Ep6: Intelligent Infinity Overview
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Original Date: Feb 19, 2023
Original Date: Feb 19, 2023
Law of One Deep Dives
Next Episode: Ep7: Energy Centers & Intelligent Infinity
So to to start off the meeting, I guess we could share
with people. That Nathan can't make it he had.
A funeral to attend but he'll keep attending the
next next time we do this.
and where we look forward to hearing commentary from
people in the chat guess we've only have a few
people in there now, but
feel free to keep chatting at us.
Hello, Carrie, and so I
already sent Andrew and
Nick a list of.
some things to review here for this one that we'll talk about and
my goal of this is to try to get a comprehension which we mentioned in
the last meeting that we would discussion intelligent Infinity to a
degree and and kind of to weave into that topic. It's kind
of good to know like
how they originally started describing it which was in the
session 13 where they went into the kind of the cosmology of
Of the nature reality. I guess I don't know how you
could explain everything they because almost like they're giving a wider scope
of reality than we normally ever
expect. It's not talking about physical realities. Not even though
he's talking about thoughts is talking about infinite potential and infinite
intelligence creating.
all of thought and old reality
much more fundamental for sure
Yeah, I actually wrote in the margin.
The it must have been the first time I read it
or the second time.
years ago
the Big Bang equals the moment of awareness
Because that's I mean that's what they're talking about. They're talking about everything
they're talking about creation and what preceded
creation and what preceded that.
Yeah, there's a lot in here about intelligent energy that as you guys know,
I'll probably draw back to the tree of
life. But that clicked especially well this
time the relationship between intelligent
infinity and intelligent energy.
The I think that the the emanations and the
sephiroth are described perfectly here actually.
Yeah, it's almost like the to put
it extremely crudely like the coffee filter that the
water goes through the coffee and then it goes through the
filter and then it becomes coffee. It's like what matter
went through to become matter is
the sephira.
And I mean ayurveda has a way of describing it.
What's ayurveda's cult? What's
it called?
becoming matter
manifestation and I can't remember the word. There's a word
in Sanskrit. I can't remember it just yet.
And then you talk about that specifically where it becomes
Almost rather versus force and
similarly. I like how they were talking about becoming an
object versus becoming an activity.
That was I believe the Distortion of love the primary
Distortion of Love versus the comparison to
the action of Love or the vibration of love,
which is a different concept.
Yeah, that's good to get into so.
I guess we should bring people into what we're talking about
with session 13 here. Yeah, we can share
my screen now.
All right. So we're gonna start out with session 13
question 5 here.
And yeah this they basically started this discussion
at this point.
So he's trying to Don Elkins. The question is trying to figure out the best
way to get into nature of reality.
And so he says can you tell me the first earliest known
thing in creation?
In Russia says the first note thing in creation is infinity.
The infinity is creation.
And for me the word infinity didn't really
have much meaning Beyond like
a mathematical concept.
Infinity to me and I guess
based on my childhood learning around it is just that you
use it in a mathematical sense when the number is just
going up and up beyond all other numbers.
But maybe Infinity means a lot more to being who
sees that all.
all of realities infinite
and they talk about this and either a
little bit later in this session or one of the other ones that we
reviewed for this the second
aspect or second definition of intelligent Infinity being
the infinite potential and that being
catalyzed into the
kinetic. And so that was kind of interesting dual
aspects not just of
Infinite intelligence, but infinite potentiality as a
secondary quality.
Here they don't say intelligence. They
just say they start with infinity.
is creation
and then and then the next one I
say from this Infinity then must have come what we
experience as creation.
What was the next step or the next evolvement in Ross
says Infinity became aware.
This was the next step. So I assume this is relating to
infinite intelligence
So it's like intelligence has to come out of some sort of source.
backdrop of infinite existence
this reminds me of the I think Mike you'd
you would left.
by this point, but I I showed Andrew a
there's an Alan Watts video online. It's called
Alan Watts.
the dream of life
And he talks about that. He puts it really eloquently, but it's
it's just basically like, you know,
we're at we humans
everything, you know animate or
inanimate is God.
And it's all just here in the
Physical Realm.
Just pretending it's not so it can
know what not being God is like I mean to put it in a
really short way, but it's
yeah, honestly, I feel like this session this this section
of this session doesn't matter. If you're you know,
any religion just read it instead of
saying questioner and raw, you know, if you're Christian question or
Jesus if you're Muslim questioner Allah, you
know, just just it describes
it for you.
Yeah, so this part where they start talking about focusing this is
where I start thinking of the Sephora the Sephora are
thought to be emanations of light and so they
do emanate their own light, but they're they're more or
less Powered By the Light that's coming
from the top of the tree of life ketter which to me.
I don't want to oversimplify it
but it really does seem to be this light of
love as Distortion as Primal force
and logos even and even activating or organizing
principle. I guess I should say for
everything that comes in the Tree of Life below.
So each of the Sephora here refocus and
and modify the light.
So this becomes a prism in a way the tree
of life and so it's got this light that's coming in down toward
the top and infinite intelligence
becomes infinite energy or
intelligent energy when this pattern
is applied.
At a universal level and so this particular prism with
these emanations or these
filters if you will Eddie to these spheres.
is one
way of looking at one prism through which this
like can be shown to create a universal
experience. And so so this Maps
really well with with the
sessions that we're going through.
here today, the nothing Limitless
Limitless light is that
Is that like?
How how it emanates into
the crown those are at the
very top those are referred to as three veils.
There are three veils beyond the light of Qatar and
Cannot necessarily try to
characterize them for you because I myself only have a
very very limited sort of.
Idea of what these might be but there are
additional filters and veils that
go that are above this. So this
might be if the light coming into Qatar for example
were love as a second Distortion. Well,
then above that above that logos is
of course, the one infinite Creator itself and
perhaps free will
as well for example, so, I
don't know exactly exactly how
those map but that might give you an idea
that there are some things above the life that comes into to
get there.
Well, there's three of them in the loved one says there's these
first three distortions before there is the creation and mentions
in the universe.
Exactly. I was just thinking that like that like
if if the sephirot were how mattered
and how matter takes its
form not to
jump ahead. But they said that light is a crucial element to
understand how matters formed so Limitless light
and then before there was light to create
matter. There was the universe
being aware of
itself and wanting to explore finiteness
and that would be the Limitless this
and then I personally would think with no
in-depth knowledge of that the sephiroth
and all that nothing and all
of the religions that say and science that
says that there was nothing or that matter was
all condensed to a single point. And then the Big Bang happened. I
think I think that we as finite
beings are trying to describe something that we
cannot understand because it is infinite.
We assign it with nothing.
All matter condensed than the one place because we
cannot conceptualize what it was what it
what what it was to for to be God
and to become aware of itself. I've actually wondered at some
points if if nothing was more of
almost an analogy or an allegory or
or a metaphor in a way for really the opposite and
it was probably a lot easier to conceive a nothing
in in infinite capacity
then everything in a capacity
and sometimes I wonder if that's not actually the opposite but
Yeah, exactly.
No, you could say if a thing is a distortion. There's no distortion.
There's no right no thing not necessarily nothing
but no thing there is
there is nothing distinct from the hole.
Therefore it could be described as
It's everything and potential now, which is interesting
at the top of the session and this where we are
right here where we've got
it just became aware and yet before that Infinity is
creation and that is interesting that Infinity.
Has inherent within it.
power and potential and I suppose it has to because it's infinite
which means that everything will exist within
In one way or another and therefore so
is so is the the creative
potential and then that created potential
leads to awareness. That's
pretty fascinating
So we could continue reading on here a bit. I think
we kind of jumped ahead a bit and but be more clear for
people. I think when we read it all after this
what happened after infinity became aware. What happened?
And Ross said awareness led to the focus of infinity
into Infinite Energy.
And this is what they described in other points as Andrew was referring to
as the
the potential is the
is the infinite energy.
That the kinetic is the infinite energy. The potential is the infinite awareness
and the infinite intelligence.
Awareness led to a focus of infant Infinity into Infinite
Energy you have called This by various
vibrational sound complexes meaning words.
the most commentary years being logos
or or love
and down here. There's note here. There's added
to say this means the creative principle or love according to
rather the logos as a second Distortion. They describe that
later that they call it the second distortion.
The Creator is the focus the focusing of infinity as
an aware or conscious principle.
Called by us as closely as we can create understanding learning
in your language intelligent Infinity.
So it's interesting. They they Define.
the Creator here essentially
the Creator is the focusing of infinity as an
aware or conscious principle.
That they call intelligent Infinity. Yeah, it's
awareness which also
and this I think also leads to the first
Distortion being free will so this
is the creator becoming aware
and focusing its intention through well,
If if I could give a tip
something that helped me get through this reading it
multiple times to people
who may be reading for their first time. I
when I when I read something like this passage 137,
I would highlight.
All of the stuff and not highlight.
The things like you have called this by your vibrational sound
complexes the most common to your ears logos or
love so I would highlight.
Awareness led to the focus of infinite into
Infinite Energy logos, or
The Creator is the focusing of infinite Infinity.
As an aware or conscious principle called
intelligent Infinity. So basically you're
cutting out all that stuff where they're like, you know,
you may be here this vibrational sound frequencies that most
closely known by your feet and it makes the message a
little bit more clear. If you kind of chop that
out and read it as a coach sentence. Yeah.
It's fascinating though that they do feel the need
to include all that extroverbiage as though
They want to constantly reinforce that these
are just words and these were definitely and and
the fact that not only are they just words but they're
like just words that make sense in our
solar system to our peoples. You know,
I mean like they're they're definitely showing you that like you live in
this very focused area and
there's all this the rest of this out there, but
on a first read through I was
like, okay, I understand what you're trying to put through, but let me
get let me get to the message here. What do you what's the real message in
from this passage?
yeah it I I
don't know if it would be appropriate for
us to have like
a condensed version
ever written at some point. Oh, no. Yeah so much
but just if like because I'll read that some of
the passages are like a page two pages long and if
you kind of cross out lightly all of
that all of that extra stuff and then you read it
it helps you understand it. You know, I figured this out on
like the fourth, I would read a passage four or five times and be
like, okay. Okay. What are the what are the what's the extra stuff
in here a little bit you it needs to be there. Actually, you
know one thing is that it needs more comments. I
would say hey reading between
the lines. Yeah.
yeah, I definitely think that the punctuation is
super critical to break it up into pieces
to understand it properly and I mean
the punctuation was completely up to them because if you listen to
you know
Awareness led
to you know,
I mean like it was completely up to them to to put
the punctuation in.
Yeah, maybe I could even.
And we could talk to Toby Wheelock and we'll do a find replace
All of those standard phrases it would
be interesting to see it. But I think we're all in agreement
as well that they're being careful about. Yeah using
I think it it delivers a lot of perspective that you need to
have. But if you're really trying to eat into
what they're talking about that that um
reading around that that perspective
that they're giving you because I feel like
sometimes when reading these passages I get into this meditative
state where it's almost like as you're reading
it you're getting like a download and
as I would read some of the things that would get
a little choppy where they'd be like you have called this by your vibrational
and I would kind of come out of it a little bit. So I would read the
the whole session go back and highlight
certain sections and then reread that
and it just I mean, it just opens up different things
in your mind. Yeah.
All right. Let's let's move on seeing that
Canyon State The Next Step at the bottom of the anticipation is killing
Even though I've I've read this like I don't know 11 times in the
last 18 hours.
So the next step is still at this SpaceTime Nexus
in your illusion achieving its progression as
you may see it in your illusion.
The next step is an infinite reaction. So they're basically saying
the next step is what still happening in our current reality, right? The
next thing yeah. Yeah.
The next step is an infinite reaction to the
creative principle following the law of one.
In one of its Primal distortions freedom of will an infinite
reaction to the creative principle.
following the wild one in Freedom of will
yeah, that's just you know, the pure
potentiality wants to
see what
Finiteness is but it doesn't want to.
Interrupt it in any way shape or form so it's just
same. All right go I'm not gonna touch you you awareness.
That's what you put your awareness on
is the freedom of well and that creates an
infinite reaction because you something comes into
your awareness and then
And then you you process that or you move through
a cycle of understanding of that and then you
move into a new the next stage
of creation or the next thing that you want to create.
And they also refer to the word creative Principle as being loved.
And another place I think and this is why it's in
the note here. So the creative principle.
is meaning that love is is basically
Is what is what is choosing the the path? I
guess the focus.
Yeah, it's the organizing principle. Like it's it's
intelligent as as a logos itself, which
interesting because we're done goes with
this where we're gonna go here in the in one of the next sections here
is where he wants to understand love is a vibration and it's like
well, no, in this case. It's more of an intelligence.
It's more of a principle an organizing
principle than it is.
The vibration itself for the the action of
love but not to get too far ahead. Yeah. It's
so hard with the word that
has so many meanings to so many people.
So calling it a creative principle I think is a important foundation.
I think that it's about creation.
And that really lends to when they say everything you
do is for either love of self or love of other
As it I mean it all comes
from love. It's just what are you loving?
So following along love acting out of
Free Will thus many many dimensions infinite and
number are possible.
And it's it's also still unclear to me. If every time they use the
word Dimension that was just the same thing as
density to them and they still hadn't switched over but
Dimensions can mean so many things too. So
yeah, it's
it's mind-boggling potentially what could
be out there?
Yeah, I think that's when when people talk about the you know,
the Mandela effect and things like that because
everything is happening all the time all at once and where
you put your awareness.
Determines which which line you're
on which timeline you're on at the time and that's
that's how you get those Mandela effects and things like that. But you
know, whether you woke up and I mean
any the butterfly effect is the best way to put it, you know,
every single decision every single action.
Creates a different timeline. That's why
they have to say that there are absolute infinite possibilities, you
know, if you take a breath now where you take
a breath now?
And then that's a totally different universe as you echo
down the line, you know, yeah time spaces
I would call those. Yeah, that's almost it
gets me thinking about archetypal sacred geometry actually
is we move from the dot or the point in
the center of the circle to a straight line and a triangle
and so forth each of these
emanations or developments Create A
New Perspective and in a way we could look at
that as an as a different dimension as a literally as
we move along and and develop greater and
more complex sacred geometry. Those are
literally forming New Dimensions as
we create New Perspectives. Very interesting. Yeah.
Yeah, everything's coming from mind, but they haven't
mentioned mind yet.
They just mentioned I guess they mention awareness. So that's kind of like mentioning mind.
If everything is coming from awareness is coming from mind.
Well like that awareness would
be the mind of the infinite.
As opposed to our minds.
So, okay. Keep going here the energy moves from the
intelligent Infinity.
Do first to the outpouring of randomized
creative Force?
I'll finish the sentence here. So the energy
moves from the intelligent Infinity do first.
To the outpouring of randomized creative Force this then creating
patterns, which in holographic Style.
Appear as the entire creation no
matter which direction or energy is explored.
Yeah that
so as soon as we
got to randomize obviously that's
that's a bit of a head scratcher.
That's almost like a full stop for me, honestly because we're at you
know, this infinite intelligence and organizing principles
and we're talking about all these things that are that are, you
know about to create the everything as we know it and it
starts it starts with a randomizer. It's just
kind of interesting and then the holographic part makes perfect sense
to me again that goes back to if you look at the Tree of
Life as a prism and again, imagine infinite numbers
of trees of life with all different patterns
of Sephora and different ways of filtering light
down through which creates a fractal
pattern that just
goes and goes and goes, you know for one whole universe at
a time. So that part actually makes a little
you know is a little bit easier for me the second Clause there then then the
Well one way I'm I've been trying
to process it is is there really?
if there's no thing to start with if there's no if there's
existing system
that you have as reference in order to say like the
tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil if there is no
Evil, there's no good. There's no good or evil.
in a initial state of
Pure Life Energy pure, love
and so the desire to have something, you
know, it's almost like
you know the AI systems that are being built cannot
cannot have anything without being fed a whole
bunch of data, even though they have all this potential they without being
fed a bunch of data to start with there's really
There's really no value in it, which is why I didn't want
to go there because that's exactly what it makes me. Think of as an AI
that needs it needs data to start
with and to start with that's going to be random. I
mean, that would be the
The only appropriate thing for it to to do
right. I just I don't I don't, you know particularly like
drawing the parallels to AI though. It's
intelligence as we know it.
It's intelligence as we find it. And so I guess
it's it's a close and analogy as
we're gonna find.
Well, I guess maybe it
wasn't totally random because the fact that they've talked
about the Harvest the previous universes being, you know
delivering certain archetypal patterns, and maybe
they're not getting into that at this point.
Because well actually said that meeting is
octaves though, right? So if they're talking about before or
hey T's words like before when we're not
even into I think that's it's unclear if they're not
talking about if they are or not
talking about all the octaves outside of the one that we're currently in
because apparently it's the same.
the same journey in each octave
to to go from
basically this infinite intelligence into manifestation.
So it still can be randomized creative Force.
Put through the lens or yeah Focus
for a particular logos for
example, right?
Right. Each logos has some starting point of
experimentation, I guess.
Yeah, right and creative force in this case. Is that love
because we were talking about that as creative principle.
So would this be randomized?
Love for example are there different?
Is love as logos individuated and
its own thing or they're different flavors
of that as creative principle. Yeah, each
logos has a different flavor to it.
But would you suspect that there? Is that love
as an infinite number of
individuated aspects of itself even
Because in randomized Creative Force,
I mean could there be a different flavor of not this
love of vibration but love the distortion?
I think that if we read the next sentence.
It'll become a little bit more clear because it
we're we're stuck on this point.
But I think that this point was the
like the first point that they're talking about like the creation
of the first universe and then there it it's
because like it says these patterns of energy begin then
to regularize their own local.
Shall we say rhythms and Fields of energy thus
creating dimensions in universe. So where they're
talking about two previous sentences is just
before all of the universes start
at the form and like, you know, when you
you experience anything for the first time
you have to go into it and start to learn,
you know, the rules of the game or the physics of
the world or like how to just you know,
like it it was almost like
The Creator was a toddler and it was trying to
figure out how its hands worked. And then once it figured out how it hands
worked then it could decide like oh well now I can pick a pen up
and you know what? I mean like then from picking up this pen you
started this universe and you picked up this highlighter and you started this
It's like it's like the the universe as a
i and no insult at all. But it's
almost like intelligent Infinity as a
as a dumb entity
trying to figure out because it is
infinite and it's trying to figure out finiteness, you
know, it's like if you were not a pilot
and you were trying to figure out how to fly.
Stuff that Pilots know is basic stuff is
new to you. So you have to you have to figure it all
Yeah, yeah. So in this previous sentence,
they're talking about these.
patterns which in holographic style appears the
entire creation
and these patterns of energy are the
starting point.
Yeah those patterns that's the that's what to me
looks like the prison of the tree of life. And
I think the only question there is is holography
happening prior to
the formation of a particular prism
or tree of life for one particular
Universe. If if for example, the tree of life is we
know it is the the tree of life that depicts our
universe right was there
was holography did that
exist at a at a higher state first which
again being holographic if it's also
practiced then
I think the answer would have to be yes, though.
then we're talking about you know, the Cobble
has talked about the four worlds actually and that might
somewhat kind of useful in that regard
because this is sort of the the organizing principles
again of of formation and creation
themselves, and I wonder if that's
How those started trickling down?
I think we might get into this if we keep on going we might discuss some
of that more.
So don, then asked.
Can you tell me how the Galaxy and this planetary system were
And Ross says You must imagine a great leap of thought in
this query for at the last query
the physical is you call it universes were not yet born.
So they're talking about.
They're not being physically universes here.
So I guess the holography is separate from
the physical universes appearing if that's
that's what they're saying.
Which yeah, I guess I guess you
need some kind of holographic concept.
For even an image in the mind to appear for
something to fill the mind that still holographic exactly.
Yeah, I agree.
The energy is moved and increasingly intelligent patterns until the
individualization of various Energies.
Emanating from the creative principle of intelligent Infinity
became such as to be co-creators.
The energy is moved in increasingly intelligent patterns.
until the individualization of various Energies
emanating from the creative principle of intelligent affinity.
Became such as to be co-creators.
so going
Yeah, yeah, somehow individualization was a part of this.
next process
one of the things I thought of when
when reading this was that
I mean it animates down from
Such a inconceivableness down
to every decision that you make
is based on, you know your history and one
of the things that I wrote was an intelligent
pattern among our solar
example of like gravity
You know there what there isn't gravity on other planets and
decisions are made based on gravity. So
like that becoming
a principle that we live by that we know that you know, you
can't just float.
You know, you're gonna fall to the ground and then that becomes a
way that everything on this planet starts
to build as a principle that you have to
then move forward from and then all your decisions are based on
that intelligent pattern.
You know, like a core intelligent pattern of this planet
in this logos in this solar
system and then you could just you know, upscale it the way
up. Yeah.
Yeah, we could talk about gravity at some point, too. Maybe I should
make a note of that.
They're discuss gravity at different point.
And it seems like gravity is kind of like a fundamental
principle of Unity coming back into one.
I mean, I just want to say this Mike. I made a note I'm gonna I'm gonna do
it on my own but maybe we can talk about this too. I want to go
into a deep dive of what the origin of the
word logos is.
Yeah, that would be awesome. But there are many many
schools of thought and in if you look up the Wikipedia
page, you'll you just it's endless rabbit holes from the weekend page.
But yeah the guy
We're pretty good at rabbit holes here in this room. Yeah.
So I'll read that one more time and then continue reading the Energy's
moved increasingly intelligent patterns until the individualization
of various energies and dating from the creative principle
of intelligent Affinity became such as to be
co-creators the logos the logoy.
Thus the so-called physical matter began.
The concept of light is instrumental and grasping
this great leap of thought as this vibrational Distortion
of infinity is the building block
of that which is known as matter the light being intelligent and
full of energy thus being the first Distortion of
intelligent Infinity which was caused by the creative
That's right. Hold of the college, right? There's a
few references here in the
sessions that you provided that I mean. I I think we all recall the
first three distortions.
Free will love and light and that's just
because they've described them in in other sessions. But
in this one they even referred previously in
the previous section to freedom of
will as one of the primary distortions
as opposed to the first Distortion
and now here we
are looking at this again as light as the
light is generally the third but this is saying
the first Distortion of intelligent Infinity which was
called by the creative principles. So if that's love
which we thought which we were previously knowing as
the second Distortion then light is the
first Distortion of love, which is actually the second Distortion of
Intelligent Infinity. Okay. Yeah. All right. The career
principle is the second Distortion. Yeah, so called by the second
Distortion called forth I guess as that's
the third Distortion and the light the third distortion.
Yeah, so that I know I've said it to you guys before but I
don't know if it was on the East calls or the other calls.
the the translation of hieroglyphics
in Egypt where they
talked about
the Rosetta Stone the people that originally Dakota
the Rosetta Stone, the one guy said that he was
hesitant to hand in his decoding of
hieroglyphics because everybody wants a
hieroglyph to be like a letter which holds
a phonetic value and then a string
of hieroglyphs make a word which is a
concept and then the word together in
a sentence.
forms, like the the action or the greater meaning
and it almost seems to me like raw is
speaking like the guy wanted to the guy
originally said that he wanted the hieroglyphics to be more
like acronyms like we use now like
Job, the only ones I could think of are governmental ones. I don't
know. We're LOL laugh out loud. You know,
it doesn't mean well, it means laugh out loud. So it
seems to me like he's saying that intelligence is
the first Distortion intelligent Infinity
is the second Distortion. So the first
Distortion of intelligent Infinity
is um light, you know, so like
intelligence would be free will.
The first Distortion and then intelligent Infinity would
be love the second Distortion.
So the first Distortion of intelligent and
finished Infinity wouldn't in fact be the third
Hmm, I suppose, you know creative principles the second
Distortion. It is described elsewhere too. We
can we can keep on covering more of this. Yeah. It's kind
of not worth getting caught up on right now, I
This light of love, so that's a great
way of calling it. I guess this light of
Was made to have in its occurrences of being
certain characteristics as occurrence as
a being. So this light of Love Was Made To Have and it's occurrences of
being certain characteristics among them.
The infinite whole paradoxically described by
the straight line as you would call it.
so light itself is
it is a is a pattern that has the characteristic of
being a straight line.
This Paradox is responsible for the shape of
the various physical illusion entities. You call solar systems
galaxies and planets all revolving intending towards the lenticular.
Yeah, I think they they Circle back on the distortions on
other points, but do you have any thoughts on?
straight line
Well the characteristics.
among them the infinite hole Yeah, so
the infinite hole, so this is getting back
to holography perhaps
that within like the the
hole is contained now described as
a straight line is sort of the second question, but I guess I'm starting
to just before that that the internet
whole is one of the characteristics now,
it's paradoxically described by a
straight line, but
that is that holography to use that with that
sounds like
I've always thought of just because of what
they said previously when he said that
he say previously or do you say it afterwards?
He said the the concept that you have to understand. Oh, no,
no, okay. Um, so and another
thing when I when I read this if you if you
read this 13 9, 13, 10, 13 11,
when you get down to 13 11 and
13 12, he says, oh we probably
should have described this before 1310.
so then when I went back and I reread it, I reread it
13 8 13 10 13, 11 13
12 and then back to 13 nine because he talks about
how light is a key factor
in matter like how
matter actually became so that's
that's why I thought of
I when I went back and reread it in the in the
in the order that he seems like it should have
been read they talk about how light that
seems to me like light is the Hologram
the holographic entity. Everything is
in light and then your perception which is also
light, you know is forming the matter.
Yeah, we can we can get through these because yeah, that's what that's
what he said next. I think I made an error in
asking a question getting ahead of the process would be able to fill in the great fill in
that great leap by mistakenly made in Ross says
I attempted to bridge the gap. However, you may question me in any manner.
And then Don asks, could
you tell me taking the question previous to the one?
That I asked about galaxies and planets. Would you tell me the next
step that occurred after that step?
The steps as you call them are at the point of question simultaneous and
infinite which is
where they started right? They said the third that was still
happening. Yeah.
Could you tell me how intelligent Affinity became shall
we say how intelligent Affinity became individualized from
And then Ross said this is an appropriate question.
the intelligent Infinity discerned a concept
this concept was discerned due to freedom of
Will and will of awareness.
freedom of will of awareness
this concept was finity.
This was the first and Primal Paradox or Distortion of
the law of one.
Thus the one intelligent Infinity invested itself.
in an exploration of manyness
due to the infinite possibilities of intelligent Infinity. There is
no ending to manyness.
The exploration of is free to continue infinitely and an
eternal present.
I think most of that.
a lot of sense though. This is what I
was referring to a few minutes ago when I said that
They're starting to throw off some of what the first.
You know distortions are it says here. This was the first in
Distortion of the wild one. Yeah.
but it wasn't really or
I don't know. We're again. We're Todd elsewhere in in
more clear language or at least language that
we've all accepted that the will.
Was the first historian and then love and then
light and now this concept affinity.
As a first and Primal Paradox, so perhaps finity
had to be created.
Simultaneously with will yeah with will
yeah, I would kind of makes sense because will is the
selection of the potential catalyzed
into the kinetic and it's it's Focus
that that attention down into
one thing. So literally it is going from Infinity to
to the finite. Okay, that makes sense.
Then look we resolve the paradox.
well, I also point out because this this
happened to me so many times in reading this again and
It only happened after I watched that documentary that talked
about the translation of hieroglyphs.
If and if when Ross says intelligent Infinity
baked into raw saying
intelligent Infinity.
Ros implying
the first Distortion of Free Will intelligent and
then intelligent Infinity meaning
this first and second Distortion of Free Will and love
then you can read it as after the intelligent
infinity or the first and second distortions
discern. So the two first distortions
discerned this concept again,
it puts you on this third Distortion Like
It's it seems like he's building a vocabulary to where
winning says certain things in certain contexts. He
wants you to imply these other things well,
Mmm Yeah, you know like love that. There's
meant nothing to us until he described it.
The words are clumsy, and I think they probably kept
trying different different ways of talking about it.
to to iron out some of the distortions
I wonder if they came from a a Consciousness
that didn't develop
with a tongue. Remember how they said that
like your people will develop with the tongue so that you won't have telepathy
so easily. Yeah.
I suspect that they were talking about most of the evolution
of the Galaxy which would have been.
which would have included Venus and Mars and
yeah, right. They say raw evolved on Venus or there
were third density point in Venus billions of
years ago.
But it's unclear how fast telepathy could have developed in a more harmonious Society.
I mean I've ever since I was like
18 or whatever.
I've played with friends and said think of a picture
and try and send me the picture and I have
multiple friends. I've done it with and found out that like some friends
are good senders and some friends are good receivers, you know
some can do both and that's just
you know playing with it here in in the time
space that we're in now, imagine if
We didn't have to get through all the crack that we have to get through on this
on this plane plane it existence.
Oh, let's let's take a stab at the next one here.
we there are
so many discussions around intelligent Affinity that
I mean maybe I could even just I could I could
just show you guys right now that the if you do if you go to
all one and click on an advanced search love one info
search for intelligent.
It's gonna be the it's gonna be
all and you do exact phrase search you have to do exact phrase search.
You can't just search up here.
I want to do the exact phrase first. Then you see exactly where that where
that occurs it. So 109 q and
A's have reference to intelligent Infinity.
So it's it's a really big subject that has and every
single one of these practically is adding on to the
nuances of what we can comprehend when we
see that phrase.
And this connects to experiences people have of intelligent
affinity and that's eventually where I want to lead to this
discussion of what is intelligent Infinity to us
as people.
What can we do with intelligent Infinity?
Because that was what we were talking about in the previous discussions also
with the healing. They said it was about opening up
if I go back to session five.
That we begin with the mental.
Learn teachings necessary for contact with intelligent Infinity.
So all this other this training work that
they're assigning is is relating to what they call contact with
intelligent Infinity. Hmm.
So this is essentially saying we're in contact with like the primal.
Core that's the self. I mean
that is that is the self. Yeah.
I mean that contact is is within.
I know it seems like the sexual
concept but
I don't I don't think that that's the case because this is the creator seeking
to experience itself through manyness.
this contact is
What seems to me more the rediscovery of?
Of the self the true self the oneself. Yeah.
And the self is both intelligent affinity and
intelligent energy.
Yeah, they talk about this in one of the other sessions. I was
looking forward to getting to that where they say that it's it's a reflection in a
way and that I think they're trying to say that in
some ways. We look at our contact with
intelligent energy as
sort of Representative of our relationship with
intelligent Infinity because the intelligent energy
is sort of what we see of it. It's the
It's we're the expression of it. And therefore we can't
grasp something that's going to be.
Somehow outside of or above or that's Transcendent from
that that goes back to those three veils that
we're talking about.
if you can remember which one that was we could read it now, but
it will just go through them all you can go ahead and all I'll pull
it up on my other screen here. All right, so to finish
off what I wanted to cover here in session 13. The last one is was the
Galaxy that we are in created by
the infinite intelligence.
Or was it created by a portion of the individ individualized infinite
Ross says the Galaxy and all other things of material which
you are are aware.
Of which you are aware.
our products of individualized portions of
intelligent Infinity
as each exploration began it in turn
found its focus and became co-creator using intelligent
Affinity each portion created a universe.
And allowing The rhythms of free choice to
Playing with the infinite spectrum of possibilities each individualized
portion channeled the love light into what you might call intelligent energy.
Thus creating the so-called natural laws of any particular universe.
I almost wonder if they're using Galaxy and universe interchangeably
Yeah. Yeah this seems like the the
Universe itself is a is a consciousness.
By itself and it's own.
its own drive to to explore
Is what causes its own unfoldment?
if yeah,
it's infinite
then I mean
There there there's infinite universes with infinite galaxies.
I mean heck he could be just using them
interchangeably because you know, he's just
essentially saying
A subset of a subset of a subset of a subset, you
know, and then this subset has these
two subsets and this subset having these
two subsets, you know, like the the doubling effect like we were
talking about before, you know at some point.
Galaxy and universe become interchangeable if you think of them.
Infinitely like that.
Yeah, they're all gonna function the same.
Each Universe in turn individualized to focus
to a photo each universe and turn
individualized to a focus.
Becoming intern a co-creator and allowing further
Those creating further intelligent energies regularizing or
causing natural laws to appear in the
vibrational vibrational patterns of what you would call a solar
system. Thus each
solar system has its own shall we say local coordinate system
of illusory natural laws?
And shall we understood that any portion no matter how small of any
density or illusory pattern contains as
in a holographic picture. We wanted the one Creator which
is infinity thus all begins and ends in mystery.
And that that just seems like a slap in the
Closet appeared your vibrational pattern our illusory,
but because you're at that
level you have to play by him and I'm like man really
come on, but I mean it makes
sense if the whole point of existence is
the experience, you know, what's the point in
having the same unlimited Infinite
Experience over and over again. The whole point is to
have these, you know.
I don't want to say restricted or regulated
but like, you know again with the
with the bumper bowling analogy, you know, put the
bumpers out on the bowling alley so that you can definitely hit
the pins as opposed to, you know,
having a strike every once and again because you gave everybody too much
free will and now they're flying around their planet and there's no consequences.
I see it as sort of like Russian nesting dolls. Yeah,
and I think
that that kind of helps me understand the layered approach
to Consciousness that's sort of
creating the next level which then creates the next level and so
forth. But within all of them of
course is the one Creator and that
Principle itself. So always present in
every every part of the the illusion.
So the illusion is for the experience,
but ultimately The Experience itself is getting
assimilated back to the godhead via this
The nesting dolls is a beautiful way to put it because
it's it's like the larger nesting doll is Let's Make
a universe with the planet or revolves around the Sun
and then the smaller nesting doll would be okay. So now
we have it a planet revolving around the Sun.
What can we do on that planet? Then the smaller nesting doll would
be you know, and on and on and on but all of the nest
cells are made out of the same material which would be that intelligent Infinity.
I think it's in Reverse. Actually, I think each time
you go into a bigger nesting doll. You're adding the next
layer of granularity. So the farther and
farther out you go from that that
Center that
center part of the
the nested dolls there. The one Creator is
is you're getting into more granular and
granular layers of other creation and the illusion.
So ultimately yeah one that's here on this planet is sort
of like the outermost and then who knows like
maybe the creation of artificial intelligence
or good artificial intelligence or you know,
what what's the next layer of of creation
that comes after that? We're just
building another layer of Illusion on top of
it and I think by some traditions and
lines of thinking nothing we need
to dive in here, but we might be a little bit over committed to
to that here on this.
I think it's a it's you know, call it
whatever you want to call it. But it's it's a big system of If
This Then question mark,
you know, and then once you fill in the question mark you
have if this then that if that
then question mark, you know, I mean like it's just this constant
building of experience.
We could try moving on now.
There's so many things like
I think we've been so cool if we could jump to.
Might as well go in order of these.
further discussions of this subject
but man, oh, man, I'm so like
I get so curious about you know, how much?
Is our son affecting us. What are these
natural laws?
That that are in place that are unique to
our son.
And are those metaphysical laws or are those?
Physical laws as well.
Just speaking to the to the physical
laws. I don't know if you guys felt it, but
probably for the hour or more leading
up to the call.
The there were there was like High.
solar the solar winds were more energetic and
and things were there and I could feel it in my
in my being so I mean
purely on the physical level
just just from the ions and the elements that
the sun spits out. If you pay attention to it, you'll
feel it and it and it manifests into you like
it manifests in different people the more people I talk about it bring
this to their awareness and we talk about it like some people that manifests
like like Panic some people
it manifests as frustration, but you you
can totally feel the Sun and that
Actually Ben Davidson just changed his app, but you
used to be able to look at real time projections of what the
solar winds are doing. And then if you felt
like anxious at a certain point of the day for no reason
whatsoever and you look at the solar winds and you'd
be like, oh the densities up and the speeds up,
you know, like the sun is really pushing some energy
towards us. Yeah, there's definitely other apps that still do that. I think
that might be why Ben Davidson changed his app is because other apps
were doing it better. It was too hard for him to maintain but here
we have a video of what the sun just did a day ago. Yeah,
and this is crazy because now we have
that one that happened the day ago and then there was
one that was just about to hit us from
the day before that. So they're kind of like snow plowing on
to each other and building up. Yeah.
Um while we're on this subject, I would like to say that it's coming
to my awareness twice in the last week again, I
should say it's come up before but this idea
of sun gazing during the golden hour.
I don't know if you guys are yeah. I tried
that I had benefits with my eyesight getting better.
And very, well it's also I'm understanding helpful
activate the pineal and third eye. So I did that for the
first time actually this morning. I've been meaning to do it recently been extra cold.
But this morning I was able to peek out wherever I
saw it most recently recommend starting with 10 seconds or
so, but I got to thinking about this this light that's coming from the
Sun as it's Crossing so much of
the of the earth atmosphere and and
the Earth itself is now a
Sephora in a way refracting the
light from the sun and we're getting
a combination of the two. It's sort of like mother and
father energy coming in.
So yeah, that was pretty awesome.
That is definitely a big subject that sun
gazing for maybe another time here.
Yeah, there's a lot there.
And and then that might relate to Prana. Also. I've
wondered other different kinds of energy systems.
that the law one talks about
but being able to stare directly at the sun, you
know during that golden hour and you know, this also occurred
to me I was thinking about it this morning that we have these
really beautiful sun rises here where
we're at on the Front Range in Colorado because we've got
just the Eastern Plains to our East where is
our sun sets. I tried to catch this, you know the
other day and it's like you're looking at the sun right over the mountains
and it's at a much higher. It's at a
much higher trajectory. And so you're not getting as much of
that refraction and and it's just frankly a lot brighter. And
so it occurred to me while our people on the coast like in California,
for example that have these, you know, amazing sunsets
or these are these people naturally getting a whole
lot more of the sun gazing going in because they're all
watching the most beautiful sunset, you know when you have
that in the west and perhaps that's why and
likewise in the East where you have these amazing sunrises over
the Pacific. Maybe these are why we
tend to get a little bit more metaphysically active.
And spiritually connected civilizations where
they've got more access to some gazing
That's a good question.
I can speak for my own personal experience.
When I worked in Atlantic City. I mean
if we had a good night, sometimes we wouldn't we wouldn't close the
bar down until like four or five in the morning, you know, by the
time you do all the closing work and get out of there
the sun's coming up and I got into a habit
um, I guess I can admit it now because it's legal now, but I got into a
habit of getting Gathering a bunch of my friends that worked in different
bars and we would park on the rooftop of this
one garage and sit on
the hoods of our cars and smoke a Jay and pass the J around and
Sometimes if we miss the sunrise we
would go to a friend's house and smoke a Jay in
the house. And so just saying
that to rule out the fact that it had anything to do with the marijuana, but
when we would sit on the hoods of the cars and stare
at the Sunrise and be there with the sunrise as
it came up.
We couldn't go to bed afterwards. We're just it felt
like it was energizing like it was truly recharging
you at a at like
an atomic level.
yeah, it's mysterious and the eyes the eyeballs
are mysterious too that
windows to the soul one. They said that everything
tended towards the lenticular and that is the your
eyes lens is lenticular.
And I mean really because like lenticular is like
this, right? So it's like the thing that Holograms are made out of
so if you look at if you look at it from this angle, you're gonna
see what's on this side. But if you move across and
then you're looking at from this angle, you're gonna see what's on
this side. That's how hologram can show you different things from different
areas that you look at it. And then you think about how the atmosphere
if you only took half of it
the sun is pointing at this half of it that's half
of like a lenticular, you know, so like you
have the atmosphere and the Earth. It's just
these ever expanding
You know like Signs cosines like half circles.
Let me share my screen again here.
We can.
We can.
try to get back into the the subject of
so we're discussing the subject of
the sun being essentially a
variety of focus
of Free Will principles that would relate to
natural laws
we can go back into some of the definitions.
with some of these other clarification questions were
Don was asking. So in session
27, so we jumped ahead from session 13 it session 27
and then Donna's finally getting back
around some of this.
He said I would like for you to Define love in the sense.
And it sense as the second distortion.
and Ross says
this must be defined against the background of intelligent Affinity or
Or the one creator with with the Primal Distortion of free will.
It's kind of like everything we're describing for.
Mmm, the term love then maybe seen as
the focus the choice of attack.
The type of energy of an extremely shall
we say high order which causes intelligent energy
to be formed from the potential of intelligent infinity and just
such and such a way.
This then may be seen to be an object rather than
an activity by some of your peoples and the
principle of this extremely strong energy Focus being worshiped
is the creator instead of unity or Oneness
from which all loves and an emanate.
All loves pluralized. So this
does kind of go back to what I was.
saying earlier about where they mentioned randomized creative forces
and I was like, well is that, you know
a synonymous with creative principle of
love and this is
sort of suggesting that there's a plurality
different types of loves capital L as Distortion not
just love as vibration. Yeah, the
love the loves are
the different focuses the different choices of attack,
which I love their choice of words the
choice of attack kill them with kindness.
Yeah, so it's literally like every single being ever,
you know, the the logos the
sub logos and us as the Sub sub logos we each
an aspect of that love
And and our Incarnation is a choice
of focus of the infant Creator. Yeah, so that love is
what I keep thinking of is that light that comes in through the
top of the tree? I mean, it's effectively that animating principle
of all of our universe and
reality and and it is us we are
love like we are powered by love and then as
refracted through the prism of you know,
this particular universe and you know,
the layers of of distortions
that the various logos
put in place.
And then
moving on.
The next question was is there a manifestation of love that we would
call vibration?
And Ross said we reached semantic difficulties the vibration
or density of love.
or understanding
so so they're they're talking about
the fourth density here the vibration or density of Love
or understanding.
Is not a term used in the same sense as the
second Distortion love with capital L. So
you know the people who wrote this down shows
to use lowercase L and uppercase l
The Distortion uppercase L. Love
being the great activator and primal co-creator.
Of various Creations using intelligent Infinity. This will be talking about the with the
The vibration love lowercase L being
that density.
In which those who have learned to do an activity
called quote loving.
without significant distortion
then seek the ways of light or wisdom. So they're describing the
fourth density that they've described in many other points here.
Thus in vibratory sense love comes into light.
in the sense of the activity of unity in its
free will
love uses light and has the power to direct light and
its distortions.
Thus vibratory complexes recapitulate in
Reverse The Creation in its Unity.
Thus showing the Rhythm or flow of the great heartbeat if
you will use this analogy.
Yeah, so I see that as the the internal
Russian nesting
doll at the very center that love
continually expressing itself.
So even though each layer becomes a new
Nested all it still looks
the same as the one internally and
so that's I had to read this a few times but then
I actually really liked this word for recapitulation to
have it show that
as above so below almost this is kind of a correspondence really.
I mean, let me get the dictionary and
recapitulate is summarize and stayed again the main points
And in biology it's to repeat an evolutionary
or other process during development and
Yeah, which I think it's slightly closer to to that
one. But but it is still to produce that
which is already present to synthesize
in a way that which is already essential and
that's what I think we're seeing here is that
love is essential and loving is the
the recapitulation or the expression of
that love as principle after
being refracted through the prism of
any particular Universal.
Set of distortions. Yeah, I really
love how many times like that raw raw will
use words that have multiple meanings and because they
like all the meetings they all.
So the meaning that this is summarizing the main points of the creation
in its unity in Reverse through
loving one another
coming back and do the Oneness of creation.
As the reverse of the Creator the infinite
principal loving and creating the universes.
Which is the which is the heartbeat?
All right. So the next what I wanted to cover was session 28
number question two
and this was a discussion or continuation
of something in 27 session
You had said yesterday that the nature
of the vibratory patterns of your universe is dependent
upon the configurations placed on the original material.
Or light by the focus of love using
its intelligent energy to create
a certain pattern of the Illusions or densities. Then after
this material said there's further information, which
you'd be happy to share, but we ran out of time.
and so Ross says
wonder if I should go into that one at all, but
I think I think I wanted to cover something specific
Russet And discussing this information here. We shall
snap back into the particular methods of understanding. This is
what they're going to talk about the particular methods of understanding or seeing that
which is the one
that which Dewey
Larson person who is a physicist.
Who talked about the reciprocal nature of space and time?
What do we offer is this being the correct?
For the second meaning of intelligent Infinity.
The potential which can then through Catalyst
form the kinetic.
Through Catalyst forms the kinetic. So we're talking about intelligent energy
intelligent Infinity.
Being the potential in the kinetic.
This information is a natural progression of inspection of
the kinetic shape of your environment.
You may understand each color or Ray as being
as we have said a very
specific and accurate portion of intelligent energies representation
of intelligent Infinity.
H-ray having been previously inspected in other regards.
Yeah to me. That is all literally the light trickling down
the tree of life. So, you know at each phase
just getting filtered into something slightly different.
Because it's specific and accurate apportion. So like
each of those those sephira in each
universe. So again Tree of Life shaped in
infinitely different ways, but each of the sephira
being tuned to a very specific
Um band of light effectively. Yeah.
I guess we could call these patterns. There's a patterns of Light which are
the colors.
And then they wanted to bring up a different point this information
be of Aid here.
maybe of eight we speak now not specifically to increase
the depth of your conceptualization of the nature of what is
The universe in which you live?
Is recapitulation in each part of intelligent affinity.
Thus you will see the same patterns repeated in
physical and and metaphysical areas.
The Rays or portions of light being as you
Those areas of what you may call the physical illusion.
Which rotate vibrate or R of nature that may be shall
we say counted or categorized in rotation
Manner and space-time as described by the one known
as Dewey Larson?
Some substances having various of the Rays in a
physical manifestation visible to the eye.
Is being apparent in the nature of your crystallized minerals,
which you count as precious the Ruby being
read and so forth.
So they go all the way down to the fact that we have Stones which
have certain.
colors in certain metaphysical properties
Yeah, and can you read the the footnote just below that to the
portion? Okay.
So there are theorizing raw means portion is to
divide and assign according to a plan roses are uses
a portion as a noun possibly meaning it carefully a lot of segment.
yeah, yeah, that's
that's what that that seems like is is that each logos
builds a new prism a
new system of filtering the light to create.
some new
New Perspective, right
I forget why I picked this one, but we can move on to the next one here.
I thought might be appropriate.
Oh gosh, this this this one drives me
nuts a little.
In session 29 they talked about
crystals. Is it possible for you to tell me how a crystal is used
by an entity?
Who had satisfactorily achieved necessary violent
rate qualification? I will say how it
is possible for the entity to use the crystal or how he should use
a crystal.
And they're talking about using a crystal
to access intelligent Affinity in order
to create.
Out of that that infinite potential the
gateway to intelligent Affinity is born of shall we
The sympathetic vibration and balanced State accompanying the
will to serve the will to seek.
So the word sympathetic here needed a
footnote that they didn't put in.
That's something to email Toby about.
Um, but I read this I think I
misread the commas here.
Because I read this one a number of times two the sympathetic
vibration and balanced State accompanying the will to
The will to seek so are we saying that the will to
seek is in Balance State accompanying the
will to serve or are they saying that the will
to serve?
And the will to seek our our transposable in
this case.
My understanding was that.
They're they're transposable. They're the same concept expressed differently
because the will
to seek to serve is kind of as how
I'm seeing it Services seeking because seeking is
creation effectively and by putting our
focused awareness. We are creating and therefore we are serving.
Well, what was the other way you were looking at it? Well sympathetic vibration
in Balance State a company.
This is one where we need. We need next highlighter. Um
the world. Yeah, it's almost like synthetic vibration
in balanceate accompanying the will
to serve the world to seek meaning.
The will to seek is the sympathetic vibration
imbalanced State accompanying the
will to serve so I know that's that's probably
a bit of a stretch but and
I and I think that your characterization
is is more accurate. That's what I had originally read. But in
this case it just it's almost a little
bit Arcane sometimes how they can throw something, you know
at the end after a Commerce or
something and that's really the sort of should have been the subject
rather than the predicate if I'm
Mixing my metaphors. Well, the whole the
whole topic is about. How do you use crystals?
And he was saying that you know.
Certain crystals manifest is red. Certain crystals manifest
is green. Everything is vibration. I
think that's why they say that all the
physical world is vibration. And I think that's why they say that light is
so key to understanding the physical world because within
light you have the possibility like
the Pink Floyd album where you split the
light through the prism of having any color of
light just dependent on the vibration that
you're looking at, you know blue being a tighter wavelength than
red, but they're all within light and so
when I read it I read the gateway to
intelligent Infinity is born of the sympathetic
vibration meaning the person
working with the crystal puts themselves in
the sympathetic vibration of the crystal. So they'll
put themselves in a green ray vibration while working with
what Jade right Jade's green and
then use sympathetic vibration
of green while holding the
need to help heal with that a company with a will
to serve and seek because they have
a will to serve the person that came to them for whatever
healing, you know, heal
me with Jade. Okay. So now let me put
myself in the mindset and vibration of Jade and then now
that I'm in the mindset of Jade and I'm holding the
Jade and you want your knee healed, you
know, if I do these things and then I'm seeking to
You know, so that's why they say the sympathetic vibration imbalanced
Accompanying the will to serve and seek. That's how
I read it. Yeah. I'm I'm pretty much
throwing the entire notion of crystals out
and and that's not fair really because it's the
question and it's in the question. Yeah. It's right
there and then raw like all like
without any context which is
a little bit unusual here given that he has to
very specific question. How do you use a crystal and and there
was not a very direct
answer to what he was asking though.
Perhaps a really important bit of
information in there and I'm I'm still on the fence. Actually.
I'm actually still thinking that
the will to serve and the will to seek themselves might need
to be in sympathetic and balanced vibration because the
will to seek is that which
creates that Vortex that's gonna draw in the light. So
to me that feels like a gateway to intelligent infinity
and then the will to serve is
Use that light. Yeah. So what use that
life to serve then then that might be what you're
opening up. So I want to bring up.
A potential Rabbit Hole beer, but I I feel
like the easiest way of interpreting this for me is that the sympathetic
vibration is referring to an open heart. And and
that's the green Ray and the
green Ray has to be opened but then it also has to
be energized and the will is the Energizer as you
have a greater will to serve and seek and you energizing the heart and
now you can actually use that that energy to do
the healing exercises. They talked about elsewhere that
helping others to become more I guess
in an energetic environment where they can
choose to receive healing
Um, but but maybe but the
rabbit hole I wanted to go down briefly. The next question
was about specifically what could you do with the crystal?
But before we get to that I wanted to bring up
the idea that the word sympathetic.
Can mean feeling expressing sympathy.
And it can mean attracting.
The liking of others it can mean it can mean
the the part of the autonomic nervous system
consisting of nerves arising from ganglia near
the middle part of the spinal cord.
Which is interesting the spinal cord is the
connected to the chakra system.
Supplying the internal organs blood vessels and
glands and bouncing the action of the parents and Pearson sympathetic
But the sympathetic nervous system is considered
one of the three divisions of the autonomic nervous system.
The autonomic nervous system is a
system that acts largely unconsciously and
regulates bodily functions such as
the heart rate.
It's force of contraction. So the heart the heart
and the way in which it's it's Contracting.
And beating is controlled by the system which
blows my mind that they're calling
The simplethetic this word sympathetic has
this meaning of the unconscious control of the
heart and this meaning of activating love it's like
who named this but I don't I
don't know if that's what raw is talking about when they choose you choose
to use the word sympathetic conversation. You didn't exist when
wrong was just yeah outside of
space and time. Perhaps it then yeah.
the occasion files akashic files
Yeah, well one of the big things that he doesn't talk about here is he
says how is it possible for the entity to
use the crystal or how should we use
the crystal?
But he doesn't ask. What is the crystal?
Why can we use these that what is it about a
crystal that allows us to use it? I think
that's the big thing that we're missing. There is they don't
that's definitely disgusted a different point. I could
pull up that quote actually.
How do you get into into I think
it's a lot about coherence. I'm guessing within the
crystal itself.
I remember them talking about.
how a crystal
was it Robert something else
really talking about how a crystal is like
a bridge between the first density and the
second density like it had density qualities because
it's coherent as opposed to a regular
Rock which is somewhat chaotic kind of going
back to the randomized input a
crystal is sort of
your first representation outside of first density really
where you start to have coherence where you've
got different aspects of physical material that
are in alignment which
then creates almost that focused awareness
in a way that's sort of the going from
the everything down to the one thing.
They they were talking about healing. I believe
healing Carla and session 50 seven.
And they mentioned that there was a crystal available for
healing work.
And and then they said there's a crystal upon
her hand. She's must be wearing.
A diamond or something?
and then
and then they said how do we use this Crystal for healing?
And so they get into they get into it in a different
way here. That seems more complete with it in a much. I think
this was
yeah, we're talking about session 29 as
if you jump ahead. It's session 57 the answer how
to use crystals for healing in it and a more expanded way here.
You first as a Mind Body Spirit complex.
balance and polarizing the self
connecting the inner light with the upward spiraling and
pourings of the universal light. So this is referring to
the Kundalini.
You have done exercises to regularize the processes involved.
Look to them for the preparation of the crystallized being so
first you get your yourself ready.
With balance and polarization with a
polarization for it to be becoming more energized.
And Desiring to be of service to others which I think is that sympathetic
vibration, right?
Take then the Crystal and feel your polarized
and potentiate it balanced energy.
channeled in green right healing through your being
going into an activating the crystalline regularity
of Frozen light, which is the crystal. So
right there, that's your definition. Yeah Frozen light
and if we go back to
the beginning of the conversation, what is light light is everything
Yeah, so crystals are like a purified representation.
of light frozen into
A regular pattern being a
straight line by the way. Yeah, they said
light earlier that that's one of its characteristics is
the straight line and I think that's maybe where I was
drawing on the idea of coherence on a crystal because it isn't that
the the regularized structure that they're referring to
is that everything goes in the same direction? Yeah.
Yeah, crystals have points to them and that's what partly makes
them useful because you're channeling that energy along the points.
You know.
The crystal will ReSound with the charged light of
incarnitive love and light energy.
And will begin to radiate and specified fashion.
Beaming and required light vibrations healing energy
focused and intensified towards the magnetic
field of the Mind Body Spirit complex, which is to be
So it
sounds like you're literally charging the crystal in the crystal is radiating itself.
beaming our energy
Yeah, like performing the light the Frozen light.
It's it seems like like if you take two tuning forks, and
the tuning Forks are the same frequency. If you
bong this tuning fork, this one will start the vibrate because
of the you know, that them being
at the same frequency. You're inducing one frequency
into the other tuning for and the Crystal
is inducing that healing frequency into the person being
Then they say this entity requesting such
Will then open the armor of the overall Violet red
ray protective vibratory Shield.
So this is so the person that wants to be healed has to do something.
They have to open the armor that is
around their energy field open the armor of the overall
Violet, which is the outer shell of the
way that were viewed by our beings.
I guess with the Violet The Violet Ray the crown chakra
is sort of like the the some summary or
summation of all the other
energy patterns
They say slash red ray Violet red ray protective
laboratory Shield. So I guess it's like the outer and the inner.
Holes of the of the
energy field have to be opened up.
And this is what they say. Also the pyramid kind of does the pyramid the
Great Pyramid of Giza was intersecting this.
vibratory Shield
Thus the inner vibratory fields from Center to Center
and mind body and spirit maybe interrupted
and adjusted momentarily.
Thus offering the one to be healed the opportunity to choose a
less distorted inner complex of energy fields and
vibratory relationships.
and then this is that is just screaming you
choose your reality to
me, you know, like if you don't if you
take someone that doesn't believe in Crystal healing to a
crystal healer, it's not gonna work because they're
not opening up the violet and red Ray
and then even if you do take someone that believes in it to
the Healer
It says that it is interrupting and adjusting momentarily
thus offering the one to be healed the opportunity to
you know like
you have to go in willing and then once
you're shown a harmonious State you then have to choose that
harmonious state to continue on with.
That's kind of like the I believe
it's the Rich Dad Poor Dad. Look where they talk about having a
poor person's mentality.
You know and the the secret where
they talk about having a vision board and all that like it is
all in that like you have to choose you have to
mentally choose before you can.
Physically receive whether it be the healing or love
or just joy in love. That's the
Free Will. I mean that's literally the consonant
unfoldment in this ever-present moment of
infinite potentiality. If you're not exercising the
free will then then you're you're not
moving and we we certainly see that manifest itself
and and physical reality as well. I mean
at an individual level anyway.
I would say it's even worse than you're not moving. I would say that
if you're not.
If you're not using your free will then you're
being affected by the will of everything and everyone
around you, you know, you're driving down the road.
If you're not using Free Will in an
extremely crude example, and you're just seeing billboards.
past by you're being affected by the Billboards unless you
choose not to be you know, like
there's so many things that kind of affect us in so many
different ways unless you actively keep yourself in
that mindset. Then you're gonna
be swayed by the world around you and like you said the
nesting dolls like, you know, as you get bigger and bigger and bigger
then one of the nesting dolls is well, we
can affect each individual person.
From outside of their being if they
choose not to be in control of
their being you know, and then the nesting doll
on top of that is well, let's try and mess with them from the outside in and
see if they choose free will.
Yeah, I like messing with people from the inside out
actually and more like going to to attract
that that innermost part
of the nesting dolls
that really wants to be.
known and manifestation
and I think I can speak for you here when you
say mess with From the Inside Out Inspire love.
From the inside out right all distortions.
So I think one other thing I wanted to go into
here was what they when they when Don followed
up here.
And they followed up
the question about the sympathetic vibration company will
assure the will to seek and Don ask for more specifics. What would
the entity do with the crystal?
To use it for the purpose of seeking the intelligent Infinity.
And Ross said the use of the Crystal and physical manifestation is
that use? We're in the entity of crystalline nature
charges the regularized physical Crystal with this seeking.
Thus enabling it to vibrate harmonically.
And also become the Catalyst or Gateway or by
intelligent Infinity.
Made us become intelligent energy.
This Crystal serving as an analog of the
violent Ray of Mind Body Spirit and relatively understorted
So that's kind of a simpler way of saying it with different words.
and they didn't say Mind Body
Spirit complex, so
that this Crystal serving as
an analog of the Violet Ray of mind-body spirit, so that
would be
the energy of the planet
Because we are the mind-body sphere complexes or
no the Mind Body Spirit would be before free will.
Well, it could be that they made a mistake and not mentioning complex. I
feel like that was clarified at other points, too.
I think Don even asked a few times. Did you mean to say complex and
they correct themselves, but I definitely remember that another ones. Yeah.
but maybe you are right because the
When they're saying undistorted form, that's not a complex.
That's simple. That's a simple right?
Pure form of the Mind Body
Spirit energy that you're in inserting in that moment
in that instance.
when when you
I guess especially we're talking about intelligent Affinity you're talking about like a
purified understorted energy, which doesn't have the complex nature
as the
purified nature
and the complex is the veil so would
be you're getting the energy before through the
valley. It was bailed. Yeah.
Which would which access intelligence
the gateway to intelligent Infinity?
and this is this is the kind of stuff that like
after I saw that documentary and I started rereading these
passages. I was like he he is leaving it
certain words are being left out and there's there's
a meaning like he's he's speaking to
you by not speaking that word to you, right?
yeah, so it's interesting that you know, the
They're drawing. They're drawing a connection between the
The purified energy of the one to be healed
the one who's the Healer and the Crystal itself all kind of
share in this mind-body Spirit energy.
That is the conscious choice.
I think so. Let's let's move on to a
different use of the concept of intelligent
we've got
maybe 20 minutes left.
and we can get
more into what people are saying in the chat also soon.
How do I see the chat using there's a
whole thing bottom?
Well, actually if you're looking at the green chair, I'm not
sure if it's still the bottom. It might be.
Oh, here we go.
Oh, man, it takes up the whole screen.
Can't move it. You should be
able to use minimize button on it or
reduce the size button.
Oh, man, that's never mind.
Everyone's favorite technology fan.
His truck. Yeah, this is like watching a monkey
learn how to use tools.
I've been responding here and there as well.
So, oh man, so people are actually talking specifically
too. I apologize. If I didn't respond to anybody's questions. I
know nothing of the tech.
We can we can move on to get to some
of these others first here session 34.
referred to
you stated in an earlier time that penetration of the eighth level
the crown chakra.
or intelligent Infinity
level intelligent entity level allows the Mind
Body Spirit complex to be harvested it wishes at any
time space during the cycle.
And harvest is a whole other subject. We have to get to another time, but
this is basically saying that the being reaches
the state can.
Can basically transcend their body if they want to.
When this penetration of the eighth level occurs, what does
the entity who penetrates this experience? Can you tell me this?
And Russ says the experience of each entity is unique and perception
of intelligent Infinity.
perceptions range from a limitless Joy
to a strong dedication of service to others while in the incarnated state
The Entity which radiates which reaches intelligent affinity
Most often will perceive this experience as one of unspeakable profundity.
However, it is not usual for the entity to immediately desire
the cessation of the Incarnation.
Rather the desire to communicate or use its experienced
State others is extremely strong.
Yeah, this kind of reminds me of the previous password
where we're talking about the sympathetic.
vibration and balancing the will to serve
And the will seek so it would it would sort
of stand to reason that if you access the gateway to intelligent Infinity
via at least
in part and activated sense of will to serve
then once it's open. You're that's still likely going
to be
fundamental to your your being at that point.
Yeah, although they say it's not usual. So it's not
saying that it's not possible.
If you read or actually
they actually did a documentary on it at this point
the autobiography of a yogi of a yogi.
He had it he knew the day he was
gonna die. He said like almost from the beginning
of people following. I'm going to I'm going to pass on
it but at this day on this time,
And he knew it and he was conscious of um,
everything from in the womb to the to the day he
decided to pass on and correct me
if I'm wrong. Did he decided to pass on and then
came back because everybody wasn't ready to
let him go so he was like, all right, I'll give you another like however many
months or you know, however long it was but he he
physically passed on and then came back
and the ancient Greece also talk
about um people sitting in a state of
commodity or somebody of sumati for
centuries, you know, and then
reanimating themselves
So, I mean it's not an unheard of thing, especially in
the the ayurvedic and the yogic gum
Oh, yeah, and and re reappearing yeah,
which is sort of the second half of this because not
only can you decide to check out but you
can also, you know remanifest anytime you
Just to answer.
Todd real quick. It's a great question on about Duality
or not. And and I think going back to
the previous passage where they
they mentioned the manyness that to me seems more foundational
or or primordial. I
guess would be the the best way so my
my take on that is that therefore necessarily all
universes are based in
the sense of Duality because that the
creators original choice to
experience affinity and they kind
of make that synonymous with manyness I think and so
it's sort of Bolt if you're going to be finite. Well,
then now you're going to be infinite in your potentials
for what finite might be
and so that to me seems that it's
more fundamental and I would say yes, I
would imagine that the raw materials would largely be applicable
with the
right scrutiny and
And adjusting for things that
that they put in specifically to answer questions
about our universe. And so sometimes that can be a little
tricky. But yeah.
Yeah, the other question was about if this material applies to other universes.
Operate within Duality and there's
one session where raw talks about that. You
know, the the expression of the archetypes
are different in different galaxies.
They also described one point that there have been Wanderers of
raw stoles that go to the galaxies to
experience incarnation in these other very other
environments. And it's it's almost like they they it's
too different to for them
to easily operate in that environment. It's like there's a whole different set of
patterns that are hard to wrap your head
Yeah, because you're taking that that oversold
that you know, the the upper
part if you will of the tree of life and then you're
you're kind of whopping off the bottom and and attaching or
plugging in, you know, a different version of
it. That is more specific to a particular Galactic logos,
for example, so, yeah, I can see why that
would that would feel a little discombobulating because you've got
the higher self. You've got the the true South limone
Ad at the center nesting doll. And then you might have
the oversold in these higher archetypal aspects
of Consciousness and then
you get down into the thoughts and feelings and
then certainly into physical matter and how that manifests and that's
just that's gonna be very very different.
That's what when you were saying that
I was thinking of the nesting dogs ample where if
you had a universe that was building the nesting
doll out and they were essentially circles. You couldn't take the
15th nesting doll and put it within the 16th.
Nesting doll of a square nesting doll. You
know, like it just wouldn't fit. All right. Yeah, if
you that's
close enough, I think if you if you go to
a Galaxy that's you know, only modified a little bit from
where you're at then it might be backwards compatible or
if you went from the 15th nesting
doll on the circle to an implemented
it in like the 10th of the
square it would fit you know, so like once you get to a certain
set of conditions, the raw material
would be applicable but if the conditions straight too
much from what we're experiencing, then it
might not be applicable. So maybe Duality is like
the pre
are two the raw material being applicable.
Well, I think it kind of is because the the entire law of
one is about the realization that Duality is
an illusion. And so that's kind of
interesting that really the pursuit of the light and the law
of one is to ultimately realize that
That the truth is non-dual.
Let's let's do one more here. That's a
pretty big one.
Actually, I had two more here that I was thinking about. The other
one was 80.21.
This was the one I was mentioning by the way, but you'll
go to it here in a minute about the one that was a little bit more correspondence with
Okay. So yeah, this is a big.
Question here. The question was
Could you please expand upon the concept of space-time and
time space which is the physical and metaphysical aspects of
our reality?
And how to get past this the concept of these things and what
density level do these Concepts no longer affect the
Before you read the answer if I could Mike and
you know, this is highly unusual but the very important
here that because this is sort of
complex as we go through it. They do end. I believe this whole
session was saying none of this really matters for the
person that you the Oneness so but
it's it's useful to understand from
within the Fishbowl I suppose but okay, so
go ahead. Anyway, I just wanted to preface that as we're
as we're trying to to assimilate this information that yeah.
Yeah. They said far less useful. I think the times understanding
timespace is less useful than seeking the heart of self
or something like that and remember what it was but
but right now what I what I'm wanting to get at is
the different ways in which they're talking about intelligent infinity and accessing
intelligent infinity and
they keep attacking it or they keep going at it from different.
different kind of angles as it just keeps coming
up in these conversations that Don was having
so Ross said
yeah, this will be the last question and they said
the space time and time space concepts are those Concepts
describing as mathematically as possible the relationships
of your illusion?
That which is seen to that which is unseen.
These descriptive terms are clumsy. However, they
suffice for this work. And this also I think is partly what
they mean by the creation of Dimensions that space and
time are like the different dimensions.
space-time space
this is another good example though of them being almost
a little bit to
To transparent I guess these descriptive terms
are clumsy and I'm like Okay, cool. So forget half of
what I just read, however, they suffice and I'm like
well, okay, never mind go back and accept them on their
on their surface, I guess. Yeah, it's funny.
And um
and the experiences of the mystical search for Unity.
These need never be considered.
For they are but part of an illusory system.
The Seeker seeks the one.
This one is to be sought as we have said by
the balanced and self-accepting self.
Where both of its apparent distortions and it's
total perfection.
resting in this balanced awareness The Entity then opens
the self to the universe, which it is
the light
energy of all things may then be attracted by this
intense seeking
And wherever the inner seeking meets the attracted Cosmic
realization of the one takes place
And this this is also well, they go
on to the energy center. Yeah, right after this so we
have the again they're talking about the upward and downward light.
Of the energy center systems which
they call the chakra system.
So the purpose of clearing each Energy Center or
chakra is to allow the meeting place to occur at the
Indigo Ray vibration.
The pineal gland third eye.
Thus making contact with intelligent infinity and dissolving
all illusions.
Service to others is automatic at the released energy generated by
this state of consciousness.
maybe in a future session we can talk about the
clearing of each Energy Center and the nature of each color.
And it's different influence.
Yeah that
There's I mean there's there's so much to unpack there.
But it all I honestly seems like
you know.
The goal is to get back to a place
where intelligent Infinity dissolves all
Illusions and service. The self is a service to others
is automatic. Right and the
whole point of the different.
Nesting dolls is to see what what can
make service to other selves not
And to have those experiences, right?
it's like we've separated our will from the current the
wheel of one from Creator to be observe as
yeah, and to see
if you were infinite good.
And and you knew infinite good
and infinite love.
you know or infinite-ness your search
through finiteness would be the opposite would be
you know, all right, well
What what would draw you away from infinite
love, you know, and how far could you get from
infinite love before you realized again
that you were infinite look?
Maybe I should reread this other part here.
Yeah, there's other quotes where they talked about the importance of
balance and self-acceptance.
and of course this relates also when they say the disciplines of
Personality are knowing the self accepting the self
then becoming the Creator. This is like the third step of becoming
the Creator here they're talking about
resting in this balance awareness
Which is fully self-accepting.
Entity then opens the self to the universe, which it is.
which is at the
Indigo Ray vibration that the Third Eye Center
The light energy of all things may then be attracted by
this intense seeking.
And wherever the inner seeking meets the
attracted Cosmic Prana.
realization of the one takes place
So this is the the meeting
place they're talking about.
when the
meets the attracted Cosmic Prana
What is what?
What is the attracted Cosmic Prana in this?
when is it attracted?
What is it attracted to?
Maybe I should search for the phrase
meeting place also.
And we'll see the other descriptions of it.
Would it be that would like to meeting place be the
intelligent Infinity is importing into
you and it's where you're seeking level
and the importing meat.
Kind of yeah, everyone is attracting it
at all times. It's just a matter of how much are you attracting
and which ways
Does that make sense?
Right. Well, let me let me read.
another one here
hasn't so let's see the most important concept
of grasp about the energy field.
Is that the lower or negative pole will
draw the universal energy into itself from
the cosmos?
So I believe this is talking about.
You know the red the red ray energy is the
attracted Cosmic Prana.
of of the being
so this this attracted Cosmic Prana this Universal
They're from it will move upward to be
met and reacted to by the positive spiraling energy moving downward
from within.
The measurement of an entity's level of Ray activity
the green the chakra activity.
Is the locus wherein the South Pole energy has
been met by the inner spiraling.
positive energy
as an entity grows more polarized this Locus will
move upwards.
This phenomenon has been called by our people's the Kundalini. Whoever it
may be thought of as the meeting place of cosmic and
inner shall we see vibratory understanding?
To attempt to raise the locus of this meeting without realizing
the metaphysical principles of magnetism upon which this
depends is to invite great imbalance.
Can you scroll up a little bit like yeah the other way my bad.
Can you can you move the screen up so I can see? Yeah, there we go.
And they
Define Kundalini here as a Sanskrit term for the coiled Divine
energy at the base of the spine.
Rod defines the Awakening Awakening the
Kundalini as raising the meeting place of cosmic and intervibratory
so they don't use the word Prana here but in session
They they do use the word Prana. I believe it was
section 57. Yeah the attraction Cosmic Prana.
Oh, so the cosmic Prana is attracted by.
the intense seeking
am I reading that correctly from the previous clause or previous
Also 57 is it so something as attracted?
And the light energy of all things may then be
Where and wherever the inner seeking meets the
attract so the the light energy of all things. I'm kind of
reading that to be the cosmic Prana and that's what's attracted
to the intense seeking. Yes. Okay, okay.
Yeah, this the seeking corresponds to the energy. I guess the amount of energy we
have is related to amount of seeking which is the strength of the will and and
that has been so Central to me
for many months. Now this whole notion of
the question of the the seeking of
the the creation of the The Vortex into which we
want to pull the light and it's that drive
and that will to your point that
That intensifies that Vortex which is why
when we do this in in groups, we have
a much stronger pull.
The same reason because that intensity is just
getting multiplied but it's getting multiplied on a
on a singular Vortex on a singular question on a
singular thing that's being sought and it just
becomes so much more powerful because you've got more people
more Consciousness putting their focus will and attention
on the need to know.
Right. Yeah. Well and also it's like
the way I always look at it is, you know, the important
comes from the universe down and then the the
seeking comes from you up and depending
where you are coming from, you know,
if you're a red ray person then you're
gonna get a different meeting place intelligent Infinity
is gonna come all the way down to your root chakra and meet
at your root chakra yet. If you're a green
ray person you're seeking's gonna come all the way up to
your heart chakra and intelligent Infinity is gonna meet you at your
heart chakra therefore when we're doing these whether it
be, you know, a mushroom ceremony or
a zoom call, you're getting that sympathetic
vibration where you're hitting the tuning fork
and inducing this vibration
where if if I'm coming at it
from 50% green Ray and 50%
yellow Ray because I haven't fully opened my
heart chakra.
And Mike is at 75% heart chakra
and Andrew. You're a hundred percent heart chakra.
You can almost induce the rest of
what I'm lacking in my heart chakra bringing
us all to the heart chakra and then doing that call
together from the heart chakra. I
mean, it's an intensified though. You're exactly the
idea. The Turning Forks is really perfect because
with a tuning fork the
secondary Fork is not powered by anything other than the
vibration of the first whereas in
Consciousness, we we might come
into sympathetic vibration via that whole
resonance, but then the the
additional power and emphasis is
is still put on by the individual will behind
them. So one is to go into co-residence and then
the other is the amplification by the will the desire
to see itself. And so that's that's why
it ends up being so much more powerful because it's like tuning
Words that are powered so, you know, yes, they go into co-residence,
but then each of them is also now contributing, you
know, the same level of vibration and so
that's just going to just going to build on itself immensely.
And that's why you say that like, yeah, just
love hanging out with this person, you know, everything always seems nice
when you're with this person because they're emitting that frequency.
And if you're lacking in that frequency
a little bit, you know, but you're open to it then
they they're gonna be able to induce the frequency in
a greater way to you and the tuning
forks will sound louder because there's two of them ringing, you
know, just like you're saying the intensity is brought up. Yeah
amplification before we sign
off real quick. Just to real quick address Todd's
last question here, I guess it
I guess too. It would be a question does fourth density
Consciousness will eventually sync with fourth dimensional space using
the solar flare solar flash
is an example. My understanding of the fourth. Dimension is
is not particularly great though. I tend
to associate it more with time than I do
with space and then when I think of
Consciousness itself, it seems more
like fifth dimensional Consciousness is what is kind
of pulling us up out of third density and into fourth
density. So even though these are different, you
know more like
where your Consciousness is versus where it's
vibrating I suppose or how it's manifesting. These are
are two halves of maybe not
even the same coin when we're talking about
dimensions and densities but like Matisse
Stefano talks about the third density being
a holographically protected from or sorry
the third dimension being projected from the sixth.
Dimension specifically which doesn't address
densities at all, but does talk about this nested relationship.
So I'm quite sure that that didn't
help at all.
Well, let me let me say that the you
know, if we're talking about time is the fourth dimension. It makes
sense to cover the last of the rest of the session
57 question 33 that we
were talking about. We ended it here.
Just others is automatic at the released energy you generated by this state of consciousness.
And then to basically get back to their Don's Original question. They
say the time space.
The space-time and time space distinctions is you understand
them do not hold sway except in third density.
However, fourth fifth and to some extent sixth work
within some system of polarized space-time and time space
and this also to me is about I believe
they're saying that the veil is lifted
and the veil only applies in
Their density into a degree the veil seems to be a barrier
of the mind being more aware of
time space. So you're not seeing in the future. You're
not seeing that metaphysical. We're not reading the metaphysical energies
as much from within an awareness
of space-time because there's kind of a blockage to
that perception and and
that is what lifts when we reach the fourth
Institute of Consciousness. At least the bodies that were inhabiting will have the ability
to perceive the dimensions of time more more clearly
or the metaphysical Dimension more clearly.
I think that's what they mean by saying that the
third this distinction does not hold sway.
They're seen as the same part of the same thing, I think.
the calculations necessary to move from one system to another
through the dimensions or somewhat difficult.
Therefore we have the most difficulty sharing
numerical concepts with you and take this opportunity to repeat
that are request that you monitor our numbers in any
in any query that seemed questionable. So they're saying that sometimes they
they would they would State the
Third and fourth dimension or density and mean the
opposite of being the other.
Yeah, I interpreted that a
little bit more.
Broadly and probably less generously I
suppose when they said the calculations necessary to move from one
system to another I'm thinking like, oh boy, you know,
I'd love to hear them try to explain the math of
related to transdimensional movement.
But then
instead pivot immediately to but if we you know,
if there's anything that you you guys question the math
on it's like like I'm gonna understand the first thing that they could
possibly explain around any of that.
yeah, I think that the
I mean if everything is vibration and and your calculating
things in terms of vibration, then you
know that the whole sign and cosine
the waves, you know at what at what amplitude and
and what frequency
are you are you vibrating at? I
think that would be the in my mind the only way that
they could
Quantify this process, you know
would be to kind of talk about it in a vibrational frequency and
amplitude type way because it is so it's it's
a very non-quantifiable type thing.
Okay, I see there's there's another question from Carrie here.
That I can address I think where did my
chat go? Okay.
Carrie had asked we don't really know if Duality exists on a
Multiverse level though. That is an assumption when you all
It could be so completely Divergent that we wouldn't even grasp the
laws of one for Creator set during.
Set forth people particular universes and I
would say that.
I did try to answer that by the way, you see I
didn't address Kerry specifically, but that's what I was saying that
when we interpreted that earlier around the manyness.
I was presuming because we
were talking about and we went on to the next passage that said this was
before universes were created and granted. I'm
having to to stitch these together a little bit. But if
we interpret this to say that the Creator decided finiteness
and many-ness before the the
universal creative principle, you know was even
born then I would say that manyness and therefore
Duality are fundamental to all universes. And
of course, the reverse interpretation is is certainly
available to you that if you if you believe that the universes
were created first and that the manyness is then there
for a phenomenon that and and
as I asserted here could also be experienced to
varying degrees between Duality and
non-dualism. It could be anywhere in between in any
number of univers.
Expression so I could I could see it that
way but I my interpretation is that manyness was
more fundamental and Foundation, right? It seems like
the very fact they were talking about different universes implies.
We're talking about different.
Um a manyness of different aspects of
Exactly, like in an in and of itself. It's
sort of inherent necessarily by by there being
a Multiverse. Yeah, you're you're kind of back into
that and be because as one then
I think you have your out of
finity and you're back into Infinity, right which
then you are no thing. And so
without manyness there is
no thing and there is therefore presumably
no experience and this
is the sacred geometry of the triangle
by the way that sort of creates the the perspective and then
even the tetrahedron that describes the
the gained perspective where you now see the entire
process of choice and
and ramification and so forth happening the
loop, you know that we were talking about earlier with AI the
the feedback loop of information going back in the
attachedron has created as as
one steps away from the the tri
to see the whole process as a whole.
Yeah, that's I mean, I love Duality and
non-duality itself. I think are are just the the
very center of the very heart of of all
of the law of one and all of philosophical seeking. I
think that that's the the most fundamental Paradox
that we that we are
trying to solve here.
And it's all solved in a lot of one as Ross has
all paradoxes
Alright, I guess this might be a good time to wrap it up. Now if anyone
have any last thoughts here.
Duality seems simplistic in a way.
Well, it's it's I think it seems simplistic because it is
a fundamental of
the experiences that we have just like, you know, Andrew said
you we all started as one seeking to
experience finiteness. So it's
simple because it is a fundamental law, you know,
a simple rule of math is one plus one equals
two, but you can't have you know,
nine times nine equals 81 without one plus
one equals two, so, you know yet simple but
it's simple because it's a core rule on this.
Foundational it's it's the creative.
Principle behind experience I think again, I don't think
that you can have experience with without affinity.
Because it takes perspective in order to gain experience
and perspective can only be
gained with multiple viewpoints and
so multiple viewpoints can only be gained with
manyness. And so that to me
seems why it's fundamental and and therefore characteristic of
all the universes.
And it did say at the one of the very beginning passages that
we read that all of these things that we spoke of
came before the formation of
matter and non-duality was
that before the formation of matter when
the universe became aware still no matter there's no
Duality. The universe decided to have free
will, you know still aware still no
Duality, but still no Universe still no physical
universe but love as a
logos in a way sort of
represents the first
individuation outside of that of
that Oneness because it's then described as
logos and it's described as
in its multiplicity because there
are many loves or different right neighbors of
love being the the creative principle the
driving force behind a created universe.
And so that Distortion from
will to love and love necessarily
is the sympathetic vibration. It
is the the will to bestow as the the kabbalist call
it and so that desire to bestow creates
a Consciousness that
that then can receive
or or will create, you know,
holographically and frankly thereafter
and and then
at that point
That's when they said that you know, then then there was
the light and then the universe and matter was created. It's a
light then create the universe. So I think that love as
logo says is really what creates Duality to
begin with at least our first
semblance of it.
Maybe archetypal Duality as opposed to
like again degrees of Duality. So
we might sell experience it maybe two different degrees in different
universes, but you know fundamentally that
still always required an additional perspective to
to create experience.
Duality can mean other things too. I guess Duality can be
referenced to polarity.
I guess that that reaches another level of distortion, I
guess with the concepts.
many I guess that is probably the proper
word for what we're talking about and polarity is
in separate version of Duality that
relates to the
choices of expression that would unfold with the logos
making decision to have very different types of experiences.
but I would say to directly answer Gary's question.
She said that's assumption wouldn't you all agree? I would
agree that everything that we're saying here our assumptions because we
don't know at all and we're kind of just trying to
talk it out and figure it out all you know, like from our
government. Yeah, so I don't
know it's it's I think one of my favorite footnotes in
the whole book was um,
When they mentioned that they didn't think that rocket count
past one.
I don't remember where it is, but they're like Mike
you you must remember where he says something
like it's said that rock had never count accurately cast
one or something like that. Yeah. Yeah.
That's pretty funny. All right.
This was a great call. This is a man intelligent Infinity
we could obviously talk about what's again and again,
but yeah, I definitely want to get Nathan's and put on some pieces
of this too. So maybe we'll continue this next time maybe with a little bit more
emphasis on
The chakra system because the chakra system is basically what
is the the thing
to navigate to become aware of intelligent
Affinity through activating?
That that level of awareness. Yeah, we'll have
to talk to him if Nathan can make it on
the 25th when we get together. We'll have to
talk to him and
try and get them up to speed or maybe CV can watch the recording
before and then and then we can have the chat
because I'm sure again like you said he's got some some beautiful insights into
it. Yeah.
Yeah. All right. Thanks everyone. Thank you
guys. Thank you.
People: Andrew Shepard, Mike Waskosky, Nick Carletti
Topics: Awakening & Ascension, Law of One, Spirituality
Thank you, Mike!!
TRUE ORGINS TAKEN FROM THE EMERALD COVENANT please, please people, tap into to Ashayana Deanes voyager tapes on you tube….go to the link that begins with 1.1E’ashayana, It gives answers on SO MANY topics….12 strand DNA angelic humans who were original guardians of earth and the star gates (ascension portals) and how the “raider” races (offspring of fallen angelics) infiltrated earth during the 3rd seeding in Atlantis. THE STORY IS HUGE!
I so look forward to every interview you do Mike….thank you!!