Mystery School: Apocalyptic Resonance with Jacob
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Original Date: Mar 07, 2023
Original Date: Mar 07, 2023
Mystery School with Jacob Cox

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Apocalyptic Resonance with Jacob
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Next Episode: Mystery School: Dark Night of the Soul
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hi and
welcome again to another mystery school edition. The
topic tonight is apocalyptic resonance. I'm
so grateful for everything one of you guys for joining and those who watch
later on YouTube and Rumble. So let's
go ahead and get started if we could. Let's go ahead and start with the first slide. Let's go
ahead and start with the title itself. I felt
like Spirit just kind of gave it to me. It was a download. I
was a little bit unsure about using it in
the context, but it it just kept coming.
That was the right thing to do. So let's start
with the apocalypse, you know, it's not the Doom
and Gloom and everything that everybody always talks about. I guess it
could come with that. But the actual word apocalypse is a
Greek word and it's meeting
means to like uncover and our disclosure
of knowledge lifting.
The veil a revelation and religious context
it is a usually a disclosure of something hidden. So
this is this is our apocalypse to see through the
veil. That's what the word is intended for.
We have a lot of words and English language that have been changed modified
altered for many
reasons. I think but the one we most people
hear the word apocalypse are really talking about the Doom and Gloom and
the fire and brimstone and all that stuff and to me when I
think about I've always really concentrate on fact it is a
thing to the veil. It is lifting of what is unknown to be known.
So let's start with there. So apocalyptic resonance apocalypse. We
got that. It's the lifting of the veil
and Mike. I can't here we
go. Now we can.
So let's go to Resonance. So residents is
probably a little bit harder to describe but it is an increase in
the vibration amplitude of an object caused by
another object vibrating at the same frequency. So
we got two tuning Forks here on this picture and basically
what they're saying if you were to ring a tuning for it, let's
say 528 Hertz the frequency of love and miracles and
everything and you had another 24 Copa
here at the same vibration. If you were
to ring this tuning fork over here without this one being touched it
would pick up on the waves from the
sound coming from one tuning port to the other and this one would
start to ring as well. So, you know resonance vibration
resonance can can shatter glass, you
know can shatter a wine glass or something like that. But basically,
you know, even change the the wording of
objects. So an increase in vibration amplitude of
people, I mean, let's talk
about so if apocalypse is revealing of it information seeing through
the veil if somebody over here starting to
um, you'll see through the Bell then other people around them and in their
Community should be seeing to the bell too. And you
know, let's not just type of people but let's just stop at time
periods and epox and errors that they're we kind
of see things as you know linear time past present
future, but we when we look at
time and everything deep down, we know all things are happening in simultaneously
at one time and so we can see how
If we had epoxin airs money is where things were
going on that that same resonance would come back
over and over and over again and I believe that's
what the scriptures that's what so many books that
have been handed down to pass down and found
throughout history are suggesting to us that there is an apocalyptic
resonance that happens over and over again
and we see similarities and things happening over again.
So before we go to the next slide, I want to kind of
give a disclosure here with this topic.
I could use all kinds of different books from
the marbar to Mayan to you
know, all kinds of things. I really
wanted to focus on the biblical
text the Bible. I feel like it
was something that has been for the most part kind
The justice has not been served to it. And I feel like I want
to do that for the Bible. So many people look
at it just like something that's not true or something that didn't happen. You
know that it's more religious to me.
It's to me personally. I feel like it's a historical.
Book that are rewrite stories.
So all these stories are found in other stories, like in Sumerian
Tablets was much more detail. But these are stories
that people knew were important and they
had to hide and conceal them. These are things
that not just you know, we're out in the open. These were books that were very
important very very secretive
because of someone found it. They would they could probably lose your life
for things like this that's serious and we need to take it as
that as a historical book that has metaphors in it
that has understandings and it Technologies in
it. I often like try to refer to it as a technology
and all honestly the Bible is like a UFO
crashed and ancient times and the
people who found it were able to take apart slowly and
then, you know, maybe make a
wheel out of like, oh we found this this wheel thing and they
were able to use it for something like a wheelbarrow and carry things
back and forth when this thing is, you know, so incredible you
could use it to fly around the universe and we're just
Were just scratching the surface of how important the book like
this is so I feel personally like I want to do a Justice.
I mean again many books were removed initially from the
Bible when they found it in pyramids is written on Ancient Scrolls. They
removed the Council of Nicea removed a lot of books. They changed
a lot of words. They left a lot of words like the Elohim
in the Bible, which is the Hebrew word for God's geods.
But now we take that as Elohim as the name of God. So those
things are really important to realize like we kind of
got this water down cut up King James
version which no King as far
as I'm concerned is really ever been on the side at least the fake Kings
not real Kings like Christ or Buddha Christiana, but
has really been on the side of the people. So
tonight. I really want to just take one source,
although I said we could use many different sources.
To really explain apocalyptic resonance, but
I'm going to use just the Bible for tonight. So let's go
ahead and go let's go ahead and move on. So one of
the big things that I feel like was the first thing I had to address an
apocalypse residence was
As in the days of Noah, so will be the
coming of the son of man. So they literally said
in the Bible this this direct quote.
And what was going on back in Noah's day, you know and they
definitely had a lot of people multiplying quickly
and I think that's
because you know like today let's let's
say we're having a we're having a huge, you know population verse
in the past several decades Century or
so and a lot of this because people probably
having sex without love. I mean, let's just be
real there's a lot of that happen. There's a lot of children being born without fathers without
stable home environments and they're growing
up in different ways. And so we kind
of tend to see some of that stuff going on today sex to
me is something that's supposed to be beautiful something about love something
to share the partner not just something to go
out and you know,
Blank someone you know, I mean that that's definitely
a different type of of interaction then,
you know love because when you're having
sex somebody you are downloading and uploading all that all
their emotions all their feelings all their understandings the
things that they learn haven't learned things that
they struggle with and if you are not a very sound mind and
centered person you're gonna download all that stuff from them and take it
on as your own and that's to me what marrying is when you marry up
with people and your energy is connected when they're down
you can be down. They're angry here that you you're angry the
things that they're struggling on right now can be
things that you take on and start to struggle with. So the sex
in general to me is the most sacred ceremony that we have and it's
right now, it seems more than ever with online
and everything else. It's something that's not a sacred
ceremony. It's something that's just, you know more physical than
anything else.
They tend to talk about wickedness and things and people, you know,
being evil and stuff like that. And you know, I don't want to compare that
one as much but there are there definitely some some
bad things going on our planet right now that seem
to be very similar some of the things that were happening back then.
At the end of the day, I believe all this is cycles of
time of light and dark
that help us to see contrast which I think
is incredibly important, you know, really to understand
that that saying it's not happening to us, but it's
happening for us and really deep down know that in
your heart everything that's unfolding in some ways
happening for you to learn for you to grow for you to
evolve and that's really important.
So let's go ahead and go we'll go from
Noah we'll go to we'll go to Moses. And again, I'm
going to skip around a little bit. I'm going to stay in the Old Testament here for
the most part but
I want you guys to know when I was talking about the Bible earlier and
it being kind of kind
of broken up. One of the things about the Bible especially the Old Testament is
not in chronological order. You may think that but
definitely not it may seem like that but different stories
just because they came before in the scripture
itself doesn't mean that that story came in the same timeline. So I
will skip around a little bit but I'll mostly stay in
the Old Testament.
So I want to talk about Moses and I want to talk about the promised
land because it is something now. I
feel like more than ever. We see Memes like this all the
Metronic events my friends. We should go by a very
large plot of land and start a community. I cannot tell you. I
know there's people watching me right right. Now this moment
that are on this talk that I've sat down around my
table and their table at home and had that exact same conversation.
So many people have that
dream right now of, you know, not really caring about
the cars and the clothes and the money and the big house
But really, you know, let's let's get some
land. Let's let's work together. Let's you know not let's
Push to a way of life that doesn't work for all of
us, right? Let's work together so that
we're not, you know completely complacent on the government
and their water and their electricity and you know
part of being free is being able to make it
on this land without kind of suckling on
the tip of the government. Like let's be honest. Like how many
people really want that right now? I see
Memes like this all the time. It resonates with me
so many conversations about that. There's you know,
it just seems like this Promise Land Is Calling
to us again.
Literally calling to us and saying you know, you know,
you got to come here. You got a cultivate me. You gotta you got
to work together as one in order
to survive and I think that's really important. It's
it's something more than a
conversation that we have at our table
that's happening that we have to get all our money
together and and buy a plot my deep
natural feeling in my connectedness to soar
says at that land eventually won't even
have to be paid for by money that there is land out
there that's calling to all of us to come out and the ones
who need to be there. We'll get there some way somehow.
But just like Moses Moses had to go get his people out of Egypt.
He literally had to go free his people free my
people from the Egyptians. They had all his people
were literally slaves. They were enslaved and
in Egypt
And now we have to ask ourselves. Why was an entire?
You know was entire people completely enslaved.
I often asked myself this
question and you know where they
Did they did they not they're not
follow some kind of mandate what kind
of things like that are happening today where you know
many people are being canceled and and completely offered
by the the things that they think the things
that they believe the spirituality they want to subscribe to if it
doesn't fall into some mainstream people are getting canceled
in the same way. Is it possible that you know, there
are camps and things set up for people who don't want to follow the
guidelines of the
elite that's happening right now on this planet and
I'm just asking the questions. I think it's very possible though.
And so once once Moses is able to after you
know, many different types of things that
they had to do to get those people out because
they obviously didn't want to let him go but they had a frogs
come and you know, all kinds of different famines and things happen and
finally he lets his people go and so they're they're rolling
around the desert trying to get to the promised land
and you know God this this Lord this
this person who's helping them get through
literally doesn't doesn't leave them. Let them go about himself. They
have different Technologies and things that they're taking on that they're able
to use to help them get to where
they need to be. So they're not completely just lost and forgotten
they're being helped.
Which I think we should think about a little bit ourselves. Like
we need to have a little bit more faith. A lot of
people are just worried that bad things are coming. They're happening and things
are too expensive like just have a little bit more faithful when
we believe we can achieve when we when we
resonate with, you know, everything's happening for
me. You know, I'm not here as some little
speckleness on this Earth to you know, pay bills
and taxes and waste away and and die.
There's a there's a purpose for all this living is
a purpose of growing there's a purpose for evolving and we need
to have a little faith in that.
one of the big
Miracles that happens for Moses
very well written about is The Parting of the waters that
these people are trying to get away from the Egyptians.
They're they're backed up against this huge water. And you
know, they don't know what to do and Moses literally Parks the
waters. This is a magical miracle and
so many people want to say in science. So this happened or that
happened. I don't believe that at all. I believe one on percent that
whatever you believe achieve when you need something most
and you know that it's gonna have for you it
will if you have that kind of steady Faith all things
are possible, I 100% believe that and
I do believe that Moses part of the waters.
And these people walked on dry land and as
the Egyptians followed him the water, you know fell for them.
You know, they weren't trying to hurt them. They weren't trying to kill them.
They were just trying to get away and have freedom and there
are other people who didn't want that for them. That's really important
to believe. Sometimes we have to realize that our freedom is important.
We need to go get it we need to get after it and you
know, no matter what believe that
God's source is going to take care of us and you know
Miracles will happen and knowing that everything is a miracle
that the fact that you're here is a miracle that the
fact that you know, there's life on this planet while evolves around
a plasma star in the middle of the universe.
It's just incredible like Miracles stacked phone Miracles
every day happen for us to live and breathe and enjoy
this beautiful planet that we live on and so
I think we have to realize sometimes that you know, there are a lot of Miracles out
there and we can too perform Miracles.
We perform them every day when we fix things that work on
things and do things but certainly bigger Miracles
are available to us as well.
And so why they're wondering around in the desert? They're very
thirsty. There's no water and Moses has
to has a strike up another miracle again, and he
He strikes the rock and all of a sudden out of a
stream comes out of it. And if you know everyone's able to drink from
that livestock's able to drink from that and there are no
longer thirsty.
Same thing with the Manna From Heaven, they're literally
walking around. They're hungry. Another Miracles provided
for them. Whatever you want to consider the manix to
be at some point. It seems to just magically appear and fall
from the sky and they have that mana and
I think this is this is really important. I
want to share this for my own life, you know, there's always
things where
Miracles can happen and I had a
friend tell me not too long ago. They were driving across the
country and they were just having the best time ever and so
grateful and so happy and they went across the state and they
looked down at the at the fuel the fuel gauge and
no gas had gone down and they went through an entire
State and they said there's no way that could have happened. There's no
way that should have happened.
But we know when we're engaged in the moment
right here right now.
Miracles can happen when we're totally present when we're
really having you know, an incredible time really
engulfed in this present
moment. I think all things can really be possible that moment.
We not thinking about the worries and the anxiety the fear
of the past, you know, it's really
important to realize that all things are possible and
And I totally believe that guy when he told
me that the gas friend never didn't run out. There's other
stories like that in the Bible as well Elijah visits
this lady and you know, he says make him some
bread and she doesn't have any says I got just tiny little bit. He goes
make me some first and then make some for yourself. Once she did
that her flower and her meal never ran out.
She never ran out again never had to go to the
store. She never had to fill it up again. And I and I
think about that. Oh all the time and I'm like man when food
prices are so high right now. Is it possible at
all that we could bless our food
we could be grateful for we could hand it over to others
and we could multiply it as Jesus did when
he fed, you know, 5,000 people with two fish and they're
three loves five loaves of bread.
Are those Miracles can't are they possible
these all stories?
I've had things like that happen, you know,
I had a rock band thing. I used to
have back in the day played it all the time got super tired of it. I
couldn't give it away couldn't sell it and I
just forgot about it had in the closet and then one day, you know,
I had homeless people come with me all the time after for money
and I always gave money but I had just kind of you know
those moments in your life and you realize I'm you know,
I'm struggling with this. So this person gonna go by drugs or
whatever at this hour, you know, people
tell me not to and so I said, okay, I'm not gonna do it for a
while. So for a couple months went by and I didn't give anybody money, but I
had made a bunch of money. I was going yoga. I was doing my
meditations feeling good went to work one night started to
walk home. I had lots of money in my pocket.
And of this homeless family homeless couple
came up to me and asked me for money and I
gave him $20. They wanted a
couple dollars to eat something right then I gave him 20 bucks. So here's something for
the morning too. And I gave them both a hug. I told him I loved him
and I really meant it and I had no attachment to that
twenty dollars whatsoever. And so I went
to bed. I woke up the next morning and the next morning, you know,
an old girlfriend called me and said, do you still have that rock band? And
I said I do and she said I have a
friend who wants it and I told him what she got she's gonna call you and
She said she's probably like 200 bucks for and I was like, okay, that's
great. Get out for 20 bucks.
I hung that phone up in that that white bulb goes
off the Eureka moment the aha moment where you
know, you kind of
realize something you learned something and I realize that that moment it was
100% obvious to me that because
I'd give him money just a few hours earlier and
give it greatly with no attachment.
$200 was 10 times the amount that I just gave away of something
I couldn't give away.
And it made me realize like everything out there is
is out there forming but I have to line up with all the
things that I want to get them. And if I do that
my life can turn into abundance of Miracles. I've had
bicycles given to me on the same day that I knew
it was gonna get a mountain bike and someone gave unto me a couple hours later Miracles are
not just parting Waters, but they're getting the things that
you need when you need them when your family needs them. And
so I do I believe that we could drive around
all week long and not losing a gas. I think it's possible. I'm not
saying that I drive around do that.
But I do think that is possible. I do think that we could have food that
never ran out drinks it never ran out. I do
believe that and I think that's something that we if we
only started to believe again, maybe we would actually see that kind of stuff
happening again.
another another miracle that happened was
the walls of Jericho and these guys were walking
around the walls of Jericho and they
walked around a couple days in a row
and they had I think was Six Days Seven Days and they
had to walk that amount because if they walked five it wasn't gonna
work but on the sixth day, they
they walked around and they're blowing Ram Thorns the whole
time which we have to we have to really think about this
and use our brains that we have now and kind of not think
that just because this happened thousands years ago. These people
weren't as intelligent are didn't have as much understanding of
the universe or how it works. I think for the most part
they had a lot more understanding and we're just starting to wait back up again and
understand it again, but I think that Ram's horns
to me. I've always believed that it was some kind of sound technology that
they had by having the faith again not
being attached any outcome but walking around blowing those
horns that they were able to pull the walls down and I've
had little Visions for myself that I
believe could be the same things. What if what if we
Some enlightened beings who are able to do similar things
and walk around the walls of Pentagon walk around the walls of Washington
DC any of these institutions that are trying to
enslave us and we were able to do something similar in the
walls were literally crumbled to the ground. Is this
possible. Can we do things like this today? I mean,
I I honestly I really do believe this.
I really do see this as a future thing for us.
This is something that was put into a book and kept very very
much with a lot of intention because
this would come out later that people would read this
and realize these things happen. You guys got to know
this that we did this and you'll do it again.
You have to do it again because these institutions will
enslave you if you don't and so I think this
is incredibly important for us to go back and read these stories again with
an open mind with the new way of thinking with the brains
that we have now and and seeing it from their
eyes as well kind of marrying, you know past and
present together in the now so that we're able to see incredible things
that were done and these warrant
made of stories. These are real stories that happen and they will happen again.
Another story. I find just really incredible was lot and
he's in he's in his City. And this apocalyptic time
is coming and things are going to crash and you know, he has these,
you know.
Entities at least at the very least common
and Thomas time to leave we got to get out of here and they tell them
as you're leaving don't turn a look his wife turned on
looks she becomes a pillar assault.
I don't know if this is a nuclear fallout war or whatever. It's very
much possible places like my hand man, Joe
Darrow have the vitrication of the sand which has to be
something super hot to hit to create glass from
Sand but you know, they're always
people always some kind of entities Angels or
someone who seems to bring people knowledge of
information and things are going to happen and people
bringing people underground and Native American legends to
save them from some kind of some kind
of apocalyptic things that are happening. So I
think these are important to realize that you know, if you
have the faith if you really believe if you
really have done your inner work and you
have your connection with Source, you know, why would
you be left out? Why would you not have that knowledge? You know,
we have to start believing why not me.
And so here's another great story. So you most
of you might have heard the story of Meshach.
Meshach I want to say mishek Shadrach
and Abednego. There are
three guys who pretty much rolled up
in the Babylon if they play music Nebuchadnezzar says
you should worship this gold and Idol they're like,
we're not gonna do that. That's not that's not who you know,
that's not who we're in that's not how we
worship. That's not you know, what we want to do. So they
refuse to do it people in town when told them
they said, hey, man, you're going to do this when the sound
hits or we're gonna throw you in that fire a fiery
And in fact pretty much to scare them. They turn
the furnace up seven times hotter than it
normally is and when the guys went over there to go check it they like passed out
just by getting too close. So they got the furnace all
hot. They're trying to scare them intimidate them which happens a
lot today right people trying to intimidate people not to speak
out not to say things.
and so they refused again and so they through these
three guys, they bound them up tied them up throw them in
the furnace and as they're in there
eventually they start to stand up in the
furnace and not only do they stand up the three of them, but
then there seems to be
Someone else which is referred to as a Son of God stand up
in there with them.
and they were able to walk out and Nebuchadnezzar
walks up to them and
You know ask them, you know, hey that the
Son of God with you and you know, he lets
them go and after that after that he doesn't
require you know them to to
worship their golden idol anymore.
So these are pretty incredible things that people and this is called marting
that people would be killed for their spiritual
beliefs. And if you don't believe what the city or this King
tells you to do you can be killed for and this happened a
lot in the past and I think that's
because hey if you don't if you don't do as we say you'll end
up dead. It seems to be not maybe
not what we're completely out right now, but definitely maybe a path
that we may be going that we need to at least know our
past to not repeat it.
And so this this story of Meshach shadowrack
and Abednego bring me to a story of Antipas who
is referred to in the Bible, but his
story is not very well known and I just recently learned it
but myself it came about and I felt like this story.
Pretty much created this entire talk tonight.
And so this is something that is really important and I
want to share with you guys. So anthropist Saint Antipas
at that same to antipistol live a
little bit after Jesus did after he died.
He was considered to be a saint. This guy walked
around he cast demons out of people. He was considered
to be a Healer.
And his specialty was mouth diseases, which is
kind of funny, but that's what he did. He was able to cure mouth
diseases anything that you had probably sores and
ulcers and things like that. But casting
was out of people. So again the people of the time you know,
The Kings and and sad season variously saying
hey man, you can't cast demons out of people, you know, you're not allowed to
do that. Don't don't do that. And if you do that, we're gonna
we're gonna kill you. We're gonna Marty you for doing things like that. Well
antipases just like shattering me Shack
and a bendy goes like I'm gonna do whatever I want. You know, this is this is
God's work. This is what I'm gonna do.
So antipers goes along doing that and he's martyred. He's martyred
during the reign of Nero.
And they put him into a Brazen Bull
and so that's kind of
like a metal Bowl.
That that someone would stick
someone into and they're heat the fire
underneath and you would literally be burned up in the metal Bowl many
people died this way.
And they expected him to you know, call out and
and suffering and be you know, like, you know, obviously very
hurt by this but the whole time the Antipas
was in there. He praised his God and he worshiped his
God and he never screamed or hollered or anything like that and
story says that when ant twist was pulled out he wasn't
Although it seemingly, he was dead and they buried him and people
still made homages to his grave and we're still you
know, cured of diseases, especially Mount diseases when
they would go to where he was buried.
But he wasn't burned supposedly
and I think this is incredible story
and I want to share why I'm sure I want to share with you the passage
in the Bible that I believe is
really important about this whole entire thing. So we're at Revelations
These are the words of him who has the sharp double-edged sword.
I know where you live where Satan
has his throne yet? You remain true to
my name.
You did not run out your faith in me. Not even
the days of antipus my faithful witness who was
put to death in your city where Satan lives.
Okay. So this is basically saying we're Satan stone
is and we're Satan lives is where antipus was martyred again
kill for a spiritual beliefs.
Auntie posts, you know Scholars say antipases was was martyred
in lions.
Now that doesn't make a big deal for a lot of people but if I
would tell you that Geneva Switzerland is now
Reliance is
There may a couple things that will come up for some people. Number one. CERN is
in Geneva Switzerland and they're
doing some things there. I probably wouldn't want to do myself open up
portals and things that may not be
I think our Technologies surpass that if humanity and we're
doing things because we can do them not because we know what we're doing even the
emblem on CERN is 666 and a in.
a in a you know a way that flows from
one one circle around but it's three sixes on the
cover of their
of their emblem and not only that but
the biggest thing is is there are 33 World
organizations that are centered in Geneva
Switzerland from The Who World Health Organization.
To the world economic Forum. Now these are
these are the people that I believe that are trying to bring
down different.
Politicians in every country to
have their agenda be used all around the world. That's not
a conspiracy theory. This is the fact these that's what they're doing and everything that
they're saying from their 15-minute cities to how
they want to deal with viruses and things like that has
all been implemented All Around the World. In fact, Cleveland, Ohio
now wants to be the first 15 minutes
sitting in America and I think we should
know about those things. So we don't we don't repeat these
same the same things that we are
being able to be used by them to shut us
down much quicker. You don't know about 15 minutes cities. It's basically
they want to be able to live in a city. You don't
need a car you can walk to work you can
and go walk to the grocery store. Everything that you need is then
15 minute radius. And so we don't gonna
produce too much carbon and I believe that's the next thing is to
monitor our carbon rates that we're not allowed to
eat or use an airplane or drive a
car too much over our limit whatever each person
has per month. This is something dangerous in order
for them to be able to monitor that for the climate control
which I don't believe is
because they care about the climate are the planet itself. It's
to monitor humans, so
Anyways, that is a huge deal that to
me says.
Back in antipas's day. This is where Satan Sterling's
is where Satan lived and
nearly 2,000 years later.
Here we are with the world organizations headed in
the same exact City to me. That's the residence the
same thing is going on. It never stopped. It always
has been happening and we are just now.
Starting to realize that things haven't gotten worse. They just become an
uncovered. We are just now starting to realize it.
And we have always.
When I say we I mean our people have always
been martyred. We've always been
and killed for our spiritual beliefs every country
all around the world on every continent.
From witches to wizards to Saints. I
believe that we have been martyred to
not stand about it, you
know to have people not step out of line. I mean, they don't want that.
and I'm not trying to say they
is is that that we're not everyone, you know,
it's all we we're all together, but there are forces that want
to take advantage of us and if I'm not aware of that if I'm not aware
of someone who wants to take advantage of me, how can I stop it? How can I
How can I realize my own worth? You know, I'm thankful
for that at the end of the day. I'm thankful because
it gives me the opportunity to realize my worth but you
know, there are entities out here on this planet that want
to you know, enslave us and and use us and use our
And that's something I think is really important. And so
again the Saints have always been martyred these really
good beautiful amazing. People have
I think it's a Saint Andrew have always been
killed not just Jesus but there have
been lots of saints throughout the history of especially
the past couple thousand years to get people
just to stay in line. Don't ask questions. Don't get out of
line. Just do what we tell you versus what we
tell you, you know, go to school don't ask too many
questions and you'll be fine. But I think what we have
to realize now is now is our time now is our
time to take all the things that we've learned and I believe that we
have lived lifetime after lifetime after
a lifetime. I do believe in reincarnation. I believe that Jacob
Cox is an entity that dies and
in the game, but my soul is eternal and it
will continue to replenish itself. It'll continue to
come back over and over again to learn lessons to evolve
to grow, you know, no matter can be
creative destroyed. It's only used over and over again and my body
my physical body will certainly that'll happen in my spiritual
body. I believe the same thing will happen as well that I will
To reincarnate and I believe we have come to this incredible
moment in time so that we are able to graduate from
this karmic cycle and not
not being incarnated into another body and
forget who we are anymore. So when we wake up completely
we don't have to come back into a body just to
forget who we are. Well remember and I believe wholeheartedly
that the stories in the Bible of revelation of the 144,000.
And I heard the number of them which were sealed
and they were sealed 144,000 of
all the children of Israel.
revelation 7:4
And I want to read this one to you. This is Revelations 4:1
the lamb and 144,000. Then
I looked and therefore for me was the
lamb standing on Mount Zion and with him 144,000
who had his
name and his father's name written on their foreheads. And
I heard a sound from heaven like the Roar of a Rushing Waters
and like a loud peel of Thunder the sound
I heard was like the harpist playing their Harps and they
sang A New Song Before the Throne and before for
a living creatures in the elders. No one could learn to song except
for 144,000 who had
been redeemed from the earth. These are those who did
not defile themselves with women or they remain virgins. They
follow the land wherever he goes. They were purchased
from among Mankind and offered us first fruits of God and
the lamb no lie was found in their mouth
their blameless.
So I want to go back real quick. And it says they didn't
follow themselves a woman and I just want to say this is you know.
Ancient people putting into stories things that
they believe I don't think that you know
defiling yourself with women is is the term
that I would use today with it.
What I think they're trying to say is these people were pure they
were pure monitor heart. I don't necessarily believe that
they never had sex that's saying that someone
could not become a Christ after they had had sex. I've certainly
believe that there is a level of Enlightenment
of being coming a Christ or becoming
a Buddha or a Christiana that is certainly attainable for
every single human that on this planet right now.
that I certainly do believe is is possible and
we have to maybe come to that
realization that
each one of us can be that you know Christ said you can do all
the things I'm doing in greater things and why don't we do those things
that we don't because we don't believe it and if we don't believe it,
how can we ever achieve it? How can we honestly believe
do something that we don't believe it. We're
never going to if you don't believe it. You're not gonna get there. But certainly
I feel like this entire book is field
with profits and people, you know
Moses had a speech impediment and didn't believe he was supposed to
go get anybody or save anybody or do anything for anyone other than himself.
And so God calls on people with pure hearts
people with good intentions people who really care about other
people and who you know have beautiful souls and Beautiful
Minds and it doesn't matter what you've done. I believe up
until this point everybody can get there. All your
experiences are valid to me the person who knows the
like the best is probably the person knows the dark and the same
the same amount. And so these people can literally
help change the world 144,000 people
is what I believe is a resident frequency of enough
people on the planet who make it into the Christ
Consciousness that can really change this this planet
back to what we want to see
And to what we wanted to be like that beautiful Garden of Eden that's
that at once was and it still is but it's
just distorted. It's just the reality that's just a holographic
universe that's just distorted a little bit and I think that restoration
is a Fear Factor to get people not to
step out of line not to do more than you're supposed
to not to ask more questions. Just take what we've been given. Well, we
all know deep down inside of it. Something doesn't feel right about
that anymore that we have to step out you have to step up and knowing
that if you know not that everyone has
to believe that part of the hundred for a thousand but believe that
you yourself and your Works
your you telling your truth
you being honest you being a good
person you have being helpful. You being a loving caring doing
you're in a work, you know getting over the traumas that
have happened in your life. That is so
important. And so vital to bring up the
collective consciousness of this planning, you know,
a few people you really hating themselves.
And really being stuck in how negative and how terrible
life is and how they're not worthy of anything can really bring
it down and certainly eight billion people and a
vast majority of that who don't know who they are Connected
To Source.
Or at least at least feeling disconnected a source are really
bringing down an astronomical amount.
And so I think we we need to understand that
and so this is an important line I think
in Revelation as well. Whoever has ears let
them hear with a spirit says to the churches. So that means
listen up.
To the one who is Victorious. I will give
him some of the Hidden manner. I also give that person a white
stone with a new name written on it known only to those who
receive it. So first of all, I want
to go just talk about
Number one, right Jesus Christ and at this
point I think most people are aware that Jesus. The Christ's
name is not Jesus. His name was Yeshua and
I believe that time that he's missing from 13
to 30. He's going out and he's visiting the churches and he's
visiting temples and he's he's doing the work.
and he goes into the Wilderness and he's tempted
by this, you know, Satan and
And I believe at that moment and that Wilderness Expedition
he becomes Jesus Christ.
I believe that's when his name changed. I believe
Mary Magdalene. I don't believe that was her real name. I believe Mary was
her title Mary of Magellan. She was married her her
masculine and feminine were married inside of her and she
was a she was an enlightened being. I also
want to just bring up Jacob. Jacob was the father
of the 12 tribes. He wrestled with
an angel and because he didn't so
come and he basically won God changed his
name to Israel. He's literally his name
is changed Bendigo Misha shattered every
single one of those guys that were in the burning furnace
their names were changed.
Something different to the names. I just read to
you. They were something different before that Daniel's name Hosea Simon
Abram Sarai every one
of those people that I just mentioned their names were changed in the Bible. It
wasn't just Jesus and they don't really talk about it. But it does
State all that in the Bible in itself to me
These were people.
Who had a life?
Who did incredible things Jacob himself was
very malicious?
You know, he stoled his brother's Birthright. He he was
you know.
Very manipulating and it was later in
life that he became the person that he became and these
name changes are significant. I think it's why a lot of people
probably change their name today, but there I believe deep down
that white stone could probably be your pineal gland
or something like that and when you clear that thing
out and you squeegee it out and that thing works really good.
There's a name written on your
white stone your pineal gland whatever it is.
I'm not claiming to know but I do believe that each one
of us have a name Christ given name that
each one of us when we hit that title. We become in symbolic
and a symbolic reference to Pope when
the person what whenever when they whatever they are become
the pope. They change their name and I
think when I look at all these these things
that are happening in our world and how the the
I don't like to just work with Illuminati or you know,
the elites are trying to do things. It's a very similar to how things
work naturally but they're just twisting enough so they
can control it. But certainly I don't
believe the pope is in a light being I believe it's it's a falsehood but
he's changing his name nonetheless in a
similar manner that someone would become a Christ or a Christian I believe.
So these 144,000 people these this incredible?
New Earth and new heaven, you know
and some people say, you know new Earth is a
such a new age terminology new Earth
is literally in your Bible. Anybody who wants to
doubt look it up Revelation 21:1. Then I
saw a new Heaven and a new Earth for the old Heaven and
the old Earth had disappeared and the sea was also gone.
So in Revelations it it talks about a new
Earth and a new Heaven and a new city coming down
of gold and 12 Crystal layers to it and that
and that is what will bring us into a thousand
years apiece and I saw an angel coming down out of Heaven
having the key to the abyss and holding in his hand
a great chain. He sees the dragon the ancient serpent.
Who is the devil I mean the ancient serpent who
is a devil? He's watched my last video on the moon Matrix
and that makes a lot of sick a lot of sense our Satan
and bound him for a thousand years. He threw
him into the abyss and locked it and sealed it over him to keep him from
deceiving the Nations anymore until the
thousand years were ended in that. He must be set free
for a short time. So we have a thousand years coming.
So this to me is again significant of an age
of Peace of a golden
age the end of this Kyle Yuga that every
book that I could you know that I can think of
at the top of my head symbolizes that we're going into at
the Bible certainly says the same thing that we are going into a
new age. So this is not new age jumbo the step definitely comes from
the Bible itself saying that there's a new new piece
that's going to be on this planet. And so I am very
I'm very excited. I'm very grateful to be at this
time. I think every single one of us should be no matter what the trials and tribulations are.
I believe that we as a people must know that
we are cared for that. We're loved that
we're beautiful beyond our wildest dreams. We're love beyond
our wildest dreams and just to have that faith and
that we're here for a reason you matter everyone matters.
Everyone's got wrapped up in a flesh
color less puppet, you know, I mean start to
see the world like that start to see every single person as as
God In the Flesh, even if they don't know it they don't recognize it have compassion
and empathy and love for each person every single
time you do that every single day. We're gonna level up
this planet and we're gonna change it and there's nothing there's no
dark that can hide from the light. You cannot go into
a well-lit room with any amount of darkness and
have any effect, but you can go into a dark room with the
tiny little candle and instantly that Darkness will
flee once you light it up. It's it's a metaphor
that we must know that we can change.
Planet we can change our world and it starts with
every single one of us. Each one of us should not be looking for someone on the
sky to come down and rescue us and save us if Christ
or God is in us that God is love
and we love each other.
God dwells within us.
Then we must know certainly now when we love that God
is in US.
And that we are that we're that powerful or that
amazing and each one of us should.
strive, I believe to find that alignment to
find that love to find that Christ Consciousness that dwells within all
of us up here Consciousness because
there's a thousand years of Peace in it. And I think if
we don't make it into this time, we'll probably reincarnate
on other planets to get there and do it some other
way. This seems to be an evolution that just seems natural of
things that will happen whether we're on this planet or another
planet, but I certainly want to offer that
to people that this is possible. I'm not
saying you're saying I have all the answers and I know everything that's
gonna happen. I certainly don't I think that's the best thing about it.
I feel like universe and God gives you a little bit, you know
a little bit of that man a little bit of that breadcrumb and you
want more more and you continue
Search for more answers. One of my favorite Bible verses
is Mikey can move that off you want
um blessed. Is he this poor in spirit
and what that means to me is I'm poor in spirit.
I've got a little bit but I need a whole lot more because I need it.
That's what drives me is what gets
me, you know, a guy like me who doesn't have
the the Charisma Russell Brand
or you know, following your Joe Rogan, but I'm here to put
what I think in the world is important what I
would like to share with people positive message
of something that matters and I
think you know detailing people watch this and see the significance
of this entirety of this presentation to realize that you know,
I'm not saying anyone person better that each and every one of
us it's dire for us to create the
world that we want. So thank you guys for joining
me very very extremely grateful for
this talk. I think it's been something in
the works for a long time. It's been just really
order from Spirit and I'm incredibly grateful to
be able to hear that voice in my head that tells me, you know,
read this check this out and I
want to encourage every single one out there too. Listen to
that voice in your head. You know, God is
not found in one book alone for sure. It's omnipresent
omniponents in every person. It's in everything that you
can imagine. If we start to see that I believe
those breadcrumbs will happen for all of us and realize what path
to go down.
so tonight I think every single person for who
is online with us tonight and every person who
watched this YouTube are are presentation on rumble
or wherever else you may find on sentient Works TV or wherever
it pops up for you, but hopefully
please share subscribe and let's let's
create the world that
that we need that we deserve.
And thank you guys namaste.
hi and
welcome again to another mystery school edition. The
topic tonight is apocalyptic resonance. I'm
so grateful for everything one of you guys for joining and those who watch
later on YouTube and Rumble. So let's
go ahead and get started if we could. Let's go ahead and start with the first slide. Let's go
ahead and start with the title itself. I felt
like Spirit just kind of gave it to me. It was a download. I
was a little bit unsure about using it in
the context, but it it just kept coming.
That was the right thing to do. So let's start
with the apocalypse, you know, it's not the Doom
and Gloom and everything that everybody always talks about. I guess it
could come with that. But the actual word apocalypse is a
Greek word and it's meeting
means to like uncover and our disclosure
of knowledge lifting.
The veil a revelation and religious context
it is a usually a disclosure of something hidden. So
this is this is our apocalypse to see through the
veil. That's what the word is intended for.
We have a lot of words and English language that have been changed modified
altered for many
reasons. I think but the one we most people
hear the word apocalypse are really talking about the Doom and Gloom and
the fire and brimstone and all that stuff and to me when I
think about I've always really concentrate on fact it is a
thing to the veil. It is lifting of what is unknown to be known.
So let's start with there. So apocalyptic resonance apocalypse. We
got that. It's the lifting of the veil
and Mike. I can't here we
go. Now we can.
So let's go to Resonance. So residents is
probably a little bit harder to describe but it is an increase in
the vibration amplitude of an object caused by
another object vibrating at the same frequency. So
we got two tuning Forks here on this picture and basically
what they're saying if you were to ring a tuning for it, let's
say 528 Hertz the frequency of love and miracles and
everything and you had another 24 Copa
here at the same vibration. If you were
to ring this tuning fork over here without this one being touched it
would pick up on the waves from the
sound coming from one tuning port to the other and this one would
start to ring as well. So, you know resonance vibration
resonance can can shatter glass, you
know can shatter a wine glass or something like that. But basically,
you know, even change the the wording of
objects. So an increase in vibration amplitude of
people, I mean, let's talk
about so if apocalypse is revealing of it information seeing through
the veil if somebody over here starting to
um, you'll see through the Bell then other people around them and in their
Community should be seeing to the bell too. And you
know, let's not just type of people but let's just stop at time
periods and epox and errors that they're we kind
of see things as you know linear time past present
future, but we when we look at
time and everything deep down, we know all things are happening in simultaneously
at one time and so we can see how
If we had epoxin airs money is where things were
going on that that same resonance would come back
over and over and over again and I believe that's
what the scriptures that's what so many books that
have been handed down to pass down and found
throughout history are suggesting to us that there is an apocalyptic
resonance that happens over and over again
and we see similarities and things happening over again.
So before we go to the next slide, I want to kind of
give a disclosure here with this topic.
I could use all kinds of different books from
the marbar to Mayan to you
know, all kinds of things. I really
wanted to focus on the biblical
text the Bible. I feel like it
was something that has been for the most part kind
The justice has not been served to it. And I feel like I want
to do that for the Bible. So many people look
at it just like something that's not true or something that didn't happen. You
know that it's more religious to me.
It's to me personally. I feel like it's a historical.
Book that are rewrite stories.
So all these stories are found in other stories, like in Sumerian
Tablets was much more detail. But these are stories
that people knew were important and they
had to hide and conceal them. These are things
that not just you know, we're out in the open. These were books that were very
important very very secretive
because of someone found it. They would they could probably lose your life
for things like this that's serious and we need to take it as
that as a historical book that has metaphors in it
that has understandings and it Technologies in
it. I often like try to refer to it as a technology
and all honestly the Bible is like a UFO
crashed and ancient times and the
people who found it were able to take apart slowly and
then, you know, maybe make a
wheel out of like, oh we found this this wheel thing and they
were able to use it for something like a wheelbarrow and carry things
back and forth when this thing is, you know, so incredible you
could use it to fly around the universe and we're just
Were just scratching the surface of how important the book like
this is so I feel personally like I want to do a Justice.
I mean again many books were removed initially from the
Bible when they found it in pyramids is written on Ancient Scrolls. They
removed the Council of Nicea removed a lot of books. They changed
a lot of words. They left a lot of words like the Elohim
in the Bible, which is the Hebrew word for God's geods.
But now we take that as Elohim as the name of God. So those
things are really important to realize like we kind of
got this water down cut up King James
version which no King as far
as I'm concerned is really ever been on the side at least the fake Kings
not real Kings like Christ or Buddha Christiana, but
has really been on the side of the people. So
tonight. I really want to just take one source,
although I said we could use many different sources.
To really explain apocalyptic resonance, but
I'm going to use just the Bible for tonight. So let's go
ahead and go let's go ahead and move on. So one of
the big things that I feel like was the first thing I had to address an
apocalypse residence was
As in the days of Noah, so will be the
coming of the son of man. So they literally said
in the Bible this this direct quote.
And what was going on back in Noah's day, you know and they
definitely had a lot of people multiplying quickly
and I think that's
because you know like today let's let's
say we're having a we're having a huge, you know population verse
in the past several decades Century or
so and a lot of this because people probably
having sex without love. I mean, let's just be
real there's a lot of that happen. There's a lot of children being born without fathers without
stable home environments and they're growing
up in different ways. And so we kind
of tend to see some of that stuff going on today sex to
me is something that's supposed to be beautiful something about love something
to share the partner not just something to go
out and you know,
Blank someone you know, I mean that that's definitely
a different type of of interaction then,
you know love because when you're having
sex somebody you are downloading and uploading all that all
their emotions all their feelings all their understandings the
things that they learn haven't learned things that
they struggle with and if you are not a very sound mind and
centered person you're gonna download all that stuff from them and take it
on as your own and that's to me what marrying is when you marry up
with people and your energy is connected when they're down
you can be down. They're angry here that you you're angry the
things that they're struggling on right now can be
things that you take on and start to struggle with. So the sex
in general to me is the most sacred ceremony that we have and it's
right now, it seems more than ever with online
and everything else. It's something that's not a sacred
ceremony. It's something that's just, you know more physical than
anything else.
They tend to talk about wickedness and things and people, you know,
being evil and stuff like that. And you know, I don't want to compare that
one as much but there are there definitely some some
bad things going on our planet right now that seem
to be very similar some of the things that were happening back then.
At the end of the day, I believe all this is cycles of
time of light and dark
that help us to see contrast which I think
is incredibly important, you know, really to understand
that that saying it's not happening to us, but it's
happening for us and really deep down know that in
your heart everything that's unfolding in some ways
happening for you to learn for you to grow for you to
evolve and that's really important.
So let's go ahead and go we'll go from
Noah we'll go to we'll go to Moses. And again, I'm
going to skip around a little bit. I'm going to stay in the Old Testament here for
the most part but
I want you guys to know when I was talking about the Bible earlier and
it being kind of kind
of broken up. One of the things about the Bible especially the Old Testament is
not in chronological order. You may think that but
definitely not it may seem like that but different stories
just because they came before in the scripture
itself doesn't mean that that story came in the same timeline. So I
will skip around a little bit but I'll mostly stay in
the Old Testament.
So I want to talk about Moses and I want to talk about the promised
land because it is something now. I
feel like more than ever. We see Memes like this all the
Metronic events my friends. We should go by a very
large plot of land and start a community. I cannot tell you. I
know there's people watching me right right. Now this moment
that are on this talk that I've sat down around my
table and their table at home and had that exact same conversation.
So many people have that
dream right now of, you know, not really caring about
the cars and the clothes and the money and the big house
But really, you know, let's let's get some
land. Let's let's work together. Let's you know not let's
Push to a way of life that doesn't work for all of
us, right? Let's work together so that
we're not, you know completely complacent on the government
and their water and their electricity and you know
part of being free is being able to make it
on this land without kind of suckling on
the tip of the government. Like let's be honest. Like how many
people really want that right now? I see
Memes like this all the time. It resonates with me
so many conversations about that. There's you know,
it just seems like this Promise Land Is Calling
to us again.
Literally calling to us and saying you know, you know,
you got to come here. You got a cultivate me. You gotta you got
to work together as one in order
to survive and I think that's really important. It's
it's something more than a
conversation that we have at our table
that's happening that we have to get all our money
together and and buy a plot my deep
natural feeling in my connectedness to soar
says at that land eventually won't even
have to be paid for by money that there is land out
there that's calling to all of us to come out and the ones
who need to be there. We'll get there some way somehow.
But just like Moses Moses had to go get his people out of Egypt.
He literally had to go free his people free my
people from the Egyptians. They had all his people
were literally slaves. They were enslaved and
in Egypt
And now we have to ask ourselves. Why was an entire?
You know was entire people completely enslaved.
I often asked myself this
question and you know where they
Did they did they not they're not
follow some kind of mandate what kind
of things like that are happening today where you know
many people are being canceled and and completely offered
by the the things that they think the things
that they believe the spirituality they want to subscribe to if it
doesn't fall into some mainstream people are getting canceled
in the same way. Is it possible that you know, there
are camps and things set up for people who don't want to follow the
guidelines of the
elite that's happening right now on this planet and
I'm just asking the questions. I think it's very possible though.
And so once once Moses is able to after you
know, many different types of things that
they had to do to get those people out because
they obviously didn't want to let him go but they had a frogs
come and you know, all kinds of different famines and things happen and
finally he lets his people go and so they're they're rolling
around the desert trying to get to the promised land
and you know God this this Lord this
this person who's helping them get through
literally doesn't doesn't leave them. Let them go about himself. They
have different Technologies and things that they're taking on that they're able
to use to help them get to where
they need to be. So they're not completely just lost and forgotten
they're being helped.
Which I think we should think about a little bit ourselves. Like
we need to have a little bit more faith. A lot of
people are just worried that bad things are coming. They're happening and things
are too expensive like just have a little bit more faithful when
we believe we can achieve when we when we
resonate with, you know, everything's happening for
me. You know, I'm not here as some little
speckleness on this Earth to you know, pay bills
and taxes and waste away and and die.
There's a there's a purpose for all this living is
a purpose of growing there's a purpose for evolving and we need
to have a little faith in that.
one of the big
Miracles that happens for Moses
very well written about is The Parting of the waters that
these people are trying to get away from the Egyptians.
They're they're backed up against this huge water. And you
know, they don't know what to do and Moses literally Parks the
waters. This is a magical miracle and
so many people want to say in science. So this happened or that
happened. I don't believe that at all. I believe one on percent that
whatever you believe achieve when you need something most
and you know that it's gonna have for you it
will if you have that kind of steady Faith all things
are possible, I 100% believe that and
I do believe that Moses part of the waters.
And these people walked on dry land and as
the Egyptians followed him the water, you know fell for them.
You know, they weren't trying to hurt them. They weren't trying to kill them.
They were just trying to get away and have freedom and there
are other people who didn't want that for them. That's really important
to believe. Sometimes we have to realize that our freedom is important.
We need to go get it we need to get after it and you
know, no matter what believe that
God's source is going to take care of us and you know
Miracles will happen and knowing that everything is a miracle
that the fact that you're here is a miracle that the
fact that you know, there's life on this planet while evolves around
a plasma star in the middle of the universe.
It's just incredible like Miracles stacked phone Miracles
every day happen for us to live and breathe and enjoy
this beautiful planet that we live on and so
I think we have to realize sometimes that you know, there are a lot of Miracles out
there and we can too perform Miracles.
We perform them every day when we fix things that work on
things and do things but certainly bigger Miracles
are available to us as well.
And so why they're wondering around in the desert? They're very
thirsty. There's no water and Moses has
to has a strike up another miracle again, and he
He strikes the rock and all of a sudden out of a
stream comes out of it. And if you know everyone's able to drink from
that livestock's able to drink from that and there are no
longer thirsty.
Same thing with the Manna From Heaven, they're literally
walking around. They're hungry. Another Miracles provided
for them. Whatever you want to consider the manix to
be at some point. It seems to just magically appear and fall
from the sky and they have that mana and
I think this is this is really important. I
want to share this for my own life, you know, there's always
things where
Miracles can happen and I had a
friend tell me not too long ago. They were driving across the
country and they were just having the best time ever and so
grateful and so happy and they went across the state and they
looked down at the at the fuel the fuel gauge and
no gas had gone down and they went through an entire
State and they said there's no way that could have happened. There's no
way that should have happened.
But we know when we're engaged in the moment
right here right now.
Miracles can happen when we're totally present when we're
really having you know, an incredible time really
engulfed in this present
moment. I think all things can really be possible that moment.
We not thinking about the worries and the anxiety the fear
of the past, you know, it's really
important to realize that all things are possible and
And I totally believe that guy when he told
me that the gas friend never didn't run out. There's other
stories like that in the Bible as well Elijah visits
this lady and you know, he says make him some
bread and she doesn't have any says I got just tiny little bit. He goes
make me some first and then make some for yourself. Once she did
that her flower and her meal never ran out.
She never ran out again never had to go to the
store. She never had to fill it up again. And I and I
think about that. Oh all the time and I'm like man when food
prices are so high right now. Is it possible at
all that we could bless our food
we could be grateful for we could hand it over to others
and we could multiply it as Jesus did when
he fed, you know, 5,000 people with two fish and they're
three loves five loaves of bread.
Are those Miracles can't are they possible
these all stories?
I've had things like that happen, you know,
I had a rock band thing. I used to
have back in the day played it all the time got super tired of it. I
couldn't give it away couldn't sell it and I
just forgot about it had in the closet and then one day, you know,
I had homeless people come with me all the time after for money
and I always gave money but I had just kind of you know
those moments in your life and you realize I'm you know,
I'm struggling with this. So this person gonna go by drugs or
whatever at this hour, you know, people
tell me not to and so I said, okay, I'm not gonna do it for a
while. So for a couple months went by and I didn't give anybody money, but I
had made a bunch of money. I was going yoga. I was doing my
meditations feeling good went to work one night started to
walk home. I had lots of money in my pocket.
And of this homeless family homeless couple
came up to me and asked me for money and I
gave him $20. They wanted a
couple dollars to eat something right then I gave him 20 bucks. So here's something for
the morning too. And I gave them both a hug. I told him I loved him
and I really meant it and I had no attachment to that
twenty dollars whatsoever. And so I went
to bed. I woke up the next morning and the next morning, you know,
an old girlfriend called me and said, do you still have that rock band? And
I said I do and she said I have a
friend who wants it and I told him what she got she's gonna call you and
She said she's probably like 200 bucks for and I was like, okay, that's
great. Get out for 20 bucks.
I hung that phone up in that that white bulb goes
off the Eureka moment the aha moment where you
know, you kind of
realize something you learned something and I realize that that moment it was
100% obvious to me that because
I'd give him money just a few hours earlier and
give it greatly with no attachment.
$200 was 10 times the amount that I just gave away of something
I couldn't give away.
And it made me realize like everything out there is
is out there forming but I have to line up with all the
things that I want to get them. And if I do that
my life can turn into abundance of Miracles. I've had
bicycles given to me on the same day that I knew
it was gonna get a mountain bike and someone gave unto me a couple hours later Miracles are
not just parting Waters, but they're getting the things that
you need when you need them when your family needs them. And
so I do I believe that we could drive around
all week long and not losing a gas. I think it's possible. I'm not
saying that I drive around do that.
But I do think that is possible. I do think that we could have food that
never ran out drinks it never ran out. I do
believe that and I think that's something that we if we
only started to believe again, maybe we would actually see that kind of stuff
happening again.
another another miracle that happened was
the walls of Jericho and these guys were walking
around the walls of Jericho and they
walked around a couple days in a row
and they had I think was Six Days Seven Days and they
had to walk that amount because if they walked five it wasn't gonna
work but on the sixth day, they
they walked around and they're blowing Ram Thorns the whole
time which we have to we have to really think about this
and use our brains that we have now and kind of not think
that just because this happened thousands years ago. These people
weren't as intelligent are didn't have as much understanding of
the universe or how it works. I think for the most part
they had a lot more understanding and we're just starting to wait back up again and
understand it again, but I think that Ram's horns
to me. I've always believed that it was some kind of sound technology that
they had by having the faith again not
being attached any outcome but walking around blowing those
horns that they were able to pull the walls down and I've
had little Visions for myself that I
believe could be the same things. What if what if we
Some enlightened beings who are able to do similar things
and walk around the walls of Pentagon walk around the walls of Washington
DC any of these institutions that are trying to
enslave us and we were able to do something similar in the
walls were literally crumbled to the ground. Is this
possible. Can we do things like this today? I mean,
I I honestly I really do believe this.
I really do see this as a future thing for us.
This is something that was put into a book and kept very very
much with a lot of intention because
this would come out later that people would read this
and realize these things happen. You guys got to know
this that we did this and you'll do it again.
You have to do it again because these institutions will
enslave you if you don't and so I think this
is incredibly important for us to go back and read these stories again with
an open mind with the new way of thinking with the brains
that we have now and and seeing it from their
eyes as well kind of marrying, you know past and
present together in the now so that we're able to see incredible things
that were done and these warrant
made of stories. These are real stories that happen and they will happen again.
Another story. I find just really incredible was lot and
he's in he's in his City. And this apocalyptic time
is coming and things are going to crash and you know, he has these,
you know.
Entities at least at the very least common
and Thomas time to leave we got to get out of here and they tell them
as you're leaving don't turn a look his wife turned on
looks she becomes a pillar assault.
I don't know if this is a nuclear fallout war or whatever. It's very
much possible places like my hand man, Joe
Darrow have the vitrication of the sand which has to be
something super hot to hit to create glass from
Sand but you know, they're always
people always some kind of entities Angels or
someone who seems to bring people knowledge of
information and things are going to happen and people
bringing people underground and Native American legends to
save them from some kind of some kind
of apocalyptic things that are happening. So I
think these are important to realize that you know, if you
have the faith if you really believe if you
really have done your inner work and you
have your connection with Source, you know, why would
you be left out? Why would you not have that knowledge? You know,
we have to start believing why not me.
And so here's another great story. So you most
of you might have heard the story of Meshach.
Meshach I want to say mishek Shadrach
and Abednego. There are
three guys who pretty much rolled up
in the Babylon if they play music Nebuchadnezzar says
you should worship this gold and Idol they're like,
we're not gonna do that. That's not that's not who you know,
that's not who we're in that's not how we
worship. That's not you know, what we want to do. So they
refuse to do it people in town when told them
they said, hey, man, you're going to do this when the sound
hits or we're gonna throw you in that fire a fiery
And in fact pretty much to scare them. They turn
the furnace up seven times hotter than it
normally is and when the guys went over there to go check it they like passed out
just by getting too close. So they got the furnace all
hot. They're trying to scare them intimidate them which happens a
lot today right people trying to intimidate people not to speak
out not to say things.
and so they refused again and so they through these
three guys, they bound them up tied them up throw them in
the furnace and as they're in there
eventually they start to stand up in the
furnace and not only do they stand up the three of them, but
then there seems to be
Someone else which is referred to as a Son of God stand up
in there with them.
and they were able to walk out and Nebuchadnezzar
walks up to them and
You know ask them, you know, hey that the
Son of God with you and you know, he lets
them go and after that after that he doesn't
require you know them to to
worship their golden idol anymore.
So these are pretty incredible things that people and this is called marting
that people would be killed for their spiritual
beliefs. And if you don't believe what the city or this King
tells you to do you can be killed for and this happened a
lot in the past and I think that's
because hey if you don't if you don't do as we say you'll end
up dead. It seems to be not maybe
not what we're completely out right now, but definitely maybe a path
that we may be going that we need to at least know our
past to not repeat it.
And so this this story of Meshach shadowrack
and Abednego bring me to a story of Antipas who
is referred to in the Bible, but his
story is not very well known and I just recently learned it
but myself it came about and I felt like this story.
Pretty much created this entire talk tonight.
And so this is something that is really important and I
want to share with you guys. So anthropist Saint Antipas
at that same to antipistol live a
little bit after Jesus did after he died.
He was considered to be a saint. This guy walked
around he cast demons out of people. He was considered
to be a Healer.
And his specialty was mouth diseases, which is
kind of funny, but that's what he did. He was able to cure mouth
diseases anything that you had probably sores and
ulcers and things like that. But casting
was out of people. So again the people of the time you know,
The Kings and and sad season variously saying
hey man, you can't cast demons out of people, you know, you're not allowed to
do that. Don't don't do that. And if you do that, we're gonna
we're gonna kill you. We're gonna Marty you for doing things like that. Well
antipases just like shattering me Shack
and a bendy goes like I'm gonna do whatever I want. You know, this is this is
God's work. This is what I'm gonna do.
So antipers goes along doing that and he's martyred. He's martyred
during the reign of Nero.
And they put him into a Brazen Bull
and so that's kind of
like a metal Bowl.
That that someone would stick
someone into and they're heat the fire
underneath and you would literally be burned up in the metal Bowl many
people died this way.
And they expected him to you know, call out and
and suffering and be you know, like, you know, obviously very
hurt by this but the whole time the Antipas
was in there. He praised his God and he worshiped his
God and he never screamed or hollered or anything like that and
story says that when ant twist was pulled out he wasn't
Although it seemingly, he was dead and they buried him and people
still made homages to his grave and we're still you
know, cured of diseases, especially Mount diseases when
they would go to where he was buried.
But he wasn't burned supposedly
and I think this is incredible story
and I want to share why I'm sure I want to share with you the passage
in the Bible that I believe is
really important about this whole entire thing. So we're at Revelations
These are the words of him who has the sharp double-edged sword.
I know where you live where Satan
has his throne yet? You remain true to
my name.
You did not run out your faith in me. Not even
the days of antipus my faithful witness who was
put to death in your city where Satan lives.
Okay. So this is basically saying we're Satan stone
is and we're Satan lives is where antipus was martyred again
kill for a spiritual beliefs.
Auntie posts, you know Scholars say antipases was was martyred
in lions.
Now that doesn't make a big deal for a lot of people but if I
would tell you that Geneva Switzerland is now
Reliance is
There may a couple things that will come up for some people. Number one. CERN is
in Geneva Switzerland and they're
doing some things there. I probably wouldn't want to do myself open up
portals and things that may not be
I think our Technologies surpass that if humanity and we're
doing things because we can do them not because we know what we're doing even the
emblem on CERN is 666 and a in.
a in a you know a way that flows from
one one circle around but it's three sixes on the
cover of their
of their emblem and not only that but
the biggest thing is is there are 33 World
organizations that are centered in Geneva
Switzerland from The Who World Health Organization.
To the world economic Forum. Now these are
these are the people that I believe that are trying to bring
down different.
Politicians in every country to
have their agenda be used all around the world. That's not
a conspiracy theory. This is the fact these that's what they're doing and everything that
they're saying from their 15-minute cities to how
they want to deal with viruses and things like that has
all been implemented All Around the World. In fact, Cleveland, Ohio
now wants to be the first 15 minutes
sitting in America and I think we should
know about those things. So we don't we don't repeat these
same the same things that we are
being able to be used by them to shut us
down much quicker. You don't know about 15 minutes cities. It's basically
they want to be able to live in a city. You don't
need a car you can walk to work you can
and go walk to the grocery store. Everything that you need is then
15 minute radius. And so we don't gonna
produce too much carbon and I believe that's the next thing is to
monitor our carbon rates that we're not allowed to
eat or use an airplane or drive a
car too much over our limit whatever each person
has per month. This is something dangerous in order
for them to be able to monitor that for the climate control
which I don't believe is
because they care about the climate are the planet itself. It's
to monitor humans, so
Anyways, that is a huge deal that to
me says.
Back in antipas's day. This is where Satan Sterling's
is where Satan lived and
nearly 2,000 years later.
Here we are with the world organizations headed in
the same exact City to me. That's the residence the
same thing is going on. It never stopped. It always
has been happening and we are just now.
Starting to realize that things haven't gotten worse. They just become an
uncovered. We are just now starting to realize it.
And we have always.
When I say we I mean our people have always
been martyred. We've always been
and killed for our spiritual beliefs every country
all around the world on every continent.
From witches to wizards to Saints. I
believe that we have been martyred to
not stand about it, you
know to have people not step out of line. I mean, they don't want that.
and I'm not trying to say they
is is that that we're not everyone, you know,
it's all we we're all together, but there are forces that want
to take advantage of us and if I'm not aware of that if I'm not aware
of someone who wants to take advantage of me, how can I stop it? How can I
How can I realize my own worth? You know, I'm thankful
for that at the end of the day. I'm thankful because
it gives me the opportunity to realize my worth but you
know, there are entities out here on this planet that want
to you know, enslave us and and use us and use our
And that's something I think is really important. And so
again the Saints have always been martyred these really
good beautiful amazing. People have
I think it's a Saint Andrew have always been
killed not just Jesus but there have
been lots of saints throughout the history of especially
the past couple thousand years to get people
just to stay in line. Don't ask questions. Don't get out of
line. Just do what we tell you versus what we
tell you, you know, go to school don't ask too many
questions and you'll be fine. But I think what we have
to realize now is now is our time now is our
time to take all the things that we've learned and I believe that we
have lived lifetime after lifetime after
a lifetime. I do believe in reincarnation. I believe that Jacob
Cox is an entity that dies and
in the game, but my soul is eternal and it
will continue to replenish itself. It'll continue to
come back over and over again to learn lessons to evolve
to grow, you know, no matter can be
creative destroyed. It's only used over and over again and my body
my physical body will certainly that'll happen in my spiritual
body. I believe the same thing will happen as well that I will
To reincarnate and I believe we have come to this incredible
moment in time so that we are able to graduate from
this karmic cycle and not
not being incarnated into another body and
forget who we are anymore. So when we wake up completely
we don't have to come back into a body just to
forget who we are. Well remember and I believe wholeheartedly
that the stories in the Bible of revelation of the 144,000.
And I heard the number of them which were sealed
and they were sealed 144,000 of
all the children of Israel.
revelation 7:4
And I want to read this one to you. This is Revelations 4:1
the lamb and 144,000. Then
I looked and therefore for me was the
lamb standing on Mount Zion and with him 144,000
who had his
name and his father's name written on their foreheads. And
I heard a sound from heaven like the Roar of a Rushing Waters
and like a loud peel of Thunder the sound
I heard was like the harpist playing their Harps and they
sang A New Song Before the Throne and before for
a living creatures in the elders. No one could learn to song except
for 144,000 who had
been redeemed from the earth. These are those who did
not defile themselves with women or they remain virgins. They
follow the land wherever he goes. They were purchased
from among Mankind and offered us first fruits of God and
the lamb no lie was found in their mouth
their blameless.
So I want to go back real quick. And it says they didn't
follow themselves a woman and I just want to say this is you know.
Ancient people putting into stories things that
they believe I don't think that you know
defiling yourself with women is is the term
that I would use today with it.
What I think they're trying to say is these people were pure they
were pure monitor heart. I don't necessarily believe that
they never had sex that's saying that someone
could not become a Christ after they had had sex. I've certainly
believe that there is a level of Enlightenment
of being coming a Christ or becoming
a Buddha or a Christiana that is certainly attainable for
every single human that on this planet right now.
that I certainly do believe is is possible and
we have to maybe come to that
realization that
each one of us can be that you know Christ said you can do all
the things I'm doing in greater things and why don't we do those things
that we don't because we don't believe it and if we don't believe it,
how can we ever achieve it? How can we honestly believe
do something that we don't believe it. We're
never going to if you don't believe it. You're not gonna get there. But certainly
I feel like this entire book is field
with profits and people, you know
Moses had a speech impediment and didn't believe he was supposed to
go get anybody or save anybody or do anything for anyone other than himself.
And so God calls on people with pure hearts
people with good intentions people who really care about other
people and who you know have beautiful souls and Beautiful
Minds and it doesn't matter what you've done. I believe up
until this point everybody can get there. All your
experiences are valid to me the person who knows the
like the best is probably the person knows the dark and the same
the same amount. And so these people can literally
help change the world 144,000 people
is what I believe is a resident frequency of enough
people on the planet who make it into the Christ
Consciousness that can really change this this planet
back to what we want to see
And to what we wanted to be like that beautiful Garden of Eden that's
that at once was and it still is but it's
just distorted. It's just the reality that's just a holographic
universe that's just distorted a little bit and I think that restoration
is a Fear Factor to get people not to
step out of line not to do more than you're supposed
to not to ask more questions. Just take what we've been given. Well, we
all know deep down inside of it. Something doesn't feel right about
that anymore that we have to step out you have to step up and knowing
that if you know not that everyone has
to believe that part of the hundred for a thousand but believe that
you yourself and your Works
your you telling your truth
you being honest you being a good
person you have being helpful. You being a loving caring doing
you're in a work, you know getting over the traumas that
have happened in your life. That is so
important. And so vital to bring up the
collective consciousness of this planning, you know,
a few people you really hating themselves.
And really being stuck in how negative and how terrible
life is and how they're not worthy of anything can really bring
it down and certainly eight billion people and a
vast majority of that who don't know who they are Connected
To Source.
Or at least at least feeling disconnected a source are really
bringing down an astronomical amount.
And so I think we we need to understand that
and so this is an important line I think
in Revelation as well. Whoever has ears let
them hear with a spirit says to the churches. So that means
listen up.
To the one who is Victorious. I will give
him some of the Hidden manner. I also give that person a white
stone with a new name written on it known only to those who
receive it. So first of all, I want
to go just talk about
Number one, right Jesus Christ and at this
point I think most people are aware that Jesus. The Christ's
name is not Jesus. His name was Yeshua and
I believe that time that he's missing from 13
to 30. He's going out and he's visiting the churches and he's
visiting temples and he's he's doing the work.
and he goes into the Wilderness and he's tempted
by this, you know, Satan and
And I believe at that moment and that Wilderness Expedition
he becomes Jesus Christ.
I believe that's when his name changed. I believe
Mary Magdalene. I don't believe that was her real name. I believe Mary was
her title Mary of Magellan. She was married her her
masculine and feminine were married inside of her and she
was a she was an enlightened being. I also
want to just bring up Jacob. Jacob was the father
of the 12 tribes. He wrestled with
an angel and because he didn't so
come and he basically won God changed his
name to Israel. He's literally his name
is changed Bendigo Misha shattered every
single one of those guys that were in the burning furnace
their names were changed.
Something different to the names. I just read to
you. They were something different before that Daniel's name Hosea Simon
Abram Sarai every one
of those people that I just mentioned their names were changed in the Bible. It
wasn't just Jesus and they don't really talk about it. But it does
State all that in the Bible in itself to me
These were people.
Who had a life?
Who did incredible things Jacob himself was
very malicious?
You know, he stoled his brother's Birthright. He he was
you know.
Very manipulating and it was later in
life that he became the person that he became and these
name changes are significant. I think it's why a lot of people
probably change their name today, but there I believe deep down
that white stone could probably be your pineal gland
or something like that and when you clear that thing
out and you squeegee it out and that thing works really good.
There's a name written on your
white stone your pineal gland whatever it is.
I'm not claiming to know but I do believe that each one
of us have a name Christ given name that
each one of us when we hit that title. We become in symbolic
and a symbolic reference to Pope when
the person what whenever when they whatever they are become
the pope. They change their name and I
think when I look at all these these things
that are happening in our world and how the the
I don't like to just work with Illuminati or you know,
the elites are trying to do things. It's a very similar to how things
work naturally but they're just twisting enough so they
can control it. But certainly I don't
believe the pope is in a light being I believe it's it's a falsehood but
he's changing his name nonetheless in a
similar manner that someone would become a Christ or a Christian I believe.
So these 144,000 people these this incredible?
New Earth and new heaven, you know
and some people say, you know new Earth is a
such a new age terminology new Earth
is literally in your Bible. Anybody who wants to
doubt look it up Revelation 21:1. Then I
saw a new Heaven and a new Earth for the old Heaven and
the old Earth had disappeared and the sea was also gone.
So in Revelations it it talks about a new
Earth and a new Heaven and a new city coming down
of gold and 12 Crystal layers to it and that
and that is what will bring us into a thousand
years apiece and I saw an angel coming down out of Heaven
having the key to the abyss and holding in his hand
a great chain. He sees the dragon the ancient serpent.
Who is the devil I mean the ancient serpent who
is a devil? He's watched my last video on the moon Matrix
and that makes a lot of sick a lot of sense our Satan
and bound him for a thousand years. He threw
him into the abyss and locked it and sealed it over him to keep him from
deceiving the Nations anymore until the
thousand years were ended in that. He must be set free
for a short time. So we have a thousand years coming.
So this to me is again significant of an age
of Peace of a golden
age the end of this Kyle Yuga that every
book that I could you know that I can think of
at the top of my head symbolizes that we're going into at
the Bible certainly says the same thing that we are going into a
new age. So this is not new age jumbo the step definitely comes from
the Bible itself saying that there's a new new piece
that's going to be on this planet. And so I am very
I'm very excited. I'm very grateful to be at this
time. I think every single one of us should be no matter what the trials and tribulations are.
I believe that we as a people must know that
we are cared for that. We're loved that
we're beautiful beyond our wildest dreams. We're love beyond
our wildest dreams and just to have that faith and
that we're here for a reason you matter everyone matters.
Everyone's got wrapped up in a flesh
color less puppet, you know, I mean start to
see the world like that start to see every single person as as
God In the Flesh, even if they don't know it they don't recognize it have compassion
and empathy and love for each person every single
time you do that every single day. We're gonna level up
this planet and we're gonna change it and there's nothing there's no
dark that can hide from the light. You cannot go into
a well-lit room with any amount of darkness and
have any effect, but you can go into a dark room with the
tiny little candle and instantly that Darkness will
flee once you light it up. It's it's a metaphor
that we must know that we can change.
Planet we can change our world and it starts with
every single one of us. Each one of us should not be looking for someone on the
sky to come down and rescue us and save us if Christ
or God is in us that God is love
and we love each other.
God dwells within us.
Then we must know certainly now when we love that God
is in US.
And that we are that we're that powerful or that
amazing and each one of us should.
strive, I believe to find that alignment to
find that love to find that Christ Consciousness that dwells within all
of us up here Consciousness because
there's a thousand years of Peace in it. And I think if
we don't make it into this time, we'll probably reincarnate
on other planets to get there and do it some other
way. This seems to be an evolution that just seems natural of
things that will happen whether we're on this planet or another
planet, but I certainly want to offer that
to people that this is possible. I'm not
saying you're saying I have all the answers and I know everything that's
gonna happen. I certainly don't I think that's the best thing about it.
I feel like universe and God gives you a little bit, you know
a little bit of that man a little bit of that breadcrumb and you
want more more and you continue
Search for more answers. One of my favorite Bible verses
is Mikey can move that off you want
um blessed. Is he this poor in spirit
and what that means to me is I'm poor in spirit.
I've got a little bit but I need a whole lot more because I need it.
That's what drives me is what gets
me, you know, a guy like me who doesn't have
the the Charisma Russell Brand
or you know, following your Joe Rogan, but I'm here to put
what I think in the world is important what I
would like to share with people positive message
of something that matters and I
think you know detailing people watch this and see the significance
of this entirety of this presentation to realize that you know,
I'm not saying anyone person better that each and every one of
us it's dire for us to create the
world that we want. So thank you guys for joining
me very very extremely grateful for
this talk. I think it's been something in
the works for a long time. It's been just really
order from Spirit and I'm incredibly grateful to
be able to hear that voice in my head that tells me, you know,
read this check this out and I
want to encourage every single one out there too. Listen to
that voice in your head. You know, God is
not found in one book alone for sure. It's omnipresent
omniponents in every person. It's in everything that you
can imagine. If we start to see that I believe
those breadcrumbs will happen for all of us and realize what path
to go down.
so tonight I think every single person for who
is online with us tonight and every person who
watched this YouTube are are presentation on rumble
or wherever else you may find on sentient Works TV or wherever
it pops up for you, but hopefully
please share subscribe and let's let's
create the world that
that we need that we deserve.
And thank you guys namaste.
People: Jacob Cox
Topics: Ancient Civilizations, Awakening & Ascension, Consciousness, History, Mystery School, Spirituality
Thanks 🙏 blessings ✨
Thanks thanks 🙏
Thank you Jacob very much for your positive words and energy!!! Great work!!! God bless you!!!
So grateful for this opportunity!! Thank you! This one was the funnest yet!
Also stop reinventing the wheel and assuming that nobody else knows anything, while the truth is that you’re all playing catch-up with those who have been researching for 50 years or more.
Definitely not assuming anything and it’s not a race to be competitive about. We are just listening to the call of spirit to create and bring together souls with similar missions at this important to create the world we all know is possible. One Love brother. ✌️❤️🌈🔮🙏🌎🧩🌀
Same comment. Everyone has an offering. By now it should be automatic to move on from what doesn’t resonate. Peace.
Everyone should be studying Keylontic Science to have an integrated overview of real reality.
Have respect.