Margarita AoteaRa
February 13, 2023
Just a quick update. I started working on the new Russian translation of the Law of One books for L/L Research. I didn’t plan to…
October 24, 2022
If you didn’t read the Law of One books, but would like to have a look at the core concepts and short description of the…
August 18, 2022
A few days ago, through my Dream Yoga practice I received a short but insightful information about the Starseeds’ removal from Earth. For me it…
August 1, 2022
When you start seeing repeating numbers in your waking life – what does it mean? «In terms of repeating numbers, it is interesting to know…
July 19, 2022
Cube is the prominent feature of these recent crop circles (marked by the blue lines on the picture), and it represents the third-density illusion (in…
June 5, 2022
Excerpts from April 2017 “Cosmic Disclosure” (Season 7 Ep. 17) “Corey: And most recently, Tear-Eir has told me that we’ve entered into a very important…
May 4, 2022
This is a yogic practice for using the power of our mind for healing & protecting ourselves and others with Light. I copied the text…
February 25, 2022
Do you remember the following quote from Ra? “We may note at this point while you ponder the possibility/probability vortices that although you have many,…
February 19, 2022
Unfortunately we are almost blind: in the most cases we aren’t able to see beyond the limits of our physical perception. This Veil prevents our…
January 29, 2022
After watching the “Mary Magdalene” movie on Netflix, I was drawn to re-read some of the Ra materials, in particular regarding the life of Jesus…