Mystery School: The Golden Age

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: The Golden Age
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The Golden Age – we’re entering the “Age of Aquarius.” Everything changes with this paradigm shift.
Next Episode: Mystery School: Spontaneous Evolution
Here. Okay.
we are. We're rolling we're recording.
And I just want to say hi. Thank you guys for being here tonight for
the mystery School tonight's topic
is the golden age. If you
want me to introduce myself here a little bit like that. Sounds
good. My name is Jacob Cox. Obviously, I've been
really doing videos like this
and research for the better part of
my adulthood never really been satisfied with
what I was taught growing up
it's really felt like it was my mission in life was to
seek the truth. Whatever that truth was. I was open
to it what God was I was open to it? If
God didn't exist. I was open to that but
Whatever it was. I think I needed the truth in my life.
So I just spent the better part of my adulthood really
researching that when the internet came about that
was big help reading books.
You know checking out the Quran the marbar to
the Egyptian Book of the Dead the purple who anything
I get my hands on of old ancient books.
To just kind of not that I read every single one word for word, but
I felt like there's a time and a place and kind of
a knowing to read this part now or open up
and just start reading and they were you know, obviously synchronicities includes
and you know little bread
crumbs for me everywhere. I looked and they all kind of came into helping me
understand the great mystery, you know, not that I
understand at all, but definitely give me
a little bit of understanding to a little
bit of that. All right, here we go and
Welcome to another mystery School of Jacob Cox. I'm
here tonight to do another mystery school on
the Golden Age. So let's go ahead and get started for
tonight. The golden age is something that's talked
about in so many different ancient books
and Scrolls. And so we're gonna
take a little bit all that stuff tonight and try to put into a
fun little presentation about about the
Golden Age and the age of Aquarius. Let's go ahead
and get started. We've all heard the song The Age of
Aquarius and and talking about the alignments and the
stars with the moon and the planets how it's
this kind of really beautiful and incredible time period
And many books tend to point to the same
thing all around the world in different
cultures. We hear the same stuff about the age of Aquarius
or golden age or this Kyle you goodness. Just an amazing
time that circles back around always.
and sometimes it's referred to as the Golden Age and and we
seem to be
I guess right now it may look like
the darkest before the dawn. Actually, you know how you hear
that saying live literally is the darkest before the
dawn does come though. So the the
Scrolls and the ancient texts and everything do talk about how we
will see those, you know, kind of changes being revealed
to us things will be a little bit more difficult than usual
the be a lot of learning to take place a lot
of evolving and growing during this time before we get
to this golden age because according to
most texts not everybody gets there not everybody
gets in this seems to be like a school of learning and this
is graduation time. So
And what I think what really points to
this more than anything is the procession of the equinoxes the
26,000 year cycle were our
Earth wobbles around and after
26,000 years points back to its original
spot. So right now we're going and pointing to
that age of Aquarius. That's what's happening. So every
I believe is every 72 years, we we
tilt one degree of that and we continue to turn
around until we go all the way around. It's a little bit less like 25 6
or something. I'm just under 26,000 years
usually around it up, but every 26,000 years,
we do have this procession an equinoxes.
I'm sorry about that and
It seems to be very profound in ages and
eons, you know, the Iron Age is linked
to that and and then coming back around to this Golden Age. So
again, we are pointing to the age of Aquarius the
person who pours out the water even in
the Bible they do refer to that, you know, the man of course
the water out. I don't believe I mean
probably was a little thing as well, but I do believe they are it
Bible has a lot of codes and sayings
and things that are pointed to the Zodiac things
that are pointing to a lot astrable
alignments and things like that. So and then they refer
to the Thousand Years of peace that will be on this Earth after
that. So it definitely indicates as
much as anything else that there is a time period of Peace on
this planet that happens after very tumultuous, you know,
kind of crazy time that's going to come upon us and
it's almost like, you know, the our Earth is
splitting there's two polarities there seems to be one of
death and destruction and one where this this
new beginning is going to take place and we have
to choose which one we want to do and you can see this polarity.
Really splitting people up now and all kinds of things and
we have to realize you know, how will we
live our lives now? It's imperative. You know,
not how some person over here the president or anybody.
How are you going to live your life? How what are you
going to believe? What are the things that we are going to make
our rules and our beliefs and our laws
and to to
go down and trajectory that points us to a living
world that works for everyone as opposed to
a Dying World that ends in war and famine
and and those kind of things so it's it's very imperative that
if we want to go into this Golden Age every each book
tends to tends to say
that you know, there is a kind of
A way to do it if you will there's a there's a
blueprint for how to get there and not
all are, you know completely concise, but
they give a little each one sends give a little bit of detail. So
More than anything what I think this is saying is there's a
paradigm shift going on. There's no doubt
about that. Everything is going to be changed. Not just
a few things. It seems like every single thing from physical
humans to a
mental emotional spiritual ways of doing things How
We Do politics everything there's a completely
a huge shift going on right now and it's
helping us to awaken to awaken as one
that we're not separate from each other that each one of
us really is a part of you know, this thing
called Earth. Like we're really like a part of it as much as ourselves our
part of our body, you know, our bodies made a
billions and billions of cells
And you know, they all work in together in unison
in cooperation to
create and to be healthy and we
are all realizing ourselves that you know, we bomb someone
else that hurts us. If you you know, if we go
to war someone else there are you know effects that
happen to everyone worldwide. And so
we know our second we realize that as a society,
so hopefully that really is, you know
help creating the biggest stages.
The beginning stages of the biggest Collective Awakening ever
seen in a history of mankind. Now, I do
believe that there have been huge Awakenings or even been
time periods called the Great Awakenings and stuff on this Earth and different countries
and cultures, but certainly with seven-day billion
people in this planet this seems like probably one
of the biggest ever there seems to be so much gaining of
information happening right now, which you
know, who knows a hundred percent but definitely seems
like we are evolving learning growing
at a capacity now that's you know, very very
rapid very fast.
So this helps us with that information with the
internet with the fact that you have more time just
to consult with your friends your coworkers to talk
about things that are happening.
That there is no doubt that all of this information's
helps us to really understand what the apocalypse
is and I want to make sure at this moment
right now that people really know what the definition of that
with that word means and it means a lifting of the veil
or disclosure of knowledge. What was
hidden to be revealed. That's what that's what
the Greek word apocalypse mean word that
work comes from and we know like today a lot of words have
been changed around and moved around to fit certain definitions
to look better to it doesn't necessarily mean women
doom and our Brimstone all those kind of things it
could you know, certainly but the
The the main point is that it's a lifting of the
veil. Something has been hidden. So what are the things that I've been heading to
us the corrupt politics and financial assistance becoming more obvious to
the masses check and Awakening of the Limitless human
potential in the minds of people check. Everybody's realizing
a lot of people not everyone ever. A lot of people are realizing that
people come in together to affect real positive change check.
And yes, the apocalypse is happening, but it's
not the Doom and Gloom. We were told to believe by the media again. There
are things that will happen. I
do believe that some people can be a part of if you
believe that it's going to be the end of the world you may
find yourself in circumstances in events and situations that
confirm that to yourself what I do believe and see
happening is almost instant manifestation is
coming our way. So the things that we believe will almost like
instantly manifest for us and if we believe this in
the world terrible things are going to happen they will you
find yourself and you know
in that end.
World scenario or something bad happened to tie in
some, you know, crazy catalism catalism cataclysm.
Those kind of things are birthing pains
and they do happen. There are earthquakes and volcanoes going off and
so but just like a mother giving birth, you know,
they're screaming there's blood but there that's that's the pain that
happens in a giving this beautiful light to this new creation and
I believe that's what we're going to do as well so we can
we can see the pain in the agony as something
first and foremost and and not be able
to see past that and I think that's what's going to hold some people
back but we have to see that there's a new a new birth
coming a new a new way of doing things is
And so really honestly we think things are really bad
right now, but I don't I honestly don't think they're any worse
then they were not too long ago 100 years ago 5000 years
ago. We have always been in this
predicament as humans. It seems to be
kind of controlled by these people
behind the curtain not giving full
information access to who we really are their education
system political systems being a little bit manipulated, but
we must know that if we hold each other talking
continue to pull back The Veil The Truth is going to come out
it's gonna Prevail itself. There's no doubt about that. We don't have to worry
and think. Oh, I hope the truth comes out. This is
the time that I believe we have been
on this planet for many many lifetimes and this is
the lifetime Bill we've been waiting for for this incredible unveiling
to happen and Beyond the walls of our
belief. There's a whole different world out there and this is
so significant so many things like the walls that we
build up that keep us more Enlightenment the fear that we build up.
The walls that keep us from our greatness all that
fear that's behind that we need to just destroy that
let those walls crumble to the ground because there is so
much beyond our belief systems that we have that
keep us in line some to
be great. It's time to be amazing. It's time to dare
to see past the veil to see on the other
side of what is possible.
What is out there? You know,
who are we really what are we here for the big
questions in life, you know, what is spirituality
how my part of that those are the
things that are really huge and it it's it's your
duty. It's your responsibility. It's not some preacher
teacher. It's how bad do you want it? How
about are you gonna go out and Resort and meditate and
go within and read all the books and do
all the you know, Christ said
the kingdom of heaven was a mystery and to me that's that's awesome
because that means that everything has been solved already. So
I get to be the detective and go on
there and try to figure it all out, you know, and I get to take information from
every single person along the way that comes into my journey
and respectfully listen to them and
and be open not to be, you know, not saying
it's something's not true or is true but just see the information for what
it is and I think that's really important and then go back and
connect the dots, but certainly seeing to the bells sing
Having that pineal gland open your third eye open up
helps you to see into situations and events
and circumstances to realize you know, what's what's in
this situation that's good for me what will happen if I go down this road
with this person. So seeing into that Veil
and being able to see past
what's presented kind of right here around us be able
to see deeper into reality helps us understand this
and I think the Dalai Lama said this and it's just
great. It's the Paradox of our age
We have bigger houses, but smaller families.
More conveniences but less time we
have more degrees but less sense more
knowledge but less judgment more experts
but more problems more medicines,
but less healthiness.
We've been all the way to the moon and back but we have trouble crossing the
street to meet our neighbor.
We build more computers to hold more information to produce
more copies than ever, but we have less communication.
We have become law. We have become long on quantity,
but sure on quality.
These are the times of fast foods, but slow digestion
tall men, but Short character steep prophets
but shallow relationships. It's a
time when there is much in the window, but
nothing in the room and I just I
absolutely love that. I think it's right on, you
know similar to what other people
have said, you know, basically we have all this technology but
not humanity and it's
time for us to to fix these problems. We can't
ask someone else to do it or ask a president or some
politician or someone. We need to fix these things within ourselves
and fix these systems within our communities.
So one of the things that I as I
pull back the bell and I see you know, what is this? What is society?
What is our culture? What do we what do we how are
we doing things as a society and one
of the things that I'm really seeing is people people are
created to be loved.
And things were created to be used.
The reason the world is in chaos is because things are being
loved and people are being used and I think that's really big and
one of the things Martin Luther King says we need to become a People
based society instead of a profit-based society.
We need to take value in human
beings and not things and stuff and you
know realize that every single human being,
you know, my dad is telling me because no matter you talk
to it to the guy take picks up the trash for the CEO each one
of those people, you know, talk to them with respect. You know,
where anybody's been in this life.
Well Road, they've been down and talk to everyone saying that you would talk to anyone and
I believe that and I believe that's because
every single person is just as good. There are no titles. Some people
know they're worth more than others that nobody's worth more
than anyone else. I don't think
And so again as we pull back the veil
we also see that there is a game of divide and conquer
we you know where some people tend to think
that the common people are Paws and they keep us busy fighting
each other instead of fighting them. I don't necessarily think
we have to fight them in particular physically, but
Metaphorically, yes, you know what? I mean? There are dividing Us
in so many different ways and they're always helping us,
you know, helping us to pushing us to perceive
enemies out there all the time, you know,
and when there's enemies out there all the time we have to be stressed. We
have to be fight or flight mode, you know, we're constantly
worried about who's coming out to get us and when
fear and hatred consume us, we perceive
enemies everywhere. So we're constantly in that, you
know Reptilian Brain fight or
flight and we can't really use the extra
stuff in our brain and neocortex and you know
that stuff that helps us really think things out because we're
so under such stress. So it's really important to
realize there are really enemies out
there. The enemy is in me and when I can
conquer myself in that way
That's the that's the Greatest Warrior Among
Us the warrior who conquers themselves as
greater than any Warrior conquer stuff 100 or
1000 people on the battlefield.
because the enemies within you and if you can conquer that in me,
there are no enemies about
So there so, you know, we're humans and we're all
one. We're all One race, but then they try to you know, separate us
by by colors and religion and
politics and wealth and
so to make us constantly be compartmentalized and
divided and so it's us against
them and polarized man, you know, the Democrat
and Republican polarization the anti
versus Pro these polarizations really
do a number on us to have to fight a
certain side to take a side all the time and
defend it. It's not very healthy. I don't think I had a, you know,
a really deep download one day
in the park don't speak to Pikes Peak
and asking for you know, help and information and
I got this incredible download and just
split second. But basically let me know
that the polarization was something that kept the Earth's
pulls from flipping.
And that this is a natural process that we want to happen. So
get yourself out of the polarization get yourself out
of that fight of the religion or politics, you
know understand, you know, both of
them are part our wings to the same bird, you
know, right or left. It doesn't matter in religion
should never be a way to fight others would be angry at
anybody else. It's just a tool to help you with your own spirituality each and
every one has helped me drastically in my
journey to Oneness so
and politics I've been Democrat. I've been
Republican realizing that both funded by the same people. So
no reason to, you know, definitely take
on one of the other has better their people.
I like and certainly certain institutions sure, but
you know, it's not like a football team where they lose or
they lie. I'm Gonna Keep keep voting for you are being
a team like no you lie Gees. You
still like I'm not for you know, I'm for people who
are for the good of everyone and that's
Important to realize when it comes to it, like get out of
that get out of that mindset of being polarized to any thing.
And so obviously when I was talking about race earlier, there's
only one race the
human race. No matter DNA tests can
tell you what color your skin is.
And it's just silly to think that that
we should hate each other not like each
other or want to spend more time with someone because of the color
scheme. They're just pigmentations in the skin. Literally literally, we're
all come out of Africa and we have
different color skins and you know not to
why people have seen those in or black people. It's just it's just
pigmentation and and we don't
as kids we don't even know that it's not
even a thing as children. I mean my my daughter plays a
small kids and doesn't matter at all what the color of skin is it? We
it's something that we have to learn and see and label as
something different but I think that's just a program that we
can completely get out of but it's
funny because
Why do we cherish the variety of color and all the other species and
fish and birds and look at how beautiful they
are now colorful. They are how boring it
would be if we were all in color if we were all one size if
we were all one height. I think that would be the absolutely most boringest planet
in the whole galaxy. I'm so
thankful that we have diversity and honestly
the end of the day our diversity is our greatest
string. It is not a weakness. It's our greatest strength
to have people who think different things and believe different
things and who understand different ways of doing
things. That's why hearing everybody else so imperative to
understanding the whole and putting the whole
puzzle together can't do it with just one person,
you know, you need everyone's point of view to be
so much more richer in so much more understanding so it's just
absolutely absurd that we can see all the Beauty and
the colors and the and the rainbow all the other species but in
our own we're just like, oh, no, you know, we just
need to get off of this and realize
beautiful every single person is now valuable every
soul is and look down at that level to the
soul level stop seeing the surface area of you
know, what's on the surface all the time.
and and for religion
If you you don't need religion to have
morals, if you can't determine right from wrong, then you don't
you like empathy not religion. So, you know religions
are compasses their guides their tools to help
us. They have great information and things passed down
great gurus or Saints Christ the
Buddhas incredible people Mary's
and so I
find all that information incredibly important and
But you know, if just claiming to be Christian or claiming
to be Muslim or anything else and like you're separating yourself
still from the entirety.
Anything that you say like that like I'm black. I'm
I'm Jewish on this. I'm that
you separate yourself as a label that's different
from other people Christian already said that was the definition of
being violent and I have to say that
could be very true just by throwing out there on
this you automatically, you know, deflect a
lot of other people and divide Yourself by calling
yourself something other than human other than anything
that identifies with the totality of everyone else. I
think that's really important. They were all human. We're all Spiritual Beings
having a human experience. So I
think anything is that things are great personally. I
consider myself to be Muslim Christian all the
things atheists. You know,
I don't think God is a white man on the top of the cloud judging people.
I think it's in everything. I think it's omnipresent on
the opponents of force that permeates the entire universe that
we're all part of.
So I see all those things as me and I try
to identify with everything instead of just certain things
and that has helped me in my journey at least to realize the totality
of of everything. That is I am
that I am there's nothing that I'm not.
So even the way we do health is going
to be completely evolved and
obviously we already see a lot of that going on from the pharmacy pharmaceutical
pills that people are taking now people go to
health store and they buy the fruits and the vegetables and those kind of things so
that one is the one that's really already taking place a lot
and people already seeing that eating the right foods and
healthy foods.
Are imperative to a healthy Consciousness a healthy
body to you know to think properly or
think better.
So that's one that's already there pretty obvious the education
system. I'm really is needs a
huge, you know Evolution. We've
got this system that literally
is like fitting into the square box
and asking everybody to fit in to the square box
You know, I don't know how many you guys
have but I rarely have had to take a test once I got
out of high school our College. It's just
not necessarily as much and so, you know, we learn
as people learning a lot when they're happy when
they want to learn about something and usually it's like one thing one area
that works best instead of multiple. Most people
don't do good at multitasking. It's
not you know for everyone. It's really vast majority
of people are not good at all. So, you know, that's why on
a kid asks you a question I come up to and they like grab you like why is
this and they keep asking why why why on that
one subject because there's just trying to nail it for them move on to something
else. I think that's really imperative how we should you know,
really try to teach people.
And and teach things in school because the
way things were doing things are now, you know, this Core Curriculum that's
been reduced everything from math and reading has gone down
incredibly low.
So we've got to realize that there are
better ways to do things. Maybe testing is not always the
best for some people and and just know
that everything is going to be revamped and
education is definitely one of them again, you
know, everybody is a genius but if
you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it
will live its whole life leaving that stupid because fish they don't
climb trees, you know, fish swim elephants,
you know graze the
the Savannahs and penguins live and and swim
and monkey swinging trees. Everybody has
their own thing in their own Nation, you know, Tony
Hawk or someone who rides a skateboard. He makes plenty of
money and I'm sure he's super happy being super successful. And that
Avenue is he needs to know chemistry. Did you
need to get in trouble by not knowing social studies? No,
those things are, you know, learn what you
want to learn because you want to learn it. I had a
friend in high school who died before we got to the test on
Day and we were stressing about this test and made me realize
at that moment. Like why are we stressing so much about tests? Our life is
so much more important than than that but there are
so many other things to do other than just how we go
to school and how we test for things and learn things. There's so many
great options of being a YouTuber now and
posting things you like or you know, whatever it is
you want to be it's fine do it fall in
love with it, but certainly changing the
way we do things. It's only working for a
small percentage of people certainly doesn't work for everyone and we got to open up
to that, you know, obviously put a lot more money and and time and
and thought into how we're going to take our kids
so that it's not constantly anger
and upset with teachers and you know, we have
a much better way to get better results, I believe and again,
I'm not going to depth on all this thing as much as possible. I'm
trying to just be quick about you doing everyone but
if a child
And learn the way we teach then maybe we
should teach where we learn way. They learn and I believe
100% we need to start teaching. How do
children learn how do they learn and they ask those questions and
they keep asking about one subject and having a multitude
of subjects at one time. It's just I think very difficult. I know
that was for me and I think you know be about
easy for most people to just really you let them dive
into one thing and learn about it even going to college. I didn't even know what I
was going to do in college is no I was going to college it's you
know, there's a lot of money wasted there but not
knowing what you want to do and in general.
The life is a school where you learn how to remember what your
soul already knows and if you guys probably have heard that saying before
when the student is ready, the teacher will appear that could
be a preacher. It could be a teacher. It could be you know, and Uncle
some random person on grocery
store. But whatever you have made in your conscience that you're
ready to learn you're ready to grow you're ready to you know,
expand your Consciousness the people
show up no matter where you go. You can't avoid it.
You will find that person. If you're out there looking you're reading
and you're going to Medical stores or whatever it is,
you know may just be at the grocery store when they turn around and
Someone there has the next piece to your puzzle. I've
seen in a hundred times where I'm looking for an answer.
I let go of my attachment to it.
And as soon as I do within that day, typically I run into
someone or I get a phone call from somebody who has the answer to
what I was looking for.
So life always has his life is
always been a school it. This is a huge school
for learning Earth is and we're here
for a little while to learn as much as we can. I think it's super important to realize
learning doesn't stop because you got out of college or you got the degree
in this thing. And and so now, you know, there is
no about it now and I think a lot of times that inhibits people
from learning more because I think they know it all in a
certain subject because you've got a master's degree in it. I wouldn't
call my master. So anything you know,
because I feel like
In my humility, I've learned that I know
like this much of an infinite amount of stuff. So
really I know a lot less than I know so there's
so much to learn out there, you know.
another thing as I pull back the bill and it starts
to see and look around that people are holding onto money
and hoarding it and Hughes, you know amounts instead
of holding on to the moment and being
present and being here now and realize how much
They lose by not being present by being worried
about buying a yacht buying a big house or buying
this thing or being seen by people because they have
money or something you missing out so much.
I don't when I hear the word rich, I don't even use it for
money. I use words like wealthy or things like that. But to
be honest to be rich to me is to have family and friends and people
who care and places to go with beautiful
people. That's what makes me feel
rich, you know, not how much money is in my
bank account that I have a healthy family and a healthy
child and you know friends to go do amazing
things with and a community that
cares and supports me. I think that's what
makes some worse than anything else. Sure. There are a lot of people who
have a lot more money today, but I feel richer than most to be honest.
and you know empathy is something that
we see very little in our culture these days things that
funny picture because you know, we don't realize we
see people who are homeless and they're all over everywhere
now and
It's people are saying oh that person's
on drugs or this person's this or whatever and I realize like
man, that's you.
That's all of us.
We have a society that's sick sick to
the core and so many people have fall
victim to it. I mean, it's for me.
It's a paycheck or two away.
From having to sell a home or you know
what? I mean? I know a lot of people who
have nice things everything but the savings are
gone. And so, you know, you're you're broken leg
away your paycheck away. You're being fired, you know
from a job and not being another one in time. You know,
it could be any others out there. So we have to be really
compassionate and empathy people that
all you want out there because they want to be are they gone
through something very traumatic and therefore, you
know, it's hard to them to get back on that horse and
to get back into life.
This is sad. I think overall we need to love our
brothers and sisters who are out there and realizing
helping everyone is helping ourselves. You
know? No, I'm not I'm not saying exclude anybody every
single person in this system in this
culture in our world is valuable 100% as
much as anybody else and very important
to remember always
and so, you know, one of the biggest
things I think for most people especially in our country and obviously definitely
other countries are seeing right now is that
Both political parties, like I said earlier right wing
or left-wing. They're both part of the same bird. They're funded by
the same people. There's a lot of corruption in there.
But good, I see good. We get to see it. We're finally
seeing it. It's been going on for a long
time and we're finally get to see it. That's great.
You know, we're really seeing the veil and being like, okay,
you guys are not gonna continue to do this business as
usual, you know, we can start putting our energy
in our time and focusing on people that do have
the best interests and for the totality of
all humans and set up just their own pocketbooks and the
wealthy and corporations.
and again
So we tell the politics education, you know,
all these things and legal versus illegal.
Sorry, I'm saying check the fireplace. Um
So, you know the question of what's
legal or illegal? It's not a question or you know,
what's more or not? I think that's something
super important to realize like, you know, just because the Sonic
can go, you know take from water a lake or
something and put water into a bottle. They don't produce water by
the way. They produce plastic.
The water's already there. They still the water from everyone else
to put in their plastic bottles to sell back to us while we
it's illegal for the regular person to collect
rainwater, even though falls on their own
house not in every state in some states have reversed that but
certainly is illegal and many states. It's insane.
It's absolutely insane that you
can't collect the water. Why not? What is it? So that's
that's so it's so wild to even think that something
like that falling freely from the sky. You couldn't collect.
Killing people with these pharmaceutical drugs. It's
supposed to using plant medic, you know plant medicine and
letting people starve and
feeding people is illegal giving
people money on the street. A lot of times is is illegal.
It's just absolutely mind-blowing, you
know, it's even
it's even illegal. I've read the
other day in certain states to leave your dog outside in
the cold at night. It was
freezing or whatever.
But there's no law for any humans to stay
to have to come inside
if it's below freezing. There's no law for that. There's a
lot you literally be put in jail
if you keep your dog outside, but there's no similar offer
humans. We don't have to bring them inside and put them make
sure they're closed and fed and warm.
You know, not that we shouldn't with the dogs of dogs. I think obviously should
be too but certainly if dogs are there's no
reason any human should be out there in the freezing cold. I know
we lost a few people in our city in general over this
cold snap that we had a few weeks ago really sad
overall things that could be prevented and
you know, it's definitely things that I want to
bring light to because I think where our 10ish attention
goes energy flows and so it's important to say,
hey man. This isn't right. This isn't we need to allocate funds
to help these people out as opposed to continue to
give money to all these other crazy places that we're giving it.
So, you know today the modern State asks,
is it legal is this legal then? That's
But in Mind of a free man ass is it right? Is this right or
is this wrong? I think that's a much more moral question. You know,
there's a lot of things that have been legal slavery at
one point was legal.
Is it right? No, it's not right for any human tone
another human certainly not so, you
know, again legalities and moralities
two different things and we have to believe in that we have to know that
and deep down in the in the
That the Universe isn't really care about what's later
like cares. But there I believe that there is this unconditional
love force that binds all
things together and deep down in that what is right and
wrong is in that very Force.
So we have to realize that no amount of money. All our gold is
worth these trees and clean water period we
can cut down all the trees, you know,
poison all the water. All the bees can die and
we will realize at some point. We cannot eat money.
You know, we can't eat all and gold those
things are relevant that the vast.
Riches of our planet are the living
systems the water the trees the air the animals
the species. It's what's most important sure.
So come down to after you know going through that.
We realize like basically history is a lie, you
know what we're taught and how we're taught things is definitely
a perspective from our country and it's obviously
taught different ways in different other cultures as well religion is
the control system. It doesn't have to be but certainly
has been hijacked. I believe most religions
have been hijacked this point too, but the, you
know Messenger on a pedestal and not even really
understand or realize what the messenger said, it's irrelevant
now, it's just my messenger is better
than your Messengers but it's come down to money as a hoax
for the most part a parent money and does have
no value. They just keep printing it and that's
because it's not even though we have a Federal Reserve. It's
not run by the federal government. It's a private banking cartel
that's allowed to print money out. And I think that's
one of the big reasons why John F
Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln or assassinated both
of them are trying to in the central.
systems debt inspection
Who do we all this money to good question media
is manipulation. Sure. We all
know about the fake median thickness government is a corruption is a
corporation and the system is a lie. It's
time for us to wake up. There is a lot of this going on. I'm
not sitting here saying focus on all the negative all the time. But the
truth is that we need to wake up and realize like what
are we feeding ourselves? What are we reading about? What
are we engaged in? And how does that create
our reality when we're constantly inundated
with fear and worrying about things. I'm my whole
Consciousness is gonna be different as a human being navigating throughout
this world based on what I honestly think
and what I believe and how I think the world is so I
think the world is terrible awful place and bad things happen to
people I can find myself on the other end of that very situation
a set of the world's
a beautiful place like I'm here to learn and grow.
Um, but we do we basically live in this
altered reality of a big lie and people
don't even know how hard it is to speak the truth to a world
full of people that don't realize they're living a lie.
We are all living a lie
and most people have no idea how deep it goes and it's
honestly easier to fool people than to convince
them. They have been fooled.
It is incredibly hard sometimes to tell somebody that they've
been full they've been duped that things have been kept from
them. Most people want to stay in a little bubble that
feels secure and safe that you know, I've got things figured out
got my religion figured out got my politics figured out as opposed
to amen, you know, there's some things out there
that you might need to know. Most people don't want to hear now. Some
people get really upset and really mad cognitive listening
steps and people get really upset when you tell them something that contradicts their
And just like from
the documentary The Matrix.
You have to understand most of these people are not
ready to be unplugged and many of them are so inert. So
hopeless depended on the system that they'll fight
to protect it. They'll literally get in your face and scream about
how they want it and they don't even aware of it. I've seen
it Time After Time.
But it is important to know.
That it is our ideas that will change the world not our
governments. We don't have to wait on our presidents or
Kings or prime ministers to do this work. We can
do it ourselves. In fact the world's always, you know
changed because
Of someone's idea by someone's mission in life,
usually by poor people who had who
had a mission who had a feeling in their heart and they acted
on it and people followed them.
so we can do this and you know,
we can even go as far as say we might not even need governments
in the future, you know, people think oh we
have to have governments do this like
saying that we can't survive without governments like saying the animals can't
survive without Farms or I would say even more in depth zoos.
It's almost like this whole thing is a big Zoo, you know,
we're all kept in prodded and you know smile real big
for the people taking pictures.
at the end of the day
You know there have been many civilization. I
believe that thrive from this planet and still today thrive on
this planet. How many civilizations cultures
are out there that we call primitive who
they have? No bombs. No homeless people
no crime. No prisons. No junk food. No debt,
no pollution. No poverty. Yeah, we call them primitive
and we think we're civilized because we drive around
a fancy cars and we have big buildings. Yeah, we cut our
trees down that produce oxygen for us to breathe to
put those buildings there, you know, we
slave for hours and hours to buy and then when this
buildings to buy the car that drives us there and you know
slowly for sure constantly kind of
Separate ourselves from the Earth from
Oneness, you know where all these
labels and I'm a lawyer now and I'm this and I'm that and constantly
kind of separate ourselves, you know willingly as
opposed to people who living on
the earth with the Earth with the planet. They don't
have prisons. They don't have jet that they don't have junk food. And
that's you really think about that for a minute. It's pretty incredible
that there are people today
tribes of people who live we
would say primitive or you know, third world
country something but I would say probably they're healthier happier
more connected with their families
by far and most of the people in
the United States.
But certainly we know that it's all a game.
That we are literally doing this yourself. Like I said earlier we
are we are honestly just
completely doing it
to ourselves. We've signed in to wear
a cool suit to drive that fancy car
to have that big house and allow these people
to you know, take all these things from us. Nothing to
have the house or the car or anything is super bad. It's not but certainly,
you know get in that mindset to compete
with everybody. I had the biggest thing it comes toxic after a
while. I have to realize that it can you know be bad
for us overall.
So all we have to do is realize this is
the game Monopoly is being played on us and the
bankers can print all the money. They want themselves give it
to the prime ministers to the Presidents to do the things that
they want them to do. And what we don't realize is that
very few that has you know so much
money. It doesn't matter. There's so much more of us, but
they use we don't even we don't even
think about it, but they use the symbols the pyramids the
sacred geometries all that kind of stuff and not
that those symbols are bad. Not the secret geometries back
because certainly not but it's powerful powerful systems. And
when you use those powerful systems those powerful symbols
and what they do rituals and stuff together, it
only takes a few of them with that intention.
So that everything works for a few people. So we
need to go ahead therefore and have our own
use those symbols for ourselves have our
own rituals have our own get togethers and
have intention.
To have to meditate and and
meditate on a world that works for everyone.
To really put our energy onto methods that
work for everyone to systems that work for everyone and
knowing that when a few of us start to do that, there's a
whole lot more of us that can get to align with it this game over.
I don't think these people are all high might proud. I
think that they're struggling desperately to keep the
system to play that works for them. I don't think they're super
confident in the whole thing. They know that it only takes
a few people. That's why they pick them off, you know, but
there's a lot more of us so their system is
starting to crack. I think this is very profound to
realize this whole thing is this big, you
know illusion. It's this big Mirage that
they're constantly got a, you know, put together and keep
people believing in it. So that it
stays there. There's no way that this whole
reality is is formulated by
It is formulated by fear and you have
to get a bunch of people to.
To believe in that to you know to
collectively think the same thing about it like the
world, you know doesn't work for me when it rains it pours and
constantly have these programs and it did into people so that
they believe this stuff and it creates this will as a
few of us start to step out of this those systems and no longer
believe in those beliefs the system
starts to crack that reality starts to fade The Mirage starts
to pull back. It can't last forever. So
real talk.
When are we going to overthrow the government? Because it's
it's not that hard. We don't have to
have not guns and knives and tanks and I
think that's one of the things that people think so definitely we
got to have our guns to in case they come I believe
biggest Revolution is not that one of fighting
with guns and knives and all the tanks and bombs. It's
one of consciousness.
It's the one to realize like when we
stand up one by one they can pick us up. But when
we start to stand up together with each other to realize like
every single person is my brother every single person
my sister every single person is a human being that has
value and we are as powerful as anybody
who's ever walked the face of the Earth or
anybody who ever will Christ told
us you can do all the things. I'm doing a greater things. Why don't we do this
thing? Because we don't believe it enough and if we're only to
brainwash ourselves back to let go and reboot all
those old programs into new programs
that work for us to realize I am powerful. I am
dangerous, you know, I am someone who stands out
for people I am someone who believes and everyone else
and I believe in love and so much
so that someone like Martin Luther King our Jesus Christ Our
Mary Magdalene people like that who stood
up at the time and said no more We're
Not Gonna Take This, you know, we're not gonna let you take advantage of people.
Not going to let you do these things.
That changes the world.
100% you know some of the most incredible
people what were peaceful Beautiful Dangerous people
though. Gandhi was an incredibly dangerous individual
wherever you go people flock to him. You
don't have to be and he said
Strength doesn't come from the physical capacity that
comes to my iron will not let
anybody back down to anyone. I think so, we
have to be dangerous people these days. We've come, you know
fat and slow and full of sugar and you know
I think it's time to get hungry again to stay hungry to
be powerful to realize that I am not someone else's
slave. I'm not gonna do other people tell me I'm gonna
stand up for what is right and to realize death is just
like birth and you can kill this
by but you can't kill my spirit. I will be back again
and again and again and to me I do believe in some way
if you're killed the righteous cause there's more
power to you in that next life for that. I do
think that as like a Karma thing that comes
back if you die for what you believe in what's right? Yeah kind
of like the opposite of suicide almost
they're calmer that comes with that and there's calmer
that comes with you know, being killed and I do
think that there's that a broke dying and realization of
your soul leaving your body. There's a there's a
lot to gain from that experience.
But certainly when we stand up in about one
by one, you know, we don't do as much but we stand up
in a group collectively there is no there is
no one that can stop the world from waking up. There's no one
that can stop the world from becoming who we truly are
and so, you know, that's the problem. Everyone's running
away one by one. What are we doing? We can't
nobody can stop them and realize I I'm nobody
I'm somebody I'm here and just
like every single somebody that's ever
done anything that's ever stopped who's ever walked who's ever, you
know had people follow them who's ever,
you know, created a memory in the past
that people still read about today.
Usually poor people with a mission who know
their mission who are at least who remembered it at some
point in their life and said, you know, I care about everybody else enough
more so than what it is to live. But certainly
it's nothing to live without freedom without being
who you really want to be that's not really
living. So it's so
imperative. It's so important that each of us realize that we are somebody we
are here to make a difference and you
are powerful.
You know, they want us
to think that where these consumers and we
you know that we all we care about is who
won the game and how much these things cost in
the sales and everything else, but you are limited consciousness.
Having an experience as a human.
There's No Limit you're unless amazing limited God
unlimited Consciousness having experience as
a human there's no limits
to you
And being in meditation what I've learned and
what I've downloaded an instant in a second, I realize there's
nothing that I can't figure out either don't necessarily always have
to read a book or go somewhere and be told something. I really want
to know something. There's a channel out there that I can go
sit in the dark and relax and it'll come to
me. I really want it.
We are Beyond powerful beyond our wildest
dreams. I think that's the one thing that no one
has told most of us that we need to hear. You are
powerful. You are amazing. You're beautiful you are
as powerful as Christ or Buddha or
Christian or anyone has ever come and they wanted each people
to know their power. They weren't coming walk
around saying I'm the most powerful person. I'm the only son of God
I think Christ is the only son of God in the way that he
was perfect and
He loved everyone and he loved everyone
to be who they were and that's a true Freedom was he was mimicking
that about unconditional life force of love and
we can do that as well. That's what it
is to be Christlike and to become a Christ Our
Buddha a messiah send a master, but we
have to first remember who we are
never forget. We all of us at some point this life.
I believe have forgotten who we really
are how powerful we really are.
So the real Revolution is that of Consciousness that
is the most important. It's the substance.
That is am I
in my eyes is the most important thing that you can have, you know,
it's light, you know, it's information. It's love
the Consciousness that we as pure
vibrant conscious. That's just within us without everywhere
around us to me.
There's a Bible verses blessed to see this poor in
When I read that one day I realized to me at least
that I was poor in
spirit that I wanted more. I wanted
more knowing I wanted more love. I wanted
more conscious. I wanted more awareness. I wanted more of what happened in the past
and I felt like even today and
that was and that was
13 years ago or something like that. And even
today I still feel like I'm poor in spirit. I still
feel like I know this much of an infinite amount
of stuff that's possible which keeps me alive. It
keeps me. You know that vigorous feeling
of I want to know more. I'm excited to learn every day.
What else can I find out because of what I found out so far
is only the tip of the iceberg of what's out there
what the Consciousness what the universe is going to give me
even more up.
That by far is the greatest technology hidden
from us is our unconscious how important it really
is that the answers is not some
from someone else. You need to go find some Guru on top of
Mountaintop. You don't need to read some
book everything in the universe. All information
is encoded in your DNA. You only have
to figure out how to unlock it to get it.
And free thinkers will always seem crazy those who can't
see but beyond conventions never apologize
for evolving Beyond people's comfort zone. I've gotten
as many times people thought I was crazy didn't I was talking about I feel
like people even been scared to talk to me before and literally
walk the other way because I'm saying things
that they don't understand definitely had people get super angry.
I move forward by saying things and a
lot of times. I'm not saying that this is this I just
question it. What if this happened what if these people
did this and a lot of times just to question alone
can make people really upset and that's how
you know,
They're very highly conditioned. And in your
Consciousness scares them. I mean Jesus was put upon
a cross and kill but things that he was doing so obviously,
you know, they didn't understand him at
the time and they still understand those kind of people today.
But if I want to change this world if we
want to go into this Golden Age if we want to make it in there plain
and simple, I think some of the most important things that we
can do is focus all of our energy not on fighting
you'll not getting mad and say this is terrible way to do it this
education way that it's awful, you
know bite it is you're just being angry and
you're fighting you're going to war with it, but building the new one. How do
we make it better focusing on what can
we do so that everybody you know moves forward
every kid is taught in a way that they they understand
so they can they can do well in life
and I believe you know, like what Einstein said education
is not the verification of the facts basically, but
learning how to learn. How do you learn? How do you read how
do you retain information certainly been
stressed out doesn't help you retain information being you
Very intrigued in things excited about stuff helps you retain information
not being stressed out about it. So
Focusing let's focus now on what
we what we want instead of what we don't want so certainly
turn off the news and love your neighbor the news
as all about angering is and everybody is upset. Someone said
that this and somebody did that. It's very polarizing turn it
off and love your neighbor.
Just simply take the time that you do that every
day to you know, come in contact with your neighbors to
come in contact with people that work.
To make it a point to listen to someone today those kind
of things change the world. I know a lot
of people might think oh just talking to somebody
at work changes the world. It does 100% making someone
feel her making someone feel like you
care. Those are so important and they create
snowball effects and someone does it for you internally. She
feel valid and something you want to give it
to someone else because they just gave you a great gift. I you know
oftentimes like a reminder people do
those things for you someone pays for your male or something and
then you're like, I'll pay for the guy behind me sometimes you know,
Those things create ripples in a
Consciousness and The Ether and so it ripples out
to everyone. So one incredible thing that we can do to
learn to love our neighbors and our enemies as it's
just as important.
Because at the end of the day everything I
haven't met any person on this planet who agrees with me about everything and
I don't think I will and that's the beauty
of it every single person. If we go far enough we go
deep enough. We're going to realize we have different views on
different things.
That's fine. That's great. No reason to
be mad or angry at each other fight each other.
Learn to appreciate that and love the diversity.
I know the good thing would be instead of you know, that wars were started with
lies and secrets. Maybe it's it's time
to you know, ask people to be.
Transparent and open that's how peace starts
is to ask people to be open about things
to talk about the things that are happening instead of,
you know, trying to cover them up all the time. That's super important
too. Definitely, you know concentrating
on evolving from a world competition to
cooperation. I don't think all competition is bad,
but we certainly live in a world where we are constantly competing
with every single person everywhere all the time and it's
creating, you know, a body
that we're living in that's biting each other all the time, you know,
that's cancer that's disease your body's not at ease
we're billions of cells of the planet just like
our billion cells in our body when we watch war on television all the
time. We watch people fighting all the time ourselves get
that, you know message. Hey, we gotta fight each other. We got
to be competitive with each other instead of working together
and this huge body.
You're going to create disease you're going to create cancer. You're going
to create, you know, all kinds of negative things that
are not going to work for you.
By living a world of competition always you want
a world cooperation. How each and every
person comes my life can be helpful to you. And
I think everyone does have a piece of puzzle that you need. You
have to be open and be aware and receiving
and obviously you have something for them. So finding out
what is it that I can help them with oftentimes to
see how can I help someone to make some more money? How can I
help someone get a job. How can I help someone and
I realize if I'm constantly doing those things some way
one way or the other those things end up happening for me as well
helping others is helping yourself. It's just
comes around that way. Whatever you put out. The body
is a Taurus, whatever you put out what you get back.
So often helping and loving and concentrate on
listening and making people feel heard it's gonna happen to
you, too.
Tolerance 100% tolerance. I often
think that freedom intolerance go
hand in hand that freedom is allowing people
to make their own mistakes to do their own thing
to live their own life. So important everything every
single person needs to be able to have that.
have the freedom to mess up, you know,
we've all messed up, you know, and and when this when
you back in the day and you know crisis telling
these people you
They're gonna Stone this lady for having an affair.
Whatever right? And he says you you without
saying cast the first stone.
Nobody's doing that stone. Everybody's got sin to have
this world. We have prisons and everybody's got to
be locked away forever. Sometimes people who make the biggest
mistakes that puts you on the path to be
in the best person you can be
And we have to realize that and then and I've seen
you know tribes in Africa where somebody messes
up they'll put that person in the middle of the circle and everybody in
the whole tribal gather around and tell them good affirmations
about themselves.
for as long as it takes
to keep this person back to not being
pressed or upset. So they smile so they all
hug them how how great would that
be if that was our solution helping people heal can't
bring back people who are killed. No, but
certainly to throw someone in jail and walk
away the key like they can never be beneficial again. I think is a
A bad model overall like I shouldn't be our
goal for is this so everyone in jail for doing bad
things all the time. I honestly believe it would
be much better. If we were to help those people, you know,
mentally physically spiritually get back
on the right path in order to get back
into society should be the goal. Certainly. I
think a lot of people do not a negative things for attention but
giving him attention and love only the
unloved kill people only unlove people hurt people
hurt people hurt people. So it's
important for us to get those people around track and I feel like
Again with that death if they haven't learned it in
this life, they'll go to another life and continue that
pattern. So I think it's really important to help people out where they
are right here right now so that they don't die without learning that
lesson. That's why we
have a sick Society. I think sometimes and it's important that we all concentrate on
the healing not the
Throw away the key and Punishment.
Um, and we're all here. We are all here to
complete a mission. None of us are alone. Everybody deep
down. If you're watching this video right now, you know, you have
a mission to do similar things that I'm Sarah now
to help the collective so so important
that we find the others that we find the other
people who are on the same Mission surrounding ourselves of
the people who get it who want to better themselves who want
to love the other people in the world who want to you know,
help those lost sheep come back God. It's so
important to get with the others, you know, when we can conform we
can come together when we can.
Really put together a model in this
obviously a few people who work really hard to making
the world work for them. And we've got to work really hard with the people who care
to make the world work for the rest of us, you know,
so surrounding ourselves with those people isn't it's it's
just imperative to getting that Ripple
to be a little bit bigger A Little
Bit Stronger a little bit more force behind and believing in
it 100%
And when we realize that the belief system
that we grew up with that was holding us back holding us
down. You ain't about that
life no more and decide to live in your own truth of being Breaking
Free from society's mold.
Man how important that is that the belief
systems that we've had all the things that hold us back.
No more no more. We're dangerous human
beings now where people who came here to change this
world and not be of
it to completely come back and remember who we
are why we came here every single one of us. We are
here to free ourselves from this mole Society of
being these, you know rigid do what
you told people it's time to break free from that each and
every one of us powerful beyond our wildest dreams and we're
all in this together from the humans to
the animals. The reptilians the reptiles
the birds the amphibians the mammals
everybody and they're counting on us man.
I think that they're you know, there's so many species going
extinct there. These animals are counting on us to get
it right to get it together. The time is now there's no
more time to wait. We're all in this together. This is
all of our planets and we need to start acting like
And one of my favorite prophecies
out of all the books everything around it
was Native Americans that have the the Rainbow
Warriors The Warriors of the rainbow.
And they said that they would show up that the
great and show us that the great spirit is full of
love and understanding and teach them us how
to make earth beautiful again.
I don't know if that resonates with any guys watching here. But
to me, it totally resonates. I definitely feel like a warrior of the
Rainbow Tribe and I am here as best. I can to help
wake up the rest help get you excited to
help you realize how beautiful and how powerful and how
amazing each and every one of us are and that you in your
own life in your own world in your own reality over there
on the other side of this camera.
Have some important mission to do and it
starts with your family your workplace and all
the above everything you're connected to your
church your life. All that is imperative
to change the world. Now, you don't have to be the CEO or
the president of some company. You can
do it right here right now this lifetime even just
meditating on peace and love when a few
people do that in a city. It drastically takes away from the
rapes murders and aggressive acts that happen. So
just believing just permeating out
peace and Harmony in your own body and outward changes
that whole, you know, everything
in your whole city. So there's no doubt. That's
scientifically perfect. There's no doubt that you can
change the world right here right now just by Rippling out peace not
praying for it as if it's not here, but praying on
it that I am exudes from
me as I as I'm here.
And so I believe we can change old old ways of
doing things. I don't sites at least to a flag or Corporation
or a country necessarily. I want
to pledge allegiance to the Earth and all the life which
it supports one planet in our care Irreplaceable
what's sustenance and respect for all every
single person. It's all important. We can
it's no reason why we can't change everything we
can change it all doesn't need to stay the same
for any, you know, that's one of those kind of dangerous ideas of
tradition. We have to do it because my
grandpa did I got to spank my kids because I was spanked and
look at me you can change anything. Anyway, we want to
It's is your choice and when you change it
you change it for all the all the people in your lineage.
After you you know, when I decide I'm not going
to do things. I'm gonna love my child or we're gonna
spank or we're not gonna do this, you know, you you
can change literally the whole entire lineage.
Negatively or positively but how you're going to do things right here
So we can change anything anytime. I want to the transformation age.
It's all about aligning with the divine within
each and every one of us totally Divine. It's never one of
us incredibly beautiful.
And just having to realize that and understand that and moving from
that whole.
you know belief system of me me I I to we
to We Are One World where you know, not necessarily
just one country or one One racer, you
know, or are you race We Are One race one planet
one Humanity, you know, we are all one
and if we're gonna get through this we have to realize that we are all connected
and we're all affect each other even across the
planet we affect each other.
Look at this beautiful planet that we live on there's no lines. There's
no borders.
You know, it's one beautiful planet.
And we've got it all so bored up so
separated so compartmentalize that
we don't even see the totality of the whole thing, but realizing.
It's a beautiful one.
living entity
that breeze our planet Breeze and
it has a heartbeat and
and we are like cells of this planet and we
have start working in cooperation with each other. We're gonna
end up working.
And competition and killing
each other.
So we are not separate from the whole we are
connected to the Sun the Earth the air you don't have a life. You
are life each and every one of us are life.
It's not something that is out there. We're all part
of it all the same thing those time for each and every
one of us to get activated.
To be completely.
to know who we are
No matter what. Everybody else is doing out there no
matter what everybody else is feeling or complaining about
let me tell you about my boss. Now how much I hate him. We
can say not just necessarily and happiness.
But in our sovereignty in our freedom to know
I can be exactly who I want to be. I don't have to give in to conversations
I can walk away or I can change the subject and people
won't go with me to where I want to go. I'll walk away.
Just because you work at a certain place. I have literally
known seen myself change,
you know
my thinking about certain things and jobs.
And bring a whole new me into it and change the whole dynamics
of a whole work situation because I was no
longer going to focus on certain things and I that higher
vibration of focusing on freedom love Harmony it
over so supersedes that of you know,
disconnectedness and anger and fear.
100% so you can change the vibration
of the room of your home
and I said to me
this is great pictures not just about happiness on other people are sad, but just
standing in your power standing in Who You Are
because we are here to build a
new world one that is filled with love compassion and
understanding of a higher purpose of life.
We are more powerful than we would ever
know and there are those out there who fear the
day we discover it.
But most of all realizing that one of
us just one of us becoming reaching
that Enlightenment stage can potentially change the
world forever set the whole world on fire.
And that's why they're so afraid of that one. But
certainly it only takes one to light
everybody else up to spark everybody else because when
we decide to shine our Inner Light other people become inspired
to the same, you don't have to convince anybody. I'm telling
anybody literally being yourself standing in
your power people will walk up to you and talk to you because if
they can feel it in you it's not something you have to
convince in the body of anymore. If you really have it if
you really feeling it you will change people's lives and
people will want to talk to you and they want to get an align with
you and ask you questions.
And we are evolving 100% way past
just having opposable thumb because we've got a lot more to go.
We're across we're in the process of changing
the forms of light better not of this world and becoming able
to do Miracles fly things
that we've heard about from Apollo to
Christ to Zeus all around
the world. We've always heard about these Gods superhero type
people who have different different abilities
certainly as we come into our
Evolution. We upgrade our DNA. We're going
to find different powers within each of us.
And every moment that we spend in higher conscience helps
uplift the consciousness of the whole world. So as
we lift ourselves up as we move
ourselves up and let go of the depression let go of the
things that bring us down. We bring up the whole because we are connected to
every single person. So by shifting our energy we
shift the entire planet. There's no doubt about that and
one of us does it and we start to, you
know, have our spouse our friends and we
start to get together and do rituals together. We
really we got a whole Squad who has
knowledge of the cell and so we start to go back into those
Realms of and those stories where they were
these 12 gods and these different kinds of groups of people who
lived in certain communities who had abilities that
far beyond out of the everyday
person. I believe that we will soon see these
kinds of people again and see these kinds of groups
and communities again out where
people will be, you know, probably
from the cities and live out more in
nature together.
So if many little people in many little places do
many little things they can change the
face of the Earth every single one of us and if we
work in alignment with each other and there's no doubt 100%
Well, the ripples will be that much bigger and
by wanting to focus on
what we want. So we don't we can paint an entirely
new reality a golden age revolutionize
politics education Humanity.
Everything can
change as long as we really honestly believe in it. We can
we can change anything we want to
to that Golden Age the sci-yuga that's
been promised and
every culture that I could pretty much find in
every in-depth book
of History all pointing to things that
happened in the past that will happen again that we can't even stop it
if we wanted to but we can certainly
know that it's coming and we
are in the midst of a huge pole ship right now and
I believe that we take ourselves out of the polarization of the things that
are going on the world. We can help that pole shift even faster.
And I do think that the pole
shift is definitely something that we definitely want
to happen to going into this
golden age is not something to fear. It is something to to
look forward to and to want because I do think
we can't go into that Golden Age my personal belief without that,
of course, you know,
certainly I do believe that we can change the world in a
drastic way, but I do think that the poster
is inevitable, too. We're already in the midst of that.
Um So within our lifetimes we
will see all the world's lakes oceans rivers
and waterways restored to Purity as
well as our soil toxic chemicals
contamination of our food and other common products will
be outlawed pharmaceutical companies will cease with
holistic healing practices becoming the norm.
The people of each Nation will govern themselves clean free
energy will be in play big changes are coming
and the cabal who controls Society the religion
politics health and education will be completely gone.
I don't know what you guys but I totally believe that we will live
in a beautiful Society again where Technologies
and things will be far
beyond our wildest dreams. We'll be able to
focus on a lot of other things instead of just survival.
Just getting by just paying the bills.
you know, we're meditation and
you know working on our spiritual journey
has become commonplace as opposed to
having to work all the time just to pay the bills and how
difficult that's been so we are on
up and up and you can see right after
Christ has been crucified. We'll go. It's
really dark stage. It's Industrial Age of taking
in this bombs. I don't have gone
off and now we're at this really pivotal point.
Or seemingly we can go into maybe fifth Dimensions
or higher on this planet. What an
incredible incredible idea and
I do think this is more than just an idea. I think
it's possible that we've had similar times in
the planet and we are coming up on the Berry new time
but a similar time in our near
future and I just want to hopefully, you
know pump people up and get you excited about it that yes,
there are some things that are going on that not great. But
honestly, they all work to our advantage to see through
the veil to see what is available to us. What
is out there and how we can
use that to change to be the people that we want to be
in this world. How can we use that to be better humans? How can
you use these experiences to gain our
own Enlightenment? Because it's just enlightening up
like letting go of all the things all the
all the suffering and depression, you know.
Has been great for me because it's been the thing. That's helped me. Learn the
most that's what's helping me realize the
most is the suffering that I've been told in my life. So I'm thankful
for I'm thinking of everything one of you. Thank you
guys for being here today. That is my
presentation on the Golden Age. And so excited to be
here on ascension Works TV sharing with
all you guys this information, so
thanks, Jacob my
we are. We're rolling we're recording.
And I just want to say hi. Thank you guys for being here tonight for
the mystery School tonight's topic
is the golden age. If you
want me to introduce myself here a little bit like that. Sounds
good. My name is Jacob Cox. Obviously, I've been
really doing videos like this
and research for the better part of
my adulthood never really been satisfied with
what I was taught growing up
it's really felt like it was my mission in life was to
seek the truth. Whatever that truth was. I was open
to it what God was I was open to it? If
God didn't exist. I was open to that but
Whatever it was. I think I needed the truth in my life.
So I just spent the better part of my adulthood really
researching that when the internet came about that
was big help reading books.
You know checking out the Quran the marbar to
the Egyptian Book of the Dead the purple who anything
I get my hands on of old ancient books.
To just kind of not that I read every single one word for word, but
I felt like there's a time and a place and kind of
a knowing to read this part now or open up
and just start reading and they were you know, obviously synchronicities includes
and you know little bread
crumbs for me everywhere. I looked and they all kind of came into helping me
understand the great mystery, you know, not that I
understand at all, but definitely give me
a little bit of understanding to a little
bit of that. All right, here we go and
Welcome to another mystery School of Jacob Cox. I'm
here tonight to do another mystery school on
the Golden Age. So let's go ahead and get started for
tonight. The golden age is something that's talked
about in so many different ancient books
and Scrolls. And so we're gonna
take a little bit all that stuff tonight and try to put into a
fun little presentation about about the
Golden Age and the age of Aquarius. Let's go ahead
and get started. We've all heard the song The Age of
Aquarius and and talking about the alignments and the
stars with the moon and the planets how it's
this kind of really beautiful and incredible time period
And many books tend to point to the same
thing all around the world in different
cultures. We hear the same stuff about the age of Aquarius
or golden age or this Kyle you goodness. Just an amazing
time that circles back around always.
and sometimes it's referred to as the Golden Age and and we
seem to be
I guess right now it may look like
the darkest before the dawn. Actually, you know how you hear
that saying live literally is the darkest before the
dawn does come though. So the the
Scrolls and the ancient texts and everything do talk about how we
will see those, you know, kind of changes being revealed
to us things will be a little bit more difficult than usual
the be a lot of learning to take place a lot
of evolving and growing during this time before we get
to this golden age because according to
most texts not everybody gets there not everybody
gets in this seems to be like a school of learning and this
is graduation time. So
And what I think what really points to
this more than anything is the procession of the equinoxes the
26,000 year cycle were our
Earth wobbles around and after
26,000 years points back to its original
spot. So right now we're going and pointing to
that age of Aquarius. That's what's happening. So every
I believe is every 72 years, we we
tilt one degree of that and we continue to turn
around until we go all the way around. It's a little bit less like 25 6
or something. I'm just under 26,000 years
usually around it up, but every 26,000 years,
we do have this procession an equinoxes.
I'm sorry about that and
It seems to be very profound in ages and
eons, you know, the Iron Age is linked
to that and and then coming back around to this Golden Age. So
again, we are pointing to the age of Aquarius the
person who pours out the water even in
the Bible they do refer to that, you know, the man of course
the water out. I don't believe I mean
probably was a little thing as well, but I do believe they are it
Bible has a lot of codes and sayings
and things that are pointed to the Zodiac things
that are pointing to a lot astrable
alignments and things like that. So and then they refer
to the Thousand Years of peace that will be on this Earth after
that. So it definitely indicates as
much as anything else that there is a time period of Peace on
this planet that happens after very tumultuous, you know,
kind of crazy time that's going to come upon us and
it's almost like, you know, the our Earth is
splitting there's two polarities there seems to be one of
death and destruction and one where this this
new beginning is going to take place and we have
to choose which one we want to do and you can see this polarity.
Really splitting people up now and all kinds of things and
we have to realize you know, how will we
live our lives now? It's imperative. You know,
not how some person over here the president or anybody.
How are you going to live your life? How what are you
going to believe? What are the things that we are going to make
our rules and our beliefs and our laws
and to to
go down and trajectory that points us to a living
world that works for everyone as opposed to
a Dying World that ends in war and famine
and and those kind of things so it's it's very imperative that
if we want to go into this Golden Age every each book
tends to tends to say
that you know, there is a kind of
A way to do it if you will there's a there's a
blueprint for how to get there and not
all are, you know completely concise, but
they give a little each one sends give a little bit of detail. So
More than anything what I think this is saying is there's a
paradigm shift going on. There's no doubt
about that. Everything is going to be changed. Not just
a few things. It seems like every single thing from physical
humans to a
mental emotional spiritual ways of doing things How
We Do politics everything there's a completely
a huge shift going on right now and it's
helping us to awaken to awaken as one
that we're not separate from each other that each one of
us really is a part of you know, this thing
called Earth. Like we're really like a part of it as much as ourselves our
part of our body, you know, our bodies made a
billions and billions of cells
And you know, they all work in together in unison
in cooperation to
create and to be healthy and we
are all realizing ourselves that you know, we bomb someone
else that hurts us. If you you know, if we go
to war someone else there are you know effects that
happen to everyone worldwide. And so
we know our second we realize that as a society,
so hopefully that really is, you know
help creating the biggest stages.
The beginning stages of the biggest Collective Awakening ever
seen in a history of mankind. Now, I do
believe that there have been huge Awakenings or even been
time periods called the Great Awakenings and stuff on this Earth and different countries
and cultures, but certainly with seven-day billion
people in this planet this seems like probably one
of the biggest ever there seems to be so much gaining of
information happening right now, which you
know, who knows a hundred percent but definitely seems
like we are evolving learning growing
at a capacity now that's you know, very very
rapid very fast.
So this helps us with that information with the
internet with the fact that you have more time just
to consult with your friends your coworkers to talk
about things that are happening.
That there is no doubt that all of this information's
helps us to really understand what the apocalypse
is and I want to make sure at this moment
right now that people really know what the definition of that
with that word means and it means a lifting of the veil
or disclosure of knowledge. What was
hidden to be revealed. That's what that's what
the Greek word apocalypse mean word that
work comes from and we know like today a lot of words have
been changed around and moved around to fit certain definitions
to look better to it doesn't necessarily mean women
doom and our Brimstone all those kind of things it
could you know, certainly but the
The the main point is that it's a lifting of the
veil. Something has been hidden. So what are the things that I've been heading to
us the corrupt politics and financial assistance becoming more obvious to
the masses check and Awakening of the Limitless human
potential in the minds of people check. Everybody's realizing
a lot of people not everyone ever. A lot of people are realizing that
people come in together to affect real positive change check.
And yes, the apocalypse is happening, but it's
not the Doom and Gloom. We were told to believe by the media again. There
are things that will happen. I
do believe that some people can be a part of if you
believe that it's going to be the end of the world you may
find yourself in circumstances in events and situations that
confirm that to yourself what I do believe and see
happening is almost instant manifestation is
coming our way. So the things that we believe will almost like
instantly manifest for us and if we believe this in
the world terrible things are going to happen they will you
find yourself and you know
in that end.
World scenario or something bad happened to tie in
some, you know, crazy catalism catalism cataclysm.
Those kind of things are birthing pains
and they do happen. There are earthquakes and volcanoes going off and
so but just like a mother giving birth, you know,
they're screaming there's blood but there that's that's the pain that
happens in a giving this beautiful light to this new creation and
I believe that's what we're going to do as well so we can
we can see the pain in the agony as something
first and foremost and and not be able
to see past that and I think that's what's going to hold some people
back but we have to see that there's a new a new birth
coming a new a new way of doing things is
And so really honestly we think things are really bad
right now, but I don't I honestly don't think they're any worse
then they were not too long ago 100 years ago 5000 years
ago. We have always been in this
predicament as humans. It seems to be
kind of controlled by these people
behind the curtain not giving full
information access to who we really are their education
system political systems being a little bit manipulated, but
we must know that if we hold each other talking
continue to pull back The Veil The Truth is going to come out
it's gonna Prevail itself. There's no doubt about that. We don't have to worry
and think. Oh, I hope the truth comes out. This is
the time that I believe we have been
on this planet for many many lifetimes and this is
the lifetime Bill we've been waiting for for this incredible unveiling
to happen and Beyond the walls of our
belief. There's a whole different world out there and this is
so significant so many things like the walls that we
build up that keep us more Enlightenment the fear that we build up.
The walls that keep us from our greatness all that
fear that's behind that we need to just destroy that
let those walls crumble to the ground because there is so
much beyond our belief systems that we have that
keep us in line some to
be great. It's time to be amazing. It's time to dare
to see past the veil to see on the other
side of what is possible.
What is out there? You know,
who are we really what are we here for the big
questions in life, you know, what is spirituality
how my part of that those are the
things that are really huge and it it's it's your
duty. It's your responsibility. It's not some preacher
teacher. It's how bad do you want it? How
about are you gonna go out and Resort and meditate and
go within and read all the books and do
all the you know, Christ said
the kingdom of heaven was a mystery and to me that's that's awesome
because that means that everything has been solved already. So
I get to be the detective and go on
there and try to figure it all out, you know, and I get to take information from
every single person along the way that comes into my journey
and respectfully listen to them and
and be open not to be, you know, not saying
it's something's not true or is true but just see the information for what
it is and I think that's really important and then go back and
connect the dots, but certainly seeing to the bells sing
Having that pineal gland open your third eye open up
helps you to see into situations and events
and circumstances to realize you know, what's what's in
this situation that's good for me what will happen if I go down this road
with this person. So seeing into that Veil
and being able to see past
what's presented kind of right here around us be able
to see deeper into reality helps us understand this
and I think the Dalai Lama said this and it's just
great. It's the Paradox of our age
We have bigger houses, but smaller families.
More conveniences but less time we
have more degrees but less sense more
knowledge but less judgment more experts
but more problems more medicines,
but less healthiness.
We've been all the way to the moon and back but we have trouble crossing the
street to meet our neighbor.
We build more computers to hold more information to produce
more copies than ever, but we have less communication.
We have become law. We have become long on quantity,
but sure on quality.
These are the times of fast foods, but slow digestion
tall men, but Short character steep prophets
but shallow relationships. It's a
time when there is much in the window, but
nothing in the room and I just I
absolutely love that. I think it's right on, you
know similar to what other people
have said, you know, basically we have all this technology but
not humanity and it's
time for us to to fix these problems. We can't
ask someone else to do it or ask a president or some
politician or someone. We need to fix these things within ourselves
and fix these systems within our communities.
So one of the things that I as I
pull back the bell and I see you know, what is this? What is society?
What is our culture? What do we what do we how are
we doing things as a society and one
of the things that I'm really seeing is people people are
created to be loved.
And things were created to be used.
The reason the world is in chaos is because things are being
loved and people are being used and I think that's really big and
one of the things Martin Luther King says we need to become a People
based society instead of a profit-based society.
We need to take value in human
beings and not things and stuff and you
know realize that every single human being,
you know, my dad is telling me because no matter you talk
to it to the guy take picks up the trash for the CEO each one
of those people, you know, talk to them with respect. You know,
where anybody's been in this life.
Well Road, they've been down and talk to everyone saying that you would talk to anyone and
I believe that and I believe that's because
every single person is just as good. There are no titles. Some people
know they're worth more than others that nobody's worth more
than anyone else. I don't think
And so again as we pull back the veil
we also see that there is a game of divide and conquer
we you know where some people tend to think
that the common people are Paws and they keep us busy fighting
each other instead of fighting them. I don't necessarily think
we have to fight them in particular physically, but
Metaphorically, yes, you know what? I mean? There are dividing Us
in so many different ways and they're always helping us,
you know, helping us to pushing us to perceive
enemies out there all the time, you know,
and when there's enemies out there all the time we have to be stressed. We
have to be fight or flight mode, you know, we're constantly
worried about who's coming out to get us and when
fear and hatred consume us, we perceive
enemies everywhere. So we're constantly in that, you
know Reptilian Brain fight or
flight and we can't really use the extra
stuff in our brain and neocortex and you know
that stuff that helps us really think things out because we're
so under such stress. So it's really important to
realize there are really enemies out
there. The enemy is in me and when I can
conquer myself in that way
That's the that's the Greatest Warrior Among
Us the warrior who conquers themselves as
greater than any Warrior conquer stuff 100 or
1000 people on the battlefield.
because the enemies within you and if you can conquer that in me,
there are no enemies about
So there so, you know, we're humans and we're all
one. We're all One race, but then they try to you know, separate us
by by colors and religion and
politics and wealth and
so to make us constantly be compartmentalized and
divided and so it's us against
them and polarized man, you know, the Democrat
and Republican polarization the anti
versus Pro these polarizations really
do a number on us to have to fight a
certain side to take a side all the time and
defend it. It's not very healthy. I don't think I had a, you know,
a really deep download one day
in the park don't speak to Pikes Peak
and asking for you know, help and information and
I got this incredible download and just
split second. But basically let me know
that the polarization was something that kept the Earth's
pulls from flipping.
And that this is a natural process that we want to happen. So
get yourself out of the polarization get yourself out
of that fight of the religion or politics, you
know understand, you know, both of
them are part our wings to the same bird, you
know, right or left. It doesn't matter in religion
should never be a way to fight others would be angry at
anybody else. It's just a tool to help you with your own spirituality each and
every one has helped me drastically in my
journey to Oneness so
and politics I've been Democrat. I've been
Republican realizing that both funded by the same people. So
no reason to, you know, definitely take
on one of the other has better their people.
I like and certainly certain institutions sure, but
you know, it's not like a football team where they lose or
they lie. I'm Gonna Keep keep voting for you are being
a team like no you lie Gees. You
still like I'm not for you know, I'm for people who
are for the good of everyone and that's
Important to realize when it comes to it, like get out of
that get out of that mindset of being polarized to any thing.
And so obviously when I was talking about race earlier, there's
only one race the
human race. No matter DNA tests can
tell you what color your skin is.
And it's just silly to think that that
we should hate each other not like each
other or want to spend more time with someone because of the color
scheme. They're just pigmentations in the skin. Literally literally, we're
all come out of Africa and we have
different color skins and you know not to
why people have seen those in or black people. It's just it's just
pigmentation and and we don't
as kids we don't even know that it's not
even a thing as children. I mean my my daughter plays a
small kids and doesn't matter at all what the color of skin is it? We
it's something that we have to learn and see and label as
something different but I think that's just a program that we
can completely get out of but it's
funny because
Why do we cherish the variety of color and all the other species and
fish and birds and look at how beautiful they
are now colorful. They are how boring it
would be if we were all in color if we were all one size if
we were all one height. I think that would be the absolutely most boringest planet
in the whole galaxy. I'm so
thankful that we have diversity and honestly
the end of the day our diversity is our greatest
string. It is not a weakness. It's our greatest strength
to have people who think different things and believe different
things and who understand different ways of doing
things. That's why hearing everybody else so imperative to
understanding the whole and putting the whole
puzzle together can't do it with just one person,
you know, you need everyone's point of view to be
so much more richer in so much more understanding so it's just
absolutely absurd that we can see all the Beauty and
the colors and the and the rainbow all the other species but in
our own we're just like, oh, no, you know, we just
need to get off of this and realize
beautiful every single person is now valuable every
soul is and look down at that level to the
soul level stop seeing the surface area of you
know, what's on the surface all the time.
and and for religion
If you you don't need religion to have
morals, if you can't determine right from wrong, then you don't
you like empathy not religion. So, you know religions
are compasses their guides their tools to help
us. They have great information and things passed down
great gurus or Saints Christ the
Buddhas incredible people Mary's
and so I
find all that information incredibly important and
But you know, if just claiming to be Christian or claiming
to be Muslim or anything else and like you're separating yourself
still from the entirety.
Anything that you say like that like I'm black. I'm
I'm Jewish on this. I'm that
you separate yourself as a label that's different
from other people Christian already said that was the definition of
being violent and I have to say that
could be very true just by throwing out there on
this you automatically, you know, deflect a
lot of other people and divide Yourself by calling
yourself something other than human other than anything
that identifies with the totality of everyone else. I
think that's really important. They were all human. We're all Spiritual Beings
having a human experience. So I
think anything is that things are great personally. I
consider myself to be Muslim Christian all the
things atheists. You know,
I don't think God is a white man on the top of the cloud judging people.
I think it's in everything. I think it's omnipresent on
the opponents of force that permeates the entire universe that
we're all part of.
So I see all those things as me and I try
to identify with everything instead of just certain things
and that has helped me in my journey at least to realize the totality
of of everything. That is I am
that I am there's nothing that I'm not.
So even the way we do health is going
to be completely evolved and
obviously we already see a lot of that going on from the pharmacy pharmaceutical
pills that people are taking now people go to
health store and they buy the fruits and the vegetables and those kind of things so
that one is the one that's really already taking place a lot
and people already seeing that eating the right foods and
healthy foods.
Are imperative to a healthy Consciousness a healthy
body to you know to think properly or
think better.
So that's one that's already there pretty obvious the education
system. I'm really is needs a
huge, you know Evolution. We've
got this system that literally
is like fitting into the square box
and asking everybody to fit in to the square box
You know, I don't know how many you guys
have but I rarely have had to take a test once I got
out of high school our College. It's just
not necessarily as much and so, you know, we learn
as people learning a lot when they're happy when
they want to learn about something and usually it's like one thing one area
that works best instead of multiple. Most people
don't do good at multitasking. It's
not you know for everyone. It's really vast majority
of people are not good at all. So, you know, that's why on
a kid asks you a question I come up to and they like grab you like why is
this and they keep asking why why why on that
one subject because there's just trying to nail it for them move on to something
else. I think that's really imperative how we should you know,
really try to teach people.
And and teach things in school because the
way things were doing things are now, you know, this Core Curriculum that's
been reduced everything from math and reading has gone down
incredibly low.
So we've got to realize that there are
better ways to do things. Maybe testing is not always the
best for some people and and just know
that everything is going to be revamped and
education is definitely one of them again, you
know, everybody is a genius but if
you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it
will live its whole life leaving that stupid because fish they don't
climb trees, you know, fish swim elephants,
you know graze the
the Savannahs and penguins live and and swim
and monkey swinging trees. Everybody has
their own thing in their own Nation, you know, Tony
Hawk or someone who rides a skateboard. He makes plenty of
money and I'm sure he's super happy being super successful. And that
Avenue is he needs to know chemistry. Did you
need to get in trouble by not knowing social studies? No,
those things are, you know, learn what you
want to learn because you want to learn it. I had a
friend in high school who died before we got to the test on
Day and we were stressing about this test and made me realize
at that moment. Like why are we stressing so much about tests? Our life is
so much more important than than that but there are
so many other things to do other than just how we go
to school and how we test for things and learn things. There's so many
great options of being a YouTuber now and
posting things you like or you know, whatever it is
you want to be it's fine do it fall in
love with it, but certainly changing the
way we do things. It's only working for a
small percentage of people certainly doesn't work for everyone and we got to open up
to that, you know, obviously put a lot more money and and time and
and thought into how we're going to take our kids
so that it's not constantly anger
and upset with teachers and you know, we have
a much better way to get better results, I believe and again,
I'm not going to depth on all this thing as much as possible. I'm
trying to just be quick about you doing everyone but
if a child
And learn the way we teach then maybe we
should teach where we learn way. They learn and I believe
100% we need to start teaching. How do
children learn how do they learn and they ask those questions and
they keep asking about one subject and having a multitude
of subjects at one time. It's just I think very difficult. I know
that was for me and I think you know be about
easy for most people to just really you let them dive
into one thing and learn about it even going to college. I didn't even know what I
was going to do in college is no I was going to college it's you
know, there's a lot of money wasted there but not
knowing what you want to do and in general.
The life is a school where you learn how to remember what your
soul already knows and if you guys probably have heard that saying before
when the student is ready, the teacher will appear that could
be a preacher. It could be a teacher. It could be you know, and Uncle
some random person on grocery
store. But whatever you have made in your conscience that you're
ready to learn you're ready to grow you're ready to you know,
expand your Consciousness the people
show up no matter where you go. You can't avoid it.
You will find that person. If you're out there looking you're reading
and you're going to Medical stores or whatever it is,
you know may just be at the grocery store when they turn around and
Someone there has the next piece to your puzzle. I've
seen in a hundred times where I'm looking for an answer.
I let go of my attachment to it.
And as soon as I do within that day, typically I run into
someone or I get a phone call from somebody who has the answer to
what I was looking for.
So life always has his life is
always been a school it. This is a huge school
for learning Earth is and we're here
for a little while to learn as much as we can. I think it's super important to realize
learning doesn't stop because you got out of college or you got the degree
in this thing. And and so now, you know, there is
no about it now and I think a lot of times that inhibits people
from learning more because I think they know it all in a
certain subject because you've got a master's degree in it. I wouldn't
call my master. So anything you know,
because I feel like
In my humility, I've learned that I know
like this much of an infinite amount of stuff. So
really I know a lot less than I know so there's
so much to learn out there, you know.
another thing as I pull back the bill and it starts
to see and look around that people are holding onto money
and hoarding it and Hughes, you know amounts instead
of holding on to the moment and being
present and being here now and realize how much
They lose by not being present by being worried
about buying a yacht buying a big house or buying
this thing or being seen by people because they have
money or something you missing out so much.
I don't when I hear the word rich, I don't even use it for
money. I use words like wealthy or things like that. But to
be honest to be rich to me is to have family and friends and people
who care and places to go with beautiful
people. That's what makes me feel
rich, you know, not how much money is in my
bank account that I have a healthy family and a healthy
child and you know friends to go do amazing
things with and a community that
cares and supports me. I think that's what
makes some worse than anything else. Sure. There are a lot of people who
have a lot more money today, but I feel richer than most to be honest.
and you know empathy is something that
we see very little in our culture these days things that
funny picture because you know, we don't realize we
see people who are homeless and they're all over everywhere
now and
It's people are saying oh that person's
on drugs or this person's this or whatever and I realize like
man, that's you.
That's all of us.
We have a society that's sick sick to
the core and so many people have fall
victim to it. I mean, it's for me.
It's a paycheck or two away.
From having to sell a home or you know
what? I mean? I know a lot of people who
have nice things everything but the savings are
gone. And so, you know, you're you're broken leg
away your paycheck away. You're being fired, you know
from a job and not being another one in time. You know,
it could be any others out there. So we have to be really
compassionate and empathy people that
all you want out there because they want to be are they gone
through something very traumatic and therefore, you
know, it's hard to them to get back on that horse and
to get back into life.
This is sad. I think overall we need to love our
brothers and sisters who are out there and realizing
helping everyone is helping ourselves. You
know? No, I'm not I'm not saying exclude anybody every
single person in this system in this
culture in our world is valuable 100% as
much as anybody else and very important
to remember always
and so, you know, one of the biggest
things I think for most people especially in our country and obviously definitely
other countries are seeing right now is that
Both political parties, like I said earlier right wing
or left-wing. They're both part of the same bird. They're funded by
the same people. There's a lot of corruption in there.
But good, I see good. We get to see it. We're finally
seeing it. It's been going on for a long
time and we're finally get to see it. That's great.
You know, we're really seeing the veil and being like, okay,
you guys are not gonna continue to do this business as
usual, you know, we can start putting our energy
in our time and focusing on people that do have
the best interests and for the totality of
all humans and set up just their own pocketbooks and the
wealthy and corporations.
and again
So we tell the politics education, you know,
all these things and legal versus illegal.
Sorry, I'm saying check the fireplace. Um
So, you know the question of what's
legal or illegal? It's not a question or you know,
what's more or not? I think that's something
super important to realize like, you know, just because the Sonic
can go, you know take from water a lake or
something and put water into a bottle. They don't produce water by
the way. They produce plastic.
The water's already there. They still the water from everyone else
to put in their plastic bottles to sell back to us while we
it's illegal for the regular person to collect
rainwater, even though falls on their own
house not in every state in some states have reversed that but
certainly is illegal and many states. It's insane.
It's absolutely insane that you
can't collect the water. Why not? What is it? So that's
that's so it's so wild to even think that something
like that falling freely from the sky. You couldn't collect.
Killing people with these pharmaceutical drugs. It's
supposed to using plant medic, you know plant medicine and
letting people starve and
feeding people is illegal giving
people money on the street. A lot of times is is illegal.
It's just absolutely mind-blowing, you
know, it's even
it's even illegal. I've read the
other day in certain states to leave your dog outside in
the cold at night. It was
freezing or whatever.
But there's no law for any humans to stay
to have to come inside
if it's below freezing. There's no law for that. There's a
lot you literally be put in jail
if you keep your dog outside, but there's no similar offer
humans. We don't have to bring them inside and put them make
sure they're closed and fed and warm.
You know, not that we shouldn't with the dogs of dogs. I think obviously should
be too but certainly if dogs are there's no
reason any human should be out there in the freezing cold. I know
we lost a few people in our city in general over this
cold snap that we had a few weeks ago really sad
overall things that could be prevented and
you know, it's definitely things that I want to
bring light to because I think where our 10ish attention
goes energy flows and so it's important to say,
hey man. This isn't right. This isn't we need to allocate funds
to help these people out as opposed to continue to
give money to all these other crazy places that we're giving it.
So, you know today the modern State asks,
is it legal is this legal then? That's
But in Mind of a free man ass is it right? Is this right or
is this wrong? I think that's a much more moral question. You know,
there's a lot of things that have been legal slavery at
one point was legal.
Is it right? No, it's not right for any human tone
another human certainly not so, you
know, again legalities and moralities
two different things and we have to believe in that we have to know that
and deep down in the in the
That the Universe isn't really care about what's later
like cares. But there I believe that there is this unconditional
love force that binds all
things together and deep down in that what is right and
wrong is in that very Force.
So we have to realize that no amount of money. All our gold is
worth these trees and clean water period we
can cut down all the trees, you know,
poison all the water. All the bees can die and
we will realize at some point. We cannot eat money.
You know, we can't eat all and gold those
things are relevant that the vast.
Riches of our planet are the living
systems the water the trees the air the animals
the species. It's what's most important sure.
So come down to after you know going through that.
We realize like basically history is a lie, you
know what we're taught and how we're taught things is definitely
a perspective from our country and it's obviously
taught different ways in different other cultures as well religion is
the control system. It doesn't have to be but certainly
has been hijacked. I believe most religions
have been hijacked this point too, but the, you
know Messenger on a pedestal and not even really
understand or realize what the messenger said, it's irrelevant
now, it's just my messenger is better
than your Messengers but it's come down to money as a hoax
for the most part a parent money and does have
no value. They just keep printing it and that's
because it's not even though we have a Federal Reserve. It's
not run by the federal government. It's a private banking cartel
that's allowed to print money out. And I think that's
one of the big reasons why John F
Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln or assassinated both
of them are trying to in the central.
systems debt inspection
Who do we all this money to good question media
is manipulation. Sure. We all
know about the fake median thickness government is a corruption is a
corporation and the system is a lie. It's
time for us to wake up. There is a lot of this going on. I'm
not sitting here saying focus on all the negative all the time. But the
truth is that we need to wake up and realize like what
are we feeding ourselves? What are we reading about? What
are we engaged in? And how does that create
our reality when we're constantly inundated
with fear and worrying about things. I'm my whole
Consciousness is gonna be different as a human being navigating throughout
this world based on what I honestly think
and what I believe and how I think the world is so I
think the world is terrible awful place and bad things happen to
people I can find myself on the other end of that very situation
a set of the world's
a beautiful place like I'm here to learn and grow.
Um, but we do we basically live in this
altered reality of a big lie and people
don't even know how hard it is to speak the truth to a world
full of people that don't realize they're living a lie.
We are all living a lie
and most people have no idea how deep it goes and it's
honestly easier to fool people than to convince
them. They have been fooled.
It is incredibly hard sometimes to tell somebody that they've
been full they've been duped that things have been kept from
them. Most people want to stay in a little bubble that
feels secure and safe that you know, I've got things figured out
got my religion figured out got my politics figured out as opposed
to amen, you know, there's some things out there
that you might need to know. Most people don't want to hear now. Some
people get really upset and really mad cognitive listening
steps and people get really upset when you tell them something that contradicts their
And just like from
the documentary The Matrix.
You have to understand most of these people are not
ready to be unplugged and many of them are so inert. So
hopeless depended on the system that they'll fight
to protect it. They'll literally get in your face and scream about
how they want it and they don't even aware of it. I've seen
it Time After Time.
But it is important to know.
That it is our ideas that will change the world not our
governments. We don't have to wait on our presidents or
Kings or prime ministers to do this work. We can
do it ourselves. In fact the world's always, you know
changed because
Of someone's idea by someone's mission in life,
usually by poor people who had who
had a mission who had a feeling in their heart and they acted
on it and people followed them.
so we can do this and you know,
we can even go as far as say we might not even need governments
in the future, you know, people think oh we
have to have governments do this like
saying that we can't survive without governments like saying the animals can't
survive without Farms or I would say even more in depth zoos.
It's almost like this whole thing is a big Zoo, you know,
we're all kept in prodded and you know smile real big
for the people taking pictures.
at the end of the day
You know there have been many civilization. I
believe that thrive from this planet and still today thrive on
this planet. How many civilizations cultures
are out there that we call primitive who
they have? No bombs. No homeless people
no crime. No prisons. No junk food. No debt,
no pollution. No poverty. Yeah, we call them primitive
and we think we're civilized because we drive around
a fancy cars and we have big buildings. Yeah, we cut our
trees down that produce oxygen for us to breathe to
put those buildings there, you know, we
slave for hours and hours to buy and then when this
buildings to buy the car that drives us there and you know
slowly for sure constantly kind of
Separate ourselves from the Earth from
Oneness, you know where all these
labels and I'm a lawyer now and I'm this and I'm that and constantly
kind of separate ourselves, you know willingly as
opposed to people who living on
the earth with the Earth with the planet. They don't
have prisons. They don't have jet that they don't have junk food. And
that's you really think about that for a minute. It's pretty incredible
that there are people today
tribes of people who live we
would say primitive or you know, third world
country something but I would say probably they're healthier happier
more connected with their families
by far and most of the people in
the United States.
But certainly we know that it's all a game.
That we are literally doing this yourself. Like I said earlier we
are we are honestly just
completely doing it
to ourselves. We've signed in to wear
a cool suit to drive that fancy car
to have that big house and allow these people
to you know, take all these things from us. Nothing to
have the house or the car or anything is super bad. It's not but certainly,
you know get in that mindset to compete
with everybody. I had the biggest thing it comes toxic after a
while. I have to realize that it can you know be bad
for us overall.
So all we have to do is realize this is
the game Monopoly is being played on us and the
bankers can print all the money. They want themselves give it
to the prime ministers to the Presidents to do the things that
they want them to do. And what we don't realize is that
very few that has you know so much
money. It doesn't matter. There's so much more of us, but
they use we don't even we don't even
think about it, but they use the symbols the pyramids the
sacred geometries all that kind of stuff and not
that those symbols are bad. Not the secret geometries back
because certainly not but it's powerful powerful systems. And
when you use those powerful systems those powerful symbols
and what they do rituals and stuff together, it
only takes a few of them with that intention.
So that everything works for a few people. So we
need to go ahead therefore and have our own
use those symbols for ourselves have our
own rituals have our own get togethers and
have intention.
To have to meditate and and
meditate on a world that works for everyone.
To really put our energy onto methods that
work for everyone to systems that work for everyone and
knowing that when a few of us start to do that, there's a
whole lot more of us that can get to align with it this game over.
I don't think these people are all high might proud. I
think that they're struggling desperately to keep the
system to play that works for them. I don't think they're super
confident in the whole thing. They know that it only takes
a few people. That's why they pick them off, you know, but
there's a lot more of us so their system is
starting to crack. I think this is very profound to
realize this whole thing is this big, you
know illusion. It's this big Mirage that
they're constantly got a, you know, put together and keep
people believing in it. So that it
stays there. There's no way that this whole
reality is is formulated by
It is formulated by fear and you have
to get a bunch of people to.
To believe in that to you know to
collectively think the same thing about it like the
world, you know doesn't work for me when it rains it pours and
constantly have these programs and it did into people so that
they believe this stuff and it creates this will as a
few of us start to step out of this those systems and no longer
believe in those beliefs the system
starts to crack that reality starts to fade The Mirage starts
to pull back. It can't last forever. So
real talk.
When are we going to overthrow the government? Because it's
it's not that hard. We don't have to
have not guns and knives and tanks and I
think that's one of the things that people think so definitely we
got to have our guns to in case they come I believe
biggest Revolution is not that one of fighting
with guns and knives and all the tanks and bombs. It's
one of consciousness.
It's the one to realize like when we
stand up one by one they can pick us up. But when
we start to stand up together with each other to realize like
every single person is my brother every single person
my sister every single person is a human being that has
value and we are as powerful as anybody
who's ever walked the face of the Earth or
anybody who ever will Christ told
us you can do all the things. I'm doing a greater things. Why don't we do this
thing? Because we don't believe it enough and if we're only to
brainwash ourselves back to let go and reboot all
those old programs into new programs
that work for us to realize I am powerful. I am
dangerous, you know, I am someone who stands out
for people I am someone who believes and everyone else
and I believe in love and so much
so that someone like Martin Luther King our Jesus Christ Our
Mary Magdalene people like that who stood
up at the time and said no more We're
Not Gonna Take This, you know, we're not gonna let you take advantage of people.
Not going to let you do these things.
That changes the world.
100% you know some of the most incredible
people what were peaceful Beautiful Dangerous people
though. Gandhi was an incredibly dangerous individual
wherever you go people flock to him. You
don't have to be and he said
Strength doesn't come from the physical capacity that
comes to my iron will not let
anybody back down to anyone. I think so, we
have to be dangerous people these days. We've come, you know
fat and slow and full of sugar and you know
I think it's time to get hungry again to stay hungry to
be powerful to realize that I am not someone else's
slave. I'm not gonna do other people tell me I'm gonna
stand up for what is right and to realize death is just
like birth and you can kill this
by but you can't kill my spirit. I will be back again
and again and again and to me I do believe in some way
if you're killed the righteous cause there's more
power to you in that next life for that. I do
think that as like a Karma thing that comes
back if you die for what you believe in what's right? Yeah kind
of like the opposite of suicide almost
they're calmer that comes with that and there's calmer
that comes with you know, being killed and I do
think that there's that a broke dying and realization of
your soul leaving your body. There's a there's a
lot to gain from that experience.
But certainly when we stand up in about one
by one, you know, we don't do as much but we stand up
in a group collectively there is no there is
no one that can stop the world from waking up. There's no one
that can stop the world from becoming who we truly are
and so, you know, that's the problem. Everyone's running
away one by one. What are we doing? We can't
nobody can stop them and realize I I'm nobody
I'm somebody I'm here and just
like every single somebody that's ever
done anything that's ever stopped who's ever walked who's ever, you
know had people follow them who's ever,
you know, created a memory in the past
that people still read about today.
Usually poor people with a mission who know
their mission who are at least who remembered it at some
point in their life and said, you know, I care about everybody else enough
more so than what it is to live. But certainly
it's nothing to live without freedom without being
who you really want to be that's not really
living. So it's so
imperative. It's so important that each of us realize that we are somebody we
are here to make a difference and you
are powerful.
You know, they want us
to think that where these consumers and we
you know that we all we care about is who
won the game and how much these things cost in
the sales and everything else, but you are limited consciousness.
Having an experience as a human.
There's No Limit you're unless amazing limited God
unlimited Consciousness having experience as
a human there's no limits
to you
And being in meditation what I've learned and
what I've downloaded an instant in a second, I realize there's
nothing that I can't figure out either don't necessarily always have
to read a book or go somewhere and be told something. I really want
to know something. There's a channel out there that I can go
sit in the dark and relax and it'll come to
me. I really want it.
We are Beyond powerful beyond our wildest
dreams. I think that's the one thing that no one
has told most of us that we need to hear. You are
powerful. You are amazing. You're beautiful you are
as powerful as Christ or Buddha or
Christian or anyone has ever come and they wanted each people
to know their power. They weren't coming walk
around saying I'm the most powerful person. I'm the only son of God
I think Christ is the only son of God in the way that he
was perfect and
He loved everyone and he loved everyone
to be who they were and that's a true Freedom was he was mimicking
that about unconditional life force of love and
we can do that as well. That's what it
is to be Christlike and to become a Christ Our
Buddha a messiah send a master, but we
have to first remember who we are
never forget. We all of us at some point this life.
I believe have forgotten who we really
are how powerful we really are.
So the real Revolution is that of Consciousness that
is the most important. It's the substance.
That is am I
in my eyes is the most important thing that you can have, you know,
it's light, you know, it's information. It's love
the Consciousness that we as pure
vibrant conscious. That's just within us without everywhere
around us to me.
There's a Bible verses blessed to see this poor in
When I read that one day I realized to me at least
that I was poor in
spirit that I wanted more. I wanted
more knowing I wanted more love. I wanted
more conscious. I wanted more awareness. I wanted more of what happened in the past
and I felt like even today and
that was and that was
13 years ago or something like that. And even
today I still feel like I'm poor in spirit. I still
feel like I know this much of an infinite amount
of stuff that's possible which keeps me alive. It
keeps me. You know that vigorous feeling
of I want to know more. I'm excited to learn every day.
What else can I find out because of what I found out so far
is only the tip of the iceberg of what's out there
what the Consciousness what the universe is going to give me
even more up.
That by far is the greatest technology hidden
from us is our unconscious how important it really
is that the answers is not some
from someone else. You need to go find some Guru on top of
Mountaintop. You don't need to read some
book everything in the universe. All information
is encoded in your DNA. You only have
to figure out how to unlock it to get it.
And free thinkers will always seem crazy those who can't
see but beyond conventions never apologize
for evolving Beyond people's comfort zone. I've gotten
as many times people thought I was crazy didn't I was talking about I feel
like people even been scared to talk to me before and literally
walk the other way because I'm saying things
that they don't understand definitely had people get super angry.
I move forward by saying things and a
lot of times. I'm not saying that this is this I just
question it. What if this happened what if these people
did this and a lot of times just to question alone
can make people really upset and that's how
you know,
They're very highly conditioned. And in your
Consciousness scares them. I mean Jesus was put upon
a cross and kill but things that he was doing so obviously,
you know, they didn't understand him at
the time and they still understand those kind of people today.
But if I want to change this world if we
want to go into this Golden Age if we want to make it in there plain
and simple, I think some of the most important things that we
can do is focus all of our energy not on fighting
you'll not getting mad and say this is terrible way to do it this
education way that it's awful, you
know bite it is you're just being angry and
you're fighting you're going to war with it, but building the new one. How do
we make it better focusing on what can
we do so that everybody you know moves forward
every kid is taught in a way that they they understand
so they can they can do well in life
and I believe you know, like what Einstein said education
is not the verification of the facts basically, but
learning how to learn. How do you learn? How do you read how
do you retain information certainly been
stressed out doesn't help you retain information being you
Very intrigued in things excited about stuff helps you retain information
not being stressed out about it. So
Focusing let's focus now on what
we what we want instead of what we don't want so certainly
turn off the news and love your neighbor the news
as all about angering is and everybody is upset. Someone said
that this and somebody did that. It's very polarizing turn it
off and love your neighbor.
Just simply take the time that you do that every
day to you know, come in contact with your neighbors to
come in contact with people that work.
To make it a point to listen to someone today those kind
of things change the world. I know a lot
of people might think oh just talking to somebody
at work changes the world. It does 100% making someone
feel her making someone feel like you
care. Those are so important and they create
snowball effects and someone does it for you internally. She
feel valid and something you want to give it
to someone else because they just gave you a great gift. I you know
oftentimes like a reminder people do
those things for you someone pays for your male or something and
then you're like, I'll pay for the guy behind me sometimes you know,
Those things create ripples in a
Consciousness and The Ether and so it ripples out
to everyone. So one incredible thing that we can do to
learn to love our neighbors and our enemies as it's
just as important.
Because at the end of the day everything I
haven't met any person on this planet who agrees with me about everything and
I don't think I will and that's the beauty
of it every single person. If we go far enough we go
deep enough. We're going to realize we have different views on
different things.
That's fine. That's great. No reason to
be mad or angry at each other fight each other.
Learn to appreciate that and love the diversity.
I know the good thing would be instead of you know, that wars were started with
lies and secrets. Maybe it's it's time
to you know, ask people to be.
Transparent and open that's how peace starts
is to ask people to be open about things
to talk about the things that are happening instead of,
you know, trying to cover them up all the time. That's super important
too. Definitely, you know concentrating
on evolving from a world competition to
cooperation. I don't think all competition is bad,
but we certainly live in a world where we are constantly competing
with every single person everywhere all the time and it's
creating, you know, a body
that we're living in that's biting each other all the time, you know,
that's cancer that's disease your body's not at ease
we're billions of cells of the planet just like
our billion cells in our body when we watch war on television all the
time. We watch people fighting all the time ourselves get
that, you know message. Hey, we gotta fight each other. We got
to be competitive with each other instead of working together
and this huge body.
You're going to create disease you're going to create cancer. You're going
to create, you know, all kinds of negative things that
are not going to work for you.
By living a world of competition always you want
a world cooperation. How each and every
person comes my life can be helpful to you. And
I think everyone does have a piece of puzzle that you need. You
have to be open and be aware and receiving
and obviously you have something for them. So finding out
what is it that I can help them with oftentimes to
see how can I help someone to make some more money? How can I
help someone get a job. How can I help someone and
I realize if I'm constantly doing those things some way
one way or the other those things end up happening for me as well
helping others is helping yourself. It's just
comes around that way. Whatever you put out. The body
is a Taurus, whatever you put out what you get back.
So often helping and loving and concentrate on
listening and making people feel heard it's gonna happen to
you, too.
Tolerance 100% tolerance. I often
think that freedom intolerance go
hand in hand that freedom is allowing people
to make their own mistakes to do their own thing
to live their own life. So important everything every
single person needs to be able to have that.
have the freedom to mess up, you know,
we've all messed up, you know, and and when this when
you back in the day and you know crisis telling
these people you
They're gonna Stone this lady for having an affair.
Whatever right? And he says you you without
saying cast the first stone.
Nobody's doing that stone. Everybody's got sin to have
this world. We have prisons and everybody's got to
be locked away forever. Sometimes people who make the biggest
mistakes that puts you on the path to be
in the best person you can be
And we have to realize that and then and I've seen
you know tribes in Africa where somebody messes
up they'll put that person in the middle of the circle and everybody in
the whole tribal gather around and tell them good affirmations
about themselves.
for as long as it takes
to keep this person back to not being
pressed or upset. So they smile so they all
hug them how how great would that
be if that was our solution helping people heal can't
bring back people who are killed. No, but
certainly to throw someone in jail and walk
away the key like they can never be beneficial again. I think is a
A bad model overall like I shouldn't be our
goal for is this so everyone in jail for doing bad
things all the time. I honestly believe it would
be much better. If we were to help those people, you know,
mentally physically spiritually get back
on the right path in order to get back
into society should be the goal. Certainly. I
think a lot of people do not a negative things for attention but
giving him attention and love only the
unloved kill people only unlove people hurt people
hurt people hurt people. So it's
important for us to get those people around track and I feel like
Again with that death if they haven't learned it in
this life, they'll go to another life and continue that
pattern. So I think it's really important to help people out where they
are right here right now so that they don't die without learning that
lesson. That's why we
have a sick Society. I think sometimes and it's important that we all concentrate on
the healing not the
Throw away the key and Punishment.
Um, and we're all here. We are all here to
complete a mission. None of us are alone. Everybody deep
down. If you're watching this video right now, you know, you have
a mission to do similar things that I'm Sarah now
to help the collective so so important
that we find the others that we find the other
people who are on the same Mission surrounding ourselves of
the people who get it who want to better themselves who want
to love the other people in the world who want to you know,
help those lost sheep come back God. It's so
important to get with the others, you know, when we can conform we
can come together when we can.
Really put together a model in this
obviously a few people who work really hard to making
the world work for them. And we've got to work really hard with the people who care
to make the world work for the rest of us, you know,
so surrounding ourselves with those people isn't it's it's
just imperative to getting that Ripple
to be a little bit bigger A Little
Bit Stronger a little bit more force behind and believing in
it 100%
And when we realize that the belief system
that we grew up with that was holding us back holding us
down. You ain't about that
life no more and decide to live in your own truth of being Breaking
Free from society's mold.
Man how important that is that the belief
systems that we've had all the things that hold us back.
No more no more. We're dangerous human
beings now where people who came here to change this
world and not be of
it to completely come back and remember who we
are why we came here every single one of us. We are
here to free ourselves from this mole Society of
being these, you know rigid do what
you told people it's time to break free from that each and
every one of us powerful beyond our wildest dreams and we're
all in this together from the humans to
the animals. The reptilians the reptiles
the birds the amphibians the mammals
everybody and they're counting on us man.
I think that they're you know, there's so many species going
extinct there. These animals are counting on us to get
it right to get it together. The time is now there's no
more time to wait. We're all in this together. This is
all of our planets and we need to start acting like
And one of my favorite prophecies
out of all the books everything around it
was Native Americans that have the the Rainbow
Warriors The Warriors of the rainbow.
And they said that they would show up that the
great and show us that the great spirit is full of
love and understanding and teach them us how
to make earth beautiful again.
I don't know if that resonates with any guys watching here. But
to me, it totally resonates. I definitely feel like a warrior of the
Rainbow Tribe and I am here as best. I can to help
wake up the rest help get you excited to
help you realize how beautiful and how powerful and how
amazing each and every one of us are and that you in your
own life in your own world in your own reality over there
on the other side of this camera.
Have some important mission to do and it
starts with your family your workplace and all
the above everything you're connected to your
church your life. All that is imperative
to change the world. Now, you don't have to be the CEO or
the president of some company. You can
do it right here right now this lifetime even just
meditating on peace and love when a few
people do that in a city. It drastically takes away from the
rapes murders and aggressive acts that happen. So
just believing just permeating out
peace and Harmony in your own body and outward changes
that whole, you know, everything
in your whole city. So there's no doubt. That's
scientifically perfect. There's no doubt that you can
change the world right here right now just by Rippling out peace not
praying for it as if it's not here, but praying on
it that I am exudes from
me as I as I'm here.
And so I believe we can change old old ways of
doing things. I don't sites at least to a flag or Corporation
or a country necessarily. I want
to pledge allegiance to the Earth and all the life which
it supports one planet in our care Irreplaceable
what's sustenance and respect for all every
single person. It's all important. We can
it's no reason why we can't change everything we
can change it all doesn't need to stay the same
for any, you know, that's one of those kind of dangerous ideas of
tradition. We have to do it because my
grandpa did I got to spank my kids because I was spanked and
look at me you can change anything. Anyway, we want to
It's is your choice and when you change it
you change it for all the all the people in your lineage.
After you you know, when I decide I'm not going
to do things. I'm gonna love my child or we're gonna
spank or we're not gonna do this, you know, you you
can change literally the whole entire lineage.
Negatively or positively but how you're going to do things right here
So we can change anything anytime. I want to the transformation age.
It's all about aligning with the divine within
each and every one of us totally Divine. It's never one of
us incredibly beautiful.
And just having to realize that and understand that and moving from
that whole.
you know belief system of me me I I to we
to We Are One World where you know, not necessarily
just one country or one One racer, you
know, or are you race We Are One race one planet
one Humanity, you know, we are all one
and if we're gonna get through this we have to realize that we are all connected
and we're all affect each other even across the
planet we affect each other.
Look at this beautiful planet that we live on there's no lines. There's
no borders.
You know, it's one beautiful planet.
And we've got it all so bored up so
separated so compartmentalize that
we don't even see the totality of the whole thing, but realizing.
It's a beautiful one.
living entity
that breeze our planet Breeze and
it has a heartbeat and
and we are like cells of this planet and we
have start working in cooperation with each other. We're gonna
end up working.
And competition and killing
each other.
So we are not separate from the whole we are
connected to the Sun the Earth the air you don't have a life. You
are life each and every one of us are life.
It's not something that is out there. We're all part
of it all the same thing those time for each and every
one of us to get activated.
To be completely.
to know who we are
No matter what. Everybody else is doing out there no
matter what everybody else is feeling or complaining about
let me tell you about my boss. Now how much I hate him. We
can say not just necessarily and happiness.
But in our sovereignty in our freedom to know
I can be exactly who I want to be. I don't have to give in to conversations
I can walk away or I can change the subject and people
won't go with me to where I want to go. I'll walk away.
Just because you work at a certain place. I have literally
known seen myself change,
you know
my thinking about certain things and jobs.
And bring a whole new me into it and change the whole dynamics
of a whole work situation because I was no
longer going to focus on certain things and I that higher
vibration of focusing on freedom love Harmony it
over so supersedes that of you know,
disconnectedness and anger and fear.
100% so you can change the vibration
of the room of your home
and I said to me
this is great pictures not just about happiness on other people are sad, but just
standing in your power standing in Who You Are
because we are here to build a
new world one that is filled with love compassion and
understanding of a higher purpose of life.
We are more powerful than we would ever
know and there are those out there who fear the
day we discover it.
But most of all realizing that one of
us just one of us becoming reaching
that Enlightenment stage can potentially change the
world forever set the whole world on fire.
And that's why they're so afraid of that one. But
certainly it only takes one to light
everybody else up to spark everybody else because when
we decide to shine our Inner Light other people become inspired
to the same, you don't have to convince anybody. I'm telling
anybody literally being yourself standing in
your power people will walk up to you and talk to you because if
they can feel it in you it's not something you have to
convince in the body of anymore. If you really have it if
you really feeling it you will change people's lives and
people will want to talk to you and they want to get an align with
you and ask you questions.
And we are evolving 100% way past
just having opposable thumb because we've got a lot more to go.
We're across we're in the process of changing
the forms of light better not of this world and becoming able
to do Miracles fly things
that we've heard about from Apollo to
Christ to Zeus all around
the world. We've always heard about these Gods superhero type
people who have different different abilities
certainly as we come into our
Evolution. We upgrade our DNA. We're going
to find different powers within each of us.
And every moment that we spend in higher conscience helps
uplift the consciousness of the whole world. So as
we lift ourselves up as we move
ourselves up and let go of the depression let go of the
things that bring us down. We bring up the whole because we are connected to
every single person. So by shifting our energy we
shift the entire planet. There's no doubt about that and
one of us does it and we start to, you
know, have our spouse our friends and we
start to get together and do rituals together. We
really we got a whole Squad who has
knowledge of the cell and so we start to go back into those
Realms of and those stories where they were
these 12 gods and these different kinds of groups of people who
lived in certain communities who had abilities that
far beyond out of the everyday
person. I believe that we will soon see these
kinds of people again and see these kinds of groups
and communities again out where
people will be, you know, probably
from the cities and live out more in
nature together.
So if many little people in many little places do
many little things they can change the
face of the Earth every single one of us and if we
work in alignment with each other and there's no doubt 100%
Well, the ripples will be that much bigger and
by wanting to focus on
what we want. So we don't we can paint an entirely
new reality a golden age revolutionize
politics education Humanity.
Everything can
change as long as we really honestly believe in it. We can
we can change anything we want to
to that Golden Age the sci-yuga that's
been promised and
every culture that I could pretty much find in
every in-depth book
of History all pointing to things that
happened in the past that will happen again that we can't even stop it
if we wanted to but we can certainly
know that it's coming and we
are in the midst of a huge pole ship right now and
I believe that we take ourselves out of the polarization of the things that
are going on the world. We can help that pole shift even faster.
And I do think that the pole
shift is definitely something that we definitely want
to happen to going into this
golden age is not something to fear. It is something to to
look forward to and to want because I do think
we can't go into that Golden Age my personal belief without that,
of course, you know,
certainly I do believe that we can change the world in a
drastic way, but I do think that the poster
is inevitable, too. We're already in the midst of that.
Um So within our lifetimes we
will see all the world's lakes oceans rivers
and waterways restored to Purity as
well as our soil toxic chemicals
contamination of our food and other common products will
be outlawed pharmaceutical companies will cease with
holistic healing practices becoming the norm.
The people of each Nation will govern themselves clean free
energy will be in play big changes are coming
and the cabal who controls Society the religion
politics health and education will be completely gone.
I don't know what you guys but I totally believe that we will live
in a beautiful Society again where Technologies
and things will be far
beyond our wildest dreams. We'll be able to
focus on a lot of other things instead of just survival.
Just getting by just paying the bills.
you know, we're meditation and
you know working on our spiritual journey
has become commonplace as opposed to
having to work all the time just to pay the bills and how
difficult that's been so we are on
up and up and you can see right after
Christ has been crucified. We'll go. It's
really dark stage. It's Industrial Age of taking
in this bombs. I don't have gone
off and now we're at this really pivotal point.
Or seemingly we can go into maybe fifth Dimensions
or higher on this planet. What an
incredible incredible idea and
I do think this is more than just an idea. I think
it's possible that we've had similar times in
the planet and we are coming up on the Berry new time
but a similar time in our near
future and I just want to hopefully, you
know pump people up and get you excited about it that yes,
there are some things that are going on that not great. But
honestly, they all work to our advantage to see through
the veil to see what is available to us. What
is out there and how we can
use that to change to be the people that we want to be
in this world. How can we use that to be better humans? How can
you use these experiences to gain our
own Enlightenment? Because it's just enlightening up
like letting go of all the things all the
all the suffering and depression, you know.
Has been great for me because it's been the thing. That's helped me. Learn the
most that's what's helping me realize the
most is the suffering that I've been told in my life. So I'm thankful
for I'm thinking of everything one of you. Thank you
guys for being here today. That is my
presentation on the Golden Age. And so excited to be
here on ascension Works TV sharing with
all you guys this information, so
thanks, Jacob my
People: Jacob Cox
Topics: Awakening & Ascension, Disclosure, Metaphysics, Mystery School, Spirituality
Trying to walk the walk… but is not easy at all! Sometimes I feel sooo tired, but… but keep on trying…
I’m so tired of the division & hate that we constantly experience on this beautiful planet of ours…
Great Episode! Enjoyed it very much. I’ll be sure to watch your previous episodes. Thank you 🙏🏼