Ep21: Hierophant Archetype (Significator of Mind)

Law of One Deep Dives
Ep21: Hierophant Archetype (Significator of Mind)
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Join us in this episode of “Law of One Deep Dives” as we explore the Hierophant, or the Significator of the Mind, its placement in the tarot’s major arcana, how it relates to our lives, and its symbolic origins tied to ancient traditions.
Notes on material for discussion (see: lawofone.info):
Some discussion of veiling before/after state may be appropriate to start with, like:
78.10 ” there was an awareness of the most efficacious nature or, if you will, significator”
78.12 “The original significators may undifferentiatedly be termed the mind, the body, and the spirit.”
78.19 “The key was the significator becoming a complex.”
78.20 “creates and re-creates and continues to create as a function of its very nature”
79.37 “The heart of the mind complex is that dynamic entity which absorbs, seeks, and attempts to learn.”
79.37 “The heart of the mind complex is that dynamic entity which absorbs, seeks, and attempts to learn.”
79.42 “The Hierophant is the original archetype of mind which has been made complex through the subtile movements of the conscious and unconscious.”
92.15 “the Significator of the Mind is both actor and acted upon”
92.18 – the infant
92.34 – “recorded by the Matrix but experienced by the Significator”
Main Q&A into image:
Next Episode: Ep22: The Lovers Archetype (Transformation of the Mind)
All right.
Thank you guys for joining us to another law
of One Deep Dives episode.
We're gonna talk about the Hierophant today,
also called the significant of the mind,
which is archetype number five in the
major arkana of the tarot.
Although this is not the, the, the sense of
divination with the tarot.
This is a study that goes into specifically
what do these symbols mean?
What is the archetype for,
and how is it applied in our life?
And this is what Rah recommends
to do is more advanced study.
When you become more aware of the nature of the archetypes,
you can take them on and become each archetype at will.
And that's like the the end point that we're going
to is when do we want to become the hierophant,
the significant or the significant of the mind.
Um, and so to start this discussion, I thought it'd be good
to just dive straight into the, the depth Hierophant,
where's this word coming from?
And on Wikipedia, it'll tell you, this is a person
who brings religious congregants into a presence of
that which is deemed holy.
And that's coming from the ancient Greek word, um,
t tahira, the Holy and Pheno to reveal.
So revealing the holy with,
with the hy is the one who's revealing that,
which is sacred or holy.
And a, I, I'm not sure totally why
the word Hierophant has come into our, the uses, uses
of the English speaking language.
Uh, so there, there's some reference.
I found that there may have been, uh, you know,
tracing this back to the late 18th
or 19th centuries, uh, French cult revival, Arthur
Edward Waite may have had some hand in making this more
popularized as the term, uh, higher fan being the term for
what maybe had a different name in the, you know, it's not,
not a Greek or origin.
This is a Egyptian origin.
So what, I don't know if we can map exactly
what the Egyptians were doing
and what terms they would've used.
It probably doesn't matter, but it seems
as though these occultists or,
or somehow the secret groups, the secret societies, wanted
to pass down the word Roan
because maybe what,
what the Greeks were doing is the best archetypal example of
what this Im, this image is symbolizing.
So this was relating to, um, the title
of the chief priest at the Ellucian Mysteries.
And the Ellucian Mysteries, uh,
were initiations held every year for the cult of Demeter
and Persephone based at the Panhellenic Sanctuary of
Lucius in ancient Greece.
They're considered the most famous
of the secret religious rights of ancient Greece.
Um, and these were kept secret
consistently from antiquity.
Um, let's see if we can figure out
what, what these rights were.
Um, the participants had to swear about secrecy.
Uh, four categories of people participated.
It was the priest, priestesses and Roan
and the Roan were distinguished from
priests, which is very interesting.
Um, oh, I didn't share my screen yet. Dang it.
I'm gonna share my screen now. Um, yeah,
so the, it's interesting that the, you know, it,
it could be said that a person who's a priest in the modern
era is the, the person we're saying is the one
who is revealing the nature
of the sacred, revealing that which is sacred.
But this was a separate category in the, in the Greek,
um, way of looking at things.
Um, so the, the priesthood
Did the Greek word, I'm sorry, did the Greek word predate
the hieroglyphs
and the work that raw, uh, brought forth in the images?
I don't, I mean, I, I don't imagine how that could,
Okay. It
Seems that the, the ancient, uh, Egyptian
symbols came and were eventually, the han concept was,
it was thrown on top of it by somebody who thought,
maybe this is the best way of explaining it.
Um, but it's
What's the, why are we seeking significance then in, in a,
a word or a name or a label that sort of came
after the, the concept
and the image itself were,
um, produced? Well,
I, that's a good point, I guess
to some degree, I'm, I'm just curious.
I'm just curious where, you
know, what was the reasoning for this?
Um, and uh, we don't have to dwell on this though. Yeah.
Isn't there another name though, for Hierophant
that's also, um, like a, there's a few
arcana that have different, um,
names maybe in different traditions.
So I was kind of curious as
to whether it took on a different one there too.
But, um, it's not to say that it's not significant.
I'm just, um, trying to, uh,
Yeah. Would you
Say That Ron did end up kind of adopting that name
as well too in, in their teachings,
they're acknowledged when, when Don called him the hire fan,
they didn't correct it.
So in a sense, they kind of did take on the name as well,
or acknowledged it.
Yeah. Let's, let's look at that.
Um, they initially initial usage of the word was asked by,
uh, it was a good place to start by, by raw, uh, or by Don.
He was asking about what would be the higher fan.
And raw said the higher fan, meaning
major A rcic card number five is the significant
of the body complex.
But then they corrected that in the next one they meant
to say mind, um, significant of the mind complex.
It's very nature. So the very nature
of the mind could be called the significant.
Um, we may note that the characteristics
of which you speak do have bearing upon the significant
of the mind complex, but are not the heart.
And so there may have been a different discussion here.
Um, the Heart of Mind complex is
that dynamic entity which absorbs,
seeks and attempts to learn.
So this is the heart of the definition that we're aiming
for here is the dynamic entity which absorbs,
seeks and attempts to learn.
Um, but there's a few different definitions we can apply
to this also, I think they call it the, uh,
most efficacious nature, a different, uh, session here.
And did you have any guys have any other thought,
thoughts on a general overview of that?
I guess I'm, I'm curious as to what Don was asking there.
The original, uh, okay.
Oh, I see. I was got, I was stuck on
relevant search, not session search.
Yep. That's what did it. Okay.
So Redon had originally asked, uh,
would the higher fund be somewhat of a govern order
of these effects, which were referred to, um, previously
the effects of the catalyst
of mind, emperor experience of mind.
And Ross said though, far too rigid in your statements,
you perceive correct relationships.
Um, there's a great deal
of dynamic interrelationship in these first four archetypes.
And then the question was,
would the hierophant then be somewhat of a governor or,
or sorter of these effects so as
to create the proper assimilation by the unconscious of
that, which comes through the conscious andrah said the
position is incorrect at his heart.
And then, and then Don Raw
Raw explained the Hierophant is the significant
of the mind, it's very nature.
Lemme know what the characteristics of which you speak,
which would've been, um, the governor or sorter.
Um, these concepts, um,
are not the heart, but do have bearing upon it
Are not the heart of the significant of the mind.
Yeah. But then it goes on to say the heart
of the mind complex.
So not just a significant, but the entire mind complex.
Yeah. Although the, the,
although you could say that they're also saying that the,
um, the significant is kind of at the heart
of the nature of mind.
Um, and I think that's what they were saying
when they're saying, um, yeah,
here referring to the heart of it.
And also, um, we can begin to go into the quotes, I guess,
uh, to cover some more of the devolution seems like
That dynamic entity absorb, seeks
and attempts to learn that they're kind
of describing the whole first four archetypes there.
They basically taking potentiation catalyst experience
and working through that cyclical process over
and over to basically learn, learn the self,
and to become the creator in that sense.
So it's like that desire, I guess, to, to continue,
at least from the, from the mental standpoint
as we're we're looking at the mind complex.
That would make sense. Definitely.
All right. Let me pull up my, um,
quotes here that we're gonna go over.
Um, So
79.42 a little further down here.
They give it a different definition.
Um, uh, Don had asked, I will just ask for
one of the archetypes, which I'm least understanding at this
point, if I can use that word at all.
I am still very much in the dark with respect
to the Hierophant and precisely what it is.
Could you give some other indication of what that is?
And raw said, you have been most interested in the
significant, which must needs become complex, that
that phrase is one.
We'll have to unpack it a little while here too.
When we talk about the nature of the,
the simplified significant
and the complex significant as a function of the veiling,
which was described in detail by raw, um, is something
that happened earlier in our, the evolution of the, the mind
of the galaxy, the logos.
Um, then they said the Hierophant is the original archetype
of mind, which has been made complex
to the subtitle movements of the conscious and unconscious.
And, uh, define that word again
so we make sure we're on the same page.
Oops, I did not copy it.
Subtile can mean delicate from early French soill,
meaning delicate from Latin SubT tillers, meaning delicate,
literally finely woven.
So these delicate, finally woven movement of the conscious
and unconscious is what's leading to
the complexness of the higher fan.
So do you think at that point they're talking about, oh,
sorry, if you keep reading there, um, of, of the veiling, is
that like what, what they're getting at here?
'cause it's talking about becoming complex
and then the relationships basically
between the conscious mind and unconscious mind, right?
Separate is kind of what they're getting
At. Exactly,
Because the conscious and the unconscious were not separated
before the veiling, and then the movements
between the two is what is adding the complexity.
Yeah, what they say
Unconscious before the veiling then, I mean,
if you were conscious of everything that is unconscious,
then it's not really unconscious, is it?
It could be that there's still a choice of focus,
and you could say that the things which are out of focus are
what we would call
or would've called the unconscious,
even though it's still accessible
completely to the conscious.
Okay, that makes Sense.
I'm not sure if that makes sense.
It does. Um, the complexity
of the complexities of mind were evolved rather than simple
meld, rather than the simple melding
of experience from potentiate
or to matrix, which could be said to be the melding
of experience from the unconscious to the conscious,
the consciousness, which is the perceiver.
I'm curious on how, when I read that,
I was starting to think there too.
So we're talking, I think at that point pre prevail, I,
I would assume where we're kind of saying,
we have this access to the unconscious mind
and you would then have the ability to um, basically go
through potentiation, uh, catalyst
and experience and learn something through it.
Just I guess basically mentally at that point you'd be able
to absorb it all since there was no catalyst
or experience archetype at that point.
Yeah. Is melding melding, I thought melding was like
sort of like, uh, aggregating more so than
Blend or combine, I guess.
Yeah. It's interesting that they use that word
and then say it goes from potentiator to matrix.
That seems more of a transfer.
It may have come from the word
announce and that's odd.
Um, but I guess melding is
what it means with the definitions we're using,
um, blending,
um, yeah, that's what I mean blending.
Um, so, um,
A little curious what you were getting
at there, Andrew too.
'cause I think experience from potentiator to Matrix,
'cause we say the matrix records the experience, right,
but the significant is the one that experiences it.
So it's like almost seems, seemed backwards then.
I thought that the, the, the archetypes
that were in place, uh, what were the original archetypes?
There was, um, the matrix. Matrix.
Oh, yeah. And significant,
Right? Yeah.
So I'll explain it one more time.
It was definitely stated by raw that the harvest
of the previous creation, the previous octave, uh, of,
or the previous universe was the matrix potentiator
and significant all including mind, body, spirit.
So there was nine three by three,
and then there was also the awareness of male and female.
So it could be that the male
and female biases to the matrix
and potentiator could have existed from the beginning,
although that's, that's super unclear to me.
So I wonder what the role of the significant was.
If what they're saying here is prior to the com,
the complexification of the, of that archetype
experience, you know, was a direct relationship
between Potentiator and Matrix.
And it's like, well, what did the significant do then?
Well, it could be that, that that was the result.
The significant was essentially the result of that, that
melding and blending
and the perception of the most efficacious nature, um,
of, of that, of that particular, what
what we might call an experience,
but what might have just been understood is just
appreciation of reality or something.
And maybe the knowing of the self as the creator at
that point too, since you had access
to the unconscious mind.
So it was that knowledge that you were, were the creator
and you were everything connected with everything,
I guess at that point, uh,
since it was all freely shared at that point.
Yeah. It's funny to
Think that it doesn't get a lot more
clear. Sorry, I was just
Yeah, I was gonna say that, uh, it's interesting
that we often think about the point of this universe
as the creator experiencing itself.
And then what, how do we frame
that when there is no archetype
of experience before the veil?
Yeah, it could be, it could be just a knowing of the self.
Yeah. Huh.
I guess that's kind of the way I was starting to look at
that, that sentence that we were analyzing there,
that simple melding of experience from tint to matrix.
It's like just kind of combining that
and just in, just in knowing in,
in the mental process there, since you don't,
you're not limited in access to, to the unconscious
and the overall knowing of the self as a creator,
You know, at a divine level knowing is realization,
which is just as much the creative process.
Um, meaning to make real, so to know something is
to effectively create it.
And so I'm just kind of, uh,
noodling on that a little bit, I guess.
Alright, well how about we jump back now
and do the discussion, uh, before, before the veil.
And I think that might have more insight for us.
Um, and I will skip, I will skip Greek religious rituals,
maybe come back to that if we have time.
'cause that's, um,
It sounds pretty interesting.
Yeah, it's like layers on layers of, uh, onion here
that we have to process and,
and just understanding what Roth thinks the significant is
and, and symbolizes is a huge step,
but I feel like the fact that it means the same thing as
what this word means, that the, the revealing of the holy,
the, the, the one who's revealing that, which is holy,
it's sort of like the holiness is off to be fully
realized in the great way, but
that which is pointing the way to that which is holy seems
to be the significant.
So I want to maybe end with that, that quote
around the relationship
between the great way and a significant also.
I think that's a great place to end this.
Um, and so, uh,
on 78 10, we could start out now with, uh, some
pre prevail discussion.
Oh, I better turn on, I forgot to turn on the,
if you ever using log one info on a new browser window,
go scroll down to the bottom and click show categories.
Scroll down to the bottom again and click show notes.
And you can even scroll down to the bottom again
and click show audio if you want, um, to be able
to like listen to them from time to time,
the little audio button will show up.
Oh, cool. I don't think I saw that floor.
All right. So this question was, um,
if you scroll along, you see it's in the
before the veil category.
That means we're talking about Don's line of questioning for
what the universe was like in the earlier stages.
And um, Don had said these early logo
that formed in the center of the galaxy wished I assume
to create a system of experience for the one creator.
Did they then start with no previous experience
or information about how to do this?
This is difficult to ask.
So you could say these are the stars and the, the planets
and the earlier stages in the earlier, uh, closer
to the center of the galaxy, did they start
with no previous experience
or information about how to create the system of experience.
And Ross said at the beginning of this creation,
or as you might call it octave,
there were those things known which were the harvest
of the proceeding octave about the proceeding creation.
We know as little as we do of the octave to come.
However we're aware of those pieces of gathered concept,
which were the tools which the creator had
in knowing of the self.
These tools were of two kinds.
Firstly, there was an awareness of efficacy, the efficiency
for experience of mind, body, and spirit.
Secondly, there was an awareness
of the most efficacious nature,
or if you will, significant of mind.
So that's why I've been using these maybe synonymously, um,
so efficacious we could define, uh,
get some, get some breakdown on that.
Um, efficacious can mean
of something abstract successful in producing a desired
or intended result or effective.
Um, and this is coming from a Latin which
means accomplish.
I'm not sure I understand the, the,
the quote. Um, second,
There was an awareness of the most efficacious nature.
There's awareness of the significant of mind.
Oh, we could replace these two.
I see The significant of the mind is, um,
the efficacious nature.
Yeah. Okay.
We could even define the word signif significant
here and see what we get.
Um, significant, um,
is tied directly to astrology though, um,
a planet which signifies the enquirer
or the subject of the question a card chosen represent an
enquirer in a tarot reading.
I'm not sure how relevant that is specifically,
but significance is, is a concept
that I always see when I see significant but efficacious
or effectiveness is maybe a more helpful way of,
of thinking about becoming the archetype of,
of a significant, you're, you're looking for the,
the most effective way of being
based on this effective appreciation of your experience.
And this effective appreciation of the potentiator or,
or the, the focus of seeking the target that you're,
that you're driving at may be very fuzzy at that point.
But then it becomes clarified at once you've processed the
catalyst and had the experience, you have more clarity.
And then with the archetypal expressions
in a more full archetypal form, you then you have the most,
most efficacious nature appreciated.
Um, and then that can lead to, I think to more
eff efficient transformation process.
You're getting more, more out of your transformation,
which is the next archetype, the transformation of mind.
And then that will might lead to a fuller appreciation
of the great way when all these archetypes are more purely
resonated with you have the most efficient path, I guess,
Or Offering service I guess, as well.
And knowing the creator
and then offering I guess the ability for others to, um,
learn themselves I guess to kind of radiate
that, that love I guess.
Right. Would that be more of what the true nature, I guess,
is that we're looking at here ultimately?
Yeah. Yeah.
And it's also interesting that they asked us to pair the,
the study of the significant with the
choice, the fool archetype.
So it maybe there's a, there's an aspect of
recognizing the polarity choice that has to be made to
in this post vail
environment, but I guess we'll get to that point.
But the, the post vail significant has the complexity
of carrying around both polarities and the choice of one
or the other is I think a bigger
part of the transformation process.
But we'll, we'll, we'll analyze the card here soon
and see how much polarity we find in the card
in the actual symbolism.
Um, so, so firstly there was awareness of the experience
of mind, body, spirit, these three aspects
of self was awareness of the most efficacious nature,
or if you will, significant of mind, body and spirit.
Thirdly, there was the awareness of two aspects of mind,
of body and of spirit that the significant could use
to balance all catalyst.
You may call these the matrix and potentiator.
So this is, this is deep here.
So the two aspects of mind that the significant,
the most efficacious nature could use
to balance all catalyst.
When catalyst wasn't even considered an archetype then,
but somehow it was still a thing.
That's what I was thinking too,
because I think they say elsewhere
that catalyst is all generated from
the unconscious mind there.
So if you have access to it,
it's like you would already know the deepest level I guess
of, of that catalyst
or what it's attempting to, to teach you
through there at least, at least to me.
So it's, I dunno, a a little confusing,
I guess what that might look like.
Yeah, yeah.
So I guess, but if you didn't have the veil,
then you don't really need, uh, an additional processing
of catalyst so much because it's just apparent.
Right. And your mind is directly focused on the,
the full picture of what the unconscious
or the potentiator has to offer as opposed to a veiled view
of that potential or that potentiator.
Did, do you know, rah ever said explicitly
that there were no veils in the previous octave?
I mean, they already said pretty much here
that they don't know, but I don't know that
that's a, a safe assumption
That's deep.
Yeah, I haven't really processed that fully.
So it seems to me that
there could be an awareness of the previous octave
if something was very helpful
based on what they're saying here.
They were aware of the gathered concept,
um, those pieces of gathered concept,
which were the tools which the
creator had a knowing of the self
And how do they know what came out of the,
the previous octave even,
I know they say they know very little,
but it's kind of curious too,
how do you know what you do now?
Um, yeah, there's,
there's some other quotes in the raw material about the,
the lack of awareness of the previous octave,
but I think they even say that there are beings who come
from across the boundary of the octaves
and they're aware of this from both the octave to come
and the octave the came before of beings
that somehow managed to traverse this boundary.
Um, and they compare it to being like on a, on a,
on an island where you have no way of knowing
if there's other islands unless,
unless beings come on boats from the other islands
and say, I am from elsewhere, so
that's mysterious enough for me right now.
That is pretty mysterious.
But that would also explain how they have gotten
some information. It could
Be, yeah, The barriers there.
Yeah, I think in one of the other quotes,
they do go into the detail as well of, I guess the,
the logos conceptualizing the idea of the veil here
as like a more, um, I guess newer idea
to this octave I guess at that point.
But that's not to say Andrew, that that wasn't, you know,
previously conceived before. We've
Really have no way.
Yeah, maybe you rethought of it again at this point in the
new octave restarting at that point,
but yeah, you just, I guess you wouldn't know.
Yeah. I mean it would almost be hard to not imagine it,
but then again, I guess when you look at these octaves,
there is a trajectory.
There is seemingly some linearity, even though we also know
that it's infinite, I suppose, in, in both directions.
Yeah. Alright, so let's continue on this, uh,
discussion in 78.
Um, so we'll skip over
matrix and potentiator discussion here
and go straight to, um, the simple answer,
which you could see why in session 79 Ra
Don says he was still confused.
Um, but the question was would you eluate with respect
to the significant you spoke of,
and Ross said the original significance may undifferentiated
be termed the mind, the body, and the spirit.
And let's plug that one in there.
Not undifferent, undifferentiated means not divided
or able to be divided into different elements,
Meaning that, that they are synonymous, that that mind,
body and spirit were original significance.
Yeah. Huh.
But they weren't a complex yet.
Correct. Um, and that's, we will get, we'll get to that.
I think the, they, these were a simple unified concept.
I think I'll add, I'll I'll pull up that one too.
Um, this, this probably be easier if I pull up.
Uh, 79 20, um,
79 20.
Uh, Donna had said in this discussion about
before the veil, um,
and this was specifically a question, um,
about the, the these nine archetypes before the veil.
And, and uh, Ross said the significant
of each mind bodying spirit may be seen
as a simple and unified concept.
And that statement had con confused me for years too.
Um, but there's, there's one concept of
what a mind is, one concept of what a spirit is, one concept
of what a body is that is simple
and unified and maybe uniform.
And this was before the veil.
It was obvious, I think more obvious
that this was a simple unified thing.
And then when we have this interplay with the
extension of free will into the,
the conscious mind which has been severed or separated
or veiled from the unconscious, then now we have the complex
significance and
that's discussed at a different point.
Yeah. And through that like forgetting then you don't
remember that this is a unified concept
or it's not blatantly obvious, I guess to you
as it might've been pre prevailed conditions, I guess,
or, uh, dis incarnate state on a third density.
Yep. Right.
Let's go back to 78
and touch on number 19.
So the original first evolution that was planned
by the logos, um, the original,
the first evolution then was planned by the logos,
but the first distortion was not extended to the product,
meaning free will, uh, extended to each individual.
At some point this first distortion was extended
and the first service to self polarity emerged.
Is this correct? And if so, could you tell me the history
of this progress in emergence
and Ross said as ProAm as preface or preamble
or opening apology, let me state
that the logo a always conceived of themselves
as offering free will to the sub logo in their care
sub logo had freedom to experience
and experiment with consciousness, the experiences
of the body and the illumination of the spirit.
That having been said, we speak to the point of your query,
The first logos to instill what you now see
as free will in the full sense.
And its sub logo came to this creation due
to the contemplation and depth of the concepts
or possibilities or of conceptualizations of
what we have called the significance.
The logos posited the possibility of the mind, the body,
and the spirit as being complex in order
for the significant to be what it is not.
It then must be granted the free will of the creator.
This set in motion a quite lengthy in your terms, series
of logo, a improving or distilling the seed thought
the key was the significant becoming a complex.
So This came,
this thought came from contemplation
and depth, deep thought of the concept
or possibilities of conceptualizations,
those conceptuals being conceptualizations,
being the, the complex significance.
Yeah. And like giving maybe at that point the potential
to see them as separate or,
or not unified, I guess with that.
Yeah, I think one that, oh, go ahead.
I was just gonna say I love that they often refer
to the service to self path as the path of
that which is not, and then they hear that, they say
that we have have to become what, what we are not
to be complex and not as simple.
That's the one I was gonna kind of highlight as well too.
And reading that to significant to become what it is not.
And I dunno, I guess to me that seemed like
that was talking about giving you individuation
or at least the illusion of being individualized
as not the whole creator in the self.
So you are becoming, which is not real,
I guess in the sense in this illusion thinking you're
separate from everybody else when in reality it is all one.
I don't know if that that's how you guys see it too, but
Yeah. I keep
wanting to figure out where sort of the, the, um,
I, I don't like to use the word egoic since raw doesn't
actually use that very often, but the, the sort
of the thought system that's so completely antithetical to,
to knowing the one infinite creator.
And so I guess I'm always like kind of sniffing out for
where that lives and how, you know, it developed and,
and I don't know if it has anything to do with this,
but obviously having a veil and,
and no longer being able to see your interconnectedness
with your creator, uh, seems related.
Um, if it's not a direct result,
then perhaps it's an expression of that thought system,
And to be what it is not if, you know, if
that means being separate, which
the egoic mind believes itself to be, then that kind is why
that made me think of that right there.
Yep. Definitely seems to be a,
The only reason we can have that experience, sorry,
Nathan, um, of separation is to have free will.
Right? Like we couldn't,
we couldn't have this experience if we didn't have free
will, if we didn't actively choose it.
Right. Yeah.
I I it bring brings to mind a quote from session one.
Um, it was fairly poignant. Um,
So in truth there is no right
or wrong, there is no polarity for all will be,
as you would say, reconciled at some point in your dance
through the mind, body, spirit complex,
which you amuse yourself
by distorting in various ways at this time.
This distortion is not in any case necessary.
It is chosen by each of you as an alternative
to understanding the complete unity of thought,
which binds all things you're not speaking of similar
or somewhat like entities or things you are, every thing,
every being, every emotion, every event, every situation,
your unity, your infinity, your love, light, light love.
You are, this is the law of one.
Wow. Beautiful.
It's just an ongoing choice.
In the alternative, we can't get over this
alternative that's so, so engaging,
I guess not, but neither can the creator at
that point either, I guess if that's
what they keep reproducing
or the logos I guess from that point.
So it's producing good experiences
or unique fanned peacock's tale of options,
Right? It's
A thought trap.
Well, um, the, if we're going back this far, we,
we could say that they, they're trying
to put the emphasis on consideration of the nature
of thought and getting back to the one original thought.
And I think that if you can conceive of the, all
of your thoughts of self as being part
of the original thought, then you can kind of step back from
in, in theory, if you could go deep enough in the mind,
you can step back from the, the illusions
and distortions of the self
and see that they're part of a bigger, deeper consciousness
that's kind of calling us back.
Would you say that then that relates to the significant
before, I guess like I kind of sums up I guess
what the significant is prevailed conditions at that point,
is that that ultimate knowing and that calling back?
Yeah, yeah. It's interesting.
They also refer to the veil as being symbolized by the,
the fall and the story of the creation story in Genesis.
And that it's almost like what we're seeking is to be that,
that self
before the, the eating of the tree, of the, the fruit
of the tree, of the knowledge of good and evil, going back
to the tree of life and,
and going back to that, that full state of awareness of,
of life without the, the tinting of the, the good and evil.
Yeah, that makes sense.
Um, alright, so we were left off on 78, um,
the next one was 20.
Um, then, then Don asked, it's amazing, amazing
how much he was, he was able to handle all this.
Um, then our particular logos when it created its own
particular creation was at some point far down the
evolutionary spiral of the experiment with significant
or becoming what it was not,
or in effect creating the polarity that we strive
for in third density and
therefore was, I assume primarily concerned in the design
of the archetypes and designing them in such a,
in such a way so that they would create the
acceleration of this polarization.
Is this in any way? Correct, or
I said we would only come at briefly.
It is generally correct.
You may fruitfully view each logos
and its design as the creator experiencing itself.
The seed concept of the significant being a complex
introduces two things, firstly, the creator against creator
and one sub logos and what you may call dynamic tension.
Secondly, the concept
of free will once having been made fuller
by its extension into the sub logo known as mind, body,
spirit complexes, creates and recreates
and continues to create as a function of its very nature.
So these are the two effects.
Firstly, pitting a creator against creator
in dynamic tension and secondly, creating
and creating as just a function of its nature.
When you see that, where it says in one sub logos,
would you, do you interpret creator against creator, um,
to mean sort of man against man or man against himself?
I would think the dynamic tension would mean
man against other man, but I guess that's a good point.
It could mean an aspect of yourself.
I'm still thinking of that. Yeah. I'm still thinking of
that thought system that exists at the expense
of the recognition of truth and,
and there's certainly dynamic tension between those, right?
Yeah. You're, you're sort of your knowing
and you're thinking or the illusion and,
and truth, et cetera.
Yeah. Yeah.
We're not aligned in our thoughts either
and there's competing things constantly going back and forth
and what's actually believed at
that point without knowing the self as the creator
with majority of the people, it seems like
that could end up being all the tension there that that's,
uh, that they talk about.
Yeah. And maybe these two, these two ideas of pitting
self against a seeming external self
and pitting an aspect
of the self against an aspect of the self internally.
It's just those internal things are externalized
and all the roles that we're playing out the constant
That ends up Yeah, either way it ends up being something
that allows for attack, really. Yeah.
Yeah. And so this is the veiling, right?
This the, the, or one of the, this is a veiling,
but that Yeah, the effect indicator Okay.
Became a complex. Okay.
Yep. Okay. All right.
So I guess we can, we can move on now and,
and I, I think I would like to process the nature
of the veiling and the, the complexity
as we look at the image soon here, um,
as we start diving in.
And this is from the CCZ images
and I also have downloaded the, the redrawn version
that we can look at and compare this to.
Might as well pull that up now,
but this was the, this is roughly close to the original
that, um, that don must have been looking at
and what was apparently on the rate pyramid.
And there is some degree of complexity in this image.
So this is certainly, I think, suggesting
a complex significant, um,
I wish we had Nick here for some of the symbols too,
but, um, we'll catch him next time.
And then the, the redrawn hierophant looks,
looks like this
and they, they didn't change much.
They, um,
in fact, I don't see many differences here at all.
Um, they kept the wings the same, the decorations the same,
and this was redrawn by the LL research team
based on RA's suggestions,
and it looks like there were no astrological elements here,
um, that needed to be removed.
Why do you suppose they added the capes?
Are those capes that the two, um,
Yeah, Figures are wearing,
Maybe they represented something in a different image?
Um, I don't know.
It's not, it's not very often
that they add something new to an image.
Yeah, maybe it was a variation in the version he was
looking at, but hard to say.
All right. Alright, so let's,
let's dive in this the way that, that Dawn did in session.
It was 92 that this was discussed more. Yeah. Okay.
97 is when he really deep, uh,
went deep into the, the image.
Um, let's, let's D two
or briefly to session 92.
Um, 92 14.
Um, So Donna is making general statements about the nature
of the, the archetypes of the mind and,
and he said, when catalyst of the mind is processed
by the entity, the experience
of the mind results is this Correct.
And we did, we covered this in the previous, um,
discussions, and Ross said that
there are subtle misdirections in this simple statement
having to do with the overriding qualities
of the significant It is so that catalyst yields experience,
however, through free will
and the faculty of imperfect memory
catalyst is most often only partially used
and the experience thus correspondingly skewed.
So can you say that that was kind of a,
Go ahead. Oh,
you can finish your thought.
I'm, I'm still processing this so you go ahead.
Oh, I was just thinking that that kind of seems like
that was talking about what we were referring to earlier
with the, um, catalyst concept
of the pre prevailed condition.
So you're, you're memory
and using the catalyst would not be skewed at that point.
You would be using it to its fullest extent, whereas
now when you have the veil there
and you're constantly forgetting different things,
you're not using the catalyst to the fullest extent.
So you're constantly having to go through this cycle
of potentiator catalyst experience to help, um,
help the sign indicator then see
and learn the lesson out of that, to actually get
to the transformation stage.
But it's much more frequently, um, cycled through,
I guess you'd say with in this post failed condition.
Right. And,
and I guess supposedly the matrix is storing the
memory or,
but the, maybe the memory is all related to the significant
because the, or
or the matrix towards the experience maybe
in like an Akashic record.
And then the significant is that, which is, you know, the,
the actor who is going through this fumbling process
of misremembering things
and seeking, um, something that is
not, not fully based on awareness.
That's an interesting thought there too,
because I was thinking of, of
where like the memories actually stored,
because I think we, they talk about the matrix being
recording a lot of that there,
but based on your past memories is
what the significant then uses, I think, through the biases
and other, um, previous reactions that they kind
of can judge or look at certain situations
through based on how it came to them.
So it almost seems like it might impact both of them
or be stored with both.
Um, what about either experience
or transformation of the body?
I mean, is it possible that memory
exists in two different ways, imperfect memory
of course being, you know, within an incarnation
and might literally only be stored in the brain?
Or is it that all memory is literally exactly the same?
We just, it's always imperfect
and especially when it, when it goes back
before an incarnated expression,
Maybe physical matter is a kind of external memory
and we're, we're storing up in a balance of the body
what it is that's led to that point.
All right. That's, that's me just spit balling on that.
But, but then you could say maybe the,
the archetypal darkness, the matrix of this, of the spirit
is sort of the one that's receiving the light
and then the amount of light received is
like a memory of that,
Can't really have a perception of light without darkness.
Indeed. Huh.
I'm still kind of stuck on this whole imperfect memory thing
and like kind of why it's imperfect and whether
or not that has anything to do with the veiling, like
memories get sort of, you know, shoved into a darker corner
of the mind it seems, and I mean, what percentage
of anything do we remember?
Like truly like a tiny, tiny fraction, I imagine, right? I
Mean, yeah. Yeah.
Tiny, tiny. I guess it, it's interesting that,
you know, I suppose with an altered state
of consciousness you can go back and see anything,
and this seems to be the case with people
who go into a state of hypnosis where
suddenly now they can remember their birth
and just everything is crystal clear before they're born.
Yeah. There's no recording in the physical body
of pre-birth memory.
That's true. And they have, um, past life memories too.
Yeah. Huh. Okay.
So I guess memory
is interestingly, it's like there's the veiled memory
and the unveiled memory I guess, that we both,
we have access to at all times.
And, and this is why we're getting less, um,
less benefit of the catalyst even.
I mean, they're specifically saying that
because we don't remember this.
So for example, we, we might encounter an energy
or less of, you know, something that, um, actually has a
sort of a repeating pattern in life, right?
Like we might keep calling the same lesson over
and over again, but because it comes dressed
as a different person or different circumstances every time,
we we're not actually realizing that we're, you know,
encountering the same pattern over and over again, and
therefore we're, you know,
we're not really processing the catalyst for the purpose
that it's there and you know, healing it,
Yeah. And it's interesting that rah has
that other quote about the, the accumulation of, um,
ex present moments as being one way
to accelerate one's evolution.
I'll see if I can find that passage.
It was so confusing that they referred
to present moments, plural.
Um, only
five references to the word moments.
Here we go. Um, if this entity being the entity which is
oriented towards, um, the ways of love,
if an entity just to save time here,
if an entity oriented towards the ways
of love being biased from the depths of its mind, body,
spirit complex towards love light,
or to accept responsibility for each moment
of ti the time space accumulation
of present moments available to it,
such an entity can empower its progress in much the same way
as we described the empowering of the call
of your social complex distortion to the confederation.
Meaning the more of us who are calling to the confederation
like praying, the more effect there is,
uh, exponentially more.
And then that, that, that exponent factoring applies
when we are to begin to accept responsibility
for each moment of the timespace accumulation
of present moments available.
So this might be a reference to memory when you're looking
inside of a timespace dimension,
maybe like when you're dreaming you have more full access
to go in and, and perceive the
accumulations that are in timespace.
That could be why dreams are so useful.
Same thing they're talking about here,
accepting responsibility for
what your dream is showing you might be one way
of empowering your progress too.
And literally if you could remember everything
for which you could reasonably take
responsibility, um, yeah.
Well that's kind of interesting actually if you think about
that because, you know, that's why the, the catalyst
and the lessons and the patterns, you know, continue
to reemerge because we forget, right?
Like we, you know, we just, we haven't experienced and,
and don't process it and move on.
And so we, we have to experience it again.
But it's kind of interesting that if you could recall all
of the catalyst from a lifetime, you know,
if you just had perfect recall of every day of your life,
and some people do just rather interesting actually,
but if you could sit there and move into every memory
and process it and balance it, that would be fascinating.
Yeah. It seems like it's also like the becoming
the creator at that point.
You were taking that responsibility and accepting it.
'cause it's not just, I guess this lifetime,
all previous incarnations
and all previous actions at
that point you were really embracing the,
becoming the creator, uh, through, through knowing yourself
that way and taking responsibility
For the free will that we've been exercising.
I saw a bug flying in front of my camera.
I'm pretty sure it wasn't an orb, but I can't say for sure
I'm in a new studio today and there may be some bugs
Or orbs.
Yeah. Or orbs. Okay.
So back to session 92, um,
talking about faculty, the imperfect memory, and then
after asking about the processing of the
mind a catalyst
and experience, then Don asked that a dynamic process
between the matrix, potentiator catalyst
and experience of the mind forms the nature of the mind
or the significant of the mind, is this correct?
And that's just something Don had written down that
you could tell before the session began.
Um, and then Rah said, as her previous response suggests,
the significant of the mind is both actor
and acted upon with this exception.
The statement is largely correct.
That's so interesting because as I read that, I don't,
I don't feel like Don um, said one way or the other.
Well, I guess he said it forms so
Forms the nature of the mind. Yeah.
So that would be sort of acted upon.
Yeah. Okay.
So they're also saying that it plays a role in acting. Well
Yeah, the nature of the potentiate
catalyst and experience must be,
Um, also did The other screen that you pulled up earlier,
um, had, um, another question
below it about Will
and it differentiated between Will and free will.
And I know we talked about this a little bit,
I think when we talked about the Matrix,
but I've been kind of considering this for a while too
and asking, you know, you guys occasionally
what your thoughts are on, you know,
if the will lives in the matrix,
is the significant leveraging the will perhaps when it,
you know, moves into choice.
For example, is it using a faculty from another?
Um, because that to me still seems like it's gotta exercise
will in order to make a choice.
And if the significant is ultimately choosing what,
you know, experience means
or how to process it,
then it seems like those are operating together
Well. Where, where is the source
of wheel really coming from?
That's a really good question,
and I feel like it's difficult to separate will from
all the accumulation of mind, body and spirit complexities,
I thought it was tied most specifically to Matrix,
which would make sense
because that being the sort of the, you know,
the premier archetype and also the first distortion, right?
They did, they did tie the matrix of the mind directly
to Will, and they said that to become almost purely, uh,
you know, aligned with that archetype is
to become the do mind, which is without any polarities,
without any biases, without any accumulation.
That's like the purified representation of what the will is,
is when you remove all of those, um,
those pieces which have sort of become overlaid on top of
what we think we were wanting,
Uh, and probably inhibiting it, uh, to a large degree.
Right. And this is supported by the previous session
that you had pulled up where, um, raw said, um,
so Don talked about extending the, the, um, first distortion
and, and Ross said first to, you know, to be clear, uh,
the logo, logo a always felt
that they were extending free will.
Uh, they just found a way to do it, you know, more fully,
I suppose is kinda how they did that.
But that being the case, um, if they always felt that,
and then that would also make sense if the will was part
of the matrix because, um, matrix was always an archetype,
Yeah, yeah.
It's just what, what is the creator seeking that's
that's it's gonna give us every branch of the creation off
of that, the first distortion.
Yeah. That desire to, to know itself
and love at that point.
Yep. Alright, so I wanted to touch on,
right, we got, luckily we got an hour left, so we'll be able
to cover the image in detail in, in the upcoming hour here.
And two more that I know we've, we've touched on this one,
which where they dropped in this, uh,
bomb about the infinite, the infant, the mind, body,
spirit complex, which is an infant,
has one highly developed portion which may best be studied
by viewing the significance of mind and body.
So this is just so juicy.
I, we talked about it a couple times,
but it's like the, the, you know,
we were talking about coming back to the new Mind.
Maybe this is even in a, a representation of that
'cause the, the infant is the relatively new mind without
all these layers and biases,
but the most developed portion is the significance,
which I would think w would be called the most simplified.
Um, but, but they're using the word developed. Um,
Would that be like the past accumulation
of incarnations there?
So it's like this continued, developed, um, I guess biases
or lens that you're viewing
everything through at that point.
So it's become more complex out there each incarnation that
that, that you continue through.
That could be it. Yeah. Makes sense.
There is, yeah, the infant, the infant definitely comes in
with, um, a personality.
Um, and, uh, astrological also at the astrological
influences, both at the time of conception
and the time of birth are talked about by raw
as being significant to the formation of
what that personality is.
So maybe that's all, maybe
that's why they say that kind of thing
For incarnation choices, some of those like set lessons
and everything forward as well, that there's
I guess more depth possibly to it from the time space
before, before incarnating, uh, yeah, speculating there.
Yeah, but then they say here,
you notice we do not include the spirit.
That portion of a mind, body,
spirit complex is not reliably developed in each and each
and every MINDBODY spirit bear complex.
Thus the infant's significant self, which is the harvest
of biases of all previous incarnational experiences offers
to this infant biases with which to meet new experience.
Is this sort of like your karmic field, do you think?
Yeah, Yeah.
I'd say it's, I I guess I didn't even realize this was the
one I was kind of the quote, I was kind of thinking
of the, where you read it there.
Yeah. That it's like, uh, ends up, yeah,
just basically becoming the lens that you view the world
through and why we all have these different interpretations.
When you see something, what, what annoys you?
What what makes you excited versus others?
And you know, we have these different characteristic traits
that you can't necessarily change,
I guess without learning further,
but that's, those are these biases it seems that,
that you're born with from, from all the past harvest
of incarnation experiences,
Yep. Yep.
This makes more sense to me now than it did last time.
We read, we read over this quote and then, uh, Ross said,
however, the portion of the infinite,
which may be articulated by the matrix of the mind
is indeed unfed by experience
and has the bias of reaching for this experience
through free will, just
as intelligent energy in the kinetic phase
through free will creates the logos.
Um, okay, so we talked earlier about the matrix
of the mind recording.
We've all seemed to kind of find a comfort level there.
Um, but raw here is saying that that matrix
of the mind is unfed by experience, which means that
it is sort of more of that overall karmic makeup.
But I don't know where that karmic, I mean the karmic
for me stuff could live, um, in the body,
because to me the body obviously isn't just the physical,
you know, yellow ray body, but all of your, your emotional
and, and mental bodies as well.
And, um, so I'm just, I guess, um,
I find that interesting that where they're saying
that those biases are specifically not recorded in the
matrix of the mind, and like you said, Mike, perhaps
that we, we do come in with a, a bit
of a new mind. Is that what you said?
Yeah. Yeah. I think it makes sense.
This is talking about just the fact
that the infant has now stepped into the veil
and now they're, and and they don't explicitly say this is
the, the post veil infant,
but I think that might be implied here that the, the,
the lack of direct awareness of all that stuff that you,
that you're got as your programming is
not directly in front of you.
And so you may have the unfed,
but you're seeking to, to feed it now as, as you pro
and and experiences.
Hmm. Yeah, that's a good clarifying point.
I, I, I would agree. It seems like they're kind
of talking in, in the veiled condition it seems like
with this, uh, section,
But it's interesting you could say is, is the,
is the creation of a new octave, is that, did that veil
the previous octave from the logos?
And is it the same idea where the just as intelligent energy
in the kinetic phase
through free will creates the logos at the very beginning?
That's very interesting that that it, you know,
that Rod draws that parallel right there.
Like those two things don't seem in any way
necessarily related though obviously they are.
Yeah. Well, they also say that
to fully step into the matrix of the mind, the, the new mind
is giving you the, is causing to become full
of the magic of the logos.
They say that specifically the entirety of the magic
of the logos is found in stepping back, back, back,
all the way to the original thought, I think is another way
of looking at it to the very newest thought of all things,
which was the galaxy in its entirety for this logos.
Hmm. And so you could say we're a part of
that same thought creation process as sub logo
and being born into bodies that, that have that opportunity
to try it, try it out on this level of consciousness,
Huh? They're recorded
in the matrices of the mind and body
and that's what it goes on to say.
Yep. The sub sub logos then,
or that portion of the mind, body, spirit complex,
which may be articulated by considerations of mind
and body through free will
chooses to make alterations in its experiential continuum
the results of these experiments in consideration
of potentiators, those results
of these experience experiments
and novelty are then recorded in the portion of the mind
and body articulated by the matrices thereof.
So I, I guess each thought is a coordinate in a matrix
and each articulation of body is,
is literally like part of what we would think of in
that, in the movie The Matrix.
It's like the simulation recording that as the program
or something part of the program.
Yeah. Possibly learning then, then from each of those
through, through what's being recorded
and what the results are, I guess like
potentially your ideas of, of the body having ways,
different ways to care for yourself, I guess there.
And you can learn through it if, if it was beneficial
or not, or having that desire.
Right. The next one was 29 34.
I wanted to touch on, um,
why did I choose this one?
Yeah, there we go. 34.
So, uh, Don said I will just then attempt an example
of the potentiator of mind acting.
Would as the infinite, as the infant gains time in our
incarnation, would it experience the Potentiator offering
both positive and negative potential acts
or thoughts, shall I say, for the matrix to experience,
which then begin to accumulate?
Shall I say in the matrix and color it one way
or the other in polarity,
depending upon its continuing choice of
that polarity offered by the potentiator.
It's kinda a confusing question.
Um, I think Ross simplifies it.
Uh, Ross said firstly, again, we may distinguish
between the archetypical mind
and the process of incarnational experience
of the mind, body, spirit complex.
And, and that's, that's even hard to wrap your head around,
but they're saying the archetypical mind is sort of
beyond every form.
And then the process of incarnational experience is,
is its own journey.
Um, secondly, each potentiation, which has been reached for
by the matrix, is recorded by the matrix,
but experienced by the significant,
each potentiation, which has been reached for by the matrix
as recorded by the matrix,
but experienced by the significant,
which was originally called mind, body, and spirit.
The mind, body and spirit is the one having the experience.
Hmm. That's the actor
and acted upon kind of combination there, I guess.
The experience of the significant
of this potentiated activity is
of course dependent upon the acuity of its processes
of catalyst and
experience acuity.
I'll define that one now. Acuity is
keenness or acuteness, especially in vision
or thought, the capacity of the eye to see fine detail.
It's like how much you've processed the various catalysts
and through experience there is what you, I guess the lens
that you would view it as, as the significant
and the level of depth
or understanding you'd have of it, um, based on
how much work I guess you've done before
and deep dive you've gone into it.
Yeah. And I guess that, like we're saying,
must relate to memory too.
Memory of the detail.
Yeah. Or learning of the lesson
of the catalyst there truly in, in fuller, fuller extent.
Um, yeah, really taking the lesson from that point.
Yep. Alright.
I'm ready to head to session 97 now
and go into the beginning of Don's questioning
in more depth on these images.
Uh, card number five right here.
I'll have to zoom in a lot, I think on all these details.
Um, see if I can make that easier. Oops, what did I press?
I gotta get familiar with this and do Okay.
Can't zoom in that way. Okay, here we go. All right.
So Don said card number five.
The significant of the mind indicates, firstly, as I see it
simply a male within a rectangularly structured form.
This suggests to me that the significant of the mind
and third density is well bounded within the illusion,
as is also suggested by the fact that the base
of the male is a rectangular form showing no ability
for movement would draw, comment on that.
And this is something that we talked about the,
the previous discussions that the, the,
the rectangular shape is symbolizing the, the nature of,
of man manifest incarnation, um,
or our third density illusion.
And so Ross says, oh, student, you have graphs, the bears
of the nature of the significances, complete envelopment
within the rectangle.
So here we have a rectangle around the, the entire image
and it actually makes me wanna pull up the other images
and compare, um, the amount of rectangle ness.
And you can see, let me zoom out more.
In card four, we had, uh,
the experiences sitting upon the rectangle
and the catalyst is sitting upon the rectangle
and the catalyst, the potentiator sitting upon the rectangle
as well, but with the columns
representing polarity on the left and right,
and then the matrix is not even directly, um,
sitting or connected to the, the square,
but it has a, the caged bird.
It's that that that potential that's waiting be moving it
to be tapped into, I think.
And so that's related to the, the square, the related
to the, the, this illusion of third density, the,
the caging of that potential.
And then here we have the one who's completely inside
of it in the higher fan.
So the rectangle is definitely significant.
He's also sitting on one still.
Yep. I
Dunno if they got into it more too there,
but it seems like it's like the outside rectangle
of the structure would be like your belief systems,
those biases, the pre incarnation choices
that we were saying are surrounding then the conscious mind
that is in that third density experience and the illusion.
But it's like another level of that conscious mind
that you come into the incarnation with
on the outside rectangle,
Like those aggregated biases.
Mm-Hmm. Yeah.
What else does, uh, raw finish with there?
Because uh, anytime they say, oh, student,
they seem a little bit impressed, right?
Yeah. Yeah.
And they had more emotion when they, when you listen
to the recording, it's a little bit more emotion like
excitement that this is where they're getting into.
Um, so they said then
the barest essence of the nature
of the sign's complete development within the rectangle.
So then they said, consider for the self
of student whether your thoughts can walk.
The abilities of the most finely honed mentality
shall not be known without the use of the physical vehicle,
which you call the body
through the mouth.
The mind may speak through the limbs,
the mind may affect action.
So maybe there, this is partly, um, pointed at
what Don was asking about with, um,
bounded, well bounded within the illusion. Um,
So the illusion as I'm seeing this maybe,
I dunno, maybe they weren't all that impressed,
but, um, they're saying that
sort of the, the faculties of the mind
or the finely home mentality, um,
shall not be known without use of the physical vehicle.
And um, likewise, it says consider what are your,
whether your thoughts can walk.
It's like, um, is Ross saying you're asking us if a faculty
of the mind which sort of exists, you know, outside
of, or or it transcends the illusion, I suppose.
So I I still don't know.
They said that you've grasped the barest essence
of the nature, but that's not, um,
it's not exactly high praise.
Right. Um, there's also the ion of showing,
showing no ability for movement.
Huh. Maybe
there, is there trying to put emphasis on the idea
that there would be movement with the body added in.
Yeah. Well, movement maybe in this case is a,
is a space time thing, right?
I mean it's a relative thing. Yeah.
And the mind doesn't sort of, you know, exist or,
or operate in that relative space time the same way.
I mean, it's used to perceive it of course,
but it doesn't, your mind doesn't walk like they say,
but I'm still not sure how much
of his statement they're confirming versus
Alright, let's move on and come back to this one.
Let's go through some more. Okay.
Um, and then, uh, Don said the end of entity looks
to the left indicating that the mind has the tendency
to notice more easily the negative catalyst
or negative essence of its environment.
Woodrow comment on that observation,
this is substantially correct.
So the mind has the tendency
to notice more easily the negative catalyst
or negative essence of its environment.
So I guess we're talking about the
environment that the mind is in,
In, in this body, then basically incarnated
in third density or
Yeah, I guess that makes sense
'cause that's what the rectangles are representing.
I yeah, that's interesting to me.
So are, are the rectangles indicating the, the nature
of the body to some degree,
because we're talking about the incarnation of the,
into the third density illusion.
that might, may be referencing the previous, um, passages
that I think that was discussed more with the, the catalyst.
Yeah, one of them does talk about,
I know like the box shape signifying that
that third density illusion in general is like, especially
as the entity and the pictures sitting on it,
they're representing them being in, um, yeah.
In incarnation at that point,
but then the outside went around it,
I think is a little different, I guess to me.
Yep. Do you, would you uh
hmm Do you think that the, that the input
that the significant takes is limited to
what we can perceive?
And I mean that seems like an academic question
or how could it not be limited there,
but like it's maybe that's the only sort of, um,
input that it takes, like Well, no, the significant
of the mind, I suppose so
because you're gonna have a significant of the spirit
and body that might have a, a totally different experience.
Right. Uh,
but part of the veiling process, you know, to
where all we can perceive is what we can sense with our,
our regular physical senses.
Yeah. The yeah.
The experience is what's feeding back into the
actor and acted upon
Yeah. Current experiences
and past ones I guess that have formed
that there together, but yeah,
it would be seen individually, I guess.
So what are the significance of the, uh, spirit and body?
Do they happen to have any, what's a rectangular
configuration, I guess, or
representation is what I'm curious?
Yeah. The significant of the body is kind
of in a rectangle with trees.
Yeah. Uh, and vines
Completely enclosed in another, another rectangle.
Yeah. Very fruit filled.
What did the redraw sh or did, did they get this far?
No, they did, they did get this far in the redraw or No,
They did not get that far in the redraw.
Okay. Yeah. The first seven were redrawing.
Yeah. What About the spirit?
And then the spirit is of course the sun, which
I guess if, if the people are forming
the rectangle, that's interesting.
Mm-Hmm. Um, but I don't think that's intended. Um,
Yeah, because, uh, yeah, no, I think that this kind
of makes sense, or at least the way that Don asked it
and sort of what raw confirms is that the significance
of mind and body are limited in experience to
perceptual reality, which is, you know, again, a function
of the veil and that's why we can, you know,
see such a tiny sliver of the illusion,
whereas the significant of the spirit wouldn't be
limited to that because it's transcendent.
Right. This is just pure light
Yeah. Beyond
all form. Yeah.
And, and perhaps the, the significant of the spirit has, uh,
catalyst and, and experience available to it that
can also be outside of the, the illusion.
Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Hmm.
I think that's, um, definitely spoken of at some point.
Um, spirit is vastly more capable
of, of going across the, the densities and everything.
Yeah. Oh, okay. I like it. Yep.
All right. So we were on 97
continuing on, um,
Make sure I've got my notes pulled up right here.
Alright, so the entity looks to the left,
and this is relating to the ability
to notice the, the negative catalyst.
Um, and then number 12,
there are two small entities at the bottom of the seat.
One black and one white.
I would first ask Rah,
is this drawing correct in the original coloring
as a black one in the proper position with respect
to RA's original drawings?
And Ross said that which you perceive
as black was first red.
Other than this difference, the beings
and the concept complex are placed correctly.
So there Don's asking right,
because he is looking to the left,
which we've already identified is negative polarity,
and yet, um, the, the service
to others entity is represented on that side, right.
Is looking to the left, which is service to self. Yeah.
But then there's a, a white colored
Entity looking back.
Yeah. Reminds, reminds me of the,
the woman looking back at the bird pointing that way.
Yeah. And the catalyst of the mind.
Oh, yeah. Because the, the figures themselves are kind
of pointing in the direction of where they represent,
I suppose, with their hands. Yeah,
Pointing back that way, pointing towards the sacred.
Um, but it's fascinating to me that they said it's red,
so they, they should have redrawn these in color.
Yeah. Did they mention that in any other images there
or were there obviously quite a few
of these show the differences of polarity there.
Did they ever mention, I,
I can't remember if they talk about other
black negative polarities there representing
or meaning to be red?
No, no, I don't remember that discussion.
This is so fascinating.
It makes me second guess everything
that's black a little bit now.
Right. That seems very interesting
because if you were gonna choose a color, red has to be,
you know, chosen for some reason it's got its own. But you
Could say, you know, red,
red is representing the survival chakra, which could be said
to be, you know, also connected to fear.
When there's fear of survival, you're going back straight
to the distortions of the red.
And maybe there's some, some deeper level
or malkuth, I guess you could say something more.
Well, yeah, I would say the, the, the mere notion of
death or the, the fear of death itself is
again stems from, you know, this thought system
and bailing process that, um, causes us to manifest death.
Um, because we no longer see what life is,
we don't see what the truth is.
Yeah. And the transformation
of the body is the death card.
So there's some archetypal process involved there
and an evolution that requires that i,
the the, the rebirthing I guess.
Yeah. And you know, even the reincarnated process is sort
of like, so when we go to the life between lives
and do this review and time space, we can see everything
and then we, we reconfigure ourselves, right.
For a new, a new incarnated experience.
So we reconfigure the energetic system with, you know,
karmic frequencies and things like that that will bring,
you know, new experience to, to uh,
to help bring us forward from wherever we just were.
So transformation of the body,
on the one hand you would think, oh,
it's the physical body dying.
And then it's like, well, yeah.
Then in a way, really once the physical body dies is is
really when the real transformation starts to happen
of the energetic body.
Right. No longer shackled.
Yeah. But
do you know, I guess was, is it like one
of the upcoming quotes where they,
they do go into the detail of that actually being the,
I guess perceived negative catalyst adds this red or
or black looking entity there as well,
but it seems like there are some other
underlying ideas behind it.
Yep. Could be that they didn't have good paint,
Could be as simple as that.
So the, the red coloration is a mystery
to me then says done.
We had originally decided
that these represented polarization
of the mind either positive or negative.
This is very, very debate.
The very, very next one as its significant self would be
either significant as one or the other polarity would rock.
Comment on that. Andra said the indications of polarity are
as presumed by the questioner.
The symbolism of old
for the left hand path was the russett coloration.
That's interesting because Russett is one
of the four colors of macu actually.
Interesting. Yeah,
it's got black gold Russ and like green
or olive or something like that.
Reddish brown. Mm-Hmm.
That answers right there. Then
The woods in the autumn are a right of rusted and gold.
It's interesting that the leaves turn red.
All right. I'm, I'm satisfied with that then.
Um, And then they had
to cough and then continue.
Um, what was the nature of the problem
that, yeah, that was continuation why they had to cough.
What was the difficulty for the communication to continue?
And then all now we can,
now he resumed in question 16.
Um, I was wondering why the entity,
the dark entity was on the right side of the card as far
as the male figure, which is a significant,
you mean left is concerned with the light?
Well, it's on the guy's, right?
Yeah. I see. And the light white entity is on the left.
If you could comment on that after making the instrument
cough and then Ross said we may continue.
The nature of polarity is interesting in
that those experiences offered to the significant
as positive frequently become recorded as productive
of biases, which may be seen to be negative.
Whereas the fruit of those experiences apparently negative,
is frequently found to be helpful in the development
of the service to others bias
as this is perhaps the guiding characteristic of that,
which the mind processes and records, these symbols
of clarity have thusly been placed.
Boy, that's, that's amazing,
Yeah, I think the initial thing
that jumped in my mind was the other quote
where Ron talks about how quite a bit
of this is learn through trauma.
So you almost have to go through traumatic experiences
to be able to grow from it.
So something negative that you learn the lessons
and can then better be of service
or find the in that moment there.
But what seems to be such a negative situation.
Yeah. Yeah.
And this goes straight back
to our first episode session five, discussing the need
to balance each positive
and negative charge, which should with its opposite
if there's too much of the one, it is a state of imbalance.
And then with the other in mind you can,
you can see them both imbalance.
I wonder what a good example of an experience
that could be offered as positive
but recorded as productive of negative biases.
Well, let's say that you, uh, are given,
um, truckloads of free food.
Oh, I see, I see.
A year supply of Big Max, for example. Yeah.
Yeah. And then, and then
likewise a challenge, some really, you know,
seemingly insurmountable thing comes
and then we find ourselves on the other side of it going,
oh man, you know, I didn't know I was capable of that.
And Okay, I understand now.
Yeah, it's fascinating.
It's, it's a, it's worthy of endless questioning
how does the supply in her lives.
Um, my mom was talking the other
day about wanting to be out of debt and I,
and I asked her, what is, you know, is being out
of debt gonna cause you to be more
or less of service to others?
And she didn't really have an answer to that,
but it's like she wanted to see her life as, you know,
ha ha ha basically having no need to work
for money means you don't have to be of service
to others for money.
You can be of service to others for reasons other than
money, um, if you're motivated by your heart.
Um, but to a large degree, I think people are motivated
by this painful work that we have to keep doing,
which is forcing us to be things like
servers in a restaurant
where we're literally just serving people all day long,
helping them get food.
But it's, it's funny to me that that's, that's the word for,
um, a job is server.
Yeah. You think it's a karmic shortcut if you take a job
server or what if you pick servers for a living?
Is that okay? Does that help karmically?
Yeah. Yeah.
It is interesting to think, I guess with some of
that there, 'cause it's like how many, like what percentage
of the time are we talking about some of these things too?
Because I think good things can come out of
when something good happens to you, you can,
it's the way you've used it, I guess,
or the intention behind it it seems.
But I guess to learn some of the deeper lessons,
maybe it is more of the extremes of like
what they're saying here, this true
negative catalyst versus positive catalyst
coming at you from, from,
Well they kind of said in
that session we pulled up earlier
that there is no good or bad.
So that in and of itself, it's just a matter of
how the significant, you know, chooses
to have an experience.
And, um, probably
what he's actually perceiving would be my guess,
if he is perceiving, um,
isolated beings operating in a totally separate
circumstance, then, you know, he might experience that
catalyst differently than he would if he is choosing to see
that as an expression of the one infinite creator.
Okay. Yeah, that kind of makes sense.
And then kind of also based through their biases as well
that they're, that they're viewing the situation,
I guess like what Rob's talking about there too, it's
depends on that viewpoint I guess, of that significant
for, for the individual.
Exactly. Both probably what we come in with, that sort of,
that karmic amalgamation and the biases that are packaged up
and then the ones that we record
and experience in a lifetime.
Mm-Hmm. Um, the next,
the last part there, I'm,
I'm not a hundred percent sure I understand.
Alright, I'll keep reading. Okay.
So, so the fruit of those experiences, apparently
negative is frequently found to be helpful in the
development of the service to others bias.
So we're talking about the fruit of these experiences
as this is perhaps the guiding characteristic of that,
which the mind processes and records.
The symbol is symbol of the clarity of thusly been placed.
Maybe I wanna stop there for a second.
This is the guiding characteristic.
So the guiding characteristic is polari polarity related,
polarity related symbols are guiding.
So you may note that the hands of the central image
indicate the appropriate bias for right
and left hand working that is the right hand gestures in
service to others offering its light outward.
This hand here, the left hand
attempts to absorb the power of the spirit
and point it for its use alone.
And that's the scepter.
Huh. Um, are they, do they usually hold the wand
or the scepter in the, in the left hand?
Is that a or is that just on this card?
I believe that not, not true in the, in the,
in the matrix, but of course they, they put the, the symbol
of magical power in the, in the hand of the,
the magician, the right hand.
Right. Which I think is helpful
And the great way of the mind.
You've got both, but that was redrawn.
Um, let me pull up the great way. Redrawn
One Oh, the great way of the mind is inside the box too.
Four pillars the same. Yeah. Yeah.
And, uh, yeah, he's got the same scepter
and the redrawn version that was exact same
as the Hierophant and the exact same orb is in the matrix
of, of the mind in the, in the right hand.
Hmm. So these are both, um,
spiritual elements then, and this one,
This is the great way of the mind.
Right. Um, but the scepter
and the crystal ball are both Oh,
That makes sense. Yeah,
that makes sense. That you would
call those spiritual elements.
Yeah. Um, yeah, they, they, the, the sphere represented the,
the magical power, I guess the spiritual power.
I think that's what they said.
Is that, is that right Nathan?
I think it magical ability, ability to use it unconscious,
but it's, it's in a sense the same thing.
I think
Search first fear.
Oh, I'm talking about planets now.
Um, concept of the wand. Okay.
The excellent portion of the image,
which may be seen distinctly as separate from the concept
of the wand, is that sphere,
which indicates the spiritual nature of the object
of the will of one wishing to do magical acts,
the manifestation of your density.
The sphere indicates the spiritual nature of the object
of the will of one wishing to do magical acts
with the manifestation of your density.
And that's discuss that was discussing the
matrix of the mind.
So, but, but here we don't have it.
Number five, we didn't have the, uh, the sphere.
We just had the hand pushing outward
and we had, um,
the redrawn version, the same thing
with the scepter on the left hand indicating,
um, it's attempt to absorb the power of the spirit
and point it for its own use alone.
I know that makes me wonder about the history of scepters,
but what were you saying?
I just said that's, it's about a service
to self as you can get, I guess.
Yeah. It's also interesting
that I hadn't considered that concept
of a single pointed will is being represented by
something like a scepter.
Yeah. Like a narrow straightened,
I guess desire like that. Yeah.
So It's also looking at like, well this one's like,
it looks like it's going into the ground at that point too.
So it's like this, uh, I guess I'm trying to think of how
to interpret that too then,
but maybe a
blunted sort of negative desire there, since it can only,
can only go so far with that.
Um, keeping all the power to yourself there. Yeah.
All right. So number 17, we've just got a few more here.
Um, the eight cartes,
the cartus is in Indi, an Egyptian hieroglyphs, an oval
with a horizontal line.
It won't end indicating that the text closed as a royal
name or a God.
So let's look at these things
and there's eight of them and there's different
symbols in each of the eight.
Aren't those, um, are those easily translatable?
I mean, hieroglyphs have been translatable
for a long time by a lot of people, right?
I mean, are these, were these drawn, you think, as precisely
potentially as they were originally in the pyramid?
Or this was just representative hiogly?
I have no idea, but that's a good study.
We can potentially even, yeah, we see if there's a database
of symbols or Yeah, we can look into that expertise
Yeah. Some of it looks like kanji,
more like kanji than hiogly, but
It's an oval with a horizontal line at one end.
I guess that this line here,
I guess going out the side of it.
Alright, so the cartes at the bottom would possibly,
this is Dawn's speculation
would possibly signify the energy centers.
'cause there's eight, I guess, and the evolution
through those centers poss possibility
for either the negative positive or negative polarization
because of the white and black coloration of the figures.
Would rah comment on that after making instrument cough.
And rah said the observations of the student are perceptive.
It is informative to continue the study of octaves
in association with this concept complex.
Many are the octaves of a mind, body,
spirit complex as beingness.
There is not one that does not profit
from being pondered in connection with the considerations
of the nature of the development of polarity exemplified
by the concept complex of your card.
Number five, I fan.
So they didn't really get too much into this, um,
but just said you're, you're onto something with, um,
the connection to the energy centers which are connected
to sub octaves.
They didn't call it sub ve here,
but I assume that's what they're referring to.
Um, does that make sense, Nathan? What
I think so I mean that seems to be the way that
that would tie in at least using,
using the octave, um, terminology.
So yeah, I, I think so.
I just don't understand why there's
eight though instead of seven.
I guess an octave is the, the word self means eight
because I guess you have
Oh, I see. Because
the, the last one is the first, one
of the next one. One. It's the
First of the next. Yeah.
That's So interesting, isn't it?
Yeah. And, and certainly when you play, uh,
a music on the piano, you know, you, you,
you put your one finger on middle c you put the next,
your other end of your hand on one octave up,
and you can play that together
and you're playing the same note in both octaves.
And now you have the ability to, to hear one note
that is the entire octave represented
by the two sides of it.
Ah huh.
So it's the easiest thing to, to play on a piano,
just play one octave up
and it could just go do, do, do, do, do.
And it'll sound very harmonious
because you're playing the same note of each octave,
but it's, uh, seven in the, in the set,
and then you're beginning the next one.
That's just so, oh, I guess it kind of makes sense now
that you do include the eighth to show what
that differential is above seven.
Yeah. Right. Like seven needs to sort of complete, you need
to know kind of what it's, um, yeah, its range
of impact almost is, you know, in that density
or in that, you know. Right.
Yeah. Uh,
I use the term octa a lot for I guess the density side,
but here they're kind of talking more along the lines of
how it's relating to the different levels, I guess,
of the mind, body, spirit
and the different, I guess, teachings
or levels of understanding that, that you can
make connections through, I guess.
Yeah, it's interesting.
It's a different use, it seems like.
It's almost like how they talked about the, um,
the planets before saying that those are, you know,
an expression of this thing as opposed
to being a causal factor.
So it's like he's asking for something
or about something that's farther down the fractal
chain in a way, you know, about energy centers
and maybe ra pointing him to the, the bigger, you know,
overarching structure of right.
This quality of the densities
and so forth that, you know,
re manifest themselves at all these different layers,
including us physically with, um, seven energy centers.
Anyway, though again,
there is an eighth one commonly referred.
What it's about a foot above the head, is that right?
I'm not sure about that. Um,
I've heard that it could be a number of them above
actually the head as well, but, um, at least one there.
Yeah. I don't think that was talked about by raw. No,
Probably not. It could say
it's implied.
I mean, I, I've heard, I've heard people say it's implied
by, you know, the next nature of being up, which would,
which could be the earth
or the sun maybe you could say is like the eighth chakra.
But I don't know.
It's so interesting that Don landed on the,
the energy centers though since he knew
that there were seven of them,
unless he is calling the evolution the eighth
sort of thing, I suppose.
Yeah. Yeah.
This is a more confusing use of the word octaves for me,
and maybe a study of that word another time is appropriate.
Yep. All right.
We could continue on to number 18 now with 10 minutes
or so left to go.
Um, do the symbols on the face of each
of these little carts, such as the birds or the, and
and the other symbols have a meaning in this card
that is a value in considering the archetype, which answer
that after making the instrument cough, uh,
these symbols are letters
and words much
as your language would receive such an on tablature,
which means in classical literature,
in classical architecture, an ornate
horizontal support beam over columns or a wall.
So there's a support, support beam here
with the symbols.
Um, and they are meant to be letters
and words as much as your language can receive this kind
of a lattice structure.
This, but interesting.
They, they emphasize it's, it's ornate.
Um, you're putting a decoration on something which is not
the, the thing itself I guess.
Um, so these symbols are, uh, these letters
and words are to a great extent enculturated
by a people not of your generation.
Lettuce in the rough suggest
that the information written upon these uchs be understood
to be such as the phrase,
and you shall be born again to eternal life.
They read it for us.
Yeah, yeah.
And summed it up too, I guess basically looking at the
option of the eternal densities, energy centers,
how it all just kind of continues and recycles
and continues, I guess, at that point.
Yeah. Why do you suppose they make the statement just
before that though, saying that these are enculturated
by people not of your generation?
I mean, I sort of get the implication from that statement
that, that this quote is, you know, less applicable
or less helpful or something like that.
But, um,
and then again, I guess I'm not also sure what the role
that the significant plays in eternal life, so
I guess as maybe that's what they're saying is that this is
as much a, a cultural thing as, as anything.
Well, I think they mean that the specific meanings
of these symbols, the higher, higher of symbol. Right.
But I'm taking what raw is saying is that, um,
while they have a meaning
and raw gave us, you know, what it translates to,
I'm not entirely sure it's germane to the, um,
the contemplation of the significant of the mind itself.
Well, it's, it could be more part of the,
what we're seeing is the structure.
It's like a foundation.
I see that. Oops.
But why say that this is enculturated by, you know, people
that are not of your generation?
How, how does that not imply that this
somehow is less helpful or useful?
Well, I assume we're just talking about, uh, the issue of
the people thought of our generation being, um,
people we can't go and talk to and hear what their vo
or explanations were of what these meant to them.
But if we could, does that make sense?
I see. Can you look at the word enculturated?
Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, I feel like, you know,
I can infer what that is with context clues, but
The gradual acquisition of the characteristics
and norms of a culture or group by a person,
another culture, et cetera.
So it's a gradual acquisition
of the characteristics and norms of a culture.
Um, so I think my son is becoming
enculturated as I raise him
With gradual awareness of the symbols that I like.
So I, yeah, I feel like that part of the,
the quote doesn't even even matter.
Um, They're just saying
just focus on the fact that there is a meaning here,
and that is the being born again
to eternal life is perhaps also, um,
the most efficacious nature of understanding
what is pointing, pointing us to the sacred.
Um, it's, so, I, I kind, it's almost like
that study study is there again, I feel like what,
what we're do looking at when, if you were
to call this a priest, for example, um, and,
and think if take a step back, what, what is this character,
um, that is the most archetypal expression
of our ability to purely process experience
and purely come to an, an understanding, a,
a potential understanding of what this experience, um, can,
can bring for us or can, can help us be.
Um, that that, that seems to be something that would
somebody who studied in the spiritual, uh, concepts
would, would be most appreciative of the, the,
the religious priest order.
And, and it's not just the priests,
they chose the word hierophant
because the, it's almost like there was a relationship
between the priests and the hierophant,
or the hierophant is the one who is doing the part
of the ceremony that it's,
that's it's enhancing the appreciation of the sacred
or the, the, um, the holiness of it.
Um, in the ritual,
What you say, the reveal, the holy
and then what do you Yeah.
You think that's probably the connection to, to the spirit
or connection to, to the creator, I guess
that they're revealing then in that sense.
Yeah. Yeah.
Um, and maybe we don't have, uh,
maybe it's not worth going into this,
but the higher fan hire fanis was the male high
priest and office inherited.
Um, there were
so many other categories in this Greek ritual, um,
this might not be worth going into.
But, um,
the, these were the highest grade of these mysteries.
The mighty, the marvelous, the most perfect secret, suitable
for one initiated into the highest mystic truths, an ear
of grain and silence is reaped.
Um, so it, it's possible that we don't even have
that much passed down to us what they, what they were
doing in these rituals that are being alluded to by the,
whoever chose the, the word py, um,
The dramatic shows of the lesser mysteries,
Cully signified the miseries
of the soul while in objection to the body.
So those are the, those are the greater obscurely in
inti intimated by mystic
and splendid visions, the felicity of the soul, both here
and hereafter when purified from the defilements
of a material nature and constantly elevated
to the realities of intellectual or spiritual vision.
And according to Plato, these were the, the ultimate
of the ultimate design of the mysteries was to lead us back
to the principles from which we descended
a perfect enjoyment of intellectual, spiritual good.
Wow. It was like looking like mystery school.
A cult knowledge kind
of got summed up nicely there at the end
though, with what they're saying with
Yeah. What
the end goal of, of the hire fan was.
Yeah. And it's also, uh, hint hinting at the, the nature
of the spirit, I guess without, without saying that's
what this card represents, but this is just the sort more
part of the structure of it, the foundation of the structure
broken into the octave.
I think they do get into that part too than too the wings
on top than really tying into the, to the spirit.
Yep. Oh, I think there was one more I wanted to touch on.
Yes, yes. Um, the last quote we can talk about
is, uh, 99.7.
I'm not sure if this is the one I had in mind,
but, um, So Rah was, uh,
Don was saying the wings of card five, I'm guessing we,
we didn't cover that yet, that
outstretched wings on the top.
Um, the wings of this card have to do
with protection over the, uh, over the significant,
I'm guessing that they're a symbol of protection.
Is this in any way? Correct. And Ross said, let us say
that you're not incorrect, but rather less than Correct.
The significant owns a covenant with the spirit,
which a shall in some cases manifest through the thought
and action of the aept.
So let's, let's look up covenant.
Covenant can mean an agreement,
agree by lease deed, um, yeah, a clause
and a contract in the law, but theology
and agreement, which brings about a relationship
of commitment between God and his people.
So a kind of agreement, um, the significant owns
a covenant with the spirit, which it shall in some cases
manifest through the thought and action of the adapt.
If there is protection and a promise,
then you have chosen the correct sound vibration
for the outstretched wings of spirit high
above manifestation, yet draw the caged mind onward.
And this is seem to be referring to the, the caged bird
and the matrix of the mind.
Oh, and the wing is outside of the,
uh, rectangle, isn't it? Or the wings?
Yeah. Above, above it.
High above manifestation here
because of the, the contract, the covenant.
Yeah, that seems like that upward spiral of light,
you know, I mean the, the seeking the mystery, the sort
of the anti-gravity.
Yeah. So that would be outside of, I guess
the illusion as well then too of,
of the third density experience.
'cause you're high above manifestation, so you're into the,
the time space and the more knowing, I guess of, of realms
of, for the mind at least.
Yeah. I think that what raw is saying is that, um,
you know, the fact that you have, um, an aspect of your
spiritual complex or relationship between your mind
and spiritual complex that will always draw you further
upward, um, if you want to call that protection, which,
you know, I can see that in a way.
To me, I think that that is sort of the, the mistold, uh,
expulsion story, uh, from the Bible where, you know,
rather than being kicked out where actually guaranteed uh,
uh, a way back, um, by having this spiritual fire
that has to burn
and rise, uh, over the course of many lifetimes.
Right. And maybe we
talked about that angel that guards the garden
someday. That was fascinating.
Yeah. Point of that.
Um, so another one I wanted to bring in here, um,
uh, the, the last quote, um, raw had,
I think we had talked about this earlier,
but Ross said the use of the tower
and the architect square is indeed intended
to suggest the proximity of the space, space time,
of the great ways environment to timespace.
We find this observation most perceptive.
This was relating to questioning on the,
on the great way of the mind.
The entire mood, shall we say, of the great way is indeed
dependent upon its notable difference from the significant,
the significant is the significant self to a great extent,
but not entirely influenced by the lowering of the veil.
And the great way of the mind, the body
and the spirit draws the environment,
which has been the new architecture caused
by the veiling process and thusly dipped in the great
limitless current of time space.
So this, this notable difference is
partially relating to the nature
of the veil here still being, um,
more within that veil.
So, but it's, it's as though the, the, the holiness
that's being pointed to by the higher fan is,
it's like the window of, of the self that is
beyond the veil.
And then the great way is the appreciation with,
is the veil is lowering the, the, the,
the fuller appreciation of that sacredness, I think.
And I think that's also why they talk about the,
the third eye as being a process of, well, as we, as we
fully activate the third eye and,
and begin to activate the intelligent infinity,
that's the process of seeing in terms of the sacrament,
sacramental nature of each experience.
And that's also related to the great way
of the spear they've said.
So it seems as though that the, the, the window into
this process of the full opening is, is the window that the,
the higher fan is trying to point us on the,
on the solid foundation to point us in that direction.
So I guess that has to relate into then
with the transformation as well,
because to get to the great way, you need to have
that transformation or different viewpoint actually, um,
enacted then to, to, to reach it.
So it seems like that's almost implied
as well within going between the two.
Yep. Yep.
And that will be for next month transformation of the mind.
Nice. Yep.
Like there's more look on that quote.
I just don't know if I have the brain power right now.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I feel like I, this is something I wanted to come back
to obviously with the Great Way discussion and,
and continuously try to process.
'cause I'm still learning what, what, what is this relation
between the great way and the significant
that they're pointing us to consider
Is this still 90? Is this 99?
Is that the one you went to? Oh,
This was 1 0 3 actually.
Okay. Yeah.
Uh, I dunno if I skipped over something on 99 too.
Um, yeah, if there's protection
and a promise you have chosen the correct sound vibration
for the outstretched wings of spirit I above manifestation
yet draw the caged mind onward.
Yeah, we finished off that one.
All right. So I guess, uh, it's been a good discussion.
Um, anything else you guys want to add?
No, I just think this is a fascinating concept here
'cause it's a little bit different, it seems like, than some
of the other archetypes with what all it embodies
and I guess the way you can look at it,
it's used quite frequently,
but it's a pretty complex, I guess now
after post vail conditions.
So yeah, it was great conversation.
Yep. It's great. And that whole acting
and acting upon, I'm gonna be contemplating
that I think in the coming days
and try to figure this multifaceted complex
archetype a little deeper.
Yeah. Yeah.
I feel like this is just the beginning of I processing this
and eventually I wanna get to the point of saying what,
what is the condition?
Answering that question that I have, what is the condition
in which we know we need to be calling on the higher fan,
the, the significant of the mind to further our evolution
to a more heightened extent.
Well, and you know, we'll probably start to
find archetypes that we feel are far more prevalent
or more our default nature
or more present than the other ones.
You know what I mean? Just the, the kind of normal
cognitive construct itself is probably stitched together
with, you know, a few of these and it's moving out of those
and into some of these other ones that, um, might be
where there's even more value.
I just don't know which of those, you know,
really are the kind of the default faculties really.
Mm-Hmm. Alright, for another time then. All
Good. Thank you guys.
Thank you guys for joining us to another law
of One Deep Dives episode.
We're gonna talk about the Hierophant today,
also called the significant of the mind,
which is archetype number five in the
major arkana of the tarot.
Although this is not the, the, the sense of
divination with the tarot.
This is a study that goes into specifically
what do these symbols mean?
What is the archetype for,
and how is it applied in our life?
And this is what Rah recommends
to do is more advanced study.
When you become more aware of the nature of the archetypes,
you can take them on and become each archetype at will.
And that's like the the end point that we're going
to is when do we want to become the hierophant,
the significant or the significant of the mind.
Um, and so to start this discussion, I thought it'd be good
to just dive straight into the, the depth Hierophant,
where's this word coming from?
And on Wikipedia, it'll tell you, this is a person
who brings religious congregants into a presence of
that which is deemed holy.
And that's coming from the ancient Greek word, um,
t tahira, the Holy and Pheno to reveal.
So revealing the holy with,
with the hy is the one who's revealing that,
which is sacred or holy.
And a, I, I'm not sure totally why
the word Hierophant has come into our, the uses, uses
of the English speaking language.
Uh, so there, there's some reference.
I found that there may have been, uh, you know,
tracing this back to the late 18th
or 19th centuries, uh, French cult revival, Arthur
Edward Waite may have had some hand in making this more
popularized as the term, uh, higher fan being the term for
what maybe had a different name in the, you know, it's not,
not a Greek or origin.
This is a Egyptian origin.
So what, I don't know if we can map exactly
what the Egyptians were doing
and what terms they would've used.
It probably doesn't matter, but it seems
as though these occultists or,
or somehow the secret groups, the secret societies, wanted
to pass down the word Roan
because maybe what,
what the Greeks were doing is the best archetypal example of
what this Im, this image is symbolizing.
So this was relating to, um, the title
of the chief priest at the Ellucian Mysteries.
And the Ellucian Mysteries, uh,
were initiations held every year for the cult of Demeter
and Persephone based at the Panhellenic Sanctuary of
Lucius in ancient Greece.
They're considered the most famous
of the secret religious rights of ancient Greece.
Um, and these were kept secret
consistently from antiquity.
Um, let's see if we can figure out
what, what these rights were.
Um, the participants had to swear about secrecy.
Uh, four categories of people participated.
It was the priest, priestesses and Roan
and the Roan were distinguished from
priests, which is very interesting.
Um, oh, I didn't share my screen yet. Dang it.
I'm gonna share my screen now. Um, yeah,
so the, it's interesting that the, you know, it,
it could be said that a person who's a priest in the modern
era is the, the person we're saying is the one
who is revealing the nature
of the sacred, revealing that which is sacred.
But this was a separate category in the, in the Greek,
um, way of looking at things.
Um, so the, the priesthood
Did the Greek word, I'm sorry, did the Greek word predate
the hieroglyphs
and the work that raw, uh, brought forth in the images?
I don't, I mean, I, I don't imagine how that could,
Okay. It
Seems that the, the ancient, uh, Egyptian
symbols came and were eventually, the han concept was,
it was thrown on top of it by somebody who thought,
maybe this is the best way of explaining it.
Um, but it's
What's the, why are we seeking significance then in, in a,
a word or a name or a label that sort of came
after the, the concept
and the image itself were,
um, produced? Well,
I, that's a good point, I guess
to some degree, I'm, I'm just curious.
I'm just curious where, you
know, what was the reasoning for this?
Um, and uh, we don't have to dwell on this though. Yeah.
Isn't there another name though, for Hierophant
that's also, um, like a, there's a few
arcana that have different, um,
names maybe in different traditions.
So I was kind of curious as
to whether it took on a different one there too.
But, um, it's not to say that it's not significant.
I'm just, um, trying to, uh,
Yeah. Would you
Say That Ron did end up kind of adopting that name
as well too in, in their teachings,
they're acknowledged when, when Don called him the hire fan,
they didn't correct it.
So in a sense, they kind of did take on the name as well,
or acknowledged it.
Yeah. Let's, let's look at that.
Um, they initially initial usage of the word was asked by,
uh, it was a good place to start by, by raw, uh, or by Don.
He was asking about what would be the higher fan.
And raw said the higher fan, meaning
major A rcic card number five is the significant
of the body complex.
But then they corrected that in the next one they meant
to say mind, um, significant of the mind complex.
It's very nature. So the very nature
of the mind could be called the significant.
Um, we may note that the characteristics
of which you speak do have bearing upon the significant
of the mind complex, but are not the heart.
And so there may have been a different discussion here.
Um, the Heart of Mind complex is
that dynamic entity which absorbs,
seeks and attempts to learn.
So this is the heart of the definition that we're aiming
for here is the dynamic entity which absorbs,
seeks and attempts to learn.
Um, but there's a few different definitions we can apply
to this also, I think they call it the, uh,
most efficacious nature, a different, uh, session here.
And did you have any guys have any other thought,
thoughts on a general overview of that?
I guess I'm, I'm curious as to what Don was asking there.
The original, uh, okay.
Oh, I see. I was got, I was stuck on
relevant search, not session search.
Yep. That's what did it. Okay.
So Redon had originally asked, uh,
would the higher fund be somewhat of a govern order
of these effects, which were referred to, um, previously
the effects of the catalyst
of mind, emperor experience of mind.
And Ross said though, far too rigid in your statements,
you perceive correct relationships.
Um, there's a great deal
of dynamic interrelationship in these first four archetypes.
And then the question was,
would the hierophant then be somewhat of a governor or,
or sorter of these effects so as
to create the proper assimilation by the unconscious of
that, which comes through the conscious andrah said the
position is incorrect at his heart.
And then, and then Don Raw
Raw explained the Hierophant is the significant
of the mind, it's very nature.
Lemme know what the characteristics of which you speak,
which would've been, um, the governor or sorter.
Um, these concepts, um,
are not the heart, but do have bearing upon it
Are not the heart of the significant of the mind.
Yeah. But then it goes on to say the heart
of the mind complex.
So not just a significant, but the entire mind complex.
Yeah. Although the, the,
although you could say that they're also saying that the,
um, the significant is kind of at the heart
of the nature of mind.
Um, and I think that's what they were saying
when they're saying, um, yeah,
here referring to the heart of it.
And also, um, we can begin to go into the quotes, I guess,
uh, to cover some more of the devolution seems like
That dynamic entity absorb, seeks
and attempts to learn that they're kind
of describing the whole first four archetypes there.
They basically taking potentiation catalyst experience
and working through that cyclical process over
and over to basically learn, learn the self,
and to become the creator in that sense.
So it's like that desire, I guess, to, to continue,
at least from the, from the mental standpoint
as we're we're looking at the mind complex.
That would make sense. Definitely.
All right. Let me pull up my, um,
quotes here that we're gonna go over.
Um, So
79.42 a little further down here.
They give it a different definition.
Um, uh, Don had asked, I will just ask for
one of the archetypes, which I'm least understanding at this
point, if I can use that word at all.
I am still very much in the dark with respect
to the Hierophant and precisely what it is.
Could you give some other indication of what that is?
And raw said, you have been most interested in the
significant, which must needs become complex, that
that phrase is one.
We'll have to unpack it a little while here too.
When we talk about the nature of the,
the simplified significant
and the complex significant as a function of the veiling,
which was described in detail by raw, um, is something
that happened earlier in our, the evolution of the, the mind
of the galaxy, the logos.
Um, then they said the Hierophant is the original archetype
of mind, which has been made complex
to the subtitle movements of the conscious and unconscious.
And, uh, define that word again
so we make sure we're on the same page.
Oops, I did not copy it.
Subtile can mean delicate from early French soill,
meaning delicate from Latin SubT tillers, meaning delicate,
literally finely woven.
So these delicate, finally woven movement of the conscious
and unconscious is what's leading to
the complexness of the higher fan.
So do you think at that point they're talking about, oh,
sorry, if you keep reading there, um, of, of the veiling, is
that like what, what they're getting at here?
'cause it's talking about becoming complex
and then the relationships basically
between the conscious mind and unconscious mind, right?
Separate is kind of what they're getting
At. Exactly,
Because the conscious and the unconscious were not separated
before the veiling, and then the movements
between the two is what is adding the complexity.
Yeah, what they say
Unconscious before the veiling then, I mean,
if you were conscious of everything that is unconscious,
then it's not really unconscious, is it?
It could be that there's still a choice of focus,
and you could say that the things which are out of focus are
what we would call
or would've called the unconscious,
even though it's still accessible
completely to the conscious.
Okay, that makes Sense.
I'm not sure if that makes sense.
It does. Um, the complexity
of the complexities of mind were evolved rather than simple
meld, rather than the simple melding
of experience from potentiate
or to matrix, which could be said to be the melding
of experience from the unconscious to the conscious,
the consciousness, which is the perceiver.
I'm curious on how, when I read that,
I was starting to think there too.
So we're talking, I think at that point pre prevail, I,
I would assume where we're kind of saying,
we have this access to the unconscious mind
and you would then have the ability to um, basically go
through potentiation, uh, catalyst
and experience and learn something through it.
Just I guess basically mentally at that point you'd be able
to absorb it all since there was no catalyst
or experience archetype at that point.
Yeah. Is melding melding, I thought melding was like
sort of like, uh, aggregating more so than
Blend or combine, I guess.
Yeah. It's interesting that they use that word
and then say it goes from potentiator to matrix.
That seems more of a transfer.
It may have come from the word
announce and that's odd.
Um, but I guess melding is
what it means with the definitions we're using,
um, blending,
um, yeah, that's what I mean blending.
Um, so, um,
A little curious what you were getting
at there, Andrew too.
'cause I think experience from potentiator to Matrix,
'cause we say the matrix records the experience, right,
but the significant is the one that experiences it.
So it's like almost seems, seemed backwards then.
I thought that the, the, the archetypes
that were in place, uh, what were the original archetypes?
There was, um, the matrix. Matrix.
Oh, yeah. And significant,
Right? Yeah.
So I'll explain it one more time.
It was definitely stated by raw that the harvest
of the previous creation, the previous octave, uh, of,
or the previous universe was the matrix potentiator
and significant all including mind, body, spirit.
So there was nine three by three,
and then there was also the awareness of male and female.
So it could be that the male
and female biases to the matrix
and potentiator could have existed from the beginning,
although that's, that's super unclear to me.
So I wonder what the role of the significant was.
If what they're saying here is prior to the com,
the complexification of the, of that archetype
experience, you know, was a direct relationship
between Potentiator and Matrix.
And it's like, well, what did the significant do then?
Well, it could be that, that that was the result.
The significant was essentially the result of that, that
melding and blending
and the perception of the most efficacious nature, um,
of, of that, of that particular, what
what we might call an experience,
but what might have just been understood is just
appreciation of reality or something.
And maybe the knowing of the self as the creator at
that point too, since you had access
to the unconscious mind.
So it was that knowledge that you were, were the creator
and you were everything connected with everything,
I guess at that point, uh,
since it was all freely shared at that point.
Yeah. It's funny to
Think that it doesn't get a lot more
clear. Sorry, I was just
Yeah, I was gonna say that, uh, it's interesting
that we often think about the point of this universe
as the creator experiencing itself.
And then what, how do we frame
that when there is no archetype
of experience before the veil?
Yeah, it could be, it could be just a knowing of the self.
Yeah. Huh.
I guess that's kind of the way I was starting to look at
that, that sentence that we were analyzing there,
that simple melding of experience from tint to matrix.
It's like just kind of combining that
and just in, just in knowing in,
in the mental process there, since you don't,
you're not limited in access to, to the unconscious
and the overall knowing of the self as a creator,
You know, at a divine level knowing is realization,
which is just as much the creative process.
Um, meaning to make real, so to know something is
to effectively create it.
And so I'm just kind of, uh,
noodling on that a little bit, I guess.
Alright, well how about we jump back now
and do the discussion, uh, before, before the veil.
And I think that might have more insight for us.
Um, and I will skip, I will skip Greek religious rituals,
maybe come back to that if we have time.
'cause that's, um,
It sounds pretty interesting.
Yeah, it's like layers on layers of, uh, onion here
that we have to process and,
and just understanding what Roth thinks the significant is
and, and symbolizes is a huge step,
but I feel like the fact that it means the same thing as
what this word means, that the, the revealing of the holy,
the, the, the one who's revealing that, which is holy,
it's sort of like the holiness is off to be fully
realized in the great way, but
that which is pointing the way to that which is holy seems
to be the significant.
So I want to maybe end with that, that quote
around the relationship
between the great way and a significant also.
I think that's a great place to end this.
Um, and so, uh,
on 78 10, we could start out now with, uh, some
pre prevail discussion.
Oh, I better turn on, I forgot to turn on the,
if you ever using log one info on a new browser window,
go scroll down to the bottom and click show categories.
Scroll down to the bottom again and click show notes.
And you can even scroll down to the bottom again
and click show audio if you want, um, to be able
to like listen to them from time to time,
the little audio button will show up.
Oh, cool. I don't think I saw that floor.
All right. So this question was, um,
if you scroll along, you see it's in the
before the veil category.
That means we're talking about Don's line of questioning for
what the universe was like in the earlier stages.
And um, Don had said these early logo
that formed in the center of the galaxy wished I assume
to create a system of experience for the one creator.
Did they then start with no previous experience
or information about how to do this?
This is difficult to ask.
So you could say these are the stars and the, the planets
and the earlier stages in the earlier, uh, closer
to the center of the galaxy, did they start
with no previous experience
or information about how to create the system of experience.
And Ross said at the beginning of this creation,
or as you might call it octave,
there were those things known which were the harvest
of the proceeding octave about the proceeding creation.
We know as little as we do of the octave to come.
However we're aware of those pieces of gathered concept,
which were the tools which the creator had
in knowing of the self.
These tools were of two kinds.
Firstly, there was an awareness of efficacy, the efficiency
for experience of mind, body, and spirit.
Secondly, there was an awareness
of the most efficacious nature,
or if you will, significant of mind.
So that's why I've been using these maybe synonymously, um,
so efficacious we could define, uh,
get some, get some breakdown on that.
Um, efficacious can mean
of something abstract successful in producing a desired
or intended result or effective.
Um, and this is coming from a Latin which
means accomplish.
I'm not sure I understand the, the,
the quote. Um, second,
There was an awareness of the most efficacious nature.
There's awareness of the significant of mind.
Oh, we could replace these two.
I see The significant of the mind is, um,
the efficacious nature.
Yeah. Okay.
We could even define the word signif significant
here and see what we get.
Um, significant, um,
is tied directly to astrology though, um,
a planet which signifies the enquirer
or the subject of the question a card chosen represent an
enquirer in a tarot reading.
I'm not sure how relevant that is specifically,
but significance is, is a concept
that I always see when I see significant but efficacious
or effectiveness is maybe a more helpful way of,
of thinking about becoming the archetype of,
of a significant, you're, you're looking for the,
the most effective way of being
based on this effective appreciation of your experience.
And this effective appreciation of the potentiator or,
or the, the focus of seeking the target that you're,
that you're driving at may be very fuzzy at that point.
But then it becomes clarified at once you've processed the
catalyst and had the experience, you have more clarity.
And then with the archetypal expressions
in a more full archetypal form, you then you have the most,
most efficacious nature appreciated.
Um, and then that can lead to, I think to more
eff efficient transformation process.
You're getting more, more out of your transformation,
which is the next archetype, the transformation of mind.
And then that will might lead to a fuller appreciation
of the great way when all these archetypes are more purely
resonated with you have the most efficient path, I guess,
Or Offering service I guess, as well.
And knowing the creator
and then offering I guess the ability for others to, um,
learn themselves I guess to kind of radiate
that, that love I guess.
Right. Would that be more of what the true nature, I guess,
is that we're looking at here ultimately?
Yeah. Yeah.
And it's also interesting that they asked us to pair the,
the study of the significant with the
choice, the fool archetype.
So it maybe there's a, there's an aspect of
recognizing the polarity choice that has to be made to
in this post vail
environment, but I guess we'll get to that point.
But the, the post vail significant has the complexity
of carrying around both polarities and the choice of one
or the other is I think a bigger
part of the transformation process.
But we'll, we'll, we'll analyze the card here soon
and see how much polarity we find in the card
in the actual symbolism.
Um, so, so firstly there was awareness of the experience
of mind, body, spirit, these three aspects
of self was awareness of the most efficacious nature,
or if you will, significant of mind, body and spirit.
Thirdly, there was the awareness of two aspects of mind,
of body and of spirit that the significant could use
to balance all catalyst.
You may call these the matrix and potentiator.
So this is, this is deep here.
So the two aspects of mind that the significant,
the most efficacious nature could use
to balance all catalyst.
When catalyst wasn't even considered an archetype then,
but somehow it was still a thing.
That's what I was thinking too,
because I think they say elsewhere
that catalyst is all generated from
the unconscious mind there.
So if you have access to it,
it's like you would already know the deepest level I guess
of, of that catalyst
or what it's attempting to, to teach you
through there at least, at least to me.
So it's, I dunno, a a little confusing,
I guess what that might look like.
Yeah, yeah.
So I guess, but if you didn't have the veil,
then you don't really need, uh, an additional processing
of catalyst so much because it's just apparent.
Right. And your mind is directly focused on the,
the full picture of what the unconscious
or the potentiator has to offer as opposed to a veiled view
of that potential or that potentiator.
Did, do you know, rah ever said explicitly
that there were no veils in the previous octave?
I mean, they already said pretty much here
that they don't know, but I don't know that
that's a, a safe assumption
That's deep.
Yeah, I haven't really processed that fully.
So it seems to me that
there could be an awareness of the previous octave
if something was very helpful
based on what they're saying here.
They were aware of the gathered concept,
um, those pieces of gathered concept,
which were the tools which the
creator had a knowing of the self
And how do they know what came out of the,
the previous octave even,
I know they say they know very little,
but it's kind of curious too,
how do you know what you do now?
Um, yeah, there's,
there's some other quotes in the raw material about the,
the lack of awareness of the previous octave,
but I think they even say that there are beings who come
from across the boundary of the octaves
and they're aware of this from both the octave to come
and the octave the came before of beings
that somehow managed to traverse this boundary.
Um, and they compare it to being like on a, on a,
on an island where you have no way of knowing
if there's other islands unless,
unless beings come on boats from the other islands
and say, I am from elsewhere, so
that's mysterious enough for me right now.
That is pretty mysterious.
But that would also explain how they have gotten
some information. It could
Be, yeah, The barriers there.
Yeah, I think in one of the other quotes,
they do go into the detail as well of, I guess the,
the logos conceptualizing the idea of the veil here
as like a more, um, I guess newer idea
to this octave I guess at that point.
But that's not to say Andrew, that that wasn't, you know,
previously conceived before. We've
Really have no way.
Yeah, maybe you rethought of it again at this point in the
new octave restarting at that point,
but yeah, you just, I guess you wouldn't know.
Yeah. I mean it would almost be hard to not imagine it,
but then again, I guess when you look at these octaves,
there is a trajectory.
There is seemingly some linearity, even though we also know
that it's infinite, I suppose, in, in both directions.
Yeah. Alright, so let's continue on this, uh,
discussion in 78.
Um, so we'll skip over
matrix and potentiator discussion here
and go straight to, um, the simple answer,
which you could see why in session 79 Ra
Don says he was still confused.
Um, but the question was would you eluate with respect
to the significant you spoke of,
and Ross said the original significance may undifferentiated
be termed the mind, the body, and the spirit.
And let's plug that one in there.
Not undifferent, undifferentiated means not divided
or able to be divided into different elements,
Meaning that, that they are synonymous, that that mind,
body and spirit were original significance.
Yeah. Huh.
But they weren't a complex yet.
Correct. Um, and that's, we will get, we'll get to that.
I think the, they, these were a simple unified concept.
I think I'll add, I'll I'll pull up that one too.
Um, this, this probably be easier if I pull up.
Uh, 79 20, um,
79 20.
Uh, Donna had said in this discussion about
before the veil, um,
and this was specifically a question, um,
about the, the these nine archetypes before the veil.
And, and uh, Ross said the significant
of each mind bodying spirit may be seen
as a simple and unified concept.
And that statement had con confused me for years too.
Um, but there's, there's one concept of
what a mind is, one concept of what a spirit is, one concept
of what a body is that is simple
and unified and maybe uniform.
And this was before the veil.
It was obvious, I think more obvious
that this was a simple unified thing.
And then when we have this interplay with the
extension of free will into the,
the conscious mind which has been severed or separated
or veiled from the unconscious, then now we have the complex
significance and
that's discussed at a different point.
Yeah. And through that like forgetting then you don't
remember that this is a unified concept
or it's not blatantly obvious, I guess to you
as it might've been pre prevailed conditions, I guess,
or, uh, dis incarnate state on a third density.
Yep. Right.
Let's go back to 78
and touch on number 19.
So the original first evolution that was planned
by the logos, um, the original,
the first evolution then was planned by the logos,
but the first distortion was not extended to the product,
meaning free will, uh, extended to each individual.
At some point this first distortion was extended
and the first service to self polarity emerged.
Is this correct? And if so, could you tell me the history
of this progress in emergence
and Ross said as ProAm as preface or preamble
or opening apology, let me state
that the logo a always conceived of themselves
as offering free will to the sub logo in their care
sub logo had freedom to experience
and experiment with consciousness, the experiences
of the body and the illumination of the spirit.
That having been said, we speak to the point of your query,
The first logos to instill what you now see
as free will in the full sense.
And its sub logo came to this creation due
to the contemplation and depth of the concepts
or possibilities or of conceptualizations of
what we have called the significance.
The logos posited the possibility of the mind, the body,
and the spirit as being complex in order
for the significant to be what it is not.
It then must be granted the free will of the creator.
This set in motion a quite lengthy in your terms, series
of logo, a improving or distilling the seed thought
the key was the significant becoming a complex.
So This came,
this thought came from contemplation
and depth, deep thought of the concept
or possibilities of conceptualizations,
those conceptuals being conceptualizations,
being the, the complex significance.
Yeah. And like giving maybe at that point the potential
to see them as separate or,
or not unified, I guess with that.
Yeah, I think one that, oh, go ahead.
I was just gonna say I love that they often refer
to the service to self path as the path of
that which is not, and then they hear that, they say
that we have have to become what, what we are not
to be complex and not as simple.
That's the one I was gonna kind of highlight as well too.
And reading that to significant to become what it is not.
And I dunno, I guess to me that seemed like
that was talking about giving you individuation
or at least the illusion of being individualized
as not the whole creator in the self.
So you are becoming, which is not real,
I guess in the sense in this illusion thinking you're
separate from everybody else when in reality it is all one.
I don't know if that that's how you guys see it too, but
Yeah. I keep
wanting to figure out where sort of the, the, um,
I, I don't like to use the word egoic since raw doesn't
actually use that very often, but the, the sort
of the thought system that's so completely antithetical to,
to knowing the one infinite creator.
And so I guess I'm always like kind of sniffing out for
where that lives and how, you know, it developed and,
and I don't know if it has anything to do with this,
but obviously having a veil and,
and no longer being able to see your interconnectedness
with your creator, uh, seems related.
Um, if it's not a direct result,
then perhaps it's an expression of that thought system,
And to be what it is not if, you know, if
that means being separate, which
the egoic mind believes itself to be, then that kind is why
that made me think of that right there.
Yep. Definitely seems to be a,
The only reason we can have that experience, sorry,
Nathan, um, of separation is to have free will.
Right? Like we couldn't,
we couldn't have this experience if we didn't have free
will, if we didn't actively choose it.
Right. Yeah.
I I it bring brings to mind a quote from session one.
Um, it was fairly poignant. Um,
So in truth there is no right
or wrong, there is no polarity for all will be,
as you would say, reconciled at some point in your dance
through the mind, body, spirit complex,
which you amuse yourself
by distorting in various ways at this time.
This distortion is not in any case necessary.
It is chosen by each of you as an alternative
to understanding the complete unity of thought,
which binds all things you're not speaking of similar
or somewhat like entities or things you are, every thing,
every being, every emotion, every event, every situation,
your unity, your infinity, your love, light, light love.
You are, this is the law of one.
Wow. Beautiful.
It's just an ongoing choice.
In the alternative, we can't get over this
alternative that's so, so engaging,
I guess not, but neither can the creator at
that point either, I guess if that's
what they keep reproducing
or the logos I guess from that point.
So it's producing good experiences
or unique fanned peacock's tale of options,
Right? It's
A thought trap.
Well, um, the, if we're going back this far, we,
we could say that they, they're trying
to put the emphasis on consideration of the nature
of thought and getting back to the one original thought.
And I think that if you can conceive of the, all
of your thoughts of self as being part
of the original thought, then you can kind of step back from
in, in theory, if you could go deep enough in the mind,
you can step back from the, the illusions
and distortions of the self
and see that they're part of a bigger, deeper consciousness
that's kind of calling us back.
Would you say that then that relates to the significant
before, I guess like I kind of sums up I guess
what the significant is prevailed conditions at that point,
is that that ultimate knowing and that calling back?
Yeah, yeah. It's interesting.
They also refer to the veil as being symbolized by the,
the fall and the story of the creation story in Genesis.
And that it's almost like what we're seeking is to be that,
that self
before the, the eating of the tree, of the, the fruit
of the tree, of the knowledge of good and evil, going back
to the tree of life and,
and going back to that, that full state of awareness of,
of life without the, the tinting of the, the good and evil.
Yeah, that makes sense.
Um, alright, so we were left off on 78, um,
the next one was 20.
Um, then, then Don asked, it's amazing, amazing
how much he was, he was able to handle all this.
Um, then our particular logos when it created its own
particular creation was at some point far down the
evolutionary spiral of the experiment with significant
or becoming what it was not,
or in effect creating the polarity that we strive
for in third density and
therefore was, I assume primarily concerned in the design
of the archetypes and designing them in such a,
in such a way so that they would create the
acceleration of this polarization.
Is this in any way? Correct, or
I said we would only come at briefly.
It is generally correct.
You may fruitfully view each logos
and its design as the creator experiencing itself.
The seed concept of the significant being a complex
introduces two things, firstly, the creator against creator
and one sub logos and what you may call dynamic tension.
Secondly, the concept
of free will once having been made fuller
by its extension into the sub logo known as mind, body,
spirit complexes, creates and recreates
and continues to create as a function of its very nature.
So these are the two effects.
Firstly, pitting a creator against creator
in dynamic tension and secondly, creating
and creating as just a function of its nature.
When you see that, where it says in one sub logos,
would you, do you interpret creator against creator, um,
to mean sort of man against man or man against himself?
I would think the dynamic tension would mean
man against other man, but I guess that's a good point.
It could mean an aspect of yourself.
I'm still thinking of that. Yeah. I'm still thinking of
that thought system that exists at the expense
of the recognition of truth and,
and there's certainly dynamic tension between those, right?
Yeah. You're, you're sort of your knowing
and you're thinking or the illusion and,
and truth, et cetera.
Yeah. Yeah.
We're not aligned in our thoughts either
and there's competing things constantly going back and forth
and what's actually believed at
that point without knowing the self as the creator
with majority of the people, it seems like
that could end up being all the tension there that that's,
uh, that they talk about.
Yeah. And maybe these two, these two ideas of pitting
self against a seeming external self
and pitting an aspect
of the self against an aspect of the self internally.
It's just those internal things are externalized
and all the roles that we're playing out the constant
That ends up Yeah, either way it ends up being something
that allows for attack, really. Yeah.
Yeah. And so this is the veiling, right?
This the, the, or one of the, this is a veiling,
but that Yeah, the effect indicator Okay.
Became a complex. Okay.
Yep. Okay. All right.
So I guess we can, we can move on now and,
and I, I think I would like to process the nature
of the veiling and the, the complexity
as we look at the image soon here, um,
as we start diving in.
And this is from the CCZ images
and I also have downloaded the, the redrawn version
that we can look at and compare this to.
Might as well pull that up now,
but this was the, this is roughly close to the original
that, um, that don must have been looking at
and what was apparently on the rate pyramid.
And there is some degree of complexity in this image.
So this is certainly, I think, suggesting
a complex significant, um,
I wish we had Nick here for some of the symbols too,
but, um, we'll catch him next time.
And then the, the redrawn hierophant looks,
looks like this
and they, they didn't change much.
They, um,
in fact, I don't see many differences here at all.
Um, they kept the wings the same, the decorations the same,
and this was redrawn by the LL research team
based on RA's suggestions,
and it looks like there were no astrological elements here,
um, that needed to be removed.
Why do you suppose they added the capes?
Are those capes that the two, um,
Yeah, Figures are wearing,
Maybe they represented something in a different image?
Um, I don't know.
It's not, it's not very often
that they add something new to an image.
Yeah, maybe it was a variation in the version he was
looking at, but hard to say.
All right. Alright, so let's,
let's dive in this the way that, that Dawn did in session.
It was 92 that this was discussed more. Yeah. Okay.
97 is when he really deep, uh,
went deep into the, the image.
Um, let's, let's D two
or briefly to session 92.
Um, 92 14.
Um, So Donna is making general statements about the nature
of the, the archetypes of the mind and,
and he said, when catalyst of the mind is processed
by the entity, the experience
of the mind results is this Correct.
And we did, we covered this in the previous, um,
discussions, and Ross said that
there are subtle misdirections in this simple statement
having to do with the overriding qualities
of the significant It is so that catalyst yields experience,
however, through free will
and the faculty of imperfect memory
catalyst is most often only partially used
and the experience thus correspondingly skewed.
So can you say that that was kind of a,
Go ahead. Oh,
you can finish your thought.
I'm, I'm still processing this so you go ahead.
Oh, I was just thinking that that kind of seems like
that was talking about what we were referring to earlier
with the, um, catalyst concept
of the pre prevailed condition.
So you're, you're memory
and using the catalyst would not be skewed at that point.
You would be using it to its fullest extent, whereas
now when you have the veil there
and you're constantly forgetting different things,
you're not using the catalyst to the fullest extent.
So you're constantly having to go through this cycle
of potentiator catalyst experience to help, um,
help the sign indicator then see
and learn the lesson out of that, to actually get
to the transformation stage.
But it's much more frequently, um, cycled through,
I guess you'd say with in this post failed condition.
Right. And,
and I guess supposedly the matrix is storing the
memory or,
but the, maybe the memory is all related to the significant
because the, or
or the matrix towards the experience maybe
in like an Akashic record.
And then the significant is that, which is, you know, the,
the actor who is going through this fumbling process
of misremembering things
and seeking, um, something that is
not, not fully based on awareness.
That's an interesting thought there too,
because I was thinking of, of
where like the memories actually stored,
because I think we, they talk about the matrix being
recording a lot of that there,
but based on your past memories is
what the significant then uses, I think, through the biases
and other, um, previous reactions that they kind
of can judge or look at certain situations
through based on how it came to them.
So it almost seems like it might impact both of them
or be stored with both.
Um, what about either experience
or transformation of the body?
I mean, is it possible that memory
exists in two different ways, imperfect memory
of course being, you know, within an incarnation
and might literally only be stored in the brain?
Or is it that all memory is literally exactly the same?
We just, it's always imperfect
and especially when it, when it goes back
before an incarnated expression,
Maybe physical matter is a kind of external memory
and we're, we're storing up in a balance of the body
what it is that's led to that point.
All right. That's, that's me just spit balling on that.
But, but then you could say maybe the,
the archetypal darkness, the matrix of this, of the spirit
is sort of the one that's receiving the light
and then the amount of light received is
like a memory of that,
Can't really have a perception of light without darkness.
Indeed. Huh.
I'm still kind of stuck on this whole imperfect memory thing
and like kind of why it's imperfect and whether
or not that has anything to do with the veiling, like
memories get sort of, you know, shoved into a darker corner
of the mind it seems, and I mean, what percentage
of anything do we remember?
Like truly like a tiny, tiny fraction, I imagine, right? I
Mean, yeah. Yeah.
Tiny, tiny. I guess it, it's interesting that,
you know, I suppose with an altered state
of consciousness you can go back and see anything,
and this seems to be the case with people
who go into a state of hypnosis where
suddenly now they can remember their birth
and just everything is crystal clear before they're born.
Yeah. There's no recording in the physical body
of pre-birth memory.
That's true. And they have, um, past life memories too.
Yeah. Huh. Okay.
So I guess memory
is interestingly, it's like there's the veiled memory
and the unveiled memory I guess, that we both,
we have access to at all times.
And, and this is why we're getting less, um,
less benefit of the catalyst even.
I mean, they're specifically saying that
because we don't remember this.
So for example, we, we might encounter an energy
or less of, you know, something that, um, actually has a
sort of a repeating pattern in life, right?
Like we might keep calling the same lesson over
and over again, but because it comes dressed
as a different person or different circumstances every time,
we we're not actually realizing that we're, you know,
encountering the same pattern over and over again, and
therefore we're, you know,
we're not really processing the catalyst for the purpose
that it's there and you know, healing it,
Yeah. And it's interesting that rah has
that other quote about the, the accumulation of, um,
ex present moments as being one way
to accelerate one's evolution.
I'll see if I can find that passage.
It was so confusing that they referred
to present moments, plural.
Um, only
five references to the word moments.
Here we go. Um, if this entity being the entity which is
oriented towards, um, the ways of love,
if an entity just to save time here,
if an entity oriented towards the ways
of love being biased from the depths of its mind, body,
spirit complex towards love light,
or to accept responsibility for each moment
of ti the time space accumulation
of present moments available to it,
such an entity can empower its progress in much the same way
as we described the empowering of the call
of your social complex distortion to the confederation.
Meaning the more of us who are calling to the confederation
like praying, the more effect there is,
uh, exponentially more.
And then that, that, that exponent factoring applies
when we are to begin to accept responsibility
for each moment of the timespace accumulation
of present moments available.
So this might be a reference to memory when you're looking
inside of a timespace dimension,
maybe like when you're dreaming you have more full access
to go in and, and perceive the
accumulations that are in timespace.
That could be why dreams are so useful.
Same thing they're talking about here,
accepting responsibility for
what your dream is showing you might be one way
of empowering your progress too.
And literally if you could remember everything
for which you could reasonably take
responsibility, um, yeah.
Well that's kind of interesting actually if you think about
that because, you know, that's why the, the catalyst
and the lessons and the patterns, you know, continue
to reemerge because we forget, right?
Like we, you know, we just, we haven't experienced and,
and don't process it and move on.
And so we, we have to experience it again.
But it's kind of interesting that if you could recall all
of the catalyst from a lifetime, you know,
if you just had perfect recall of every day of your life,
and some people do just rather interesting actually,
but if you could sit there and move into every memory
and process it and balance it, that would be fascinating.
Yeah. It seems like it's also like the becoming
the creator at that point.
You were taking that responsibility and accepting it.
'cause it's not just, I guess this lifetime,
all previous incarnations
and all previous actions at
that point you were really embracing the,
becoming the creator, uh, through, through knowing yourself
that way and taking responsibility
For the free will that we've been exercising.
I saw a bug flying in front of my camera.
I'm pretty sure it wasn't an orb, but I can't say for sure
I'm in a new studio today and there may be some bugs
Or orbs.
Yeah. Or orbs. Okay.
So back to session 92, um,
talking about faculty, the imperfect memory, and then
after asking about the processing of the
mind a catalyst
and experience, then Don asked that a dynamic process
between the matrix, potentiator catalyst
and experience of the mind forms the nature of the mind
or the significant of the mind, is this correct?
And that's just something Don had written down that
you could tell before the session began.
Um, and then Rah said, as her previous response suggests,
the significant of the mind is both actor
and acted upon with this exception.
The statement is largely correct.
That's so interesting because as I read that, I don't,
I don't feel like Don um, said one way or the other.
Well, I guess he said it forms so
Forms the nature of the mind. Yeah.
So that would be sort of acted upon.
Yeah. Okay.
So they're also saying that it plays a role in acting. Well
Yeah, the nature of the potentiate
catalyst and experience must be,
Um, also did The other screen that you pulled up earlier,
um, had, um, another question
below it about Will
and it differentiated between Will and free will.
And I know we talked about this a little bit,
I think when we talked about the Matrix,
but I've been kind of considering this for a while too
and asking, you know, you guys occasionally
what your thoughts are on, you know,
if the will lives in the matrix,
is the significant leveraging the will perhaps when it,
you know, moves into choice.
For example, is it using a faculty from another?
Um, because that to me still seems like it's gotta exercise
will in order to make a choice.
And if the significant is ultimately choosing what,
you know, experience means
or how to process it,
then it seems like those are operating together
Well. Where, where is the source
of wheel really coming from?
That's a really good question,
and I feel like it's difficult to separate will from
all the accumulation of mind, body and spirit complexities,
I thought it was tied most specifically to Matrix,
which would make sense
because that being the sort of the, you know,
the premier archetype and also the first distortion, right?
They did, they did tie the matrix of the mind directly
to Will, and they said that to become almost purely, uh,
you know, aligned with that archetype is
to become the do mind, which is without any polarities,
without any biases, without any accumulation.
That's like the purified representation of what the will is,
is when you remove all of those, um,
those pieces which have sort of become overlaid on top of
what we think we were wanting,
Uh, and probably inhibiting it, uh, to a large degree.
Right. And this is supported by the previous session
that you had pulled up where, um, raw said, um,
so Don talked about extending the, the, um, first distortion
and, and Ross said first to, you know, to be clear, uh,
the logo, logo a always felt
that they were extending free will.
Uh, they just found a way to do it, you know, more fully,
I suppose is kinda how they did that.
But that being the case, um, if they always felt that,
and then that would also make sense if the will was part
of the matrix because, um, matrix was always an archetype,
Yeah, yeah.
It's just what, what is the creator seeking that's
that's it's gonna give us every branch of the creation off
of that, the first distortion.
Yeah. That desire to, to know itself
and love at that point.
Yep. Alright, so I wanted to touch on,
right, we got, luckily we got an hour left, so we'll be able
to cover the image in detail in, in the upcoming hour here.
And two more that I know we've, we've touched on this one,
which where they dropped in this, uh,
bomb about the infinite, the infant, the mind, body,
spirit complex, which is an infant,
has one highly developed portion which may best be studied
by viewing the significance of mind and body.
So this is just so juicy.
I, we talked about it a couple times,
but it's like the, the, you know,
we were talking about coming back to the new Mind.
Maybe this is even in a, a representation of that
'cause the, the infant is the relatively new mind without
all these layers and biases,
but the most developed portion is the significance,
which I would think w would be called the most simplified.
Um, but, but they're using the word developed. Um,
Would that be like the past accumulation
of incarnations there?
So it's like this continued, developed, um, I guess biases
or lens that you're viewing
everything through at that point.
So it's become more complex out there each incarnation that
that, that you continue through.
That could be it. Yeah. Makes sense.
There is, yeah, the infant, the infant definitely comes in
with, um, a personality.
Um, and, uh, astrological also at the astrological
influences, both at the time of conception
and the time of birth are talked about by raw
as being significant to the formation of
what that personality is.
So maybe that's all, maybe
that's why they say that kind of thing
For incarnation choices, some of those like set lessons
and everything forward as well, that there's
I guess more depth possibly to it from the time space
before, before incarnating, uh, yeah, speculating there.
Yeah, but then they say here,
you notice we do not include the spirit.
That portion of a mind, body,
spirit complex is not reliably developed in each and each
and every MINDBODY spirit bear complex.
Thus the infant's significant self, which is the harvest
of biases of all previous incarnational experiences offers
to this infant biases with which to meet new experience.
Is this sort of like your karmic field, do you think?
Yeah, Yeah.
I'd say it's, I I guess I didn't even realize this was the
one I was kind of the quote, I was kind of thinking
of the, where you read it there.
Yeah. That it's like, uh, ends up, yeah,
just basically becoming the lens that you view the world
through and why we all have these different interpretations.
When you see something, what, what annoys you?
What what makes you excited versus others?
And you know, we have these different characteristic traits
that you can't necessarily change,
I guess without learning further,
but that's, those are these biases it seems that,
that you're born with from, from all the past harvest
of incarnation experiences,
Yep. Yep.
This makes more sense to me now than it did last time.
We read, we read over this quote and then, uh, Ross said,
however, the portion of the infinite,
which may be articulated by the matrix of the mind
is indeed unfed by experience
and has the bias of reaching for this experience
through free will, just
as intelligent energy in the kinetic phase
through free will creates the logos.
Um, okay, so we talked earlier about the matrix
of the mind recording.
We've all seemed to kind of find a comfort level there.
Um, but raw here is saying that that matrix
of the mind is unfed by experience, which means that
it is sort of more of that overall karmic makeup.
But I don't know where that karmic, I mean the karmic
for me stuff could live, um, in the body,
because to me the body obviously isn't just the physical,
you know, yellow ray body, but all of your, your emotional
and, and mental bodies as well.
And, um, so I'm just, I guess, um,
I find that interesting that where they're saying
that those biases are specifically not recorded in the
matrix of the mind, and like you said, Mike, perhaps
that we, we do come in with a, a bit
of a new mind. Is that what you said?
Yeah. Yeah. I think it makes sense.
This is talking about just the fact
that the infant has now stepped into the veil
and now they're, and and they don't explicitly say this is
the, the post veil infant,
but I think that might be implied here that the, the,
the lack of direct awareness of all that stuff that you,
that you're got as your programming is
not directly in front of you.
And so you may have the unfed,
but you're seeking to, to feed it now as, as you pro
and and experiences.
Hmm. Yeah, that's a good clarifying point.
I, I, I would agree. It seems like they're kind
of talking in, in the veiled condition it seems like
with this, uh, section,
But it's interesting you could say is, is the,
is the creation of a new octave, is that, did that veil
the previous octave from the logos?
And is it the same idea where the just as intelligent energy
in the kinetic phase
through free will creates the logos at the very beginning?
That's very interesting that that it, you know,
that Rod draws that parallel right there.
Like those two things don't seem in any way
necessarily related though obviously they are.
Yeah. Well, they also say that
to fully step into the matrix of the mind, the, the new mind
is giving you the, is causing to become full
of the magic of the logos.
They say that specifically the entirety of the magic
of the logos is found in stepping back, back, back,
all the way to the original thought, I think is another way
of looking at it to the very newest thought of all things,
which was the galaxy in its entirety for this logos.
Hmm. And so you could say we're a part of
that same thought creation process as sub logo
and being born into bodies that, that have that opportunity
to try it, try it out on this level of consciousness,
Huh? They're recorded
in the matrices of the mind and body
and that's what it goes on to say.
Yep. The sub sub logos then,
or that portion of the mind, body, spirit complex,
which may be articulated by considerations of mind
and body through free will
chooses to make alterations in its experiential continuum
the results of these experiments in consideration
of potentiators, those results
of these experience experiments
and novelty are then recorded in the portion of the mind
and body articulated by the matrices thereof.
So I, I guess each thought is a coordinate in a matrix
and each articulation of body is,
is literally like part of what we would think of in
that, in the movie The Matrix.
It's like the simulation recording that as the program
or something part of the program.
Yeah. Possibly learning then, then from each of those
through, through what's being recorded
and what the results are, I guess like
potentially your ideas of, of the body having ways,
different ways to care for yourself, I guess there.
And you can learn through it if, if it was beneficial
or not, or having that desire.
Right. The next one was 29 34.
I wanted to touch on, um,
why did I choose this one?
Yeah, there we go. 34.
So, uh, Don said I will just then attempt an example
of the potentiator of mind acting.
Would as the infinite, as the infant gains time in our
incarnation, would it experience the Potentiator offering
both positive and negative potential acts
or thoughts, shall I say, for the matrix to experience,
which then begin to accumulate?
Shall I say in the matrix and color it one way
or the other in polarity,
depending upon its continuing choice of
that polarity offered by the potentiator.
It's kinda a confusing question.
Um, I think Ross simplifies it.
Uh, Ross said firstly, again, we may distinguish
between the archetypical mind
and the process of incarnational experience
of the mind, body, spirit complex.
And, and that's, that's even hard to wrap your head around,
but they're saying the archetypical mind is sort of
beyond every form.
And then the process of incarnational experience is,
is its own journey.
Um, secondly, each potentiation, which has been reached for
by the matrix, is recorded by the matrix,
but experienced by the significant,
each potentiation, which has been reached for by the matrix
as recorded by the matrix,
but experienced by the significant,
which was originally called mind, body, and spirit.
The mind, body and spirit is the one having the experience.
Hmm. That's the actor
and acted upon kind of combination there, I guess.
The experience of the significant
of this potentiated activity is
of course dependent upon the acuity of its processes
of catalyst and
experience acuity.
I'll define that one now. Acuity is
keenness or acuteness, especially in vision
or thought, the capacity of the eye to see fine detail.
It's like how much you've processed the various catalysts
and through experience there is what you, I guess the lens
that you would view it as, as the significant
and the level of depth
or understanding you'd have of it, um, based on
how much work I guess you've done before
and deep dive you've gone into it.
Yeah. And I guess that, like we're saying,
must relate to memory too.
Memory of the detail.
Yeah. Or learning of the lesson
of the catalyst there truly in, in fuller, fuller extent.
Um, yeah, really taking the lesson from that point.
Yep. Alright.
I'm ready to head to session 97 now
and go into the beginning of Don's questioning
in more depth on these images.
Uh, card number five right here.
I'll have to zoom in a lot, I think on all these details.
Um, see if I can make that easier. Oops, what did I press?
I gotta get familiar with this and do Okay.
Can't zoom in that way. Okay, here we go. All right.
So Don said card number five.
The significant of the mind indicates, firstly, as I see it
simply a male within a rectangularly structured form.
This suggests to me that the significant of the mind
and third density is well bounded within the illusion,
as is also suggested by the fact that the base
of the male is a rectangular form showing no ability
for movement would draw, comment on that.
And this is something that we talked about the,
the previous discussions that the, the,
the rectangular shape is symbolizing the, the nature of,
of man manifest incarnation, um,
or our third density illusion.
And so Ross says, oh, student, you have graphs, the bears
of the nature of the significances, complete envelopment
within the rectangle.
So here we have a rectangle around the, the entire image
and it actually makes me wanna pull up the other images
and compare, um, the amount of rectangle ness.
And you can see, let me zoom out more.
In card four, we had, uh,
the experiences sitting upon the rectangle
and the catalyst is sitting upon the rectangle
and the catalyst, the potentiator sitting upon the rectangle
as well, but with the columns
representing polarity on the left and right,
and then the matrix is not even directly, um,
sitting or connected to the, the square,
but it has a, the caged bird.
It's that that that potential that's waiting be moving it
to be tapped into, I think.
And so that's related to the, the square, the related
to the, the, this illusion of third density, the,
the caging of that potential.
And then here we have the one who's completely inside
of it in the higher fan.
So the rectangle is definitely significant.
He's also sitting on one still.
Yep. I
Dunno if they got into it more too there,
but it seems like it's like the outside rectangle
of the structure would be like your belief systems,
those biases, the pre incarnation choices
that we were saying are surrounding then the conscious mind
that is in that third density experience and the illusion.
But it's like another level of that conscious mind
that you come into the incarnation with
on the outside rectangle,
Like those aggregated biases.
Mm-Hmm. Yeah.
What else does, uh, raw finish with there?
Because uh, anytime they say, oh, student,
they seem a little bit impressed, right?
Yeah. Yeah.
And they had more emotion when they, when you listen
to the recording, it's a little bit more emotion like
excitement that this is where they're getting into.
Um, so they said then
the barest essence of the nature
of the sign's complete development within the rectangle.
So then they said, consider for the self
of student whether your thoughts can walk.
The abilities of the most finely honed mentality
shall not be known without the use of the physical vehicle,
which you call the body
through the mouth.
The mind may speak through the limbs,
the mind may affect action.
So maybe there, this is partly, um, pointed at
what Don was asking about with, um,
bounded, well bounded within the illusion. Um,
So the illusion as I'm seeing this maybe,
I dunno, maybe they weren't all that impressed,
but, um, they're saying that
sort of the, the faculties of the mind
or the finely home mentality, um,
shall not be known without use of the physical vehicle.
And um, likewise, it says consider what are your,
whether your thoughts can walk.
It's like, um, is Ross saying you're asking us if a faculty
of the mind which sort of exists, you know, outside
of, or or it transcends the illusion, I suppose.
So I I still don't know.
They said that you've grasped the barest essence
of the nature, but that's not, um,
it's not exactly high praise.
Right. Um, there's also the ion of showing,
showing no ability for movement.
Huh. Maybe
there, is there trying to put emphasis on the idea
that there would be movement with the body added in.
Yeah. Well, movement maybe in this case is a,
is a space time thing, right?
I mean it's a relative thing. Yeah.
And the mind doesn't sort of, you know, exist or,
or operate in that relative space time the same way.
I mean, it's used to perceive it of course,
but it doesn't, your mind doesn't walk like they say,
but I'm still not sure how much
of his statement they're confirming versus
Alright, let's move on and come back to this one.
Let's go through some more. Okay.
Um, and then, uh, Don said the end of entity looks
to the left indicating that the mind has the tendency
to notice more easily the negative catalyst
or negative essence of its environment.
Woodrow comment on that observation,
this is substantially correct.
So the mind has the tendency
to notice more easily the negative catalyst
or negative essence of its environment.
So I guess we're talking about the
environment that the mind is in,
In, in this body, then basically incarnated
in third density or
Yeah, I guess that makes sense
'cause that's what the rectangles are representing.
I yeah, that's interesting to me.
So are, are the rectangles indicating the, the nature
of the body to some degree,
because we're talking about the incarnation of the,
into the third density illusion.
that might, may be referencing the previous, um, passages
that I think that was discussed more with the, the catalyst.
Yeah, one of them does talk about,
I know like the box shape signifying that
that third density illusion in general is like, especially
as the entity and the pictures sitting on it,
they're representing them being in, um, yeah.
In incarnation at that point,
but then the outside went around it,
I think is a little different, I guess to me.
Yep. Do you, would you uh
hmm Do you think that the, that the input
that the significant takes is limited to
what we can perceive?
And I mean that seems like an academic question
or how could it not be limited there,
but like it's maybe that's the only sort of, um,
input that it takes, like Well, no, the significant
of the mind, I suppose so
because you're gonna have a significant of the spirit
and body that might have a, a totally different experience.
Right. Uh,
but part of the veiling process, you know, to
where all we can perceive is what we can sense with our,
our regular physical senses.
Yeah. The yeah.
The experience is what's feeding back into the
actor and acted upon
Yeah. Current experiences
and past ones I guess that have formed
that there together, but yeah,
it would be seen individually, I guess.
So what are the significance of the, uh, spirit and body?
Do they happen to have any, what's a rectangular
configuration, I guess, or
representation is what I'm curious?
Yeah. The significant of the body is kind
of in a rectangle with trees.
Yeah. Uh, and vines
Completely enclosed in another, another rectangle.
Yeah. Very fruit filled.
What did the redraw sh or did, did they get this far?
No, they did, they did get this far in the redraw or No,
They did not get that far in the redraw.
Okay. Yeah. The first seven were redrawing.
Yeah. What About the spirit?
And then the spirit is of course the sun, which
I guess if, if the people are forming
the rectangle, that's interesting.
Mm-Hmm. Um, but I don't think that's intended. Um,
Yeah, because, uh, yeah, no, I think that this kind
of makes sense, or at least the way that Don asked it
and sort of what raw confirms is that the significance
of mind and body are limited in experience to
perceptual reality, which is, you know, again, a function
of the veil and that's why we can, you know,
see such a tiny sliver of the illusion,
whereas the significant of the spirit wouldn't be
limited to that because it's transcendent.
Right. This is just pure light
Yeah. Beyond
all form. Yeah.
And, and perhaps the, the significant of the spirit has, uh,
catalyst and, and experience available to it that
can also be outside of the, the illusion.
Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Hmm.
I think that's, um, definitely spoken of at some point.
Um, spirit is vastly more capable
of, of going across the, the densities and everything.
Yeah. Oh, okay. I like it. Yep.
All right. So we were on 97
continuing on, um,
Make sure I've got my notes pulled up right here.
Alright, so the entity looks to the left,
and this is relating to the ability
to notice the, the negative catalyst.
Um, and then number 12,
there are two small entities at the bottom of the seat.
One black and one white.
I would first ask Rah,
is this drawing correct in the original coloring
as a black one in the proper position with respect
to RA's original drawings?
And Ross said that which you perceive
as black was first red.
Other than this difference, the beings
and the concept complex are placed correctly.
So there Don's asking right,
because he is looking to the left,
which we've already identified is negative polarity,
and yet, um, the, the service
to others entity is represented on that side, right.
Is looking to the left, which is service to self. Yeah.
But then there's a, a white colored
Entity looking back.
Yeah. Reminds, reminds me of the,
the woman looking back at the bird pointing that way.
Yeah. And the catalyst of the mind.
Oh, yeah. Because the, the figures themselves are kind
of pointing in the direction of where they represent,
I suppose, with their hands. Yeah,
Pointing back that way, pointing towards the sacred.
Um, but it's fascinating to me that they said it's red,
so they, they should have redrawn these in color.
Yeah. Did they mention that in any other images there
or were there obviously quite a few
of these show the differences of polarity there.
Did they ever mention, I,
I can't remember if they talk about other
black negative polarities there representing
or meaning to be red?
No, no, I don't remember that discussion.
This is so fascinating.
It makes me second guess everything
that's black a little bit now.
Right. That seems very interesting
because if you were gonna choose a color, red has to be,
you know, chosen for some reason it's got its own. But you
Could say, you know, red,
red is representing the survival chakra, which could be said
to be, you know, also connected to fear.
When there's fear of survival, you're going back straight
to the distortions of the red.
And maybe there's some, some deeper level
or malkuth, I guess you could say something more.
Well, yeah, I would say the, the, the mere notion of
death or the, the fear of death itself is
again stems from, you know, this thought system
and bailing process that, um, causes us to manifest death.
Um, because we no longer see what life is,
we don't see what the truth is.
Yeah. And the transformation
of the body is the death card.
So there's some archetypal process involved there
and an evolution that requires that i,
the the, the rebirthing I guess.
Yeah. And you know, even the reincarnated process is sort
of like, so when we go to the life between lives
and do this review and time space, we can see everything
and then we, we reconfigure ourselves, right.
For a new, a new incarnated experience.
So we reconfigure the energetic system with, you know,
karmic frequencies and things like that that will bring,
you know, new experience to, to uh,
to help bring us forward from wherever we just were.
So transformation of the body,
on the one hand you would think, oh,
it's the physical body dying.
And then it's like, well, yeah.
Then in a way, really once the physical body dies is is
really when the real transformation starts to happen
of the energetic body.
Right. No longer shackled.
Yeah. But
do you know, I guess was, is it like one
of the upcoming quotes where they,
they do go into the detail of that actually being the,
I guess perceived negative catalyst adds this red or
or black looking entity there as well,
but it seems like there are some other
underlying ideas behind it.
Yep. Could be that they didn't have good paint,
Could be as simple as that.
So the, the red coloration is a mystery
to me then says done.
We had originally decided
that these represented polarization
of the mind either positive or negative.
This is very, very debate.
The very, very next one as its significant self would be
either significant as one or the other polarity would rock.
Comment on that. Andra said the indications of polarity are
as presumed by the questioner.
The symbolism of old
for the left hand path was the russett coloration.
That's interesting because Russett is one
of the four colors of macu actually.
Interesting. Yeah,
it's got black gold Russ and like green
or olive or something like that.
Reddish brown. Mm-Hmm.
That answers right there. Then
The woods in the autumn are a right of rusted and gold.
It's interesting that the leaves turn red.
All right. I'm, I'm satisfied with that then.
Um, And then they had
to cough and then continue.
Um, what was the nature of the problem
that, yeah, that was continuation why they had to cough.
What was the difficulty for the communication to continue?
And then all now we can,
now he resumed in question 16.
Um, I was wondering why the entity,
the dark entity was on the right side of the card as far
as the male figure, which is a significant,
you mean left is concerned with the light?
Well, it's on the guy's, right?
Yeah. I see. And the light white entity is on the left.
If you could comment on that after making the instrument
cough and then Ross said we may continue.
The nature of polarity is interesting in
that those experiences offered to the significant
as positive frequently become recorded as productive
of biases, which may be seen to be negative.
Whereas the fruit of those experiences apparently negative,
is frequently found to be helpful in the development
of the service to others bias
as this is perhaps the guiding characteristic of that,
which the mind processes and records, these symbols
of clarity have thusly been placed.
Boy, that's, that's amazing,
Yeah, I think the initial thing
that jumped in my mind was the other quote
where Ron talks about how quite a bit
of this is learn through trauma.
So you almost have to go through traumatic experiences
to be able to grow from it.
So something negative that you learn the lessons
and can then better be of service
or find the in that moment there.
But what seems to be such a negative situation.
Yeah. Yeah.
And this goes straight back
to our first episode session five, discussing the need
to balance each positive
and negative charge, which should with its opposite
if there's too much of the one, it is a state of imbalance.
And then with the other in mind you can,
you can see them both imbalance.
I wonder what a good example of an experience
that could be offered as positive
but recorded as productive of negative biases.
Well, let's say that you, uh, are given,
um, truckloads of free food.
Oh, I see, I see.
A year supply of Big Max, for example. Yeah.
Yeah. And then, and then
likewise a challenge, some really, you know,
seemingly insurmountable thing comes
and then we find ourselves on the other side of it going,
oh man, you know, I didn't know I was capable of that.
And Okay, I understand now.
Yeah, it's fascinating.
It's, it's a, it's worthy of endless questioning
how does the supply in her lives.
Um, my mom was talking the other
day about wanting to be out of debt and I,
and I asked her, what is, you know, is being out
of debt gonna cause you to be more
or less of service to others?
And she didn't really have an answer to that,
but it's like she wanted to see her life as, you know,
ha ha ha basically having no need to work
for money means you don't have to be of service
to others for money.
You can be of service to others for reasons other than
money, um, if you're motivated by your heart.
Um, but to a large degree, I think people are motivated
by this painful work that we have to keep doing,
which is forcing us to be things like
servers in a restaurant
where we're literally just serving people all day long,
helping them get food.
But it's, it's funny to me that that's, that's the word for,
um, a job is server.
Yeah. You think it's a karmic shortcut if you take a job
server or what if you pick servers for a living?
Is that okay? Does that help karmically?
Yeah. Yeah.
It is interesting to think, I guess with some of
that there, 'cause it's like how many, like what percentage
of the time are we talking about some of these things too?
Because I think good things can come out of
when something good happens to you, you can,
it's the way you've used it, I guess,
or the intention behind it it seems.
But I guess to learn some of the deeper lessons,
maybe it is more of the extremes of like
what they're saying here, this true
negative catalyst versus positive catalyst
coming at you from, from,
Well they kind of said in
that session we pulled up earlier
that there is no good or bad.
So that in and of itself, it's just a matter of
how the significant, you know, chooses
to have an experience.
And, um, probably
what he's actually perceiving would be my guess,
if he is perceiving, um,
isolated beings operating in a totally separate
circumstance, then, you know, he might experience that
catalyst differently than he would if he is choosing to see
that as an expression of the one infinite creator.
Okay. Yeah, that kind of makes sense.
And then kind of also based through their biases as well
that they're, that they're viewing the situation,
I guess like what Rob's talking about there too, it's
depends on that viewpoint I guess, of that significant
for, for the individual.
Exactly. Both probably what we come in with, that sort of,
that karmic amalgamation and the biases that are packaged up
and then the ones that we record
and experience in a lifetime.
Mm-Hmm. Um, the next,
the last part there, I'm,
I'm not a hundred percent sure I understand.
Alright, I'll keep reading. Okay.
So, so the fruit of those experiences, apparently
negative is frequently found to be helpful in the
development of the service to others bias.
So we're talking about the fruit of these experiences
as this is perhaps the guiding characteristic of that,
which the mind processes and records.
The symbol is symbol of the clarity of thusly been placed.
Maybe I wanna stop there for a second.
This is the guiding characteristic.
So the guiding characteristic is polari polarity related,
polarity related symbols are guiding.
So you may note that the hands of the central image
indicate the appropriate bias for right
and left hand working that is the right hand gestures in
service to others offering its light outward.
This hand here, the left hand
attempts to absorb the power of the spirit
and point it for its use alone.
And that's the scepter.
Huh. Um, are they, do they usually hold the wand
or the scepter in the, in the left hand?
Is that a or is that just on this card?
I believe that not, not true in the, in the,
in the matrix, but of course they, they put the, the symbol
of magical power in the, in the hand of the,
the magician, the right hand.
Right. Which I think is helpful
And the great way of the mind.
You've got both, but that was redrawn.
Um, let me pull up the great way. Redrawn
One Oh, the great way of the mind is inside the box too.
Four pillars the same. Yeah. Yeah.
And, uh, yeah, he's got the same scepter
and the redrawn version that was exact same
as the Hierophant and the exact same orb is in the matrix
of, of the mind in the, in the right hand.
Hmm. So these are both, um,
spiritual elements then, and this one,
This is the great way of the mind.
Right. Um, but the scepter
and the crystal ball are both Oh,
That makes sense. Yeah,
that makes sense. That you would
call those spiritual elements.
Yeah. Um, yeah, they, they, the, the sphere represented the,
the magical power, I guess the spiritual power.
I think that's what they said.
Is that, is that right Nathan?
I think it magical ability, ability to use it unconscious,
but it's, it's in a sense the same thing.
I think
Search first fear.
Oh, I'm talking about planets now.
Um, concept of the wand. Okay.
The excellent portion of the image,
which may be seen distinctly as separate from the concept
of the wand, is that sphere,
which indicates the spiritual nature of the object
of the will of one wishing to do magical acts,
the manifestation of your density.
The sphere indicates the spiritual nature of the object
of the will of one wishing to do magical acts
with the manifestation of your density.
And that's discuss that was discussing the
matrix of the mind.
So, but, but here we don't have it.
Number five, we didn't have the, uh, the sphere.
We just had the hand pushing outward
and we had, um,
the redrawn version, the same thing
with the scepter on the left hand indicating,
um, it's attempt to absorb the power of the spirit
and point it for its own use alone.
I know that makes me wonder about the history of scepters,
but what were you saying?
I just said that's, it's about a service
to self as you can get, I guess.
Yeah. It's also interesting
that I hadn't considered that concept
of a single pointed will is being represented by
something like a scepter.
Yeah. Like a narrow straightened,
I guess desire like that. Yeah.
So It's also looking at like, well this one's like,
it looks like it's going into the ground at that point too.
So it's like this, uh, I guess I'm trying to think of how
to interpret that too then,
but maybe a
blunted sort of negative desire there, since it can only,
can only go so far with that.
Um, keeping all the power to yourself there. Yeah.
All right. So number 17, we've just got a few more here.
Um, the eight cartes,
the cartus is in Indi, an Egyptian hieroglyphs, an oval
with a horizontal line.
It won't end indicating that the text closed as a royal
name or a God.
So let's look at these things
and there's eight of them and there's different
symbols in each of the eight.
Aren't those, um, are those easily translatable?
I mean, hieroglyphs have been translatable
for a long time by a lot of people, right?
I mean, are these, were these drawn, you think, as precisely
potentially as they were originally in the pyramid?
Or this was just representative hiogly?
I have no idea, but that's a good study.
We can potentially even, yeah, we see if there's a database
of symbols or Yeah, we can look into that expertise
Yeah. Some of it looks like kanji,
more like kanji than hiogly, but
It's an oval with a horizontal line at one end.
I guess that this line here,
I guess going out the side of it.
Alright, so the cartes at the bottom would possibly,
this is Dawn's speculation
would possibly signify the energy centers.
'cause there's eight, I guess, and the evolution
through those centers poss possibility
for either the negative positive or negative polarization
because of the white and black coloration of the figures.
Would rah comment on that after making instrument cough.
And rah said the observations of the student are perceptive.
It is informative to continue the study of octaves
in association with this concept complex.
Many are the octaves of a mind, body,
spirit complex as beingness.
There is not one that does not profit
from being pondered in connection with the considerations
of the nature of the development of polarity exemplified
by the concept complex of your card.
Number five, I fan.
So they didn't really get too much into this, um,
but just said you're, you're onto something with, um,
the connection to the energy centers which are connected
to sub octaves.
They didn't call it sub ve here,
but I assume that's what they're referring to.
Um, does that make sense, Nathan? What
I think so I mean that seems to be the way that
that would tie in at least using,
using the octave, um, terminology.
So yeah, I, I think so.
I just don't understand why there's
eight though instead of seven.
I guess an octave is the, the word self means eight
because I guess you have
Oh, I see. Because
the, the last one is the first, one
of the next one. One. It's the
First of the next. Yeah.
That's So interesting, isn't it?
Yeah. And, and certainly when you play, uh,
a music on the piano, you know, you, you,
you put your one finger on middle c you put the next,
your other end of your hand on one octave up,
and you can play that together
and you're playing the same note in both octaves.
And now you have the ability to, to hear one note
that is the entire octave represented
by the two sides of it.
Ah huh.
So it's the easiest thing to, to play on a piano,
just play one octave up
and it could just go do, do, do, do, do.
And it'll sound very harmonious
because you're playing the same note of each octave,
but it's, uh, seven in the, in the set,
and then you're beginning the next one.
That's just so, oh, I guess it kind of makes sense now
that you do include the eighth to show what
that differential is above seven.
Yeah. Right. Like seven needs to sort of complete, you need
to know kind of what it's, um, yeah, its range
of impact almost is, you know, in that density
or in that, you know. Right.
Yeah. Uh,
I use the term octa a lot for I guess the density side,
but here they're kind of talking more along the lines of
how it's relating to the different levels, I guess,
of the mind, body, spirit
and the different, I guess, teachings
or levels of understanding that, that you can
make connections through, I guess.
Yeah, it's interesting.
It's a different use, it seems like.
It's almost like how they talked about the, um,
the planets before saying that those are, you know,
an expression of this thing as opposed
to being a causal factor.
So it's like he's asking for something
or about something that's farther down the fractal
chain in a way, you know, about energy centers
and maybe ra pointing him to the, the bigger, you know,
overarching structure of right.
This quality of the densities
and so forth that, you know,
re manifest themselves at all these different layers,
including us physically with, um, seven energy centers.
Anyway, though again,
there is an eighth one commonly referred.
What it's about a foot above the head, is that right?
I'm not sure about that. Um,
I've heard that it could be a number of them above
actually the head as well, but, um, at least one there.
Yeah. I don't think that was talked about by raw. No,
Probably not. It could say
it's implied.
I mean, I, I've heard, I've heard people say it's implied
by, you know, the next nature of being up, which would,
which could be the earth
or the sun maybe you could say is like the eighth chakra.
But I don't know.
It's so interesting that Don landed on the,
the energy centers though since he knew
that there were seven of them,
unless he is calling the evolution the eighth
sort of thing, I suppose.
Yeah. Yeah.
This is a more confusing use of the word octaves for me,
and maybe a study of that word another time is appropriate.
Yep. All right.
We could continue on to number 18 now with 10 minutes
or so left to go.
Um, do the symbols on the face of each
of these little carts, such as the birds or the, and
and the other symbols have a meaning in this card
that is a value in considering the archetype, which answer
that after making the instrument cough, uh,
these symbols are letters
and words much
as your language would receive such an on tablature,
which means in classical literature,
in classical architecture, an ornate
horizontal support beam over columns or a wall.
So there's a support, support beam here
with the symbols.
Um, and they are meant to be letters
and words as much as your language can receive this kind
of a lattice structure.
This, but interesting.
They, they emphasize it's, it's ornate.
Um, you're putting a decoration on something which is not
the, the thing itself I guess.
Um, so these symbols are, uh, these letters
and words are to a great extent enculturated
by a people not of your generation.
Lettuce in the rough suggest
that the information written upon these uchs be understood
to be such as the phrase,
and you shall be born again to eternal life.
They read it for us.
Yeah, yeah.
And summed it up too, I guess basically looking at the
option of the eternal densities, energy centers,
how it all just kind of continues and recycles
and continues, I guess, at that point.
Yeah. Why do you suppose they make the statement just
before that though, saying that these are enculturated
by people not of your generation?
I mean, I sort of get the implication from that statement
that, that this quote is, you know, less applicable
or less helpful or something like that.
But, um,
and then again, I guess I'm not also sure what the role
that the significant plays in eternal life, so
I guess as maybe that's what they're saying is that this is
as much a, a cultural thing as, as anything.
Well, I think they mean that the specific meanings
of these symbols, the higher, higher of symbol. Right.
But I'm taking what raw is saying is that, um,
while they have a meaning
and raw gave us, you know, what it translates to,
I'm not entirely sure it's germane to the, um,
the contemplation of the significant of the mind itself.
Well, it's, it could be more part of the,
what we're seeing is the structure.
It's like a foundation.
I see that. Oops.
But why say that this is enculturated by, you know, people
that are not of your generation?
How, how does that not imply that this
somehow is less helpful or useful?
Well, I assume we're just talking about, uh, the issue of
the people thought of our generation being, um,
people we can't go and talk to and hear what their vo
or explanations were of what these meant to them.
But if we could, does that make sense?
I see. Can you look at the word enculturated?
Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, I feel like, you know,
I can infer what that is with context clues, but
The gradual acquisition of the characteristics
and norms of a culture or group by a person,
another culture, et cetera.
So it's a gradual acquisition
of the characteristics and norms of a culture.
Um, so I think my son is becoming
enculturated as I raise him
With gradual awareness of the symbols that I like.
So I, yeah, I feel like that part of the,
the quote doesn't even even matter.
Um, They're just saying
just focus on the fact that there is a meaning here,
and that is the being born again
to eternal life is perhaps also, um,
the most efficacious nature of understanding
what is pointing, pointing us to the sacred.
Um, it's, so, I, I kind, it's almost like
that study study is there again, I feel like what,
what we're do looking at when, if you were
to call this a priest, for example, um, and,
and think if take a step back, what, what is this character,
um, that is the most archetypal expression
of our ability to purely process experience
and purely come to an, an understanding, a,
a potential understanding of what this experience, um, can,
can bring for us or can, can help us be.
Um, that that, that seems to be something that would
somebody who studied in the spiritual, uh, concepts
would, would be most appreciative of the, the,
the religious priest order.
And, and it's not just the priests,
they chose the word hierophant
because the, it's almost like there was a relationship
between the priests and the hierophant,
or the hierophant is the one who is doing the part
of the ceremony that it's,
that's it's enhancing the appreciation of the sacred
or the, the, um, the holiness of it.
Um, in the ritual,
What you say, the reveal, the holy
and then what do you Yeah.
You think that's probably the connection to, to the spirit
or connection to, to the creator, I guess
that they're revealing then in that sense.
Yeah. Yeah.
Um, and maybe we don't have, uh,
maybe it's not worth going into this,
but the higher fan hire fanis was the male high
priest and office inherited.
Um, there were
so many other categories in this Greek ritual, um,
this might not be worth going into.
But, um,
the, these were the highest grade of these mysteries.
The mighty, the marvelous, the most perfect secret, suitable
for one initiated into the highest mystic truths, an ear
of grain and silence is reaped.
Um, so it, it's possible that we don't even have
that much passed down to us what they, what they were
doing in these rituals that are being alluded to by the,
whoever chose the, the word py, um,
The dramatic shows of the lesser mysteries,
Cully signified the miseries
of the soul while in objection to the body.
So those are the, those are the greater obscurely in
inti intimated by mystic
and splendid visions, the felicity of the soul, both here
and hereafter when purified from the defilements
of a material nature and constantly elevated
to the realities of intellectual or spiritual vision.
And according to Plato, these were the, the ultimate
of the ultimate design of the mysteries was to lead us back
to the principles from which we descended
a perfect enjoyment of intellectual, spiritual good.
Wow. It was like looking like mystery school.
A cult knowledge kind
of got summed up nicely there at the end
though, with what they're saying with
Yeah. What
the end goal of, of the hire fan was.
Yeah. And it's also, uh, hint hinting at the, the nature
of the spirit, I guess without, without saying that's
what this card represents, but this is just the sort more
part of the structure of it, the foundation of the structure
broken into the octave.
I think they do get into that part too than too the wings
on top than really tying into the, to the spirit.
Yep. Oh, I think there was one more I wanted to touch on.
Yes, yes. Um, the last quote we can talk about
is, uh, 99.7.
I'm not sure if this is the one I had in mind,
but, um, So Rah was, uh,
Don was saying the wings of card five, I'm guessing we,
we didn't cover that yet, that
outstretched wings on the top.
Um, the wings of this card have to do
with protection over the, uh, over the significant,
I'm guessing that they're a symbol of protection.
Is this in any way? Correct. And Ross said, let us say
that you're not incorrect, but rather less than Correct.
The significant owns a covenant with the spirit,
which a shall in some cases manifest through the thought
and action of the aept.
So let's, let's look up covenant.
Covenant can mean an agreement,
agree by lease deed, um, yeah, a clause
and a contract in the law, but theology
and agreement, which brings about a relationship
of commitment between God and his people.
So a kind of agreement, um, the significant owns
a covenant with the spirit, which it shall in some cases
manifest through the thought and action of the adapt.
If there is protection and a promise,
then you have chosen the correct sound vibration
for the outstretched wings of spirit high
above manifestation, yet draw the caged mind onward.
And this is seem to be referring to the, the caged bird
and the matrix of the mind.
Oh, and the wing is outside of the,
uh, rectangle, isn't it? Or the wings?
Yeah. Above, above it.
High above manifestation here
because of the, the contract, the covenant.
Yeah, that seems like that upward spiral of light,
you know, I mean the, the seeking the mystery, the sort
of the anti-gravity.
Yeah. So that would be outside of, I guess
the illusion as well then too of,
of the third density experience.
'cause you're high above manifestation, so you're into the,
the time space and the more knowing, I guess of, of realms
of, for the mind at least.
Yeah. I think that what raw is saying is that, um,
you know, the fact that you have, um, an aspect of your
spiritual complex or relationship between your mind
and spiritual complex that will always draw you further
upward, um, if you want to call that protection, which,
you know, I can see that in a way.
To me, I think that that is sort of the, the mistold, uh,
expulsion story, uh, from the Bible where, you know,
rather than being kicked out where actually guaranteed uh,
uh, a way back, um, by having this spiritual fire
that has to burn
and rise, uh, over the course of many lifetimes.
Right. And maybe we
talked about that angel that guards the garden
someday. That was fascinating.
Yeah. Point of that.
Um, so another one I wanted to bring in here, um,
uh, the, the last quote, um, raw had,
I think we had talked about this earlier,
but Ross said the use of the tower
and the architect square is indeed intended
to suggest the proximity of the space, space time,
of the great ways environment to timespace.
We find this observation most perceptive.
This was relating to questioning on the,
on the great way of the mind.
The entire mood, shall we say, of the great way is indeed
dependent upon its notable difference from the significant,
the significant is the significant self to a great extent,
but not entirely influenced by the lowering of the veil.
And the great way of the mind, the body
and the spirit draws the environment,
which has been the new architecture caused
by the veiling process and thusly dipped in the great
limitless current of time space.
So this, this notable difference is
partially relating to the nature
of the veil here still being, um,
more within that veil.
So, but it's, it's as though the, the, the holiness
that's being pointed to by the higher fan is,
it's like the window of, of the self that is
beyond the veil.
And then the great way is the appreciation with,
is the veil is lowering the, the, the,
the fuller appreciation of that sacredness, I think.
And I think that's also why they talk about the,
the third eye as being a process of, well, as we, as we
fully activate the third eye and,
and begin to activate the intelligent infinity,
that's the process of seeing in terms of the sacrament,
sacramental nature of each experience.
And that's also related to the great way
of the spear they've said.
So it seems as though that the, the, the window into
this process of the full opening is, is the window that the,
the higher fan is trying to point us on the,
on the solid foundation to point us in that direction.
So I guess that has to relate into then
with the transformation as well,
because to get to the great way, you need to have
that transformation or different viewpoint actually, um,
enacted then to, to, to reach it.
So it seems like that's almost implied
as well within going between the two.
Yep. Yep.
And that will be for next month transformation of the mind.
Nice. Yep.
Like there's more look on that quote.
I just don't know if I have the brain power right now.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I feel like I, this is something I wanted to come back
to obviously with the Great Way discussion and,
and continuously try to process.
'cause I'm still learning what, what, what is this relation
between the great way and the significant
that they're pointing us to consider
Is this still 90? Is this 99?
Is that the one you went to? Oh,
This was 1 0 3 actually.
Okay. Yeah.
Uh, I dunno if I skipped over something on 99 too.
Um, yeah, if there's protection
and a promise you have chosen the correct sound vibration
for the outstretched wings of spirit I above manifestation
yet draw the caged mind onward.
Yeah, we finished off that one.
All right. So I guess, uh, it's been a good discussion.
Um, anything else you guys want to add?
No, I just think this is a fascinating concept here
'cause it's a little bit different, it seems like, than some
of the other archetypes with what all it embodies
and I guess the way you can look at it,
it's used quite frequently,
but it's a pretty complex, I guess now
after post vail conditions.
So yeah, it was great conversation.
Yep. It's great. And that whole acting
and acting upon, I'm gonna be contemplating
that I think in the coming days
and try to figure this multifaceted complex
archetype a little deeper.
Yeah. Yeah.
I feel like this is just the beginning of I processing this
and eventually I wanna get to the point of saying what,
what is the condition?
Answering that question that I have, what is the condition
in which we know we need to be calling on the higher fan,
the, the significant of the mind to further our evolution
to a more heightened extent.
Well, and you know, we'll probably start to
find archetypes that we feel are far more prevalent
or more our default nature
or more present than the other ones.
You know what I mean? Just the, the kind of normal
cognitive construct itself is probably stitched together
with, you know, a few of these and it's moving out of those
and into some of these other ones that, um, might be
where there's even more value.
I just don't know which of those, you know,
really are the kind of the default faculties really.
Mm-Hmm. Alright, for another time then. All
Good. Thank you guys.
People: Andrew Shepard, Mike Waskosky, Nathan Olson
Topics: Archetypes, Law of One
Is the fact that the face to facing left depict the intuitive mind