Chats with Corey - November 2023
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Original Date: Nov 25, 2023
Original Date: Nov 25, 2023
Chats with Corey (Live Q&A)
Next Episode: Chats with Corey - December 2023
Corey Goode: How's it going?
Mike Waskosky: I'm doing great. How are you doing?
Corey: I'm doing pretty good. Pretty good.
Mike: Yeah. I thought it'd be great . . . I was sharing some things with people before you joined about the National Disclosure Authorization Act push back in the House of Representatives now and the urgency around that issue.
It's going to be apparently resolved in the next three weeks or so. The Congress is still working to finalize the text of the legislation they could send to the President to sign. So we want to make sure that there's enough push back in Congress – at least from some members of Congress.
So I'm probably going to send out an email to everyone who's on the Corey Goode or email list about the details of what you should be sending and who you should be sending it to.
And I'll also be making a video public to share more details about how to find your congressman, all your elected representatives, and how to get them notified.
And so that will be coming out probably in the next couple days by email campaign, so make sure you're on the email list.
Corey: Yes. It's very . . . This is very, very important that everyone takes part in this.
If you are really into Disclosure, this is going to be our best bet. It's not going to be Full Disclosure. It's going to be slow Disclosure, but we have to start somewhere.
But this is very important. I know there are a lot of people out there saying, “If I don't get the Full Disclosure . . .” or “If I don't get the Disclosure I want, I'm not going to participate.”
I'm seeing a lot of that in the community.
So, hopefully, we can pull ourselves together and actually be Disclosure advocates – put our money where our mouth is, basically, when it comes to supporting these whistleblowers coming out.
Mike: Yeah. And it really only takes 10 minutes once you know exactly the steps to do to reach out – write a little message. It's very helpful. If a lot of us are doing it, it's more helpful.
Corey: Yeah.
Mike: And I also . . . I just shared with people before the . . . before you jumped on that I finally added the feature: people can search through . . . So if people aren't sure if a question has been asked of Corey in the past, you can go use the Site Search feature now and it'll search through all the subtitles of all the public library videos we have on
And I also added the feature into the app, finally, on the “More” menu. If you look at the top where it says “Search Everything”. If you go to “Search Everything” now and you search for a term, that term will show up . . . it'll show the videos wherever Corey has talked about that in the past.
So now it's very easy to see if something's already been answered by using that feature.
All right. So we can get started if you're ready, Corey.
Corey: Ah, yeah, I'm ready.
Mike: All right. I've got a wide variety of questions here today, and people can continue to ask them in the Q&A tab at the bottom.
So, I guess I could start with: “Do you know anything about the Van Allen Belts and is it . . . Is special technology needed to cross through the Van Allen Belts as people are saying?”
Corey: An, no, you just have to have a certain amount of shielding and pass through it quickly. You don't want to hang out in the Van Allen Belts. But they typically pass through them very quickly and they have shielding.
Mike: So another question here is: “When the Sun gives off large bursts of energy, does that affect other planets as well? Are they affected in some way?”
Corey: Yeah. I mean, every planet in our Solar System, definitely, they're affected in some way.
Sometimes, this sick cycle of solar micro-novas occur. Sometimes Earth doesn't get as hit as hard as other times. And there are times when Mars might get really punched real hard or one of the other planets.
So, yeah, everything within the Sun's realm will be affected in some way.
Mike: Here's another question. This is about the nature of karma.
I know there's maybe . . . many people have different sort of belief systems around karma, but they're referencing how the Ra Contact talks about the Service-to-Self path kind of being a valid path. And there's a question about: “How do negative entities experience karma? Do they experience karma?”
Corey: Yeah, I mean, every being in the Universe is subject to the laws of karma. When you get to a certain level, like when you move on to 4D and you choose 4D Negative and then you're moving on to 5D, there is an over-all karma that they collectively have to deal with, but it's not something like bad things happening every day. It accumulates.
With these negative polarity beings, I mean, that's their energy – the negative. So collectively they will have, you know, pretty bad karma, you know. Like at the end of this age, it's all going to catch up to them.
But, yeah, every being in this Universe is subject to laws of karma.
Mike: We had some questions about the episode we did where we're talking about the nature of . . . “Which negative entities in the Orion Group kind of have a soul and which are . . .” I think you said something . . . Maybe I should let you restate it.
But could you explain more about that concept of: “Are there beings out there who don't really have a soul?”
Corey: Yeah, there are beings out there that have spirit or the universal life force energy that don't have a soul, that don't go through reincarnation. And, yeah, these beings . . . Sorry, I got distracted – my father-in-law's dogs.
I'm sorry, I got off . . .
Mike: Is there hope for them to grow if they don't have a soul?
Corey: I don't know. I don't know. I would presume not, but I don't know.
A lot of these beings that don't really have a soul are . . . they stay in bodies for many, many thousands and thousands of years, and they don't go through the short life incarnation cycle that we do. And I think that's why a lot of them are so fascinated with us.
Mike: So I want to bring up another question here that . . . I know there's been different belief systems around races of Grays having to come grab our genetics because their genetics are somehow breaking apart and . . . I'm not sure if there's truth to that. I'm not sure . . .
So is there a reason that these beings can't make their genetics correct again if that is happening?
Corey: When it comes to the Grays, I really don't . . . They're so deceptive. And if people are being abducted and they see these types of reproductive things going on, who knows if the reason that the abductees are told is valid.
I know that these Gray beings are very much involved with not only us while we're alive but they also interact with us when we've passed on in the spirit world.
The UFO Community likes to categorize things very well, but what I've been learning is that whatever this is, it mimics things. It will mimic things like . . . Who knows if what's appearing before you is actually a Gray alien? It that's what is a part of our culture and what we expect in the West, that's what we see.
People in South America or Africa often will see something from their culture.
So there's . . . It really does cross over into consciousness in a big way, and these beings can manipulate our perception in our consciousness. And I know that they've done that to me. I was kind of like caught them or a situation that I spoke about before.
So, I don't know, it's . . . They're tricksters. They're very deceiving. I don't know if what I'm seeing is what they really are, and neither can any of you that are in contact with them or in contact with these Nordic-types of beings.
It's really scary because everyone wants to have an experience. They feel special if they are in contact with an ET, but it may not be what you think it is. And it's most likely not. And that's one of the things that a lot of people in the program realized.
And so there are things that we see that are physical craft, and there are also things in the sky that we don't know what they are, but they manipulate our perception. They can make us see a helicopter flying. They can make us see one of our own jets flying. They can make us see whatever, and not only us, it's not just our mind, but it's actual reality.
I mean, if you record it with a camera, the camera is also recording what they want us to see.
It's been really the last year that I've really realized how deep the deception is, and it's very scary that there are so many people that are “in contact” that are being given information or, you know, they're all . . . they believe they're all holy and good, and these beings are manipulating a lot of people and it's . . . and they've really infiltrated the Disclosure Community.
So, a lot of the things that everyone in the programs thought they knew about some of these different groups they're kind of re-evaluating because some of these beings are literally shapeshifters, but not in a like physical or transforming way like a werewolf.
They . . . It's so hard to explain. They can become whatever they want and they're really good at manipulating our perception and actual physical reality.
So, the agenda that we thought we knew in the programs might be a cover story by the aliens, or something that they manipulated us into thinking was their agenda so we would focus on that.
But, yeah, these beings, the Grays, or whatever they are, are very deceptive, very cunning, and humans are just really easy, really easy to fool.
Mike: Another question here is about the current wars happening on Earth and “is the Secret Space Program in any way involved in what's happening in these wars?”
Corey: No. No, there's no Secret Space Program involvement. It's all military-industrial-complex stuff. There aren't arcs in Syria or wherever that there's all of these aliens' clandestine things going on, and the war between humans is a cover story. That's all bullshit.
There is a real war going on there. I do think ETs are involved in some way. There's some ET group – they're in the Middle East that lives underground – that I've spoke about on my old TV show that are bloodthirsty.
So the war is going on. We don't need ETs to come down and cause all . . . We're perfectly capable of barbarism. Humans are very barbaric.
And I know everyone in the Community wants to put their hands together again and say, “Oh, humans are just misunderstood divine beings.”
Spiritually we are, but mentally, emotionally and physically on this Earth WE ARE NOT. We are more like devils.
And I know people are like, “Why do you have such a bad view of humanity?” And it's not good. It's not bad. It's accurate.
Humanity has, since the last flood and everything that supposedly went on back then, humanity has not changed one bit. The only thing that has changed is our technology.
Like I said before, I feel like this is supposed to be sort of like a purgatory where we go through bullshit and then figure out if we're going to go the Service-to-Self or Service-to-Others path. And I think this is a real tough place where you make those decisions.
If you would ask me some of these things two or three years ago, I would give you different answers. My understanding, the understanding of the people I get briefings from, has evolved so much in the last two or three years.
Mike: Yeah, mine too. So, uh, the other part of that question was: “Is the Secret Space Program Alliance Group interacting with any government or any Earth groups or any kind of missions?”
Corey: The SSP Alliance is pretty much all off Earth now. All operatives were discovered on Earth. All . . . You know, people are saying that they're talking to the SSP and working with physical people here in the SSP Alliance. It's bullshit.
The only Alliance that is here is the Earth Alliance, and that is military-industrial-complex people that broke away. They're not involved . . . They have no idea of these various space programs. They know things on a much lower level.
But their interests are Earth-bound. They're not interested in taking the Moon. They could give a freak . . . They could care less.
What they're worried about doing is liberating the Earth.
So, as I said in 2020, they collapsed and failed, pretty much like the Community did. It was just too much for everybody, I guess. Everyone collapsed.
But they are working . . . coming back together and starting to become cohesive again. They are getting behind David Grusch and others big time. They're . . . And they want everyone to throw their support behind Grusch and these new whistleblowers.
It turns out that Grusch and a number of these whistleblowers live where you do – in your area.
So I . . . They are . . . Any . . . Anyone . . . No one in the Community is going to have access to these people. I even wanted them for some of these TV shows that we're pitching and working on, but the whistleblowers in this group that's coming out now: they're not going to have anything to do with the ufology movement or the Disclosure movement – NOTHING! Because just look at what happened to me and others. It's just disgusting. And there's no way they are going to subject themselves to that.
The only people that are going to subject themselves to that are the storytellers now.
So that's all we have as far as Alliance. And the Alliance is starting to get their act back together and they're starting to become effective again, which took them like three years.
So, yeah, I have hope there and I would prefer a Full Disclosure – ripping off the Band-Aid – but as it turns out, that's just not how we're going to get it. We're going to get it in bits and pieces.
And from what I'm told, next year the muzzles are coming off of a number of these whistleblowers, especially with the Congress pushing weird stuff going on, that some of these people are getting a quasi-green light to like actually appear under their real name and on camera and talk about what they physically saw or touched.
Mike: I'd have to ask more about something you just said there about “the Alliance is getting their act together more again.”
What does that mean? What are they working towards?
Corey: Well, they're . . . Right now, the main thing they are working towards . . . I mean they're doing investigations and all of these other things in the background. They don't have the resources to like invade underground bases and all of the stuff you hear. They don't have those resources.
But they're throwing a lot of their support behind the whistleblowers. They're continuing their various infiltration and investigation missions and operations.
But they're still in the rebuilding process.
Mike: Is there going to be a crazy showdown, you think, next year then?
Corey: I think that so much of this stuff is going to start coming out that the Powers-That-Be are going to think this is a really good time for a good distraction in the form of a war or more terrorist attacks or . . .
So, yeah, next year . . . When we're this close to getting out certain information about the existence of non-humans and their technologies, this is where we're going to start seeing the most push-back.
So, yeah, I can't predict exactly what, but we're going to see grand disclosures and push-back from the other side, discrediting campaigns. A lot of this stuff will be done to these whistleblowers that was done to me.
Already, if you notice online, like on Twitter, the exact same people that just did everything they could to destroy my reputation and . . . they're going after Grusch and some of the others with the same fervor and the same tactics.
So, I think more and more of that will become obvious.
But, yeah, there's . . . there's . . . Yeah, it's going to be crazy next year. And it's an election year too.
So, yeah, next year, buckle up.
Mike: Yeah.
I'm so amazed that Grusch did everything he could to do everything perfectly in the eyes of the Inspector General, in the Intelligence Community and even in the public and now he's getting just as much negative publicity from the UFO Community as Lou Elizondo did and everybody else who comes out. Yeah.
Corey: Yeah, that's why Disclosure will not come through the Disclosure Community. The existence of these beings and technology WILL NOT come through ufology, esoteric community. Not.
Our community screwed up so freaking bad and behaved so poorly all of these “lightworkers” out destroying other people based on “their truth” and all this shit that none of them will have anything to do . . . There were several that were going to come out after me, but chose not to after what happened to me.
They saw how so many in the community moved in and took my life story and information and started twisting it and doing all sorts of things and, you know, to a point where I had to fight back legally and I had to say and do legally what it took to protect my information. That's part of my mission.
And I have been told that I have basically done my mission. I was supposed to come prepare the community and the world with true information that I had to change here and there due to me not wanting to get killed or other bad things happen.
And in the beginning on the show I told people this: I'm changing this name and this name, but they sort of forgot about that.
But, you, you know, I had to . . . I was . . . I came out with my information for a reason and there was a greater purpose. It helped prepare the world and the general consciousness.
The stuff that these whistleblowers are going to start coming out with you're going to find mirrors very much what I have put out over the last nine years – just with slight little name changes and just slight little things that allowed me to get away with dropping the information.
So all of that will be easily correlated in the future – the next few years. But these guys, they don't know about the Secret Space Program. They're military-industrial-complex guys. They only know up to a certain point. Anything past that doesn't exist. They think they're at the tip of the spear of intel.
But they know about craft we've reverse engineered that can fly in and out of the atmosphere. None of these people are going to know about lunar bases.
They might know about some of the kind of smaller capsule-like space stations, but they're not going to know about the big stuff.
They know . . . Most of these people know of maybe three or four different ET groups – one of them being hostile. And they know a little bit about the technologies we've recovered, reversed engineered, and some of the government interaction with the ETs. But that's about the extent.
And after all of these guys come out and they have over the next three to five years, they're dropping all of the lower level information: ETs do exist – here's a picture, here's some videos; all of that is supposedly going to happen.
After that, it'll be time for all these whistleblowers out there it'll be their turn next to be shocked, because after that is when some of the Secret Space Program stuff will become a little more known. I don't think it will be very well known for years to come.
Mike: So do you think they have any idea about trade going on with ETs?
Corey: I think they know about ETs giving us technology and working with us in like liaison sorts of roles. I think probably that's the extent of what they know.
And they do know about the abductions. They just don't know the scale of it. They think the scale is much smaller than it actually is.
Mike: I see. All right, we'll switch topics here for a bit.
Mark asked a question about the JFK assassination saying there's a school of thought that JFK's intel on ET-German tech and his insistence on partnering/collaborating with Russia on a future space program were triggers to have him taken out.
This vision form the basis of today's multinational Alliance.
Corey: I mean, I think there is truth to that. He was definitely worried about a nuclear war starting because of ET craft being mistaken for Russian or Russians mistaking them for our craft.
So there's truth to that. And he was digging deep and demanding briefings on certain things that, you know, SAP programs. So that may have played a part in it but there's also things . . . There were a lot of things going on and it's . . . You know, the CIA and the Mafia worked together like they do all the time. CIA uses the Mafia all the time with all their connections and smuggling things.
But, yeah, they work and did it . . . It was a coup d'état. And ever since then every president, almost every president, has pretty much been installed more than elected.
Mike: We had a question come in here from a person who works at a temple in China and took videos of a lot of orbs and anomalous things in the videos, in the surveillance videos, and asking about: “Is this increasing? Is this something that's changing where we're getting more of these kinds of appearances?”
Corey: Yes, the veil is thinning. Now, as the veil thins, people are seeing more ghosts, they're seeing Bigfoot, they're seeing all of these weird dog men – all this weird stuff. And the ET phenomenon seems to be very . . . plays a part in there somewhere – the whole alien or whatever phenomenon.
So it's multi-dimensional. Yeah, it's . . . I forgot what the original question was.
Mike: About the increase in the orbs.
Corey: Yes. Oh, yeah, the increase in orbs is real because the energies are building up in the Solar System from the Sun and it's thinning the veil.
And a lot of the orbs that you see floating around are actually disembodied spirit, souls. So there not always ET or something of that nature. A lot of times that's just what it is. It's the consciousness of someone who's not in their body.
Mike: We had a question come in about the nature of the soul essentially, but it's in the context of discussing Buddhism and . . . He starts out asking if Buddhism is believed in other parts of the cosmos, but the root of the question here is the nature of . . . “Is it the mind or the soul that moves away after death?”
Corey: Well, everything is recorded in the Akashic realm, so what is in our mind there might, may be chemical processes and neurons and all those things formed that form memories, but when you leave the body and you leave the brain and mind and ego behind, you know . . .
I don't know. This is all speculation. I will know someday maybe when I die, but all of this really goes back to our belief systems.
And our belief systems very much play into reality and whatever is manipulating our reality does so through our belief systems to accommodate them and be able to continue its agenda without us figuring it out.
This is a . . . It's a . . . This was . . . I . . . Everything I experienced, you would think that I would understand that this is way more complicated – layers upon layers of dimensionality and like . . . We have like dog beings, like werewolf-looking dog beings, that are showing up in places where people have seen UFOs or investigating UFOs, and it's just weird stuff.
And the people at Skinwalker Ranch, when they were with Bigelow before the TV show, they were out having these experiences. Well, these experiences would follow them home. They would have poltergeist-type activity at home when they went back. And they're there to study the lights in the sky and alien kind of stuff.
Why are they having these poltergeist experiences? One of their wives looks out the window and they see a dog man leaning against a tree watching her. And the kids saw it later.
It's just really weird, bizarre stuff.
And the thing is, it seems to placate to people's culture, cultural beliefs and biases.
In other countries, people are having the same effect but they're seeing like fairies or . . .
It's . . . There is . . . This is much, much deeper than a physical ET group visiting us from another planet or star system.
I think that's what they want a lot of us to think. I think . . . You know, it really . . . It really . . . The more we're learning about these beings and how they manipulate our reality and tricksters and all of that, we can really understand where all of these different cultures came up with ideas of demons and angels.
And the beings that are appearing to us now may be the exact same beings that were appearing to people back like in . . . 1,000, 2,000 years ago except they appeared to those people completely different or they were perceived by those people completely different.
We're more sophisticated and . . . So the understanding of aliens and other life out there . . . We know there are other planets. We're searching for other life.
Well, why don't we just give them what they're looking for? Let's come in as aliens.
A thousand years ago they may have been Greek gods or some other sort of thing – fairies or whatever.
So this . . . Consciousness plays into this more than anyone has realized and it has more to do with consciousness than it does a physical . . . a purely physical phenomenon.
It's really bizarre. Things are getting really bizarre and all of this. And the people in the programs are really having a hard time wrapping their minds around it because they feel even more impotent now knowing that what they think they're seeing or experiencing is often a ruse.
And how do you trust what you're seeing and perceiving now. And that's screwing up a lot of these guys' heads. It's messing with mine a little bit too to be honest the last year.
But a lot of these guys that just knew: “We're fighting a Reptilian group and that physical group. You shoot them they die.” They have this mindset.
Now, they're like pulling their hair out because they're really trying to understand . . . We could be in a totally simulated battle, or . . . They can control our reality and perceptions so much. It's really scary and it has people in the programs really freaked out.
Mike: I will switch over now to the questions and the Q&A and I'll ask people to upvote the questions that you like in the Q&A. And I'll just start right now with the questions that have been upvoted.
I'll give Corey a minute here.
Corey: Yeah. Sorry.
Mike: All right, so, yep, thanks for upvoting the other people's questions. That'll make it easier for me to address those first.
So this question is: “Now that we're getting some sort of Disclosure, even if it is limited, does it mean that we might be on track to a more positive timeline?”
Corey: That I really don't know. I don't know. It's usually not the delivery of information that makes a change in a timeline. It's how people respond or react to it.
So that's . . . Information is information. It'll be great to have it, but a lot of people will think, “Okay, that's Disclosure. That's it.”
No, it's how we react to it that determines our future.
Mike: Yeah. “Has Corey gotten any recommendation from Blue Avian and Anshars team on what to do so we can somehow all have technology before they steal it away from our jurisdiction?”
Corey: I don't understand that question.
Mike: I think the question is that they're moving technology out of the United States now. Is there anything that we can do to stop that from being all moved away from the . . . Because of the . . .
Corey: Are they talking about the UAPs – the crash . . . ?
Mike: Yeah.
Corey: Okay. Much of that is being moved and hidden, but there are some things that are just so big that they can't really move them. So, they're just trying to very much control access to this stiff. And a lot of the stuff that they can move, they are moving out of American jurisdiction.
But the Blue Avians and Anshar don't interfere at that level. They don't interfere. They're not going to stop it from happening.
Mike: “Are you aware of UFO cloaking technology?”
Corey: Uh huh. Yeah. There's lots of different types, and we use it on some of our planes and helicopters.
Mike: “Do David Grusch and other whistleblowers . . . do they know about the Solar Flash?”
Corey: That information was in the military-industrial-complex level of knowledge. Whether they know about it, I don't know. I don't know if they know about it or if they've heard about it and it's just one little piece of information that they're not really focused on.
But I don't know how much they've been briefed, but the group that they serve with and within is fully aware of it.
Mike: “If someone develops a Zero Point Energy device using Tesla science, does the Cabal have technology that can allow them to locate those devices and take them out?”
Corey: Yep. Yep, they have technology in orbit and placed around the planet in locations that if these things do put off certain frequencies, the extreme magnetic fields – just like quasars, the extreme magnetic fields of quasars – create radio waves. And those radio waves are in a certain frequency.
So, yes, that is tracked very much.
Mike: “Have you heard of the Monroe Institute and the Gateway Experience?” This person is asking if these meditations that you play, you listen to, and you go into an altered state of consciousness.
They're wondering if this is a safe thing to go into altered states using these kinds of meditation tapes?
Corey: I don't have an answer. I have used remote viewing and different kinds of tapes to put myself in altered conscious . . . states of consciousness. I've left my body and had all kinds of amazing experiences. I'm not familiar with that . . . those recordings.
Mike: I'm hesitant to list very many of the random names that people throw out. I could ask about the volcano situation. People are asking about . . . We got two questions about the volcanoes increasing in frequency and if this is speeding up the timelines in some way or if this is just a sign of the times.
Corey: Just a sign. It's . . . If people remember, like eight years ago, I told you all that leading up to the Solar Flash we would have more energetic storms, which we've had, we would have more earthquakes, which we have arguably had – and some strange ones – and that all of the volcanoes across the world would all start erupting and having activity at the same time. And, yeah, that's just one of the signs.
Mike: We had multiple people also ask about safe zones and the level of . . . the oceans that would increase the elevation. And I feel like I probably should just put a resource page on now for that kind of thing.
Corey: Yeah. Yeah, let's do that.
Mike: Yeah.
“Are you concerned about Yellowstone erupting?”
Corey: I mean, I think that it at some point when all of the other volcanoes start having more activity that there is a danger for some of the super-volcanoes to go off, maybe not as crazy as predicted because there are some . . . But these super-volcanoes or whatever, they can have pressure-relieving reactions, activity, in them to where there is an eruption but it relieves enough pressure so that the whole area doesn't blow.
So, we don't know what's going to happen. It's very possible that it could blow, but if it does, that's going to happen in the middle of all sorts of other hell breaking loose so it'll just . . . But there are a couple under the ocean that I think that they've been most worried about that we don't really know about – that the people in the programs have been worried about.
They keep an eye on it because some of these Cabal groups had threatened to nuke it if things were exposed about them, so it was kind of like an extortion plot that they were going to cause one of these things to erupt.
So, yeah, there's definitely worries about super-volcanoes.
Mike: We have a question that keeps coming up. I want to make sure it's addressed more clearly, I guess.
So there's a lot of different belief systems out there that talk about these mythical figures Enki and Enlil and Marduk that . . . suggesting that these beings are still alive and that they're a part of some current activities.
“And do you have any idea of what's going on with these ancient, ancient names for . . . ?”
Corey: I didn't . . . It was only in the '80s, really, that we heard about these Sumerian gods. And it just had to do with fads inside the program – different belief systems and people get caught up in them.
They would talk about the Sumerian gods coming back and that sort of thing, but all of that stopped when they started learning more about the actual ETs that were coming here.
And . . . A lot of these were the same people that were the Bible-thumpers, believe it or not, that were really getting into the ancient Sumerian god stuff. And they thought it was kind of interchangeable and that they were coming back and they were going to bring about Revelations and all . . . They . . . There was really . . .
The mindset has changed so much since even the '90s and early 2000s that people are more secular in those positions. They don't have these conservative religious kind of views that . . .
They didn't allow people to do certain types of alien investigations because they thought they were demons and they didn't want to open that door.
So, no, I don't hear anything. The only time I hear about Enki and Enlil is when Elena Danaan or one of those whack jobs are putting the stuff out.
You don't hear about any of that in modern times within the military-industrial-complex program or the Secret Space Program.
Mike: All right. We'll switch to some philosophical questions here. “Corey is saying . . .”
“Is Corey saying that God designed the Earth in these times as they are and if everyone is contradicting each other, does that mean that God doesn't want us to know the truth?”
Corey: Well, that question may have been put in before I started speaking today . . .
Mike: Yeah.
Corey: . . . because I've made it very obvious that these are trickster beings that don't want us to know.
What God wants us to know and all of that, that's up to your religion and all of that stuff. But these negative beings are very much manipulating our reality and trying to keep us unaware of their true agenda.
Mike: And we had a question also around the philosophy of whether or not it's fair that people are kind of put under a spell by these negative manipulators. Does this . . .
I guess this is maybe essentially a question about freewill.
Corey: We're going manipulated but it's through freewill that we are being . . . we're doing all this stupid shit, guys. Everybody wants to put it off on the aliens. “We are so innocent. We wouldn't been this way if the aliens . . .”
No, the aliens wouldn't have been able to get such a foothold here if we weren't so corrupt. It was . . . They exploited our own corruption. They didn't come down here and find angelic beings and then corrupted them. We were already “in a fallen state” or whatever you want to call it and we were the perfect victims.
But we participate in this. You know if what you're doing is good or bad. You know deep down if something is off.
Most people: it is easier to just tuck everything in and follow the rest of the people, keep your head down, and if that's the way you like to live your life, you are fully, FULLY, responsible for being deceived because it's easy.
“Well, the whole society, the whole society's deceived. They're . . . They just don't know what . . .”
No, they are all willingly keeping their heads down and going with the crowd and that's cowardice. And there's a lot of cowardice on this planet. People don't want to stand. They want to blend in and . . .
Because if you take a stand and you kind of . . . like the kind of stuff I did, you're going to get hit hard and relentlessly, and most people just want to live their lives. They don't want to live in turmoil and being attacked or hit with negative greetings and attracting the negative side. So they just keep their heads down and hope that by the time they die they avoided certain things in life and . . . but it . . .
This is all part of the human condition. Humans don't want to believe that we're responsible for our current condition. We want to say it's all these negative ETs that did this do us.
We are fully responsible and culpable. And until we stop acting like broken narcissist children sticking our lips out saying, “That's not fair! It's just not fair!”, we're just a bunch of spiritual children who have no backbone if that's the way we're going to behave.
And I'm sorry if it makes people uncomfortable me talking like this. They say I'm “seeing the negative sides of things”, but I'm seeing . . . I'm seeing reality.
Focusing on the positive side and all this other stuff and like saying, “I'll only put the blinders on and look at the positive and all that”, that's not reality. It's not reality.
Mike: I guess we all have a job to do, right?
Corey: We do.
Mike: So we got some questions about the timeline. People keep asking the same questions kind of about the timelines that you've shared. So I guess I should put a more prominent resource page also on for linking out to where you discussed those.
But we could ask again: Is there any likelihood that the dates that you were shown for the probable Solar Event, is that . . . any reason that would ever change – 2032, 2033 is what you said, right?
Corey: It sounds like we're on that . . . that's part of our timeline, so I don't see a bunch of people getting together thinking positively isn't going to keep it from happening.
It's very narcissistic and egotistical of people to say, “Well, because of COVID, the beings decided that we don't need the Solar Flash” and all of these other things. It has nothing to do with us.
If we were on this planet or not on this planet, the same solar cycle would be occurring. And it has nothing to do with us. It's not here for us. It's not here against us. It's just a part of the rhythm, a cosmic rhythm.
And us sitting and praying and thinking good thoughts isn't going to change the pulse of the Solar System. It's not!
If you want to have the different beliefs, that's fine but that's your religion.
These certain cycles and things that occur are a part of nature. The Creator set all of this in motion and who are we to interfere in these grand processes of the cosmos.
Mike: We also had a question come up about the Blue Spheres that were apparently buffering the energies. Are . . . So what happened to those?
Corey: They disappeared. They faded back into . . . whatever. I mean, they're like a . . . They're like a Creator-type energy, the blue orb energy. It's more like from the Creator as opposed to a lot of things that I've heard people say.
Mike: So that was like 2017 that they phased out and then that increased the rate of energetic increase?
Corey: Yeah. Well, the energetic . . . Energetics were happening anyway. All it was doing was sort of buffering the energies a little bit so that we had a little bit of extra time to kind of expand our consciousness and have more of a chance. But it . . . They did not stop it or . . . And they would not.
A galactic guardian is not going to come here and all of a sudden do this [Corey snaps his fingers] and, say, . . . and stop a Solar Flash or stop a meteor from hitting something. That is like the cosmic clock. They do not interfere with that. They don't.
It's like the machine moving, the big clock machine. And they . . . If you stop something in one area, it has like a butterfly effect in other star systems and you just can't do that kind of stuff because a bunch of people are scared on a planet.
Mike: We have a couple questions about timelines and personal timeline jumping. Do you think that . . . This person thinks that things are different in their life like they're going through personal Mandela Effects. Do you think that there's that kind of thing still going on where a person could end up on a different timeline and their reality is different?
Corey: I don't know. I think . . . Like I've described timelines, it's not just one time . . . They're all braided together and we're kind of bouncing in and out of different timelines, but it's like small little things like Mandelic kind of things. It's not like huge things like “all of a sudden I bifurcated into my own timeline where there's not going to be a Solar Flash and all the ETs, the bad ETs, are gone.”
It depends on . . . It is a much weaker effect than . . . I mean it would be barely noticeable. You would notice like weird things, small things – Mandela Effect things.
Mike: All right. I guess we're getting closer to the end here of what we can discuss.
So are . . . So this question was about the agreements that were made by starseeds, indigos, wanderers, before they incarnated if there was a contract . . . Is there . . . They're asking if there's a collective contract that's separate from the individual contract. Is there a collective contract somehow that multiple starseeds make or that we're trying to shift the consciousness in some way?
Corey: Well, that gets into kind of a religious kind of a belief system, too. Like we've discussed before, there are millions of starseeds on this planet that . . . they didn't sign a contract. They died on their planet. The managers of their solar system said, “We want out planet to develop in this way. This person we don't want to be a part of it.” So they remove them and bring them here and drop them off in our planetary cycle and then they start reincarnating and they're a “starseed”. They're from another star.
But they signed no contract. They're basically victims. They were kidnapped. You know, they're kidnap victims. But now they here. But they're starseeds and they're continuing their soul journey of growth.
Now, there are people that are here from certain groups that consciously decided to leave their bodies and join our incarnation cycle as a part of a soul contract to do certain things. But that's not anywhere near the majority of starseeds.
A lot of the starseeds are just here. They were tossed down here and they're just like everyone else's soul that was already from here. They're just trying to go through their journey of growth.
Mike: So are there any events coming that will be thinning the veil for everyone so that we can see beyond our current . . . the controls on us right now?
Corey: I know closer to the Solar Event weird things happen. Solar energy causes things on Earth people to start seeing ghosts, their loved ones, and communicating with them. More of these weird crypted things will be seen.
So, yeah, but I don't know of anything, an individual type of event.
Maybe one or two more an then I've got to go.
Mike: All right. Might as well ask this question. So there's a specific name that was mentioned here. I don't know if I even should mention, but just ask if you believe that the human race is trapped in a simulation that is a false reality – a copy of the real reality?
Corey: No. I think that we . . . There's a huge bandwidth of electromagnetic spectrums. We exist in a very thin one where everything is solid and mass to us. Like the Earth, everything, is real around us.
But there are other layers that we don't have access to where other existences are.
I'm sorry, what was the question, again?
Mike: About like a simulation that we're in a false reality.
Corey: So now in the programs most of the people believe that we're in something like a simulation and that there are beings called “Architects” that exist outside – you know, outside of the computer – that are interacting with us writing programs so they can interact with us, manipulating our reality, changing things on a fly.
The whole society . . . Like everyone could find out about ETs like 500 years ago and if they wanted . . . and they didn't like the way it happened, they could go back and then change it.
This is what's screwing with a lot of people in their program's heads right now that it's the nature of reality, consciousness, and this multiverse sort of maybe “simulation”, for the lack of another . . .
Or it could just be a . . . This could be a dimension that, I heard, that this . . . we could be like in the bandwidths in a dimension discovered by an ET group on one of these other . . . or an extra-dimensional group, on a different level and they've been visiting us and manipulating our reality.
You know, if they're from a higher dimension, then our lower dimension . . . You know, to manipulate a 2D environment as a 3D being, you know, we can just fold paper and do some origami and we can manipulate things on that level.
And that is one of the theories about . . . The architects may have just discovered this dimension and began tinkering with it because they could.
That's . . . There's a lot of theories kicking around in the programs right now over these architects and what they're discovering about the true nature of these so-called ETs that we've been dealing with for over 80 years overtly.
Mike: And we will be discussing that much more in the upcoming episodes of the SSP updates explanation series.
And so it may be appropriate to end on this question about boundaries. “If I'm having trouble setting boundaries with my parents, do you have any advice?”
Corey: There's too much . . . I mean, it depends on your parents' personality profiles. There's like extreme narcissists. You set boundaries with them, some of them will cut you off or they'll . . . It . . . That's . . . I can't answer that.
Mike: Yeah, You've got to look for other assistance, I think, with . . . Get friends. Get other . . . Counseling may be necessary. Yeah.
Corey: Yeah.
Mike: All right. Well, we really appreciate this, Corey. Appreciate all these subjects. You covered a lot today.
Corey: Yes, we did. Yeah.
Well, thank everyone for joining us. I look forward to doing the next Q&A. Please send in your questions.
What's the best way to do that, Mike?
Corey: Okay. Yeah, so as some of my SSP updates come out in the next couple of weeks – one came out recently – watch those, and if any questions pop into your head, send them to us and we'll cover them next time.
Mike: All right. Great. Thanks a lot.
Mike Waskosky: I'm doing great. How are you doing?
Corey: I'm doing pretty good. Pretty good.
Mike: Yeah. I thought it'd be great . . . I was sharing some things with people before you joined about the National Disclosure Authorization Act push back in the House of Representatives now and the urgency around that issue.
It's going to be apparently resolved in the next three weeks or so. The Congress is still working to finalize the text of the legislation they could send to the President to sign. So we want to make sure that there's enough push back in Congress – at least from some members of Congress.
So I'm probably going to send out an email to everyone who's on the Corey Goode or email list about the details of what you should be sending and who you should be sending it to.
And I'll also be making a video public to share more details about how to find your congressman, all your elected representatives, and how to get them notified.
And so that will be coming out probably in the next couple days by email campaign, so make sure you're on the email list.
Corey: Yes. It's very . . . This is very, very important that everyone takes part in this.
If you are really into Disclosure, this is going to be our best bet. It's not going to be Full Disclosure. It's going to be slow Disclosure, but we have to start somewhere.
But this is very important. I know there are a lot of people out there saying, “If I don't get the Full Disclosure . . .” or “If I don't get the Disclosure I want, I'm not going to participate.”
I'm seeing a lot of that in the community.
So, hopefully, we can pull ourselves together and actually be Disclosure advocates – put our money where our mouth is, basically, when it comes to supporting these whistleblowers coming out.
Mike: Yeah. And it really only takes 10 minutes once you know exactly the steps to do to reach out – write a little message. It's very helpful. If a lot of us are doing it, it's more helpful.
Corey: Yeah.
Mike: And I also . . . I just shared with people before the . . . before you jumped on that I finally added the feature: people can search through . . . So if people aren't sure if a question has been asked of Corey in the past, you can go use the Site Search feature now and it'll search through all the subtitles of all the public library videos we have on
And I also added the feature into the app, finally, on the “More” menu. If you look at the top where it says “Search Everything”. If you go to “Search Everything” now and you search for a term, that term will show up . . . it'll show the videos wherever Corey has talked about that in the past.
So now it's very easy to see if something's already been answered by using that feature.
All right. So we can get started if you're ready, Corey.
Corey: Ah, yeah, I'm ready.
Mike: All right. I've got a wide variety of questions here today, and people can continue to ask them in the Q&A tab at the bottom.
So, I guess I could start with: “Do you know anything about the Van Allen Belts and is it . . . Is special technology needed to cross through the Van Allen Belts as people are saying?”
Corey: An, no, you just have to have a certain amount of shielding and pass through it quickly. You don't want to hang out in the Van Allen Belts. But they typically pass through them very quickly and they have shielding.
Mike: So another question here is: “When the Sun gives off large bursts of energy, does that affect other planets as well? Are they affected in some way?”
Corey: Yeah. I mean, every planet in our Solar System, definitely, they're affected in some way.
Sometimes, this sick cycle of solar micro-novas occur. Sometimes Earth doesn't get as hit as hard as other times. And there are times when Mars might get really punched real hard or one of the other planets.
So, yeah, everything within the Sun's realm will be affected in some way.
Mike: Here's another question. This is about the nature of karma.
I know there's maybe . . . many people have different sort of belief systems around karma, but they're referencing how the Ra Contact talks about the Service-to-Self path kind of being a valid path. And there's a question about: “How do negative entities experience karma? Do they experience karma?”
Corey: Yeah, I mean, every being in the Universe is subject to the laws of karma. When you get to a certain level, like when you move on to 4D and you choose 4D Negative and then you're moving on to 5D, there is an over-all karma that they collectively have to deal with, but it's not something like bad things happening every day. It accumulates.
With these negative polarity beings, I mean, that's their energy – the negative. So collectively they will have, you know, pretty bad karma, you know. Like at the end of this age, it's all going to catch up to them.
But, yeah, every being in this Universe is subject to laws of karma.
Mike: We had some questions about the episode we did where we're talking about the nature of . . . “Which negative entities in the Orion Group kind of have a soul and which are . . .” I think you said something . . . Maybe I should let you restate it.
But could you explain more about that concept of: “Are there beings out there who don't really have a soul?”
Corey: Yeah, there are beings out there that have spirit or the universal life force energy that don't have a soul, that don't go through reincarnation. And, yeah, these beings . . . Sorry, I got distracted – my father-in-law's dogs.
I'm sorry, I got off . . .
Mike: Is there hope for them to grow if they don't have a soul?
Corey: I don't know. I don't know. I would presume not, but I don't know.
A lot of these beings that don't really have a soul are . . . they stay in bodies for many, many thousands and thousands of years, and they don't go through the short life incarnation cycle that we do. And I think that's why a lot of them are so fascinated with us.
Mike: So I want to bring up another question here that . . . I know there's been different belief systems around races of Grays having to come grab our genetics because their genetics are somehow breaking apart and . . . I'm not sure if there's truth to that. I'm not sure . . .
So is there a reason that these beings can't make their genetics correct again if that is happening?
Corey: When it comes to the Grays, I really don't . . . They're so deceptive. And if people are being abducted and they see these types of reproductive things going on, who knows if the reason that the abductees are told is valid.
I know that these Gray beings are very much involved with not only us while we're alive but they also interact with us when we've passed on in the spirit world.
The UFO Community likes to categorize things very well, but what I've been learning is that whatever this is, it mimics things. It will mimic things like . . . Who knows if what's appearing before you is actually a Gray alien? It that's what is a part of our culture and what we expect in the West, that's what we see.
People in South America or Africa often will see something from their culture.
So there's . . . It really does cross over into consciousness in a big way, and these beings can manipulate our perception in our consciousness. And I know that they've done that to me. I was kind of like caught them or a situation that I spoke about before.
So, I don't know, it's . . . They're tricksters. They're very deceiving. I don't know if what I'm seeing is what they really are, and neither can any of you that are in contact with them or in contact with these Nordic-types of beings.
It's really scary because everyone wants to have an experience. They feel special if they are in contact with an ET, but it may not be what you think it is. And it's most likely not. And that's one of the things that a lot of people in the program realized.
And so there are things that we see that are physical craft, and there are also things in the sky that we don't know what they are, but they manipulate our perception. They can make us see a helicopter flying. They can make us see one of our own jets flying. They can make us see whatever, and not only us, it's not just our mind, but it's actual reality.
I mean, if you record it with a camera, the camera is also recording what they want us to see.
It's been really the last year that I've really realized how deep the deception is, and it's very scary that there are so many people that are “in contact” that are being given information or, you know, they're all . . . they believe they're all holy and good, and these beings are manipulating a lot of people and it's . . . and they've really infiltrated the Disclosure Community.
So, a lot of the things that everyone in the programs thought they knew about some of these different groups they're kind of re-evaluating because some of these beings are literally shapeshifters, but not in a like physical or transforming way like a werewolf.
They . . . It's so hard to explain. They can become whatever they want and they're really good at manipulating our perception and actual physical reality.
So, the agenda that we thought we knew in the programs might be a cover story by the aliens, or something that they manipulated us into thinking was their agenda so we would focus on that.
But, yeah, these beings, the Grays, or whatever they are, are very deceptive, very cunning, and humans are just really easy, really easy to fool.
Mike: Another question here is about the current wars happening on Earth and “is the Secret Space Program in any way involved in what's happening in these wars?”
Corey: No. No, there's no Secret Space Program involvement. It's all military-industrial-complex stuff. There aren't arcs in Syria or wherever that there's all of these aliens' clandestine things going on, and the war between humans is a cover story. That's all bullshit.
There is a real war going on there. I do think ETs are involved in some way. There's some ET group – they're in the Middle East that lives underground – that I've spoke about on my old TV show that are bloodthirsty.
So the war is going on. We don't need ETs to come down and cause all . . . We're perfectly capable of barbarism. Humans are very barbaric.
And I know everyone in the Community wants to put their hands together again and say, “Oh, humans are just misunderstood divine beings.”
Spiritually we are, but mentally, emotionally and physically on this Earth WE ARE NOT. We are more like devils.
And I know people are like, “Why do you have such a bad view of humanity?” And it's not good. It's not bad. It's accurate.
Humanity has, since the last flood and everything that supposedly went on back then, humanity has not changed one bit. The only thing that has changed is our technology.
Like I said before, I feel like this is supposed to be sort of like a purgatory where we go through bullshit and then figure out if we're going to go the Service-to-Self or Service-to-Others path. And I think this is a real tough place where you make those decisions.
If you would ask me some of these things two or three years ago, I would give you different answers. My understanding, the understanding of the people I get briefings from, has evolved so much in the last two or three years.
Mike: Yeah, mine too. So, uh, the other part of that question was: “Is the Secret Space Program Alliance Group interacting with any government or any Earth groups or any kind of missions?”
Corey: The SSP Alliance is pretty much all off Earth now. All operatives were discovered on Earth. All . . . You know, people are saying that they're talking to the SSP and working with physical people here in the SSP Alliance. It's bullshit.
The only Alliance that is here is the Earth Alliance, and that is military-industrial-complex people that broke away. They're not involved . . . They have no idea of these various space programs. They know things on a much lower level.
But their interests are Earth-bound. They're not interested in taking the Moon. They could give a freak . . . They could care less.
What they're worried about doing is liberating the Earth.
So, as I said in 2020, they collapsed and failed, pretty much like the Community did. It was just too much for everybody, I guess. Everyone collapsed.
But they are working . . . coming back together and starting to become cohesive again. They are getting behind David Grusch and others big time. They're . . . And they want everyone to throw their support behind Grusch and these new whistleblowers.
It turns out that Grusch and a number of these whistleblowers live where you do – in your area.
So I . . . They are . . . Any . . . Anyone . . . No one in the Community is going to have access to these people. I even wanted them for some of these TV shows that we're pitching and working on, but the whistleblowers in this group that's coming out now: they're not going to have anything to do with the ufology movement or the Disclosure movement – NOTHING! Because just look at what happened to me and others. It's just disgusting. And there's no way they are going to subject themselves to that.
The only people that are going to subject themselves to that are the storytellers now.
So that's all we have as far as Alliance. And the Alliance is starting to get their act back together and they're starting to become effective again, which took them like three years.
So, yeah, I have hope there and I would prefer a Full Disclosure – ripping off the Band-Aid – but as it turns out, that's just not how we're going to get it. We're going to get it in bits and pieces.
And from what I'm told, next year the muzzles are coming off of a number of these whistleblowers, especially with the Congress pushing weird stuff going on, that some of these people are getting a quasi-green light to like actually appear under their real name and on camera and talk about what they physically saw or touched.
Mike: I'd have to ask more about something you just said there about “the Alliance is getting their act together more again.”
What does that mean? What are they working towards?
Corey: Well, they're . . . Right now, the main thing they are working towards . . . I mean they're doing investigations and all of these other things in the background. They don't have the resources to like invade underground bases and all of the stuff you hear. They don't have those resources.
But they're throwing a lot of their support behind the whistleblowers. They're continuing their various infiltration and investigation missions and operations.
But they're still in the rebuilding process.
Mike: Is there going to be a crazy showdown, you think, next year then?
Corey: I think that so much of this stuff is going to start coming out that the Powers-That-Be are going to think this is a really good time for a good distraction in the form of a war or more terrorist attacks or . . .
So, yeah, next year . . . When we're this close to getting out certain information about the existence of non-humans and their technologies, this is where we're going to start seeing the most push-back.
So, yeah, I can't predict exactly what, but we're going to see grand disclosures and push-back from the other side, discrediting campaigns. A lot of this stuff will be done to these whistleblowers that was done to me.
Already, if you notice online, like on Twitter, the exact same people that just did everything they could to destroy my reputation and . . . they're going after Grusch and some of the others with the same fervor and the same tactics.
So, I think more and more of that will become obvious.
But, yeah, there's . . . there's . . . Yeah, it's going to be crazy next year. And it's an election year too.
So, yeah, next year, buckle up.
Mike: Yeah.
I'm so amazed that Grusch did everything he could to do everything perfectly in the eyes of the Inspector General, in the Intelligence Community and even in the public and now he's getting just as much negative publicity from the UFO Community as Lou Elizondo did and everybody else who comes out. Yeah.
Corey: Yeah, that's why Disclosure will not come through the Disclosure Community. The existence of these beings and technology WILL NOT come through ufology, esoteric community. Not.
Our community screwed up so freaking bad and behaved so poorly all of these “lightworkers” out destroying other people based on “their truth” and all this shit that none of them will have anything to do . . . There were several that were going to come out after me, but chose not to after what happened to me.
They saw how so many in the community moved in and took my life story and information and started twisting it and doing all sorts of things and, you know, to a point where I had to fight back legally and I had to say and do legally what it took to protect my information. That's part of my mission.
And I have been told that I have basically done my mission. I was supposed to come prepare the community and the world with true information that I had to change here and there due to me not wanting to get killed or other bad things happen.
And in the beginning on the show I told people this: I'm changing this name and this name, but they sort of forgot about that.
But, you, you know, I had to . . . I was . . . I came out with my information for a reason and there was a greater purpose. It helped prepare the world and the general consciousness.
The stuff that these whistleblowers are going to start coming out with you're going to find mirrors very much what I have put out over the last nine years – just with slight little name changes and just slight little things that allowed me to get away with dropping the information.
So all of that will be easily correlated in the future – the next few years. But these guys, they don't know about the Secret Space Program. They're military-industrial-complex guys. They only know up to a certain point. Anything past that doesn't exist. They think they're at the tip of the spear of intel.
But they know about craft we've reverse engineered that can fly in and out of the atmosphere. None of these people are going to know about lunar bases.
They might know about some of the kind of smaller capsule-like space stations, but they're not going to know about the big stuff.
They know . . . Most of these people know of maybe three or four different ET groups – one of them being hostile. And they know a little bit about the technologies we've recovered, reversed engineered, and some of the government interaction with the ETs. But that's about the extent.
And after all of these guys come out and they have over the next three to five years, they're dropping all of the lower level information: ETs do exist – here's a picture, here's some videos; all of that is supposedly going to happen.
After that, it'll be time for all these whistleblowers out there it'll be their turn next to be shocked, because after that is when some of the Secret Space Program stuff will become a little more known. I don't think it will be very well known for years to come.
Mike: So do you think they have any idea about trade going on with ETs?
Corey: I think they know about ETs giving us technology and working with us in like liaison sorts of roles. I think probably that's the extent of what they know.
And they do know about the abductions. They just don't know the scale of it. They think the scale is much smaller than it actually is.
Mike: I see. All right, we'll switch topics here for a bit.
Mark asked a question about the JFK assassination saying there's a school of thought that JFK's intel on ET-German tech and his insistence on partnering/collaborating with Russia on a future space program were triggers to have him taken out.
This vision form the basis of today's multinational Alliance.
Corey: I mean, I think there is truth to that. He was definitely worried about a nuclear war starting because of ET craft being mistaken for Russian or Russians mistaking them for our craft.
So there's truth to that. And he was digging deep and demanding briefings on certain things that, you know, SAP programs. So that may have played a part in it but there's also things . . . There were a lot of things going on and it's . . . You know, the CIA and the Mafia worked together like they do all the time. CIA uses the Mafia all the time with all their connections and smuggling things.
But, yeah, they work and did it . . . It was a coup d'état. And ever since then every president, almost every president, has pretty much been installed more than elected.
Mike: We had a question come in here from a person who works at a temple in China and took videos of a lot of orbs and anomalous things in the videos, in the surveillance videos, and asking about: “Is this increasing? Is this something that's changing where we're getting more of these kinds of appearances?”
Corey: Yes, the veil is thinning. Now, as the veil thins, people are seeing more ghosts, they're seeing Bigfoot, they're seeing all of these weird dog men – all this weird stuff. And the ET phenomenon seems to be very . . . plays a part in there somewhere – the whole alien or whatever phenomenon.
So it's multi-dimensional. Yeah, it's . . . I forgot what the original question was.
Mike: About the increase in the orbs.
Corey: Yes. Oh, yeah, the increase in orbs is real because the energies are building up in the Solar System from the Sun and it's thinning the veil.
And a lot of the orbs that you see floating around are actually disembodied spirit, souls. So there not always ET or something of that nature. A lot of times that's just what it is. It's the consciousness of someone who's not in their body.
Mike: We had a question come in about the nature of the soul essentially, but it's in the context of discussing Buddhism and . . . He starts out asking if Buddhism is believed in other parts of the cosmos, but the root of the question here is the nature of . . . “Is it the mind or the soul that moves away after death?”
Corey: Well, everything is recorded in the Akashic realm, so what is in our mind there might, may be chemical processes and neurons and all those things formed that form memories, but when you leave the body and you leave the brain and mind and ego behind, you know . . .
I don't know. This is all speculation. I will know someday maybe when I die, but all of this really goes back to our belief systems.
And our belief systems very much play into reality and whatever is manipulating our reality does so through our belief systems to accommodate them and be able to continue its agenda without us figuring it out.
This is a . . . It's a . . . This was . . . I . . . Everything I experienced, you would think that I would understand that this is way more complicated – layers upon layers of dimensionality and like . . . We have like dog beings, like werewolf-looking dog beings, that are showing up in places where people have seen UFOs or investigating UFOs, and it's just weird stuff.
And the people at Skinwalker Ranch, when they were with Bigelow before the TV show, they were out having these experiences. Well, these experiences would follow them home. They would have poltergeist-type activity at home when they went back. And they're there to study the lights in the sky and alien kind of stuff.
Why are they having these poltergeist experiences? One of their wives looks out the window and they see a dog man leaning against a tree watching her. And the kids saw it later.
It's just really weird, bizarre stuff.
And the thing is, it seems to placate to people's culture, cultural beliefs and biases.
In other countries, people are having the same effect but they're seeing like fairies or . . .
It's . . . There is . . . This is much, much deeper than a physical ET group visiting us from another planet or star system.
I think that's what they want a lot of us to think. I think . . . You know, it really . . . It really . . . The more we're learning about these beings and how they manipulate our reality and tricksters and all of that, we can really understand where all of these different cultures came up with ideas of demons and angels.
And the beings that are appearing to us now may be the exact same beings that were appearing to people back like in . . . 1,000, 2,000 years ago except they appeared to those people completely different or they were perceived by those people completely different.
We're more sophisticated and . . . So the understanding of aliens and other life out there . . . We know there are other planets. We're searching for other life.
Well, why don't we just give them what they're looking for? Let's come in as aliens.
A thousand years ago they may have been Greek gods or some other sort of thing – fairies or whatever.
So this . . . Consciousness plays into this more than anyone has realized and it has more to do with consciousness than it does a physical . . . a purely physical phenomenon.
It's really bizarre. Things are getting really bizarre and all of this. And the people in the programs are really having a hard time wrapping their minds around it because they feel even more impotent now knowing that what they think they're seeing or experiencing is often a ruse.
And how do you trust what you're seeing and perceiving now. And that's screwing up a lot of these guys' heads. It's messing with mine a little bit too to be honest the last year.
But a lot of these guys that just knew: “We're fighting a Reptilian group and that physical group. You shoot them they die.” They have this mindset.
Now, they're like pulling their hair out because they're really trying to understand . . . We could be in a totally simulated battle, or . . . They can control our reality and perceptions so much. It's really scary and it has people in the programs really freaked out.
Mike: I will switch over now to the questions and the Q&A and I'll ask people to upvote the questions that you like in the Q&A. And I'll just start right now with the questions that have been upvoted.
I'll give Corey a minute here.
Corey: Yeah. Sorry.
Mike: All right, so, yep, thanks for upvoting the other people's questions. That'll make it easier for me to address those first.
So this question is: “Now that we're getting some sort of Disclosure, even if it is limited, does it mean that we might be on track to a more positive timeline?”
Corey: That I really don't know. I don't know. It's usually not the delivery of information that makes a change in a timeline. It's how people respond or react to it.
So that's . . . Information is information. It'll be great to have it, but a lot of people will think, “Okay, that's Disclosure. That's it.”
No, it's how we react to it that determines our future.
Mike: Yeah. “Has Corey gotten any recommendation from Blue Avian and Anshars team on what to do so we can somehow all have technology before they steal it away from our jurisdiction?”
Corey: I don't understand that question.
Mike: I think the question is that they're moving technology out of the United States now. Is there anything that we can do to stop that from being all moved away from the . . . Because of the . . .
Corey: Are they talking about the UAPs – the crash . . . ?
Mike: Yeah.
Corey: Okay. Much of that is being moved and hidden, but there are some things that are just so big that they can't really move them. So, they're just trying to very much control access to this stiff. And a lot of the stuff that they can move, they are moving out of American jurisdiction.
But the Blue Avians and Anshar don't interfere at that level. They don't interfere. They're not going to stop it from happening.
Mike: “Are you aware of UFO cloaking technology?”
Corey: Uh huh. Yeah. There's lots of different types, and we use it on some of our planes and helicopters.
Mike: “Do David Grusch and other whistleblowers . . . do they know about the Solar Flash?”
Corey: That information was in the military-industrial-complex level of knowledge. Whether they know about it, I don't know. I don't know if they know about it or if they've heard about it and it's just one little piece of information that they're not really focused on.
But I don't know how much they've been briefed, but the group that they serve with and within is fully aware of it.
Mike: “If someone develops a Zero Point Energy device using Tesla science, does the Cabal have technology that can allow them to locate those devices and take them out?”
Corey: Yep. Yep, they have technology in orbit and placed around the planet in locations that if these things do put off certain frequencies, the extreme magnetic fields – just like quasars, the extreme magnetic fields of quasars – create radio waves. And those radio waves are in a certain frequency.
So, yes, that is tracked very much.
Mike: “Have you heard of the Monroe Institute and the Gateway Experience?” This person is asking if these meditations that you play, you listen to, and you go into an altered state of consciousness.
They're wondering if this is a safe thing to go into altered states using these kinds of meditation tapes?
Corey: I don't have an answer. I have used remote viewing and different kinds of tapes to put myself in altered conscious . . . states of consciousness. I've left my body and had all kinds of amazing experiences. I'm not familiar with that . . . those recordings.
Mike: I'm hesitant to list very many of the random names that people throw out. I could ask about the volcano situation. People are asking about . . . We got two questions about the volcanoes increasing in frequency and if this is speeding up the timelines in some way or if this is just a sign of the times.
Corey: Just a sign. It's . . . If people remember, like eight years ago, I told you all that leading up to the Solar Flash we would have more energetic storms, which we've had, we would have more earthquakes, which we have arguably had – and some strange ones – and that all of the volcanoes across the world would all start erupting and having activity at the same time. And, yeah, that's just one of the signs.
Mike: We had multiple people also ask about safe zones and the level of . . . the oceans that would increase the elevation. And I feel like I probably should just put a resource page on now for that kind of thing.
Corey: Yeah. Yeah, let's do that.
Mike: Yeah.
“Are you concerned about Yellowstone erupting?”
Corey: I mean, I think that it at some point when all of the other volcanoes start having more activity that there is a danger for some of the super-volcanoes to go off, maybe not as crazy as predicted because there are some . . . But these super-volcanoes or whatever, they can have pressure-relieving reactions, activity, in them to where there is an eruption but it relieves enough pressure so that the whole area doesn't blow.
So, we don't know what's going to happen. It's very possible that it could blow, but if it does, that's going to happen in the middle of all sorts of other hell breaking loose so it'll just . . . But there are a couple under the ocean that I think that they've been most worried about that we don't really know about – that the people in the programs have been worried about.
They keep an eye on it because some of these Cabal groups had threatened to nuke it if things were exposed about them, so it was kind of like an extortion plot that they were going to cause one of these things to erupt.
So, yeah, there's definitely worries about super-volcanoes.
Mike: We have a question that keeps coming up. I want to make sure it's addressed more clearly, I guess.
So there's a lot of different belief systems out there that talk about these mythical figures Enki and Enlil and Marduk that . . . suggesting that these beings are still alive and that they're a part of some current activities.
“And do you have any idea of what's going on with these ancient, ancient names for . . . ?”
Corey: I didn't . . . It was only in the '80s, really, that we heard about these Sumerian gods. And it just had to do with fads inside the program – different belief systems and people get caught up in them.
They would talk about the Sumerian gods coming back and that sort of thing, but all of that stopped when they started learning more about the actual ETs that were coming here.
And . . . A lot of these were the same people that were the Bible-thumpers, believe it or not, that were really getting into the ancient Sumerian god stuff. And they thought it was kind of interchangeable and that they were coming back and they were going to bring about Revelations and all . . . They . . . There was really . . .
The mindset has changed so much since even the '90s and early 2000s that people are more secular in those positions. They don't have these conservative religious kind of views that . . .
They didn't allow people to do certain types of alien investigations because they thought they were demons and they didn't want to open that door.
So, no, I don't hear anything. The only time I hear about Enki and Enlil is when Elena Danaan or one of those whack jobs are putting the stuff out.
You don't hear about any of that in modern times within the military-industrial-complex program or the Secret Space Program.
Mike: All right. We'll switch to some philosophical questions here. “Corey is saying . . .”
“Is Corey saying that God designed the Earth in these times as they are and if everyone is contradicting each other, does that mean that God doesn't want us to know the truth?”
Corey: Well, that question may have been put in before I started speaking today . . .
Mike: Yeah.
Corey: . . . because I've made it very obvious that these are trickster beings that don't want us to know.
What God wants us to know and all of that, that's up to your religion and all of that stuff. But these negative beings are very much manipulating our reality and trying to keep us unaware of their true agenda.
Mike: And we had a question also around the philosophy of whether or not it's fair that people are kind of put under a spell by these negative manipulators. Does this . . .
I guess this is maybe essentially a question about freewill.
Corey: We're going manipulated but it's through freewill that we are being . . . we're doing all this stupid shit, guys. Everybody wants to put it off on the aliens. “We are so innocent. We wouldn't been this way if the aliens . . .”
No, the aliens wouldn't have been able to get such a foothold here if we weren't so corrupt. It was . . . They exploited our own corruption. They didn't come down here and find angelic beings and then corrupted them. We were already “in a fallen state” or whatever you want to call it and we were the perfect victims.
But we participate in this. You know if what you're doing is good or bad. You know deep down if something is off.
Most people: it is easier to just tuck everything in and follow the rest of the people, keep your head down, and if that's the way you like to live your life, you are fully, FULLY, responsible for being deceived because it's easy.
“Well, the whole society, the whole society's deceived. They're . . . They just don't know what . . .”
No, they are all willingly keeping their heads down and going with the crowd and that's cowardice. And there's a lot of cowardice on this planet. People don't want to stand. They want to blend in and . . .
Because if you take a stand and you kind of . . . like the kind of stuff I did, you're going to get hit hard and relentlessly, and most people just want to live their lives. They don't want to live in turmoil and being attacked or hit with negative greetings and attracting the negative side. So they just keep their heads down and hope that by the time they die they avoided certain things in life and . . . but it . . .
This is all part of the human condition. Humans don't want to believe that we're responsible for our current condition. We want to say it's all these negative ETs that did this do us.
We are fully responsible and culpable. And until we stop acting like broken narcissist children sticking our lips out saying, “That's not fair! It's just not fair!”, we're just a bunch of spiritual children who have no backbone if that's the way we're going to behave.
And I'm sorry if it makes people uncomfortable me talking like this. They say I'm “seeing the negative sides of things”, but I'm seeing . . . I'm seeing reality.
Focusing on the positive side and all this other stuff and like saying, “I'll only put the blinders on and look at the positive and all that”, that's not reality. It's not reality.
Mike: I guess we all have a job to do, right?
Corey: We do.
Mike: So we got some questions about the timeline. People keep asking the same questions kind of about the timelines that you've shared. So I guess I should put a more prominent resource page also on for linking out to where you discussed those.
But we could ask again: Is there any likelihood that the dates that you were shown for the probable Solar Event, is that . . . any reason that would ever change – 2032, 2033 is what you said, right?
Corey: It sounds like we're on that . . . that's part of our timeline, so I don't see a bunch of people getting together thinking positively isn't going to keep it from happening.
It's very narcissistic and egotistical of people to say, “Well, because of COVID, the beings decided that we don't need the Solar Flash” and all of these other things. It has nothing to do with us.
If we were on this planet or not on this planet, the same solar cycle would be occurring. And it has nothing to do with us. It's not here for us. It's not here against us. It's just a part of the rhythm, a cosmic rhythm.
And us sitting and praying and thinking good thoughts isn't going to change the pulse of the Solar System. It's not!
If you want to have the different beliefs, that's fine but that's your religion.
These certain cycles and things that occur are a part of nature. The Creator set all of this in motion and who are we to interfere in these grand processes of the cosmos.
Mike: We also had a question come up about the Blue Spheres that were apparently buffering the energies. Are . . . So what happened to those?
Corey: They disappeared. They faded back into . . . whatever. I mean, they're like a . . . They're like a Creator-type energy, the blue orb energy. It's more like from the Creator as opposed to a lot of things that I've heard people say.
Mike: So that was like 2017 that they phased out and then that increased the rate of energetic increase?
Corey: Yeah. Well, the energetic . . . Energetics were happening anyway. All it was doing was sort of buffering the energies a little bit so that we had a little bit of extra time to kind of expand our consciousness and have more of a chance. But it . . . They did not stop it or . . . And they would not.
A galactic guardian is not going to come here and all of a sudden do this [Corey snaps his fingers] and, say, . . . and stop a Solar Flash or stop a meteor from hitting something. That is like the cosmic clock. They do not interfere with that. They don't.
It's like the machine moving, the big clock machine. And they . . . If you stop something in one area, it has like a butterfly effect in other star systems and you just can't do that kind of stuff because a bunch of people are scared on a planet.
Mike: We have a couple questions about timelines and personal timeline jumping. Do you think that . . . This person thinks that things are different in their life like they're going through personal Mandela Effects. Do you think that there's that kind of thing still going on where a person could end up on a different timeline and their reality is different?
Corey: I don't know. I think . . . Like I've described timelines, it's not just one time . . . They're all braided together and we're kind of bouncing in and out of different timelines, but it's like small little things like Mandelic kind of things. It's not like huge things like “all of a sudden I bifurcated into my own timeline where there's not going to be a Solar Flash and all the ETs, the bad ETs, are gone.”
It depends on . . . It is a much weaker effect than . . . I mean it would be barely noticeable. You would notice like weird things, small things – Mandela Effect things.
Mike: All right. I guess we're getting closer to the end here of what we can discuss.
So are . . . So this question was about the agreements that were made by starseeds, indigos, wanderers, before they incarnated if there was a contract . . . Is there . . . They're asking if there's a collective contract that's separate from the individual contract. Is there a collective contract somehow that multiple starseeds make or that we're trying to shift the consciousness in some way?
Corey: Well, that gets into kind of a religious kind of a belief system, too. Like we've discussed before, there are millions of starseeds on this planet that . . . they didn't sign a contract. They died on their planet. The managers of their solar system said, “We want out planet to develop in this way. This person we don't want to be a part of it.” So they remove them and bring them here and drop them off in our planetary cycle and then they start reincarnating and they're a “starseed”. They're from another star.
But they signed no contract. They're basically victims. They were kidnapped. You know, they're kidnap victims. But now they here. But they're starseeds and they're continuing their soul journey of growth.
Now, there are people that are here from certain groups that consciously decided to leave their bodies and join our incarnation cycle as a part of a soul contract to do certain things. But that's not anywhere near the majority of starseeds.
A lot of the starseeds are just here. They were tossed down here and they're just like everyone else's soul that was already from here. They're just trying to go through their journey of growth.
Mike: So are there any events coming that will be thinning the veil for everyone so that we can see beyond our current . . . the controls on us right now?
Corey: I know closer to the Solar Event weird things happen. Solar energy causes things on Earth people to start seeing ghosts, their loved ones, and communicating with them. More of these weird crypted things will be seen.
So, yeah, but I don't know of anything, an individual type of event.
Maybe one or two more an then I've got to go.
Mike: All right. Might as well ask this question. So there's a specific name that was mentioned here. I don't know if I even should mention, but just ask if you believe that the human race is trapped in a simulation that is a false reality – a copy of the real reality?
Corey: No. I think that we . . . There's a huge bandwidth of electromagnetic spectrums. We exist in a very thin one where everything is solid and mass to us. Like the Earth, everything, is real around us.
But there are other layers that we don't have access to where other existences are.
I'm sorry, what was the question, again?
Mike: About like a simulation that we're in a false reality.
Corey: So now in the programs most of the people believe that we're in something like a simulation and that there are beings called “Architects” that exist outside – you know, outside of the computer – that are interacting with us writing programs so they can interact with us, manipulating our reality, changing things on a fly.
The whole society . . . Like everyone could find out about ETs like 500 years ago and if they wanted . . . and they didn't like the way it happened, they could go back and then change it.
This is what's screwing with a lot of people in their program's heads right now that it's the nature of reality, consciousness, and this multiverse sort of maybe “simulation”, for the lack of another . . .
Or it could just be a . . . This could be a dimension that, I heard, that this . . . we could be like in the bandwidths in a dimension discovered by an ET group on one of these other . . . or an extra-dimensional group, on a different level and they've been visiting us and manipulating our reality.
You know, if they're from a higher dimension, then our lower dimension . . . You know, to manipulate a 2D environment as a 3D being, you know, we can just fold paper and do some origami and we can manipulate things on that level.
And that is one of the theories about . . . The architects may have just discovered this dimension and began tinkering with it because they could.
That's . . . There's a lot of theories kicking around in the programs right now over these architects and what they're discovering about the true nature of these so-called ETs that we've been dealing with for over 80 years overtly.
Mike: And we will be discussing that much more in the upcoming episodes of the SSP updates explanation series.
And so it may be appropriate to end on this question about boundaries. “If I'm having trouble setting boundaries with my parents, do you have any advice?”
Corey: There's too much . . . I mean, it depends on your parents' personality profiles. There's like extreme narcissists. You set boundaries with them, some of them will cut you off or they'll . . . It . . . That's . . . I can't answer that.
Mike: Yeah, You've got to look for other assistance, I think, with . . . Get friends. Get other . . . Counseling may be necessary. Yeah.
Corey: Yeah.
Mike: All right. Well, we really appreciate this, Corey. Appreciate all these subjects. You covered a lot today.
Corey: Yes, we did. Yeah.
Well, thank everyone for joining us. I look forward to doing the next Q&A. Please send in your questions.
What's the best way to do that, Mike?
Corey: Okay. Yeah, so as some of my SSP updates come out in the next couple of weeks – one came out recently – watch those, and if any questions pop into your head, send them to us and we'll cover them next time.
Mike: All right. Great. Thanks a lot.
People: Corey Goode, Mike Waskosky
Topics: Disclosure, Earth Alliance, Q&A, Recent News, UAP Whistleblowers
Corey, if the GGLN and their ET allies are going to enter our solar system towards the end of 2025, does that mean the Aldebaran system will be liberated before the end of 2025?
The Aldebaran star system is another major stronghold of the Orion Group and the Dark Fleet.
Thanks Corey,Mike and ascension crew for keeping all of us informed correctly.I still can’t imaging working 20 years 3 times over .60 years working for ? is still a long time.
Thank you 🙏
To Michael
Thanks you, your dedication and all your work is appreciated by someone who knows how much it takes to put all of this together. Every hour we see I bet you have put in ten to twenty hours.
Thank you 🙏🏼💙
Such great questions and answers with this one. Thanks Corey and Mike!
Absolutely we are all responsible for what’s going on!!! I totally agree and I definitely see it, especially in myself!!!
I wonder if by way of being confused regarding ET projections fooling us-if this is a calling for us to stop relying on our 5 senses and start to practice using our intuition to gauge if that which we are seeing/smelling etc is real or what the intent of it is mostly to recognize if we are dealing with a threat and how to go forward with dealing with it or just simply calling it out as Im sure they will detect your calling it out