Ep23: The Chariot Archetype (Great Way of the Mind)

In this episode, Mike, Andrew, Nick, and Nathan discuss the “Chariot” archetype, known as The Great Way of the Mind, from the Law of One material. They explore various passages, focusing on the culmination of mental processes, symbolism, and the integration of the previous six archetypes. The conversation delves into themes of unity, spiritual evolution, and the role of catalyst in personal growth.
Notes on material for discussion (see: lawofone.info):
79.41 “the Path, the Way, or the Great Way of the Mind”
92.17 “that portion of the archetypical mind which denotes and configures the particular framework”
100.7 “intended to limn the milieu within which the work of mind, body, or spirit shall be placed.”
100.8 “so that the positive orientation has more aid ”
100.9 “polarities are both dependent upon a limited viewpoint”
100.11 “mental/emotional complex ripens and moves and is transformed in time”
100.13 “overriding spiritual environment and protection for the environment of the mind”
(99.7 referenced “The Significator owns a covenant with the spirit”)
103.11 mood “dependent upon its notable difference from the Significator”
103.12 “What then, O Student, links and harnesses the chariot’s power of movement to the chariot?” [unanswered question]
103.13 (sphere replacing sword)
103.14 (sphinx legs)
103.15 we “wish to soften the significance of the side-long look”
Potentially Related Discussions
81.14 “the Great Way of the Body must be seen, as are all the archetypes of the body, to be a mirror image of the thrust of the activity of the mind.”
80.21 [Great Way of the Spirit] “one may also see the reflection of this contact [with intelligent infinity], as well, as the contact with intelligent energy which is the Universe or, as you have called it somewhat provincially, the World.”
73.7 “the great way of the development of the light” (followed up in 73.8)
References to “The Path”
15.14 “The understanding, experiencing, accepting, and merging of self with self and with other-self, and finally with the Creator, is the path to the heart of self”
74.11 “clearing the path towards the great indigo gateway to the Creator” Disciplines of the personality connection? Shared yesterday via text: Maybe becoming Significators are like knowing the self, becoming transformation is like the full acceptance of self either through self seen in all others or self seen as separate, and maybe then becoming the great “way” could be like becoming more and more the creator who is increasingly the architect of the entire manifest path of beingness itself
52.7 “Acceptance of self, forgiveness of self, and the direction of the will; this is the path towards the disciplined personality.”
86.7 “As a mind/body/spirit* consciously chooses the path of the adept and, with each energy center balanced to a minimal degree, begins to open the indigo-ray energy center, the so-called dreaming becomes the most efficient tool for polarization”
6.1 The “great work” connection to great way of the spirit? “With the mind single-pointed, balanced, and aware, the body comfortable in whatever biases and distortions make it appropriately balanced for that instrument, the instrument is then ready to proceed with the great work. That is the work of wind and fire.”
49.6 Kundalini connection? “In the north pole the crown is already upon the head”
Next Episode: Ep24: Becoming Archetypes of the Mind
I'm Mike, and I'm here with, uh, every, everyone
who normally does these with me, Andrew, and
Screen in front of me. Right.
Um, and they, they, they made the, the journey,
the pilgrimage in their, their chariot automobiles.
Come talk about the chariot archetype with me,
and we're going to, uh, have the discussion of the, some
of the law, one quotes from, uh, the discussion
of archetype number seven, which is called the Chariot,
which is also called The Great Way of the Mind.
And we're gonna dive into these, uh, subjects.
This is a big one. This is a celebration
to me, first of all.
I mean, we've put a lot of work in, you know, like we've
been diving in deep however many months
or over a year or whatever it's been.
And so getting to
the great way is, it just means so much.
It means, um, things symbolically,
but it also is just, um, a place
that I think is aeps, not just we,
but anyone observing this information and,
and who's on the path, you know, can see as a, um,
oh, it's a milestone
because it's the bringing together of everything.
And that's what a great way is.
And I know that you're gonna, you know,
bring us into some raw material
that's gonna exemplify that beautifully.
But, um, I just love the great way
because it is very much about bringing everything together
and seeing the beauty, the,
the perfect beauty when you step back
and see it in its oneness, in its wholeness. Right.
The full, the full path of the journey to, to oneness.
Exactly. So we,
we focused on all the constituent components,
but the great way is really the
understanding of all of them together. Yeah.
Seems to be, well, we will go in,
we can start with the quotes now.
Yeah. Um, so this initially was described in session
79 books,
so I wanna share my screen here.
All right. Um, so
the question I asked was, would the conqueror
or chariot then, which is archetype number seven
of the major arkana, would the conquer
or chariot then represent the culmination of the action
of the first six archetypes into a conquering
of the mental processes, even possibly removing the veil?
And Ross said, this is most perceptive, the archetype VII
is one difficult to enunciate.
We may call it the path.
The way or the great way of the mind
its foundation is a reflection
and a substantial summary of archetypes one through six.
One may also see the way of the mind as showing the kingdom
or fruits of appropriate travel through the mind,
and that the mind continues to move as majestically
through the material it conceives of as a chariot drawn
by royal lions or
steeds. So
I think that's really beautifully said.
What we're talking about is our ability to flow
through the catalyst that's, that's being thrown at us.
This is the great way. So we, we go from looking at, um,
the microcosm at individual catalyst
and how it plays a role,
and then stepping back
and seeing the grand picture of how catalyst,
not individual catalyst, not microcosmic catalyst,
but how catalyst itself plays a role in our own development
and our own learning.
And that to me is what the great way is, is is, you know,
stepping back and seeing not just that, um,
any catalyst is an opportunity,
but that all catalyst is nothing but opportunity.
And it's just all building all the story, you know,
like it's seeing a bigger picture.
It's just all, so I love how they laid it out
and the, the great way of the mind,
like, it's this culmination.
It's like you've, this is the constituent components,
and if you can fathom the great way of the mind, it means
that you can see the interplay of all
of the constituent components together within you, within
your own experience.
And so I think what Rob's saying is that you, you look at
how you're in a chariot, for example, rolling over,
you know, through whatever there is,
and you know that catalyst is
what you decided it was, obviously.
And we talked about that a lot in
Catalyst. Yeah. And I,
I, I think the imagery here is also very
illuminating to think about the, the differences
between ways of travel.
You could get caught up on all kinds of, uh,
distractions along the road where you're, you're,
you're stopped and you're, you're blocked.
And we all, so many ways of blocking ourselves and,
and going on different tangents to what,
what way we may have intended, which was the way
of opening the heart.
And that's the great way, is appreciating
that there's no need for any blockage on along this way.
We don't have to, to get, um, caught up in any, um,
continued repeating karmic distortions, we will. That
I think is real key.
And that speaks, again, going back from the microcosmic
of looking at catalyst individually to then seeing them as
a pattern, as energy is frequency that we're, you know,
that's part of us, that's part of our consciousness,
and that's why it becomes part of our reality.
And it's not until we, you know, really see that
and allow for it to be exactly that, that we can, you know,
finally narrow ourselves beyond it. Right.
Same pattern. Just keep entering into your world
until you figure out a way to integrate it.
Yeah. And the great way is, is again, seeing
that you don't have to repeat things.
You see catalyst for what it is.
And, and you can make great leaps, I mean, great leaps,
whether you know it or not, and you'll feel them,
and it's sometimes comfortable and sometimes uncomfortable.
But these are great leaps
or consciousness that, that are made when
we realize that we don't have to learn anything
that we've already learned.
And once we truly learn it
and really learn it, we won't need
to learn it again. And it won't be a part of
That pattern stops Raising.
Exactly. So we, you're seeing it then from, from
that buyer perspective, transcend transform,
you pick the other path now.
So yeah, and to take a, a, a step back of granularity
and judgment, frankly,
and just seeing all catalysts as neither good nor bad,
but just opportunity.
And that's basically it.
We're just, we're, um, splitting hairs and,
and getting down into the very minutiae of, of illusion
with, you know, almost everything.
And certainly language itself is a, is a distortion
of truth, which is all things, and is absolute
and is unlimited.
And so language itself is, we were
Talking about this earlier, like,
and this, the logos chose the tone to have this experience,
Uh, Because it's, uh,
I think it's more individualized.
Oh, man. Have to, I mean,
think about the inversion though, of, of all things,
you know, which again, is the law of one,
and I think of a hallmark of a great way.
Um, but to, to see it from that perspective
and then invert that from all things
to literally the, the most isolated sort of expression
that you can, the most individuated, you know, expression
that you can conceive of.
And that's what human reality is.
That's what being a human being is, is
that is an inverse reality.
And the inability to just
Telepath set the thought. Yeah.
Making you think how to put it into a linear, it's very,
uh, gives a chronologically come up with it. It,
It, it fuels a lot of extra catalyst for a more complex,
significant that we have to use.
I suppose if you just took This
Idea and dumped it into your consciousness
and you could just explore it, now I have to
Come Up with words.
Oh, un unpack it. It's the process.
Send it it to you, unpacking these things.
That to me is where all the depths really comes.
Like, it's, it's searching for the words,
it is finding the right words in that moment to get to the,
the right way to characterize this particular concept.
And in so doing, in searching for the tool, we are bringing
so much focus in this vortex
and this, you know, need to know this thing
that we're so focused on. And so,
And then I say the word,
but I don't know if it goes into your mind the same way
that I'm thinking it, you know what I mean?
Oh yeah. It's gonna be, it's filtered through.
Everything is subjective, which is all reality anyway.
It's, it's definitely a more individuated,
um, learning process.
Oh, for sure. Yeah. But
It's a learning process.
Yeah. And recognizing it
as such is the great way in the mind
And wrote, we should say, as
Opposed to just, uh, doing it sort of unconsciously.
Because by the way, that is
how we're all doing it regardless.
Like you are, you know, we're all making the steps,
we're all learning through the same classes this way.
It's just a, a level of consciousness that allows you
to realize that, oh, okay, this is, we're here to learn.
And if you can allow yourself to understand what it is
that we are here to learn, which is absolute forgiveness
and total unconditional love, um, for all things.
Yeah. Now, for a lot of people, you know,
for everyone, frankly, that is the list of things
that we want to continue to, you know, to, to diminish
and to make sure that there's nothing to tracking from.
I, I will say that the, um, the,
so the archetypes really like the great way we're talking
about, uh, as potential tools along the journey.
So when we look at the archetype
and we're seeing an image of a chariot, it's like,
it's a constant reminder.
Are we actually, um, moving through all of the, all of the
manifestations of, of consciousness with, with what?
And then the majestically traveling
through the material it conceives of as a chariot drawn by.
It's important. I think it's important the fact that
that raw is, um, wanting to sort
of introduce a qualitative aspect to our experience.
And, and that, to what I was just saying,
that it can be either very difficult and unconscious,
or it can be a lot easier Yeah. And more
Conscious. I think there's
so much joy in, and,
and being able to step back
and see the whole process without getting caught up in, in,
in any piece of it, such
as getting caught up in individual experience without
Finding sign ability to do that.
Mike is, um, amazing and I love it.
I, I think you introduced me to the idea of,
of picking a microcosmic sort of event or experience
or whatever, and, and,
and immediately moving it into the, what are the sort
of karma entanglements here, right.
You know, what's, what's going on here energetically.
And I was just like, wow.
You can just, you can just do that.
You can just, you just pull your, you know, so I mean Yeah.
As a de I mean, most, you
can find the gratitude in everything.
Yes. And, and yes, I realized that I was also doing
that a lot, um, yeah.
On my own, but didn't, you know, realize
that it could be done in such an even more beautiful way
that like, with no attachment, like I just love the way
that you'll, and,
and I mean, just for those who, uh, weren't here
or you know, like we had car trouble on a camping trip
and Mike
and I just, you know, for several hours throughout the saga
of all of the car battery problems
and everything that were going on, we're sitting here just,
you know, chatting about, you know,
what are the implications and what are, um, what is this?
Who is this catalyst for?
Because honestly, so I was the renter of the vehicle and,
and, uh, Mike was an occupant of the vehicle.
And, and depending on, uh, the vehicle for the same ride
that I needed, and, uh, my partner also took, get back
to the, and for the entirety of the trip there was,
there was battery problems,
and then at the end of it, there was none,
and we didn't do anything to the car.
Oh, wow. So that truly was a catalyst. Yeah.
Oh, like all then you handed it back to enterprise
and everything was fine, and, and Mike brought it up
and he said, random red ray.
And I was like, okay. So that is a thing.
It reminded me, okay, so like we are, you know,
there is just random red race stuff that just comes up
that is an opportunity,
and it's like it's catalyst if you make a catalyst
or to the extent that you make a catalyst.
And I suppose that in that regard, you and I did,
because we, we used it to mull over what are the sort of,
you know, implications and, and causes
and you know, things around it.
Um, so yeah, it's still, I guess, subjective to determine
what the catalyst is going to be.
But there were people that we were observing
that were in our group, um,
having a very different degree wide range of reactions
to this very wide range of Yeah.
Of reactions to this, of varying degrees of resistance.
And now, again, when I, you know, if I'm characterizing this
relative to sort of where Mike
and I were, you know, it was more just a few off comments
of like, oh, they ought to, you know,
whatever the vehicle should be better
or whatever the, the thing was.
So I, I don't mean to overstate Yeah.
What it was the energy that some of our friends were in,
but I will say they were very much in the reactive,
unconscious, sort of experiencing the catalyst as opposed
to maybe the catalyst was for them,
the great way is finding joy in all the catalyst their
is sitting here and going, oh, okay,
you guys were just catalyst is what
their journey originally,
my partner Sarah also was just completely, you know,
we just, we just knew that we were gonna,
we were always wherever we need to be, so it didn't,
yeah, it didn't matter.
And then we eventually got the battery recharged and, um,
and it was all fine, but what a perfect opportunity
to unpack the great way
and to, to see in everyday life the importance
of taking that step back.
Because that's a significant, I think, is
that when you create the space between the experience
and like what you're, you're in the throes of it,
and you take that step back to more
or less objectively though this is your subjective,
you know, experience of it.
But still to take that step back
and say like, oh, what does this have to mean for me
as opposed to what were the, the built in emotional sort
of knee jerk, which is all gonna be karmic
and part of the energy body and, and all of that also.
And so, yeah. You know, again, all a matter
of Yeah. Are we conscious of it
Enough? And so each of the archetypes
really has to be appreciated
to some degree to come to the great way.
I think have to appreciate the cer Certainly when we get
recommends the study of the, of the great way archetype
and side by side with the transformation
and the transformation here we just talked about last month
would be things like, uh, recognizing there's no,
if you're choosing along the service to others path,
there's no need for plunder.
There's no, there's no sense of plunder in the situation.
And you're seeing this like the, the courting, the maiden,
everything is courting the maiden.
How much, how much more love can I get out of joy?
I can I get out of this when I approach it with this,
with this cautious mindset, the the universe is here for,
for, for unity with me And, and, and, and,
and becoming appreciative and,
and joy at the creation growth
Through Experience. Yeah.
That's, oh man.
And there is joy in the trust
and safety, frankly, in being able to rely on the system.
And that was crucial for me early on in sort of waking up,
was being able to rely on the system to be the system,
you know, that, that our creator, our one infinite creator
operates around the clock,
and the clock is a construct anyway,
but I mean, in all ways, in all places, in all corners
of any level of existence
or non-existence that there is, let alone,
that you can conceive of.
And just to know that it is always working
because it is, it is all one.
And that I can sort of start to let go of all the things
that I felt, you know, that I was steering this, you know,
this s**t forward.
Right. Well, if you look at the, the great way,
take a step back from what you're experiencing
and go back to the universal
you're talking about, like, oh yeah.
The, the universe is always working, like Yeah.
'cause they went, the universe went through this.
Yeah. We did it this way.
It's and that way Yeah. Process. Yes.
Which is life itself.
I think evolution, and this keeps coming up, um,
and I've, um, highlighted this on another call or something,
but, um, somebody asked me,
are you a a creationist or an evolutionist?
You know, and I'm, and these are no longer in any way,
um, uh, opposition
or, you know, they, they have no,
um, exclusivity,
No Separation between these concepts.
No, these two things are, are aligned to me. Yes.
Our one infinite creator, um, created evolution, frankly.
And, and I mean evolution of the microcosm
of just looking at sort of life on earth,
but I mean, this is consciousness.
It is an iterative, self improving process.
It evolves. So, I mean, it is, it is, um, yeah.
Not just a, your version, it's not just a law, one point
of consciousness, like it is, it is a fundamental
of consciousness because without it,
you have nothing upon which to build.
You have nothing, you know, to ascend from.
Yeah. I, I wanna comment that, uh,
we got a dis a chat from, from Ray talking about that,
uh, with Yeshua.
It was, it was the way, uh, and not Christianity as the way,
and this is an interesting discussion
because there's so much focus in Christianity on Jesus being
called the way He said, I'm the way, the truth and the life
and Jesus being the, the great way.
He's, he is becoming an archetype manifest for us to rep
to see this is the way, this is love that
Manifests. So there's a,
I love this and I feel like I could do a,
and would love to do a deep dive on, on Jesus the man
and versus Christ and the identity thereof.
And, and yeah, you and I have talked about this Yeah.
A lot, even all the way up to like, you know,
what were the stages of, of the, his fleeting humanity,
if you will, you know, and,
and this was a process as it is for all of us.
It was a process for him.
And the thing that I, um, that to me was eye-opening,
because I have not studied the Bible at all yet.
Um, and certainly not to the degree that, um, that Mike
that you have, um,
but realizing that, um, the,
uh, the bible,
The way, The way Yes.
Identity. So when I went back
and reread famous quotes from Jesus,
I, I immediately understood why the, the,
the whole misunderstanding.
Because as Jesus was using the pronoun, I, you know, I,
that is what his identity was in transition.
So if you were to talk to, to, to ywa the, the boy, he was,
you know, nearly entirely for all intents and purposes
and incarnate egoic, you know, personality
Construct. Yeah. They said the only difference
is that he had more
of a memory than most wanderers do. Yeah.
Yeah. So, so other than than that though,
there was nothing, um, particularly special.
But what I, what, here's what changes everything,
when you read the quotes is that if you change his identity,
and now I think that history
and Christianity most specifically, obviously,
and Protestantism specifically all about Jesus, the man,
and, and these two things are I think, um,
hopelessly intertwined.
And, and maybe that's not all a bad thing.
And yet it is a very, very important fundamental difference
to realize that when he said, I at the end of his life,
he was Christ, he was not referring to I Right.
As Jesus the man. Yeah. He didn't identify as that.
And so when you identify as Christ, you are all things.
And so when you say, I am the way, like it wasn't,
that's the way as the man or the, the icon or the symbol.
Yeah. He, that was him. It's weird. That was his identity.
Like it is, it is all things. So he was simply speaking
The father, And Yeah.
And it was just, if you, if you see it in that amplitude
and you read, you know, those quotes,
then suddenly they're far more fitting than
what they were when they're ascribed to the man, they Yeah.
The only guy like, you know,
here's the physical son of God type
of thing. Yeah. You know, and it's like
He tried so hard to speak through the veil.
He tried to give it through parables,
and they're misunderstood even,
or at least the extent of the parable is, is, is,
is lost even because he's really telling us we're all one
with the father if we want to see it that way.
What was the, what was the book that they got rid of?
Uh, one of the, oh, it was
Enoch. There's, um, Thomas, well, the
One that was directly, he spoke
and they scribed it down and the Yeah.
Go spoke Thomas was That, was it. Okay.
And they got rid of it. Yeah,
Yeah, Yeah. And
it was earlier than the other ones too. It's just very
Funny. If you read that
stuff, you can, well, maybe it's just,
'cause I'm reading it coming from this place of already
digesting the raw material
and that's, that's kind of a filter.
Yeah, it's great. It's great
putting all these p pieces together.
But, so I do want to get back
to the raw material here. Yeah. Let's,
We're Never gonna get through all these
bullet, we're gonna have to redo this.
No, it's fine. We're 24 minutes
In, I think is the best kind of Yeah.
Again, for the great wave specifically because,
and it's important for three, one watching this,
that they're realizing that this is the culmination.
The great way is a culmination of Yeah.
Understanding all these things, constituent components.
Yeah. And so now we're, you know, coming together
likewise to pull apart real world examples, I think of
how this applies.
Yeah. Alright, back to the material.
Um, all right.
So I wanted to continue with session 92,
which is the next time Don was asking about this down
background, asking about it.
He said, finally, as each energy center becomes activated
and balanced, the transformation
of the mind is called upon more
and more frequently, which is essentially accepting. This
Is Don's Question, right? Yeah. This
is Don's question. And when
and when all the energy centers, uh, are activated
and balanced to a minimal degree contact
with intelligent infinity occurs.
Uh, Ross says no to all this,
so I probably shouldn't even get into it.
Um, and Don says, the veil's removed,
and the great way of mind is called upon, is this correct?
And Ross says, no, this is a quite eloquent look at some
relationships within the archetypical mind.
However, it must be seen once again
that the archetypical mind is not equal.
The acting incarnation, mind, body, spirit complexes,
progression or evolution due to the first misperception.
We hesitate to speak to the second consideration,
but shall attempt clarity.
And then here's where the teaching comes.
While studying the archetypical mind,
we may suggest the student look at the great way
of the mind, not as that which is attained
after contact with intelligent affinity,
but rather as that portion of the archetypical mind,
which denotes and configures the particular framework within
which the mind, the body, or the spirit archetypes move.
So this is talking, I think also in general, that the, the,
the mind, body and spirit archetypes move, um,
through a great way.
And this is a, a framework which is, uh, you know, it has,
it has steps along the way.
There's steps along the way,
which are the other archetypes. And
This is no doubt going to probably govern all
of these intricate inner relationships
and dependencies that we haven't, you know, embarked on
as we've looked at each of the archetypes specifically one
by one.
And, and let alone this is just of the mind.
And so when we, when we get to the body complex as well,
and then, and then all the interrelated interdependencies
between them, it's gonna get, you know,
all the more complex.
So I think that we're gonna find clarity in it,
because the great way, again, is what governs all of the
mechanics and the, the interoperability
between all of these archetypes.
And when one's activated or when we move into this one,
or, you know, whatever.
It's, you know, it's a machine, you know, it's a computer.
Right. So, um, the,
this is also discussed a couple different ways.
Um, I'm just gonna read what Ross said here.
Um, as raw as one observes the veil of the image
of the great way of mind, it may be helpful
to ideate using the framework of environment.
The great way of mind, body,
or spirit is intended
to limb the milieu within which the work of mind,
body, or spirit shall be placed.
And limb means to paint etch or delineate.
Um, so it's essentially showing
the, the entirety of the framework. It
Informs it though, I think is what they're saying also, is
that the great way is
what session is it is always informing
100. Okay.
So it's pretty deep in there, right? Yeah,
Yeah. This is, this
is the last archetype
that they got into in detail.
So we're gonna have to decide when we get
to the next discussions of the body, if we do them together,
or if we, um, we might not rely on this many post,
we might just rely on the images.
And the images might have to be our, our
even the raw set a little bit,
but we, we can get into it. Yeah.
I'm always willing. I, I never have a, a, you know, yeah.
Go into this. I don't see anything
in any of the symbols at all.
And then we start tweezing it all
and it's like, I can ask as many questions.
The problem that I run into with that is, I think
that most serious, you know, law one scholars run into is
that we run out of answers
because yeah, we run out of answers. But I
Think that the answers are within, and I think
that the archive can all be discovered
and rediscovered with these, these,
these clues that were given to the matrix.
And it goes back to what I was saying
before about when even just trying to find the words,
whatever it is that we're trying to get at,
when we're trying to get at this thing, we're putting all
of our focus and putting all this light on this thing
that we're trying to understand.
We get closer and therein lies the discovery
because we're looking for it.
And that's what we find. Like, ta and you shall find, it's
Like the, uh, a lot of the ancient civilizations, that's
how the knowledge was passed on.
If you came seeking with
and, you know, educated questions,
they couldn't not tell you
Like the path, Like the dogons had
That the path of the initiate, which is another thing
that I, I find interesting,
and I don't even pretend to understand it,
or even all of the global, you know, interpretations
of the initiatic path.
But, um, to me, what it seemed
was universal was not the levels of initiation, which
I think are also fairly common in most wisdom traditions,
but it's the place that we start from.
So it is the start,
and that's what to me, is universal
across all initiatic traditions, is that the, the seeking,
the student is initiating, like, they are taking the step
to go say, I wanna learn something.
And that to me is what is initiative like that to me,
you know, as I just look at the thing, but then when I went
and researched it, it was no, it had a lot more to do
with the levels of initiation that happened subsequent.
And I would say that those are also relatively universal in
a lot of wisdom traditions.
And this is actually one I was telling somebody the other
night that, um, would be, uh, akin to that.
Like if you were in a law of one, you know,
um, sort of ministry or, you know, whatever,
and you had a magic order or anything like that,
and this was in, and then least she had path tonight being
the great way would be a level of initiation
that we ascended to from when we started.
This would be the first level of initiation, you know,
because it's the, the great way
and culminates all these things within setting.
Okay. So you're saying that you, you're getting
It's full. You've
Got, you've asked enough good questions to where the,
the, you're beginning
to scratch the veneer and the veil, you
Get the Yeah, the foundation is I think, key,
and that's a, um, um, a istic term, uh,
assigned to, which is also associated with the subconscious.
But, um, I really like the, the little translation in Hebrew
of AU is foundation because this establishes your new floor.
Right. And it's not to say that you can't ever,
and don't ever, you know, drop below it.
But, and, and certainly karmically,
and we've talked about this a little bit, um,
we're a lot more responsible
for our karma when we are conscious and when we wake up.
And so when we are aware, no more ignorance,
polar bliss, and aware of consciousness
and things like at the level that we are, make no mistake
that if you, every choice that you make in, in,
it's either creating polarity for you or not, you know,
but at every choice is, so
Those are the patterns though.
Like, so we have asked the questions to get to the point
where we're trying to get past the veil,
but it could be that, how do you
interact with that person on the road with frustration?
And then you do it again with frustration.
If you keep meeting it with frustration,
then you're not learning what is is meant to
what the universe is putting in front of you to learn.
I have to wonder, when we talk about the male so often,
and certainly from from Don's perspective as well,
because it was, I mean, he just had a, a real thirst
and hunger for, you know, third eye activation.
And, um, and to be able to process, you're saying the veil.
And, and, and I guess I wanna, I wanna pro at
that a little bit about this veil
and what piercing the veil really means.
Because I suppose in one regard, you've got revelation
or epiphany
or like, you know, like real like, oh man, knowledge, right?
Knowing, instantaneous knowing.
And then on the other, I would say,
or I would posit, how do you know
when you're piercing the veil versus when you've sort
of transcended it, or you are?
Yeah. I mean, how do you know
that there's still a veil there? It's,
Well, that's the, um,
It's the trunk of the mind that we're working with.
What is the quote? What is the,
uh, oh, the monkey.
The monkey asked Shiva.
I think it was when I,
when I know you, I am you.
Oh, when I don't know you, I serve you Uhhuh. Yeah.
But when I know you, I am you true.
Or something like that. I,
I remember it off the top of my head
right now, in your guys'
Eyes, it's more, more easy to see it that way too.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Um,
But that's, that falls outta that.
Like, you know, no more ignorance is bliss.
If you're on the path and you're
learning things, you have to,
Once you wake up to these things,
you're not really the bystander.
You can't just look at it and sort of like, okay, I see
how it works if I was playing.
And it's like, yeah, the karma, oh no, you're playing.
And now the fact that you know the rules,
even like you are held to a higher standard
and your convict implications everybody,
and yeah, everyone's playing all the time,
but when you know what the rules are, uh,
or at least know more about them,
or you think, you know, then you know
that you are gonna have some serious, um,
either carmic implications
or if we're looking at it in terms of polarity as,
as raw teaches us, um, let's say you're a, a service
to others, a positively polarized, uh, individual,
and you make, uh, a decision that is not congruent with
that, or that is otherwise, you know,
But I, I really think this is still the, the potentiator
that we're dipping into
with our conscious mind at any given point,
we're receiving the perfect catalyst, which we could call
the analysis of karma, is,
is what's coming from this catalyst of mind.
We're giving opportunities to analyze your karma.
And it's, it's really always what, what the root
of our seeking actually is in the present moment.
And that's what's being reflected back to us.
Yeah. And I, I think our karma is what creates this
the lens or our, our lens, the, the mil view.
Yeah. It's, it's the, the milieu
of it informs That's what I wanted to say.
You know, what, what struck me about that last quote was
that it is always happening.
And so it's a real time thing.
And so it's, um, al almost in a way, in
that the gray way is both informing and is, um,
and is the culmination of these other things, right?
And both of these things are always true, right?
So it's underlying everything all the time.
So I was thinking it was like an equals thing at one point.
There you go through all the archetypes
through transformation, and then the great wave appears.
But no, it's always there.
It's just like the level of clarity, I guess, that you have
to see how crystallized is it?
And yeah. What's your ability to see that in yourself?
Meaning in your experience? Yeah. Mm-Hmm.
Like, you're, like, as Mike does so beautifully, like, oh,
there's this thing I encountered today where most
of us are still sitting in the, you know, the energy of it.
You know, mine just has this just perfectly surgical, sort
of like, oh, I encountered this, this thing, you know?
And it's just, it's like really interesting.
'cause on the surface of it, it would, you know, seem
to wanna make me, you know, feel this or that or whatever.
But, you know, obviously I wanna understand
that some more. And it just, it's,
It's like, love that coming at it from your great way
and then pull, you know, pulling the,
zooming out a little bit and then finding out
how your great way is
with the larger great way of the universe.
Yeah. And Then,
or we're like, you could even build it out smaller,
like your great way into your
community, you know what I mean?
You could just, it just builds out
and then all becomes this one big experience
Right. Way. It's,
It's a, it's a progressive lifting of the veil.
Let me read this whole quote. Okay. Yeah.
Um, so the question that Don asked was, first the veil
between the conscious and the
unconscious mind has been removed.
The veil, when he is re reviewing what the, with his images,
um, show, um,
when we're looking at this image we have at the
top here, the,
Yeah. He's got the veil show.
He's got the teacher's edition.
You know, we're sitting here blunt. What are you looking at?
Oh, yeah, it's, sorry. That's okay.
Um, but we're looking at the, the image you have the,
I can see, I can see it from here.
Yeah. Yeah. The veil is coming in this angle. Mm-Hmm.
And this is what Don is asking you about here. Um,
I think that the veil is characterized by raw so often
as in transition.
And again, what I'm positing I think is that I think
that it is a much more subtle
and fluid, you know, thing
that doesn't necessarily happen in, you know, right.
Generally like, oh, look, today I pulled back the veil,
you know, I, I just saw everything there.
You know, it's like, I, you have this.
I don't think that our psyche, frankly, can handle it,
which is why, you know, it's,
it happens progressive in these gradations.
Let me read the whole quote here. Okay.
Um, so the, the original, uh,
thing we said was the great way of mind, body,
or spirit is intended to limb the milieu within which the
work of mind, body, or spiritually placed thusly.
The veil is shown both somewhat lifted
and still present since the work of mind
and its transformation involves progressive lifting
of the great veil, which wicked conscious
and deep minds, the complete success
of this attempt is not properly a portion
of third density work,
and more especially third density mental processes.
So that's why
They're not appropriate for third density
Or are, right. It's,
uh, the, the, the complete success is not a property
of, or not, not properly a portion of third density.
Yeah, I was gonna say, yeah, it would, it would not seem
to be a a Yeah.
No, but it's something to align to.
And I think, yeah, what carries us into harvestability
and into, you know, fourth density,
but, um, is an alignment, you know, to it,
to an ideal. But,
Um, yeah. Yeah.
So I mean, we can only hold it in our consciousness
because we are here at this point Yeah.
In fluidic consciousness in this stream
where we can conceive of it in this way.
And I do think the contact
with intelligent infinity can still happen in spurts.
And I would, I would expect this is what people have,
have called with, uh, you know, the states of nirvana
or Samati that, that those states are,
are maybe helpful in strengthening the faith
and strengthening the joy.
And, and then, and then you come back from that state
and you come back and you've still got the body,
you still got all the energy patterns.
Yeah. Bring that into this. Yeah. Yeah.
No, but what a great
Integrating is a beautiful word. I learned that from,
From, uh, uh, rebirthing. Oh yeah.
You're not, you're not getting ha, you're not getting
to a point that you need to resolve
because that's there, that's in reality, you have
to integrate it into your reality. There's no
Yeah. You
can't, Yeah. You're not feeding it.
You're, you're absorbing it in Integr.
And think about it, the law of one is literally the act
of reintegration.
We are reintegrating within our own consciousness, all
of consciousness, the law of the truth.
We are un we are unlearning the idea
of separation through close examination.
Yeah, Yeah.
And, and, and yeah. It's just,
Oh man, I had one of those moments.
Let's continue, let's continue.
Where I saw it from such a zoomed out perspective, it,
it just blew my mind to like,
Yeah. Okay. What
are we, yeah, just go, just have the experience.
Rah. Yeah.
Ray. Ray, Ray says, perfect, Andrew.
He's, he, he's enjoying these, these Thanks, Ray. Yes.
Um, so the next, uh,
and the very next question Don asked was,
the fact the veil is raised higher on the right hand side
than on the left hand, indicates to me that the add adapt,
choosing a positive clarity will have a greater success
in pot penetrating the veil.
With rock commenting, Ross said, this is a true statement.
If it is realized that the questioner speaks
of potential success, indeed your third density experience
is distorted or skewed so
that the positive orientation has more aid
in the, so-called negative.
So seeing in terms of love for everyone,
and instead of trying to, trying to see yourself as,
as the one creator separate from others, is certainly the,
the, the more easy path along, along the veil piercing two.
Yeah. Yeah. Is is at least say, okay, well I, I can love
everything or everyone,
because again, there's immense liberation in the release
of judgment and the,
and the, the need to decide
what things are and what they mean.
And I mean, that was like for me, like I,
and it continues, obviously,
and it's like, I don't know that I could, you know,
compare it or give you a,
but it just like, it's very, very liberating to,
to no longer have to decide what everything means and Yeah.
Have the ability to basically ask for help though, too,
instead of feeling like you need
to control everything on your own.
Oh, exactly. Go through there.
Because control is an illusion.
Like it is literally, you know, it's a part of the illusion,
but you know, you're, and,
and more importantly, seeking to control something that
when, when properly relied upon,
serves us and benefits us in ways that, that we,
um, can't even expect when we do allow for the system
to simply do what it does and to move through it fluidly.
And so I think that when we look at control specifically,
this has to do with change, and change comes up
and to the egoic psyche that seeks stability
and seeks to establish its power in control
and in the status quo, the idea of change is always going
to be a threat.
Well, to the, the true self,
there is no change at all actually,
because in truth, nothing actually changes.
And so these are, you know, diametrically opposing,
you know, ideologies or thought systems
Seeking of control Is is you
First saying you're not one.
Oh, yeah. Because you're seeking to control,
control something outside of you. Yeah. You're
First of off, you have to set the parameters of who,
who wants the control and then
move forward into the world with that.
Whereas if you do the, you know,
I think it's important to look at control as sort
of like raw gives us the, um, what do we even call it?
Control versus acceptance is the two paths. Yeah.
Control is the key to the
negatively oriented use of catalyst.
Yeah. So acceptance is the key
to the positively oriented using ca catalyst.
Yeah. So the time you look at like the word control,
for example, what you're implying is that there are forces
or energies that would otherwise do something.
Were you not asserting, you know, this control over that
and um, yeah.
That, that control is an illusion
because you're not actually controlling these Yeah.
These influencing energies
that are actually creating all these things.
You're like, you know, you're trying to focus on, you know,
the, the trees and you're missing the,
So, so I feel like this is
also illuminated with the next one.
Don asked, uh, Don, Don said, it would also seem to me
that since raw stated in the last session, the limit
of the viewpoint is the source of all distortions.
That the very nature of the service to self distortions
that create the left hand path to be controlled,
are function of the veil and
therefore are dependent, you might say
to some degree an Elisa Con partial continued bailing.
Does this make any sense? And Ross said there is a threat
of logic in what you suppose the polarities are both
dependent upon a limited viewpoint.
However, the negative polarity depends more heavily upon the
illusory separation, which the self and all other Yeah. And
That's where the controls Yeah, yeah,
Yeah. The positive
clarity attempts to see through the illusion
to the creator in each mind, body, spirit complex,
but for the greater part is concerned with behaviors
and thoughts directed towards other selves
in order to be of service.
This attitude in itself is full of the stuff
of your third density illusion.
It's full of what? The stuff
of your third density illusion.
Okay. So we're attempting to life
Follow Ethical rules and fit in society,
and that that requires us to, you know, create a lot
of distortions of how we're supposed to operate.
Uh, but the goal here, they say, is to attempt to see
through the illusion to the creator in each
mind, body, spirit complex.
And, and in which, in which case, I would say that the,
the impetus for control is, is incongruent.
Because you see the creator
and you, you see the sacred unfoldment of,
of the creator itself.
And how could or would you seek to control that?
You would only seek to observe and appreciate it.
That's the choice. That's when you get to that point,
and you have the choice for sure. That's,
That's, It's illuminating is the polarity.
Yeah. You get to that juncture in the road, you can,
you know, you're coming from your point of view.
I'm hearing it in your voice.
You're like, why would you not do that?
Like Yeah. Because you're coming from your point of view.
Exactly. Yeah. But The, the reason that
We Can't imagine the other thing is
because we we're not in that,
we're not in that path right now.
Yeah. So you start talking about why would you not like,
Well, you're not, so this is, this is alignment though.
This is what's so important that, uh, the process
of ascension is alignment and agreement.
And so you are always aligning to an ideal,
to something that you have idealized within your
consciousness that is
somewhat more refined or purified
or ascendant of a version than you are today.
And so the alignment is what's pulling you. Yeah.
You know, in whatever direction you're going.
So all, and that's for all of life.
And if you happen to be aligned toward ascension,
then this is what it looks like.
But you have to align to something
and then agree to each of the realizations
that that mean that you are on that path
and that your alignment then gets to reshift
and that you get to focus on something higher.
So like, it used to be, I want nobody on my s**t list.
Like, and it's still not there.
I haven't written my love letters yet,
tell you to write love letters.
You read some love letters to, to some, just some, um, maybe
negatively polarized individuals. Forgiveness.
Forgiveness. They shall, they shall go unnamed.
Uh, because they don't, they don't matter.
But the point is that the exercise, perhaps in writing them
a letter, in being really,
really purely truthfully expressive,
will allow me to uncover the true forgiveness that I need
to, that I need, period.
The more majestically by giving them, I give myself
Yeah. Majestically moving
through these thoughts about others,
knowing that the forgiveness is always possible
and the love is always there.
And just seeing the love in the moment for, for regardless
of what catalyst is in front of us. And, and
This is this, and it's all part of the way,
This is a perfect example of what we were just talking
about, where you get to that fork
and you go, why would you not go this way?
How long have you held on to those resentments?
So now you're at a point where you can let go of them. Yeah.
You know, like that those resentments just kept coming up
and you're like, no, no, I, that's we're gonna keep that.
And then It came up again,
oh, well, we're gonna keep that.
And then you get to this point further down the road,
you're like, maybe
We should have been obvious, like for
where we're at right now, it's always relative
that like, isn't it obvious?
Like what are right now? Right.
That's a very relative thing.
You could, you're back on your period that
When you get to that point,
it could get exponentially worse if you just
kept trying to control.
Oh, well, I think worse is,
is a qualitative judgment that I,
I won't necessarily label it difficult.
How about that Difficult? Yeah. Way more d more
you try and control definitely
Gets more challenging. Yeah.
And we know that you can't
go farther than mid six density on that route
because we know that it is, it is doomed to failure.
It was always doomed to failure going back to the,
But it is part of the great way.
So there's our great way and then there's the great way
and how do we learn in our myopia of our great way
without these fifths, you know, these
ultra negative beings coming into our,
and then we grow as a result.
Wow. If, if we, it's just a perfectly balanced into our
experience, to the degree that we encounter them,
and to the degree that we go into agreement
with the energies that they present,
then they become catalysts as they rightfully should,
and that we will learn through in challenging ways
until we forgive them.
Yeah. And that's, and that's it.
Like the, the universe just keeps coming up as a mirror
And you can all That's it.
Yeah. All forgiveness. That's the only lesson.
It's a big one. And it is a big one.
And, and we learn it in all these ways
and we're like, oh, yeah, there's a, I more, more degrees
of, you know, how truly insane we are
and how we've assaulted the child
of our one infinite creator.
But it goes back to that saying where, uh,
control is the one end and then what?
Acceptance. Acceptance. Yeah.
Think of all the things like, uh, forgiveness
is an acceptance thing, or gratitude is an acceptance thing.
You know, like these, they all are core things
that help guide you into that path
Integration. But you
Can choose to just put up the blinders
Of course.
Choice. Yeah. Choice is the 22nd archetype.
And you, I can't wait for us to, you know, to get there.
And we talk about it obviously all the time,
and I so contend that it's, you know,
it's not one, it's both.
It is one monolithic choice. Yeah.
And it is absolutely every single choice,
The original thought. Yeah.
Uh, this
person who's chatting at us also has encouraged us
to get back to maybe doing a deep dive specifically on just
that first initial statement about the one original
thought that, that Ron made.
And I think that'd be a great deep dive.
'cause it's like every other statement they said was
response to a question, but that one statement they said was
there one important statement that we have, which is about
all things, all of creation
being part of one original thought.
So it's like you can, you can navigate quite a bit, just,
just recognizing there's one thought
that all these others came from. Yeah.
Yeah. Oh, and that's the great unpacking
and the distillation of truth and truth is simple and ent.
Yeah. That's like, that means worded not like me. Well,
That's the goal of meditation is to get back to
that oneness.
Yeah. Through, through your veil of this 3D
With no distortion, right?
Yeah. Yeah. So the, the, the magician, the first archetype
and the, and the one shining example that raw gives us
of exactly when to use.
You know, why would you use an archetype
and how would you, how does
that further your development or help you in any way?
And he goes, oh, here's one example.
Uh, but in that one example,
Jim just down beautifully and who's in the chat?
Ray? Just Ray. Okay. Mm-Hmm.
Because there was, um, I think it was Jenny.
She sent me a video. Yeah.
And it was, it was Jim just beautifully laying out
how you basically, the raw contact gave us all
of the steps to apply to all the rest of it.
Yeah. Because he was saying how like the first card,
you know, so it's, we got all the stuff on the mind
and then the sessions cut off,
but you have enough from the mind to apply it to
See how Yeah.
Of attack. Yeah. And,
and I think Mike answered my,
my egoic limited fear based self was like, you know, and,
and obviously Mike points out Well, no, the, the truth
that we seek is necessarily within us.
Yeah. And it's, it's keep asking the right questions Yeah.
And in a different way and looking at it. Yeah. Yeah.
And connecting with other people
to realize the one universal truth within us all
that we're seeking together.
And so then, you know, when two or more gathered,
How many more data points the universe is getting from us,
just from the tongue alone.
Oh man. As far as like AI model,
like building the algorithm goes
Just, just the universe learning like Yes.
Yes. Keep talking, keep talking.
So try and put your point into a way that he can understand
that he can understand it. That's
Not the fan peacocks tail there.
Yeah. Basically getting all these unique
Experiences. Exactly.
Peacocks, tail, How much data, how much data is needed
before we can just, you know,
show it all down and fold back in.
Yeah. Yeah. Call, call it good.
And we'll write a new patch.
Well, that would be, I think that, that's like the, do the
Next version and See the in
and out breath of, of the universe.
Like that's the next octave takes from the previous octave.
Yeah. That's that kind of stuff. Yeah.
Because one breath always leads to the next,
which is just like musically and octaves
and the eighth octave
or whatever is always the, is the first of the,
of the next one or whatever, right.
Musically. And same with the colors and Mm-Hmm.
And it's raw. Interesting. And the raw material too.
So eighth density is sort of the first, but
It's, it's all like toal Yeah.
Frequencies. Like all these things are built into the
universe and you can just choose to, you know, this is,
this is, I don't even know what this is, but free screen.
Yeah. It's solid. You know,
or you could think of of what are the particles
to pick it up and all the free space? No,
There aren't even part, it's probably there.
Like literally that's what, you know, scientists and
Yeah. But universe brought
It universe, universe probabilities.
It's just putting it there for you to, it's like,
just go be inquisitive figure, go figure it out.
That's you putting it there. You are the universe.
And so yeah. You put it there. That's what I mean.
Yeah. So the universe puts the substrate out there
and then we, we play, we discover, you know, like, like if,
uh, it's like this, if you were building a video game, it's,
you needed to find people to, you know, go run
around the edges to find where the glitches are. Yeah.
So, so I've always likened it with the fingertips
touching like this for some reason.
And in fact, my first deep dive, uh, mushroom journey, um,
that's what I did most of the time.
And I remember that just because it, it was consciousness.
It's, it's all one.
And so it's like individuated fingers of the one hand.
And so you have higher states of consciousness
sort of, um, interacting with farming, if you will,
bringing up the lower states of consciousness.
And this is literally where, where we are in third density
is this coming together.
And the realization that we have a chakra system
that's not just fed, you know,
from the bottom up, you know, root. Oh yeah.
Yeah. How many tribe Say solar
To this manifestation?
And, and what did you know, like having three fingers
produce that, that five fingers that you could learn from.
It's crazy. 'cause you can, and it,
and it is, uh, you know, disjointed a little bit,
but it is all the great way.
It's like if you can look at your great way
and then think, wow, how just by changing one thing
and then you zoom out, go back to the universe
and the universe is like, yeah, we did that.
We did that over here. We tried. That's, you are
The one thing also at that level.
Like you are one of the things that's changing and then
I'm muting with yourself.
Yeah. Pre this.
Yeah. At a higher level or Density. Yeah.
Yeah. So I, I just wanted to bring up, um,
just going back a little bit.
They said in session 81, the gray way
of the body must be seen as are all the archetypes
of the body to be a mirror image of the thrust
of the activity of the bind.
So there's just always a reflection, the
Activity of the body.
The activity of the body is the,
I'll say that again. The
great way of the body must be seen
as are all the archetypes of the body to be a mirror image
of the thrust of the activity of the mind.
Oh, activity the mind. Yeah. Oh.
So this is why we're able to deduce the nature of
what the body's archetypes are from
perceiving the mind's archetypes.
I'm saying that all the time. Did every
bodily manifestation, obviously I got my book upstairs.
We did First and foremost in a conscious
belief or a thought.
Yeah. Yeah. Um,
and this is what you're saying, Jim McCarty was talking
about on the, uh, yeah, on the, I may have to link to that.
I haven't got a chance to watch it yet.
She sent it to me. I'll I'll send it to you. Yeah.
But the, the, um, it's a really cool thing.
The, uh, interviewer has a bit of a, a language barrier.
So there's a lot of, I found myself watching it.
Just let, let Jim talk, let get, but, but he, he, uh, yeah.
What you get to the, the substance of what Jim says,
he, he, it just,
Yeah. I'll
show you. We'll, when we go upstairs, I'll show you
'cause it's like an hour long thing.
But Jim has this 15 minute monologue
where he just runs through, uh, you know,
the first card is the, um,
the first card is the unconscious, the unwritten,
the unfed mind.
And then the second card is the feeder, the, you know,
the, it's just feeding in.
And then he, he builds it so beautifully.
I'm, I'm gonna butcher it if I try,
but he build, he builds it like
the un the unfed mine, and then the feeder.
Yeah. And then you, you know, we've been
Doing it over the course of many months,
but it'd be nice to put all together.
I'd like to hear it too.
Um, specifically because I listened to the books.
I didn't read them. And Jim McCurdy is the one
that does the Yeah.
Audible recordings for 'em. Yeah. No kidding.
So like, I'm intimately familiar.
In fact, all of the, you know, all the sessions that we go
through, like, I can hear Jim's voice in my head
because he read them all to me.
That's great. Yeah.
And now I just realize that I have that as sort of like an
interesting, um, you know, a little benefit
to my experience in that regard
that you guys didn't necessarily get
to experience the same way, or haven't yet.
But I didn't realize that, you know, that
that would be different also because it was Jim
and I realized that obviously I was listening to it,
it meant and sat so much more because it was Jim
and it wasn't, uh, you know,
just somebody hired to read Yeah.
The, the transcripts or whatever. And so, yeah. Oh man.
It was just, it was great hearing him,
you know, lead them all though.
Yeah. Wonderful. Yeah.
That's a good plug for their book audiobook.
Oh, oh, man. Yeah.
And for anyone that's not, you know, the undecided
or if, oh man, it's, oh, it's just wonderful.
He just delivers it really great. Yeah.
So we, I heard It. I'm gonna have to listen now.
We could continue on now with the next thing that Don, um,
so the, he was referencing here the, um,
the previous image initially when he said the entities,
the small black or russett
and white entities have now been changed, uh, so
that they appear to be sphinxes, which we are assuming
being the catalyst has been mastered.
I'm also assuming that they act as the power
that moves the chariot depicted here.
So as this mastery enables the mind
and its transformation to become mobile, unlike it was prior
to this mastery lock was in
the illusion, brought comment on that.
And Ross says, firstly, we ask that the student consider
a great way not as the culmination of a series
of seven activities or functions,
but as a far more clearly delineated image
of the environment within which the mind, body
or spirit shall function.
Therefore, the culturally determined creatures called
sphinxes not indicate mastery over catalyst.
The second supposition that of placing the creatures
as the movers of the chariot of mind as far more virtue,
you may connote the concept of time
to the image of the sphinx.
You may connote the concept of time to the image
of the sphinx, the mental
and mental emotional complex ripens and moves
and is transformed in time.
So we have these two sphinxes sitting out in front, uh,
and Don made the interesting con connection
that these may be related to the other two entities
that were representing polarities, uh, in the,
in the transformation of the mind, where we had,
interestingly, the, on the right hand path, we had the,
the russet colored entity, which was symbolizing the service
to self aspect.
That was the catalyst
for becoming more illuminated
along the service to others path.
I sort of ironically that, that, that that was noticed.
And it looks like we have that, that, um,
somewhat repeated here with the, the,
the darker spinx on the, on the right hand path and the,
and the light spinks on the left hand path.
Um, so that the coloring is, is seemingly repeated
amongst these two images that are down in the front.
But these are sphinxes, which represent, uh, time.
And so the mental,
any mental, emotional complex,
which is we're talking about the architects of the mind,
the mental complex ripens and moves
and is transformed in time.
So time is this, is this Yeah.
Thing allowing a great way to function with
Yeah, yeah.
And which I asked early on and,
and knew even when we got to it, it's, it's gonna be an ever
evolving question, is what's being, you know, transformed.
And I try to think of it, is each of,
or can I think of just like the, the matrix, for example,
is it, is it what's being, you know, transformed
or is it the totality?
And it is, it's because it's all toal and it's all fractal,
and it's all self, it's continuing and selfless.
Feedback, feedback system. Yeah. Yeah. So
It's constantly evolving in real time.
Yeah. Right.
But with absolute rules, laws,
Distortions. Yeah.
But then you get into the whole, you know, um,
when you go to the, to the quantum level,
all those rules disappear.
And then through like meditation
or you know, the power of the mind, like there's ways
to escape those rules.
It's almost like those rules are there for you to,
to, to poke through
Out. I don't think that
you can escape them
once you learn them, though.
But that's what we were talking about earlier.
Then you start to really incur the karma from doing that.
Once you learn them, if then you decide that you want
to not operate outside of them, that's, I mean,
we're still talking about polarity.
We're talking about the law, the law of one. Well,
I was talking about like straight of the universe,
Right? Yeah. Well,
the, the, the of the universe permits us
to honor the free will of others
and then have any kind of magical miracles Yeah.
In that process, because it's all seen as the one.
So it's the one play. It's,
And you're, and you're saying that like once you see those
rules, and,
and that's why I'm saying the, the universe is put up there
and then this rule is applicable until it's not.
And then Well, it, it's this feedback system.
I think the, when I say rules,
I mean really there is just the law of one,
and that's the one Yeah.
That is the one law that ego consciousness attempts
to, to break.
Yeah. And, and actually exists as a result
of the idea first
and foremost, that something can be separate from another,
or that more than one thing could exist.
So in the mind of the one infinite creator,
there is simply all, and there is no limit.
And it extends. Everything is simply extension
without limitation.
And it, there is no individuation.
There is no anything being separate.
And then when this idea enters into consciousness, the idea
that one thing can be separate from another,
let alone the implications, the attack on, on God, that
that really is,
because that is a claim of, of equality
with the creator in a, in, in separation.
I mean, like, so it as its own form
of self-created creator.
So not in conjunction with the creator,
but claiming the self as self-created and,
and giving it the, the powers of the creator.
I mean, that's what ego of consciousness believes
that it is, that it exists without a God.
Ask anyone, ask almost anyone. Yeah.
Well, that, I mean, is, it's like the definition
of the ego is, is that it is a conqueror
Of, and again, it is a, it is a result of the,
As opposed to, But this idea
that one thing could be separate was an idea,
and then it was, it was focused on in consciousness,
and it was committed to,
and it was invested in what does in the
Middle of it book Right now?
What is, what, what could this mean?
And what would that look like?
And how could something be separate from another? Mm-Hmm.
And we look and we look and we look and we look and,
and then eventually we are forest for the trees.
And we are no longer in awareness of what we once were.
It's self-knowledge is a little lost.
And, and so all of creation
and all of time itself is, is this is a result
of this one investment in this idea
that something could be separate from the creator, which
of course, it's the source of all
things. That's a beautiful,
Uh, illustration of it you did, where
You were Literally God coming from the God point
Coming down in, and then you
Tears through the ba
and then you forgot all this stuff behind you.
You're ah, crap down here.
And that's what do I doing here now?
A consciousness so fully invested itself Yeah.
In separation that it like being in that point manifest all
of physical reality space
and time itself is the manifestation of this one idea
of being committed to that great way.
This aspect of ourselves,
our consciousness is over committed
and went like, oh, man, that take it, that crazy crazy
Point. What's going on down here?
Point of all right.
The all mind, whatever you wanna call it.
Uh, but from that point of singularity thinking,
Separation, what? And then just
Going so far into it, to you actually separated yourself
and have to reintegrate that
Logos to the sub logo.
To the sub sub logos. Exactly. Mind of God. Yeah.
It, it fragments the mind of God.
It's a, it creates a split consciousness at the macro just
as it is in the micro
And every step along the way.
Right. So like, you're, there's a great way to this,
and then there's a great way to that, a great way to this
and a great way to that, and then a great way to this.
But they all come in together. It's
The progressive lifting of the veil. Yeah,
Exactly. Yeah. Yeah.
Or in that example,
More like kind of coming back out.
But, but I think understanding the impetus of all this and,
and getting it down to something that we can, like conceive
of in our minds, because importantly mentalism
and, um, mental, the first law of the universe according
to the hermetic principles,
but just that everything is
happening in the mind of God, right?
Mm-Hmm. So, so everything happens as an idea
and this consciousness, and like literally it's all one,
and then it just gets this idea that like, oh,
but what if, what if this could be separate?
Or what if, you know, whatever.
And it just investigates this idea. And so invest.
So it's like, it's just nice to think about
because have you ever been consumed by something?
Have you ever gone down a rabbit trail
or like had a business idea or just
Well, the universe is doing that with us right now.
Right now. Right now.
Yeah. Like a dog with a bone, right?
That's the thing I always talk about where like,
the universe started from a point of one
and then went separation.
What? And then, you know, it just exp exponential
and then it branches out to, it gets to a point where it's
so individuated that it, this comes back in
with all the information.
And then that next,
I really like the, uh, dip story, the analogy of the wave
and the ocean, which I've extended to include ocean spray.
And that's what we are. And that's,
that's what consciousness is.
Ocean spray is in this, this leap of I can do it.
I'm totally separate.
Look at me going like, what's the ocean? Yeah.
Because you're the ocean's spray, and like, you, you,
but you don't realize it.
You see the self as I'm a droplet.
Look at me, I'm dropping it over here.
Like, you got my whole unique situation going on here.
And this is individuated consciousness right here. Yeah.
And it will invariably fall, of course,
back into the ocean once it came.
And so as the wave individuates, the wave becomes,
um, the expression of the, the sea, uh,
of the infinite potential.
Uh, it becomes more and more individuated, more
and more of an expression.
And then again, at the very, very tip of it, at the very
most, um, the furthest expression of individuation,
the furthest expression, the most extreme, if you can think
of it, is separation is like, this is
so completely unidentified with my source
and my truth of who I am.
Like I am completely whole un unto myself.
Self-created this whole being right here.
And there's an infinite nuance to the exploration
as archetypally.
Well, um, explained by the male and female of the matrix
and potentiator, the matrix being the, the, the chooser
of potentials per experience.
And then the, the, the, the will basically is the matrix,
and then the potentiator is the,
is the great c which is literally what you're using
as reference, the great seeing,
which the conscious mind dips ever more deeply.
And so it's a slightly different use of the, of the analogy,
but it, it is a dip dipping into the sky with, with,
with the ocean spray trying to, you know, imagine what
what could be, uh, as in, in a sense of separation.
But ultimately we, we also have these, these roots of,
of mind that we can always come back into.
And, and those roots are, are, are the, the totality of our,
of our of God consciousness.
That's right. Ocean spray.
So spray is what we're like, we're totally invested in
and identifying as, but the roots
of our own consciousness are still ocean.
Yeah. Yeah. So it's like ocean spray, we've,
for everyone's last name is God,
and we've just all forgotten it.
You know, we've just all truncated that.
And it's like, okay, well yeah, that's, that's there. Yeah.
And if we can be aware of that, then maybe it can be a lot
of fun all of a sudden, because then it's like ocean spray.
Oh, ocean oceans, right. Oh, okay.
I'm like both of these things, these are fun.
Like, okay, we'll go and
You see through the game, like a
Watson said. Yeah.
Great, great way.
You see through the game. Yeah.
Alright, we can continue now with
what the next thing Don said.
I'll do it. Such, what time are we at? We're at 10 13.
So we got time to finish these.
Uh, it certainly, we'll, we'll finish the quotes that
were the primary discussion of the great way.
Uh, Ross, uh, Don said in that case,
I will ask one more question at this time
that will be having to do with the sword
and the scepter, which were interesting aspects
of the symbolism of the image, which eventually got redrawn.
And that was discussion session 1 0 3.
Um, but, uh, a as rah was encouraging, uh, don
to find meaning in these symbols.
Rah rah said, it would seem
that the sword would be the power
of the negative adapt indicating control over other selves.
And the scepter would indicate the power
of the positive adapt with unity and mind, body and spirit.
However, they seem
to be opposite in opposite hands than I would've
guessed a raw comment on that.
And then Ra said, these symbols are astrological
and origin the shapes,
therefore may be released from their stricture.
We may note that there is an overriding spiritual
environment and protection for the environment of the mind.
So in as per, I guess they're alluding to the fact that the,
the symbols in the hands could relate to the fact
that there is this protection, uh, for,
for this environment of the mind.
They're saying that they're not unhelpful,
but they're Yeah, they're
Not, they were astrologically. Whenever
I read these passages,
without getting off onto a tangent too much here,
but when I read these passages, I think, okay, so this
tar card, at least the major was created by
a, an entity from Venus applicable to, I wanna see
what the Venus cards look like.
You know, how much Yeah.
You know, is it just someone sitting there
with an arm like this?
And you know, and then we,
we put all the other stuff into it to,
to make it applicable to this earth journey.
Right? I wanna see what the Venus cards look like.
I think that might've been As, do you remember Nathan?
What's that? I think, I think at one point, uh,
in the material, uh, they inquired about the archetypes
as we are used by, uh, raw on Venus
and raw, essentially turn 'em in a different direction.
Like there's no comparison right now.
I forget what that was though. Yeah.
And it's hard to remember this, but this is
different though, where I can't even
Enunciate it. The
framework was created. Yeah.
And it appears to be applicable anywhere.
You just have to color it in the right way. Yeah.
I wanna know what the framework looked like. Yeah.
What do in Venus cards look like?
So, So let's, let's finish this quote here.
Um, they said, we may note
that there is an overriding spiritual environment
and protection for the environment of the mind, uh,
symbolized in this card.
We may further note that the negatively polarized EPT
will attempt to fashion that covenant for its own use
wherever, where, whereas the positively polarized entity
may hold forth that which is exemp exemplified
by the astrological sword that is light and truth.
So, so the, the covenant here is something
that was referenced in, uh, the,
the previous discussion when they were talking about the
significant owns a covenant with the spirit.
And this covenant
with the spirit was symbolized by the wings.
I think over, over
To dig that doesn't, there's something about that, right?
And so this, like this,
But like, it's, you gotta read this
Resonates This, this covenant
with the spirit is something
that the negatively polarized will, will use
for its own purpose, for control.
I, I guess Mm-Hmm. And then the positive, uh,
entity will use this to, uh, push forward with light
and truth in, in, in this process.
So it's as though the great way
of the mind is always giving us access to this
the spiritual dimension, which is, which is this,
this covenant promise,
The significant as the covenant directly,
Right? Yeah. The,
the quote was the significant owns the covenant.
Yeah. Uh,
and the significant could be seen as, um, representation
of the complex of the way of the, the mind itself,
the body itself, the spirit itself.
So the significant of bo
of mind we're talking about here
owns the covenant with the spirit.
So there's always this linkage
between each of the significance.
Man, I, I look forward to understanding millennial
and to the degree that us four can, you know?
Yeah. But we have very few concrete things to go on,
but I think as we continue to really apply
and, you know, peel back the layers and,
and throw example scenarios at them
and like, what's really going on here
and do what Mike does. So, but
That's all part of it. That's
the experience. Yeah. It's the, uh, um,
And it's fun. It feels
fun. Trial and error. This is fun.
Like, I look forward to doing this.
It is, you know, it's one of the, I don't know,
there's not a lot of things that I, you know, look forward
to and get as much sort of sense of joy from I think
frankly, as seeking with you guys especially.
But thanks. Yeah, definitely.
Sorry, I was, I was, I was doing that
whi which which has wi this has this, this, on that, I'm
Going on the screen, the, the redrawn
version. They, they used to love
You too, bro. I was
so focused on that.
I was listening to you, but ADHD man. Yeah.
Uh, yeah. And they, they turned the,
I guess the scepter downward in the left hand.
Yeah. So go. Okay, so the, that was complex. What?
Yeah, we don't have to dwell, dwell on it.
There's two, there's two hands holding objects. Yeah.
So, so they, they redrew
Both and they said, one, you can release 'em from their,
their strictures, but while we're talking about 'em,
there is a certain aspect that you could,
You could turn into this. So they
Took a little bit Of
Extra liberty to be like, well,
let's help you interpret that, you know?
Yeah, yeah. Mildly better. And what was the nut of it?
What were they ultimately saying?
Well, Uh, about the negative and,
and positive polarity, the
Negatively positive polarized adapt.
When we're talking about the left hand path here,
we'll attempt to fashion the covenant with spirit
for its own use, whereas the positively polarized entity may
hold forth that which is exemplified
by the astrological sword that is light and truth.
So they're, they're clarifying the symbol
that was added on later as the sword could,
could represent light and truth.
And that's why they, they didn't con stay
with the sword when, when, in session 1 0 3,
when they were asking about the, the, the ideal, uh, symbol.
And they, they chose with raw, they chose that the,
the sphere of magical potential
and power, um, that is also held by the magician.
And, and the first archetype, the, the will is,
is looking at this object
and seeing this infinite, um, that's my interpretation
of this infinite potential, um,
Sphere is perfect for Yeah.
Infinity. Yeah.
It's also, um, sort very funny, the point in the sphere, um,
which I only recently
way better understood it as fractal expression,
you know, singularity point.
And then the, the surface of the sphere is the expression,
the outward expression of that singularity in, in all ways
and infinite ways, most importantly,
because there's, there's, you know, no set number of points
around a circle
or a sphere like it literally, you can always get more
and more granular because it just gets bigger and bigger.
And so reality continues to unfold,
and this is the extension of, of the one infinite creator
that continues to extend itself through the process of
Creation. And thus raw
keeping in perfect raw like form
making things open, vague. Come, come
Just enough. Come
ask, come ask questions to noodle around
with. Yeah. Yeah.
Because the sword is, I mean, that's a huge change.
Yeah. Yeah.
Uh, so the next discussion, if you're ready for it,
is the discussion of the little t's, the, the cross,
which is in both the redrawn version.
It's, you're either seeing the redrawn version, um, t,
but there's, um, well let read on the
Chest. I gotcha.
There it is. Looks like two back to back Ls
and then a T below those.
Um, so Don asked the question, um,
there is a t with two right angles
above it on the chest of the entity.
In card seven, we have guests that the lower T has to do
with possibility of choosing either path in the
transformation and the upper two angles represent
representing the great way of the left
or the right hand path
and mental transformation
that makes the change from space time into time, space,
you might say, this is difficult to express.
Is this, is there anything correct in this guess?
I love it. And sometimes when he, he is like, all right,
I'm just going for it this morning.
You can tell like, they're having coffee
and he is like, all right, I'm gonna, like, I just,
this one is just points.
How'd I do sequence? Yeah.
And Rod just deals with the, you know, and
Rawly responded with Yes.
In this instance. Yes.
Yeah. And sometimes yes or no, or you need to rethink that
and, you know, ask a more granular question. Yes.
So the question that brought, that, that Don then had
to ask was, would raw comment on that?
Instead of just give, give me, you know,
So was the, what was the, the yes or no question was,
Is there anything correct in this guess?
Yeah. Anything? Yep.
Next? Yeah. Would rock coffee one of your wishes?
Yeah. Rub.
No, no, no. We want, we want,
we want an explanation of that.
Elaborate. Okay. It's like,
And then, then Ross said, with, with a name for this
thing, the use of the tau, which means the 19th learn
of the Greek alphabet, um,
and Herald Dria type of cross called the tau cross exists.
And so Ross said the use of the tau
and the architect square, they're,
they're giving names to these symbols now.
Yeah. Mm-Hmm. Is indeed intended to suggest the proximity
of the space, time of the great ways environment to time,
space, which is in the physical dimensions.
We find this observation most perceptive.
The entire mood, shall we say, of the great way,
is indeed dependent upon its notable difference from the
significant, the significant is the significant self
to a great extent, but not entirely influenced
by the lowering of the veil. The great,
But not entirely, Entirely
influenced by the lowering of the veil.
So this is possibly why we have these different,
um, right angles.
Um, the lower and the upper right angles.
Uh, is this the one that has
the, can you bring it up, Melissa?
The image? Yeah.
We, so we have the, the Ls, which are not touching,
which also means to me,
this is like mutually exclusive great ways when, when
Don's question, which was perceptive, was that the great way
of the left and the great way of the right.
These, these Yeah. Lines were not crossing,
There's no interplay between these two. Yeah.
But The negative space
That they create, Yeah.
They seem somewhat balanced in this image.
It's, it's very, as above silver bones with the, with that
Ly balance, everything is balanced.
I got like, uh, how I wish I had my book
because I, I sat there
and just kind of meditated on that one little cross
for a while, but there's a lot to it.
Yeah. I need my book too. Totally.
Yeah. So, um, then they said the great way of the mind,
body of the spirit draws the environment,
which has been the new architecture caused
What the draws The draws the environment.
Okay. Which has been the new architecture caused
by the veiling process and thusly dipped in the great
limitless current of time space.
Yeah. Another ocean kind of, uh, imagery.
It's a, it's a very nebulous thing that again,
to me engenders al energy
because I, I both wanted to be the culmination of,
and yet it's also the somehow underlying framework
of the other archetypes, the other six that go with it.
So it's pulling them all together in a way it
precursors them, maybe
Feeders they feed into,
Well, the great way might be the blueprint.
And I do think this is what we talk about
when we reach the contact with intelligent infinity,
which is implied to some degree with the, um,
the significant or no, the great way
of the spirit is when they get into that,
when talking about the world, we're talking about, um,
a re re-engineering from a new vantage point.
I think when you get to the great way, you have
that potential for, for seeing in a new completely new
reality as, as that's pursued. Um,
Oh man. And when
your perception changes, your reality changes,
and the reality that you are contributing
and claiming in collective consciousness also changes
and your contribution to that collective reality clarity,
then you can also step into your co-created power at
that point, at the great way to really make a difference.
Absolutely. Like exponentially, I think, yeah,
that awakening process is like, oh yeah, no, I'm, I'm part
of the, the engine here.
I really do contribute something or, or not,
or detract or like whatever.
But like, I have a role to play both in the larger mechanism
and of course in understanding the mechanisms
that are need that are mirrored.
There are, you know, one and the same.
And we can continue now.
Uh, then, um, I guess we could skip over this,
but, uh, Ross said, I'm guessing that the wheels,
or no, Don asked, I'm guessing
that the wheels on this chariot indicate the ability
of the mind to be able to move in timespace.
Is this correct? And Ross said, we cannot say
that the observation is totally incorrect for there is
as much work in time space as the individual
who evokes this concept of complex has assimilated.
There is as much work in time space
as the individual evokes this concept complex
of concepts has assimilated.
However, it would be more appropriate to draw the attention
to the fact that although the chariot is wheeled,
it is not harnessed to that which draws it
by a physical or visible harness.
What then a student links
and harnesses the chariot's power
of movement to the chariot.
The chariot's power of movement here is referring to time
and time space.
And what, and the question that they're asking Don is
what is linking this power of time
and the potentials of time to the, the movement
of the chariot, which is the progress of the mind through,
through this transformation of, of mind.
And this is an unanswered question.
And then, and then Don says,
I'll have to think about that one.
He's like, I'll ask the questions here.
I'll come Back to that next question. Uh, unrelated.
Yeah. So, so basically say, what do you think is the linkage
between the wheel represent potentially?
Yeah. What, what's that? So
Basically they're saying
that the wheel represents potential movement.
I suppose it's the wheel that drives
Movement in time. I
agree. We didn't have, its office is a difficult concept
because there's not movement in time space,
or there isn't a movement through space
or the way that we would think about it in a linear fashion.
Yeah. So that in
and of itself is the first challenge, though.
I think that the opportunity here for us still might be
to find out what this hidden linkage is.
And I think what, what, uh, Nick just said,
the will might be the, the linkage is the,
the will is powering the transformation and the movement.
Yeah. The horse that isn't in the picture, you know, the,
the chariot is drawn to nothing and it's the will. Yeah,
That makes sense. Oh, there's no,
Uh, the will is nothing drawing the, uh,
Yeah. Chariot. Yeah. And,
and, and it's also interesting that
that raw will emphasize that these, these images are used
for the development and the honing of will, the faculties
of will and faith will is the property of the mind.
Faith is the property of the spirit.
As we're honing these
and becoming more single pointed in our will and,
and more focused on the higher
and higher amounts of light that faith is calling us up
towards as the significant of the sun,
that we're becoming more of this radiant light that, that,
that faith is, is complimented with the will,
as the will is, is moving us in the right direction
upwards. That's the way I see it.
Yeah. One is in supportive of the other. Yeah.
Yeah. But it doesn't necessarily have
to be in all cases, but obviously where,
where ascension is concerned.
Yeah. Uh, you need both of these things.
I'm curious as to what faith, well,
I suppose faith on the negative polarity is,
is faith in oneself one's,
and again, i I always point this out to people.
It's like so important to like have, you know, compassion
and, and understanding for how challenging that must be.
But imagine putting yourself into a mindset that
you have to achieve, you know, utter and complete
and total domination
because you are, you are, you are attempting to,
to make your point that, that you can be equivalent
and separate from God.
I think that all comes from,
and so like, you need to be as fully dominant as God is,
as you are denying that God is the root thought
Of all that I think is fear.
And that's, that's why the, the desire for control
is such, because it's a fear of what might be. It's
Always trying to prove its point.
I think that fear is always the, the lack of recognition
of the divine.
That's how it's been taught to me anyway, specifically.
Um, so it's always a denial of the divine fear is,
and so when you talk about thought, you can have a thought
that denies the divine.
And it may not feel like fear, though it is,
because that's what you're doing.
And, and therefore the entire egoic mindset of of being
self, um, created and self-sustaining
and self powerful, um, is all predicated on this.
So perhaps as opposed to the denial of the divine,
the acceptance of the divine is the faith.
Yeah. And so, and
so I'm guessing on the negative polarity, the faith, uh,
just must be the faith that, that I am the right person
to dominate this universe. Well,
As catalyst of the spirit,
the catalyst can be interpreted then
by the experience along the negative path.
And that's what you're talking about. Yeah,
Sure. Yeah. I'm just wondering
where the, the, the will,
I guess obviously is
how you exercise your choice along the negative path, right?
Yeah. Um, but the faith, I'm just wondering like if,
if faith for us is, is the law of one,
and we have faith that everything is one,
You can have faith in separation too, then
That's what I'm saying. And that's
what I'm saying, that faith,
you have faith in the idea of separation.
And really it is faith in oneself as that ocean spray that
that most finally separated, fully honed,
you know, completely identified, if you will,
meaning it is fully separated from whatever it was
otherwise compared to or having come from.
Yeah. The path of that, which is not,
Yeah. So you have to have a lot
of faith that you have cultivated,
you know, because again, you are not putting any sense
of power in, in anything higher than yourself.
Like there is no one infinite creator.
So, I mean, imagine trying to, so as we've talked about all
of the, just how, how effortless and comforting
and safe it just feels
to just rest on our one infinite creator
and just the beautiful ways that all this works.
The, the path of the, the negatively polarized entity is,
is, is so challenging because it lacks all of that.
There is no comfort in that.
In fact, there's the constant
and chronic anxiety of needing to, to
prove this point, this point that is this over
invested idea, fear that you love of separation, the idea
that separation is possible.
And we're so committed to it that,
that it's not even a question of whether
or not, you know, in most people's minds,
it's not a question of, oh, I don't, I feel separate today.
Do I feel, you know, more of, you know, one with everything.
It's like, no, we're, we've been relegated
to abject isolation
And or We've relegated ourselves, I should say. Most
Important. I I really like
the, um, the quote that, um,
we're seeking to be no longer blinded by feelings
of separation, but rather fully imbued as love.
That's the positive path as the, is removing those blinders.
Yeah. And, um, yeah, so
we can continue now.
And, uh, we're
after Don said, I'll come back to that, uh, he,
he, uh, he said, we were thinking replacing the sword in the
right hand with the magical sphere
and downward receptor to the left hand, similar
to card five, the significant is more appropriate
for this card, which we talked about earlier.
And Ross said this is quite acceptable,
especially if the sphere may be imaged as spherical
and effulgent meaning shining brightly and radiant.
So there's a radiance in this, in this object of, of,
of the, of the quest of pushing light
and truth into our reality through the great way
of the positive path.
I think it's important that it radiates. Yeah.
Because that's what truth does. It, it claims itself.
It's there as a potential in the matrix.
It wasn't quite, it would need to be a full gen
because if it wasn't, if it was only reflecting light,
then it would only be a distortion of
whatever it was reflecting
or ref refracting through the lens of, you know, whatever.
But by emitting its own light, I think that that's truth
because it claims itself, the light claims itself
in, in the dark.
It's, it's unaware of darkness.
In fact, light is unaware of darkness if you think about it.
Right. Ask any light bulb and it's on position,
and it's like, I see no darkness at all.
Thank you very much. And the light knows no darkness.
And that is absolutely
how we go about clarifying our perception and our souls
and our forgiveness and all of that's. But there
Is, of course, there are still the archetype of moonlight
where it's the, it's the, it's the light that is,
is difficult to, to, uh, find the truth through.
And that's the, that's the experience of the spirit
that they say many ad ups remain groping in the moonlight,
unable to perceive the, the truth of the deep light.
I'm a gropper for life.
Yeah. Um, it's fascinating. Okay. Yes.
Well, when I'm, yes.
So I'm talking about truth not so much
through the lens of archetypes.
Yeah. That's what I took from that. Yeah.
That Rob wanted that to be very present,
or at least that's what I was taking from
what you were saying was that this was the, the goal,
The goal of the goal is absolute
And what we were trying to bring through, right?
Yeah. So these cut into
This, I going back into the experience, the experience
of spirit is that which is not always the, the, the,
the glowing or which we're seeking
to bring in with the great way.
Um, and we're focusing on essentially with
that, with that great way.
Um, fully radiant, veil lowered aspect
of, of, of reality. Um,
What a stark difference from a sword.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Big change.
Um, so the next one, um,
is the bent left leg of the two sphinxes.
This is getting into something,
I think we might have touched on it a little bit.
The previous one, the bent left leg
of the two sphinxes indicate a transformation
that occurs on the left.
It doesn't occur on the right,
possibly an inability in that position to move.
Does this have any merit? And Ross said
the observation has merit.
And f first of all, I'll put the card.
This Sphinx has bent legs on the, on the redrawn version.
This version I'm looking at here didn't have the bent legs,
but apparently what Don was looking at did have a bent leg.
Um, so there's more nuance here.
Um, Ross said the observation has merit,
and it may serve as the obverse of the connotation intended.
The position is intended to show two items, one
of which is the dual possibilities of time, of the time,
full, full characters.
They're drawn, um,
one of, one of which is the dual possibilities of the time.
Full characters, they're drawn.
The resting is possible in time, as is the progress.
If a mixture is attempted,
the upright moving leg will be greatly hampered
by the leg that is bent.
The other meaning has to do with the same right angle,
with its architectural squareness
as device upon the breast of the actor.
So there's two, two meanings here.
Um, time timespace is close in this concept complex
of the second meaning brought close due
to the veiling processes and the veiling process,
and its efficacious
and producing actors who wish to use the resources
of the mind in order to evolve.
So I'm gonna reread that first part here.
Um, the position is intended to show two items.
The first one is the dual possibilities of the time.
Full characters there drawn.
Uh, the resting is possible in time, as is the progress.
So, so we have the leg that is the, the one that is resting
and the leg that is moving.
Um, and when the mixture is attempted, the,
the upright moving leg will be greatly hampered
by the leg that is bent.
So I'm not entirely sure what to make of that,
but except that, that there's, there's this,
there's this two ways of, of experiencing time, the progress
and the resting progress Resting.
Yeah. It comes in like phases of it, right? Yeah.
You can't, it's like a level of clarity that you go through,
but you need time to integrate it then too after,
after you've maybe realize something from that point.
Yeah. Yeah. Do
You think that our experience or awareness,
One way of looking at an awareness of time, for example,
would be, if I were to ask you what percentage of your
thoughts are, uh,
around things or ideas or people
or anything that are outside of this present moment?
So any rumination on the past, any anxiety on the future?
And I wonder this a lot actually.
Like, I, I, I don't know that there's a way to quantify it.
I don't know. All of us could take a, a stab at it
and probably be really off, I'm guessing.
Um, and some of us, you know, might be closer than others.
I have no idea. However,
I do believe that,
that there's a relationship
between our experience and the richness.
I think of it as we sink deeper
and deeper into this ever present now moment
by divesting the fragments of our consciousness that we've,
you know, invested in anxiety over this potential outcome
or regret over this choice made.
And so that's what I'm thinking
of is we're we're talking about this relationship to time
and how it might be experienced in two different ways.
And, and in a lot of ways,
I feel like I don't experience time very often,
or at least that it's not as, um,
much a part of, uh, it's just not,
it's not the mold around which I operate.
Maybe, you know, maybe in the linear sort of sense.
And I certainly still use it practically to schedule things
or whatever, but, um, that's it.
And when I'm not scheduling something
or whatever, um, I, it's taxing, I think
to have to put thought into, into things that are outside
of this present moment.
Um, and it feels taxing
and like it feels, maybe it's spiritually taxing
or something, I don't know.
But it's, it's withdrawing from this only moment that I can
experience revelation and the piercing of the veil.
I can't pierce the veil tomorrow.
Like there is no tomorrow, tomorrow doesn't exist. Exactly.
And the eternal now there is no
Tomorrow. Yeah. But
You're co-creating the ne like this eternal, now
you're creating this eternal,
Now you're dying this, now you're, you're dying.
Yeah. And, and it, this is a sacrifice. God.
This is like in every moment everything is sacrifice
to the next
moment or so.
You could see it as the quantum, at the quantum level,
this is definitely happening,
that there is no consistent seed.
Like no particle exists like over any sort of consistent
or measurable space or time.
Like, it literally just doesn't exist.
Like this doesn't exist.
Like when we get down to the quantum level
and we just like look at it
and we're like, it's probabilities
and we're like, it, it probably exists.
I can feel it, but like mathematically it's like, that's it.
It's just are the particles probably gonna, you know,
be right there right then when we measure them or not.
Um, fascinating.
But that's the eternal now it's, it's there now.
It's always materializing. The
Conjecture is
that whole future living in the future. Living in the past.
The idea of future and past is time to construct itself.
And I had, I had that sort of revelation during a,
a mushroom journey a couple months ago.
There was like, oh, I knew exactly what time was. Yeah.
I was like, oh, I know what you, oh,
I know exactly what you are.
And I had this like, real interesting sort of guttural,
like real careful approach.
I was like, oh no, I know.
Oh, like I know exactly what you are.
I know exactly why you exist.
I know, and you can, I can use as much
and everyone gets as much as they need,
and that's as much as you need.
And then you don't need it anymore.
And it was like, I just Yeah. Saw it all collapsed in. Yeah.
And it was just like time, the concept itself, I was like,
oh, yeah, it slows everything down.
It's the space for exploration, the space for exploration
and the needing to
unlearn or to rethink this idea of separation.
And it needed to explode into space
and time as we know it so that it could ferret
that out all the way and see what that looks like ultimately
to fall back into the ocean.
Imagine at the point of ferreting out separation.
So now you have to, now you have to come up
with a construct of time.
You know what I mean? Like imagine being at that point, the,
the building blocks that are set in place for
Time, actually rather interesting.
If you are a, I mean for the, the separatist, if you will,
for ego consciousness for the one charting the course that,
that there is no greater outside of myself basically.
Um, that's a, that's a real hard claim to stake.
And what was your, uh,
From the point of being all consciousness
to take that first step to explore separation.
Ah, so like, okay, now it's one thing to sit here as one
and then look at separation
and go, what, what actually could happen there?
Now you have to construct time.
You have to construct the universe for time to exist.
You have to construct all twice
Separation. That
happened instantaneously. It actually all
of time was created.
The instant that we, that all happened decided all
that we could be separated. That
Separation thought. And that's
the original thought. Yeah. Yeah.
And, and the big bang, if you would,
and how you map that through to the big bang is
probably neither here nor there because in fractal levels,
that is ultimately I think
what produces the big bang vis-a-vis space time,
and the need to obviously work through this
idea of separation
and ultimately reach the only conclusion that there is,
which is that all is one, there is no separation.
Right. So the last one that, uh, that Don asked about,
um, in, in on the image,
he said, I'm assuming that the skirt is skewed to the left
for the same reason that it is in card number four
indicating the distance, uh, service
to self polarized entities key from others.
And I'm also assuming that the face is turned to the left
for the same reason that it is in card number five,
'cause of the nature of catalyst.
Is this roughly correct and raw started that response
by saying your previous deposition
is indeed roughly correct.
We, um, which was about the skirt.
Um, and I'll pull that up.
Uh, it's just this was less pronounced though this
Time. Yeah. Much less
pronounced. Yeah.
Um, we might also note that we informing the original images
for your peoples, we're using the cultural commonplaces
of artistic expression of those in Egypt.
The face is drawn to the side most often drawn to the side,
most often as are the feet turned.
We made use of this
and thus we wish to soften the significance
of the Sidelong Lo.
In no case thus far in these deliberations,
however, has any misinterpretation
or unsuitable interpretation been drawn?
So saying that yes, the, the the turn face, uh,
has some meaning, but they wanted to soften the emphasis
that the sun, the fact the face has turned the
Left, I think it was hieroglyphics and
Yeah. Had more to do with the
way they drew things in Egypt. Yeah.
Um, um,
But it was facing a direct under the egg.
Yeah. And they did choose left.
Yeah. Um,
and this also relates to the skirt being to the left
of the, um,
I think that makes sense in terms of the, the great way
and then the, the bigger great way
or whatever you were talking about.
Because the great way in this respect still allows us
to be in the chariot,
but mulling through the illusion still.
Right? Like we're still, you know, doing the thing,
but at this, at this level.
And so the left looking is still that we are, I think,
ooh, here's one of those.
Oh, nice. Probably bug
Or Mel feed or Something
Like that.
Um, I forgot where was going.
Salts are gone, but thoughts are gone.
One little bug thoughts are gone. Catalyst, baby catalyst.
Luckily we're near the end here.
We got, alright, we've gone for, uh, one hour, 50 minutes.
So technically our usual two hour time up,
the time limit is pretty much reached.
We can wrap it up anytime we want. We want now. Um,
Yeah. Was that all
the poets?
Yeah. Well, I, I have a million other points that I wanted
to bring about in the context of what this could imply.
So maybe the next discussion we could say
the mind archetypes and context
and we could talk more broadly around the Kundalini.
And that that was one potential I was
thinking about, talking about.
Um, you know, the crown was already upon the, upon the head
and the entity is potentially a god when that, when
that realization is, is reached.
Um, and,
and that's one, one aspect of
what the great way represents is the, the balancing
and activation of the chakras is still a part of this.
I think. Um, that's, but that's a big discussion.
And they talk, they talked about the great work.
I thought maybe the great work is, is related
to the great way, um, with the mind single pointed
and balanced and aware of the body comfortable
and whatever biases and distortions make it appropriately
balanced for that instrument, the instrument is then ready
to proceed with the great work
that is the work of wind and fire.
So it seems as though this covenant
with spirit might be related to that, um,
that emphasis on the, the great work
and a great way, um, of, of evolution.
Yeah. A great work.
The, the crown wasn't on
and then was placed on the head, you were saying. Well,
I'm, I'm saying, um, I'm saying that in the, in the,
the specific quote when they're talking about the,
the chakra activations, um, I'll see,
I, I made a note of this.
Um, where is my notes? Um,
Was that, that when you said what you said?
Yeah, it put an image into my head where it's like,
you're it going through life with this
as your reality and then you might peak
through the veil for a half a second Yeah.
And then come back to reality. Right.
But now you're wearing the crown. Right.
But like you've seen through the veil, now you know, you're,
you're educated enough to have seen through the veil Yeah.
Poke the top of your head in
and came out with a crown in your lung.
Yeah. The, the quote I was talking about was in session 49
after they talked about the Well is not that long.
This is the most succinct summary of the chakras.
I'll read it. Each experience will be sequentially
understood by the growing and seeking mind, body,
spirit complex in terms of survival.
Then in terms of personal identity, then in terms
of social relations, then in terms of universal love,
then in terms of how the experience maybe get free
communication then in terms of
how the experience may be linked to universal energies,
which might be what we're doing
with discussion of archetypes.
And finally, in terms of the sacramental
nature of each experience.
Meanwhile, the creator lies within in the North Pole.
The crown is already upon the head
and the entity is potentially a God.
This energy is brought into being by the humble
and trusting acceptance of this energy through meditation
and contemplation of the self and of the creator.
It's a, it's a quick description, but very precise.
Yeah. I love the, the, the, the concept of the North Pole
because we have like the star in the sky, Polaris,
I think they referred to it Polaris at one point too.
Uh, and, and material Polaris is the north
star no matter where you are.
You can look to Polaris in the northern hemisphere, you look
to Polaris and you know where north is.
You have that guiding star that always points at whatever,
whichever way you're facing, whichever way you've deviated
from the great way you have that Polaris,
the great way pointing you straight back to the crown,
which is where the infinite love in light
of the creator is integrated through.
So whole star Yeah.
Polaris beautiful symbol. Yeah. Huh.
And this whole universe was built that principle
and then populated with 3D beings
to look up and figure it out.
That is not, And then the, the star,
like the north star, the guiding star, all that stuff,
it has so much Yeah.
Definition, you know, like, um, similar connotations. Yeah.
I I I would love to read that one now. It was session 54.
Ross said, the origin of all energy is the action
of free will upon love.
The nature of all energy is light.
The means of its ingress into the mind, body,
spirit complex is dupal.
We're referring to the, the top
and the bottom of the, of the chakra system.
Firstly, there is the inner light, which is Polaris
of the self, the guiding star.
This is the birthright and true nature of all entities.
This energy dwells within
the inner light is the guiding star.
The second point of ingress is the polar opposite
of the north star, shall we say,
and may be seen if you wish to use the physical body
as an analog for the magnetic field as coming
through the feet from the earth
and through the lower point of the spine.
This point of ingress,
the universal light energy is
undifferentiated until it begins.
Its filtering process through the energy centers.
The requirements of each center
and efficiency with which the individual has learned
to tap into the inner light determine the nature
of the use made by the entity of these instream means.
So this is also partly why I think we could do another
session where we're talking about the implications
of the mind archetypes and con
and context with all these others concepts.
Um, there's so much to talk about.
Yeah. I'm certainly happy to, to expound on
or expand on, you know, our exploration of the mind
and, you know.
Yeah. There's always more that we can Well, and
The, the, the reason that it, it would behoove us
to do it is because in the sessions
all they talk about is the mind.
So to fully unpack that
would be a great stepping point to move.
'cause it drives everything else.
Yeah. To, to understand how it applies to the mind. And
I really like this, by the way, not that I, you know, I,
I'll go ahead and just vote
that we just do this in person moving forward.
That's challenging. But
Yeah, that would be nice.
Yeah. Right.
But I really do like this
and it's all the more, you know,
just valuable and yeah. Um,
I'll bring my books next time.
Powerful. I think. Yeah. You know, being together
and, you know, um,
but we're also able to, to create this digitally.
And I'm very grateful for the fact that we're able
to do this and, um, to continue trying to learn
and to teach, you know, each other
and ourselves doing the, doing the thing a great way.
Yeah. Yeah.
Um, all right.
Thank you guys for, I can look at my, I, I keep forgetting
to switch cameras, but thank you guys for joining us
and we will see you next time.
People: Andrew Shepard, Mike Waskosky, Nathan Olson, Nick Carletti
Topics: Archetypes, Law of One, Spirituality
I love how these guys are just sitting here passing a joint.