Ep12: Contactee Mission with Randy

Ascension Workers
Ep12: Contactee Mission with Randy
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Next Episode: Ep13: Higher Purpose with Chris, John & Randy
All right.
Welcome everybody. Welcome to Essential Workers.
I'm here with my friend Randy.
And Randy has been a friend
for maybe a year now, or a year, couple years.
I can't remember when we first met,
but it, we first met at a, one of the local meetings
that I host, host, uh, I call them et disclosure and contact
and discussion meetings at a local library monthly.
And Randy showed up and just had some amazing stories.
And I want to first say that Randy is not, you know,
completely unique or special.
'cause there's lots of people like Randy out there
who have wild contact stories that are, you know,
hard to wrap your head around.
But, you know, when we have open meetings
and we can talk about it, we kind
of put the puzzle pieces together.
Everyone has different pieces of the puzzle. And so, um, I,
I also wanna say that Randy did not ask to be interviewed.
I reached out to him. I thought this would be fun.
I don't think Randy has any agenda.
There's not, not trying
to get his name out there or face out there.
This is just a really interesting set of stories
that are really nice to, to let people hear about.
It's the, that's the way I feel about it at least.
Um, and another thing I wanna say is that if anything
that we talk about today brings up fear in anybody,
I want you to like, take a step back and, and,
and reevaluate, because we're not here to,
to spread any kind of message of fear
around anything that's going on.
And there's a really big, crazy complex, uh, game
of our reality that is being played by both positive
and negative entities.
I, that's, that's why I feel about it.
And so, um, yeah, just,
just use your own discernment about everything,
and feel free to question everything that we're saying
and, uh, realize that we could be wrong about things.
And, you know, we have our own interpretations.
We might, we might be wrong about our interpretations.
It's very easy to be, you know, wrong about things in this,
in this reality where we're very,
very limited in our awareness.
Um, so, um, yeah, I guess
that's the main thing I wanted to share.
Um, and so, uh, Randy, I, I want to g give you a chance now
to share, um, you know, so
do you feel like your life has been normal in any way?
Oh, what is normal? You know, Uhhuh, um,
this is a weird experience, you know,
just being a, being a human.
What is this? You know, what is this existence?
What are we, you know,
I don't think anybody has those answers.
You know? Uh, look at, look at the state of the world today.
It's like, what, what is normal? You know?
Has there ever been such a thing? I don't, I don't know.
Yeah. So, so give us an overview, like,
how much contact experiences have you had in your life?
How much paranormal experiences have you had?
How many UFOs have you seen? That kind of thing.
So contact stuff, for me, it,
it's like, it, it was a more of a thing
that happened when I was a kid.
Mm-Hmm. I feel like it was pretty consistent.
Um, it also came with the, I don't know if it was, uh,
their ability to, to like erase your memory of,
of the events or, you know, I don't know if that's part
of it, to allow you to kind of like, you know,
set your free back into the world
and as a test group, you know, to, to, so
that you're not tampered with, that you can
reenter into the world without, you know, being, you know,
fearful or damaged or anything like that.
I feel like the experiences were, I don't wanna say positive
or negative, you know, it was like, necessary.
I would say more of like,
maybe from a scientific perspective of, you know,
keeping track, monitoring certain members
of society as like a test.
You know, just like a, you know, uh, just to keep tabs on us
as a species, or if, if certain one
of us are chosen ahead of time.
Um, I know that my experience started from even
before I was born, you know, I, I, I was able to
remember things from even
before I came into this,
this incarnation, I guess you'd say.
Um, so I mean, I think the experience is ongoing.
Um, it's not necessarily something I can control or,
or, you know, I can't like, you know,
call aliens or anything like that.
But I feel like they're always there.
Um, they, they, they said
that they would always be there not far away.
So, um, that all started at a young age.
All right. So let's, let's,
we can go back into your birth stuff
and pri in prior incarnations later, maybe.
And we'll start with let's, I wanna know, like,
what are your ear earliest memories of sort
of having weird experiences in your bedroom
or on spaceships or anything like that?
Uh, yeah. So, um, well,
it was always like my individual, what I would, I call my,
like missions Mm-Hmm.
Um, from being very young during my sleep, you know, um,
leaving the body, you know,
like we would call astro projection today, I guess.
Mm-Hmm. Um, and there's those experiences.
Then they're also the experiences where,
I don't know if it was like, as a cost of this,
where there would be a physical, um, aspect to that,
where they would come and, you know, maybe take me out,
you know, physically and, and test and take samples
and stuff like that, and just keep tabs on me.
You know, maybe, you know, I don't, I don't know.
It was more of a scientific aspect from their point of view.
Um, so that, like I said,
Let's, let's start with the astral stuff.
Um, so what, give us some more, uh, specifics of
what you, what you experienced.
So, or since I was real little, it was like,
bedtime was always hard.
You know, my parents, they couldn't get me to go there.
It was like, I feared, I always fear hated going to sleep.
Um, for me it was like, you know, going to work, you know,
it was like, I'd wake up exhausted.
Um, and the whole process was like, not something I feared,
but just something I didn't look forward to.
I try to avoid, you know, put off at the last minute.
So, um, but it was like, when I would go to bed,
it would like close my eyes to go to sleep.
It was like, I would always hear like a,
almost like a shovel, like digging,
and it would like, almost put me into a trance.
And then, you know, as I'm slipping into sleep,
I remember I would always feel like my body was float.
Like, like my body would float above my bed.
And I always remember thinking, if I open my eyes right now,
I know I'm gonna be an inch from the ceiling.
And then that would be my last memory.
And then, and I would leave, you know?
And now old, when I'm older, I've done the research.
I know that's like an astral projection type of an event.
Um, and then it pretty much, from my memory,
it would pretty much be blank.
But after this happening so many times,
I remember in the process wanting to remember, like, like,
have you ever tried to remember
what it feels like to fall asleep?
And you try to like, put yourself in a repetition, like,
okay, tonight I'm gonna try to remember tomorrow.
I'm gonna try to, and then every night you try to remember,
and eventually you start getting little pieces.
I call that like, leaving myself breadcrumbs
to like, what's happening?
Like, where am I going? And I started to get, be able
to remember things of what was happening from that moment
where I would feel like I'm touching the ceiling to,
then all of a sudden I'm gone.
And I started leaving myself, what I call mental breadcrumbs
to remember when I woke up, what's going on, you know,
why do I feel like this, you know,
this is like a very young age.
So what I, today still I have memory of is
it was almost like, um, if you were
around in like the eighties
or nineties, there was a show, it was called Quantum Leap,
where the, this person would like disappear from their life
and their reality, and they would appear like an incarnation
into someone else in order to change the timeline of events
or influence certain things to happen
that maybe didn't happen and were supposed to.
Um, and there was always like a being,
I think it was like a, like, it was some being
that he talked to in the show that was like,
had like a mastermind ability over it all.
Who knew where to send him and why,
and had this, this giant plan.
And he didn't, the the, the actor didn't know
or understand any of it, but he knew that he had a mission
and he knew he had to finish it.
Well, this is what I, this is what was happening to me.
It was like, I, when I would go to sleep, I would leap out
of my body and I would go into these experiences
on this world, off this world.
And it was, what I can make of it is that I was living
through these other things in order to change some
grand timeline of events.
And I started leaving myself, you know, these breadcrumbs.
Because after every mission, it was like,
it all ended the same way.
It would like, like I would do this thing,
and it was like, sometimes it felt like I was living like a
whole lifetime in this period
of me just my body here sleeping,
and my soul, my spirit would travel out
and incarnate something else.
And it was like, I dunno if time was different,
where I was going or what,
but it was like, sometimes it felt like I was living a whole
life and being this other Perth, this other being.
And then I would come back in the, into, into this body,
and I'd wake up exhausted, you know, and all that.
But I started leaving myself these mental breadcrumbs of,
you have to remember this, you have to remember this.
And that's when I started to remember that the last part
of this experience was always the same.
So I would do this mission,
and then I would have to report the,
you know, the results of the mission.
It was like, um, I had to like, like upload
or download the experience from myself to this, this,
it was like a council.
Okay. So it was like, it was like, I would come in
from my experience into this large, huge, like,
marble room with pillars, green marble.
And they would always be at the way, at the end,
a giant marble table, long flat table.
And there would be these beings,
and they were all like different beings.
And it was always an odd number of beings.
If there's 11 or five or seven, it was always an odd number.
And what I would have to do is I would have to report,
you know, the, the conclusion of my mission
or, you know, my accomplishments
or with my failure, I'd have to enter this room.
And in the middle of the room, there's a giant circle,
and I would have to walk into the circle
and kneel down on one knee, put my head down,
and I don't, they would like, extract the experience from me
and then wipe my memory of it,
and then shoot me back to my body.
And I'd wake up, you know,
and this all happened when I was a little kid,
so I didn't really know what was going on, you know,
it was just, I'd just wake up
and, you know, I'd always just wanna go to nature and,
and, you know, all that.
And forget about it all.
But I think this was even
before school started, so,
you know, I was little at the time. You're
Thinking younger than five is when you first had these
Memories? Yeah.
Yeah. It was definitely before school even started.
And did you have any positive
or negative feelings about these people?
And what did they look like?
So it's, it's these,
so the beings in the room, is that what you're mean?
Yeah. Yeah. They, they were all different.
It was like, um, they were all different.
It was like, there was tall, like real tall, gray,
skinny one with like gold, like, I don't wanna say armor,
but like, like a, almost like a orb thing around.
There was, um, there was definitely like a being,
it was like a, like a vortex, like a, like a void,
like an energy, like a, you know,
like a looked like a portal or something.
And there was like a real little one.
And it was, it was all different.
There was like a human looking one with like a,
like a receding hairline with like, hair on the side.
Um, yeah, it was, it was, it was all it, like every,
it was almost like they weren't, they had nothing to do
with one another except they were all sitting at the table.
Whether or not they were all like, um,
I feel like they were all like, ambassadors from maybe like,
different sectors or space or something.
And did they, did they
ever have any interactions with you?
Did you have any feelings about them?
It was always telepathic. From what I remember.
It was always like, um, I remember like, getting busted,
like trying to tell myself,
you will remember this, you'll remember this.
Like, before I walked into the, the circle,
and I remember like hearing them in my head,
like the voice of one.
It was like, like he knew what I, they knew what I was doing
and knew it was wrong.
Like, they were, they knew what I was up to,
but they allowed me to anyways.
Like, they didn't think I had the power to do it,
or they wanted to see if I could do it,
or, you know, it was like, kind of like that.
Huh. And, um, so you kind
of developed a little relationship over time.
It was, they were the relatively the
same entities over time, do you think?
Yeah, I think it was the same ones.
Not sure if they were all all always there,
but like I said, it was always an odd number.
And it was, they were all like, like, they were so far away.
It was like, there was, I don't, it was like, um,
you know what it it reminds me
of was like the Jedi Council and Star Wars.
Mm-Hmm. That's what if like, seeing that movie, it was like,
oh, it was like, I, that, that's familiar to me.
You know? Like, I know what that's all about. Um, yeah.
This, that obviously didn't come out till,
you know, I was in high school.
But yeah, it was like, um, they were, I don't know what
it was, like, they're like, my bosses or,
or what, you know, I was a little kid.
So, um, yeah, it was.
And, and so the missions
that you were beginning were things
where you were going out in the astral.
They weren't missions on earth?
Or was it like, they thought you had missions on Earth too?
So the, the missions themselves, it was like the,
it's just like, um, it's, it's more of like a feeling like
of time passed that I, I can retain, um, specifics.
I don't have, like, they definitely took all that
when they took the, you know,
when I did the upload download thing, they,
they would take all that that's gone.
Um, but like, it's more of like, like ages spent, you know,
that I feel like the year, like the time was like, you know,
like, I've spent time other places.
Like, I'm not just my age, you know what I mean?
Like, I've, I've done service for these, these beings.
Um, but the breadcrumbs was always when I was entering the
room telling myself, you will remember.
You will remember. You will remember.
And that's what I remember is entering that room and,
and seeing that in that room
and that council that's like, that's in there.
I could see that's like, you know, that room, that marble,
you know, it was, which is, you know,
and I just wanna say this too,
I grew up down the street from our lady of,
of victory in LaJuana, New York,
the giant church, the big basilica.
And I remember walking in there and seeing that marble,
and it was like, I don't, you know, I don't, it's,
it's like, I don't know if it was a different dimension.
I don't know if it was another planet.
I don't, I don't know. You know, like I said, I was a little
Kid. You're saying that the
reminded you of a different place? Yeah.
Like, I don't know if it was maybe I another marble room
in the same place, in a different parallel
dimension, you know?
Or if there's like a lay line of energy where it's the same
and even in different dimensions
or something, you know, this is just me,
I'm just guessing here, but seeing all
that marble was like, it's
So maybe we, we could jump forward a little bit now
and, um, share with us more about, um, some
of the more contact significant contact experiences you've
had that were very weird while you were awake.
Mm-Hmm. Um, so I know you said like,
you don't want people to be afraid or anything like that.
Um, but the
Physical, well, we, we can let them interpret whatever.
You just give the raw details,
we'll let people figure it out for themselves.
Yeah. So the, the, that,
that whole thing about the missions
and stuff, I felt like it was more of like, uh,
my energy body was like leaving and doing things.
My physical body would stay here.
Um, but the, the other encounters
where I know I was physically being taken through the wall,
you know, of the bedroom, you know, and stuff.
Um, so it would be like the same thing.
I'd go be going to bed and I'd be either sleeping or,
or, you know, falling asleep.
And instead of like, floating up,
like the bed would just start like shaking.
And I would feel it with like, there's a house shaking,
you know, but like, I'm frozen,
so I can't open my eyes, I can't look around.
But then all of a sudden I would just be somewhere else,
and it was like, my body would be frozen,
but like, my eyes, you know, it was like, I could see
around, you know, like this.
And I, I could sense the presence of beings, like,
almost like a doctor's office.
And, you know, it was like,
I remember being really mentally, mentally, uh, wanting
to challenge every, you know, if I'm restrained,
I would mentally try to get, get out of it.
And to the point where they found it hard to keep me
cons, like constrained.
And it was like, they would be
so annoyed these beings near me that, you know,
it was like they were angry at me,
but there would always be like a, a presence
of another behind them.
Larger. And like, as much as these ones would be annoyed
and angry, this larger, larger, like, being,
would be impressed.
You know? Like, go ahead, get out, see if you can get out.
You know, like, and,
and as I would, it would, like,
they either were impressed by that.
Were these grays? I, I would say something like,
like insect, like gray maybe.
Okay. Something Like
That. More like insectoid
than gray.
Yeah. Well, maybe like the smaller ones were like,
some kind of like a, like a drone ant or something feeling.
And this was like a traditional abduction experience.
You felt that you were being restrained?
What's that? Was this like more a regular abduction
experience where you, this was kind of like, not part
of your mission, this is part of
being restrained for some purpose?
Yeah, like my physical self would be taken fully.
And it wasn't just my spirit or anything.
This was like, I wasn't incarnating anything else.
Um, this was me, you know, and I'd be on the table
and these little ones who'd be around me,
almost like they were the workers
and they would be tasked with doing, you know,
taking samples or it was always like a feeling
of extreme frustration where I would wanna break the bonds
and they would put, go deeper.
They would put it harder on me, you know?
And I would try to get out
and try to communicate with them in my mind and stuff.
And, you know, like really resisting the experience
to the point where I feel like they would just
put me out completely.
And like, I feel like even in that being out,
that my energy body would, would still wanna wake out,
you know, take out, and I remember being like, above my body
and looking down and there being like tubes,
like going into, like, into my throat,
like maybe keeping meals.
I don't know what it was, but yeah,
it was not something I liked, you know,
it was something I definitely didn't like.
But at the same time, like I said, there was,
there was always the presence of a, like an elder
or a, a larger energy presence there.
Who would, who would want to reward me, you know?
Even like, the harder I would be, the, the, you know,
even cause them damage, the little one's damage, um,
you know, kicking or screaming and fighting.
It was like the elder one.
Like he, we wanted that he, he was like,
they were interested in that.
The anger that I felt that, you know, it,
it was like respected, you know, like, wow,
like this is, this is a good one.
Um, you know,
and at the end of it, it was like, they would take,
but then I'd always be given something, you know,
not physical, but like, like they would put something in
where they had taken something out.
And I feel like as I got older
and, you know, got into this stuff, looking and researching
and stuff, like the, the idea that even in religious times,
there would be certain people would be given gifts
of knowledge or, you know, um,
enlightenment or something like that.
I feel like I've been given rewards as a result
of this experience too.
So for what they took, they would give,
whether it was like a karmic balance type of thing,
you know, or something like that.
But yeah.
So what do you think they were trying to take from you?
Um, I think that they were, I think
that they were impressed by my ability to interact
with them mentally, psychically, spiritually, my ability.
I think they wanted that, um, my emotional range.
You know, like, even when I,
there wasn't like an production experience,
they were still in touch with me, like, throughout the day
as a kid, as a little kid, it was like the little,
the little guys, it was like,
there was always at least three of them.
And they were always like, like,
if I reached out in my mind, they were there, you know?
And, and I grew up on a dead end street,
and there was a creek that ran around that dead end street.
And, you know, I would always wake up early
before everyone else and just get outta sleep.
You know? I hated sleeping,
and everyone else would be sleeping.
And I would, I would write a note
and, you know, leave a note from my mom
and my dad, you know, I'm going down the creek.
I'm going to play by myself.
And I would go down to nature and I would, you know,
and it was like, they were always there, like, in my mind,
they were always watching over me.
And, you know, they,
but that they would communicate like, through, through
that way, like through my mind.
And I know that they had a deep interest
in my human emotion.
And they wanted that. They, they, they, they didn't have it,
like empathy and love and that,
and they wanted to understand more about that.
And I feel like as just me personally with my family
and stuff, we've always been really highly emotional,
loving, warm family.
And I don't know, maybe they, they just,
it was something rare, you know?
Even growing up, having friends, it was like meeting friends
and their families and stuff.
It was like, they didn't have it.
Like, like I had it, you know?
I was kind of spoiled that way. I had really good parents
and a good structure like that.
And I was loved.
My grandparents lived right next door,
and I was always surrounded by love
and, and light and stuff.
And I don't know, maybe I was just a good, a good sample,
you know, that they could, could gather from
and, and learn from.
You think there were genetics taking that kind of interest
Too? Yeah, I,
I know for sure there was, there were, they,
they were taking samples of me, and at the end of it,
'cause it did come to an end at age 11, they, they stopped.
It all stopped.
Um, but before that, there was like, um,
there was like a sexual experience, like female energy.
And, you know, I would wake up
and it was like, you know, I had had sex
and I didn't even really at
that age know really what that was all about.
And, you know, it was like expected to, you know,
be like wet and stuff
and there nothing, and it was like, whoa.
You know, like, I know what, you know,
but it was like, it was like, they did it
because they had to, not
because they were trying to hurt me, but
because it was just like a part of the science or,
or, you know, like, I always,
after I got older, I said, maybe I am the clone.
You know, it's like, so I don't, I don't know, you know,
it was like the si I feel like there's science involved,
you know, as much as there is spirituality and stuff.
And, and I feel like they're learning
and somehow they aren't.
Like, we're special as a race, as a human race.
I feel like we have something that is coveted out there.
Um, one other story before we move on, I guess I wanted
to cover was, you mentioned going down to the creek, um,
and, uh, you had had
to share a story about astro projecting down there, share.
Was that a common place you would visit
for? Yeah. Connecting.
Yeah. So this was always my safe, my, my place to go.
Um, I would go down the creek.
I always love fishing and,
and the idea of like, you know, catch another animals
and stuff, like the exploring nature and that.
And there was a spot in the river, it was called Bedrock.
There was a giant rock, and where the current bent
around the, the end of the street there,
and it was like a little rapids waterfall area
where on the side where I would sit, it was like the,
it was like silt, like Egyptian silt.
It was like real rich, dark soil.
And I found that the fishing right there was really good.
So I'd always cast my pole
and, you know, put it down on the ground on my feet.
And then I would crouch down, you know,
and like hug my knees, like almost like a fetal position.
And then I'd put my, my hand like this.
And it would always, I would always look at my hand
and say, this is, this is not my hand.
This is like an alien hand. This doesn't look right.
And I would stare into my palm,
and then I would like ask, I would, I would be blackness.
And then I'd, and I'd be gone.
And then all of a sudden I'd hear my mom ran,
you know, call me for dinner.
And it's like, I just got here.
Like, this is like six, seven in the morning,
and all of a sudden, you know, lunch or whatever,
and it's like hours had gone by.
So, you know, I don't know if that was like, just natural
for me to do that, but sometimes when it wouldn't work,
and remember, I'd look at my hand
and I would say five fingers,
and I would, I would cover up my pinky
and I would look at my hand as if it had four fingers.
And then I would stare at
my palm, and it was like, immediate.
And I would remember, like, I would go to this, you know,
it was almost like, um, like a memory
of being a different being
That had four fingers. Yeah.
And then that it would be, be immediate, you know?
And I don't know if that called them or, or,
or if that did something,
but seeing the forefingers somehow felt
more natural than the five.
And so you, you would go off
and just have astral projections all day?
Yeah, I would just be gone.
You know, it was like, like I would put the fishing pole
by my feet or under my foot or something.
So if I got a bite or something, I would feel it,
and then I'd all of a sudden be back.
But yeah, it was like missing time.
I, I don't really have a memory about where I would go
or what, but I do know that when I would leave,
this is weird to say, not that this is, it's an all weird,
but, um, when I would leave to go back up to go home,
as soon as I would turn my back on the creek,
I would feel a presence suddenly.
Like, it would make me scared.
And I remember
after so many times, I remember feeling it out,
and I would question it, like, what is this?
What are you? And it,
I felt like it was coming from the water.
And after so many times of this happening,
I remember having like a communication of, of like
where I would connect with whatever it was.
And it would, I could, I could tell that whatever this was
had to hold itself back from attacking me,
or the feeling of wanting
to attack me when my back was turned almost like a,
like a, like a, a predator would wait for a prey animal
to turn around before it would attack.
But I don't feel like this thing ever wanted to attack me.
I feel like it was fighting its own instinct, not to,
knowing that I wasn't prey item, you know?
But it would still feel that when it saw me
turn around that vulnerability.
And I would be, I would feel fear, like instantly,
like I'd be down there for hours.
I'd feel no fear at all.
But the second I turned my back to leave, all
of a sudden I would get real, real afraid.
But I never, you know, nothing ever happened.
But eventually I, I had some kind of communication
where I knew that that's what that was, is
whatever was there with me was fighting.
Its its own instinct
or behavior that, that urge to attack when, you know,
something turns us back, you know? So that's, yeah.
It's inter it's interesting to me
that we never really know how many types
of beings we are interacting
with when we're having one experience.
There could be just another type
of being right there observing the whole thing too, right?
Yeah, yeah.
Or, or, you know, I, I think as humans too, I think
that we're all connected as a planet.
Even in our thoughts and stuff. We're all connected.
There's like a grid, like a cloud, they say now.
Um, but it's doesn't, it's not just limited to our planet,
you know, we're, we're in tune with all of these things
that are out there way beyond our own little lives.
And when we have these experiences
and stuff, I feel like it attracts
the attention of other things.
Yeah. I would love to go into more of your, your school,
uh, experiences or later, later on in your life now.
Um, do you have anything that comes to mind of, um,
anything worth sharing about your earlier
school experiences?
Um, yeah.
So like in, in high school,
it was like, um, I don't know if this was intentional
or if it just happened, you know, if this is just the way
of the world, that what happens when we sleep.
But the people who I knew from school
and stuff, like, I would be able to communicate
with them while I'm sleeping, and I would find them
while we're sleeping and go on adventures
and everything else, like in our astral bodies.
And I, I was aware, you know, it was like, I was aware
and they were aware, and we'd have great times
and I'd, you know, share these experiences and then wake up.
And it was like, I knew what happened,
but then when I'd see 'em in school, it was like,
it was no one there, you know?
It was like, hey. And it was like,
but somehow they, it was like a part of them knew
that I was there like, as like a, as a,
I don't wanna say like a mentor, but like,
that I was a friend, you know?
And it was like, you know, it was like, I,
I feel like I know you like more than I know you, you know,
it's like instant closeness with people, um,
especially girls.
Yeah, I should share that.
I had that, I had that very
strongly with you when I first met you.
It's like, I, I had difficulty with you trying
to tell me we had not met before.
I was really struggling. It's
like, I can hardly believe that.
Yeah. Because we have met. Yeah,
We have, you know, it's, it's just, and,
and I don't think this is special.
Like, I don't think I'm special in this.
I think we all do it, you know?
And then we have those little moments
where it's like, Hey, I was just thinking about you.
That's so weird that now you're here.
It's like, to me, that's just, I,
I understand that completely, you know?
And I think people are starting to realize
what that is, you know?
Mm-Hmm. But yeah, it was like, in the waking hours,
it was like intoxicating, you know?
It's like, like I said, especially with girls, you know,
it was like in school, I always had friends that were girls,
and it was like, I was friends with the guys too,
but there was something in, the guys were
like, they kind of didn't like me.
I don't know if it was like a jealousy thing or, or what,
but you know, it was like, people always came to me
for advice, you know?
And it was like, I could just, I could see their problems.
I knew exactly what was happening.
I would ask them questions about at home, what it was like
for them at home and stuff like that.
I was able to really quickly diagno, uh, diagnose
other people's problems
and give them exact advice that they needed.
And they'd come, you know, the next day or the next week
or whatever, they'd be like, Hey, I tried to did
that thing you told me, man, thank you.
You know? And it was like, that felt great if I always felt
like that was what I was here to do.
Like, that was like my, my calling on earth was
to just help people and, and bring people together and,
and solve conflict and stuff. So.
Great. Yeah. Um, so I would love to hear about
the, the story where you were, um,
seeing a bright light outside in the middle of the night,
that would be a great starting point.
And that might be one of the first stories you
ever shared with us too, I think.
Yeah, that was a really good one too,
because it wasn't just me.
It was like, it entire city blocks.
Um, this was early two thousands.
It was in the winter months. Um, it was snowing.
And I grew up on, like I said, the dead end street,
and it was like my grandparents and my parents' house.
And then later in life, in my teenage years, I had an aunt
that had bought the third house
on the other side of my parents.
So I ended up getting an apartment.
The first time I left my parents' house,
I rented the apartment upstairs from my aunt,
and it was great, you know, it was like a little,
little loft upstairs,
and there was this crawl space upstairs, if I climbed
through this cubby where I could go up there,
and I, there was enough room to stand, so being a teenager
and stuff, I was like, ah, I wanna, I want
to grow some weed, you know?
Um, so I was doing that. I was, I was growing weeded there.
And you know, I, I'd been up there dozens
of times all the time and never any problems.
This one night, it was late at night, I don't wanna say
between midnight and 1:00 AM
and I was up there doing my thing,
and all of a sudden I felt fear, like somebody was up there
with me and looking in the back,
you know, where it was real dark.
And I felt in my mind, these, the little guys.
And I was like, oh my God, they're back.
And it made me afraid.
All of a sudden I felt fear and I was looking back.
I thought, I would thought, when I looked back,
I would see 'em, but I didn't see anything.
And as soon as I looked back like that, all
of a sudden my phone rang downstairs, you know,
underneath where the ladder was.
So obviously I jumped down.
I wanted to get outta there, so I jumped down
and I answered the phone, and it's my mom,
and she's, she's freaking out.
And it's my, my dad and my mom.
I could hear my dad in the back.
And what time of day was this?
It was like late at night, like between midnight
and 1:00 AM Is that very weird that they were awake then?
Yeah, for my mother, not my father.
My father was a night owl. Um, what'd they say?
So they're, I could hear it in their voice.
They're, they're afraid. And they're
Randy, Randy, look out the window.
Look out the window. I run to the front
and I open the blinds.
And what should be completely black knight is bright as day
white, white light.
Like, not sunlight,
but like the, the cool fluorescent bulbs, not the warm one,
like the bluish white, the cold bulbs is like that,
but it's like daytime and it's snowing.
I, man, I grabbed my coat and flew down the stairs.
I was out of that house. I was
going, it was like, I was a little kid.
I was like, I wanted my mommy.
So like, I ran like to go to my parents' house,
right when I got outside, all
of a sudden I wasn't afraid anymore.
And right in the middle of the house, as I stopped
and I fixed my coat, I'm just still getting my coat out,
and I'm looking up, and I could see the snowflakes,
and I could, this was white light,
and I could hear this hum, like a, like that.
And I'm like, what is this?
So I go to my parents' house
and they're like, what is going on?
You know? And they're like, is it the aliens? You know?
And it's like, and then come to find out,
it was the first moment my father had ever touched
a, a computer.
He, he, my, you know, he is always bothering my
brother, Hey, can you look this up?
Can you look this up for me? Can you look this up for me?
It was the first time where
my brother was like, did you sit down?
I'm gonna show you how to do this.
And he said, as soon as he touched the
keyboard, that's when it happened.
All of a sudden, boom, white light through the,
through the, the windows and everything.
So I don't know if that's like something going on there
or what, but this lasted
for about 15, 12, 15 minutes at least.
And I remember I was, so, we were all excited, you know,
forget what time it was, it didn't matter.
I immediately got on the phone
and I called my buddy Jarret, who had lived about five
or six blocks away,
and he, he answered, he, I knew he was up,
and he answered, he's like, did you see that?
And he's like, well, I'm calling to C, you know?
And it was like, you've seen it too.
So this is like a big thing, whatever this was, it was big.
And it was exactly like daytime.
It was as bright as day,
but it wasn't like, I don't know how to explain this.
It's like, when, when the sun is, is shining,
it's like a warm, reddish light.
This was not, had no warmth, no reddish at all.
It was like a fluorescent bulb. Mm-Hmm.
Like the, I dunno, you go to the store
and you look at the bulbs, there's like the cool
white and then the warm red.
Yeah. Or the cool blue and the warm red.
This was, they had like that bluish
fluorescent, you know, like office.
Yeah. It wasn't, it wasn't the sun.
So do you think that the, if there was a ship above you
that the, the snow kind of obscured ability to see it?
Or do you think it was invisible?
Um, yeah, it might've been invisible
or I just remember looking up
and I could see the snowflakes coming down still.
You know what I mean? So, Mm-Hmm. I don't know.
Um, so I guess,
I guess your, your parents could still
verify this story to this day.
Do they have any interpretations
about what they think it was?
They'll tell you the exact same story,
the exact same energy and everything.
We we're all like, exactly on the same page.
We've always been like exactly the same, you know,
Uhhuh. That's great.
Um, I guess I should let you finish.
Was there any other details to that story?
Um, so my father worked for the city,
the municipality there.
Mm-Hmm. So next day going to work, he obviously asked around
and the firemen confirmed.
They got calls from all over, you know,
and it was, it was not like, uh, exclusive to us.
This happened in a large area, you know,
and a lot of people saw it, so
Yeah. Very
interesting. Um, but,
but it kind of was associated
with the, you said the little guys.
Yeah. Who were these little guys?
Were these the aunt people?
I feel like it was even smaller ones.
You know, I, I feel like, like back when I was little
and they would take me outta my bed, they would be standing
next to me while I was on the surface
surface of like a table.
And I feel like they were probably
like three and a half, four feet.
But I feel like these little guys were like one
and a half, two feet, maybe, like little, little guys.
And, and like I said, it was, it was just,
I felt the fear before I could.
It was like, I saw him in my mind, but I felt the fear
before that happened, you know?
So they popped into your head
and did they, did they have anything to say to you?
Or was it just kind of just this random flash of experience?
No, it was like a, it was just, it was just so weird.
'cause I felt, all of a sudden I just felt afraid.
I had no idea this was going on outside,
that there was bright lights and then there,
it was like the, the image of them in my head.
And then I was just, so,
I feel like I just panicked, you know?
Like, maybe if I, maybe, maybe that's why when I was a kid,
it was like, they would put a freeze on me, you know?
'cause it was like, as a human, I just panicked, you know?
And when I didn't, when I was in control of my emotions,
I just wanted to, to flee, you know, fight or flight.
Mm-Hmm. Alright. We can move on to, uh, other stories.
Um, I love, I love that story.
Uh, um, I guess we can move on to,
um, you had talked about, um,
the silent screams that you discovered.
How old were you when that happened?
This was, this was, this was the same apartment
around the same period of time.
This was after nine 11. And, you know, that happened.
And I immediately, it was like, I, I gotta pay.
We gotta pay attention. Like, this is crazy.
You know, this is like history. So I started paying
attention heavily to politics and watching c-span
and all that stuff.
And, you know, I felt like there was something more
to it. So I, I started You
Had a premonition about nine 11 too, right?
Um, so I was, I was just so frustrated.
It was like, I could see things when I would watch these
politicians talk or, you know,
George Bush giving these speeches and stuff.
And it was like, I, I could see through them maybe one
of the gifts they gave me, I don't know.
But it was like, I could read between what they were saying
and I could, I could, I knew what the truth was
and I would go to my parents
and I would try, it was specifically my dad.
And I would try to explain to him, you know, Hey, this is,
people don't see it, but this is what's going on.
It's not right. I would try to get, dump it all on him,
and it was just too much for him.
Even he is, you know, you know, and it just got frustrating
and no one really talked to that, understood it.
So I just remember going home.
It was like the one night and I was so frustrated.
I just wanted to scream. And I was in my upstairs there.
I had just gotten back from my parents' house
and I wanted to scream so bad.
And like all these thoughts in
my head that I couldn't get out.
And I knew if I screamed
that not only would the neighbors would probably hear me,
my aunt downstairs would hear me, you know,
it would be like, you know, I can't, I'm a grown guy now.
I can't just be screaming like that.
So, but I had to do, you know, my parents,
when I was little, they used to tell me, go,
go, go scream into your pillow.
You know, when you're, when I was a little kid,
they'd make me go scream into my pillow.
So I wanted to do that. So I was in the middle of the room
from the living room to the kitchen,
and I just, I like let out like a silent scream.
Like, like I screamed, but I didn't let any sound come out.
And in the process, it wasn't just me screaming,
it was like, kind
of like getting all my thoughts out with the scream.
You know, like, like, it's almost like, um,
you can almost like shrink wrap all your thoughts
and like try to get it out, you know, like that.
And I did one of those, like, like, like one of those.
And boom, the power went out,
everything black again.
I was like, did I just do that?
And what time of day was this?
It was at night. It was night.
It was probably eight or 9:00 PM
'cause then I'd come home, I'd, I'd play video games.
And so I remember like, holy crap,
did I just blow out the power?
You know? So I wanted to go
and see if any, if my parents thought,
and I was like, did I just do this?
I was gonna go again to my parents' house and see,
and again, I stopped right in the middle of the houses.
I had a feeling like, just stop. Don't go over there.
You know, they were not gonna understand anyways.
So I just, instead of going there,
I went into their backyard.
There was a willow tree,
and I just leaned up against the tree
and I was like shaking, you know, like, like vibrating.
Like, did I just do this? What, what? You know?
So I was still frustrated.
So I said, well, if I did it, I'm gonna do it again.
'cause I could see like across the way,
there was another street
and I could see the power was on over there.
So I was like, if I did that, I'm gonna do it again.
So I tried to do it again, like was like, you know,
let it all out, get it out.
And boom, the street lights blew out on the street,
a like across the creek,
and the transistor on a pole blew up.
Sparks. Like, I, it was like, I,
I was like, am I an X-Men?
Like what the heck is this?
Were you in your twenties when this happened?
Uh, yeah. I was like, right around 20. Yeah.
I was like right around 2002, three.
Yeah. Yeah.
When you shared that in the meeting, I shared a story.
I had a similar experience with an LSD experience.
I probably don't have to share,
but yeah, it's like I, I know this is real,
that we have some weird energetic thing
and people know it all the time with,
with technology failing
and just a little burst of emotion can cause your computer
to crash just little and, and light bulbs to go out.
This is, this is not entirely uncommon,
but maybe not to the extent
that you've experienced it. Yeah.
Brother. Um, similar,
similar things have happened with my brother.
Um, he was in a band, he still is.
Um, and he was record,
they were doing something with the band.
And, and he was, they were writing a song
and he said he was frustrated
because they weren't listening to him.
Like what he wanted his input for the, the song.
And at the time he was so young,
my mom would drive and pick him up and stuff.
And my dog at the time was in the backseat of their car
or my mom's car when she went to pick him up.
And he was coming outta band practice.
And all of a sudden my dog started barking at him.
Like she didn't recognize him
and they thought this was weird.
And then he got in the car
and as soon as he sat down, all the car instruments
and stuff started woo woo woo.
It was like the radio was everything.
All the lights were going out and stuff.
And he said even after the ride home, he got home
and he went to put the CD in and everything.
Nothing would work. And it was like, so yeah,
it's not like just me, you know?
This is something I feel like we, we have,
you know, the ability to
Yeah. We are energy
beings, definitely. Yeah. Yeah.
Um, so was there anything else
relating to this you wanted to share?
Um, no, not, not really.
I guess, I guess isolated things, you know.
Um, I try not to to focus on that
'cause I don't wanna blow out TVs or,
Um, so have you seen UFOs directly?
Yeah. Yeah. I've definitely seen UFOs.
I've had quite a few experiences actually.
Um, there was a couple experiences where there was like, uh,
silverish diamond shapes I've seen.
Um, I remember driving to work.
I used to work at, uh, office Max
and, uh, early morning getting there and driving to work.
And I remember like in the distance, maybe two,
three mile four, between two
and four miles, you know, way in the distance
I could see like a giant,
I don't wanna say it was a cigar shape
'cause it might've been like a circular shape,
and I could just see the peripheral,
but it was like a long skinny,
and it was just cruising, man.
And it was like, it was cruising in such a straight line.
Like it was like fixed, you know what I mean?
It wasn't like trying to go anywhere.
It was just real slow, just cruising.
I'm driving, you know, trying to keep my eye on the thing.
And, um, I get to work and, you know,
after I'd lost it behind the trees
and whatnot, and I made it to work.
And like, all that day, I,
I felt like I'm, I'm like, they're connected.
Like I could, you know,
like they're there like in my head again, you know?
And it was like, okay, you guys are there all the time.
You know? And it's like, they're not always
personally there, you know, but they're always up there.
I feel like they're always there.
Do they have a particular vibration compared to others?
Do you know the different vibrations of the,
the feeling that you're talking about?
Of who, who is there?
Um, so like the, so like,
that doesn't always come, like if I see things.
Um, but that time it did like where I felt like those was
like, if I thought like I could hear them in there,
you know, that I don't know, you know,
all the sightings I've had and
I've had quite a few sightings.
'cause I'm always looking, you know, people don't look,
I feel like if you look, you're gonna see stuff
and people just don't, they're just,
they're down here, you know?
And it's like, I've always, ever since I was little, always,
you know, looking around and, you know,
my parents were a little different, you know, they,
they didn't tell you things weren't real, you know,
it was like, I'm gonna go find a leprechaun.
Okay man, go, go ahead, go outside and find one.
You know, it was like, they just encouraged that.
It was like, they didn't say, oh, that's not real,
you know, and put you in a box.
My parents were like, okay, go ahead. You know?
So I grew up with like, my mind was open
to, you know what I mean?
Yeah. Do you think your parents have kind
of been believers in the UFO subject for a while? So
It's funny you say that.
My mom was, was never like into this stuff
so much as my dad was.
And my dad's father, even my, my grandfather,
they were always like talking about angels
and they were really into the Bible and my grandparents
and stuff, Bible studies
and all that stuff, they were always open to that stuff.
And my dad and my uncle were always, you know, listening
to like Art Bell and stuff like that.
And um, like I remember as a kid,
like my dad would tell me stories, you know, even
as I'm little, you know about King Solomon, you know,
and the, the two women that claimed the baby was theirs.
And the King Solomon said, well, I don't know.
One of you is lying and I don't
know which one of you is telling the truth.
So I'll split the baby in half and you can each have half.
And the one woman said, okay, go ahead.
The other woman said, no, no, no. Okay, give her the baby.
He said, that's how King Solomon knew the real mother.
You know, these are the kind of stories I would hear
as a real little, little guy.
So, you know, my dad was always like, really, you know,
a deep thinker and conversationalist and stuff.
And you know, even like, this is weird,
but like even bef I have memory of seeing my mother
and father before I was born.
And I remember like, not wanting
to come into this world again, Uhhuh.
And I remember being convinced to come because of my father.
I remember saying like, I like him, I'm interested in him,
and I'll come here to be with him
and teach him, you know, of course my dad did not like
to hear that growing up, you know, when I was little
that I came here to teach him.
When do you think you first said that to him?
When I was little. Like real little.
Huh? And, uh, maybe you should share the story.
What, what were your first words?
Yeah, so, you know, I, I don't have this memory,
but this was a story that my, my dad would all, you know,
he told me I was in the car seat real little
and my parents were driving from Buffalo over the Skyway,
like coming into, into the city.
And, um, from the backseat,
from the car seat, I said, I'm an alien.
And I did what? And he said he almost swerved off the road.
It was like my first, you know, it was like,
what did he just talk like what?
He's an alien. What?
That's great. Yeah.
So let's continue on the, the thread now of, uh,
around your birth experience.
So you, you do remember right before you were born
and all the way up to birth? Yep.
I remember. I remember before coming here.
And I remember ag, there was an agreement, like a contract
that had to be agreed to before I came.
And I remember there was,
there were beings that wanted me to come.
They said, they, they assured me
that this experience wouldn't be like the others.
And they said, all we need is for you to be there,
and your presence alone will help to shift the, the,
the scales in, in our fa in, in the, the favor of good.
I said, that's all we need you to do this time is just be,
just go down there and be we'll, make it easy for you.
You won't have to do much. Just, just go down there
and be yourself and that'll be enough.
That's all we ask. And I remember saying, no,
and I'm not doing it again.
And I was in this, I wanna say like a craft,
a satellite above the earth.
And I remember laying on this cold surface looking,
I dunno if it was like a, a glass panel.
And I was pressed up against it, looking at the earth.
And, and I just like, I'm not doing this again.
Like, I, I don't want to come down here again.
And that's when they showed me my parents
and assured me everything would be different.
And I remember agreeing to losing all my memory
and starting fresh and not having any advantage or anything.
And I also remember them knowing that in my head,
listening to this, I, I knew that.
I was like, yeah, okay. I'll remember things, you know,
'cause, you know, being who I was, somehow I knew
that I would be able to have this memories
and just being confident.
And they were like, okay, okay. And then as soon
as I agreed, okay, fine, I'll do it.
It was like, bam, instantly. Like, I'm, I'm, I'm there.
Like I'm being born. Like, that's it.
I'm, as soon as I agreed, it was like instantly
and I was down here again.
But yeah, I have memory, I have memory from even
before this life, you know, traces
of different existences and stuff.
Yeah. There's a, there's a lot of people
who have reported that kind of thing.
And that, yeah.
I mean, it, it does seem like the, the, the mission
of the wanderers and the star seeds really is just a
vibrational thing where it's literally just, just,
just adding a little bit of a higher vibration
through being here is what it is.
It's without any specific agenda.
It is just to, to be of service
or help with that, that loving vibration.
That seems to be what we're coming in with.
Yeah. Yeah. It's like there's a, there's there,
and this makes more sense now than ever
because looking at the world today, you know,
and it's like we're really teetering, you know,
it's like we're teetering between like,
I don't wanna say good and evil,
but like, it does feel like there is like a balance going
on, and that there are forces trying to push
and there are forces that are trying to pull, you know,
and it's, yeah, it makes sense now.
It did when I was little, but it does now.
Yeah. So let's go back even further now.
Do you have, um, memories
from previous lifetimes, do you think? Yeah,
Yeah, for sure.
Um, so previous
lifetimes on earth, um,
Either And off Earth.
Yeah. Or, or inner earth maybe.
Um, I do have a memory
of like a subterranean dwelling where I wasn't a human
and this, this dwelling
felt very underground and secure.
Like, it was, like, I liked it.
Um, and like the, I can, I can, I can see like the room,
you know, what we would call like a kitchen today,
but it was like all in one.
It wasn't just like a kitchen. It was like everything.
And it was like, everything was like a real drab,
like a speckled color, you know?
It was like a, I don't wanna say like stone,
but it was like stone, like a speckled stone.
And the, the lighting on this building on the inside
where I lived was like a recess lay, like, back, back lit.
Like, have you ever seen those, uh,
like frosted glass ornaments
or Christmas decorations where it's like the lights inside
and like, it emanates from inside
and like the outside's like a, like actually like this,
like this candle, like that, that's what, that's what the,
the whole inside of the, the, the dwelling was like,
and I remember it feeling like, like, I never need
to leave this, this place.
You know? It was like, this was my, like, where I lived,
and I remember my, my skin was like a bark,
like a tree bark material.
So that, that's like definitely one, one memory of,
Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's
very interesting.
I mean, there's been many reports across the history
of ufology relating to like, beings
that are more like plant-like in their nature,
even though they're kind of humanoid
and they can walk around, they still have that, that sort
of genetics from plants more so than
what we think of as mammals.
Yeah. Yeah.
It was definitely not a human, that's for sure.
I don't know if it was like on a different planet
or in this planet, maybe in a different age.
I'm not sure. Um, but yeah, that, that's one.
Um, you know, I, I have memories of like, like
what we would call like the Egyptian times.
I don't know if it was like, like if it was like Egypt
as like that in this life.
I don't know if I would've called it Egypt necessarily,
but like, I have a memory from like that time period
that actually there were remnants of that life
that came out in this life when I was little,
like when I was little in this life, I real little, um,
I used to always like, fight with my brother
and stuff, wrestle around and stuff.
And I always felt like if I could get him
underneath my feet,
that there was somehow I was dominant in that way.
And it was like, only later in life,
then I would see like the, the pictures of the Egyptians
where there's, they're depicted as
on like a say a boat or something.
And then the life forms underneath them were lower forms.
Or like, if they conquered like a, you know, a kill
or a lion or something, they would always put their foot on,
you know, it was like a, like a real primal feeling of like,
if I could get 'em under my feet.
And I have these memories of being on this boat, you know,
barefoot on this boat with a bow and a spear
and hunting like, and you know, fishing and, and,
and growing things and harvesting crops
and irrigation and all that.
I didn't really know what it meant till I got older.
And then I started learning about Egypt
and I was like, Hey, I remember this.
You know, it was like, what? Try to tell people.
They're like, what a, what You're imagining that, you know.
But I knew it was real. I knew what I remember.
Yeah. Yeah. That seems to be a common one
that people have, um, that timeframe.
Elian timeframe. Yeah.
Yeah, it was always, I remember a dagger,
I remember I had a dagger.
It was, I don't know if it was like an onyx,
like a black glass or
something, but it was like real special.
It was like an honorary thing.
Like it was given to me after some accomplishment.
I remember like, um, I remember entering like this temple,
like stone temple, huge.
And I remember there being like, uh, like Amer,
did you ever see American gladiator when you were younger?
Yeah, like going through obstacles and stuff.
I remember that from that period of like, going
through obstacles like a maze
and then like, like snakes and bugs.
And I remember there was even a portion where like,
I went underwater and there was like,
I remember seeing like, like a crocodile in there
and like, you had to hold your breath
and it was like you die in there.
Like if you didn't find your way out,
you know, you had to find air.
I remember all that. 'cause I remember the,
the extreme panic and fear
and all that from that experience.
And that somehow the, the remnants of that are,
are were in me as a kid, you know?
You think that came through at a particular time?
Or is it just kind of bits and pieces
that you don't know where it came from?
No, it definitely, like when I was little,
it was always in there, you know?
Mm-Hmm. And it was like, like I said, seeing the, like,
I remember in school getting to that page of geo of,
of geography where it was like, it was just like one page
of like the Native Americans,
and it was like, okay, I want more of this.
And you turned the page and then it was like Egypt
and it was like one page and it was like,
where's the rest of this?
You know? 'cause I have all these memories now.
Just seeing that triggered the memory, you know?
It was like, okay, I, I remember all this, you know,
and just flood, you know, all of a sudden just flood.
I don't know if it was part of the gift I was given
of memory, little bits of memory I was given as a gift
or a reward or what.
So, um, I would like to know more about what, how,
how how the contact experiences kind of unfolded.
And was there something significant
that happened when you became, um, you know,
like 11 years old, that timeframe?
So, yeah, so once I hit 11 years old,
it was a, it was like a departure.
It was like, okay, we gotta go now.
This is all gonna end for you,
You, and, and what, what, what, what is all this?
What, who was this that was kind
of giving this dication? So like,
So like all the, the mission stuff,
like while I was sleeping
and like all the like, abduction stuff
and the, the bad, like uncomfortable samples
and all that tubes and all that experiences and stuff.
I remember when hitting like 11 years old.
And then, you know, in like,
it was like a, it was always mental.
It wasn't like face-to-face communication.
It was like spoken through me like,
like my thoughts, but not my thoughts.
And it was like, now that you're gonna be 11,
we're gonna leave now and leave you to be, you know,
to have your human experience.
Now we're gonna, we're gonna step back.
We'll never truly leave,
but we're gonna leave you now,
we're gonna leave you alone kind of thing.
And your work's been done.
It was like a feeling of like, you can retire now.
You know, like, you've done enough
for us now we're gonna let you go, you know,
and just be a kid and, and all that.
And it's like, but they gave me a choice.
And it was like, you can come with us if you want,
or you can stay and be a, you know, a human.
And I, I, I don't know if I chose to go or stay.
That's why I wonder like if, if I'm like some kind of clone
and like I went or, or,
or if I, I think I just chose to stay,
but I definitely stay 'cause I'm here now.
But, um, you know, it was like,
I remember it being like sad,
like I didn't want them to leave.
And it was like, I'll miss you.
And it was like, well, we'll never truly be gone.
We'll always be here,
but you know, we'll come back from
time to time to check on you.
And it was like the feeling like, every 11 years
we're gonna check in with you.
Which is weird because when I had the experience
with the scream, it was like right around 11 years
after that, it was like, I was like right
around 22, you know?
And it was like, I don't know, you know, if like,
they come back and switch me on and see if I'm ready or, or,
or what, or see where the humanity's at or what.
But it's like, I remember them
saying, we're gonna leave now.
But it was like, they would even say like,
you have family here and they're all here
and they're all waiting for you
and they're all really proud of you and the work you've done
and, and the work you're going to do.
But, but, but go live this life, you know?
And, and we'll all be here watching you and,
and waiting for you and we'll all be
reunited again eventually.
And it was like sad. I remember it was like sad,
but it was like, okay, you know,
and then boom, it was like, it, it just stopped.
So then I had everything stopped.
Like I was having no more, you know, um, no more missions.
Like no, I don't think I was,
I mean, I might've been abducted.
I don't know. I have, I don't have any memory
of anything else after that point really.
But like the stuff I was able, there was like a residual
leftover abilities, you know, where like when I'd go
to sleep, I could, you know, I could jump go and jump around
and like meet my friends and have all that stuff.
But even as I got older that faded, you know, I got less
and less able to do that. But
Yeah, that's a pretty common experience a
after certain age, those, those, those kinds
of experiences are much harder.
And I, I suspect it's, you know, layers of our culture
that make us sort of more agitated or anxious,
and we don't have that same childhood innocence
and peaceful nature
that we can just freely leave our bodies as easily.
But maybe there's a psychic function too
that's just harder to maintain.
Um, but I know, I know I've heard many stories of people who
make efforts, um, such as
with the Monroe Institute materials to be able
to astro project and that kind of thing.
But I know it's, it is much more natural.
I certainly had many easy out of body experiences,
I think when I was very young.
Um, and certainly in the dream state, it's easy
to have the flying dreams, you know, where, you know,
you're, you're, you're going around and,
but you have a lot of flying dreams as a kid. Yeah,
Yeah. Tons of, and
you know what I,
and I know, you know,
it's like you're, you're, you're dead on.
I mean, it's the pressure of the world, you know, it's like,
you gotta go to work, you gotta pay your bills,
you gotta raise your kids,
or you gotta, you know, you have all this stuff
that when you sleep,
you're not like you, you don't, it's not rest.
Like there's a part of you then that kicks on, you know?
And it does work. Like you figure out your problems
and like your subconscious starts going, you know?
And if, if when you're little,
your subconscious got nothing else to do, you know?
So it just goes out and exploring and, and having fun.
But when you're an adult and stuff is like the pressure
of the world, just you got other stuff to do, you know?
Yeah. Well, I think, is there any other stories
that you wanted to share, you
don't think we haven't covered yet?
Um, no. I mean, That was a
pretty good, that was a pretty good overview.
Yeah. That was a lot of stuff in one hour. That was great.
Yeah. Um, I,
I could go on and on and on and on, but,
Um, so I guess I could, I could, I could share, thank you
so much for sharing all this
and you know, people are gonna love this.
And, um, yeah,
we can totally help you have you do more content if you'd
like to share more in the future
too, if you wanna share anything.
Um, and, um, we, um,
yeah, just very excited to have you sharing all this stuff.
Ha had you shared all this before with many people?
No, not many. Like, you know, I started
to tell you guys some of the stuff with the groups
and like my parents, you know, I would tell 'em stuff
and, you know, they just became a part, you know,
they were just like, oh, Randy, okay.
You know, they, they would listen.
It wasn't like they would dismiss me or anything,
but it was just, I don't know.
It was like, they, they heard it all, you know, none, none
of this stuff is probably gonna be too shocking if they were
to watch this, you know?
So I always had them, you know, um, a couple friends,
little stuff here and there,
but never really get into the deep stuff,
you know, like we did today.
And do you feel like it was ever disturbing to you
as a kid trying to process all this, all these memories?
Or were you always very sure of yourself
and this is just who I am?
No, it was, I, there was never any doubt.
Mm-Hmm. It wasn't always comfortable.
Like I said, the going to sleep
and stuff, it was, it was like, like going
to work, you know?
And it was, it was taxing,
you know, it's probably why I got no hair.
Yeah. Just like, uh, stress, you know, and,
and just dealing with adult things at a very young age.
Like, I feel like my soul was maybe older than, you know,
than my body here on earth.
But like, I, even the very, even little, little guy,
like just maybe barely even able to walk.
I remember looking in the mirror at myself
and crying and saying, what is this?
What am I, this, I'm so ugly.
Like being a human was like, this is not who I am, you know?
It was like, what is this now what am I now?
Like, this isn't me, you know, what is this?
I'd look at my hand and say, what, what is this? You know?
It was like, I, I didn't belong in this body.
It was like, what is this foreign thing that I am now?
So it wasn't always fun,
but at the same time, I wouldn't,
I wouldn't change anything, you know, even the worst of it.
It is what it is, you know?
Do you have any inkling of what your,
your prior nature was then, besides the for fingered aspect?
Do you think you, you were one of the amp people,
or do you think you were more humanoid like,
or more like human looking? Do you think?
Well, there, there, there's like all these different
chapters in my mind where there were points
where I was like, human, you know, like in the,
I don't know, atlantian
or Egyptian, whatever that was, whatever period
that was, I was definitely a human.
And then there are the other experiences where,
where I definitely wasn't, you know,
but still, I feel like I was two legs, two arms, a body
and head, you know?
Yeah. And I feel like more importantly,
the soul was, it was always me.
I don't know if that makes sense, but like, whether it was,
we'll say the Egyptian version of me
or the, the subterranean alien version of me,
or, you know, there was even a memory
where I remember getting shot in the back of the head
and I was a human then.
I mean, I have a birthmark.
Wow. You know, where I,
I know I got shot in the head in a previous life and,
and I was a human then, you know?
But I was still me in all of these experiences.
It was still me, you know?
And, and I think that's kind of comforting too, is like,
it don't think this life is the,
the end of anything, you know?
Yeah. Another chapter of, of you being you.
Yeah, absolutely.
So, uh, I guess this is maybe a good time to, to wrap it up,
to make it easier for people to watch a
shorter clip this time.
Um, but we can also open this up now of people
who are attendees and chat
a little bit more with people too.
Um, so, um, yeah.
I can thank you again for, for joining us, Randy.
And, um, I'm sure everyone else is very happy to have that,
um, that download of interesting stories.
'cause it's like we we're always just trying
to figure out the, the puzzle pieces of what,
what actually is nature of reality, what's going on?
And you know, I think so many people have
confusing memories from being a kid.
They don't know how to put it into a bigger picture.
But hearing all these other stories helps
people I think appreciate.
Maybe they were, you know, a star seed
and had had other things going on
and they're, they're coming here that makes,
makes the story make a little bit more sense for them.
Certainly for me, it did.
Everything clicked a little bit more.
Um, yeah, I haven't even shared a lot of my stories yet,
but it is like, I, I, I agree with you spot on that,
you know, this is a mission that we're on
and there's been many kinds of missions that we're here for,
but ultimately the main mission is just elevating the
consciousness on earth, elevating the vibration,
helping people recognize that we're all, we're all one,
you know, we're all doing this together.
We're here to, we're here to try to elevate humanity
to the level that makes it possible for people
to be more loving altogether.
Um, and, and what we remember
as being a, a nicer kind of planet.
We're trying to make earth that kind
of nice kind of planet that we came in with.
Yeah, absolutely. You know, you're, you're touching on,
you know, I feel like they, they, they've, they've,
they've shown me the, the big, big picture.
I have so much to say.
There, there, there is a, see, you're, you're right on.
I mean, as a people, as a planet, we're so divided
by governments or by different religions
and stuff like that, but it's like, man,
every religion has truth.
We, we know. It's like everybody, I always,
every religion has a piece of the puzzle.
None of them have the big picture.
And they all say the same thing is like,
don't hurt one another, love one another.
We're all brothers and sisters here.
And it's like, do we forget that?
You know, why, why all these wars?
You know, why all these governments bringing us into wars
and, and religious differences making us fight one another.
We're all family, you know, we have to love one another.
This is ridiculous. You know, it's like we need to evolve
to the next stage.
And I feel like that's what some of us are,
are like coming here to help raise that, that frequency,
that vibration of, of oneness
and, you know, drop the, the bologna, stop this nonsense,
you know, come together.
'cause I've, the average person's a good person, you know,
we just wanna raise our, our families and love one another
and, you know, eat some good food and,
and enjoy this beautiful planet.
And, and what, what else matters really, you know,
no, nothing else matters.
You know? And we can all come together on that, you know,
and eat good food and share in one another
and stuff that it's not hard, you know, it's like, be nice
because my father, he used to get so frustrated with me
and my brother, he'd always boil it.
I'd say, you two dumb asses.
He's like, I'm gonna boil it down for you to two words.
Can you handle two words? Be nice. That's all you gotta do.
Just be nice to one another. It's that simple.
You know? If we could just do that.
Yeah. Yeah. I love it.
That's a great place to end the conversation.
So thank you again. And
Thank You. Take care
Welcome everybody. Welcome to Essential Workers.
I'm here with my friend Randy.
And Randy has been a friend
for maybe a year now, or a year, couple years.
I can't remember when we first met,
but it, we first met at a, one of the local meetings
that I host, host, uh, I call them et disclosure and contact
and discussion meetings at a local library monthly.
And Randy showed up and just had some amazing stories.
And I want to first say that Randy is not, you know,
completely unique or special.
'cause there's lots of people like Randy out there
who have wild contact stories that are, you know,
hard to wrap your head around.
But, you know, when we have open meetings
and we can talk about it, we kind
of put the puzzle pieces together.
Everyone has different pieces of the puzzle. And so, um, I,
I also wanna say that Randy did not ask to be interviewed.
I reached out to him. I thought this would be fun.
I don't think Randy has any agenda.
There's not, not trying
to get his name out there or face out there.
This is just a really interesting set of stories
that are really nice to, to let people hear about.
It's the, that's the way I feel about it at least.
Um, and another thing I wanna say is that if anything
that we talk about today brings up fear in anybody,
I want you to like, take a step back and, and,
and reevaluate, because we're not here to,
to spread any kind of message of fear
around anything that's going on.
And there's a really big, crazy complex, uh, game
of our reality that is being played by both positive
and negative entities.
I, that's, that's why I feel about it.
And so, um, yeah, just,
just use your own discernment about everything,
and feel free to question everything that we're saying
and, uh, realize that we could be wrong about things.
And, you know, we have our own interpretations.
We might, we might be wrong about our interpretations.
It's very easy to be, you know, wrong about things in this,
in this reality where we're very,
very limited in our awareness.
Um, so, um, yeah, I guess
that's the main thing I wanted to share.
Um, and so, uh, Randy, I, I want to g give you a chance now
to share, um, you know, so
do you feel like your life has been normal in any way?
Oh, what is normal? You know, Uhhuh, um,
this is a weird experience, you know,
just being a, being a human.
What is this? You know, what is this existence?
What are we, you know,
I don't think anybody has those answers.
You know? Uh, look at, look at the state of the world today.
It's like, what, what is normal? You know?
Has there ever been such a thing? I don't, I don't know.
Yeah. So, so give us an overview, like,
how much contact experiences have you had in your life?
How much paranormal experiences have you had?
How many UFOs have you seen? That kind of thing.
So contact stuff, for me, it,
it's like, it, it was a more of a thing
that happened when I was a kid.
Mm-Hmm. I feel like it was pretty consistent.
Um, it also came with the, I don't know if it was, uh,
their ability to, to like erase your memory of,
of the events or, you know, I don't know if that's part
of it, to allow you to kind of like, you know,
set your free back into the world
and as a test group, you know, to, to, so
that you're not tampered with, that you can
reenter into the world without, you know, being, you know,
fearful or damaged or anything like that.
I feel like the experiences were, I don't wanna say positive
or negative, you know, it was like, necessary.
I would say more of like,
maybe from a scientific perspective of, you know,
keeping track, monitoring certain members
of society as like a test.
You know, just like a, you know, uh, just to keep tabs on us
as a species, or if, if certain one
of us are chosen ahead of time.
Um, I know that my experience started from even
before I was born, you know, I, I, I was able to
remember things from even
before I came into this,
this incarnation, I guess you'd say.
Um, so I mean, I think the experience is ongoing.
Um, it's not necessarily something I can control or,
or, you know, I can't like, you know,
call aliens or anything like that.
But I feel like they're always there.
Um, they, they, they said
that they would always be there not far away.
So, um, that all started at a young age.
All right. So let's, let's,
we can go back into your birth stuff
and pri in prior incarnations later, maybe.
And we'll start with let's, I wanna know, like,
what are your ear earliest memories of sort
of having weird experiences in your bedroom
or on spaceships or anything like that?
Uh, yeah. So, um, well,
it was always like my individual, what I would, I call my,
like missions Mm-Hmm.
Um, from being very young during my sleep, you know, um,
leaving the body, you know,
like we would call astro projection today, I guess.
Mm-Hmm. Um, and there's those experiences.
Then they're also the experiences where,
I don't know if it was like, as a cost of this,
where there would be a physical, um, aspect to that,
where they would come and, you know, maybe take me out,
you know, physically and, and test and take samples
and stuff like that, and just keep tabs on me.
You know, maybe, you know, I don't, I don't know.
It was more of a scientific aspect from their point of view.
Um, so that, like I said,
Let's, let's start with the astral stuff.
Um, so what, give us some more, uh, specifics of
what you, what you experienced.
So, or since I was real little, it was like,
bedtime was always hard.
You know, my parents, they couldn't get me to go there.
It was like, I feared, I always fear hated going to sleep.
Um, for me it was like, you know, going to work, you know,
it was like, I'd wake up exhausted.
Um, and the whole process was like, not something I feared,
but just something I didn't look forward to.
I try to avoid, you know, put off at the last minute.
So, um, but it was like, when I would go to bed,
it would like close my eyes to go to sleep.
It was like, I would always hear like a,
almost like a shovel, like digging,
and it would like, almost put me into a trance.
And then, you know, as I'm slipping into sleep,
I remember I would always feel like my body was float.
Like, like my body would float above my bed.
And I always remember thinking, if I open my eyes right now,
I know I'm gonna be an inch from the ceiling.
And then that would be my last memory.
And then, and I would leave, you know?
And now old, when I'm older, I've done the research.
I know that's like an astral projection type of an event.
Um, and then it pretty much, from my memory,
it would pretty much be blank.
But after this happening so many times,
I remember in the process wanting to remember, like, like,
have you ever tried to remember
what it feels like to fall asleep?
And you try to like, put yourself in a repetition, like,
okay, tonight I'm gonna try to remember tomorrow.
I'm gonna try to, and then every night you try to remember,
and eventually you start getting little pieces.
I call that like, leaving myself breadcrumbs
to like, what's happening?
Like, where am I going? And I started to get, be able
to remember things of what was happening from that moment
where I would feel like I'm touching the ceiling to,
then all of a sudden I'm gone.
And I started leaving myself, what I call mental breadcrumbs
to remember when I woke up, what's going on, you know,
why do I feel like this, you know,
this is like a very young age.
So what I, today still I have memory of is
it was almost like, um, if you were
around in like the eighties
or nineties, there was a show, it was called Quantum Leap,
where the, this person would like disappear from their life
and their reality, and they would appear like an incarnation
into someone else in order to change the timeline of events
or influence certain things to happen
that maybe didn't happen and were supposed to.
Um, and there was always like a being,
I think it was like a, like, it was some being
that he talked to in the show that was like,
had like a mastermind ability over it all.
Who knew where to send him and why,
and had this, this giant plan.
And he didn't, the the, the actor didn't know
or understand any of it, but he knew that he had a mission
and he knew he had to finish it.
Well, this is what I, this is what was happening to me.
It was like, I, when I would go to sleep, I would leap out
of my body and I would go into these experiences
on this world, off this world.
And it was, what I can make of it is that I was living
through these other things in order to change some
grand timeline of events.
And I started leaving myself, you know, these breadcrumbs.
Because after every mission, it was like,
it all ended the same way.
It would like, like I would do this thing,
and it was like, sometimes it felt like I was living like a
whole lifetime in this period
of me just my body here sleeping,
and my soul, my spirit would travel out
and incarnate something else.
And it was like, I dunno if time was different,
where I was going or what,
but it was like, sometimes it felt like I was living a whole
life and being this other Perth, this other being.
And then I would come back in the, into, into this body,
and I'd wake up exhausted, you know, and all that.
But I started leaving myself these mental breadcrumbs of,
you have to remember this, you have to remember this.
And that's when I started to remember that the last part
of this experience was always the same.
So I would do this mission,
and then I would have to report the,
you know, the results of the mission.
It was like, um, I had to like, like upload
or download the experience from myself to this, this,
it was like a council.
Okay. So it was like, it was like, I would come in
from my experience into this large, huge, like,
marble room with pillars, green marble.
And they would always be at the way, at the end,
a giant marble table, long flat table.
And there would be these beings,
and they were all like different beings.
And it was always an odd number of beings.
If there's 11 or five or seven, it was always an odd number.
And what I would have to do is I would have to report,
you know, the, the conclusion of my mission
or, you know, my accomplishments
or with my failure, I'd have to enter this room.
And in the middle of the room, there's a giant circle,
and I would have to walk into the circle
and kneel down on one knee, put my head down,
and I don't, they would like, extract the experience from me
and then wipe my memory of it,
and then shoot me back to my body.
And I'd wake up, you know,
and this all happened when I was a little kid,
so I didn't really know what was going on, you know,
it was just, I'd just wake up
and, you know, I'd always just wanna go to nature and,
and, you know, all that.
And forget about it all.
But I think this was even
before school started, so,
you know, I was little at the time. You're
Thinking younger than five is when you first had these
Memories? Yeah.
Yeah. It was definitely before school even started.
And did you have any positive
or negative feelings about these people?
And what did they look like?
So it's, it's these,
so the beings in the room, is that what you're mean?
Yeah. Yeah. They, they were all different.
It was like, um, they were all different.
It was like, there was tall, like real tall, gray,
skinny one with like gold, like, I don't wanna say armor,
but like, like a, almost like a orb thing around.
There was, um, there was definitely like a being,
it was like a, like a vortex, like a, like a void,
like an energy, like a, you know,
like a looked like a portal or something.
And there was like a real little one.
And it was, it was all different.
There was like a human looking one with like a,
like a receding hairline with like, hair on the side.
Um, yeah, it was, it was, it was all it, like every,
it was almost like they weren't, they had nothing to do
with one another except they were all sitting at the table.
Whether or not they were all like, um,
I feel like they were all like, ambassadors from maybe like,
different sectors or space or something.
And did they, did they
ever have any interactions with you?
Did you have any feelings about them?
It was always telepathic. From what I remember.
It was always like, um, I remember like, getting busted,
like trying to tell myself,
you will remember this, you'll remember this.
Like, before I walked into the, the circle,
and I remember like hearing them in my head,
like the voice of one.
It was like, like he knew what I, they knew what I was doing
and knew it was wrong.
Like, they were, they knew what I was up to,
but they allowed me to anyways.
Like, they didn't think I had the power to do it,
or they wanted to see if I could do it,
or, you know, it was like, kind of like that.
Huh. And, um, so you kind
of developed a little relationship over time.
It was, they were the relatively the
same entities over time, do you think?
Yeah, I think it was the same ones.
Not sure if they were all all always there,
but like I said, it was always an odd number.
And it was, they were all like, like, they were so far away.
It was like, there was, I don't, it was like, um,
you know what it it reminds me
of was like the Jedi Council and Star Wars.
Mm-Hmm. That's what if like, seeing that movie, it was like,
oh, it was like, I, that, that's familiar to me.
You know? Like, I know what that's all about. Um, yeah.
This, that obviously didn't come out till,
you know, I was in high school.
But yeah, it was like, um, they were, I don't know what
it was, like, they're like, my bosses or,
or what, you know, I was a little kid.
So, um, yeah, it was.
And, and so the missions
that you were beginning were things
where you were going out in the astral.
They weren't missions on earth?
Or was it like, they thought you had missions on Earth too?
So the, the missions themselves, it was like the,
it's just like, um, it's, it's more of like a feeling like
of time passed that I, I can retain, um, specifics.
I don't have, like, they definitely took all that
when they took the, you know,
when I did the upload download thing, they,
they would take all that that's gone.
Um, but like, it's more of like, like ages spent, you know,
that I feel like the year, like the time was like, you know,
like, I've spent time other places.
Like, I'm not just my age, you know what I mean?
Like, I've, I've done service for these, these beings.
Um, but the breadcrumbs was always when I was entering the
room telling myself, you will remember.
You will remember. You will remember.
And that's what I remember is entering that room and,
and seeing that in that room
and that council that's like, that's in there.
I could see that's like, you know, that room, that marble,
you know, it was, which is, you know,
and I just wanna say this too,
I grew up down the street from our lady of,
of victory in LaJuana, New York,
the giant church, the big basilica.
And I remember walking in there and seeing that marble,
and it was like, I don't, you know, I don't, it's,
it's like, I don't know if it was a different dimension.
I don't know if it was another planet.
I don't, I don't know. You know, like I said, I was a little
Kid. You're saying that the
reminded you of a different place? Yeah.
Like, I don't know if it was maybe I another marble room
in the same place, in a different parallel
dimension, you know?
Or if there's like a lay line of energy where it's the same
and even in different dimensions
or something, you know, this is just me,
I'm just guessing here, but seeing all
that marble was like, it's
So maybe we, we could jump forward a little bit now
and, um, share with us more about, um, some
of the more contact significant contact experiences you've
had that were very weird while you were awake.
Mm-Hmm. Um, so I know you said like,
you don't want people to be afraid or anything like that.
Um, but the
Physical, well, we, we can let them interpret whatever.
You just give the raw details,
we'll let people figure it out for themselves.
Yeah. So the, the, that,
that whole thing about the missions
and stuff, I felt like it was more of like, uh,
my energy body was like leaving and doing things.
My physical body would stay here.
Um, but the, the other encounters
where I know I was physically being taken through the wall,
you know, of the bedroom, you know, and stuff.
Um, so it would be like the same thing.
I'd go be going to bed and I'd be either sleeping or,
or, you know, falling asleep.
And instead of like, floating up,
like the bed would just start like shaking.
And I would feel it with like, there's a house shaking,
you know, but like, I'm frozen,
so I can't open my eyes, I can't look around.
But then all of a sudden I would just be somewhere else,
and it was like, my body would be frozen,
but like, my eyes, you know, it was like, I could see
around, you know, like this.
And I, I could sense the presence of beings, like,
almost like a doctor's office.
And, you know, it was like,
I remember being really mentally, mentally, uh, wanting
to challenge every, you know, if I'm restrained,
I would mentally try to get, get out of it.
And to the point where they found it hard to keep me
cons, like constrained.
And it was like, they would be
so annoyed these beings near me that, you know,
it was like they were angry at me,
but there would always be like a, a presence
of another behind them.
Larger. And like, as much as these ones would be annoyed
and angry, this larger, larger, like, being,
would be impressed.
You know? Like, go ahead, get out, see if you can get out.
You know, like, and,
and as I would, it would, like,
they either were impressed by that.
Were these grays? I, I would say something like,
like insect, like gray maybe.
Okay. Something Like
That. More like insectoid
than gray.
Yeah. Well, maybe like the smaller ones were like,
some kind of like a, like a drone ant or something feeling.
And this was like a traditional abduction experience.
You felt that you were being restrained?
What's that? Was this like more a regular abduction
experience where you, this was kind of like, not part
of your mission, this is part of
being restrained for some purpose?
Yeah, like my physical self would be taken fully.
And it wasn't just my spirit or anything.
This was like, I wasn't incarnating anything else.
Um, this was me, you know, and I'd be on the table
and these little ones who'd be around me,
almost like they were the workers
and they would be tasked with doing, you know,
taking samples or it was always like a feeling
of extreme frustration where I would wanna break the bonds
and they would put, go deeper.
They would put it harder on me, you know?
And I would try to get out
and try to communicate with them in my mind and stuff.
And, you know, like really resisting the experience
to the point where I feel like they would just
put me out completely.
And like, I feel like even in that being out,
that my energy body would, would still wanna wake out,
you know, take out, and I remember being like, above my body
and looking down and there being like tubes,
like going into, like, into my throat,
like maybe keeping meals.
I don't know what it was, but yeah,
it was not something I liked, you know,
it was something I definitely didn't like.
But at the same time, like I said, there was,
there was always the presence of a, like an elder
or a, a larger energy presence there.
Who would, who would want to reward me, you know?
Even like, the harder I would be, the, the, you know,
even cause them damage, the little one's damage, um,
you know, kicking or screaming and fighting.
It was like the elder one.
Like he, we wanted that he, he was like,
they were interested in that.
The anger that I felt that, you know, it,
it was like respected, you know, like, wow,
like this is, this is a good one.
Um, you know,
and at the end of it, it was like, they would take,
but then I'd always be given something, you know,
not physical, but like, like they would put something in
where they had taken something out.
And I feel like as I got older
and, you know, got into this stuff, looking and researching
and stuff, like the, the idea that even in religious times,
there would be certain people would be given gifts
of knowledge or, you know, um,
enlightenment or something like that.
I feel like I've been given rewards as a result
of this experience too.
So for what they took, they would give,
whether it was like a karmic balance type of thing,
you know, or something like that.
But yeah.
So what do you think they were trying to take from you?
Um, I think that they were, I think
that they were impressed by my ability to interact
with them mentally, psychically, spiritually, my ability.
I think they wanted that, um, my emotional range.
You know, like, even when I,
there wasn't like an production experience,
they were still in touch with me, like, throughout the day
as a kid, as a little kid, it was like the little,
the little guys, it was like,
there was always at least three of them.
And they were always like, like,
if I reached out in my mind, they were there, you know?
And, and I grew up on a dead end street,
and there was a creek that ran around that dead end street.
And, you know, I would always wake up early
before everyone else and just get outta sleep.
You know? I hated sleeping,
and everyone else would be sleeping.
And I would, I would write a note
and, you know, leave a note from my mom
and my dad, you know, I'm going down the creek.
I'm going to play by myself.
And I would go down to nature and I would, you know,
and it was like, they were always there, like, in my mind,
they were always watching over me.
And, you know, they,
but that they would communicate like, through, through
that way, like through my mind.
And I know that they had a deep interest
in my human emotion.
And they wanted that. They, they, they, they didn't have it,
like empathy and love and that,
and they wanted to understand more about that.
And I feel like as just me personally with my family
and stuff, we've always been really highly emotional,
loving, warm family.
And I don't know, maybe they, they just,
it was something rare, you know?
Even growing up, having friends, it was like meeting friends
and their families and stuff.
It was like, they didn't have it.
Like, like I had it, you know?
I was kind of spoiled that way. I had really good parents
and a good structure like that.
And I was loved.
My grandparents lived right next door,
and I was always surrounded by love
and, and light and stuff.
And I don't know, maybe I was just a good, a good sample,
you know, that they could, could gather from
and, and learn from.
You think there were genetics taking that kind of interest
Too? Yeah, I,
I know for sure there was, there were, they,
they were taking samples of me, and at the end of it,
'cause it did come to an end at age 11, they, they stopped.
It all stopped.
Um, but before that, there was like, um,
there was like a sexual experience, like female energy.
And, you know, I would wake up
and it was like, you know, I had had sex
and I didn't even really at
that age know really what that was all about.
And, you know, it was like expected to, you know,
be like wet and stuff
and there nothing, and it was like, whoa.
You know, like, I know what, you know,
but it was like, it was like, they did it
because they had to, not
because they were trying to hurt me, but
because it was just like a part of the science or,
or, you know, like, I always,
after I got older, I said, maybe I am the clone.
You know, it's like, so I don't, I don't know, you know,
it was like the si I feel like there's science involved,
you know, as much as there is spirituality and stuff.
And, and I feel like they're learning
and somehow they aren't.
Like, we're special as a race, as a human race.
I feel like we have something that is coveted out there.
Um, one other story before we move on, I guess I wanted
to cover was, you mentioned going down to the creek, um,
and, uh, you had had
to share a story about astro projecting down there, share.
Was that a common place you would visit
for? Yeah. Connecting.
Yeah. So this was always my safe, my, my place to go.
Um, I would go down the creek.
I always love fishing and,
and the idea of like, you know, catch another animals
and stuff, like the exploring nature and that.
And there was a spot in the river, it was called Bedrock.
There was a giant rock, and where the current bent
around the, the end of the street there,
and it was like a little rapids waterfall area
where on the side where I would sit, it was like the,
it was like silt, like Egyptian silt.
It was like real rich, dark soil.
And I found that the fishing right there was really good.
So I'd always cast my pole
and, you know, put it down on the ground on my feet.
And then I would crouch down, you know,
and like hug my knees, like almost like a fetal position.
And then I'd put my, my hand like this.
And it would always, I would always look at my hand
and say, this is, this is not my hand.
This is like an alien hand. This doesn't look right.
And I would stare into my palm,
and then I would like ask, I would, I would be blackness.
And then I'd, and I'd be gone.
And then all of a sudden I'd hear my mom ran,
you know, call me for dinner.
And it's like, I just got here.
Like, this is like six, seven in the morning,
and all of a sudden, you know, lunch or whatever,
and it's like hours had gone by.
So, you know, I don't know if that was like, just natural
for me to do that, but sometimes when it wouldn't work,
and remember, I'd look at my hand
and I would say five fingers,
and I would, I would cover up my pinky
and I would look at my hand as if it had four fingers.
And then I would stare at
my palm, and it was like, immediate.
And I would remember, like, I would go to this, you know,
it was almost like, um, like a memory
of being a different being
That had four fingers. Yeah.
And then that it would be, be immediate, you know?
And I don't know if that called them or, or,
or if that did something,
but seeing the forefingers somehow felt
more natural than the five.
And so you, you would go off
and just have astral projections all day?
Yeah, I would just be gone.
You know, it was like, like I would put the fishing pole
by my feet or under my foot or something.
So if I got a bite or something, I would feel it,
and then I'd all of a sudden be back.
But yeah, it was like missing time.
I, I don't really have a memory about where I would go
or what, but I do know that when I would leave,
this is weird to say, not that this is, it's an all weird,
but, um, when I would leave to go back up to go home,
as soon as I would turn my back on the creek,
I would feel a presence suddenly.
Like, it would make me scared.
And I remember
after so many times, I remember feeling it out,
and I would question it, like, what is this?
What are you? And it,
I felt like it was coming from the water.
And after so many times of this happening,
I remember having like a communication of, of like
where I would connect with whatever it was.
And it would, I could, I could tell that whatever this was
had to hold itself back from attacking me,
or the feeling of wanting
to attack me when my back was turned almost like a,
like a, like a, a predator would wait for a prey animal
to turn around before it would attack.
But I don't feel like this thing ever wanted to attack me.
I feel like it was fighting its own instinct, not to,
knowing that I wasn't prey item, you know?
But it would still feel that when it saw me
turn around that vulnerability.
And I would be, I would feel fear, like instantly,
like I'd be down there for hours.
I'd feel no fear at all.
But the second I turned my back to leave, all
of a sudden I would get real, real afraid.
But I never, you know, nothing ever happened.
But eventually I, I had some kind of communication
where I knew that that's what that was, is
whatever was there with me was fighting.
Its its own instinct
or behavior that, that urge to attack when, you know,
something turns us back, you know? So that's, yeah.
It's inter it's interesting to me
that we never really know how many types
of beings we are interacting
with when we're having one experience.
There could be just another type
of being right there observing the whole thing too, right?
Yeah, yeah.
Or, or, you know, I, I think as humans too, I think
that we're all connected as a planet.
Even in our thoughts and stuff. We're all connected.
There's like a grid, like a cloud, they say now.
Um, but it's doesn't, it's not just limited to our planet,
you know, we're, we're in tune with all of these things
that are out there way beyond our own little lives.
And when we have these experiences
and stuff, I feel like it attracts
the attention of other things.
Yeah. I would love to go into more of your, your school,
uh, experiences or later, later on in your life now.
Um, do you have anything that comes to mind of, um,
anything worth sharing about your earlier
school experiences?
Um, yeah.
So like in, in high school,
it was like, um, I don't know if this was intentional
or if it just happened, you know, if this is just the way
of the world, that what happens when we sleep.
But the people who I knew from school
and stuff, like, I would be able to communicate
with them while I'm sleeping, and I would find them
while we're sleeping and go on adventures
and everything else, like in our astral bodies.
And I, I was aware, you know, it was like, I was aware
and they were aware, and we'd have great times
and I'd, you know, share these experiences and then wake up.
And it was like, I knew what happened,
but then when I'd see 'em in school, it was like,
it was no one there, you know?
It was like, hey. And it was like,
but somehow they, it was like a part of them knew
that I was there like, as like a, as a,
I don't wanna say like a mentor, but like,
that I was a friend, you know?
And it was like, you know, it was like, I,
I feel like I know you like more than I know you, you know,
it's like instant closeness with people, um,
especially girls.
Yeah, I should share that.
I had that, I had that very
strongly with you when I first met you.
It's like, I, I had difficulty with you trying
to tell me we had not met before.
I was really struggling. It's
like, I can hardly believe that.
Yeah. Because we have met. Yeah,
We have, you know, it's, it's just, and,
and I don't think this is special.
Like, I don't think I'm special in this.
I think we all do it, you know?
And then we have those little moments
where it's like, Hey, I was just thinking about you.
That's so weird that now you're here.
It's like, to me, that's just, I,
I understand that completely, you know?
And I think people are starting to realize
what that is, you know?
Mm-Hmm. But yeah, it was like, in the waking hours,
it was like intoxicating, you know?
It's like, like I said, especially with girls, you know,
it was like in school, I always had friends that were girls,
and it was like, I was friends with the guys too,
but there was something in, the guys were
like, they kind of didn't like me.
I don't know if it was like a jealousy thing or, or what,
but you know, it was like, people always came to me
for advice, you know?
And it was like, I could just, I could see their problems.
I knew exactly what was happening.
I would ask them questions about at home, what it was like
for them at home and stuff like that.
I was able to really quickly diagno, uh, diagnose
other people's problems
and give them exact advice that they needed.
And they'd come, you know, the next day or the next week
or whatever, they'd be like, Hey, I tried to did
that thing you told me, man, thank you.
You know? And it was like, that felt great if I always felt
like that was what I was here to do.
Like, that was like my, my calling on earth was
to just help people and, and bring people together and,
and solve conflict and stuff. So.
Great. Yeah. Um, so I would love to hear about
the, the story where you were, um,
seeing a bright light outside in the middle of the night,
that would be a great starting point.
And that might be one of the first stories you
ever shared with us too, I think.
Yeah, that was a really good one too,
because it wasn't just me.
It was like, it entire city blocks.
Um, this was early two thousands.
It was in the winter months. Um, it was snowing.
And I grew up on, like I said, the dead end street,
and it was like my grandparents and my parents' house.
And then later in life, in my teenage years, I had an aunt
that had bought the third house
on the other side of my parents.
So I ended up getting an apartment.
The first time I left my parents' house,
I rented the apartment upstairs from my aunt,
and it was great, you know, it was like a little,
little loft upstairs,
and there was this crawl space upstairs, if I climbed
through this cubby where I could go up there,
and I, there was enough room to stand, so being a teenager
and stuff, I was like, ah, I wanna, I want
to grow some weed, you know?
Um, so I was doing that. I was, I was growing weeded there.
And you know, I, I'd been up there dozens
of times all the time and never any problems.
This one night, it was late at night, I don't wanna say
between midnight and 1:00 AM
and I was up there doing my thing,
and all of a sudden I felt fear, like somebody was up there
with me and looking in the back,
you know, where it was real dark.
And I felt in my mind, these, the little guys.
And I was like, oh my God, they're back.
And it made me afraid.
All of a sudden I felt fear and I was looking back.
I thought, I would thought, when I looked back,
I would see 'em, but I didn't see anything.
And as soon as I looked back like that, all
of a sudden my phone rang downstairs, you know,
underneath where the ladder was.
So obviously I jumped down.
I wanted to get outta there, so I jumped down
and I answered the phone, and it's my mom,
and she's, she's freaking out.
And it's my, my dad and my mom.
I could hear my dad in the back.
And what time of day was this?
It was like late at night, like between midnight
and 1:00 AM Is that very weird that they were awake then?
Yeah, for my mother, not my father.
My father was a night owl. Um, what'd they say?
So they're, I could hear it in their voice.
They're, they're afraid. And they're
Randy, Randy, look out the window.
Look out the window. I run to the front
and I open the blinds.
And what should be completely black knight is bright as day
white, white light.
Like, not sunlight,
but like the, the cool fluorescent bulbs, not the warm one,
like the bluish white, the cold bulbs is like that,
but it's like daytime and it's snowing.
I, man, I grabbed my coat and flew down the stairs.
I was out of that house. I was
going, it was like, I was a little kid.
I was like, I wanted my mommy.
So like, I ran like to go to my parents' house,
right when I got outside, all
of a sudden I wasn't afraid anymore.
And right in the middle of the house, as I stopped
and I fixed my coat, I'm just still getting my coat out,
and I'm looking up, and I could see the snowflakes,
and I could, this was white light,
and I could hear this hum, like a, like that.
And I'm like, what is this?
So I go to my parents' house
and they're like, what is going on?
You know? And they're like, is it the aliens? You know?
And it's like, and then come to find out,
it was the first moment my father had ever touched
a, a computer.
He, he, my, you know, he is always bothering my
brother, Hey, can you look this up?
Can you look this up for me? Can you look this up for me?
It was the first time where
my brother was like, did you sit down?
I'm gonna show you how to do this.
And he said, as soon as he touched the
keyboard, that's when it happened.
All of a sudden, boom, white light through the,
through the, the windows and everything.
So I don't know if that's like something going on there
or what, but this lasted
for about 15, 12, 15 minutes at least.
And I remember I was, so, we were all excited, you know,
forget what time it was, it didn't matter.
I immediately got on the phone
and I called my buddy Jarret, who had lived about five
or six blocks away,
and he, he answered, he, I knew he was up,
and he answered, he's like, did you see that?
And he's like, well, I'm calling to C, you know?
And it was like, you've seen it too.
So this is like a big thing, whatever this was, it was big.
And it was exactly like daytime.
It was as bright as day,
but it wasn't like, I don't know how to explain this.
It's like, when, when the sun is, is shining,
it's like a warm, reddish light.
This was not, had no warmth, no reddish at all.
It was like a fluorescent bulb. Mm-Hmm.
Like the, I dunno, you go to the store
and you look at the bulbs, there's like the cool
white and then the warm red.
Yeah. Or the cool blue and the warm red.
This was, they had like that bluish
fluorescent, you know, like office.
Yeah. It wasn't, it wasn't the sun.
So do you think that the, if there was a ship above you
that the, the snow kind of obscured ability to see it?
Or do you think it was invisible?
Um, yeah, it might've been invisible
or I just remember looking up
and I could see the snowflakes coming down still.
You know what I mean? So, Mm-Hmm. I don't know.
Um, so I guess,
I guess your, your parents could still
verify this story to this day.
Do they have any interpretations
about what they think it was?
They'll tell you the exact same story,
the exact same energy and everything.
We we're all like, exactly on the same page.
We've always been like exactly the same, you know,
Uhhuh. That's great.
Um, I guess I should let you finish.
Was there any other details to that story?
Um, so my father worked for the city,
the municipality there.
Mm-Hmm. So next day going to work, he obviously asked around
and the firemen confirmed.
They got calls from all over, you know,
and it was, it was not like, uh, exclusive to us.
This happened in a large area, you know,
and a lot of people saw it, so
Yeah. Very
interesting. Um, but,
but it kind of was associated
with the, you said the little guys.
Yeah. Who were these little guys?
Were these the aunt people?
I feel like it was even smaller ones.
You know, I, I feel like, like back when I was little
and they would take me outta my bed, they would be standing
next to me while I was on the surface
surface of like a table.
And I feel like they were probably
like three and a half, four feet.
But I feel like these little guys were like one
and a half, two feet, maybe, like little, little guys.
And, and like I said, it was, it was just,
I felt the fear before I could.
It was like, I saw him in my mind, but I felt the fear
before that happened, you know?
So they popped into your head
and did they, did they have anything to say to you?
Or was it just kind of just this random flash of experience?
No, it was like a, it was just, it was just so weird.
'cause I felt, all of a sudden I just felt afraid.
I had no idea this was going on outside,
that there was bright lights and then there,
it was like the, the image of them in my head.
And then I was just, so,
I feel like I just panicked, you know?
Like, maybe if I, maybe, maybe that's why when I was a kid,
it was like, they would put a freeze on me, you know?
'cause it was like, as a human, I just panicked, you know?
And when I didn't, when I was in control of my emotions,
I just wanted to, to flee, you know, fight or flight.
Mm-Hmm. Alright. We can move on to, uh, other stories.
Um, I love, I love that story.
Uh, um, I guess we can move on to,
um, you had talked about, um,
the silent screams that you discovered.
How old were you when that happened?
This was, this was, this was the same apartment
around the same period of time.
This was after nine 11. And, you know, that happened.
And I immediately, it was like, I, I gotta pay.
We gotta pay attention. Like, this is crazy.
You know, this is like history. So I started paying
attention heavily to politics and watching c-span
and all that stuff.
And, you know, I felt like there was something more
to it. So I, I started You
Had a premonition about nine 11 too, right?
Um, so I was, I was just so frustrated.
It was like, I could see things when I would watch these
politicians talk or, you know,
George Bush giving these speeches and stuff.
And it was like, I, I could see through them maybe one
of the gifts they gave me, I don't know.
But it was like, I could read between what they were saying
and I could, I could, I knew what the truth was
and I would go to my parents
and I would try, it was specifically my dad.
And I would try to explain to him, you know, Hey, this is,
people don't see it, but this is what's going on.
It's not right. I would try to get, dump it all on him,
and it was just too much for him.
Even he is, you know, you know, and it just got frustrating
and no one really talked to that, understood it.
So I just remember going home.
It was like the one night and I was so frustrated.
I just wanted to scream. And I was in my upstairs there.
I had just gotten back from my parents' house
and I wanted to scream so bad.
And like all these thoughts in
my head that I couldn't get out.
And I knew if I screamed
that not only would the neighbors would probably hear me,
my aunt downstairs would hear me, you know,
it would be like, you know, I can't, I'm a grown guy now.
I can't just be screaming like that.
So, but I had to do, you know, my parents,
when I was little, they used to tell me, go,
go, go scream into your pillow.
You know, when you're, when I was a little kid,
they'd make me go scream into my pillow.
So I wanted to do that. So I was in the middle of the room
from the living room to the kitchen,
and I just, I like let out like a silent scream.
Like, like I screamed, but I didn't let any sound come out.
And in the process, it wasn't just me screaming,
it was like, kind
of like getting all my thoughts out with the scream.
You know, like, like, it's almost like, um,
you can almost like shrink wrap all your thoughts
and like try to get it out, you know, like that.
And I did one of those, like, like, like one of those.
And boom, the power went out,
everything black again.
I was like, did I just do that?
And what time of day was this?
It was at night. It was night.
It was probably eight or 9:00 PM
'cause then I'd come home, I'd, I'd play video games.
And so I remember like, holy crap,
did I just blow out the power?
You know? So I wanted to go
and see if any, if my parents thought,
and I was like, did I just do this?
I was gonna go again to my parents' house and see,
and again, I stopped right in the middle of the houses.
I had a feeling like, just stop. Don't go over there.
You know, they were not gonna understand anyways.
So I just, instead of going there,
I went into their backyard.
There was a willow tree,
and I just leaned up against the tree
and I was like shaking, you know, like, like vibrating.
Like, did I just do this? What, what? You know?
So I was still frustrated.
So I said, well, if I did it, I'm gonna do it again.
'cause I could see like across the way,
there was another street
and I could see the power was on over there.
So I was like, if I did that, I'm gonna do it again.
So I tried to do it again, like was like, you know,
let it all out, get it out.
And boom, the street lights blew out on the street,
a like across the creek,
and the transistor on a pole blew up.
Sparks. Like, I, it was like, I,
I was like, am I an X-Men?
Like what the heck is this?
Were you in your twenties when this happened?
Uh, yeah. I was like, right around 20. Yeah.
I was like right around 2002, three.
Yeah. Yeah.
When you shared that in the meeting, I shared a story.
I had a similar experience with an LSD experience.
I probably don't have to share,
but yeah, it's like I, I know this is real,
that we have some weird energetic thing
and people know it all the time with,
with technology failing
and just a little burst of emotion can cause your computer
to crash just little and, and light bulbs to go out.
This is, this is not entirely uncommon,
but maybe not to the extent
that you've experienced it. Yeah.
Brother. Um, similar,
similar things have happened with my brother.
Um, he was in a band, he still is.
Um, and he was record,
they were doing something with the band.
And, and he was, they were writing a song
and he said he was frustrated
because they weren't listening to him.
Like what he wanted his input for the, the song.
And at the time he was so young,
my mom would drive and pick him up and stuff.
And my dog at the time was in the backseat of their car
or my mom's car when she went to pick him up.
And he was coming outta band practice.
And all of a sudden my dog started barking at him.
Like she didn't recognize him
and they thought this was weird.
And then he got in the car
and as soon as he sat down, all the car instruments
and stuff started woo woo woo.
It was like the radio was everything.
All the lights were going out and stuff.
And he said even after the ride home, he got home
and he went to put the CD in and everything.
Nothing would work. And it was like, so yeah,
it's not like just me, you know?
This is something I feel like we, we have,
you know, the ability to
Yeah. We are energy
beings, definitely. Yeah. Yeah.
Um, so was there anything else
relating to this you wanted to share?
Um, no, not, not really.
I guess, I guess isolated things, you know.
Um, I try not to to focus on that
'cause I don't wanna blow out TVs or,
Um, so have you seen UFOs directly?
Yeah. Yeah. I've definitely seen UFOs.
I've had quite a few experiences actually.
Um, there was a couple experiences where there was like, uh,
silverish diamond shapes I've seen.
Um, I remember driving to work.
I used to work at, uh, office Max
and, uh, early morning getting there and driving to work.
And I remember like in the distance, maybe two,
three mile four, between two
and four miles, you know, way in the distance
I could see like a giant,
I don't wanna say it was a cigar shape
'cause it might've been like a circular shape,
and I could just see the peripheral,
but it was like a long skinny,
and it was just cruising, man.
And it was like, it was cruising in such a straight line.
Like it was like fixed, you know what I mean?
It wasn't like trying to go anywhere.
It was just real slow, just cruising.
I'm driving, you know, trying to keep my eye on the thing.
And, um, I get to work and, you know,
after I'd lost it behind the trees
and whatnot, and I made it to work.
And like, all that day, I,
I felt like I'm, I'm like, they're connected.
Like I could, you know,
like they're there like in my head again, you know?
And it was like, okay, you guys are there all the time.
You know? And it's like, they're not always
personally there, you know, but they're always up there.
I feel like they're always there.
Do they have a particular vibration compared to others?
Do you know the different vibrations of the,
the feeling that you're talking about?
Of who, who is there?
Um, so like the, so like,
that doesn't always come, like if I see things.
Um, but that time it did like where I felt like those was
like, if I thought like I could hear them in there,
you know, that I don't know, you know,
all the sightings I've had and
I've had quite a few sightings.
'cause I'm always looking, you know, people don't look,
I feel like if you look, you're gonna see stuff
and people just don't, they're just,
they're down here, you know?
And it's like, I've always, ever since I was little, always,
you know, looking around and, you know,
my parents were a little different, you know, they,
they didn't tell you things weren't real, you know,
it was like, I'm gonna go find a leprechaun.
Okay man, go, go ahead, go outside and find one.
You know, it was like, they just encouraged that.
It was like, they didn't say, oh, that's not real,
you know, and put you in a box.
My parents were like, okay, go ahead. You know?
So I grew up with like, my mind was open
to, you know what I mean?
Yeah. Do you think your parents have kind
of been believers in the UFO subject for a while? So
It's funny you say that.
My mom was, was never like into this stuff
so much as my dad was.
And my dad's father, even my, my grandfather,
they were always like talking about angels
and they were really into the Bible and my grandparents
and stuff, Bible studies
and all that stuff, they were always open to that stuff.
And my dad and my uncle were always, you know, listening
to like Art Bell and stuff like that.
And um, like I remember as a kid,
like my dad would tell me stories, you know, even
as I'm little, you know about King Solomon, you know,
and the, the two women that claimed the baby was theirs.
And the King Solomon said, well, I don't know.
One of you is lying and I don't
know which one of you is telling the truth.
So I'll split the baby in half and you can each have half.
And the one woman said, okay, go ahead.
The other woman said, no, no, no. Okay, give her the baby.
He said, that's how King Solomon knew the real mother.
You know, these are the kind of stories I would hear
as a real little, little guy.
So, you know, my dad was always like, really, you know,
a deep thinker and conversationalist and stuff.
And you know, even like, this is weird,
but like even bef I have memory of seeing my mother
and father before I was born.
And I remember like, not wanting
to come into this world again, Uhhuh.
And I remember being convinced to come because of my father.
I remember saying like, I like him, I'm interested in him,
and I'll come here to be with him
and teach him, you know, of course my dad did not like
to hear that growing up, you know, when I was little
that I came here to teach him.
When do you think you first said that to him?
When I was little. Like real little.
Huh? And, uh, maybe you should share the story.
What, what were your first words?
Yeah, so, you know, I, I don't have this memory,
but this was a story that my, my dad would all, you know,
he told me I was in the car seat real little
and my parents were driving from Buffalo over the Skyway,
like coming into, into the city.
And, um, from the backseat,
from the car seat, I said, I'm an alien.
And I did what? And he said he almost swerved off the road.
It was like my first, you know, it was like,
what did he just talk like what?
He's an alien. What?
That's great. Yeah.
So let's continue on the, the thread now of, uh,
around your birth experience.
So you, you do remember right before you were born
and all the way up to birth? Yep.
I remember. I remember before coming here.
And I remember ag, there was an agreement, like a contract
that had to be agreed to before I came.
And I remember there was,
there were beings that wanted me to come.
They said, they, they assured me
that this experience wouldn't be like the others.
And they said, all we need is for you to be there,
and your presence alone will help to shift the, the,
the scales in, in our fa in, in the, the favor of good.
I said, that's all we need you to do this time is just be,
just go down there and be we'll, make it easy for you.
You won't have to do much. Just, just go down there
and be yourself and that'll be enough.
That's all we ask. And I remember saying, no,
and I'm not doing it again.
And I was in this, I wanna say like a craft,
a satellite above the earth.
And I remember laying on this cold surface looking,
I dunno if it was like a, a glass panel.
And I was pressed up against it, looking at the earth.
And, and I just like, I'm not doing this again.
Like, I, I don't want to come down here again.
And that's when they showed me my parents
and assured me everything would be different.
And I remember agreeing to losing all my memory
and starting fresh and not having any advantage or anything.
And I also remember them knowing that in my head,
listening to this, I, I knew that.
I was like, yeah, okay. I'll remember things, you know,
'cause, you know, being who I was, somehow I knew
that I would be able to have this memories
and just being confident.
And they were like, okay, okay. And then as soon
as I agreed, okay, fine, I'll do it.
It was like, bam, instantly. Like, I'm, I'm, I'm there.
Like I'm being born. Like, that's it.
I'm, as soon as I agreed, it was like instantly
and I was down here again.
But yeah, I have memory, I have memory from even
before this life, you know, traces
of different existences and stuff.
Yeah. There's a, there's a lot of people
who have reported that kind of thing.
And that, yeah.
I mean, it, it does seem like the, the, the mission
of the wanderers and the star seeds really is just a
vibrational thing where it's literally just, just,
just adding a little bit of a higher vibration
through being here is what it is.
It's without any specific agenda.
It is just to, to be of service
or help with that, that loving vibration.
That seems to be what we're coming in with.
Yeah. Yeah. It's like there's a, there's there,
and this makes more sense now than ever
because looking at the world today, you know,
and it's like we're really teetering, you know,
it's like we're teetering between like,
I don't wanna say good and evil,
but like, it does feel like there is like a balance going
on, and that there are forces trying to push
and there are forces that are trying to pull, you know,
and it's, yeah, it makes sense now.
It did when I was little, but it does now.
Yeah. So let's go back even further now.
Do you have, um, memories
from previous lifetimes, do you think? Yeah,
Yeah, for sure.
Um, so previous
lifetimes on earth, um,
Either And off Earth.
Yeah. Or, or inner earth maybe.
Um, I do have a memory
of like a subterranean dwelling where I wasn't a human
and this, this dwelling
felt very underground and secure.
Like, it was, like, I liked it.
Um, and like the, I can, I can, I can see like the room,
you know, what we would call like a kitchen today,
but it was like all in one.
It wasn't just like a kitchen. It was like everything.
And it was like, everything was like a real drab,
like a speckled color, you know?
It was like a, I don't wanna say like stone,
but it was like stone, like a speckled stone.
And the, the lighting on this building on the inside
where I lived was like a recess lay, like, back, back lit.
Like, have you ever seen those, uh,
like frosted glass ornaments
or Christmas decorations where it's like the lights inside
and like, it emanates from inside
and like the outside's like a, like actually like this,
like this candle, like that, that's what, that's what the,
the whole inside of the, the, the dwelling was like,
and I remember it feeling like, like, I never need
to leave this, this place.
You know? It was like, this was my, like, where I lived,
and I remember my, my skin was like a bark,
like a tree bark material.
So that, that's like definitely one, one memory of,
Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's
very interesting.
I mean, there's been many reports across the history
of ufology relating to like, beings
that are more like plant-like in their nature,
even though they're kind of humanoid
and they can walk around, they still have that, that sort
of genetics from plants more so than
what we think of as mammals.
Yeah. Yeah.
It was definitely not a human, that's for sure.
I don't know if it was like on a different planet
or in this planet, maybe in a different age.
I'm not sure. Um, but yeah, that, that's one.
Um, you know, I, I have memories of like, like
what we would call like the Egyptian times.
I don't know if it was like, like if it was like Egypt
as like that in this life.
I don't know if I would've called it Egypt necessarily,
but like, I have a memory from like that time period
that actually there were remnants of that life
that came out in this life when I was little,
like when I was little in this life, I real little, um,
I used to always like, fight with my brother
and stuff, wrestle around and stuff.
And I always felt like if I could get him
underneath my feet,
that there was somehow I was dominant in that way.
And it was like, only later in life,
then I would see like the, the pictures of the Egyptians
where there's, they're depicted as
on like a say a boat or something.
And then the life forms underneath them were lower forms.
Or like, if they conquered like a, you know, a kill
or a lion or something, they would always put their foot on,
you know, it was like a, like a real primal feeling of like,
if I could get 'em under my feet.
And I have these memories of being on this boat, you know,
barefoot on this boat with a bow and a spear
and hunting like, and you know, fishing and, and,
and growing things and harvesting crops
and irrigation and all that.
I didn't really know what it meant till I got older.
And then I started learning about Egypt
and I was like, Hey, I remember this.
You know, it was like, what? Try to tell people.
They're like, what a, what You're imagining that, you know.
But I knew it was real. I knew what I remember.
Yeah. Yeah. That seems to be a common one
that people have, um, that timeframe.
Elian timeframe. Yeah.
Yeah, it was always, I remember a dagger,
I remember I had a dagger.
It was, I don't know if it was like an onyx,
like a black glass or
something, but it was like real special.
It was like an honorary thing.
Like it was given to me after some accomplishment.
I remember like, um, I remember entering like this temple,
like stone temple, huge.
And I remember there being like, uh, like Amer,
did you ever see American gladiator when you were younger?
Yeah, like going through obstacles and stuff.
I remember that from that period of like, going
through obstacles like a maze
and then like, like snakes and bugs.
And I remember there was even a portion where like,
I went underwater and there was like,
I remember seeing like, like a crocodile in there
and like, you had to hold your breath
and it was like you die in there.
Like if you didn't find your way out,
you know, you had to find air.
I remember all that. 'cause I remember the,
the extreme panic and fear
and all that from that experience.
And that somehow the, the remnants of that are,
are were in me as a kid, you know?
You think that came through at a particular time?
Or is it just kind of bits and pieces
that you don't know where it came from?
No, it definitely, like when I was little,
it was always in there, you know?
Mm-Hmm. And it was like, like I said, seeing the, like,
I remember in school getting to that page of geo of,
of geography where it was like, it was just like one page
of like the Native Americans,
and it was like, okay, I want more of this.
And you turned the page and then it was like Egypt
and it was like one page and it was like,
where's the rest of this?
You know? 'cause I have all these memories now.
Just seeing that triggered the memory, you know?
It was like, okay, I, I remember all this, you know,
and just flood, you know, all of a sudden just flood.
I don't know if it was part of the gift I was given
of memory, little bits of memory I was given as a gift
or a reward or what.
So, um, I would like to know more about what, how,
how how the contact experiences kind of unfolded.
And was there something significant
that happened when you became, um, you know,
like 11 years old, that timeframe?
So, yeah, so once I hit 11 years old,
it was a, it was like a departure.
It was like, okay, we gotta go now.
This is all gonna end for you,
You, and, and what, what, what, what is all this?
What, who was this that was kind
of giving this dication? So like,
So like all the, the mission stuff,
like while I was sleeping
and like all the like, abduction stuff
and the, the bad, like uncomfortable samples
and all that tubes and all that experiences and stuff.
I remember when hitting like 11 years old.
And then, you know, in like,
it was like a, it was always mental.
It wasn't like face-to-face communication.
It was like spoken through me like,
like my thoughts, but not my thoughts.
And it was like, now that you're gonna be 11,
we're gonna leave now and leave you to be, you know,
to have your human experience.
Now we're gonna, we're gonna step back.
We'll never truly leave,
but we're gonna leave you now,
we're gonna leave you alone kind of thing.
And your work's been done.
It was like a feeling of like, you can retire now.
You know, like, you've done enough
for us now we're gonna let you go, you know,
and just be a kid and, and all that.
And it's like, but they gave me a choice.
And it was like, you can come with us if you want,
or you can stay and be a, you know, a human.
And I, I, I don't know if I chose to go or stay.
That's why I wonder like if, if I'm like some kind of clone
and like I went or, or,
or if I, I think I just chose to stay,
but I definitely stay 'cause I'm here now.
But, um, you know, it was like,
I remember it being like sad,
like I didn't want them to leave.
And it was like, I'll miss you.
And it was like, well, we'll never truly be gone.
We'll always be here,
but you know, we'll come back from
time to time to check on you.
And it was like the feeling like, every 11 years
we're gonna check in with you.
Which is weird because when I had the experience
with the scream, it was like right around 11 years
after that, it was like, I was like right
around 22, you know?
And it was like, I don't know, you know, if like,
they come back and switch me on and see if I'm ready or, or,
or what, or see where the humanity's at or what.
But it's like, I remember them
saying, we're gonna leave now.
But it was like, they would even say like,
you have family here and they're all here
and they're all waiting for you
and they're all really proud of you and the work you've done
and, and the work you're going to do.
But, but, but go live this life, you know?
And, and we'll all be here watching you and,
and waiting for you and we'll all be
reunited again eventually.
And it was like sad. I remember it was like sad,
but it was like, okay, you know,
and then boom, it was like, it, it just stopped.
So then I had everything stopped.
Like I was having no more, you know, um, no more missions.
Like no, I don't think I was,
I mean, I might've been abducted.
I don't know. I have, I don't have any memory
of anything else after that point really.
But like the stuff I was able, there was like a residual
leftover abilities, you know, where like when I'd go
to sleep, I could, you know, I could jump go and jump around
and like meet my friends and have all that stuff.
But even as I got older that faded, you know, I got less
and less able to do that. But
Yeah, that's a pretty common experience a
after certain age, those, those, those kinds
of experiences are much harder.
And I, I suspect it's, you know, layers of our culture
that make us sort of more agitated or anxious,
and we don't have that same childhood innocence
and peaceful nature
that we can just freely leave our bodies as easily.
But maybe there's a psychic function too
that's just harder to maintain.
Um, but I know, I know I've heard many stories of people who
make efforts, um, such as
with the Monroe Institute materials to be able
to astro project and that kind of thing.
But I know it's, it is much more natural.
I certainly had many easy out of body experiences,
I think when I was very young.
Um, and certainly in the dream state, it's easy
to have the flying dreams, you know, where, you know,
you're, you're, you're going around and,
but you have a lot of flying dreams as a kid. Yeah,
Yeah. Tons of, and
you know what I,
and I know, you know,
it's like you're, you're, you're dead on.
I mean, it's the pressure of the world, you know, it's like,
you gotta go to work, you gotta pay your bills,
you gotta raise your kids,
or you gotta, you know, you have all this stuff
that when you sleep,
you're not like you, you don't, it's not rest.
Like there's a part of you then that kicks on, you know?
And it does work. Like you figure out your problems
and like your subconscious starts going, you know?
And if, if when you're little,
your subconscious got nothing else to do, you know?
So it just goes out and exploring and, and having fun.
But when you're an adult and stuff is like the pressure
of the world, just you got other stuff to do, you know?
Yeah. Well, I think, is there any other stories
that you wanted to share, you
don't think we haven't covered yet?
Um, no. I mean, That was a
pretty good, that was a pretty good overview.
Yeah. That was a lot of stuff in one hour. That was great.
Yeah. Um, I,
I could go on and on and on and on, but,
Um, so I guess I could, I could, I could share, thank you
so much for sharing all this
and you know, people are gonna love this.
And, um, yeah,
we can totally help you have you do more content if you'd
like to share more in the future
too, if you wanna share anything.
Um, and, um, we, um,
yeah, just very excited to have you sharing all this stuff.
Ha had you shared all this before with many people?
No, not many. Like, you know, I started
to tell you guys some of the stuff with the groups
and like my parents, you know, I would tell 'em stuff
and, you know, they just became a part, you know,
they were just like, oh, Randy, okay.
You know, they, they would listen.
It wasn't like they would dismiss me or anything,
but it was just, I don't know.
It was like, they, they heard it all, you know, none, none
of this stuff is probably gonna be too shocking if they were
to watch this, you know?
So I always had them, you know, um, a couple friends,
little stuff here and there,
but never really get into the deep stuff,
you know, like we did today.
And do you feel like it was ever disturbing to you
as a kid trying to process all this, all these memories?
Or were you always very sure of yourself
and this is just who I am?
No, it was, I, there was never any doubt.
Mm-Hmm. It wasn't always comfortable.
Like I said, the going to sleep
and stuff, it was, it was like, like going
to work, you know?
And it was, it was taxing,
you know, it's probably why I got no hair.
Yeah. Just like, uh, stress, you know, and,
and just dealing with adult things at a very young age.
Like, I feel like my soul was maybe older than, you know,
than my body here on earth.
But like, I, even the very, even little, little guy,
like just maybe barely even able to walk.
I remember looking in the mirror at myself
and crying and saying, what is this?
What am I, this, I'm so ugly.
Like being a human was like, this is not who I am, you know?
It was like, what is this now what am I now?
Like, this isn't me, you know, what is this?
I'd look at my hand and say, what, what is this? You know?
It was like, I, I didn't belong in this body.
It was like, what is this foreign thing that I am now?
So it wasn't always fun,
but at the same time, I wouldn't,
I wouldn't change anything, you know, even the worst of it.
It is what it is, you know?
Do you have any inkling of what your,
your prior nature was then, besides the for fingered aspect?
Do you think you, you were one of the amp people,
or do you think you were more humanoid like,
or more like human looking? Do you think?
Well, there, there, there's like all these different
chapters in my mind where there were points
where I was like, human, you know, like in the,
I don't know, atlantian
or Egyptian, whatever that was, whatever period
that was, I was definitely a human.
And then there are the other experiences where,
where I definitely wasn't, you know,
but still, I feel like I was two legs, two arms, a body
and head, you know?
Yeah. And I feel like more importantly,
the soul was, it was always me.
I don't know if that makes sense, but like, whether it was,
we'll say the Egyptian version of me
or the, the subterranean alien version of me,
or, you know, there was even a memory
where I remember getting shot in the back of the head
and I was a human then.
I mean, I have a birthmark.
Wow. You know, where I,
I know I got shot in the head in a previous life and,
and I was a human then, you know?
But I was still me in all of these experiences.
It was still me, you know?
And, and I think that's kind of comforting too, is like,
it don't think this life is the,
the end of anything, you know?
Yeah. Another chapter of, of you being you.
Yeah, absolutely.
So, uh, I guess this is maybe a good time to, to wrap it up,
to make it easier for people to watch a
shorter clip this time.
Um, but we can also open this up now of people
who are attendees and chat
a little bit more with people too.
Um, so, um, yeah.
I can thank you again for, for joining us, Randy.
And, um, I'm sure everyone else is very happy to have that,
um, that download of interesting stories.
'cause it's like we we're always just trying
to figure out the, the puzzle pieces of what,
what actually is nature of reality, what's going on?
And you know, I think so many people have
confusing memories from being a kid.
They don't know how to put it into a bigger picture.
But hearing all these other stories helps
people I think appreciate.
Maybe they were, you know, a star seed
and had had other things going on
and they're, they're coming here that makes,
makes the story make a little bit more sense for them.
Certainly for me, it did.
Everything clicked a little bit more.
Um, yeah, I haven't even shared a lot of my stories yet,
but it is like, I, I, I agree with you spot on that,
you know, this is a mission that we're on
and there's been many kinds of missions that we're here for,
but ultimately the main mission is just elevating the
consciousness on earth, elevating the vibration,
helping people recognize that we're all, we're all one,
you know, we're all doing this together.
We're here to, we're here to try to elevate humanity
to the level that makes it possible for people
to be more loving altogether.
Um, and, and what we remember
as being a, a nicer kind of planet.
We're trying to make earth that kind
of nice kind of planet that we came in with.
Yeah, absolutely. You know, you're, you're touching on,
you know, I feel like they, they, they've, they've,
they've shown me the, the big, big picture.
I have so much to say.
There, there, there is a, see, you're, you're right on.
I mean, as a people, as a planet, we're so divided
by governments or by different religions
and stuff like that, but it's like, man,
every religion has truth.
We, we know. It's like everybody, I always,
every religion has a piece of the puzzle.
None of them have the big picture.
And they all say the same thing is like,
don't hurt one another, love one another.
We're all brothers and sisters here.
And it's like, do we forget that?
You know, why, why all these wars?
You know, why all these governments bringing us into wars
and, and religious differences making us fight one another.
We're all family, you know, we have to love one another.
This is ridiculous. You know, it's like we need to evolve
to the next stage.
And I feel like that's what some of us are,
are like coming here to help raise that, that frequency,
that vibration of, of oneness
and, you know, drop the, the bologna, stop this nonsense,
you know, come together.
'cause I've, the average person's a good person, you know,
we just wanna raise our, our families and love one another
and, you know, eat some good food and,
and enjoy this beautiful planet.
And, and what, what else matters really, you know,
no, nothing else matters.
You know? And we can all come together on that, you know,
and eat good food and share in one another
and stuff that it's not hard, you know, it's like, be nice
because my father, he used to get so frustrated with me
and my brother, he'd always boil it.
I'd say, you two dumb asses.
He's like, I'm gonna boil it down for you to two words.
Can you handle two words? Be nice. That's all you gotta do.
Just be nice to one another. It's that simple.
You know? If we could just do that.
Yeah. Yeah. I love it.
That's a great place to end the conversation.
So thank you again. And
Thank You. Take care
People: Mike Waskosky, Randy Blatt
Topics: ET Contact
What fascinating experiences you’ve had! I love how you’ve sensibly integrated everything. Thank you for sharing, Randy.
Good stuff. Lot of it lines up. Time dialation, the importance of emotion, reincarnation for a specific purpose.
This is great stuff very very informative. Good job finding eachother guys.