were postulating
that was just gonna be this major just energy pulse
and then people were going to turn into light
There are all these different ideas about what's
going to happen according to the and char what they
showed me when I was sitting in one of the egg
shaped chairs and they were showing me their
they showed me the sun explode and when it exploded
it kind of exploded in an oblong way around the
equator is where most of it exploded out and then
some out from close to each paul and it was just
huge waves of plasma coming in the animation that
shows fire.
But it was it was it was huge plasma mhm clouds
coming in and we'll see you in the animation later
I'm skipping ahead a little bit.
I was sitting here and I was in the chair and it
was funny because the Earth was hovering above my
knees and the sun was over here and then the moon
was moving and it was up here and then there was a
flash and then all of the plasma that I mentioned,
you see leaving and then it hits the moon and then
it hits the Earth and it hits the earth,
The earth spins like maybe 20 degrees it spins and
where it hit,
there's a circle um where it punches through the
atmosphere and it looked like it was above europe
and partially above the pacific and it was like a
a fire that went down and it boiled the water and
burned the land in this one area.
But it didn't it didn't destroy,
it wasn't this huge destruction like they depict on
knowing or some of these sci fi movies where the
earth is just completely destroyed.
But you know,
there were some pretty rough side effects.
I'm skipping way ahead.
So in the in the programs,
a lot of,
a lot of the nuts and bolts,
people thought this is it,
it's going to be the end of all civilization,
all technology,
everyone's gonna die.
Some of the others believe that it was going to
transfer everybody immediately into light bodies
were gonna fly around and read each other's minds,
It's gonna be awesome.
Yeah and then others believed it was just gonna be
the start of some golden age somehow.
Um some we're going to try to create a golden age
through technology and ai and the others thought it
was going to go the spiritual way.
But when it comes down to it,
the truth is somewhere in between.
One of the things Mika told me was that out of all
the local 52 stars,
How many of those,
out of those local 52 stars.
How many of them do you think everything unfolded?
Just like in their religions and prophecies?
not one,
there were similarities,
there was information that helped each of them
but none of them were exactly like how they had
been told in prophecy and I think we can expect the
So the the ants are as I just stated what they
showed me with the explosion.
But when the solar the explosion occurred and the
energy and plasma interacted with the earth,
there was loss of life.
But what occurred was immediately after that our
cosmic cousins came in and rendered aid.
So um the state of I'm going to get much more into
depth in depth about this later on.
But the state of humanity I think is what a lot of
people are curious about.
There was a kind of a split in the way people
reacted after this catastrophe and upgrade the
people I guess like us that have been preparing and
doing the work.
We went through,
we go through trauma.
We get we have to go through a rescue ourselves,
but we come out of it with a completely different
understanding this consciousness is a I mean this
this ascension is a consciousness shift and when
our consciousness goes through this shift we see
everything from a completely different way.
All of our problems.
We see from different angles.
We connect with each other in a different way
because we start to understand oneness,
how we are,
we are all one and how we can communicate easier
when you understand the full concept of oneness and
then we begin to kind of pull together and assist
each other and work with the non terrestrials,
the vast majority of the population who had been
asleep and not doing the work had a very rough time
They once they found out about the 22 genetic
They and and they were told that they were being
handed over the right to control their own genetics
They rebelled.
They stated they pretty much rebelled.
They began to mix all of their genetics together.
You know?
All races began to mix together.
They began to hack their genetics given themselves
like green eyes or purple hair whatever you know.
And they didn't understand until generations later
as this is like generations going on um That the
first genetic farmers that came in had genetically
tinkered with them To a point where if they started
to mix their fully mix their D.
And hack certain parts of their D.
That these horrible genetic diseases would occur.
And even though we've been given all of this new
technology from the surviving space program and
these E.
We don't understand um what's going on.
And eventually we have to we reject the E.
We don't want were very not us.
But the portion of humanity that doesn't do well
during the transition they're very distrusting of E
For a number of generations.
And eventually when they have this genetic disease
they have to call in the E.
For help and then the E.
Come in and assist them and then they begin to open
up to the E.
And their consciousness begins to catch up to the
And after a number of generations the consciousness
gets to a point to where everyone is pretty much
caught up.
Mass consciousness is on this one kind of vibe.
And then at that point we began to feel other
groups like we discover the answers are deep in the
earth and then the answers are come and visit us at
that point openly.
And then it's it's very hard to describe about how
timelines just kind of collapsed together.
The few the our present and their future just kind
of comes together.
They when they're open openly contacting us and
they have technology 20 million years in the future
All of a sudden now we're 20 million years in the
future if we meld with them.
So we that's that's a massive jump that can occur
and that massive jump causes another massive jump
in consciousness.
And this consciousness renaissance we go through is
pretty crazy.
But it does happen over generations.
Mm hmm.
According to the answers are in their path.
The blue avians have always stated that this was
just a natural cycle.
It was not you know,
it wasn't that things just got so bad here that all
the angelic got together and said okay enough is
It was just a natural part of of how the cost the
cosmic machine works.
Um that this would cause not only a consciousness
expansion but the energetic six.
We're gonna cause our DNA to change in vibration
and other strands become more energetically
available to us.
And that helps us with um the,
you know,
that that helps us with the spiritual side,
you know,
more more bandwidth,
energy bandwidth now on the timeline that the,
the blue avians showed me,
they did show me the build up of as the sun got
more of the energy was feeding through the sun,
the earth begins to heat up from the inside from
the the,
the energy from the sun.
And volcanoes began to get much more active and
then the the storms become more and more powerful,
more and more energetic and it's it's these are all
just signs of the energetic is building up in our
solar system.
The one of the major things I said to watch for is
when volcanoes start erupting all around the world
But what was what was interesting about the media
is that it was shown to me that because of the
the elect the electrical charge of the earth is
changing and it's affecting the way things are
attracted to it.
So some more debris is being pulled towards the
And one of them was a meteor that was pulled in
over the pacific ocean exploded pretty high up in
the atmosphere and sent a shockwave and caused a
Not a super devastating one,
but a tsunami.
And that just seemed to be some sort of a marker.
It was after a lot of this,
a lot of,
after a lot of this was shown to me in dreams and
through technology that I decided to move my family
to colorado.
It's one of the safe zones that they showed me the
smart pad information basically,
you know connects to some E.
Databases but mainly connects to all the dark
military scientific databases.
And like I said the scuttlebutt in the programs was
that uh this was going to happen at the end of the
solar minimum which could be next year or the year
So I bet if we talk to five different people in
here we would get five different answers on what
ascension is and you know what we won't know until
the time will we?
Mm hmm.
So the SSP alliance,
like I said,
there's a lot of different ideas about what will
But most of all they believe that the fulfillment
of their prophecies,
biblical prophecies and some other prophecies that
we've never seen that are hidden prophecies,
the part of their secret manuscripts that they are
watching to occur and in many cases they're trying
to make occur,
you know,
they'll make wars in certain cities,
ancient cities occur to you know like Damascus,
they're trying to try to make certain prophecies be
Now the answers are as I stated,
they believe that it is there a annoying feedback,
if they can take care of that.
you know,
we pretty much talked about this.
It's a natural part of evolution according to the
anti R.
And according to the law of one,
those who remain in fourth density upon this plane
will be a positive orientation.
So it appears that I think that a major part of the
negativity being removed from our solar system is
going to be the Ai the ai seems to be the biggest
problem in the universe no matter how advanced
beings are,
they seem to be wrestling with ai in one way or
here we go,
their history.
All right.
So they have All three groups have studied that and
put out how much they understand our co creative
consciousness and our mass consciousness,
how it can create reality.
So the question that was asked and it's a good
question by Sigmund.
Sigmund does not trust the and charred or the
nordics or any of the groups.
He's he's saying if we have this co creative
ability and the cabal has used movies to control
our co country creative abilities to create what
they would like.
How do we know that the ants are really are us in
the future and how do we know that they're not
telling us this information to get us to co create
Good questions.
I don't know the answer to that.
Um I haven't since deception from them,
but there are much more advanced beings than I will
ever be.
So I can't pretend that I'm advanced enough to know
you know,
what's going on in their consciousness.
But all I can do is observe and report and that's
what I'm gonna do.
A lot of the type of information I was shown has
been popping up in prophecy going back thousands of
Even Edgar Case talked about very similar things.
you know,
the Book of Enoch,
a bunch of,
a bunch of other texts,
they talk about,
you know,
cataclysms and things that sound like a pole shift
Now recently I did,
I spent three days with the and char and I got to
end up spending some time with the elders and the
elders pretty much spend great,
they spend a great deal of their time in the chairs
and the elders are probably the number one group
that are connecting with people.
It was,
they were trying to teach me how to use the chair
to interact with the chair and have anyone have you
all used the biofeedback toys to where you'll put a
little thing on your head and try to get a ball to
float and you sit there and you get you finally,
you figure it out,
it's kind of similar to that,
what they started out showing me was how they
observe us,
they sitting,
they sit in these chairs and they will observe us
at home or at work.
And if and,
and they,
they had a readout,
they know what we're thinking and what we're
like if the scientists is sitting there and he's
very close to a breakthrough,
but not quite there.
They'll just do this little,
this little all thing comes up and floats and
theyre messing around that kind of like a mouse
tracker and they'll do things with it and they'll
give people a download,
an informational download and the information comes
in like a,
like a zip file and then it just unzips inside the
person and it's like original thought to the person
and they they've been doing that and what's weird
is they do that to maintain the timeline,
but it's also their entertainment.
It's like watching,
it's like watching television,
some of them will follow,
it's like almost like a soap opera.
They will follow us for like five generations.
You know,
they'll they'll see a person that,
you remember his great great grandfather,
how he would act that way.
He kind of looks like him too.
You know,
They follow us that long because they live over 900
I mean,
that was a little disturbing.
Um and uh I don't know you when you,
when you think you're alone,
you spend your time a lot differently after,
you know,
wear a towel when you wouldn't normally wear a
towel because I mean,
they're probably floating around here right now
observing us,
But that,
that was pretty,
I mean they spend a lot of time in the chairs and a
lot of time observing and interacting with us.
We just don't realize it a lot of time in our
dreams too.
So they at once I finally got to a point to where
they didn't have to spend all their energy helping
me use the chair and I could,
I could use it somewhat on my own.
I started interacting with this one elder in
particular and a little,
he he was almost 1000 years old and he spends
almost all of his time in these chairs interacting
and observing humanity and they also observe other
beings on it.
They can uh,
they'll they can sit in a chair and if they want to
know what's going on,
like the reptilian are having a meeting there,
there just like they would do with us and I don't
think there's any real way of keeping them out.
It's it's pretty amazing.
So let's see.
So I discussed the huge plasma hurricane.
A lot of the,
there was some disturbing,
there was disturbing visuals that came along.
you know,
people bobbing around in the water like dead fish
and just horrible visuals,
a lot of sea life dead burned like it had been
But it was,
it was a small portion,
it wasn't the whole Earth.
It was,
it wasn't like I said,
I was expecting,
it was a smaller local event.
Now when the earth is knocked off its axis,
there were some major tsunamis nearly a mile high
and what land wasn't encroached upon by those
tsunamis was then hit really hard by winds.
The tsunamis pushed the air.
And so if a tsunami is traveling near the speed of
it's like six or 700 mph,
the air is being pushed as well.
So there are this air blast to just blast across
and ah areas that are not in safe zones,
had a pretty rough time.
And there's the simulation again,
you see that little swirl of where that's supposed
to be.
so what they showed me next was amazing.
well the sun literally turned into a giant coronal
it was not black,
but it was almost black and it was that way for a
number of days and then it just,
it comes back with a big explosion,
comes back into equilibrium and it's now a
different type of star,
slightly different type of star.
It went through its fourth density evolution.
When I've talk to these beings about why does the
earth have to go through this cataclysm?
you know what's up with that?
You know,
uh they said,
I'm told that it on all the different planets,
there is some sort of planetary disruption and when
I've asked them,
is there a way to to to stop it from happening and
they asked me,
who are you to interfere with the transition of a
planet going into fourth density,
you know it's kinda hard to argue with,
can't argue with it.
So what happens is the soul,
you see the solar flare knock everything out the
survivors on the planet.
If aid had not been rendered,
90% of them would die.
I mean we this was a technological civilization,
technology is gone,
so civilization is gone.
There is a cosmic loophole to where when
civilization has collapsed or if it's below a
certain level that E.
Can come in and openly interact with us and that's
happened with us many times in the past.
What happened was it was almost immediately after
this event occurred,
you begin to see some stragglers,
small little numbers of secret space program people
that survived that were coming to try to help their
basically their people here on the earth.
But simultaneous with that you see all that the sky
is covered in clouds,
You can't see the stars all of a sudden all of
these stars all over the earth start to appear in
the sky under the clouds and they just hover there
and then it uh they all in unison.
Not one at a time all in unison drop and come down
to the earth and began to render aid to everyone
and helping them stabilize and deal with the trauma
and then begin to share with them information about
the the different projects and I mean everything
and then that's when we,
a lot of us go into our rebellious stage.
And one of the other things that I found
interesting was that even the ants are live and I
mean are born and die and and still go through the
Karmic cycle.
So a lot of us that are expecting a flash to happen
in the sky and then there's no more suffering,
there's no more death.
many generations of us still have to go through
this cycle.
Karmic cycle and and allow for the full
consciousness all of the consciousness to catch up
It's it's it's a process.
It's not what I was taught when I was a little kid
by my granddad,
but now the solar event destroys all artificial
intelligence in the solar system and nanites.
What according to the and char is going to be
curious is how we respond to all of a sudden seeing
bewildered grays and reptile.
Ian's walking around having no idea what's going on
or any memory or understanding of why they behave
the way they had.
I mean these beings will basically be blank slates
and they're going to also be some humanoids and
humans that have had those implants that have done
bad things that after the implants are removed,
we're gonna have to figure out what's the ethical
way to deal with them.
A lot of how we deal with this information pivots
us into the type of reality we're gonna have next
because a lot of disturbing things are going to be
revealed to humanity.
Humanity is already going to be very ticked off and
to find out that truly they had been slaves and
genetic experiments.
It's it's gonna be it's gonna be a rough time.
But for about 1000 years were in this energetic
That prevents any type of ai prevents these
negative Orion groups from coming back in.
And it's an energy field that is maintained somehow
by these sixth density and higher beings.
I don't fully understand how they've tried to show
I just I don't have the ability to comprehend.
And if I try to repeat it it would probably
wouldn't make sense.
So the number one take away I guess Going back to
the 1930s whether they channeled or reported actual
face to face encounters Everyone who has had an et
Experience and an in depth one.
They usually report that the E.
Want to things as to work on disclosure revealing
suppressed technologies.
The existence of E.
S very important and second is to grow spiritually
or to expand your consciousness.
And that's something that we're working.
We're working on both sides of we're trying to get
as many groups as we can together to unite and
begin to do demonstrations.
We're talking about doing red pill parties you know
to where you can invite people over and find
different ways to to wake them up,
and that's all great.
But the number one thing that needs to be done,
the basically the blue avians,
you know,
stated before they left as well is that we have to
start healing the trauma.
This um,
the cycle of being caught up in the trauma and not
able to fulfill our mission because of the trauma.
we don't have time for that anymore.
It's time for us to,
to deal with these things and move on and focus on
trying to bring out the most optimal temporal
reality for all of us.
I think that just about everyone in this room is
most likely a star seed they felt called to be here
to experience this.
I was told that I agreed to this,
although I've asked repeatedly for some sort of a
video clip of me signing,
you know,
I haven't had one yet,
but they supposedly we agreed to this and
supposedly we're here for a reason and I think that
right now we should focus all of our energy on
finding out what that reason is.
If you already know what your mission is,
then now is the time not to let anything hold you
back this.
This is the great awakening.
All of us.
Every single person in here has was chose to come
here and believe it or not.
You chose to have all these crazy experiences to
have this perspective,
You chose to do whatever weird little hobbies,
a little weird jobs that I brought you these,
this knowledge and you didn't know how you would
ever use it.
But it looks like now is the time.
we're going back to the trauma.
We came here to have these experiences and we
supposedly agreed to the trauma,
but as we came here with star seeds and were
identified and seen as a threat and they traumatize
they don't realize they're training us for our
All we have to do is then learn how to let go of
the energy of that trauma and then look back at
those experiences and use them against the enemy.
We've all,
we've all been trained.
We just need to do the final part.
So I think right now,
I've never talked with David and I'm going to use
David because he's been doing this for 20 years and
he has stated that he has never seeing the
community so jazzed up and ready to get involved,
ready to make a difference.
Usually he would sit there and,
you know,
they would smile and be happy in the seats.
But now they're asking,
what can I do?
How can I get involved?
And um,
to that question,
I say,
you don't have to jump on my bandwagon,
jump on your own bandwagon,
use your skills,
your talents,
these weird little oddball jobs that you've done,
where you've picked up this knowledge and you
didn't know why use those to affect the mass
consciousness in a positive way that art music,
even people who have business knowledge,
they don't understand why they became so proficient
in business.
There's when all of us come together we find a way
to take all of those skill sets and make them work
And I think that we're coming together during this
time for a reason because we are service to others
So what do you do?
What what do you do from here?
I've told people that it's probably not a good idea
to go to your family tonight and talk about eight
ft tall blue birds.
How many of you have tried that?
I figured okay.
How did it go?
Not so good.
I haven't had the guest to try that one myself.
The the focus should be on suppressed technologies
There's a lot of information out there about
suppressed health technologies,
information out there about what's going on with um
all the vaccines.
There are a lot of things more down to earth that
you can focus on to begin to expand people's
And I think that if we use our skills,
if we're artists,
if we make movie clips or whatever,
if we use those skill sets mindfully towards our
then we are definitely going to make some major
changes to this world.
And um,
I think that's what we're here for and now is the
I mean if you look around now is the time now,
I've been talking about this for a year,
the I'm happy to to announce that the return of the
Guardians is now on sale Finally,
Thank you.
now this is kind of a lot of I think a lot of
people in the community have been trying to figure
out what in the heck is Corey doing?
He's like making a comic book,
he was talking about doing,
you know,
movies and all these other weird things.
Well one of the things Terrier explained to me is
that we need to use the tools that are being used
against us.
All of us have some sort of an ability to affect
the mass consciousness to affect even just a small
part of the mass consciousness in little groups.
If we can come up with things like imagine if you
had this book and you can hand it over to someone,
they look at it,
they're into sci fi but they're not into aliens,
I don't know how,
but that's sci fi.
People are primed for this and you know,
they usually read books about people killing each
other and you know in different clever ways,
but they get information about consciousness and
the expansion of technologies secretly and it's
done in an entertaining way.
Well this information is getting into their
subconscious and it begins to work on them their
higher self uses that information and leverages
that against other experiences and information
coming in if we can not just me,
if all of you,
if you have experiences go out and do your own
comic book or movie or something,
some find a way to use your creativity and the
abilities that you came here with to affect the
mass consciousness.
That's what I hope most people leave here with and
also buy my comic book.
Um and of course in august how many people here
went to eclipse of disclosure phew Yeah,
it was,
it was an awesome event,
a very family oriented event.
We're going to have another one,
it's going to be in colorado this time,
Loveland dimensions of disclosure as you can see
we're having some big speakers and it's going to be
there's going to be camping and a major family
That's what we try to encourage in our little
festivals or festivals is two people to be able to
bring their kids so we're looking forward to that.
And of course I've got a very large group of
artists that helped me put together these
I would not be able to do anything like like the
production value that my team brings and I really
appreciate it because they mostly do it free of
So did this bring up any questions for anyone?
I think we're gonna have a mic.
There we go.
I can't really see people very well because the
lights just as people raise their hand,
just go to people as they raise their hand.
I can't really see.
Hi Corey.
I've heard this concept uh a number of different
At least 10 different ways from Seth material um
you know,
uh and that has to do with our ascension having or
stopping another civilizations ascension and as of
I've heard of it in terms of of the solar system
being um the third chakra of a grander being as it
were and were kind of preventing its ascension as
it were.
Um Could you elaborate a little bit more upon this
I from what I was told is that the Earth is going
through its It's 3rd 4th density transitional,
just like we are,
the sun is also going through this density shift
and transformation the the earth.
No matter if we were here or not,
if we were happy about it,
sad about it,
it's going to go through this transition,
we're not going to hold it back from the transition
What what occurs is that the energy of the beings
on it can their state can determine how difficult
of a transition occurs.
It's like we almost become like anchors,
you know,
whole as it's going,
trying to go through the energy,
you know,
so it makes it rougher going through if we were uh
as a mass consciousness a little bit more blissed
like has occurred in some of the other planets,
then there's still gonna be a rough transition,
but it's not,
you know,
anywhere near as bad as if um they were putting out
energy of fear and just lower vibrate,
Torrey energy.
The only thing that I heard was similar to that was
that like the blue avians when they were the
ancient builder race and they created all this
technology To keep out the genetic farmers and to
have their own thing going on in the local 52 stars
when they did that when they ascended and left this
plane and left technologies behind.
Those technologies were then utilized by developing
beings that ended up making us karmically tied with
that ancient builder race.
So they were only able to get a certain distance in
their ascension level before we started acting like
a parachute.
They couldn't go any further because of Karmic ties
that they had back to us including over the last
couple of 1000 years when they've delivered
information hoping that we would take it and learn
from it.
Instead we make religions out of it and control
But I hope that answers your question.
Hi Corey.
My name is Tanya Taste.
I want to say hello to you.
Um I read on your blog that you were modifying your
presentation today and I want to let you know that
last night I was looking at the uh flyer for the
entire event and I read what you had posted that
you had intended to talk about,
google facebook and silicon valley and it occurred
to me I'm also clairvoyant.
It occurred to me that there was a possibility that
some of our friends from the government might have
communicated to you about who do you think you are
coming to Silicon Valley talking about such things
in the event?
That that may have occurred?
I do know that I happen to know from personal
experience that those threats can be real.
And you've also communicated and David have has
communicated that those threats are real.
I want to let you know that you are in the arms of
the spiritual community community here in the bay
This is where it begins for the nation.
We love you,
we support you.
We will always be here for you.
You have friends here.
Don't you ever worry,
Don't you ever worry about what you have to say?
Because we want to hear from you.
Thank you.
Thank you know,
threads from Silicon Valley.
Thank you.
Hi Cory.
My name is Leslie Danielson.
And I have a question uh,
does any of those avian blue avians get rick
ordinated into this plane And are,
are they here with us as humans also?
there's probably a bunch of them in here now.
Because I have been to serra ceremonies and I am
known as the mother of feminine energy and the
energy of feminine is that came to the ceremonies
are blue,
A lot of them um doing on the family uh ceremony of
the subito.
So um I just wanted to know if I have any
connection with them.
Yeah I mean a lot there are a lot of incarnates
here from a lot of different civilizations in the
higher densities that are star seeds that are here
to work.
Hey Corey,
thanks for coming.
Uh Could you clarify perhaps the consensus that
you're getting from SSP blue avians and and Shar
with regards to the kind of the process of the
transition at the time of the of the the event of
the solar flash.
Just in terms of I'm a little confused after
hearing David last night um yesterday.
Um I mean are we all going to get like swamped and
blown away and then they're going to come and help
us or.
Uh huh.
Um Yeah pretty much it's a rough day on planet
rough rough day.
And uh our cosmic neighbors kind of undersea what's
happening and decided to come over and help us.
Finally that's Yeah.
It it now the big question is are we able to change
that future?
You know,
I don't know the question when I ask those types of
questions and they tell me who am I to try to
interfere with the transition of an entire planet?
You know looks like you know instead of changing
the planet,
we kind of need to learn how to mitigate what's
going to happen.
I mean um according to what I was told in every
star system when they went through this solar event
There were there were there were some catastrophes
of varying degrees.
So yeah,
apparently that the actual event is what clears
these beings to be able to come down openly.
thank you cory.
Um we're uh we get information saying that our
current president is cooperating with the alliance
and I'd just like to know if you have any intel on
The current climate is so charged that talking
you know I usually say the current president
because the word is just causes an explosion but um
yes my information going back all the way from
before he was elected was that he was approached,
there was about to be an open cu that it wasn't a
coup against Obama against the democrats,
it was against the system.
The republicans and democrats are equally
compromised and they wanted someone who had I guess
I was brash and wasn't compromised by the cabal
wasn't owned that I guess I had the guts to to face
Um now a lot of people say and he's playing the
part of the fool which you know is a lot of people
say that about me too,
that's okay,
I'll own it but he is just a small part and an
alliance of many countries that are working to get
rid of this very occult group that has been running
the planet for thousands of years for the average
person that watches the news every day too um be
told that these horrific things are occurring when
we don't see anything like that in our created
That's a big leap to try to ask people to take.
So um then asking people to believe that there's an
occult group running the planet and then trying to
ask those same people to believe that there are E.
I mean that's it's all a part of disclosure.
All of this stuff is a part of disclosure.
And um I don't think any when all this information
comes out none of us are gonna be like yes my side
was right,
we're gonna be like oh I voted for that guy,
oh no you know it's going to be like that and we're
all gonna have to just move on.
The number one thing is just especially us in this
community is pulling ourselves out of that this
that created environment for you know left versus
right and all of that,
it's all created two cause division,
you know,
one of the another main reason that they most
likely don't want us to know about E.
Is that all of our cosmic cousins around us.
They are not,
they don't have yellow hair and white skin.
You know we hear about the nordics a lot.
They were when I saw them they were all different
shades of brown and there were all different types
and uh you know on this planet,
we're still dealing with,
you know racism and crap like that,
I mean and when the beings come out of the sky to
help us,
what are we gonna do?
And they have,
you know,
they're they have brown skin and we have these
preconceived ideas,
we're gonna have a lot to deal with when these
beings come down and it's it's like I said it's not
gonna be anything like even us how how we think
it's going to be,
it's going to be amazing event hey Corey.
Hi uh first of all um just a really big thank you
for me of course and like everyone for all this
stuff that you do because um it's still a choice to
do this and um you bring um you bring it to us in a
way that I think is just really helpful but most of
all very empowering and that is so useful.
So thank you very much for that.
Um so I hope you feel that love and also um so
obviously predicting things in general,
it's there's so many nuances,
I'm sure in moving pieces,
but I just kind of wanted to get like your general
opinion on Antarctica and if it's kind of like if
you see it,
if it would make sense to call it kind of like a
wild card so to speak because um it's just been a
real wild ride hearing about what's going on down
there from you and others of course and just like
to hear you speak about that a bit because it seems
like I constantly see every other day there's
something in the news about you know,
an accident.
There scientists are doing this there.
But it's it's very interesting.
there it's obvious that they're trying to keep
Antarctica just a little bit in our consciousness
and there's a reason for that.
there were a number.
I spoke with David and he was getting some intel as
I was being told that some of the excavations had
become so dangerous because of the moving ice,
the melting ice from using steam to excavate that
there had been major collapses and that there had
been loss of life even um like university types.
So but yeah,
there I've been expect hoping I guess not expecting
the information to come out a lot quicker.
But it's been interesting to see,
you know,
you know,
I talked about the cavernous area that had
basically a city underneath.
I think it's a university of Hawaii.
One of the universities came out and they talked
about how under the ice there were these huge
thermal domes to where it was like 30 degrees
Celsius and you could be in a T shirt and be
comfortable and I think it's just slow information
is just slowly coming out to to prime our
consciousness to a point to where like if there's
something major that happened and they needed a
mass distraction,
then a sudden discovery under the Ice may be found
And uh,
oh yeah,
the Navy,
This had to be top secret because of the technology
used certain sonars,
found technology under the ocean.
But now we can release that,
you know,
kind of mass distraction type of scenario.
But that's kind of how everyone has seen uh
Antarctica because Antarctica Antarctica.
It's weird because it's part of it.
They want to show you,
you know,
the ancient civilizations and that kind of thing.
But then there's all of these R.
And D.
Programs going on down there that they don't want
anyone to know about.
And a lot of them were wanting me to give intel
about the um underground civilization under i
civilization that they found that they didn't want
me talking about the research and development bases
But you know,
I talked about both hi Corey,
a little bit nervous.
I just wanted to express that.
I flew all the way from Melbourne Australia on the
spur of the moment,
last Tuesday when your promo video came through.
So since you started coming forward on cosmic
I've been following your work and it's changed my
life entirely.
And I've now come out of one chapter of my life and
I haven't found my feet in this next chapter.
But this work that you've been sharing and the
advice and encouragement,
I haven't quite worked out where I'm going to go
and how I'm going to contribute,
if not at the very least energetically,
but from Australia,
a very big thank you.
And uh lots of love and lots of gratitude.
And I've already signed up for dimensions of
disclosure just for me,
there's nothing else that's more important than
this work.
Thank you.
Um as long as I can remember,
I've been interested in what I call this um cosmic
totem pole.
And I always wondered from your perspective,
you're the only one I know who's been talking to
beings who or what do you think might be at the top
of this totem pole,
some kind of God goddess all it is.
Or is it a field of consciousness?
Have you any of your beings talk to you about the
ultimate creator source?
And is it a personality or just a field of
What do you think?
So what is the one infinite creator?
Is that what basically your question?
Is it a man?
Is it a woman?
They have a beard sit on a chair?
And I talked about this on jimmy church the other
Now Oneness is the most important concept to
It's one that very few have fully fully understood
And it was only recently that I I fully understood
it Basically the one infinite creator.
I wanted to understand duality and it didn't want
to understand duality from your point of view or my
point of view.
It wanted to understand duality from every
perceivable point of view possible.
I wanted to know everything about duality.
The experience of duality.
So it exploded into innumerable sparks of which all
of you are.
Each of those sparks is the one infinite creator.
We are the one.
We are a piece of the one and it dispersed itself
in this creation,
this universe which is a electro and electric
What do you have with electricity?
Negative positive.
Everything is based on that.
So when we begin to understand that we are one,
I am you you or me.
Time doesn't matter.
It's just the experience.
So therefore you can begin to under identify uh
begin to work on traumas.
You can understand fully understand if we are one,
I'm the victim,
I'm the perpetrator,
I'm the enabler.
I'm the witness.
I'm all of those were all the one infinite creator
having this simultaneous experience.
To understand duality.
And when I understand that I am the perpetrator,
I am the victim.
Then you begin to understand how to use skills of
uh if you have a trauma,
you go back to that time period and you re
experience that trauma and then you re experience
it as the perpetrator and as a witness and then as
a disembodied witness in the room.
Energy is the energy of that trauma begins to leave
because you realize we are one And people ask the
question after the Flash,
when do we start becoming telepathic and
communicating with each other?
The biggest expense part of that expansion of
consciousness is we understand oneness.
We understand we are one.
If I wanted to write and fully understanding that
they it's the basis of shape shifting.
The native americans would do,
my grandfather would teach me with our dog sitting
close by.
He would say,
we are all that same energy.
That same spark picture yourself laying on the
floor with where the dog is looking up at us.
And I would picture everything in that room from
that perspective.
Match the breathing of the dog,
match the heartbeat of what you perceive.
The dog is uh feeling no,
basically profile,
no of that dog's personality.
Uh take in what you know of that personality about
what they're most likely feeling and thinking at
the moment.
And then you begin to have a buy local Feeling.
You become that dog because you are one we that
happens on a level to where we start understanding
each other's thoughts,
feelings on a level that we can't even perceive of
right now,
when we fully understand oneness that we all are,
that one spark,
that one infinite creator,
not one of us is having a more special experience
in the other to the one infinite creator.
The way each of us we look in the mirror.
We all have those insecurities.
We see the little things that no one else sees,
we uh we go through,
we go through that experience as an agent,
a reflection of the one infinite creator.
And when we fully understand and embrace that we
begin to have a lot of of these superpowers that
we're talking about.
But the number one superpower is beginning to
understand the true nature of what we are and if we
are a piece of the one and the one created all of
and we have the same creative abilities that were
kept ignorant of by those who want to control us
and use those abilities.
So that's probably one of the number one things I
want to leave people with is trying to fully
understand uh going to meditation,
really trying to understand uh oneness and asking
the one to help you understand what oneness is,
because that's what allows you to connect with
everyone and everything else.
uh Jared brian um my question is uh um wondering if
you'd had a chance to see the remote viewing data
from technical intuition about the entity named Raw
and um specifically um about Roz,
um use of sound and energy to sort of lull you into
a state of mind.
And I'm just wondering if you if that's your direct
experience uh during these sessions and what you
think about the remote viewing data which for me by
the way,
really substantiate all of your story and I'll let
you speak.
Um so remote viewers,
they're pulling this information out of the ether
and it still has to go through their lens.
So if they have a judo christian background then
the information is gonna be pulled through that
Um The information that they were pulling in that
remote viewing session was very interesting.
But I could see how you know it had to do with the
person's perception if they think like he was
saying that the blue avians looked down at us like
we're plants or something like that.
That is that persons ah point of view based on what
they saw.
If you have 1/6 density being that has 1/6 density
consciousness and you have a third density
consciousness trying to connect with it and and
relay information back.
It's not gonna work.
I mean it's it's just they're going to there is no
base of reference between those two densities.
So he's gonna use his lens,
his experiences to describe what he's experiencing
which is literally beyond the density that that
he's in.
So they I thought it was very interesting
The fact that they you know dig peeing and connect
with the blue avians was interesting.
But you got to take you know that information is
subjective wow!
Hi Corey.
I'm back here.
We're in the back uh and hi everybody we're one.
Um I want to take us back to you were just talking
about oneness.
But I came here today with this question listening
to your material.
Um so there's this uh huh conflict in the ideas for
me in terms of the solar flash,
the solar sneeze happening ascension happening at
that time.
And then this idea or the idea of of this prolonged
disclosure and it seems kind of pointless if this
event is going to happen and awaken everyone.
And what is making me think of is,
you know,
uh the level of anger,
that's the potential level of anger that is
available through these events.
Um is is are the are the agencies that are wanting
to have this long term disclosure kind of trying to
hide out behind their own crimes of sort of we as
humans forget very quickly.
And the plan all along was to they knew that at
some point there was going to be a big event,
whatever type of event and that they most likely
would go underground.
According to their beliefs weighed out,
you know,
ah you know,
you know,
falling and then come back um that that has been
Their plan all along and to give us as little as
possible to appease us up until that point.
They could,
you know,
us knowing aliens or they could care less.
They're just trying to appease us until um you know
they're scenario plays out.
So my follow up to that is um just how do we deal
with the forgiveness.
Part of it ourselves is the blue avians talked
about any of that.
How we deal with that through this course and
Not just of ourselves,
but these crimes against humanity.
the people that have not done the work of working
on their traumas from their childhood and uh,
you know,
day to day,
just day to day traumas.
If they haven't worked on those,
how in the world are they going to work on such a
large trauma?
The people that have,
we've done the inner work are going are going to
have a rough time.
But those who have all of these hair trigger
traumas are just,
they're gonna go berserk and it's it's going to be
bad and um,
we're going to sit back and watch,
you know,
people flipping over cars and burning,
you know,
places down,
it's just going to be a part of the process.
you know,
I don't know of a way to really mitigate it because
people have been kept so dumbed down so asleep and
constantly daily traumatized by even the media that
they watch.
So it's just a state that we're in and that's what
we're gonna have to deal with.
Hi Corey,
you've talked about galactic slavery.
What's going to happen to the people in mars or I
don't know much,
whatever you see what about their consciousness,
us getting to understand what's happening to them
and then getting freedom.
the people that are slaves in places like mars and
a few other places in our solar system that a lot
of them don't even believe the earth is inhabited
You know they think that they're it after this um
Solar event knocks out the tech most of the
technologies and that the programs that run that
infrastructure will collapse and the same E.
That are going to render aid to us are going to
render aid to everyone in our solar system.
So they will have aged rendered to them.
Now there's another aspect of there are some of the
people that have been taken into the slave trades
and or in other star systems they've been tagging
these people for years.
They were they we started doing that back in the
programs when I was forced to work in these
programs and at that point the alliance had already
developed and they were starting to tag these
people so there would be a way to retrieve them in
the future and supposedly that's what's going to
occur that uh some of our et groups are gonna go
out retrieve them.
Uh Some of these people and bring them to a planet
to where they're going to be healed from the
traumas because some some of the things that
happened to these people off world are extremely
traumatizing and they're gonna have to help a lot
of these people.
Um I guess he'll before they're ready to
reintegrate with the rest of humanity.
Hey Corey quick question.
or to real quick,
I know you mentioned earlier something about safe
zone in colorado being more favorable than perhaps
texas and the other one is on the individual level
How do you or how the,
how did the french are?
See the difference between reincarnation and
ascension on the individual level of what
reincarnation and an ascension on an individual
like being embodied or disembodied or something.
the um,
the ants are they live,
you know,
to be Around 900 to 1000 years old.
And then at the end of that cycle,
depending on where they are energetically they are
given the choice to enter back into their ah
Reincarnation pool basically and come back in as an
and shark kid or two when they get to a certain
then they go to the next uh,
density and they don't,
their bodies don't fade out.
But at the end of that life,
that incarnation no longer occurs within fourth
The incarnation begins and the How exactly that
works in 5th density Procreation and all that.
Don't ask me.
I don't know.
was that what's there seemed like more?
what was the question about?
So yeah,
you can,
I have been shown maps,
but they look pretty much exactly like the ones
that are on the internet of safe zones of areas
being protected by wind and water by mountain
ranges and um,
and that kind of thing.
it was obvious that anywhere living within,
you know,
several 100 miles of the coast was not a good idea
at all.
I mean pretty much everywhere.
my name is eric and uh,
first of all I'd like to express my gratitude for
you coming forward and sharing this information and
bringing it down to an understanding for me,
you know,
two years ago,
I was just living a normal life unaware and awake,
you know,
and then I met somebody that has similar
information to you and similar to our friend in
Australia 30 days ago.
I was first introduced to you and immediately
booked our tickets to come here from ST George Utah
So there is people that are awake in Utah.
It's interesting.
It's interesting.
So my question to you is then when you talked about
being a other species being incarnated as their
dimensional people,
have you ever met anyone with their lens removed
that can,
that is fully aware.
That doesn't,
that can bring down that information without
entering any interference from the lens.
You know,
every single one of us has that lens based on our
experiences and perceptions and uh,
people like us that we'll deal with that have,
that will actually deal with traumas or um,
put away belief systems that no longer serve us,
we are the ones that are constantly adding to and
constantly grinding and correcting our lens to try
to get the clearest light in as possible.
But it's it's just not possible to have a pure
source of light in anymore.
I mean it comes um it all comes through our filters
even when um ah They approached Carla for the law
of one the information that came through.
They use a lot of like harvest and other type of
christian language.
Um And so I mean that just shows you that they have
to use our lexicon of words that are available to
our experiences.
They have to use those to communicate to us.
And that's I mean that's what they use to
communicate with us to us with.
And so that is the lens that we have to use.
I don't know if that explains it.
Oh yeah.
So even if a person has died and had an N.
And is still here they still have some kind of a
lens to speak the lead to transfer the um the
communication or frequency into the words were
saying they use that lens to interpret that
Hello Cory.
I'm so excited to be here today.
I've been meaning to meet you many many times that
I've had opportunities and never given myself
permission to come because I'm always giving to my
Children and not myself.
Um But what I wanted to ask you is if there are
enough people here that are more energetically
charged and we are subject to death in this
cataclysm does our energy fall like acupuncture
points upon the planet where we fall and help raise
the vibration of the place that we're at to
mitigate some of the chaos of the people around us
who are devolving in.
There are a lot of people here that are holding
energetic space for the rest of us.
Um and some of the missions have been for people to
come here and just be and share their energy.
I mean,
that's it.
Um and I think certain nodes on the planet,
they have made sure that certain star seeds are
either born there or find their way there to help
balance some of these energetic sex.
It's something that's,
it's like,
you know,
that's like a big musical piece that's being
orchestrated from all the different densities and
all of these different beings within the densities
Some of them coming here to incarnate as us,
some of them them coming here energetically or
It's it's it's a,
it's like there's a symphony of what's going on and
um what we mainly need to do is is uh,
you know,
focus on ourselves.
If we've gotten to the point where we feel like
we've dealt with all of those and we're just trying
to help others,
then I think that goes back to just your skill set
or what or what you came here with what your lead
to do.
There are some people that are doing energy work?
I can't,
I don't even begin to understand but I know that
they were brought here to do it and that it's an
important just as important as everything else,
an important part of the cycle.
So I really don't know a better answer than that.
I'm really intrigued with the blue avians and I
noticed on the screen that you were showing in my
curiosity came up.
How are we?
Oh how how are we are developing our human
consciousness interfering with the blue avians and
their ascension?
What's interfering with them is the fact that um we
had a developmental process that would have
occurred with or without them other than the fact
that they had the technologies that they had left
behind were used in war and that ended up tying
them karmically and energetically to what was going
They get further got tied when they said they came
down three different times to bring us information
about oneness,
to help us understand oneness and every time we
turned it into a religion or a control system and
that karmically tied them to us.
So until we moved to a certain point,
they're just kind of stuck observing us.
Hi Corey,
thank you so much.
It's a pleasure being here.
My question has to do with how you as we are
informed through our truth lens,
initiate collaboration with other people doing the
same worldwide globally.
To spur a quicker and accelerated past.
So specifically are you able to communicate and
collaborate with people like Cobra uh as well as dr
neruda with the wing makers and finally someone
like Darryl Anka with bashar.
And I've spoken with some of these different people
and um getting collaboration is in unity.
It sounds great,
but it's really hard to do.
I mean really hard.
Um a lot of us came from maybe christian
We didn't have such a good time in that environment
So we chose to leave a lot of us,
Not all,
but so a lot of people joke around about,
you know,
the christian church or or that religion when this
community behaves exactly like it.
They split up into all these denominations,
every other denominations.
every other person is delusional.
But I've got this the way in their light right here
I figured it out.
That's how a lot of people are.
Um so the the number one thing I've been trying to
do is just get us to a point to where we agree to
We agree that none of us has the truth,
but we all want it and will lead and to agree to
not Yeah,
tonight rely on these Ufo belief systems,
we've all developed,
you know,
and not debate those to put all that aside and to
find a topic that we can work together on.
That's why we talk about aliens.
Oh no aliens are all good,
they're good and bad.
there are no aliens.
They're demons.
You know,
it goes into this,
that's why I've been trying to get people to work
on things more down to earth like suppressed
technologies and things that are uh not they have
that the people haven't been programmed to have the
giggle reaction to.
Mhm Hi,
my name is jesus and then my question is that we're
living in a holographic universe is like a big
I'm sorry that we're living in a holographic
You know,
like a big computer system.
That's what I heard about it too.
That's what my question,
Um well as I stated at the beginning,
a lot of people think that we are part of a large
simulation which could be a computer.
Um but the way I like to see it is that we're part
of a big day dream.
you know,
kick back and had a big day dream and we are that
you know,
so the uh I it doesn't totally resonate with me
that we are a simulation running in a machine
somewhere though.
You know,
I couldn't totally discount it a quarry.
Um My name is lisa and um this has been such a
journey learning about this information and going
through all the sort of realizations of,
the world is going to be destroyed.
I was working,
I was gonna I was working on climate change and you
sort of saving the world.
So it's been a big journey to sort of wrap my head
and my heart around,
you know,
what's it's going to happen?
Um And I recently um experienced a retreat where
the teacher was channeling and the messages he was
channeling are so similar to what you're saying
with the ants are saying that I'm wondering if
there was,
you know,
part of that was coming through.
Um and one of the things that came through was um
that by us,
you know,
we keep talking about go inward,
go inward.
Do your work.
Um hold the vibration of love,
you know,
higher frequencies.
Um And by each of us doing that work,
I'm curious,
I haven't really heard a lot of people talking
about the collective impact of that or you know,
critical mass of that.
And what came through the channel was that um that
there's actually the ability and they were talking
about third dimension to fifth dimension and I
don't really know how that correlates to densities
but you know,
they were saying we need to shift our vibration to
fifth density fifth dimensional five D.
And um if we do that,
there's actually the ability to influence timelines
and outcomes,
but I don't know what that would be because it
seems like it's a given it's blowing up,
you know,
this is happening,
but what could happen on a collective level if all
of us are doing this work in that scales or spreads
And is there any point in trying to influence
timelines or outcomes?
What's Yeah,
what's your take on that?
I mean,
like what I said with the other stars in our local
cluster is that the transition that the planet had
depended on the state of the consciousness,
of the beings on it and it affected it.
So any work that we can do to affect the mass
it's going to have a direct effect on the
experience we have um when this transition occurs.
So doing the work is still very important up until
the very last moment of the flash,
because every bit of energy that we put into it
counts and on that I'm gonna have to end it.
Um I know we have someone else coming in to speak
and I need to go the bathroom.
Mm hmm.
I wrote.
Thank you.
People: Corey Goode
Topics: Awakening & Ascension, Disclosure, ET Contact, History, Metaphysics, Secret Space Programs
Harald Kautz – Project Camelot – Awake and Aware London June 27 2022
The subjects Harald speaks about are transhumanism, parasitic beings, and demons related to nanobots, astral realms, the history of humanity, and techniques for clearing and healing :
A weekly report by Benjamin Franklin. “Is there an alien presence in the highest level of our world government?” Augusts 8 2022
I personally found my way to the law of one because of psychedelics. I thought that through reincarnations and life experience that you start to realize that you are it and it is you. Let’s say if you could have every experience that you ever wanted let’s say your god for example an omniscient omnipresent And omnipotent being for example you would get bored with doing absolutely anything you wanted so in turn you split yourself into infinite experiences what you mite call the multiverse to experience all the different possibilities of experience imaginable and that through that web that connects the multiverse you are connected to that very same source energy my initial belief was that through these incarnations you slowly get glimpses of the truth and after so many you catch onto it as you start the ascension process and through that process you start to return to the source and I was talking about these things one night and a dear friend of mine brought me to Corey because what Corey was saying sounded a lot like what I was saying and to my surprise it was exactly what I was talking about but of course through my own Lens.
Where are other safe zones located?
Suspicious observers recently made a video about it : and
Hope this helps 🙂
Thank you!
I will handle anything but not forced vaccination. I am sick and tired of the current situation on Earth.
I know this article from exopolitic. Interesting.
For anyone wishing to further understand the earth’s disaster cycle
This is from Suspicious0bservers channel on YouTube
You mentioned there isn’t a way to predict earth’s magnetic pole reversal… Suspicious0bservers is an online community of aware scientists and researchers monitoring the magnetic pole reversal signs, solar activity, earthquakes, astrophysics. We should have some amount of warning, and have some great information available. There is a YouTube channel and website
Yes, London Cherie, I agree with your comment, about SuspiciousObservers. Ben Davidson is a great teacher, consistent for many years now, sharing a 4 minute spaceweather report every day. I’ve found helpful education and timely warnings, during intense solar activity, so that travelling wasn’t the plan.
I just stumbled over these three video messages from “The Guardians of The Lookin Glass” no Bitchute:
And I thin, they are true but I can’t verify them. Only my heart lets me know, that it’s true. But go and watch for yourself what to think about. But do it before April, 18th 2022, because one message contains an outlook of what could happen on that date!!!!
The sun of God will save us I know it
This is what i needed. This right here the video. God bless and thank you so much <3
Super interesting. Thank you for all your hard work.
Great video. Thanks for sharing it!
Awesome thank you for sharing!
Thanks for sharing this Corey and AW admin.
I found that the information from the Zetas also mentioned this point, including maps and advocating people to live a self-sufficient life in nature. This lifestyle is also mentioned in the Bantu spirit and the ringing cedar in Russia. Did you pay attention to this information?