Forum Replies Created

  • Billymu .

    March 31, 2024 at 3:27 pm in reply to: Possible False-Flag 8th April 2024 during eclispe!

    Q release warned of possible Blood sacrifice as so many folks would be concentrated along the shadow line proving a potential ‘Burnt Offering’ sacrifice in the Sacrificial ceremony of the Red Calf in Jewish occult practices which is slated for this time period. Along with this comes the 7 and 14 year mast of crickets which is the time when sleep would be almost impossible due to the calls they make, then of course the stench as billions die following mating as there wont be enough birds, hedge hogs etc to consume them all.

    How might the the Burnt offering scenario occur? As it is a Burnt Offering DEW’s are highly likely to be employed and with the National Guards being called out in the period of this even it is possible they would be instructed to contain groups in order to maximise the murder of potentially hundreds of thousands of Eclipse watchers though the White Hats have made assurances they would shoot down Aircraft and satellites deploying such devices.

    Stay safe…

  • Billymu .

    March 14, 2024 at 3:05 pm in reply to: ultraterrestrial phenomenon

    Im not sure where the post is but my understanding of the Ultra terrestrials is based on the start of the world as we currently understand it, that is we were created by such beings as one of them found that we are capable , under certain conditions being met, to produce a refined sense of ‘Sorrow’ which is eminently sustaining to this being after harvesting one soul who produced the substance. They were referred to as Gardener type beings, somewhat separate to common knowledge we now have of terrestrial Gardener species. Others saw this and so came in the first Gardeners project in order to do the same resulting in our specific creation as Homo Sapiens Sapiens. As all gardeners know, you plant the seed in your prepared ‘garden’ the check up on it periodically and when such a check was made, no results were seen to produced so thinking of abandoning the project as a one-off some rechecked and found a negative influence had appeared which catalysed the ‘crop’ and produced the required ‘produce’.

    Another possibility is the ‘Firsters’ group, souls who have been through it all but now return to fine-tune some moments they would rather have changed, the Alpha-Omega group.

    Im not sure of course but if we semantically analyze the term itself we might draw a probable conclusion, i.e. Ultra = beyond in this case and Terrestrial = Planet bound or sourced.

    It is interesting to note that what the “Universe” wants is met by a hierarchy of systems which call upon existing realities to bring to fruition the results sort after, trickling down to us through these systems already in place like our Sun and planet wanting to assists biological life forms by inviting them to reside here on our wonderful Planetary being. The call goes out and is answered by the ‘Gods’ who set about evolving a native entity into what we have today.

    I might be just blathering though 🙂

  • Billymu .

    March 10, 2024 at 3:19 am in reply to: 20 and Back symptoms

    Memory issues is the one I remember but anomalous scars could be another (i.e Scars that show up mysteriously but have no memory of them actually happening)

  • Billymu .

    February 27, 2024 at 3:40 pm in reply to: Hypnosis

    Hi there, Whilst Hypnosis is a good strategy to employ, I feel you would garner more if you set yourself the intention to meet your soul and keep going back until it reveals the co-existing personal lives that are directly connected to “You” at this time.

    The perpetual “Sea of Humanity” surrounds the sand of time whereupon an island of rock rises. It is here that you will find your Soul force if it elects to reply. There is no speech, no guidance as only your own discernment counts.

    Should this happen for you then really pay attention to the ‘Monk Garb’ materialization and allow yourself to be Zoomed in close to the ‘garment’ until you discern postage stamp sized patches appearing, these represent all your materialization’s universally. It will center this life around the realities you came from and need to be connecting the dots to so to speak. From here you may find your answer but really pay attention as its so easy to ‘Think’ and blow the experience away.

    If not then look for a Hypnotist who fully understands the driving force behind its successes, emotions. Only emotional force can power a true hypnotic suggestion successfully. You can actually Self Hypnotize by reading what you may have written with the fervor and force of your emotional fuel. I suggest this as no one can be trusted…

  • Billymu .

    April 3, 2023 at 2:44 am in reply to: Post-death-> Ascension OR repeat 3rd density

    Ho’oponopono, A Hawaiian (Polynesian, also practiced in New Zealand) meditative practice that offers all anyone needs for this subject matter.

    Research it well until you find the full story and the use of “I’m Sorry, I Love You, Forgive Me, Thank You”.

    Secondly, Holographic Photo/Movie memory exercises, Imagination gives you the World.

    Lastly, Cultivate a quiet mind, no internal dialogue….

  • Billymu .

    March 5, 2023 at 5:15 pm in reply to: Solar Flash, Evacuation on the ships, or Inner- Earth?

    Many folks just wont accept that we are “Farm Animals”, used for everything we farm our Animals for ourselves…Some are benevolent, most are antagonistic and hungry for “Innovations, Meat, DNA, some Art etc…

  • Billymu .

    February 2, 2023 at 9:10 pm in reply to: What’s going on ?

    It always happens… Sad operatives get in and trained by expert forces then proceed to sow discord and falsities but so what Y’know ?, because perceptions are about redirections with ‘Memes’ (mind Viruses) and no matter the state of a community there is always some one who still benefits from those who persist in the subject matter and some one who runs the platform.

  • Billymu .

    February 2, 2023 at 8:58 pm in reply to: AI God

    I came across narrative a while back and then again a few months back. It describes a Guardian Species who seemed to have lost something so created our species as an experiment to see ‘something’ and perhaps our universe. A dark force slipped in during the process and began messing things up so the Guardians gave (maybe a CG narrative?) up. Then after a while they decided to end the experiment but saw something good happening and so allowed it to continue.

    The implication is that The Dark force is the AI type of Being so no consciousness, just data, as one would think a quantum Being to be interested or even capable of compassion’s et-all. Further it could be the Yang or Yin force of Yin and Yang Symbolism, essential to the operation of the Universe Bubble we are in.

  • Billymu .

    February 2, 2023 at 6:11 pm in reply to: Solar Flash, Evacuation on the ships, or Inner- Earth?

    Yes it is on its way to Happening of course, no man knows the hour sort of thing BUT slated around 10 to 20 years away. No one is going to take any one away although it may look like it but they will take “Soul Shots” (Holo Photo’s) before placing into Stasis or butchering or simply disintegrating. That way when you awaken on a different world, your consciousness will ‘Create’ your body to suit the world.

    Underground is then the only option BUT you must dig for your self as no one will do it for you, or build a thick stone/concrete one etc and supplies for 30 years…

  • Billymu .

    March 22, 2022 at 12:31 am in reply to: No Solar Flash ?

    Regarding the Solar Flash or Mini Nova event, It will in fact DESTROY Civilisation as we know it because it will produce both CME impacts and EMP bursts thereby neutralising anything remotely related to Electrical Systems…If the Sun goes dark before the event then a Mini Ice age will ensue, If the Sun goes dark after the event then a longer Mini Ice age will ensue All of which denotes massive death of all biological species leaving rotting bodies generating disease for the Survivors to endure. History shows that to avoid such a scenario we all need to move underground and store seeds and living livestock inclusive of marine life. The only way to do that is to form Co-operatives and work towards a plan as a Group with many groups scattered around the world. Pooling resources is some thing to think about as remaining Top Side is fraught with survivability problems, Worst case scenario.

    Ascension is a personal matter depending on the actual work you do, “God only helps those who help themselves” is something to bear in mind. Imagination is your friend.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by  Billymu ..
  • Billymu .

    February 18, 2022 at 8:47 am in reply to: Shapeshifters Evidence

    This word “KINNININGAN” originally had a Mac before it and was from the last time period of Civilisation where the Main guy became a religion in todays terms (forgot his name but great reading) Its more than probable to my mind that genetic editing would have now rendered this phrase obsolete. How ever, Corey’s Graphic novel posts have provided a modern solution showing a frame where a reptilian was asked “Where is your safe house?” where upon the creature erupted in self combustion. A discerning mind would then be able to formulate analogeous phrases that may also work just a effectively….if one came across such a creature who was willing to listen rather than eating one.

  • Billymu .

    March 15, 2024 at 2:55 am in reply to: ultraterrestrial phenomenon

    Hi, the non ultra Gardeners are the the entire lot who have been expelled by the Ra representatives Corey spoke of inclusive of Dolores’s Reptilians, is my understanding, the people who manipulated our evolution after the ‘Gods” with a little G first created our kind and all the subsequent variations thereof…The Reptilians themselves (not the warrior class) sought to eradicate our Pineal glands but that was replaced by the others and also reduced our heights and brain capacity because they are intrinsically scared of us and so by de-evolving us they sought an advantage for whats about to happen, not they they needed it but they are strategists.

  • Billymu .

    March 14, 2024 at 8:21 pm in reply to: ultraterrestrial phenomenon

    Just saw the post from Corey about Jumpers, there is the answer, Cheers

  • Billymu .

    February 2, 2023 at 5:51 pm in reply to: Questions for Corey (Old Thread)

    ‘No metal, no plastics, no anything on or in your body that will heat up enough to make you move or burn. Once you move, you die’, … is what I read somewhere sometime a long while ago, not that that is supposed to be bad as your next co-existing reality will spawn into a new mind framework supposedly. I like the sound of it all actually.