Mystery School: I am that, I am

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: I am that, I am
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Next Episode: Mystery School: Healing
And tonight's topic is the revelation
of I Am That I am.
And we first hear of this phrase in the Bible, in Exodus,
uh, Moses is, it's presented with a bush that's on fire,
yet not being consumed.
And this voice tells Moses, he is here with him,
and, um, he wants Moses to go get his people out of Egypt
and help set them free.
Uh, Moses pretty much asked, you know,
who should I say sent me?
And he, and the voice says, I am that I am.
And I think that's really important to make that pause there
and to allow the comma to be heard.
Um, because I am that I am is
what I've heard my whole life as a kid.
And that to me never really made sense.
But I knew this, this was powerful.
I mean, for every Christian and, and, and Jew,
because the first five books of the Bible are the Torah.
Um, it's very important to know that if someone's to say,
what is the name of God?
This is it. This is the name that that was told to Moses
that would be, uh, told
to all those for the rest of eternity.
This is the name of God. Um, I am that I am.
And I think it's important for us to realize,
like it is a phrase that's so important for us
to understand that it's not just a name Yeshua
or, um, Elohim,
or these different names of God
that we always hear all the time.
This is a phrase that really, when you say it over and over
and over again, something happens to you.
Um, and we can literally change our life based on
this one phrase I am that I am.
And to me, after really meditating on this,
after really thinking about it, um, saying it over
and over again to myself, um, the emphasis came
when I said the I am at the, at the end.
You know, to say that God said I am, that I am, that.
You know what I mean? Like he's really emphasizing that word
that I am at the end.
So what is that? You know, all the that's at there is,
you know, all the people, all the places,
all the events, all the circumstances.
That to me verifies that God is omnipresent, omni ponent,
that it's everywhere all the time.
There's nothing that's not it.
It's hard for God to be jealous in
that case if God is everything that exists.
And so I think it's important for us to come to conclusion
that if God is everything, it's everywhere.
It's in every person.
Um, when we're talking to one,
we're literally talking to all.
And when we touch anything, we are touching everything
that every single person that exists, every single place,
every event, um, heaven and hell, all of it is God.
There's nothing that's not God.
Every single part of this entire journey is it.
So we come to those words, I am the most powerful words,
probably in our language as in English.
Um, but for what we do say after them shapes our reality.
When we say, I'm sick, I'm not good enough.
I'm not pretty enough. Those are the programs
that were given to us as kids that, um,
that we believe and they create a reality.
Literally change everything for us.
So as we believe that's what happens for us,
that's the holographic reality that we're in.
Uh, we're projecting that from our, from our souls, from
what we're based on what we think about the world, um,
that becomes our reality.
So when we think those things, I'm not, well, I'm sick,
I'm, I'm not smart enough.
You'll constantly run into places, situations, circumstance,
events that constantly, you know, mirror that,
that message back to you.
You know, you're not good enough.
People are gonna make fun of you.
People are gonna talk about you.
Um, the universe says, yeah, you're not that.
So I'm gonna, I'm gonna verify that for you.
Um, we literally have been brainwashing
programmed to think a certain way.
Um, and I think that's important.
You know, when you would think about certain movies
and, uh, things like that.
I mean, Luke and Star Wars,
he can't move his spaceship outta the mud.
And Jodi says, that's why you fail,
because you don't believe it.
And that's the only reason why we don't have the jobs we
want, the life, we want the lovers.
We want the, uh, car that you want, everything, you know,
the peace, the harmony, everything that we want is
just a thought away.
And it's changing, um, how we think to, to receive that.
So I think it's really important
to ask ourselves, who are we?
Who are you? Um, we all wear a lot of masks.
We wear a lot of masks, um, all the time.
But realizing that each
and every one of us is a miracle, can change your life.
You know, knowing that miracles, miracles exist is great,
but realizing you yourself, as much as any person
that's ever come, any Buddha, Krishna, Christ,
and you yourself are a miracle, is super important for you
to, to become that, to realize how incredible you are.
You know, who we are is much more than our names, our jobs,
our genders, the skin tone.
All of those things are just fractions of who we are.
It's just an experience, you know, that we've,
that we are experiencing now that we've literally forgotten,
that we've become disconnected from source,
not really disconnected from source.
Um, we're never disconnected.
But, you know, we're playing a role that seems like
that we may be disconnected from source.
Um, but certainly we're not these egos and ideas.
Uh, you know, the more we associate with ideas, I'm this,
I'm that, the more we fragment ourselves into becoming less
of the whole, it's really easy to say, I'm Christian,
I'm white, I'm a man.
All these things all down the line,
you know, I'm middle class.
And the more and more we do that to, to ourselves,
we really do fragment ourselves from the
wholeness of all that is.
So each and every one of us are much more
than we've ever been told.
Much more than we probably ever, you know, allowed ourselves
to even imagine for a minute.
But at the end of the day, each
and every one of us must remember,
or actually maybe never forget who you really are.
You know, who are we really?
Who is that deep down inside of ourselves, beyond the skin,
beyond how tall you are, how, how small you are, um,
your weight, you know, how good looking
or whatever you think you are, deep down, who is the person
behind the eyes making those decisions?
Um, it is really important for each
and every single one of us to look inside ourselves.
We all have, we all are more than we've become.
And that's because I feel like there has been an era
of brainwashing.
And, you know, even if you don't want to take that route,
just, you know, we, we are allowing ourselves
to experience a life of less connections
of disconnectedness.
Um, but certainly each
and every one of us are more, you know,
than we've ever been told.
We are. We're more capable of anything,
uh, than we've ever been told.
And so it's really important for us to leave the city
of our comfort and wander into the
wilderness of our intuition.
That's where we're gonna find ourselves again, to get out
of the safe zone, get out of the secure zone
of this religion or, uh, this job.
And, um, you know, for many of us, we're,
we're quitting jobs that no longer serve us, that aren't,
that don't feel right, religion that no longer serves us,
that doesn't feel whole, that it feels fragmented.
Um, you know, super important for us to move into
that intuition, to really listen to
that voice within ourselves that says, you know,
it's time for you to do that.
It's time for you to follow your dreams
and to live the life that you definitely wanna,
that you've been longing for, for, you know, lifetimes.
Um, so really the only way out of your misery,
the only way out of your suffering, your own, you know,
self prescribed hell, if you will.
I know that's certainly what I was living my life,
was my own hell, my own design.
And I realized if I was powerful enough
to create my own hell, then I had to be powerful enough
to create my own heaven too.
So I think how we get there, one of the greatest ways
for us, each and every one of us,
it doesn't cost anything, is meditation.
And when Buddha was asked what he had gained
for meditation, he replied nothing.
However, let me tell you what I have lost.
Anger, anxiety, depression, insecurity,
fear of old age and death.
That to me is what it was for me as well.
That when I finally was able to silence my mind
and go within, I wasn't gaining anything,
but I was, that was where I was able to allow myself
to drop all the barriers, all the walls
that I had built myself, that kept me from my own serenity,
that kept me from my own nirvana, um, my own ego,
my own stereotypes, my own hate.
Um, all those things kept me from this
beautiful nirvana state.
You know, God-like nature, that all of us,
I believe every single one of us can endure.
Um, but each and every one of us have stolen beliefs
and allowed ourselves to be programmed to be disconnected.
So I think each and every one of us need to realize, we need
to drop the idea of becoming someone,
because you already are a masterpiece.
You cannot be improved. You only have to come to realize it.
To know it. That is a hundred percent how I, how I feel
that I, that I resonate with.
You know, we're already perfect, you know,
and everybody thinks that we have
to be a certain person to be perfect.
Like your life is perfect
because how you learned, you know, we all have these laws
and rules, and if you do bad, you deserve to go to jail
and you're a bad person, you're a bad boy
or a bad girl, like no man, you have the right,
the divine right to mess up.
Right? And it's not everybody else's, uh, you know,
right to judge you for, I mean, I guess it is a right
to judge you for it, but it doesn't matter
what they think about your life,
and we're all so mad at everybody
and, you know, uh, I should be able to do this.
And you can't do that with your body.
And like, man, at the end of the day, I have to
let go of what I believe is right for you
and allow you to live your life.
And to know that at the end of the day, what you do
with your life, what you do with your body, there is karma
and there are consequences for everything
that you do, positive or negative.
And I must trust in the universe that what you do,
you're gonna learn from what happens to you.
You're gonna learn from, instead of me saying, oh,
that person's done a bad thing, they should go to jail
for the rest of their life and never be let out.
Um, some of the worst things, you know,
that I have ever done have put me on the path
to been the best person that I am right now.
So within ourselves is a stillness
and a sanctuary to which we can retreat at any
time and be yourself.
Very important to be yourself, to be you
who you came to be on this earth.
Not what everybody else wants you to be,
to not dress a certain way, to wear certain clothes,
certain brands, all that is just, you know, kind of
irrelevant nonsense.
Um, the real you that's really important is
how you make others feel.
Um, what you're really into being your true
self no matter what.
Um, you know that that's the coolest person that run to me,
most authentic, honest, real person.
When you let that out, don't ever cage it,
because that's the real rawness
that I feel like now more than ever people are looking for.
It is not about your clothes and what shoes you got anymore.
It's what's in your heart. You know, what,
what are you conveying?
I mean, I think people like Joe Rogan are so popular
because at least he's talking about some truthful things,
some honest things, and giving a real
raw opinion about things.
That's what things that people are liking right now.
Like, stop lying to us.
Stop just saying things that you know,
are good for corporations.
Say things that are real, that affect real people.
Um, and when you do that, when you become a real person,
again, when you become your real, authentic self,
it's really, uh, incredible thing
to watch to look at.
People are really attracted to that, that kind of person
who really says what they mean
and mean what they say and tells the truth.
And that's like the biggest rebel in the room right now,
because most many people
around the world aren't, aren't doing that.
So we, you know, as much
as anyone should find ourselves, who are we really?
Uh, can we dive deep into that, dwell in that,
and be that authentic person within ourselves?
Uh, again, I think that's the coolest person in the room.
And when we got, when we dive deep into
ourselves, we become that person.
And we realize that paradise is, is, is not a place,
heaven is not a place to get to, to, to die
and get rewarded, to go to.
But it's rather a state of consciousness to be here now
and to realize how beautiful this moment is
and every single moment of your life.
You know, one of my favorite, um, quotes is,
before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water
after enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.
I mean, just, you may know the aliens exist
and that you're God and all the things,
but at the end of the day, you still gonna chop wood
and you're still gonna carry water,
and you're still gonna have to eat,
and you're still gonna have to do these other things.
And that's the beauty of life.
There's, you know, things to do and, and feelings to feel
and, and ideas to, uh, to remember.
And, um, and just know this whole thing is beautiful.
All the experience is beautiful.
Not just this part of that part, but every bit of it.
The, the laughing and the crying, the, the burst
and the deaths, you know, to realize it's all beautiful.
It's all life. It's all amazing. Every single bit of it.
Not just, you know, picking and choosing, but really,
and, you know, embellishing in all of it,
and realizing how incredible it is to be alive
and to be here now in this moment.
Uh, and this is a Egyptian proverb,
but you know, you've seen it in many,
many proverbs around the world.
The kingdom of heaven is within you,
and whoever shall know himself shall find it.
So even Christ said this, the kingdom
of heaven is within you.
Um, so it's not, you know, they said it loud and clear.
It wasn't a place to get to.
It was not some reward to get to after death.
This is a state of consciousness, a state of being that each
and every one of us can live in.
It doesn't matter what country you're in, it doesn't matter
what what gender you are.
It doesn't matter anything.
If you are a human being on this planet, kingdom
of heaven is within you, and you can find it,
and you can dwell in that every single moment of your life.
And I think one of the greatest things, again,
when we talk about meditation, is, uh, that's,
that is seeming the key.
It's the one thing, uh, that doesn't cost anything
that everybody can do, but many people don't.
And, um, you know, in the Bible in Matthew, it says, those
who sat in darkness saw great lights.
Um, and what are you doing? If you're sitting in darkness?
You are meditating. There's not much else you can be doing
if said, you're sitting in the dark.
So upon, uh, doing that for myself,
uh, this, this quote, be still know that
I am God came to me.
That when I was able to drop myself my name,
where I was from, who I thought I was,
that was the moment when I was able to regain the connection
of the universe that I was God to,
that I was not separate from it,
that God was not outside of me.
That I was able to, to be still enough
and quiet enough to realize that there was no separation
between me and God.
And that was an incredible moment for myself.
And I think every single person, uh, can have
that moment for themselves.
And so, at the end of the day, you know,
maybe we have been programmed, maybe we have been lied to,
maybe not intentionally, um, but one way
or another, uh, the truth has evaded us somehow.
And I think the truth is, deep down, we're all divine,
we're all, we're all incredible, we're all beautiful.
Um, that literally God is a frequency that exists within us.
All we have to do is tune in, man. It's that simple.
Or is it? But you know, if God is within us
and it is it, you know, a frequency that we can tune into,
um, you know, it's important to even, you know, the,
think about the ohm.
The ohm is the sound of God, um, that permeates
to the entire universe that literally holds and resonates
and keeps the planets and the stars spinning
and the orders that they're spinning in and,
and the way that they're doing it.
Um, and you know, the om is that sound
that's permeating through the universe.
And we can tap into that omm as well,
and hear it in the beginning was the word.
And the word was God.
That's what's holding us together, is a sound, a word, vm.
And each of one of us is a spark from that infinite.
We're not just these flushing bones, you know,
we are the literal light and the sound
and the frequency that is part of the entire universe.
It's only this crazy, crazy idea
that we're not, you know, like who benefits from the fact
that we, that we aren't, that we don't believe it.
There's a, there has to be someone
who benefits from the fact that we are, uh, believe
that we're disconnected, that we believe
that we're not God anymore.
Um, finding out that is, I feel like a good way
to find out our power again.
That, that deep down, you know, if we realize,
Hey, I'm more than this.
All I have to do is, is meditate, tune in to myself
and find out who I really am.
I can take my power back
and I can literally change the world.
Um, 'cause I can change myself. That's number one.
The only way you'll ever change the world is if
you change yourself first.
And realizing that you are part of it.
You're not separate from it.
I love, I love what Yoda said,
luminous beings are we not this crude matter, you know,
it's almost like it's in every, not every movie,
but it's in so many movies.
It's in so many books.
It's, you know, thrown on TV shows all the time
that we're not this thing.
And, you know, I thought about it before,
and it's almost like sometimes when you watch that stuff,
when you read those books, you, you know,
and you see other people do it,
become the hero of their own life.
Take back their life and, and realize how special they are.
You know, you're almost like
living vicariously through them.
And so there's a little bit of a spark inside of you
that like, feels like you've done the work,
even though you're not, you know,
when like when they run up,
when they have a runner hook 'em up to the EKGs
for their brain, whether they are run the run a race,
are thinking about running the race, the same parts
of your brain light up.
I think that's incredibly important.
Like, you don't have to run the race.
You can think about it and you're still doing the same thing
when you watch it on television.
It's similar to what you should be doing,
but it's the distraction still from actually doing the work
and actually becoming the person that you need to be.
Um, sometimes it's, you know, it's nice to see it
and to recognize it, but then turn the TV off
and go do it for yourself.
'cause each and every single one of us are the universe.
You know, we all are own universes. We all have our own.
I, for me, personally, I had a meditation one time where
my heart became the sun.
And different glands
and different chakras
of me was like different planets revolve around me.
And I realized like the people and the events
and the places I went
and the jobs that I had all were part
of this universe that I was in.
And that as my son was a beautiful, bright, you know, loving
sun, it would bring in more to this, this universe of mine.
But as it dimmed down,
and I wasn't, uh, it wasn't that bright, fiery loving,
you know, unconditional love
Than less would be in my universe.
And, uh, I love this Neil Tyson quote, there, there
as many atoms in a single molecule of your DNA
as there are stars in the typical galaxy.
We are each of us, we are each of us a little universe.
I mean, deep down to the science, to the molecules that,
that we, that make us up.
Each and every one of us are billions and billions of cells.
We're all tiny little universes in the
multiverse with our own laws.
Your belief systems are your own laws to your universe.
But at the end of the day, we know we're all consciousness.
Each and every one of us.
And consciousness has no religion, no belief, no ideology,
no gender, sexuality, race, age, nationality.
Each and every one of us are pure,
vibrant consciousness at our core.
All these other things are labels that distract
and fragment us down to something to make us, at the end
of the day, I believe make us depressed and make us sad
because we're so fragmented from source.
And one of my favorite quotes is by Rumi,
that you are not just a drop in the ocean.
We are that, but you are the whole mighty ocean in
the single drop too.
That there's nothing that you aren't, there's nothing
that Christ was or Buddha was, or Krishna or Muhammad
or Allah or anyone.
None of them that ever has come
or ever will come that you aren't.
You are all those Christ said you can do.
All the things I'm doing are greater things.
Every single one of us is that too.
We just have to believe it.
You are the universe in ecstatic motion.
Another room you quote, literally,
we are our own universes moving around and time
and space with our own laws and our own belief system.
Uh, each and every one of us, our own cosmic universe, uh,
master of our own universes.
Uh, and so, you know, just for a moment, you know,
sometimes throughout the day, how important is it to think,
even if that person over there who just cut me off,
or this person over here who's yelling at someone else,
even if they don't even realize it, deep down at their core,
they are the cosmos made into a human being for right now,
for the small experience.
You know, give them grace.
Give them, you know, that time to understand who they are.
Uh, no reason to be mad judgment for anybody.
This life is so short.
Um, let everyone have their own life,
have their own experiences, um, so
that they can grow and move on.
And you will have so much more peace in your life if you
give others grace instead of saying,
you shouldn't be doing that, you shouldn't do this.
Um, it's gonna be a really, really hard life
for you overall, um, judging everyone
and saying what they should or shouldn't do.
But realizing deep down every person you meet,
that's the thing that comes
to mind when I see the picture like this, is that, uh,
story from, you know, that Christ said, you know,
I'm gonna come visit you tonight.
So the man was, you know, willing
and waiting for Christ to come.
You know, basically three strangers come
and he sends 'em all away.
Um, and then Christ comes in
and he says, Hey man, you know, uh,
I've been waiting for you to come.
And he said, I've been here three times already.
Uh, every single person is God.
And if you turn 'em away, you turn God away.
And somehow, so every person coming into your life asking
you for something, you know, talking to you,
finding yourself in a moment with them, listen to them,
you know, talk to them,
understand them where they're coming from.
Why is the experience coming to me?
Um, there's so much in that one little experience.
Sometimes it can change your life if you just accept it.
And that's happened to me multiple times.
Each and every one of us for the cosmos made conscious.
We are stars wrapped in skin.
The light you're seeking has always been within.
It's not some God, some Christ in Jesus, some Buddha
that come save you.
How? I just don't see how, when you really think about,
I don't want to be saved by anyone.
You know, if, if there's a mess that I'm in,
I want to get myself out.
I don't want my mom or dad to come rescue me.
You know what I mean? What do I learn from that?
What do we achieve? How do we grow from that?
But literally, if the lies within
and I can save myself, if I become the hero
of my own journey, there's something about that that's
so gratifying that I can, I can save myself.
I can, I'm responsible for this mess that I got myself into,
and I can myself out
and I can reclaim peace, joy, harmony with the universe
is not something I need someone else
to give me or do for me.
I can do it for myself.
And this may be the hardest part, though, realizing
that each and every single one of us is the chosen one.
Not neo, not Jesus, not these messiahs
that you, as much as anybody else in the entire universe
are worthy to know that you are the chosen one for yourself,
for your life, you know, for you to grow, for you to move,
for you to have this apocalypse, which is a revealing, is
what the word, you know, apocalypse actually means.
It's a lifting of the veil and revealing of truth.
That's incredible for you to have that to you
to realize I'm the chosen one.
I came here to, to save myself, to,
to grow, to come back to the one.
You know, that's what's so important.
Um, and, you know, realizing that for myself,
I'm not looking for anybody else to come down
from a cloud and save me.
Um, one of the things in Christianity that has become
so popular now is this idea of, of the, of rapture
where Christ comes back and saves people.
And it's based on very little from our Bible.
And I don't wanna belittle anyone or anything like that,
but I find it hard to believe that anyone
would be looking for Christ on a cloud if Christ
was already in your heart.
And that's what it says, that when you open your heart
and allow Christ to come in, if Christ was within you,
it came into your heart.
Why would you be looking for him on a cloud?
If it's already in you? You don't need that.
And the, the Bible does refer to a thousand years
of peace being rained on this planet.
I don't want to be taken off or anything.
I wanna be here and now on this planet
and this great transformation
that is upon us, that's about to happen.
So I am my own guru. You are your own guru.
There is no one better to know what you need to do
with your life than you.
Plain and simple. That's it.
Every single person is, uh, your own guru.
And listen to that voice within
and start to change your thoughts
so you can change your world and your reality.
And that's all you can change is your
world and your reality.
Um, and that's that, you know, age old saying,
you've heard Henry Ford and other people,
whether you think you can
or you think you can't, you're right.
So if you say, I can't do that, you're right.
I'm not even gonna argue with you. Don't do it.
You're not gonna be able to do it.
'cause you don't believe in yourself, but you turn around
and say, oh, I can do that.
I'm gonna make it happen. And you don't,
you don't allow any other thing, uh,
to manifest other than what you want.
You're gonna get it because if you believe it enough
and you really want it,
there's nothing that's gonna stop you.
You know, do or do not. There is no try.
You're either gonna do it or you don't.
And when you start to have that kind of mentality,
when you start to have, I'm gonna do it no matter what,
you really start to believe in yourself.
When you surely start to say, Hey, look, there is nothing
that keeps me from getting what I want except for me.
I'm the only person who keeps me from getting what I want.
There's no, I give nobody else that power over me.
Nobody can make me angry.
I can allow people to make me angry,
but if I say someone else makes me angry,
I give them power over me to do so.
So we start taking back our responsibility,
our belief, our life.
And you can, you know, really from
that point on, change your life.
I love this saying, you know, when, uh, when Jesus,
I think this was, oh, here, yeah,
you don't have enough faith.
Jesus told him. I tell you the truth.
If you had faith even as small as a mustard seed,
you could say to this mountain, move from here
to there and it would move.
Nothing would be impossible.
You know, one of his parables
that he was saying, you know what I mean?
Um, and you know, is he talking about literal mountains?
Yeah, I think he is talking about literal mountains.
But I also think he's talking about the mountains of cancer.
The mountains of, you know, a job that you don't like
or a life or a house.
There's nothing that you can't do.
But I, you know, literally down, deep down to the,
to the core of this, is it literally true?
Probably. So I don't think
there's anything that's impossible.
Nothing is impossible with God. Everything is possible.
Um, and believe and do greater things.
You know, again, I said this before many times,
but you know, Christ said, there's nothing
that I'm doing that you can't do.
Uh, if you believe it,
you can do greater things that I'm doing.
And this is supposed to be the only son of God
and I that, that, that term the only son,
I don't think he's the only son.
Like there's no other ones other than him.
'cause the Bible literally says, we're all sons
and daughters of God, but he's the only son in the, the way
that you can only be the son of God when you reflect that
of God consciousness, right?
So he is totally in loving,
he is totally free will to others that each person can do
and say and believe whatever they want to, um, realizing
to give that freedom to every single person.
I mean, that's literally what God is,
is giving us free will to be who we are.
And we as people come up with these laws
and regulations that have to happen so that we feel safe,
um, not believing in karma is gonna do his job,
but, um, you know, when we emulate that of God,
we are the only something.
'cause that's the only person that's it is when you emulate
that, that feeling
and that love in the same way
that it's being reflected from the universe.
And our thoughts literally shift the universe on a particle,
bi particle basis to create your physical life.
So as we think, that's what we create.
You know, if we think things are hard in life,
they're always gonna find things to be hard.
If you think everything works out for me, it always will.
If I'm in the wrong place, the wrong time
or the right place in the right time,
those are gonna happen for you as well.
If you stub your toe
and you say, oh, now it's gonna, you know, now
that it starts to rain, it's gonna pour on me
and all the bad things are gonna happen.
You're right. You're absolutely right about it.
It's all gonna happen to you, you know, and, and,
but you can change it.
You can say, no, that's not today. I'm not gonna do that.
You know, I'm gonna have a great day.
And, and, and literally say your affirmations
to change your, your whole day.
But you can literally believe yourself in the sickness.
You can believe yourself in the disease.
You can believe yourself in having a horrible day,
a horrible month, a horrible year,
and eventually a horrible life.
It can, your whole life can turn out to be a nightmare
or your, or your, your greatest fantasy
or your greatest dream because it,
it literally is projected from our souls.
It's holographing universe that we think is real,
can literally be changed with just our
thoughts and our emotions.
So when it comes down to it, stop thinking and hoping,
but you know, don't think that you are.
Know that you are. Know I am here to change the world.
I came here to be, you know, more than I was told.
I came here to bring a new paradigm shift
to this entire planet.
I am that I am.
And there's nothing that is gonna stop me,
especially myself, myself.
And I believe when you really reach that point, you know,
even in the Bible it says, um,
no weapon forged against me shall prosper.
You know, I think the Matrix is a documentary
more than it was a movie.
But literally, there's nothing that can stop us.
I mean, quantum physics and everything says it.
We're all one with it.
You know, we can command everything down
to the particle, you know what I mean?
Like, if we really believe it, we are that powerful.
We are God, whether you choose today to accept it
or not, or some point in your life.
And, and really, honestly, I think the difference
between believing and knowing is doing sometimes, um,
you can believe it and you can talk about it,
and you can say it sometimes,
but if you don't know it down in your heart,
if you don't practice it every single day, I don't, I can't,
I don't think you can say, you know it,
you can say you believe it, I believe I'm God.
But knowing that you're God is, is really doing it.
I'm, I'm gonna do it every single day.
And I'm, you know, even if you mess up Tara
and keep saying, you know what, no hard judgment,
but you know, I'm gonna get back on
that wave and I'm gonna keep riding.
Each and every single one of us came here,
I believe, to complete a mission.
And I think many of our missions are very, very similar,
probably deep down at the core.
Um, I think our mission is to learn unconditional love.
But at this very time on this very, you know, planet,
I think our mission is to bring a paradigm shift
that changes the consciousness of this planet
in a revolutionary way
that we haven't seen in quite some time.
And the time is now.
And we must know deep down in our hearts the things
that we're seeking, love, compassion, empathy, a world
that works for all of us
and not just a few, we must know deep down in our hearts
that that which we are seeking is also seeking us.
It is incredibly imperative to change the world, to know
that on the other end of my belief,
it's not just me wanting it,
but there is a part of the universe
that wants it for me as well.
That to me, changed my life
and made me realize like,
it's not just this egotistical thing that I want,
but I think the universe really wanted me to have it too.
And that was like, that makes, that made me feel really, uh,
complete, incredible, grateful, humbled to know
that it wasn't just this thing that I wanted,
but you know, go after it, get it.
And I say once you have, you know, these skills,
once you have, uh, dropped the ego, once you have, uh,
become one with all that is, once you have that passion
and fire inside of you, go forth and set the world on fire.
The time is now, the world needs what many of us hold back.
You know, it needs love,
it needs more compassion, it needs more peace.
And who are you not to give it to the earth?
Who are you not to give it to the world?
You know what I mean? Everyone says, why me?
Why, why not you?
Every single one of us is, you know, incredibly beautiful,
incredibly talented, gifted beyond our wildest dreams.
And if we only were to set, you know,
set ourselves in this here and now, and really feel it
and know it, how incredibly special it is to be here,
to be alive, to be able to breathe the air, to be able
to love, to be able to care for others,
your whole life would change.
And, you know, we could really blossom into the people
that we came here to be the souls that we came here to be.
Um, so thank you guys for tonight.
Uh, I hope this was an inspirational talk tonight.
Um, definitely something I I've I've loved for a long time
and something I, when I think about God,
I do think about I am that I am, uh,
very powerful, very powerful message.
Um, thank you guys for joining us tonight,
and I hope we'll come back and join us again.
Thank you.
of I Am That I am.
And we first hear of this phrase in the Bible, in Exodus,
uh, Moses is, it's presented with a bush that's on fire,
yet not being consumed.
And this voice tells Moses, he is here with him,
and, um, he wants Moses to go get his people out of Egypt
and help set them free.
Uh, Moses pretty much asked, you know,
who should I say sent me?
And he, and the voice says, I am that I am.
And I think that's really important to make that pause there
and to allow the comma to be heard.
Um, because I am that I am is
what I've heard my whole life as a kid.
And that to me never really made sense.
But I knew this, this was powerful.
I mean, for every Christian and, and, and Jew,
because the first five books of the Bible are the Torah.
Um, it's very important to know that if someone's to say,
what is the name of God?
This is it. This is the name that that was told to Moses
that would be, uh, told
to all those for the rest of eternity.
This is the name of God. Um, I am that I am.
And I think it's important for us to realize,
like it is a phrase that's so important for us
to understand that it's not just a name Yeshua
or, um, Elohim,
or these different names of God
that we always hear all the time.
This is a phrase that really, when you say it over and over
and over again, something happens to you.
Um, and we can literally change our life based on
this one phrase I am that I am.
And to me, after really meditating on this,
after really thinking about it, um, saying it over
and over again to myself, um, the emphasis came
when I said the I am at the, at the end.
You know, to say that God said I am, that I am, that.
You know what I mean? Like he's really emphasizing that word
that I am at the end.
So what is that? You know, all the that's at there is,
you know, all the people, all the places,
all the events, all the circumstances.
That to me verifies that God is omnipresent, omni ponent,
that it's everywhere all the time.
There's nothing that's not it.
It's hard for God to be jealous in
that case if God is everything that exists.
And so I think it's important for us to come to conclusion
that if God is everything, it's everywhere.
It's in every person.
Um, when we're talking to one,
we're literally talking to all.
And when we touch anything, we are touching everything
that every single person that exists, every single place,
every event, um, heaven and hell, all of it is God.
There's nothing that's not God.
Every single part of this entire journey is it.
So we come to those words, I am the most powerful words,
probably in our language as in English.
Um, but for what we do say after them shapes our reality.
When we say, I'm sick, I'm not good enough.
I'm not pretty enough. Those are the programs
that were given to us as kids that, um,
that we believe and they create a reality.
Literally change everything for us.
So as we believe that's what happens for us,
that's the holographic reality that we're in.
Uh, we're projecting that from our, from our souls, from
what we're based on what we think about the world, um,
that becomes our reality.
So when we think those things, I'm not, well, I'm sick,
I'm, I'm not smart enough.
You'll constantly run into places, situations, circumstance,
events that constantly, you know, mirror that,
that message back to you.
You know, you're not good enough.
People are gonna make fun of you.
People are gonna talk about you.
Um, the universe says, yeah, you're not that.
So I'm gonna, I'm gonna verify that for you.
Um, we literally have been brainwashing
programmed to think a certain way.
Um, and I think that's important.
You know, when you would think about certain movies
and, uh, things like that.
I mean, Luke and Star Wars,
he can't move his spaceship outta the mud.
And Jodi says, that's why you fail,
because you don't believe it.
And that's the only reason why we don't have the jobs we
want, the life, we want the lovers.
We want the, uh, car that you want, everything, you know,
the peace, the harmony, everything that we want is
just a thought away.
And it's changing, um, how we think to, to receive that.
So I think it's really important
to ask ourselves, who are we?
Who are you? Um, we all wear a lot of masks.
We wear a lot of masks, um, all the time.
But realizing that each
and every one of us is a miracle, can change your life.
You know, knowing that miracles, miracles exist is great,
but realizing you yourself, as much as any person
that's ever come, any Buddha, Krishna, Christ,
and you yourself are a miracle, is super important for you
to, to become that, to realize how incredible you are.
You know, who we are is much more than our names, our jobs,
our genders, the skin tone.
All of those things are just fractions of who we are.
It's just an experience, you know, that we've,
that we are experiencing now that we've literally forgotten,
that we've become disconnected from source,
not really disconnected from source.
Um, we're never disconnected.
But, you know, we're playing a role that seems like
that we may be disconnected from source.
Um, but certainly we're not these egos and ideas.
Uh, you know, the more we associate with ideas, I'm this,
I'm that, the more we fragment ourselves into becoming less
of the whole, it's really easy to say, I'm Christian,
I'm white, I'm a man.
All these things all down the line,
you know, I'm middle class.
And the more and more we do that to, to ourselves,
we really do fragment ourselves from the
wholeness of all that is.
So each and every one of us are much more
than we've ever been told.
Much more than we probably ever, you know, allowed ourselves
to even imagine for a minute.
But at the end of the day, each
and every one of us must remember,
or actually maybe never forget who you really are.
You know, who are we really?
Who is that deep down inside of ourselves, beyond the skin,
beyond how tall you are, how, how small you are, um,
your weight, you know, how good looking
or whatever you think you are, deep down, who is the person
behind the eyes making those decisions?
Um, it is really important for each
and every single one of us to look inside ourselves.
We all have, we all are more than we've become.
And that's because I feel like there has been an era
of brainwashing.
And, you know, even if you don't want to take that route,
just, you know, we, we are allowing ourselves
to experience a life of less connections
of disconnectedness.
Um, but certainly each
and every one of us are more, you know,
than we've ever been told.
We are. We're more capable of anything,
uh, than we've ever been told.
And so it's really important for us to leave the city
of our comfort and wander into the
wilderness of our intuition.
That's where we're gonna find ourselves again, to get out
of the safe zone, get out of the secure zone
of this religion or, uh, this job.
And, um, you know, for many of us, we're,
we're quitting jobs that no longer serve us, that aren't,
that don't feel right, religion that no longer serves us,
that doesn't feel whole, that it feels fragmented.
Um, you know, super important for us to move into
that intuition, to really listen to
that voice within ourselves that says, you know,
it's time for you to do that.
It's time for you to follow your dreams
and to live the life that you definitely wanna,
that you've been longing for, for, you know, lifetimes.
Um, so really the only way out of your misery,
the only way out of your suffering, your own, you know,
self prescribed hell, if you will.
I know that's certainly what I was living my life,
was my own hell, my own design.
And I realized if I was powerful enough
to create my own hell, then I had to be powerful enough
to create my own heaven too.
So I think how we get there, one of the greatest ways
for us, each and every one of us,
it doesn't cost anything, is meditation.
And when Buddha was asked what he had gained
for meditation, he replied nothing.
However, let me tell you what I have lost.
Anger, anxiety, depression, insecurity,
fear of old age and death.
That to me is what it was for me as well.
That when I finally was able to silence my mind
and go within, I wasn't gaining anything,
but I was, that was where I was able to allow myself
to drop all the barriers, all the walls
that I had built myself, that kept me from my own serenity,
that kept me from my own nirvana, um, my own ego,
my own stereotypes, my own hate.
Um, all those things kept me from this
beautiful nirvana state.
You know, God-like nature, that all of us,
I believe every single one of us can endure.
Um, but each and every one of us have stolen beliefs
and allowed ourselves to be programmed to be disconnected.
So I think each and every one of us need to realize, we need
to drop the idea of becoming someone,
because you already are a masterpiece.
You cannot be improved. You only have to come to realize it.
To know it. That is a hundred percent how I, how I feel
that I, that I resonate with.
You know, we're already perfect, you know,
and everybody thinks that we have
to be a certain person to be perfect.
Like your life is perfect
because how you learned, you know, we all have these laws
and rules, and if you do bad, you deserve to go to jail
and you're a bad person, you're a bad boy
or a bad girl, like no man, you have the right,
the divine right to mess up.
Right? And it's not everybody else's, uh, you know,
right to judge you for, I mean, I guess it is a right
to judge you for it, but it doesn't matter
what they think about your life,
and we're all so mad at everybody
and, you know, uh, I should be able to do this.
And you can't do that with your body.
And like, man, at the end of the day, I have to
let go of what I believe is right for you
and allow you to live your life.
And to know that at the end of the day, what you do
with your life, what you do with your body, there is karma
and there are consequences for everything
that you do, positive or negative.
And I must trust in the universe that what you do,
you're gonna learn from what happens to you.
You're gonna learn from, instead of me saying, oh,
that person's done a bad thing, they should go to jail
for the rest of their life and never be let out.
Um, some of the worst things, you know,
that I have ever done have put me on the path
to been the best person that I am right now.
So within ourselves is a stillness
and a sanctuary to which we can retreat at any
time and be yourself.
Very important to be yourself, to be you
who you came to be on this earth.
Not what everybody else wants you to be,
to not dress a certain way, to wear certain clothes,
certain brands, all that is just, you know, kind of
irrelevant nonsense.
Um, the real you that's really important is
how you make others feel.
Um, what you're really into being your true
self no matter what.
Um, you know that that's the coolest person that run to me,
most authentic, honest, real person.
When you let that out, don't ever cage it,
because that's the real rawness
that I feel like now more than ever people are looking for.
It is not about your clothes and what shoes you got anymore.
It's what's in your heart. You know, what,
what are you conveying?
I mean, I think people like Joe Rogan are so popular
because at least he's talking about some truthful things,
some honest things, and giving a real
raw opinion about things.
That's what things that people are liking right now.
Like, stop lying to us.
Stop just saying things that you know,
are good for corporations.
Say things that are real, that affect real people.
Um, and when you do that, when you become a real person,
again, when you become your real, authentic self,
it's really, uh, incredible thing
to watch to look at.
People are really attracted to that, that kind of person
who really says what they mean
and mean what they say and tells the truth.
And that's like the biggest rebel in the room right now,
because most many people
around the world aren't, aren't doing that.
So we, you know, as much
as anyone should find ourselves, who are we really?
Uh, can we dive deep into that, dwell in that,
and be that authentic person within ourselves?
Uh, again, I think that's the coolest person in the room.
And when we got, when we dive deep into
ourselves, we become that person.
And we realize that paradise is, is, is not a place,
heaven is not a place to get to, to, to die
and get rewarded, to go to.
But it's rather a state of consciousness to be here now
and to realize how beautiful this moment is
and every single moment of your life.
You know, one of my favorite, um, quotes is,
before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water
after enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.
I mean, just, you may know the aliens exist
and that you're God and all the things,
but at the end of the day, you still gonna chop wood
and you're still gonna carry water,
and you're still gonna have to eat,
and you're still gonna have to do these other things.
And that's the beauty of life.
There's, you know, things to do and, and feelings to feel
and, and ideas to, uh, to remember.
And, um, and just know this whole thing is beautiful.
All the experience is beautiful.
Not just this part of that part, but every bit of it.
The, the laughing and the crying, the, the burst
and the deaths, you know, to realize it's all beautiful.
It's all life. It's all amazing. Every single bit of it.
Not just, you know, picking and choosing, but really,
and, you know, embellishing in all of it,
and realizing how incredible it is to be alive
and to be here now in this moment.
Uh, and this is a Egyptian proverb,
but you know, you've seen it in many,
many proverbs around the world.
The kingdom of heaven is within you,
and whoever shall know himself shall find it.
So even Christ said this, the kingdom
of heaven is within you.
Um, so it's not, you know, they said it loud and clear.
It wasn't a place to get to.
It was not some reward to get to after death.
This is a state of consciousness, a state of being that each
and every one of us can live in.
It doesn't matter what country you're in, it doesn't matter
what what gender you are.
It doesn't matter anything.
If you are a human being on this planet, kingdom
of heaven is within you, and you can find it,
and you can dwell in that every single moment of your life.
And I think one of the greatest things, again,
when we talk about meditation, is, uh, that's,
that is seeming the key.
It's the one thing, uh, that doesn't cost anything
that everybody can do, but many people don't.
And, um, you know, in the Bible in Matthew, it says, those
who sat in darkness saw great lights.
Um, and what are you doing? If you're sitting in darkness?
You are meditating. There's not much else you can be doing
if said, you're sitting in the dark.
So upon, uh, doing that for myself,
uh, this, this quote, be still know that
I am God came to me.
That when I was able to drop myself my name,
where I was from, who I thought I was,
that was the moment when I was able to regain the connection
of the universe that I was God to,
that I was not separate from it,
that God was not outside of me.
That I was able to, to be still enough
and quiet enough to realize that there was no separation
between me and God.
And that was an incredible moment for myself.
And I think every single person, uh, can have
that moment for themselves.
And so, at the end of the day, you know,
maybe we have been programmed, maybe we have been lied to,
maybe not intentionally, um, but one way
or another, uh, the truth has evaded us somehow.
And I think the truth is, deep down, we're all divine,
we're all, we're all incredible, we're all beautiful.
Um, that literally God is a frequency that exists within us.
All we have to do is tune in, man. It's that simple.
Or is it? But you know, if God is within us
and it is it, you know, a frequency that we can tune into,
um, you know, it's important to even, you know, the,
think about the ohm.
The ohm is the sound of God, um, that permeates
to the entire universe that literally holds and resonates
and keeps the planets and the stars spinning
and the orders that they're spinning in and,
and the way that they're doing it.
Um, and you know, the om is that sound
that's permeating through the universe.
And we can tap into that omm as well,
and hear it in the beginning was the word.
And the word was God.
That's what's holding us together, is a sound, a word, vm.
And each of one of us is a spark from that infinite.
We're not just these flushing bones, you know,
we are the literal light and the sound
and the frequency that is part of the entire universe.
It's only this crazy, crazy idea
that we're not, you know, like who benefits from the fact
that we, that we aren't, that we don't believe it.
There's a, there has to be someone
who benefits from the fact that we are, uh, believe
that we're disconnected, that we believe
that we're not God anymore.
Um, finding out that is, I feel like a good way
to find out our power again.
That, that deep down, you know, if we realize,
Hey, I'm more than this.
All I have to do is, is meditate, tune in to myself
and find out who I really am.
I can take my power back
and I can literally change the world.
Um, 'cause I can change myself. That's number one.
The only way you'll ever change the world is if
you change yourself first.
And realizing that you are part of it.
You're not separate from it.
I love, I love what Yoda said,
luminous beings are we not this crude matter, you know,
it's almost like it's in every, not every movie,
but it's in so many movies.
It's in so many books.
It's, you know, thrown on TV shows all the time
that we're not this thing.
And, you know, I thought about it before,
and it's almost like sometimes when you watch that stuff,
when you read those books, you, you know,
and you see other people do it,
become the hero of their own life.
Take back their life and, and realize how special they are.
You know, you're almost like
living vicariously through them.
And so there's a little bit of a spark inside of you
that like, feels like you've done the work,
even though you're not, you know,
when like when they run up,
when they have a runner hook 'em up to the EKGs
for their brain, whether they are run the run a race,
are thinking about running the race, the same parts
of your brain light up.
I think that's incredibly important.
Like, you don't have to run the race.
You can think about it and you're still doing the same thing
when you watch it on television.
It's similar to what you should be doing,
but it's the distraction still from actually doing the work
and actually becoming the person that you need to be.
Um, sometimes it's, you know, it's nice to see it
and to recognize it, but then turn the TV off
and go do it for yourself.
'cause each and every single one of us are the universe.
You know, we all are own universes. We all have our own.
I, for me, personally, I had a meditation one time where
my heart became the sun.
And different glands
and different chakras
of me was like different planets revolve around me.
And I realized like the people and the events
and the places I went
and the jobs that I had all were part
of this universe that I was in.
And that as my son was a beautiful, bright, you know, loving
sun, it would bring in more to this, this universe of mine.
But as it dimmed down,
and I wasn't, uh, it wasn't that bright, fiery loving,
you know, unconditional love
Than less would be in my universe.
And, uh, I love this Neil Tyson quote, there, there
as many atoms in a single molecule of your DNA
as there are stars in the typical galaxy.
We are each of us, we are each of us a little universe.
I mean, deep down to the science, to the molecules that,
that we, that make us up.
Each and every one of us are billions and billions of cells.
We're all tiny little universes in the
multiverse with our own laws.
Your belief systems are your own laws to your universe.
But at the end of the day, we know we're all consciousness.
Each and every one of us.
And consciousness has no religion, no belief, no ideology,
no gender, sexuality, race, age, nationality.
Each and every one of us are pure,
vibrant consciousness at our core.
All these other things are labels that distract
and fragment us down to something to make us, at the end
of the day, I believe make us depressed and make us sad
because we're so fragmented from source.
And one of my favorite quotes is by Rumi,
that you are not just a drop in the ocean.
We are that, but you are the whole mighty ocean in
the single drop too.
That there's nothing that you aren't, there's nothing
that Christ was or Buddha was, or Krishna or Muhammad
or Allah or anyone.
None of them that ever has come
or ever will come that you aren't.
You are all those Christ said you can do.
All the things I'm doing are greater things.
Every single one of us is that too.
We just have to believe it.
You are the universe in ecstatic motion.
Another room you quote, literally,
we are our own universes moving around and time
and space with our own laws and our own belief system.
Uh, each and every one of us, our own cosmic universe, uh,
master of our own universes.
Uh, and so, you know, just for a moment, you know,
sometimes throughout the day, how important is it to think,
even if that person over there who just cut me off,
or this person over here who's yelling at someone else,
even if they don't even realize it, deep down at their core,
they are the cosmos made into a human being for right now,
for the small experience.
You know, give them grace.
Give them, you know, that time to understand who they are.
Uh, no reason to be mad judgment for anybody.
This life is so short.
Um, let everyone have their own life,
have their own experiences, um, so
that they can grow and move on.
And you will have so much more peace in your life if you
give others grace instead of saying,
you shouldn't be doing that, you shouldn't do this.
Um, it's gonna be a really, really hard life
for you overall, um, judging everyone
and saying what they should or shouldn't do.
But realizing deep down every person you meet,
that's the thing that comes
to mind when I see the picture like this, is that, uh,
story from, you know, that Christ said, you know,
I'm gonna come visit you tonight.
So the man was, you know, willing
and waiting for Christ to come.
You know, basically three strangers come
and he sends 'em all away.
Um, and then Christ comes in
and he says, Hey man, you know, uh,
I've been waiting for you to come.
And he said, I've been here three times already.
Uh, every single person is God.
And if you turn 'em away, you turn God away.
And somehow, so every person coming into your life asking
you for something, you know, talking to you,
finding yourself in a moment with them, listen to them,
you know, talk to them,
understand them where they're coming from.
Why is the experience coming to me?
Um, there's so much in that one little experience.
Sometimes it can change your life if you just accept it.
And that's happened to me multiple times.
Each and every one of us for the cosmos made conscious.
We are stars wrapped in skin.
The light you're seeking has always been within.
It's not some God, some Christ in Jesus, some Buddha
that come save you.
How? I just don't see how, when you really think about,
I don't want to be saved by anyone.
You know, if, if there's a mess that I'm in,
I want to get myself out.
I don't want my mom or dad to come rescue me.
You know what I mean? What do I learn from that?
What do we achieve? How do we grow from that?
But literally, if the lies within
and I can save myself, if I become the hero
of my own journey, there's something about that that's
so gratifying that I can, I can save myself.
I can, I'm responsible for this mess that I got myself into,
and I can myself out
and I can reclaim peace, joy, harmony with the universe
is not something I need someone else
to give me or do for me.
I can do it for myself.
And this may be the hardest part, though, realizing
that each and every single one of us is the chosen one.
Not neo, not Jesus, not these messiahs
that you, as much as anybody else in the entire universe
are worthy to know that you are the chosen one for yourself,
for your life, you know, for you to grow, for you to move,
for you to have this apocalypse, which is a revealing, is
what the word, you know, apocalypse actually means.
It's a lifting of the veil and revealing of truth.
That's incredible for you to have that to you
to realize I'm the chosen one.
I came here to, to save myself, to,
to grow, to come back to the one.
You know, that's what's so important.
Um, and, you know, realizing that for myself,
I'm not looking for anybody else to come down
from a cloud and save me.
Um, one of the things in Christianity that has become
so popular now is this idea of, of the, of rapture
where Christ comes back and saves people.
And it's based on very little from our Bible.
And I don't wanna belittle anyone or anything like that,
but I find it hard to believe that anyone
would be looking for Christ on a cloud if Christ
was already in your heart.
And that's what it says, that when you open your heart
and allow Christ to come in, if Christ was within you,
it came into your heart.
Why would you be looking for him on a cloud?
If it's already in you? You don't need that.
And the, the Bible does refer to a thousand years
of peace being rained on this planet.
I don't want to be taken off or anything.
I wanna be here and now on this planet
and this great transformation
that is upon us, that's about to happen.
So I am my own guru. You are your own guru.
There is no one better to know what you need to do
with your life than you.
Plain and simple. That's it.
Every single person is, uh, your own guru.
And listen to that voice within
and start to change your thoughts
so you can change your world and your reality.
And that's all you can change is your
world and your reality.
Um, and that's that, you know, age old saying,
you've heard Henry Ford and other people,
whether you think you can
or you think you can't, you're right.
So if you say, I can't do that, you're right.
I'm not even gonna argue with you. Don't do it.
You're not gonna be able to do it.
'cause you don't believe in yourself, but you turn around
and say, oh, I can do that.
I'm gonna make it happen. And you don't,
you don't allow any other thing, uh,
to manifest other than what you want.
You're gonna get it because if you believe it enough
and you really want it,
there's nothing that's gonna stop you.
You know, do or do not. There is no try.
You're either gonna do it or you don't.
And when you start to have that kind of mentality,
when you start to have, I'm gonna do it no matter what,
you really start to believe in yourself.
When you surely start to say, Hey, look, there is nothing
that keeps me from getting what I want except for me.
I'm the only person who keeps me from getting what I want.
There's no, I give nobody else that power over me.
Nobody can make me angry.
I can allow people to make me angry,
but if I say someone else makes me angry,
I give them power over me to do so.
So we start taking back our responsibility,
our belief, our life.
And you can, you know, really from
that point on, change your life.
I love this saying, you know, when, uh, when Jesus,
I think this was, oh, here, yeah,
you don't have enough faith.
Jesus told him. I tell you the truth.
If you had faith even as small as a mustard seed,
you could say to this mountain, move from here
to there and it would move.
Nothing would be impossible.
You know, one of his parables
that he was saying, you know what I mean?
Um, and you know, is he talking about literal mountains?
Yeah, I think he is talking about literal mountains.
But I also think he's talking about the mountains of cancer.
The mountains of, you know, a job that you don't like
or a life or a house.
There's nothing that you can't do.
But I, you know, literally down, deep down to the,
to the core of this, is it literally true?
Probably. So I don't think
there's anything that's impossible.
Nothing is impossible with God. Everything is possible.
Um, and believe and do greater things.
You know, again, I said this before many times,
but you know, Christ said, there's nothing
that I'm doing that you can't do.
Uh, if you believe it,
you can do greater things that I'm doing.
And this is supposed to be the only son of God
and I that, that, that term the only son,
I don't think he's the only son.
Like there's no other ones other than him.
'cause the Bible literally says, we're all sons
and daughters of God, but he's the only son in the, the way
that you can only be the son of God when you reflect that
of God consciousness, right?
So he is totally in loving,
he is totally free will to others that each person can do
and say and believe whatever they want to, um, realizing
to give that freedom to every single person.
I mean, that's literally what God is,
is giving us free will to be who we are.
And we as people come up with these laws
and regulations that have to happen so that we feel safe,
um, not believing in karma is gonna do his job,
but, um, you know, when we emulate that of God,
we are the only something.
'cause that's the only person that's it is when you emulate
that, that feeling
and that love in the same way
that it's being reflected from the universe.
And our thoughts literally shift the universe on a particle,
bi particle basis to create your physical life.
So as we think, that's what we create.
You know, if we think things are hard in life,
they're always gonna find things to be hard.
If you think everything works out for me, it always will.
If I'm in the wrong place, the wrong time
or the right place in the right time,
those are gonna happen for you as well.
If you stub your toe
and you say, oh, now it's gonna, you know, now
that it starts to rain, it's gonna pour on me
and all the bad things are gonna happen.
You're right. You're absolutely right about it.
It's all gonna happen to you, you know, and, and,
but you can change it.
You can say, no, that's not today. I'm not gonna do that.
You know, I'm gonna have a great day.
And, and, and literally say your affirmations
to change your, your whole day.
But you can literally believe yourself in the sickness.
You can believe yourself in the disease.
You can believe yourself in having a horrible day,
a horrible month, a horrible year,
and eventually a horrible life.
It can, your whole life can turn out to be a nightmare
or your, or your, your greatest fantasy
or your greatest dream because it,
it literally is projected from our souls.
It's holographing universe that we think is real,
can literally be changed with just our
thoughts and our emotions.
So when it comes down to it, stop thinking and hoping,
but you know, don't think that you are.
Know that you are. Know I am here to change the world.
I came here to be, you know, more than I was told.
I came here to bring a new paradigm shift
to this entire planet.
I am that I am.
And there's nothing that is gonna stop me,
especially myself, myself.
And I believe when you really reach that point, you know,
even in the Bible it says, um,
no weapon forged against me shall prosper.
You know, I think the Matrix is a documentary
more than it was a movie.
But literally, there's nothing that can stop us.
I mean, quantum physics and everything says it.
We're all one with it.
You know, we can command everything down
to the particle, you know what I mean?
Like, if we really believe it, we are that powerful.
We are God, whether you choose today to accept it
or not, or some point in your life.
And, and really, honestly, I think the difference
between believing and knowing is doing sometimes, um,
you can believe it and you can talk about it,
and you can say it sometimes,
but if you don't know it down in your heart,
if you don't practice it every single day, I don't, I can't,
I don't think you can say, you know it,
you can say you believe it, I believe I'm God.
But knowing that you're God is, is really doing it.
I'm, I'm gonna do it every single day.
And I'm, you know, even if you mess up Tara
and keep saying, you know what, no hard judgment,
but you know, I'm gonna get back on
that wave and I'm gonna keep riding.
Each and every single one of us came here,
I believe, to complete a mission.
And I think many of our missions are very, very similar,
probably deep down at the core.
Um, I think our mission is to learn unconditional love.
But at this very time on this very, you know, planet,
I think our mission is to bring a paradigm shift
that changes the consciousness of this planet
in a revolutionary way
that we haven't seen in quite some time.
And the time is now.
And we must know deep down in our hearts the things
that we're seeking, love, compassion, empathy, a world
that works for all of us
and not just a few, we must know deep down in our hearts
that that which we are seeking is also seeking us.
It is incredibly imperative to change the world, to know
that on the other end of my belief,
it's not just me wanting it,
but there is a part of the universe
that wants it for me as well.
That to me, changed my life
and made me realize like,
it's not just this egotistical thing that I want,
but I think the universe really wanted me to have it too.
And that was like, that makes, that made me feel really, uh,
complete, incredible, grateful, humbled to know
that it wasn't just this thing that I wanted,
but you know, go after it, get it.
And I say once you have, you know, these skills,
once you have, uh, dropped the ego, once you have, uh,
become one with all that is, once you have that passion
and fire inside of you, go forth and set the world on fire.
The time is now, the world needs what many of us hold back.
You know, it needs love,
it needs more compassion, it needs more peace.
And who are you not to give it to the earth?
Who are you not to give it to the world?
You know what I mean? Everyone says, why me?
Why, why not you?
Every single one of us is, you know, incredibly beautiful,
incredibly talented, gifted beyond our wildest dreams.
And if we only were to set, you know,
set ourselves in this here and now, and really feel it
and know it, how incredibly special it is to be here,
to be alive, to be able to breathe the air, to be able
to love, to be able to care for others,
your whole life would change.
And, you know, we could really blossom into the people
that we came here to be the souls that we came here to be.
Um, so thank you guys for tonight.
Uh, I hope this was an inspirational talk tonight.
Um, definitely something I I've I've loved for a long time
and something I, when I think about God,
I do think about I am that I am, uh,
very powerful, very powerful message.
Um, thank you guys for joining us tonight,
and I hope we'll come back and join us again.
Thank you.
People: Jacob Cox
Topics: Awakening & Ascension, Mystery School, Spirituality
I AM that I AM! 🌈🌺🌞