Ep4: Freedom from Attachments with Andrew

Ascension Workers
Ep4: Freedom from Attachments with Andrew
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Author mentioned by Andrew at 26:30 min: Paul Selig | Books & Audio Books
Next Episode: Ep5: Inner Work with Dr. Starr MacKinnon
Here. Hello guys. Welcome again to
Ascension workers.
I'm Mike Wisconsin and I am using this as an
opportunity to teach people and open people to other stories
of other teachers and light workers
and I want to open
it up now to my friend and brother from
another mother Andrew.
Um, thanks for joining Andrew.
Oh man, Mike. Thanks so much for having me. This is like such a
huge pleasure. I've been looking forward to this all week.
Yep, it's it's kind of Awesome every time we talk and it's it
It became more clear to me why it's so awesome. When
I saw your birthday recently realized
it's the same as my sister's birthday, which oh,
you know one third of the
the year away which represents like
the perfect trying and astrology. So the suns
are very well aligned and you have your Venus right there on your
sun too. It's pretty amazing. Love energy there. Oh, that's
awesome. Yeah that yeah.
So they're like a million things we could talk about.
and I feel like
I I thought maybe the most
appropriate interest interesting part to start the conversation with
would be the the nature
of what raw says about specific specific information
versus philosophy. So I'm gonna
read a quote.
This was session 26.
Question 36 in session 26. They
said we ask each group to consider
the relative effect of philosophy and your
so-called specific information.
It is not the specificity of information which attracts negative
influences. It is the importance placed upon the negative
the specific information. This is why we
iterate quite often when asked for specific information that it
pales to insignificance just as
the grass withers and dies or the love and the light
of the one infinite Creator or Downs to the very infinite Realms
of creation forever and ever creating and creating itself
and perpetuity.
Why then be concerned with the grass that blooms Withers and
dies in its season only to grow once again due to
the infinite love and light of the one creator.
This is the message. We bring each entity is only superficially that
which blooms and dies.
In the deeper sense, there is no end to being this.
I feel like I have a
lot of specific questions for you and there are a lot of interesting things.
I want to hear about and talk about but at the
same time I feel like I know everything always just especially
when we're talking it just goes off into the philosophical
territory and it just just basks in
the philosophy of the the Perfection of what
the perfect moment perfect present moment. We're experiencing actually is
I couldn't agree more and I was
thinking earlier this week and really today. I
think I named it this this Joy. Like
when I think of like the things that bring me joy, it's you know
diving into the things that we dive into the way
that we do this. It's just joyful,
Yeah, and how it's spins into
truth. I mean it's always
getting distilled down to the essence. So we start
with the specific we start with the pointers that are sort of,
you know, the in the physical that we're
used to seeing and then we look at the correspondences and
see what's going on here spiritually.
Yeah, so do you feel like you had a series of
Awakenings in your life that kind of made you look at life differently think
more in the spiritual lines. Was it primarily
one big Awakening experience or period I had
a had a misfire. I guess a
false start maybe probably 11
or 12 years ago.
Um, I had to you know, a few challenges coming up in life and
actually found a car
tools book Power of Now and I
got enough out of
that in a short amount of time that I went. Like wow, there's a
lot going on here and then everything else that was going on
settled down and then I settled right back in and then
after covid hit
that I'll change then I had a little bit more time on my hands and
realized at one point
actually watching the movie
The Secret I had somehow missed it for
the 12 years since it come out and it
wasn't that the principle of Law of Attraction itself was
something completely formed to me. But as a
matter of fact when I watched it, I had this realization, you
know kind of halfway through it that I had had
this Theory before when I was a teenager and
sort of made sense to me
this relationship between Consciousness and reality
That was it. So I just said okay, if this can be done, if
other people can figure it out, then I can figure it out too and I
started with nothing but the intellect really
and one of the first
things I learned early on was how limited
it really is and
That part wasn't you know, super tricky for me
because I've kind of lived most of my life with this feeling of the
more that I learned the more I realize how much
I don't know.
And the Cobble has talked about emptying your
and doing that as sort of
the cycle of progression and evolution and Consciousness throughout
life and in some ways, I feel like I've been
walking around with you know, an upside down cup and especially
as this path started so
Obviously detailed a little bit more what you mean by emptying the
Yeah, so the cycle of
learning they describe in this triangle and it
starts with knowledge and then
goes to understanding and then becomes wisdom.
And then comes the next opportunity for
Learning and growth. And so you go back
down but it progressively gets higher
and higher because every time you have a new foundation and so
you're you're evolving in Consciousness as
you do this, but you take knowledge in what you can sort
of intellectualize you apply it in experience
to turn it
into understanding and then you use the understanding
to apply to a number
of stages in life and
kind of probably archetypal Transitions
and Consciousness as you
go out, but every time that you go back down as I remind
a lot of my friends if you feel like just
fell on your face, you know, there's good
news. It's because you you just got up here and so
sometimes we run into a big Challenge and we go you know,
how is this so challenging right now? I thought I you know, I had
you know, all this figured out and
Like oh, okay, and it's actually a totally new lesson that
you actually get to learn in a very new way. And every time
you do this the challenge is get, you know,
easier and easier to to resolve. It's just like yeah
restarting in the the cycle of the
The major Arcana going back to the Matrix of the Mind
what they call the new mind.
That was the one example they gave that was pretty insightful
that they said basically just emptying everything just like you're saying
empty out your mind and let your will be pure and
single pointed and the whale single single
pointed can now pursue the next lesson. The
next thing that you felt was what your Transformations
were leading you up to.
And it's yet another opportunity for transformation.
Go figure but but it also is it
easier process as we as we step more and more
into the archetype of the great way. I believe the and become
the world, you know, the great way of the spirit is the world we're becoming one
with the process and it becomes more like it's the background
the flow. They were just that we're just ever present in this
state of growth.
A hundred percent that state
of flow always the instantly my
mind goes to this Detachment from time
that's outside of
this moment and to the extent that it's there from sort
of a strictly practical sense. It's there though.
It's evaporated to
a point that you know,
my frame of reference for things in the past are sort of
anecdotal at best. I guess. It's like, oh, yeah, this thing
happened to that thing happened, but there isn't sort of a relatability and
identity. You know, it was like, oh yeah, that was a thing
and then likewise in the future. You don't know what's
coming and and actually the notion of
controlling it in and of itself is is a
form of resistance actually and I've been kind of
talking with people about that a few times recently that
oftentimes we think of resistance as
you know, pushing against something that's sort of coming at us,
I think that it's the same thing really with
seeking to control because you're always resisting, you
know something if if you're you know,
if you end up controlling things so losing, you
know, most of the attachment there
to just this moment is but I think brings all
that, you know front and center.
And I was thinking a bit about the analogy of
training wheels, you know training wheels
can even limit the the rider and once
the the training period which has been our lives
that we've lived up to now once we once we
fully feel free and feel fully in
the flow state that there's no danger in
this Freedom that we've experienced now, we now we
lose the training wheels that we no longer need the same catalysts same boundaries
on our life parameters that we had initially, although
I don't know if we ever fully Escape these in Colorado
record apparently had these health issues that were a
catalyst for her to need more to open up more to
assistance from Jim McCarty and Jim McCarty would
say that he was very blessed by this need that
he had to continuously serve Carla through her
health distortions. So that's one example of something that's a pre-incarnative
decision, but I think most of the biases most
of the
Things that we're trying to control in our life are not something
that we plan to always have to control their things that were were being
asked to let let go of right now.
it's just a matter of continuously letting go
and finding them the perfect lesson.
Yeah, and and letting go of attachment which
is a very broad word.
And in fact, I think I like to use words. Sometimes
I'll say it's attachment small a you know,
like I just mean, you know, just in the general assignment of
meaning to all things in our perception there
is attachment to all things and what
we invest meaning in is what
defines our experience and
so it's not so much moving toward,
you know unattachment I
suppose. I think it's more the realization
that everything that becomes unattached from
becomes easier and now flows
better. And so it's not so much striving poor
to thing. It's more having an
opportunity having every opportunity to comes up
before you to say. Oh, you know what meaning
am I assigning here and and get
that perspective and
it's something that you want to be attached to or not. Yep discipline seems
like an appropriate concept for what what the
path is the path of holding your attention on on questioning
the false assumptions the distortions
of the experience that are not yet.
ironed out
Oh sure. So maybe I
could dig into some of these.
Well, if we could start with the present moment going back
one day. So so you're working at a
company and you're helping people at that company.
I am I my title is
people person.
And my job is supporting all the people that
comprise this company.
and it's a technology company and do it
and but that's sort of a
it's a bonus. It's a bonus because
all the people that that do work here. Enjoy working in
But yeah, my job is to build
this company to be a company that works
for people. I'm just as much if not
more so than the people work for the
Yeah, that's beautiful. So do you feel like you're getting better
at this particular task of benefiting people and various
ways. Are you fighting are you are
collecting resources that are useful tools in this
Um, yeah and going back to our previous point the
importance of non-attachment. So for
example, I designed a self
Mastery course brought in some coaches from you
know, independent coaches who run it
there's a kind of a main coach a health and wellness coach a financial coach
and this is all free the
employee that can do it during their work hours and you
know about half give or take maybe just over
half people participate in
and have you know, really great things to say in a really enjoying
it and the others don't and that's also
totally great. So, um, yeah, I'm
finding success in in the
message and in the finding resonance,
I think from the people who are in I don't
have direct contact with most of them because I'm well, I mean obviously outside
of the program these are all my employees but you know
within it that's you know, that's all confidential
between people and the coaches but what I'm
from everyone is a lot of positive feedback.
And are these coaches that you've just found through searching or
discovered over time has that has there been
a lot of synchronicity in your Discovery process?
Yeah, I would say going with the flow. My partner
Victoria beckworth is the
one who found the first coach
our name Stephanie. She actually lives in Spain and
you know now has this, you
know big pod of people to
work with on their personal professional development and
I write a sort
of a curriculum of sorts which
is based around our company's core values
and each of those values has a number
of modules. So there's 12 modules and it's designed to basically go
over the course of a year and I'm kind of writing it as we're
going so, you know every month they kind
of go crank out, you know, here's this principle you're sort
of how it works and you can apply it in life
and then some exercises and they go
through those with that with the coaches.
Do you feel like
You have many more things to do on these paths.
Do you feel like you would want to make this something that other companies can take
as a template it certainly
occurred to me and
Given that I don't think Super far in
advance and don't have a lot of you know
real specific Ambitions. There's some
things on the business side that we're doing that we do have some very
concrete goals, but the you know,
we'll take us through the next couple years or so and you know, so it's
pretty straightforward and on the other side it
has occurred to me that this could be something that other people might
find resonant as well. It's just
to me it makes a lot of sense because we're
in a especially because we're in an industry that that has
a very not large talent pool.
There's you know, we're always hurting for hiring
really good people. And so this just
makes good business sense. Also, you know to be, you know
a great place to work so that you don't have so much turnover, but
I really do feel that this approach
to doing business is the
way that and I don't since I
don't like using should it's the
that I believe it will be done one day
and it has been done before that. I'm organized
occupation is a
just a productive thing to do and society and
everybody benefits from it and you know,
not some people by squeezing other
people and unfortunately, that's a lot of people's approach
to businesses squeezing as much as they
as they can out people.
It does seem like there's almost like a missing.
feminine role in the
in the corporate structure. It's like
that it's like there should be like a person
who's able to lend money for purposes that
that has the feminine energy, you know, whereas the
the masculine energy seems to be seeking the
the prophet and the control and in
a way that has almost like you have to be very competitive and
maintaining that but I
guess I'm trying to go in the direction that
it feels like we all have roles and it feels like you know,
some people are very happy feeling specific roles in
companies and
I guess at sometimes people can become too comfortable in
their roles. And that's why Karma comes in place. I suppose to get
people a little bit whether it's the work or it's
their personal life something comes up and people seem to
have have the
the lessons that push their boundaries of their boxes, but nevertheless
to be actually be useful service to one another we have
to have roles. We have to have some sense of associations with
specific jobs. And you
know, I tried to break away from
Working for people, you know
going back.
Quite some time, but then that kind of meant I was
free to do smaller freelance projects
and that still
felt like it wasn't necessarily fully my calling as much
as you know pursuing the spiritual.
Content that I'm pursuing now.
So I don't really know what my role is. Actually. I
just know that I'm good at programming now. So I like I
like the opportunity to program but I also feel like I need more people
like yourself. I need more people to catalyze me to see
where has it my role been found yet. Where has
my role not yet been activated to pursue and
I feel like that's why these oh, you know having meetup groups
is like the perfect way to kind of like Get find
a different residence system. That is not the corporate
world. It's not government. It's not the medical
system. It's it's just people who are starting to
wake up starting to try to figure out what it is. We can be doing together.
Yeah, it's it's not a dynamic where there's somebody
trying to get something out of somebody else.
This is in all those cases that you mentioned people
coming together to benefit
each other.
And yeah, that's absolutely the
Paradigm that we're moving
would you like to talk about I mean, you're free to you're free to choose
what you want to say. And even if you want to say the
name of your company, you're free, you're free and all the disclosures you
would like but
So you seem to have found a lot of interesting people also in
Colorado as we as we work more on different ideas. It
seems that you mentioned there's an
app called one Boulder. I think that was neat one
that you found.
If anyone's on the Denver Boulder area, you should look up the is that
called one bowler on the App Stores? Yeah, it is called
one Boulder and it's yeah centered right around Boulder and the areas
around it.
Now they have a wealth of
local events and things going on
people are posting things basically every day of the week. And yeah,
I was up there at a function a little over a
year ago and somebody had mentioned it and I I wonder what's
on there and and they just have just this amazing array of
things just all kinds of works and
Consciousness and you know dance and it's yeah
a lot of stuff going on up there
in Boulder. Oh, and yes, oh definitely
say the name of my company's rain Tech, but it's
it's the thing that I do, you know, and
to to close the
kind of loop on that last bit.
I would say that
While we're growing and doing more than
we've ever done before.
and on the verge of doing a lot more I'm
I'm as less stress than I've
ever been, you know at all these stages of when we
were much smaller. So I think that's certainly a
testament to you know, finding a lot more.
balance and equanimity
um anyway, so do you feel like your business was
A graduate education in some kind of metaphysics. Did
you learn the principles and giving and taking and receiving
in from employees receiving from clients to
maintain the balanced Harmony between all the
different players is something that go ahead for
sure. I mean, you know with not really in an
instruction on how to do it, you know just figuring out as as we
went really but you know, we grew you
know, when one employee at a time and the customer here
the customer there and then new Industries new lines of business.
So, yeah, and and it's just really a lot of hard work. That's what
I always tell people. It's making sausage and it
We got a lot of really good people who are really
to do a lot of really good work. And then you
have a lot of really happy customers.
And maybe not to get too far off subject. But
do you feel like it's evolving at a faster
right now with things like chat GPT.
Oh, man. Yes. Now the we've
got paid accounts for
multiple people in the company. Yeah, they're
finding all kinds of really good uses for.
yeah, I I certainly enjoy watching things
evolve and it feels like
you know things things could get really interesting with the AI
systems, but I found that you know, they are just sort
of like Reflections of My Own
energy because they're they they still
they're requesting input from the user and then you get
like an immediate reaction which is like not a
single person but like a mixture of
people it's like you can you can kind of get a
better mirror in some ways.
To what energy you're putting into this this AI then you
would from a person because it just will immediately give you
if you ask for an image some of these will just give you an image.
and that's getting possibly creepy with the ghost
like images that's putting out but
I guess I'm trying to say that technology is kind of like a
it's like a fantasy mirror of of the reality that we're
trying to create and it's not necessarily a very balanced one completely.
But but hopefully we can shift the
focus more in the direction of using technology
as a way to sort of augment the
spiritual lifestyle that we're that we're
seeking one which is able to seek in word more often
than being distracted outwardly and
you know, maybe the technology is designed to
give us Leisure Time to do the inner
That makes sense. As far as I'm concerned. That's the only benefit in
the long term of technology or certainly
the biggest one that we have yet to really fully
realize we've realized all kinds of ways to use it
you know extract money from people and
You know invade their privacy and commit cybercrime
and I mean just you know, it's endless but ultimately that's
the real benefit of Technology because
what else do you need but you know
food and shelter and really need a lot
of things but technology can Bridge a
gap and be extremely beneficial in spreading information
and lots of really cool applications
for it. As far as the AI goes. I have
a hard time.
and I'm not a data scientist so I can only
kind of ponder on algorithmic construction
and you know how that
All that stuff works, but right now
I still see it as an expression of you
know, our Collective consciousness.
it seems like it's getting awfully close.
I've seen some videos and some you know
clips that it did seem like it
could be going in some less productive directions
particularly with what it's doing with Warfare 2.
Like guided weapon systems and things like
that. That's I think going in the
complete opposite direction, obviously, then where we need
to go. But if it's doing things like performing medical
procedures and keeping people healthy and
giving them more time to explore what it
means to be a human being in Consciousness, then
that's obviously where technology
And take us if we choose it. Yep. So,
is there any anything you would like to talk
about with any schools of thought he would
talk about the Kabbalah a little bit. What what
is what shapes the way that you think?
On a day-to-day basis what kind of philosophies or
what is the backdrop that has most influenced your thinking?
I would have to say the the
foundation of it is really Paul
selig's work. He's written
10 books now and read.
most of them three times and
that was the the foundation it it's a very
granular level of Truth at a very consistent vibration
and one that
you first approach, you know, or certainly I
certain approach coming, you know
up at an angle and that's really how they teach you is that Ascension is
and which they don't call they don't
like to call it Ascension, but the act
of of elevating and Consciousness is
accomplished through alignment and agreement. So it's
not, you know flipping his switch. It's aligning to
particular quality or state of being
and agreeing to it and permitting the self
to to have that and to embody an exemplify
that particular quality and it's by
bringing that alignment in agreement
into our awareness that we gradually attain that
Yep, that definitely is kind of the way I think about the energy
systems the energy center systems. The chakra systems is the
alignment and agreement with specific energies and the
more consistently we agree with a particular energy the more
those energy start to crystallize and form
like a structure of our subconscious mind that is more
easy to stand upon like like a foundation I
think for further considerations, so they
call the
The opening the heart is being the springboard to infinite
intelligence. And that's like the the alignment of the heart
and then the agreement that we they were operating from
the heart of the agreement that we're wanting to give in to
the basically the love that that is wanting
to express itself.
Yeah, surrendering really?
And that's the choice that we're making.
In every moment.
always making
that same Choice whether we're
surrendering to what wants to come through or resisting
yeah, that state of allowance is what's moving us forward
in a much more beautiful way than when we're
resistant to everything that's present.
Absolutely. So Paul say like he is someone who
Do you know his his story much? Did he just start channeling when he was younger? He
was a psychic and a
little bit of a hands on healer back in the 80s and through
a number
of improvements really that he made in his
health that his guides were were recommending that
he do they eventually came to him and said, okay, we're
gonna Channel a book and you need to write this down
and that was in like 2008 or
2009 when he wrote I Am the word
And so I didn't find these books again until like 2020
and and I actually started very synchronically on
book 4 believe it or not and reading
that book in exactly that order had a
synchronicity in it on a very
specific day.
That changed the course of my life and
and really concrete ways.
And so that was pretty powerful because I happened to
start on the fourth book because I read a different
book that mentioned all Selleck in
a chapter of it and said, he's writing a
book now. It's the first in a Trilogy and this one's
called The Book of Mastery and I was like, I was starving for
a teacher. I mean at that point, like I said, I just decided Well,
okay. I can go figure this out. And I was like, well, where do
I go? And you know, I listened to a lot of Deepak Chopra
kind of podcasts and read some of
his material and and I definitely knew like he
gets it, you know for sure, but the
the translation wasn't necessarily there immediately and
then eventually to do a medicine journey
and went in
with this intention to expand
my Consciousness and and
increase the level at
which I could
Sort of assimilate or understand this information
that I was hearing, but not quite
connecting with.
And so that helped and that's kind of what it
did. It wasn't like that was some sort of like big Grand
moment in and of itself, but it did
expand the outer bounds of my Consciousness enough
to start fitting more of this information. And
so that I could start to synthesize it
into you know, kind of a scaffolding as I
sometimes say to
Try to you know get up to understanding this stuff before
I finally find the
trust that you were talking about before which is
always a process and obviously something that I still have
to do in every moment. But when you look back like that
cruise ship that doesn't turn on a dime, you know, same thing
alignment and agreement and eventually it
gets there and it can look back and it can say okay I
was over here before.
But that trust
changes your whole
way of being changes your experience in life.
Yeah, it does seem like there's something going on
in our minds. That is the subconscious scaffolding that
is sometimes very very hard to to even
Explore and investigate and understand
and I assume that's related to you know,
self-knowledge understanding our own biases
and distortions before we can begin to
balance them and then find the new
biases that that serve our mission of
Higher truth and intuitive awareness of
Truth. It seems to come differently for
different people but it seems like this some of
these books. I know a lot of people feel like we don't need books. That books are
just another external.
thing that can distract us, but I also think that
I was able to use books like the rock contact
to finally look within in a way
that was.
More questioning than it had been before and I'm
breaking down some of the assumptions biases that
I had that were contradictory that were not necessarily what
I felt in alignment with and then opening up
to intuition.
More clearly more cleanly so that
I have more of a voice that is literally it's
like there's a voice in my head that is pulling up things that
I have remembered from the different books. You know, it's like
I have I have some some
Ways that I intuitively perceive things that are
based on even Biblical scriptures, but much of
it now is the raw context some of its course Miracles and some
of it may be even agricasey, but I haven't
dug into Paul Selleck's books yet. And I
I feel like it's a it's a big it's a
Set of information and I
I I'm a little curious to know a little bit more if you want to share anything about.
um the overall teachings
Sure what he gets into I'd say it's
I probably describe it as more of a process. And in
fact, it's fascinating that you bring this
up in the context of these other books. And first, I definitely want to acknowledge that
why while Paul's work.
Came my Foundation.
Um, I continued to build that scaffolding out of you know,
the amazing things like the rock contact and
the Course in Miracles. So similarly on
those two friends for me, but going
back to Paul's work. I I
approached his manager with this idea actually once
in Costa Rica and he seemed you know positive to it,
but I wanted to do something similar to the law of one and
I've mentioned this to you before but similar to the love one dot
info the site that that what was
his name again Wheelock. Probably we lock. Yeah, so I
want to do something similar to there because Paul's work.
It's 10 books and there's there's no way to search
it. There's it doesn't exist digitally and so I've
I've kind of worked on a few projects of
my own to try to digitize the information try to
get a searchable. I've actually had somebody prototype
searching it using the chat
GPT API. So I have an upworker doing
that not with that book but with PDFs generally so
it had a lot of back and forth and you know can talk
to you about that offline some time, but it's not
a very expensive job to you know the to be
clear but the idea is you can drag a PDF and then you
can ask it questions. And so but that
doesn't really exist and the books themselves act
as much of a process. And so while sometimes
you want to go back and you want to find the way that they worded something
and I say they by the way for anyone watching these
are Paul Celtics guides. They sometimes if
press will say that you can call them milk. He's
a dick but they seem to be kind of a Loosely, you know
connected Collective, obviously.
So anyway, the the books
are designed in a way to sort of you know
move you along and they do
that with a ton of visualizations their use of metaphor and
and an analogy is is beautiful.
I mean, it's the the way
that they will give you these examples
of just constantly just sort of energetically, you
know, it's it's like they're explaining some spiritual concept
and then they'll say imagine you, you know,
blah blah blah blah and then you're like, oh and you get it
and you get the energetic frequency of what that
concept is that they're relating to you. So I
found that you know, obviously extremely helpful
when I was first grasping
on to try to understand, you know,
the things that are infinite which
is the truth and to build
a scaffolding to get to the truth is great
and then eventually you have
Step into it and allow it to
become you because the truth.
Seeks to be known in manifestation.
we could go into the subject of identity and
you know we
That I don't even know how anyone can even begin to
claim to know identity because it seems
like it's like the central illusion and it's the central Truth
at the same time.
as we move from Identity in the
ego is a still a poor word. I think
for what we are attached to with identity, but
we were moving from this
distraction of identity to Identity and
something that is
infinite in nature and Beyond the seemingly finite form
that we experience.
Any thoughts on that?
Well, that's exactly what we're doing. And I would say that that's that's
the path of Ascension that's in in probably
all wisdom Traditions is releasing attachment
to Identity expectations outcomes. I
will be seen as this I will you know accomplish that
you know, all of those things are all identity all
things born in separation born in
a reality that is necessarily separated and
isolated from other aspects of itself, and
it's Creator and so everything that
reinforces that experience claims.
A Consciousness in greater and greater
separation or gives it the experience of
being separate from its source and
everything else.
it's almost like every
particle of Consciousness or every
vibration has like
a dual nature where there's the
it's like it has its own lens of perception back
to the Creator. That's just not the chosen lens of
and maybe
maybe this is beyond words what we're trying to talk about but it seems like
there is a truth that psychedelics certainly seem
to help people discover, which is
to step out of your identity is is a
very natural thing and to to move into a more
expanded awareness expanded Consciousness. That is not whatever we
thought our identity was, but it's an expanded
state. It seems to be something that's built into the fabric of reality, you
know far more fundamental than than manifestation.
100% And obviously for the
uninitiated there's a
lot of
there's a lot obviously wrapped up into it. If you
haven't had the experience and depending on what kind of experience or
experiences you have had but to
your point a completely agree that when
you know, the the dust settles from
the the initial, you know,
kind of onset of the experience.
You become what feels like a
much more natural state of being and so you're you're communication
your dialogue and everything just like you said is just
broadened and there's there isn't
the identity. As you said
that is normally wrapped up in everything that we're talking
through which is all of these masks. And so when we
start talking about archetypal energies and
That brings our awareness and Consciousness up to
and toward I should say in a line to that level
of Consciousness and that level of unification.
And when we are contemplating things that are
unified we're bringing the vibration of unification
into our Consciousness and so
by simply focusing on it
and wanting to understand it and putting energy into the concept
of unified Consciousness. We are
ourselves becoming more unified
with Consciousness in our
own experience.
We could probably dive into the archetypal idea a little
bit more.
Archetypes being of course like options for
identity, which are less distorted is the
way I see it but raw also in material refers to it as the deeper.
Portions of mind that are informing the
branches of expression that
appear through the solar system and the planets
and the people everything is like an outward extension of the
original archetypal.
Thoughts of the 100 Creator that's expressing themselves
through these thoughts being expressed through the logos what
they call the logos to mind of the Galaxy, but I'm curious and
you're study of the Kabbalah which I believe you're you're taking
classes on that still did they
talk about archetypes and those her do they?
Use that word well, um,
yes because there's or in a way they don't
necessarily call them or
the the center of the study or the
curriculum being centered around archetypes. And
so instead there might be archangelic correspondences for
example, and so there's you know,
probably 30 or so that we actually learned about each of
the Sephora in the tree. And so those
correspondences are there to to show
you this fractalized how picturing of this
similar energy or light
and how it manifests in physical
reality. So they're there
is that so and I
would translate that as far as I'm concerned to
archetypal energy.
And what's happening though in the tree is that the light from Heather is
coming down and hope Ma and then what it been
on and so this is the the transmission the transportation
of the light through the each of the saffron.
So this is why the Tree of Life
does become useful as
a way of visualizing the blueprint
of the universe and seeing how this
fractal actually recreates itself and understanding
the energies the
energetic patterns that correspond to the design of this specific
universe. And so every universe
is programmed if you will in with these archetypal
energies and forces that then
get to go in and act as as you say almost
the local way the Halloween Creator gods
and you know, obviously the nomenclature across the
wisdom traditions and biblical decks
and all of that is is tricky at best. So I
try to be careful when I'm overlapping or
I might be using a term that I'm like, well no matter how
percent sure if that's necessarily the same thing, but we're
talking about, you know, granular layers of Consciousness
well above us and it's like well, how are they grouped
up and you know how to shaved as it sort of and just
know they're kind of up there.
but do you feel that there's a way to bring it into your
own experience where you're now seeing in terms of the
The different sephirot. Do you see that?
Yes, I'm so glad that you asked me that
and I was just telling a friend this morning because last night
it occurred to me and I took this note about I've been
I've had this sort of Mantra in a way called follow
the energy and it's from a book written by
Sarah Landon called the wisdom of the council. Anyway,
there's this concept of following the energy which to me is also
this this non-resistance and and
so it occurred to me last night. I'm like,
well, what about following my energy? I only very
recently been introduced to
lunar energies in a way and we went
to a Full Moon ceremony last weekend and it was really cool. But starting
to see sort of the archetypal energy and
correspondences that align with
that and reflecting on how that's been perhaps
influencing me this week as we've had
the full moon and it occurred to me last night that
I would like to be able to make
sure I'm following my energy which means that if
A if I'm in a particular type of mode, I
don't want to go against that and so
then this reminded me of this book
I read that was about yin and yang and I don't remember the
name of it, but it was that was my first introduction to
those energies and
there's tons of really great examples of how this works and everyday life
and all the time and so that actually occurred
to me in archetype reform and of course the positive
and negative or the masculine and
feminine are represented at the top of
the tree of life or the second layer down. Underneath Katara is
Hopland Bina, and those are the correspondences to
your Yin and you're young and so that occurred to
me as like well at the very least, however, I
am wherever I'm at and Consciousness if I
can ask myself am I feeling in or my
feeling young and my feeling, you know affirmative and
activated and positive and you know wanting to
affect change and
And and put out energy or am I receptive and
observant and thoughtful and you know
creating space that way so that
became like this top level question like,
okay well, which is a you know, where are you at? You know it between these
two Sephora between and young and then down below
that at this effort. You've got mercy and
Justice more or less and and again,
there's lots of correspondences. This is the
pillar Force. This is a pillar reform. But anyway,
you've got has said and Deborah and so these are
mercy and Justice or kind
of love and severity and so
you can ask yourself where or myself what
am I? What am
I feeling that I'm exuding I suppose right now and my
my needing to either control
or to shape or to to satisfy
and expectation of myself or somebody else or
whatever or am.
Really in this open and abundant and generous, you know
kind of free-flowing way and the cobbler's
tradition teaches us that our path
to Ascension is of the middle pillar, of course, so
these these Dynamics they
Sephora are creating polarity as we as we
go through them and so to answer your your question that
only very recently I've actually realized that
I can see this layers of Consciousness. Now that
we've got this being in young masculine and
feminine very archetypal at the top and we've got these
higher States Of Consciousness that
are driven by value and the the
qualitative and you know,
again mercy and Justice and then you go down below them
and you've got net sock
and hope and that's on is
feelings and emotions and how it is thinking
and so at this next layer I can
say, okay.
I am I feeling worked up am I feeling
emotive about something that's going on. So automatically if
I'm feeling frustrated or you know angry or whatever. It's like
well that's a big, you know red flag that I'm I'm you know,
too heavy over here and on the other hand if
I'm sitting here finding myself just you know, really, you know,
thinking over intellectualizing. I may
not be finding purpose and what it is that I'm that I'm
thinking about if I'm if I'm not finding some Joy or you know,
some kind of emotional response to it.
So yeah, so I think that answers
your question. I did just
recently and put all that together in more concrete
terms than I have in the last year that I've been studying.
And do you think this is also connected to
Raw said is the goal of the archetypal study, which
is to learn to become become each archetype as needed
become that archetype in the in
the moment.
I don't know and so there's a
reason why first of all the Kabbalah class that I'm in through the
modern mystery school at least
right now in the current goal program, which I've I've
sort of been told is being changed and
upgraded and attitude. But anyway in this current phase
there is none of
what is called in other kabbalists circles.
password so the paths themselves between the
Sephora they call a path work because this is
These are the 22 archetypes that
map over to the Arcana
and the astrological signs and
I see so so we are
learning about the Sephora themselves, which is also
I think very important and I think that they're going to be bringing around
in advance class for people who have done the first one
enough times, but to understand the the essential energies
themselves, I think is a
good foundation to then understand. How do these play together between
all of these now the the concept
that Rob puts out to to
get back to your question. I liked how specific it was
about you could go to any one of these that
you might need and so I found that interesting is
I guess that all of them are useful I guess is that implicit
in what they're saying? Is that every single one of these, you know
kind of relationships if you are centered, you know
there with your awareness or Consciousness. Is it is there
a useful path, you know between all the saffron
or not?
Yeah, that's a it's very interesting. I
I think that the
words fail us when we're talking about these.
these aspects of ourselves which are
something that we can only find within us, I think when we're
well, let me actually read the
but the passage here.
and by the way, when I when I
say that when I say whether or not they're useful I am
tying that back to apparently or
this is what I'm realizing the middle pillar and
You know that path as marked by the choice to be
in balance on all these as opposed to, you know,
being able to move into the energy of one
of those but I suppose there could be any number of circumstances where
it may be beneficial perhaps to
to bring that balanced energy to a
collective or to a conversation or to you know
a room or something like that. And so it could be that there's
some sort of
Um archetypal energy in the middle in the middle pillar, which is
a combination of what on the major Arcana cards
might be the left and the right hand side of that one card when
they're seen together. That's the middle pillar.
If that makes sense.
it does and I would also say that the
the monad the Divine self that
comes down through through Qatar is the
light that that refracts through all
of the the Sephora and so I attach when
we go back to Identity, you
know, the monad has to
the core of that Christ Consciousness fully unified obviously infinite
Consciousness. And so
That to me comes down the center and
right through tiferat, which is
a higher state of consciousness. Then you said which is right below
it and that's where we're all targeting
on the middle pillar and it's
important to
to not go to the extremes because then you're
not as easily able to ascend.
Let me read this passage here.
See if this can make any connections for us. So don.
Elkins asked you stated
that raw used the tarot to develop the magical personality, which they
also referred to as becoming the higher self.
Was this done by the system of learning to become in mind the
essence of each archetype and in this way developed the
magical personality and Ross said, this is incorrect.
The clothing's oneself with the archetype as an
advanced practice of the Adept which has long studied this
archetypical system.
The concept complexes which together are intended to represent the
architecture of a significant and Rich portion of
the Mind.
Are intended to be studied as individual concept complexes.
So this is clearly not the exact same thing in the Taro as
it is in the Sorting the
sephirot if they're seen is together, but these are seen in
the major Arcana as Matrix potentiator and
viewing Etc in viewing mind-body Spirit
And in pairs. Oh, so he's the two different methods of
studying the major Arcana that they offered the Matrix of mine
Matrix of body. Matrix of spirit is one example where they're
saying to look at the connections between these three
So it was the connections between
mind-binding spirit is number one and number two is in
pairs with some concentration upon the polarity as a
male and the female.
I also interesting.
So so when you look at the for example The
Matrix of the mind is masculine. It's the Magician potentiator
of minus feminine. It's like the unconscious mind.
So they're saying to look at these two and they give different sets
of pairs the first two were a pair. So these have male masculine
feminine aspects to them which then are
probably like the unit and the Egg actually exactly. That's exactly
what they are Hulk ma is the masculine
and Bina is feminine.
And they said if these are studied there comes the moment when
the deepthreadities and joyful ditties.
And this means the poems or songs of lamentation as
a Serenity and a joyful did he is a short simple song. So they're
having to use unusual language to
try to communicate something. That is you can't really put words
on and they have to refer to song forms
of song.
If these are studied there comes the moment when the deep trinities and
joyful didies of the Deep Mind can successfully be brought forward
to intensify articulate and heighten
some aspect of the magical personality.
That's vibration. I mean that's what I say right there.
And and I'm glad that you said that that you
said, you know, this is pretty much ineffable what they're saying, but it
does make sense that that they're going to
use words that we associate obviously with
song and music and sound when they're
trying to convey a point of a vibration
and I think that's what this is and to embody
that level of vibration and Consciousness is
to to become the higher self.
And so that's
that's it right there. You're bringing it down into manifestation and
then it becomes you.
Do you feel like have a good relationship with your higher self?
That's a really great question and to
write about that actually in a Kabbalah class last night and
I was a little bit at a loss.
I feel like it has to be.
Closer than I possibly realized.
it's so
present like I don't feel like it's
That it's far away like relationship to me
is almost you know more.
more describing something that is further away in a
way and
I don't know when it happened or if that changed
at one specific point or not, but
I certainly don't feel like it's
far away and that a lot
of the times it's quite present as well. Do you
feel like there are moments when you are.
um forced to sort of take a breather and then step back
and step back into the
presence of the one Creator or something like that.
it's been something that I've brought into meditation recently.
and especially or specifically in
perception in a way and that I was dealing with
sort of what it was the face of God and that's
everything in your perception as far
as you're concerned and
Yeah, so it's everything that you can perceive and
so in meditation.
playing with that a little bit with the energy of
everything that I see being this
fundamental Source energy just add
a different vibration and that in and of
itself, you know goes back, you know a couple years now from Paul sellers
books originally, but this was more it was
a little bit different because it wasn't just
source as
substance, but source as form
Source in wholeness. So when the
Course in Miracles talks about this chair doesn't mean
anything and this couch doesn't mean anything that I don't give it
to I can drift into moments where
I'm not
consciously aware of any of the individual objects
that I'm seeing though. They're all
there but it's more like a salt which
I'm not even 100% sure that that's the right
word. I was told it was by a psychologist and
I Googled it the other day and couldn't find it. But
this being this this totality of
impression of what it
is that within your perception. And so
that was like being in
a snow globe and God looking
down through, you know, the glass and the
glass for fracking the light.
To go all the way around the entire snow globe. So like
I'm just in the middle of the giant
eyeball. That is God watching me
This and as I'm watching it.
Trying to figure out what it's doing all
the time.
you know the raw did use the word distilled once
In reference to archetypes, really.
no way, so
I think they start here. Yeah, the archetypical mind is
a great and fundamental portion of the Mind complex.
One of its most basic elements and one of the richest sources of
For the seeker of the one event Creator. This is the archetypical mind
is one of the richest sources of information for the Seeker.
To attempt to condense the archetypes is to make an erroneous attempt. HR
archetype is a significant being on
Zeke which I guess is a German philosophy term, which I
think is probably also connected to the Gestalt.
Or thing in itself. That's what it means thing in itself.
with its own concept complex of Concepts
Well, it is informative to survey the relationships of
one archetype to another it can be said that this line of inquiry
is secondary to discovery of the purest Gestalt or
Vision or Melody.
Which each archetype signifies to both intellectual and
intuitive mind?
So I read that as saying yes going after the
archetypical energies within the Sephora
is is a great
way to go about it. Yeah, what
they said path work versus, you know, focusing on on
this Ephraim perhaps understanding the
relationships is more practical than
what I'm giving it, you know
credit for it could be that if you find yourself out of balance
you find yourself way over and hold energy or you
know way too much up and headset or whatever and you need to
to find a greater balance and understanding the
really relationships between each of
the Sephora will tell you, you know, what sort
of thoughts and what sort of attention you need
to bring into your awareness to reorient yourself back to
the middle pillar, right? It does seem like it's a
it's like we're always presented with lessons that are
that we're ready for and that it seems like we have
the tools to solve these lessons, but it's still like
It's like some kind of video game that we just have the have the puzzle of piecing
together. What what aspect of those
relationships we hadn't yet pieced pieced into
our mind yet. And how are we deviating from the logos
through our experiences and our choices. How are
we deviating from the pure lesser distorted more
Pure Melody pure Vision pure Gestalt
of the expression that was chosen to be the most
purified by they want to find crater.
Yeah, I think it's using the emotional body
that lives their in that
lower Triad in the
tree using that emotional guidance system to let
you know when you're moving more toward the light
frankly and when you're moving further away from it.
And if we start to look at that in more
concrete terms and realize that.
That sometimes our negative so-called
negative experience seems to
be causing a negative emotional reaction within
That's to put the cause and the
power for your experience outside
of yourself, but to
realize that you assign the meaning to that thing
and that only you assign that meaning is
to release your own need to have
an emotional attachment.
To it. So I think that that we have the
tools built into our our Consciousness to
guide us back to
where our true self
is. I think
there's a court and A Course in Miracles that says something like
The most holy place on the planet is the
place where?
An ancient hatred has become a present love.
Hmm, and so it feels like this is just a process of transmuting.
Transmuting everything that that is less than
we would desire.
Yeah by looking at our attachment
to it accepting the value that we're assigning to
it and that by the way is the most empowering thing
and that's the thing that
I would like most people to realize
above all else is that this sense of empowerment in
your life is it feels
just as good as you think it would when you
realize that you have and are the one
who creates your reaction to everything that you experience and
so you can just decide like oh this and I
had a meeting this this last week and something came up at work
and it was potentially kind of a you know, whatever actually
it wasn't I can't even characterize what it
was potentially because what I went to my leadership team with and
said was I guess this is as much
of a problem as anyone wants to make it and it's you know
from where I'm saying I actually don't have a
need to make a problem out of this but I'm here part
of this team
and to support what you guys also want
to weigh into decide to do here and kind of one by
one even the people that were a little bit kind of worked up about or
just like well, I mean, I guess
Yeah, I guess that we know really have to and it's like well, you
know, you can if you want to you know, it's like think of
what the what the ramifications or the benefit is and you know,
make an informed decision and not one that's just out
of this kind of response mechanism. That's huge.
I mean, I'll take that every day
of the week to be able to have something come up and go. Yeah. Okay.
I don't know that it's really that big a deal
and okay cool. And we just we just move on it's
certainly seems like it's the solution to a lot
of technical problems is to not see it as
a problem anymore. It's not about it. But
it also does seem like it's it's
a miraculous thing too the way even the
technical glitches seem almost mysteriously aligned with
my state of consciousness, you know, like even the glitches
that I didn't cause other people are causing these glitches the API
of a different service breaks on the day when I'm most
stressed about needing that service to work just perfectly and so
it's like there's some miracle that I'm doing by
worrying. I'm creating an alternate reality where this programmer
at this other company. I've never even met is now fumbling
around and Miss typing and putting in the semicolon in
the wrong place just so that I can have this perfect experience of
catalyst miraculously seemingly. Oh
it's orchestrated divinely. That's
the only word that you can that you can
use for it that you know, the the causal.
forces of the universe are you know,
so of higher and bringing all these
synchronicities and all these beautiful opportunities and the
opportunities are inherent so it's not what I've
come to
Understand I think a little bit differently is that rather than sort
of like the puppet string kind of thing that
I used to think that it was with the higher self and
lower self or maybe the spiritual Realms in the physical plane.
But rather that this spiritual energies are
all intrinsic. I mean, you know and and
represented not just obviously in the physical material
but in an orc
fashion around all the physical Materia, and so
the system itself is
is intrinsically perfect because everything that
can that comprises everything
is all of this one coherent blueprint
this one coherent approach
and it just has
lots of opportunity to create lots of
data to experience itself. It feels
like there's lots of layers to it. There's there's our layer
that we they were adding distortions through and
then there's the the group mind layer. There's the
Consciousness as people agree to say something as
an issue together they end up they end up manifesting the
right lessons for each other together.
And I feel like you know the Miracles
are when we we change
our minds together when we're when we're collectively choosing
a new reality and we're no longer needing the
same the same patterns that seem to be afflicting us. We can
just we can just have a new completely new reality when we choose.
And when we bring that vibration to other people, which I
think that this example here this past week that I just
shared with you is a good a good one. It's contagious
because of co-residents right
like the what if
physicists call you got
a tuning fork and then one that's doing the same way entrainment. I
think it's called so things will
have to come to an agreement and Consciousness is
no different. And so anytime two or more consciousnesses are
together. They have to agree on a
vibration at a level and if they don't then that
encounter can't
Can't stand and otherwise somebody is going to come down
or somebody else that's gonna come up and when we bring
that light when we bring that vibration, we're always inviting energetically
everyone that we encountered to
to realize that there's something else
that they could align to and not at a conscious level,
but it's in the field.
So do you feel like you are?
At a Crossroads of any kind did you're seeking?
To create much more with more people now.
Um, yeah, I would say there's it's every
day is a Crossroads actually and
I don't feel like I have a particular momentum from any
one specific thing have a
lot of big things that we'd like to do with
a business and with technology that we're
all very excited to do and that's you know, one aspect
but that's not you know, my identity as we've been
talking about. So that's the thing that I do and I'm excited about it. Like
I really love my job and that's what it is. And that's
what I want anyone including everyone that I work with.
You know that like this is just a job to me just like I expect it's
just a job to to everyone here. But if
we make it something that you know, we get a lot out of
that, you know, then we want to put everything that's
needed in then it works for for everyone
but it's still just a job and so as I think of things
like Crossroads is like well what else would I do with my
time, which I do have some disposable time or in
the near future and I don't know because it really comes
down to this following the energy so synchronistically the
next step and the next thing that needs to come into my awareness.
Just kind of keep coming and if there's nothing
there on, you know one specific day then maybe in
more of a of a yin energy and I need
to just be more observing and and just not
looking to make those mental Maneuvers and choices to
move forward in specific directions. So they
just come up on any given day. And then I pursue
them. I love it. Yeah, I I appreciate that
very much. The the healed mind is not plan.
It says in the course Miracles and that's
definitely something I'm still.
One is that cause that it's as that? Yeah. Yeah,
we could load up that quote right now. Actually, I'd love
and I did I did read it. But obviously I read it in a
very short amount of time and I got it as much
of it energetically as I could at the
time but
Oh, this was workbook lesson number 135 if
I defend myself I am attacked.
And I could load up. It's kind of long. Although. I'll
read up the
or I mentioned here.
This is course Miracles now.com.
Oh man, this whole thing is so good.
I'll start here the self that needs protection is not
The body valueless and hardly worth the least
defense a merely be perceived as quite apart from you and
it becomes a healthy serviceable instrument to which
the mind can operate until it's usefulness is over.
Who would want to keep it when it's usefulness is done.
Defend the body and you have attacked your mind.
For you have seen it in it the false weaknesses the limits
and the lacks from which you think the body must be saved.
You will not see the mind of separate from bodily conditions and you
will impose upon the body all the pain that comes from the
conception of the Mind as limited and fragile and
apart from other mines and separate from its source.
These are the thoughts in need of healing in the body will respond with health when they
have been corrected and replaced with truth.
This is the body's only real defense.
It is this where you look for its defense you
offer a protection of a Kind from which
it gains no benefit at all, but merely adds to your distress of
You do not heal, but merely take away the hope of
healing where you fail to see where hope must lie if
it'd be meaningful.
I healed mind does not plan.
It carries out the plans that it receives through listening
to wisdom. That is not its own.
And this gets into the relationship with the higher self concept and you
can see a different ways I believe.
I healed mine does not plan. It carries out
the plans that it receives through listening to wisdom. That is not its own.
It waits until it has been taught. What should be
And then proceeds to do it.
It does not depend upon itself for anything except it's adequacy
to fulfill the plans assigned to it.
It is secure uncertainty that obstacles cannot impede
its progress to accomplishment of any goal that serves
the greater plan established for the good of everyone.
Hailed mind is relieved at the belief that it must plan. Although
it cannot know the outcome which is best. It means
by which it is achieved nor how to recognize the
problem that the plan is made to solve.
It must misuse the body and its plans until recognizes. This is
But when it has been accepted, this is true, then it is healed and
let's the body go.
now this is
long lesson that
Man, there's so much there that I have not read. I obviously workbook.
I never really got to but I didn't
realize how much more was.
Was no yeah. I love
that though. That feels very
I don't want to say I don't feel Vindicated.
I don't know. That's the word but
I've been resisting I suppose the feeling that I've become
just like
You know not.
Trying to control everything all the time, which it's like it I am
and I'm telling people that too. It's like I don't hide it at all
like everyone that I work with and tell them all what my
Approach here is and trying to make my job and everybody's job easier
Shouldn't have to work so hard. I think this does come back
to the grass that blooms Withers and dies less emphasis on
the grass and the next the next.
particle of grass the next
strand of grass that's growing the focuses
on the
the nature of the one of the Creator behind
it all.
And finding the perfect.
way to participate in this
Yeah, absolutely. It's tuning your frequency to.
A level that creates an experience that you
can choose and if you do there's a
really high likelihood that you're going to decide that
it's a better way.
Of being or that you prefer. It doesn't make it better objectively. It
just means that you might find it more satisfying
or fulfilling or rewarding or
joyful or any of these things.
But it doesn't necessarily make it more relevant or
I mean all catalysts is beneficial. So all life
is experience. Everything is assimilated. It's
just about waking up to the fact
that we have a choice and what that experience looks and
feels like and that we make that choice every single
time. We perceive something and we decide what it means.
Is there anything else you'd like to talk about?
It did occur to me last weekend actually as soon
as you sent me that email I went.
Well now I want to interview you because I've got
questions on top of questions and this other.
thing that occurred to me here in the last couple days, or maybe
I wrote it down earlier this week is that and this applies
to pretty much anyone with whom I'm in a engaging
conversation about seeking spiritual
truth is I need
to know what you need to know and
I've had this
This conception and experience of building a Vortex,
you know, when there's two or more people involved in
seeking to understand something and that's
what drives whatever access
to knowing that I have. It really seems
to be the earnest honest.
Inquisitive approach to wanting
to understand something and when when somebody can
ask a question from that space then
it's something that I can you know
latch on to and and become a part
of and then when I sit back and say well what do
I need to know and when it's just me in a in my own
kind of micro cause I'm here. I have
a hard time coming up with almost anything almost anything.
I did do that eaching the other night
that I sent you the result of which was pretty cool
that that was you know, kind of completely apropo
obviously synchronicities upon synchronicities, basically,
yeah, exactly. But otherwise,
I don't have burning questions per
se like I I know that I'm
an aspect of God and I know that God is all things
and then I know that the system itself is intrinsically perfect.
But as an aspect of God with free will
I have the choice to have an experience?
that I may
deem imperfect and I
know all those things so
You know cool. That's great to know.
Is there a seeking that has to unfold?
Well, that's the that's the point is that I
don't know what the next right question is until somebody else
wants to understand something as well.
And then that's when there's an energetic.
You know exchange and that otherwise if I'm
just sitting here by myself now, I'm I'm reading
through the Kabbalah obviously. So I'm I'm pursuing
a path to understand the information that's
in the tree of life. So there's tons
of practical information about
how Consciousness, you know works and
all of that. So it's not so much that there's
a question as there is that there's a quest I suppose.
and it does seem like what you're describing is just Catalyst
in general that there needs to be a catalyst there
needs to be appreciation of catalyst for there
to be the quest that comes from the experience that comes
from Catalyst that comes to the
potential transformation through the the
honoring of the Catalyst be it a
person's question or something within us even
yeah, which could be a reaction to some of
that assignment of meaning that we talked about earlier and the emotional
Yeah, that's that's what
we're that's a word geared to respond to and
and we can and that's a that's one
good way and one way that I think we can always
be aware of because it's
very effective to be tuned into our emotional
And then when you want to understand things
at a deeper level.
Seeing them through somebody else's eyes to me is the
the most effective way for
me to get a deep and understanding of a concept
that I otherwise have in sort of two dimensions
in my own reality already.
Right, I agree. It definitely seems like
I can think I understand something and then have a conversation.
with my wife or with you or the groups and it's
like oh wow, that's that's a much bigger shape of
a concept that I had and I
was touching on
Yeah well and that's that's how because
we're taking this thing from this sort of two dimensions and
then turning it around and seeing it from another angle which is
why I view this this Vortex really, you know,
having the exact amount of pull and
draw that you have that you've impressed
it with that you've you know injected into it with your
own Inquisition. And so when one person
asks a question, if you can crawl into
the energy of that question from their perspective and
sort of amplify it and this to
me sounds like the doubling effect that raw tells us about
that's what it feels like to me feels like
when everyone crawls into that same common space,
you know wanting to understand this
same thing. We're all bringing
our own perspective of
everything that we bring to it and it creates this perfect draw
and the light
comes in and suddenly we understand things in a
whole new.
I do think that's a part of the process of Awakening the the blue
ray chakra Awakening the Indigo and being able to perceive
the the flow of the the perfect
flow of information the flow of communication and the
flow of this awareness of the connectedness of
all things through the the pure meanings
of the words the peer meanings of the ideas that we're communicating
and I did learn that I believe through having a
full-time job and having to
Deal with project managers and salespeople who
didn't understand what they were saying and they
were needing they're needing amplification of the concepts that
were fuzzy to start with the needed clarification needed
to be actually turned into something concrete, which is the end
result product that we're offering the the customer without enough
communication. There's just kind of me doing something creatively that
doesn't necessarily connect to the original communication of the vision of the project.
Yeah, which is the same the same thing. So here
we are in manifestation trying to sort of
create this this vacuum that we're
pulling in whatever it is that we want to create and
without an effective vacuum. That's
that's well honed and pointed at something very
specific. You might end up with something that's really just
kind of loose. And so that's in all cases. Everyone's perception
creating some sort of a of an impression. It's
in informing that thing or that person or
event or whatever with its Consciousness. And so we have
all these loose connections. And then as
soon as we start looking in the same direction, then all
of a sudden I think a lot more clarity comes through
Absolutely. Yeah, that was what Ross says
is taking the humanity so long to ascend
is that the compass is
not pointing in One Direction. The needle is not pointing One
And as soon as we get all on the same page, that's when we can spontaneously
have these huge breakthroughs collectively. We can
have the telepathic exchange instead of needing the technology
of the internet. It seems as though we'll have the
technology of society connections that allow us
to perceive into the mind that we're all on the same page
with in order to find all the information we need with the
power of the collective mind all working together. Yeah, and
I think that that's that's the work and vibration because the
the higher the vibration the more naturally everything
is pointed in the same direction. It's really only
at very low vibration.
is everything really chaotic and and
you know friction and
you know a mess so by
raising that vibration or spreading the
possibility and probability that more people become part
of that vibration and that's how we wake up
a world. Yeah. I think that's also why
they call the the place
in between polarities in between service to
self and service to others is the sinkhole of indifference.
people just get stuck in between
I didn't complacency well and and stuck
in the grass focused on the blade
of grass and not realizing the landscape before
exactly, and I guess it's
it's ironically it's a good thing for marketers. I
suppose to have people who just I just
take it with their given and just turn it
into another distraction and just and just
just flow with information in a non-structured
But I guess it's the it's the Catalyst of structures that were
kind of aiming for with creating courses and
creating teachings and
references to the highest truths and highest.
uses of words that we can come across at least with with these books
that were recommending
Yeah, while structures are imbued with
the energy of the Consciousness and which they're
created and so creating structures at a much
higher level of consciousness.
Imbuse it with that energy and you
have a new Foundation. You have a new stable place
to move forward from that structures obviously born
and low vibration and
and rooted in fear stay there
and can't really become a foundation
for something on top of it.
Do you have any book recommendations for people to learn more
about the Kabbalah or start with
Paul Selleck's work?
Oh gosh. Yeah, I really depends on I'm kind of where your vibrating
if you if you're in hold as far as the tree
of life is concerned where you're hyperintellectual or
analytical then yeah, the Kabbalah
is a pretty good way to go as far as Western esotericism
And the mystical Kabbalah by
Dion is a book. I'm reading right now. I think it's a really good
introduction to understanding, you know, all these things that we've
been talking about the correspondence of the saffron if you're
looking for a process if you're looking for a
trajectory and you're looking for self-mastery. Yeah,
I would say the Paul solids
works are also very good
and you'll find residents either very early on or you know,
if it doesn't, you know, you'll know, you know
within a few chapters or whatever in the first book, but for the people
that it clicks with it's exactly what they're looking for if that
seems a bit daunting if that's you know going. Okay,
if I start one am I gonna go all the way through to 10
and how long is that gonna take me? I mean you don't have
to and you can do them and whatever you feel called too
though. There's another book that the one that I mentioned
the wisdom of the council by Sarah Landon and I think
that it encapsulates a lot of this higher vibration truth and
information. So if you're looking for something
Morning to kind of nourish that aspect of
yourself that you know, you already kind of know these things but get
it delivered to you and you know, really beautiful ways.
That's one book that a mouse recommend.
So this has been 90 minutes not that I
not that it needs to end. I feel
like everyone's time is is precious and I also
feel like like what good are my words in comparison
to some of these books like I don't know if us just
rambling if we're just enjoying our rambling right now. I don't
know. I think that that's what we do and we're
bringing in more light, you know with that with
that rambling. So I look forward
to doing this again and again,
yeah, me too.
So any other last thoughts anything you'd like people to
know about?
No, just that that I I really truly
do find joy in seeking
and particularly with someone
like you and others that we have in
meetup groups and things like that. It's definitely
very nourishing to me to to feed
that aspect that's seeking. So I just
really appreciate everything that you do. Yeah. Thanks. And yeah,
definitely it's meetup.com my recommend everybody get on
meetup.com. And and if you don't have anybody in
your area, then you should start a group and
Eventually attract people in your area who resonate with whatever
keywords and phrases you put into here the event
posting or made a group posting.
you know, so
All right Andrew, it's it's sad to have to end
the conversation. But I feel like it's the view appropriate time and there
will be many many more opportunities.
I look forward to all of them. I appreciate it. Thanks so
much, Mike. Thanks.
Ascension workers.
I'm Mike Wisconsin and I am using this as an
opportunity to teach people and open people to other stories
of other teachers and light workers
and I want to open
it up now to my friend and brother from
another mother Andrew.
Um, thanks for joining Andrew.
Oh man, Mike. Thanks so much for having me. This is like such a
huge pleasure. I've been looking forward to this all week.
Yep, it's it's kind of Awesome every time we talk and it's it
It became more clear to me why it's so awesome. When
I saw your birthday recently realized
it's the same as my sister's birthday, which oh,
you know one third of the
the year away which represents like
the perfect trying and astrology. So the suns
are very well aligned and you have your Venus right there on your
sun too. It's pretty amazing. Love energy there. Oh, that's
awesome. Yeah that yeah.
So they're like a million things we could talk about.
and I feel like
I I thought maybe the most
appropriate interest interesting part to start the conversation with
would be the the nature
of what raw says about specific specific information
versus philosophy. So I'm gonna
read a quote.
This was session 26.
Question 36 in session 26. They
said we ask each group to consider
the relative effect of philosophy and your
so-called specific information.
It is not the specificity of information which attracts negative
influences. It is the importance placed upon the negative
the specific information. This is why we
iterate quite often when asked for specific information that it
pales to insignificance just as
the grass withers and dies or the love and the light
of the one infinite Creator or Downs to the very infinite Realms
of creation forever and ever creating and creating itself
and perpetuity.
Why then be concerned with the grass that blooms Withers and
dies in its season only to grow once again due to
the infinite love and light of the one creator.
This is the message. We bring each entity is only superficially that
which blooms and dies.
In the deeper sense, there is no end to being this.
I feel like I have a
lot of specific questions for you and there are a lot of interesting things.
I want to hear about and talk about but at the
same time I feel like I know everything always just especially
when we're talking it just goes off into the philosophical
territory and it just just basks in
the philosophy of the the Perfection of what
the perfect moment perfect present moment. We're experiencing actually is
I couldn't agree more and I was
thinking earlier this week and really today. I
think I named it this this Joy. Like
when I think of like the things that bring me joy, it's you know
diving into the things that we dive into the way
that we do this. It's just joyful,
Yeah, and how it's spins into
truth. I mean it's always
getting distilled down to the essence. So we start
with the specific we start with the pointers that are sort of,
you know, the in the physical that we're
used to seeing and then we look at the correspondences and
see what's going on here spiritually.
Yeah, so do you feel like you had a series of
Awakenings in your life that kind of made you look at life differently think
more in the spiritual lines. Was it primarily
one big Awakening experience or period I had
a had a misfire. I guess a
false start maybe probably 11
or 12 years ago.
Um, I had to you know, a few challenges coming up in life and
actually found a car
tools book Power of Now and I
got enough out of
that in a short amount of time that I went. Like wow, there's a
lot going on here and then everything else that was going on
settled down and then I settled right back in and then
after covid hit
that I'll change then I had a little bit more time on my hands and
realized at one point
actually watching the movie
The Secret I had somehow missed it for
the 12 years since it come out and it
wasn't that the principle of Law of Attraction itself was
something completely formed to me. But as a
matter of fact when I watched it, I had this realization, you
know kind of halfway through it that I had had
this Theory before when I was a teenager and
sort of made sense to me
this relationship between Consciousness and reality
That was it. So I just said okay, if this can be done, if
other people can figure it out, then I can figure it out too and I
started with nothing but the intellect really
and one of the first
things I learned early on was how limited
it really is and
That part wasn't you know, super tricky for me
because I've kind of lived most of my life with this feeling of the
more that I learned the more I realize how much
I don't know.
And the Cobble has talked about emptying your
and doing that as sort of
the cycle of progression and evolution and Consciousness throughout
life and in some ways, I feel like I've been
walking around with you know, an upside down cup and especially
as this path started so
Obviously detailed a little bit more what you mean by emptying the
Yeah, so the cycle of
learning they describe in this triangle and it
starts with knowledge and then
goes to understanding and then becomes wisdom.
And then comes the next opportunity for
Learning and growth. And so you go back
down but it progressively gets higher
and higher because every time you have a new foundation and so
you're you're evolving in Consciousness as
you do this, but you take knowledge in what you can sort
of intellectualize you apply it in experience
to turn it
into understanding and then you use the understanding
to apply to a number
of stages in life and
kind of probably archetypal Transitions
and Consciousness as you
go out, but every time that you go back down as I remind
a lot of my friends if you feel like just
fell on your face, you know, there's good
news. It's because you you just got up here and so
sometimes we run into a big Challenge and we go you know,
how is this so challenging right now? I thought I you know, I had
you know, all this figured out and
Like oh, okay, and it's actually a totally new lesson that
you actually get to learn in a very new way. And every time
you do this the challenge is get, you know,
easier and easier to to resolve. It's just like yeah
restarting in the the cycle of the
The major Arcana going back to the Matrix of the Mind
what they call the new mind.
That was the one example they gave that was pretty insightful
that they said basically just emptying everything just like you're saying
empty out your mind and let your will be pure and
single pointed and the whale single single
pointed can now pursue the next lesson. The
next thing that you felt was what your Transformations
were leading you up to.
And it's yet another opportunity for transformation.
Go figure but but it also is it
easier process as we as we step more and more
into the archetype of the great way. I believe the and become
the world, you know, the great way of the spirit is the world we're becoming one
with the process and it becomes more like it's the background
the flow. They were just that we're just ever present in this
state of growth.
A hundred percent that state
of flow always the instantly my
mind goes to this Detachment from time
that's outside of
this moment and to the extent that it's there from sort
of a strictly practical sense. It's there though.
It's evaporated to
a point that you know,
my frame of reference for things in the past are sort of
anecdotal at best. I guess. It's like, oh, yeah, this thing
happened to that thing happened, but there isn't sort of a relatability and
identity. You know, it was like, oh yeah, that was a thing
and then likewise in the future. You don't know what's
coming and and actually the notion of
controlling it in and of itself is is a
form of resistance actually and I've been kind of
talking with people about that a few times recently that
oftentimes we think of resistance as
you know, pushing against something that's sort of coming at us,
I think that it's the same thing really with
seeking to control because you're always resisting, you
know something if if you're you know,
if you end up controlling things so losing, you
know, most of the attachment there
to just this moment is but I think brings all
that, you know front and center.
And I was thinking a bit about the analogy of
training wheels, you know training wheels
can even limit the the rider and once
the the training period which has been our lives
that we've lived up to now once we once we
fully feel free and feel fully in
the flow state that there's no danger in
this Freedom that we've experienced now, we now we
lose the training wheels that we no longer need the same catalysts same boundaries
on our life parameters that we had initially, although
I don't know if we ever fully Escape these in Colorado
record apparently had these health issues that were a
catalyst for her to need more to open up more to
assistance from Jim McCarty and Jim McCarty would
say that he was very blessed by this need that
he had to continuously serve Carla through her
health distortions. So that's one example of something that's a pre-incarnative
decision, but I think most of the biases most
of the
Things that we're trying to control in our life are not something
that we plan to always have to control their things that were were being
asked to let let go of right now.
it's just a matter of continuously letting go
and finding them the perfect lesson.
Yeah, and and letting go of attachment which
is a very broad word.
And in fact, I think I like to use words. Sometimes
I'll say it's attachment small a you know,
like I just mean, you know, just in the general assignment of
meaning to all things in our perception there
is attachment to all things and what
we invest meaning in is what
defines our experience and
so it's not so much moving toward,
you know unattachment I
suppose. I think it's more the realization
that everything that becomes unattached from
becomes easier and now flows
better. And so it's not so much striving poor
to thing. It's more having an
opportunity having every opportunity to comes up
before you to say. Oh, you know what meaning
am I assigning here and and get
that perspective and
it's something that you want to be attached to or not. Yep discipline seems
like an appropriate concept for what what the
path is the path of holding your attention on on questioning
the false assumptions the distortions
of the experience that are not yet.
ironed out
Oh sure. So maybe I
could dig into some of these.
Well, if we could start with the present moment going back
one day. So so you're working at a
company and you're helping people at that company.
I am I my title is
people person.
And my job is supporting all the people that
comprise this company.
and it's a technology company and do it
and but that's sort of a
it's a bonus. It's a bonus because
all the people that that do work here. Enjoy working in
But yeah, my job is to build
this company to be a company that works
for people. I'm just as much if not
more so than the people work for the
Yeah, that's beautiful. So do you feel like you're getting better
at this particular task of benefiting people and various
ways. Are you fighting are you are
collecting resources that are useful tools in this
Um, yeah and going back to our previous point the
importance of non-attachment. So for
example, I designed a self
Mastery course brought in some coaches from you
know, independent coaches who run it
there's a kind of a main coach a health and wellness coach a financial coach
and this is all free the
employee that can do it during their work hours and you
know about half give or take maybe just over
half people participate in
and have you know, really great things to say in a really enjoying
it and the others don't and that's also
totally great. So, um, yeah, I'm
finding success in in the
message and in the finding resonance,
I think from the people who are in I don't
have direct contact with most of them because I'm well, I mean obviously outside
of the program these are all my employees but you know
within it that's you know, that's all confidential
between people and the coaches but what I'm
from everyone is a lot of positive feedback.
And are these coaches that you've just found through searching or
discovered over time has that has there been
a lot of synchronicity in your Discovery process?
Yeah, I would say going with the flow. My partner
Victoria beckworth is the
one who found the first coach
our name Stephanie. She actually lives in Spain and
you know now has this, you
know big pod of people to
work with on their personal professional development and
I write a sort
of a curriculum of sorts which
is based around our company's core values
and each of those values has a number
of modules. So there's 12 modules and it's designed to basically go
over the course of a year and I'm kind of writing it as we're
going so, you know every month they kind
of go crank out, you know, here's this principle you're sort
of how it works and you can apply it in life
and then some exercises and they go
through those with that with the coaches.
Do you feel like
You have many more things to do on these paths.
Do you feel like you would want to make this something that other companies can take
as a template it certainly
occurred to me and
Given that I don't think Super far in
advance and don't have a lot of you know
real specific Ambitions. There's some
things on the business side that we're doing that we do have some very
concrete goals, but the you know,
we'll take us through the next couple years or so and you know, so it's
pretty straightforward and on the other side it
has occurred to me that this could be something that other people might
find resonant as well. It's just
to me it makes a lot of sense because we're
in a especially because we're in an industry that that has
a very not large talent pool.
There's you know, we're always hurting for hiring
really good people. And so this just
makes good business sense. Also, you know to be, you know
a great place to work so that you don't have so much turnover, but
I really do feel that this approach
to doing business is the
way that and I don't since I
don't like using should it's the
that I believe it will be done one day
and it has been done before that. I'm organized
occupation is a
just a productive thing to do and society and
everybody benefits from it and you know,
not some people by squeezing other
people and unfortunately, that's a lot of people's approach
to businesses squeezing as much as they
as they can out people.
It does seem like there's almost like a missing.
feminine role in the
in the corporate structure. It's like
that it's like there should be like a person
who's able to lend money for purposes that
that has the feminine energy, you know, whereas the
the masculine energy seems to be seeking the
the prophet and the control and in
a way that has almost like you have to be very competitive and
maintaining that but I
guess I'm trying to go in the direction that
it feels like we all have roles and it feels like you know,
some people are very happy feeling specific roles in
companies and
I guess at sometimes people can become too comfortable in
their roles. And that's why Karma comes in place. I suppose to get
people a little bit whether it's the work or it's
their personal life something comes up and people seem to
have have the
the lessons that push their boundaries of their boxes, but nevertheless
to be actually be useful service to one another we have
to have roles. We have to have some sense of associations with
specific jobs. And you
know, I tried to break away from
Working for people, you know
going back.
Quite some time, but then that kind of meant I was
free to do smaller freelance projects
and that still
felt like it wasn't necessarily fully my calling as much
as you know pursuing the spiritual.
Content that I'm pursuing now.
So I don't really know what my role is. Actually. I
just know that I'm good at programming now. So I like I
like the opportunity to program but I also feel like I need more people
like yourself. I need more people to catalyze me to see
where has it my role been found yet. Where has
my role not yet been activated to pursue and
I feel like that's why these oh, you know having meetup groups
is like the perfect way to kind of like Get find
a different residence system. That is not the corporate
world. It's not government. It's not the medical
system. It's it's just people who are starting to
wake up starting to try to figure out what it is. We can be doing together.
Yeah, it's it's not a dynamic where there's somebody
trying to get something out of somebody else.
This is in all those cases that you mentioned people
coming together to benefit
each other.
And yeah, that's absolutely the
Paradigm that we're moving
would you like to talk about I mean, you're free to you're free to choose
what you want to say. And even if you want to say the
name of your company, you're free, you're free and all the disclosures you
would like but
So you seem to have found a lot of interesting people also in
Colorado as we as we work more on different ideas. It
seems that you mentioned there's an
app called one Boulder. I think that was neat one
that you found.
If anyone's on the Denver Boulder area, you should look up the is that
called one bowler on the App Stores? Yeah, it is called
one Boulder and it's yeah centered right around Boulder and the areas
around it.
Now they have a wealth of
local events and things going on
people are posting things basically every day of the week. And yeah,
I was up there at a function a little over a
year ago and somebody had mentioned it and I I wonder what's
on there and and they just have just this amazing array of
things just all kinds of works and
Consciousness and you know dance and it's yeah
a lot of stuff going on up there
in Boulder. Oh, and yes, oh definitely
say the name of my company's rain Tech, but it's
it's the thing that I do, you know, and
to to close the
kind of loop on that last bit.
I would say that
While we're growing and doing more than
we've ever done before.
and on the verge of doing a lot more I'm
I'm as less stress than I've
ever been, you know at all these stages of when we
were much smaller. So I think that's certainly a
testament to you know, finding a lot more.
balance and equanimity
um anyway, so do you feel like your business was
A graduate education in some kind of metaphysics. Did
you learn the principles and giving and taking and receiving
in from employees receiving from clients to
maintain the balanced Harmony between all the
different players is something that go ahead for
sure. I mean, you know with not really in an
instruction on how to do it, you know just figuring out as as we
went really but you know, we grew you
know, when one employee at a time and the customer here
the customer there and then new Industries new lines of business.
So, yeah, and and it's just really a lot of hard work. That's what
I always tell people. It's making sausage and it
We got a lot of really good people who are really
to do a lot of really good work. And then you
have a lot of really happy customers.
And maybe not to get too far off subject. But
do you feel like it's evolving at a faster
right now with things like chat GPT.
Oh, man. Yes. Now the we've
got paid accounts for
multiple people in the company. Yeah, they're
finding all kinds of really good uses for.
yeah, I I certainly enjoy watching things
evolve and it feels like
you know things things could get really interesting with the AI
systems, but I found that you know, they are just sort
of like Reflections of My Own
energy because they're they they still
they're requesting input from the user and then you get
like an immediate reaction which is like not a
single person but like a mixture of
people it's like you can you can kind of get a
better mirror in some ways.
To what energy you're putting into this this AI then you
would from a person because it just will immediately give you
if you ask for an image some of these will just give you an image.
and that's getting possibly creepy with the ghost
like images that's putting out but
I guess I'm trying to say that technology is kind of like a
it's like a fantasy mirror of of the reality that we're
trying to create and it's not necessarily a very balanced one completely.
But but hopefully we can shift the
focus more in the direction of using technology
as a way to sort of augment the
spiritual lifestyle that we're that we're
seeking one which is able to seek in word more often
than being distracted outwardly and
you know, maybe the technology is designed to
give us Leisure Time to do the inner
That makes sense. As far as I'm concerned. That's the only benefit in
the long term of technology or certainly
the biggest one that we have yet to really fully
realize we've realized all kinds of ways to use it
you know extract money from people and
You know invade their privacy and commit cybercrime
and I mean just you know, it's endless but ultimately that's
the real benefit of Technology because
what else do you need but you know
food and shelter and really need a lot
of things but technology can Bridge a
gap and be extremely beneficial in spreading information
and lots of really cool applications
for it. As far as the AI goes. I have
a hard time.
and I'm not a data scientist so I can only
kind of ponder on algorithmic construction
and you know how that
All that stuff works, but right now
I still see it as an expression of you
know, our Collective consciousness.
it seems like it's getting awfully close.
I've seen some videos and some you know
clips that it did seem like it
could be going in some less productive directions
particularly with what it's doing with Warfare 2.
Like guided weapon systems and things like
that. That's I think going in the
complete opposite direction, obviously, then where we need
to go. But if it's doing things like performing medical
procedures and keeping people healthy and
giving them more time to explore what it
means to be a human being in Consciousness, then
that's obviously where technology
And take us if we choose it. Yep. So,
is there any anything you would like to talk
about with any schools of thought he would
talk about the Kabbalah a little bit. What what
is what shapes the way that you think?
On a day-to-day basis what kind of philosophies or
what is the backdrop that has most influenced your thinking?
I would have to say the the
foundation of it is really Paul
selig's work. He's written
10 books now and read.
most of them three times and
that was the the foundation it it's a very
granular level of Truth at a very consistent vibration
and one that
you first approach, you know, or certainly I
certain approach coming, you know
up at an angle and that's really how they teach you is that Ascension is
and which they don't call they don't
like to call it Ascension, but the act
of of elevating and Consciousness is
accomplished through alignment and agreement. So it's
not, you know flipping his switch. It's aligning to
particular quality or state of being
and agreeing to it and permitting the self
to to have that and to embody an exemplify
that particular quality and it's by
bringing that alignment in agreement
into our awareness that we gradually attain that
Yep, that definitely is kind of the way I think about the energy
systems the energy center systems. The chakra systems is the
alignment and agreement with specific energies and the
more consistently we agree with a particular energy the more
those energy start to crystallize and form
like a structure of our subconscious mind that is more
easy to stand upon like like a foundation I
think for further considerations, so they
call the
The opening the heart is being the springboard to infinite
intelligence. And that's like the the alignment of the heart
and then the agreement that we they were operating from
the heart of the agreement that we're wanting to give in to
the basically the love that that is wanting
to express itself.
Yeah, surrendering really?
And that's the choice that we're making.
In every moment.
always making
that same Choice whether we're
surrendering to what wants to come through or resisting
yeah, that state of allowance is what's moving us forward
in a much more beautiful way than when we're
resistant to everything that's present.
Absolutely. So Paul say like he is someone who
Do you know his his story much? Did he just start channeling when he was younger? He
was a psychic and a
little bit of a hands on healer back in the 80s and through
a number
of improvements really that he made in his
health that his guides were were recommending that
he do they eventually came to him and said, okay, we're
gonna Channel a book and you need to write this down
and that was in like 2008 or
2009 when he wrote I Am the word
And so I didn't find these books again until like 2020
and and I actually started very synchronically on
book 4 believe it or not and reading
that book in exactly that order had a
synchronicity in it on a very
specific day.
That changed the course of my life and
and really concrete ways.
And so that was pretty powerful because I happened to
start on the fourth book because I read a different
book that mentioned all Selleck in
a chapter of it and said, he's writing a
book now. It's the first in a Trilogy and this one's
called The Book of Mastery and I was like, I was starving for
a teacher. I mean at that point, like I said, I just decided Well,
okay. I can go figure this out. And I was like, well, where do
I go? And you know, I listened to a lot of Deepak Chopra
kind of podcasts and read some of
his material and and I definitely knew like he
gets it, you know for sure, but the
the translation wasn't necessarily there immediately and
then eventually to do a medicine journey
and went in
with this intention to expand
my Consciousness and and
increase the level at
which I could
Sort of assimilate or understand this information
that I was hearing, but not quite
connecting with.
And so that helped and that's kind of what it
did. It wasn't like that was some sort of like big Grand
moment in and of itself, but it did
expand the outer bounds of my Consciousness enough
to start fitting more of this information. And
so that I could start to synthesize it
into you know, kind of a scaffolding as I
sometimes say to
Try to you know get up to understanding this stuff before
I finally find the
trust that you were talking about before which is
always a process and obviously something that I still have
to do in every moment. But when you look back like that
cruise ship that doesn't turn on a dime, you know, same thing
alignment and agreement and eventually it
gets there and it can look back and it can say okay I
was over here before.
But that trust
changes your whole
way of being changes your experience in life.
Yeah, it does seem like there's something going on
in our minds. That is the subconscious scaffolding that
is sometimes very very hard to to even
Explore and investigate and understand
and I assume that's related to you know,
self-knowledge understanding our own biases
and distortions before we can begin to
balance them and then find the new
biases that that serve our mission of
Higher truth and intuitive awareness of
Truth. It seems to come differently for
different people but it seems like this some of
these books. I know a lot of people feel like we don't need books. That books are
just another external.
thing that can distract us, but I also think that
I was able to use books like the rock contact
to finally look within in a way
that was.
More questioning than it had been before and I'm
breaking down some of the assumptions biases that
I had that were contradictory that were not necessarily what
I felt in alignment with and then opening up
to intuition.
More clearly more cleanly so that
I have more of a voice that is literally it's
like there's a voice in my head that is pulling up things that
I have remembered from the different books. You know, it's like
I have I have some some
Ways that I intuitively perceive things that are
based on even Biblical scriptures, but much of
it now is the raw context some of its course Miracles and some
of it may be even agricasey, but I haven't
dug into Paul Selleck's books yet. And I
I feel like it's a it's a big it's a
Set of information and I
I I'm a little curious to know a little bit more if you want to share anything about.
um the overall teachings
Sure what he gets into I'd say it's
I probably describe it as more of a process. And in
fact, it's fascinating that you bring this
up in the context of these other books. And first, I definitely want to acknowledge that
why while Paul's work.
Came my Foundation.
Um, I continued to build that scaffolding out of you know,
the amazing things like the rock contact and
the Course in Miracles. So similarly on
those two friends for me, but going
back to Paul's work. I I
approached his manager with this idea actually once
in Costa Rica and he seemed you know positive to it,
but I wanted to do something similar to the law of one and
I've mentioned this to you before but similar to the love one dot
info the site that that what was
his name again Wheelock. Probably we lock. Yeah, so I
want to do something similar to there because Paul's work.
It's 10 books and there's there's no way to search
it. There's it doesn't exist digitally and so I've
I've kind of worked on a few projects of
my own to try to digitize the information try to
get a searchable. I've actually had somebody prototype
searching it using the chat
GPT API. So I have an upworker doing
that not with that book but with PDFs generally so
it had a lot of back and forth and you know can talk
to you about that offline some time, but it's not
a very expensive job to you know the to be
clear but the idea is you can drag a PDF and then you
can ask it questions. And so but that
doesn't really exist and the books themselves act
as much of a process. And so while sometimes
you want to go back and you want to find the way that they worded something
and I say they by the way for anyone watching these
are Paul Celtics guides. They sometimes if
press will say that you can call them milk. He's
a dick but they seem to be kind of a Loosely, you know
connected Collective, obviously.
So anyway, the the books
are designed in a way to sort of you know
move you along and they do
that with a ton of visualizations their use of metaphor and
and an analogy is is beautiful.
I mean, it's the the way
that they will give you these examples
of just constantly just sort of energetically, you
know, it's it's like they're explaining some spiritual concept
and then they'll say imagine you, you know,
blah blah blah blah and then you're like, oh and you get it
and you get the energetic frequency of what that
concept is that they're relating to you. So I
found that you know, obviously extremely helpful
when I was first grasping
on to try to understand, you know,
the things that are infinite which
is the truth and to build
a scaffolding to get to the truth is great
and then eventually you have
Step into it and allow it to
become you because the truth.
Seeks to be known in manifestation.
we could go into the subject of identity and
you know we
That I don't even know how anyone can even begin to
claim to know identity because it seems
like it's like the central illusion and it's the central Truth
at the same time.
as we move from Identity in the
ego is a still a poor word. I think
for what we are attached to with identity, but
we were moving from this
distraction of identity to Identity and
something that is
infinite in nature and Beyond the seemingly finite form
that we experience.
Any thoughts on that?
Well, that's exactly what we're doing. And I would say that that's that's
the path of Ascension that's in in probably
all wisdom Traditions is releasing attachment
to Identity expectations outcomes. I
will be seen as this I will you know accomplish that
you know, all of those things are all identity all
things born in separation born in
a reality that is necessarily separated and
isolated from other aspects of itself, and
it's Creator and so everything that
reinforces that experience claims.
A Consciousness in greater and greater
separation or gives it the experience of
being separate from its source and
everything else.
it's almost like every
particle of Consciousness or every
vibration has like
a dual nature where there's the
it's like it has its own lens of perception back
to the Creator. That's just not the chosen lens of
and maybe
maybe this is beyond words what we're trying to talk about but it seems like
there is a truth that psychedelics certainly seem
to help people discover, which is
to step out of your identity is is a
very natural thing and to to move into a more
expanded awareness expanded Consciousness. That is not whatever we
thought our identity was, but it's an expanded
state. It seems to be something that's built into the fabric of reality, you
know far more fundamental than than manifestation.
100% And obviously for the
uninitiated there's a
lot of
there's a lot obviously wrapped up into it. If you
haven't had the experience and depending on what kind of experience or
experiences you have had but to
your point a completely agree that when
you know, the the dust settles from
the the initial, you know,
kind of onset of the experience.
You become what feels like a
much more natural state of being and so you're you're communication
your dialogue and everything just like you said is just
broadened and there's there isn't
the identity. As you said
that is normally wrapped up in everything that we're talking
through which is all of these masks. And so when we
start talking about archetypal energies and
That brings our awareness and Consciousness up to
and toward I should say in a line to that level
of Consciousness and that level of unification.
And when we are contemplating things that are
unified we're bringing the vibration of unification
into our Consciousness and so
by simply focusing on it
and wanting to understand it and putting energy into the concept
of unified Consciousness. We are
ourselves becoming more unified
with Consciousness in our
own experience.
We could probably dive into the archetypal idea a little
bit more.
Archetypes being of course like options for
identity, which are less distorted is the
way I see it but raw also in material refers to it as the deeper.
Portions of mind that are informing the
branches of expression that
appear through the solar system and the planets
and the people everything is like an outward extension of the
original archetypal.
Thoughts of the 100 Creator that's expressing themselves
through these thoughts being expressed through the logos what
they call the logos to mind of the Galaxy, but I'm curious and
you're study of the Kabbalah which I believe you're you're taking
classes on that still did they
talk about archetypes and those her do they?
Use that word well, um,
yes because there's or in a way they don't
necessarily call them or
the the center of the study or the
curriculum being centered around archetypes. And
so instead there might be archangelic correspondences for
example, and so there's you know,
probably 30 or so that we actually learned about each of
the Sephora in the tree. And so those
correspondences are there to to show
you this fractalized how picturing of this
similar energy or light
and how it manifests in physical
reality. So they're there
is that so and I
would translate that as far as I'm concerned to
archetypal energy.
And what's happening though in the tree is that the light from Heather is
coming down and hope Ma and then what it been
on and so this is the the transmission the transportation
of the light through the each of the saffron.
So this is why the Tree of Life
does become useful as
a way of visualizing the blueprint
of the universe and seeing how this
fractal actually recreates itself and understanding
the energies the
energetic patterns that correspond to the design of this specific
universe. And so every universe
is programmed if you will in with these archetypal
energies and forces that then
get to go in and act as as you say almost
the local way the Halloween Creator gods
and you know, obviously the nomenclature across the
wisdom traditions and biblical decks
and all of that is is tricky at best. So I
try to be careful when I'm overlapping or
I might be using a term that I'm like, well no matter how
percent sure if that's necessarily the same thing, but we're
talking about, you know, granular layers of Consciousness
well above us and it's like well, how are they grouped
up and you know how to shaved as it sort of and just
know they're kind of up there.
but do you feel that there's a way to bring it into your
own experience where you're now seeing in terms of the
The different sephirot. Do you see that?
Yes, I'm so glad that you asked me that
and I was just telling a friend this morning because last night
it occurred to me and I took this note about I've been
I've had this sort of Mantra in a way called follow
the energy and it's from a book written by
Sarah Landon called the wisdom of the council. Anyway,
there's this concept of following the energy which to me is also
this this non-resistance and and
so it occurred to me last night. I'm like,
well, what about following my energy? I only very
recently been introduced to
lunar energies in a way and we went
to a Full Moon ceremony last weekend and it was really cool. But starting
to see sort of the archetypal energy and
correspondences that align with
that and reflecting on how that's been perhaps
influencing me this week as we've had
the full moon and it occurred to me last night that
I would like to be able to make
sure I'm following my energy which means that if
A if I'm in a particular type of mode, I
don't want to go against that and so
then this reminded me of this book
I read that was about yin and yang and I don't remember the
name of it, but it was that was my first introduction to
those energies and
there's tons of really great examples of how this works and everyday life
and all the time and so that actually occurred
to me in archetype reform and of course the positive
and negative or the masculine and
feminine are represented at the top of
the tree of life or the second layer down. Underneath Katara is
Hopland Bina, and those are the correspondences to
your Yin and you're young and so that occurred to
me as like well at the very least, however, I
am wherever I'm at and Consciousness if I
can ask myself am I feeling in or my
feeling young and my feeling, you know affirmative and
activated and positive and you know wanting to
affect change and
And and put out energy or am I receptive and
observant and thoughtful and you know
creating space that way so that
became like this top level question like,
okay well, which is a you know, where are you at? You know it between these
two Sephora between and young and then down below
that at this effort. You've got mercy and
Justice more or less and and again,
there's lots of correspondences. This is the
pillar Force. This is a pillar reform. But anyway,
you've got has said and Deborah and so these are
mercy and Justice or kind
of love and severity and so
you can ask yourself where or myself what
am I? What am
I feeling that I'm exuding I suppose right now and my
my needing to either control
or to shape or to to satisfy
and expectation of myself or somebody else or
whatever or am.
Really in this open and abundant and generous, you know
kind of free-flowing way and the cobbler's
tradition teaches us that our path
to Ascension is of the middle pillar, of course, so
these these Dynamics they
Sephora are creating polarity as we as we
go through them and so to answer your your question that
only very recently I've actually realized that
I can see this layers of Consciousness. Now that
we've got this being in young masculine and
feminine very archetypal at the top and we've got these
higher States Of Consciousness that
are driven by value and the the
qualitative and you know,
again mercy and Justice and then you go down below them
and you've got net sock
and hope and that's on is
feelings and emotions and how it is thinking
and so at this next layer I can
say, okay.
I am I feeling worked up am I feeling
emotive about something that's going on. So automatically if
I'm feeling frustrated or you know angry or whatever. It's like
well that's a big, you know red flag that I'm I'm you know,
too heavy over here and on the other hand if
I'm sitting here finding myself just you know, really, you know,
thinking over intellectualizing. I may
not be finding purpose and what it is that I'm that I'm
thinking about if I'm if I'm not finding some Joy or you know,
some kind of emotional response to it.
So yeah, so I think that answers
your question. I did just
recently and put all that together in more concrete
terms than I have in the last year that I've been studying.
And do you think this is also connected to
Raw said is the goal of the archetypal study, which
is to learn to become become each archetype as needed
become that archetype in the in
the moment.
I don't know and so there's a
reason why first of all the Kabbalah class that I'm in through the
modern mystery school at least
right now in the current goal program, which I've I've
sort of been told is being changed and
upgraded and attitude. But anyway in this current phase
there is none of
what is called in other kabbalists circles.
password so the paths themselves between the
Sephora they call a path work because this is
These are the 22 archetypes that
map over to the Arcana
and the astrological signs and
I see so so we are
learning about the Sephora themselves, which is also
I think very important and I think that they're going to be bringing around
in advance class for people who have done the first one
enough times, but to understand the the essential energies
themselves, I think is a
good foundation to then understand. How do these play together between
all of these now the the concept
that Rob puts out to to
get back to your question. I liked how specific it was
about you could go to any one of these that
you might need and so I found that interesting is
I guess that all of them are useful I guess is that implicit
in what they're saying? Is that every single one of these, you know
kind of relationships if you are centered, you know
there with your awareness or Consciousness. Is it is there
a useful path, you know between all the saffron
or not?
Yeah, that's a it's very interesting. I
I think that the
words fail us when we're talking about these.
these aspects of ourselves which are
something that we can only find within us, I think when we're
well, let me actually read the
but the passage here.
and by the way, when I when I
say that when I say whether or not they're useful I am
tying that back to apparently or
this is what I'm realizing the middle pillar and
You know that path as marked by the choice to be
in balance on all these as opposed to, you know,
being able to move into the energy of one
of those but I suppose there could be any number of circumstances where
it may be beneficial perhaps to
to bring that balanced energy to a
collective or to a conversation or to you know
a room or something like that. And so it could be that there's
some sort of
Um archetypal energy in the middle in the middle pillar, which is
a combination of what on the major Arcana cards
might be the left and the right hand side of that one card when
they're seen together. That's the middle pillar.
If that makes sense.
it does and I would also say that the
the monad the Divine self that
comes down through through Qatar is the
light that that refracts through all
of the the Sephora and so I attach when
we go back to Identity, you
know, the monad has to
the core of that Christ Consciousness fully unified obviously infinite
Consciousness. And so
That to me comes down the center and
right through tiferat, which is
a higher state of consciousness. Then you said which is right below
it and that's where we're all targeting
on the middle pillar and it's
important to
to not go to the extremes because then you're
not as easily able to ascend.
Let me read this passage here.
See if this can make any connections for us. So don.
Elkins asked you stated
that raw used the tarot to develop the magical personality, which they
also referred to as becoming the higher self.
Was this done by the system of learning to become in mind the
essence of each archetype and in this way developed the
magical personality and Ross said, this is incorrect.
The clothing's oneself with the archetype as an
advanced practice of the Adept which has long studied this
archetypical system.
The concept complexes which together are intended to represent the
architecture of a significant and Rich portion of
the Mind.
Are intended to be studied as individual concept complexes.
So this is clearly not the exact same thing in the Taro as
it is in the Sorting the
sephirot if they're seen is together, but these are seen in
the major Arcana as Matrix potentiator and
viewing Etc in viewing mind-body Spirit
And in pairs. Oh, so he's the two different methods of
studying the major Arcana that they offered the Matrix of mine
Matrix of body. Matrix of spirit is one example where they're
saying to look at the connections between these three
So it was the connections between
mind-binding spirit is number one and number two is in
pairs with some concentration upon the polarity as a
male and the female.
I also interesting.
So so when you look at the for example The
Matrix of the mind is masculine. It's the Magician potentiator
of minus feminine. It's like the unconscious mind.
So they're saying to look at these two and they give different sets
of pairs the first two were a pair. So these have male masculine
feminine aspects to them which then are
probably like the unit and the Egg actually exactly. That's exactly
what they are Hulk ma is the masculine
and Bina is feminine.
And they said if these are studied there comes the moment when
the deepthreadities and joyful ditties.
And this means the poems or songs of lamentation as
a Serenity and a joyful did he is a short simple song. So they're
having to use unusual language to
try to communicate something. That is you can't really put words
on and they have to refer to song forms
of song.
If these are studied there comes the moment when the deep trinities and
joyful didies of the Deep Mind can successfully be brought forward
to intensify articulate and heighten
some aspect of the magical personality.
That's vibration. I mean that's what I say right there.
And and I'm glad that you said that that you
said, you know, this is pretty much ineffable what they're saying, but it
does make sense that that they're going to
use words that we associate obviously with
song and music and sound when they're
trying to convey a point of a vibration
and I think that's what this is and to embody
that level of vibration and Consciousness is
to to become the higher self.
And so that's
that's it right there. You're bringing it down into manifestation and
then it becomes you.
Do you feel like have a good relationship with your higher self?
That's a really great question and to
write about that actually in a Kabbalah class last night and
I was a little bit at a loss.
I feel like it has to be.
Closer than I possibly realized.
it's so
present like I don't feel like it's
That it's far away like relationship to me
is almost you know more.
more describing something that is further away in a
way and
I don't know when it happened or if that changed
at one specific point or not, but
I certainly don't feel like it's
far away and that a lot
of the times it's quite present as well. Do you
feel like there are moments when you are.
um forced to sort of take a breather and then step back
and step back into the
presence of the one Creator or something like that.
it's been something that I've brought into meditation recently.
and especially or specifically in
perception in a way and that I was dealing with
sort of what it was the face of God and that's
everything in your perception as far
as you're concerned and
Yeah, so it's everything that you can perceive and
so in meditation.
playing with that a little bit with the energy of
everything that I see being this
fundamental Source energy just add
a different vibration and that in and of
itself, you know goes back, you know a couple years now from Paul sellers
books originally, but this was more it was
a little bit different because it wasn't just
source as
substance, but source as form
Source in wholeness. So when the
Course in Miracles talks about this chair doesn't mean
anything and this couch doesn't mean anything that I don't give it
to I can drift into moments where
I'm not
consciously aware of any of the individual objects
that I'm seeing though. They're all
there but it's more like a salt which
I'm not even 100% sure that that's the right
word. I was told it was by a psychologist and
I Googled it the other day and couldn't find it. But
this being this this totality of
impression of what it
is that within your perception. And so
that was like being in
a snow globe and God looking
down through, you know, the glass and the
glass for fracking the light.
To go all the way around the entire snow globe. So like
I'm just in the middle of the giant
eyeball. That is God watching me
This and as I'm watching it.
Trying to figure out what it's doing all
the time.
you know the raw did use the word distilled once
In reference to archetypes, really.
no way, so
I think they start here. Yeah, the archetypical mind is
a great and fundamental portion of the Mind complex.
One of its most basic elements and one of the richest sources of
For the seeker of the one event Creator. This is the archetypical mind
is one of the richest sources of information for the Seeker.
To attempt to condense the archetypes is to make an erroneous attempt. HR
archetype is a significant being on
Zeke which I guess is a German philosophy term, which I
think is probably also connected to the Gestalt.
Or thing in itself. That's what it means thing in itself.
with its own concept complex of Concepts
Well, it is informative to survey the relationships of
one archetype to another it can be said that this line of inquiry
is secondary to discovery of the purest Gestalt or
Vision or Melody.
Which each archetype signifies to both intellectual and
intuitive mind?
So I read that as saying yes going after the
archetypical energies within the Sephora
is is a great
way to go about it. Yeah, what
they said path work versus, you know, focusing on on
this Ephraim perhaps understanding the
relationships is more practical than
what I'm giving it, you know
credit for it could be that if you find yourself out of balance
you find yourself way over and hold energy or you
know way too much up and headset or whatever and you need to
to find a greater balance and understanding the
really relationships between each of
the Sephora will tell you, you know, what sort
of thoughts and what sort of attention you need
to bring into your awareness to reorient yourself back to
the middle pillar, right? It does seem like it's a
it's like we're always presented with lessons that are
that we're ready for and that it seems like we have
the tools to solve these lessons, but it's still like
It's like some kind of video game that we just have the have the puzzle of piecing
together. What what aspect of those
relationships we hadn't yet pieced pieced into
our mind yet. And how are we deviating from the logos
through our experiences and our choices. How are
we deviating from the pure lesser distorted more
Pure Melody pure Vision pure Gestalt
of the expression that was chosen to be the most
purified by they want to find crater.
Yeah, I think it's using the emotional body
that lives their in that
lower Triad in the
tree using that emotional guidance system to let
you know when you're moving more toward the light
frankly and when you're moving further away from it.
And if we start to look at that in more
concrete terms and realize that.
That sometimes our negative so-called
negative experience seems to
be causing a negative emotional reaction within
That's to put the cause and the
power for your experience outside
of yourself, but to
realize that you assign the meaning to that thing
and that only you assign that meaning is
to release your own need to have
an emotional attachment.
To it. So I think that that we have the
tools built into our our Consciousness to
guide us back to
where our true self
is. I think
there's a court and A Course in Miracles that says something like
The most holy place on the planet is the
place where?
An ancient hatred has become a present love.
Hmm, and so it feels like this is just a process of transmuting.
Transmuting everything that that is less than
we would desire.
Yeah by looking at our attachment
to it accepting the value that we're assigning to
it and that by the way is the most empowering thing
and that's the thing that
I would like most people to realize
above all else is that this sense of empowerment in
your life is it feels
just as good as you think it would when you
realize that you have and are the one
who creates your reaction to everything that you experience and
so you can just decide like oh this and I
had a meeting this this last week and something came up at work
and it was potentially kind of a you know, whatever actually
it wasn't I can't even characterize what it
was potentially because what I went to my leadership team with and
said was I guess this is as much
of a problem as anyone wants to make it and it's you know
from where I'm saying I actually don't have a
need to make a problem out of this but I'm here part
of this team
and to support what you guys also want
to weigh into decide to do here and kind of one by
one even the people that were a little bit kind of worked up about or
just like well, I mean, I guess
Yeah, I guess that we know really have to and it's like well, you
know, you can if you want to you know, it's like think of
what the what the ramifications or the benefit is and you know,
make an informed decision and not one that's just out
of this kind of response mechanism. That's huge.
I mean, I'll take that every day
of the week to be able to have something come up and go. Yeah. Okay.
I don't know that it's really that big a deal
and okay cool. And we just we just move on it's
certainly seems like it's the solution to a lot
of technical problems is to not see it as
a problem anymore. It's not about it. But
it also does seem like it's it's
a miraculous thing too the way even the
technical glitches seem almost mysteriously aligned with
my state of consciousness, you know, like even the glitches
that I didn't cause other people are causing these glitches the API
of a different service breaks on the day when I'm most
stressed about needing that service to work just perfectly and so
it's like there's some miracle that I'm doing by
worrying. I'm creating an alternate reality where this programmer
at this other company. I've never even met is now fumbling
around and Miss typing and putting in the semicolon in
the wrong place just so that I can have this perfect experience of
catalyst miraculously seemingly. Oh
it's orchestrated divinely. That's
the only word that you can that you can
use for it that you know, the the causal.
forces of the universe are you know,
so of higher and bringing all these
synchronicities and all these beautiful opportunities and the
opportunities are inherent so it's not what I've
come to
Understand I think a little bit differently is that rather than sort
of like the puppet string kind of thing that
I used to think that it was with the higher self and
lower self or maybe the spiritual Realms in the physical plane.
But rather that this spiritual energies are
all intrinsic. I mean, you know and and
represented not just obviously in the physical material
but in an orc
fashion around all the physical Materia, and so
the system itself is
is intrinsically perfect because everything that
can that comprises everything
is all of this one coherent blueprint
this one coherent approach
and it just has
lots of opportunity to create lots of
data to experience itself. It feels
like there's lots of layers to it. There's there's our layer
that we they were adding distortions through and
then there's the the group mind layer. There's the
Consciousness as people agree to say something as
an issue together they end up they end up manifesting the
right lessons for each other together.
And I feel like you know the Miracles
are when we we change
our minds together when we're when we're collectively choosing
a new reality and we're no longer needing the
same the same patterns that seem to be afflicting us. We can
just we can just have a new completely new reality when we choose.
And when we bring that vibration to other people, which I
think that this example here this past week that I just
shared with you is a good a good one. It's contagious
because of co-residents right
like the what if
physicists call you got
a tuning fork and then one that's doing the same way entrainment. I
think it's called so things will
have to come to an agreement and Consciousness is
no different. And so anytime two or more consciousnesses are
together. They have to agree on a
vibration at a level and if they don't then that
encounter can't
Can't stand and otherwise somebody is going to come down
or somebody else that's gonna come up and when we bring
that light when we bring that vibration, we're always inviting energetically
everyone that we encountered to
to realize that there's something else
that they could align to and not at a conscious level,
but it's in the field.
So do you feel like you are?
At a Crossroads of any kind did you're seeking?
To create much more with more people now.
Um, yeah, I would say there's it's every
day is a Crossroads actually and
I don't feel like I have a particular momentum from any
one specific thing have a
lot of big things that we'd like to do with
a business and with technology that we're
all very excited to do and that's you know, one aspect
but that's not you know, my identity as we've been
talking about. So that's the thing that I do and I'm excited about it. Like
I really love my job and that's what it is. And that's
what I want anyone including everyone that I work with.
You know that like this is just a job to me just like I expect it's
just a job to to everyone here. But if
we make it something that you know, we get a lot out of
that, you know, then we want to put everything that's
needed in then it works for for everyone
but it's still just a job and so as I think of things
like Crossroads is like well what else would I do with my
time, which I do have some disposable time or in
the near future and I don't know because it really comes
down to this following the energy so synchronistically the
next step and the next thing that needs to come into my awareness.
Just kind of keep coming and if there's nothing
there on, you know one specific day then maybe in
more of a of a yin energy and I need
to just be more observing and and just not
looking to make those mental Maneuvers and choices to
move forward in specific directions. So they
just come up on any given day. And then I pursue
them. I love it. Yeah, I I appreciate that
very much. The the healed mind is not plan.
It says in the course Miracles and that's
definitely something I'm still.
One is that cause that it's as that? Yeah. Yeah,
we could load up that quote right now. Actually, I'd love
and I did I did read it. But obviously I read it in a
very short amount of time and I got it as much
of it energetically as I could at the
time but
Oh, this was workbook lesson number 135 if
I defend myself I am attacked.
And I could load up. It's kind of long. Although. I'll
read up the
or I mentioned here.
This is course Miracles now.com.
Oh man, this whole thing is so good.
I'll start here the self that needs protection is not
The body valueless and hardly worth the least
defense a merely be perceived as quite apart from you and
it becomes a healthy serviceable instrument to which
the mind can operate until it's usefulness is over.
Who would want to keep it when it's usefulness is done.
Defend the body and you have attacked your mind.
For you have seen it in it the false weaknesses the limits
and the lacks from which you think the body must be saved.
You will not see the mind of separate from bodily conditions and you
will impose upon the body all the pain that comes from the
conception of the Mind as limited and fragile and
apart from other mines and separate from its source.
These are the thoughts in need of healing in the body will respond with health when they
have been corrected and replaced with truth.
This is the body's only real defense.
It is this where you look for its defense you
offer a protection of a Kind from which
it gains no benefit at all, but merely adds to your distress of
You do not heal, but merely take away the hope of
healing where you fail to see where hope must lie if
it'd be meaningful.
I healed mind does not plan.
It carries out the plans that it receives through listening
to wisdom. That is not its own.
And this gets into the relationship with the higher self concept and you
can see a different ways I believe.
I healed mine does not plan. It carries out
the plans that it receives through listening to wisdom. That is not its own.
It waits until it has been taught. What should be
And then proceeds to do it.
It does not depend upon itself for anything except it's adequacy
to fulfill the plans assigned to it.
It is secure uncertainty that obstacles cannot impede
its progress to accomplishment of any goal that serves
the greater plan established for the good of everyone.
Hailed mind is relieved at the belief that it must plan. Although
it cannot know the outcome which is best. It means
by which it is achieved nor how to recognize the
problem that the plan is made to solve.
It must misuse the body and its plans until recognizes. This is
But when it has been accepted, this is true, then it is healed and
let's the body go.
now this is
long lesson that
Man, there's so much there that I have not read. I obviously workbook.
I never really got to but I didn't
realize how much more was.
Was no yeah. I love
that though. That feels very
I don't want to say I don't feel Vindicated.
I don't know. That's the word but
I've been resisting I suppose the feeling that I've become
just like
You know not.
Trying to control everything all the time, which it's like it I am
and I'm telling people that too. It's like I don't hide it at all
like everyone that I work with and tell them all what my
Approach here is and trying to make my job and everybody's job easier
Shouldn't have to work so hard. I think this does come back
to the grass that blooms Withers and dies less emphasis on
the grass and the next the next.
particle of grass the next
strand of grass that's growing the focuses
on the
the nature of the one of the Creator behind
it all.
And finding the perfect.
way to participate in this
Yeah, absolutely. It's tuning your frequency to.
A level that creates an experience that you
can choose and if you do there's a
really high likelihood that you're going to decide that
it's a better way.
Of being or that you prefer. It doesn't make it better objectively. It
just means that you might find it more satisfying
or fulfilling or rewarding or
joyful or any of these things.
But it doesn't necessarily make it more relevant or
I mean all catalysts is beneficial. So all life
is experience. Everything is assimilated. It's
just about waking up to the fact
that we have a choice and what that experience looks and
feels like and that we make that choice every single
time. We perceive something and we decide what it means.
Is there anything else you'd like to talk about?
It did occur to me last weekend actually as soon
as you sent me that email I went.
Well now I want to interview you because I've got
questions on top of questions and this other.
thing that occurred to me here in the last couple days, or maybe
I wrote it down earlier this week is that and this applies
to pretty much anyone with whom I'm in a engaging
conversation about seeking spiritual
truth is I need
to know what you need to know and
I've had this
This conception and experience of building a Vortex,
you know, when there's two or more people involved in
seeking to understand something and that's
what drives whatever access
to knowing that I have. It really seems
to be the earnest honest.
Inquisitive approach to wanting
to understand something and when when somebody can
ask a question from that space then
it's something that I can you know
latch on to and and become a part
of and then when I sit back and say well what do
I need to know and when it's just me in a in my own
kind of micro cause I'm here. I have
a hard time coming up with almost anything almost anything.
I did do that eaching the other night
that I sent you the result of which was pretty cool
that that was you know, kind of completely apropo
obviously synchronicities upon synchronicities, basically,
yeah, exactly. But otherwise,
I don't have burning questions per
se like I I know that I'm
an aspect of God and I know that God is all things
and then I know that the system itself is intrinsically perfect.
But as an aspect of God with free will
I have the choice to have an experience?
that I may
deem imperfect and I
know all those things so
You know cool. That's great to know.
Is there a seeking that has to unfold?
Well, that's the that's the point is that I
don't know what the next right question is until somebody else
wants to understand something as well.
And then that's when there's an energetic.
You know exchange and that otherwise if I'm
just sitting here by myself now, I'm I'm reading
through the Kabbalah obviously. So I'm I'm pursuing
a path to understand the information that's
in the tree of life. So there's tons
of practical information about
how Consciousness, you know works and
all of that. So it's not so much that there's
a question as there is that there's a quest I suppose.
and it does seem like what you're describing is just Catalyst
in general that there needs to be a catalyst there
needs to be appreciation of catalyst for there
to be the quest that comes from the experience that comes
from Catalyst that comes to the
potential transformation through the the
honoring of the Catalyst be it a
person's question or something within us even
yeah, which could be a reaction to some of
that assignment of meaning that we talked about earlier and the emotional
Yeah, that's that's what
we're that's a word geared to respond to and
and we can and that's a that's one
good way and one way that I think we can always
be aware of because it's
very effective to be tuned into our emotional
And then when you want to understand things
at a deeper level.
Seeing them through somebody else's eyes to me is the
the most effective way for
me to get a deep and understanding of a concept
that I otherwise have in sort of two dimensions
in my own reality already.
Right, I agree. It definitely seems like
I can think I understand something and then have a conversation.
with my wife or with you or the groups and it's
like oh wow, that's that's a much bigger shape of
a concept that I had and I
was touching on
Yeah well and that's that's how because
we're taking this thing from this sort of two dimensions and
then turning it around and seeing it from another angle which is
why I view this this Vortex really, you know,
having the exact amount of pull and
draw that you have that you've impressed
it with that you've you know injected into it with your
own Inquisition. And so when one person
asks a question, if you can crawl into
the energy of that question from their perspective and
sort of amplify it and this to
me sounds like the doubling effect that raw tells us about
that's what it feels like to me feels like
when everyone crawls into that same common space,
you know wanting to understand this
same thing. We're all bringing
our own perspective of
everything that we bring to it and it creates this perfect draw
and the light
comes in and suddenly we understand things in a
whole new.
I do think that's a part of the process of Awakening the the blue
ray chakra Awakening the Indigo and being able to perceive
the the flow of the the perfect
flow of information the flow of communication and the
flow of this awareness of the connectedness of
all things through the the pure meanings
of the words the peer meanings of the ideas that we're communicating
and I did learn that I believe through having a
full-time job and having to
Deal with project managers and salespeople who
didn't understand what they were saying and they
were needing they're needing amplification of the concepts that
were fuzzy to start with the needed clarification needed
to be actually turned into something concrete, which is the end
result product that we're offering the the customer without enough
communication. There's just kind of me doing something creatively that
doesn't necessarily connect to the original communication of the vision of the project.
Yeah, which is the same the same thing. So here
we are in manifestation trying to sort of
create this this vacuum that we're
pulling in whatever it is that we want to create and
without an effective vacuum. That's
that's well honed and pointed at something very
specific. You might end up with something that's really just
kind of loose. And so that's in all cases. Everyone's perception
creating some sort of a of an impression. It's
in informing that thing or that person or
event or whatever with its Consciousness. And so we have
all these loose connections. And then as
soon as we start looking in the same direction, then all
of a sudden I think a lot more clarity comes through
Absolutely. Yeah, that was what Ross says
is taking the humanity so long to ascend
is that the compass is
not pointing in One Direction. The needle is not pointing One
And as soon as we get all on the same page, that's when we can spontaneously
have these huge breakthroughs collectively. We can
have the telepathic exchange instead of needing the technology
of the internet. It seems as though we'll have the
technology of society connections that allow us
to perceive into the mind that we're all on the same page
with in order to find all the information we need with the
power of the collective mind all working together. Yeah, and
I think that that's that's the work and vibration because the
the higher the vibration the more naturally everything
is pointed in the same direction. It's really only
at very low vibration.
is everything really chaotic and and
you know friction and
you know a mess so by
raising that vibration or spreading the
possibility and probability that more people become part
of that vibration and that's how we wake up
a world. Yeah. I think that's also why
they call the the place
in between polarities in between service to
self and service to others is the sinkhole of indifference.
people just get stuck in between
I didn't complacency well and and stuck
in the grass focused on the blade
of grass and not realizing the landscape before
exactly, and I guess it's
it's ironically it's a good thing for marketers. I
suppose to have people who just I just
take it with their given and just turn it
into another distraction and just and just
just flow with information in a non-structured
But I guess it's the it's the Catalyst of structures that were
kind of aiming for with creating courses and
creating teachings and
references to the highest truths and highest.
uses of words that we can come across at least with with these books
that were recommending
Yeah, while structures are imbued with
the energy of the Consciousness and which they're
created and so creating structures at a much
higher level of consciousness.
Imbuse it with that energy and you
have a new Foundation. You have a new stable place
to move forward from that structures obviously born
and low vibration and
and rooted in fear stay there
and can't really become a foundation
for something on top of it.
Do you have any book recommendations for people to learn more
about the Kabbalah or start with
Paul Selleck's work?
Oh gosh. Yeah, I really depends on I'm kind of where your vibrating
if you if you're in hold as far as the tree
of life is concerned where you're hyperintellectual or
analytical then yeah, the Kabbalah
is a pretty good way to go as far as Western esotericism
And the mystical Kabbalah by
Dion is a book. I'm reading right now. I think it's a really good
introduction to understanding, you know, all these things that we've
been talking about the correspondence of the saffron if you're
looking for a process if you're looking for a
trajectory and you're looking for self-mastery. Yeah,
I would say the Paul solids
works are also very good
and you'll find residents either very early on or you know,
if it doesn't, you know, you'll know, you know
within a few chapters or whatever in the first book, but for the people
that it clicks with it's exactly what they're looking for if that
seems a bit daunting if that's you know going. Okay,
if I start one am I gonna go all the way through to 10
and how long is that gonna take me? I mean you don't have
to and you can do them and whatever you feel called too
though. There's another book that the one that I mentioned
the wisdom of the council by Sarah Landon and I think
that it encapsulates a lot of this higher vibration truth and
information. So if you're looking for something
Morning to kind of nourish that aspect of
yourself that you know, you already kind of know these things but get
it delivered to you and you know, really beautiful ways.
That's one book that a mouse recommend.
So this has been 90 minutes not that I
not that it needs to end. I feel
like everyone's time is is precious and I also
feel like like what good are my words in comparison
to some of these books like I don't know if us just
rambling if we're just enjoying our rambling right now. I don't
know. I think that that's what we do and we're
bringing in more light, you know with that with
that rambling. So I look forward
to doing this again and again,
yeah, me too.
So any other last thoughts anything you'd like people to
know about?
No, just that that I I really truly
do find joy in seeking
and particularly with someone
like you and others that we have in
meetup groups and things like that. It's definitely
very nourishing to me to to feed
that aspect that's seeking. So I just
really appreciate everything that you do. Yeah. Thanks. And yeah,
definitely it's meetup.com my recommend everybody get on
meetup.com. And and if you don't have anybody in
your area, then you should start a group and
Eventually attract people in your area who resonate with whatever
keywords and phrases you put into here the event
posting or made a group posting.
you know, so
All right Andrew, it's it's sad to have to end
the conversation. But I feel like it's the view appropriate time and there
will be many many more opportunities.
I look forward to all of them. I appreciate it. Thanks so
much, Mike. Thanks.
People: Andrew Shepard, Mike Waskosky
Topics: Law of One, Philosophy, Spirituality
Good work Mike.
Bringing together these studied minds of knowledge books.
People who can express their understandings.
And this is exactly what these books need, a light through a human mind that has experience and can project that vision. And where we can correlate information and see how it all fits into a bigger picture. I think that once we have a nice view and a focused picture, that’s when we get collective consciousness on the planet. Nice job we are on our way.
Identity. Is an individual seperate life experience, governed by the placement of the stars of the soular system, and is only one of millions of lives previously lived. Identity gives rise to ego. But who you are is the accumulation of everything that you have managed to convert into a positive understanding called wisdom, and collected as your Spirit Body, and that is what we are trying to integrate into our life as the Spirit Body is gestating growing and is what you will become.
Technology. We need to understand that there are 2 forces at work, one is called evolution, and that relates to technology, and the other is elevation, and that relates to the inner work and aquired knowledge and understanding through life experiences. The 2 are ment to advance hand in hand, but that doesn’t happen due to the one energy that we must overcome, and that is called Ambition. Ambition needs to be directed towards the benefit of everyone, as long as it is directed towards the individual then evolution and elevation will always be split.