Ep10: The Centered Exercises
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Original Date: Jun 18, 2023
Original Date: Jun 18, 2023
Law of One Deep Dives

Law of One Deep Dives
Ep10: The Centered Exercises
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Next Episode: Ep11: Archetypal Refinements of The Logos
All right. Guess we can get started. So, Andrew can't make it today.
I think he said he would try if he could,
but I believe he said he's in Europe. He's in, is it the Netherlands?
I think he's in the Netherlands right now. 10:00 PM there.
But maybe if he drops in, that'll be great. Yeah. Um,
we're kind of following up the thread of, from discussing,
discussing intelligent infinity, discussing the magical personality and,
um, adept hood and the disciplines of personality and how that relates to the,
at least when they're talking about adept hood and white magic,
they're usually talking about the activation of the indigo ray,
the pine needle center. And so all these topics are kind of,
for me,
they kind of blend together because it's all kind of talking about advanced
evolution of the spirit to the point where we're kind of working in a balanced
fashion. So I thought for this one, we could go and do more of the,
the foundations of balancing. Um, and
to a degree we can, we can, we can hop into some of the aspects of magic. Um,
and maybe, maybe for a few of these, uh, sessions, we can,
we can kind of cir circle back to what white magic means and what the indigo
rain means. Um,
because it's also related to balancing and adept hood. Um,
so I thought maybe we could start out with, um, maybe I could recap.
74.11 seemed to be one that I thought would be
connecting all the dots for us to start out. All right.
So wanted to cover
And 74.1 Don asked, um,
what I'm trying to get at is how the disciplines affect the energy centers and
the power, shall I say, of the white magician, could you, will,
will you tell me how that works? And Ross said,
the heart of the discipline and the personality is threefold. One,
know yourself. Two, accept yourself. Three, become the creator.
The third step is that which, when accomplished,
renderers won the most humble servant of all transparent in personality
and completely able to know and accept other selves in relation to the pursuit
of the magical working.
The continuing discipline of the personality involves the adapt and knowing
itself, accepting itself,
and thus clearing the path towards the great indigo gateway to the creator.
To become the creator is to become all that there is.
There is then no personality in the sense with which the edit begins.
Its learned teaching as the consciousness of the indigo ray becomes more
crystalline, more work may be done,
more may be expressed from intelligent infinity.
So it's interesting that this is kind of describing the,
the third discipline of the personality becoming the creator is sort of
integrating the indigo chakra, the indigo gateway to the creator.
And this is a process of seeing the self as all that there is,
and then giving up the old personality,
the illusory husks they call it at one point. And then
as that consciousness becomes more crystal and more work is done,
more expressed from intelligent affinity, which is like the, the mind,
the infinite mind working through us.
So you're like balancing the lower centers in order to allow more energy to flow
through you. And then in the indigo rate,
you can then contact intelligent energy,
which then leads to contact of intelligent infinity,
at which point you basically can then know how to become the creator and you
lose your small self and become the actual self seems from, from that point.
Yep. And
That the whole consciousness of the indigo ray becomes more crystal.
And just sounds to me like when, uh,
when you've practiced something, it becomes second nature, you know? And as you,
as you balance yourself more and more and know yourself more and more,
it just becomes second nature to just be like, oh yeah, I'm talking to myself.
It's just, you know, in the form of Mike and Nathan.
And it just becomes that instinctual thought as opposed to,
we are all one come out, come out of place of love. It just is crystalline,
it's just hardened within you.
It's like an axiom truth of your being in this iteration,
cuz it's always an axiom truth of your greater being,
but now it's like an axiom truth of your, your individuated mind disco around.
That's where I think you can kind of become to act what they call a spontaneous,
so spontaneous actions at that point. So once you've kind of crystallized that,
you're then spontaneous and, um, spontaneous self,
there basically is then acting in love and towards your highest good,
basically, because you crystallize yourself.
So you can act that way without having to really think about it. It seems
One of the guys I like to watch, he always says, uh,
throw yourself to the wind and let the wind carry you.
And it seems like the more crystalline that that is in your being,
the easier it is to throw yourself to the wind because you're constantly moving
around in exactly the place that you know,
will benefit you the best in, in your experiences on this plane,
as opposed to like fighting it or getting angry at something that's going on.
And now you're thinking about that instead of actually being in the flow and
going, going in the moment to the correct, to the,
i I shouldn't say correct places,
but like the optimum places for your greater, uh,
experience in this plane.
Yeah. It's like we're less, less and less working on the,
the mundane lessons that,
that we hadn't learned yet that are just related to us getting over ourselves,
getting over our egos and our personal blockages.
And now it's like we're processing the energies of, of all,
of all of humanity to a,
a much larger extent when we're less focused on ourselves. It's like now we're,
we're working with like this planetary mind and the cosmic mind,
which are able to like show us the truth of why, you know,
our in, in individual incarnations had the roles that they had, had the,
had the purposes that they had to put ourselves in the position to be helping
service being of service to other people in certain ways.
I think that's probably, you know, like when we're like with family members,
it's like we may have, you know,
certain core traumas and issues that we're still, um, working through.
But then, but then once, once those are done,
it's like now the whole planet is our family and we have all the different
traumas of the planet, and it's like just a different,
different level of the self that is what's being processed. I think
I looked at that as that kind of concept too, of the doing and being.
So the lower three energy centers, you're more doing to,
to do the clearing process and to work through those,
but then the higher energy centers you were then being,
and you're just kind of expressing,
expressing that life and being lived at that point in the higher energy centers
and able to then pull from at least that greater knowledge.
I think you were kind of pointing out Mike.
Yeah, yeah. And it's like le less about the,
the specifics and more about the the philosophy. Yeah, the philosophy of,
of the spiritual path and becoming the,
the nature of that wisdom. That,
that then we don't have to worry about what we're doing in this life.
We're just automatically living the philosophy for other people to see in that
radiant way.
And I think that is the, what you just said at the end, there is the exact,
the way that people don't realize that they're affecting the planetary
consciousness. You know, if, if people can see your patience,
if people can see your love,
if people can see the way that you interact with the world from that plane,
then you know, you, you're leading by example. You're,
you're being the change, you know, like, uh,
Gandhi said being the change that you wanna see,
but you're also being the change that other people may not even realize that
they wanna see. So you,
you just being that way can be the spark that helps someone else be like,
you know what? That,
that that person looks like they are enjoying life,
whereas I'm fighting life and what are they doing different? Like, oh, okay,
they're going around with love and I'm going around with, you know,
just aggravation or, you know, pick any of the negative, uh,
any of the opposite side of love attributes of life, you know,
anything that can just agitate you and anything like that.
But they'll just see this peaceful serenity being moving through life, like, oh,
and they can have that moment of insight.
I mean, I, I know I've had it with so many people in my life and, and life.
I could be in the middle of, you know, a loving day.
One thing trips me up and then you see that loving person and you'd be like, ok,
go back to that. Go back to the low lovingness, you know,
don't let any of this other stuff distract you.
Right. So I guess we could, maybe we could jump up,
jump to number, uh, session 10. Now.
I feel like this was one of the most central, um,
teachings that they put, they put in 10 point 14,
Where they asked for general development of the reader of this book.
Could you state some of the practices or exercises to perform to produce an
acceleration toward the law of one? And then with exercise one,
they just go straight to love. This is,
this is the most nearly centered and usable within your illusion complex.
Maybe we should come back and read each of these port portions little by little
because, um, yeah, it's, it's great to dive into this and, and,
and really break it apart. Um,
so they said this exercise one is the moment contains love.
So that is the lesson or goal of this illusion or density. The third density,
the exercise is to consciously seek that love and awareness and understanding
The first attempt is the cornerstone upon this choosing rest remainder of the
life experience of an entity.
The second seeking of love within the moment begins the addition,
the third seeking powers, the second, the fourth powering or doubling the third.
As with the previous type of empowerment, um, I think they're talking about the,
the calling, the exponential nature of the calling.
There'll be some loss of power due to the,
to flaws within the seeking and the distortion of insincerity. However,
the conscious statement of self to self of the desire to seek love is so central
and active will that as before the loss of power due to this friction is
So that, that, Go ahead. The first when he says that, the first is the choosing,
and then the second and the third's like this doubling, tripling,
this exponential growth effect. And that, that speaks to the crystalline, uh,
quote from before, you know, at a certain point it,
it becomes second nature and it's easier and easier and easier.
And even though you know you're on this, this planet living in this thing and,
and other things can get in your way,
it says that the friction is inconsequential because you're coming from that
place where you've already confirmed with yourself, this is what I want to do.
This is how I want to be. So, you know, the further you get down that path,
the harder it is, uh,
for something within this realm to to shake you loose of it.
I read that as like intention is really what I take outta that the most,
what you're intending. So what you have behind, um, what your initial intent is,
is some of the most powerful,
but then you can then strengthen that by the additional attempts there.
But if you have that intention to find that love in the moment, um, any,
any situations where you maybe aren't visualizing that or fall out of that,
it's almost inconsequential is the way I see that as well too,
from what Rob was saying, because you've already, as you're saying,
crystallized or, um, kind of instilled that in yourself with,
with that strong intention.
And this seems like, uh, the two type of people,
like a pessimist are an optimist, you know, the moment contains love,
don't remember, you know, don't forget, there's always love.
So anytime you might be choosing pessimism, don't forget,
every moment contains love. You'll,
you'll find if you look through the right lens at life,
you will always find something to be happy about.
And I'm also reminded of the, um,
the transformation of the spirit archetype. Uh,
they said when discussing that, that it's,
it's a matter of disciplining the consciousness with will
and faith. So when you're,
when you have the faith that seeking love is the, is the path.
And when you have the will to seek love, you have those,
those two ingredients to, to continue, continue to refine your consciousness,
the more and more you're engaging in the will of, of basically,
um, seeking love and awareness and understanding distortions and the faith that
there's actually value to that,
you'll keep you on getting more and more out of it. I think,
Yeah, that speaks to the doing as well, you know,
like a lot of people wanna sit around and, and, and do a lot of the mental work,
but you know, the house doesn't get built unless you swing the hammer.
Yeah. So let's, let's,
let's dive into each of these words here cuz this is such a powerful statement,
passage for me.
So they say this is the most nearly centered and usable.
What do you think I mean by centered
Core? You know, the, the, the cornerstone,
you know, the, the foundation that's, that's how I read it.
Like the most centered you can,
you can get all the other stuff that's in the periphery, but if you get this,
you're, you're taking the right first step.
Yeah, yeah.
The lessons are all kind of around love that we're learning.
And this is kind of at the center of the center of the lesson is seeking love
And so the, the, and it's interesting,
they start out with saying just the moment contains love, like this is,
this is like,
we have to remind ourselves of this before we attempt the exercise of seeking
the love in the moment. We have to remember that it, it's there already. Yeah,
Yeah, yeah. Exactly. Stop blocking it. Everybody says, we gotta go seek it.
maybe your lack of love doesn't have anything to do with the fact that you
haven't found it out there.
Maybe it has a lot more to do with the fact that it's already there and you're,
you're doing it to yourself.
You're stopping yourself from recognizing it within each moment.
And this to me, also speaks of the, the reason that they, they called love the,
the second distortion. Because it's like, if, if everything in the universe,
all of the intelligent energy manifest as all of matter and energy,
if that all came because of love and the,
then it's impossible for the moment in which we're experiencing the universal
energies for that not to be based in love for that, not to be coming from love.
So I think that's, that's the, the logic of the philosophy. I think that this,
this moment is founded upon love and certainly it contains love.
If we don't see that love yet, we know it's, it's containing love.
Another way I thought of that is maybe they're talking about the potential,
the potential of love is contained because they talked about going into the
grocery store as an analogy of the way we're choosing our catalyst and our
experiences. We can, we can pick from the,
we can pick our experiences basically from a shelf of potentials.
And one of those potentials is always the highest and best, you know,
understanding of light and love. So those are two different ways.
I wondered if that's what they mean.
I looked at it as the way you were kind of initially describing there.
So you think of love as the creative principle as what is behind everything
then, like you're saying, you can't, it cannot not be in, in every moment,
basically. So it's part of it whether you realize it or not.
It's like if you had the coin and, and, and each moment was a coin.
The coin is love, the head side is full love, and the tail side is,
you are looking at it with the absolute least amount of love that you can look
at it at. But it's still the coin, the coin is still love. So it,
you know what I mean? Like, it's, it's that whole law of, uh,
polarity where it's, it's all the coin.
Just what side of the coin are you looking at?
What angle are you looking at it from?
Yeah, I,
I had an experience that I think I've sh I shared a long time ago that, um,
I was driving,
I was thinking about this passage and we were driving on a road trip with,
with my wife Elizabeth. And we had her, her dog Baxter,
our dog in the backseat. And, um,
and Baxter was farting. And, and I was like,
oh man, where's the love in this, in this stench?
And I was like, oh, well, well the love is,
is the stench is reminding us of Baxter and our love for him.
And so clearly if you just trace back the distortions,
if you just trace back in the mind, where's it coming from?
It's always coming from love on some level. We,
we chose to have this experience out of love. And there's always, um,
like the, the root of every experience has, has, has the lessons or the,
the the nature of love kind of written into it.
Yeah. And I think that I, I've kind of considered some of that before too.
If you can think of highly negative situations as well. Like how,
how can I find love in this moment? I think it's even, uh,
Jim McCarthy brings it up. Well,
if you can't physically see or find that love in the moment,
then you should be that love in the moment to at least embrace that and,
and let it flow through you to at least find that love at that time.
I never heard that before, but that is awesome. If you can't find it,
then be it.
Yeah. That really spoke to me. Cause it seems like it's, I mean,
I'm sure we can all think of situations that are very hard to find love with,
or just terrible negative, so it seems,
but you at least have that ability to make that choice to, to, to be that love.
Yeah, there's a quote in the course and miracles where they say something like,
um, the goal is, you know, if you don't see the love, um,
then like I said, basically the same thing worded differently. It was like,
ev every situation is either an expression of love or a call for love. It's,
it's calling forth love because it's a lack of love. It's calling it up in,
into a higher level of, of our consciousness so that we can,
that we can find the love that we were, that we weren't seeing in that,
in that moment.
And then if you're, if you are being the embodiment of the love, no matter,
uh, how grim the situation may seem,
if you're being that embodiment, then you may spark it in someone else.
And you, you know, there's,
there's always people within a room that can light that room just
intensely with their personality. And if that person was,
was in a state of lack of love and you brought the love into the room,
and then that person was like, oh, right. Yes.
And then they lit that room up, you know what I mean? Like you,
your one showing of the love sparked that cascade that knocked down the,
down the way, and then the whole room's full of it.
The whole room is full of joy and it only took one little spark.
That's that radiation I think we were talking about earlier too there, that,
that Mike brought up. You can, you could feel it, you could see it in the,
in the moment, how it changes everything just by, just by radiating that.
Yeah. Yeah. I, I have a, um, when I was younger,
there was a, a friend of ours who lived down the street,
and long story short, he, he wound up, uh, dying very young.
I I was 14, he was 13 at the time.
And whenever anybody really young dies the funeral, I mean, they,
they have classmates and teachers and I mean,
the viewing line was out the window and down the block.
And when I got to his mom, because he lived down the street,
we saw each other all the time. And, uh, uh,
we just started laughing. We just started laughing about all the fun times.
And you could literally watch it echo down that, and I wasn't lying,
it was up this, up the main aisle of the church and out the back.
And I think it was even an auditorium at Newman College wasn't even a church.
And it was like down around, out the hallway and all, and then you,
it went from this somberness and this just,
just like black cloud hanging over the whole thing to just,
you know,
laughter and joy echoed down the hallway because you have to remember the joyous
moments that you had with that person.
But everybody felt like they had to be this somber person.
And then myself and, and my brothers and uh, uh, our friend Steven,
who used to all play together with Ryan,
started laughing with his mom about all the times the good times we had
together. And everybody was like, giving everybody permission to be like, oh,
right, let's laugh about the good times instead of sitting here mourning
this, this, you know, very sad occasion. Let's, let's rejoice in what we had.
Yeah. So we could continue through this. Um,
so they said that as the lesson slash goal,
I guess that means they set it together.
That is the lesson goal of this illusion or density.
The exercise is to consciously seek that love and awareness and understanding
distortions. So are these two separate things,
the awareness and understanding distortions?
That's a good question.
I dunno.
So I guess you could say that under, you know,
understanding love is like what we're, we're like, we're,
we're giving a name to it.
We're saying this is the second distortion of the universal creation that we,
that we understand that this is how things work. They work out of, you know,
the heart of the infinite creator manifesting in all these different situations
for some positive benefit for all of us. That,
that maybe that's the understanding distortion and the awareness. Uh,
maybe that has more to do with the heart, maybe the actual feeling of the,
the opening of love and within us. I don't know. Okay. That
Would make sense. Cause I was almost thinking consciousness, um,
for an equivalent to like awareness.
So you can love in consciousness and then you're understanding the distortions
that you experience. But um, yeah, I kinda like where you're going with that.
Oh yeah. There's, yeah. This is interesting that they don't say, um,
awareness distortions and understanding distortions.
They say awareness and understanding distortions
hadn't thought about that. This, um,
no, I I suppose they mean awareness distortions and understanding distortions.
But it's,
The thing that's that's still got me hung up is that is the lesson slash goal.
And that almost seems like the lesson
end goal of the illusion. Whereas most of the time when they do the,
the slash and this may just be arguing semantics,
which were put in by people and Right. You know, missing Ro point.
But usually it's like the teach learning, you know,
the moment that you can teach and learn from, you know, and, and it's,
it's almost like, uh, two opposites.
And this time it seems like it's synonyms.
Like the lesson and the goal,
like the goal of this illusion is to learn the lesson of this illusion.
But really what, what they're saying is that this is one word to them.
This is one phrase lesson goal. Okay. It's a lesson goal.
Cause that's the way they say it. They don't say slash they say lesson goal.
Right. So I think there's, there's,
in some ways they w they mean two sides of the same coin when they say student
teacher or honor duty. It's your honor and your duty at the same time. Mm-hmm.
Cause we have like a more positive connotation on honor than we do on duty. Mm.
So we have to have, have to have the, the two concepts put together so that,
so that they're understood as one, one unified whole with,
with different balances. So maybe lesson has a balance.
That lesson is leading to something.
So they had to put goal on there to understand the,
the lesson and the goal is the same same idea.
Yeah. And two slightly different concepts.
But what they're trying to get forward is,
is the totality of the two concepts as one concept.
Yeah. Right.
Okay. Love and awareness of understanding this stewardship.
Cause it's interesting. We don't look our,
our lives in terms of being excited for the next lesson. That's,
that's a lot of, a lot of the hardship and the challenge is, is lesson. But,
but if we could perceive the lesson as the goal we're pursuing always
after the, the lessons then, but of course, yeah.
It's, it's, it's awesome to know that there's really just one centered lesson,
which is the seeking of love.
Yeah. And, and being aware of love.
Oh, go ahead Nick.
I was just saying, and to be aware of the love.
It's easy to get caught up in all of the lessons of catalyst and everything
being thrown at you and trying to process that and work through it.
But when you keep that central goal in mind, uh,
it makes it a little bit easier to, to process and view through that lens of,
of just the moment containing love.
So I guess, um, do,
is there anything else you guys would wanna comment on with the rest of this?
The first attempt is the cornerstone. Um, this is just kind of saying,
well, upon this,
choosing rest of the remainder of the life experience of an entity,
that's, that's kinda proud to me.
Like saying you're making, making the choice there kind of, right?
So this choice between service to other service itself,
but you're making this choice to, to seek that love.
So then you are basically choosing to be on the service to others path. Um,
and that's how your life will, will progress from there.
Right. But
That is pretty profound kind of to, to make that sort of statement after,
after making those before.
Yeah. And they say that, uh, uh, uh, the first attempt sets you on the path.
Your whole life is set on the path because the,
the moment you start to choose that, then it becomes this thing that, you know,
however slowly creeps into your thoughts at all times.
Just like if you were standing at a trail and you could go north or south,
you know, that's, that, that's your choice. Once you make that choice, you're,
you're continuously moving down that path in that direction.
But if you never choose to do that seeking of love,
then you may have your back to that side of the path at all times.
But if you walk a mile down the path, not seeking love,
the moment that you choose to seek love,
you turn around and you gain that mile back quickly and then start to gain
further and further distance because you're,
that that's the path that you've chosen.
Yeah. So do you think we chose this path as children?
I think the opportunity to choose that path as a child is always there.
It's just a matter of if,
if you decide to have that first choice, like they say.
Mm-hmm. You know, if you, if you,
if you have heavy catalyst in your life and you choose to lose yourself in
those catalysts, then you may never actually choose, you know,
to turn your back on the south path and look at the north path and start taking
it that way.
I don't think that's to say that that's still not an option, obviously.
So it's like that idea of the concept of work,
you're building up that potential. Maybe it is in the negative direction,
but kind of like what you were saying before, Nick,
you can flip that around pretty quickly if you so choose at some point. But, um,
it just seems like they're kind of more directing it, I guess, in one way,
but the life experience of an entity. So, I mean,
I guess really everything you do is part of your experience. So maybe it is,
I've been down the negative path from having childhood trauma and difficulties
until I got to my later years,
and then I've realized how to accept this and to know myself better,
and then can basically flip that around, I guess,
to becoming more of a positive experience.
Yeah. There's a part of me that thinks, you know, we could easily, they,
they say the more power, um, and awareness an entity has,
the more easy it is to switch between service to self and service to others.
Mm-hmm. So it's as though we still have the ability to,
to take another path, but maybe, um,
they're putting emphasis on the fact that once a choice is made, then,
then that, that is really,
you're basing your life around that particular choice. Now it's like,
I guess that's why it's the most central choice between service to self and
service to others. It's, it's what we're here for. And then,
and then the way in which our fourth density is structured,
they say in our fifth density is,
is based upon the choice that started in third density. So, so everything that,
that, that starts from this choice to be of service to others, what really,
it's also like the choice to see in terms of oneness with others,
or to see only in terms of separation. And I'm, I'm, I'm God. And they are not,
and they call that like the pass path of falsity, that there's the, the,
the self is seen as separate and then you have reason to manipulate and you're
not seeing others as one. So that,
that the choice of sight really to see the oneness might be why
it's, it's, it's so hard to, to go back once you've, once you've seen,
um, well, I guess once you, once you've strongly chosen, I guess it's,
you're not going back anymore.
Yeah. It's, uh, uh, David Ike has a pretty cool, um,
picture that he shows, and the, and the picture is,
it's a bunch of flowers with long stems, and they got flower buds up at the top,
and, uh, there's some stuff on the ground and all that,
and you look at it and you're like, oh, it's a picture of flowers.
But in the middle,
in the empty space between the stems is the word sex.
And you can never not see that. I've seen it with love as well, but, uh,
I know David, I usually uses the other one, but, but once you see it,
you can't unsee it. That picture is never the same for you to get. Yeah.
You can never just see the flowers ever again once you see the words in the
middle. And I think that's, that's, you know, what they're talking about.
Because you know, no matter how dark it is,
if you choose at one time to see the light, the light is never gone.
You may move further from the light, so it seems darker,
but the light is always there.
And it's always very easy in a dark room to be like, oh, there's the candle,
no matter how big the room is and how far away you get. You know, I've,
I've been in, uh, uh, like tunnels like, like railroad track tunnels before,
and it's just like they say,
you can always see the light at the end of the tunnel. I mean, you know,
unless there's a curve or something. But that,
that tunnel could be extremely dark. But once you've seen it, you, you know,
where it's, it's over there. Close your eyes, turn around, oh yeah,
it's over there.
And then you can choose to walk closer and then the light grows until you get to
that doubling, tripling and that exponential growth effect.
Yeah. I suppose anything is possible with our, our path. We can,
we can choose to become completely, um,
completely deviated from our path, but we can still, um,
I guess, I guess at some point in our, in our dream state or, um,
you know, you know,
our higher self is continuously guiding us back onto the path.
So I guess there's, there's always gonna be a way back.
And then it goes back to what Nathan was saying, where, you know, if there,
if you can't see the love, that's your opportunity to be the love.
And you can be, you know, if that person is living in the dark room,
you can be that one little light. And then once they see it again,
once they see it, they, they always have the option to go back to it.
You always have that choice to, to be that.
So maybe this would be a good time to Oh yeah,
we can continue on to the other exercises now. And, um,
it's 10 point 14 here. Um,
they said the universe is one being when a mind, body,
spirit complex views another mind, body, spirit complex, see the creator,
this is a helpful exercise. This is a much more simple, um,
exercise and in terms of how they're explaining it. Um,
but I think that being able to see the creator and somebody else, it,
it seems like within that is rolled,
rolled in the idea that you have to be open to love of that other person.
Yeah. And
Sounds like this is taking it to this just the next level of how much do you
love them? Do you love them as the infinite creator?
Do you love them as your guru? Your, your, the, the holy creator?
And these seem to just beat off of each other once you know,
one the other helps. Once you know the other, it helps with the one,
Almost like a test to like confirming your decision on this point to see
the love in the moment. Okay,
we're gonna present you with another self that's difficult and is gonna give you
a hard time,
but you need to then find that love in the moment and see them as the creator as
equal to you. So I, I kind of view some of these things almost as little,
little tests to almost, uh, continue strengthening your, your decision or your,
your choice to be of service and to see the love in the moment,
And then gaze within a mirror and see the creator.
And I don't know, I've,
I've struggled with mirrors at different points with this. It's like,
what is narcissism? What, what is this?
That's what I was gonna say.
Well, there's, I, I always say that there's a certain,
there's a line between pride and hubris. You can have pride, uh,
without being full of yourself, you know? And,
and that can be how you show the world, you know. But then there's,
when I read this,
I immediately went to anybody who's done enough, uh,
like mushrooms or any kind of hallucinogen has gotten stuck in a bathroom and
not stuck, but like, you're just in the bathroom or you're looking at your,
your hand or you're looking for me, it's always into the pupils in the mirror.
And, you know,
you just dive into the universe through your own eyes.
So it's not like looking at yourself like, oh, this is, oh,
let's get this all together and, you know, get, get it all prim and proper.
It's more of like,
can you see the whole universe in there? And do, you know,
do you like what you see? You know,
have you been a good example of the universe?
And then you look into your soul and, and can see it and analyze it.
Yeah. And when you see something other than the creator,
other than the universe, what is that that you haven't worked through yet?
Yeah, yeah.
Especially people that don't have enough love for themselves, you know,
because at at the one end of the spectrum, you have hubris and,
and there's perfectly, there's examples of that all over the world, you know,
uh, it's easy to see that kind of stuff.
What's a little bit harder to see is that person that needs help seeing the
love for themself.
Some people just cut themselves up all the time and you're like, geez, man,
that must be a heavy, must be a heavy life.
Just constantly criticizing yourself, you know, remember love,
love can be in that moment, and we're all one, you know,
you're over there poo-pooing yourself. You're poo-pooing me at the same time.
You know, let's, let's bring that up.
I think that ties in with some of the,
I think they brought up about Carla having, um, difficulties with unworthiness,
which again, is an indigo ray, um, sort of, uh, condition as well too.
But then if you can accept yourself and be able to look at yourself in the
mirror and understand that you are worthy and that you are just as equally the
creator, then you're, you're strengthening also the indigo ray at that point,
Yeah. Yeah. I feel like there's been different layers for me,
uh, with this, these concepts,
the worthiness and the seeing the creator and myself and others.
And it seems like there's really no upper limit
to our perception of what that means when we,
when we think of the name the word God, you know, what is, what does,
what does God mean to people in churches? What does God mean to people, uh,
when they, when they see God in one another? And I think that we're,
it's easy for it to just be a word. It's easy to say, yes, I'm,
I'm calling you God, but it's, it's harder for me to see that, that there's,
you know, the, the creator of other galaxies is like this,
this principle, which is, um,
taps into infinity, which is also contained in inside of each of us.
And it's like, that's accessible. That's, that's real. And it's, it's,
that's powerful engine of, of love. It's right there.
And it's easy to think of yourself as finite. And, you know, like you said,
to to, to,
to imagine the infinity within yourself is a, is a lot harder.
You know, it's easy to look up in the space and see just,
just tons and tons of stars and, and it just goes on forever. You know?
That's easy to do that to, to look inward and see that infiniteness, uh,
it's a lot harder.
Yeah. So I assume it's just like a ladder going up.
And as we open our hearts more and more, we become more and more,
just like that previous quote,
we become more and more integrated with the indigo, more and more of that,
which we seek the one infinite creator, creator with each transformation.
Yeah. I just keep thinking of the crystalline, uh, crystalline, uh,
quote where they were talking about it crystallizing,
and you start with like the red energy center and, and your survival needs.
And then you move up to the, uh, um, orange and, and you're looking at like,
uh, uh, uh, greater needs around you. And then you,
you're looking at the social needs, and then like, as you become hardened,
crystalline and these areas, it just is that much easier, like you're saying,
climbing up the ladder and to, to be, um,
be that love in the moment for any person around you as well as yourself.
And it just becomes that much easier. It's, uh, it's like, um,
they always say that like, money makes every, make money, makes life easier.
Well, you know,
money makes the first couple chakras easier because that's the kind of society
that we live in. But then at a certain point,
it's up to you to crystallize those other, uh,
chakras. And some people can hard, or I, I keep saying harden,
but that seems like such a bad word to like become like a rock and, and,
and not crystalline seems so much better because now you're, you're just,
you're just sturdy and the light can pass through a crystal.
So I, I, yeah. I keep trying to correct myself to harden, but the, to,
to make those chakras crystal means to make them stable and,
and the light can still pass through.
Think in other words they used as regularized. Yeah,
Yeah. And, and harmonizing and things like that. I mean,
all these things mean to balance,
and the more balance you can go through life with,
with your thoughts as well as your actions,
the better you and all of the things around you will become. Yeah.
Regularizing and crystallizing
Patterns of vibration. Yeah.
And it's also interesting because they said that, um,
crystals are frozen light, and it's,
it's just this constant talk of harmonics and vibration and light is a
vibration. And, uh,
crystallize is to harden the vibration of light. It's, it's, it's all about,
it's, it's almost like they're constantly trying to teach you. Like, look,
everything's a vibration. Everything, your emotions, your body,
this chair that you sit on, absolutely. Everything's a vibration.
Think of it like that and balance your vibration,
Right? Yeah. They,
they talk about crystal specifically that way too. The, um,
the use of the crystal and physical manifestation is that use where an entity of
crystal in nature ch charges the regularized physical crystal with the seeking,
thus enabling it to vibrate harmonically,
and also become the catalyst or gateway where by intelligent infinity may thus
become intelligent energy,
this crystal serving as an analog of the violent ray of the mind,
body spirit in relatively undistorted form.
So yeah, it's so much better, that crystallizing thing.
Yeah. And it's interesting, this also I was thinking in terms of the, what,
what they say about the, that churches, when you're taking the, the sacraments,
the communion, it's becoming Jesus. And it's like,
we could do that with all of our food potentially too. We're seeing the food,
we're, we're putting love in the food as we're cooking,
we're seeing that becoming the, the infinite creator. We ingest that and it,
and we see ourselves becoming the infinite creator because we are seeing it all
as, as one regularized, purified form.
But of course, there's not a crystal in nature to food we eat.
It just kind of passes through like liquid. Um,
But yeah, I think it has a lot to do with the,
the way modern society is as well, you know, uh, when, uh,
we were taught to make ghee and when we eventually made it on our own, uh,
it's crazy. It's, it's crazy how just this simple act of,
um, all you're doing is boiling butter.
And it can take, we, we've had times where we made ghee in 15 minutes,
and we've had times where the gee didn't make same, same thing. We,
we've used four stuck, uh, four sticks of unsalted organic butter,
and it's taken 15 minutes, same,
same type of butter from the same place. It's taken an hour and a half. And,
and it all has to do with the energy, you know, energy in the e ev,
all the vibrations around you, where the planet is in the universe,
but it also has a lot to do with you, the people you're with,
the energy you're putting into it.
And I think that has a lot to do with the whole, uh, church and the,
and the host and the, and the Eucharist and all that as well.
You could make all of your food vibration the, uh,
nourishment that that feeds you from the inside out. But unfortunately,
you know, a lot of people in this society,
they eat their lunch at their desk or they eat standing or they eat while
they're driving. And, and it's just kind of like a formality instead of, uh,
you know, a nourishing the vibration from within you.
Right. And isn't that, it's funny coincidence,
we basically just went into exercise four, gaze of the creation,
which lies about the mind, body, spirit complex. You could see, see the creator.
Yeah. Yeah, exactly.
I had not met the connection until just now that yeah, that's the food too.
Yeah. That's the food and the thoughts around the food.
There's a lot of things that can lie to you about it. It's,
it's the recognition of it that really helps you grow.
Yeah. Yeah.
This one I have had, I have had other struggles with this too. It's like,
how do I see the dirt as, as God? But of course,
I can see the dirt as part of a, a system, the planet,
and I can see the planet as having a function of, of growing and,
and building consciousness through all, everything that it offers. But I guess,
I guess when they're building the pyramids, there's,
there's just suggestion that the, um, you know, seeing, they're speaking to the,
the, the infinite creator in the rock. Maybe I should pull that up.
The living Rockness.
Oh yeah. That one. Like
All the everlasting rock or something where they're basically Yeah.
Mentally communicating with, I'd almost call the atoms of it, it seems like to
Mm-hmm. To
Develop that and have them reorganized into the form we see is the pyramid.
Yeah. Yeah. So, so they said that they,
um, yeah, let, let's, let's read this. So they said, how are the blocks moved?
And Ross said, you must picture the activity within all that is created.
The energy is though finite,
quite large compared to the understanding distortion of your people's.
This is an obvious point well known dear peoples,
but little considered the energy in everything is intelligent,
it is hierarchical much as your mind, body,
spirit complex dwells within a hierarchy of vehicles and retains,
therefore the shell or shape or field and the intelligence of each ascending the
intelligent or balanced body.
So does each atom of such a material as rock.
When one can speak to that intelligence,
the finite energy of the physical or chemical rock body is put into contact
with that infinite power, which is resident in the more well-tuned bodies,
be they human or rock. I'm gonna read that again.
When one can speak to that intelligence,
the finite energy of the physical or chemical rock body,
its finite energy.
And the physical or chemical rock body is put into contact with that infinite
power, which is resident.
And the more well tuned bodies be they human or rock
with this connection made a request may be given the,
in the intelligence of infinite rockness communicates to its physical vehicle.
And that splitting and moving, which is desired,
is then carried out through the displacement of the energy field of rockness
from infinity to a dimension, which we may call conveniently simply infinity.
So the intelligence of the infinite rockness communicates to its physical
vehicle. And that's great. Be,
Oh, go ahead. Oh, go ahead. Sorry. I was just gonna say,
it seems to me like that's maybe putting like the rock in contact with
intelligent energy or intelligent finity,
but then behind that you're almost putting a request in there as well too,
on if the rock is so choosing at that point to manifest in this physical vehicle
vehicle form of, of the pyramids that will do. So I, I don't know if I'm right,
but that's just kinda the way I'm reading that as you're going through it again.
Right. Yeah. It's like,
I think when you're in the state of intelligent infinity,
you see all of the rocks as a part of you too.
Yeah. The oneness of them.
And you, uh, I think you're touching more on the, uh,
the core of where everything comes from, you know, the, the consciousness,
the the, um, to put it, uh,
the quantum physics terms that I've understood best.
They talk about it like this sea of pure potentiality, you know,
where everything comes from, and then it, it, uh,
manifests into the physical form from that place,
and you're communicating at it while it's at that place just as it's about
to manifest.
And it makes me think of that movie phenomenon with John Travolta when he is
like spinning the glasses and they're like, how are you doing that?
How are you moving the glasses? And he says, uh,
I'm not moving the glasses. I'm just asking them to move. Uh, like that movie,
when he said that kind of stuff, I was like, oh Jesus, okay, here we go.
And that was way before I read the Law of Water or anything that started that
thought, uh, tripping into my mind. And then, uh, the, uh,
lemme see if I could find this quote by, uh,
Naim Herriman where he talks about, you're,
you're made out of 100 trillion cells one times 10
to the 14th. Each cell is made of 100 trillion atoms.
So that's a thousand billion,
billion chemical changes a second to run the a hundred trillion
cells in your body that are defining at a million cells a second.
And if the universe is random and mostly empty space,
that's pretty determined randomness. So like there's,
there's just this ever growing possibility, you know,
and the fact that you are you from second to second while all of this is going
on, you know, speaks to the determination of you to be you.
And then you can put that determination into the rock because the rock has the
same thing, you know,
whether it's made out of granite or sandstone or whatever it is,
it's still made out of, uh, a, a cell or, or a um, uh,
um, an element. And that element is made out of,
and it's just this infinitely growing.
The smaller you look down till you get to that point where it is mind and you
can affect it with mind if you speak to it at that level
Level. Yeah. It's also interesting to me, do,
do you put in a request if you wanna move your hand? Yeah. Do you,
do you have to request the cells in the hand, the muscles?
Do you have to request that they do these things and do they ever, when you,
when your arm falls asleep,
is it not responding now even though you're putting in a request,
the request not being honored?
And when you're, and when you're a baby, uh, I was just home and, uh, the,
the girl across the street brought her her little daughter over and she was
going bye. And I said, bye. And she went,
and then she started doing this. Like she had to figure out like, I can do that,
you know, put it in the request,
but is it actually doing what I asked it is doing what I asked it to.
If we could only do that with the rocks,
we could build our own pyramids all over the place,
Right. Like
The interaction with the roots of mind,
your conscious mind requesting something of your unconscious to then be able to
manifest basically through, through that form, it seems. But yeah,
that is interesting to think.
Yeah. We're constantly manifesting ourself,
you know, cuz just like the same herriman said, it's,
it's insane that the a hundred billion,
trillion billion cells in your body all get together and continue to get
together to make the same. You, you know,
you to think that you're unconsciously manifesting that all the time.
If you actually put some conscious thought into that and some conscious, uh,
some intention behind it, you know, to go back to what Nathan was saying,
put that intention there, what could we do? But, you know,
everybody's just, it's like mindful living.
Everybody's pulled in all these different directions by the, you know,
the momentum of life and the momentum of society.
If you were to actually just get a group of people to sit and put intent in one
direction, how much could it sway all of the rest?
While you were saying that, I was thinking,
I can't remember if I'm remembering this right,
if this was in the material there, but having to do it,
the atlanteans and them kind of perverting some of this power and basically
giving conscious life to other entities,
therefore they could create 'em through what I would imagine would be the
similar kind of methodology here, but ended up being a perversion of,
of the law of one and using it that way. But I don't know, Mike,
do you remember that? Or am I, am I going out on limb here?
Yeah, I, and I, I,
it's hard to remember what about Landis came from other things that I've,
I've read too.
I know that's where I'm maybe getting a little,
They, they mentioned life forms.
Um, yeah.
let me find where they mentioned that
they were able to create, yeah, I'll read this part.
The landing Thelan race was a very conglomerate social complex,
which began to form approximately 31,000 years in the past of your space time
continuum illusion.
It was a slow growing and very agrarian society until approximately 15,000 of
your years ago had reached quickly a high technological understanding,
which causes to be able to use intelligent infinity in a less informative
manner. We may add that they used intelligent energy as well,
manipulating greatly the natural influxes of the indigo or pine ray from
divine or intelligent energy. Thus they were able to create life forms.
This they began to do instead of healing and perfecting their own mind, body,
spirit complexes turning their distortions towards what you may call the
Yeah, that's the one I was thinking.
So you're kind of contacting intelligent infinity,
intelligent energy and almost making other creations consciously aware,
I guess, or giving them consciousness from that point, which is
A little mind boggling,
But does that happen when we make a baby that's blowing my mind right now with
my son? Am I my son still? I don't know.
Yeah. But it seems like the atlantians got to that point where they, they knew,
uh, they knew that all was one. They were able to, um,
consciously manipulate all matter around them because they had this truth
in their mind.
And then having the understanding and the ability to do these things,
they then got lost in the physical.
So they still had the ability to create from the unmanifest,
but they weren't connecting it with the unmanifest. So they were,
it was just like, they were, they were just popping the,
popping out all these things without actually remembering that they're,
you know,
where they're pulling it from or why they're doing it or anything like that.
They just had the, um, I was actually just talking to my dad about that. Like,
society is becoming more of what the show is and less about the substance of the
show. You know, like it's, it's all entertainment value and no, uh,
actual substance. And it seems like that's what they were doing. They were just,
you know, having,
having fun with the physical world as opposed to using it as the catalyst it's
supposed to be so that you can gain greater knowledge.
Right. They,
they weren't understanding the point of this was their own evolution.
They're entertaining themselves with creation for manipulative purposes,
I guess.
Yeah. Yeah. It sounds like they started at, yeah,
it sounds like they started having it and then they started doing it,
like you said, have the, the personal game. Mm-hmm.
So let's finish up the rockness quote now too. So they said, um,
intelligence of the infinite rockness communicates to its physical vehicle and
that splitting and moving, which is desired,
is then carried out through the displacement of the energy field of rockness
from infinity to a dimension which we may conveniently call simply infinity.
In this way,
that which is required as accomplished due to the cooperation of the infinite
understanding of the creator in dwelling in the living rock.
This is of course the mechanism by which many things are accomplished,
which are not subject to your present means of physical analysis,
of action at a distance. And then, um,
Don asked,
then the rock was created by thought and place rather than moved from somewhere
else. Is that correct? And, and Ross said, we built the everlasting rock,
we built with everlasting rock. The great pyramid, as you call it, other,
the pyramids were built with stone move from one place to another.
So there's some emphasis on the idea.
Everlasting rock is something that was not created from the
Quarries, not from the earth. And then what is everlasting rock?
And Ross said, if you can understand the concept of thought forms,
you'll realize that the thought form is more regular in its distortion,
then the energy fields created by the materials in the rock,
which has been created through thought form. From what?
From thought to finite energy and beingness in your, shall we say,
distorted reflection of the level of the thought form.
And I feel like this, this might be the secret to understanding what they're,
what they mean by by by thought forms and so many other parts of the material
too. But this is, this is such a mind twister for me.
This is one of those ones where you read it five times over and maybe get the
concept that they're putting forth in the first five words.
Yeah. It seems, I know this one, reading this again, I'm kind of changing my,
my tune a little bit. From what we were thinking before,
it almost seems like they're pulling this out of, out of the ether.
So you're creating this in your mind as a, as a thought form, speaking to,
I guess that rockness, but then manifesting in the physical,
creating it that way, but making the energy feel out of it, I guess,
versus speaking directly to, like you were saying,
a quarry field or something like that. Where, where all the rocks are,
you're more pulling this out of, um, out of the creation instead.
Yeah. If
That makes sense.
Yeah. It would almost be the difference between, uh,
taking a granite mountain and forming square blocks,
cutting 'em out of the mountain, as opposed to mixing cement,
pouring cement, you know, into, into a, into a form and,
and taking the elemental and making it what you want,
as opposed to taking the finished product and honing it into what you want.
Yeah. That's the word I was thinking too,
the elemental initially when we were reading that as well.
Yeah. And just for context for people, you know, the, the word thought form,
I did a search, you know, they talk about, um,
three types of bigfoot. Um,
two were discussed. The third is a thought form.
So that's interesting that they don't say the other types are thought forms,
is that other type is a thought form.
There are many thought form entities in your skies,
which are a positive nature and are the projections of the confederation.
Other settings are due to the inadvertent visualization of your people's optical
mechanisms by, of your own government's weaponry.
Um, yeah, they talked about, there was
Also the, oh yeah. The UFOs and then the cow mutilations,
and some of those were, were done by thought form, right? Entities.
Yeah. Yeah. Um, they talked about confederation Orion,
individuals living on earth visible to us. Um,
there are no entities of either group walking among you at this time. However,
the Crusaders of Orion use two types of entities to do their bidding,
shall we say. The first type is a thought form, the second a kind of robot.
And they say the men in black are a kind of thought form en entity,
which have some beingness to their makeup.
They have certain physical characteristics given them, however,
their true vibrational nature is without third density vibrational
characteristics. And therefore,
they're able to materialize and dematerialize when necessary. So,
does that mean that the pyramid blocks are also able to materialize and
dematerialize when necessary too?
Or is it because this one's an entity, a thought form entity?
It kind of gives it that next level, I guess, of creative abilities?
Maybe. Maybe. So, yeah.
But let's, let's, uh, let's go back to this with that in mind here.
I wanna read this again. If you can understand the concept of thought forms,
you'll realize that the thought form is more regular. It's more,
it's regularized, it's crystallized,
it's more regular in it's distortion than the energy fields created
by the materials in the rock.
So the,
the thought form is more regular in its distortion than the energy fields
created by the materials in the rock, which would be like the atoms, molecules,
which has been created through thought form,
from thought to finite energy and beingness and your, shall we say,
distorted reflection of the level of the thought form.
So our distorted reflection of the level of the thought form seems to be our,
our viewing it and the physical reality.
But maybe the, maybe the i
the distorted reflection is the,
is the physical reality and the level of thought form is where it's coming from.
So they, they said this in a confusing way. But yeah, I think,
I think the concept is there, that the concept is the purified thing,
and then the manifestation is what we're seeing as a more distorted version of
I think in other parts, they also talk about too, the ability, um,
through faith and will, but at the same time, that singleness of thought,
the importance of that. So if you can focus on something singularly,
you can basically create that, or materialize that in effect,
if you can focus on it for, for long enough. Um,
so that's kinda what I picture when I read and least that the first part of it
Yeah. So how do we get on the Everlasting Rock idea?
Yeah. We're talking about gaze at the Creator,
which lies about the mind by spirit complex of each entity.
Great gaze at the creation,
which lies about the mind by spirit complex of each entity and see the creator.
So this might not be the exact same thing as, um,
manifesting from a thought form,
but this is seeing that everything is manifested from the infinite creator.
I guess, kind of going back up the other direction,
I think that's how we got on the subject.
Yeah. It's like a starting point almost, too, then being able to,
to manifest from there, but seeing the creation,
the creator in everything In creation.
And they said the f you gonna say something?
Yeah. I, I think that, uh, the, the big thing that,
that gets lost on a lot of people, um, and the, the way that, uh,
I've been,
I guess more physically been able to conceptualize the thought is to think of
like an FM r I machine, you know? And,
and they can read your thoughts so that that puts a physicalness
to your thoughts. Whereas, you know,
without looking at an M R I machine, a thought is a very abstract concept.
And that kind of puts it into a little bit more finite terms to
where you can start to see where a thought is a thing.
It's not just this, you know, this, this abstract,
this that runs through your head. It can be measured.
And if it can be measured by this, this highly sensitive device,
then don't you think it can be measured by the universe around you? You know,
like it's affecting the universe around you.
And then they start talking about that rock, like,
that rock is a rock and it affects the world around it.
Or you can think the rock into being,
and the rock was made because sand was compacted and the pressure was put
on it. And like all these different things, the the, uh, yeah, the,
the energy fields created by the materials, you know, the,
the material was created through a physical process.
Whereas if you create it a, a and you,
you initiate it with the thought process, it says,
if you understand the concept of thought forms,
you'll realize the thought form is more regular, more crystallized.
Or the way it I think of that is it's more pure.
If you think the rock into existence, like they said that they did, then it,
it is that more pure rock.
And that's when they get into studying the pyramids and saying that they were,
um, oh, what is the word? What is that D word?
What the rocks were made out of. It's this very special kind of granite,
dolo, dolemite dolemite.
Maybe it's the type of granite that the, that the pyramids are made out of.
And they said it has like a, a perfect crystalline balance. Yeah. My, go ahead.
Get it. I hear the keyboard going.
Um, I'm just seeing granite, uh, limestone.
Uh, I thought that it was, that the out exterior of the, um,
was limestone. It was the less conductive one.
The interior granite was a more conductive type of granite.
Cause they said that basically the pyramid was like, like a,
an electrical conductor where it was wrapped in an insulator,
but the inside was the copper. You know,
the copper wire comes wrapped in plastic,
but the copper is extremely conductive. And somebody, uh,
it may have been John Anthony West, may have been the Pyramid code. Um,
but they were talking about how the pyramid, the rock, the interior rock was,
was dust.
That it was extremely conductive and it would be like way more sensitive
to electrical impulse impulses and, and, uh, fluctuations around it.
And then it was wrapped in an insulator. And like,
that's what I'm getting from the two differences of the rocks.
One can be carved and it,
and it's subject to all the influences that made that rock.
Whereas if they thought it into being,
they could think the structural prism of the rock into this
perfect conductive form, and then put the, and then make the rock,
make the pyramid.
Yeah. Yeah. There's definitely layers to that,
that were electrically insulating.
I mean, everything is electric, you know, ev and, and again,
it goes back to vibration. It's, you know, everything is vibration.
And then is that vibration, electrical vibration, nuclear vibration,
visible light vibration, you know, sound vibration, uh, you know,
electricity is a big part of all of it, because it is like a root vibration.
Yeah. At least, you know, in, in the, in the, uh,
the experience that we're having here on this plane.
Yeah. They said that the important thing for the,
the king's chamber position was that, um,
the entity to be healed had to be brought to an equilibrium.
This involves temperature, barometric pressure,
and the electrical charge atmosphere.
The first two requirements are controlled by the system of chimneys,
but they didn't say much about how the atmosphere was electrically charged in
the pyramid.
So I think what maybe Nick was kind of getting at, I see in 3.6,
they start to talk a little bit about that granite. And, um,
I was contrived for crystalline properties and for the proper flow of your
atmosphere via a type of what you would call chimney.
It seems like that's kinda the prerequisite to,
to that quote you were reading there, Mike.
Yeah. That one,
Two capstones,
one capstone was of our design was a smaller and carefully contrived pieces of
material upon your planet, which you call granite.
So it's contrived for crystalline properties and for proper flow of your
atmosphere via type of what you would call chimney. Yeah.
I dunno if that directly relates to the electrical function,
but when you're talking about flow of atmosphere, I guess that kind of is Yeah.
Similar, I guess in that sense,
I forget why we got on this particular subject.
Yeah. I,
I I was having just a trip in my mind about that one when we were reading about
the, uh, that, that one right there. Yeah. Three 13. If you, uh,
can understand the concept of thought forms, it's,
it's almost like you have to read this thing, meditate, read it, meditate,
read it, meditate. Like you have to, it, it,
it's so almost convoluted because of the syntax of the way that
we speak. But it, you know, if you sit and you think about it, there,
there's the truth of it comes to you.
Yeah. As possible. It needs another comma or semicolon or something.
Mm-hmm. Yeah. Uh, maybe I'm,
I'm not sure if we'll have time to get to it this time. I was thinking,
you know, Andrew just sent me a picture of him in the,
in the king's chamber of the pyramid.
So that was probably why I thought if Andrew's gonna be on the call,
we could talk about the pyramids a little bit more. But we can,
we can do more pyramid discussion next time too, when he's on the call and
Oh, yeah, definitely.
He can do all that then.
Um, and he could give us the firsthand experience of all of it.
Yeah. Um,
so, uh, finishing up the discussion of the exercises,
they said the foundation or prerequisite of these exercises is a predilection
towards what, what may be called meditation, contemplation, or prayer.
With this attitude, these exercises can be processed. Without it,
the data will not sink down into the roots of the tree of mind,
thus enabling and ennobling the body and touching the spirit.
What is, what is noling definition? The definition of ennobling?
Oh gosh. The AI wants to answer it now. En en noling means to take,
to make someone or something better or more worthy of admiration. For example,
a life en noble by suffering or her skill and talent en noble, her profession.
Um, and the dictionary one says,
to lend greater dignity or an ability or character to,
ennobling the body would, would suggest that we're,
that we're seeing the value of the body enabling and enabling the body.
Yeah. But he is saying that, uh, the meditation,
the contemplation or the prayer is what gives you the enabling or the
enabling. It, it's, you know, you can have the experience and, you know,
you can accidentally be the best person in the world,
but to be the best person that you can be in the world,
and to think about it, to meditate about it, to prey upon it, it, it,
it that makes it, uh, your choice to be that,
as opposed to just kind of falling backwards in the life.
Or like, if you bought a guitar and you bought the guitar and it came tuned,
and you could play the guitar beautifully, but you couldn't tune a guitar,
you know, you'd have to constantly be given tuned guitars.
Whereas if you sit and you meditate and you, you,
you do the process of learning how to tune the guitar,
you can always play beautiful music because you know how to tune it. You know,
you know, I,
I stubbed my toe this morning so that I could have that experience so that I
would know not to get mad at every little thing,
as opposed to stubbing your toe and just not getting mad at it because you're
just this footloose, fancy free kind of person. A again,
going back to the intention, like Nathan was saying
Intention, and then kind of accepting it too.
I almost tie this back to the know yourself, accept yourself,
so you begin to accept that process as well.
And that's really the way to distill the true lessons from it too,
it seems like. But if it's just a passing temporary, whether emotion,
feeling something like that, it really won't do much for you unless,
unless you've actually take the time to process it and, and learn from it.
Yeah. And then that whole process and learning from is the meditation and the
contemplation and the prayer, and then the,
the learning from it is the enabling and the noling of the body.
I like the saying, uh, I think it was,
it was either a Confucius saying or Buddha saying, but it was,
everyone should meditate for 20 minutes a day.
Unless you don't have 20 minutes a day for meditation,
then you should meditate for an hour a day.
It's like, you know, settle down and think about what you're doing.
Look at what life is presenting you with,
and learn from life instead of just going through it.
So we could jump ahead now. I, this,
this might be worth saying more. I mean, this is, uh,
clearly talking about the tree of the mind that they talk about in other parts
of the material too. Um,
and it be, to me,
I thought about this particular quote for so long that it's like, um,
it's so, it's so plainly obvious to me what this is, what this is saying.
I'm not sure if it's so obvious to everyone that, that the mind, the,
the deeper parts of the mind are the reason that we meditate is cuz it's like,
it's, it's this maze of, of, uh,
baggage of, of why we are the way we are with our,
the way we use our conscious mind and our behaviors and our patterns.
And there's, wherever there's this lack of crystallization, and it is just a,
a when we're back and forth in our emotions and our energy systems,
it's like that's when the, the, the,
the deeper roots need to be worked on the roots that,
that that touch why we're using our body and our spirit in a certain way.
So I guess to look a little more at that last part, Mike,
that you were kind of talking about this enabling, enabling the body.
So would that be more utilizing the body, I guess, as the tool in order to get,
get, actually make contact with, with the spirit at that point? Or,
I'm curious to break that one down a little more.
I think, I think that they're saying, um,
the value of meditation is reorienting
the body and,
and I think touching the spirit is maybe seen at the other end of the,
of the tree, I guess maybe the body and the spirit on, on different,
different sides of the tree that they seem to talk about. Yeah.
I read
It's all still a mental No, go ahead.
I, I, I read the body as basically the,
your your third density experience,
they were just kind of putting the word body in there,
but they meant like this physical third density experience.
Yeah, that would make sense.
I was looking at it as a little more literal physical, but I,
I think you're right, probably. And then with what Mike's saying too,
is you go through the different levels of the unconscious mind, um,
in the very bottom then is, is the spirit. So that that would make sense.
Yeah. And, and you set these,
you set this life before you so that you could learn the lessons so that you
could greater enrich the spirit and, and the experience of, of, uh,
of the all of the one. And so, you know,
you're enabling and enabling the body.
And if you kind of took out body and put in like,
experience on this physical plane, then you're enabling and enno,
enabling and enabling your experience so that you're feeding
back into the greater tree, the, the, the, the roots of mind that, you know,
like you're feeding the metaphysical with your physical experience.
I, I will, I will say that the, um, when, when I spend a lot of time meditating,
usually it's like there's some something in me that's kind of like jarred
loose. And I, I see, I see the,
the potential of what could happen if I make certain actions in my business
life, in my notes, if I,
if I run back to my computer and start typing in notes, like that's, to, to me,
it's like the inspiration that I'm getting in the meditation is causing my body
to see, be seen in a new way as, as look at,
look at what I can do now.
This is gonna be really great if I can get this done and serve people in this
particular way. That's usually how that, that happens.
how I interpret that the body is now enabled and ennobled from the meditation
inspiring me to, to do these things.
Yeah. That actually makes a lot of sense.
I've had a lot of similar experiences that way too, quite frequently in, in,
in the meditations there.
But it almost seems like you're pulling something back from the unconscious
lower levels of the roots of mind to then be able to, to use and, and to,
uh, to be of service, I guess in our, in our current, uh,
third density illusion here,
Right? Yeah. Yeah. It's like we're wandering,
wandering aimlessly until we have that enabling and enabling. Yeah.
And then if you think of like the butterfly effect, you know,
every decision second to second, it, it,
it can echo into eternity and have these just great, vast,
uh, effects later down the line.
And that's that quiet moment to sit. I, I,
you know, if, if you are experiencing life now from moment to moment to moment,
in this space time, when you meditate,
you go into time space and you're looking at all of the possibilities
and then consolidating all the possibilities into you taking that
action, which goes into the one that you, you saw while you were in, uh,
time space, and you were like that. That's, that's what, uh,
will greater benefit the all.
And then you bring that back into this moment and begin that as the,
the next, um, as the direction that you're gonna go in,
whether consciously or unconsciously. Mm-hmm.
So informed manifesting from the unmanifest or from the time space realm you're
you're manifesting then whatever you are viewing in that space into our current,
current situation, I guess.
Yeah. And, and even if you don't know what you're manifesting, you know,
even if it's just, you know what you need to do next. Like for me,
I've come out of meditation with, uh, you know,
meditating on multiple things and had thoughts floating around while in
meditation, and then try and get it to this quiet place.
And then when I get to this quiet place,
something just comes through and whether it be like a page in a book or
oftentimes it's like a session. If I, if I get a series of numbers,
I go and I look into raw and see the sessions that it corresponds to,
and it can be just infinitely helpful and you didn't even realize
what you were doing,
but you could bring it into this moment from the vastness of infinity.
And then when you bring it into this moment,
and you can learn from it in this moment from the vastness of infinity,
you can then take that step in, in a direction that you might not have taken.
And then that, you know, again,
with the butterfly effect just echoes into eternity and makes
this iteration, this go around this life more manifest in that way,
as opposed to it could have gone the other way and you just didn't even know it.
So I had, um, I had,
I had kind of a plan for this that is kind of,
I knew this was, this was worthy of 90 minutes. We just spent a lot,
a lot of time on, um, 10 point 14 here. Um,
and I,
I felt like I was being called to bring up 18.5. I feel like this is,
this is appropriate to balance out the discussion. Um,
And I think this would lead into other things too. Um,
in session 18.5, the question was from Jim,
much of the mystic tradition of seeking on earth holds the belief that the
individual self must be erased or obliterated and the new, uh,
and the material world ignored, or an entity to reach nirvana as it's called,
or enlightenment.
What is the proper role of the individual self and its worldly activities in
aiding an entity to grow more into the law of one? And Ross said,
the proper role of the entity is in this density to experience all things
desired to then analyze, understand,
and accept these experiences distilling from them the love light within them.
Nothing shall be overcome that which does not need it falls away.
The orientation develops due to analysis of desire.
These desires become more and more distorted towards conscious application of
love light as the entity furnishes itself with distilled experience.
We have found it to be inappropriate in the extreme to encourage the overcoming
of any desires except to suggest the imagination,
rather than carrying out in the physical plane, as you call it,
of those desires, not constantly with the law of one.
Those that would be infringing on free will. Th th this,
this preserving the primal distortion of free will.
The reason it is unwise to overcome is that overcoming is an unbalanced action.
Creating difficulties and balancing the time space continuum.
Overcoming this creates the further environment for holding onto that which
apparently has been overcome.
All things are acceptable in the proper time for each entity.
And in experiencing,
in understanding and accepting and then sharing with other selves,
the appropriate description shall be moving away from distortions of one kind to
distortions of another, which may be more consonant with the law of one.
It is thus it is, shall we say,
a shortcut to simply ignore or overcome any desire and must instead be
understood and accepted. This takes patience and experience,
which can be analyzed with care, with compassion for self and for other self.
So right away, this one is making me think about how we're saying, you know,
the love in the moment is, is always there.
And if we see that our desire is something other
than coming from love, then we're turning our back in a sense.
When we're turning back on our desires,
we're turning our back on the love in the moment that would've aspired that
desire. Whether or not we like the desire as being one of service to self,
love of self or love of others. If the, if the desire is there,
we can at least forgive ourselves that the love of the creator is still whole
and perfect. We can accept that there is, there's value in,
in having all the experiences that, that we've come here for, uh,
to un to analyze, understand them and accept them. And then this is so much,
so much of this is basically what they talk about with the chakra system is just
processing the, the, the energy of the, the lower chakras is,
seems to be the primary purpose for all this. Analyzing this. Yeah,
go ahead. Sorry, Mike.
I say it seems to tie in also with what we,
you guys were talking about last week with the add adapt there,
that this was somewhat of the goal or,
or the workings that the adep actually uses too,
to a certain extent is to distill and to analyze these desires, catalysts,
different things,
but then to make something out of it and actually view that as an opportunity,
um, to further know yourself and, and accept yourself in different ways to,
to be leading towards, I guess, more of that indigo ray or,
or becoming the creative from that, that point.
Right? Yeah.
The distortion of unworthiness seems to be related to questioning one's desires
as being unworthy. Yeah.
And so what they're getting at there too is it seems like if you attempt to
overcome some of these desires in this case,
it almost further distorts or further blocks the various energy center that that
ties to and relates to. So you may have, well, in this case,
overcome some sort of issue or problem you're having,
but it's likely that it'll come back to bite you at some point,
or it will come back up in your life if you haven't actually broken that up and
distilled the lessons from, from that particular, um,
desire or issue there.
This reminds me of, uh, in,
in rebirthing they always talk about how you don't say that you heal
the trauma or that you move past the trauma. Uh,
you don't use these kinds of words cuz these, these kinds of words say that,
that it is still a trauma and that you've almost like put a
callous around it and it's still there, but it's still there. And it's, it's,
it's formed that, that was traumatic in the first place. Uh, it's just,
you're okay with it now as opposed to what they say you should say is,
you should say that you integrated it, you integrated the trauma,
you found out why the trauma was there, how it affected the rest of your life,
and how looking back and contemplating it,
trying to figure it out can therefore lead
into greater, um, um,
fruitfulness in the rest of your life as opposed to just having this hard
callous thing that you're just like, okay, been there, done that.
And then you go and may repeat it over and over and over again.
If you integrate it into your life, you accept that it was a part,
you accept it, it was something, and you see what it was there for.
And then you learn and then you move on with your life as it's still a very
significant part of your life, but it's not charged in a way that, uh,
you know, can hurt you.
It's charged in a way that you can learn and gain from it. You can, you can, uh,
use it to your advantage.
Right? I think that also the trauma could,
in that sense be represented by the, the matrix of the spirit,
the archetypal darkness. I hadn't thought about that before,
but they said, um,
the matrix of the spirit is what you may call the night of the soul or prival
darkness. Again, we have that which is not capable of movement or work.
So the trauma itself is not helpful, um,
of to, to, to cause work.
But the potential power of this extremely receptive matrix is such that the
potentiator may be seen as lightning and your archetypal system
called the tarot.
This has been refined to the concept complex of the lightning struck tower.
the origin of the original potentiator was that in its sudden and fiery form
that is the lightning itself.
So it feels like working through our traumas is the equivalent of light
lightning striking into our lives. Spiritually speaking. It's like seeing,
seeing the light and the darkness just burst forth from seeing how that,
that was used for our evolution.
And then the, the thing that just kept popping under mind when my mind,
when you were talking about lightning and all that is, uh,
the lightning struck the tower, you know,
and if you built the tower and you wanted the tower to be there,
and then the trauma happens,
the lightning strikes the tower and it knocks the top off the tower.
You can either be like, okay,
the lightning is gonna just keep striking the tower.
Or you can sit there and think, well,
the lightning's gonna keep striking the tower, but I want the tower to be there.
How can I do this?
And then you put a lightning rod on the top of the tower and a cable that runs
down the tower and redirects the lightning down the tower and to the ground.
And now your tower stands.
It can get hit with a million bolts of lightning that get redirected down to the
ground and your tower still stands. You know, it's,
it's integrating the knowledge from the, you know, quote unquote trauma,
the lightning strike and bringing it into your life in a way that allows you to
better succeed, you know, in the ways that you're trying to in life.
Yeah. Well, they, they,
and it's inevitably say this significant aspect is the, is the sun.
So it's like, it's,
its like we're be we're becoming the lightning in some sense.
That that light is, is truly the, the truest nature that we, that we hadn't,
hadn't recognized when we were focused on the, the darkness aspect of the,
of the archetype.
Yeah. This has been a very real situation for me,
at least recently here with my brother recently committing suicide there.
So it's been a heck of a lightning bolt there, but it's, um,
been the struggle of then basically mo figuring out how to move on,
but then integrate this experience in my life as well. So it's, uh,
I guess it's very different when it becomes real on that sense. But I mean,
trauma happens on many different levels,
but it's at least something I can very much relate to here recently.
And you may, you know, 10 years down the line, talk to somebody and they may,
you know, in confidence talk to you about thoughts that they're having.
And you may be able to bring this life experience to them. And, you know,
that person lives for another 30,
40 years and affects millions of people in a positive way.
But they were going to stop it at that moment.
But you had this moment in your past where you're able to say, let's,
let's talk about this. You know, I had this in my past. Uh,
I can kind of conceptualize what you're going through. Let's talk about it.
And then that simple act again of patience, you know, uh, what was it, uh,
what was it? 18 five where he talks about, uh,
the shortcut is to ignore, to overcome it must be understood and accepted.
This takes patience and experience. You know,
if you,
if you have this in your life and then somebody comes to you and all they
need is a little patience from someone else, you may have that,
that other level of patience because of your life experiences that the,
you know, 40 other people they talked to during that day didn't have,
because they didn't have that in their life. But you're saying, no, I,
I understand where this can go.
I've been on the receiving end of when this person doesn't get the patience and
then be there and be the patience for that person.
Yeah. I think you're exactly right.
That's something I've been thinking about and contemplating quite a bit recently
as well, too,
that until I guess you go through some of these experiences or have some of
these experiences,
it's a lot harder to relate to someone going through a similar thing unless
you've had that trauma almost. So, um, yeah, I, I think you're,
I think you're spot on with that.
Mm-hmm. Again, and you're, you know,
you're doing the work to be, uh,
a strong enough person to, you know, unfortunately take on that,
that thing that could be seen as such a negative thing in your life and bring it
into your life, contemplate it, meditate on it,
and think about how it can help you and all of the people around you so that
when that moment comes up, you know, you're like, you're like Yosemite,
Sam with a quick draw going on. You know, you, you got it. You,
you're ready to throw it out there to the rest of the world.
Yep. Oh, trying to least, yeah,
Think of another quick, I was, I was gonna go like doc holiday, you know,
I was thinking of another quick drawer, but Yosemite Sam just popped into mine.
I dunno, she's laughing at me cause I use Yosemite, Sam,
Hey, bring a little lighthearted humor into this. That's good.
Exactly, exactly.
Yeah. De
I can think of one for my own life where I have driven back and forth to the
East coast so many times, uh, in,
in the tornado season and like the really bad storm season that the,
probably the second or third time I drove in between down route
70 with, uh, two clouds forming on either side, one touchdown on the one side,
and one was getting ready to touch down on the other side. And then I was like,
never again am I making this drive without first learning about these
severe weather patterns.
And just yesterday we got caught in yet another severe weather pattern,
and I do like that over there to the left looks really bad and it looks like
it's pushing towards Route 70. So let's keep our foot in it,
get on the other side of these clouds,
and then we could slow down and take a breath. But you know, it, it,
all the experiences can be used later in life if you sit there and you
don't just, oh my God, oh my God, I almost got blown away by a tornado.
I almost, I'm never doing that drive again. I'm never doing that drive again.
Absolutely not then,
then I wouldn't get to go back and see my friends and my family.
And you could be paralyzed by it, or you can use it to empower, you know,
yourself and the, and the others around you.
the other side of that too is that it'll continue to keep happening until you
actually do that work and, and distill that process. Right. You, you'll,
the catalyst will continue, um, until you take that lesson from it basically.
And I know that's another part in there where Rod talks about,
so it's more food for thought, I guess,
at least with some of those type of experiences. Yeah.
Two by four to the head or however they say it too.
Yeah. Yeah.
And so I guess it brings comfort to me that,
that there's no experience that is not worthy of being accepted, analyzed,
understood, uh, with,
with love and light potentially distilled from those experiences.
Yeah. And we're, we're constantly coming up with a, again,
it's easy to see the narcissistic person.
It's less easy to see the person who doesn't give themself enough, enough love.
It's easy to see the negative things and contemplate 'em, and like,
why did that happen? Oh my God.
But it's a little harder to have goodness come into your life and sit there and
think about it. You know,
like someone shows you an an unbridled amount of love and that
raises your spirits and you think of yourself, you know, why,
how did they do that?
And then you can learn from the good things as well and bring that into the rest
of your life. It doesn't always have to be this, this,
I touched the burner and it was hot,
and now I tell people that the burners are hot, you know?
Right. And so from every experience,
each experience will need to be, this was, um, session 49.6.
Um, this just reminded me of what we're reading. It said,
each experience will need to be observed, experienced, balanced, accepted,
and seated within the individual. So it is actually like,
there's a, there's a location, there's a seating for every, every,
every one of our traumas, every one of our breakthroughs as a,
as a location in our energy systems.
As the entity grows in self-acceptance and awareness of catalyst,
the location of the comfortable seating of these experiences will rise to the
new true color entity. The experience, whatever it may be,
will be seated in red ray and considered as to its survival content and so
Each experience will be sequentially understood by the growing and seeking mind,
body, spirit complex in terms of survival, which is obviously, um,
to some degree, I think that's the, when people are getting into suicide,
they're, they're having the, the, the,
the breakdown of the survival concept, um,
initially understood in terms of survival. Then in terms of personal identity,
then in terms of social, social relations. Then in terms of universal love,
then in terms of how the experience maybe get free communication then in terms
of how the experience may be linked to universal energies.
And finally in terms of the sacramental nature of each experience.
Yeah. And that's, that to me speaks of the, um, uh, where they say the,
these experiences will rise to the new true color. You know, you, you,
it comes into you in terms of survival. And then once you can see,
uh, the lesson you need to learn there, you know, red ray, okay,
now it goes to the next true color orange ray and personal identity.
And then once you can, um, you know, a, again,
I'm gonna go back to the crystallizing, like the seating, the crystallizing,
it's the getting that energy center to be okay with that experience and
learn from it, and then move to the next energy center,
and then they're the next energy center.
And then to find how each experience throughout your life can help crystallize
or see the experience till it gets you to that point of learning from one energy
center to the next and then all the way up.
And meanwhile, the creator lies within in the North Pole,
crown is already upon the head and the entity is potentially a God.
This energy is brought into being by the humble and trusting acceptance of this
energy through meditation and contemplation of the self and of the creator.
Where these energies meet is where the serpent will have achieved its height
when this uncoiled energy approaches universal love and radiant being the entity
is in a state whereby the harvestability of the entity comes n So
that's why it's the central lesson, the center lesson as the,
the opening to universal love, to seeing love in the moment,
Basically raising your kundalini energy up to,
to the heart center and activating it that way.
Mm-hmm. And the, the crown is already upon the head, you know, that's huge.
You have to remember that that's always there. It's just,
you have to find how to get the connection up there, you know? Yeah. It's,
it's like, uh, your, your electrical socket is constantly,
if it's wired correctly, it's constantly ready to give you energy, you know,
and then you just have to plug the device in and then you'll get to use the
device. Well, this device is your life. This device is your experience,
you know, the potential is always there.
It's just you have to make the connection in order to utilize the device,
your body, your life, your experience.
And that after we die, um, the normal procedure,
given harmonious passage from yellow ray bodily manifestation is for the mind,
spirit complex to rest and the etheric or indigo body until such time
as the entity begins. Its preparation for experience in an incarnated place,
which has a manifestation formed by the ener etheric energy molding into
activation and manifestation. Um, so I guess the, the,
the violet ray is considered the crown, and I think they said the,
the violet ray is activated at, at the time of harvest
They talked about the violet body.
Yeah. Cause outside of that, the violet raised then just basically a readout,
right. Of your current, current state.
There's not much you can really do from that point to unblock it or block it.
It's, it's giving a readout of,
of where you are in your advancement through the energy centers. Right.
And harvest the entity will transfer its indigo body into violent ray
manifestation after the person dies.
This is for the purpose of gauging the harvestability of the entity.
After the anomalous activity has been carefully completed,
the entity will move into indigo body again and be placed in the correct true
color locus and space time and time space.
At which time the healings and learned teachings necessary shall be completed
and further incarnation needs determined.
So I guess this is like, we are, we're,
we're seeing from the highest perspective, the highest vantage point of,
you know, our experience in terms of the sacramental nature of experience.
I assume that that lens of our reality is there when we're choosing
what, what body to take on next.
So there's really never any loss.
Would that be like the higher self equivalent to seeing from your higher self
That's a good question. That might be, that might be the case.
Cause they talked about tying together. Yeah.
The indigo ties together with the activation of the, uh, magical personality.
So, yep. Yeah.
Maybe that I can look into that for covering the quotes around that next time.
Yeah. That could be kind of interesting to, to see a little bit more,
cuz not too many ties, I guess,
to the higher self other than the few sections they talk about that and the six
density indigo ray bodies and stuff.
They definitely talk about with the incarnation process that the higher self
has a role. Um,
Yeah. Choosing the experiences so that you can further, uh,
solidify and crystallize the lower energy centers in order to, you know,
uh, get to the level that you're trying to get to when you chose incarnation.
Right. See if I can find one of those.
And that's, again, going back to the thing we were saying earlier, you know,
the, the potential to recognize the love is always there, you know, but you,
you don't necessarily always recognize it.
The potential is always there to learn certain lessons. It's just you have to,
you know, contemplate, meditate. You have to start to recognize the lessons,
otherwise the lessons just come and go. Like ships passing in the night,
you're never gonna know what happens unless you sit and think about it.
Yeah. You need to put in the work.
Mm-hmm. Yeah. Intention again, seems to be the theme of the talk today.
Uh, that's what really stood out to me from that 10 14 and number of those, uh,
quotes as well too,
where it just seems like it all kind of ties to the intention and what you were
wanting to accomplish from that point too.
And having that positive 10 the whole time,
well really make everything into more of a positive experience in the end,
it seems. But from that doubling effect standpoint too.
One thing I, I, I used to wonder if this was like within a certain timeframe,
like if we have an intention for love that's a minute removed from the
first intention for love is that exponentially more than if we're waiting a day,
we feel no love, but I feel like this is,
this is maybe talking about it in a different way where it's not about time,
it's about intentions that are building on each other. And it's just,
doesn't matter how long it takes,
if you continue to build your intentions to be of service and love,
then you keep on growing in that same way.
That's an interesting point though. Cause then you almost wonder,
back to the original quote, there really say the due to insincerity,
it won't really, um, degrade I guess that power as much.
So if you are thinking more along the lines of, uh,
the moment contains love and positively kind of building on that,
maybe there is a day where you don't think about that at all,
but you don't really lose any sort of, um, I guess buildup in this case, uh, on,
on the power you've gained from understanding that the moment contains love.
But yeah, putting it into time is a little, makes it a little different.
I guess I wonder if there's also, um,
some similarities with what they said about the banishing ritual,
uh, exercise being done in the same room, having,
having a cumulative effect too. Um,
cuz I wonder if love itself when they say love is the, actually we should,
we should pull up that quote now. Um, um,
at 55.2, um, they said,
I think it was actually 0.2
0.2, yeah. That was me typo. 85.2, they said,
yeah. Um, every,
everything that you guys are doing is the subconscious function of the true
attitudinal mental, emotional and spiritual distortions towards Carla.
There is no magic greater than honest distortion toward love.
So there are, they're always looking for ways to protect Carla Moore and,
and Ross saying there's nothing more magical than honestly loving her,
having true, honest distortion toward love.
Yeah. That, that, that just screamed at me first time I read it,
and then when I reread it, uh, stop trying to hit me and hit me.
Like, stop trying to think of how to love her and just love her.
You know what I mean? Like, you're already doing it.
Just stop getting muddled up in the, the details of how you can do it better.
Just keep doing it.
So the way I saw that is you're almost creating more distortions in that love,
but the more you think about it, the more you try to analyze it.
But if you just simply do the act of loving or see the love in the moment,
there you are, um,
basically ameliorating any sort of other distortions that you would've had
before moving closer back to the original,
original thought or into love in this case.
And, you know, the, the, um, the whole,
I've said it before when you hit the same two tuning forks in a room and you hit
one tuning fork and it makes the other tuning fork go,
if everything's a vibration, including emotions, including love,
then just by having that vibration, you're filling the area,
the space with that vibration and other things will take on that vibration,
you know, if they're ready. Uh, and,
and you're putting it out there in a pure form.
Whereas if you're just sitting there and thinking, you know,
when you're sitting there thinking about how can I love more? You're,
you're kind of putting out the love vibration,
but you're more putting out like this wavering between,
am I loving enough and this doubt? You know what I mean? It's not a,
it's not that pure vibration.
It would be like hitting the tuning fork of some of another tuning fork that is
just, you know,
like slightly off and it's not gonna fully take it on because you're not giving
the full, uh, um, sympathetic, uh,
tune into the room.
You almost shooting yourself in the foot.
And I I, I do wonder though, if the things like the banishing ritual were,
um, like a crystallization of their love into the environment.
And they talked a lot about the Spanish and ritual exercise they were doing, um,
which had a number of prayers around it too. But they, um,
well I'll read a couple quotes on this. They, they asked, how,
how ha has the use of our vanishing ritual of the leer pangram been of any value
and what is its effect?
Ross said this group's use of the vanishing ritual of the Lester Pangram has
been increasingly efficacious. Its effect is purification, cleansing,
and protection of the place of working.
The efficacy of this ritual is only beginning to be, shall we say,
at the lower limits of the truly magical and doing the working.
Those aspiring to adapt hood have done the equivalent of beginning the
schoolwork, many grades ahead, where the intelligence student,
this is not to be discouraged, rather it to be encouraged as the homework,
the reading, the writing, the arithmetic,
as you might metaphorically call the elementary steps towards the study of
being. It is the being that informs the working,
not the working that informs the being. Therefore,
we may a leave you to the work you have begun. And that,
and that to me also is speaking of the importance of love,
is the most centrally magical thing. Because truly, honestly,
being in a state of love, that's, that's the being that determines your,
your decision to even do any kind of ritual for protection. That,
that love is the, is the foundation point that is determining what,
what it is the energy is.
Do you think that ties into then the doubling effect too, though?
Like where the efficacy of this ritual, the more you continue to do this,
the more you build up that, that power, that intention behind it,
it it becomes more and more efficacious,
Right? Yeah. And they, they, they said, um,
if I had to leave the room, um,
did this have any effect? And uh, Ross said, where only for the lapse,
only for this working, the lapse would've been critical.
Were it the only working?
If it's the only time they'd done the banishing ritual,
it would've been a critical lapse to have to leave the room.
There's enough residual energy of a protective nature in this place of working
that the lapse, the quite un quite unintended,
it does not represent a threat to the protection,
which the ritual of which he spoke refers.
And another time they said to even do the ritual,
um, even if they were not even using it for channeling in that room anymore,
um, I forget where that was,
but there was, there was, uh, this idea of the residual energy, um,
is like something,
I wonder if that's like a metaphysical law that, you know,
the more more energy we're putting in into it is essentially like this
exponential doubling of the, of the energy that, that we're,
that we're crystallizing in that room as we, and I assume it's the same thing.
I once heard the, I once heard the, um, the channel, um,
cry on say, what can we do if, if we have extremely negative space in our house?
And he said, well just, just bring the bed there and have sex there.
Something like that. I was like, oh wow. That,
that is a lot of love that you're bringing into a space when you, when you,
when you, when you make love. That's really powerful.
And then like that's the initial wiping clean of the slate and then it's just
like maintenance from there, I guess is what he was saying.
Yeah. I kept thinking of like a, um,
a greenhouse while we were talking about all this.
And if you had like a greenhouse that constantly had tons of leaves that were
gonna fall on it and block out the sun from getting to it.
So every day you had to go and clear the leaves off.
If you went and cleared the leaves off at the greenhouse every single day and
then forgot a day the stored up heat within the greenhouse would be able to
sustain it for that day that you forgot.
As long as you come back and you clear the leaves off the next day, you know,
it's, it's not like an all or nothing type thing.
Sounds like what they're saying.
It's, it's uh, you know, it's the, again,
the intention and the doing the work and you know,
if you have the intention and you're doing the work, uh,
and then you lapse for however long, you know,
a momentary lapse no matter what it may be,
if you're constantly putting it in and then you have that momentary lapse,
it's not gonna destroy it. It's not gonna knock everything gone.
And you're starting from zero again.
Right? Yeah. Um, maybe we should,
we should conclude this with the discussion of the, of the doubling. Um,
we didn't,
we didn't go straight into that original discussion yet in these meetings.
Cause it applies to a number of different situ situations throughout the text
when they're, when they're talking about it, it too.
So they're talking about empowering the call to the confederation here.
Um, and they said, um, the call begins with one,
this call is equal to infinity and is not, as you would say,
counted it is the cornerstone. The second call is added,
the third call on powers are doubles, the second and so forth.
Each additional caller doubling or granting power to all the proceeding call.
Thus the call of many of your peoples as many,
many powered and overwhelmingly heard to the infinite reaches of the one
And there was another point when they talked about the,
the specific number, um,
they called it the law of squares. Maybe I should search for squares.
So we search for squares,
the service available for our offering to those who call is equivalent to the
square of the distortion need of that calling divided by or integrated
with the basic law of one and its distortion indicating the free will of those
who are not aware of the unity of creation.
So I guess they're saying that the,
they're limited by the free will of those who are not aware.
Um, but basically the square, they,
they indicated, um, they said if it was,
If, if you were to take, um,
10 entities calling with purified will, um,
all, all calling in the same manner,
they said the calculation would come out to 1012.
So I think that means it's like two squared plus,
three squared plus four squared, and then you get,
once you get up to um, 10 squared,
that's 100 plus 900, something like that is the calculation.
So then it's 1000 times as much of an effect with 10 people calling versus one
people one person calling. So it really speak,
speaks a lot to this power of the group meditation and group attention.
That book, I think you brought it up last time, the concept guide,
that raw resource series,
they have a section on the calling there and they actually break down the,
the math behind a lot of that too. And I end up calling it sequentially doubles.
Um, you can, I have math out here too, but it just, yeah, it just shows you,
I guess how that,
how that all works and gets to these higher numbers quickly with,
with minimal people actually consciously making this calling mm-hmm.
Or having that intention.
So that's on their website,
ll research.org under library and then the raw contact resource series.
And you can buy this, this book from them or you can download the pdf
and then do you know roughly where, where I should look here?
Uh, if you go to page 37, it looks like I'm seeing it here.
They have the math on there. Yep. Yeah, right there.
So they break it down a little bit for you too.
That makes sense.
Okay. Times two, not squared, I guess times two. Yeah,
that's what it is. The square.
So the number two turn into a square, there's two dimensions to a,
to a square, which is two by two is four. And then add each of these together.
So the 10th calling is five, 12 times two. I see.
And this is like, you know,
something that just occurs so many times in parables and,
you know, it's, it's, it's the, the universe has been screaming at this,
at us in so many different ways. Like the, the, um,
I can't remember the full story, but basically the,
somebody asks for payment and they take a chessboard and they say,
I would like one grain of rice for this square and then double it.
And then by the, by the end of the chessboard, they're just, they're the, the,
the amount of rice they're getting paid.
But it seems so small and inconsequential that, you know,
whatever the emperor or the king or whatever is like, yeah, yeah,
I'll give you that.
But you start with one grain of rice and then you get to two grains of rice,
you know, and, and it just, it's just like this.
Then you get the four grains of rice, you get to eight and you know, by,
by the time you're done the first, um, the first row of the chessboard, you're,
you've already gotten to such a number that if you had said to somebody, yes,
pay me a million grains of rice, they'll be like, you're outta your mind.
You're like, but yeah,
but give me one for double on every square on the chessboard. It's just,
it's just, it just gets to a high number so quickly.
But it doesn't seem that it does. It's,
it's almost like the universe is screaming at you. Like, just keep doing it.
Keep going because your efforts will echo into eternity greater than you
Mm-hmm. That, that might be a good,
good, good way to end the conversation here. That our,
our power is always gonna be greater than we realize to mm-hmm. Focus our will.
Yeah. And even just one person just focused on love, that's all it takes.
Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely.
Any other, um, closing thoughts? Any other suggestions?
Word of wisdom?
I'm just looking forward to, to, uh,
getting a little vicarious experience of the pyramids through Andrew when he
comes back next week.
Right. Yeah, it'll be great. Yeah. Maybe I,
maybe I could bring up that picture for us quickly here.
You'd sent me
share this him and the great pyramid here
And he was talking about going to a bunch of different, um, ancient,
um, you know, mystical places. So I'm sure that he's gonna have a whole lot of,
That's a sarcophagus.
Symbol of the transformation of the spirit right there. Well,
Good. I guess he found a way to get in there.
Wasn't he concerned that they might not be able to see all the different parts
of the pyramid?
Yeah, they didn't let him in the queen's chamber. Only the king's chamber.
I'll see if you has any more details on why that is when he gets back.
Oh, and, and, uh, I do know, uh, I was talking about it with my,
my mom and dad on the way here. Uh, I think it's Wednesday,
I believe it is. The date is, uh, lemme see,
I think it's Wednesday, which will put us at the 21st.
There's, uh, there's a lot of celestial alignments happening. Yeah,
the solstice. Yeah, the solstice. And there's like gonna be five different, uh,
planets visible to us and all that and, and that, you know, there's always,
there's always some crazy energetic stuff that happens at those times. Mm-hmm.
Joe, go out for closing.
Go ahead. Go. I was just gonna say, go out and meditate on it. Go ahead Nathan.
Yeah. Uh,
I just was thinking cuz the thing we were kind of going around that moment
contains love. I think one, uh,
item I found to be really helpful in remembering that constantly is putting that
on the background of my phone.
So I think we all know how many times we look at our phones every day.
So when you constantly get that reminder and see that up there, you can then,
um, have like almost a conscious refresh of, okay, yes,
the moment does contain love and take that into the phone call you're about to
answer or, or whatever else happens from work standpoint or anything from there.
But yeah, just something I found to be helpful.
Yeah. Very physical reminder.
So change your phone background and go out and check out the planets on uh,
All right. Thank you guys. It's been really great conversation.
Absolutely. Thanks guys. Yeah, thank you Steve.
Thanks Steve. Take.
People: Mike Waskosky, Nathan Olson, Nick Carletti
Topics: Law of One, Metaphysics, Spirituality
Watching the Near Death Experiencers videos about being in God’s realm, Love is intense, omnipresent and incomparable with anything we experience as humans.