Ep14: Inner Light with John Thunderheart

Ascension Workers
Ep14: Inner Light with John Thunderheart
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Next Episode: Ep15: Faith & Discipline of the Mind
I guess we can get started chatting 'cause we're already
chatting as well.
Yeah. Yeah.
So I, I really have to thank you for helping out
with the community in so many ways.
John, you, you've been really valuable.
I think the first time I met you was, uh,
out in the yurt in, uh, Woodland Park there
where you were doing it.
The did do, uh, for one of the meditations by,
by Jim Haggins there.
And I was just blown away.
I'd never experienced anything like that.
And it was like, it was, it was like my body was sort
of being forced into alignment by the
sound energies or something.
Right. So we, so we had to do the, some sound healing
for us at the Ascension Summit 2 0 21,
which people absolutely loved.
That was really wonderful. And you've been doing a lot
of sound healing events here in Colorado Springs for, for
how long have you been doing this kind of thing?
Well, oh God. Sound healing.
I probably started, um,
I guess it was 2010 mm-Hmm.
Um, when I actually first started doing was just Gerry Do,
and it was with a friend and we called ourselves, uh,
sounds from the wood, you know,
'cause our did redos are wood.
And, um, and we did just did redo journeys.
And then we had someone else come in
who played flute hood crystal bowls and a shrudy box.
And, um,
and I can show the people what a shrudy box looks like.
A lot of people don't know what that is. And I'll do that.
Excuse me in a minute. Um,
but, you know, we played for a few months together
and then we were supposed to record Mm-Hmm.
And the person quit and he played the flute.
And I picked up, I had a flute
that I bought, but I never played it.
It looked good, you know, it sat on a mantle piece
and, uh, I, I always collected instruments,
but I never could play any of them.
So I taught myself in two weeks to play the flute
and got on the cd.
And from that point on, we started adding the flutes
and the did redo and everything else.
And, uh, unfortunately one of my friends, he, he couldn't,
he has COPD
and a, a few other ailments that he had
that he couldn't do the breath with the digger do,
so he had to drop out.
So I just started doing it solo.
And I would do that on the road.
You know, I'd go to Denver a lot
and, uh, retirement communities with the sacred sound.
And, um, I would also do drum circles for the seniors
and Alright.
Seniors. Um,
but that's, that's more
or less how I, I got into the, the sound.
Um, it was just an amazing journey.
Do you wanna know the story?
Yeah, I wanna know the whole story.
All right. The whole, the whole story.
I, I, I wanna start with, um, you know, were you living a,
a conventional kind of life where you felt like, you know,
you hadn't broken out of the,
the box yet, out of the matrix.
Were you working regular jobs
or had you always kind of had a, a feeling for the mystical?
Oh, uh, yeah. My,
my parents even recognized it before I did.
Mm-Hmm. Um, when I was really little,
they literally bought me the book from Time
Life into the Unknown.
And my brothers, they didn't get them that type of books.
They didn't get 'em all these esoteric type things.
But my parents got me that,
and I was raised strict Catholic, you know?
Um, and that's not something that would normally fly.
Uh, but I, I mean, I
always was a very spiritual person, you know, even
as a little kid, I always felt a connection with something,
you know, beyond, uh, what we are seeing here.
It, it was just something that really
I've always felt, you know, even as long
as I can remember Mm-Hmm.
But, uh, you know, coming into the psychic stuff that I do,
uh, that I didn't realize I had any of that ability
until I was, had a vision
of an assassination attempt on the Pope when I was, I think
around 18 or 19.
And, uh, that really shifted.
Then I realized that my uncle, when he passed, I was
around 12 years old, and he lived in, um, Bermuda, came
to me and said goodbye.
I woke up in bed and, and I was like, no.
And I got up and walked into my parents' bedroom
where the phone was, and soon as my hand reached
for the phone, it rang.
And it was an English woman who was my uncle's caretaker.
It's really, he was my great uncle,
and I was very close to him.
And she said he passed away.
She found him that morning, and he, he, he passed, you know,
he said goodbye to me.
Wow. And, uh, then I was like, wow. And other incidences.
So, so the one with the Pope that you mentioned, was
that a prophetic thing that happened like
within a few hours or day?
The days or, um, well, I was able
to avert the assassination attempt.
Oh, I see. Yeah.
Um, I was actually visiting my brother in Manhattan, Kansas.
He was going to Kansas State for his masters.
And I, I was sleeping on his couch,
but I had a really odd feeling all weekend long.
I just felt off and, and, you know,
and I didn't understand it at all.
And what, what happened was that weekend, Harry Chapin
musician, he passed away on the Long Island Expressway,
and that's where I'm from, long Island.
And, uh, then the Hyatt,
I think it was the Hyatt Regency Twin Towers,
like in Kansas City, they had a sky bridge and it collapsed.
And a bunch, a whole bunch of people were killed.
And, and then I had the vision, ah, I mean,
it was like this whole type of energy.
I was so, like outta sorts.
It's not like the dream, a dream,
it's more like a waking vision.
Oh. I had, no, I was sleeping when the, the vision happened.
I see. And it was, it was as clear as we are right here.
I see. And I, I literally got the type of car,
I still remember the type, it was a white peo.
Um, I had the license plate number.
Uh, there were five terrorists, Arab terrorists.
I had the clothing descriptions, the street sign.
I knew it was, um, in Portugal,
had cobblestone streets and stuff like that.
But I knew it was Portugal.
I had some serial numbers from weapons.
I mean, it was, it was vivid is, and,
and I was afraid to, I was gonna forget it,
but it was like burned into my brain.
Um, because I had just started previously a couple weeks
before listening to a radio show, um,
on a station in New York
where they had a psychic medium on one time.
And he's the most tested psychic.
His name's George Anderson. You can look him up.
And he, uh, was being tested by a priest
and a psychologist, a psychiatrist, a parapsychologists,
a physicist, um, you know, regular MDs.
Hooked him up with all the wires and everything.
And, um, the priest on the air said,
I believe he's the real deal.
And this head priest was the head
of diocesan television in New York on Long Island.
And I was like, that's who I have to tell.
I have to tell the psychic guy 'cause he knows the priest
and he can tell the priest.
And I kinda, I got home
and I called up the radio station
to find out when he was gonna be on next.
And it was three months later.
And I was afraid I was gonna forget, but it, I never forgot.
And I was able to wangle my way into the studio as a, uh,
uh, studio audience person.
Mm-Hmm. Because I didn't want to tell 'em.
'cause I, I would've probably been
rejected right away, Uhhuh.
Um, I mean, I was 18 or whatever,
but I looked like I was 12 many,
no, no one took me seriously.
Mm-Hmm. So I was able to actually, uh,
corner the psychic, um, on a break.
I wouldn't let him pass me.
And he was getting really agitated with me,
and I just spit out what happened.
And he just stopped dead and mouth dropped open.
He goes, I had exactly the same one. Wow.
And he says, uh, you know, I said,
you gotta tell Father Tom.
And he goes, I already did.
He said there was nothing that can be done, um,
unless there's verification.
And he looked at me and he pointed, he goes,
you are the verification.
And the two weeks later on, on the news broadcast,
they said, Pope John Paul II has canceled part
of his world, you know, tour.
Wow. And he is skipping Portugal.
So they must have already had intelligence about that to to,
to take that into account.
Fascinating. Um, so, you know, that's, you know,
that's how I really started getting involved
into the metaphysical world.
And, um, the music didn't start until many years later.
I had no musical abilities, but that he tested, he traded
and he trained me, uh, for like six years and how to listen
and how to feel and, you know, so I I I was mentored
by him for quite a long time.
That's amazing. He's a good friend. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Did he, did he, was he a part of your
breaking down some programming around the issue too?
Um, well, he was really strict Catholic,
and he's still a very strict Catholic.
And he, he, he was actually, when he was in high school,
they sent him to a mental hospital
because he was seeing spirits and,
and talking to spirits, you know,
'cause sometimes I guess he couldn't tell whether
or not they were real people or not,
because some of 'em were that clear.
Yeah. And, uh, um, he actually
went to a psychic by, I think, I don't remember
what the, the exact story was.
Maybe it was an aunt took him or something like that.
And the, the psychic told him, I said, no, you're, you,
you've got an incredible gift.
And, and then started working with him.
That's how he, you know, got out past it.
Um, it, it, you know, it, it felt like a natural progression
for myself in so many ways.
And, you know, I,
what he taught me was how to listen Mm-Hmm.
You know, when and,
and not let the mind interfere
and say, that's not logical.
That's, you know, crazy.
Even though my mind would say that it wouldn't stop me from,
say, bringing information forward, trusting the data trust.
Yeah. And I, and I still, that day, you know,
sometimes I just shake my head and go, this is all crap.
You know, this is my mind. You know, that type of thing.
But that other little voice inside saying, tell them
or No, this is, this is accurate.
Yeah. And then, and I just give it,
and it turns out that, you know, I get the feedback,
oh my God, I can't believe you got that.
Yeah. So, yeah.
For, for me, it felt like I, my logical mind
was overriding my intuition for my entire childhood up
until I was maybe 21 years old.
And I started awakening to the idea
that this is a real thing.
That there are, you know, intuitive pieces of data that my,
my brain shouldn't normally be able to know.
But if I just open to it, it's a wisdom beyond
what I would normally be able to think I could have.
Yeah. And now it's, it's, it, it walks side
by side with me now.
'cause like when I'm in like a men's group or something, or,
or just a group of people, um,
and I, I plan on just being quiet and just listening,
and then all of a sudden this information
is right there and present.
And I'm getting urged.
No, you want to, you don't wanna speak,
but you need to speak.
Um, this is important. Yeah.
And so, and when we trust ourselves, the wisdom comes out.
Do you think that that is collaboration with angelic realms
or the higher self or something?
Well, I think it's all of the above.
I I don't think it's limited to just higher self
or angelic realm.
Um, I, I, I mean, it could be for instance,
you know, some relatives who've passed over
or friends who've passed over,
or, um, I've had people in readings that, uh,
it was like five generations away.
You know what I mean? They were acting like a guardian
angel in a sense.
Uh, you know, when they did research,
because I used to get names a lot.
I don't get 'em so much anymore.
Uh, and I'd expect the name and No, no, no.
And someone, I'd say, well,
just go see if anybody knows the family tree.
And all of a sudden, boom, there's that name.
And, and then the description. Wow. You know, fits nice.
So, and we all have it. Yeah.
I've, I've heard so many people, this, maybe this a tangent,
but I feel like people have a, a lot of hangups
around it from their own programming
that this could be a demon trying to pretend to be a person.
But I assume that you can know them
by their fruits to a certain degree.
And the healing that comes from, it must be some way
of evaluating this is really those sources.
Well, yeah. And that you,
that is the biggest dilemma that's, that's out there.
There's a lot of misinformation.
But at the same time, I mean, there are, you know, like
if you're going into the biblical thing, you know, where
the person seems to be very good in everything else
and they're just trying to lure you in.
Mm-Hmm. And it's always good to be very skeptical
to keep the skepticism there.
Um, I, I can feel the energy
and if something just, just doesn't feel right, you know,
the words sound really good, but it doesn't feel right.
I, I don't follow that, you know.
But if of my logical mind trying to filter, it might go,
that's great information.
And I, and, and it might be,
and you might use that information,
but you're not gonna necessarily trust the
source of that information.
Right. Because I always believe that no matter
what anybody says or whatever information
that is put out there, there's at least 1% truth in it.
Mm-Hmm. And I, I look for that 1% truth.
Well, I I, maybe we could skip, skip ahead a little bit.
And so you, when we,
when you attended our et uh, disclosure meeting,
that you had some amazing stories there too.
And I'm wondering how much
that played into your overall awakening process too.
Oh, you know, that, that kind of made me
expand more.
'cause I, I, um, I never really
thought much of it,
but I had experiences even from a young age, a 12-year-old
and seeing a, a cigar shaped thing come over the house
and people, oh, it was just a blimp.
And I was like, Christ, I'm from New York.
I I've seen blimps, you know,
the Goodyear Blimp all the time.
You know, Fuji didn't have theirs or any of those,
but I, you know, they were, they were present.
I saw 'em all the time on tv.
I saw them flying, you know, when we went to the city.
And, uh, so what did you think of them as a kid?
Which the UFO? Yeah.
I was fascinated because I had the into the unknown,
that book, you know, that opened me up until, oh, you know,
it talked about UFOs.
They showed some of those type of things.
It wasn't identical to the one
that was in a book or anything.
But, um, it, it was,
it was definitely a part of the awakening.
And then seeing this thing coming over my house
and I ran from my front window
to the back window and it disappeared.
And I mean, the thing wasn't small. Mm-Hmm.
I mean, it was the size of at least, uh,
two football fields, you know, it was, it was big
and it wasn't super high up either,
and it didn't look like a blimp.
And it, and it was not an airplane.
'cause we were over the flight pats to go into, you know,
either Kennedy or LaGuardia or airport
and, and stuff like that.
So it was not an airplane. It didn't have wings on it.
Mm-Hmm. And it didn't have a little gondola underneath
or, you know, the little booth.
Yeah. And, and, and I, I just was fascinated by, and,
but I didn't really talk much about it
because no one else saw it.
You know, you open your mouth and then you get ridiculed.
Yeah. So you just store it away until
those, what is it, CE five?
Yeah, the, the Yeah. Meetup groups. Yeah. Yeah.
The meetup group. And, uh,
but then I had that, uh, when I was an adult, you know,
I was 20 about, probably close to 25 years old when
the group of us went partying.
And I no longer drank at that point.
Um, and we stopped on the side of the road coming out
of a college town, upstate New York, you know,
very dark at night, you know,
there's no street lights except in the, the town area.
And we stopped on the
side of the road to go to the bathroom.
And we all had assigned
seats more or less.
'cause we fought over 'em. And I
was one of the smallest ones.
So I never won. So I sat in the hump,
in the middle, in the back.
Um, we, we all got out, did business,
got back in the car, and that was all we remembered.
And all of a sudden we found ourselves back at my family's
property, car not parked where we normally park.
Uh, and everybody was in different locations in the car.
And the person who doesn't have a driver's license was
behind the wheel of the car, which would never happen.
'cause he was like, I ain't driving. You know?
And, and, uh, and I, I made a joke.
Uh, I said, yeah, check your knees.
They might have an implant. 'cause that, at that time,
that's what was big that they were talking about.
They were being implants. What year do you think this was?
This probably was probably around 1985,
you know, um, 84.
Yeah. Somewhere right around that area.
So I guess there, I have a lot
of questions to get into this more.
So how much time do you think elapsed?
Do you have any way of knowing it was
minimum of two hours missing?
Mm-Hmm. It was a 45 minute drive.
We were only literally three minutes outside the, the,
the college town.
And we literally went out of it over a bridge
and stopped, you know.
And so everyone had two hours missing all of us. Yeah.
And they were freaking out.
I thought it was funny, you know, I was making jokes
and stuff, and, and they, none of 'em will talk about it.
I'm the only one who would talk about it.
No one will talk about it. They shut up.
You know, I don't wanna hear it.
That that freaked them out big. Mm-Hmm. Yeah.
But did you explain to them at some point
that you think this is not entirely uncommon that this is
Well, I mean, it wasn't super common really back then.
Mm-Hmm. Um, I guess you wouldn't have any reference
without the internet to really know.
Yeah. Yeah. And there was no internet. Yeah.
Um, and, you know, you'd find like writings
and like that book, the Time Life book, which
what comes at only, that was the only one they did.
And, you know, so, and that came out in the seventies.
So no, there was no way to really get that
unless you looked up a one of those magazines.
Mm-Hmm. And,
and I wasn't, you know, reading those,
I was reading martial arts magazines and stuff like that.
And you, have you ever had any hypnosis
to try to check what that was?
I, no. I've never had hypnosis for that. No.
Only once when I was on the radio show in New York with the,
the psychic, I had hypnosis where they regressed,
how we knew each other in other, another lifetime.
Oh, neat. And that was, you know, when we were, like,
we were six or seven years old in a workhouse in England,
and we both kind of hid out on a little,
one of those little balconies.
You know, it's, you, they still have them
where you can open up the window, but you can't go out.
But we squeezed out there as little kids and froze to death.
Wow. And, uh, that was traumatic death.
Uh, well, I suppose, I guess it was, I didn't feel
that it was, you know, from this perspective, um,
I just was like seeing it as an observer uhhuh.
So I didn't have any emotional attachment to it.
Um, I'm pretty good at that, you know, being an observer
and not allowing myself to get drawn into something
that could be really traumatic.
Yeah. Well, I guess maybe we should see if there's more,
more to wrap up with, with the,
with this missing time story.
Um, so you, you, you're all in different seats
and I assume y all had your clothes
on the same way and all that.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We, well, well, you know,
never even thought about that.
You, I, I'm playing it back in my head now
and never thought about that.
I just, you know, went like this with my leg, you know,
pulled it up and checked
to see if there's any implant, any implants.
Um, and, but never thought about it.
And I don't think so, though. I don't think so. Yeah.
Uh, you know, I guess those ets got it right.
Some of it I wasn't wearing my friend Bob's underwear.
So if that, yeah.
It's, it's always so funny when we hear these kinds
of stories that it seems like there's, I don't know if it's
if it's a comedic thing
or if it's just they don't care when they,
when they get random things wrong like that, you know, the,
um, some ab some abduction stories you hear about clothes
being misplaced or different and Right.
Um, yeah.
It's, it's just bizarre how much goes on that we, it's just
beyond our, our lens or our view of reality, you know?
And that could also be, you know, on
how often a person is abducted.
Yeah. You know, um, usually if,
if you're abducted, there's more than one.
It's usually more than once.
And, and you, you know, through probably your research
that it sometimes goes on the whole family tree.
Yeah. You know, they follow the, the,
the genetic line down the road.
And I, I haven't had, you know, no one has talked to me
and my family about anything like that,
but they're pretty straight laced.
You know, I'm, I was always the odd one, the one who,
you know, was into the unknown
and they were more mainstream.
And, you know, science says this,
or the government says that, and they, and they believe it.
And, and I was always like, what if,
or really, I don't know.
That doesn't feel right. But, uh, so
I guess we could, we could switch back into some spiritual
philosophy discussion here.
So what was it that, um, sort of made you decide to
move into, uh, spiritual spirituality, sound healing more,
more of as a line of perf as a line of work?
Good question. Um, well,
when I was a deputy sheriff, you know, I kept being told
by spirit, you know, um, now I've been doing, you know,
psychic work and stuff like that since that incident.
I was involved in it and I, I became a cop a lot later.
And everybody thought it was the other way
around that, how did you do this?
Said, no, I've been doing the other,
and how did you go mainstream?
And I said, well, it's something I always wanted to do.
And I, I felt drawn to it.
And when I was in,
I guess my seventh year with the sheriff's office,
I kept getting, it was in October,
and I kept getting it's time to go.
And I was like, no, I'm raising a, a single dad.
You know, I got a mortgage, you know, I can't just up
and leave and, and quit.
And then a year later, in October, same thing,
spirit time to go.
And I said, no, I can't. I got to,
you know, same, same story.
Third year, it's time to go. And I was like, no.
And I, if you, you know, and all that to spirit.
And then like, you know,
and then I felt the, the, my grandfather's energy,
'cause that's who I can attribute
to because of the language.
And, and he sits there
and said, if you don't go,
you're gonna get the size 12 boot up your ass.
So, so, and I said, you know, spirit screw you.
I'm not doing it. You know, if you bring business,
if you can bring a lot of business in that I can transition,
you know, right away, then I'm gonna do it.
And, and, and, and I got, that's not the deal that you made.
And then I ended up with a pretty bad spinal injury. Wow.
And, uh, couldn't be a cop anymore.
Had a, you know, a couple of surgeries and titanium
and all that type of stuff.
But after I had that injury, that's when the,
the person quit the group with the dire do.
Oh. And when I picked up the flute, it literally, it was,
it was weeks after the incident that I picked up the flute
and taught myself how to play it
and, um, you know, record it.
And that's how I ended up really going into music.
And, and then, you know, I did the ditch first
'cause I sponsored an Aboriginal by my friend
who was the ditch player who learned from the Aboriginal,
who came once a year for like six months in Denver.
And I sponsored him, rented a church,
and he did a, he was a music ambassador for Australia,
and he put on a whole concert
presentation and everything else.
And, um, I bought one of the digit from him and,
and taught myself at, uh, my drum circles and,
and, you know, expanded from there.
And when my friend dropped out
because of, you know, his own health, um,
I started doing it by myself.
And so I'm a little curious, is there, was there any kind
of teaching around how natives used the Deri do?
Um, not really.
Um, now the Deri do was primarily a
man's instrument, as was the Native American flute.
The Native American flute was, was meant for a courting.
You know, you wanna get your girl, you know,
you played, you know what I mean?
Yeah. It was a courting instrument.
It was only in this 20th century, you know, not
that many years ago that women were allowed, you know,
or just started saying, I'm playing the flute.
Uh, the dig do is primarily men.
Now everybody plays the dig.
I don't know about in Australia though,
but it was used for entertainment.
It was also used for ceremony. And, and same today.
I, I mean, I've played my dig with, with rock bands
before and Yeah.
And so, um, it can be very versatile.
And, and I'm, I'm only an okay player,
but I have some friends that, oh man, can they play and,
and do amazing things,
but no matter what, how you play it, it, it's,
there's this vibration and this connection with the earth,
but it's both an earth and an air instrument.
And it, and when I first played it,
when it first noise came out, which was a fart noise,
it was very embarrassing, you know?
Um, but I, a rush of energy from the Earth came up
through me, my, I mean, hair standing up the, the, the,
you know, goosebumps and everything.
And that's when I said, I gotta buy this.
I'm gonna, I, I, you know, I need one.
And so then I taught myself how
to play it at the drum circles.
And, and that's, and how I started drums
was kind of the same way.
First time I hit it with a group, a rush of energy came up
through me, and, and I picked it up quick.
I picked up all of them very quickly. Mm-Hmm.
Whether it be past life or whatever, I don't know.
But it was one of those things that,
that's how I kind of do things.
I guess when I get this something through my body,
it's like, I, this is something that I'm meant to do.
I guess we could talk a little bit more about the,
the nature of the, the sound healing.
And, you know, how, how is that so powerful?
What, what is going on with, with the sound
and as interacting
with the person's energy body, do you think?
Oh, most, most definitely. Yeah.
Um, like all, all my instruments generally have
vi put out a vibration.
And then the ones that don't put out a, a long one,
like I have a bunch of my instruments over here,
and I can pick up one
or two of them, you know, um, have a, a, a, a tone,
which somehow seems to, um,
excite the atoms in the body.
Right. And that helps with the physical release of stuff,
but it also resonates with the spirit.
It, it literally just starts to, um,
how would I say, shake loose the, the shackles
where we're able to experience sometimes release
of the traumas, or to bring joy back in
where we've had it stuffed down
because we didn't feel worthy enough, whatever.
Um, but vibration
and sound is one of the most important things.
I mean, we use it in science, we use it in hospitals,
the MRIs, magnetic resonance, imaging, resonance, you know,
it's the resonance of the different sounds
and the qualities of them make, make a difference.
And how many songs that you've listened to
that just remind you of something and you,
and you can all of a sudden you feel uplifted
or you can feel very sad where you're able to
remind somebody who's left us, or, you know what I mean?
Yeah. Where you're able to let more of that grief out, or,
or, I mean, that's the whole point of, of it.
It's so that we can feel,
and when we can feel we can release right.
We can open up and,
and allow something to come into our lives.
And I think that's probably why music has come into
mine so much.
Um, I couldn't use my voice.
I mean, my, my best singing voice was literally when the
doctor opened the mouth and said, say, ah, that
that was my low, my high, and my middle.
Ah, and that was it.
But now, because of the shrudy box and,
and other things, I was able to start
to add my voice into it too.
But I, I could feel it in my heart.
Like when we did the CE five that last, that closing day,
remember when I, I brought the Shrudy box out Right.
And had everybody toning,
and I mean, two, what about 200 people there, at least in
that closing ceremony.
Yeah. It sounded great. Yeah.
And I've done groups, you know, where,
you know, 'cause I had them feel it.
I said, put your hand on your heart and to, and to tone
and try to match the sound of the Shruti box
and, and, and the voice.
And, and I mean, I thought it was magnificent.
And that doesn't happen when you have groups like that.
It's usually pretty, but it was like amazing. Right.
Because they could feel it. Yeah.
It takes you to another place. Yeah.
It was great being out with the, around the trees there too.
Oh, it was amazing. Yeah. Nature. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
It feels like there's some kind of, uh, connection
that the tree's consciousness is sort of harmonizing
or reinforcing the, the healing, the healing energies.
It seems like they, they have some
awareness of people around them.
Oh, I, I definitely, most definitely.
Um, like, you know, they're known as the standing people.
Mm-Hmm. Their roots go down and grab onto the earth. Right.
Um, and through rocks
and everything else to anchor them, the rocks
and rock formations are known as the record keepers.
Hmm. So everything
that's ever transpired on this earth is recorded in the
rocks and the trees are grabbing down and holding onto this.
They were able to tap into that
and make it more accessible for us,
because their vibrational energy is closer
to ours than the rocks are.
You have to really slow yourself down
to get the wisdom from the rocks.
I see. Deep meditation.
That's why the, the yogis
and the monks who write these phenomenal esoteric works,
and some of them have been in a monastery since they were
three years old, and I have had no outside experience,
but are writing these magnificent works and inspirational
and, and so very deep, where does it come from?
What do they go? They go sit on a mountaintop. Right.
They're sitting, their temples are made out of like,
you know, they're stoned and,
and they're able to tap into the wisdom of, of
what has transpired throughout the history of this planet.
That's the way I look at it. Yeah.
That's, that's my opinion. Yeah. That makes sense.
I mean, I know crystals are certainly easier to tap into,
I guess, than a regular stone.
Maybe it's, uh, no less wisdom in this, the rocks
that are not crystallized yet, but Yeah.
And well, you think of it,
we're we're all made up of the same stuff.
Yeah. You know, where they say we're all stardust. Yeah.
The planets, you know, the pressure,
everything coming together
and forms the, you know, the quartz crystals, the diamonds,
the whatever they are.
But what, what, when they come into certain forms
and certain shapes, the crystals, they're able to project.
They're, they're like, uh, antennas
and, um, you know, receivers and transceivers, you know.
Yeah. They're able to transmit energies
and you're able to tap in your quartz crystals
are right in the computer.
Yeah. They're the memory chips. Yeah. Right.
Um, the old crystal radios. Yeah. Alright.
They're able to take the frequencies that are there
that we can use 'em,
and our, our bodies are electrical, right?
Mm-Hmm. We've got the nerve
endings, we've got all that type of stuff.
Um, I mean, how many times have you gone somewhere
and you felt that you shouldn't, you know,
go in there, something's off.
Yeah. Or wow, you know, this feels energetic.
You know, you go in and it's real happy and,
and you, you match right in there.
It's in everything. Right.
So, um, I guess I, I could ask you more about all,
all the other healing modalities that you are familiar with
or that you, you use.
Crystals are certainly one of the most powerful ones I know.
Um, but it seems like sound
and crystals kind of may go hand in hand on the
vibrational nature of the healing.
Yeah. Well, I'll, I'll grab a couple
of the instruments here.
I love these man, that's a koshi chime,
but we're talking about
crystals Crystal bowl.
Yep. Quartz crystal.
Now this one is in, uh, C sharp,
I think, and I'll tell you in a minute.
Yes. C sharp and, you know,
and that the Cs are the earth energy.
That's the grounding energy. Alright.
Um, when you want to tap in and go down, you know,
and connect with the earth, it, it can help clear your mind
so that you can actually concentrate, um, on one
or two things as opposed to 6,000 things that you know,
when you're, especially when you're overwhelmed.
But the different frequencies of this
can bring you to other places.
And a lot of it's still also intention based.
Now we have the C sharp there,
and then I've got this, this is the shrudy box.
Can you see that up there? Yeah, we can see that.
And it's a pump thing.
And I play this, it's usually, you know, put on your lap
and you do with your hand.
I usually have it on the floor and I play with my foot
because I am playing the didgeridoo and uh,
or doing crystal balls or flutes
and I can't use my hands, you know, I wouldn't be able
to play the other instruments like, you know,
this one here, I'm gonna switch it.
There's little knobs on the top that have the different keys
and this is the,
and the people listening missing you just close your eyes.
We should have done that at the start. That's great. Right.
But I mean, just, just that, what did you feel?
Just that, you know, very, very relaxing.
It's like, I'm clear now. Yeah. 30 seconds. Yeah.
But the different sounds
and the vibrations that come from that.
And then when we add like a dig redo to that on top of it,
it, it just brings these different frequencies
and resonances that move throughout body that, um,
like you said, and,
and that's why music came in and you know,
and I always tell people if I can do it,
if I can play instruments, so can you.
'cause I literally, I told you earlier,
I, I couldn't play anything.
I, I, I collected instruments and couldn't play any of them.
I loved them, but now all
of a sudden I can play multiple instruments.
So, um, Yeah.
It is very inspiring. I know people can do
it on, on, on their own.
But I guess I wanted to ask about, um,
do you feel like when people listen to it
through headphones, that,
that there's no chance they can ever get the same?
That's the way I'm feeling right now.
Having just heard that it's like a,
that does not happen from headphones, you know?
Now do you, you have your headphones here? I do, yeah.
Put 'em on and tell me what you feel,
because now here's a test
for the people who are watching this.
Yeah. I mean, I, I I headphones, if you're not able
to do it live headphones are the best.
Not earbuds, but the headphones.
I mean, you get some good earbuds too,
but, um, you don't get the full body resonance.
Right. But your, your brain
is getting this experience
and it will transmit it to the other parts of your body.
Yeah. Anyway. Um, so
do you recommend anything for people who wanted
to get started in sound healing as a, as a path
for either just themselves or for helping other people?
Well, one of,
probably the biggest thing is if you have an interest in it
and you wanna do it, you meant to do it.
Mm-Hmm. Alright.
Um, you can go on like eBay and get some crystal balls.
They're all different ranges
and you, you know, unfortunately when you go to eBay,
you're not sure if you're gonna get a,
a thicker crystal ball or a thinner one.
They, they both play, but one is
more fragile than the other.
Huh. Um, but they all work.
Um, and you can look up for like, uh, the chakra sounds,
which, which key, you know, is for which particular chakra
and, and stuff like that.
Is that usually universally agreed upon what people think?
Pretty much. Um, you know, I have
disagreements with that.
You have to do it with a certain tone
because I was told, um, years ago when someone came for, uh,
chakra balance with me that they had somebody
who worked on them to balance their chakras.
Right. And then they use tuning forks
and stuff like that, um, with the person.
And they said they've been feeling horrible.
And I said, well, it, you can feel off
for a couple weeks if you get used to being out of balance,
coming back into balance feels wrong.
Right. Especially if you've been in your energy
system's been off a long time.
But what happened was with this person
is they said, no, it's been three months.
And, and my life's been hell since that.
So when I was working on this person, uh, my guides told me
that, that on a general rule, yes,
what's written in the book is for the average person,
but there are people that aren't in the average.
And she was a highly sensitive person.
And, you know, I've had people where they told me that the,
some, some people's heart chakra won't be in the, the key
of f or or, or be the color that they prescribe it as
because their life work is this other thing.
And which is would normally be, say the second chakra
is now vibrating as if it was the heart chakra
and the heart chakra is vibrating as if it was the second.
And it's, well, that's in the wrong spot.
So it's out of balance, not necessarily for that person.
Right. And there's also colors attributed
to these particular areas.
Now, spear told me to, to work with them
with the white light as a,
because the white light carries all the color spectrum.
Mm-Hmm. In it. So what, so if I use the white light,
whatever is needed for that area is gonna get that area.
Now it's same thing with the, the crystal bowls
or any of the other things.
If you're being told to use something
that would normally be, say the heart chara and you're,
and you're being told to put it down in the second chakra,
or the first or the crown, you follow the direction
because that person's mission here on earth might be
different and needs the, that type of energy in these,
in their, like if it's a crown,
their connection with the divine force.
Yeah. Right. And they, and they need that, that say the f
or the f sharp energy up here so that they're,
you know, they're doing it with more, more with
that unconditional love energy.
Yeah. You know, so yeah.
I just say if your intention, if you only have a bowl
that's a D and you are working on,
or oh, it's a D, that's the second chakra.
No, your intention. Right.
'cause the people will say, my intention is
to word use this sound to help my heart.
Yeah. So intention's really super important too.
It's a lot of times we get locked out by, um,
structures that's saying that this is the way it has to be
or should be instead of just trusting
and saying, this is what I have
and so spirit, can you help me out
and help allow this energy to help these people in this way?
Yeah. It's, you know, it's collaborating with energy. Yeah.
It's not forcing it to be one thing or another. Yeah.
It's interesting. If you think about music in general,
it's like you could have, um,
there's obviously seven notes in the octave.
You get to the eighth, it's the next octave. Right.
But there's all these different keys
that you could be in, you can keep Mm-Hmm.
Going up a half tone to get to the next key.
And it still sounds great.
Some keys seem to have more
of a mystical quality than others maybe.
Um, but it, it doesn't seem like people are all the same,
that they would necessarily be on the same Right.
Musical. Exactly. Exactly.
And like when, when I was playing the Shrudy box, you know,
this guy, I had F sharp and C sharp.
Mm-Hmm. Alright.
The bowl was C sharp, but I had two different keys on here.
But they're complimentary keys.
They, you know, they sound good together. Mm.
And and I do that the same thing when I go with the, um, one
of the other favorite ones I have is both, uh, DNA
and I just broke around,
I'm gonna work on your DNA, you know.
Um, and that didn't even sound bad
with the f sharp sticking in there.
Right. And then
when I play certain flutes, I like the d and g
and it's all about finding which ones resonate with you.
And sometimes having dissonance sounds is extremely
important when you're doing sound work
because our life isn't always, you know,
butterflies and rainbows.
Right. You know, um, and sometimes having a dissonant sound
and vibration going through you breaks free.
That stuff that's hidden.
And you know, like when we did the, the sound with the Jim
and Roxanne up in, you know, the yurt Yeah.
Up at Sacred Hoop, you know, he would sometimes
have the sound and, you know, you play two bowls like C
and C Sharp create a binaural beat.
They don't play together well. They go, whoa, whoa, whoa.
And, and, and it's dissonant. The sound waves are bouncing.
That's creates the binaural beat is the dissonance.
The sound waves bouncing off each other.
And, but they have positive effects.
'cause what have we got? We got these things
where we do binaural beats in the background.
Yeah. And that's two tones that are not complimentary,
but they do have an effect
that is complimentary on, on our systems.
Yeah. 'cause it helps us, free us up from those, uh, blocks
and, you know, traumas and stuff like that allow them to.
Yeah. It's almost like the, the energy field is kind
of like a wall that people have that has to kind
of break down somewhat to get, get through to the heart.
Yeah. Yeah. And
that's why sometimes when I'm doing my stuff,
I start hitting dissonant things in there.
And I, some people I see 'em going
and others are like, like, oh, this is fine.
It sounds it's different. It, it, it's just different.
And other people, you see them getting upset
and that's why they tell you to breathe
when something is dissonant.
And it's really upsetting you.
If you're at a sound healing, that means you're doing work
that means something's coming up and ready to release.
So breathe. Like, you know, Lama they do that.
Uh, the Kegel breathing,
whatever they call it, I can't remember what it is.
It's been too many years. Um,
but there's a breathing to to, to give birth.
So it's, it's the same breath that you use for that
because you're giving birth, you're releasing, you know,
when you're giving birth, they're releasing the,
the new growth, the new body,
the new baby out of the system.
And that's why that breathing technique is so important
and goes complimentary with a lot of the work that we do.
Yeah. Yeah. Breath is is amazing mystery to me still too.
Yeah. Yeah.
It seems like there's a, a lot of connection to
the metaphysical energies when we put
that intention into it.
Mm-Hmm. It's like, it's a subconscious thing mostly.
And maybe, maybe we're subconsciously not
tuning into the energy
around us when we're not consciously breathing.
But yeah, that's, that's
an area a lot of people have talked about.
You know, really intense breathing
exercises being very valuable.
I've never developed a practice around
a very strenuous breathing exercise to try
to shift my consciousness.
Um, yeah. Has you ever gotten into that?
Um, I've had some experiences where I did a, um,
breath work workshop one time,
and they did a, a lot of that,
it was almost like hyperventilating.
Yeah. The, the, the word.
And they had music, you know, they kind of had, uh, oh, uh,
trance music and
or, um, what rave type, you know what I mean?
It was, it was, it was fun.
But uh, you know, all
of a sudden you're like hyperventilating and,
and all of a sudden, all of a sudden you feel a release
between the sounds and the breathing.
It was, it was an amazing experience.
I, I tend to work mostly with the,
and I go into like the EERs.
Um, but I do find it valuable
to learn all the different types of breath.
Especially, you know, they, they're for certain things.
Like in yoga, they have certain breathing techniques
for certain, you know, positioning, positioning.
And because that opens up the different pathways,
energetic pathways within the body.
Yeah. So breath work is really important. What do you do?
Like when you say, come on, take a breath. Take a breath.
We say it automatically. Yeah.
And it's like, we know without knowing. Yeah.
If, you know, you know, calm down,
take a deep breath, slow down.
Yeah. And, and isn't that what the meditation is?
Yeah, definitely.
So, and that, that's just your, our subconscious
or our spiritual self always being present within us.
We don't even realize it half the time. Yeah. Yeah.
It's like everyone kind of has this intense
life movie playing out every day.
Constant drama, constant stress.
And it's like, you don't give yourself a chance to catch up
with the, the, you know, the processing of it.
And so I I I, I, I believe
that a daily meditation is almost essential in this kind of
society where Mm-Hmm.
Everything's hitting us so fast and so intense.
Um, and if I've, I've seen a lot
of breakthroughs when I do get into a,
a consistent meditation practice,
but it's still like life is always fighting against me
to get, get back on a study practice.
Well, you know, the thing is, is that a lot
of times we're we're told or taught,
or we think that we have to do it for a long period of time.
Like a minimum for 20 minutes. No.
If you get in your car in the morning Right.
And it takes 15 minutes to get to work. Right.
And you're leaving 20 minutes early, you know what I mean?
Yeah. So you have five minute, take one of those minutes
when you sit in your car, literally,
and just close your eyes.
And I call down a divine light, white light
to surround myself and cleanses.
I always say it cleanses and purifies.
Each breath I take in, I'm bringing
that divine light into my body.
And I'll just sit there and I'll go
And I'll just pause a minute,
then I'll take a deep breath, hold it,
And I feel all of a sudden like a slow down.
Yeah. And you only if, even if you only did a minute
or 30 seconds, you'll start having
a difference in your life.
Yeah. It doesn't have to be a long period of time.
It's just a, a moment reset.
Um, and, you know, and,
and sometimes having intention as I deep take a deep breath
and I slow down, I ground myself to the earth.
Right. 'cause the grounding we took just a little bit on
that is takes the chaos of life
and puts it into manageable piles
where it gives you the choices, which one's most important
to do first, you know, what you need to hit.
Yeah. And if you just take that breath,
it can make the difference between, you know, getting angry
and, you know, lashing out
and throwing stuff around a room, which still happens.
We're human beings. Yeah. You know? Yeah.
No matter how much we do, we can get frustrated,
but you're able to catch yourself a lot easier.
And you go, wait a minute, I'm really going off
the deep end here.
Wait a minute. And you,
and you just settled down.
And, um, it could be just 30 seconds a minute
if you don't have the time.
But, but at the same time, if you go,
what's really important, will it, you know, and I,
and I I talk about this all the time.
If you can say, will the world end if I don't do this now?
If you can answer no, then that's not a top priority thing.
Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah.
You can give yourself a break.
You can take a bath and lay in there
and just listen to music instead of saying,
I gotta take the trash out.
I got laundry to do. Um, you know, yeah.
I gotta change the diaper right now.
Will will that kid having a half hour
of wet diaper Yeah.
You know, get sick
and lose their life and all, you know what I mean?
We, we get these things that we think we have
to do in that moment.
And, you know, we're not giving the moment
for ourselves to, to reset.
Right. And I guess there's another problem
that's very common that people talk about is like, uh,
my brain won't quiet down.
What good is this sit still?
It's like that's all the more reason to keep working on it.
Well, how, I mean is your, does your mind shut down?
It never completely shuts down until I'm sleeping. Right.
Until you're sleeping. Yeah. But mine never does. Yeah.
You know, I, I'm, I call myself a squirrel person.
I'm distractible I like that.
And I'll, and I'll run over into that area, you know, or,
or if I have enough discipline, I'll say, I'm gonna check
that out when I'm done with this.
Yeah. You know, that type of thing.
But my mind is never, um, a thousand thoughts a second.
It's, you know, I think I'd be diagnosed with a DD
or one of those things, uh, with my, with how I am.
But I can meditate.
And I think people who have the monkey mind, um,
a squirrel person can be one of the ones
that can actually have multiple,
I'll say existential experiences when a,
my mind is thinking of, you know, getting the car washed,
but I'm also walking in a st, you know,
a national park somewhere in my mind.
And it's like, wait a minute, I'm,
I can have these simultaneous thoughts
and I can experience them all at the same time.
Why fight it? You know, everybody says, you know,
when you meditate, you need to be completely silent.
Well, some of us can't go completely silent.
It's just not in our structure. So you use it.
Yeah. You know, um, I was taught,
when I first started meditating, the person said,
if you can't concentrate just, and,
and thoughts keep popping in is just literally
say, I accept this thought.
I release it. And the first three months
of meditating every day, my meditations
weren't the meditation that I was trying to do.
My meditation was, I accept this thought and I release it.
That's, but my mantra was,
I accept this thought and release it.
That's great. And after a while, I literally, the, I,
it was almost like a shield around me and,
and it was like, I heard like dink dink dink,
and these are all my thoughts trying to penetrate.
And I'm, you know, and they're almost distracting,
but they're not at the same time.
Because I was starting to, you know,
laugh, giggle a little bit.
'cause I'm going, these are all my thoughts is like a,
a shield and the important ones that you need
to address, make it through the shield.
Yeah. And even though it's not what the meditation is,
it's something important to you to,
to look at in that moment.
Yeah. And, you know, then all of a sudden I was able to just
go, I, I'll say I'll, I went quiet,
but my mind was still active with a,
with a thousand thoughts.
But it was, it was weird
because I felt like all these things were okay to happen.
Yeah. And I, and I no longer fought it on, on some level.
I wonder if, like, being, well first of all, not having
to identify with our thoughts is one whole layer
of the lesson sometimes,
but then being accepting of ourselves
for having the thought, it seems like that's part
of the goal of the meditation.
But it also seems like it's a requirement to go deeper.
Just find that continuous acceptance.
I accept this, I allow it. Yeah.
Well, it, it, what what do,
what if we fight something, there's resistance.
Yeah. Right. And it's like,
if this is the way what's happening all the time, if I flow
with it like a keto, you know, redirecting and, and,
and using it as, as a means to an end,
there's no longer the struggle with it
because there's no have to.
And we're, and we're, we're so often taught that we have
to do it a certain way to have these certain results.
Maybe for most people that's the truth.
But it's not for all people. Yeah.
You know, it's just like we're talking about the frequencies
and the resonance and all it all it's all related.
And if you have the monkey mind like I do, you have to,
you can't fight it because then you, you get agitated
and you're upset and you can't sit still.
And, and if you can't sit still, then don't do it. Yeah.
Get up and just take a deep breath
and say, yeah, I wish I could have meditated more today.
Um, but if you accept the fact that you're not in
that space, you're gonna be more peaceful.
Right. Looks like we've gone
for about an hour now.
Wow. So this has been a good conversation so far. Yeah.
Um, maybe we can go for 15 minutes.
I don't have any, I don't have any time limit. Yeah.
Um, so we talked a bit about the chakras
corresponding to the, the, the different tones.
Um, what are your views on how, how important is it
for people to be aware of their chakra
system and the blockages?
Um, I, I really feel
we should know our bodies
and the energetic parts of our bodies.
'cause we got like, the main chakras,
but we also have minor chakras, right.
We have the meridians in the body that, you know,
the acupuncture points
and all those things when we understand where, where,
where they relate to our physical body.
Um, and, you know, generally they'll have a whole list
of things of what the first chakra's about
and the second chakra's about and stuff like that.
When we understand that and we're going, well, you know,
I'm feeling outta balance here, you know,
or, you know, I'm really creative,
but I, I haven't wanted to pick up my paintbrush.
Well, that means your, your second chakra is
outta whack at that point.
There's something blocking, there's an
emotional issue going on.
Um, did someone, you know, make fun of your artwork?
And you, you, you know,
and someone made the same tone of voice Right.
Or made a comment, even though they might not have meant it,
it triggered something within the person.
So that's like, if, if you're a creative person
and it's not happening there, there's,
there's an energetic block in that area,
and if you put that tone on
and you try to match that tone, that's why the shrudy box
that actually taught me how to use my voice, I felt it,
you know, when we did this
and you we're getting back into the sound.
But, but when I, when I'm, I'm gonna go with the, the,
the C sharp and F sharp, um, again,
because those ones we refer to as the Earth and,
and the, you know, the heart, the f sharps,
like they consider the high heart.
But when we get this, and if I'm feeling off
with it in my heart,
I'm having a hard time loving myself over other people,
and I start to tone,
I can feel a vibration in my heart area.
And then, and it allows me
to release whatever's in that spot.
Now, the second chara, which would be D right?
Um, and a lot of times I like mixing it with the G and, uh,
but the second chakra, which is the creativity area.
'cause that's where the sex organs, you know,
connect up and everything.
And, um, and that's creativity create.
'cause that's where creative, we create the new life.
And I'm like, wanna work on a second? Chara?
I might put D on. Remember,
this doesn't have to be with everybody.
And then I, I, I, I can feel a difference.
I felt different from when I did the F sharp C sharp
energetically than when I did this.
So when you have certain music that you play
and you feel more loving and more peace
and stuff like that, you're activating one
of the chakras in there
and helping bring it back into balance.
Um, you know, if you have the scales, you know, you just go,
do, do, which one's resonating in that moment?
And one that's feeling very dissonant, you're going, wait,
this one's feeling, oh, more than likely
that particular energy point in your body
needs some extra love.
You know? And so you might wanna put something on
and breathe with it
and say whatever it is that's blocking, whatever
that's causing this discomfort.
Um, I, I ask for it to be released and,
and to have a, my higher self
or my subconscious
to understand the lesson involved with it.
You know, you use it as a tool. Yeah.
And, you know, knowing the body
and knowing the energy points in it.
And you, if you really listen to it, you'll know which ones,
which keys work for you,
even if they don't line up with what the book says.
But it's really important to, I, I find
to understand the energetic body with the colors,
the frequencies, you know, um, that are associated with it.
So another question I have for you is, can people have like,
like spontaneous instant miraculous healing when they just
get a little bit more in alignment like that?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And, um, I mean, that's happened many times with people.
Um, I mean, it, it it's, it's happened with sound.
It's happened with like water, you know,
lords you've heard of Lords, France.
Yeah. Right. And the Lord's water has, you know,
they say miraculous properties.
Ah, right.
Many, you know, people have had spontaneous healing,
but, you know, uh, you know, being crippled their whole life
and all of a sudden they're walking, you know,
not like the charlatans
and some of the, the sideshows where they,
yes, you are healed.
But that can also happen too.
And you know, when you start to come in alignment
or you finally ask for help.
'cause some people can't ask for help.
And when they finally go, I've done everything.
I've tried everything physically,
I've tried all these things, and they,
and they say they surrender
energetically, all of a sudden these things can happen.
Yeah. And, you know, I've seen people have that.
I suppose there's always a, a risk people can
jump right back into their old vibration once they get out
of, out that environment to do a different environment.
But it's almost like you have
to make the choice when you're in the altered consciousness
to maintain that consciousness.
Right. Uh, yeah. Yeah.
You know, and, and I like you, you're saying it,
it's a conscious choice.
And, and that's a whole topic in itself. Consciousness.
Yeah. You know, what was that? Um, what I did with Jacob.
What, what would we do? What was that, uh, the title of
that I think had it written on there?
Um, awakening. Awakening. Yeah.
Awakening for me
is about awakening the consciousness.
Being conscious Yeah.
Of, of yourself, your environment, how you walk through it,
how you interact with it and everything.
And that's when awareness comes up, right? Yeah.
Um, when you awaken, not using the word woke,
um, you know, it,
th there I think they're two halves of the same coin.
You know, awakening in consciousness. Yeah.
Awakening consciousness.
And, you know, I think it's vital for all of us.
I mean, for the survival of, of humankind.
We're, we're all working on, you know, our consciousness
to connect more, to, to feel, to express,
um, instead of judging.
Yeah. And that's when we become more awake to these things,
our consciousness expands.
Yeah. I guess it's kind of like becoming more, um,
aware of our consciousness in a more, of the potential
of our consciousness to use it in a directed way.
Mm-Hmm. I guess that's, that's the key. Yeah.
You know, you have a choice. You know
what I think in Buddhism, you know,
you know, you choose to suffer.
Yeah. Right. You don't have to suffer.
We choose to, um, why we do that.
It has many different reasons, but it's a choice.
And it's a choice that I could be mad at you in this moment.
Right. Because you drank the last tea that I wanted. Right.
Um, you know, we have so many things that
we allow a negative choice to come up.
But if you catch yourself,
and this is, this is where the awareness
and being more conscious comes in when you go, wow,
I could have handled that differently.
You've just grown. Yeah. Right.
Your consciousness just started elevating,
your vibration started rising at that moment.
So when that same trigger comes off, and again,
and you recognize it, it might take you longer
to be triggered,
or you might not get triggered at all any longer.
Yeah. 'cause now you be con you're conscious of that,
and you become more aware and awake,
and you have the choice now to say, I don't need
to react this way any longer.
And I, I certainly wonder if the, the cycles that we go
through, it's, it's like, as soon as we have that moment
of forgiveness
and acceptance, we just don't need that lesson
to ever come back into our lives
unless we have that unforgiveness
or something comes back up to block it.
Right. Or that you were there
to show someone how to handle it.
Right. Sometimes it comes up again
because there's someone else there
that wasn't there, and, you know what I mean?
Yeah. And then you're, you're showing them how to react
to it because you were there at one time
and they, now they see there's
another way they can handle it.
Right. Because sometimes our lessons are, it happens again
to us, not for us to experience the discomfort of it,
but to teach someone how to move through it.
That's, yeah. Yeah.
It's like we're kind of connected karmically on the
same school.
Yeah. Just kind of working together as a class. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Because, you know, everything we go through, if,
depending on our perspective
and awareness is a teacher, it's a lesson.
They're not always pleasant lessons. Right.
But they, if we learn from 'em, you know, we, we,
we elevate our vibration, you know, become more aware,
more conscious, more loving, more compassionate,
uh, more forgiving.
But it's gotta start with us first. Yeah.
We've gotta recognize it for ourselves and,
and then we become it,
and then we become the example of the other people.
And it's always a process. So what's
the name of your business?
Uh, the Interlight Center of Colorado. Yeah.
And what does inner light mean to you?
Um, well, it's, I'll,
I'll call it inner light is kind of,
for me, is like the soul.
Mm-Hmm. Right. It's the, the, the divine aspect of myself.
And when, you know, I have the inner light center.
'cause my goal is to literally, uh, uh, you know,
how would I say, tickle the inner light of somebody
to bring it out, you know what I mean?
To get it out of its shell, um, so that they can blossom,
that they can feel the connection with source.
Um, and, and be that energy.
Um, so I, what I do is I,
I wanna be able, able
to ignite the inner light in the person, you know?
'cause a lot of times we cover it up, um,
or we, we, we lock it in place with religion, right.
The organized religion where there's have toss
where we could say, these are just,
how would you say, guides to get us to be more conscious.
Yeah. And you can be very conscious within that framework.
And, and, and sometimes it's can be too
restrictive for some people.
And like, I've had plenty of people
who were very born again, who've come to my meditations and,
and had epiphanies within themselves, you know,
and they were fighting it in many ways
because they were taught that it was evil
or a work of the devil and all this type of stuff.
And I said, no, it's all of God.
Everything is of that divine energy.
And, you know, find it within yourself. Right, right.
And, and all of a sudden they, they going,
oh my, I had this experience.
I said, what do you feel? Do you feel love?
Do you feel this? You know, and they're like,
yeah, I feel so much love.
And I said, now, how is that evil? How is that wrong?
Did did I, did I, did your faith change? No.
And I said, it doesn't have to.
You can be wherever, wherever you are and still find it.
Yeah. And it's, it's funny, I mean, the, there's been
so many different variations of Christianity too,
and you had the Gregorian chants.
I know. Were so amazing for people to use
that as a form of sound healing.
Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I, I like a lot of the Gregorian chants.
And, um, I mean, I used to listen to 'em 20 years ago
or whatever, a lot, and I, I I,
I felt uplifted and elevated certain smells.
Like, I have this one candle.
It only has like this much in it,
and I have not lit it in like 10 years.
'cause I can't find it anymore.
And it smells just like I was raised Catholic when they do
the high mass and at Christmas time.
And, and they have the monster.
And so, you know, and they're, they're going like,
you know this with the, with the incense.
Yeah. And, and that incense always took me into
that elevated state of consciousness.
Yeah. And, you know, without even music when I smelt it.
And then when they had the music with it
and the singing of with the Gregorian chant,
or just some of the regular hymns.
Oh, I was in the ether. I was gone. Yeah.
And just that little candle, I'll find it and I'll sniff it
and, and right then and there, I could just go a sudden
go, yeah.
And, and then my day can be a hundred percent better. Yeah.
That's great. I, I, yeah.
Some people have, you know, hangups about the idea
of rituals like that.
And I don't understand it. It's like, I think you go deeper
and deeper if you develop a habit.
Yeah. Well, I mean, you know, the,
the problem is, is the wording.
Yeah. You know, some people ritual,
they think it's something that could be evil or,
or very locked in.
And, um, I'm a ritual person.
I take the long way when I do things as opposed
to the shortcuts.
Yeah. Like when I do self protection,
I have a whole ritual that I do.
And, you know, calling down light, connecting with earth,
doing just, you know, energy.
And, and I told, taught people who come to me for readings,
they're shortcut people.
And I said, do you know the superheroes?
You know, the, the, the, you know, the flame on?
I said, just say, flame on
and picture this flame coming out that purifies and,
and keeps away, you know, anything that's negative.
And, and I'm like, I like that.
And they, I go and, you know, they go
and they'll see me like five years later, they go flame on.
You know, that type of thing. That's great.
And they're still doing it. And,
and it, it, it's individual.
I like ritual. You know, I, that's why, you know,
the church, you know, when I was going to the mass,
you know, and, and certain things, uh, you know,
can really resonate very deeply with me.
And I've, I've had friends
who were into witchcraft and they did ritual.
And that ritual still very touch, touched me deeply.
And not, not the black magic, you know,
white wicked and, and stuff like that.
Uh, or I, I, I could really say more pagan ritual.
Uh, they felt very, I felt beauty in that also. Yeah.
But I'm a ritual person. Yeah. And, you know, it's okay.
Yeah. I guess to some degree we could talk about that.
Uh, like how much does your intention for doing the ritual,
uh, determine what you're getting out of it?
Intention is, is key. Yeah.
Um, I mean, if you, it's okay.
My intention is just to, you know, define inner peace.
That's pretty broad. Right.
My intention is to look within myself
and whatever comes up, I'm gonna work on.
You know what I mean? Yeah. And you know, it, it,
I think it's, it's very important.
Um, you, it's like my intention for this ritual today,
or this meditation is about love.
Right. I picture golden light as unconditional love.
So I'll sit there and I'll start my ritual
and call down my guides and, you know, protection
and whatever, and I'm in my sacred space.
And, and then I'll just sit there
and I'll surround myself with the golden light and picture
and breathing it in and seeing my whole,
all my cells igniting in golden light
and my, my, you know,
the solar plexus area and everything else.
And, and, and I, I generally feel very at peace and, and,
and, and generally very happy at that point.
And, and then I was like, and I go outside
and you, you're really nice today.
You're really loving today. And you know what I mean? Yeah.
And it's because I, I did my ritual. Yeah.
You know, and I did ritual when I was a cop.
Um, every, every time I got in my car getting ready
for work, I'm in my uniform.
And I say, you know, spirit, God, you know, universe,
I said, allow me to work this day in peace, light love,
compassion, truth, integrity, and forgiveness.
All right. And thankfulness.
And, and I would start my day with that.
And if I was very tired and irritable,
and I'd say, allow me to work this day with that same thing.
And, and today I'm gonna treat this day with humor.
I'm not gonna allow anger.
I'm not gonna write up, you know, write anything.
I'm not gonna do anything that is of a,
of a lower vibration.
Or, or, and,
and all of a sudden, the day was a fantastic day.
Everybody was happy. You know what I mean? The people Yeah.
Really, you know, and I said, yeah, you know,
pay attention to what you're doing.
You know, I'd give them some advice,
spiritual advice in a sense, for their daily life.
And, and it would work. It would work.
And so intention is really important.
And my, and the ritual for
that intention can be very powerful.
Yeah. I can't imagine
what it would be like if all the police had
to take like, spiritual trainings.
Well, I was, I was actually trying to, um, with a group
that I, you know, a a team.
We were trying to start a business,
and it was about being more conscious and,
and being heart-based using heart coherence.
And, um, and we, we had a program set up,
and I went down to, uh, the fire department and the PD and,
and the sheriff's office.
And I thought I could get in to do it
because in the sheriff's office, in the jail,
we had Thinking for a change, which I was one
of the teachers of, um, which, you know, make better choices
and, and stuff like that.
But giving you also the tools for it.
And this was, you know, tool to come into Heart Coherence
that we, I wanted to bring in there,
but it was very res resisted because it's not mainstream,
but there's a lot of scientific evidence of it,
but it's not completely accepted.
Yeah. And, but a big difference, um,
when you start working on working on heart coherence,
and one of the simple methods is, is to literally
picture a time in your life that
you were feeling loved and supported,
or you had such a great time and you close your eyes.
And, and the Russians started this in the Olympics in the
1960s where they had their, um, the athletes
and, you know, they might have done hypnosis first,
whatever, but they were their best performance,
and they would relive their best performance.
And they had 'em all hooked up with the wires
and the muscles were reacting,
or the electric was reacting is if they were doing it live,
and they were just sitting there like this.
Mm-Hmm. So what they were doing was
creating a muscle memory.
So when they beforehand,
and you see it with the skiers, especially beforehand,
like Peekaboo Street,
and, you know, back then she was going like this,
her eyes are closed and she's going,
and she's standing there.
If she's up next, she's doing that run.
That was her best run.
And getting her muscle memory coming up.
So what we do is we are, we can reactivate that imprint
of that moment into another situation.
So you're able to handle this, the high stress thing,
because you put yourself from, you know,
what is it a flight, fight or flight Yeah.
Into coherence. Right.
Where you were able to take care
of it without going, you know Yeah.
Too far in one direction or the other. Yeah.
It's like we're a catalog of all these different
emotional configurations.
Just gotta pull up the right Yeah, right one. Yeah.
And, and, and you can do that, like if you're nervous,
you know, like doing shows, you're not, you know,
you've been out in the public for a long time,
but when you first started, it was like, yeah, yeah.
But, but you found your zone. Right?
So unconsciously, you, you get into that space.
Right. But you had to find it.
Now if you look back
and when you first began, what, what, what,
what ritual did you do that, you know what I mean?
You probably do something that may get your body
and your mind into that sink.
Yeah. Into the rhythm, definitely.
And, and we all have it. Yeah. It's just bringing it up.
So, um, I, I love the inner light concept.
Definitely. That's, I mean, I, I feel like there's,
it's, it's a word that
that means a lot more than people take.
When, when we meditate
and there's an awareness of something deeper inside of us,
and that's, that's like a light that we can continue
to strengthen and pull from that.
So hard to put words on.
But I love that idea that there's, there's a light
that needs to be activated.
We just have to find it. And
maybe that's what the chakras are too.
They're all Yeah. Individual lights.
There's seven different lights that need to be lit up. Yeah.
Well, um, look at some of the scans that they do.
You know, they'll, they'll use different type of camera,
you know, frequencies that come up.
Like when you do the brain scans that have red and orange
and yellow, they're lights.
Yeah. They're picking up frequencies.
You know, there's, you know, more energy going in one area
and it, it lights it up
and it becomes a brighter type of thing.
So there isn't a light throughout all of us. Yeah.
And, uh, you know,
but the inner light is, is not just
that physical manifestation.
It's, it's, it's, how would you say,
reigniting the god spark within it with each,
within each one of us.
Right, right. And allowing it to, to shine
through the paper bag of our body.
You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. That, that.
So now we're, now we're an hour and 20 minutes.
I guess we could wrap up pretty soon,
but maybe I wanna ask, is there anything we didn't cover
yet about your, your personal journey?
Was there anything that, that you felt was, uh,
life changing that woke you up to
the larger reality than that?
Anything you haven't mentioned yet? Hmm.
Let's see. You know,
I've had a, a very, how would you say,
varied, um, life experiences.
I've done so many different things.
Um, you know, I, I've traveled, you know,
quite a few different places to like, religious sites
and spiritual sites and stuff like that.
And, um, you know,
like saying one particular thing, you know,
I think everywhere what I've done is always taught me,
me something and brought me to another level.
Like I, I mean, I, when I was doing some construction work
and, and learning how to, you know, frame a house
and everything and, and what energy, I mean, I,
the martial arts, I would say was probably one
of the biggest things that really, you know, walked me up.
Um, because I was able to combine the spiritual and,
and physical movements and, and breaking it down
and, you know, biomechanically into other things
and feeling flows of energy when I moved a certain way.
Um, and, and, and, you know, and leverage points
and, um, all those things really woke me up
because I became more sensitive to the,
the actually the third dimensional physical realm.
And then because I was always spiritual, I was able to start
to, to com combine the two of those things together
into ways of moving and doing things
and posture, you know, make some big difference.
Yeah. If I'm like this, you know,
and I'm, I'm hi Mike, you know what I mean?
You, you wouldn't have much
confidence in me, you know what I mean?
I wouldn't have much confidence, you know?
So just the structure
and how we handle ourselves can make the biggest difference.
And I think the martial arts taught me that
how I position myself physically is also important
as how I position myself emotionally and spiritually.
And, and, you know, it comes into this frame, you know,
that's why they say the body's the temple.
Mm-Hmm. And so I think martial arts
was probably the biggest thing.
And, you know, I studied, uh, you know, jujitsu,
not Brazilian jiujitsu, I wrestled
'cause it wasn't here I wrestled
so I could learn if I ended up on the ground.
Um, but the martial arts taught me
focus, it taught me balance.
Um, it, it taught me restraint.
Um, and my teacher said, I can teach you all the techniques
out there, but he goes,
I'm not responsible on how you use it.
When I teach you the technique, it's up to you to use it
and to use it correctly.
This body, you know, was given to me
and all the less I have to use it correctly.
Right. And, and
because I have, uh, you know, the mouth
that can project words, I have to use it correctly.
Do I always know I'm a human being?
You know, I mess up as, as much as anybody else, you know,
but I, I'm, you know,
I can catch myself generally a lot quicker than a lot
of other people because I realize consciously, oh,
shoot, look what I'm doing here.
You know, something, I'm sorry.
You know, I, I wasn't thinking and I just kind of reacted
and, you know, and, and I'll honor what I did.
You know what I mean? Yeah.
You know, and, and say, I, I've done something
that upset you because of
I was being unconscious in the moment.
Please forgive me.
And, you know, it wasn't intentional
and this is, you know, where I was thinking,
and I might give an explanation where they go,
oh, I can understand that.
Right. And, and then you don't do it again. Yeah.
And that came from martial arts. That helped a lot. Yeah.
So I'd say martial arts, you know, I did it for
30 something years.
Wow. You know, if,
if I didn't have an injury, it would've been a lot longer.
But I still do it in my mind. Mm-Hmm.
It's still a valuable thing to learn.
Doesn't matter what style you are in, if you sit there
and you, you incorporate it in, you know, the lessons.
You know, we had a, I had great teachers who did a lot
of philosophical talk, sometimes the whole class.
It was no physical. It was all, you know, mental,
and I wouldn't say spiritual, but it had,
because they weren't really spiritual people outwardly,
but the spiritual lessons were involved in it.
'cause it was a way to live and a way to move
and a way to do things.
Mm-Hmm. Um,
so I'd say martial arts was probably one
of my biggest teachers, and not everybody's had that.
Yeah. But it could be, you know, if you played soccer,
I mean, did you play any sports growing up at all?
A little bit. Baseball, football, baseball, football.
Now if you sat there and you looked at the mechanics of
what you learned Right.
And, and you, and, and, and really look at 'em. What else?
If I reapply that movement or that Yeah.
Philosophy to the situation, you'd be, you'd go, holy crap.
Yeah. I, you know, I I, I've noticed that
with like, intuition.
I think that, I didn't see it as intuition at the time,
but it's like the only way that you could become really good
at certain things, like with baseball, knowing where to
where to, how to swing the bat, or golf, for example.
You know, it's, there's so much intuition with knowing how
to make your body do the exact right thing
to get the ball the exact right distance with golf.
Mm-Hmm. Yeah. And I used to be there,
'cause I, I, I was gonna go pro when I was in my twenties,
I can't, you know, 'cause of the, you know,
my back had had injuries and that knocked me out of that.
But, um, I worked at it, but I felt it,
but it was my martial arts that I incorporated Right.
With a lot of the movements in there that for my size,
what I used to be able to do was, was absolutely phenomenal.
But it, it, each one of those things have
so many life lessons in it.
Yeah. You know, and that's why like the people
who are watching this, what are the things that you've done?
What do you love to do?
And if you sit quiet and you go into that space
and you say, what can I take from these lessons?
Like the women who've taken ballet
or the male men who've taken ballet, what did you learn?
Right. When you learned certain
positions, you learned balance.
Now how can you apply that balance?
You, you know, and how did you get that balance?
How can you reapply it
to what's going on in your life right now?
You're gonna amaze yourselves out there, you know it Yeah.
All of a sudden, like, you might have
these aha moments popping out.
Like, I never really thought that was, you know, good.
I never thought that would be something
that could carry me throughout the rest of my life.
You know, it, it, it can Yeah.
If you just look at the different point of view on it,
different perspective of it, what you've gone through.
So I guess we could, we could wrap up now,
and I, I would like to ask, um, you do remote healing,
do remote readings with people.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
I have people, you know, all over the country
up in Canada too and stuff.
I do readings. Um, how, how do people contact you for that?
Um, they can go on my website, uh, the inner light web.com.
Um, you know, they can just go, you know,
actually Google my name John Thunder Hart Robinson,
it's gonna pop right up with
the website and everything else.
Um, yeah. And I, I do it, uh, you know, by phone, I can do,
like, I don't really use Skype anymore,
but like on, uh, Facebook, you got the messenger
with the video, so, and then we can always zoom it
or something and, you know.
Yeah. Uh, and I can do readings that way.
You can actually see, I use cards now for the last 10
or 15 years after I had my spinal injury.
The medium shifted, shifted the way it came through. Oh.
And they all of a sudden they like,
we can use cards with you also.
I get the information, but it, I can use visuals
and explain things, um,
sometimes in a better way that you can understand.
Um, that's great. Yeah.
And, uh, and I do remote healing too.
Um, uh, I've trained in multiple modalities,
but I go by what spirit tells me to do for each person.
It's not the same for everybody. Mm-Hmm.
You know, I don't just do cookie cutter,
here it is, boom, boom, boom.
I talk to you first. I get that information.
Um, and I just, whatever's guidance I get, I do, you know,
even online I can use the sounds if I'm gonna use sounds.
Uh, uh, I can picture you laying on my table
and work on you at the same time.
And it works. There's no, you know,
in the spirit world, there's no time or space.
Right. You know, we're quantum beings, all of us.
So it doesn't matter if you're always on the other side
of the world, it's still gonna get to you.
Yeah. Yeah. There's,
you don't have to worry about the physical.
And certainly if people live in Colorado,
they can come see John do a lot of events every month.
Yeah. Um,
I've got those on the meetup.com under the
Universal Metaphysics Group.
Mm-Hmm. And I assume it's on your
website or somewhere else too, right?
Yeah, it's on my website
and it's also, uh, just on my regular Facebook, you know,
I put it on Facebook, um,
and I, I put it on the regular page, you know, I have a one
for the Inner Light Center that's attached
to my John Thunder Hart Robinson on Facebook.
And it's, it's, uh,
and also the John Thunder Hart hour, which we, I'll be,
you know, starting a show with Mike's Ascension TV
and please support him.
And, and also Jacob Cox with the, uh, mystery school. Yep.
Uh, all great content and mind expanding
and soul growing, uh, shows
and, you know, so I look forward
to having a lot more content from you.
Yeah. Yeah. 'cause you know, this is my first time back.
You know, like I told you earlier,
I had a radio show in the Springs here for a few years
until the, you know, the, uh, station went under.
Um, and it was enjoyable. Have a lot of guests coming on.
I will also do some sacred sound.
We have to figure out how to get the sound, uh,
that will translate for you folks
who can put it on your speaker systems
or whatever, so you can get the full effect of it.
Um, that, that's something we should play with sometimes.
Yeah. It'll be almost the full effect.
You can never get the full well, right. Yeah.
You know, you get a good ser
and then stuff, you get the, the, the, the room shaking,
you know, surround sound.
Yeah. If we can figure that out.
Uh, I'm not a tech person,
but you do pretty good with your, your audio equipment here.
I like it. Yeah. Yeah.
This is, this is John's audio set up
that we got going that way.
Yeah. Yeah. We're in my meditation space right now.
I have a section over to my right, your left, um,
where I have my flutes.
I've got over 20 something flutes over there
and, you know, a bunch of crystal bowls, my shrudy box
chimes, you know, the little guy here,
which we didn't show earlier, the kohi
and, uh, one of my favorite type things.
Yeah. And, uh, so yeah, I do a lot of things
and it's all intuitively based, like,
it's not the same exact thing every time.
Uh, the meditations themselves are also, um, intuitive.
90% of the times, there are 10%
of the times I have written tons of them.
And I, I think I've only followed one all the way
through completely as it was maybe once or twice
because, uh, environmental, 'cause we talked about energies.
Um, sometimes when another person comes into the room,
it shifts the energy and, you know,
and it shifts what's coming in
because this person needs something more than the other.
Something will be added or,
or pulled away from what the original
thing that was coming through.
Yeah. It's really interesting. Definitely.
It's actually fascinating when it comes that way. Yeah.
So, well, thank you for having me. Yeah.
You know, this is great. Yeah. I appreciate it so much.
And yeah, thank you for all your work for humanity
and for the community all here in Colorado Springs.
And I hope if you haven't got a chance
and you're in Colorado, to come out
and see one of John's events and experience the desire do
and the sound healing in person, it's really
a whole new kind of experience if
you've never had that kind of experience.
So, yeah. Or a reading. Yeah.
Yeah. So thank
Thanks John. Thank you. Everybody take.
I guess we can get started chatting 'cause we're already
chatting as well.
Yeah. Yeah.
So I, I really have to thank you for helping out
with the community in so many ways.
John, you, you've been really valuable.
I think the first time I met you was, uh,
out in the yurt in, uh, Woodland Park there
where you were doing it.
The did do, uh, for one of the meditations by,
by Jim Haggins there.
And I was just blown away.
I'd never experienced anything like that.
And it was like, it was, it was like my body was sort
of being forced into alignment by the
sound energies or something.
Right. So we, so we had to do the, some sound healing
for us at the Ascension Summit 2 0 21,
which people absolutely loved.
That was really wonderful. And you've been doing a lot
of sound healing events here in Colorado Springs for, for
how long have you been doing this kind of thing?
Well, oh God. Sound healing.
I probably started, um,
I guess it was 2010 mm-Hmm.
Um, when I actually first started doing was just Gerry Do,
and it was with a friend and we called ourselves, uh,
sounds from the wood, you know,
'cause our did redos are wood.
And, um, and we did just did redo journeys.
And then we had someone else come in
who played flute hood crystal bowls and a shrudy box.
And, um,
and I can show the people what a shrudy box looks like.
A lot of people don't know what that is. And I'll do that.
Excuse me in a minute. Um,
but, you know, we played for a few months together
and then we were supposed to record Mm-Hmm.
And the person quit and he played the flute.
And I picked up, I had a flute
that I bought, but I never played it.
It looked good, you know, it sat on a mantle piece
and, uh, I, I always collected instruments,
but I never could play any of them.
So I taught myself in two weeks to play the flute
and got on the cd.
And from that point on, we started adding the flutes
and the did redo and everything else.
And, uh, unfortunately one of my friends, he, he couldn't,
he has COPD
and a, a few other ailments that he had
that he couldn't do the breath with the digger do,
so he had to drop out.
So I just started doing it solo.
And I would do that on the road.
You know, I'd go to Denver a lot
and, uh, retirement communities with the sacred sound.
And, um, I would also do drum circles for the seniors
and Alright.
Seniors. Um,
but that's, that's more
or less how I, I got into the, the sound.
Um, it was just an amazing journey.
Do you wanna know the story?
Yeah, I wanna know the whole story.
All right. The whole, the whole story.
I, I, I wanna start with, um, you know, were you living a,
a conventional kind of life where you felt like, you know,
you hadn't broken out of the,
the box yet, out of the matrix.
Were you working regular jobs
or had you always kind of had a, a feeling for the mystical?
Oh, uh, yeah. My,
my parents even recognized it before I did.
Mm-Hmm. Um, when I was really little,
they literally bought me the book from Time
Life into the Unknown.
And my brothers, they didn't get them that type of books.
They didn't get 'em all these esoteric type things.
But my parents got me that,
and I was raised strict Catholic, you know?
Um, and that's not something that would normally fly.
Uh, but I, I mean, I
always was a very spiritual person, you know, even
as a little kid, I always felt a connection with something,
you know, beyond, uh, what we are seeing here.
It, it was just something that really
I've always felt, you know, even as long
as I can remember Mm-Hmm.
But, uh, you know, coming into the psychic stuff that I do,
uh, that I didn't realize I had any of that ability
until I was, had a vision
of an assassination attempt on the Pope when I was, I think
around 18 or 19.
And, uh, that really shifted.
Then I realized that my uncle, when he passed, I was
around 12 years old, and he lived in, um, Bermuda, came
to me and said goodbye.
I woke up in bed and, and I was like, no.
And I got up and walked into my parents' bedroom
where the phone was, and soon as my hand reached
for the phone, it rang.
And it was an English woman who was my uncle's caretaker.
It's really, he was my great uncle,
and I was very close to him.
And she said he passed away.
She found him that morning, and he, he, he passed, you know,
he said goodbye to me.
Wow. And, uh, then I was like, wow. And other incidences.
So, so the one with the Pope that you mentioned, was
that a prophetic thing that happened like
within a few hours or day?
The days or, um, well, I was able
to avert the assassination attempt.
Oh, I see. Yeah.
Um, I was actually visiting my brother in Manhattan, Kansas.
He was going to Kansas State for his masters.
And I, I was sleeping on his couch,
but I had a really odd feeling all weekend long.
I just felt off and, and, you know,
and I didn't understand it at all.
And what, what happened was that weekend, Harry Chapin
musician, he passed away on the Long Island Expressway,
and that's where I'm from, long Island.
And, uh, then the Hyatt,
I think it was the Hyatt Regency Twin Towers,
like in Kansas City, they had a sky bridge and it collapsed.
And a bunch, a whole bunch of people were killed.
And, and then I had the vision, ah, I mean,
it was like this whole type of energy.
I was so, like outta sorts.
It's not like the dream, a dream,
it's more like a waking vision.
Oh. I had, no, I was sleeping when the, the vision happened.
I see. And it was, it was as clear as we are right here.
I see. And I, I literally got the type of car,
I still remember the type, it was a white peo.
Um, I had the license plate number.
Uh, there were five terrorists, Arab terrorists.
I had the clothing descriptions, the street sign.
I knew it was, um, in Portugal,
had cobblestone streets and stuff like that.
But I knew it was Portugal.
I had some serial numbers from weapons.
I mean, it was, it was vivid is, and,
and I was afraid to, I was gonna forget it,
but it was like burned into my brain.
Um, because I had just started previously a couple weeks
before listening to a radio show, um,
on a station in New York
where they had a psychic medium on one time.
And he's the most tested psychic.
His name's George Anderson. You can look him up.
And he, uh, was being tested by a priest
and a psychologist, a psychiatrist, a parapsychologists,
a physicist, um, you know, regular MDs.
Hooked him up with all the wires and everything.
And, um, the priest on the air said,
I believe he's the real deal.
And this head priest was the head
of diocesan television in New York on Long Island.
And I was like, that's who I have to tell.
I have to tell the psychic guy 'cause he knows the priest
and he can tell the priest.
And I kinda, I got home
and I called up the radio station
to find out when he was gonna be on next.
And it was three months later.
And I was afraid I was gonna forget, but it, I never forgot.
And I was able to wangle my way into the studio as a, uh,
uh, studio audience person.
Mm-Hmm. Because I didn't want to tell 'em.
'cause I, I would've probably been
rejected right away, Uhhuh.
Um, I mean, I was 18 or whatever,
but I looked like I was 12 many,
no, no one took me seriously.
Mm-Hmm. So I was able to actually, uh,
corner the psychic, um, on a break.
I wouldn't let him pass me.
And he was getting really agitated with me,
and I just spit out what happened.
And he just stopped dead and mouth dropped open.
He goes, I had exactly the same one. Wow.
And he says, uh, you know, I said,
you gotta tell Father Tom.
And he goes, I already did.
He said there was nothing that can be done, um,
unless there's verification.
And he looked at me and he pointed, he goes,
you are the verification.
And the two weeks later on, on the news broadcast,
they said, Pope John Paul II has canceled part
of his world, you know, tour.
Wow. And he is skipping Portugal.
So they must have already had intelligence about that to to,
to take that into account.
Fascinating. Um, so, you know, that's, you know,
that's how I really started getting involved
into the metaphysical world.
And, um, the music didn't start until many years later.
I had no musical abilities, but that he tested, he traded
and he trained me, uh, for like six years and how to listen
and how to feel and, you know, so I I I was mentored
by him for quite a long time.
That's amazing. He's a good friend. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Did he, did he, was he a part of your
breaking down some programming around the issue too?
Um, well, he was really strict Catholic,
and he's still a very strict Catholic.
And he, he, he was actually, when he was in high school,
they sent him to a mental hospital
because he was seeing spirits and,
and talking to spirits, you know,
'cause sometimes I guess he couldn't tell whether
or not they were real people or not,
because some of 'em were that clear.
Yeah. And, uh, um, he actually
went to a psychic by, I think, I don't remember
what the, the exact story was.
Maybe it was an aunt took him or something like that.
And the, the psychic told him, I said, no, you're, you,
you've got an incredible gift.
And, and then started working with him.
That's how he, you know, got out past it.
Um, it, it, you know, it, it felt like a natural progression
for myself in so many ways.
And, you know, I,
what he taught me was how to listen Mm-Hmm.
You know, when and,
and not let the mind interfere
and say, that's not logical.
That's, you know, crazy.
Even though my mind would say that it wouldn't stop me from,
say, bringing information forward, trusting the data trust.
Yeah. And I, and I still, that day, you know,
sometimes I just shake my head and go, this is all crap.
You know, this is my mind. You know, that type of thing.
But that other little voice inside saying, tell them
or No, this is, this is accurate.
Yeah. And then, and I just give it,
and it turns out that, you know, I get the feedback,
oh my God, I can't believe you got that.
Yeah. So, yeah.
For, for me, it felt like I, my logical mind
was overriding my intuition for my entire childhood up
until I was maybe 21 years old.
And I started awakening to the idea
that this is a real thing.
That there are, you know, intuitive pieces of data that my,
my brain shouldn't normally be able to know.
But if I just open to it, it's a wisdom beyond
what I would normally be able to think I could have.
Yeah. And now it's, it's, it, it walks side
by side with me now.
'cause like when I'm in like a men's group or something, or,
or just a group of people, um,
and I, I plan on just being quiet and just listening,
and then all of a sudden this information
is right there and present.
And I'm getting urged.
No, you want to, you don't wanna speak,
but you need to speak.
Um, this is important. Yeah.
And so, and when we trust ourselves, the wisdom comes out.
Do you think that that is collaboration with angelic realms
or the higher self or something?
Well, I think it's all of the above.
I I don't think it's limited to just higher self
or angelic realm.
Um, I, I, I mean, it could be for instance,
you know, some relatives who've passed over
or friends who've passed over,
or, um, I've had people in readings that, uh,
it was like five generations away.
You know what I mean? They were acting like a guardian
angel in a sense.
Uh, you know, when they did research,
because I used to get names a lot.
I don't get 'em so much anymore.
Uh, and I'd expect the name and No, no, no.
And someone, I'd say, well,
just go see if anybody knows the family tree.
And all of a sudden, boom, there's that name.
And, and then the description. Wow. You know, fits nice.
So, and we all have it. Yeah.
I've, I've heard so many people, this, maybe this a tangent,
but I feel like people have a, a lot of hangups
around it from their own programming
that this could be a demon trying to pretend to be a person.
But I assume that you can know them
by their fruits to a certain degree.
And the healing that comes from, it must be some way
of evaluating this is really those sources.
Well, yeah. And that you,
that is the biggest dilemma that's, that's out there.
There's a lot of misinformation.
But at the same time, I mean, there are, you know, like
if you're going into the biblical thing, you know, where
the person seems to be very good in everything else
and they're just trying to lure you in.
Mm-Hmm. And it's always good to be very skeptical
to keep the skepticism there.
Um, I, I can feel the energy
and if something just, just doesn't feel right, you know,
the words sound really good, but it doesn't feel right.
I, I don't follow that, you know.
But if of my logical mind trying to filter, it might go,
that's great information.
And I, and, and it might be,
and you might use that information,
but you're not gonna necessarily trust the
source of that information.
Right. Because I always believe that no matter
what anybody says or whatever information
that is put out there, there's at least 1% truth in it.
Mm-Hmm. And I, I look for that 1% truth.
Well, I I, maybe we could skip, skip ahead a little bit.
And so you, when we,
when you attended our et uh, disclosure meeting,
that you had some amazing stories there too.
And I'm wondering how much
that played into your overall awakening process too.
Oh, you know, that, that kind of made me
expand more.
'cause I, I, um, I never really
thought much of it,
but I had experiences even from a young age, a 12-year-old
and seeing a, a cigar shaped thing come over the house
and people, oh, it was just a blimp.
And I was like, Christ, I'm from New York.
I I've seen blimps, you know,
the Goodyear Blimp all the time.
You know, Fuji didn't have theirs or any of those,
but I, you know, they were, they were present.
I saw 'em all the time on tv.
I saw them flying, you know, when we went to the city.
And, uh, so what did you think of them as a kid?
Which the UFO? Yeah.
I was fascinated because I had the into the unknown,
that book, you know, that opened me up until, oh, you know,
it talked about UFOs.
They showed some of those type of things.
It wasn't identical to the one
that was in a book or anything.
But, um, it, it was,
it was definitely a part of the awakening.
And then seeing this thing coming over my house
and I ran from my front window
to the back window and it disappeared.
And I mean, the thing wasn't small. Mm-Hmm.
I mean, it was the size of at least, uh,
two football fields, you know, it was, it was big
and it wasn't super high up either,
and it didn't look like a blimp.
And it, and it was not an airplane.
'cause we were over the flight pats to go into, you know,
either Kennedy or LaGuardia or airport
and, and stuff like that.
So it was not an airplane. It didn't have wings on it.
Mm-Hmm. And it didn't have a little gondola underneath
or, you know, the little booth.
Yeah. And, and, and I, I just was fascinated by, and,
but I didn't really talk much about it
because no one else saw it.
You know, you open your mouth and then you get ridiculed.
Yeah. So you just store it away until
those, what is it, CE five?
Yeah, the, the Yeah. Meetup groups. Yeah. Yeah.
The meetup group. And, uh,
but then I had that, uh, when I was an adult, you know,
I was 20 about, probably close to 25 years old when
the group of us went partying.
And I no longer drank at that point.
Um, and we stopped on the side of the road coming out
of a college town, upstate New York, you know,
very dark at night, you know,
there's no street lights except in the, the town area.
And we stopped on the
side of the road to go to the bathroom.
And we all had assigned
seats more or less.
'cause we fought over 'em. And I
was one of the smallest ones.
So I never won. So I sat in the hump,
in the middle, in the back.
Um, we, we all got out, did business,
got back in the car, and that was all we remembered.
And all of a sudden we found ourselves back at my family's
property, car not parked where we normally park.
Uh, and everybody was in different locations in the car.
And the person who doesn't have a driver's license was
behind the wheel of the car, which would never happen.
'cause he was like, I ain't driving. You know?
And, and, uh, and I, I made a joke.
Uh, I said, yeah, check your knees.
They might have an implant. 'cause that, at that time,
that's what was big that they were talking about.
They were being implants. What year do you think this was?
This probably was probably around 1985,
you know, um, 84.
Yeah. Somewhere right around that area.
So I guess there, I have a lot
of questions to get into this more.
So how much time do you think elapsed?
Do you have any way of knowing it was
minimum of two hours missing?
Mm-Hmm. It was a 45 minute drive.
We were only literally three minutes outside the, the,
the college town.
And we literally went out of it over a bridge
and stopped, you know.
And so everyone had two hours missing all of us. Yeah.
And they were freaking out.
I thought it was funny, you know, I was making jokes
and stuff, and, and they, none of 'em will talk about it.
I'm the only one who would talk about it.
No one will talk about it. They shut up.
You know, I don't wanna hear it.
That that freaked them out big. Mm-Hmm. Yeah.
But did you explain to them at some point
that you think this is not entirely uncommon that this is
Well, I mean, it wasn't super common really back then.
Mm-Hmm. Um, I guess you wouldn't have any reference
without the internet to really know.
Yeah. Yeah. And there was no internet. Yeah.
Um, and, you know, you'd find like writings
and like that book, the Time Life book, which
what comes at only, that was the only one they did.
And, you know, so, and that came out in the seventies.
So no, there was no way to really get that
unless you looked up a one of those magazines.
Mm-Hmm. And,
and I wasn't, you know, reading those,
I was reading martial arts magazines and stuff like that.
And you, have you ever had any hypnosis
to try to check what that was?
I, no. I've never had hypnosis for that. No.
Only once when I was on the radio show in New York with the,
the psychic, I had hypnosis where they regressed,
how we knew each other in other, another lifetime.
Oh, neat. And that was, you know, when we were, like,
we were six or seven years old in a workhouse in England,
and we both kind of hid out on a little,
one of those little balconies.
You know, it's, you, they still have them
where you can open up the window, but you can't go out.
But we squeezed out there as little kids and froze to death.
Wow. And, uh, that was traumatic death.
Uh, well, I suppose, I guess it was, I didn't feel
that it was, you know, from this perspective, um,
I just was like seeing it as an observer uhhuh.
So I didn't have any emotional attachment to it.
Um, I'm pretty good at that, you know, being an observer
and not allowing myself to get drawn into something
that could be really traumatic.
Yeah. Well, I guess maybe we should see if there's more,
more to wrap up with, with the,
with this missing time story.
Um, so you, you, you're all in different seats
and I assume y all had your clothes
on the same way and all that.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We, well, well, you know,
never even thought about that.
You, I, I'm playing it back in my head now
and never thought about that.
I just, you know, went like this with my leg, you know,
pulled it up and checked
to see if there's any implant, any implants.
Um, and, but never thought about it.
And I don't think so, though. I don't think so. Yeah.
Uh, you know, I guess those ets got it right.
Some of it I wasn't wearing my friend Bob's underwear.
So if that, yeah.
It's, it's always so funny when we hear these kinds
of stories that it seems like there's, I don't know if it's
if it's a comedic thing
or if it's just they don't care when they,
when they get random things wrong like that, you know, the,
um, some ab some abduction stories you hear about clothes
being misplaced or different and Right.
Um, yeah.
It's, it's just bizarre how much goes on that we, it's just
beyond our, our lens or our view of reality, you know?
And that could also be, you know, on
how often a person is abducted.
Yeah. You know, um, usually if,
if you're abducted, there's more than one.
It's usually more than once.
And, and you, you know, through probably your research
that it sometimes goes on the whole family tree.
Yeah. You know, they follow the, the,
the genetic line down the road.
And I, I haven't had, you know, no one has talked to me
and my family about anything like that,
but they're pretty straight laced.
You know, I'm, I was always the odd one, the one who,
you know, was into the unknown
and they were more mainstream.
And, you know, science says this,
or the government says that, and they, and they believe it.
And, and I was always like, what if,
or really, I don't know.
That doesn't feel right. But, uh, so
I guess we could, we could switch back into some spiritual
philosophy discussion here.
So what was it that, um, sort of made you decide to
move into, uh, spiritual spirituality, sound healing more,
more of as a line of perf as a line of work?
Good question. Um, well,
when I was a deputy sheriff, you know, I kept being told
by spirit, you know, um, now I've been doing, you know,
psychic work and stuff like that since that incident.
I was involved in it and I, I became a cop a lot later.
And everybody thought it was the other way
around that, how did you do this?
Said, no, I've been doing the other,
and how did you go mainstream?
And I said, well, it's something I always wanted to do.
And I, I felt drawn to it.
And when I was in,
I guess my seventh year with the sheriff's office,
I kept getting, it was in October,
and I kept getting it's time to go.
And I was like, no, I'm raising a, a single dad.
You know, I got a mortgage, you know, I can't just up
and leave and, and quit.
And then a year later, in October, same thing,
spirit time to go.
And I said, no, I can't. I got to,
you know, same, same story.
Third year, it's time to go. And I was like, no.
And I, if you, you know, and all that to spirit.
And then like, you know,
and then I felt the, the, my grandfather's energy,
'cause that's who I can attribute
to because of the language.
And, and he sits there
and said, if you don't go,
you're gonna get the size 12 boot up your ass.
So, so, and I said, you know, spirit screw you.
I'm not doing it. You know, if you bring business,
if you can bring a lot of business in that I can transition,
you know, right away, then I'm gonna do it.
And, and, and, and I got, that's not the deal that you made.
And then I ended up with a pretty bad spinal injury. Wow.
And, uh, couldn't be a cop anymore.
Had a, you know, a couple of surgeries and titanium
and all that type of stuff.
But after I had that injury, that's when the,
the person quit the group with the dire do.
Oh. And when I picked up the flute, it literally, it was,
it was weeks after the incident that I picked up the flute
and taught myself how to play it
and, um, you know, record it.
And that's how I ended up really going into music.
And, and then, you know, I did the ditch first
'cause I sponsored an Aboriginal by my friend
who was the ditch player who learned from the Aboriginal,
who came once a year for like six months in Denver.
And I sponsored him, rented a church,
and he did a, he was a music ambassador for Australia,
and he put on a whole concert
presentation and everything else.
And, um, I bought one of the digit from him and,
and taught myself at, uh, my drum circles and,
and, you know, expanded from there.
And when my friend dropped out
because of, you know, his own health, um,
I started doing it by myself.
And so I'm a little curious, is there, was there any kind
of teaching around how natives used the Deri do?
Um, not really.
Um, now the Deri do was primarily a
man's instrument, as was the Native American flute.
The Native American flute was, was meant for a courting.
You know, you wanna get your girl, you know,
you played, you know what I mean?
Yeah. It was a courting instrument.
It was only in this 20th century, you know, not
that many years ago that women were allowed, you know,
or just started saying, I'm playing the flute.
Uh, the dig do is primarily men.
Now everybody plays the dig.
I don't know about in Australia though,
but it was used for entertainment.
It was also used for ceremony. And, and same today.
I, I mean, I've played my dig with, with rock bands
before and Yeah.
And so, um, it can be very versatile.
And, and I'm, I'm only an okay player,
but I have some friends that, oh man, can they play and,
and do amazing things,
but no matter what, how you play it, it, it's,
there's this vibration and this connection with the earth,
but it's both an earth and an air instrument.
And it, and when I first played it,
when it first noise came out, which was a fart noise,
it was very embarrassing, you know?
Um, but I, a rush of energy from the Earth came up
through me, my, I mean, hair standing up the, the, the,
you know, goosebumps and everything.
And that's when I said, I gotta buy this.
I'm gonna, I, I, you know, I need one.
And so then I taught myself how
to play it at the drum circles.
And, and that's, and how I started drums
was kind of the same way.
First time I hit it with a group, a rush of energy came up
through me, and, and I picked it up quick.
I picked up all of them very quickly. Mm-Hmm.
Whether it be past life or whatever, I don't know.
But it was one of those things that,
that's how I kind of do things.
I guess when I get this something through my body,
it's like, I, this is something that I'm meant to do.
I guess we could talk a little bit more about the,
the nature of the, the sound healing.
And, you know, how, how is that so powerful?
What, what is going on with, with the sound
and as interacting
with the person's energy body, do you think?
Oh, most, most definitely. Yeah.
Um, like all, all my instruments generally have
vi put out a vibration.
And then the ones that don't put out a, a long one,
like I have a bunch of my instruments over here,
and I can pick up one
or two of them, you know, um, have a, a, a, a tone,
which somehow seems to, um,
excite the atoms in the body.
Right. And that helps with the physical release of stuff,
but it also resonates with the spirit.
It, it literally just starts to, um,
how would I say, shake loose the, the shackles
where we're able to experience sometimes release
of the traumas, or to bring joy back in
where we've had it stuffed down
because we didn't feel worthy enough, whatever.
Um, but vibration
and sound is one of the most important things.
I mean, we use it in science, we use it in hospitals,
the MRIs, magnetic resonance, imaging, resonance, you know,
it's the resonance of the different sounds
and the qualities of them make, make a difference.
And how many songs that you've listened to
that just remind you of something and you,
and you can all of a sudden you feel uplifted
or you can feel very sad where you're able to
remind somebody who's left us, or, you know what I mean?
Yeah. Where you're able to let more of that grief out, or,
or, I mean, that's the whole point of, of it.
It's so that we can feel,
and when we can feel we can release right.
We can open up and,
and allow something to come into our lives.
And I think that's probably why music has come into
mine so much.
Um, I couldn't use my voice.
I mean, my, my best singing voice was literally when the
doctor opened the mouth and said, say, ah, that
that was my low, my high, and my middle.
Ah, and that was it.
But now, because of the shrudy box and,
and other things, I was able to start
to add my voice into it too.
But I, I could feel it in my heart.
Like when we did the CE five that last, that closing day,
remember when I, I brought the Shrudy box out Right.
And had everybody toning,
and I mean, two, what about 200 people there, at least in
that closing ceremony.
Yeah. It sounded great. Yeah.
And I've done groups, you know, where,
you know, 'cause I had them feel it.
I said, put your hand on your heart and to, and to tone
and try to match the sound of the Shruti box
and, and, and the voice.
And, and I mean, I thought it was magnificent.
And that doesn't happen when you have groups like that.
It's usually pretty, but it was like amazing. Right.
Because they could feel it. Yeah.
It takes you to another place. Yeah.
It was great being out with the, around the trees there too.
Oh, it was amazing. Yeah. Nature. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
It feels like there's some kind of, uh, connection
that the tree's consciousness is sort of harmonizing
or reinforcing the, the healing, the healing energies.
It seems like they, they have some
awareness of people around them.
Oh, I, I definitely, most definitely.
Um, like, you know, they're known as the standing people.
Mm-Hmm. Their roots go down and grab onto the earth. Right.
Um, and through rocks
and everything else to anchor them, the rocks
and rock formations are known as the record keepers.
Hmm. So everything
that's ever transpired on this earth is recorded in the
rocks and the trees are grabbing down and holding onto this.
They were able to tap into that
and make it more accessible for us,
because their vibrational energy is closer
to ours than the rocks are.
You have to really slow yourself down
to get the wisdom from the rocks.
I see. Deep meditation.
That's why the, the yogis
and the monks who write these phenomenal esoteric works,
and some of them have been in a monastery since they were
three years old, and I have had no outside experience,
but are writing these magnificent works and inspirational
and, and so very deep, where does it come from?
What do they go? They go sit on a mountaintop. Right.
They're sitting, their temples are made out of like,
you know, they're stoned and,
and they're able to tap into the wisdom of, of
what has transpired throughout the history of this planet.
That's the way I look at it. Yeah.
That's, that's my opinion. Yeah. That makes sense.
I mean, I know crystals are certainly easier to tap into,
I guess, than a regular stone.
Maybe it's, uh, no less wisdom in this, the rocks
that are not crystallized yet, but Yeah.
And well, you think of it,
we're we're all made up of the same stuff.
Yeah. You know, where they say we're all stardust. Yeah.
The planets, you know, the pressure,
everything coming together
and forms the, you know, the quartz crystals, the diamonds,
the whatever they are.
But what, what, when they come into certain forms
and certain shapes, the crystals, they're able to project.
They're, they're like, uh, antennas
and, um, you know, receivers and transceivers, you know.
Yeah. They're able to transmit energies
and you're able to tap in your quartz crystals
are right in the computer.
Yeah. They're the memory chips. Yeah. Right.
Um, the old crystal radios. Yeah. Alright.
They're able to take the frequencies that are there
that we can use 'em,
and our, our bodies are electrical, right?
Mm-Hmm. We've got the nerve
endings, we've got all that type of stuff.
Um, I mean, how many times have you gone somewhere
and you felt that you shouldn't, you know,
go in there, something's off.
Yeah. Or wow, you know, this feels energetic.
You know, you go in and it's real happy and,
and you, you match right in there.
It's in everything. Right.
So, um, I guess I, I could ask you more about all,
all the other healing modalities that you are familiar with
or that you, you use.
Crystals are certainly one of the most powerful ones I know.
Um, but it seems like sound
and crystals kind of may go hand in hand on the
vibrational nature of the healing.
Yeah. Well, I'll, I'll grab a couple
of the instruments here.
I love these man, that's a koshi chime,
but we're talking about
crystals Crystal bowl.
Yep. Quartz crystal.
Now this one is in, uh, C sharp,
I think, and I'll tell you in a minute.
Yes. C sharp and, you know,
and that the Cs are the earth energy.
That's the grounding energy. Alright.
Um, when you want to tap in and go down, you know,
and connect with the earth, it, it can help clear your mind
so that you can actually concentrate, um, on one
or two things as opposed to 6,000 things that you know,
when you're, especially when you're overwhelmed.
But the different frequencies of this
can bring you to other places.
And a lot of it's still also intention based.
Now we have the C sharp there,
and then I've got this, this is the shrudy box.
Can you see that up there? Yeah, we can see that.
And it's a pump thing.
And I play this, it's usually, you know, put on your lap
and you do with your hand.
I usually have it on the floor and I play with my foot
because I am playing the didgeridoo and uh,
or doing crystal balls or flutes
and I can't use my hands, you know, I wouldn't be able
to play the other instruments like, you know,
this one here, I'm gonna switch it.
There's little knobs on the top that have the different keys
and this is the,
and the people listening missing you just close your eyes.
We should have done that at the start. That's great. Right.
But I mean, just, just that, what did you feel?
Just that, you know, very, very relaxing.
It's like, I'm clear now. Yeah. 30 seconds. Yeah.
But the different sounds
and the vibrations that come from that.
And then when we add like a dig redo to that on top of it,
it, it just brings these different frequencies
and resonances that move throughout body that, um,
like you said, and,
and that's why music came in and you know,
and I always tell people if I can do it,
if I can play instruments, so can you.
'cause I literally, I told you earlier,
I, I couldn't play anything.
I, I, I collected instruments and couldn't play any of them.
I loved them, but now all
of a sudden I can play multiple instruments.
So, um, Yeah.
It is very inspiring. I know people can do
it on, on, on their own.
But I guess I wanted to ask about, um,
do you feel like when people listen to it
through headphones, that,
that there's no chance they can ever get the same?
That's the way I'm feeling right now.
Having just heard that it's like a,
that does not happen from headphones, you know?
Now do you, you have your headphones here? I do, yeah.
Put 'em on and tell me what you feel,
because now here's a test
for the people who are watching this.
Yeah. I mean, I, I I headphones, if you're not able
to do it live headphones are the best.
Not earbuds, but the headphones.
I mean, you get some good earbuds too,
but, um, you don't get the full body resonance.
Right. But your, your brain
is getting this experience
and it will transmit it to the other parts of your body.
Yeah. Anyway. Um, so
do you recommend anything for people who wanted
to get started in sound healing as a, as a path
for either just themselves or for helping other people?
Well, one of,
probably the biggest thing is if you have an interest in it
and you wanna do it, you meant to do it.
Mm-Hmm. Alright.
Um, you can go on like eBay and get some crystal balls.
They're all different ranges
and you, you know, unfortunately when you go to eBay,
you're not sure if you're gonna get a,
a thicker crystal ball or a thinner one.
They, they both play, but one is
more fragile than the other.
Huh. Um, but they all work.
Um, and you can look up for like, uh, the chakra sounds,
which, which key, you know, is for which particular chakra
and, and stuff like that.
Is that usually universally agreed upon what people think?
Pretty much. Um, you know, I have
disagreements with that.
You have to do it with a certain tone
because I was told, um, years ago when someone came for, uh,
chakra balance with me that they had somebody
who worked on them to balance their chakras.
Right. And then they use tuning forks
and stuff like that, um, with the person.
And they said they've been feeling horrible.
And I said, well, it, you can feel off
for a couple weeks if you get used to being out of balance,
coming back into balance feels wrong.
Right. Especially if you've been in your energy
system's been off a long time.
But what happened was with this person
is they said, no, it's been three months.
And, and my life's been hell since that.
So when I was working on this person, uh, my guides told me
that, that on a general rule, yes,
what's written in the book is for the average person,
but there are people that aren't in the average.
And she was a highly sensitive person.
And, you know, I've had people where they told me that the,
some, some people's heart chakra won't be in the, the key
of f or or, or be the color that they prescribe it as
because their life work is this other thing.
And which is would normally be, say the second chakra
is now vibrating as if it was the heart chakra
and the heart chakra is vibrating as if it was the second.
And it's, well, that's in the wrong spot.
So it's out of balance, not necessarily for that person.
Right. And there's also colors attributed
to these particular areas.
Now, spear told me to, to work with them
with the white light as a,
because the white light carries all the color spectrum.
Mm-Hmm. In it. So what, so if I use the white light,
whatever is needed for that area is gonna get that area.
Now it's same thing with the, the crystal bowls
or any of the other things.
If you're being told to use something
that would normally be, say the heart chara and you're,
and you're being told to put it down in the second chakra,
or the first or the crown, you follow the direction
because that person's mission here on earth might be
different and needs the, that type of energy in these,
in their, like if it's a crown,
their connection with the divine force.
Yeah. Right. And they, and they need that, that say the f
or the f sharp energy up here so that they're,
you know, they're doing it with more, more with
that unconditional love energy.
Yeah. You know, so yeah.
I just say if your intention, if you only have a bowl
that's a D and you are working on,
or oh, it's a D, that's the second chakra.
No, your intention. Right.
'cause the people will say, my intention is
to word use this sound to help my heart.
Yeah. So intention's really super important too.
It's a lot of times we get locked out by, um,
structures that's saying that this is the way it has to be
or should be instead of just trusting
and saying, this is what I have
and so spirit, can you help me out
and help allow this energy to help these people in this way?
Yeah. It's, you know, it's collaborating with energy. Yeah.
It's not forcing it to be one thing or another. Yeah.
It's interesting. If you think about music in general,
it's like you could have, um,
there's obviously seven notes in the octave.
You get to the eighth, it's the next octave. Right.
But there's all these different keys
that you could be in, you can keep Mm-Hmm.
Going up a half tone to get to the next key.
And it still sounds great.
Some keys seem to have more
of a mystical quality than others maybe.
Um, but it, it doesn't seem like people are all the same,
that they would necessarily be on the same Right.
Musical. Exactly. Exactly.
And like when, when I was playing the Shrudy box, you know,
this guy, I had F sharp and C sharp.
Mm-Hmm. Alright.
The bowl was C sharp, but I had two different keys on here.
But they're complimentary keys.
They, you know, they sound good together. Mm.
And and I do that the same thing when I go with the, um, one
of the other favorite ones I have is both, uh, DNA
and I just broke around,
I'm gonna work on your DNA, you know.
Um, and that didn't even sound bad
with the f sharp sticking in there.
Right. And then
when I play certain flutes, I like the d and g
and it's all about finding which ones resonate with you.
And sometimes having dissonance sounds is extremely
important when you're doing sound work
because our life isn't always, you know,
butterflies and rainbows.
Right. You know, um, and sometimes having a dissonant sound
and vibration going through you breaks free.
That stuff that's hidden.
And you know, like when we did the, the sound with the Jim
and Roxanne up in, you know, the yurt Yeah.
Up at Sacred Hoop, you know, he would sometimes
have the sound and, you know, you play two bowls like C
and C Sharp create a binaural beat.
They don't play together well. They go, whoa, whoa, whoa.
And, and, and it's dissonant. The sound waves are bouncing.
That's creates the binaural beat is the dissonance.
The sound waves bouncing off each other.
And, but they have positive effects.
'cause what have we got? We got these things
where we do binaural beats in the background.
Yeah. And that's two tones that are not complimentary,
but they do have an effect
that is complimentary on, on our systems.
Yeah. 'cause it helps us, free us up from those, uh, blocks
and, you know, traumas and stuff like that allow them to.
Yeah. It's almost like the, the energy field is kind
of like a wall that people have that has to kind
of break down somewhat to get, get through to the heart.
Yeah. Yeah. And
that's why sometimes when I'm doing my stuff,
I start hitting dissonant things in there.
And I, some people I see 'em going
and others are like, like, oh, this is fine.
It sounds it's different. It, it, it's just different.
And other people, you see them getting upset
and that's why they tell you to breathe
when something is dissonant.
And it's really upsetting you.
If you're at a sound healing, that means you're doing work
that means something's coming up and ready to release.
So breathe. Like, you know, Lama they do that.
Uh, the Kegel breathing,
whatever they call it, I can't remember what it is.
It's been too many years. Um,
but there's a breathing to to, to give birth.
So it's, it's the same breath that you use for that
because you're giving birth, you're releasing, you know,
when you're giving birth, they're releasing the,
the new growth, the new body,
the new baby out of the system.
And that's why that breathing technique is so important
and goes complimentary with a lot of the work that we do.
Yeah. Yeah. Breath is is amazing mystery to me still too.
Yeah. Yeah.
It seems like there's a, a lot of connection to
the metaphysical energies when we put
that intention into it.
Mm-Hmm. It's like, it's a subconscious thing mostly.
And maybe, maybe we're subconsciously not
tuning into the energy
around us when we're not consciously breathing.
But yeah, that's, that's
an area a lot of people have talked about.
You know, really intense breathing
exercises being very valuable.
I've never developed a practice around
a very strenuous breathing exercise to try
to shift my consciousness.
Um, yeah. Has you ever gotten into that?
Um, I've had some experiences where I did a, um,
breath work workshop one time,
and they did a, a lot of that,
it was almost like hyperventilating.
Yeah. The, the, the word.
And they had music, you know, they kind of had, uh, oh, uh,
trance music and
or, um, what rave type, you know what I mean?
It was, it was, it was fun.
But uh, you know, all
of a sudden you're like hyperventilating and,
and all of a sudden, all of a sudden you feel a release
between the sounds and the breathing.
It was, it was an amazing experience.
I, I tend to work mostly with the,
and I go into like the EERs.
Um, but I do find it valuable
to learn all the different types of breath.
Especially, you know, they, they're for certain things.
Like in yoga, they have certain breathing techniques
for certain, you know, positioning, positioning.
And because that opens up the different pathways,
energetic pathways within the body.
Yeah. So breath work is really important. What do you do?
Like when you say, come on, take a breath. Take a breath.
We say it automatically. Yeah.
And it's like, we know without knowing. Yeah.
If, you know, you know, calm down,
take a deep breath, slow down.
Yeah. And, and isn't that what the meditation is?
Yeah, definitely.
So, and that, that's just your, our subconscious
or our spiritual self always being present within us.
We don't even realize it half the time. Yeah. Yeah.
It's like everyone kind of has this intense
life movie playing out every day.
Constant drama, constant stress.
And it's like, you don't give yourself a chance to catch up
with the, the, you know, the processing of it.
And so I I I, I, I believe
that a daily meditation is almost essential in this kind of
society where Mm-Hmm.
Everything's hitting us so fast and so intense.
Um, and if I've, I've seen a lot
of breakthroughs when I do get into a,
a consistent meditation practice,
but it's still like life is always fighting against me
to get, get back on a study practice.
Well, you know, the thing is, is that a lot
of times we're we're told or taught,
or we think that we have to do it for a long period of time.
Like a minimum for 20 minutes. No.
If you get in your car in the morning Right.
And it takes 15 minutes to get to work. Right.
And you're leaving 20 minutes early, you know what I mean?
Yeah. So you have five minute, take one of those minutes
when you sit in your car, literally,
and just close your eyes.
And I call down a divine light, white light
to surround myself and cleanses.
I always say it cleanses and purifies.
Each breath I take in, I'm bringing
that divine light into my body.
And I'll just sit there and I'll go
And I'll just pause a minute,
then I'll take a deep breath, hold it,
And I feel all of a sudden like a slow down.
Yeah. And you only if, even if you only did a minute
or 30 seconds, you'll start having
a difference in your life.
Yeah. It doesn't have to be a long period of time.
It's just a, a moment reset.
Um, and, you know, and,
and sometimes having intention as I deep take a deep breath
and I slow down, I ground myself to the earth.
Right. 'cause the grounding we took just a little bit on
that is takes the chaos of life
and puts it into manageable piles
where it gives you the choices, which one's most important
to do first, you know, what you need to hit.
Yeah. And if you just take that breath,
it can make the difference between, you know, getting angry
and, you know, lashing out
and throwing stuff around a room, which still happens.
We're human beings. Yeah. You know? Yeah.
No matter how much we do, we can get frustrated,
but you're able to catch yourself a lot easier.
And you go, wait a minute, I'm really going off
the deep end here.
Wait a minute. And you,
and you just settled down.
And, um, it could be just 30 seconds a minute
if you don't have the time.
But, but at the same time, if you go,
what's really important, will it, you know, and I,
and I I talk about this all the time.
If you can say, will the world end if I don't do this now?
If you can answer no, then that's not a top priority thing.
Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah.
You can give yourself a break.
You can take a bath and lay in there
and just listen to music instead of saying,
I gotta take the trash out.
I got laundry to do. Um, you know, yeah.
I gotta change the diaper right now.
Will will that kid having a half hour
of wet diaper Yeah.
You know, get sick
and lose their life and all, you know what I mean?
We, we get these things that we think we have
to do in that moment.
And, you know, we're not giving the moment
for ourselves to, to reset.
Right. And I guess there's another problem
that's very common that people talk about is like, uh,
my brain won't quiet down.
What good is this sit still?
It's like that's all the more reason to keep working on it.
Well, how, I mean is your, does your mind shut down?
It never completely shuts down until I'm sleeping. Right.
Until you're sleeping. Yeah. But mine never does. Yeah.
You know, I, I'm, I call myself a squirrel person.
I'm distractible I like that.
And I'll, and I'll run over into that area, you know, or,
or if I have enough discipline, I'll say, I'm gonna check
that out when I'm done with this.
Yeah. You know, that type of thing.
But my mind is never, um, a thousand thoughts a second.
It's, you know, I think I'd be diagnosed with a DD
or one of those things, uh, with my, with how I am.
But I can meditate.
And I think people who have the monkey mind, um,
a squirrel person can be one of the ones
that can actually have multiple,
I'll say existential experiences when a,
my mind is thinking of, you know, getting the car washed,
but I'm also walking in a st, you know,
a national park somewhere in my mind.
And it's like, wait a minute, I'm,
I can have these simultaneous thoughts
and I can experience them all at the same time.
Why fight it? You know, everybody says, you know,
when you meditate, you need to be completely silent.
Well, some of us can't go completely silent.
It's just not in our structure. So you use it.
Yeah. You know, um, I was taught,
when I first started meditating, the person said,
if you can't concentrate just, and,
and thoughts keep popping in is just literally
say, I accept this thought.
I release it. And the first three months
of meditating every day, my meditations
weren't the meditation that I was trying to do.
My meditation was, I accept this thought and I release it.
That's, but my mantra was,
I accept this thought and release it.
That's great. And after a while, I literally, the, I,
it was almost like a shield around me and,
and it was like, I heard like dink dink dink,
and these are all my thoughts trying to penetrate.
And I'm, you know, and they're almost distracting,
but they're not at the same time.
Because I was starting to, you know,
laugh, giggle a little bit.
'cause I'm going, these are all my thoughts is like a,
a shield and the important ones that you need
to address, make it through the shield.
Yeah. And even though it's not what the meditation is,
it's something important to you to,
to look at in that moment.
Yeah. And, you know, then all of a sudden I was able to just
go, I, I'll say I'll, I went quiet,
but my mind was still active with a,
with a thousand thoughts.
But it was, it was weird
because I felt like all these things were okay to happen.
Yeah. And I, and I no longer fought it on, on some level.
I wonder if, like, being, well first of all, not having
to identify with our thoughts is one whole layer
of the lesson sometimes,
but then being accepting of ourselves
for having the thought, it seems like that's part
of the goal of the meditation.
But it also seems like it's a requirement to go deeper.
Just find that continuous acceptance.
I accept this, I allow it. Yeah.
Well, it, it, what what do,
what if we fight something, there's resistance.
Yeah. Right. And it's like,
if this is the way what's happening all the time, if I flow
with it like a keto, you know, redirecting and, and,
and using it as, as a means to an end,
there's no longer the struggle with it
because there's no have to.
And we're, and we're, we're so often taught that we have
to do it a certain way to have these certain results.
Maybe for most people that's the truth.
But it's not for all people. Yeah.
You know, it's just like we're talking about the frequencies
and the resonance and all it all it's all related.
And if you have the monkey mind like I do, you have to,
you can't fight it because then you, you get agitated
and you're upset and you can't sit still.
And, and if you can't sit still, then don't do it. Yeah.
Get up and just take a deep breath
and say, yeah, I wish I could have meditated more today.
Um, but if you accept the fact that you're not in
that space, you're gonna be more peaceful.
Right. Looks like we've gone
for about an hour now.
Wow. So this has been a good conversation so far. Yeah.
Um, maybe we can go for 15 minutes.
I don't have any, I don't have any time limit. Yeah.
Um, so we talked a bit about the chakras
corresponding to the, the, the different tones.
Um, what are your views on how, how important is it
for people to be aware of their chakra
system and the blockages?
Um, I, I really feel
we should know our bodies
and the energetic parts of our bodies.
'cause we got like, the main chakras,
but we also have minor chakras, right.
We have the meridians in the body that, you know,
the acupuncture points
and all those things when we understand where, where,
where they relate to our physical body.
Um, and, you know, generally they'll have a whole list
of things of what the first chakra's about
and the second chakra's about and stuff like that.
When we understand that and we're going, well, you know,
I'm feeling outta balance here, you know,
or, you know, I'm really creative,
but I, I haven't wanted to pick up my paintbrush.
Well, that means your, your second chakra is
outta whack at that point.
There's something blocking, there's an
emotional issue going on.
Um, did someone, you know, make fun of your artwork?
And you, you, you know,
and someone made the same tone of voice Right.
Or made a comment, even though they might not have meant it,
it triggered something within the person.
So that's like, if, if you're a creative person
and it's not happening there, there's,
there's an energetic block in that area,
and if you put that tone on
and you try to match that tone, that's why the shrudy box
that actually taught me how to use my voice, I felt it,
you know, when we did this
and you we're getting back into the sound.
But, but when I, when I'm, I'm gonna go with the, the,
the C sharp and F sharp, um, again,
because those ones we refer to as the Earth and,
and the, you know, the heart, the f sharps,
like they consider the high heart.
But when we get this, and if I'm feeling off
with it in my heart,
I'm having a hard time loving myself over other people,
and I start to tone,
I can feel a vibration in my heart area.
And then, and it allows me
to release whatever's in that spot.
Now, the second chara, which would be D right?
Um, and a lot of times I like mixing it with the G and, uh,
but the second chakra, which is the creativity area.
'cause that's where the sex organs, you know,
connect up and everything.
And, um, and that's creativity create.
'cause that's where creative, we create the new life.
And I'm like, wanna work on a second? Chara?
I might put D on. Remember,
this doesn't have to be with everybody.
And then I, I, I, I can feel a difference.
I felt different from when I did the F sharp C sharp
energetically than when I did this.
So when you have certain music that you play
and you feel more loving and more peace
and stuff like that, you're activating one
of the chakras in there
and helping bring it back into balance.
Um, you know, if you have the scales, you know, you just go,
do, do, which one's resonating in that moment?
And one that's feeling very dissonant, you're going, wait,
this one's feeling, oh, more than likely
that particular energy point in your body
needs some extra love.
You know? And so you might wanna put something on
and breathe with it
and say whatever it is that's blocking, whatever
that's causing this discomfort.
Um, I, I ask for it to be released and,
and to have a, my higher self
or my subconscious
to understand the lesson involved with it.
You know, you use it as a tool. Yeah.
And, you know, knowing the body
and knowing the energy points in it.
And you, if you really listen to it, you'll know which ones,
which keys work for you,
even if they don't line up with what the book says.
But it's really important to, I, I find
to understand the energetic body with the colors,
the frequencies, you know, um, that are associated with it.
So another question I have for you is, can people have like,
like spontaneous instant miraculous healing when they just
get a little bit more in alignment like that?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And, um, I mean, that's happened many times with people.
Um, I mean, it, it it's, it's happened with sound.
It's happened with like water, you know,
lords you've heard of Lords, France.
Yeah. Right. And the Lord's water has, you know,
they say miraculous properties.
Ah, right.
Many, you know, people have had spontaneous healing,
but, you know, uh, you know, being crippled their whole life
and all of a sudden they're walking, you know,
not like the charlatans
and some of the, the sideshows where they,
yes, you are healed.
But that can also happen too.
And you know, when you start to come in alignment
or you finally ask for help.
'cause some people can't ask for help.
And when they finally go, I've done everything.
I've tried everything physically,
I've tried all these things, and they,
and they say they surrender
energetically, all of a sudden these things can happen.
Yeah. And, you know, I've seen people have that.
I suppose there's always a, a risk people can
jump right back into their old vibration once they get out
of, out that environment to do a different environment.
But it's almost like you have
to make the choice when you're in the altered consciousness
to maintain that consciousness.
Right. Uh, yeah. Yeah.
You know, and, and I like you, you're saying it,
it's a conscious choice.
And, and that's a whole topic in itself. Consciousness.
Yeah. You know, what was that? Um, what I did with Jacob.
What, what would we do? What was that, uh, the title of
that I think had it written on there?
Um, awakening. Awakening. Yeah.
Awakening for me
is about awakening the consciousness.
Being conscious Yeah.
Of, of yourself, your environment, how you walk through it,
how you interact with it and everything.
And that's when awareness comes up, right? Yeah.
Um, when you awaken, not using the word woke,
um, you know, it,
th there I think they're two halves of the same coin.
You know, awakening in consciousness. Yeah.
Awakening consciousness.
And, you know, I think it's vital for all of us.
I mean, for the survival of, of humankind.
We're, we're all working on, you know, our consciousness
to connect more, to, to feel, to express,
um, instead of judging.
Yeah. And that's when we become more awake to these things,
our consciousness expands.
Yeah. I guess it's kind of like becoming more, um,
aware of our consciousness in a more, of the potential
of our consciousness to use it in a directed way.
Mm-Hmm. I guess that's, that's the key. Yeah.
You know, you have a choice. You know
what I think in Buddhism, you know,
you know, you choose to suffer.
Yeah. Right. You don't have to suffer.
We choose to, um, why we do that.
It has many different reasons, but it's a choice.
And it's a choice that I could be mad at you in this moment.
Right. Because you drank the last tea that I wanted. Right.
Um, you know, we have so many things that
we allow a negative choice to come up.
But if you catch yourself,
and this is, this is where the awareness
and being more conscious comes in when you go, wow,
I could have handled that differently.
You've just grown. Yeah. Right.
Your consciousness just started elevating,
your vibration started rising at that moment.
So when that same trigger comes off, and again,
and you recognize it, it might take you longer
to be triggered,
or you might not get triggered at all any longer.
Yeah. 'cause now you be con you're conscious of that,
and you become more aware and awake,
and you have the choice now to say, I don't need
to react this way any longer.
And I, I certainly wonder if the, the cycles that we go
through, it's, it's like, as soon as we have that moment
of forgiveness
and acceptance, we just don't need that lesson
to ever come back into our lives
unless we have that unforgiveness
or something comes back up to block it.
Right. Or that you were there
to show someone how to handle it.
Right. Sometimes it comes up again
because there's someone else there
that wasn't there, and, you know what I mean?
Yeah. And then you're, you're showing them how to react
to it because you were there at one time
and they, now they see there's
another way they can handle it.
Right. Because sometimes our lessons are, it happens again
to us, not for us to experience the discomfort of it,
but to teach someone how to move through it.
That's, yeah. Yeah.
It's like we're kind of connected karmically on the
same school.
Yeah. Just kind of working together as a class. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Because, you know, everything we go through, if,
depending on our perspective
and awareness is a teacher, it's a lesson.
They're not always pleasant lessons. Right.
But they, if we learn from 'em, you know, we, we,
we elevate our vibration, you know, become more aware,
more conscious, more loving, more compassionate,
uh, more forgiving.
But it's gotta start with us first. Yeah.
We've gotta recognize it for ourselves and,
and then we become it,
and then we become the example of the other people.
And it's always a process. So what's
the name of your business?
Uh, the Interlight Center of Colorado. Yeah.
And what does inner light mean to you?
Um, well, it's, I'll,
I'll call it inner light is kind of,
for me, is like the soul.
Mm-Hmm. Right. It's the, the, the divine aspect of myself.
And when, you know, I have the inner light center.
'cause my goal is to literally, uh, uh, you know,
how would I say, tickle the inner light of somebody
to bring it out, you know what I mean?
To get it out of its shell, um, so that they can blossom,
that they can feel the connection with source.
Um, and, and be that energy.
Um, so I, what I do is I,
I wanna be able, able
to ignite the inner light in the person, you know?
'cause a lot of times we cover it up, um,
or we, we, we lock it in place with religion, right.
The organized religion where there's have toss
where we could say, these are just,
how would you say, guides to get us to be more conscious.
Yeah. And you can be very conscious within that framework.
And, and, and sometimes it's can be too
restrictive for some people.
And like, I've had plenty of people
who were very born again, who've come to my meditations and,
and had epiphanies within themselves, you know,
and they were fighting it in many ways
because they were taught that it was evil
or a work of the devil and all this type of stuff.
And I said, no, it's all of God.
Everything is of that divine energy.
And, you know, find it within yourself. Right, right.
And, and all of a sudden they, they going,
oh my, I had this experience.
I said, what do you feel? Do you feel love?
Do you feel this? You know, and they're like,
yeah, I feel so much love.
And I said, now, how is that evil? How is that wrong?
Did did I, did I, did your faith change? No.
And I said, it doesn't have to.
You can be wherever, wherever you are and still find it.
Yeah. And it's, it's funny, I mean, the, there's been
so many different variations of Christianity too,
and you had the Gregorian chants.
I know. Were so amazing for people to use
that as a form of sound healing.
Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I, I like a lot of the Gregorian chants.
And, um, I mean, I used to listen to 'em 20 years ago
or whatever, a lot, and I, I I,
I felt uplifted and elevated certain smells.
Like, I have this one candle.
It only has like this much in it,
and I have not lit it in like 10 years.
'cause I can't find it anymore.
And it smells just like I was raised Catholic when they do
the high mass and at Christmas time.
And, and they have the monster.
And so, you know, and they're, they're going like,
you know this with the, with the incense.
Yeah. And, and that incense always took me into
that elevated state of consciousness.
Yeah. And, you know, without even music when I smelt it.
And then when they had the music with it
and the singing of with the Gregorian chant,
or just some of the regular hymns.
Oh, I was in the ether. I was gone. Yeah.
And just that little candle, I'll find it and I'll sniff it
and, and right then and there, I could just go a sudden
go, yeah.
And, and then my day can be a hundred percent better. Yeah.
That's great. I, I, yeah.
Some people have, you know, hangups about the idea
of rituals like that.
And I don't understand it. It's like, I think you go deeper
and deeper if you develop a habit.
Yeah. Well, I mean, you know, the,
the problem is, is the wording.
Yeah. You know, some people ritual,
they think it's something that could be evil or,
or very locked in.
And, um, I'm a ritual person.
I take the long way when I do things as opposed
to the shortcuts.
Yeah. Like when I do self protection,
I have a whole ritual that I do.
And, you know, calling down light, connecting with earth,
doing just, you know, energy.
And, and I told, taught people who come to me for readings,
they're shortcut people.
And I said, do you know the superheroes?
You know, the, the, the, you know, the flame on?
I said, just say, flame on
and picture this flame coming out that purifies and,
and keeps away, you know, anything that's negative.
And, and I'm like, I like that.
And they, I go and, you know, they go
and they'll see me like five years later, they go flame on.
You know, that type of thing. That's great.
And they're still doing it. And,
and it, it, it's individual.
I like ritual. You know, I, that's why, you know,
the church, you know, when I was going to the mass,
you know, and, and certain things, uh, you know,
can really resonate very deeply with me.
And I've, I've had friends
who were into witchcraft and they did ritual.
And that ritual still very touch, touched me deeply.
And not, not the black magic, you know,
white wicked and, and stuff like that.
Uh, or I, I, I could really say more pagan ritual.
Uh, they felt very, I felt beauty in that also. Yeah.
But I'm a ritual person. Yeah. And, you know, it's okay.
Yeah. I guess to some degree we could talk about that.
Uh, like how much does your intention for doing the ritual,
uh, determine what you're getting out of it?
Intention is, is key. Yeah.
Um, I mean, if you, it's okay.
My intention is just to, you know, define inner peace.
That's pretty broad. Right.
My intention is to look within myself
and whatever comes up, I'm gonna work on.
You know what I mean? Yeah. And you know, it, it,
I think it's, it's very important.
Um, you, it's like my intention for this ritual today,
or this meditation is about love.
Right. I picture golden light as unconditional love.
So I'll sit there and I'll start my ritual
and call down my guides and, you know, protection
and whatever, and I'm in my sacred space.
And, and then I'll just sit there
and I'll surround myself with the golden light and picture
and breathing it in and seeing my whole,
all my cells igniting in golden light
and my, my, you know,
the solar plexus area and everything else.
And, and, and I, I generally feel very at peace and, and,
and, and generally very happy at that point.
And, and then I was like, and I go outside
and you, you're really nice today.
You're really loving today. And you know what I mean? Yeah.
And it's because I, I did my ritual. Yeah.
You know, and I did ritual when I was a cop.
Um, every, every time I got in my car getting ready
for work, I'm in my uniform.
And I say, you know, spirit, God, you know, universe,
I said, allow me to work this day in peace, light love,
compassion, truth, integrity, and forgiveness.
All right. And thankfulness.
And, and I would start my day with that.
And if I was very tired and irritable,
and I'd say, allow me to work this day with that same thing.
And, and today I'm gonna treat this day with humor.
I'm not gonna allow anger.
I'm not gonna write up, you know, write anything.
I'm not gonna do anything that is of a,
of a lower vibration.
Or, or, and,
and all of a sudden, the day was a fantastic day.
Everybody was happy. You know what I mean? The people Yeah.
Really, you know, and I said, yeah, you know,
pay attention to what you're doing.
You know, I'd give them some advice,
spiritual advice in a sense, for their daily life.
And, and it would work. It would work.
And so intention is really important.
And my, and the ritual for
that intention can be very powerful.
Yeah. I can't imagine
what it would be like if all the police had
to take like, spiritual trainings.
Well, I was, I was actually trying to, um, with a group
that I, you know, a a team.
We were trying to start a business,
and it was about being more conscious and,
and being heart-based using heart coherence.
And, um, and we, we had a program set up,
and I went down to, uh, the fire department and the PD and,
and the sheriff's office.
And I thought I could get in to do it
because in the sheriff's office, in the jail,
we had Thinking for a change, which I was one
of the teachers of, um, which, you know, make better choices
and, and stuff like that.
But giving you also the tools for it.
And this was, you know, tool to come into Heart Coherence
that we, I wanted to bring in there,
but it was very res resisted because it's not mainstream,
but there's a lot of scientific evidence of it,
but it's not completely accepted.
Yeah. And, but a big difference, um,
when you start working on working on heart coherence,
and one of the simple methods is, is to literally
picture a time in your life that
you were feeling loved and supported,
or you had such a great time and you close your eyes.
And, and the Russians started this in the Olympics in the
1960s where they had their, um, the athletes
and, you know, they might have done hypnosis first,
whatever, but they were their best performance,
and they would relive their best performance.
And they had 'em all hooked up with the wires
and the muscles were reacting,
or the electric was reacting is if they were doing it live,
and they were just sitting there like this.
Mm-Hmm. So what they were doing was
creating a muscle memory.
So when they beforehand,
and you see it with the skiers, especially beforehand,
like Peekaboo Street,
and, you know, back then she was going like this,
her eyes are closed and she's going,
and she's standing there.
If she's up next, she's doing that run.
That was her best run.
And getting her muscle memory coming up.
So what we do is we are, we can reactivate that imprint
of that moment into another situation.
So you're able to handle this, the high stress thing,
because you put yourself from, you know,
what is it a flight, fight or flight Yeah.
Into coherence. Right.
Where you were able to take care
of it without going, you know Yeah.
Too far in one direction or the other. Yeah.
It's like we're a catalog of all these different
emotional configurations.
Just gotta pull up the right Yeah, right one. Yeah.
And, and, and you can do that, like if you're nervous,
you know, like doing shows, you're not, you know,
you've been out in the public for a long time,
but when you first started, it was like, yeah, yeah.
But, but you found your zone. Right?
So unconsciously, you, you get into that space.
Right. But you had to find it.
Now if you look back
and when you first began, what, what, what,
what ritual did you do that, you know what I mean?
You probably do something that may get your body
and your mind into that sink.
Yeah. Into the rhythm, definitely.
And, and we all have it. Yeah. It's just bringing it up.
So, um, I, I love the inner light concept.
Definitely. That's, I mean, I, I feel like there's,
it's, it's a word that
that means a lot more than people take.
When, when we meditate
and there's an awareness of something deeper inside of us,
and that's, that's like a light that we can continue
to strengthen and pull from that.
So hard to put words on.
But I love that idea that there's, there's a light
that needs to be activated.
We just have to find it. And
maybe that's what the chakras are too.
They're all Yeah. Individual lights.
There's seven different lights that need to be lit up. Yeah.
Well, um, look at some of the scans that they do.
You know, they'll, they'll use different type of camera,
you know, frequencies that come up.
Like when you do the brain scans that have red and orange
and yellow, they're lights.
Yeah. They're picking up frequencies.
You know, there's, you know, more energy going in one area
and it, it lights it up
and it becomes a brighter type of thing.
So there isn't a light throughout all of us. Yeah.
And, uh, you know,
but the inner light is, is not just
that physical manifestation.
It's, it's, it's, how would you say,
reigniting the god spark within it with each,
within each one of us.
Right, right. And allowing it to, to shine
through the paper bag of our body.
You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. That, that.
So now we're, now we're an hour and 20 minutes.
I guess we could wrap up pretty soon,
but maybe I wanna ask, is there anything we didn't cover
yet about your, your personal journey?
Was there anything that, that you felt was, uh,
life changing that woke you up to
the larger reality than that?
Anything you haven't mentioned yet? Hmm.
Let's see. You know,
I've had a, a very, how would you say,
varied, um, life experiences.
I've done so many different things.
Um, you know, I, I've traveled, you know,
quite a few different places to like, religious sites
and spiritual sites and stuff like that.
And, um, you know,
like saying one particular thing, you know,
I think everywhere what I've done is always taught me,
me something and brought me to another level.
Like I, I mean, I, when I was doing some construction work
and, and learning how to, you know, frame a house
and everything and, and what energy, I mean, I,
the martial arts, I would say was probably one
of the biggest things that really, you know, walked me up.
Um, because I was able to combine the spiritual and,
and physical movements and, and breaking it down
and, you know, biomechanically into other things
and feeling flows of energy when I moved a certain way.
Um, and, and, and, you know, and leverage points
and, um, all those things really woke me up
because I became more sensitive to the,
the actually the third dimensional physical realm.
And then because I was always spiritual, I was able to start
to, to com combine the two of those things together
into ways of moving and doing things
and posture, you know, make some big difference.
Yeah. If I'm like this, you know,
and I'm, I'm hi Mike, you know what I mean?
You, you wouldn't have much
confidence in me, you know what I mean?
I wouldn't have much confidence, you know?
So just the structure
and how we handle ourselves can make the biggest difference.
And I think the martial arts taught me that
how I position myself physically is also important
as how I position myself emotionally and spiritually.
And, and, you know, it comes into this frame, you know,
that's why they say the body's the temple.
Mm-Hmm. And so I think martial arts
was probably the biggest thing.
And, you know, I studied, uh, you know, jujitsu,
not Brazilian jiujitsu, I wrestled
'cause it wasn't here I wrestled
so I could learn if I ended up on the ground.
Um, but the martial arts taught me
focus, it taught me balance.
Um, it, it taught me restraint.
Um, and my teacher said, I can teach you all the techniques
out there, but he goes,
I'm not responsible on how you use it.
When I teach you the technique, it's up to you to use it
and to use it correctly.
This body, you know, was given to me
and all the less I have to use it correctly.
Right. And, and
because I have, uh, you know, the mouth
that can project words, I have to use it correctly.
Do I always know I'm a human being?
You know, I mess up as, as much as anybody else, you know,
but I, I'm, you know,
I can catch myself generally a lot quicker than a lot
of other people because I realize consciously, oh,
shoot, look what I'm doing here.
You know, something, I'm sorry.
You know, I, I wasn't thinking and I just kind of reacted
and, you know, and, and I'll honor what I did.
You know what I mean? Yeah.
You know, and, and say, I, I've done something
that upset you because of
I was being unconscious in the moment.
Please forgive me.
And, you know, it wasn't intentional
and this is, you know, where I was thinking,
and I might give an explanation where they go,
oh, I can understand that.
Right. And, and then you don't do it again. Yeah.
And that came from martial arts. That helped a lot. Yeah.
So I'd say martial arts, you know, I did it for
30 something years.
Wow. You know, if,
if I didn't have an injury, it would've been a lot longer.
But I still do it in my mind. Mm-Hmm.
It's still a valuable thing to learn.
Doesn't matter what style you are in, if you sit there
and you, you incorporate it in, you know, the lessons.
You know, we had a, I had great teachers who did a lot
of philosophical talk, sometimes the whole class.
It was no physical. It was all, you know, mental,
and I wouldn't say spiritual, but it had,
because they weren't really spiritual people outwardly,
but the spiritual lessons were involved in it.
'cause it was a way to live and a way to move
and a way to do things.
Mm-Hmm. Um,
so I'd say martial arts was probably one
of my biggest teachers, and not everybody's had that.
Yeah. But it could be, you know, if you played soccer,
I mean, did you play any sports growing up at all?
A little bit. Baseball, football, baseball, football.
Now if you sat there and you looked at the mechanics of
what you learned Right.
And, and you, and, and, and really look at 'em. What else?
If I reapply that movement or that Yeah.
Philosophy to the situation, you'd be, you'd go, holy crap.
Yeah. I, you know, I I, I've noticed that
with like, intuition.
I think that, I didn't see it as intuition at the time,
but it's like the only way that you could become really good
at certain things, like with baseball, knowing where to
where to, how to swing the bat, or golf, for example.
You know, it's, there's so much intuition with knowing how
to make your body do the exact right thing
to get the ball the exact right distance with golf.
Mm-Hmm. Yeah. And I used to be there,
'cause I, I, I was gonna go pro when I was in my twenties,
I can't, you know, 'cause of the, you know,
my back had had injuries and that knocked me out of that.
But, um, I worked at it, but I felt it,
but it was my martial arts that I incorporated Right.
With a lot of the movements in there that for my size,
what I used to be able to do was, was absolutely phenomenal.
But it, it, each one of those things have
so many life lessons in it.
Yeah. You know, and that's why like the people
who are watching this, what are the things that you've done?
What do you love to do?
And if you sit quiet and you go into that space
and you say, what can I take from these lessons?
Like the women who've taken ballet
or the male men who've taken ballet, what did you learn?
Right. When you learned certain
positions, you learned balance.
Now how can you apply that balance?
You, you know, and how did you get that balance?
How can you reapply it
to what's going on in your life right now?
You're gonna amaze yourselves out there, you know it Yeah.
All of a sudden, like, you might have
these aha moments popping out.
Like, I never really thought that was, you know, good.
I never thought that would be something
that could carry me throughout the rest of my life.
You know, it, it, it can Yeah.
If you just look at the different point of view on it,
different perspective of it, what you've gone through.
So I guess we could, we could wrap up now,
and I, I would like to ask, um, you do remote healing,
do remote readings with people.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
I have people, you know, all over the country
up in Canada too and stuff.
I do readings. Um, how, how do people contact you for that?
Um, they can go on my website, uh, the inner light web.com.
Um, you know, they can just go, you know,
actually Google my name John Thunder Hart Robinson,
it's gonna pop right up with
the website and everything else.
Um, yeah. And I, I do it, uh, you know, by phone, I can do,
like, I don't really use Skype anymore,
but like on, uh, Facebook, you got the messenger
with the video, so, and then we can always zoom it
or something and, you know.
Yeah. Uh, and I can do readings that way.
You can actually see, I use cards now for the last 10
or 15 years after I had my spinal injury.
The medium shifted, shifted the way it came through. Oh.
And they all of a sudden they like,
we can use cards with you also.
I get the information, but it, I can use visuals
and explain things, um,
sometimes in a better way that you can understand.
Um, that's great. Yeah.
And, uh, and I do remote healing too.
Um, uh, I've trained in multiple modalities,
but I go by what spirit tells me to do for each person.
It's not the same for everybody. Mm-Hmm.
You know, I don't just do cookie cutter,
here it is, boom, boom, boom.
I talk to you first. I get that information.
Um, and I just, whatever's guidance I get, I do, you know,
even online I can use the sounds if I'm gonna use sounds.
Uh, uh, I can picture you laying on my table
and work on you at the same time.
And it works. There's no, you know,
in the spirit world, there's no time or space.
Right. You know, we're quantum beings, all of us.
So it doesn't matter if you're always on the other side
of the world, it's still gonna get to you.
Yeah. Yeah. There's,
you don't have to worry about the physical.
And certainly if people live in Colorado,
they can come see John do a lot of events every month.
Yeah. Um,
I've got those on the meetup.com under the
Universal Metaphysics Group.
Mm-Hmm. And I assume it's on your
website or somewhere else too, right?
Yeah, it's on my website
and it's also, uh, just on my regular Facebook, you know,
I put it on Facebook, um,
and I, I put it on the regular page, you know, I have a one
for the Inner Light Center that's attached
to my John Thunder Hart Robinson on Facebook.
And it's, it's, uh,
and also the John Thunder Hart hour, which we, I'll be,
you know, starting a show with Mike's Ascension TV
and please support him.
And, and also Jacob Cox with the, uh, mystery school. Yep.
Uh, all great content and mind expanding
and soul growing, uh, shows
and, you know, so I look forward
to having a lot more content from you.
Yeah. Yeah. 'cause you know, this is my first time back.
You know, like I told you earlier,
I had a radio show in the Springs here for a few years
until the, you know, the, uh, station went under.
Um, and it was enjoyable. Have a lot of guests coming on.
I will also do some sacred sound.
We have to figure out how to get the sound, uh,
that will translate for you folks
who can put it on your speaker systems
or whatever, so you can get the full effect of it.
Um, that, that's something we should play with sometimes.
Yeah. It'll be almost the full effect.
You can never get the full well, right. Yeah.
You know, you get a good ser
and then stuff, you get the, the, the, the room shaking,
you know, surround sound.
Yeah. If we can figure that out.
Uh, I'm not a tech person,
but you do pretty good with your, your audio equipment here.
I like it. Yeah. Yeah.
This is, this is John's audio set up
that we got going that way.
Yeah. Yeah. We're in my meditation space right now.
I have a section over to my right, your left, um,
where I have my flutes.
I've got over 20 something flutes over there
and, you know, a bunch of crystal bowls, my shrudy box
chimes, you know, the little guy here,
which we didn't show earlier, the kohi
and, uh, one of my favorite type things.
Yeah. And, uh, so yeah, I do a lot of things
and it's all intuitively based, like,
it's not the same exact thing every time.
Uh, the meditations themselves are also, um, intuitive.
90% of the times, there are 10%
of the times I have written tons of them.
And I, I think I've only followed one all the way
through completely as it was maybe once or twice
because, uh, environmental, 'cause we talked about energies.
Um, sometimes when another person comes into the room,
it shifts the energy and, you know,
and it shifts what's coming in
because this person needs something more than the other.
Something will be added or,
or pulled away from what the original
thing that was coming through.
Yeah. It's really interesting. Definitely.
It's actually fascinating when it comes that way. Yeah.
So, well, thank you for having me. Yeah.
You know, this is great. Yeah. I appreciate it so much.
And yeah, thank you for all your work for humanity
and for the community all here in Colorado Springs.
And I hope if you haven't got a chance
and you're in Colorado, to come out
and see one of John's events and experience the desire do
and the sound healing in person, it's really
a whole new kind of experience if
you've never had that kind of experience.
So, yeah. Or a reading. Yeah.
Yeah. So thank
Thanks John. Thank you. Everybody take.
People: John Thunderheart, Mike Waskosky
Topics: Healing Modalities, Sound Healing, Spiritual Gifts, Spirituality
Outstanding episode exploring the science and spirituality of sacred sound healing with John ThunderHeart. If you haven’t been to the Inner Light Center of Colorado Springs to experience one of his Live Sound Journeys yet…it literally propels you into a deep shamanic state of consciousness—truly a unique healing & balancing experience. Thanks Mike for an awesome show!