Solar Flash, Evacuation on the ships, or Inner- Earth?

  • Solar Flash, Evacuation on the ships, or Inner- Earth?

    Posted by Aukje Veldhuis on July 27, 2022 at 11:57 am

    Is the Real Solar Flash we get for the Ascension period, on his way.

    Are we going to be evacuated on the ships, or inner-earth for healing and education?

    Are we informed before happening, in which timeline, this will occur is there still time for preparation for family, and friends to help to understand what will come by the New Earth transition, or will this be told with telepathic messages?

    Chris Turnbull replied 1 year, 11 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Billymu .

    February 2, 2023 at 6:11 pm

    Yes it is on its way to Happening of course, no man knows the hour sort of thing BUT slated around 10 to 20 years away. No one is going to take any one away although it may look like it but they will take “Soul Shots” (Holo Photo’s) before placing into Stasis or butchering or simply disintegrating. That way when you awaken on a different world, your consciousness will ‘Create’ your body to suit the world.

    Underground is then the only option BUT you must dig for your self as no one will do it for you, or build a thick stone/concrete one etc and supplies for 30 years…

    • Shirley Carter

      March 5, 2023 at 3:28 pm

      You said, “butchering”?

  • Billymu .

    March 5, 2023 at 5:15 pm

    Many folks just wont accept that we are “Farm Animals”, used for everything we farm our Animals for ourselves…Some are benevolent, most are antagonistic and hungry for “Innovations, Meat, DNA, some Art etc…

  • Chris Turnbull

    March 11, 2023 at 4:32 pm

    I don’t know anything about the flash except it seams to be happening all the time. I know about an alignment, and this is taking place now and for the next 7000 years, but the primary time is the next wave of 333 years from 2014/7/14, that begins the alignment.

    I don’t know about any evacuation, or any plans to save humanity on mass, except through the release of suppressed technology, as Trump just said, flying cars and zero point energy cities created by a competition in the public for the 20 best designed cities.

    We will remove the government and build our way out of the grand changes that the planet is going to go through.

    We have to save ourselves, no one is coming to help.

    As soon as, or just before we are ready it will all change and we will be thankful that we got our shit together before the water rose.

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