Ep8: The Higher Self & Magical Personality
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Original Date: Apr 16, 2023
Original Date: Apr 16, 2023
Law of One Deep Dives

Law of One Deep Dives
Ep8: The Higher Self & Magical Personality
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Next Episode: Ep9: The Adept & Indigo Ray
Hello there, welcome to another episode of one deep Dives. This
episode is a little unusual because in the
last two episodes we were talking about the subject of intelligent infinity
and contact with intelligent infinity and in this
particular episode. Well, basically eight days
prior one of our members attended a
ceremony which included some ingestion of
psychedelics, which led to a series of events that led to what we
believe was a contact with intelligent Infinity. So it
was kind of excellent testimony to start off this episode with the sharing
of that particular experience.
Nathan I can fill you in a little bit. No, please.
Yeah, I had a
Pretty profound experience. I would say the most profound experience
of my life actually on on Monday.
We had sort of an impromptu
Journey didn't really expect
to do that. Especially not that day. But
there was someone present who
who threw it out and we were
all pretty receptive and why yeah sure. Let's go ahead
and do that and after the weekend it seemed, you know, kind of
like unusual to do it kind of right there
after a weekend of
Of Journeys, so it was bufo
Saturday mushrooms Saturday night mushrooms
again Monday.
And MDA on Sunday night and then
all and then we did mushrooms again
on Tuesday.
As an integration of what
had happened Monday night, Nick are you with us?
I believe so. Yeah sounds like
Okay, here we go. Start video. There we go there yeah.
So Nick I was just filling Mike
and Nathan in on an experience
I had on.
Monday we ended up
doing an impromptu mushroom ceremony that
we nobody had planned on doing but one of the people that's kind right
one of the
people that was in our groups, you know suggested it and she's been
pulling tons of just amazing ideas
and energies and all kinds of things out over
the weekend. And so we went yeah sure. Okay that
resonates and
um, first of all, it was raw, there's a
difference that's a little kind of a tangent but
You know, so we all had about 35 grams of
penis, envy
And but given that way five
grams of yes of raw,
not right not dried.
I don't know what that is. So the mushrooms about
90% water. So when you dry them out
you lose percent of the way so that would bend
the equivalent of about three and a half grams or so. Yeah given
that we had done a mushroom journey two
days before we were, you know, thinking that
we had a little bit more tolerance going on probably then
then we did in that moment. Anyway, so
we were listening
to a guided meditation and I kind of slipped into that.
Was feeling moved by
that and this is actually what's very germane to
this call and what I was hoping to get some of your guyses inside
I was very aware in that
moment before I slipped into this other state altogether
of what it was that I was letting go
of what I was releasing and it I
didn't know it at the time but I'm
pretty sure I feel like it was the
The significator aspect of
Consciousness because there was this part of me that I became
aware of was basically just watching
observing recording.
More or less in preparation to deliver this information.
Now again that information in the experience hadn't even
happened yet. So keep in mind that as I'm kind of
slipping in and
just feeling the emotion of it really just the
initial movement and an emotional experience that I
didn't know what was about to happen. So even
just the emotional experience itself was what I
started to release into invite and
and by that what I mean, is that the need to
to record it or to describe it
was was released because
I I became aware
in that moment that that's what was holding me back from from fully
surrendering into it. And so
I've never in that I can recall
consciously or intentionally.
Separated those aspects of Consciousness or left
that one behind and just went you know,
I'm going to give up my attachment.
To be able to explain whatever experience I'm about
to have and again remember that at this time as far as I could tell it
was just a moving meditation really that was all it
was just you know, really moving experience, but I decided that I
was going to just I was just kind of sink into it anyway and
just say, you know, whether I can describe it later or not doesn't matter.
and then when I
Did that when that happened that kind
of movement of of emotion
intensified Amplified and
moved into
over a pretty short period of time?
um the energy of me expressing
Toward myself.
I found a really great quote This
is actually on samadhi
a non-dualistic state of
consciousness in which the consciousness of the experiencing subject
becomes one with the observing object.
And that's what I can say was
that in that moment as I slipped into this space
there wasn't there wasn't me and
something else and yet there was the energy of me
to myself and so
I sort of reverse roles as kind of what it
felt like but there was not a self-separate
really from me. So I was giving it I was expressing
it and so as I start to express this
love of self and kind of this exalted feeling
toward the self I was
just presented with waves of basically unbearable
almost unbearable ecstatic
Bliss for about two hours
and could not really function for
most of it, but I could come out and I came out
a number of times to kind of to explain what
was going on to the other people in the room. Who
also by the way, you started having incredibly powerful
experiences at the same time. So three
out of the four really
the fourth was was the one kind of holding space and
and I think helping all of this to unfold
and the other three of us just basically descended
into having, you know lost
Lost most of our connection to the self
certainly. That was my experience. I can't speak for the
other two, but I
was able to drift in and out of that quite easily so I could I
could say wow, I understand while so
many things in that moment. But I said, yeah if I was
God I would be doing this for all eternity
too because it's it's just it's seems like
it has to be the highest possible experience certainly that
I'm currently capable of having. I
have no idea where it rests on the pantheon of
experience and Consciousness, but for me, I was
certainly the very highest vibration. This
would be a perfect time to recap session 34, which
I think we covered maybe in the last one or the one before and just
see if this matches up with what you experience. Sure. This
is this is why I thought we could start out this way with this particular
So the question was you stated in an
earlier time that penetration of the eighth level or intelligent affinity.
Allows the Mind Body Spirit complex to be harvested if it wishes at any
time any time space during the cycle.
When this penetration of the eighth level occurs, what does the
entity who penetrates this experience?
And Ross says the experience of each entity is unique
and perception of intelligent Infinity.
perceptions range from a limitless
to a strong dedication just to service to others while in
the incarnated state.
The Entity which reaches intelligent Infinity most often work
receive this experience as one of unspeakable profundity
However, it is not usual for the entity to immediately desire the cessation
of the Incarnation which is kind of what they were saying. I think
when they're talking about being harvested right rather the
desire to communicate or use this experience to other to Aid
others is extremely strong. Yeah, I would say that that was
definitely very present and not only that I have to
say that I had a very very profound.
Sense of gratitude and appreciation for
the journey. That is the experience of
every other Consciousness and certainly to people who are present,
you know here especially but a newfound
appreciation for the Intrepid work that each and
every soul is doing in every moment
to unfold this this
discovery of what it means to be that
this one infinite Creator is constantly discovering
about itself.
I think it's perfect that you brought up that term some money there because in
hearing your experience and then looking back at the quote
that Mike just pulled up. I mean that's what's ringing in my
head the whole time through there. It's different stages different levels of
somati but it sounds like what you were at was a fairly
high level too. So they talk about some of the yogis who get to that stage. They
have a hard time pulling themselves out at certain stages because
it's just so Blissful so enjoyable so they
almost have to leave something back in the real physical
world here to to keep them staying but
then it's also the draw for service too. But yeah,
that sounds like a beautiful experience. I was for
sure I can tell you that my I I deepened my
Detachment to the material
world quite a bit which I which I've
done a lot of work just in intentionality already. So
I would not say that my attachments to the
material world are our very
Things have tended as a neutralize and
level out. So there's sort of the spiritual path
and pursuit and divine Union as
priority and everything else
is just opportunity for growth. And so
this experience like so completely cemented that
that I just you know, I it was so more
obvious than I had already known before that.
There's just absolutely no experience in physical form
that can touch what that was and I certainly felt
that in that space. I was not in space-time.
It's hard to.
It's hard to describe because one I don't
have a very visual experience. And so I didn't
have a big visual experience of it though. There
was I can say that what was
very present. There's sort of almost like a shape and
this is probably just how my mind was sort of interpreting the
energy of this weird as I
express this Divine love. I'm I'm receiving
this ecstatic.
Of and then having an ecstatic experience because of
the love. I was receiving it felt very clear
to me that the act of
the expression of Love is where
all of the Ecstasy was coming from. And
so I could understand.
Um in that moment how this energy becomes
the Creative Energy probably
intelligent energy that forms
all things. It felt just so completely primordial
and pure that if
you just if you could subtract every possible
thing that you could be aware of from your your Consciousness
and have only and
all enveloping experience of
simultaneous giving of of
copious endless amounts
of love and as you're
giving it to that extent which is so easy to do in that
space. You're just getting you know bold over
with with this ecstatic Bliss
and and a lot of times that I wanted to
stop to explain kind of what was going on. I would
also not and I would just sort of you know, because I know that
this describing it thing is what then brings us other
aspect to consciousness.
I would just go. No, I do want to stay here. I'm
actually just you know, really enjoying this but I wanted to
share it while it was happening to make sure that if I
had not remembered it very well or
something like that that I wanted to make sure that I had, you know
communicated it to somebody.
Right. I always when I have those I write
it down. Mmm so that I don't stop or
interfere with other people's experiences, but I keep trying
to write the essence of it down so you can go back and read
it. We actually had a we called it the deemster journal
where we would we would
facilitate DMT people because it sounds like you had
the experience that you have when
you have a whole Blast Off with DMT, except you had it slower
so you could like
Be present for the entire transition over whereas
when you have that full blast off you kind of there and
you have all those experiences without having that
that transitional phase. So we would hand people a journal
and say, you know, if you if you feel you know
inspired to write and you know, and we'd like the keep
this journal but if you feel inspired and you want to be yourself, you just
rip the page out and but the writing was you
know key because I I always felt
like I have to remember this I have to remember this and
in thinking I have to remember this you kind of pull yourself down and
out of it a little bit exactly. That's because you're
you're well separated and going okay, I
need to to pull all this in I'm gonna have to you know,
make it sense of it. You know that kind of thing and yeah, it'll
definitely pull you out of
it. So I know the suggestion is that you said that
you had that feeling and that you wanted to come
back so that you can share that feeling, you know, it sounds
like you were at that place where
The one Infinity Creator had the
thought of awareness and then thought well what
if I wasn't pure love and then started the cycle of experience
which were all in now, so it was almost like you went back to
that place and you were like, all right. Been here done this. I have
to go back to the physical world and take this with me. Yeah it
felt and and there was there was
at least two times I think during it because
I'm like breathing really really heavy that had
the the child birth, you know feeling of the
experience and though the way that I've kind of described it
was that it was literally like the opposite because
it was excruciatingly ecstatic. So
it was it was the intensity and amplitude
or just absolutely meant but it was the polar opposite.
So this had me thinking of of a lot of things like
the biblical scriptures that say that childbirth
is going to be in pain moving forward and
if you look at again the
tree of life and the
have always click unfolding of the four phases direct light
and all that these
kind of steps down.
Through Consciousness that felt
like the most primordial thing
that I could possibly imagine because there was literally nothing
else and it was me and
this desire to bestow. So a
lot of the things that I've learned have been clicking in the
last week if if that's what the kabbalist
mean by so they
call it receiving in order to bestow and
for them. This is to become the Adam Cadman or you know
Christ in manifestation basically the highest state of
consciousness that you can have here for them.
It's achieving godhood more or
less in parallel in that you are in bestowal.
I had resistance to this
concept for a number
of months after I'd first started setting the cabala
last year because this part of me is
listening to them say well God creates us as the will to
receive but we're free will so we get to decide no
Want to move into bestowal and so we stopped receiving
the light that's like, you know, that part makes
sense and yet what the
kabbalists say. In order for us to become like
God is that we need to move into bestowal.
But in order to bestow the only
way that we can bestow is by receiving because that's we're going to bestow satisfaction
upon our creator by receiving
what it has and I
had resistance to that because I'm saying well, you literally just told me
that I'm I'm created by my Creator as the will
to receive. So why don't I just want to receive like I could just
do that, you know, I'll just receive everything the
Creator wants to give me and so I had this resistance to why the
cobalists are like no we want to be like God we need to
be in bestowal and I just sort of kind of set that to
the side. It's not anything that I've decided on it was just
something I had resistance to I have no idea
if this is if this is related, but I can
say that that the stole that's what
I was
Doing I was absolutely bestowing and if
there's if there's some level of visualization or
frame of mind that I could recommend being
into it is that if you can take all
of the Divine devotion and
love that you have for God today and
focus that inward to
the exclusion of anything outside of
you. So I mean you are taking God as
separated thing and pulling
it all the way into the very center of you to
where that's the only place that it
exists and then plowing all
that love and devotion that you have for God really into
you and and this was the energy
of it. This is what felt like, you know move
that transition from a moving meditation that I
was, you know, really emotionally into this whole other
thing all together and it's the type of
thoughts and
intention that I've had a few times in the
last week to see if I could move, you know still in
that same direction while not having
dedicated much time to actually see if I could
go all the way in we have so many quotes we can get into from some of this but what
you just said there seems to be also what we
were talking about last month around the subject of Karla
having the blockage of the Indigo relating to
her sense of unworthiness.
and it would seem that allowing yourself to be seen as
God fully is a process of getting through the
The blockage the final blockage of unworthiness it seems so
Simple you guys in in that moment
to to realize that I'm
the one stopping myself from receiving. What
what God is is giving and
that it's you know, I'm the only one that can change that
and decide no, I'm really worth all of it.
And when I just literally just went in and and was able
to somehow release some of these other blocks that
are usually in in place to prevent
me from receiving it that's what it
was. I just it was the most indulgent that was another word
it felt so completely I even
described it at the time as occasionally disgusting
like that's the level
of the Indulgence of like giving yourself just
I mean it was Indescribable. I
felt like a gluttony of joy and love complete
glad yeah absolute glad
yeah just the purest sort of
just but it again it's in this expression. It's in this
giving of this love not a
movement toward or a yearning for and
sort of receiving it. It was more just like plowing it
right down into myself. And in
that moment. My Divinity was realized it
was I understood what Divinity means
at that level at experiencing
something just unimaginably
perfect like that. It was like, oh
that's my Divinity. That's the thing and see to
use the law of one where they say teach learn, you
know receive bestow because you
received that and now you're living that and bestowing it
to the world around you. Yeah, you know, so that's
that's I think how they were using that as one in the
Like you separated receiving and bestowing
is two separate things, but they can be the one
thing because if you receive and live in that Joy, then
you will bestow that Joy to the World Around you when you're
giving it to yourself again. This is where
dualism finally disappears because
there's the the energy
of giving without necessarily the energy of
receiving without an objective kind of
relationship. But still this desire to
express this love and then the realization that
wow, as I express this I am,
you know overcome with with ecstasy to
just feel that and to
realize like of course, this is how the one infinite
creator creates, you know, the universe or
all universes or whatever. It's like, of course why we're
gonna create this I'm gonna in in infinite intelligence where
all things exist in potential. This one
infinite creator has access and knows
Exactly how to self-actualize itself out of
potential and into reality knows the
very very highest vibration the very very highest peak
experiences that that all
of Consciousness can have because again, it's infinite intelligence
out of everything existing and potential so
it literally says, oh here's the very very best most
perfect thing that could be and it's from
there and that's what this Energy felt was
just so completely pure and Powerful that it just it felt like
it was instigating that it was, you know,
an initiative kind of energy so it
would be fair to say never had any experience that comes close to this one. Not
even close. All right. Nice. I would love to
dive into some more these quotes now and that's just so
beautiful because I feel like so what I want to figure out now is were
you experiencing the higher
self in that moment and what was
love ones say about the magical personality. And is this
what you were stepping into? And is there a way to integrate your current?
with magical personality through taking the
steps of working with the
The deeper mind in more ways and becoming more integrated.
So the integration of what your experience into your current reality is
kind of where I want to go with this. Yeah, and
I do feel like I've had Snippets of
what you described for brief brief moments in
in dream states. I've had I've had the vision of
the the Crown opening and seeing and then
having this I'm be still
is a word that would make sense, but it's almost as though.
you know, it's the for me the challenging thing is
processing my karma from that Viewpoint and
letting go of everything that is me and
seeing the Perfection of the Incarnation in my
past present future everything as this.
created but it's not just me. It's the entire universe created from
this one sort of single.
Perfect powerful love when you when you start
to give it to yourself. I feel like
that has this ascendant.
Component to it no matter what because in order to give love to
any aspect of the self you would
necessarily have to be at a place in Consciousness that
is vibrating at a higher level than that aspect of
self that you would want to be giving that love to and
in my case.
If I was able to to give it
to myself entirely, I think that
I shot past it. So I map these out pretty
roughly on the tree of life. That tiforet is
the magical personality. This is I think
it's a it's a larger Sephora than than
maybe a lot of us think and I think that you can be in
around near it maybe without
having fully embodied all of the energies of
it. So it is Christ Consciousness as
it's referred to but it's also called the higher self
because it sits really in the center of of
the Soul or the over soul. Of course.
I consulted my cabal manual the next
day after Monday. Yes, there's tea for
out there and read the spiritual experiences
of each of these
so there's correspondences obviously everything from colors and
Archangels and numbers and
all that for all these
And a spiritual experience is one of them. So for
example, you sewed down there the spiritual experiences a
vision of the Machinery of the universe and a vision
does not always mean necessarily A Vision Vision, but it
means that it's an understanding and you start
to see the way that the Universe works for example, and so
every one of these have a spiritual experience and so
on Tuesday, I go to my manual and start looking
right now. We're in T4 at in my cabal class. That's
kind of where I'm sitting as we continue to ascend the tree and so
I wanted to see what these other spiritual experiences where
the Sephora that I we haven't started studying it and read
each of them and understood them
understood sort of where they
would fall in relation to the experience that I had and
it wasn't until I got to get there at the
very top that the spiritual experience actually made
sense and it was which which way are
you going in your class? Are you going from hot up
to tea for it or from gabra?
Tea for it up. So right now
could the bottom. Yep. So so what you're saying is as
you're learning and taking in this information.
And you're at tiferet which is beauty Joy
You had that experience exactly but having that
experience, I think I started in or
around the energy of tea for
it sort of as my state of consciousness in that
moment. And I think I skipped the Ott,
which is normally the the bridge over the abyss between
the supernal Triad above and
and the Soul bodies below it and the
again the spiritual experience of
Qatar was was Oneness
Oneness as as God to
know the self as God and there is
no doubt in my mind that that's exactly what that
felt like to me. Not just like
it like I knew that in that moment that this is God
this is this is the true realization and
recognition of one's Divinity and with
that realization the ability to give
the self this this unbelievable experience
is actually
completely simple. It's actually just easy.
You keep saying give but I want to I want
to pose this just a slight key phrase turn forgive. I
think that the biggest way that
you can get to this is to forgive yourself, you
know form of forgiving myself
because you are letting go of whatever it is that you've been holding in
darkness, whatever those aspects of
self that that you've decided make you Unworthy of
this light and love that's the
stuff that's just always there. So yeah a hundred
percent that forgiving it is is the key because once
it's released then you can receive so
much more of that light and love
I would like to discuss. So for
me, I have not studied the you know, the tree of
life is much but for me what the
thinking in terms of the Indigo in terms of
the chakra system is what seems to make the most sense to me. So I
think this was a
one of the most beautiful quotes around this
the Indigo Ray is opened only through
considerable discipline and practice largely having
to do with acceptance of self.
Not only is the polarized and balanced self polarized meaningful
of Love, basically.
polarized and balanced self
but as the Creator as an entity of infinite worth
accepting the self as the Creator as an
entity of infinite worth. This will begin to activate the Indigo
And to me that's that's understanding of
Oneness with God. Yeah, and and I would say infinite worth
that absolutely Nails it
down and and when you're in it and you
feel it, like I said, it's so completely simple because
you're just like well, of course because I'm God and I you
know, I'm I'm all things and of course, I'm worth
Perfection because that's how I was created by
But that end of forgiveness comes in for giving
yourself for the for the physical material third
density falters that you've had along the way. Oh, yeah
hundred percent. I think that we're gonna
continue to keep coming back to this dude because that like
everything you're saying just brings. I read
everything that Mike wanted to go over yesterday and then I reread
it again today and it just all screams the
experience that you had. Yeah. The last
thing that I would say, I was thinking about it this morning when I was reviewing the
materials is raw and don't
really refer to
this as accessing intelligent Infinity,
but I would humbly suggest
That as you move into an
experience like this, you're going to realize that it's actually the
opposite. This is intelligent Infinity accessing
you. This is the the
highest form of self becoming embodied. And
as we Ascend in Consciousness, you know,
the the analogy is only so
helpful because it it always leads
us in this kind of mental configuration to picture ourselves
floating up in a way, you know from density and
form and and that's not what's happening
at all now parts of us want to to have
a different experience because the one here in density is
so fraught with Catalyst. And so
we do want to try something a
different way but that Ascension and
Consciousness is not us leaving. It's the higher self coming
in and more. It's just the veil
being removed because you've always been that higher
self. It doesn't have to come in. It's always
There it's just you don't see it and and
you just pulled the veil up in a very conscious way you were
you were there for the entire removing of the
veil. I would say that the that the higher self
is dormant or
more of a silent Observer for most people
most of the time for those of
us on a path. That's very different. It's much more present more
of the time and is even the activated principle a
lot of the time.
as well
But I think for the
unconscious, you know, they're more on autopilot. And
so it's a sliding scale of some proportion. So you've
got some amount of your egoic structure
is in control and some amount of the higher self
is along for the ride and the path forward
is to to invert
that proportion well, and
this goes to the 73.5 to 73.7 that
Mike was suggesting about magical personality
when they say that
the higher self or the magical
personality. I can't remember which one they were using at the time
when they were saying that Don was
like, oh so the higher self sets up this stuff and controls
and they were like, well, no, he doesn't control the higher self
is always there to help.
And will will influence when
asked something along those lines, I wrote notes, but I didn't
write the whole passage out.
Is this Mind by Spirit Well, I'm
looking at a few different things here. I was
thinking it'd be fun to Jump Ahead a little bit to one
of the quotes about
higher self essentially becoming you
The higher self personality has its opportunity
to gain rapidly from the experience of the catalytic the catalytic
of action available to the third density space-time mind-body
Thus the adapt is aiding the Creator greatly by
offering great catalysts to a greater portion of the creation.
Which is identified as the Mind Body Spirit totality of
an entity.
Yeah, that's the totality to include
the monad to include the the inner
in all
All Consciousness. I love that
passage. When I saw that too is the same kind of thing. Where
when you although it's also a little confused. I'm
curious to see you guys read this too between the
magical personality and the higher self
for Magical operations were to
call it in use it and then to even release it
that one of these was talking about, you know, making sure that
you're very intentional about releasing the the magical personality and
that part didn't quite click for
me, I guess because the higher
self seeks manifestation in you know
in all ways.
And I certainly want to invite mine
in to be here all the time and be the activated
principle rather than the ego of
Consciousness. So do you guys that is a great question?
I feel like that's the question. Maybe we should address a little bit later. Okay. I
feel like we need to set some groundwork and establish. Although
the nature of what the White magical systems are
even well in 86.7 words
the end of that passage. They just threw it
in as like a side note and the whole time.
I was rereading this I was questioning it myself where they
The magical personality parentheses, which
is the higher self and SpaceTime
and I was thinking the whole time I was reading I was
like is the magical personality the higher self?
You know are they are they kind of one in the same
and then they answered it and that last passage you you suggested and
they just threw it in there see now online. It doesn't
have it in parentheses. But in this version of the
book The The Rock contact version they have it
in parenthesis. So it's like it's kind of like a
foot footnote or side note but it's huge.
Yeah. Yeah, but it's it
is reference other places. Um, but but I
guess the higher self is sort of Beyond third density and
the Magical personality is like the higher self
in the third density taking on the form the space-time
analog, I guess that's why they say in the
space-time analog
Yeah, I thought it was more for like a specific purpose too when you
invoke that magical personality. So it's a version of
the higher self that you're invoking in but it's for a
specific purpose and use it for that working. And that's why you then
release it afterward is not something to to be maintained for
longer periods then.
So it's like it's like the the crude
physical form of your higher self
Like the third density form of your higher cell.
I guess so it's it's almost like sure.
I do think I'm kind of wanted to go back to the start the
quote discussion about the sarcophagus because
I feel like what we're talking about is increasingly becoming
increasing increasingly transmuting the finite in
to become the infinite.
the nature of spiritual transformation this archetype
it is that the material world is transformed
by the spirit into that which is infinite and eternal.
The Infinity of the spirit is an even greater realization
than the Infinity of Consciousness or Consciousness, which has
been disciplined by Will and faith.
Is that Consciousness which may contact intelligent Infinity directly?
So that's my comprehension of of
what this means to become the magical personality
more and more is as to is to
allow that the Consciousness to become more and more perfectly refined
in in the will and faith.
And and so that we're seeing everything with this lens of this
infinite Spirit nature. How do
you I'm trying to put together the structure
of what you have highlighted here.
They saying that the infinite nature
of the spirit.
is predicated
On Consciousness, which is seeing them saying like
they say the in the Infinity of the spirit is an
even greater realization than the Infinity of Consciousness for and
then it so that goes on to sort of explain that
statement, right?
It's the disappointing by Will and faith. That is the spiritual
component of Consciousness. It would seem
Yeah, because it seems like it's it starts
with intelligent infinity and then intelligent Infinity
through intelligent energy creates the the physical
world and then at some point
they're in it it gets to this each individualized Consciousness
and you have to refine the
Consciousness to get back to filter yourself back up to that
point of Oneness.
Yeah, in order to receive I was
saying that too during one of the times that I'd kind of
stepped out there. I said, yeah, I can completely understand
how this is not a vibration that that the
human body can maintain, you know at a
consistent level for very long. My solar
plexus was was throbbing. I
suppose would be the best way I could put it the next
day vibrating on Tuesday both. Yeah, it was it was
just highly activated and I felt so light
this week like especially right there in
the center of me. It was this very unusual feeling
to feel almost tingly
or a little bit almost like a
Weird lightness or tickle kinda
kind of sounds like that Egyptian Theory where your heart is
measured against the feather when you die, I certainly
felt a lot lighter that's for sure and and
was in a much more.
Wondrous mood as well this week and
was so engaged with everyone
that that I you know came into encounter with.
I was amused a little bit. You know, I I did some research.
So it was me and Andrew both attended the
bufo ceremony on on last Saturday, and I'm still having many
experiences also.
But I I looked up other people's experiences on the internet too. And
I saw even the famous self-help Guru
Tony Robbins. He said he had for the
10 day window following his buffo trip. He had these ecstatic
experiences once per day on the
10 days afterward.
yeah, I feel like it's just something something about that that I know
it was it touched me on some deep deep level that sort
of wiped out. It's like clean slate on some level of
some of the subconscious things that I was struggling with that maybe
we're low level blockages that I wouldn't when he easily
able to address otherwise, so I've been thinking of
everything that went into at least my experience
on Monday. And so obviously the bufo experience was
was one of them. There were a lot of things there's the entire
path. There's everything studied. There's obviously the
the mushrooms
All of that was there but also what was very present was.
The presence of this other person it was a little
bit newer to our group.
Who was in a lot of ways?
kind of throwing a
light out in the dark I think in front of us because
she had a lot of really strong insights
invisibility into things she gets downloads, but
she's had this kind of experience before almost identical
to to kind of how I describe mine and
that also occurred to me that that the vibration
of that experience in her field
is now informing the fields of everyone of
course that she encounters and yeah, that's something
that that touches on the concept of
lineage and everything from Guru
masterhood in the East
obviously to the handing down of you
know rituals and energetic practices in Western
her medicine. Is this what we talked about
two mushroom trips to go this this folk experience
you guys to talk about yeah.
Dude, I I can't believe I spaced on that day. I
I completely give you guys the permission
to beat me over the head like that. We do
it well into this right because I completely spaced on
that. I know there's a lot of people who love to try it and I feel like you know now that
it's I pretty sure it's legal in Colorado now. Yeah, that's
and it is literally called the Colorado River toad
that we were smoking. Okay, you
guys it's just please just it just
any date me with text and emails next time. I can't
believe I forgot. Oh a group
for that. I did try to you know, get you
connected to early on but there's
also a cost associated with this because they they actually
get this directly from the series tribe in Mexico and the
tribes go out and and Harvest Right Hogs frogs for
three three months out of the year is
when these toads come up. I'm underground the rest of the time they're underground.
So you have this window you have to do the harvesting and
they don't they don't have a farm of toads. They actually
into the wild find the wild toads in order to
do it that way.
Yeah, a form of toads wouldn't work anyway, so for
for $200, you know
per person and that was just the facilitator charge nothing
at all. That was just his cost for the the
medicine, you know,
it's not exactly a you know, a mushroom journey
in terms of the cost associated with it. But I say
there's no physical cost of would have turned me away from that
experience. Next time you span me with text messages.
Yo dude, you forgot you? Okay? All
right. Let's let's keep in mind that we're gonna we're gonna
address also people who will listen to this later we can
we can dive into the material now and we can
I continue to plan ceremonies
and wake people up through the medicines
plant medicines is um as the
law now directs us to is in some way the absolutely incredible.
I want to meet an interview the guy who is responsible for getting this
law passed that proposition 122. Absolutely incredible. This
is now something that's
kind of entering more into the mainstream that it doesn't have to be just this
shunned Thing by our society can actually be
appreciated finally.
Demonic medicine. Yeah, it's coming back into
the consciousness.
But to your point now is the integration. So now
we're we're taking these things that we learn on these Journeys and
integrating them with the wealth of information that we've
been given by these.
Divine social memory complexes that have been
helping to raise us these millennia.
So I would like to start processing on the higher self now
because it feels like a lot of what we're talking about is, you know
getting closer with this awareness of the higher
self. And so I think to start out
with we can start with
where they started discussing the totality they started using the concept
of the totality.
Seemingly interchangeably with the higher self, but then they go into
detail, but that's not exactly what they mean when they say higher self
versus totality the Mind Body Spirit complex totality.
So in 30 session 36 here, they started
out when they were asked about a definition for mindbody Spirit
complex totality.
They said there is a dimension in which time does not have sway.
In this Dimension the Mind Body Spirit and its
Eternal Dance of the present.
May be seen in totality.
And before the blind Body Spirit complex, which then becomes a
part of the social memory complex.
So let's show memory complex being reference to
society in general. So there's a
Mind Body Spirit complex
Which later becomes a part of the social memory complex?
Before this individual is willingly absorbed into
the allness of the one creator.
The Entity knows itself in its totality
So this would imply the seventh density right
The reunion with all that is there's an aspect
of ourself. That is the totality.
That aspect of herself that knows ourself in
And then this mind-body spare complex totality functions as
shall we say a resource for what you perhaps would
call the higher self.
The higher self in turn is a resource for
examining the distillations of third density
experience and programming further experience. So
the totality is not doing the programming.
The higher self is doing the programming using the resource of
the knowledge from the totality.
So so there's the higher self is
doing examining of the distillations of third density experience and the
programming it further experience.
And then is is the next.
Is the next quote on that one when he talks about how?
It's not program. It's not.
Predetermining so much as it is making the guidelines.
One of the quotes, you know, you suggested had that
yeah, what keep going then? Okay. Yeah, so they said this
is all so true of density. So the programming of
experience is also true of densities, four five and six with the
mind-body spirit complex fatality coming into Consciousness in
the course of seventh density.
I have
at least what this kind of occurs to me. Anyway, I
still picture the higher self sitting at tiferat,
which means that if if that's where your Consciousness
is centered. First of all, that's great. Congratulations.
That's a great place to be though. Yeah.
Exactly. You're still there in the center
means that in order for you to receive guidance. You've
got to get it straight from the top so down
below and we'll now couth we're getting our guidance
from the higher self and tea for it.
And then once you're in tiferat, you're now
looking still upward for
your resources and you have to
rely on the totality because that's what includes the
monad at the very top which is the true essence
of your actual self. So the higher self by itself
can't really function obviously
as a as a sovereign being without
that monad still instill
within it. So it seems to be looking upward
to get to get
that highest Divine Light and guidance from
the top just like we do from the bottom.
I think this is relates to the magical personality integration
so I think we can we can
move into that how you know, it's like the
the needing to call upward is always
there I think.
Yeah, and the Magical personality makes a lot of sense to
be in tea for it. Also because magical operations happen in ode.
And they're executed through you sowed
but you've got to be, you know, a balanced
in order to do that. So number eight there hold is where all ritual and
and magical operations
are converted into
those exact processes and then
delivered down through you so and so in order to really function
correctly there and and access all
those energies in a balanced way. You need to be right there
in the center.
I've been talking around as we reread this with the idea of because
the law of one
always refers to it as the higher self.
Whereas a lot of other modalities refer
to it as your higher self
and I think that kind of has handicapped my
thinking in thinking that it's my higher
self. Where as the more I read this
the more I think the higher self is
everyone's higher self because if we
are all truly one wouldn't One Step removed from
Still be one experiencing many and like
would this be that the higher self is everyone
in this universe is
higher self is all one because in the the thing he
says 37.6 when I
was reading that one. He says the higher
self is a manifestation given to the late. Sixth density
Mind Body Spirit complex as
a gift from its future self the mid seventh
density Last Action before turning
towards the illness. So it's like you're
you're just about the turn and become
the all but in looking
back you are saying hey, this is
gonna help almost like
In a previous Universe there was
no higher self and the learning in
the Physical Realm was so chaotic that before
turning into this before turning out of the seventh density
this this said, you know, we're gonna
need to hire self to kind of manage what's going on
in the Physical Realm think of it in in Reverse now
because everything's happening simultaneously this is
why this actually makes perfect sense. The
the higher selfieferette is created out
of the supernal Triad above it. And
so while raw is explaining to us this happening
sort of in reverse and that and
that the higher self is given as the seventh
density is basically ascending into the supernal Triad
on the way down which is
what happened. Originally. This goes in reverse order
and hope mine create tea for
it and and all the fractalized aspects of
Consciousness and and physical material that come
Out of it. And so they describe it kind
of going back the other direction, but that's because we're still thinking
very linearly but these happen in
both directions those yeah simultaneously exactly
because the place that the place that it's coming from, how
do they put it in a little in rosset
time does not have sway over this, uh, density
or dementia. I can't remember you
probably said density, but when time doesn't have sway over it,
then it does happen simultaneously, but
we living in a place where time has ultimate sway over everything
it's harder for us to conceptualize it. Um,
I wanted to go back a little bit to the to the higher self in terms
of how much higher that self is. One of these passages did
actually touch on this applying more
to your other your alternate selves
that certainly falls into
at least the judaic tradition of
the Kabbalah in that and actually
Universal too now that I think about it that you
22 versions of yourself effectively that
you're oversoul is is sort
of overseeing and as you
ascend in any one life or as the adapt and you
can take on all these other archetypes, then you're kind
of consolidating the experience of all
of those ultimate selves into
one but not just into one of
the 22 actually think that you're doing it for all 22. And
so what they described here in one of these is that oversold is
what's getting, you know, the the input from
each of these aspects of yourself and then turning
around and making that available to the others. Let
me let me read this quote here. Don Elkins
asked in 37 does each
entity have an individual Mind Body Spirit complex totality.
or do a number of entities share the same Mind Body
Spirit complex to tell any
and Ross said both of these statements are correct given
the appropriate time space conditions.
Each entity has its totality.
And at the point at which the planetary entity a planetary entity
becomes a social memory complex meaning we're
kind of merged as one Consciousness as a planet.
That totality of this Union of entities also has
its oversold and its social memory complex totality as
as always
the sum and Rob presumably meant
hole here.
As always the whole spiritually speaking is greater than the sum
of its parts so that the oversoul of
the social memory complex is not the sum of the over
Souls of its member entities, but operates upon
the way of what we have called squares and what we grasp you
prefer to call doubling.
So that blows my mind a little.
Here that that's kind of the basis of
a lot of times when I meditate.
instead of thinking expanding out
and growing out and
all of these things that I've heard people and and they've LED
great meditations, but everybody always talks about
this you making yourself bigger.
I always think of it as me dissolving myself
back into the whole like, you know,
the whole is always there. I'm an individualized aspect of
it. But when I do meditation, I don't I don't
visualize myself expanding into the all
I visualize my individuated aspect
as dissolving back into the old.
Yeah, I like that for surrender the
energy of welcoming in the higher self.
Has become not just
a skill used in journeying but actually
a way of being in everyday
life and moving into a
state of allowance and acceptance of of
the Perfection that's present in every single. There's
there's no way that it can't be perfect.
It's our understanding of what
perfect is and our interpretation of what
perfect should be at a small
self level that that keeps us from
recognizing the fact that everything present is
and only can be
completely perfect
in that one that you have up like they they
say in 36.1 the second
They say the mind-body spear complex totality functions.
And again, this is this is me doing that
thing where I say, like I kind of get rid of that as shall
we say and all that stuff to kind of make it
make sense to myself. But the Mind Body Spirit complex totality functions
as a resource for what
you call the higher self.
The higher self in turn is a
resource for examining the distillations of third density
experience and programming further experience
programming further experience. This is
also true of the density for
five and six like like all
of the density speed up to the experience.
The feed up their experiences to this higher self
and then the higher self taking all of it
in at once time not swaying it's it's opinion
has the ability to then filter back down
to the third density and and set
parameters for you to have experiences while not
impinging on your free will, you know,
just just setting the parameters there for you to have
the experience.
So let's just keep going with this. Yeah, let's
just go on a session. Nothing very next question
was asked would the Mind
Body Spirit complex totality be responsible for programming changes in
Catalyst during a third density experience.
So that the proper Catalyst would be added shall we say
as conditions for that complex changed. So
here Don is trying to talk about in the context of
things changing and in the higher self somehow.
Having a different Viewpoint of what's the perfect?
Catalyst and and Ross said this is
incorrect by yourself as you call it. Is that self?
Which exists with full understanding of the accumulation of
experiences of The Entity?
It aids the entity in achieving healing of
the experiences, which have not been learned properly.
And assists as you have indicated and further life experience programming as
you may call it.
The Mind Body Spirit complex totality is that which may be
called upon by the higher self aspect just as the Mind Body
Spirit complex calls upon the higher self.
In the one case you have a structured situation within
the SpaceTime Continuum with the higher self
having available to it the totality of experiences which have
been collected by an entity and a very firm grasp of
the lessons to be learned in this density.
The Mind Body Spirit complex totality is as the shifting
And is in some part a collection of parallel developments of
the same entity.
This information is made available to the higher self aspect.
This aspect May then use these projected probability possibility of
In order to better Aid what you would call Future life programming.
Yeah, that's the one I was talking about. So where
it says parallel developments of
the same entity. That's what I take to
mean sort of this oversoul slash, you know,
22 versions of one self
living on lots of different
worlds, but inhabiting each one each
of the aspects of
the archetypical Mind.
Yeah, there's a great video. I think it was
put out by tragedy and hope or one of
the YouTube channels that puts videos and music to
Alan Watts sayings and basically
the video is of a guy gets out of bed in the
morning and he goes through his
day and then he gets to a certain point and the day
starts over and then as the day continues just one
little thing changes like he stops to fix the clock
on the wall. And then instead of stopping to fix the clock on the wall
the next like he goes and he he like flips his toast instead
of just putting it on his plate like every single little decision turns.
It's just Echoes down the line and the
higher self has access to whether you
check the clock whether you flip the toast and it takes a
and assimilation of
all the different experiences and kind of puts
You know that the possibility for
this thing that you're trying to
learn it says
like okay, he's gonna flip the toast he's gonna check the clock because that seems like
the best possibility for the entity to learn this thing at
this this time and space.
I don't know if it's the best analogy. But when I was reading that before too, I
was thinking of the higher self kind of as like a guidance counselor. So
in school, so the Incarnation is your semester
there where they're obviously directing you guiding through
whatever your goals are. Whatever you're trying to
become there. You've learned through this guide and counselor
and at the end of the semester say the end of the Incarnation you then
go back and talk with this God and counselor and how
what you achieved and what more you'd like to do moving forward a little
bit of a crude analogy because there's still some more to it.
But guess that's at least what popped in my head and the guidance counselor,
then knows a lot but doesn't quite have the highest level
of knowledge, which would then come from the totality.
Yeah, I think works pretty well. Then the guidance
counselor will also have you you went through your semester
and in going through your semester, you may have
learned things like oh I wanted to apply to Yale. Well before
you apply to Yale, you have to call this number and the guidance
counselor. Didn't know that and then you learn it you teach
the guidance counselor and the guidance counselor can teach the next semester
of students, you know.
Yeah, yeah, I didn't consider that other way around but that's
perfect. Yeah, I think that happens at the totality actually the total
yes you to culminate that information and
Supply it back to the higher self
so that it can distribute it among.
These parallel developments of
the self.
So sometimes we'll read this next one where they give the analogy of the the map.
the question was
Would my herself have a very large advantage in knowing precisely what was
Since it would know what was going to happen and Ross said
this is incorrect and that this would be abrogation of free will I herself
aspect is aware of the lessons learned through the
sixth density.
The progress rate is fairly. Well understood the choices
which must be made to achieve the higher self.
As it is are in the provenance of the Mind Body Spirit
complex itself.
Thus the higher self is like the map in which
the destination is known. The roads are very well known these
roads being designed by intelligent Infinity working through
intelligent energy.
However, the higher self aspect can program only
for the lessons and certain predisposing limitations if it
The remainder is completely the free choice of an of each entity.
There is the perfect balance between the known and the unknown.
Yeah, like instructional on the road, you know,
you start a road trip and you're like I'm gonna take Route
70 to Route 15, and then there's construction
shutting down Route 15 50 miles
in and you're like, okay. Well now I gotta find another route, you know
that the higher self knows all these different ways. It's
just you and this this time have to
You know figure out this obstacle figure out this lesson.
And it's kind of interesting. It was sort of a roundabout way
of answering Don's question there because
they they do end up saying sure it'll it'll
only program what it wants to.
And no it doesn't seem to jump in and reprogram.
during though, you would think that if the
needs of catalyst change
that it would
that the catalysts itself is going
to change.
as well
Which would theoretically be designed by
the higher self? So I'm still a little bit like the roads are
already all designed for all the different options. I think I think that's
a possibility probability Vortex is they're talking about okay?
He said another point that the Catalyst can and will change
based on based on where you're at and based
on what you've interpreted and learned from that experience that it is
constantly changing coming from the roots of mine. Basically, what's
more most appropriate?
That makes sense. I don't remember where that would be.
Yeah, I have to look it up more but I remember something along those
lines which
Yeah, look.
At that that that quote that I'm trying
I have to take better notes next time because I know exactly what
we're all looking for. I just read it. I took a note on it now. I
can't find it.
But it's it's that point where he says.
The higher self is there to help.
But it will only directly help essentially if you ask.
Maybe 73.573.7
And the right book I'm in the wrong book. Well, let's
go to 70.11 here.
Don asked would analogy
for this be that the individuals higher self is manipulating to some extent
to the mind-body spirit complex that is analog to
move through the lower densities for purposes of gaining experience
finally transferring that experience.
And been six density with the higher self and roster, this
is incorrect. I herself does not manipulate its past.
it protects when possible and guides when asked
What the force that's what I was looking for that right there protects
a when possible
and guides when asked that was the the quote that I was looking for because you
know, if it was just putting the
the perfect way for you to learn the lesson
in front of you every time that would impinge on your free
But when you ask it will more almost
I don't want to say directly but it
will more directly guide you into
the way you just have to ask you have to consciously,
you know want it.
Right goes back to that surrendering to Divine will
that I was saying earlier the more that I yourself is
invited to be the activated principal.
The more you're doing exactly this you're just asking but
you're not saying hey, I need just a little bit of insight on troubleshooting
this one thing. It's more like no just at at
all times in all cases in all
places. I would like this aspect of
myself to be the one in the driver's seat.
And I also think this would be
great time to just skip ahead to what I wanted
to say about 86.7 because I feel like
you know, we we simply do not take advantage of a higher
Our higher selves guidance because when we're
not asking for it and then in 86.7, they're
talking about the potentials of
of dreams and sleep.
And it said as a mind-body spare complex mind-body Spirit
complex consciously chooses the path of the adept.
And with each energy Central Energy Center each chakra
balance to minimal degree.
When when you begin to open the indigory energy center?
The so-called dreaming becomes the most efficient tool for polarization.
Or if it is known by the Adept that work may
be done in Consciousness while the so-called conscious mind rests.
The Adept may call upon those which guided.
Those presences which surround it and most
of all the magical personality, which is the higher self and SpaceTime
analog as it moves into the sleeping mode of consciousness.
With these affirmations attended to the activity of dreaming reaches
the that potential of learned teaching which is
most helpful to increasing the Distortion of the Adept towards its
chosen polarity.
So the working with the higher self in the sleep period having
the intention to do that before you go to sleep is like the
most powerful way to work ourselves. One of the most part of that I
yeah when I read that I just thought that was that was
good because it's that's pretty easy to do. I don't
remember almost any of my dreams at all. So I really don't
know what what goes on.
When I'm Dreaming, I did want to ask
you guys though about this polarity a little bit. So as
I think of polarity and it's increase.
One for Harvest ability. We know that there's math
involved there. We also know that for those that
are positively polarized 51% should not
be a super high Target here. And so I'm curious
as to
where metaphysically this becomes
a kpi your polarity and I
know it's it's referred to in a number of places including
I think one that we already went.
Over today probably around intelligent Infinity,
but it correct me if I'm wrong. But
achieving 51% polarities great for Harvest ability,
but there is further benefit to pushing
that polarity out as far as possible still probably
around Indigo reactivation and/or
access to intelligent infinity or providing
access to intelligent Infinity.
Yeah, you know they say the heart is the springboard to infinite
So we're talking about increasing and
polarity to me. That's
since the negative polarity is closing the heart the positive polarity
is opening the hard more as you open up
the heart more you're actually increasing your your energy that you're working
with and creating that that funnel into
the intelligent Affinity through through your heart.
It's like you the the your your drive to
pursue to serve others. So it's like
why are we doing anything in this reality? I think love is
the reason and it's is it love for ourselves or is
it love for others in the in the one if Creator and manifest through all
and as we become
fully, you know as it's not about us anymore.
It's just the energy is coming through us. We're no longer. We're no
longer as they said Jesus saw itself. No, Jesus
saw himself no longer as an entity of itself. But as
like a vessel a messenger for the one infinite Creator
or the love of the Creator basically as
we become just the vessel for that love then as
we're increasing and love that's increasing employee. I think that's the way I see
Okay, I also take it as a Snowball Effect where the more
that your polarized towards Love Again going back to the
bestowing aspect the more
that you polarize towards love the more you emanate love the
board that other people will be tended towards love because
they see it in you and then it just has this
snowball rolling down hill effect. Whereas if you live every moment
in your life through love and you interact with one other
person through love in a place where they might not have
seen love then they see love once and if they
see love once a day every day, you know, they'll start
to embody it and then it gets that snowball rolling
down the hill effect.
It makes sense. So they
said that.
The higher self does not manipulate its past selves it protects when
possible and guides when asked what the force of Free Will is
Paramount the seeming contradictions of determinism and
free will melt when it is accepted that there is such a thing
as true simultaneity.
The higher self is the end result of all the development experienced by
the Mind Body Spirit complex to that point.
yeah, it's interesting that the thing that stands out to me
most reading at this time is
guides when asked exactly
I I also looked at protects when
possible and of course, I'm always wondering about those edge cases When Ross
says something like that. Oh, when's it not
possible, but it occurs to me that if you choose actively choose to do
That incurs a karmic
entanglement that needs to
be worked through then then you're
not going to be protected from that though. Perhaps if
somebody else makes a choice that
may have an impact on you that you don't
necessarily need to learn karmically that your
higher self May step in and try to steer you around it.
I got a perfect real life experience.
Of protecting when possible. I I had a
friend that would just drink insanely and I
mean he wouldn't do anything malicious, but he would
Just situations that would not be there. If you
didn't drink heavily all the time until the one
time. He didn't escape the situation like his
higher self was protecting him like okay, you really
shouldn't be drinking like that. You really should be trying to
go for love and and not doing all that. So I'm
gonna help you here. All right, you're still doing I'm gonna help you here. Are you
still doing I'm gonna help and then eventually the higher self is like are you need
to learn lesson dude, and then he felt the lesson
and and moved on and I'm still
amazed to this day that when
he finally did have to experience the downside
of all this drinking and all that. You didn't get more
in trouble, but it's there to help when possible but
if you keep negating the lesson that you're supposed to learn it's
no longer possible. You have to learn that lesson.
Yeah agree. That's that's kind of what I was what I was
getting at and I think that you
have opportunities to learn those lessons in easier
ways you ever feel like sometimes you dodged a
bullet or something or like something really? Oh, well the gosh that could have
been way worse than yep. Why yeah, and you're like cool and
you just sort of you know, you take run with it you feel
kind of lucky or you say, you know a few years ago. I probably
would have just, you know, Dove head first into the energy of
that, you know problem or whatever it was and and gotten
wrapped around the axle on it. And and now, you know, you take
it in stride. You see it as Catalyst you balance it,
you know, you do what you do as an addict.
Was there a reference to the board to the Head?
board to the Head
Yeah, this was it.
The question was in some cases. It seems that this use
of catalyst is almost in a run Runaway condition for some entities that
they are experiencing much more pain than they could make good
use of it. As far as catalytic nature would be concerned. Could you
comment on our president condition in the illusion with respect to that particular
subject and Ross said you may see in some cases in
entity which either by pre-incarnative choice or by constant
reprogramming while incarnation
has developed an assuriant which
means Hungary or greedy developed a greedy program of catalyst such
an entity is quite desirous of using the
Catalyst and has determined to its own satisfaction that
what you may call the large Board needs to be applied to
the forehead and obtain the attention of the self. Yeah,
and that one always made
me think of the previous one we were talking about where he
said, you know, it's there to help when possible but when
you ask it's really there and I don't necessarily think
that asking is you sitting down and asking it might
just be you learning the lesson, you know,
and then therefore that's kind of an asking like, okay, I
get it now and then that's you kind of, you know asking your
higher self for help in this situation.
Without actually saying something in a
question format.
And so so they said in the cases when a person doesn't just learn just
from recognizing the situation when they need the large
board to the forehead. Yeah in these cases. It may indeed seem
a great waste of the Catalyst of pain and a distortion towards feeling
the tragedy of so much pain, maybe experienced by the other
However, it is well to hope that the other self is grasping that
which it has gone to some trouble to offer itself. That is
the Catalyst which a desires to use for the purpose of evolution.
You you trust it as and recognize it as
the sacred and sovereign.
Divine path and opportunity that you and
everybody else are on and
seems to be it. Yeah.
Even if I might look like record or something exactly. Yeah.
the sacred rock bottom
Dark Night
of the Soul exactly. Yeah, they also called
they use the Matrix of the spirit archetype as they call
that also The Dark Night of the soul, I think.
I'm just to register my request again. I would sure really
love to have a deep dive on
Matrix potentiator substantiator.
Yeah, I'm hoping to lead up to that that maybe
we can go there next time get into the Matrix archetypes.
That'd be great.
I do have to say this because it seemed like we kind of skipped over
64.4 we did that
was considering getting to
the 64.4.
Is you got it there? Yeah.
We talked about this last time too, but this was perfect to
segue everything together with this last statement.
He this is
So the last paragraph of that section,
yes, well behind any ritual.
at the principle behind any ritual of White magical nature is
configure stimuli which reached down into
the trunk of the mind that is Arrangement causes the
generation of discipline and purified emotion
or love which then may be both
protection and the key to the gateway to
the intelligent infinity and when I read this
You know now whatever the third fourth fifth time
I've read it. My note was that Mike
is a white magician.
Because in reading all of these passages that
you sent to us in the order that you sent them to
us there. I was I was texting Nathan like there
was so much importing as I read through these again
this morning in the in the order that you sent
them. So I had to throw that out there. I don't know if Gandalf is
the right way, but we're gonna have to start calling you something then.
Well, I think that the I I
talked about this quote with my wife last night actually and she said
to make sure to emphasize on this that what this is
talking about is the uniqueness of Carla Rucker's
use of her deeper mind aspect. So every individual
has to kind of like develop a relationship with deeper mind
in there with their own their own chosen symbols,
which they're working with and so for Carl Rucker, they use these
examples earlier in this around Church the song
of praise the combined prayers of Thanksgiving.
And most of all they said that which
may be seem to be most Central magical the intake of that food,
which is not a this Dimension but has been transmuted into
the metaphysical nourishment which in in what this Distortion of
expression called The Holy Communion. So like I personally
growing up with churches that give you a little
cracker a little bit grape juice. It's like I do not see something from
other dimension when I'm looking at the little cracker in the
grape juice, but I'm getting there I'm working on
it. Yeah, it's it's coming closer and closer.
And it's interesting they have in the footnote there where this was the first time they
did it on a Sunday.
Or doesn't say this is the only time they
did it on a Sunday. So it was like the Catalyst was her
skipping that where normally that would be in the
So like the emphasis they've placed at the end there because this reminds
me in the yoga Sutra as they talk about creating grooves and
Consciousness. So through this ritual it's
kind of essentially what you're doing is you're creating This Groove in
your Consciousness that you can easily keep coming back into
the state, but you're doing it through that ritual but then
it also allows you to go deeper and deeper each time like River
kind of carving away at the rock, you know just keeps
Going deeper in there with some allows you to eventually end up
at an intelligent Infinity, but I just thought it
was funny. I was just reading that the other day they're talking about the cruising Consciousness. And
this seems to be at least to me what they're what they're describing. I
agree with that that it's a groove or
one of these roadways that they used in this other analogy though
because they say specifically that the stimuli reached
down into the trunk of mind that makes
me think more that it's accessing those grooves that already exist
at the higher States or more Central
States Of Consciousness than that, you
are only building them into
your say third-ray experience. It's more
like when so I'm kind of harkening,
of course to some of the White magical
rituals and so forth that I've
been taught in the mystery school and there's a
lot of toning of God names for example, so we're moving into vibration
and toning you would have for example,
and these are activating those
Rooms, I think in these higher States Of Consciousness,
and and that's the part that's actually reaching down
into the trunk of Mind are are the
stimuli that you're doing during the course of
the ritual that are that are calling forth tradition
and energetic Investments made
in these routines over the Millennia.
And you know putting on the higher self doing the ritual to
put on the higher self and doing the ritual to take off the higher self
that they were talking about in the later sessions you you
suggested. No, I think that this is talking about that all
White magical operations. So technically what you'd be doing between
those two things.
I think it's all connected to and I also
this also reminded me of what they described this might
be unrelated, but I feel like it's very interesting that they they said
that the fifth density negative entities and the
fourth density negative entities work with us differently because
the mechanism
of the the fifth density
Is building highways but the fourth density entities are
not capable yet of building the highways into
the energy web.
But they're capable of using that which has been left intact.
And this to me suggests that what we're
doing is easier when we're using the highways the
roadways into the deepmind that have been already established, which
I think most clearly do relate to the
archetypes that as we're as we're
working with some of these symbols and and the
White magical Concepts that were were dealing with something that
is almost it's taken on an aspect in
the deeper mind that we all share that we can tap into more more easily than
if we were just to suddenly if I were to pick up my pen and
say this is the magical pen. I'm going to use this as my
wand. Of course, if I start thinking of it a wand
the same way that people thought of Wands in the past. Maybe I'm tapping
into something there. But if I'm just if I'm not looking at it
that way from looking at is just as a pen. It's difficult to
say that this is this is the the path to me
realizing God until I until I've spent a whole
lifetime on it. Maybe I don't have interesting that you say
that might I don't have to get into it right now, but I have an exact.
Story and experience literally of using a
pen in training in place of a wand and actually getting
the experience of feeling the energy of it
which totally blew me away. And I found out I wasn't the
only student that that had that experience but it's
just funny that you say that because believe it
or not. You can definitely have a magical experience
there. I'm to your point though about the archetypes. I
totally agree. What's happening is is the
routines are
Are sort of formulated and delivered out
of hode, but your accessing the corresponding or
correspondences that corresponding
influences of energies of the saffron
therefore the archetypes between them with any
one of these so you might be calling in archangelic forces
from a specific Sephora. For example here you're calling
in the energy of of one of these things.
So you're you're you're delivering this
routine, you know say out of hode, for example, but you
might be invoking the energy from headset or
something like that and pulling that energy in and
this makes perfect sense as far as being the adapt
and trying on another archetype you're that's what
you're doing you're bringing the energy of one of these other Sephora
into your awareness and therefore actually
I would say rather than bringing it into your awareness. You're
more relocating your awareness to where
this exists in Consciousness. And that's I think
how Rod describes it.
Are as being able to sort of try on, you know
these archetypes and that's what the magical personality is doing
if the magical personality wants to work with the energy of netsoc
or of headset then it's going to
invoke the the corresponding principles influences energies
that come out of
that within that magical working.
And I think Debbie said it it's disappeared on
my screen now, but she said something about it being the
stimuli in the chat.
I I can't see it in my screen any longer but
disappeared for me too. I don't know
Yes, she said it was it. Those are the stimuli to get you there.
I think that's it. We're standing on the shoulders of giants. You know,
you said that you chanted the the different names of God
Alex and I experienced that
in our yogic training
where we I here she
goes she's saying it.
Ideally because you were going on a different direction, oh no, keep it up
there Debbie. We'll go back and reference it.
The the stimuli like we were taught the
there's different Bijou mantras and
without going into too much detail. We sat and chanted the
different Mantra as a hundred and eight times then you
sat with how that made you feel so it's you know, you you
really have to start thinking of yourself as
an extension of the entire human race instead
of just little old me because
if you truly go and seek you'll find out that there
was a dude that satin samadhi for decades and came
up with this way of tapping into this or you know, I don't
know what the equivalent in it is in the cobalistic training, but it
seems like they all have these ways of triggering, you
know, like Debbie said these stimuli that that
are handed down from generation to generation.
so this is said to
both protection and the key to the Gateway to
intelligent Infinity to be able to configure the
So so it's interesting how many different references we talking
about with this gateway to intelligent Infinity, which is also we're
talking about seeing
worthiness not being blocked by a sense of
and that could be related to the arrangement of stimuli so
that we're no longer blocked by feelings of
unworthiness not seeing God and everything not seeing God in ourselves.
So yeah, maybe at some point. We I should put all these quotes together into like
one tighter package and we can
We can see if they do activate us if we read them all one
by one.
The ones about intelligent Infinity. Yeah. Yeah. I'm
actually I'm doing that right now telling you there's like
there's more references to intelligent Infinity than
there are sessions in the book. So that's
I actually bought a copy book specifically to
to put these all
together. It's it's getting quite filled.
So now it's like no, go ahead.
I was gonna say now we could probably just start jumping on more the magic
personality stuff because this seems to be this is like this quote
seems to connect it all together.
So session 73 I think is
the one that I wanted to start on.
so and that's the
the 70.11 is a footnote
of 73.5. That's why I couldn't find it. But that's that's the
one that you went over where they said it's there to protect and it's
there directly help when asked
so it's interesting that on session 73 done was
asking about the middle pillar which is what exactly what we've been looking at
here with the Tree of Life. He's talking about this middle pillar, right
right Andrew. Yeah, that's great.
By the way, I wanted to ask before you do this. Did they
actually go into the middle pillar
exercise specifically in the
book? And if not, I have the book that I'm sure Don was
referring to because it is called the middle pillar actually
and it was written by Israel regarding. Yeah. Okay. So the only
reference, you know, very interestingly before we read this
just to throw it out there the modern mystery
School teaches the middle pillar exercise called this
exact same thing and it is not anything
like actually the middle
pillar exercise that Israel regardi writes
about which again, I'm you know, guessing pretty
certainly is the one that Don is referring
to here because Israel regarding wrote that book in the
20s or 30s or something like that you give us an overview of what this is
that is real regarding was talking about sure so the middle
pill or exercise you are envisioning the
tree of life within you and then you go
Through four stages so starting at
the crown Qatar and then going down. It
doesn't map to exact energy centers.
So it's down to kind of near the throat basically
and then down into sort of
the center of the chest that what might be between the heart and
and the solar plexus and
then down at the root and at each of these four levels. There's a
different name of God that's intoned for
each each one. So that's that's
Israel regardies and the one that the mystery School
teaches has no intonations of God names
at all. It's more of a visualization about seeing the
tree stepping into the tree receiving the energy
from the tree you kind of step back out of it. Then you
step into a three-dimensional version of it and visualize it
rotating around you as you receive the energy and then
you step back out of it. So the it's just it's a
very different thing and what's very strange is that Israel regarding is
in the
Edge of the modern mystery school is listed on their their lineage
documentation and he is one
of the recommended authors though. They don't recommend all of his
books. They recommend some specific ones and I've
asked this is for anyone interested in you know,
magical workings. I've asked about this specifically because
the mystery School explains that when we get handed down
rituals, there's what they call keys that
are being energetically transmitted to the student going back
to what we were talking about earlier with lineages and and vibration
being handed off in the field Etc. So I asked
my guide through the school once they said so what's the
deal with Israel regardy's books. He wrote the Golden Dawn
he wrote the middle pillory wrote all these books with all of these White
magical rituals in them wrote it
for the world said that he did that because he believes everyone should
have access to Magic. It's a god-given right
and yet and
is also in your lineage and on your recommended reading list
and yet how is he transmitting these key
Use for the rituals energetically when he's
just writing these in books and my guide who's been with
the school for I don't know 15 or 17
years something a very long time and it's pretty
Advanced within the school kind of stopped and
Shrugged and went you know, that's a really great question. She said I have no idea
what is is thinking was there in trying
to you know convey all of these rituals to people without
the ability to convey the energy or
the keys behind them. I still think that there's more to it that
because the school also discourages anyone from you know,
teaching anyone for example these rituals even
though you can go find them in all these books very easily because
that can be sort of dangerous or whatever and
it's like well then what's really the case here can any old
buddy just start exercising magic and I'll
tell you that they can because everyone has all aspects of what you
see here in them. And this is what you
combined to pull together to pull this
off. You may not be quite as good at it. But the energetic Keys part
still a little bit of this unknown for me when it comes
to the rituals themselves and whether or not that's a requirement of actually
teaching them.
It could be that everyone's rediscovering them in their own
Right. Yeah, if you give someone if you give someone
a hammer without teaching them how to
use it. They smack themselves in the head with that accidentally, you
know, they're gonna do more damage than good.
Well, or they'll do they'll do nothing or they'll
they'll be working with
their intent incorrectly perhaps and and
then get discouraged with the results. I mean, I could see a lot
of ways that it doesn't work out the way that they might want it
to it's a little difficult to see how with some
of these rituals you can just go completely Wayward, especially all
these ones are all white magic. So I mean they're you know protection and
clearing and healing and and all of those it seems
Difficult to see how people can misuse these
particular rituals. I think
it's pretty analogous to Ross saying that he came to the Egyptians
and tried to help and then it
got contorted and now his karmic is
entangled with our Karma, you know, I mean
like it could be something along those lines where you mean
good intent and you think that the thing can only be used with
good intent, but you don't know how the
person's gonna use it or if they're ready for it. Yeah, they
could use it incorrectly. You can try to use magic to
impenge on somebody else's Free Will and I
don't see any reason that it doesn't work. I
would say that you you're getting outside the bounds of white magic at
that point, but really with your intent and
your will, you know, you're you're
doing it you're you're you know performing magic right
now in every moment. So it's it's always happening
and I suppose if you put the the will
and your intent and particular
Lay any routine specifically that has
a physical component together, then
you could use that to infringe on somebody's Free Will and
you know, of course that would be discouraged and it
might just be that you're not particularly good at it without having been
handed the keys for any particular magical working,
but you could always go read it and then just go practice it and
do it. So I there's none of this that should be entirely inaccessible
for anyone but I think you guys have
the nail in the head that you could probably build it
yourself. It would just be really really difficult and
you'd have to be extremely devoted to to figuring
out how the staff Works. Whereas maybe getting
the keys handed to you might shorten that a little bit.
Also, you just said it where anybody can go find
the book and read it and learn it themselves. What does
that sound? Like that sounds like the person has to
go and ask their higher self for help.
You know, like the higher self is there to protect and when asked
you know, like if they don't do the the
work involved in the asking IE going
and getting the book reading the book and turn, you
know, you can give them the magic and they can
inadvertently use it as black magic because they didn't ask, you
know, they didn't put the work in that's required as
the prerequisite for you to fully understand what's going
on with it. Yeah could be
that's involved. That's that's where
things get a little dicey.
In this passage that Mike's on
right now or
That this is a perfect example, uh, you know,
he asks this big long question and Ross says
And then he has to he has to actually go in and
say well, could you tell me how I'm wrong? And he goes, yes. Well,
could you please do that? You know like he has that. Yes Kim.
Yeah. This is Free Will preserved in every moment. Alright,
why don't you go and read us through this one? Yeah, I'm
just gonna clarify for people that were talking about this book
or books by
Israel regarding who's he's out there, but very few people
have heard this name. There's people know about these things.
That one right there at the top is the middle pillar
the orange one. There you go. Second one.
Yeah, that's the one I have.
That's a it's a wonderful book. It says there in the balance between mind
and Magic so Psychology was
still very, you know, new believe it
or not kind of when he was writing about this. It was sort of the latest
craze and he was stitching it together and realized that
that the whole practice of psychology
is about cleaning up the mind which The Magicians
have been doing for centuries and he realized
that these really just come together in that
once you clear up the mind then you'll be able to function as
a you know, fully activated creative
All right, so in considering this is
what Don put together in his Concepts and then I
think that on into untangling Don's Concepts
along with him is going to be useful here. That's why I normally wouldn't
want to read something they say this is incorrect. But this is
the starting point at least for venturing into this.
And considering the exercise of the middle pillar. I thought it
to be wrong and that the adepsi's visualizes light moving
downward from the crown chakra down to the feet.
rise state of the Creator enters from the feet and moves
and the spiraling might enters from the feet. He moves upward. It seems to
me that an Adept alerting light strength in visualizing use
of this would visualize it entering in the direction of the
feet and energizing first the Red Energy Center moving upward.
Is this correct and Ross says no and then
There's us as for clarification and Ross says
there are two concepts with which you deal.
The first is the great way of the development of
the light and the microcosmic mind-body
It is assumed that an Adept will have its energy Center's functioning
smoothly and in a balanced manner to its
best effort before a magical working. So this is referring
to having the energy from
from toe to head basically already
balanced and working together in harmony to harmonized fashion. And this
by the way is built into the mystery School
teachings as well. So before all all magical operations,
there's a specific meditation for
activating the energy center. So that's
actually really interesting that that Ross that
calls that out here that that's specific part of the protocol because that's
true and this is probably the most where people stuff to
do right now is is clearing out their energy centers
and becoming a balanced being
and all magical workings are based upon evocation and/or
And compare and contrast those for me. Let's
let's just go straight to let's see Wikipedia
has something for us.
So Wikipedia would say that evocation is the active evoking.
calling upon or summoning
Spirit demon deity or other Supernatural agents
in the western mystery tradition
and then invocation
to call on invoke
Which may take the form of Prayer?
Form of position conjuration self-identification with
surge Spirits. So it seems like this is an Inward
and outward thing. I know this is
there's many different beliefs on this to
let's see what Ross says here. And and we
come back to other look up other definitions of these. I
know I've seen a few different.
Unless would you Nick or Nathan like to give me comments on
that too?
I would just comment that the
See, I had
it here the upward and downward spiraling comes
up in the in this.
Where's that?
gonna have to definitely take better notes next time 73.8 but
they talk about how it
Goes with the parasympathetic and sympathetic but I mean as we
read we'll get there.
I'll Reserve as you keep going. I think I had something later. Yeah.
Okay, the first invocation of any magic
working is that invocation of the magical personality as
you're familiar with this term?
So this is like becoming the higher self.
And the working of which you speak the first station
is the beginning of the invocation of this magical personality.
Which is invoked by the motion of putting on something.
Since you do not have an item or Peril or Talisman item
of a parallel or Talisman the gesture which
have made the appropriate. I don't know what the gesture was
Thought it was simply just pulling pulling the arms down like you
were placing. I thought I remember Jim talking about that before but
just the act of placing something on your
on your body. There was was the invoking. Yeah.
Yeah, they've talked about I think a ring to I sort
of bringing a ring in my pocket for this purpose.
So it's like there's a ring that I only wear when I'm ready to.
Be this magic personality and I take it off right afterward. I've tried
to work that into my
practice a little you notice because I've I do the same
thing with I've had this dedicated rejection necklace that
I use only for the times of when you're meditating and wanting
to put on that higher self at higher magical personality
and I've definitely noticed differences in in meditations.
It seems to when we're talking about get you more
into that Groove State of Consciousness. And yeah, I've
noticed a difference I guess. I'm getting it. Yeah. Yeah.
I think that this this is kind of like
Well as the stimuli that reached down into the trunk of mind, right?
Yeah stimulate you know that experience.
So Andrew when
they say the first.
Station and second station. Do you think that's talking about?
Anything to do with three of life.
yeah, so what I'm getting here if this is
if these first two specifically are again kind
of falling in line with the
Western hermetic White magical Traditions
Um this one certainly with the gesture I
could see the affirmation to Healing at
least is what's taught in the mystery
School the second one the great Cross of life. I'm pretty
sure is the cobalistic cross. So this is this is
always always done. In fact,
there's two forms of it done and you do them back
to back and you always do this at the beginning of
of any magical operation. And so this is the same
as the the Catholic cross,
although you do you do the forehead and
then the bottom so it's
it's Atta malcouth. They
give it a gigila lay
Alum. Amen. And so Atta is
now art now cuth is the kingdom
and they give
it a is the power big Angela
is the glory and laylamas forever.
And so this to me seems like the couple is for
cross. Yeah. Wait, do you say that just the English version? It
was I am the game of our
heart. Yeah Thou Art.
Yeah and thou art the kingdom the power and
the glory forever and ever and that's that's
telling and they
call it an evocation here which kind of interesting but you are talking
to the higher self you are affirming. It's
claim of divinity.
like it
So the second station is the evocation of the great Cross of
life. This is an extension of the magical personality to become the
Again, all invocations and evocations are drawn through
the Violet Energy Center.
This may then be continued towards whatever energy centers
are desired to be used.
Which again makes me go back to once you begin the
the magical working once you've
done these initial things to to get
into that headspace you can call upon energies
from anywhere in the tree or which all so map
to energy centers. So that's kind of how I read this that
you may be, you know, looking to to pull in
something around that sock which means that you're
working around the solar plexus Energy Center.
This is probably something we should get back to another session since we're
getting lower on time.
This is yet such a huge subject that White magical subjects in
the long one too. And obviously the whole
subject itself is many many volumes of information that
I'm very
I might very much a beginner in these areas.
So the only other things I think I wanted to
cover were.
I think I wanted to talk about some more of the
magic personality foundations that they that they were laying here
and 75.36 I think was the
next one.
And they said when the magical personality is
properly and efficaciously invoked.
the self
has invoked its higher self.
the bridge betwixt SpaceTime and
time spaces made
which is worth discussing on its own.
And and the sixth density magic personality experiences directly the
third density Catalyst for the duration of the working.
It is most Central to deliberately take off the magical personality after working.
In order that the higher self resume its appropriate configuration is analog.
the space-time mind-body spirit
So yeah, this one kind of was a
little bit of a headscratcher for me too. And I don't know if it's
maybe semantics here, but I get what it's
saying that we bring in the higher self. This allows it to
get direct access to Catalyst and in third density and
and not have to
assimilate it for example through the lower self or something like that. So
all that part makes sense though what I'm
not quite getting I suppose is it
doesn't seem that right in the middle of a magical
working. Literally. That's the only time that that the higher
self here is present that there's gonna be a ton of
catalysts. Now, you might create Catalyst because you might be using
magic inappropriately or something but let's say you're not
and you're just performing regular, you know, White magical operations.
Well, I
suppose to the extent that you're activating the
heart chakra and doing this in service to
others that that's that that is catalyst and I
suppose could be directly used by the higher self.
But I would contend that that level of Love is already known by
the higher self. And so, you know, I think of catalysts as more
like, you know, the nitty-gritty the challenge the difficulty, you
know that kind of thing and it's like where's the Catalyst in a
magical working? I think the catalyst is whatever you're
holding on to in that moment, whatever you're connected to
whatever you're tied to why you're doing the ritual is you're
wanting out of it. All those things seem to be rolled into it. I
see that that makes sense because you are
going to be bringing something into a magical working no matter what you've got
some attachment or expectation or motivation
or something like that. Okay, that makes sense. So there is
something there for it to actually balance and work with directly. Yeah,
and the other thing that
Good. No you go ahead.
the thing that is
I mean it's so difficult to conceptualize but it
seems like it's becoming more easy as we have more of these conversations and
reread some more of this material is
it says the magical personality?
Is properly efficacious about it. Thus a
bridge between the space time and time space is made
and the sixth density magical personality experiences directly
the third density catalyst so
It's not like you you started first
and then go to second then go to Third and then go to Fourth and
then go to fifth it's all happening at once for
the six density personality. So you living
the experience this six density
personality can can get a
taste of the third density experience because
the sixth density personality is living
in a place where it experienced all those things
at once and you drawing a direct connection
kind of brings that to the Forefront of
the sixth density reality because
the sixth density reality. It's like putting
a an infinitely long book in front of it
and you know, just like reading the rock contact. I've
read the whole book, but when I go back and Mike says
read this passage, you know, it's like you're reconnecting
with that specific portion of
the book. It's like the sixth density being is reconnecting with
that portion of the third density experience. Yeah.
and I think the word direct here is the key because
what we saw earlier is the amalgamation process
that the higher self is doing so,
it seems like generally speaking the higher self is getting and
indirect flow of
information to
amalgamate and assimilate and
in this case, it's allowed to get it directly and
conceivably therefore and what
it looks like it on to say
is that this is a higher quality utilization or
a higher opportunity to convert
that Catalyst into polarity and
and healing
the other interesting part with that though is another passage
there raw talks about the higher self
the higher self totality and the mind-body spirit complex
are all three points on the same Circle. So you're
basically connected all the time, but it's just a matter of what what
maybe you're receiving from each, but I
don't know I guess I get a little confused with that since
they are all all connected at the same time, obviously because they're one
there, but it's a matter of what you're able to to receive from
each. I guess at different times that
Maybe would be the connection.
The thing that I wrote in my notes
was you know that game Plinko where you
like drop a thing into a series of pegs and it
bounces around and then eventually it hits a bottom spot.
It's like the sixth density being knows every
possible way. Like if I dropped it here or if
I dropped it one millimeter over or if I dropped it, it knows
every path and how it's
gonna fall but you are you are directly taking
the six density and saying no experience dropping
it here fully all the way down to the bottom.
Whereas the sixth density sits back from this place of all
knowing and knows it knows exactly
where it's gonna land. If you start from here and the
third density being through its magical personality
is saying hey,
Help me with this specific aspect why if I drop
it here, does it land there? And it's like
connecting your experience, which is the
the thing falling through the pegs to the six
density, which is the entity that knows all of
the possibilities.
It's it's you drawing the experience to the
six density being directly.
Which again? I I really feel it sounds
a lot more like full embodiment and again probably
a topic for another another call,
but what raw describes
as the the path of the Adept here.
Hopefully and a long
enough timeline obviously access to intelligent
infinity or vice versa.
Happens and that's presumably when you
know according to the kabbalists, it's the Adam Cadman or
you know, Christ and manifestation, you know,
however, whichever wisdom tradition you want to look at
that to me is the goal.
That's where it is that we're going. I'm just
not sure that that Rob spells it
out as clearly but you would think that they
would I mean they talk a lot about Harvest ability.
more so than embodiment in a single
Incarnation they say oh and if you do if you're
harvestable, but you just you know, obviously you'll want to hang out and help
everyone while you're here all that makes a lot
of sense.
I don't know could be that they're leaving certain things.
Mysterious if they're not directly asked about them there could be
a lot that they haven't said that's a good point. And I
think that that's what there's talking about here is where when you
directly ask
You bring that to the Forefront of the six densities awareness?
Yeah, I'm the one above this is actually pretty
interesting as well the paragraph here above
with that last clause.
That one. Yeah, if you want to
go ahead and read it. Yeah the self the Mind Body Spirit complex of
late six density has then the honor duty of using
both the experiences of its Total Living bank or
memory of experienced thoughts and actions and using
the resource of the Mind by Spirit complex totality Left Behind
as a type of infinitely complex thought form
Right, so I've got questions what one
left behind
the club, right? Yeah left behind. I'm
going back to kind of what we said. Where's the seventh
density leaves something. The
higher self actually is gifted to the sixth density
self. And so
that would
That would maybe match up there, but then it
says a type.
of infinitely complex platform, so
Okay, so one infinitely complex thought form by
itself is something that I'm not entirely sure what
that equates to but then to say that it is
a type of it tells me
that there are multiple types of infinitely complex platforms.
Yeah, which are not always a Mind Body
spare complex totality.
perhaps their Mind Body Spirit
social memory complex utility. Also
we talked about that earlier social memory complex
totality was
Distinguished somehow and infinitely complex.
So the left behind part, you know also.
Makes me feel kind of like there's linearity
there though, the mechanism itself that
just continues to exist can be this
platform, but for it to be infinitely complex this,
you know means that it's also permanent
and eternal because it's going to continue to
evolve and evolve and evolve until
I guess we all
melt back into one.
That's how I always look at it.
Like the the one infinite creator.
Gets awareness and it's like the in-breath and
the out breath and the the awareness Sparks
infinitely many experiences and
it's like the the higher
self is is that that's the in-breath take
it in explode in the infinite Banning experiences. And
the whole point is to breathe out and bring it
all back into one experience. So by using your
magical personality to contact your higher self,
you're bringing this one moment to it's
awareness for the next in breath
when it explodes out and then you
can you can more quickly get
to the in-breath out breath if that makes
sense. Like you can more quickly make the transition from infinite awareness
is back to the one infinite awareness.
If that makes any sense made sense in my
head, hmm.
It's like the whole point is to go as far
from the one infinite Creator as possible. And then the come
back again and the whole point of existence is to
find out
Both how far you can go from the one infinite
Creator and how quickly you can coalesce
Yeah, I think that they kind of make the analogy of the beating heart. So
the outward movement of the
career of the creation basically, but then it needs to coalesce to
come back in. We're just as the blood forms off from the heart to come
back around. Yeah coming correlated that to like
I don't seems like that's part of the density too. Right? So I'm first and second
density. You're moving away from the Creator or the
heart in a sense. And then third when you start to
polarize you pick your path then service to other services self
and you start that Journey Back to the Creator through
whatever mechanism you've picked at that point
to polarize.
I feel like it's a this is something we have to pick up
on the next one. Good. I've been back in the magic personality subjects.
And I I could also share with you guys that I
I built a system into Ascension Works TV that can automatically convert
these videos into mp3s and put them into podcast
format. So now I have
loved one deep ties as a podcast on Spotify and
Google podcasts and Amazon
pretty soon. We'll be on Apple but there was a glitch there
and we can put on anything else too. If you guys want to see it
on podcasting platform for recommending to people
That's awesome. Very that's very cool.
Yeah, hopefully it'll draw people in because I mean
you could sit here and read it yourself and you
come to one understanding and then you talk to Mike about it and you come to
10 to understandings that you bring Nathan in it's 30
and you bring it into it. It's 40 but eventually the more
people you bring in with the more point of views the better
understanding you have and and the more the the wider
the net spread the more understanding will
get in the end.
Yeah, definitely. Yeah, I refer to this
as building the vortex what we do and when we get
into these kind of groups where creating a
Vortex using our comprehension and our
understanding of a particular thing a topic and the
more crystallized we can be about that which is what we
do here in this really focused mode. And we understand
these Concepts very similar. We're creating a
much more crystallized Vortex to
pull the light in that we're trying to pull
in and I'm just always fascinated at how effective it
is. This is the doubling this is the you know,
what raw and and the
Bible itself have been teaching us forever.
That's like we're all playing tetherball on the
same team. And the more people we have hit in the ball the
quicker that thing's gonna wrap around the pole. Yeah, Perfect Analogy.
Those of like mine which together sequel far more surely find.
Were there any questions that we should address I
kind of peaked at the chat every once again.
Like we we covered.
I'm gonna have to dig through white magician's
lure. The first one that comes to
mind is Gandalf, but I think we got a good I think
we got a good nickname for Mike there.
love it.
All right, guys.
Appreciate everyone's time again as usual. Yeah. Thank you
so much.
Looks like thanks everyone. Okay. Thank you. Thank you
People: Andrew Shepard, Mike Waskosky, Nathan Olson, Nick Carletti
Topics: Inner Work, Law of One, Meditation, Spirituality
On 42:00 what you all dealt was her vibration and you all taped into her.😊 kool!
I really appreciate your wonderful insight in all of these Deep Dives.
Quite good. Turning the9ry into personal witness
Thank you so much, Mike! This was a fabulous clarification on the higher self and more.
You gentlemen never disappoint. Thank you again for another phenomenal episode!