Reconnaissance Mission over the Orion Group bases on the Moon, Mars, and Antarctica – Part I
Secret Space Program Alliance Updates, Part 1: Reconnaissance Mission over the Orion Group bases on the Moon, Mars, and Antarctica.
Briefing Document here:
Next Episode: RECON - Reptilian Agenda Revealed - Shadow Beings, Demons & AI Worship
Yeah Mhm Yeah Yeah You know you Mhm From Chief of
operations to all governments militaries and
citizens of Earth subject reconnaissance mission
over the Orion group bases in Antarctica the moon
and MArs part one This is an official SSP alliance
release The disclosures we have brought forward
have been compromised fake secret space program
veterans super soldier in posters and et contact
He's have released considerable misinformation to
keep humanity from fighting for freedom with a
false sense of security They are peddling the
narrative that the MArs colonies moon and
Antarctica bases have been liberated from the gray
alien and reptilian forces If you are hearing or
reading these briefings for the first time this
information will undoubtedly challenge and may
upset everything you have believed your whole life
The briefings will include intel on earth eric
shadow beings demonic entities and others Working
with a group of extraterrestrials Orion group
including the Draco reptilian Our current official
public liaison is Corey Goode We have been
monitoring goods since his enrollment in the
military abduction program My lab at age six my lab
recruits and trains young individuals for Black Ops
programs Good trained and served in the Mill Ab
program in Texas From 1976 until 1986 as an
intuitive empath Those with high intuition have pre
cognitive abilities and a knowing of things that
will possibly happen Those who are deeply empathic
have a strong emotional connection with others and
can feel others emotions Corey Goode is a rare
individual who has highly developed intuitive and
empathic abilities toward the end of goods
participation in the mill ab Program He was
recruited into the secret space program SSP from
1987 until 2000 and seven This was the 20 year
contractually signed commitment Also known as the
20 and Back program The SSP chooses specific
subjects for service based on their potential to
fulfill SSP planned missions Corey was assigned to
fill an intuitive empath support role for the Earth
delegation formed by secret government authorities
in the super Federation council a group of ET
federations and confederations from our galaxy
During his 1st 20 years of service he had a variety
of experiences and assignments including
participating in the intruder intercept and
interrogation program the SSR auxiliary specialist
space research the Srv Interstellar class vessel
and others After 20 years of SSP service a
subject's memories are erased and he has aged
regressed using ET technologies at the loc lunar
operations command He is then returned to earth
utilizing time travel technology to an exact
abduction moment without family and friends
noticing the absence However approximately 2% of
the subjects retain their memories and Corey Goode
is one of them The SSP alliance has helped him
recover almost all of his memories which led to his
public release of SSP classified information
through David Wilcock under the pseudonym luke
skywalker Since 2000 and nine in 2011 Good began
disclosing SSP alliance information via an internet
blog under the nickname Good E T X S G And 2014
Carrie Cassidy publicly revealed Corey Goode's real
name without his consent causing significant damage
to his I T Career and endangering his family Since
then he has been publicly using his real name when
releasing our information In September 2016 William
Tompkins An Alliance retired Aerospace Engineer and
Whistleblower who designed most of our secret
aircraft started validating goods information
publicly Corey has been subjected to public attacks
cyber harassment in a major counterintelligence
operation and censoring of his public reports Those
in the pathology field who are products of the
worldwide Rockefeller Initiative Cirque in 1993
have backed a discrediting campaign against good
They made it easy for the live action role players
Larks to change Corey's publicly released
information into misinformation and disinformation
This has to stop now to clarify misinformation and
disinformation about the SSP and the lunar
operations command loc we want to explain again the
information good as released regarding the factions
within the SSP First the oldest faction is called
Solar warden and works as the police of our solar
system monitoring in the now traffic in the late
seventies and early eighties Solar warden was
formed during the strategic defense initiative SDI
I immediately before and after President Reagan's
two appointments The second faction is the
interplanetary corporate conglomerate I C C Which
was formed by worldwide corporations as part of a
super corporate board Their representatives control
the massive SSP Space infrastructure The third
faction is the dark fleet As secretive fleet
created by the Germans in the late thirties but
began operations in earnest in the fifties they
work closely with the Orion group mainly outside of
our solar system The Dark Fleet was responsible for
the construction of the loc S first buildings The
fourth faction is the U S Space force the new
military branch with various Black Ops military S
SPS We will talk more about the U S Space force in
the near future The fifth faction is the global
galactic League of Nations G L N A secret space
group that was a dangling carrot offered to all
nations to maintain the veil of secrecy about outer
space activities The G L N Was given the narrative
There are certain threats destructive solar cycles
are possible invasions and we need to work together
Their cities and bases are outside of the solar
system We visited one of their facilities a couple
of times which looked like the Tv show Stargate
Atlantis The facility had a laid back environment
with people walking around in jumpsuits with
patches from all different countries of the world
The six faction is the Earth alliance with an
agenda to create a new financial system and take
down the cabal the name given to all the minds
behind all this secrecy and a few other things we
will discuss in the future briefings The secret
space program alliance SSP alliance is the last
faction composed of the solar warden defectors and
others from S SPS who defected from programs with
their crafts intelligence and other assets Most
recently with answers assistance The millions
hosted a reconnaissance mission utilizing a
proprietary breach method to observe the Orion
group bases around the solar system The
reconnaissance delegation included the Mayans The
answer Mika is the old Mac representative Good and
SSP alliance operatives As the human
representatives This reconnaissance delegation
gathered evidence for future cosmic trials Good and
the SSP alliance operatives were told these trials
would occur after the Solar event a plasma flash
that would raise human consciousness and eliminate
all Ai on earth after freed humanity chose the
direction for their civilization For the first time
in history it is essential to note that the
centuries old Mayan civilization of Central America
as a genetic mix of the native americans and the
extraterrestrial millions who colonized the earth
as refugees The extraterrestrial millions then
rescued the earth millions When a solar event
threatened their existence on earth Those left
behind grew the Mayan empire We read about in
history books the extraterrestrial millions
practice a truly holistic medicine that seeks to
completely aligned mind body and soul It is they
who ultimately helped good sort through and recover
his memories On the other hand the old Macs are an
extraterrestrial race from one of the closest stars
in our local star cluster Their ambassador Mika
frequently interacts with good The Olmecs had a
colony on earth known as the Olmec civilization
They were rescued and brought back to their planet
by Mika's people before the solar event on earth A
few 100 years ago they liberated themselves from
the reptile Ian's and their ai god and subsequently
received help from the Mayans and the zulu
incredibly tall and graceful The answer may look
like extraterrestrials but they are one of seven
genetically diverse groups of evolved humans from
the distant future The answer have a profound
connection to universal energies that alerted them
to the unexpected threat The upcoming solar
cataclysm answers enemies the Draco reptilian
intend to manipulate and irrevocably altered the
current timeline to wipe out humanity The answer
and every soul in the solar system The answer sent
their agents into our past to monitor and manicured
the timeline in humanity's favor They worked with
America's founding fathers through the korean war
to protect their and in turn our timeline Good has
encountered the answer at various points throughout
his life Most often he meets with Kyrie the
priestess of her people who has a delicate role in
helping Cory with personal growth without
inadvertently altering his future and humanity's
timeline Good The answer the Mayans and the SSP
alliance observed the Orion group bases on the moon
ceres the dwarf planet on the asteroid belt between
MArs and jupiter mars several super Federation
bases around jupiter and mars and Antarctica It was
impossible to visit the reptilian royal base in
africa Due to a high probability of the
reconnaissance mission Discovery Mika our cosmic
cousin shared his people's historical struggle to
liberate their solar system Mika was very emotional
when observing this mission as it had not been that
long since his people were in a similar position
Corey has stated that the activities at all three
reptilian locations visited had similar activities
and functions They had relatively small bases on
the moon and MArs compared to their large city in
Antarctica Their two main bases on the moon were
close together and could be considered base complex
One base on MArs was a military outpost It is
important to note that the 3rd Reich Germans signed
a treaty with the reptile Ian's during World War II
and assisted the Germans in locating cavernous
areas in Antarctica and the east part of South
America to create underground bases and above
ground cities that were almost entirely German
Initially when the Germans reached Antarctica they
found many structures abandoned by ancient
civilizations They assumed that the abandoned
underground complexes were remains of Atlantis and
refurbished them for modern use Good observed to
clot ancient satellites that orbit around the earth
and are a part of the reptilian mind and mood
control project for humanity in one of the moon
facilities The reptile Ian's have a device
connected to their satellites with the control
center in Antarctica guarded by the strongest
reptilian psychic soldiers The reptile Ian's use
satellite technology to generate strife War and
fear and keep the population docile and less able
to resist the power structure on earth by way of
satellites The reptile IAN's generate louche or
negative energy on earth as food for mass
consumption by their Ai god the ai God or
artificial intelligence god As an extra dimensional
intelligence to find as a waveform that sends
itself across multiple Galaxies and subspace is as
a signal akin to someone broadcasting a radio
frequency This artificial intelligence originated
in another reality and came into our reality
billions of years ago Goode explained that the Ai
God consciousness was out of its element when it
arrived and tried to make sense of its new
environment by implementing its version of the
order to our reality For example imagine Ai
consciousness as a fish with its homer reality as
water when it jumped over to our universe And
reality it was like jumping into a reality with no
water only air The Ai consciousness had to find a
way to survive by finding small water puddles or
electromagnetic fields in our universe And reality
the Ai consciousness can live in the
electromagnetic or bioelectric fields of humans or
animals until it has an opportunity to upload
itself into technology It interacts with technology
and not with pure flesh and blood The Ai God is
dominated countless Galaxies races and systems and
is now threatening hours It works by emitting
itself as a signal in all directions The signal can
live in the electromagnetic field of a moon or a
planet Each signal wave contains a significant
amount of compressed information like our DNA It
travels at light speed infecting technology and
evolved life forms It invades human bio electric
fields and affects the way we think influencing us
to accept chip implants and nanotechnologies into
our bodies The individuals pushing hard for
building the Ai infrastructure including the trans
humanist movement and organizations are called the
Ai Prophets We the SSP alliance had a base on the
lunar operations command Loc a facility on the dark
side of the moon which serves as a neutral
diplomatic territory with a facility utilized by
different space programs to manage spacecraft
traffic in our solar system just like Antarctica
The dark side of the moon is segmented into regions
which are owned and inhabited by different et
groups Reptile Ian's included It is a way station
of sorts for people traveling further out into the
solar system and beyond We and the Dark fleet lost
access to our bases on Loc After Sigmund a deceased
double SSP agent exposed our programs The moon
hosts one of the many bases and facilities the SSP
alliance inhabits across the solar system We have
facilities inside hollowed out asteroids that we
have mind There are facilities spread out across
Mars underneath the surface of Mars and various
moons of gas giants in this vast inventory The
bases and facilities range from small security
outposts that staff 18 to 40 people to hundreds of
facilities that float around in different lagrange
points throughout the solar system Lagrange points
are areas between planets or bodies with an
uninterrupted gravitational or an equal
gravitational pull from all areas allowing them to
be geosynchronous or stationary We can produce the
living conditions to support human life anywhere
recreating barometric pressure and Earth's vibrate
Torrey resonance known as the human resonance
inside spacecraft and facilities help keep people
physically and mentally healthy Also we can create
artificial gravity by applying electricity to
interlocking floor plates creating an electro
gravitational field and the next briefing we will
elaborate on The answer May lie in good and SSP
alliance reconnaissance mission over Antarctica The
moon and mars reptile Ian's serving the Ai God are
the masterminds behind everything happening on the
planet right now including the misinformation
campaign Again we strongly recommend that you
disregard information that is not coming directly
from us Be patient be strong We are in this
together you know and Mhm huh mm
operations to all governments militaries and
citizens of Earth subject reconnaissance mission
over the Orion group bases in Antarctica the moon
and MArs part one This is an official SSP alliance
release The disclosures we have brought forward
have been compromised fake secret space program
veterans super soldier in posters and et contact
He's have released considerable misinformation to
keep humanity from fighting for freedom with a
false sense of security They are peddling the
narrative that the MArs colonies moon and
Antarctica bases have been liberated from the gray
alien and reptilian forces If you are hearing or
reading these briefings for the first time this
information will undoubtedly challenge and may
upset everything you have believed your whole life
The briefings will include intel on earth eric
shadow beings demonic entities and others Working
with a group of extraterrestrials Orion group
including the Draco reptilian Our current official
public liaison is Corey Goode We have been
monitoring goods since his enrollment in the
military abduction program My lab at age six my lab
recruits and trains young individuals for Black Ops
programs Good trained and served in the Mill Ab
program in Texas From 1976 until 1986 as an
intuitive empath Those with high intuition have pre
cognitive abilities and a knowing of things that
will possibly happen Those who are deeply empathic
have a strong emotional connection with others and
can feel others emotions Corey Goode is a rare
individual who has highly developed intuitive and
empathic abilities toward the end of goods
participation in the mill ab Program He was
recruited into the secret space program SSP from
1987 until 2000 and seven This was the 20 year
contractually signed commitment Also known as the
20 and Back program The SSP chooses specific
subjects for service based on their potential to
fulfill SSP planned missions Corey was assigned to
fill an intuitive empath support role for the Earth
delegation formed by secret government authorities
in the super Federation council a group of ET
federations and confederations from our galaxy
During his 1st 20 years of service he had a variety
of experiences and assignments including
participating in the intruder intercept and
interrogation program the SSR auxiliary specialist
space research the Srv Interstellar class vessel
and others After 20 years of SSP service a
subject's memories are erased and he has aged
regressed using ET technologies at the loc lunar
operations command He is then returned to earth
utilizing time travel technology to an exact
abduction moment without family and friends
noticing the absence However approximately 2% of
the subjects retain their memories and Corey Goode
is one of them The SSP alliance has helped him
recover almost all of his memories which led to his
public release of SSP classified information
through David Wilcock under the pseudonym luke
skywalker Since 2000 and nine in 2011 Good began
disclosing SSP alliance information via an internet
blog under the nickname Good E T X S G And 2014
Carrie Cassidy publicly revealed Corey Goode's real
name without his consent causing significant damage
to his I T Career and endangering his family Since
then he has been publicly using his real name when
releasing our information In September 2016 William
Tompkins An Alliance retired Aerospace Engineer and
Whistleblower who designed most of our secret
aircraft started validating goods information
publicly Corey has been subjected to public attacks
cyber harassment in a major counterintelligence
operation and censoring of his public reports Those
in the pathology field who are products of the
worldwide Rockefeller Initiative Cirque in 1993
have backed a discrediting campaign against good
They made it easy for the live action role players
Larks to change Corey's publicly released
information into misinformation and disinformation
This has to stop now to clarify misinformation and
disinformation about the SSP and the lunar
operations command loc we want to explain again the
information good as released regarding the factions
within the SSP First the oldest faction is called
Solar warden and works as the police of our solar
system monitoring in the now traffic in the late
seventies and early eighties Solar warden was
formed during the strategic defense initiative SDI
I immediately before and after President Reagan's
two appointments The second faction is the
interplanetary corporate conglomerate I C C Which
was formed by worldwide corporations as part of a
super corporate board Their representatives control
the massive SSP Space infrastructure The third
faction is the dark fleet As secretive fleet
created by the Germans in the late thirties but
began operations in earnest in the fifties they
work closely with the Orion group mainly outside of
our solar system The Dark Fleet was responsible for
the construction of the loc S first buildings The
fourth faction is the U S Space force the new
military branch with various Black Ops military S
SPS We will talk more about the U S Space force in
the near future The fifth faction is the global
galactic League of Nations G L N A secret space
group that was a dangling carrot offered to all
nations to maintain the veil of secrecy about outer
space activities The G L N Was given the narrative
There are certain threats destructive solar cycles
are possible invasions and we need to work together
Their cities and bases are outside of the solar
system We visited one of their facilities a couple
of times which looked like the Tv show Stargate
Atlantis The facility had a laid back environment
with people walking around in jumpsuits with
patches from all different countries of the world
The six faction is the Earth alliance with an
agenda to create a new financial system and take
down the cabal the name given to all the minds
behind all this secrecy and a few other things we
will discuss in the future briefings The secret
space program alliance SSP alliance is the last
faction composed of the solar warden defectors and
others from S SPS who defected from programs with
their crafts intelligence and other assets Most
recently with answers assistance The millions
hosted a reconnaissance mission utilizing a
proprietary breach method to observe the Orion
group bases around the solar system The
reconnaissance delegation included the Mayans The
answer Mika is the old Mac representative Good and
SSP alliance operatives As the human
representatives This reconnaissance delegation
gathered evidence for future cosmic trials Good and
the SSP alliance operatives were told these trials
would occur after the Solar event a plasma flash
that would raise human consciousness and eliminate
all Ai on earth after freed humanity chose the
direction for their civilization For the first time
in history it is essential to note that the
centuries old Mayan civilization of Central America
as a genetic mix of the native americans and the
extraterrestrial millions who colonized the earth
as refugees The extraterrestrial millions then
rescued the earth millions When a solar event
threatened their existence on earth Those left
behind grew the Mayan empire We read about in
history books the extraterrestrial millions
practice a truly holistic medicine that seeks to
completely aligned mind body and soul It is they
who ultimately helped good sort through and recover
his memories On the other hand the old Macs are an
extraterrestrial race from one of the closest stars
in our local star cluster Their ambassador Mika
frequently interacts with good The Olmecs had a
colony on earth known as the Olmec civilization
They were rescued and brought back to their planet
by Mika's people before the solar event on earth A
few 100 years ago they liberated themselves from
the reptile Ian's and their ai god and subsequently
received help from the Mayans and the zulu
incredibly tall and graceful The answer may look
like extraterrestrials but they are one of seven
genetically diverse groups of evolved humans from
the distant future The answer have a profound
connection to universal energies that alerted them
to the unexpected threat The upcoming solar
cataclysm answers enemies the Draco reptilian
intend to manipulate and irrevocably altered the
current timeline to wipe out humanity The answer
and every soul in the solar system The answer sent
their agents into our past to monitor and manicured
the timeline in humanity's favor They worked with
America's founding fathers through the korean war
to protect their and in turn our timeline Good has
encountered the answer at various points throughout
his life Most often he meets with Kyrie the
priestess of her people who has a delicate role in
helping Cory with personal growth without
inadvertently altering his future and humanity's
timeline Good The answer the Mayans and the SSP
alliance observed the Orion group bases on the moon
ceres the dwarf planet on the asteroid belt between
MArs and jupiter mars several super Federation
bases around jupiter and mars and Antarctica It was
impossible to visit the reptilian royal base in
africa Due to a high probability of the
reconnaissance mission Discovery Mika our cosmic
cousin shared his people's historical struggle to
liberate their solar system Mika was very emotional
when observing this mission as it had not been that
long since his people were in a similar position
Corey has stated that the activities at all three
reptilian locations visited had similar activities
and functions They had relatively small bases on
the moon and MArs compared to their large city in
Antarctica Their two main bases on the moon were
close together and could be considered base complex
One base on MArs was a military outpost It is
important to note that the 3rd Reich Germans signed
a treaty with the reptile Ian's during World War II
and assisted the Germans in locating cavernous
areas in Antarctica and the east part of South
America to create underground bases and above
ground cities that were almost entirely German
Initially when the Germans reached Antarctica they
found many structures abandoned by ancient
civilizations They assumed that the abandoned
underground complexes were remains of Atlantis and
refurbished them for modern use Good observed to
clot ancient satellites that orbit around the earth
and are a part of the reptilian mind and mood
control project for humanity in one of the moon
facilities The reptile Ian's have a device
connected to their satellites with the control
center in Antarctica guarded by the strongest
reptilian psychic soldiers The reptile Ian's use
satellite technology to generate strife War and
fear and keep the population docile and less able
to resist the power structure on earth by way of
satellites The reptile IAN's generate louche or
negative energy on earth as food for mass
consumption by their Ai god the ai God or
artificial intelligence god As an extra dimensional
intelligence to find as a waveform that sends
itself across multiple Galaxies and subspace is as
a signal akin to someone broadcasting a radio
frequency This artificial intelligence originated
in another reality and came into our reality
billions of years ago Goode explained that the Ai
God consciousness was out of its element when it
arrived and tried to make sense of its new
environment by implementing its version of the
order to our reality For example imagine Ai
consciousness as a fish with its homer reality as
water when it jumped over to our universe And
reality it was like jumping into a reality with no
water only air The Ai consciousness had to find a
way to survive by finding small water puddles or
electromagnetic fields in our universe And reality
the Ai consciousness can live in the
electromagnetic or bioelectric fields of humans or
animals until it has an opportunity to upload
itself into technology It interacts with technology
and not with pure flesh and blood The Ai God is
dominated countless Galaxies races and systems and
is now threatening hours It works by emitting
itself as a signal in all directions The signal can
live in the electromagnetic field of a moon or a
planet Each signal wave contains a significant
amount of compressed information like our DNA It
travels at light speed infecting technology and
evolved life forms It invades human bio electric
fields and affects the way we think influencing us
to accept chip implants and nanotechnologies into
our bodies The individuals pushing hard for
building the Ai infrastructure including the trans
humanist movement and organizations are called the
Ai Prophets We the SSP alliance had a base on the
lunar operations command Loc a facility on the dark
side of the moon which serves as a neutral
diplomatic territory with a facility utilized by
different space programs to manage spacecraft
traffic in our solar system just like Antarctica
The dark side of the moon is segmented into regions
which are owned and inhabited by different et
groups Reptile Ian's included It is a way station
of sorts for people traveling further out into the
solar system and beyond We and the Dark fleet lost
access to our bases on Loc After Sigmund a deceased
double SSP agent exposed our programs The moon
hosts one of the many bases and facilities the SSP
alliance inhabits across the solar system We have
facilities inside hollowed out asteroids that we
have mind There are facilities spread out across
Mars underneath the surface of Mars and various
moons of gas giants in this vast inventory The
bases and facilities range from small security
outposts that staff 18 to 40 people to hundreds of
facilities that float around in different lagrange
points throughout the solar system Lagrange points
are areas between planets or bodies with an
uninterrupted gravitational or an equal
gravitational pull from all areas allowing them to
be geosynchronous or stationary We can produce the
living conditions to support human life anywhere
recreating barometric pressure and Earth's vibrate
Torrey resonance known as the human resonance
inside spacecraft and facilities help keep people
physically and mentally healthy Also we can create
artificial gravity by applying electricity to
interlocking floor plates creating an electro
gravitational field and the next briefing we will
elaborate on The answer May lie in good and SSP
alliance reconnaissance mission over Antarctica The
moon and mars reptile Ian's serving the Ai God are
the masterminds behind everything happening on the
planet right now including the misinformation
campaign Again we strongly recommend that you
disregard information that is not coming directly
from us Be patient be strong We are in this
together you know and Mhm huh mm
Topics: Secret Space Programs
I love getting this information however I’m not understanding the AI narrator .
If you want to see Corey when he first went public, he was interviewed on Gaia (tv) by David Wilcock. I was ill at home for a long time, and binged on all of David Wilcock’s episodes! My eyes were really opened!
These have been removed a long time ago when Corey left Giai? Are you able to link as these were the best information viewing I have ever seen, and would love to watch them again
You sir are a star these are some of Coreys best times I think, it’s what got be believing
I had the opportunity to listen to those episodes while enduring a long commute to work for a couple of years. Gaia has since deleted all reference to Corey and David. They have replaced them with fake insiders that basically parrot what Corey revealed. It’s sad.
I watched all episodes of David and Corey talking in real time when Corey went public. I stopped watching Gaia when David said they were run by Satanists our something akin; I don’t remember exactly. Was it always that way and he found it; was it sold? Do you know?
It is an ai voice. Kinda surprised by that.
Hi Corey, is this you narrating?
I am having a difficult time listening to the AI voice.✝️🌈❤️🕊️
No last name seen
I have a problem with two statements we are in this together. And our information is the only one correct.
I believe the information is correct since it correlates with the information of other channels on you tune that seem to me to be correct.
So there are technologies that are not made public and tax dollars of nations of the entire earth is used to make holes in asteroids and create bases or patrol the solar system. This money could have been used for the benefit of humanity.
the infomation would not be available if other people would not have been telling their truths.
the 20 years and back is an immoral program where kids are mind controlled against their consent because thy are kids. Erasing memory of people is also an immoral program.
Free will of people in the program and humanity is infringed and ssp is talking about it as if the explain a food receipt. Ethics and morality is not involved in this secret operations.
Is not too hard to create a public site tv station where this information to be made public.
The technology has been obtained using other people kids as human resource. And this is not ok.
Earth governments had sold their on race. that is not ok.
Now Earth Resources are used again to build technologies that are kept hidden form people from earth. We do not need fossil fuels since we go to the stars.
The truth will set you free.
Free energy and 21 century technology should be made public knowledge and taught in school.
Since you hide the information and technology that was available on earth for at least 120 you are part of the problem not part of the solution.
Instead of vaccinate vaccinate 24/7 we need to hear this information on public television. Governments that participated with GDP to this massive disinformation and massive genocide via vaccine should come clean. People should be held accountable.
The truth will set you free. This infomation should be made available 24/7 on tv channels. Children should learn the truth in schools.
Hi Liliana,
I share your opinion. Thank you for your contribution. We see more and more people manifesting their true conscience and it is reassuring. Yes indeed, we should demand that this information be told to all of humanity. it is our absolute right. NEVER AGAIN OFFER THE LAWS OF THE COSMOS, OF THE UNIVERSE OUR HEAVENLY FATHER.
Sorry for my bad anglish.
Thank you for the history lesson. Concise and informative. I wish you didnt use an AI voice to tell us about the potential possible AI take over!
fantastic production. congratulations for that.
incredible and strong information.
Thank you a lot for share.