Welcome to Surviving Ascension! An upcoming 4 week course on the spiritual warfare, relationships & cutting cords taught by Corey Goode and Stacy Goode, with interviews with several additional teachers included, in addition to many hours of teaching and Q&A from Corey & Stacy.
Includes immediate and unlimited access to course replays.
Through Purchasing Surviving Ascension you Gain Access to:
Teachings from Corey & Stacy Goode
Over 8+ hours of video teachings from Corey Goode & Stacy Goode on subjects referenced in the outline below.
Guest Teachers & Healers
Additional bonus interviews and instruction from teachers in the community with many years of experience in the topics.
Q&A with Corey & Stacy
Submit your questions for Corey & Stacy at any time through our website and participate in the live online Q&A sessions.
Interact with Fellow Students
Online Forums & More through the AscensionWorks.TV Website & iOS & Android apps!
Testimonials From Corey's Previous Courses
“This course has been absolute game changer for me, the homework and exercises have been a breath of fresh air. I literally feel like a new person. So many traumas and worries don’t even appear on my radar now. Excited about the future.”
James T. on Accelerating Ascension
Subjects Covered In Surviving Ascension:
Week 1
Recognizing End Times Madness in yourself and others.
Recognizing and Responding to Spiritual and Energetic Attacks (Karma, Negative Greetings & Energy Vampires)
Week 2
In depth look at most common types of negative entities, energy attacks.
Guarding your energy and methods of clearing and protecting your home.
Week 3
Recognizing when it’s time to cut chords in relationships.
Recognizing when old beliefs no longer serve you and understanding that “Your Truth” are also your distortions.
Week 4
Subjects determined by student questions submitted
Additional bonus subjects from qualified teachers (Bonus Content details coming soon!)

Features of Surviving Ascension on AscensionWorks.TV
- All students now have access to a private social group and private forums for students of the course on AscensionWorks.TV where you can discuss the course subjects and post questions and learn more information from our community of students.
- All students can now send friend requests to other students (who choose to be visible) in order to be able to private message your fellow students directly through the platform. There are also privacy settings in the account area for all who choose not to participate in any social features, and your profile and presence will not be visible to others by default. Mobile apps are coming soon which will facilitate easier communication notifications.
- Students can post blog entries to their profile, as well as photos, links and any other updates they would like to share with the Course Students group (with privacy settings per post now available as well).
Surviving Ascension Course Registration Open Now
More Testimonials from Corey's Previous Course Students
“The course exceeded my hopes and expectations, thank you!”
Leigh C
“There is so much good information here that I will go back to over and over again.”
Gina B
“I have loved this course, Corey and Stacy. It has been such a boost, especially during this time. Thank you for the care you put into all aspects of the class.”
Elizabeth S
“Dear Corey and Stacy. What a journey you took us on. I am sooooo glad I signed up and joined you as we continue to venture out into this brave new world. “
Sally R
“This class has been such a life altering experience for me. I felt lost… but now looking back on it this course let me deep dive into the law of one, deeper than I ever have. Many major changes are happening in my life with family members passing away, this course is giving me the spiritual strength to not only get through it but understand it better. Thank you Corey.”
Chris V.
Such a wonderful experience I had here. Thank you to the TEAM that made this possible!!
Megan N
Absolutely fantastic, I have really enjoyed every minute.
Kerry P

Corey Goode is one of the most controversial figures in ufology today due to the scope & scale of his life experiences working with Secret Space Programs and extraterrestrial groups. Though the history of his formal work within SSPs originally occurred many years ago, a series of unexpected events have pushed Corey into the public view, and have brought him into the unusual role of serving as a messenger for ET groups who needed someone with his background to work with.
In 2011, Corey began to experience dream encounters with strange Blue Avian beings, unfamiliar to him. He later learned that interactions in the dream state were part of a preparation course to get him ready for physical interaction. From 2014 to 2017 Corey experienced otherworldly physical meetings with the Blue Avians who confirmed to him they were absolutely the source of the Ra Contact.