Ep13: The Spirit Complex
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Original Date: Sep 17, 2023
Original Date: Sep 17, 2023
Law of One Deep Dives

Law of One Deep Dives
Ep13: The Spirit Complex
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Next Episode: Ep14: Archetypal Resonance & The Fool
All right. So, yeah, this is a interesting topic. I, I felt like, you know,
we've talked about some of these passages before with the spirit and the spirit
complex, but I'm, I feel like I don't, I don't really understand as much as I,
I can, you know,
pretend like I know what I'm talking about when we're talking about sp the
spirit and spirituality. I think that there's, there's a great mystery to it.
So the more we,
it's like I mystified still by some of the ways raw described spirit complex and
the implications of the spirit being connected to the tree of mind and
what, you know,
even what the tree of mind represents is kind of a mysterious thing to me.
So I thought we should do a, you know, a study specifically on, um,
these subjects, the tree of mind, the spirit complex, and to a degree,
what is meant by the roots of the tree of mind and what is meant by the spirit
as a shuttle that then can bring sort of infinity into
the, the awareness of the mind and sort of merge the,
the beingness of the, of the mind with the infinite potential. Um, and,
and again, these are my words on this. We have to look at what Ross says too.
It sure would be nice to, um,
to adopt some sort of graphical understanding, um, to this, or,
or a diagrammatic approach. Um, especially as we talk about things like,
you know, the Tree of Mind, for example. Um, I definitely do not, you know,
believe that as they describe it, that necessarily the Tree of life would be,
for example, the right analog in this case. So maybe there's a, a different one.
But as I was reading the passages, I was still trying to, you know,
form this mental picture of kind of the, the structure of the tree itself and,
and the complexes as they connect to one another.
Well, this would be a good time then to teach people about how to find the, um,
the diagram that was made by l l research, which I think is under, um,
channeling on their ll research.org website.
And then you go to the raw contact and then scroll down.
Um, I think that, yeah, the raw Contact resource series,
I think that might be it. Um, and then there's this book here,
which you can get a P D F of, or you can buy it on Amazon, um,
or I think you probably buy it straight from their website on their LL Research
online store.
I think they make more money if you buy it straight from their website versus
Amazon. Um, I figure out where it's at.
Um, yeah, illustration there, we, I saw it there.
So that's page 2 18, 217,
I think is what I was, I was actually looking at that same one earlier too.
I love that one.
There it is.
so conscious mind is at the top of the tree as the branches
and leaves. Um,
and then the intuition they're showing is the trunk. Um,
I guess one,
one could presume that this is kind of like the aspect of the mind of which
we're most aware is the above ground part. Um,
and then maybe it's just like, uh, uh, also a,
a glacier where we're seeing the tip of the iceberg when we see the conscious
mind and the intuition. Um,
and then down below the surface we have the personal unconscious, racial mind,
planetary mind, which they also call the Akashic mind,
which is where like the roots of all memory of humanity are stored
in that, in that portion of the mind.
And then the archetypal mind, uh, and then the cosmic or all mind,
which is also like cosmic consciousness.
I think they've described it as cosmic consciousness. And then,
and then once you're like reaching this state of infinity, um, which,
which could also be the boundary between space time and timespace.
I'm not sure if that's related to this.
That's another part of the study I think we should get into,
is why they refer to the spear complex as being related to, uh,
proximity to timespace dimensions.
And then they refer to the spear complex as being what can funnel into the roots
of the, of the tree of mind and be a shuttle to the actual infinite,
infinite intelligence. So does that sound like I got all that right, Nathan?
The one thing like I, I'd, uh,
also add to that too is that the baseline there where the personal unconscious
starts and meets the intuition, that level is basically the veil of forgetting.
So that's what's drawn over our minds from the conscious mind to the
So everything below the surface at the root level there is yeah,
basically wrapping the unconscious mind,
which is all the different layers that we can't, um,
access without actual work or, um, contacting, I guess through the spirit.
Yeah. Yeah. And that,
and that's straight from what we're discussing with the archetypes of, um,
you know, male and female. And the,
the dipping from the matrix of the mind more and more into the potentiator of
the mind is, is the dipping into the, the unconscious potential.
So it's kinda like, that's why it's the feminine,
the feminine is coming from the intuition, uh, angle of the mind.
And then the masculine is coming from the conscious mind, um,
approaching the, the,
the intuition and deciding how to use the resources of the,
of infinite potential of the mind. And may, maybe I should,
we should just start jumping in some of the quotes now, but I,
so there's two basically quotes that, that I, I felt were,
would be good as a recap. Um,
one of them was 79 point 20 and one of 'em was 30.2.
Um, so I guess I should start with 30.2.
That was where they were describing this tree, I think. Um,
yeah. And this is one of the places where they discussed the, the tree of mind,
um, and the, yeah, the, I,
this is something I could just, you know, ponder on the,
on this for a long time.
So I think it's worth it to keep rereading this as many times as we need to. Um,
but the question was would you define mind, body, and spirit separately?
And Ross said these terms are all simplistic descriptive terms,
which equal a complex of energy focuses
the body as you call it,
being the material of the density which you experience at a given space time or
time space,
this complex of materials being available for distortions of what you would
call physical manifestation. Um, and there,
this is really dense too,
just even trying to describe the way they look at the body. Um,
maybe stop there.
This is as, um, broad as, uh,
all physical material relative in density to any particular
experience in consciousness. That, that the body is always all,
all physical manifestation, not just the body as we know it.
And this sort of makes me think of the body of Christ as I've been thinking
about that lately,
and that being all of physical reality as we know it as well.
Is that how you read that this is really material, not Yeah.
Specific to the individuated aspect.
Yeah. I do feel like when we're talking about the physical reality, you know,
it, it's up to us how much we wanna identify with it,
and we can extend our identity outward and say, I am the stars. And,
um, I'm just a, a branch off of that. And it's funny, I was also reminded of,
uh, um, what, what Jesus said, uh, in John 15,
um, he said, I am the vine. You are the branches.
Whoever abides in me and I in him, he,
it is that bears much fruit for apart from me, you can do nothing. So this,
this concept of the tree of mind is already right there. And, and this,
this metaphor of the vine and the branches. Um,
and that with, you can't do anything apart from the,
from the vine that is like the life force of the tree that permeates all of
reality, I think. But that's, that was just an interesting connection.
I just made like 10 minutes before the call.
Indeed. And, and that would put the,
the physical branches sort of in linearity beyond
the vines, like you said, it's,
you can't have one sort of separate or or without the other.
But that kind of reminds me of the son of God into
son of man kind of, um, progression.
Yeah. Um, so let's,
let's continue here and maybe we can come back to the implications of some of
this. Um,
and the mind is a complex which reflects the ip pourings of the spirit and the
upp pourings of the body complex. So they're using, um,
directional language here,
the Inp Pourings of the Spirit and the upp pourings of the body complex.
and I think the upp Pourings of the body complex is partly used to refer to the
Kundalini system. Um, and the fact that there's, the,
the lower energies of the body are, are coming up into the crown chakra, um,
as we're, as we're integrating the,
the two directions of the downward from the crown,
the end pourings of the spirit, and then upward from the body. And,
and so the mind is like the, the Kundalini being reflected.
And this wouldn't,
would or would not also exist in a way on the diagram that we've
been looking at on the tree of mind as well.
Good question. I think, I think you could say that does,
um, it, but it's like the body is sort of like upside down here, I suppose.
Like inverted almost, huh?
Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. It kind of more ties in with,
I guess what they talk about the upward spiraling light and the downward
spiraling light.
So the downward coming from the spirit and the upward coming up through the feet
from the earth and up into the energetic system here. And this, I think,
more ties into the mine specifically, and then how that interacts with, I guess,
the spirit. But I guess you could kind of see it as the reverse as well,
like you were saying.
Yeah. That makes sense. So that could be a microcosm there of the,
the mind complex specifically.
Yeah. Um, and, uh,
I'm excited to get to 79 point 20 also, um, where they say, uh,
the con the, the matrix of the mind is that from which all comes. So there's,
there's an implication there that, you know,
the mind really is the heart of how all the distortions of the
space time become, become apparent.
Um, so the mind complex contains what you know,
as feelings, emotions, and intellectual thoughts,
and its more conscious complexities. So
this is the, this is the, the, the branches are the feelings,
emotions and intellectual thoughts.
And then moving down further down the tree of mind, we see the intuition,
which is of the nature of the mind more in contact or in tune with the total
beingness complex. And
there's another phrase to ponder on the total being this complex,
um, suggests, and maybe that's related to the totality too, that
I was gonna ask that.
Yeah. Um, so,
so this is the part of the mind that that has the connections to
the bigger, the bigger portion of the mind, um,
total being is complex. Um,
which could mean that on some level you're going beyond time and space when you,
when you reach down to the cosmic mind.
Right? And that probably also kind of ties into with the higher self nature,
once you get into the, um,
breakthrough that veil and start to communicate again,
I guess with your unconscious, you were working your way, I guess,
towards that total beingness complex,
Right? Right. Yeah.
And the connection between the Mindbody spirit complex totality and the higher
self is con describes basically like the same, same communication. Mm-hmm.
Yeah. So moving down to the roots of mind,
we find the progression of consciousness,
which gradually turns from the personal to the racial memory
to the cosmic influxes,
and thus becomes a direct contactor of that shuttle,
which we call the spirit complex. So that's why they,
they say that spirit complex is right below the, the tree.
And that progression makes sense in terms of becoming less and less individuated
as it goes down. Perhaps though, we can
talk about the, um,
the shuttle concept. I know we've talked about this on other, other,
uh, calls, but, um,
I'd like to contextualize this concept of the shuttle and yeah.
See how it plays in the, the, uh, passages we're gonna read.
Yeah, I guess that'd be, we could probably do that. Um,
I think the next even paragraph on there kind of starts to dive into that.
'cause that's what I was gonna say, at least to me. But I'll let you, if you,
if you wanna read that first,
then we can kind of break it down a little bit more.
Yeah. We can read this and then switch to the shuttle discussion. 'cause that's,
that's really the biggest, um,
it's like the heart of why we're seeking intelligent infinity is,
is this shuttle concept. Um, and what is this, what are the spirit really for?
What are we achieving with spiritual transformation? Um, and the,
the spirit complex is the channel, and that's, that's,
I think they use that word channel also as synonymous with shuttle, uh, uh,
some points. Mm-hmm. Uh,
the channel whereby the inp pourings from all the various universal planetary
and personal inp pourings may be funneled into the roots of
and whereby consciousness may be funneled to the gateway of intelligent infinity
through the balanced, intelligent energy of body and mind.
And this brings us also to session, the session six discussion about the,
um, finding balance with mind, body, and spirit, um,
and then how you need the, the balanced mind and body to become more,
more able to activate the, the, the higher potentials of,
of intelligent infinity.
So by, by that paragraph there, I'm curious if you guys agree to,
it seems like for that channel or funnel,
there is basically the entire unconscious mind,
at least is what the way I take that.
So we talked to the various universal planetary and personal pourings.
So that's basically all of those layers we were looking at in that diagram.
And it's a two-way funnel at that point. The spirit complex that is,
so it's going, um,
I guess you'd say on that diagram going upward would be from intelligent energy,
intelligent infinity, up to the actual conscious mind,
where the other way would be coming downward,
I guess from what they were describing be filtering in. So I, i dunno,
I guess I see it as a two-way funnel, is the way I'm reading that. There,
It does describe two funneling processes, right?
One where the pourings are funneled into the roots of consciousness,
and then secondarily,
where consciousness may be funneled to the gateway intelligent infinity is,
is is the direction of the gateway,
intelligent infinity represented in the diagram, um,
toward the bottom? Is that what we would
Okay. Yeah.
But, um, it could be that it,
maybe it is the other way too. This is, yeah,
this is confusing to me to consider if this, they're,
they're trying to say it both ways. Um, but my, my,
my belief on this was when I came into this call was that these are basically
both talking about downward directions. Um,
the roots of consciousness, I was assuming was the cosmic mind.
So funneling all the various universal planetary
and personal pourings, maybe funneled into the roots of consciousness.
And then I guess that would mean that, I mean, I, I think that,
that we're talking about that the lowest of the roots here. But, but that was,
but that could also mean if we're talking about the roots of consciousness,
you could say that that's the will,
that is driving the conscious mind from the most,
the aspect of it that we're most conscious about. Um,
Yeah, that's a good point. Roots of consciousness, uh,
is not necessarily interchangeable or synonymous with roots of mind.
Yeah. Yeah,
that's a good point. So, um, we can, we can keep on questioning that one.
And we have no answers in these, in these meetings. We're just questioning,
I guess,
Doing our best,
Right? So, well, okay. So as we, as we,
as we launch into the discussion of the, of the shuttle,
I'd like to understand the function, I suppose, of the shuttle.
Um, there is a lot here that,
that I feel like could benefit from tweezing apart here,
and not the least of which is just, um,
words that are used differently in different wisdom traditions. So for, for a,
for in a lot of them,
the spirit itself is sort of reflective or representative of the monad,
whereas, um, you know, as function of shuttle,
I think raw also describes the spirit, or perhaps the,
is it the matrix of the spirit? Is that which does not, is not motile, right?
Is that right? Okay.
Right. Let, let's, let's pull that up now too.
S slash 79, 79 0.2.
Yeah. So the matrix of the spirit is difficult to characterize,
characterize since the nature of spirit is less motile. Um,
so we can forgive ourselves for Ross saying this is actually difficult to
characterize. Um,
So hopes for, for comprehending it just, just fell off quite a bit.
But that's all right. We're here, we're doubled up, um, twice. So yeah,
And that's why they were originally,
these things had to be communicated through just imagery. There was no,
there was no words, there was images to ponder. And so we're, we're really,
were we, the spirit were pondering the, the difference between darkness, raw,
infinite darkness, and, and then the,
the potential of light expressed through the symbol of lightning,
the most sudden awakening, the most sudden awakening,
illuminating or generative influence of the deepest darkness and the,
and the potential spirits, the sudden awakening. Um,
so that's why they say this is the most,
the mo the energies and movements of the spirit.
And I would say perhaps now that we have the transformation of the spirit,
that you could say the transformation of the spirit is the most profound kind of
transformation. Um, and maybe that's what, so, so in this particular,
uh, answer they're talking about before, um, the veil,
uh, the harvest of the previous octave. Um,
and so that's why they're just talking about matrix potentiator and significant
here. Um, and before there was the transformation archetype,
there was movement. Um,
and so the energies and movements of the spirit are by far the most profound,
um, yet having more close association, association with timespace,
the metaphysical dimensions,
they do not have the characteristics of dynamic motion. Um, what,
and, and they also said that the, you know,
the nature of timespace is the nature of being as opposed to the nature of space
time being the nature of function.
So the dynamic motion might be related to the,
the concept of the function that we're seeing when we're working with mind and
body and seeing, um,
like billiard balls bouncing off of each other with the,
the ways in which we're learning lessons and perhaps the nature of time space
being, the nature of being is something where we're sort of having a profound
re alation of being.
That is the nature of the movement from darkness to light that is sort of more,
um, profound and fundamental, um,
to the way in which all of evolution is taking place.
So let's, um,
let's understand that more and understand the,
the role that the spirit complex or the, and each of its archetypes, I suppose,
um, plays in, in this discovery,
this realization, um, and again, still,
uh, spirit as shuttle, let's talk about what's, um,
we've, we've had pourings, right, discussed, and there's energies, but is that,
is that what we are taken to understand the shuttle to mean here?
That the spirit is the means by which the energies, uh,
you know, from, from realms,
obviously beyond the diagrams that we're looking at, um, enter into,
um, our experience here.
I may ask you to restate that. Um, I,
I wanna pull up some more quotes definitely. And,
and let us dig into what I had planned with, with this.
so I think I wanna go to session 80 for now. This is the very next session.
I guess
maybe after I read this, you can ask your question again, Andrew.
Yeah, I, I'm, I'm simplifying it in my mind right now. Um,
So this question was, um,
this was a long discussion about, um,
the relationship between service itself and service to others. I think, um,
That lower part has to do with the transformation of spirit as well too.
But that could be something we can look at a little bit later, um,
after kind of analyzing what Andrew's saying here, basics of the spirit.
Yeah, I, I'd like to know where the monad is when we, you know,
get to that part. But, um,
You mean in the, in the material or what, what,
what you're thinking of as Monat Monad,
Yeah, what I'm thinking of the monad, the, the divine spark. I mean the, again,
I'm trying to find the, the, the,
to map the terminology here a little bit different because obviously how Rob
refers to spirit is, is probably more specific. And, and, you know,
there's more definition and nuance to it here. And so I,
I can unap or un undefined, um, that in the other wisdom traditions,
but I'm still trying to find out where it exists within this sort of cosmology,
I guess,
Right? Yeah. So I thought we should, um,
yeah, mention the nature of spirit here as a shuttle is they said, um,
the question was,
is the spirit building a potential to draw directly on the spirit for power?
And Ross said it'd be more proper to say this adept is calling directly through
the spirit to the universe for its power for the spirit is a shuttle.
And, and so for, for me, this is suggesting that it's like, um,
the spirit represents, um,
like the vessel through which, um, we are,
we are becoming the, the facet of the universe that we are choosing to channel.
And so it's as though we, we are the universe. The universe is, is one with us.
And then the spirit is this bridge between, you know, the, the, the,
the universal mind, the universal natures, the archetypal natures,
you could say, I think. Um, and then the,
the individual nature. Um,
and then the very next
Metaphysical connection, basically between the two, right?
With all of the different levels of mind below. That's the spirit complex,
is the ability to then funnel that up into our conscious mind.
But it's basically reaching out to intelligent energy or intelligent infinity
of, of the creation. So you can pull in that universal power that they're,
they're talking there.
And then the next one was, um,
I thought this was kind of informative. Um,
maybe I'll skip over the question. Uh,
'cause Ross said it's challenged to answer such a query where there's some
confusion, it's construction. Um, rah said here, the adept,
whether positive or negative, has the same matrix, um,
which would be the same matrix of spirit we're talking about here, um,
which is archetypal darkness. Uh,
and the potentiator is also identical, which is the lightning,
uh, due to the catalyst of the, of each adept,
the adept may begin to pick and choose that into which it shall look further
the experience of the spirit.
That which you have called the moon is then by far the more manifest of
influences upon the polarity of the adept,
even the most unhappy of experiences, shall we say.
So they're saying the moon can represent a shadowy experience,
and that can be an unhappy experience.
So even the most unhappy experiences represented by the moonlight,
which seem to occur in the catalyst of the adept seem from the viewpoint of the
spirit may with discrimination possible in shadow,
be worked with until light equaling the light of the brightest noon descends
upon the adept and positive or service to others, illumination has occurred.
So this is referring to the significant of the spirit.
When they say the brightest noon, that's the sun.
So, so you can work and shadow with any aspect of, um,
of manifestation, even if it seems like a very unhappy spiritual experience.
And you can discover, discern the light of the sun, um,
being like this infinite potential in that,
in that dimmest of light that you started with,
Like that analogy where you can see a rope at night, but it looks like a snake.
So you think it's something else.
But then when you shine a light on it or it becomes daytime, you realize, oh,
it's, it's just a rope. It becomes clear, um, what you're,
what you're looking at. It's more of a realization at that point.
And then to con contrast, the, the two polarities,
they say the service to self aept will satisfy itself with the shadows and
grasping the light of day will toss back the head and grim laughter referring
the darkness. Um,
but I guess that's also confusing to me if that means that the, um,
the significant of the spirit is, um,
sort of recognized and perverted, or if it's just never reached by the,
never fully reached by the, by the negative adapt. But, um,
'cause they're working in the shadows primarily to further their experience, um,
through sort of, I guess they,
I guess they're extending their identity through manipulation of others,
and then sort of using the energy of others to identify themselves in
a false sense of self, which is still further shadows. Um,
and then that's kind of like the nature of the universe is this continuing hall
of mirrors, which are dimly lit shadows.
So, um, along the lines of Don's question here,
um, uh,
around polarity, um,
says that the experience of the, of the spirit,
it seems to be the most influential.
Is it not the significant that is, um,
sort of defining what that experience is, or, um,
Think the catalyst defines what the experience of the spirit is and the
interpretation of the catalyst. Um, and then,
and then I think the transformation is more defined by the, the,
uh, the way in which we're accepting the, the significant
S So catalyst is the, the opportunity to, to learn or to grow to,
to process the experience. To
Have experience, yeah.
Right, to have experience. The experience is sort of the, the linear, uh,
approach to catalyst. And that I can see it coming,
I can operate on it and, um,
see how that process plays a role in life, et cetera. And then,
and then the significant does what with the experience,
Wouldn't that be your level of understanding of where, where you're at,
at for that time being so that catalyst can then affect it,
but you're seeing it through that level of, of your experiences?
The significant, at least the way I've understood it. But
Yeah, the significant seems to be a, a, a very, uh,
integral conscious agent here. Um, or at least that's,
that's how I tend to, um, have at least in,
in looking at the significant of the mind anyway, which, um,
the only one that I've looked at in any depth, obviously,
because that's what Rah does here. So I'm just trying to, uh,
contextualize. Mike, would
You agree with that or did you think that was different from, I mean, you,
you studied these more than, than anyone, I think.
Well, I'm, I'm making my own assumptions too, based on my own, um,
uh, well, my,
I feel like when Ross says that the significant represents the simple and
unified concept before the veil, the fact that there's, there's a,
there's a simple concept, um, represented in the significant,
uh, suggests that, um, that the significant is kind of bringing,
bringing the significance out forefront of the experience.
The experience was a muddy, uh, muddy, um,
uh, unprocessed thing until the significant is fully
expressed, which is, you know, in the case of shadows,
the significant becomes the light. So the, the,
the shadow all experience of the spirit is, is shadow,
and then the light is the, the heart of the, the processing. Once it's,
once it's found, the, the meaning. Um, that's, that's my interpretation.
And so, so I, so Ross says,
when you're studying these to pair catalyst of the spirit with experience of the
spirit, uh, and, and look at these two side by side,
and when you're studying significant to pair that with the choice,
pair that with the fool archetype. And, um, and,
and to me that suggests that the, um, you know, the heart, the heart of the,
of the significant is, is making,
making a choice about the interpretation of the experience. Um,
and the interpretation that we've made, um,
then leads us to the potential of transformation. Although the,
the, the,
the transformation is said to be something to study in the context of great way
of the spirit they say to, to study transformation alongside the great way. Um,
and, and so that,
so the great way is really I think maybe what we're aiming at here with our
holistic appreciation of how these archetypes fit together, um,
which is specifically meant to be contact with intelligent infinity,
um, or like a process of becoming the universe,
becoming the world through, um, sort of extending our,
our sense of self out into the infinite mind through the,
the spiritual shuttle. I think, um,
In the previous section that you said that they were talking about adding on the
significant after, um, those other archetypes were there, um,
does the same go for, uh, the ones that are after that as well,
the transformation in great way?
Do you consider those to be archetypes that were
Yeah. Added later.
Yeah. Yeah. There's just the three of each mind, body, spirit, there was,
but matrix potentiator and, uh, significant.
So it was like those,
those three were enough to evolve back into one for the previous
universe, previous octave.
And then the further expression of what this process means brought about
explorations of deepened, uh,
processing of what is experienced and what is transformation and what
is the great way that is the, the bigger picture of all three, uh, well,
of all seven, uh, archetypes.
Yeah, I was gonna ask that too. If,
if the great way is if somewhat holistic of,
of, um, the other six as well, to put a,
put a cherry on top, so to speak.
We could, we could go to a, a, a great way discussion right now a little,
I think that might help and go down to the tarot section.
I think it might be helpful. Also,
at one point I was trying to put together like a situation where you can look at
like something in life here, you learning a lesson kind of thing,
outlining it with each of the different, each of the seven archetypes.
So you can see, I guess, put a persona to each one. And I have a few ideas,
but I won't go over it now,
and maybe we could bring that up next time if I can get everyone's opinion on it
because I feel like it could help understand this process by giving you an
actual scenario and then look at how each of the different seven,
I guess play out in, in a practical situation.
I would love to do exactly that and to find, find the archetypes, basically.
Here's, here's a scenario with, um, you know,
at least two consciousnesses involved and,
and then work out where all the archetypes are, are at play.
I would love to do that. Uh,
that'd be a very real world kind of practical way of, um,
putting faces to some of these names. Yeah,
It's another form of, uh, looking at the fool's journey too, I think, you
Know. Oh, exactly. Yeah.
Um, so let's, let's, uh, see what Ross said about the great way here.
Um, and this was in the context of,
uh, discussing the symbol of the Tao. Um,
so on card seven, well, I'll pull up the card seven here.
Um, this symbol here,
um, uh,
there is a t with two right angles above it on the chest of the entity In card
we have guessed that the lower T has to do with the possibility of choosing
either path and the transformation in the upper two angles,
representing a great way of the left or,
or the right hand path in a dimensional transformation that makes the change
from space time into time space, you might say,
is there anything correct in this guess? And RA just says yes. And then,
and then the question is, could you comment on that? And the,
and so this is the, the notes here says,
this is the 19th letter of the Greek alphabet that we're talking about,
the tau cross, the use of the tau.
And the architect's square is indeed intended to suggest the proximity of
the space time, of the great waste environment to time space.
We find this observation most perceptive, the entire mood, shall we say,
of the great way. Uh, and, and this is,
we're likely talking about the great way of mind, the great way of body,
and the great way of spirit, um,
which they also suggest that should be studied three altogether, um,
initially. Um,
so the great way of the mind, body and spirit is dependent upon
the notable difference from the significant,
the entire mood is dependent upon the notable difference from the significant,
the significant is the significant self to a great extent,
but not entirely influenced by the lowering of the veil.
So, so that's an a, a fascinating way of, uh,
describing a significant is the significant self. So in,
in an experience of the spirit, that would be the moonlight,
the significant self is going to be the,
the brightest of, of, of light that is discerned in that,
in that dimm dimmed experience.
So there, so there's a bringing of identity into that with the, the significant,
um, but it's not entirely influenced by the lowering of the veil.
So there's,
there's a light that is not yet fully seeing behind the veil,
um, which would be, I,
I feel like that's tapping into the intelligent infinity.
Once you lower the veil completely, um, with the, in the discussion of the,
well may, well, maybe, I mean the,
the great way of the mind and the great way of the body are, are the,
and I, yeah, they also call this basically a path of, of, of veil lifting.
This is a progressive path that the mind is taking to lift the veil when you're
talking about the great way of mind. And then the,
the great way of the body is the alchemist. It's the,
the reflection of the mind into material reality.
And then the nature of the spirit is that which is becoming the, the,
the cosmos with becoming the, the, the world. Yeah. That,
I mean, it's called the world. And the, as we clothe ourselves with the world,
that's, that's what the,
the more advanced use of the archetypes they say is to clothe oneself or,
or become put on the, put on the personality of that archetype.
So be putting on a personality of the world is becoming one with the world,
and this is
Becoming the creator at that point, right? Yeah.
Right. You
Embodied that and embraced it through that persona basically of, of becoming it.
Right? Right. So becoming the world is then becoming the universe,
becoming the creator is the lowering of the veil,
um, that is not yet completely,
completely achieved when we're looking at the significant,
so the great way of mind, bodying spirit draws the environment,
which has been the new architecture caused by the veiling process,
and Leslie dipped into the great limitless current of Timespace,
which is the potentials of being, uh, in a metaphysical sense.
Um, and I think it's, it's,
I think the nature of timespace is also relatively well, um,
expressed by dreaming and, um,
experiences that are like visions of, of that,
of the other side in some sense. So
Looking at that last paragraph, I,
just to make sure I'm understanding that as well too,
are they saying that the great way is then embodying that,
that new architecture, I guess, that you're seeing?
So I guess I was thinking previously that that was tied to more of the
experience and the transformation side,
but it seems like maybe this all blends together, I guess.
At the end,
Yeah. Yeah. There's a new architecture, but I,
i it's, it could be that the, the great way is, is a way of perceiving, um,
Okay, I was just gonna say perception. It seems like,
and that can kind of evolve and change over time too,
as as you learn more and as you experience more, basically.
Yeah. Yeah. I think the discussion of the great way of the body also gives,
gives more clue what this, um,
um, all, uh,
so the great way of the body must be seen as are all archetypes of the body
to be a mere image of the thrust of the activity of the mind. Um,
I guess that's not exactly what I was thinking of,
Um, but I do really love that passage.
I mean that's a, that's a big one.
Body is a creature of the mind, and yet we, we, um,
tend to, to, uh,
treat it as more of a result of its environment and all of the various inputs
and all the things that we put into it,
Continuing to do things, you know,
aren't right or are good for you from that sense. And yeah,
And I would, I guess say that putting things into it,
or you may choose different things to put into it based on the configuration of
your mind also. So that's,
Yeah. And to me,
that's basically the work of spirit there is purifying those too in order to
clearly perceive the spirit at that point.
Once you have the clear mind and you've worked through any sort of issues,
I guess with the body there, you can then perceive the spirit,
which is what they say basically perfect in itself.
It's just how we end up perceiving it that ends up getting the distortions.
Yep. So this is, I think, one I was looking for here. Um,
while studying the archetypical mind,
we may suggest that the student look at the great way of the mind,
not as that which is attained after contact with intelligent infinity,
but rather as that portion of the archetypical mind,
which denotes and configures the particular framework within which
the gr the mind, body or spirit archetypes move. So for me,
that sounds like the matrix too. Um, and that's, that's my confusion right now.
But, um, I guess the matrix is the unmoving, um,
portion of mind, and then when the mind has found fullest expression,
and that's the great way where it's defining the whole framework of
going from being unmoved to choosing a path forward of movement,
and then the entire framework of, of experience and,
and identity is then defined in,
in that aspect of, of self.
Yeah, this is tough stuff. I'm still ing,
I feel like this is the beginning to understand it for myself too.
And then this was the other, this is the, the, the one that, um,
maybe has the simplest phrasing, although not everyone understands the, the,
I should look up these words, but the great way of mind, body,
or spirit is intended to limb the milieu within which the work of mind, body,
or spirit shall be placed
So, so the, this is, this is a graces. Um,
maybe I should just ask my, my, my good pal,
g p T, how would, how would gt define
I think the milieu is that sort of,
The phrase isn't a common idiom in English, but let's break it down.
Limb is a somewhat archaic verb,
which means to depict or describe in painting or words or to outline in clear
detail. It can also refer to the active illuminating. But in modern,
in modern usage, it generally means to describe or portray,
and milieu means it's the noun that originates from French and means the
physical or social setting in which something occurs or develops.
It's synonymous with environment or context.
So limb to milieu would mean to clearly describe or portray the environment or
context of something.
This could be done in writing art or other forms of expression. Essentially,
it's about capturing the essence or characteristics of a particular setting or
So based on those two there, I guess, does that mean then from that sense,
so rah also refers to the archetypes as the, the blueprint of, of creation,
basically. So are you understanding, I guess, in that sense,
that blueprint from a different perspective, I guess, or you're,
you're further learning
the architectural layout of the archetype archetypal mind for that particular
section there? Or is that not how you're reading that?
Well, I guess for me it's like, um, it,
it's like getting the big picture overview and then maybe that's,
maybe that's always where things are being shaped from.
We're just not fully embodying the archetype enough to have a perception of why
our mind, body,
and spirit are in the particular framework and environment that they're
currently in. 'cause we have not, um,
had that vantage point.
Yeah, that would make sense. It'd be seeing it from the lower level of,
of the mine, from going back to our mine complex, uh, tree diagram there.
You'd be seeing it from the lower level, I guess, of where,
where the archetype's originating from.
Yeah. And this also relates to the veil, doesn't it? They say thusly. Um,
the veil is shown both somewhat lifted and still present in, uh,
archetype number seven, the great way of the mind.
And we can see that at the top, the veil is represented by this cloth.
Um, and on the right hand path, it's very, uh,
very much close to a point. And on the left hand path it's much broader,
thicker. Um,
And so the veil has shown both somewhat lifted and still present since the work
of mind and its transformation involves progressive lifting of the great veil,
betwe conscious and deep minds.
The complete success of this attempt is not properly a portion of third density
work and more especially third density mental processes,
but at least this is the, um,
this is the chariot represents the path of the lifting of the
veil gradually all,
all the way back to becoming sort of merged in with infinite mind without
ever fully completing that, that journey of veil lifting.
And if I can trace all this back,
why were we talking about this when we were talking about the spirit as a
shuttle? Um,
I think we're looking at the great way at that point, how to define that,
or I guess how to view that, um, even as then from the spirit complex as well.
So it would make sense to me that the, the shuttle, and maybe I should just,
um, search for the word shuttle right now and find some of the highlights,
because this was only 11 results in the material for the word shuttle. Um,
and this was first referenced in session six, which we basically started, uh,
these talks discussing. Um,
they said that the spiritual body energy field is a pathway or channel.
When the body and mind are receptive and open,
then the spirit can become a functioning shuttle or communicator from the
entity's individual energy of will upwards and from the streamings of the
creative fire and wind downwards.
So this to me is like the kundalini, the, you know, re reaching up to the,
the crown and then drawing down, um,
from the fire and wind of I guess the, um,
the infinite mind. And here,
here communicator is another interesting, uh,
word that they suggest as a, as a synonym of what they originally called.
They also called channel and shuttle and communicator. And so, um,
this would suggest that if you could see the self as, uh,
an individuated aspect of, of, of the universe,
you can still have a communication with the infinite mind,
which you may not yet see as yourself completely. And therefore,
even though it's a, it's a, you're becoming a channel of that infinite mind,
you might not, you, you might still see in terms of communication,
which is more like a prayer, I guess in that sense, um, of seeing it as,
as a, as a sending upward and then a and a receiving back with the,
with the shuttle.
So I think that's probably a good idea for what I was kind of referring to
earlier too, with the two-way shuttle like that is,
is basically what you would just described there, is you reaching out, I guess,
and then then receiving this information back from,
from the creator or or intelligent infinity from, from that point,
Right? That's
The communication. Yeah.
And then, so then this was specifically this, uh,
this question for session six was a continuation for session five,
where they asked about becoming an effective healer. And so they said the,
the healing ability, like all other,
what this instrument would call paranormal abilities is affected by the opening
of a pathway or shuttle into intelligent infinity.
And then they go into the discussion of some of these holes can be made by
people who use L S D, but they don't have a conscious control.
It's random and without control opening.
And the purpose of carefully and consciously opening this channel is to serve in
a more dependable way, in a more commonplace or usual way.
And I assume that's related to the concept of crystallizing the chakras,
that as we become more crystallized in our, in our, in all of our chakras,
then we become more dependable in using the, um,
I guess the mind binding spirit as the,
as a channel for the love and light of infinite creator. Um, and the,
the spirit is the channel opening that in a more dependable way to, um,
what will be called paranormal abilities or miraculous rewritings of,
of, uh, the, the milieu rewritings of the,
of the framework or environment of mind, body and spirit.
That's interesting to me to think about the, yeah, the,
so when we talk about contact intelligent affinity,
we are essentially talking about the potential of,
of a miraculous rearrangement of our, of our reality.
I think because that's from, that's the,
I guess the vantage point from which all of creation is,
is being decided is from that, that highest level, um,
awareness of, of intelligence.
So would that rearranging be the potentiator then, as in that lightning strike,
or would you consider that?
I think at one point they said that the potentiator is also, um,
something that you have to open more and more of in order to have more and more
of a fuller, um, breakthrough transformation.
Um, so I think the, the,
so I think that as we align more closely to the purity of the light and the
lightning archetype,
then we open ourselves up more completely as as the shuttle.
So I think that that that relates to like the efficiency of the working, um,
the efficiency of becoming light itself when we be cloth ourselves as lightning,
we're clothing ourselves with the, the raw light of the creator more and more.
And that, and that potential of that light is to,
is to then open it up more to, to a fuller reception.
What is the potentiator of, or how would you describe potentiator of the spear?
Didn't you say to the matrix of the spear was, was dark?
Yeah. Um, so yeah, what's
The potentiator of the spear then the,
The sudden awakening, the, the sudden illumination that we were?
So whereas when we think of things in potential at other levels,
we tend to think of those as sort of the unseen or the big, you know,
kind of everything that's unmanifest more or less. But in this case, the,
the potential actually is just the, the great lightning strike, right?
Right. So, uh, here it was, um,
the matrix of the spirit is what you might call the night of the soul or
primeval darkness. Again, we have that which is not capable of movement or work,
um, similar to the ma matrix of the mind, um,
the potential power of this extremely receptive matrix is such that the
potentiator may be seen as lightning and your archetypical system,
this called the trau,
this has been refined into the concept complex of the lightning struck tower.
the original potentiator was light in its sudden and fiery form that is the
lightning itself. Um,
and then later they said one may see that matrix is the deepest darkness in the
potentiator spirit as the most sudden awakening,
illuminating and generative influence.
And then what is the catalyst of the spirit?
Then I think they go on to say that right there below that. Okay.
Yeah. Um,
so the question here was, um,
from point of view of the 15th archetype, uh,
which was matrix of the spirit. Um,
This an ex excursion into this process? This was, I I'll go back here. Did we,
we we already go to Yeah, so this was the question before we,
we started out with 80 point 14 here. We're talking about, um,
calling through the spirit. Um, um,
the excursion of which you speak and the process of dissociation is most usually
linked with that archetype you call hope, which we prefer to call faith,
which is the catalyst of the spirit.
This archetype is the catalyst of the spirit,
and because of the illuminations of the potentiator of the spirit will begin to
cause changes in the adepts viewpoint.
Um, maybe, maybe I should have read from
the previous questions here. Um,
yeah, this was a long discussion that started up earlier in session 80. Um,
it started with the discussion of the matrix of the spirit,
and we're only one hour in, so I guess we can start going there. Um,
Well that is the topic, right?
Yeah. The 15th archetype, which is the matrix of the spirit,
has been called the devil. Can you tell me why this is so, and then Ross said,
we do not wish to be facile and such a central query,
but we may note that the nature of the spirit is so infinitely subtle that the
fortifying influence
of the light upon the great darkness of the spirit is often not as apparent as
the darkness itself. So let me,
let me pull up a dictionary definition of fortifying here too.
Thank you.
So, uh,
fruity means to make something fruitful or productive to bear fruit or become
So we're, we're making the spirit more productive through
the influence of light upon the great darkness,
But that, that tifying influence is not as,
apparents is not as apparent as the darkness itself is what they're
They're saying, I mean, that's, that's interesting, which
Is the matrix.
And just as the matrix of the body is very apparent and the physical reality,
um, you know,
the idea that there is darkness in this world that we're living in is more
apparent than the idea that there is an infinite light that we can continuously
draw from in the spirit.
Um, the progress chosen by many adepts becomes a confused path as each adept
attempts to use the catalyst of the spirit,
which is what they called hope or faith few, there are,
which are successful in grasping the light of the sun, uh,
which is a significant,
by far the majority of adepts remain groping in the moonlight.
And as we have said,
this light can deceive as well as uncover hidden mis mystery.
And those are the two paths. Basically the,
the service cell path is operating intentionally in deception, um,
and then in the service to others path, you're uncovering hidden mystery. Um,
I guess it'd be both paths.
Yeah, I was gonna say,
it says the majority of ad adapts remain groping in the moonlight, and yeah,
they, they associated that before with the service to self path,
I guess. I guess it's both, I guess it is both
Gonna say,
it seems like you can become confused even on the service to others path as you
can based on, I guess, your perception of that you could be going,
I guess necessarily in a, in a wrong direction,
but unknowingly until you uncover more of that light and shed light on
on the situation.
Yeah, it says in the next line that it's negative. So I mean,
if we're to look at this whole, this whole thing, the,
I don't wanna say the experience because that actually is an archetype,
but I mean, the sort of the nature of the spirit, um,
tends to be on the darker side it seems.
It says, it says the, the melody,
the melody of this matrix often seems to be of a negative and evil,
as you would call it, nature. And then they, they,
they explain that more in this next paragraph here. Um, they said it is also be,
to be noted that an adapt is one which has freed itself more and more from the
constraints of the thoughts, opinions, and bonds of other selves.
Whether this is done for service to others or service to self,
it is a necessary part of the awakening of the adept.
This freedom is seen by those not free is what you would call evil or black.
The magic is recognized, the nature is often not.
So they're saying that there's, um,
the nature of is whether it's service to others or service to self is often not
recognized. So it seems to be dark when a person is, um, is not as,
uh, attached to the worldly things. Um,
but, but the, the,
the raw light requires that it being sort of become less deta less attached to
the things of the, of the finite world, I guess,
and become more of service in some way that is, um,
not easily discernible.
And I think that's what they,
freedom is seen by those as not as evil,
so freed itself more and more from the constraints.
So this is kind of interesting. If, if you,
if you say one who has freed themselves from the thoughts, opinions,
and bonds of other selves,
and is being observed by someone who has not in this context,
referred to as those not free,
they're therefore not freed themselves from those thoughts and opinions and
bonds of other selves. They,
they perceive this freedom, they perceive the release of these,
um, the constraints and the, the attachment to the thoughts, opinions,
and bonds of other selves in and of itself as evil
or at least possibly challenging.
And to what this feels like to me as sort of like, you know, what the,
what the ego at consciousness would claim at that level and say, you know,
but I have to operate within these constraints of limitation, et cetera,
et cetera. And therefore, if it,
if it sniffs out someone or something operating beyond those,
then then it's declaration of evil.
I mean, to me, this sounds more like, it's, it's, um, just fear of,
of annihilation. I mean,
just that the ego of consciousness is always up against,
And I do think it, it, it relates to the moonlight concept that it's, it's,
it's just, um,
it's like there's i's just an inability to perceive the nature of the light,
um, because you're, you're always working behind, you know,
a very confused place.
Yeah. And that's kind of what I get in this whole session.
And what I kind of wanted to,
to make sure that that's what you guys were getting from this too, that the,
the nature of it seems dark and therefore, you know,
we've got lots of opportunity to work, uh, within the, the shadow,
Right? I
Think that's the disassociation,
they kind of talk about what is it in the line or two down on there where it
looks, it appears to be unfortunate or that you're losing touch with reality,
but really you're, um, getting in touch more with,
with the spirit and with intelligent energy and in all, all of one there.
So you're associating with what's true instead of, um,
what's part of the illusion, I guess.
Right? And where's this reference of the dissociation? Is that 11?
Um, let's see, Mike, I think it was 80 point 12 or or 11 there.
Oh, it's, let's
Go through all these sequentially here. Yeah. So the next thing Don asked was,
could I then say that implicit in the process of becoming adept is the possible
partial polarization towards service to self,
because simply the adept becomes disassociated with many of his kind,
or like in a particular density in which he inhabits. And Ross says,
this is likely to occur. The apparent happening is dissociation,
whether the truth is service itself and thus true disassociation from other
selves or service to others.
And thus true association with the heart of all other selves and disassociation
with the, with only from the illusory husks,
which prevent the aept from correctly perceiving a self and other self as one.
Um, and that's a beautiful phrase I think that might even reference,
uh, scripture in some, some sense. Um, but,
um, but a husk is referring to like, you know,
you have a, like a coconut. That's,
that's what came up first with the, um,
some fruits or seeds will have an outer layer. So, so the, the,
the dense layer that's protecting the heart of the,
of the fruit is the husk. And so there are certainly
Not what it's identified as.
Yeah. Right.
In all cases, when you refer to the husk of anything, you are, um,
inherently implicitly now claiming something within that husk that
is more, uh, fundamental or, um,
identified as that thing.
Right? So it's like, yeah. So this is seeing the husks,
the illusory husk, it's the illusion, for example,
a physical body of a person as the, is the illusion that illusory husk,
which prevent the adapt from correctly perceiving the self and other self as
So RA's saying that dissociation is happening regardless.
If you are polarizing on service to self,
you're dissociating from the other selves.
If you are polarizing in service to others,
you are dissociating from the illusory husks of, of others, and therefore,
more in greater recognition of the oneness that exists
beyond it.
Yeah. And they, they chose to switch it from dissociation to say,
association is the association with the heart no longer, um,
associating with the, the illusory husks, like you said,
dis dissociation from the illusory husks of being and then association with
the heart. So falling in love with the universe, basically,
I think is what that means.
Man, sign me up.
Yeah. And so then the, the que the, the next one, uh, that,
that Don asks was then you say,
the effective dissociation on the service to others adept is a stumbling block
or pro or slowing process. And then Ross says, this is incorrect. Um,
this dissociation from the miasma of illusion and misrepresentation of each and
every distortion is a quite necessary portion of an EPS path and
may be seen by others to be unfortunate. Hmm.
So it's dissociation from a miasma of,
and misrepresentation of each and every distortion.
Yeah. This, I think that this touches on the same thing that I was, you know,
kind of asking in that, in that last one where, um,
other people might see this and see it as somehow unfortunate.
And I, you know, I I just, I find that just fascinating.
Yeah. Yeah. It, it's funny that, you know,
we have a society that puts a lot of value in very specific things that you
gotta do. And, and a lot of it's not helping anyone.
Right. And, and what's so fascinating though, is to,
to be someone who is, um,
who sort of represents a,
this some level of this type of dissociation, um,
to other people in my life. And how it's sort of seen it is,
it is really interesting because there isn't really the energy of,
you know, just being riddled with anxiety over,
you know,
all of these various facets of the illusion is somehow beneficial
or, you know, useful or, or prefer, uh, you know, preferential,
I guess to, to not having that. And yet there is still the, the,
the very clear, um, conclusion drawn.
I think that this is somehow not a worthwhile, uh, path because,
because of the withdrawn, uh, investment in the illusion.
Right. I think, uh,
we could look at some chat message here. We got,
Todd asked us, uh, the dark follows a path of, of, uh, disillusion,
I assume you mean disassociation by not seeing the oneness,
but does that mean still that the service to self ha has connections to a,
so to the source as the shuttle, the spirit as the shuttle? I think, I think,
I think raw does suggest that the,
the spirit is still a shuttle for the service to self path. If that, that, um,
being is able to sort of become, become, um,
activated through the use of the lower chakras. And it's like there,
there's still a process of creation, co-creation, which is catalytic and,
and beneficial, um, for the growth of the,
of the one infinite creator. And I think that, um,
this is just my interpretation of this is that when,
when intelligent infinity is accessed and tapped into by either positive or
negative, that once that level is reached, then the minds, uh,
the minds can perceive the value of both paths completely. Um,
as, as sort of, um, you know, 2, 2, 2 ways of looking at the creator,
um, it's just that the, the preference is still there,
is the polarity is still there. It's just using it for, for different ends.
Um, it's,
it's kind of a amazing thing that it's very controversial to,
to a lot of people that the law of one basically says that there's always a
purpose and value in the negative, uh,
catalyst that is, uh, it's just,
it's just prolonging the journey of everyone else in a sense.
But why are we even on a journey in the universe and why do we break away from
being one infinite mind to begin with? It was to have a journey
and so on, on that journey, the matrix of the spirit, the,
the very fabric of the spiritual reality is it started out as darkness
to, to give us the, the backdrop from which to perceive the light, I guess.
That seems to be the,
the fundamental shift in,
in consciousness or the big one. I don't know if this is sort of, you know,
indicative of the fall and you know, et cetera, et cetera. All the,
the various ways that, um, different traditions have talked about, um,
consciousness, um, moving its way downward, I suppose, in this,
um, exhale and inhale and movement.
But that certainly seems to set the stage really,
because that's what creates this,
this experience of abject separation, right? Like this,
this is the darkness. Mm-hmm.
We could, yeah.
Um, uh, sorry, Todd just asked a question. Um,
there is only light and dark is turning away from the light. Uh, yeah, I would,
I would absolutely agree with that, that we,
we are free and allowed to have the experience of,
of darkness, um, by choosing, you know, to deny that light in ourselves.
But of course, um, we can't ever be fully separate from it.
but we certainly are allowed to have the experience of not having it as
present in our awareness. Also, it seems
Interesting though,
like once you get to that level of understanding and you realize,
like Mike was commenting on before, even in the dark context,
that intelligent energy, intelligent infinity there,
that they still will continue down that path knowing that it is the path which
is not, but it's,
it's a conviction I guess at that point that you just continue,
continue down it,
but it just seems like you would identify once the veil's been lifted and see
through that realize, um,
I guess you would say maybe the fastest way back to back to the creator in that
Yeah. And there's been a, a lot of, um,
duality and non-duality thrown in chat here tonight also. And,
and really what we're talking about this whole trajectory, the fool's journey,
et cetera, is, is that journey from a,
a non-dual experience,
knowing the self as one into an experience of
dualism and separation, and then ultimately, um,
moving back. So this has everything to do with your point of awareness.
So when we talk about, um, connecting with intelligent infinity,
for example, um, more so than maybe just like bringing,
you know that into what your, you know,
what you would describe as your current level of awareness or consciousness.
I think it's much more knowing the self as that level of consciousness
allowing for, um, what is always true and is always there.
Not so much creating it in your experience, but more rediscovering it.
And so we are an individuated aspect of,
of consciousness and experiencing duality because we're,
we have the veil and we have this ability to,
to know ourselves as separate,
but ultimately there is no duality as, uh,
Todd just said there. So it's not possible,
but we are allowed to have an experience of separation.
Right. And they call it that, which is not as, as Nathan mentioned,
I thought it'd be good to read. Um, this is a very succinct way of, uh,
describing that I think, um, they said in session 80 85,
the polarization process as it enters fourth density is one which occurs with
full knowledge of the veiling process, which has taken place in third density.
This veiling process is that which is a portion of the third density experience.
The knowledge and memory of the outcome of this,
and all portions of the third density experience informs the higher density
polarized entity. It, however,
does not influence the choice which has been made, uh,
and which is the basis for further work past third density and polarization.
This is why there's a third,
a fourth density negative and fourth density positive and fourth density,
fifth density, negative fifth density positive. Um,
so that,
that choice and third density defines all the work that can be done in fourth
and fifth density. Um, and those which have chosen the service to self path,
that was a transmission area that they said they corrected. Um,
those which have chosen the service to self path have simply used the VEing
process in order to potentiate that, which is not,
this is an entirely acceptable method of self knowledge of and by the creator.
So that which is not, is this what you would describe as a separation? Yeah.
Okay. Embracing the
Illusion, basically, right. To,
to use for your control and for your progression on the negative path, I guess,
at that point, right?
Yeah. So would you also, would you, um,
by extension say that the service to self path is
a, uh, the most fully committed to, um,
uh, a separate experience as,
as opposed to service to others with its net goal being
one of non-dual and ultimate divine oneness and reunion
like it,
do these concepts sort of drive the underlying choice?
Um, maybe you should rephrase that.
Well, um, I wanna make sure that they don't just happen to overlap,
but that they are,
this is definitely sort of the way that it goes.
If the service to cell path is really about potentiating, um,
separation or meaning, um,
amassing a level of,
of power within the self at the cost of,
and in denial of it existing, obviously within a source or, or anything else.
I mean, that's, um,
just another label I guess to put on the spectrum of,
of service is, um,
it is a commitment to,
to a dualistic experience versus non-dual,
or I guess that's what I'm asking.
If those just happen to line up or if those are pretty well mapped out
accordingly. It,
It could be that it's perceived differently in fourth density from fifth density
and sixth density,
of course is perceived very differently as the negative path begins to break
down. Yeah.
The, yeah, it's like the paradox of of,
of potentiating that which is not as more apparent, I think.
Yeah. Be because you ultimately are, are faced with the truth,
right? And you just simply see it and you're like, well,
this is getting harder and harder to try to, to create an experience of,
of separation as I, um, get closer,
closer to seeing that that's just not true.
Yeah. Yeah. And Don, I think there was, maybe you can remember Nathan,
what, where this been that Don asked at one point,
w wouldn't a negative entity realize, um,
doesn't have access to this kind of information that we're talking about here
and realize that it's on a path that is the path of falsity.
But my impression of that Don RA's answer was that it just, uh, just doesn't,
it just doesn't care.
It already has made its choice in what kind of experience it's seeking. And,
and, and in a sense that's, it's like if you're playing a video game to me too,
it's, it's like, um, you're having, you're choosing to have an experience.
You don't quit the game if you've already chosen to have that experience of
gunning down your enemies and, and seeing that you have enemies, you know,
there, even though they're, the, the shortcut to escaping that, um,
experience is always there. It was like, why would you take it?
You chose to have that, you chose to have that experience.
Yeah, that, that's exactly right.
From what I remember on that one you're referring to as well too. It's, you,
you've made this decision,
like we were saying in that quote there in the third density to serve the self.
So basically end up seeing yourself as the creator and in which sense you need
to organize and control everybody else.
So you've made that decision and you just keep embracing that. And, um,
I guess polarizing further and further until you get to that six density point.
But it's a, yeah,
it seems like you're just kind of reifying what you've already chosen.
Yep. Maybe this would be a good time to go to session 41.
Maybe we can address your next question, Todd, uh, little, little after, um,
some, some more of this discussion.
'cause I think that would be a great one to get into after we, um,
broaden up the discussion here. Um,
so let's figure out why I wanted to get into this. So,
yeah, so, um, this is, this is an,
a way of comprehending the nature of the spirit that I thought might be
valuable. Um, so
the question was about the value of fasting. Uh, uh, Ron had, uh,
RAW had said that the fasting was a method of removing unwanted platforms and
asked raw to expand on this process and explain a little bit more about how this
works. Andrah said, um,
fasting as all healing techniques must be used by a conscious being that is
being conscious that the ridding of excess and unwanted material from the body
complex is the analogy to the ridding of mind or spirit
of excess unwant or unwanted material. So,
so the, the idea of fasting is that,
that you have become conscious that there's more here than just diet.
That, that when,
when you're aware that there's the ridding of excess and unwanted material from
the body that's going to correspond, uh, to the ridding of,
of mental or spiritual junk,
it's almost like you've chosen to use your body as like a, a ritual, um,
sort, sort of magical act like you are now the magic wand. And as you,
as you shake off the, the junk from the body, you're,
you're shaking off the junk from,
from the spiritual dimensions at the same time,
thus the one discipline or denial of the un unwanted portion or,
uh, as an appropriate part of the self.
So the discipline or denial of the unwanted portion as
an appropriate part of the self is taken through the tree of mind,
down through the trunk to subconscious levels where the connection is
made. And thus, body, mind and spirit,
then in unison express denial of the excess or unwanted spiritual or
mental material as part of the entity
All then falls away and the entity while understanding, if you will,
and appreciating the nature of the rejected material as part of the greater
self, nevertheless,
through the action of the will purifies and refines the mind, body,
spirit complex bringing into manifestation the desired mind con complex or
spirit complex attitude. Um,
and the, the most more significant, um, quote here,
I think is in the very next, uh, uh, answer.
The question was then would this be like a conscious reprogramming of catalyst,
for instance, if for some entities,
catalyst is programmed by the higher self to create experiences so that the
entity can release it itself from unwanted biases.
Would this be analogous then to the entity consciously programming this release
and using fasting as a method of communication to itself? And Ross said,
this is not only correct, but maybe taken further the self,
if conscious to a great enough extent of the workings of this catalyst and the
techniques of programming may through concentration of the will and the
faculty of faith alone, which is again, the catalyst of the spirit. Um,
cause reprogramming through,
through concentration of the will and the faculty of faith alone,
you can cause your programming without the analogy, analogy of the fasting,
the diet, or other analogous body complex disciplines. So they're saying,
um, this, this very process, uh, of, of magically,
you know, refocusing and sending, sending the thought down the tree of mind,
which they said is happening when you have this thought that you don't want this
anymore, you wanna get rid of this, um, this is,
this is a thought that is taken through the tree of mind down through the trunk
to subconscious levels.
And they also say at another point that magical ability is ability of the
conscious mind to use the so-called un unconscious mind.
So that's what you're doing with fasting is you're, you're, you're, you're,
you're taking a magical, um, stance by sending that,
that conscious thought down through the trunk to subconscious levels where the
connection is made. Um, and thus the body of, uh,
mind and spirit then in unison express that denial. And so when,
um, I think when the spirit is, is expressing the denial, that's when you have,
um, uh, a reprogramming of, of the reality, the, the, the milieu again,
I think is what's being reformed.
So I'd like to, um,
to dig into this a little bit for sure. Um,
would you,
would you suggest that the adept is approaching this with that thought form
already in mind? That, that the adept is aware of the,
the thought form that it would like to release,
and then as mechanism for doing so, for example,
initiates a fast, um, and as a conscious, you know,
individual because that's the intent that then it works.
Or could an, an adapt or conscious individual say,
I'm going to initiate a fast in, in the hopes, and with the faith of,
of releasing any and all things that are excess and unwanted material
from the body complex?
I think that you don't have to have a, a,
a very clear picture to benefit significantly.
I think it can be a very vague idea, which really,
when we're talking about having unwanted material in the spiritual
complex, you don't really have a clear picture of it. I don't know if you,
you ever really, do you just know that there's a darkness there? There's a,
there's a, there's a shadow that you're in, I suppose. Um,
but, but it does say it, I think there's extra emphasis, um,
as all healing techniques must be used by a conscious being that is a,
being conscious that the ridding of excess and one material from the body
complex is the a**l analogy to the ridding of minor spirit excess. Um,
so I suggest,
I I I imagine that there has to be something that you are aware of being
und undesired of having that you want to get rid of some sense of it.
Yeah, that was what
I thought with your first analogy, Andrew, there was that yes,
you must be aware in order to, I guess reframe or to,
um, change that act. So if it's, you realize, okay,
this smoking cigarettes is, is not healthy for me, but I'm addicted to it.
But then you can go through and,
and initiate that fast with the thought in mind of, okay,
I want to clear out this, um,
I guess addiction from that point and be able to eliminate it if you can go
through all the different layers of the mind, body, and spirit there, um,
from the time space and pull it in.
Sure. And would you suggest then that if someone did not have even a,
a, a vague notion of what that thing is or that thought form,
just the simple acceptance that I must be in abject denial of the divine
or my experience would necessarily be, um,
a lot more different than it is? Um, it's not just a broad acceptance. I, again,
I'm just confirming with what you're saying that it,
it would seem more that that adep needs to have a little bit of an idea of what
thing is excess or unwanted that it seeks to release and then
might exercise the fast as the way of doing that. And by the way,
I'd also be curious, um,
to hear from either of you on why I guess both physically and
metaphysically a fast specifically would, would, um,
accomplish ridding excess and unwanted, does this, um, for example,
like say going into ketosis and the,
the body processing parts of itself for energy
that we would presume to be excess or, or unwanted like fats, for example? Or,
or no, do you guys draw a parallel at all in that way to this?
Could, could you state that again?
Yeah. Why would a fast specifically be responsible for ridding
the body of excess and unwanted material?
And the only way I can think of is ketosis, and that's what I'm asking is,
is whether you think that that's what is happening or,
I I think the heart of this has to do with the will and okay, the, you know,
why is it that, that we have attracted baggage into our mind, body, and spirit?
And I think that, um, I think that there is a interesting
subconscious thing that happens when we're eating, um,
and that we can be eating very unconsciously.
And I think that maybe even specific fat cells that are programmed into our,
into our physical being when we're in a particular, this is my theory,
is that when we're eating a food in a particular state of consciousness,
and then we're storing that in our body,
we're starting to store that aggressive or whatever energy we,
we process that food with or, or, or lack of compassion for the,
for the food itself or for the person who brought the food. You know,
there could be lots of, um, facets to the,
the will that brought in the physical material, um, that, that is,
that is storing baggage in a, in a,
in a metaphysical way at the same time as the storing of the physical material.
That's my theory. But I think that this could just be a, a helpful way of, of,
of imagining it in, in a magical sense that lets you rid yourself of,
of more things.
Right? I guess the other question would be, could, could walking, you know,
10 miles or literally anything else that's done in the physical from
a magical perspective, that's kind of what is required,
something has to happen in the physical.
And so that's all I was kind of curious about here is whether there was
something specific around the fast that that is congruent
metaphysically with what it is that's being done, or if, to your point,
it's really no pick something that you can exercise the will around and go
exercise your will, period.
And if you do that with the desire to rid yourself of excess or unwanted
material, and as you know, by the same token,
if you went to an extreme and you had your mind right as you were eating, um,
any, any type of material for that matter with the intention of,
of rid yourself of excess material, you could do that. I guess if it,
you're just,
Well, this kind of gets into the next question here, which was about, or,
or raw emphasized,
if conscious to a great enough extent of the workings of this catalyst and the
techniques of programming,
you may then through concentration of the will and the faculty of faith alone
cause reprogramming without the analogy of fasting, the diet or,
or other analogous body complex disciplines. So they're saying, saying,
no physical activity is needed if you can understand it. Right. But I still,
I still feel that fasting is uniquely powerful because of the fact that we're
eating every day. And it's just,
it's something that we're just so attached to that the, the,
the nature of, of our,
the association between mind and body and spirit becomes more apparent as you
have you, as you've been fasting for a few days.
But I wanna hear Nathan's viewpoint too.
Yeah, I think that's, I've looked at it a little more generically like that too,
where we associate the fasting with the purification, um, all of,
many of the other cultures, ancient cultures,
everyone's kind of had this idea that fasting can help on from,
from a number of different levels.
So I've looked at generically there that you're using that almost as the vehicle
to rid then whatever item you're conscious of that you would like to purify.
But it's, um, an enhancing mechanism basically.
I, uh, I don't practice it,
but I experience what I call incidental fasting.
Yeah. And I,
that's something that people have been talking about for a long time with the,
the value of eating less often. Uh,
and that's something that's been naturally done by humanity for long periods of
time. Obviously when there's less food, people just don't eat as often. Um,
um, and I, so yeah, I do feel like there's,
there's something more mysterious here to the nature of fasting because of,
maybe it's because of ketosis and that the body sort of switches completely over
into a different way of, of dealing with food,
which is the fat burning and no longer needing to take in. Um,
but you know, if you, if you research the, um, um,
the people who don't need food, um, the, um, what, what do they call it?
The, um, there's a great documentary on that about the, talking
About the sun, sun,
Sun gazing, that kind of thing. Yeah, yeah. So apparently people who have,
have gone without food,
they apparently have some kind of miraculous thing in their bodies where the,
the whatever light they're taking in is just not from food,
but they're still taking in the light that they need.
And when you get into that state where you're, where your, your,
your body's trying to survive off of light in a different way,
it could be that there is a sort of transformation that's just naturally
happening in the body,
but this is like a much more intense fast than what would normally be needed.
I think when you're, um,
completely trying to get off of food for a period of weeks or something like
that. I think that that reaches a sort of a point where your,
your body might start to do more than burn fat and for energy,
and it might take on more prana, for example. And the, and the,
the nature of the, um, what, what the raw calls,
the vital energy might be become more, uh, of,
of a apparent thing to you that you're, that you're seeing the energy of,
of the, of the, uh,
more pure nature that that's, that's all around you coming into, um,
or maybe you feel this, you don't see it, you, you feel the,
the energy coming into your body from something like being in the sun or being
on bare earth or barefoot, um, or being in nature more.
Yeah. Um, completely. I,
um, I think that metaphysically, you know, again,
switching to a, a fast and going into ketosis, you've,
you've changed the source of your energy, right? You've,
you've moved it from something that is outside of me to something that is now
within me. And,
and anytime you accept that as your experience and something that you understand
consciously, as Ross says here is actually happening.
So I know that every afternoon,
usually by that time I'm in ketosis, just generally speaking.
'cause I probably would be by then and accept that
in my experience, that my source of energy can come from within.
So I wouldn't minimize metaphysically what's going on in consciousness
there as well. Because to your point about people doing it with faith alone,
it is when you get your mind right,
your body will fall in line regardless.
It is a reflection. Your body is a reflection of your mind, and,
and it's not ever gonna not be that way.
So we can talk about all the different ways that we make choices
that will leave our bodies in a state of being a reflection of
our minds, but it's always the case,
Right? So, yeah,
this is a big subject, but maybe this is time to, um,
go back to Todd's question about,
of the nature of the law of attraction. Um,
do we get what we want through focus of thoughts are as energy to
manifest? Um, so what,
what, Nathan, what do you think about the the, there, there's so many different,
in our society, in our, in our culture,
there's different interpretations of what the law of attraction means. Um,
but does, does raw say that, um,
the law of attraction influences, um, or the, the, the, the focus of the,
of the will is that, is that how we're creating a reality?
I guess that's really what the way they put it, I guess. Does it make sense?
Yeah. I, I think so. And, uh, from, that's, that's my understanding as well,
basically is that it's, it's the power of the will, uh,
has about three or four probably really good quotes if you can talk that you
can't, uh, provide this with too much importance, right?
I'm not saying it quite exactly right,
but the power of the will is what is then attracting to you.
So the law of attraction is basically a minor part to what all you can do with
the will, but it's, uh, but it's real if, if focused,
Yeah. Yeah.
Your faculty will is that which is powerful within you as co-creator.
You cannot ascribe to this faculty too much importance, therefore,
it must be carefully used and directed in service to others for those upon a
positively oriented path. Um,
and, and really the will relates to the, the magician archetype too,
I think the matrix of the mind from which all comes. So if, if,
if everything is determined by the will on some level, then,
then that absolutely is,
is reforming our reality and attracting different things to us. It's just,
we may be attracting the opposite of what we're wanting on the one side of
the veil when we're not, we're not fully clear. And then, um,
when we see what we get through our path of seeking, then that is the,
the call to drop the illusory husks, I guess, um,
see beyond the illusory husks and see the heart of the creator teaching us
through, um, the seeming duality of the situation.
But you need to be consciously aware, kind of similar,
like we're talking in that last quote of, of why you are receiving, I guess,
that experience and what you need to accept to, I guess,
view that in a different light or see that that positively from there. Right,
Yeah. It seems that the, um,
the challenge lies when you're not choosing a polarity.
When you're waffling back and forth on the way you want to see the situation,
that's when there's less progress being made. It's the sinkhole of indifference.
Mm-hmm. Looks like Todd just said that as well.
It can be a service to self concept as well. You can see that,
I guess negatively too, if,
if you were just enhancing your experience through the illusion, um, by,
I guess, controlling others, right? Continuing to,
there's great danger in the use of the will as the personality becomes stronger,
or it may be used even subconsciously in ways reducing the polarity of the
entity. So this,
this is also why it's like I, I don't know if, uh,
I'm better off poor than rich, like, like if I have more money,
do I become subconsciously more serving to myself than others?
but it's care careful is be careful with the personality
is, is what they're saying.
That's an interesting thing you're saying though, there. So if you,
but if you become rich instead, you could possibly help more as well,
if, if you're using your will, I guess in a sense to,
to be of service and your dedication to be of service that you can use that what
you've gained, I guess, as another mechanism to help others in,
in a way that you couldn't before. Right. But it's more of, I guess,
your intention behind it or, um, yeah, yeah, the way you go about it.
Yeah. Yeah.
All the catalyst is useful and it's
keep coming one way or another, I guess. Um,
so we've gone for a hundred minutes now
and we could, uh, go in any direction people want.
Um, I think the only other, uh,
couple things I wanted to cover might as well jump back to that. 'cause Yeah,
I think what I was trying to get at with some of these quotes was coming to a
clear picture of what, what is the spirit complex?
And the, the detour there we took with fasting is,
um, I think a fascinating one that just hinting at the fact that there's,
there's a deeper, deeper connections between the body,
mind and spirit than we often recognize. Um,
And then 30.5 was a discussion of the spirit in the context of the evolution,
um, of, of the universe, um,
going back as far as necessary. Uh, don asks, do,
do mind binding spirit complexes originate by spirit forming mind and mind
forming body. Can you tell me this? And then Ross said,
we ask you to consider that you are attempting to trace evolution,
this evolution as is, as we have previously described,
the consciousness being first and first density without movement or random
thing, whether you, you call this mind or body complex,
is a semantic problem. We call it mind body complex,
recognizing always that in the simplest iota of this complex exists in its
entirety, the one infinite creator, this mind body complex,
then in second density, discovering,
growing and nurture and turning towards the light.
This awakening what you may call the spirit complex,
that which intensifies the upward spiraling towards the love and light of
infinite creator. So there has to be a very, very slow process of,
uh, in the second density discovering and turning towards the spiritual light
awakening what you may call the spirit complex.
I think it has to do with what Rod describes is that in spiriting process as
well too,
there's I think two quotes that talk about the in spiriting and it's Rod says
in spirited, and then the next one, he said, one doesn't become in spirited,
they become aware of the intelligent energy within them is,
is what that actually looks like,
Right? Um, there is,
Oh yeah, I think it was, yeah, 19 two and three.
So there are three types of sec second entity entities,
which shall become in spirited. The first is the animal.
This is the most predominant. The second is the vegetable.
Most especially that what you call sound vibration complex tree.
These entities are capable of giving and receiving enough love to become
individualized. The third category is mineral.
Occasionally a certain location place, as you may call it,
becomes energized to individuality through the love it receives and gives in
relationship to a third density entity, which is in relationship to it.
This is the least common transition. And,
um, entities do not become ins spirited.
They become aware of the intelligent energy within each portion, cell or atom,
as you may call it, of its beingness.
This awareness is that, which is awareness of that already given, uh,
from the infinite. I'm not sure exactly what they mean by that. Um,
maybe they mean the intelligent energy, um,
That makes sense
From the infinite come all densities.
The self-awareness comes from within, given the catalyst,
the self-awareness comes from within what should be common there.
Given the catalyst of certain experiences understanding,
as we may call this particular energy,
the upward spiraling of the cell or atom or consciousness,
you may then see that there is an inevitable pole towards the,
what you may call eventual realization of self.
And then there's another portion of this around the pets too, right? The, um,
um, Much as you would put on a vest.
So do your third density beings invest or clothe some second density beings with
This is often done through the opportunity of what you may call pets.
It has been also done by various other names of investiture.
These include many so-called religious practice complexes,
which personify and send love to various natural second density beings in their
group form. So it's fascinating that, um,
this might be like an ongoing thing across all the densities where there is the
higher density beings, uh,
investing in the lower density beings as a, as a form of teaching or,
um, bringing them up into the higher awareness.
So do you see that as what Rod describes as the in spiriting or the becoming
aware of intelligent energy, you're aiding, aiding another in that sense to,
to do that, to activate the spirit complex,
to then I guess become a third density entity? Or is
I'm, try, I guess I'm trying to think of how that ins like this in spiriting,
that's not really in spiriting that's becoming aware of the intelligent energy
that they're talking about there. Yeah.
If that's done in the second density form
to then come back into third density,
or do you need to already be at a certain level to, I don't,
maybe I'm getting lost here, but it's, it's
Kind of, I think this might be also something discussed,
even with the pyramid healing that the entity to be healed, um,
has an opportunity to create a new reality for itself in that
higher energy state. And then,
and then as you step out of the pyramid, you get to reform your aura and,
and decide how much you wanna hold onto that energy that you were,
you were coming out of that, that that higher energy, um, state.
Um, so I, I don't know if this is just,
I beings are becoming more one in this process,
um, or yeah, but it is mysterious to me still.
This is, this is represented in Paul sell's work,
I think very broadly prevalently in introducing
vibration through claims of truth to others.
And this is how they prescribe lifting consciousness
by simply claiming the truth in another as one with the infinite
creator. Um, and it, it seems to be the same thing when,
when you to know is to realize, to realize is to make real.
So when you claim that for another,
that knowledge that knowing creates an opportunity, um,
just like you described Mike, where somebody might then choose a new,
a new potential, right?
Yeah. And that's really what, uh,
I think happens with getting downloads from our guides, from from intuition.
It's like, here's an opportunity to have a thought. Um, and,
and as much as we're capable of going down that pathway,
we might choose to do that.
And perhaps being clothed in a,
in a sea of thoughts of isn't this a very adorable pet? And this is a,
a very adorable individual that, that mind,
that wanted to be a part of the, the, the tribe, um,
has an opportunity to strive for that, that awareness.
So this is, um, another way of talking about in Spiriting, I guess,
which is a word that is, yeah, you know,
not used in the context text context of the archetypes. Um, but it's, um,
it's, it's interesting to me that that also in the context of like a harvest,
that there is a growing of, of fruit on some level with the souls,
with the spirit, spiritual energies that were, that were,
that were always building and anchoring more,
more light as we go from the seemingly separate to the,
the, the divine and, and infinite expression, um, piecing,
piecing together more and more light onto a, uh, expression of mind, body,
and spirit complexes.
Um, so the other thing that I wanted to touch on was, uh, 23,
um, 23.7. And,
I just threw these together on a few days ago thinking this would be,
but this is like an infinite,
I feel like there's so many different paths to talk about because of the
discussions of the, the roots of mind all throughout the material,
the discussion of the mind, body, spirit complex all throughout the material.
Um, and, and this study between evolution of, of, uh,
second density to third density seems to be one of the,
one of the entry ways that is rarely associated.
When I'm thinking about the spirit complex,
I don't always think about it in terms of, you know, what, what,
what is different between me and and a pet? What, what is,
what is the process that is the natural, um,
evolution of spirit that is continuing on now from second to third to fourth
density? Um,
Yeah. How has that initiated that self-awareness, that self desire to,
to know the self basically,
but is that that upward draw or upward spiraling light that's constantly within
you that basically, um,
initiates the different densities and initiates your desire to continue through
them. But I agree, I think that's a fun one to,
to consider at least from pets and moving on.
Right? So this question was, uh,
from Don. When you spoke of pyramid healing,
I'm assuming that the primary healing was for the mind, is this correct?
And rossa, this is partially correct. The healing if it is to be effectuated,
must be a funneling without significant distortion of the in
streamings through the spiritual complex into the tree of mind. So this is,
I think this is, um, talking about, um, um,
healing of mind, body, and spirit. Um,
there are parts of this mind which block energies
flowing to the body complex, and each case in each entity,
the blockage may well defer.
And I assume that the blockages of the mind are talking about the,
like the chakra system, the parts of the mind,
which block energy is flowing to the body complex. Um, so, uh,
distortions of the body will come 'cause of the blockages of the mind,
um, first, however
That be like that. Go ahead. Sorry,
I I was just gonna ask if that would be like similar to what they analogized
that the cancer to,
to causing in the body is because of that negative thought form.
So there's a distortion which then takes shape in the body and in the form of
cancer. Would that be the way you're reading that part there too? Yeah. Okay.
Yeah, definitely. So it's like there's the natural healing energies that, uh,
the body probably has potentially available to it,
but that are blocked because the mind is holding onto something so tightly,
like anger.
Yeah, exactly.
So first before healing,
however it is necessary to activate the sense of the spiritual channel or
shuttle. And, and this is, I assume in specifically when you're using the,
the pyramid, um, uh,
it is necessary to activate the sense of the spiritual shuttle channel or
Then whether the blockage is from spiritual to mental or from mental to
or whether it may simply be a random and purely physical trauma healing may then
be carried out.
So what is this, uh, sense of the shuttle? And um,
I, you know, I I I could say that from meditating in pyramids, um,
for many years,
there is something that's hard to describe that feels like an opening
that, that is occurring. Um, that is, that can still occur during meditation,
I think without a pyramid. And I think it becomes more apparent. I think maybe,
um, psychedelics can assist in this too. Um,
um, but I, but I think that the,
the awareness of the nature of the blockages is really the key here.
Whether the blockages from spiritual to mental or from mental to physical,
or whether it's simply a random,
purely physical trauma healing can be carried out when you have that sense of
the, of the shuttle that's opening, which, which may be the, the, the,
um, the opening of the indigo ray too, um,
and taught us about metal or copper pyramids. Um, I think it's,
they've talked about anything that's not made with, um,
tanus metals not having tin in it. So copper pot, copper is good,
wood is good, plastic is fine. Um, just not, um,
not steel. Um, yeah, I don't,
I don't know if the Luxor hotel and casino in Las Vegas has much
power in there. I dunno if anyone's ever done an experiment on that.
Um, so
Are, are you saying there with this,
this last part here that the activating of that spiritual channel or shuttle,
so in, in your meditations in the pyramid there,
you're basically activating that or you, you notice that,
so you are communicating then with your unconscious mind and able to
then easily identify the spiritual,
the mental or mental to physical blockages in, in that sense? Or is it more,
or if you just, I'm trying to think of how else to phrase that,
but is it is an awareness that you then see once, once that, uh,
channel is activated?
Yeah, it's like knowing the self, accepting the self, becoming the creator.
I think knowing of the distortions is the first step to
accepting and healing the distortions through that acceptance. And that,
and that goes straight back to session five. We're talking about, uh,
identifying the imbalance through seeing kind of in terms of the opposites,
by seeing that, that there was the one negative, just negative energy, that,
that had no positive energy to block, to balance it. Um,
and I think when you can,
when you can see yourself in some new level of forgiveness,
that is naturally the balancing of the,
of the distorted energy or blockage.
Okay. Yeah, that makes sense.
But it's a constant learning process I guess from, from that point, the, yeah,
knowing the accepting and then kind of embracing it, I guess, as the creator.
So would,
do you take this sort of verbatim activate the sense of the spiritual
channel, meaning, um,
having a sensation of it or an awareness of it?
And I don't know if that's to, uh, granular or not,
and I know what you described Mike was, sounded more like a sensation,
but in my experience, for example, I may not have a sensation of that.
And so I would like to know whether an awareness of
the spiritual channel or shuttle is, is, uh,
effective enough here? Well, I,
I think that we're really talking about the indigo ray opening here. Um,
and that maybe, maybe this is where we could have gone with this. Um,
for example, the,
the indigo ray is open only through considerable discipline and practice,
largely having to do with accept acceptance of self,
not only as the polarized and balanced self, but as the creator,
as an entity of infinite worth. This will begin to activate the indigo ray.
So, um,
what was your question again?
Um, just it said the sense of the shuttle, it said right, a sense. Yeah,
I was just wondering whether you thought that was truly a sensation or,
or just an awareness.
I think it's both. And I think that, um,
I think that there's an energy of the indigo ray and, and there's also, um,
the awarenesses which bust through the blockages of the lower shockers,
which help us activate the indigo ray.
And so each of those blockages of the mind are something,
it requires a considerable discipline and practice, um, to, to work through.
So that's, I think that's, that's awareness is,
is helping you reach those disciplines. Um,
and then the sensation is something that has to do with seeing in terms of the,
what they call the universal, um, um,
where did they,
where did they say that maybe they didn't put that in this particular search,
but the, but there was the,
the passage where they talked about seeing in terms of, um, universal energies,
when you're opening the indigo,
you're seeing more in terms of the universal energies. So there's,
I think there's a sensation and an awareness definitely.
So on that, um, previous passage that you were just looking at,
um, with the, oh,
The, um, um,
Um, yeah, it talked about, um,
practices and I'm curious as to whether you guys have any that you would
say apply to Yeah. The considerable discipline and practice.
So yeah,
would you say that you have a considerable discipline and practice,
uh, surrounding acceptance of the self?
I think they've said this in, in, in different ways too,
in different parts that maybe we should revisit in the next one too. That, um,
Well, they do talk about balancing things at the end of the day. Yeah.
Energetically, and, and I mean, that that would certainly yeah, count,
but for anyone watching this,
a lot of people might be particularly interested in, you know,
what does this look like for the adapt who's actually going through this?
Granted, we all want to understand it. And uhhuh,
we work within the language that r's given us here. Well,
One, one practice is reading this material. That's is,
that is this is a practice that we're engaged in.
Alright, fair. And it does take discipline.
Yeah, yeah. Um, and I've, I've, I've as a,
as somebody who's been enjoying as this is funny to keep bringing up,
but you know, as somebody who's been enjoying Christian, um,
worship since I was a kid, um,
that's become more and more and more of, uh,
something that it's like I, I don't care about any distortion in Christianity.
I just care about the activation aspects of it. And so it's like a continued,
um, so music itself can be a way of, of, uh, disciplining us if we're, um,
if our life can become the song that we're trying to sing, basically the,
the song continuously becomes, I am, I am, I'm no longer the,
the, the lower self I am, I am becoming the higher self. You can,
you can sing that in many different ways, and that can be a practice.
It doesn't have to be a Christian discipline,
but that just happens to be the way that I've been conveniently programmed with
since I was a kid. Um, I know, I know you, you both haven't had that,
and I know that there's many other kinds of musicians out there now,
and this is also why I've been, lately, I've just been absolutely loving the,
um, Neen Crowley Baba, uh, stories and, uh, videos.
Um, and I just discovered a new documentary, um,
about Meme Crowley Baba that was about, uh, I,
I guess you'd call him a yogi who was with Meme Crowley Baba all the time. Um,
um, and that documentary is called, um,
uh, the, um,
Um, it's, it's escaping me.
maybe I'm not meant to share it right now.
I'd be curious to know though, if you're, if you're able to find it.
'cause that's, yeah, I really enjoy the path of,
of yoga there and a lot of the different teachings they have.
Yeah, this was one, I'm, we just started, I just started watching.
I haven't finished watching it, but it's pretty profound.
It's called Brilliant Disguise, the Samati of Casey Ari. And, uh,
this is a guy who was reaching these higher states of consciousness, apparently,
like all throughout the day.
It's like he spent so much time as a yogi before he met named Crowley Baba,
that he would have these experiences that were just,
just beyond magical with named Crowley Baba just playing in, in,
in these unseen realms. Um, but he was,
he was in a state of samati through much of his life, um,
is it seems this individual, um, uh,
um, yeah, yeah. And,
and this named Lib Baba individual obviously was the same way. He was,
he was probably like in a constant state of,
of ecstasy that was just unfolding through, um,
expressions of an infinite mind that seemed to be beyond his separate
personality. Um, and it's hard to say what that, what that was like. But, but,
but I think reading about these kinds of individuals, um,
hearing about them is a kind of practice too.
And this is kind a kind of practice that is, um, fruitful up to a point.
And then you have to kind of take what you've learned and turn within and not
allow, not need, not need anything externally. And that's the,
that's the activation of the sense of self as creator, um,
as an entity of infinite worth.
It's like, to me, with what you described there,
it's also like putting words into contacting intelligent energy,
intelligent infinity. So being in that samani state, you then can,
I guess contextualize it yourself,
but then you still need to do the work for yourself,
but you now have an idea of, I guess,
how to achieve or how others have achieved. And it's, uh, it's a pathway then,
or it's a guide that, that can be used.
Yeah. Yeah.
So this is a subject we'll keep on coming back to the nature of intelligent
affinity and activation and, um,
the path that we're always on. Um,
any other things in the chat that we should cover?
Um, but thank you guys for all attending. Um,
anyone else have any thoughts?
Um, I would like, uh, just in some future,
one of the deep dives to maybe,
or maybe we can talk offline about what it would look like,
what we chatted about earlier, um,
putting some scenarios in place and then finding the archetypes within
the scenario so that we can start to again, put some faces to the names. And,
you know, for those of us that have read, obviously the raw material,
we've gotten maybe a, a healthier dose of that on,
on the mind archetypes, but as you know,
it connects to the body and the spirit and, and the rest of those,
I think everyone will, will continue to get benefit as they, um,
start to see the map of their own consciousness.
Yeah, I, I definitely like that idea and I've put a few outlines together,
so I'd be happy to share that with you guys,
at least to help facilitate the conversation and we can kind of break it down
from their critique and um, hopefully bring it up here then to,
I I just think that would make these things a lot clearer as well, so I agree.
Yeah. Um, I, I will say that the, um,
the archetypes are very hard to figure out in their purest sense.
'cause it's like we're, we're like,
it's going beyond all distortions of our society and culture that we're,
that are just like the layers on top of that, but,
but penetrating through the mind to, to have the sense of those as,
as like as many ways of doing that as there are, um,
experiences of one F and creator, I guess. Um,
I always feel that they're fruitful. I mean,
anytime we're forming a vortex like that and,
and looking at something from new angles. Um, but yeah, to your point,
we are talking about things that tend to be pretty pure in their purest form so
we can get close to them maybe. Um Right.
That always helps.
Yeah. AI and the,
the easy example that we talked about last month is the male and female.
Like you have, you have this very big, um, big, big,
big symbol that we all understand, male and female, to, to start digging,
digging with with different archetypes.
Exactly. Um, cool. Well I look forward to that and,
and uh, every other conversation that we'll have.
Alright, thanks a lot for joining and hope that was enlightening to people.
Likewise. Thanks everyone for joining. Thank you.
People: Andrew Shepard, Mike Waskosky, Nathan Olson
Topics: Law of One
The most dense elements were flung the furherest when the crystal that was being downloaded expoded and everything and everyone that existed in the mind of the One Being…now found themselves outside in a new environment….the event we call the big bang….a body in one dimension cannot exist in another dimension….so we need to understand that the universe needed to be collonized from the top down, and as they descended they discovered the life forms that exists in each dimension….. this Body that we have, has been designed by all the higher dimensions as a carrage….the trap is the need to cleanse ones self before entering higher dimensional bodies….and this is part of the Game…
The “significator” of the Spirit is obviously “Duality”…the cause is “Desire”….the natural process is for one to be connected to the universe for guidance and forfilmemt….but the issue is a discount and the virus called”Ambition”.
The veiw of the veil needs to be looked at the opposite way.
Imagine this…..we are the cleaners that have come to a lower dimension that is very physical and very dense and is governed by Time, so that once we have cleared the way and made sure that it’s safe and the planet is fully cleared of all distortion and it’s fully fully safe for everyone that exist in a real reality that does Not Change, then they can all experience a physical life in 3D reality where they can forget everything and safely go home after the holiday….
Very good. The tree shows the Brain, the Mind processes the thoughts, the thoughts relate to the energy centres, that relate to the charkars…and process is transforming thoughts that are in a negative state to a useful positive state that is then incorporated into one’s life….this transformation of thoughts, are thoughts that exist as Soul energy, Soul energy needs electro magnetic energy to exist, and that is the electro magnetic field that is part of our atmosphere, and we breathe them in, all life needs electro magnetic energy to exist … thoughts make up our Soul body….the transformation turns negative electro magnetic thought…into a Magnetic Spirit Body that can exist in its own energy….once one has transformed 50% of their Soul body into a Spirt Body then one can escape the reincarnation cycle on the surface of the planet, and can move to the inner earth realities to finish the process of transformation to a 100% Spirt Body.
As everything that exists in the rest of the universe exists in a Spirit Body.
Awesome show!