S2E4: Supporting the Disclosure Movement
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Original Date: Sep 01, 2023
Original Date: Sep 01, 2023
SSP Updates Explanations with Corey & Mike
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Next Episode: S2E5: New Era of UAP Disclosure
Mike Waskosky: All right, Corey, so at the end of this update you also had mentioned that we do have a role in this kind of battle that's playing out and that now is the time to become the activists that help sort of shift the narrative.
If the narrative is being manipulated to such a degree that people are being encouraged to be afraid to give in to the idea that lockdowns are needed, that we have to be more controlled in a totalitarian system because of the fearful entities or the fearful things that are going on, I assume that fear is one of the main things that we need to be activists against through having better understanding of what's really going on and the history of what's actually happened on Earth and that kind of thing.
Do you have any thoughts on that?
Corey Goode: Yeah, and, you know, the word is that the ETs have given us till 2027, 2028 to make the people of Earth aware of them because they're going to start showing themselves around that time period.
So we have that aspect to it, but we also have people that are “Alliance friendly”, like David Grusch and the 40+ people working with him who have the full information that they want to disclose. They know that we're probably going to be seeing some very disturbing things in the skies or in space. We're going to see conflict here and there, especially when the Confederation comes in to start trying to defeat the Orion Group. We're going to see weird flashes by Jupiter and things that look like meteors crashing into Jupiter, and things that are going to be difficult to explain or understand.
They're starting to disclose things because these whistleblowers think it's the right thing to do and they want to prepare us so we're not completely shocked when a lot of this stuff starts to transpire.
So David Grusch and them . . . A lot of people are very skeptical in the community or calling it “controlled” or “partial Disclosure”. Well, yeah, we're not getting full Disclosure. We're not on a timeline to get a full Disclosure before the Solar Event. It's not going to happen.
We're going to get stages of partial Disclosure. And as each little partial Disclosure bit comes out, we're going to have the Alliance trying to spin it in their direction, the Cabal and other different groups trying to spin it in theirs to completely scare the shit out of people so that they're on a war footing, that the whole civilization gets on a war footing against a threat.
And they're going to make it sound like this threat is incoming, but these ET groups have been on Earth with us for many, many thousands of years. And they're going to try to convince us that some of them have been here, here and there, but that they're coming in to take over and we need to get ready to fight against them when they've already taken us over. They've already been in control for thousands of years – the negative ET groups.
And the Disclosure community was completely infiltrated. Civil wars happened within different content creators and it discredited itself so badly that the Alliance-friendly groups had no choice. They couldn't send their people in to someone like Dr. Salla or even Steven Greer or anyone because the community had completely, completely discredited itself through all of its horrible compromised behavior.
So it is so bad, the Alliance is so pissed off at the Disclosure movement and don't have anything to do with it that their real whistleblowers won't have anything to do with Greer, anyone, in this community.
They've completely re-branded, as I've said before, Disclosure. UFOs are now UAPs, aliens are non-human intelligence, and the list goes on.
And they're doing everything to release this information while also not wanting people to mentally tie it to the abduction phenomenon. They still want everyone to think that's some sort of mass hallucinative hundredth money effect kind of phenomenon.
They don't want people saying, “Huh, these ETs that are coming to Earth are really coming here so the abductees' stories must be true.” They don't want us to make that connection.
So one of the things that Grusch and his insiders are going to tell Congress and eventually the American people is that indeed some of these crashed UAPs have human remains on them, and they found evidence of ongoing human experimentation being done onboard the ships – areas for it to be done.
So it's going to come out that people, a certain percentage of people who claim to be abductees, are real.
There is a psychosis thing that goes on to where a lot of people who have had different traumas, abuses and stuff, somehow transform it into alien abductions. At any alien abduction meeting there's going to be a certain percentage of them that fit that, and they're delusional people that look for a place to connect.
There is a lot of that that goes one, but there is a percentage, and a good percentage, of the people who claim to be alien abductees who are really being abducted and experimented on through generational abductions. And not all of those people survive.
And we have ETs that are, you know, . . . The Grays have been known to abduct entire villages in some of these third-world countries to where it won't be reported or missed.
And, of course, we have a lot of these weird stories going on in Peru, which I'm told there's an element of truth to. I mean it's . . . What makes more sense: a guy flying around in a jet-pack with a bulletproof vest in the middle of the night through a bunch of trees in the jungle being shot at by villages or what they say they saw that makes more sense.
It's a ridiculous cover story.
I've been talking to . . . I have a lot of connections in South America now and there's a lot going on in the jungles down there. And the Gray aliens are involved in most of these types of things.
Mike: Are the militaries down there more aware that they need to be fighting against these things?
Corey: It depends. There's like certain parts of the military, higher, secret parts of different militaries in these different countries, know things, but the military itself, the general military, is kept unaware of it.
Sometimes they guard areas where they know these bases are and it looks like they're working for the ETs, but they're really just trying to keep people safe and try to keep problems from occurring from people going into areas they shouldn't be.
So, like I said, as always, it's complicated. There's never one answer.
Mike: So do you feel that Grusch encountered some information like what you're describing that there's going to be open things happening in the skies that could lead to more fearful scenarios? Does Grusch have a sense of urgency in getting this more disclosed?
Corey: I don't know exactly what Grusch knows. I don't.
I know that he is basically plowing the field for the people who DO know stuff. And the main thing that they need and that one of the things that we could be doing right now is doing email campaigns and different things that you and I will talk about in the future to help back these guys up.
And what they really need is the UAP whistleblower law to go through that they're playing with in Congress a little right now.
If Congress passes that law, these 40 people will be dropping their information to Congress the next day. They're ready.
And once that happens, there are hundreds of thousands of people across this country that very seriously keep that oath that they took, that NDA that they signed. Because if they don't, they know it's their ass.
So once this UAP thing is signed, so many people will be able to open up, and the information will . . . Once we get to that point, it's . . . the information will really start to flow.
So that is necessary and, you know, finding other ways of being activists to wake people up and give them information, not about Blue Avians, not about the Pleiadians, not about the Galactic Federation, you know, very, keep it simple stupid, very simple stuff that's going on that you can tie to the UAP disclosures, because right now people are more open than they've ever been.
And if you go in with all of this half-religious, half-disclosure kind of crap, you're going to do more harm than good with them in their journey of awakening.
So we're going to have to be responsible, but we're going to have to act. We can't just sit back and say, “It's unfolding the way it divinely should.” We're divinely put here to take part.
I think you and I are going to do a course that's going to discuss being an activist and how to be an effective activist in this movement.
Maybe we can redeem the Disclosure movement in some way if enough people come together. Or not necessarily come together because that doesn't work.
But if enough people decide that they're going to start working for whatever disclosure they can get. And we're going to get that through Grusch and his people. So, we need to get behind them and become Disclosure activists and not a Disclosure Community because a community is where all, I'm sorry, where all the bullshit happens – the gossiping, the this or that – all the things that drag a movement down.
If we keep it small groups of people doing their own little missions here and there or people by themselves, we're going to be able . . . If they work as activists that are organized and have a plan, we can make a much more difference than we can watching videos of people with sparkles in their eyes talking about “the Galactic Federation has destroyed all of the bad ETs. All you've got to do is sit back and smile.”
That's not Disclosure.
If you want actual Disclosure, it is time . . . It is okay to have those beliefs. That is totally fine. It's your business.
But when it comes to actually being a part of Disclosure you need to become an activist and start bringing some credibility back to the Disclosure movement because it has lost it all.
But these people need support right now and they also need us to be there to help spin the narrative away from the Cabal's narrative of “everything . . . Oh, we need more weapons in space. We need this. We need to take away more human rights so that we're all together as one.”
[Corey's connection dropped! First time that has happened to us.]
Am I still broken up?
Mike: Okay. I think we're back now. The last thing you said was: “We need to come all together as one.”
Corey: Okay. We need to come . . . We DON'T need to come together as one is the point because humans are too corruptible in groups.
Small cells of people or acting on your own, but we need to get it together and become a Disclosure activist movement and not a Disclosure storytelling circle and actually be part . . . BE Disclosure.
The only way we're going to really have Disclosure, even it if is in little chunks, is to back up the people outside of this community who are giving Disclosures, because I guarantee you no new real disclosures are going to come out of this community.
The Alliance and all of the real whistleblowers are avoiding it. Why the hell would they want to go through what I and other people have gone through in this community?
They have a big enough battle to fight with the public. They don't need to fight a battle inside the community while trying to do it.
So, the community collapsed and failed. Now is the time to redeem and rebuild ourselves as not this “big” wacky community but as Disclosure activists.
And the people that are interested in doing that can take part in our webinar where we're going to give specifics and game plans. And YOU can become Disclosure.
And Mike has some great experience in that arena actually doing . . . not protests, but . . .
Mike: Demonstrations.
Corey: Demonstrations. Yeah. So, we're going to go into more detail. He's going to share some of his great experience in that regard, and we're going to discuss how this community can reorganize itself into a actual activist movement and do what it can to help those around us who are curious now because of the disclosures of people like David Grusch.
Mike: Yeah, there's an extreme hunger. It's like people have been starved all their lives of good information just plugging into the mainstream consciousness, the mainstream education and media.
And those people who are now willing to turn their eyes towards deeper truths are looking for good, solid truth that can allow them to reshape their reality. And the old systems of programming have just left people completely confused.
And now there's a huge need for people to be very clear and concise and deliver just the right seeds of what is needed for people to kind of keep taking . . . keep peeling back the layers of the onion and keep taking the next step to become more useful in service along a better path that would lead humanity in a better direction.
Corey: Yeah, and we also have the aspect of people right now have . . . that have like not paid attention to any type of conspiracy theories. They're finding out all of this stuff: UAPs are real. So their minds have exploded and gone from not believing anything to now being completely crazy in conspiracy land and untethered.
So we people like that right now like what happened with the Maui fires. There's a lot of weird stuff.
We know people on the island, a number of people, but this stuff has grown and grown and the conspiracies have grown and grown to crazy, crazy levels.
And right now with . . . all . . . I'm seeing the conspiracies exploding because people are like: “Well, if UAPs are real, what's to say these other conspiracies aren't?”
So, I mean, there's a certain segment of the population that's having that reaction. So we need to be able to give them direction and help them focus that energy a little bit more narrowly into a band of being an activist.
Mike: Right. And I have to share a lot more resources with people – I'll probably include them in links in the description of this video – how to get more connected and how to get more active.
You don't have to pay to get connected with people. We're going to offer platforms to make it very easy to do that. And that's why we started www.ascensionworks.tv as a social platform first because it's very important that we can actually work together – it's not just complete separateness with the Awakening process.
But hopefully we can avoid some of the pitfalls that - I'll share more of this in the webinar – the pitfalls that happen with local communities and online communities. It's very easy to get people trying to disrupt what's going on.
So, I think we've learned our lessons by now to make this a little bit easier for people to understand the path forward.
Corey: Yeah, we've learned a very, very good amount of lessons. You know, like 20 . . . was it 2016, I tried the “Unity in the Community Movement” where I tried to unify everyone and get everyone out on the streets talking about free energy and just the stuff – healing technologies – just the stuff that the general population could listen to and buy into and try to start a movement back then.
But it was infiltrated. There were too many compromised people a part of it. And it collapsed. And it cost me and others dearly for even trying.
So this is a different approach. This isn't “Unity in the Community”. This is you by yourself or with a small little group of people that you know can't be compromised, getting in there, rolling up your sleeves and becoming activists.
And we're going to give you information, and we're going to create like a group to where you all can come together.
And there could be some of you that have been activists for years in different ways and you can contribute. And we can build our knowledge and ideas on how we can become activists and make a difference in Disclosure and making sure Disclosure . . .
There are scary aspects of Disclosure. It is not a “love and light”, “Kum-ba-ya” event.
We're going to find out about millions of people being abducted off planet never to come back. We're going to find horrific, horrific truths revealed.
What decides our timeline is how we respond to that information, and how we make sure that the good and the bad comes out and that the bad, as bad as it is, is not twisted and used as a tool to control us, put us into total fear and to give away our rights all under the guise of security.
So, I think that this webinar is going to be one of the most important pieces of information that we've put out in years.
Mike: I agree. Everything is coming together. Everything I've done seems like it's bringing us to this point of being of service in this way to the community.
Corey: Agreed. Yeah, it's coming together very nicely. We had to learn those hard lessons in the past with compromised people in the community. The compromised people in the community, they're just going to want to sit back and tell stories anyway. So let them do that. Just ignore them. They can create their own little niche.
And the people that are really interested in Disclosure can start working for Disclosure and stop telling hopeful stories. That's what we're here to do is to actually be Disclosure and to help others prepare for this mind-blowing event that's going to happen over less than the next decade.
If the narrative is being manipulated to such a degree that people are being encouraged to be afraid to give in to the idea that lockdowns are needed, that we have to be more controlled in a totalitarian system because of the fearful entities or the fearful things that are going on, I assume that fear is one of the main things that we need to be activists against through having better understanding of what's really going on and the history of what's actually happened on Earth and that kind of thing.
Do you have any thoughts on that?
Corey Goode: Yeah, and, you know, the word is that the ETs have given us till 2027, 2028 to make the people of Earth aware of them because they're going to start showing themselves around that time period.
So we have that aspect to it, but we also have people that are “Alliance friendly”, like David Grusch and the 40+ people working with him who have the full information that they want to disclose. They know that we're probably going to be seeing some very disturbing things in the skies or in space. We're going to see conflict here and there, especially when the Confederation comes in to start trying to defeat the Orion Group. We're going to see weird flashes by Jupiter and things that look like meteors crashing into Jupiter, and things that are going to be difficult to explain or understand.
They're starting to disclose things because these whistleblowers think it's the right thing to do and they want to prepare us so we're not completely shocked when a lot of this stuff starts to transpire.
So David Grusch and them . . . A lot of people are very skeptical in the community or calling it “controlled” or “partial Disclosure”. Well, yeah, we're not getting full Disclosure. We're not on a timeline to get a full Disclosure before the Solar Event. It's not going to happen.
We're going to get stages of partial Disclosure. And as each little partial Disclosure bit comes out, we're going to have the Alliance trying to spin it in their direction, the Cabal and other different groups trying to spin it in theirs to completely scare the shit out of people so that they're on a war footing, that the whole civilization gets on a war footing against a threat.
And they're going to make it sound like this threat is incoming, but these ET groups have been on Earth with us for many, many thousands of years. And they're going to try to convince us that some of them have been here, here and there, but that they're coming in to take over and we need to get ready to fight against them when they've already taken us over. They've already been in control for thousands of years – the negative ET groups.
And the Disclosure community was completely infiltrated. Civil wars happened within different content creators and it discredited itself so badly that the Alliance-friendly groups had no choice. They couldn't send their people in to someone like Dr. Salla or even Steven Greer or anyone because the community had completely, completely discredited itself through all of its horrible compromised behavior.
So it is so bad, the Alliance is so pissed off at the Disclosure movement and don't have anything to do with it that their real whistleblowers won't have anything to do with Greer, anyone, in this community.
They've completely re-branded, as I've said before, Disclosure. UFOs are now UAPs, aliens are non-human intelligence, and the list goes on.
And they're doing everything to release this information while also not wanting people to mentally tie it to the abduction phenomenon. They still want everyone to think that's some sort of mass hallucinative hundredth money effect kind of phenomenon.
They don't want people saying, “Huh, these ETs that are coming to Earth are really coming here so the abductees' stories must be true.” They don't want us to make that connection.
So one of the things that Grusch and his insiders are going to tell Congress and eventually the American people is that indeed some of these crashed UAPs have human remains on them, and they found evidence of ongoing human experimentation being done onboard the ships – areas for it to be done.
So it's going to come out that people, a certain percentage of people who claim to be abductees, are real.
There is a psychosis thing that goes on to where a lot of people who have had different traumas, abuses and stuff, somehow transform it into alien abductions. At any alien abduction meeting there's going to be a certain percentage of them that fit that, and they're delusional people that look for a place to connect.
There is a lot of that that goes one, but there is a percentage, and a good percentage, of the people who claim to be alien abductees who are really being abducted and experimented on through generational abductions. And not all of those people survive.
And we have ETs that are, you know, . . . The Grays have been known to abduct entire villages in some of these third-world countries to where it won't be reported or missed.
And, of course, we have a lot of these weird stories going on in Peru, which I'm told there's an element of truth to. I mean it's . . . What makes more sense: a guy flying around in a jet-pack with a bulletproof vest in the middle of the night through a bunch of trees in the jungle being shot at by villages or what they say they saw that makes more sense.
It's a ridiculous cover story.
I've been talking to . . . I have a lot of connections in South America now and there's a lot going on in the jungles down there. And the Gray aliens are involved in most of these types of things.
Mike: Are the militaries down there more aware that they need to be fighting against these things?
Corey: It depends. There's like certain parts of the military, higher, secret parts of different militaries in these different countries, know things, but the military itself, the general military, is kept unaware of it.
Sometimes they guard areas where they know these bases are and it looks like they're working for the ETs, but they're really just trying to keep people safe and try to keep problems from occurring from people going into areas they shouldn't be.
So, like I said, as always, it's complicated. There's never one answer.
Mike: So do you feel that Grusch encountered some information like what you're describing that there's going to be open things happening in the skies that could lead to more fearful scenarios? Does Grusch have a sense of urgency in getting this more disclosed?
Corey: I don't know exactly what Grusch knows. I don't.
I know that he is basically plowing the field for the people who DO know stuff. And the main thing that they need and that one of the things that we could be doing right now is doing email campaigns and different things that you and I will talk about in the future to help back these guys up.
And what they really need is the UAP whistleblower law to go through that they're playing with in Congress a little right now.
If Congress passes that law, these 40 people will be dropping their information to Congress the next day. They're ready.
And once that happens, there are hundreds of thousands of people across this country that very seriously keep that oath that they took, that NDA that they signed. Because if they don't, they know it's their ass.
So once this UAP thing is signed, so many people will be able to open up, and the information will . . . Once we get to that point, it's . . . the information will really start to flow.
So that is necessary and, you know, finding other ways of being activists to wake people up and give them information, not about Blue Avians, not about the Pleiadians, not about the Galactic Federation, you know, very, keep it simple stupid, very simple stuff that's going on that you can tie to the UAP disclosures, because right now people are more open than they've ever been.
And if you go in with all of this half-religious, half-disclosure kind of crap, you're going to do more harm than good with them in their journey of awakening.
So we're going to have to be responsible, but we're going to have to act. We can't just sit back and say, “It's unfolding the way it divinely should.” We're divinely put here to take part.
I think you and I are going to do a course that's going to discuss being an activist and how to be an effective activist in this movement.
Maybe we can redeem the Disclosure movement in some way if enough people come together. Or not necessarily come together because that doesn't work.
But if enough people decide that they're going to start working for whatever disclosure they can get. And we're going to get that through Grusch and his people. So, we need to get behind them and become Disclosure activists and not a Disclosure Community because a community is where all, I'm sorry, where all the bullshit happens – the gossiping, the this or that – all the things that drag a movement down.
If we keep it small groups of people doing their own little missions here and there or people by themselves, we're going to be able . . . If they work as activists that are organized and have a plan, we can make a much more difference than we can watching videos of people with sparkles in their eyes talking about “the Galactic Federation has destroyed all of the bad ETs. All you've got to do is sit back and smile.”
That's not Disclosure.
If you want actual Disclosure, it is time . . . It is okay to have those beliefs. That is totally fine. It's your business.
But when it comes to actually being a part of Disclosure you need to become an activist and start bringing some credibility back to the Disclosure movement because it has lost it all.
But these people need support right now and they also need us to be there to help spin the narrative away from the Cabal's narrative of “everything . . . Oh, we need more weapons in space. We need this. We need to take away more human rights so that we're all together as one.”
[Corey's connection dropped! First time that has happened to us.]
Am I still broken up?
Mike: Okay. I think we're back now. The last thing you said was: “We need to come all together as one.”
Corey: Okay. We need to come . . . We DON'T need to come together as one is the point because humans are too corruptible in groups.
Small cells of people or acting on your own, but we need to get it together and become a Disclosure activist movement and not a Disclosure storytelling circle and actually be part . . . BE Disclosure.
The only way we're going to really have Disclosure, even it if is in little chunks, is to back up the people outside of this community who are giving Disclosures, because I guarantee you no new real disclosures are going to come out of this community.
The Alliance and all of the real whistleblowers are avoiding it. Why the hell would they want to go through what I and other people have gone through in this community?
They have a big enough battle to fight with the public. They don't need to fight a battle inside the community while trying to do it.
So, the community collapsed and failed. Now is the time to redeem and rebuild ourselves as not this “big” wacky community but as Disclosure activists.
And the people that are interested in doing that can take part in our webinar where we're going to give specifics and game plans. And YOU can become Disclosure.
And Mike has some great experience in that arena actually doing . . . not protests, but . . .
Mike: Demonstrations.
Corey: Demonstrations. Yeah. So, we're going to go into more detail. He's going to share some of his great experience in that regard, and we're going to discuss how this community can reorganize itself into a actual activist movement and do what it can to help those around us who are curious now because of the disclosures of people like David Grusch.
Mike: Yeah, there's an extreme hunger. It's like people have been starved all their lives of good information just plugging into the mainstream consciousness, the mainstream education and media.
And those people who are now willing to turn their eyes towards deeper truths are looking for good, solid truth that can allow them to reshape their reality. And the old systems of programming have just left people completely confused.
And now there's a huge need for people to be very clear and concise and deliver just the right seeds of what is needed for people to kind of keep taking . . . keep peeling back the layers of the onion and keep taking the next step to become more useful in service along a better path that would lead humanity in a better direction.
Corey: Yeah, and we also have the aspect of people right now have . . . that have like not paid attention to any type of conspiracy theories. They're finding out all of this stuff: UAPs are real. So their minds have exploded and gone from not believing anything to now being completely crazy in conspiracy land and untethered.
So we people like that right now like what happened with the Maui fires. There's a lot of weird stuff.
We know people on the island, a number of people, but this stuff has grown and grown and the conspiracies have grown and grown to crazy, crazy levels.
And right now with . . . all . . . I'm seeing the conspiracies exploding because people are like: “Well, if UAPs are real, what's to say these other conspiracies aren't?”
So, I mean, there's a certain segment of the population that's having that reaction. So we need to be able to give them direction and help them focus that energy a little bit more narrowly into a band of being an activist.
Mike: Right. And I have to share a lot more resources with people – I'll probably include them in links in the description of this video – how to get more connected and how to get more active.
You don't have to pay to get connected with people. We're going to offer platforms to make it very easy to do that. And that's why we started www.ascensionworks.tv as a social platform first because it's very important that we can actually work together – it's not just complete separateness with the Awakening process.
But hopefully we can avoid some of the pitfalls that - I'll share more of this in the webinar – the pitfalls that happen with local communities and online communities. It's very easy to get people trying to disrupt what's going on.
So, I think we've learned our lessons by now to make this a little bit easier for people to understand the path forward.
Corey: Yeah, we've learned a very, very good amount of lessons. You know, like 20 . . . was it 2016, I tried the “Unity in the Community Movement” where I tried to unify everyone and get everyone out on the streets talking about free energy and just the stuff – healing technologies – just the stuff that the general population could listen to and buy into and try to start a movement back then.
But it was infiltrated. There were too many compromised people a part of it. And it collapsed. And it cost me and others dearly for even trying.
So this is a different approach. This isn't “Unity in the Community”. This is you by yourself or with a small little group of people that you know can't be compromised, getting in there, rolling up your sleeves and becoming activists.
And we're going to give you information, and we're going to create like a group to where you all can come together.
And there could be some of you that have been activists for years in different ways and you can contribute. And we can build our knowledge and ideas on how we can become activists and make a difference in Disclosure and making sure Disclosure . . .
There are scary aspects of Disclosure. It is not a “love and light”, “Kum-ba-ya” event.
We're going to find out about millions of people being abducted off planet never to come back. We're going to find horrific, horrific truths revealed.
What decides our timeline is how we respond to that information, and how we make sure that the good and the bad comes out and that the bad, as bad as it is, is not twisted and used as a tool to control us, put us into total fear and to give away our rights all under the guise of security.
So, I think that this webinar is going to be one of the most important pieces of information that we've put out in years.
Mike: I agree. Everything is coming together. Everything I've done seems like it's bringing us to this point of being of service in this way to the community.
Corey: Agreed. Yeah, it's coming together very nicely. We had to learn those hard lessons in the past with compromised people in the community. The compromised people in the community, they're just going to want to sit back and tell stories anyway. So let them do that. Just ignore them. They can create their own little niche.
And the people that are really interested in Disclosure can start working for Disclosure and stop telling hopeful stories. That's what we're here to do is to actually be Disclosure and to help others prepare for this mind-blowing event that's going to happen over less than the next decade.
People: Corey Goode, Mike Waskosky
Topics: Activism, Disclosure
I am afraid.
Is this slowing of a movement really necessary? As long as we have the correct information and are working in the proper direction why would we want to slow it down? It seems that the more people who understand the whole picture, the more of a positive movement we can create. I don’t want to seem like I know the whole thing but it was so easy to dismiss Dr. Salla’s hopium juice stories. These stories didn’t hold water, anyone who looked closely at them dismissed them long ago, and have been waiting patiently for any new information. It’s starting to feel like the information is being held back, because the content is to horrific to talk about. That is the mistake that was made by our government in hiding everything from the public. If that was a mistake then, then it’s still a mistake now. Without the truth, the whole truth, we can’t move forward in understanding the karma we must overcome prior to the flash. You can usually find some truth anywhere you seek it, shouldn’t we be teaching discernment in order to find all truths, and not slowing things down because someone who has it all thinks we can’t handle the truth? That was the original mistake, if the whole truth had been put out as soon as it was found, we would be so much farther along in our journey. We would all understand the flash and it’s place in our journey.
FYI this picture is a little bit younger than I am as I’ve got a good bit of gray hair at this point…
I would also like to state this for the record Corey. I assert that what you discuss is in general to be considered valid because in your combat communications surface in the US army you would have been subjected to a minimum of a secret security clearance. That is a validation that you are psychologically sound and psychologically not oriented towards lying or betraying other people. Having been in a similar field in the US Air Force I’m fully aware of the fact that you would have passed such a battery of tests which in today’s financial terms would cost approximately $100,000. So for those who wish to discredit you let’s just say they’re assertions are rather foolish in the face of your provable background history.
I am truly confused. By 2027 have the planet will be fully cyber infested. Corey if you go out and examine Anyone’s blood under a dark field microscope setup, you will discover self-assembling nanotechnology… Elon musk and Apple and of course China are simply racing to force a transhumanism upon all of humanity why consent or not by consent. I have a technical background very similar to yours Corey It can be verified. If you ask your contacts to examined me, which I give them full consent to do, they will report to you that I am who I claim to be and that I have gone through serious abductions both negative and positive. I absolutely do not request blind belief. Furthermore my wife has had multiple non-hostile plasmatic teleportation based visits by a minimum of two different races. A dear friend who I have known since teenage years has literally recorded on their home security the fact that they are being teleported by unknown sources likely up to a ship of some sort or to the inner Earth. In their case they’ve got it on a home security camera… Yes Corey you heard me right. Also I’d like you to know that the sphere being alliance modified the Sun around the period of March 2012 so that they could then deflect three separate CMEs that would have eliminated life on earth on the date of July 23rd 2012. The living craft used by the sphere being was a Jupiter sized one and it appeared that there may have been more than one craft used… So in reality the Mayan calendar was essentially correct. Except for one little very big issue We are on a timeline of positive outcome and while the CMEs came directly at the Earth they were deflected because of what I would consider the balancing prospect of the simple fact that no sentient life form on earth that had any positive alignment would willfully have done what the Draco reptilians, the nebu, or any other part of the Orion negative energetic AI infestation complex was up to in this region of the galaxy. Corey, I think it would be of us at this time to start constructing advanced etheric geometry accumulators for use in concentrating positive life force during mass meditations… This could profoundly augment the process of mass meditation much like a Wilhelm Reich accumulator would simply dissolve a cancer tumor with the positively geometrically augmented ether that was concentrated and enhanced within his accumulators… So in short I think the entire process must come to a head within the next year or two maximum. Frankly given what happens in a Reich accumulator, I would guess we’re going to see the very negative beings start to simply go the way of a tumor when exposed to positively charged or orgone. I think they’re just going to involuntarily start to liquify and organically break down and the same will happen to the infestation of nanotechnology… Their ships will probably start trying to escape the planet and fall out of the sky maybe getting captured by the positive protectorate craft using tractor beams… And that sense of bliss is likely going to very rapidly collapse these intensive mind control energy structures that they are so obviously using on all of us. Corey, again please understand that I worked with combat communications just as complex if not more complex than what you have worked with and I come from a family of scientists. My father was a doctorate level nuclear physicist and at Westinghouse they completed the fusion reactor research for America’s to space fleets used for the Air Force in the Navy. Very stuff that Dr William Mills Tompkins discussed in his books that he released near the end of his life. I don’t want money I don’t need anything from you I don’t need any type of validation. I’m simply making these statements of my own free will, and hopefully they will benefit many people who have the simple ability to look up to some degree what was actually going on at Westinghouse r&d, and their nuclear research facilities in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania between the 1970s and 1980s… To wrap it up I would have so liked to have come and seen one of you talks, but I’m rather severely disabled from the first Gulf war and I could never get out to any of your disclosure related talks. I got to tell you I sure wish I could have met with you and David wilcock and I am truly sorry for what the two of you have faced from the forces of darkness and the forces of ignorance that is so unfortunately embedded and many human beings.
Do you know this already ?
Thanks a lot for your job ✊👍✌🕊💐🍁
Do you know this already ?
Its so good to get the truth ,just knowing changes your actions , for me at least. Thanks to Cory and Mike n Co.
Hallo, I wanna ask you to comment this song, please ?
Iscit positive or it has some hidden message in it?
I am worried that since there are Orion forces based on our planet and throughout our solar system, they may be provoked to violence if exposed. So why not wait until they forced out? In other words, “Let sleeping dogs lie” for the next 18 months or so. Besides, according to Benjamin Fulford’s report last week, the North Koreans are coming to the USA’s rescue. No kidding, however ironic that sounds. They traded a large amount of artillery ammunition to Russia for a state-of-the-art missile submarine and promise that they’ll nuke Wash DC, NYC and Silicone Valley if the USA is not turned over to us Americans. That is released from the banksters control in October. So the USA military is going to have to act and arrest the banksters or else, this month!!
We can’t rely on truths on lame Stream media so there’s a quarantine supposedly they can’t bypass set up by the Alliance (or was as of 6-7 years ago) has it been removed ? I’m still “catching up” I trust God, the Angels and Andromenon Team, Et al will protect those of us who aren’t “in the know” entirely …🙏🏻🌍😇💫💖
Interesting to note that even ABC news is reporting that almost 80 percent of the USA population is not trusting government here.. finally!
Corey, it says it’s on the 21st & 28th. Is that 2 different dates or both dates for same webinar? I can’t do the 21st but Would love to do this!
The webinar content will stretch across two dates. Replays/recordings of sessions that you weren’t able to watch will always be available to watch afterward also. Live Q&A will likely be more interactive on the 28th.
I wish there were a feature that let me display my enthusiasm for comments like this. Like on Real Raw News.com
Awesome ! TYSM❣️ Just saw this ! 👍🏻
Thank you♡
Thank you, Corey. This video and other recent ones cleared my questions about David Grush’s situation. Now I understand what you meant. The narrative will be spun after that come out of whistleblowers’ mouth.
I will keep translating your every word to Japanese people to let them know what is really going on.
You GO❣️👍🏻 Bless you ❣️🙏🏻🌍🙏🏻
If the ETs been in control for 1000s of years, very dangerous, and do not want to be publicly known why are we disclosing them until they’re removed?
I realize many can answer this but I feel that maybe it has to do with some “Law” perhaps when I finish “Law of One” (I believe is voice of 500 various extraterrestrial species) may know more but what they’re wanting us to do to accelerate ascension and assist any (partial or full) disclosure is to share what we know now all for “ service to others” not for ourselves or or for fame or to profit off of etc. But mostly to exercise (teach how/share how (for free not profit ) to use collective consciousness upon raising our vibrations so this supposedly is what will change humanity and accelerate all this goodness at least threats what I’ve learned from Dr. Steven Greer ❣️🙏🏻🌍👍🏻💖🌞🌈✨😇🥰
Very good question, Robert. Also, since the “Greys” are dangerous to Humans, why would we want to facilitate them coming into our planetary sphere?
I agree with Mike, the curiosity of the public should be the focal point of this new strategy of grass roots disclosure by individuals rather than large groups that are always compromised.
– The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be lighted. – Astronaut Dave Scott
I’m in San Diego and I made a poster display to set up. I could use help. If anyone is in San Diego please let me know, thanks!
It would be helpful to know which ET groups will be coming forward and what we should tell people about them. Thanks Corey.
Thank you for the information Corey I love your stuff and I hope someday soon I get to meet you and work with you I love you buddy
I would like to see folks putting together pamphlets with focused Topics along with links etc that we can share with each other… I could see myself in the summer setting up a tent with free coffee and donuts with the tons of pamphlets, flash drives that include links… with the attempt to attract folks to engage in these topics all the while planting seeds.
Once the games come out, you can write reviews with articles. There is a massive word of mouth network for good games. Reviews. Streamers. Once someone zparks the fire it will spread by itself. It is the game conventions that have open minded people. Cia targeted ufo conventions because they take it aeriously. Not even hrari takes games seriously. They underestimate my power
I feel like I’m ready to participate in activism! Just need some good suggestions on what would be the most helpful…
What is the current status of the proposed ‘23 disclosure legislation and which of our politicians need to hear from me?
Great questions ! TYSM for asking these! Critical thinking skills here at work. I read recently I believe in Dr. Michael E Sallas book Insiders Reveal “secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances” that any kind of activism from being an orator to podcasts to articles and of course internet is the fastest and they plan to shut it down for a period and I believe that’s upcoming soon so just get it out there any way you can for now and even a tent set up somewhere is a great weekend thing to do and can be published on social media …
Great post Corey! Your message is always enlightening and grounding for us. IMHO, it’d seem that accepting the presence of ETs among us has the high potential to trigger an awakening to many other truths of our reality… Free Energy, Advanced Healing Technology, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Banking, Government, Religion, etc.. It goes a long way to dissolving fear. Learning the ET story is a bit like pulling one of the many hanging threads on a sweater… just pulling one (the ET story) will completely unravel it, leaving the naked truth for all to see. At first, some info may be difficult. However we have an opportunity to dissolve fear by learning that we – as a spark of source consciousness – are creators and co-creators of our reality. And that’s why disclosure is so empowering for us and terrifying for the controllers. The Service-To-Self controlling elites will completely lose control of us as we discover the truth and dissolve fear. It is said that ET disclosure happens for many of us in a personal way. And for those looking toward the Main-Stream-Media, perhaps they’ll receive it in a less graceful way. That’s why its up to us to strive for disclosure that’s truthful and at the same time focused on a positive future. Thanks!
Oh yeah!! 👍🏻🙏🏻🌍🌞🌈☺️