Mystery School: Who are we, Really?

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Who are we, Really?
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Next Episode: Mystery School: Reincarnation with Jacob
You know,
hi everyone
welcome to another edition of mystery school. I'm your host Jacob Cox and
our topics tonight is
Who are we really and we're
gonna go deep with this topic tonight. It's something
that I feel like.
Is really something important, you know,
we talk about different things all the time, but this one's going to go really deep
tonight so full disclosure.
And this may be some stuff that's triggering later on. It's
not my intention to necessarily trigger
everybody or making money upset. I'm definitely here
to ask questions because I feel like in the day. None of
us have all the answers. We're all you know students initiates in
the great mystery school and the
greatest mystery is the mystery of ourselves. So let's dive deep
And I'm going to go ahead and share my screen now.
There we go. I think this.
You guys can't see but I'll pull it down here.
Alright, here we go.
Who are we really and I really like this picture.
Might kind of take that off and put it there. Absolutely great.
I really like this picture because it's got the guy holding the mask and you know.
Just on the surface. We're all mothers were fathers
or brothers or sisters. We're here. We're
You know, we're in this economic status or that some people
like to say where this race of that race. I think there's only one race the human
race. I think a lot of those labels and
stuff can be divisive to you know,
kind of combat us against ourselves but in the day
We're all humans. We all play different roles.
Some are you know feel like they're more important to us than others,
but certainly
We all have different aspects of ourselves. We wear
different masks different hats if you will all the time
every day, and and that's really
important to start out with.
Okay, so here's where we start.
a lot of people not a lot of people may a few people that they
term that we use a lot they
They want us to think where that where the people on left. We're consumers were
buyers for Shoppers. You know, we're just
doing the heavy work the heavy lifting for
a few people out there so that our fruits of
our labor can go and and do
more for those who have you know, who have
more than us, but then for the normal people
but you know we know and this group and if you're watching this video right
now, you know, there's a lot more to us than that, you know, the this
right hand side where the universe where you know, Divine beings
that's where I think,
you know a lot of us want to
Understand that's you know where we're going and that's
and that's what we realize that we are. So oops, so
let's go there. Let's go to that Divine Place. Let's start with
our bodies. Right? Our bodies are made of the elements. The fire
is our passion and compassion.
The water is our emotion. We're all made of
the earth and the many of the same elements in the same proportions and
With the wind the wind is our mental state
our air that connection. So we're
made of all these elements our bodies are made of that. Certainly. We
need to recognize these elements are
all in US helps us understand who we really are how we can go
farther and deeper but beyond that beyond the body,
you know, Yoda would say luminous beings
are we not this crude matter? And of course,
we're not just this. We're not just this body. We're that soul.
that lies within that right and we go through this journey of
being humans from
You know over and over again, I think many of
us have played different genders different roles mothers and
fathers brothers and sisters rich in the
poor slave in the master. We get
all those experiences when the greatest things about
To me reincarnation is that no energy can be created
are destroyed once it's once we're here. We're here to
experience all the experiences and it helps us learn to
grow. There's no way we could just do it all on one lifetime now
simultaneously, I agree that we're all there were
all the same person at the same time. But there's I
also believe linear time is still
there both exist the now and linear time
and we do experience linear time in these bodies and as we
reincarnate so it's really important to realize that we don't
just have a soul we are a soul and we have
a body temporarily we are here to experience that
physical part of our nature to experience,
you know, all the things that the physical body has to
offer that we can't do and we're just these spiritual souls
and going through constantly reincarnation.
that's really important. I think a lot of times too to realize
that and to understand that that
you know, we shouldn't take everything. So seriously, you know, this is just
a temporary experience and
you know, don't take everything so seriously.
But at the same time, you know got to take some things a little seriously.
And so if we're just these souls and we're encompassing different bodies
over and over again. I hear that term a lot. You guys have
heard this term a lot. We're all like workers. We're Divine, you
know, we're the quantum experience sole energy
and we're doing Reiki and you know, all these things and kindness
and caring and therapeutic and all stuff and that's awesome.
I totally love it. It's a beautiful thing
to you know, meet other light workers and people who are working
with that. I love this painting with Alex Gray.
It's actually called lightworker. I think.
and kind of
resembles Christ carrying the cross and
I think we all kind of have our own cross that we bear that
we have to you know.
Bring to the world, right? We all have our own burdens and
our own things that were here our missions our independent missions that
we're all here to do. Whatever that is for you is probably similar but
different and a little bit of ways. I think
ultimately one of the biggest missions that we're all here on is
to learn unconditional love and certainly by bearing your
own cross. You can do that.
Rumi said we're not just a drop in the ocean. You are
the mighty ocean and a drop that is
so powerful. So when I when I hear that and I
realize that I'm like man, you know, I am in this body. I am
in this experience, but I'm not just Jacob.
I'm not just a soul. I'm not just a soul either in
Jacob Cox.
I'm actually the entire universe in this
body called Jacob Cox and that's really powerful too. And that
really gives me a lot of understanding gives
me a lot of power if you will.
That I can do all things in greater things as many people have told
us throughout history.
it is really important for us to realize don't act
so small sometimes right? Sometimes they do act
a little small and that's humility and that's being humble. Sure.
And we all are these little bodies at
this moment in time, but we're also the whole universe and the
ecstatic motion and I love this picture because that's
a whirling dervish and it's a Sufi
mystical religion where they spin and when
they're in the spin.
They you know, they can do this stuff are very very long time
and they don't get tired. They kind
of find the center if you will and kind of
find that place where you know all time
and everything is all now and Oneness and you know,
I work with many I still do work
with many autistic children and adults and one of
the things especially with children that I noticed with autism is many of
them do this spinning. In fact one of the most
The person that I knew as a young kid who was
seen to be affected the most he could
spin the fastest and the longest and it
was a thing of beauty to watch.
And he would come out of that after five or ten
minutes like it was absolutely nothing and just walk around
complete balancing not you know, if I was a spend for
30 seconds, I probably falling out real Dizzy, but this kid could
do it five or ten fifteen minutes sometimes and just come out of it like in pure
Bliss absolutely happiness smile Premiere to
here and you know, just walking like it was
still a normal. I know that happened and that was something a beauty. I really do think
in this predicament that he's in this condition
this label that we call it he still able
to find God so I don't think no matter where anybody is there's
no judgment on anyone because just because someone's not
where you're at or you don't see them the same every being has
that opportunity to get connection with
God and the universe in that deeper understanding
but when I have experienced my deepest understanding
of God has been
in the meditation being still being in
a dark room by myself, and when I do that
And I have you know, just kind of let go of myself being Jacob Cox
from this small town and all these other things and I
reside in that Stillness is when all the
labels and everything have just kind of given way.
And I do become completely emerged in.
Oneness and and knowing that I'm God
being still has been really the best medicine to
to find out who I really am part of everything. There's
nothing that I'm not I love that saying I am
I am and I think the thing only
thing that we're missing in that statement about that's the name of God is
just a comma.
And just a comma after that and the second
I am is emphasis and if we go around saying that all
the time I am that I am that I am that I am
that I am right and it's emphasizing
that that you really are all the all that is God is
everything that there is every person every experience
all everything that you can imagine.
And so
Saying that statement right now. This is where we go
to the other side for a second.
This is where we go down the Deep Rabbit Hole of what's really
going on with who we really are really, who
are we really?
because at the end of the day
as long as I've been on this planet
It's not all love and life. There's a lot more
to the experience and what I've gained in
some of this, you know, some of the other side of the dark side has been
incredible for my growth and I can't deny that
at all.
when I look at the symbol like the yin, yang and
this has been able that's been a part of my life. You know
my whole life something. I saw as a kid that I
thought was really
Cool, and I had it on that, you know Drew pictures of it
and you know, I had like necklaces
of it and I always thought it was just a really incredible symbol and
I didn't even realize at a time what it
really what it was. I just knew that for me. It was just something that was
really attractive and something I really like and you know being a Gemini
I love Duality and now I realize you know why I
was probably so attracted to it as a young kid.
But it's a two-dimensional. This is a two-dimensional symbol
and if we just take a second and and
realize that this is more than just a two dimensional picture.
That's just a symbol for something.
I believe this is a Taurus and and
we're looking at a two-dimensional picture. But this is a toradal
field of energy that's just easily describable
and a two-dimensional image. So I
want to show you a little video here.
Of how this is probably a
little bit more than just a picture. So if
you guys can hopefully can see this as we go.
Almost let this play out but this is the tutorial field, you
know some magnetosphere around every person around
our planet an apple or orange. The
0 point is the middle inside. That's where we
find the seeds.
You can see at the top of the bottom the holes in the
The darkness is coming down through the Taurus.
into the light
and the light is coming up to the Taurus.
into the dark
and so I think this really is more
than just a two-dimensional image of something that
someone wanted to draw whatever that makes
a lot of sense to me.
in you know, we like to see it
as positive and negative right? No light is positive
and the dark is negative. But even that is kind
of misleading a little bit because you know, I've got a lot from you
know, being positive and having positive emotions, but I've got
an awful lot too from negative emotions and feeling sadness and
anger and rage and I've learned a lot from kind of
living in the dark.
I often tell people the life that I live before. I
came to Colorado. It was a real big dark
experience for me and that really
gave birth to the human that I am today,
and I'm not upset about our anger at all.
It was very well needed. So, you know, we have to ask ourselves
that question is negative all bad and positive only
good and do we only want to be positive all the time?
You know, if you want to drive a car or if
you want to have a motor you can't have positive and positive
because the car won't start you literally have to have a
positive and a negative terminal to create
the electron flow that you need to keep that motor going. You
know, if you go open the hood above your car. It's got
a negative and positive you don't have too positives you need both of
these to create that electron flow to create a motor
that works for you.
So this is extremely important I think to realize you
know in this way, we create systems of
motors and everything that this is
just you know, what I realized as many times the the physical
rendering of things like the Internet. It's a
physical running of the internet that we're all in early
internet early connected and that's
really important to realize and so the telephone, you know
is the way we can communicate around the world, but we have tell telepathic thought
that we could do too. And the same thing I think
is just this is a motor and it's the physical representation of how
the universe probably works and
So here's a great thing.
How can I be substantial if I do not cast a
shadow? I must have a dark side. Also, if I am
to be whole man, that's really that's really huge statement right
You have to have a dark side if you're gonna be whole and that's where the union is
it. It's not just being on one side or just living in
the light only.
So if you seek truth be
prepared to see Darkness as lights if you
seek to know yourself be prepared
to hold the light when you see your Darkness, man. What an
incredible deep statement right here.
you know, you are gonna need everything to help
you become the human being or the enlightened being
that you want to be and it's imperative to see and
know both.
Here's another great thing the forces need a light
nor dark master nor slave but a balance
between extremes and that's where I think
we're going with this. This is more.
Like a balance a balancing act if you
will, it's not just you know
living in the light maybe are just you know, I'm asking
questions right now. Is it just only transmuting the darkness
into light or is it realizing that both are needed in some
level of our Evolution here true power
comes when the light in a dark within you is brought
into an equilibrium and there's conscious decision to
embody balance.
Rather than fall to either side and that makes
a lot of sense. I just you know, I don't see a life where everything's
gonna be positive all time. Everything's gonna be like, there's gonna be
still people are going to die. People gonna come against
us. Those are the things that are gonna happen.
When we look back in history. How many people were murdered and martyred for
Spiritual practices people who
are you know, enlightened beings, we're
martyred all about history. So I
think it's really important just to at least ask these questions and at
least let's go down this hole for a second.
And it is true too much light can blind us.
So we need Darkness for the balance. I mean if the
if our planet was light all day if we just at the
if the planet didn't Spin and we only lived on one side and we got light all
day. We would die all the plant life would die. Thank God the
planet spins and has this balance of light and dark.
Otherwise we wouldn't be able to live. It was all dark wouldn't be able
to live if it was all light all time all day long.
So this is this is really a huge or
here and I read this statement. I was like I got to put this in it is a frightening
thought that man also has a shadow side to him.
consisting not just a little weaknesses and foils but
also of a positive demonic dynamism
probably so they're a little
wrong die Dynamic dynamism that's hard
to say but, you know basically saying that
within all of us, you know, there is this kind
of light and dark
Journey going on within us and I I'm
just here to ask the question. Like how do we explore that?
How do we understand that deeper? Because it I'm
at the point now this this
incredible journey that we're on I feel like we
owe it not just to ourselves but to our planet to
our universe to become as enlightened as
we can be as as powerful
as we can be to help this world to
help this universe to help our evolution of
everyone on this planet to get as far as we can as we as
we possibly can because I see a few people with a
lot of power and a lot of us with very little and I know
that's just an experience. I know I'm allowing that. I know I've allowed that
to happen so that I can gain who I am right that being this
little small me has helped me realize like man, I'm
way more than that as well. I have that
humility to realize I am the tiny little Drop in the Ocean, but
I'm also the whole ocean that drop, so I'm thankful for that experience.
I'm thankful for anyone who ever even
Took advantage of me, you know oftentimes we get
angry at the bullies for going after people, but the bully
is not, you know, typically going after the healthy
kids and groups who are playing by themselves. They go after that
kid is on the playground by himself who already
internally thinks everyone hates me. No one likes me. That's
my internal dialogue. I go sit in the corner by myself and the
next thing you know, like a tractor being they attract the
bully in the bully and you know, what, do you
want to call them the victim?
Need each others and like a cosmic dance of
energy to be able to both free
themselves from the prison. They live in the bully doesn't love himself either.
He has to help people down to make himself a
better. So they're both the same. They're both bullying themselves
by not loving themselves in Upper accepting themselves enough.
So I think it's really important to realize we need these
experiences to grow and to to go deeper
and evolve.
So knowing your own darkness is the best method
for dealing with the darkness of other people one does
not become enlightened by imagining figures of light. But by
making the darkness conscious the most terrifying thing
is to accept oneself completely your Visions
will become clear only when you look into your
own heart who looks and who looks outside dreams
and who looks inside awakes.
And this to me speaks volumes because I
do work with autistic kids and adults and I'll
be honest. It's not my light that allows me
to sit with them when they go through the greatest.
Problems in their life when they go through this dark phase
it's because I've had my own Darkness. I've had my own misery and
my own suffering.
And that's the reason why I can sit with them and not offer
help or anything. A lot of times feel like most the time.
I'm there. Just holding space for them to know that
someone's here to know that someone's got your
back if someone cares about you and I'm not going to dish out
advice or experience or anything right now. I'm just here with
you going through this with you together holding your hand,
you know, whatever you need me to do, but it is that
experience that that amount of suffering that I endured that
mostly inflicted on by myself that allows
me to be able to help them in the
best way and I feel like that that alone makes
me realize that this darkness really is something that we need
to ask. The question like is you know that we don't as light
workers and everything else. We don't often ask
so to confront a person with their own
shadow is to show them their own life. That's such.
I mean, it's what a great thing and Carl Jung
is just you know, on top of this and his his teachings
and just listening to him speak about things like this
is just absolutely incredible.
That's what gives you the opportunity to shine.
That's what gives the seed the opportunity to grow
is the darkness and to whether
you want to call it fire your way through or you
know, believe your way through whatever it is, but how powerful
it is to be able to have that and become
who you are because of that because of that Darkness.
So the shadow word the shadow work is imperative.
It's absolutely imperative to do and what
do we talk about? We talk about Shadow work and here's a good
definition. I found what is Shadow word Shadow work
is a process of exploring your inner Darkness or Shadow
Self Shadow working covers every part
of you that has been disowned repressed rejected. It
is one of the most authentic paths to
Enlightenment and that that again right there is just it's
just it, you know, we all have
these negative thoughts. We all have this Darkness. We all have things
that we not proud of
this person that you know, we're not proud of
what we don't completely understand but deep down
in this, you know, we have to go in there go down
to those darkest parts of ourselves.
To find out who we really are.
And I think Star Wars absolutely
Nails it and the original Star
Wars series, four five and six that came out in the
70s and 80s.
This is the dream that looks Skywalker has he dreams
that he meets up with Darth Vader and that's his
father obviously and they're fighting and you know,
obviously Luke is the light and Bader is a
dark and during the fight. You know, Luke Skywalker swings
the lightsaber he cuts off his head.
It rolls over and then he looks at it
and it's his face. It's his face inside
Darth Vader School.
that his helmet and that just absolutely
what an archetype right there the darkness
that we face is ourselves.
You never facing it in someone else.
you always
you know project that on to someone else so some other
person or some other event some other group of individuals. So
my work my boss.
But the darkness is in you.
And so one one of those great sayings is you know,
the Greatest Warrior is not the one who conquers 1,000 on
thousands of people in the battlefield, but the greatest warriors the
one who conquers himself.
And I think that's that's the hammer on the head. You know,
that's that's it. But now in the coffin like you have
to master yourself. You have to master your own Darkness if
there is no Enemy Within there is
no enemy without if you can identify. I've been
lost I've been afraid. I've been
evil. I've been angry. How could you have any
judgment on anybody else? Who's had that as well? It's just
it's a no-brainer. It's like they got to go through it too. And that's fine.
I don't even need to step into that to that battle with
them their battle in their selves. I'm more
than reluctant to move with me and let them have that so
You know, we have these qualities that we kind of see on the light side the
noble generous courage compassionate. Joyful,
and then the dark side has its, you know, inadequate shameful
and rage but
Again, you know, these are just qualities that we see on any decided the
other but there are times when
these things have definitely, you know, helped me and realize, you
know more about myself.
So, isn't it so interesting that the whole
Star Wars song is based on Vader being the chosen
and he has to
He has to completely he learns the
light side. He goes on he's on he's on the Jedi and then he moves away.
only to
move to the dark side. He has to literally learned a light
and the dark to be able to bring that balance to
the force and he actually does that in the last one. He's the one
that kills Emperor. He's the only one powerful enough to do that. And that's
because he's learned the light and the dark and he Masters a
dark side through love for his son. Not detachment.
And that's pretty crazy because you know on the Jedi's
they're always talking about, you know, they don't want to love anybody. They're
not allowed to have relationships. So they they're
in Detachment, right? But Vader
learns to mask the dark side through love not Detachment and
I think that's really important. So here's a here
we go another we're gonna go down even deeper down the rabbit
hole here.
So here's the here is a quote from Christ
himself Luke 14:26. It's
in the Bible. You'll probably never go to a church and
they'll ever say this in there. But this is something I think, you
know, we're gonna learn from Masters then we need
to listen to every single thing that they said and not just
the great stuff to love your neighbor as yourself.
And also those things are great too. I trust me. I definitely, you
know recite them myself all the time, but
Christ is quoted saying if anyone comes to me
and does not hate his father and his
mother and his wife and his children and his
brothers and his sisters. Yes, even his
own life. He cannot be my disciple.
Now that is that is just the complete opposite
of something you think Christ would say, but I
think if Vader is able to find and
I know it's I know it's a movie guys, but it's an
archetype if he's able to find the light.
for because of love
If he's able to find the light on the dark side, should
we then also too be looking
for the dark inside of the light. Is that what
this is saying? Is that what that what he's saying
We should be able to completely detach ourselves from
the love that we have for everyone else. If you
want to go down to the deepest darkest parts of yourself, because to
when you talk about Christ when you talk about Buddha when
you talk about John the Baptist and all these incredible and enlightened beings
who go out into the Wilderness for nearly usually 40 days
without eating and they go have these incredible experiences where
they're usually tempted by the devil.
And you know in all the things that they're allowed to can have
and receive but they forgo those things to go
down to the deepest part of Hell or Hades to come
back with the keys of those to hell like in the
Bible literally says Christ has the keys to Hades and that's
pretty amazing that he was so he's the master of hell.
Right. He's got the keys of these places. And so that to me
is like
Again, I'm asking a lot of questions. I'm definitely not there
and I'm not gonna even pretend that I'm there. But I
definitely want to go as far as I can. And so if this is
called balancing or learning how to use both
sides or how to
you know realize that it is not all I love that there is, you know growth in
both of these aspects and I want to go as far
as I possibly can.
And I want to ask these questions because if they're
beneficial and if I'm asking them, I think other people have probably
asked them as well and I want to put this out there for people to
realize like hey, maybe there is more to just a love and
light, you know light worker issue. So the Union
the symbol of Harmony reminds us that life
is a balancing act.
and most fulfilling when we learn to embrace its dualities
because in the day if all
things come from Source if all things come from
the one
So does the darkness just as much as the light does?
That to me.
Means white and darkest Duality that's two
but together they make the whole they
make the one that I think is really
important. So there seems to be some kind
of balancing act literally for the light in the dark.
And you know, we need to ask that question.
Is that where we're going do we need to accept this we need
to understand this that not is just light in the dark
Good and Evil.
And this all is playing within ourselves. It's not just this
outside thing that's going on. It's literally happening inside of our
own bodies and our own experience our own Journey. It's the
most important part of the hero's Quest
is the great Abyss to face the
scariest thing the most fearful thing
that you can think of is to become the
hero, right? You don't face, you know,
the easy things you have to go down to
the deep dark abyss and that cave that holds the
treasure for you. Whatever that may be into the
scariest possible thing that you can find. That's what
makes the hero's journey makes you a
hero, you know, and it's a little different for everyone I think but similar
for all of us as well.
I love the Hermetic principles, I think.
You know, we have a lot of understanding here what we're
really mostly talking about is number four the principle
of polarity.
Everything is dual.
Everything has polls everything has
its pair of opposites like and unlike
are the same.
Opposites are identical in nature but different
in degrees extremes me all truths
are but half truths all paradoxes
must be reconciled man. That is so
much in that little couple sentences, but it's unbelievable. I
mean just think for one second.
where the items of hot and cold
is just the extremes of
temperature and I can burn something with dry
ice or with cold in the same similar manner
that I could burn something with heat.
So are the Opposites if I can literally do some the same
things with these things?
I mean, yes, and no it you know,
it's just, you know Paradox right that that everything
can be Reckless. All right.
it's absolutely mind-blowing when
it really get down a really good deep inside these questions and I
think another one that's similar to this that kind of goes along with
what we're saying is the
Correspondence. So principle number two principle of Correspondence As Above
So Below as within so
without as without So within and
these two kind of both go with what we're
talking about tonight. I definitely want to go deeper into all
seven of these and that'll be a later mystery school that will
do because the Hermetic principles are, you know, very deep and very
important but
that's exactly you know, what we're talking about this as above so
below what's outside is within us, you
know, what's above is below maybe heaven and
hell are not
completely opposite separates, but they're part of one whole story.
That's the important part. I think I'm least trying to explain right now that that
together they make one.
And so here's one thankful to Randy actually
right here talked about this the other day and brought this up and I knew
that this was supposed to be part of this presentation after the talk last
But this is from the Gospel of Judas. Not Judas.
I'm sorry Thomas, you know the lot the later
gospels that were found Judas Mary Magdalene Thomas,
then from the NOG commodity Library
very important here. Listen to this
make the two into one.
And the inner as the outer and
the outer as the inner.
the above as the below
the male and the female into a single one.
So the male isn't male and the female isn't female anymore
when you make two eyes into a
single eye a hand into a hand a foot
into a foot a picture into a picture then you'll
enter the kingdom of heaven. And I
know that last part is a little bit confusing overall,
but he also said
When you make the two one, you will become sons
of man. And when you say mountain move away,
it will move away.
And again, you know, I don't want anybody
to take anything.
The wrong way or anything sons of man. Anybody can
do this female male, whatever again he's saying, you know,
this is about marrying.
The male and female energy marrying the dark
and the light, you know marrying so
that these dualities become one.
That's what's important here and to realize like this is
about becoming one, you know, I mean
like it's not just marrying another person of
the opposite gender. It's about marrying that the masculine
and feminine within us all as someone who works with
I realized there are some times when I'm very
feminine and I'm very nurturing and kind and
you know, oh, you know, so you hurt yourself, you know, you're okay,
you know and talking to them and being gentle and sweet and
then there are times when I feel like I need to
be very masculine to be very authoritarian to get kids
to do certain things but still protecting and providing and
I feel like if I'm able to flow into
those different types of male and
female then I can do my job a whole lot better
than if I just want to stay in one aspect to the other so that can
be me and moment to moment. Just changing in a job
several times throughout an hour two session that's imperative to
me to be able to do my job. Well, so I I
really do believe that this is
what he's referring to it's not just male and female
but it is light in the dark. It is the dualities of all the things becoming one
inside yourself.
And so
one of the most profound spiritual experiences
that I ever had was going into my
room before I even came to Colorado's taking lots of gold monatomic gold
and I would just go sit in my room in the dark and meditate
and I would have in it, you know, when you're kind
of vibrating low and you have these big downloads, you know,
it's like you're already down here, you know, so it's like the rubber band
jumping up, you know, so I've had that experience where like these huge
profound things happen to me all at once especially back
then now it's more, you know, integrated and
almost gentle a little bit but back then
I'm sitting in my room just meditating and
asking University. Give me something important, you know, give me
something that changed my life. Maybe I understand something and so
I'm just meditating and all of a sudden I just have this
pal this download huge powerful experience and
I could see a Galaxy I could see the Milky Way
galaxy in my mind's eye my whole being really
And I feel like I could just see the whole thing. And I realized inside the
very center of the Galaxy is a black
hole and it's sucking in all the light
and all the stuff and it was funny because I recognize myself
as like man. I'm kind of like a black hole, too. I'm sucking in.
Sex drugs rock and roll all the things to try
to film my emptiness up because I feel so empty and miserable and
suffering inside. So I'm trying to do all the things to you know,
you know feel good and then
I started to yoga meditation and things like that. It's like, oh man these things
really working for me. These things are really helpful monatomic gold
all that kind of stuff. And so
I saw like said this black hole in the
center and it's sucking in lights and then it's not destroying
it. But then it's spitting it
out and spinning it around like in this car was
Cosmic dance of just like the Sufi
whirling dervish where he's spinning around the Galaxy the black
hole is spinning around the Milky
Way galaxy and and I actually went in, you
know, turn TV on right after that and
The TV the Channel that I was on
happened to be on was saying the exact same thing and I was like, oh my
God, that's my confirmation right there.
But it was a very profound experience, you know, and and
I look back at it now and I realized man.
I'm still that black hole. I'm still sucking
in all things and I'm taking all the things
that I get out of it and creating my own Galaxy so
that I have
planets and stars and people and situations and
you know events and circumstances that
are swirling about my whole being from this void
that sits deep inside of me that
everything will come pull comes out of and goes
into right and so just a
profound experience where I feel like this is a
balancing act of this dark whole energy
bringing anything and and balancing it
out and and using it as to create the
entire galaxy right that we ourselves our
own galaxies. You know, I'm Jacob Cox galaxies,
whatever not the Milky Way galaxy and your Galaxy
And as we've learned to perfect this, you know,
I think those experiences where Christ in
Buddha Christiana went into the Wilderness and to
become these aligned beings and I think it's very possible that
would become bigger things after this. Maybe we become our own planets we
become stars and we become our own galaxies. Maybe
we eventually come around universes. But what starts with learning how to
do this how to you know, circle out all this energy that
we're constantly taken in and out of us simultaneously, you
know, that's the best I
can do to dumb it down and put it into words to explain but
there's something about this that seems incredibly powerful
to me and you know, we're sharing
so it's bounce in the
line in the dark the masculine and feminine complete balance
of these whole understandings the
universe that even in the yin, yang
the light gives birth the dark and the Darkness gives birth
to the light.
And so
This is what I think that we're looking for. This is
Jesus Christ in Mary Magdalene. And I
think Mary Magdalene was his wife and I think even the
name Mary is not just a name but a
title his mother's name was Mary and I think she's married not
just to Jesus but to herself her masculine
and feminine is married. He's Jesus the
Christ which I believe Jesus the Christ is the title as well
his name, you know, seems was Yeshua and and
that 40 day darkness when he becomes a different person. He became
Jesus Christ Buddha was his name wasn't Buddha. He
became the Buddha the Buddha, Christina or
Titles like doctors or something, but this is the greatest
title that we can obtain and I think this understanding of
this marrying this the slight in the dark together
within our own cells helps us find these Partners too that have
done the same thing.
And so when we do this become and
this is why this is the whole reason why talking about
this is so important to me like it's not about you know, where you
get from here, but just the fact that we do this so we integrate
We can become these Masters of the
Universe like Neo and Nia literally died.
That's what this whole thing is about resurrecting your ego.
So these people again in this
40 days Wilderness where they're dying their egos dying
to resurrect to become this new being this
massive universe who is massive light and
the dark.
And then no weapon formed against them shall prosper because there
there it
you're the mass of the universe. You could master all things. You know what I
mean? It's it's not just about moving blocks and stuff with your mind but
to be able to learn the ebb and flow of the
entire universe to become the complete Masters that
we were sent here to become and that every experience
is valid every
situation every circumstance that you've ever had. It's all
valid. It's all needed. Nothing to be mad about, you know,
the universe is literally panning everything out for
for us
so that we learn this stuff and if you need more
lessons, if you need more smashes on the head,
if you need more jolts on the universe, you're gonna get them because you need
them to crack up in that shell to break open that armor.
In order to be able to come Master Universe, you
have to face the darkest scariest things in your
life to become these powerful beings and
it is so important to get
there because all it takes is one of us. That's why they
do have to, you know, knock off one of us at a time
because one human being who reaches Enlightenment can potentially
change the world forever when Jesus one Buddha
one mom at one God one GM
John Lennon one Martin Luther
one Mary Magdalene
You know.
They are scared of that. There are some people that absolutely terrified
of us waking up to our Brilliance because they,
you know, they didn't and now they have to gather the
stuff for themselves. There's a little you know grasshoppers have to
do their own work.
The answer to woken up.
And this is our planet. This is our world to
take back. You know, I mean, thank you for the lessons when
I was when I was in Atlanta before I moved here.
I had a boss and I felt like I was taking advantage of I worked really hard and other
people got
things that I didn't and I had asked for something, you know, raise whatever
and I wanted my boss got all mad and you
know in that moment I realized like man.
I've been taking advantage of
How you how great because if I
didn't get taken advantage of by someone else? How would I figure out
my worth for myself?
That's so important like that experience made me
realize that the minute I realized that I've been taking advantage of
is also the same exact moment. I realized how much worth I must
have for someone to take advantage of me.
It's to your benefit. All of it is.
So I will hunt the whole
Squad. It's a level up. That's that's
the most important thing is not one of us. It's the
light everybody up. It's to get everybody empowered to
see you have your gifts and I have my gifts and
Paulo and Zeus and Jesus and Randy and
Jacob and all of us. It's gonna take all of us
coming together to do our rituals to do our ceremonies to
come together because there's a few people doing their rituals in their
ceremonies too Empower themselves, if we wanted this planet
to work for all of us and we've got to come together to do
it together to take it back and it is
imperative now and it's obviously there's no there's no doubt now
is the time it's the absolute best time most
crucial time and the evolution of this planet for
us to take it back and become the gods and goddesses
deep down. Each one of us is not questioning it
knowing it deep down in our in our souls.
I know anybody watching this right now and must be
calling to you.
we are the Rainbow Warriors we are.
the Rainbow Warriors your ancestors have spoke about
The wars of the rainbow which show the
people that the great spirit is full of love and understanding and
teach them how to make the Earth beautiful again, and we
need all these experiences the whole spectrum
of light and dark to be able to paint with a new brush to
create the world that we truly want to live in
that does work for all of us instead of just a few
of us. It's absolutely imperative. And that time is now the
time of The White Buffalo is now the time of the
Rainbow Warriors is now and every single person watching this
I believe is are those Rainbow Warriors and you're
watching this because something inside of
you those archetypes of the warrior the archetypes of the
light one of the Masters of the Universe it's calling to
It's time for you to do that. It's time for you to do your work. It's time
for you to give yourself in this world and this
What you have deep down inside you that special piece of
the puzzle that each of us have to be able to become.
These enlightened beings to be able to take back this plant
again into the Thousand Years of Peace the golden
the Golden Age, whatever you want
to call it. But every culture seems to point towards
a beautiful harmonious time that comes upon us and
not everybody gets in they'll come back and they'll reincarnate
on another planet's deep before till they get to graduate but
this is graduation. That's why this is so hard.
This is not Elementary School. It's not
Middle School. This is the master class. This
is a this is a planet for teaching
for the master class. So if you're here right now,
You're part of that masterclass every single one of you.
let's start doing it. Let's start doing that work. Let's start
the literally the Rainbow Warriors and this incredible tribe deep
down this that we all know that we are I want to
thank you guys all tonight for joining me going deep down the rabbit hole
with me listening to my incredible questions I have about who are
we really deep down inside? What is it
that we've been given? How can
we completely go deep down into our own souls to
find out who we really are to bring forth back the keys.
To the alignment that we're all seeking to be able to become the
powerful beings that we have been created to
Violent to be.
So I think you all tonight. I'm so incredibly grateful to have
a series like this to have subscribers and
Watchers and it's it's an incredibly
grateful time in my life to have something like this and I'm incredibly grateful
each and every single one of you the divine the
god inside of me recognizes to
God the Divine and each and every single one of you
know, incredibly thankful for all of you tonight.
People: Jacob Cox
Topics: Health & Healing, Inner Work, Metaphysics, Mystery School
I am a Sinner Saved by God’s Grace–I do believe that the Human Race is just One of a Billion Different Races as the Whole Universe is not Comprehensive to the Human Brain. For sure we are not the Only Intelligent Race in the Whole Cosmos–we would have to be Very Naive to believe that we humans are all that exist. God’s Word says that He created Earth and ALL the Other Heavenly Bodies and Named the Stars One-By-One, it would Take a Great Creator to do these things. I know that there are Spiritual Angels as I have Talked with one over 20 years ago on a Walmart Parking Lot in Conway, AR.. It was a Test by God that I Failed according to the Holy Spirit. I talked to this Angel in Human Form face to face and watched him walk about 30 yrds, from me and just Disappear instantly. Several of my Family Members that have Died have Communicated with me, not in Voice but other means. I had a friend that died just last year from Covid Complications, I went by his house several months ago after eating out in another town, as we drove by his house-I said Hello Keith-Hope you are doing Well, we were listening to Elvis Hour on FM radio–Instantly the Radio went to AM with no sound-I told wife what happened here–the Holy Spirit Told me that Keith said -I AM- doing Well. This is a True Story, I told his sister what happened and she was Moved and said at least I know that he is in Heaven and has a Spirit Body and can Communicate with friends…
Thanks 🙏
Some people, I fear, may initially think that they can be evil and it’s OK to stay that way because “we are both light and dark”.
However when we are urged (by soul development) to INTEGRATE that “darkness” (through facing it, understanding, overcoming, transmutation, etc.) “making into One”. Then the total aspect of being becomes light because nothing substantial is standing in the light, that is “not light”, so it no longer casts a shadow. Therefore the item that used to cast a shadow, becomes transparent (seen and understood and rendered impotent/irrelevant) as one becomes more and more full of light/harmonically tuned to the All.
So in 3D we are faced with this substantial part of our consciousness (darkness) but as more and more of our substance becomes integrated with our higher selves (4D, 5D, 6D) the less this substance holds us back/weighs us down. But we will ALWAYS be tested again and again to see whether that spook/ghost of our darkness will be revitalised by a slip up in our stance.
Stay strong, true and always reference your better conscience and make every effort to be in the better and stay in the better “place”. Like the gifted martial artist using the thrust of the evil intent to displace it around the true self to cause the evil to fail by its own fault (by applying Life’s learning of what is self and what is not-self), thereby displacing this misuse/misdirection of energy, and thus be karma free by “doing no evil” but rather skilfully and lovingly displacing its “punch/attack” circling around your true-self orbit and unaffected back to its poor choice source (perfect, indifferent, undistorted mirror). Walk away full of compassion and learn where that came from and why. That Yin Yang animation really spoke to me.
its tricky drawing yin and yang for the first few times
i have juggled light and dark for years ,drug addiction violence, but also done some good. like you say forgive your self’s we are light and dark beings . what goes up must come down
the very fact human lifespans were deliberately geneticly manipulated is proof re-incarnation is bs
Thank you
Thank you for watching