Mystery School: Torus

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Torus
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Next Episode: Mystery School: Inner Child
Hi, and welcome to another edition of Mystery School. My name is Jacob Cox,
and our topic tonight is The Taurus.
I definitely think this is an amazing topic. Probably doesn't get as much, um,
news time or talk about anywhere that you find online or anything. Uh,
I definitely think it's an amazing, um, mathematical equation topic,
and something that we can dive into a lot deeper than what's on the surface and
really get into it. So that's my intention tonight,
is to really ask a bunch of great questions and hoping that people who are
watching here live on Ascension Works television, can, you know,
spark a conversation about something that really could honestly change our lives
forever. The TAUs is something I believe has been used for,
for as long as the universe has been here, and I'll talk more about that later.
But, um, for us to have free energy in the things that we need and to have, um,
you know, really a civilization that's interstellar to go beyond
oil, coal, and gasoline and those things and combustion, and to go into,
you know, being able to go travel the universe, have free energy on this planet,
uh, clean energy on this planet, and, um, do that sustainably.
So let's go ahead and jump into it. I'm gonna share my screen with you guys.
You guys can ask all your questions as we're going.
I won't be able to answer them as we go,
but I will definitely answer them at the end and we will definitely have a,
a great discussion on this, hopefully later. There it is. All right.
The Taurus looks like a giant donut,
and it's kind of cool that this incredible technology looks like a donut,
but it really does. Um, you know, it's,
it's this ring a circle, three dimensional circle. Um,
and, you know, it has its own equation.
There's literally a mathematical equation. Uh, sa equals four pi squared,
a capital R over lower r r being the major radius and the minor radius is pi
being 3.142. We all know that. But this is a very balanced,
whole self-regulated system that the universe uses to create.
And here we can see some of the, uh, you know,
dynamics of the universe and the push and the pull on the universe, um,
and time and space that, that the TAUs creates.
And I think that's really cool. Um, you have to think about it like that.
How do you know what we call physical matter?
How does it play into time and space? How does it bend? Um,
how does it create gravity?
Or how is gravity used and how does gravity actually work? Do we really know?
You know, those are really all great questions and, and trying to figure out,
um, new technologies and new understandings that we can use, um,
so that we can benefit the whole society. So when we look at this Taurus,
we see a sphere and it's really kind of connected by two vortexes. You know,
vortex is the swirling pool of water,
like a big hurricane or something like that. But that, that sphere and,
you know, looking from top to bottom and you can see the, the hole inside of it.
You know, one of the things when I did, I think the last talk was inner earth,
and we talked about how the inner earth, the dynamics work.
I should have showed you guys a Taurus. I don't think I did. Um,
but seeing that the universe creates these tauruses and we'll talk more about
how many tourists the universe creates,
but it would make sense that our earth would have some kind of cavity inside of
it in these areas. And that's exactly what Einstein and other people said.
You know, that in the top and the bottom of the poles,
there were openings and this would pretty much, you know,
go right along with it. The earth is its own Taurus field,
and I believe that it is, and we'll see more about that later.
But this is the shape, it's the sphere with the vortex.
It's connected where it's Paul pouring in to one centralized point,
which is called the zero point. That point we will talk about much later. But,
you know, a Taurus is an incredible thing because what it's doing is,
is it's putting out energy, you know, it's putting out energy,
it's going out the twirl, it's getting to know itself and then it's coming back.
So whatever we're putting back, we always, you hear that saying, you know,
what you put out is what you get back.
And that's exactly true because that's exactly what a Taurus field is.
And we are our own toal fields. So what we put out, you know, negative,
positive emotions, love, hate, whatever,
it's gonna continue to swirl back into us. And this system is really,
like I said, it's self-regulated. It's whole unto its itself. It's balanced.
Um, it's made of quantums, it's made out of the surroundings,
but it's extinct within itself. And so again, this is,
um, this place in the middle where the Taurus, um, where the two vortexes meet,
I think is, um,
an incredible point to understand because there's a lot of,
a lot of stuff going on in the zero point.
And I believe that's where we're actually going back to in time is back to the
zero point. All time is circled back and swir back around, over and over again.
That's why we find that residence of clothes that people wear and the things
that people are interested, you know,
in apocalyptic times they're always gonna come back because, you know,
the universe does that, you know,
it swirls back onto itself and showing you the same things over again then helps
us with our karma as well. But definitely going up, going out,
coming back in and, and balancing itself using that same amount of energy,
always totally self-regulated. This is one of my favorite ones.
And just see it coming out and going down and coming back up. Very beautiful.
I mean,
just looking at this shape and this gift really is coherent to me.
I hope it's very coherent to you, cuz this is your body. This is, you know,
the earth. This is a lot of things. And um, you know, again,
it really states the,
the laws that we've read in the Bible and other ancient texts telling us what
we've put out. So what we could back, you know,
this is the mathematical equation that proves it.
And again, we are, we're all that too.
But it's not just creating on this larger scale. The toradal field is from the,
the microcosm to the microcosm. It's in all the things. I mean,
when you look at the shape of an apple and the apple is literally like this
sphere where you look at the top and it has that little core in it where the,
where the STEM's coming out of it. But even on the bottom of it,
you've got this opening, you know, just like I'm saying, the,
the earth opens up, it is got this opening at the bottom,
and then what's at the middle,
at the zero point is the seed that my friends is an incredible part
to realize, to understand the seeds are in the middle,
not just cuz that's where, you know, that's where it looks good.
There's definitely a reason that the universe is creating these things.
An apple, an orange, lots of fruits and stuff look exactly like this. Um,
you look at this shape right here,
you'll see that's tutorial field around the earth.
We call it the magneto sphere, but certainly, you know,
it has its own toal shape. The way cell divide,
cell division is a toal field,
the Milky Way galaxy and how stars move in and outta the galaxy when they move
out. Um,
stars like our Taurus have gone out and they come back in and they're making
cycles in the same energy pattern that the Taurus is.
So no matter how big or small, the macrocosm to the microcosm the toal field,
to the Taurus energy field is how the universe is creating life
and physical matter all around us all the time. It creates our,
our poles, our north and south poles, the galaxies,
the classic plains cell division, the way trees, you don't even think about it,
but a tree is definitely a Taurus with the, you know,
big part on the top coming out, weeping out, the roots in the bottom,
it's sucking in the water, bringing it out to the leaves, you know,
all that whole, the whole cycle is that. So again, you know,
it is just an incredible, an incredible thing to understand.
It's more than just a shape. It's more than just a cool design.
And it's something I, again, like I said, I wanted to bring to light,
I wanted to talk about tonight because I think it's just very, very cool. Um,
you got the vector equilibrium I'll talk about in a minute, but this,
it's also about the spiral. You know, we know about the spiral life.
We know that the spiral and the Fibonacci sequence and the fire ratio,
this is how life is created. All these things are connected,
they're branches of truth, right?
And we can see that easily and plainly when we look at, you know,
an ear or a pine cone or flowers or the human body. Um,
even when you close your hands and you look into your hands,
you have a spiral in your hand.
That's because the ends of the fingers are 1.618 to the next piece and
to the next piece. And so when we close our hands,
you have a spiral in your hand. So the spiral life is at everything,
our eyebrows and our nose or you know, usually 1.6,
one eight to the width of the mouth.
And the more closely you are to that fire ratio,
the more symmetrical you be and the more attractive a person is rated,
typically because they're more closely, um, to the fi ratio.
So this is all interconnected,
these sacred geometry and sacred sacred mathematics. I think this is what,
you know, our ancient ancestors were talking about Plato and Socrates, and,
you know,
they had these ancient mystery schools and they were talking about these things
to share. They're important, you know, and it's same as their time as it is now,
as absolutely as relevant now as it was thousands of years ago.
And it's gonna be relevant thousands of years into the future. And so again,
you know, it's microcosm of the macrocosm, the galaxy, um,
to the apple or you know, a quantum, literally a quantum is,
is a toro spiel. So the vector equilibrium, this is,
so if you have the Taurus, this is the mathematical, uh,
geometry of the straight lines that fit inside of the, uh,
Toro Toral field. And what I think is incredible about this,
when you think about this,
if the vector is straight lines and the Taurus is curve lines, to me,
the curve lines are the feminine aspects of the universe.
And the straight lines are the masculine aspect of the universe.
Not one being better, the other equally needed, equally part of the same hole.
But, um, you know,
when you look at even just men in general that are more straight,
women are more curvy, um,
I tend to believe that the straight lines or the masculine,
but putting 'em together makes one whole.
But this is basically like the skeleton of the, uh,
of the Taurus. So it's made of straight lines, it's perfectly balanced.
It stabilizes the center. It's 12 equal energy lines,
and it ca and it basically creates a 64 tetrahedral geometry.
The same 64 geometry is that same,
same geometry is everywhere that we see. So even in the seat of life,
you can see how the vector equilibrium would fit perfectly in the seat of life.
And so when we take that Taurus and we take the vector equilibrium,
put 'em together, here's your picture, it's all there.
It's one whole energy source, energy field,
energy creation, energy creator. Um, it's all of those things. This is it.
This is what I believe can lead our civilization to free and clean
energy, to extract energy directly from the ether so that,
you know, we can have the things that we want. I mean,
how many people are suffering right now because they don't have the water,
the energy, the electricity and stuff that they need. This is it. I mean,
these concepts are,
have been all around the world for thousands of years everywhere we look in
plain sight because, you know,
people couldn't just talk about these things back in the day.
Just like you can't talk about certain things today.
You couldn't talk about certain things in the past.
So people had to hide these things in books and on, you know,
pyramids and stuff like that, um, for us to find later and realize like, oh,
these are things that they left for us.
So you take that B equilibrium and you take the flower of light,
or you take the Taurus, you put 'em together, and then you take, you know,
circles and put 'em around all the pyramidal structure from the vector
equilibrium and you got the flower of life. And this obviously,
if you haven't seen the Taurus Taurus before,
if you haven't ever heard about the equilibrium,
most of everybody watching has to have heard of the flower of life.
The flower of life is the two dimensional object of what I believe the Taurus is
and the vector equilibrium all in one.
And this is why you see this in so many new, uh, sometimes new age,
but it's all obviously been around for all the ages and will continue to be
around for all ages because it's timeless. This is,
this is truth in itself right here. This is a timeless sacred geometry,
um, that is for all of us.
So it would make sense that this geometry would apply to everyone in the
universe. Pretty much, you know, everyone, you know,
God speaks in numbers in mathematics to show us that there's a blueprint for the
universe, that there's actual design.
And I'm not saying God's outside the universe. I'm saying it's all one,
everything, everything is. So, like I said,
it makes sense that mathematics is the universal language,
no matter what planet you're on,
where you go that makes the most sense to how we can communicate with each
And so the Taurus and the flower of life are everywhere and almost every
And I imagine once the polar caps on Antarctica and we there pyramids on there,
there'll be Tauruses and there'll be flower wives in those pyramids on Anana
Antarctica as well.
But from Turkey to Greek to anywhere you look China,
you're gonna see the flower of life. It's everywhere.
It's obvious that these people are,
are putting in places and not just to look cool,
but it has an obvious incredible meaning. In fact,
a lot of 'em probably built the pyramids in these places where these things are
the forbidden city and stuff with this technology. I mean, otherwise,
there's really no way they could have built it. I mean, some of these, the,
the stones that they're building in Egypt or they, they used for the pyramid,
they're massive. And to be able to move these things and to um,
cut and, and, and carve and move these domes that they built,
I would assume that they, they had to have had this technology.
So what's cool is this, the 64 geometries everywhere. It's even in,
uh, different religions and it, and it's hidden there, but it's plain in sight.
So the Hebrew coic Tree of Life, when you put six of these together,
they create, um, the same structure. They will create like a vector equilibrium.
And so, you know, I, I don't have a picture of all six,
but it's taken all those and put 'em together.
It creates the exact same geometry that I showed you with a vector.
Same thing with the ying. If you take,
so eing is 64 broken lines and straight lines.
You can take all these lines and put them together and they will create a vector
equilibrium. Coincidence, I don't think so. You know what I mean?
These incredible, um,
things that were passed down from these civilizations and,
and still lasting today. You still see ECHS everywhere. You know, um,
they're there for a reason. They, you know, they,
they've survived the test of time cuz truth always survives the test of time,
right? So the Xing is based on the 64 hexagrams. You put 'em together,
they'll create the tetrahedral crystal, you know,
and just like D N A D N A is 64 codons,
um, in encoded into our d n A, here's a cross section of the d n a.
So literally our d n A is based on the same 64 star tetrahedral
geometry. Wow. So that means, you know, we are the technology.
We're not just looking for the technology,
we literally ourselves are it game over, right? Um,
so that would make sense why if aliens from other planets, uh,
you know, uh, really relatives from other planets would come here,
and if we have, you know,
governments and things that don't really cater to the people and cater to
themselves instead why they would communicate then in crop circles,
I think crop circles are absolutely amazing. Um,
and these chronic crop circles here,
when they have these ma magnetic filaments in them and they're all laid down
so that they can literally still be harvested,
when a man gets in there and they do the, with the, with the, uh,
two by four and with the rope and they go around,
they can't replicate that because all they doing is stomping down.
They break all the stocks. When these, when real crop circles are done,
literally the stocks are interlaid like a blanket or,
or like a rug or something.
They're laid down so that they're actually crossed over and make an incredible
geometry. And you find my magnetic filaments in it and all that kind of stuff.
And, um, when people walk in 'em,
they say sometimes it's too overwhelming for some people to do.
Some people say they have healings in them, but certainly they are coherent,
uh, uh, um, communications, right? They're communicating to us, Hey,
use this guys, you really need this. You guys really need to start using this.
And so when you look at 'em,
they are obvious toradal patterns and taurus's fields in
these geometries of these, um, crop circles.
And these were made in obviously the dead of night with no tracks going in, um,
hundreds of circles perfectly made. You know, it just,
it's just a hard job to do, you know, for nobody getting any recognition for it.
And you know, obviously now, I dunno if you guys have seen,
but there has been a video where somebody actually,
I think this particular one in particular, this, uh,
crop circle I'm showing where it shows the lights going by and then all of a
sudden within seconds, the crop circle was there, informed, um,
not something that anybody thinks was, was faked, uh, especially back then.
I think it was done in the nineties.
But these crop circles are definitely showing Tauruses.
And what I would like to suggest to people, here's another one, um,
the Thrive movie, t h r i v e,
one of the greatest movies of all time, a little over two hours, but, um,
foster Gamble, he definitely talks about this. He shows a lot of these pictures.
And I didn't, I'm not gonna show you guys a video for the sake of time,
but his videos show these are two dimensional.
All these crop circles are two dimensional pictures. His video shows these,
these crop circles and three dimensional videos and how they are tourists and
how they are working. And if we looked at 'em like this, how they would be,
the energy would be flowing through them.
And I think that's absolutely incredible
and I don't wanna take away anything away from him,
so I'm just gonna direct people to that video. It does tell you. Now,
I watched that movie probably 11 years ago today, and I told Mike earlier, I,
I've watched that movie hundreds of times, especially the first hour or so.
It's just absolutely incredible after you get done watching it.
It just can't believe that that's been out for 11 years if youve haven't seen it
already. But it, it, it does,
he really does show a really great way and they have a really a great
understanding of the Taurus in that video, which I've used a few things, BARR,
a few things, thanks Foster, um,
from him and the Taurus and the way that these inner workings of the crop
circles, you know, like I said, they are communicating to us because, you know,
hey man, we need some help, you know, and I think we could all say, yeah,
we definitely need some help right now. And, and, you know,
it doesn't take much,
sometimes it just takes a couple people sometimes to back things up,
to focus our intention on things that are really important to change the world.
And that's really all we need to do. Sometimes, you know,
where our intention goes, energy flows.
And so start putting your intention on things that matter.
Stop getting so caught up in what the daily news tells you to be worried about
or scared about.
Get get excited about the time period that we're in because we've all worked
really hard and we've all lived many lifetimes to be where we are right now.
Something to be incredibly thankful for. Um, and so here's one plain as day,
that's the vector equilibrium in a crop circle, no doubt about it. You know,
phosphorous has a video where he pulls it out, shows you 3D dimensional,
that's the vector. Um, so they got Taurus, they got vectors, they even had,
uh, aliens who have responded, um,
to crops to messages we sent out in the space. So honestly,
I think I'm super excited about the crop circle so much.
Probably do a whole video about that next time.
That might be my next place to go because I just, I think, you know,
something I heard about back in the nineties, and this doesn't get any credit.
They said two guys made it with the board and some ropes,
and then you see what they made, you know, next to some of these.
And it's just like, no way.
And the crop circuits are getting more complex and more incredible. Uh,
I just don't think people are making these things overnight and the dead and
night, you know, and,
and creating these things and the quickly the way they're doing it with magnetic
filaments in it. And, uh, you know, like I said, anybody can make one. You know,
not gonna make somebody sick or lightheaded to walk in there,
but these are all real things that are going on and happening.
So this is the forbidden city in China. That's the food dog.
He's guarded the forbidden city, and it's, and according to their legend,
the food dog guards the knowledge under his paw.
And when we get close and look under his paw, what does he got?
That's a three dimensional flower of life. He's gardened the kn the knowledge,
the technology, the flower of life underneath his paw, plain his day.
Super easy to see. Um, you know, it can't be more obvious than that, you know,
he's gardened the knowledge under there. So it helps us see, you know,
this Taurus, it's all the same thing.
Thera the marba, the aura, you know, all these things,
you know, we start to realize slowly, like, oh, it really is all the same thing.
It's all the same stuff, you know,
it's just being used over and over again from the big to the little,
to the tall, the small, all of it. You know, no matter where you look,
you're gonna see Toral fields. That's just what the,
the universe is literally a manufacturer of Taurus is.
That's what it does all day long. It's creating them all day.
And so I think the, one of the most important things to realize is, okay,
if it's making apples and oranges and planets and, and all the other things,
then certainly we are our own little universe as well.
And we know that the human being has a toal field around,
around ourselves too. Um,
where that toal field comes from the heart and the
heart Math institute, you know, definitely shows us that.
And that would be right there. The middle of the tubor has Fort Texas.
That is your zero point.
It's just like the seed in apple or the seed in orange.
It's in the exact same place, but we all have energy fields. Now,
most of us might not look as good and perfect as this guy because a lot of us,
sometimes we're thinking negative thoughts. Um,
we're allowing certain things to get to us, you know,
and our then our field shifts. And it may not be perfectly centered, it may be,
you know, drawn down a little bit. But, um, you know, I think, you know,
we want to get back to getting into a healthy field again.
But it certainly can be affected by our emotions, our mental state.
But as we start to really dive into our heart and let that blossom open,
I think you really will find a lot of centering happening and a lot more, um,
positive, beautiful energy flowing through you. So that's really important.
But the electromagnetic field of the heart generates this Taurus all around us.
And that's really, when you think about it, when you have a nice,
healthy field around you, um, when someone says something about you, Hey,
you're ugly. You got a big field, big, nice strong field,
they're not penetrating that field.
When your field is down because you're living in fear, you're living in worry,
anxiety, and your field's down,
someone shoots one of those lasers at you of negativity, or, you know,
I don't like you or you're ugly, man, it really, that's when it hits you.
That's when it sticks because your field's down.
And if you really kind of put that to the earth right now,
mother earth feels down cuz you got 8 billion people on the planet who are
thinking negative thoughts or hating each other. You know,
it's not just the wars that's going on in different places around the world,
it's the wars that go on in our own homes.
It's the fighting that happens at the dinner table. I mean, you know, how many,
maybe thousands and, you know, thousands, tens of thousands,
a hundred thousands of people are at war,
but how many millions or billions of people are fighting around their dinner
table right now? When we take our power back, when we realize, hey man,
the love that I make at my own dinner table,
or the hate that I create at my own dinner table can literally change the world.
You start to really empower yourself, like, man, I am part of the problem.
I'm not part of the solution. I wanna be part of the solution.
So maybe I should make peace with my parents, with my coworkers,
with the people that I, you know, go to church with the people I go to, uh,
go hiking with whatever it is, um, holding grudges, let 'em go. Uh,
that is creating more of what we really, honestly don't wanna see in the world.
We have to take responsibility that each of us puts that into the field.
Now we're literally all connected, right? We all have hearts,
we all have toal fields. Our hearts are always speaking to each other. And, um,
our energy's always speaking to each other and this planet and how we resonate
with each other. So we all affect everybody. We all affect each other, you know?
And you feel that when you meet someone, uh,
instantly your heart picks up those fields that people are,
that people are admitting. And it's really important to, you know,
understand that your heart is feeling things and emotions and, and, and, um,
energy before the brain's even thinking.
Many HeartMath Institute studies show that the heart is able to pick up things
and respond before pictures even shown on the computer screen.
The brain hadn't even seen it yet. The heart's already already admitting either,
you know, different things because of it. Like,
if they show a scary picture on the, on a screen or a happy loving picture,
your heart's already either beating faster or more commonly because the picture
before it comes up, your heart is that much more intelligent than the brain is.
And the heart field around the body is much more powerful and
5,000 times stronger magnetically a hundred times stronger electrically than
the, than the brain is.
So your heart is much more stronger than the brain in that way. And so, again,
if we're all little tauruses and we're all affecting each other and we all link
up, man, that's super empowering and incredible.
That means we're as strong as our weakest link, right?
That's a real saying that really matters because we all link up when our hearts
are in coherence with each other and our brains. We all link up.
We have a magnetic transfer of energy throughout the entire planet that can
literally lift the collective consciousness.
I don't even know if I could wanna say that in the same sentence that just came
from above, but it's true. It's super true, right? When we're linked together,
there's nothing, no force that can stop us.
There is no darkness and can get past that incredible wall of light when we link
together. We are all to fields linking together are not linking together.
If you are disassociated with everybody cuz you don't like yourself or you don't
loving yourself, or you feel like you just,
no one wants to talk to you and you're just stuck in your room, you know, like,
man, you're not linking up. You can be linked up at home without even, you know,
obviously without even seeing anybody.
When your heart is feeling that coherence, that love,
that vibrant energy you're linking up all around the world,
everybody else is too. And you know,
only gonna take a few of us for this to snowball into a world that really works
for us and resonates with Mo, with, with, with us.
Because a few people have intention and that's all it takes a lot of time is
really direct intention.
Ceremonies and rituals and things where people are doing these things.
A small amount of people link up to together to create a world that works for
them. So it only takes a small amount of us to link up with a world that that is
reflected by love, by unconditional pure love, where we truly love each other,
we care about each other, and that that force literally will change the world.
It doesn't matter, male or female, what you wanna call yourself.
All it matters that each of us is a human being with a heart period.
And when we have coherence with each other,
that will raise the collective vibration,
the collective conscience to a level that the things that we're seeing on this
planet war and famine will no longer be, they will almost overnight.
It could be just kind of dissipate and disappear and transfer.
I people don't realize how fast things can happen. It can happen extremely fast.
So each of us is so important to realize who we are,
how powerful that we are, and we're all capable of, and when we link together,
there really is nothing that can stop us. So last,
last comment about the Taurus.
So if all of us a Taurus is everything we see as a Taurus almost then time
has to be flowing though through this toal pattern. Now,
like I said earlier, as time is moving out, getting to know itself,
understand itself, and come back and bring that back to the one,
back to the zero point, then we are no doubt about it.
It is more obvious than ever. All you have to do is step outside, uh,
or you know, just look check within.
Sometimes we are in that center of the vortex and we are
spiraling down and getting to that zero point. And as we spiral down,
it seems that time is going by faster, right?
It seems like every single day goes by just a little bit faster.
And it's not really that time is speeding up, but there's so much when,
where up here it's like, you know, a lifetime a thousand years ago,
a conversation that you might have or someone that you might meet, you know,
an understanding that you may realize might take a lot longer when you get down
here into the nitty gritty,
you can have a conversation with somebody in five minutes, that's mind blowing.
And you can learn so much that would've taken you lifetimes in the past to
realize and eventually you did in the past.
And that's why you're having that five minute conversation where mine is blown
and someone says some of the Taurus or the flower of life or, you know,
aliens or crop circles or whatever it is. But we are in that,
we are in that center of that vortex. So everything is all tight, everything is,
you know, spiraling up into a tight, tight ball almost.
And so everything is happening seemingly happening faster, quicker.
And it seems like every day is going by faster and faster and faster because
we're having so many realizations. You know, we're,
we're taking in a whole lot more,
we're becoming aware a lot faster than we were a thousand years ago or 10 years
ago. I can tell you the conversations I have now with people,
even people I first meet are barely, you know, barely have ever talked to,
can go much deeper than someone I known for 10 years, 10 years ago.
We never had a conversation that deep, of course, you know,
than that reflection of myself too. But I mean, aren't you all feeling that?
Aren't we all realizing that like everything seems to be moving quicker,
everything seems to have more realization to,
more awareness to it everywhere we go. So if that's true,
we are moving to a zero point where what happens in the zero point,
the energy of the seed, the rebirthing,
what is there in the middle that creates new life, new new birth,
uh, the technology in the seed itself, right? That, um,
if we only knew the power of the seed, you know, that's what,
when that Christ said, uh, when they fell down in the water, he said, you know,
e of little faith, if you only have the power, the, the, the faith,
the faith of a mustard seed, you know,
you could do all the things I'm doing and greater things too that codes are
And I do believe we are very close to the zero point where things will happen
much quicker, much faster. The pro the prophecies,
the great purification is here.
I believe if you think it's the end of the world,
you might actually experience that exact, uh, fate.
But if you believe that this is a new way of living,
a new world, a new age will emerge right here before our own eyes,
you could be a part of that as well.
That we will soon live on this planet in a way we've only
dreamed about in a way that we've heard about in places like Atlantas Laur,
um, high Brazil, um,
all these different incredible places that have existed long ago.
And I believe we're gonna get back there very soon,
but we have to see past what's right in front of us. See past this,
you know, illusion, right? It's just an illusion of fear.
It's just all around us, right? Be afraid, look down, don't even look up.
But we know that this is just an illusion that people make.
We can see into that.
We can see past that our awareness and our awakening state that we're in,
we're waking up, we're seeing past the, you know,
this vortex of just lies in deceit and something that
somebody's really trying hard for us not to wake up.
And I think that's incredible. Like,
we're all sitting here having a conversation about some incredible things and
we're really waking up hard, right? And people, they say, you gotta put,
they put stuff in our ear and they put stuff in our food and they put, yeah,
and guess what? We're still waking up. We're still gonna wake up.
We're gonna keep doing it. You know what I mean?
We're still awakening and we're gonna awaken to more of our brilliance,
more of our understanding. Download more technology understandings,
we're gonna download more awareness. Um,
and so that's very exciting to think about, you know,
to get out of what everybody's been telling you, this illusion of,
of fear that surrounds us all. You know,
like this matrix of energy that's just like, you know, is it really real?
You know, and you poke through it and you see beyond it and you're like, oh,
I can see through the veil, I can see all this crap. I can,
and I can realize there's a whole lot more out there that someone's trying to
keep us from it. And so I'm,
I'm incredibly thankful for every single one of you that are here tonight to be
with us, to take your time. And people who watch this video later on,
you take your time to watch this because you really are changing the world.
You may not think it, but it really is happening.
As we have these conversations, as we dare to be our true self.
We dare to be our great greatness. We dare to be in our own brilliance, um,
in our own magnificence and realizing that we're all geniuses in some way that's
incredibly daring and courageous in a time where deceit is everywhere,
to be honest, to be truthful. I don't, I I don't know if you realize this,
but I think just being honest every day, no matter what it is,
is something that changes the world greatly. It changes my world all the time.
I realize when I just tell the truth, no matter what,
it usually stops people in their tracks no matter what.
They can't like make fun of me or say anything to me. I'm like it.
Just be honest all the time. And I feel like it just, it breaks down barriers,
it breaks down walls that nothing else does. Just being honest to yourself.
If you do anything, um, if you get anything from tonight, take that. Yeah.
Be just to be honest and be truthful and how to be in that brilliance of
yourself all the time. And no reason to be scared of it.
No reason to continue to play small, right? We are
magnificence created into these human bodies and we're way more than that.
Our souls are way more than that. Um, they extend beyond everything. So tonight,
I just wanna say again, thank you guys for being here.
Each and every single one of you is a toal field of energy.
And you get to decide what you wanna do with that Taurus.
What you wanna do with that energy, where your attention is gonna go,
is it gonna go on what you don't wanna talk? What, what you don't like,
what you don't wanna see in the world or what God said being the change that we
wanna see. It really starts with each and every one of us.
The change that we wanna see has always been a Buddha or a CNA or Gandhi or John
Lennon or, uh,
mother Teresa or Mary Magdalene or any of these beautiful people. Anybody,
any of us can do it.
There's nobody that's ever walked the face of the earth that's better than you,
that has more anything that you've got. They got the same heart,
the same brains. Their souls are made of the same stuff.
Each and every single one of us. We're all that. No one's,
no one's better than us. No one can ever be better than you.
I think the only difference between someone like us and Jesus was Jesus learned
how to use that brain of his. He learned how to use that heart of his.
He learned how to love people unconditionally no matter where they were.
Right here. Now how you are right now, I see you in your highest,
your highest light, your highest self. I see it already. I know it. I feel it.
And I think that's how a key creative miracles.
And I think we can do all those things too.
We can do all those things and greater things. And, um,
I think that's something that each and every one of us has to start to believe a
little bit in ourselves that we can all do these things too. Listen, I,
I just wanna say again, thank you guys all for being here.
Ascension works platform for having me each and every single one of you for
bringing your mind and your hearts, your open mind and your open hearts.
I'm so incredibly grateful for every single one of you that watched this video
who are here tonight. I just wanna say that the,
the magnificence and the brilliance and the soul in me seizes
honors and recognizes the brilliance and the magnificence the divine in each and
every single one of you.
People: Jacob Cox
Topics: Metaphysics, Mystery School
That was interesting. I have watched Thrive maybe twice. I am encouraged to watch it again. It made sense, Cleaning up the magnetic field and connecting the hooking the heart field together. Nice.
Thank you, Jacob. Lewis Thomas, M.D. wrote about his playing with the Fibonacci numbers in his mind to find that the relationship between consecutive numbers in the sequence was 1.618=phi, and that is a magical number. This was in one of his later books, as I started reading his work in the early 1980s, with The Lives of a Cell and The Medusa and the Snail. I’m presently reading books by Michael Tellinger and David Wilcock. Earth is an amazing place, and every day is a gift.
Its amazing to hear all these data of Torus. Love your sharing that really open my inner eyes. Thank you. My imagination, the views of everything that was presented to us have given me the hope, the power (yes, it is important because I was scared most of time). Love you. will continue learning.
(Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?
Thank you for this information. Save me time to look for it. Bless your heart and days.
Thank you, Jacob!
Years ago, Corey showed us some sides of our inne earth… It was such an amazing revelation!
Great video! I never thought of our planet as a Torus, but it obviously is.
Thank you!!