Mystery School: Awakening the Heart and the Power of Love

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Awakening the Heart and the Power of Love
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Jacob’s talk from the Ascension Summit event in 2021.
Next Episode: Mystery School: The Golden Age
a little bit to the awakening of the heart and hope
after this presentation that we start to at least
open up your hearts a little bit today and I think
we'll be able to do that So I picked this topic
there's so many great things to talk about for
millions to ascension I thought I felt like put a
few things into this mix it all up and make it
float well So we'll see how it goes And I think
it's very important because we'll have every single
person has a heart just like every single one of us
has a brain and body but just like the brain we've
heard that heard that expression We use 5-10% of
our brains on average And you know when you get
into an argument with someone when you fight with
someone you say things you don't mean you throw a
punch you shouldn't have It's not until you go back
later and you calm down relax you're taking some
deep breaths and you realize I shouldn't have done
that That's when you're starting to use more new
parts of your brain the neocortex frontal and you
know those are stuff that um scientists finding out
that's the new part of the brain Well I think we
know just about as much probably less about the
heart that we even do the brain and the heart Math
Institute is doing a lot of great research on that
now And so I think it's important to know okay
educating the mind without educating heart there's
no education at all And if you don't know how to
use your heart using your mind is worthless You
know you can you can go here you can think about
this you can concentrate on things People tell you
gotta focus on this thing to manifest If you don't
realize that your heart is the other half if not
more of the equation you're never gonna manage this
the things that you want You can think about those
things all day So let's talk about this incredible
organ Most people will tell you is just something
that pumps blood into your to your body So to all
parts of your body we know about recent traditions
chakra the green the middle one from the seven
fundamental chakra system that we see from Eastern
traditions Um Our heart however has its own
magnetic field It can be measured measured several
several feet away from your body Negative emotions
can create the nervous system that chaos but
positive emotions can do the exact opposite
literally We can feel our way into disease and we
can feel our way out of it as well Positive
emotions can increase the brain's ability to make
the decisions to So as we feel good in our heart as
we love we have compassion it actually makes our
brain have better decision make a better decision
making for us throughout our day throughout our
lifetime positive emotions can boost our immune
system just by focusing on positive emotions
Positive emotions can also create psychological
benefits in our body healings in our body Um I
think this one is an awesome one down here Mother's
brainwaves can synchronize their baby's heartbeats
even when there are a few feet apart I'm sure my
partner can attest to that Um And field development
this is one of the most incredible things in fetal
development The heart forms and starts being before
the brain begins to develop Your heart is beating
and doing all things I'm supposed to do before your
brain is even come into question And the hardest
magnetic field can be measured from several feet
away And I will show you a little bit later that I
would imagine the master of the heart the master of
electromagnetic field can probably it couldn't be
measured That would be infinite It would be one
created one with all the universe So did you know
that the heart has a system of neurons that have
both short and long term memory and their signals
since the brain can affect our emotional
experiences Mhm This thing that we have inside of
our bodies is beyond anything that we have any
comprehension of And hopefully today we'll tap into
a little bit some of the qualities of the heart is
greater discernment and to the clarity when we are
feeling emotions of love kindness compassion we
have a better intuition One of the scientific
studies that heart math is doing is um they're
taking people and put it in front of computer
screen randomly throwing pictures out there you
know what's funny is the heart is picking up these
images before they're even shown It is either you
know making your body sweat your heartbeat is
beating up It's going into frustration or anxiety
or it's going into compassionate love before the
picture is even shown even the people flashing the
pictures pictures don't know what's coming up next
but your heart does I've never seen one of us has
one The core is also the core of your authentic
self love is what we really are Every single one of
us has a skin color a gender some clothes that
you're wearing but every single one of us is
dressed up in the skies They're all love We're all
we have a deeper connection with ourselves and
others as we learn to love ourselves have
compassion for ourselves forgive ourselves Because
ultimately the relationship that we have with
ourselves transpires to that outside of us So if I
am hard on myself I bully myself I can probably do
that to the world as well The people that come in
contact with And so I think one of the greatest
abilities of the heart is the ability to overcome
obstacles no matter what sports education work a
job whatever it is when someone says you've been
doing this But your heart's not in it it's a figure
of speech but it's literally true Your heart isn't
in the work that you do your heart I did the job
that you do whatever it is If your hearts and
people can see it you can feel it you know it And
so I think that all of this comes together to me
The heart is what makes us the hero within the
hero's journey Mm Each of us each of us the hero of
our own show The hero of our own live Everybody
wants to find someone else Some some superman some
great speakers some great talker No you are the
hero You are the one you've been looking for You
are all that is never has been and never will be
encapsulated into human form just for a little
while So some of the surprising roles of the heart
is that as complex nervous system called the heart
Brain that encodes and processes information And
the heart is sending more information to the brain
and our brain sends your hearts It's actually
picking up on circumstances of its situations
People's electro Matic magnetic fields And then
when you come in contact with someone you feel that
person's residence you feel like that person is
really nice They can feel their love or you can
feel the opposite as well And it makes functional
decisions independent of the cranial brand Your
heart is picking up on things and it is assessing
things and it is making its own decisions on what
to do with your body I think that's incredible This
heart brain has neurons in it and it makes
decisions It's just an incredible incredible
understanding positive emotions can increase the
brain's ability to make good decisions And I think
that said that earlier with being passion being in
gravity being in love being in kindness that that
coherence between the brain and the heart allows
you to make better decisions for yourself instead
of being full of anxiety fear judgment those kind
of things It also has creates psychological
benefits in our body as we live in fear as we live
in um a state where we're always worried what's
around the next corner what's gonna happen What's
what's this what's that Um people who watch war
movies on television all the time when you're
constantly watching things on television or in the
world or in the news your body your brain your
heart they don't really know whether those things
are actually happening or whether you're imagining
them whether you're reading about them So when we
actually watch war on television and our body is
made of trillions and trillion cells they start to
take that mess on the world outside is fighting
everything is going to disarray And so let's do the
same Let's compete with each other Let's have
competition We're fighting and that's where cancer
and diseases start when we're constantly in a state
of fear or anxiety or worry but the opposite is
true We can boost our immune system by conjuring up
our positive emotions constantly being ready to
constantly being thankful Being happy being loving
So when we are frustrated these are really into the
way that jumper in Even just looking at this feel
awkward Not really so jagged and rough not smooth
at all up and down It's a very field fearful
patterns and the patterns of appreciation much
smoother The pattern of love is much more higher
lower crescents and lower trials in tune with
itself So we have to learn to live with love live
with compassion living our kindness because by
feeling the stress all the time no matter what it
is whatever what the worry is whatever you are
right now you're talking about this or that or
what's going on the world How much I hate my job
You're feeling stressed and you can only feel
positive emotions are negative emotions and some
degree of that at any given moment I can't be super
positive super negative only if you want to know So
this is probably why more than likely
cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in
the world In every country year after year nothing
kills more people in cardiovascular disease And I
would say that is because our heart is something
more than just an organ that pumps blood Living in
frustration Living in that anxiety creates
disharmony and enough of that you can do it for a
little while But if you constantly live your life
like that and that frustrated state you're living a
life that is probably going to end sooner than
later So we have to go from a world where we live
in fear I'm not good enough No one likes me to a
world of love and compassion kindness and really
honestly to ourselves more than anyone else So
choosing to be happy is literally good for your
health right So like being happy being in the
moment not worrying about bills and the house and
all the things I mean those things come as far as
I've realized I'm still here to take all those
challenges today So I didn't you know do my best to
take care of them But as far as worry or anxiety
goes about them I try my best not to worry about
not to be anxious about them to be stressed over
them Um I really and I do like anyone else And so
when I do that I do try to go take some time to
myself think about what's going on assess the
situation and be like so far everything has come up
against me I've been able to take it on so far So
I'm just gonna go with that And as we do feel our
body with full of vibrant energy the physical body
will naturally fix itself just like you gotta cut
your body can constantly prepare itself right But
when we're in these states of of anxiety fear our
body doesn't have that time doesn't have the time
to fix itself doesn't have the time to cure cancer
for ourselves which which is what we're designed to
do We think you're our own cancer because we
created our own cancer It's not something random
It's not something that just happened Every single
one of us has to take responsibility for our own
life and realize hey maybe I had something to do
with that My thinking my emotions and what I've
seen is people call it spontaneous remissions I
don't see anything spontaneous about being
spontaneous but it doesn't make sense for people to
say oh it's just random It's just just happened No
when you go back and look at these cases most of
the time people change their life they quit their
jobs They go live their life in a way that oh this
is how I should have lived before jumping out of
airplanes going to see family you know going making
life so we want to take this really fractured ugly
harsh life that affects our respiratory system our
heart rate or blood pressure and turn it into a
quick coherence steady where we have these pre
flowing beautiful easy going We should that's
that's the point is to get out of frustration
shifting to appreciate I think it's incredibly
important to talk about what his appreciation
actually appreciate it Flower If you load the
flower don't pick it up because if you pick it up
it dies and it ceases to be what you love So if you
love the flower let it be Love is not about
possession loves about appreciation I think that's
just a beautiful thing because we all want to
possess and you have to do this and do as I say you
know love set it free and if it comes back it's
yours loves about letting things be wild and free I
think that's a beautiful thing So really learning
and taking in appreciation for life and allowing
others to be exactly where they are right now So
these heart rhythms directly impact physical
immense performances were talking about that and
the heart single especially affect the brain
centers evolving strategic thinking reaction time
and self regulation So literally these two organs
the heart and the brain have such an incredible
connection with each other And so it works to do
this We need to rewire our brains for higher
consciousness by paying attention to love
compassion and joy actually focusing on those
things every day instead of our boss or the things
that we don't like our you know the thing that's
happening out there I'm not even gonna mention It's
me too frustrating so focusing on love and
compassion and things that we love Let's change
this vibrational field It's only gonna take so many
of us to actually start to change our vibrational
field and to create a new one and that other people
will pick it up around It's not that difficult It's
something that every single one of us has we all
have a heart We all know about positive and
negative emotions and all we have to do literally
change So I think some things that are important to
focus on promote what you love rather than bashing
what you had So many people get you caught up in
that conversation You know let me tell you what
happened Let me tell you what I saw in the news
today I most people won't even tell them because
they know they won't even listen to most of the
time or I'll just stand like um like did you hear
what I said No I'm trying not to So it's really
really important to focus on what we were like Um
the rapture is literally being caught up and love
right So so many people get caught up in negative
things and things that you don't like Why not take
today and tell somebody what you loved about them
about sunset about life about art about this
conference and start making that a priority every
day to actually get caught up with what you love
about the world What's amazing about being alive So
I think this is an incredible saying it matters not
who you love Where do you love Why you love when
you love or how you love it matters only that you
love only that because you can only do one or the
other love or hate and some degree of either one of
those at the current now and I think it's so
important and you yourself as much as anybody in
the entire universe deserve your own love in your
own affection So often we want to give it to
somebody else Somebody else deserves that somebody
else is worth loving for you yourself an incredible
point of the universe that deserves your own love
and affection your own time Mhm And so I think when
we really start to do this when it really started
to love ourselves to care about ourselves and
realize that loving people live in a loving world
and hostile people that in a hostile world the same
world right So we can be in this room and
experiencing two different things And I would hope
that most people in this room right now would not
be experiencing something different to too much of
a degree but you can live on the same planet you
can go to the same movie you can go to the same
dinner I've been at the same dinner table and
experience a great dinner with great servers and
the person next to behave their experience the
person wasn't nice enough to do they didn't bring
their meal out on time You know I mean all the all
the things that they made up in their head that the
world was like already that's the experience that
they got at the dinner table That's the experience
They got a walmart that's the experience they got
wherever they go It doesn't matter because that is
your idea of what the world is like Already It
doesn't matter It's the same world but it's our
idea So our brains and our hearts are constantly
constantly communicating every single minute every
single site We're always communicating with our
brands and artists This relationship is probably
one of the most important that I have found so far
in the human body So the brain and the heart
coherence empowers us to experience deep states of
intuition on the man So just like I told you about
that study earlier where the heart math is showing
these pictures on computers and then the heart was
responding to the stimuli before they even happened
You can respond to people before they walk into the
room You can literally no Because of someone's feel
of what's coming or what's that So we need to learn
how to do this right How can we make our heart and
our brains move into coherence together as one as
one unit And I would actually say that part with
the brain has its own masculine feminine side That
would say the marrying of the heart and the brain
itself is a marriage that we should be working
after for ourselves And so when we can move our
hearts and to this state this coherent state
instead of an incoherent state where it's
frustrated We're focusing on things that we don't
like filling motions that we don't want to feel We
can move into this coherent state And as we move
into this coherent state our heart really it starts
to evolve It starts to wake up it starts to blossom
The awakening happens for the heart It's almost
like this dormant plant that's not blossoming it's
not flowering But as we move into this coherent
state we literally can create electromagnetic
fields that come from the brain and heart as these
two become one with each other as they marry each
other I think this is a dissipated by Alex gray and
I think this describes exactly what we're talking
about Here is your heart set and here's the big
electromagnetic field around hard and then here's
your guy and here's what we call the halo It's a
two dimensional image I think this picture makes it
seem a little bit more three dimensional at least
But the field of the heart It's said to be at least
100 times stronger electrically and up to 5000
times stronger magnetically Your heart is literally
more powerful and your brain is And so I think this
is why when we see pictures of jesus buddha it
could be anyone There are all kinds of things that
we see pictures like this Look at this it's hard
it's on fire It's you know beams of light coming
out and around his head You can see halo you can
see light coming out all around the world and
churches and books and paintings you see christ
like this with his heart he's pointing to his heart
pointing up to this to his head up there and I
think what he's this is symbolizing at least to me
and at least some aspects obviously it has multiple
meanings This is coherence This is an individual
losing coherence with their mind and their brain
And look at that You see him you see his halo
around his head from ideal plan in this field right
here around his heart that was bear And so it's not
just jesus right jesus parker mary just saying I
don't know what the what the churches tell you but
I think this is his partner I think this was his uh
define partner some people call it the twin flames
you think that's what we're talking about She's the
same her heart Goliath light around her head coming
from her pineal gland These are two human beings
incoherence and when you become a human being
interference please that's when you find the others
And again I didn't show any pictures of this all
day where these people are shown with their hearts
open their halos glowing I think it's important to
know that even though I just showed you pictures of
jesus and mary Macklin I'm not excluding anybody
out of this discussion of you being able to do this
because marketing said everybody can be great
because anybody can serve you don't have to have a
college degree to serve You don't have to make your
subject from your verb agree serve you only need a
heart full of grace a soul generated by love
anybody to love any time anymore Every single
person that we talked about jesus mary buddha
mother Teresa every single one of them had brand
and heart just like we did right I just think they
were using it more than and if we just start using
our brains and hearts a little bit more all the
things that these saints is mystics and light
beings are done We can do to we can walk on water
we can fly around we can do all the things that
they do We all have that same heart So literally
love is upgrading this We have these these dormant
parts of our DNA 20 out of 64 Amino acids currently
turned on And science will tell you the majority of
your DNA jump what we find out now is that you can
literally turn the parts of D N A On loving more
breathing deeply practicing grafted literally have
an effect your emotions have an effect on your D N
A They can literally blossom and they can literally
turn on switches and change your physiology makeup
of yourself Each one of us has a heart to be able
to do this and it's nothing that nobody in
particular can or can't do Everybody can do it And
what's really cool about is the ascension that
we're here for the ascension summit It's all built
into the D N A Everything that we need to know the
book because it's all inside of us There's no
person there's no story There's no I gotta make it
to this one over here to make sure I get this and
everything that you need inside of you Mhm So I
think this is incredible information because this
is a two dimensional picture when basically this is
the blue dots represent DNA and the fear like I
said is a lower weight pattern that touches really
few parts of being it But Love is a higher
frequency shorter wavelength that activate the
antenna So it hits more parts of the DNA as it
grows As your love it As you're focusing on to
passion Um You're literally turning on the switches
20 out of 64 million glasses Can the excellence
that jumped in can turn on And I believe it was in
there is probably telepathy line walking on water
The fact that you're literally the mass of the
universe We just don't know yet every single one of
us So here's the more detailed picture of the same
thing The same phenomenon Love is the more sporadic
way pattern here and it turns it on and the fear
just touches less of the D N A So we're not you're
not turning on your staying in that dormant state I
would have to assume that the longer you stay in
You could probably turn off some of the 20 that you
got available to If you can turn them on you can do
it and turn them off to constantly living in fear
So the key the magic is love It's the most
important thing it really is and our heart emits
electromagnetic fields that change according to our
emotions So as we focus on love and compassion or
focus on fear things that make us upset We have
this tiny field You know you're upset you're angry
you have a tiny field And so when people say things
to you mean to you make fun of you this is a field
that's not protecting you right So when someone
says something negative to you it's much easier for
them to get in It's much easier for that to stick
You'd be like man it made me feel about it and like
how that felt But when we live we create these huge
abundance of electromagnetism around the body
There's very little that can get in very little
comments Very little energy Very little someone
saying something to you being smart you know
whatever that can't get through a big field like
that So it hasn't really learned to love and create
these incredible magnetic fields of energy it
starts to pump out all around us And it gets bigger
and bigger and like I said right now they can
measure fields that are 5000 times greater than the
heart Again I think someone has amassed with this
It's probably probably measured forever Never find
But it is true We do create these electromagnetic
fields and this is very similar to all things You
know this tutorial field is around the earth It's
the way oranges made apples are made Course the
universe is making creative forces the biggest and
small Even Galaxies Our stars take this path in the
galaxy where they will go down and come back apple
back down around We're seeing stars in the galaxy
do these same patterns So no matter how big or
small we see the same total field in the universe
Over and over and over again University just
generating a tourist machine You know So yeah we're
just we're just this incredible fields that we can
make This is just really beautiful pictures that I
like to I like to look at and thank you The more I
look at it the more I can feel it the more I can
say okay I can do that too I love that It's not
This is jesus It's just anybody you can put your
face on That's all So the others can pick up the
signature of your emotions through the
electromagnetic energy rating from your heart
whether you're a loving person or someone who wants
to take advantage of people people can pick up on
that Your fields even though you have your own
field everybody's field is you know can become in
contact with others And this is why before even
speaking to somebody you literally can feel their
field You can feel their hearts whether it's down
whether it's open whether it's loving you know
whether they don't like themselves I felt many of
those things with many different people long before
we actually make contact Word is there anything
else So our thoughts and emotions affect the heart
affect the heart's magnetic field which
energetically affects those in our environment
Whether or not we are conscious of it or not So
doesn't matter if you want people to know or not
they can pick up on your field You know you're
walking around and you can shut yourself down
That's that's just easy for someone to pick up on
as well So here we are let's you know let's love
each other Let's take this information Which is
really some of the most incredible information I've
ever met and start to deal with each other Let's
start to create love compassion kindness These
things really do matter It really does It really
does change the world whether you can see it or not
it doesn't matter electromagnetic fields can be
picked on and you can feel them every single one of
us can feel it I'm not talking about something that
you can't feel This is something every single one
of us can know because the people that you love
your family when you're with them feel that feeling
of love And it's definitely there So this is a
painting by Alex Alex paintings Think again it just
shows beautiful the light around people love
kindness that I love it because like I said again
it doesn't have any kind of mystic or saying
anybody results ever seen One of us can filled up
with whoever is a matter And I think what's really
important about these panics respect shows our love
matters like our family's matter You don't have to
be the ceo you don't have to be the president You
have to own a company You don't have to have a
million dollars to change the world Your love with
your family your friends your community the job go
to every day Every single one of those things
matters Every single one of those things creates a
ripple In fact in the world when we stand here and
we love we create ripples of feelings of energy
that that go out They don't just stay in here in
our bodies Mhm They penetrate the fields around us
We added to the magnetic field of the earth that
were literally walking around and all of us Hollows
out So as we become you know more in line beings
more loving beings we create more Children who are
loving who are more open or more kind more
compassionate So when we do the work on ourselves
we here in the world literally there is no other
work to do other than you Each and every single one
of us It is imperative to heal yourself to love
yourself to forgive yourself buy yourself some
grace because every single one of us is connected
to the field Every single one of us is a part of
the universe No less or no more than anybody who
ever has found or anybody who ever will christ is
going to be stoned for preaching the gospel on
sunday And he said it has written a year All Gods
Every single one of us Every single one of you We
are all Buddhists we're all christians all of us
all of us have hard all of us have the capability
of love to focus on the things that we want to see
in the world Every single one of us has the ability
to make the ascension in the end of the cycle
Because every single one of us have a heart brain
and the bottom every single one of us are on this
earth and connected to it And really honestly this
is the mother We're connected to her and the
earth's magnetic field resonates and vibrates at
the same frequency as a heart rhythms Ooh and the
rain and the rain which is really important you
need to get in coherence with the earth She's
changing her vibration is rising The Schumann
County residents of the planet which was seven
hertz is rising rapidly since then he's almost
doubling that to about 14 hurts now I would say
that is mother earth harpy rising and as we saw in
some Elizabeth stuff earlier somatic cell
frequencies things are held in place by sound and
her sound is rising her migration is rising and you
can either go with it or you can stay here no
judgment But this is a graduation class It is time
to ascend it is time to go into higher dimensions
entire understandings free will free energy I think
that's what most of us here are here to do So a
change of heart changes the world because your
heart is the world your heart is connected to
everything and every person in all the universe all
of them So right now I want you guys to watch the
clip here with a certain number of come together
and then choose in a moment of time to create a
precise emotion Yes there was that emotion very
These fields are now implicated in everything from
the immune response of humans through call it what
cycles of water in peace our ability to solve
problems Yes all of these different as they sound
Wait to our relationship to the magnetic fields of
the earth So what makes it so beautiful is every
but on the planet every human on the planet has to
be consciously aware of their relationship to for
what a relatively number understand They need shoes
feel feelings that created what's called coherence
in our lives Coherence is the language of right
Yeah Certain kinds of based experiences such as
appreciation forgiveness care Those are the ancient
understandings he's been heart and in the truest
traditions our science is finding those same
traditions that's true But we could feel these
feelings in our bodies There were benefits from the
experience right Mhm Crazy Every single one of
those connected every single one of us has the
ability to change the planet But first I have to
change yourself very important Whatever single ST
mystic buddha krishna christ have always said to us
when the power of love overcomes the love of power
the world will know peace I'm ready for that day I
hope that you guys all it's coming It's here it's
in this building it's in this room it's in your own
heart Every single one of us has a responsibility
to want to overcome what divides is what separates
us So let's do it how to begin coherence with
ourselves How do we have that brain and heart
coherence writer right now do you guys want to do
it You guys wanna do it Let's do it all right let's
take a deep breath Mhm Take another deep breath
Close your eyes put your hand on your heart start
tonight world that you want to see Imagine what it
looks like Have a beautiful room where people are
it's dying because they don't have energy suffering
because they don't have food What does that feel
like How does your heart sing with joy How does it
make you feel Every single person on this planet
has something that every single person has the
pursuit of life Love happiness Joy Imagine what it
was like and No one has taken advantage of it In
the world over All one Free energy is abundant
Imagine what it feels like to just walk down the
street and have someone smile at him passing loving
Hello Imagine what it feels like to have a world
But there's no presidents no dictators no more
violence no religion It's possible there's been
many before that have experienced this on this
planet I think places like Atlantis Hi yourself
Maria probably experienced this kind of this kind
of world It's not something that we have to go with
another planet to experiences right here right now
So imagine feel in your heart how does it feel to
live on time like this when everyone gets to eat
clean nutritious food free of chemicals air that's
clean and abundant water that's clean and abundant
A life that you feel proud of where you don't have
to work all day long to come home and see your kids
for a couple of hours where they have to go to bed
when we get to take care of our young take care of
our old people take care of everybody a planet that
works for everyone It's here and we created we
created with coherence We created by this room
right here right now concentrate on the same exact
things filling the same exact feelings rippling out
into our city our community to our state to our
country to our world until our universe This is
coherence This is how the practice works when we
feel and see in our mind's eye the world that we
want to live in and we stay in this moment for a
couple of minutes just three minutes Normally we
can actually do that master Obviously they bring
songs about books about it now it's time to
actually see it It's just beyond the bill It's just
beyond the illusion that's whole around all the
time told what it looks like how to feel how tough
what to believe It's just an illusion that's just
held together by thoughts and ideas I fear guess
what look shatters that it shadows the illusion So
I just want to say welcome to the ascension summit
Welcome to the New Earth one that works for all of
us My name is Jacob cox this is my presentation on
awakening the heart you know you guys will enjoy it
Yeah yeah Light and define me sees and recognizes
the light of the divine and she's never seen one of
you I am so grateful to be out there
after this presentation that we start to at least
open up your hearts a little bit today and I think
we'll be able to do that So I picked this topic
there's so many great things to talk about for
millions to ascension I thought I felt like put a
few things into this mix it all up and make it
float well So we'll see how it goes And I think
it's very important because we'll have every single
person has a heart just like every single one of us
has a brain and body but just like the brain we've
heard that heard that expression We use 5-10% of
our brains on average And you know when you get
into an argument with someone when you fight with
someone you say things you don't mean you throw a
punch you shouldn't have It's not until you go back
later and you calm down relax you're taking some
deep breaths and you realize I shouldn't have done
that That's when you're starting to use more new
parts of your brain the neocortex frontal and you
know those are stuff that um scientists finding out
that's the new part of the brain Well I think we
know just about as much probably less about the
heart that we even do the brain and the heart Math
Institute is doing a lot of great research on that
now And so I think it's important to know okay
educating the mind without educating heart there's
no education at all And if you don't know how to
use your heart using your mind is worthless You
know you can you can go here you can think about
this you can concentrate on things People tell you
gotta focus on this thing to manifest If you don't
realize that your heart is the other half if not
more of the equation you're never gonna manage this
the things that you want You can think about those
things all day So let's talk about this incredible
organ Most people will tell you is just something
that pumps blood into your to your body So to all
parts of your body we know about recent traditions
chakra the green the middle one from the seven
fundamental chakra system that we see from Eastern
traditions Um Our heart however has its own
magnetic field It can be measured measured several
several feet away from your body Negative emotions
can create the nervous system that chaos but
positive emotions can do the exact opposite
literally We can feel our way into disease and we
can feel our way out of it as well Positive
emotions can increase the brain's ability to make
the decisions to So as we feel good in our heart as
we love we have compassion it actually makes our
brain have better decision make a better decision
making for us throughout our day throughout our
lifetime positive emotions can boost our immune
system just by focusing on positive emotions
Positive emotions can also create psychological
benefits in our body healings in our body Um I
think this one is an awesome one down here Mother's
brainwaves can synchronize their baby's heartbeats
even when there are a few feet apart I'm sure my
partner can attest to that Um And field development
this is one of the most incredible things in fetal
development The heart forms and starts being before
the brain begins to develop Your heart is beating
and doing all things I'm supposed to do before your
brain is even come into question And the hardest
magnetic field can be measured from several feet
away And I will show you a little bit later that I
would imagine the master of the heart the master of
electromagnetic field can probably it couldn't be
measured That would be infinite It would be one
created one with all the universe So did you know
that the heart has a system of neurons that have
both short and long term memory and their signals
since the brain can affect our emotional
experiences Mhm This thing that we have inside of
our bodies is beyond anything that we have any
comprehension of And hopefully today we'll tap into
a little bit some of the qualities of the heart is
greater discernment and to the clarity when we are
feeling emotions of love kindness compassion we
have a better intuition One of the scientific
studies that heart math is doing is um they're
taking people and put it in front of computer
screen randomly throwing pictures out there you
know what's funny is the heart is picking up these
images before they're even shown It is either you
know making your body sweat your heartbeat is
beating up It's going into frustration or anxiety
or it's going into compassionate love before the
picture is even shown even the people flashing the
pictures pictures don't know what's coming up next
but your heart does I've never seen one of us has
one The core is also the core of your authentic
self love is what we really are Every single one of
us has a skin color a gender some clothes that
you're wearing but every single one of us is
dressed up in the skies They're all love We're all
we have a deeper connection with ourselves and
others as we learn to love ourselves have
compassion for ourselves forgive ourselves Because
ultimately the relationship that we have with
ourselves transpires to that outside of us So if I
am hard on myself I bully myself I can probably do
that to the world as well The people that come in
contact with And so I think one of the greatest
abilities of the heart is the ability to overcome
obstacles no matter what sports education work a
job whatever it is when someone says you've been
doing this But your heart's not in it it's a figure
of speech but it's literally true Your heart isn't
in the work that you do your heart I did the job
that you do whatever it is If your hearts and
people can see it you can feel it you know it And
so I think that all of this comes together to me
The heart is what makes us the hero within the
hero's journey Mm Each of us each of us the hero of
our own show The hero of our own live Everybody
wants to find someone else Some some superman some
great speakers some great talker No you are the
hero You are the one you've been looking for You
are all that is never has been and never will be
encapsulated into human form just for a little
while So some of the surprising roles of the heart
is that as complex nervous system called the heart
Brain that encodes and processes information And
the heart is sending more information to the brain
and our brain sends your hearts It's actually
picking up on circumstances of its situations
People's electro Matic magnetic fields And then
when you come in contact with someone you feel that
person's residence you feel like that person is
really nice They can feel their love or you can
feel the opposite as well And it makes functional
decisions independent of the cranial brand Your
heart is picking up on things and it is assessing
things and it is making its own decisions on what
to do with your body I think that's incredible This
heart brain has neurons in it and it makes
decisions It's just an incredible incredible
understanding positive emotions can increase the
brain's ability to make good decisions And I think
that said that earlier with being passion being in
gravity being in love being in kindness that that
coherence between the brain and the heart allows
you to make better decisions for yourself instead
of being full of anxiety fear judgment those kind
of things It also has creates psychological
benefits in our body as we live in fear as we live
in um a state where we're always worried what's
around the next corner what's gonna happen What's
what's this what's that Um people who watch war
movies on television all the time when you're
constantly watching things on television or in the
world or in the news your body your brain your
heart they don't really know whether those things
are actually happening or whether you're imagining
them whether you're reading about them So when we
actually watch war on television and our body is
made of trillions and trillion cells they start to
take that mess on the world outside is fighting
everything is going to disarray And so let's do the
same Let's compete with each other Let's have
competition We're fighting and that's where cancer
and diseases start when we're constantly in a state
of fear or anxiety or worry but the opposite is
true We can boost our immune system by conjuring up
our positive emotions constantly being ready to
constantly being thankful Being happy being loving
So when we are frustrated these are really into the
way that jumper in Even just looking at this feel
awkward Not really so jagged and rough not smooth
at all up and down It's a very field fearful
patterns and the patterns of appreciation much
smoother The pattern of love is much more higher
lower crescents and lower trials in tune with
itself So we have to learn to live with love live
with compassion living our kindness because by
feeling the stress all the time no matter what it
is whatever what the worry is whatever you are
right now you're talking about this or that or
what's going on the world How much I hate my job
You're feeling stressed and you can only feel
positive emotions are negative emotions and some
degree of that at any given moment I can't be super
positive super negative only if you want to know So
this is probably why more than likely
cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in
the world In every country year after year nothing
kills more people in cardiovascular disease And I
would say that is because our heart is something
more than just an organ that pumps blood Living in
frustration Living in that anxiety creates
disharmony and enough of that you can do it for a
little while But if you constantly live your life
like that and that frustrated state you're living a
life that is probably going to end sooner than
later So we have to go from a world where we live
in fear I'm not good enough No one likes me to a
world of love and compassion kindness and really
honestly to ourselves more than anyone else So
choosing to be happy is literally good for your
health right So like being happy being in the
moment not worrying about bills and the house and
all the things I mean those things come as far as
I've realized I'm still here to take all those
challenges today So I didn't you know do my best to
take care of them But as far as worry or anxiety
goes about them I try my best not to worry about
not to be anxious about them to be stressed over
them Um I really and I do like anyone else And so
when I do that I do try to go take some time to
myself think about what's going on assess the
situation and be like so far everything has come up
against me I've been able to take it on so far So
I'm just gonna go with that And as we do feel our
body with full of vibrant energy the physical body
will naturally fix itself just like you gotta cut
your body can constantly prepare itself right But
when we're in these states of of anxiety fear our
body doesn't have that time doesn't have the time
to fix itself doesn't have the time to cure cancer
for ourselves which which is what we're designed to
do We think you're our own cancer because we
created our own cancer It's not something random
It's not something that just happened Every single
one of us has to take responsibility for our own
life and realize hey maybe I had something to do
with that My thinking my emotions and what I've
seen is people call it spontaneous remissions I
don't see anything spontaneous about being
spontaneous but it doesn't make sense for people to
say oh it's just random It's just just happened No
when you go back and look at these cases most of
the time people change their life they quit their
jobs They go live their life in a way that oh this
is how I should have lived before jumping out of
airplanes going to see family you know going making
life so we want to take this really fractured ugly
harsh life that affects our respiratory system our
heart rate or blood pressure and turn it into a
quick coherence steady where we have these pre
flowing beautiful easy going We should that's
that's the point is to get out of frustration
shifting to appreciate I think it's incredibly
important to talk about what his appreciation
actually appreciate it Flower If you load the
flower don't pick it up because if you pick it up
it dies and it ceases to be what you love So if you
love the flower let it be Love is not about
possession loves about appreciation I think that's
just a beautiful thing because we all want to
possess and you have to do this and do as I say you
know love set it free and if it comes back it's
yours loves about letting things be wild and free I
think that's a beautiful thing So really learning
and taking in appreciation for life and allowing
others to be exactly where they are right now So
these heart rhythms directly impact physical
immense performances were talking about that and
the heart single especially affect the brain
centers evolving strategic thinking reaction time
and self regulation So literally these two organs
the heart and the brain have such an incredible
connection with each other And so it works to do
this We need to rewire our brains for higher
consciousness by paying attention to love
compassion and joy actually focusing on those
things every day instead of our boss or the things
that we don't like our you know the thing that's
happening out there I'm not even gonna mention It's
me too frustrating so focusing on love and
compassion and things that we love Let's change
this vibrational field It's only gonna take so many
of us to actually start to change our vibrational
field and to create a new one and that other people
will pick it up around It's not that difficult It's
something that every single one of us has we all
have a heart We all know about positive and
negative emotions and all we have to do literally
change So I think some things that are important to
focus on promote what you love rather than bashing
what you had So many people get you caught up in
that conversation You know let me tell you what
happened Let me tell you what I saw in the news
today I most people won't even tell them because
they know they won't even listen to most of the
time or I'll just stand like um like did you hear
what I said No I'm trying not to So it's really
really important to focus on what we were like Um
the rapture is literally being caught up and love
right So so many people get caught up in negative
things and things that you don't like Why not take
today and tell somebody what you loved about them
about sunset about life about art about this
conference and start making that a priority every
day to actually get caught up with what you love
about the world What's amazing about being alive So
I think this is an incredible saying it matters not
who you love Where do you love Why you love when
you love or how you love it matters only that you
love only that because you can only do one or the
other love or hate and some degree of either one of
those at the current now and I think it's so
important and you yourself as much as anybody in
the entire universe deserve your own love in your
own affection So often we want to give it to
somebody else Somebody else deserves that somebody
else is worth loving for you yourself an incredible
point of the universe that deserves your own love
and affection your own time Mhm And so I think when
we really start to do this when it really started
to love ourselves to care about ourselves and
realize that loving people live in a loving world
and hostile people that in a hostile world the same
world right So we can be in this room and
experiencing two different things And I would hope
that most people in this room right now would not
be experiencing something different to too much of
a degree but you can live on the same planet you
can go to the same movie you can go to the same
dinner I've been at the same dinner table and
experience a great dinner with great servers and
the person next to behave their experience the
person wasn't nice enough to do they didn't bring
their meal out on time You know I mean all the all
the things that they made up in their head that the
world was like already that's the experience that
they got at the dinner table That's the experience
They got a walmart that's the experience they got
wherever they go It doesn't matter because that is
your idea of what the world is like Already It
doesn't matter It's the same world but it's our
idea So our brains and our hearts are constantly
constantly communicating every single minute every
single site We're always communicating with our
brands and artists This relationship is probably
one of the most important that I have found so far
in the human body So the brain and the heart
coherence empowers us to experience deep states of
intuition on the man So just like I told you about
that study earlier where the heart math is showing
these pictures on computers and then the heart was
responding to the stimuli before they even happened
You can respond to people before they walk into the
room You can literally no Because of someone's feel
of what's coming or what's that So we need to learn
how to do this right How can we make our heart and
our brains move into coherence together as one as
one unit And I would actually say that part with
the brain has its own masculine feminine side That
would say the marrying of the heart and the brain
itself is a marriage that we should be working
after for ourselves And so when we can move our
hearts and to this state this coherent state
instead of an incoherent state where it's
frustrated We're focusing on things that we don't
like filling motions that we don't want to feel We
can move into this coherent state And as we move
into this coherent state our heart really it starts
to evolve It starts to wake up it starts to blossom
The awakening happens for the heart It's almost
like this dormant plant that's not blossoming it's
not flowering But as we move into this coherent
state we literally can create electromagnetic
fields that come from the brain and heart as these
two become one with each other as they marry each
other I think this is a dissipated by Alex gray and
I think this describes exactly what we're talking
about Here is your heart set and here's the big
electromagnetic field around hard and then here's
your guy and here's what we call the halo It's a
two dimensional image I think this picture makes it
seem a little bit more three dimensional at least
But the field of the heart It's said to be at least
100 times stronger electrically and up to 5000
times stronger magnetically Your heart is literally
more powerful and your brain is And so I think this
is why when we see pictures of jesus buddha it
could be anyone There are all kinds of things that
we see pictures like this Look at this it's hard
it's on fire It's you know beams of light coming
out and around his head You can see halo you can
see light coming out all around the world and
churches and books and paintings you see christ
like this with his heart he's pointing to his heart
pointing up to this to his head up there and I
think what he's this is symbolizing at least to me
and at least some aspects obviously it has multiple
meanings This is coherence This is an individual
losing coherence with their mind and their brain
And look at that You see him you see his halo
around his head from ideal plan in this field right
here around his heart that was bear And so it's not
just jesus right jesus parker mary just saying I
don't know what the what the churches tell you but
I think this is his partner I think this was his uh
define partner some people call it the twin flames
you think that's what we're talking about She's the
same her heart Goliath light around her head coming
from her pineal gland These are two human beings
incoherence and when you become a human being
interference please that's when you find the others
And again I didn't show any pictures of this all
day where these people are shown with their hearts
open their halos glowing I think it's important to
know that even though I just showed you pictures of
jesus and mary Macklin I'm not excluding anybody
out of this discussion of you being able to do this
because marketing said everybody can be great
because anybody can serve you don't have to have a
college degree to serve You don't have to make your
subject from your verb agree serve you only need a
heart full of grace a soul generated by love
anybody to love any time anymore Every single
person that we talked about jesus mary buddha
mother Teresa every single one of them had brand
and heart just like we did right I just think they
were using it more than and if we just start using
our brains and hearts a little bit more all the
things that these saints is mystics and light
beings are done We can do to we can walk on water
we can fly around we can do all the things that
they do We all have that same heart So literally
love is upgrading this We have these these dormant
parts of our DNA 20 out of 64 Amino acids currently
turned on And science will tell you the majority of
your DNA jump what we find out now is that you can
literally turn the parts of D N A On loving more
breathing deeply practicing grafted literally have
an effect your emotions have an effect on your D N
A They can literally blossom and they can literally
turn on switches and change your physiology makeup
of yourself Each one of us has a heart to be able
to do this and it's nothing that nobody in
particular can or can't do Everybody can do it And
what's really cool about is the ascension that
we're here for the ascension summit It's all built
into the D N A Everything that we need to know the
book because it's all inside of us There's no
person there's no story There's no I gotta make it
to this one over here to make sure I get this and
everything that you need inside of you Mhm So I
think this is incredible information because this
is a two dimensional picture when basically this is
the blue dots represent DNA and the fear like I
said is a lower weight pattern that touches really
few parts of being it But Love is a higher
frequency shorter wavelength that activate the
antenna So it hits more parts of the DNA as it
grows As your love it As you're focusing on to
passion Um You're literally turning on the switches
20 out of 64 million glasses Can the excellence
that jumped in can turn on And I believe it was in
there is probably telepathy line walking on water
The fact that you're literally the mass of the
universe We just don't know yet every single one of
us So here's the more detailed picture of the same
thing The same phenomenon Love is the more sporadic
way pattern here and it turns it on and the fear
just touches less of the D N A So we're not you're
not turning on your staying in that dormant state I
would have to assume that the longer you stay in
You could probably turn off some of the 20 that you
got available to If you can turn them on you can do
it and turn them off to constantly living in fear
So the key the magic is love It's the most
important thing it really is and our heart emits
electromagnetic fields that change according to our
emotions So as we focus on love and compassion or
focus on fear things that make us upset We have
this tiny field You know you're upset you're angry
you have a tiny field And so when people say things
to you mean to you make fun of you this is a field
that's not protecting you right So when someone
says something negative to you it's much easier for
them to get in It's much easier for that to stick
You'd be like man it made me feel about it and like
how that felt But when we live we create these huge
abundance of electromagnetism around the body
There's very little that can get in very little
comments Very little energy Very little someone
saying something to you being smart you know
whatever that can't get through a big field like
that So it hasn't really learned to love and create
these incredible magnetic fields of energy it
starts to pump out all around us And it gets bigger
and bigger and like I said right now they can
measure fields that are 5000 times greater than the
heart Again I think someone has amassed with this
It's probably probably measured forever Never find
But it is true We do create these electromagnetic
fields and this is very similar to all things You
know this tutorial field is around the earth It's
the way oranges made apples are made Course the
universe is making creative forces the biggest and
small Even Galaxies Our stars take this path in the
galaxy where they will go down and come back apple
back down around We're seeing stars in the galaxy
do these same patterns So no matter how big or
small we see the same total field in the universe
Over and over and over again University just
generating a tourist machine You know So yeah we're
just we're just this incredible fields that we can
make This is just really beautiful pictures that I
like to I like to look at and thank you The more I
look at it the more I can feel it the more I can
say okay I can do that too I love that It's not
This is jesus It's just anybody you can put your
face on That's all So the others can pick up the
signature of your emotions through the
electromagnetic energy rating from your heart
whether you're a loving person or someone who wants
to take advantage of people people can pick up on
that Your fields even though you have your own
field everybody's field is you know can become in
contact with others And this is why before even
speaking to somebody you literally can feel their
field You can feel their hearts whether it's down
whether it's open whether it's loving you know
whether they don't like themselves I felt many of
those things with many different people long before
we actually make contact Word is there anything
else So our thoughts and emotions affect the heart
affect the heart's magnetic field which
energetically affects those in our environment
Whether or not we are conscious of it or not So
doesn't matter if you want people to know or not
they can pick up on your field You know you're
walking around and you can shut yourself down
That's that's just easy for someone to pick up on
as well So here we are let's you know let's love
each other Let's take this information Which is
really some of the most incredible information I've
ever met and start to deal with each other Let's
start to create love compassion kindness These
things really do matter It really does It really
does change the world whether you can see it or not
it doesn't matter electromagnetic fields can be
picked on and you can feel them every single one of
us can feel it I'm not talking about something that
you can't feel This is something every single one
of us can know because the people that you love
your family when you're with them feel that feeling
of love And it's definitely there So this is a
painting by Alex Alex paintings Think again it just
shows beautiful the light around people love
kindness that I love it because like I said again
it doesn't have any kind of mystic or saying
anybody results ever seen One of us can filled up
with whoever is a matter And I think what's really
important about these panics respect shows our love
matters like our family's matter You don't have to
be the ceo you don't have to be the president You
have to own a company You don't have to have a
million dollars to change the world Your love with
your family your friends your community the job go
to every day Every single one of those things
matters Every single one of those things creates a
ripple In fact in the world when we stand here and
we love we create ripples of feelings of energy
that that go out They don't just stay in here in
our bodies Mhm They penetrate the fields around us
We added to the magnetic field of the earth that
were literally walking around and all of us Hollows
out So as we become you know more in line beings
more loving beings we create more Children who are
loving who are more open or more kind more
compassionate So when we do the work on ourselves
we here in the world literally there is no other
work to do other than you Each and every single one
of us It is imperative to heal yourself to love
yourself to forgive yourself buy yourself some
grace because every single one of us is connected
to the field Every single one of us is a part of
the universe No less or no more than anybody who
ever has found or anybody who ever will christ is
going to be stoned for preaching the gospel on
sunday And he said it has written a year All Gods
Every single one of us Every single one of you We
are all Buddhists we're all christians all of us
all of us have hard all of us have the capability
of love to focus on the things that we want to see
in the world Every single one of us has the ability
to make the ascension in the end of the cycle
Because every single one of us have a heart brain
and the bottom every single one of us are on this
earth and connected to it And really honestly this
is the mother We're connected to her and the
earth's magnetic field resonates and vibrates at
the same frequency as a heart rhythms Ooh and the
rain and the rain which is really important you
need to get in coherence with the earth She's
changing her vibration is rising The Schumann
County residents of the planet which was seven
hertz is rising rapidly since then he's almost
doubling that to about 14 hurts now I would say
that is mother earth harpy rising and as we saw in
some Elizabeth stuff earlier somatic cell
frequencies things are held in place by sound and
her sound is rising her migration is rising and you
can either go with it or you can stay here no
judgment But this is a graduation class It is time
to ascend it is time to go into higher dimensions
entire understandings free will free energy I think
that's what most of us here are here to do So a
change of heart changes the world because your
heart is the world your heart is connected to
everything and every person in all the universe all
of them So right now I want you guys to watch the
clip here with a certain number of come together
and then choose in a moment of time to create a
precise emotion Yes there was that emotion very
These fields are now implicated in everything from
the immune response of humans through call it what
cycles of water in peace our ability to solve
problems Yes all of these different as they sound
Wait to our relationship to the magnetic fields of
the earth So what makes it so beautiful is every
but on the planet every human on the planet has to
be consciously aware of their relationship to for
what a relatively number understand They need shoes
feel feelings that created what's called coherence
in our lives Coherence is the language of right
Yeah Certain kinds of based experiences such as
appreciation forgiveness care Those are the ancient
understandings he's been heart and in the truest
traditions our science is finding those same
traditions that's true But we could feel these
feelings in our bodies There were benefits from the
experience right Mhm Crazy Every single one of
those connected every single one of us has the
ability to change the planet But first I have to
change yourself very important Whatever single ST
mystic buddha krishna christ have always said to us
when the power of love overcomes the love of power
the world will know peace I'm ready for that day I
hope that you guys all it's coming It's here it's
in this building it's in this room it's in your own
heart Every single one of us has a responsibility
to want to overcome what divides is what separates
us So let's do it how to begin coherence with
ourselves How do we have that brain and heart
coherence writer right now do you guys want to do
it You guys wanna do it Let's do it all right let's
take a deep breath Mhm Take another deep breath
Close your eyes put your hand on your heart start
tonight world that you want to see Imagine what it
looks like Have a beautiful room where people are
it's dying because they don't have energy suffering
because they don't have food What does that feel
like How does your heart sing with joy How does it
make you feel Every single person on this planet
has something that every single person has the
pursuit of life Love happiness Joy Imagine what it
was like and No one has taken advantage of it In
the world over All one Free energy is abundant
Imagine what it feels like to just walk down the
street and have someone smile at him passing loving
Hello Imagine what it feels like to have a world
But there's no presidents no dictators no more
violence no religion It's possible there's been
many before that have experienced this on this
planet I think places like Atlantis Hi yourself
Maria probably experienced this kind of this kind
of world It's not something that we have to go with
another planet to experiences right here right now
So imagine feel in your heart how does it feel to
live on time like this when everyone gets to eat
clean nutritious food free of chemicals air that's
clean and abundant water that's clean and abundant
A life that you feel proud of where you don't have
to work all day long to come home and see your kids
for a couple of hours where they have to go to bed
when we get to take care of our young take care of
our old people take care of everybody a planet that
works for everyone It's here and we created we
created with coherence We created by this room
right here right now concentrate on the same exact
things filling the same exact feelings rippling out
into our city our community to our state to our
country to our world until our universe This is
coherence This is how the practice works when we
feel and see in our mind's eye the world that we
want to live in and we stay in this moment for a
couple of minutes just three minutes Normally we
can actually do that master Obviously they bring
songs about books about it now it's time to
actually see it It's just beyond the bill It's just
beyond the illusion that's whole around all the
time told what it looks like how to feel how tough
what to believe It's just an illusion that's just
held together by thoughts and ideas I fear guess
what look shatters that it shadows the illusion So
I just want to say welcome to the ascension summit
Welcome to the New Earth one that works for all of
us My name is Jacob cox this is my presentation on
awakening the heart you know you guys will enjoy it
Yeah yeah Light and define me sees and recognizes
the light of the divine and she's never seen one of
you I am so grateful to be out there
People: Jacob Cox
Topics: Awakening & Ascension, Inner Work, Metaphysics, Mystery School, Spirituality