Mystery School: The Frequency of God

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: The Frequency of God
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Next Episode: Mystery School: Awakening the Heart and the Power of Love
Thank you guys for joining us tonight
for tonight's topic is The Frequency of God.
Um, definitely something I, I believe
that we can all tune into, uh,
when we understand the totality that all that God is.
And, um, so let's explore that, uh, topic tonight.
And I wanted to start off with the Fibonacci sequence.
Uh, not really created,
but more discovered by Leonardo Fibonacci.
Um, what he discovered was a pattern in nature.
And that pattern started with adding up some numbers.
So one plus one is two, uh, one plus two is three.
And then we're taking the last number that that equal,
that equaled out and putting it in,
being the first number in the sequence.
So again, one plus one is two, one plus two is three,
two plus three is five, three plus five is eight,
five plus eight is 13.
And then you would add, again, 13 plus 21, uh,
and so on and so forth.
So what this is,
is it creates like the golden ratio, right?
So when you take 13
and divide it by the last number eight, you get a number
that's 1.618.
It's very, uh, there it is, 0.618.
Um, that's the golden ratio.
It's in all kinds of things, uh, all in nature.
And what's really interesting is it's almost like a,
a literally like a frequency, the golden ratio.
Um, and the way it works with these numbers, um,
it's all over the place and everything
that we find in nature, and when we take these numbers,
and so I said one plus one is two,
and then two plus one is three, right?
Three plus two is five. So we did one and one and then two.
And these two, uh, blocks by two.
This one is a three by three and a five by five.
So as we add all those numbers into this kind of matrix,
it creates a spiral.
So this is a incredible design
that we see all throughout nature, right?
And as as big as it gets, we take the next number.
What's the next number of sequence after 21? It's 34.
So we add 34 in there.
It'd be, you know, it would continue
to spiral on and on and on.
Uh, I just don't have a picture of that big, uh, oh, here.
Okay, so here's 34 55,
and like I said, no matter how big it's gonna continue
to be the same amount, uh, of, uh, spiral coming out,
89, 1 44, we've heard that number before.
1 44 is a resident frequency, for sure,
144,000 in the Bible.
So these spirals create our entire life, all nature, right?
Everything that we see from shells, um,
pine cones, even the way that these pine cones spiral out
each one is, is, is a completely,
some are more perfect than others,
but they're all spiraling out,
and they're all forming in the same way
with geometry and math.
Um, it's everywhere in nature that we, that we look,
we literally see these designs all over the place, you know,
from fish and shellfish and animals
and people, um, flowers.
The way the flowers spiral out is the Fibonacci sequence,
the horns of a ramp, uh, the tail of a seahorse.
Um, it's everywhere from the big to the small,
to the microcosm to the macrocosm.
Um, hurricanes, galaxies.
Uh, there's nothing that we, that we can't zoom out
and zoom into enough that we're not gonna see these patterns
no matter how big or small.
I do believe that's part of the, um, you know,
we were created in the image of God, right?
We're all spirals too.
Um, no matter, no matter what,
even in the top left hand corner, you see the,
the fetus in there, uh, developing embryo, I guess at
that point, embryo developing in the spiral,
like patterns as well.
Um, even in our fingerprints, flowers, uh,
we see the Fibonacci sequence in waves, even how water,
you know, creates waves and tides.
So as we look deeper into nature,
then we will understand everything better.
No matter how far we zoom in
or zoom out, we see the same patterns over and over again.
Meaning, you know, we are a microcosm of the macrocosm,
each and every single one of us.
I think it's even really cool that, uh, we see a lot
of these, um, you know, crop circles
that are created in the same vici pattern.
These are, uh, one of the things about mathematics
and geometry, it's the language of God, literally.
I mean, you know, not everybody on our
planet speaks the same language.
We have many, many, many different languages,
but math is always the same.
You know, one plus one is always two,
and every, you know, it may have different words for it,
but that matrix of how numbers work
and how numbers create things,
and, you know, um, that's always the same.
Math is always the same. It is a universal language.
And where there's matter, there's geometry no matter what.
Uh, even down to our, to the smallest DNA,
the DNA is a double helix spiral wave pattern,
just like a galaxy or a hurricane.
Um, so again, we take those numbers and, you know, a
and divided it by five, and we get like 1.6, one eight
as we go out into the frequent into that, um, sequence.
The farther out we get, uh, when we divide that the number,
the last time by the last, the number before
and the sequence, sorry, um, you would get a number
that's even closer to the golden ratio.
So it's almost like as this number sequence evolves out,
you're actually becoming closer
and closer to the golden ratio.
More symmetrical, more perfect, more divine, you know,
more beautiful to look at.
But every single one of those numbers is in the abdomen
of the ants to the whole body.
Um, no matter what, you know, your hand
to your arm length is the fib knife sequence your finger.
So I mean, um, you know, when we, when we, uh,
close our hands, you know, you can take
that little tiny part of your finger, your,
your in your fingertip,
and then the next part and the next part.
And when you, um,
when you divide those parts, it's the fib knife sequence.
That's why when you close your hand,
you have a spiral in your hand.
You literally have a spiral in your hand.
Like that's because your hand is a Fibonacci sequence.
You know, each one of these pieces, 1.6, one eight,
you know, to the next and, um, heartbeats and galaxies.
And no matter where you look, you know,
the feathers of a peacock.
The DNA molecule is literally the Fibonacci sequence.
Um, the whole body, the whole body of a human, no matter
how tall or how short someone is, the proportions of,
of a human in their face
and their body, uh, the nose is 1.6, one eight linked
to the mouth, 1.6, one eight, uh, from the eyes to the nose,
the eyebrows, the, you know, and,
and really the closer they are to the golden ratio,
usually the more attractive,
the more symmetrical these people are.
Um, just again, just like the, you know,
evolution rolling out the farther we go out to the sequence
and we take that last number divided by the number four,
you're gonna get a number that's even closer
to the golden ratio, even closer to
that 1.6, one eight and divine.
It's like a divine ratio.
And, and again, there's no doubt when you really think about
it and you see some of these pictures
and you're like, oh, I didn't even think about that.
My ear is a spiral. Um, again, the hand is a spiral.
The, the arms, the forearm, the hand,
and then the even smaller one inside of the hand, you know,
like I said, each, each individual digit,
and that's what I said earlier, even your hand
has a spiral in it.
The way that trees, that, that, that the way that they grow,
and then they're constantly kind of spinning around
and throwing out branches as it gets bigger and bigger.
And these branches, the way that it, the way that it, um,
you know, grows, branches out, helps balance it out too.
So these numbers, you see, 21, 8, 13, you know, and,
and the total number of branches on each larger branch, uh,
is a Fibonacci sequence,
but it helps balance it out, um,
to create a more sturdy tree.
So even the way that the plants actually grow,
they're growing to the Fibonacci sequence.
It's, it's, it's basically God's divine blueprint, you know?
Right. And, um, I mean, again, uh,
may not be something people most would see as positive
or whatever, but it is still the way, you know, a hurricane,
um, you know, the mentions of a hurricane is still in
that Fibonacci sequence in the same
of a galaxy or anything else.
Um, it's just so incredibly awesome
to realize that, uh, there
as many atoms in a single molecule of your DNA
as there are stars in the galaxy.
So each and every single one
of us ourself is a tiny universe.
You know what I mean? All of us
have these Fibonacci sequences in us, these spirals in us,
this DNA that spirals out.
Um, we all have the same amount
of molecules as the galaxy does.
No matter how far we zoom in or,
or zoom out of the universe,
we see the same things over again.
So you zoom out and see a galaxy, you zoom in, even to you
or to me, we are our own little universe
with our own little laws
and our own belief systems and everything else.
That's something incredible to just to, just to realize
for a second, just to sit here and contemplate
and just like let that soak in.
Like you are a truly your own universe, uh,
with your own laws and belief systems and how powerful each
and every single one of us are.
It's that, you know, kind of this godsmack moment
where we're just like, uh, all the dots are connecting
and we realize we are divine.
All these sacred geometry symbols, the way
that cells split in the body to become multi cell organisms,
the way the stars work in the galaxy, really,
when it comes down to, when we really look at it,
we really do see the same patterns,
in the same things evolving in the same way, way,
and different things evolving in the same way.
Uh, it really is this divine blueprint of
how the universe is constantly working.
And, you know, if we just pay attention a little bit,
we realize like, I am not separate from that.
Each and every single one of us, we are part of nature.
And, you know, even looking at this, you know, closeup
of an eye, it looks like a forest.
There's no doubt about it.
Like when, when Christ referred to people as you know,
trees, you know, a good tree doesn't bear bad food.
He wasn't talking about the trees out in nature.
You know, we ourselves are walking, talking trees,
and I mean, right here, look at it, your fingerprint
and the cross section of a tree itself, I mean,
they're almost identical.
And each and every, each
and every, uh, cross section is just as unique as each
and every fingerprint is.
Isn't that crazy that, uh, no matter
how many billion people are on the planet right now, seven
to eight, and and how many billions
or trillions have been on the planet,
no one has the same fingerprint, uh, each
and every one of us completely the same in how we evolve
and how we grow and everything else,
but completely unique into the story of the universe,
you know, part of, you know, just incredible.
Um, and now by taking that little bit
of information I just gave you
that there's a Fibonacci sequence that all life kind
of manifests in the same way.
You know, you can take these numbers
and you can use 'em for whatever you want to,
and you can make stronger buildings.
You can use it in architecture,
you can create the pyramids this way,
and these buildings will be more sound, you know,
more sturdy, uh,
and, you know, have kind of a divine essence about them
by just building buildings with these same numbers
that nature has, you know, shown us and, and,
and creates life in general.
You know, when we create our buildings
and we create our music, when we create, um, you know,
our life, we need to have these, uh, frequencies
and these numbers, uh, in mind.
Um, if you wanna have, you know, healthy, a healthier,
happier lifestyle, you know, um,
because certainly the universe
and, uh, nature is showing us that, um,
this world is literally just spiraling out, uh,
of creation, and we're all a part of it.
We're definitely not separate from it.
This is a very cool one.
Uh, just broccoli, um, I forgot the name exactly,
but, uh, it's a fractal spiraling broccoli,
literally looks like this.
I've seen it in the stores before, and just incredible.
But each one of these is a little kind
of universe in itself, right?
Spiraling out. And what's incredible about that is, uh,
Benoit Mandel broth, um, actually found this, uh,
in mathematics when computers are started,
be coming out in the seventies and whatever.
He, he was able to come up with a mathematical equation
that, um, showed fractal geometry,
and he had, he created a, um, you know, a, an equation
that could be infinitely zoomed in or zoomed out of,
and, you know, basically like fractals and,
and they call it the, you know, uh, this was the,
the Buddha bro, basically, right?
The, this is what it came up with.
When you type that equation
and you put it into a computer, this is what you get,
and it looks like a little Buddha on its side.
Um, there's definitely no doubt about that.
But anyway, this image could be zoomed in infinitely.
So you just pick a, you know, any point in that, um, in that
image and just start zooming in,
and you'll see the same images over and over again.
No matter what part of the cracks that are spirals
that you want, that you wanna start at,
you're gonna see the same things over and over and over,
and you're gonna get the same, um,
the same pictures over again.
Uh, incredible.
You know, absolutely incredible information that he was able
to, and again, I don't think
that it was something he created.
I believe that it's something that he discovered.
You know, he discovered that mathematics is fractals,
that creation is, fractals is something that we, you know,
it's something to, to discover,
not something that, to create.
We we're literally understanding it and,
and, uh, realizing how nature works.
And so, you know, we are nature, you know, no matter,
you look at a leaf, you look at the human heart
and the blood vessels inside of the river network
of the Amazon, no matter how far you zoom in
or zoom out, we see the same stuff over again.
So now, now that we've got the pici sequence, now
that we've talked a little bit about fractals,
this is probably one
of the most incredible discoveries I feel like we
should learn in school.
Uh, but we never did,
at least I definitely did in the school I went to,
and most people I know didn't.
But somatics is literally the study
of sound vibrations.
Um, an incredible thing
that actually sound does have vibrations,
and it creates images.
Um, this is, this is water with, um, you know,
just like a water droplet being vibrated
by frequencies to create images.
Um, the, the first that I, in my research
that I found was a guy named Ernest Claney, who took
a violin bow and a metal plate, and he put sand on it,
and he would strum the, uh, violin bow down the side,
and it would create images, um,
just like this is a still shot of those kind
of pictures and images.
And he jotted 'em all down, you know, from the most simple
to the most complex, uh, each image that he got.
And he was recording all of these,
and every time he, he strung his bow in a different way,
in a different sound, he got a different image
that the sound literally shifted into, um, you know,
geometry, which I think is absolutely incredible.
And I think this is an incredible statement too,
by Max Plain.
All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force.
We must assume behind that force, the existence
of a conscious and intelligent mind.
This mind is the matrix of all matter, you know, meaning
that the way everything works, right, the way the stars,
you know, move around.
Like obviously our sun is not stationary.
It's moving in time and space.
Our planets are moving and revolving around it.
The galaxies are moving.
Uh, our universe is probably moving
around in this multiverse.
And every, the way everything moves around the way,
everything dances is all part of
this incredible, uh, vibration that's literally, you know,
just kind of beneath the surface of everything.
It's everywhere. It's omni potent, it's omni pt.
It's all the time. It's, um, it's constantly,
it's constantly happening.
So again, this is a metal plate with salt
or sugar, you know, crystalline structure on it being
vibrated through frequency.
I thought about adding a, you know, video,
but just for the sake of time, I just would do still images.
I would suggest that you guys all, um,
just look up somatics, you know, go on YouTube, whatever,
uh, just type it in.
You'll find incredible pictures.
You'll see incredible, um, you know, images,
uh, from, you know, the sand shifting in different ways.
Uh, and, and what's cool is like, you look at these,
and there's different hertz, right?
Different hertz create very specific, uh, images.
And a lot of these, you,
you've probably seen Sumerian artwork, you've seen on, um,
you know, glass windows in churches, um,
on the sides of pyramids.
You know, these images are everywhere.
Um, they, you just have to be a little bit more aware of
what you're looking at, know, we're looking at to know that,
you know, they're putting images on churches
and they like that to explain, you know,
this is sound technology.
So one of the coolest ones is, you know, they're,
that I've seen recently is
so somatics is they're usually doing, um, salt
or sugar on a metal plate,
and then you get like that two dimensional image change.
Um, but again,
I think if you didn't have any gravity in there,
you'd have a multidimensional shape
that was in there that you could see.
But I think the next best thing that we could see is, uh,
like corn starch to vibrate corn starch in, uh,
in a bowl with these same frequencies,
creates incredible images.
And some of the one best ones that I've seen, um, you know,
when they're moving all around it,
it literally looks like people dancing and, you know,
and animals and,
and life itself, they're just moving
around dancing and corn starts.
You stop the music and it falls down, but it looks like arms
and legs and heads and just moving and dancing.
And when you, when I saw that for the first time,
I was like, oh my God, that's us.
You know, that there's, there's a sound.
There's gotta be a frequency
that's being played throughout the entire universe
that's organizing and creating
and helping us evolve and grow.
That's being, that's on the underlining of everything
that everything is, is moving
and dancing according to this song that's being played.
Uh, that's why they call it the universe.
And this is a, um, you know, water droplet
with the same frequencies being played in it.
So you can see that geometry in it.
And you know, you guys know about Dr.
Emoto, uh, he put words and sounds
and music and played 'em for water,
and then froze the water really fast,
and he got crystalline images as long as they're positive,
you know, uh, our prayed, our prayed over thankful,
you know, peace, love, harmony, uh, definitely got negative
with no sym symmetry and the negative, uh, words and
or pictures and people.
And, uh, you know, sometimes, um, rock music, you know,
really heavy metals
and things like that definitely created, um, you know,
images that weren't symmetrical, whatever.
But he froze that water and he looked at a microscope,
and these are the images he saw under his microscope, which,
which blew me away, you know?
Um, so these are, these are, again, these, that,
that's the geometry of, you know, that music
or that song, or that word.
Even words hold vibration, you know,
that's why they call it spelling.
It holds a spell. It holds a vibration.
The thoughts that you think, the emotions that you feel,
the words that you say, the things
that you wear in your clothes, all of it has a vibration,
and all of it's moving all the time.
You know, nothing's ever really still,
even the earth while we're on it is moving, what,
16,000 miles an hour through time
and space, like, kinda like a car, you feel like you're,
you're, uh, still when you're driving.
But you know, if that car was to suddenly stop, you know,
you'd all, uh, you know, go through the windshield
or if you didn't have a seatbelt on, um, same thing.
I mean, earth is still moving fast
around everything is moving all the time.
Um, but here, uh, in these images right here
of these snowflake like images, crystal images,
what's important about these are,
these are certain frequencies, 3 96
and 6 39, 7 41, 8 52.
Um, and what's really cool about these is
that if you change all the numbers up,
they're all the same numbers for, um, each image.
Not every single one, but the same
images are used over again.
Same numbers are used over again, um, like in a matrix
where they're changed up.
So like 5 28, 8 52, um, they're, they're changed up.
And there are other ones that are, you know, lower
and the hertz and higher and hertz,
but they create these snowflake like images.
So when you're watching somatics on, you know, YouTube
and the metal plate has these frequencies being played in
it, what's fascinating is, you know,
you've got this one image,
and as the frequency starts, gets higher and higher
and higher and higher, it holds, holds, holds,
and then all of a sudden it just
one quick change of the hurts.
And man, everything just changes abruptly and super quickly.
Um, and that is, it's just astonishing
that they hold these frequencies just for a while,
and then all of a sudden, bam, once
that frequency gets high
enough, it changes into something else.
Now that, that's, this is a prelude
to another talk that'll happen later on,
but that is what's going on on our earth right now.
We're having a frequency sweep, that's why everything is
to be sped up, and everything seems
to be changing so rapidly.
We are in a frequency seat.
And the, the hertz of the earth,
which is the Schumann cabinet residents, was said
to be about seven hertz.
And they thought, you know, a hundred years ago,
that was just what it was gonna be
and what it would always be until the eighties
where it started to really rise up.
And I think we're almost about 14 hertz now,
so we've almost doubled in my lifetime.
So we are high, we are going up in a higher vibrational
frequency, we're having a frequency sweep.
Uh, we call that essentially we can call
that whatever we want to, but we are literally all,
you know, the, the music of the earth is speeding up
to a more harmonious, uh, symmetrical, uh, if you will,
harmonious frequency that we can either match or we won't.
Plain and simple, it's not any judgment on it.
You either match it or you don't.
Uh, if you don't match it, you'll, you'll get a chance
to go somewhere else and,
and use your vibration somewhere else.
But this earth is having a, a frequency sweep.
And, um, so we have to move along with it.
And it's just incredible that, I mean, here again,
these are the hertz 10 21, 2 41,
and these are plates, just what I was showing you
before, metal plates and sand and sugar
or sand and sugar or something on it.
Salt can do a salt too.
Um, but just look at the coherency here,
where these obviously look exactly like this turtle shell.
So all life, you know what I mean?
Again, these are two dimensional images of salt
or sugar on a flat plate,
but if we didn't have gravity,
you know, this is what we would see.
Probably, you know, a multidimensional, you know,
most people say three-dimensional,
but, um, you know, an animal that's, that's living
and breathing, and the whole reason for his whole existence
of what it looks like has to do with the sound vibration
that's emitting from this earth.
So I would, I would, you know, um, honestly suggest that,
you know, as our frequency changes, the human beings,
the animals, the plant life
on this planet will literally change right along with it.
Some of the things may still look similar,
but some of the old things
that we had may not be here anymore,
and they may evolve to look
completely different than they did before.
Now, continuously talking about that sound, the sound
that resonates through all the universe, through all life,
through all the multiverse, probably even, right?
And, uh, you know,
we have this symbol called the ohm in eastern religions
that they, that they came up within.
To me, a symbol is something that's, it's important, right?
They didn't just write this little 30 down
and be like, oh, man, this is what we're gonna call
the frequency of God right here.
We're gonna call the Om and we're just gonna make it up.
So I, I don't believe in that.
In fact, I had a bit of a download one day
after watching hours and hours and hours of the somatics.
Uh, it hit me that, um, I just looked at this,
you know, metal plate, and I was like,
that's the ohm sign in there,
but it's the microcosm of the macrocosm.
Now, if this right here doesn't make your hair stand up on
your edge of your, in your arms,
you're in the wrong zoom call tonight,
because to me, this is absolutely 100% proof that this
symbol came from somewhere.
They didn't just make it up, but it is, I just took a pen
and I just drew over the top.
It's just a, you know, microcosm of the macrocosm,
the dots are there and everything,
and I just cut it in half.
You know what I mean? Again, this would extend out,
but, you know, you can't put that whole thing on a piece
of paper or, you know, on a symbol or something.
You just have to take a portion of it.
It may not work for you.
But to me, this is 100% coherence that I had a,
I had a moment, I had a revelation, I had a realization.
I was like, you know, this thing came from somewhere.
This symbol came into my life.
I was very attracted to it, just like somatics did.
And then all of a sudden I took those synchronicities,
and I, I made 'em one,
and I realized, whoa, this thing came to my life
for a reason, to show me something.
What an incredible, uh, symbol here,
and what an incredible thing to realize.
Like, these people are talking about something that's real.
They're not just made it up.
Um, this symbol literally, you know, goes along
with somatic pictures that you see.
Um, it's just absolutely astonishing and amazing.
Changed my life and, you know,
made me really honestly understand, um,
that God really is a frequency.
It's, it's a way of being, it's a way of understanding,
of tuning in to who we really are, the science of God,
and how to tune in to God frequencies.
We all know that quantum physics is teaching us that we need
to tune into God, but it's not just the frequency, the gain
or volume of the frequency is equally important, right?
So when we're talking about those,
those frequencies earlier, 8 52, 7 41, 6 39, um,
the scientific chart shows us analysis
of which God frequencies have the highest gain in which
chakras operate at those frequencies.
In order to stimulate the chakra vibration,
they must be struck just as a piano string must be struck
to an acute vibration, a tuning fork
of the matching frequency works best,
but due to their small size, the blow must be forceful.
River rocks work.
Well also, you know, you can
hit these frequencies
and tune up yourself, like literally, I believe that, um,
we all get outta tune our emotions, get us outta tune,
our thoughts, our beliefs, our laws
to our own universe, get us outta tune.
And we need yoga, healthy eating, you know,
living spring water, um, mantras, meditation,
all of those things help us tune up a little bit more.
But I, I definitely believe the frequencies,
there's a reason why these monks sit on top of mountaintops
and ohm and, and, and chant
and sing these, you know, ancestral songs of frequency
with these ancient languages that create tones
and vibrations in our body
that's different than English, right?
It's not a very powerful language.
It's very, almost kind of a dumb down language in comparison
to even Hebrew or Greek or Latin.
Um, but when you go back to Sanskrit
and those things, these really, you know,
very vibrational frequency languages to me,
they're almost like technologies
to open up these chakra points in us.
And so, uh, these are a little bit more extended of some
of the ones we've already seen, 1 74 to 9 63.
But again, if you look across,
you look across the line on each, each and every one of 'em.
Uh, 1 74 becomes four 17 to 7 41, um,
3 96 to 6 39 to I ct.
They're the same numbers switched.
Uh, very, very cool, very incredible patterns
of geometry there to see, to know, to recognize,
and to realize, you know, that each one
of these frequencies does different things for people.
Um, one of the things I would probably suggest right away,
if you never heard of these and you wanted to sit down
and have a meditation with one, you know, 5 28, you know,
it's a frequency of love, it repairs.
DNA, um, uh, just quickly, one
of the first times I ever really started to meditate,
listening to some of these tones, like this, imagining, uh,
you know, being like a, a wave of, of, of energy, um,
you know, letting go of my name
and everything, I had huge revelations, um,
listening to these things.
And I would say, you know, when you listen to 1 74
that removes pain, let think about yourself removing the
pain, you know, liberation of fear
and guilt when you listen to 3 96, think about that.
Allow yourself to let go of the fear
and the guilt that we've all felt for
so many dumb things, right?
That, that, that we should have been better.
No, man, life is tough and it's hard.
And this is, you know, just,
you're gonna experience things, that's fine.
You know, things are gonna happen.
Don't, you know, bring yourself down and hate yourself
because of something that you did.
Let that go. Um,
but when you're listening to certain things, you know,
research it and find out what all these, these have, uh,
what do they have in tune with them?
What do they, what do they help with?
What do they help release? And really imagine those things
happening where you're listening to these.
Listen to 'em overnight sometimes, uh, while you're asleep.
I, I've experienced incredible, um, revelations,
aha moments, eureka moments, whatever you wanna call 'em,
just by listening to these, you know, sitting in meditation,
laying in the dark, in my bed.
Um, you know, a number of, uh,
really cool things have happened just by, you know,
really listening to this kind of music.
Um, and one other thing I think is important too, the, um,
the frequency of music ha is outta tune.
Um, I believe we were at what,
uh, was it?
4 4, 4 30, 4 40,
and we completely, it was 4 32,
and then they changed it to four 40.
It's unharmonious sound, right?
Uh, an unharmonious frequency as, as 4 32 is.
So all music and everything has been really lined up in, in,
in tuned to this music that's out
of vibration with everything else.
And I feel like if we went back to what we had
before this change, for whatever reason, it was done, um,
to 4 32 frequency, it would really change, um,
everything for us, you know, as far as more harmonies, music
and lifestyles.
And, um, it was just really interesting, um, while,
while we all of a sudden just everything was from 4 32, went
to four 40, um,
but I think if we were to tune musical instruments
and everything back to that, uh, much more harmonious,
more loving people and gen
and, uh, uh, people that we would be.
So the environment is in us, not outside of us.
The trees are our lungs. The rivers are our bloodstreams.
We are all interconnected.
And what you do to the environment,
ultimately we do to ourselves.
We are not separate from the whole.
We are all connected to the sun, the earth, the air.
You don't have a life. You are a life.
Each and every one of us are the universe.
We are life itself.
We're not separate from it, you know,
wishing to be a part of it.
I think that's part of whatever has happened
to us in the past, through music, through culture, um,
through some religion, education.
Uh, we've all got off on to a path
that makes us see ourselves as separate.
We we're not good enough, but to be honest, each
and every one of us is as good as anybody
who ever has cane or whoever will.
And we're just as important. We're just as connected.
We just have to go inside ourselves
and see that connection again.
And to hear that frequency of God that's inside of all of us
that's creating everything, and that we're all a part of it.
No matter if we look at a brain cell, the birth
of a cell in our own eyes,
we see the same things over and over again.
Each and every one of us, you know, the same as the birth
of a star, the death of a star, of a nebula.
You have a nebula in your own eye.
Each of us are made of star dust, you know, created
and pulled together in a way to be completely special,
to be completely unique.
And we aren't even, not even the slightest
seeing how incredible each and every single one of us are,
and each and every single one of us out there.
Not because of the color of someone's skin
or their political views, or how cool their car is, but
because they are here and that they exist, that each
and every single person that's alive is a beautiful universe
with a beautiful frequency.
They may not be the smartest of the, or the best,
or, you know, the most understanding.
That's okay. Let them be them and let them be their lives.
But just to go out in earn life, I think how,
how incredible your life would change if you were
to walk out your door every day realizing like, I can't wait
to meet the next person.
I can't wait to meet the next universe.
I can't wait to, you know, see what their laws are,
what their, what their laws of the universe are.
Can't see how they've, you know, done up their body
and their life and their belief systems and their heart,
and, you know, to look at their character.
I can't wait to, you know,
learn some more today about this incredible universe instead
of, you know, seeing with our eyes this kind of tainted
and almost just
dumbed down reality.
That's just been really manipulated in a way to we think
that, oh, I live on this crappy street,
in this crappy part of town.
Or, uh, you know, um, it's just, no, it's just,
it's just really incredible place to be, just
to be alive, just to be here.
And now, um, we just need to tune in to
that higher vibrational frequency, um,
and realize that, you know, what?
If God really is just a metaphor for the universe,
and we really are created in his image, we really are.
God, you know, Christ said, you are all Gods.
And I do, I have, I do believe that.
And I'm starting to, I'm starting to believe it.
I'm starting to know it, that God really is a frequency
that exists inside of me, inside of you.
And all we have to do is tune in
and realize like, there's nothing else.
There's nothing else to, to fear.
There's nothing else to worry about.
There's nothing else to believe that I don't have nothing.
Everything is here inside of me, everything that I need.
And God is with me all the time,
and I just have to tune in and never left.
I, I, I feel like I'm the prodigal son.
I've gone out, I've done all the things,
but God never left me always there waiting for me
to come back, unconditional love, waiting for me
to come back to realize, like, you know,
there's been there all along.
And I think each and every one of us realize
that at some point that, you know,
God is unconditional love,
and we have those incredible moments, sometimes usually
by ourselves in our living, living rooms
or our bedrooms, where you feel completely enamored by
that unconditional love for us,
that God really does love you,
then your life has completely changed,
and you just work for those moments, you know,
to get back on that pedestal, back on that wave, um,
to feel it all the time.
Because I've, you know, I've given, I've been given
that message, I've been given that information that,
you know, it's not something to get while you're at church
or while you're with your most spiritual friends,
or while you're in some, you know, retreat in Bali.
The greatest spirituality is having here
with you all the time, wherever you go, when you go
to the grocery store, when you go to the doctor's office,
when you bring that most incredible natural essence
of yourself wherever you go,
and you light up the room wherever you are, that, that
to me is the most incredible part of spirituality.
It's not something that you have
to get when you're at some place
or you're listening to some music.
That music is here now all the time.
And I just wanna say thank you guys for joining me tonight.
Um, it's definitely a pleasure to, you know, express some
of these ideas that I just love to talk about.
So, thanks for being here,
and I appreciate each and every one of you.
And Imma stay.
for tonight's topic is The Frequency of God.
Um, definitely something I, I believe
that we can all tune into, uh,
when we understand the totality that all that God is.
And, um, so let's explore that, uh, topic tonight.
And I wanted to start off with the Fibonacci sequence.
Uh, not really created,
but more discovered by Leonardo Fibonacci.
Um, what he discovered was a pattern in nature.
And that pattern started with adding up some numbers.
So one plus one is two, uh, one plus two is three.
And then we're taking the last number that that equal,
that equaled out and putting it in,
being the first number in the sequence.
So again, one plus one is two, one plus two is three,
two plus three is five, three plus five is eight,
five plus eight is 13.
And then you would add, again, 13 plus 21, uh,
and so on and so forth.
So what this is,
is it creates like the golden ratio, right?
So when you take 13
and divide it by the last number eight, you get a number
that's 1.618.
It's very, uh, there it is, 0.618.
Um, that's the golden ratio.
It's in all kinds of things, uh, all in nature.
And what's really interesting is it's almost like a,
a literally like a frequency, the golden ratio.
Um, and the way it works with these numbers, um,
it's all over the place and everything
that we find in nature, and when we take these numbers,
and so I said one plus one is two,
and then two plus one is three, right?
Three plus two is five. So we did one and one and then two.
And these two, uh, blocks by two.
This one is a three by three and a five by five.
So as we add all those numbers into this kind of matrix,
it creates a spiral.
So this is a incredible design
that we see all throughout nature, right?
And as as big as it gets, we take the next number.
What's the next number of sequence after 21? It's 34.
So we add 34 in there.
It'd be, you know, it would continue
to spiral on and on and on.
Uh, I just don't have a picture of that big, uh, oh, here.
Okay, so here's 34 55,
and like I said, no matter how big it's gonna continue
to be the same amount, uh, of, uh, spiral coming out,
89, 1 44, we've heard that number before.
1 44 is a resident frequency, for sure,
144,000 in the Bible.
So these spirals create our entire life, all nature, right?
Everything that we see from shells, um,
pine cones, even the way that these pine cones spiral out
each one is, is, is a completely,
some are more perfect than others,
but they're all spiraling out,
and they're all forming in the same way
with geometry and math.
Um, it's everywhere in nature that we, that we look,
we literally see these designs all over the place, you know,
from fish and shellfish and animals
and people, um, flowers.
The way the flowers spiral out is the Fibonacci sequence,
the horns of a ramp, uh, the tail of a seahorse.
Um, it's everywhere from the big to the small,
to the microcosm to the macrocosm.
Um, hurricanes, galaxies.
Uh, there's nothing that we, that we can't zoom out
and zoom into enough that we're not gonna see these patterns
no matter how big or small.
I do believe that's part of the, um, you know,
we were created in the image of God, right?
We're all spirals too.
Um, no matter, no matter what,
even in the top left hand corner, you see the,
the fetus in there, uh, developing embryo, I guess at
that point, embryo developing in the spiral,
like patterns as well.
Um, even in our fingerprints, flowers, uh,
we see the Fibonacci sequence in waves, even how water,
you know, creates waves and tides.
So as we look deeper into nature,
then we will understand everything better.
No matter how far we zoom in
or zoom out, we see the same patterns over and over again.
Meaning, you know, we are a microcosm of the macrocosm,
each and every single one of us.
I think it's even really cool that, uh, we see a lot
of these, um, you know, crop circles
that are created in the same vici pattern.
These are, uh, one of the things about mathematics
and geometry, it's the language of God, literally.
I mean, you know, not everybody on our
planet speaks the same language.
We have many, many, many different languages,
but math is always the same.
You know, one plus one is always two,
and every, you know, it may have different words for it,
but that matrix of how numbers work
and how numbers create things,
and, you know, um, that's always the same.
Math is always the same. It is a universal language.
And where there's matter, there's geometry no matter what.
Uh, even down to our, to the smallest DNA,
the DNA is a double helix spiral wave pattern,
just like a galaxy or a hurricane.
Um, so again, we take those numbers and, you know, a
and divided it by five, and we get like 1.6, one eight
as we go out into the frequent into that, um, sequence.
The farther out we get, uh, when we divide that the number,
the last time by the last, the number before
and the sequence, sorry, um, you would get a number
that's even closer to the golden ratio.
So it's almost like as this number sequence evolves out,
you're actually becoming closer
and closer to the golden ratio.
More symmetrical, more perfect, more divine, you know,
more beautiful to look at.
But every single one of those numbers is in the abdomen
of the ants to the whole body.
Um, no matter what, you know, your hand
to your arm length is the fib knife sequence your finger.
So I mean, um, you know, when we, when we, uh,
close our hands, you know, you can take
that little tiny part of your finger, your,
your in your fingertip,
and then the next part and the next part.
And when you, um,
when you divide those parts, it's the fib knife sequence.
That's why when you close your hand,
you have a spiral in your hand.
You literally have a spiral in your hand.
Like that's because your hand is a Fibonacci sequence.
You know, each one of these pieces, 1.6, one eight,
you know, to the next and, um, heartbeats and galaxies.
And no matter where you look, you know,
the feathers of a peacock.
The DNA molecule is literally the Fibonacci sequence.
Um, the whole body, the whole body of a human, no matter
how tall or how short someone is, the proportions of,
of a human in their face
and their body, uh, the nose is 1.6, one eight linked
to the mouth, 1.6, one eight, uh, from the eyes to the nose,
the eyebrows, the, you know, and,
and really the closer they are to the golden ratio,
usually the more attractive,
the more symmetrical these people are.
Um, just again, just like the, you know,
evolution rolling out the farther we go out to the sequence
and we take that last number divided by the number four,
you're gonna get a number that's even closer
to the golden ratio, even closer to
that 1.6, one eight and divine.
It's like a divine ratio.
And, and again, there's no doubt when you really think about
it and you see some of these pictures
and you're like, oh, I didn't even think about that.
My ear is a spiral. Um, again, the hand is a spiral.
The, the arms, the forearm, the hand,
and then the even smaller one inside of the hand, you know,
like I said, each, each individual digit,
and that's what I said earlier, even your hand
has a spiral in it.
The way that trees, that, that, that the way that they grow,
and then they're constantly kind of spinning around
and throwing out branches as it gets bigger and bigger.
And these branches, the way that it, the way that it, um,
you know, grows, branches out, helps balance it out too.
So these numbers, you see, 21, 8, 13, you know, and,
and the total number of branches on each larger branch, uh,
is a Fibonacci sequence,
but it helps balance it out, um,
to create a more sturdy tree.
So even the way that the plants actually grow,
they're growing to the Fibonacci sequence.
It's, it's, it's basically God's divine blueprint, you know?
Right. And, um, I mean, again, uh,
may not be something people most would see as positive
or whatever, but it is still the way, you know, a hurricane,
um, you know, the mentions of a hurricane is still in
that Fibonacci sequence in the same
of a galaxy or anything else.
Um, it's just so incredibly awesome
to realize that, uh, there
as many atoms in a single molecule of your DNA
as there are stars in the galaxy.
So each and every single one
of us ourself is a tiny universe.
You know what I mean? All of us
have these Fibonacci sequences in us, these spirals in us,
this DNA that spirals out.
Um, we all have the same amount
of molecules as the galaxy does.
No matter how far we zoom in or,
or zoom out of the universe,
we see the same things over again.
So you zoom out and see a galaxy, you zoom in, even to you
or to me, we are our own little universe
with our own little laws
and our own belief systems and everything else.
That's something incredible to just to, just to realize
for a second, just to sit here and contemplate
and just like let that soak in.
Like you are a truly your own universe, uh,
with your own laws and belief systems and how powerful each
and every single one of us are.
It's that, you know, kind of this godsmack moment
where we're just like, uh, all the dots are connecting
and we realize we are divine.
All these sacred geometry symbols, the way
that cells split in the body to become multi cell organisms,
the way the stars work in the galaxy, really,
when it comes down to, when we really look at it,
we really do see the same patterns,
in the same things evolving in the same way, way,
and different things evolving in the same way.
Uh, it really is this divine blueprint of
how the universe is constantly working.
And, you know, if we just pay attention a little bit,
we realize like, I am not separate from that.
Each and every single one of us, we are part of nature.
And, you know, even looking at this, you know, closeup
of an eye, it looks like a forest.
There's no doubt about it.
Like when, when Christ referred to people as you know,
trees, you know, a good tree doesn't bear bad food.
He wasn't talking about the trees out in nature.
You know, we ourselves are walking, talking trees,
and I mean, right here, look at it, your fingerprint
and the cross section of a tree itself, I mean,
they're almost identical.
And each and every, each
and every, uh, cross section is just as unique as each
and every fingerprint is.
Isn't that crazy that, uh, no matter
how many billion people are on the planet right now, seven
to eight, and and how many billions
or trillions have been on the planet,
no one has the same fingerprint, uh, each
and every one of us completely the same in how we evolve
and how we grow and everything else,
but completely unique into the story of the universe,
you know, part of, you know, just incredible.
Um, and now by taking that little bit
of information I just gave you
that there's a Fibonacci sequence that all life kind
of manifests in the same way.
You know, you can take these numbers
and you can use 'em for whatever you want to,
and you can make stronger buildings.
You can use it in architecture,
you can create the pyramids this way,
and these buildings will be more sound, you know,
more sturdy, uh,
and, you know, have kind of a divine essence about them
by just building buildings with these same numbers
that nature has, you know, shown us and, and,
and creates life in general.
You know, when we create our buildings
and we create our music, when we create, um, you know,
our life, we need to have these, uh, frequencies
and these numbers, uh, in mind.
Um, if you wanna have, you know, healthy, a healthier,
happier lifestyle, you know, um,
because certainly the universe
and, uh, nature is showing us that, um,
this world is literally just spiraling out, uh,
of creation, and we're all a part of it.
We're definitely not separate from it.
This is a very cool one.
Uh, just broccoli, um, I forgot the name exactly,
but, uh, it's a fractal spiraling broccoli,
literally looks like this.
I've seen it in the stores before, and just incredible.
But each one of these is a little kind
of universe in itself, right?
Spiraling out. And what's incredible about that is, uh,
Benoit Mandel broth, um, actually found this, uh,
in mathematics when computers are started,
be coming out in the seventies and whatever.
He, he was able to come up with a mathematical equation
that, um, showed fractal geometry,
and he had, he created a, um, you know, a, an equation
that could be infinitely zoomed in or zoomed out of,
and, you know, basically like fractals and,
and they call it the, you know, uh, this was the,
the Buddha bro, basically, right?
The, this is what it came up with.
When you type that equation
and you put it into a computer, this is what you get,
and it looks like a little Buddha on its side.
Um, there's definitely no doubt about that.
But anyway, this image could be zoomed in infinitely.
So you just pick a, you know, any point in that, um, in that
image and just start zooming in,
and you'll see the same images over and over again.
No matter what part of the cracks that are spirals
that you want, that you wanna start at,
you're gonna see the same things over and over and over,
and you're gonna get the same, um,
the same pictures over again.
Uh, incredible.
You know, absolutely incredible information that he was able
to, and again, I don't think
that it was something he created.
I believe that it's something that he discovered.
You know, he discovered that mathematics is fractals,
that creation is, fractals is something that we, you know,
it's something to, to discover,
not something that, to create.
We we're literally understanding it and,
and, uh, realizing how nature works.
And so, you know, we are nature, you know, no matter,
you look at a leaf, you look at the human heart
and the blood vessels inside of the river network
of the Amazon, no matter how far you zoom in
or zoom out, we see the same stuff over again.
So now, now that we've got the pici sequence, now
that we've talked a little bit about fractals,
this is probably one
of the most incredible discoveries I feel like we
should learn in school.
Uh, but we never did,
at least I definitely did in the school I went to,
and most people I know didn't.
But somatics is literally the study
of sound vibrations.
Um, an incredible thing
that actually sound does have vibrations,
and it creates images.
Um, this is, this is water with, um, you know,
just like a water droplet being vibrated
by frequencies to create images.
Um, the, the first that I, in my research
that I found was a guy named Ernest Claney, who took
a violin bow and a metal plate, and he put sand on it,
and he would strum the, uh, violin bow down the side,
and it would create images, um,
just like this is a still shot of those kind
of pictures and images.
And he jotted 'em all down, you know, from the most simple
to the most complex, uh, each image that he got.
And he was recording all of these,
and every time he, he strung his bow in a different way,
in a different sound, he got a different image
that the sound literally shifted into, um, you know,
geometry, which I think is absolutely incredible.
And I think this is an incredible statement too,
by Max Plain.
All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force.
We must assume behind that force, the existence
of a conscious and intelligent mind.
This mind is the matrix of all matter, you know, meaning
that the way everything works, right, the way the stars,
you know, move around.
Like obviously our sun is not stationary.
It's moving in time and space.
Our planets are moving and revolving around it.
The galaxies are moving.
Uh, our universe is probably moving
around in this multiverse.
And every, the way everything moves around the way,
everything dances is all part of
this incredible, uh, vibration that's literally, you know,
just kind of beneath the surface of everything.
It's everywhere. It's omni potent, it's omni pt.
It's all the time. It's, um, it's constantly,
it's constantly happening.
So again, this is a metal plate with salt
or sugar, you know, crystalline structure on it being
vibrated through frequency.
I thought about adding a, you know, video,
but just for the sake of time, I just would do still images.
I would suggest that you guys all, um,
just look up somatics, you know, go on YouTube, whatever,
uh, just type it in.
You'll find incredible pictures.
You'll see incredible, um, you know, images,
uh, from, you know, the sand shifting in different ways.
Uh, and, and what's cool is like, you look at these,
and there's different hertz, right?
Different hertz create very specific, uh, images.
And a lot of these, you,
you've probably seen Sumerian artwork, you've seen on, um,
you know, glass windows in churches, um,
on the sides of pyramids.
You know, these images are everywhere.
Um, they, you just have to be a little bit more aware of
what you're looking at, know, we're looking at to know that,
you know, they're putting images on churches
and they like that to explain, you know,
this is sound technology.
So one of the coolest ones is, you know, they're,
that I've seen recently is
so somatics is they're usually doing, um, salt
or sugar on a metal plate,
and then you get like that two dimensional image change.
Um, but again,
I think if you didn't have any gravity in there,
you'd have a multidimensional shape
that was in there that you could see.
But I think the next best thing that we could see is, uh,
like corn starch to vibrate corn starch in, uh,
in a bowl with these same frequencies,
creates incredible images.
And some of the one best ones that I've seen, um, you know,
when they're moving all around it,
it literally looks like people dancing and, you know,
and animals and,
and life itself, they're just moving
around dancing and corn starts.
You stop the music and it falls down, but it looks like arms
and legs and heads and just moving and dancing.
And when you, when I saw that for the first time,
I was like, oh my God, that's us.
You know, that there's, there's a sound.
There's gotta be a frequency
that's being played throughout the entire universe
that's organizing and creating
and helping us evolve and grow.
That's being, that's on the underlining of everything
that everything is, is moving
and dancing according to this song that's being played.
Uh, that's why they call it the universe.
And this is a, um, you know, water droplet
with the same frequencies being played in it.
So you can see that geometry in it.
And you know, you guys know about Dr.
Emoto, uh, he put words and sounds
and music and played 'em for water,
and then froze the water really fast,
and he got crystalline images as long as they're positive,
you know, uh, our prayed, our prayed over thankful,
you know, peace, love, harmony, uh, definitely got negative
with no sym symmetry and the negative, uh, words and
or pictures and people.
And, uh, you know, sometimes, um, rock music, you know,
really heavy metals
and things like that definitely created, um, you know,
images that weren't symmetrical, whatever.
But he froze that water and he looked at a microscope,
and these are the images he saw under his microscope, which,
which blew me away, you know?
Um, so these are, these are, again, these, that,
that's the geometry of, you know, that music
or that song, or that word.
Even words hold vibration, you know,
that's why they call it spelling.
It holds a spell. It holds a vibration.
The thoughts that you think, the emotions that you feel,
the words that you say, the things
that you wear in your clothes, all of it has a vibration,
and all of it's moving all the time.
You know, nothing's ever really still,
even the earth while we're on it is moving, what,
16,000 miles an hour through time
and space, like, kinda like a car, you feel like you're,
you're, uh, still when you're driving.
But you know, if that car was to suddenly stop, you know,
you'd all, uh, you know, go through the windshield
or if you didn't have a seatbelt on, um, same thing.
I mean, earth is still moving fast
around everything is moving all the time.
Um, but here, uh, in these images right here
of these snowflake like images, crystal images,
what's important about these are,
these are certain frequencies, 3 96
and 6 39, 7 41, 8 52.
Um, and what's really cool about these is
that if you change all the numbers up,
they're all the same numbers for, um, each image.
Not every single one, but the same
images are used over again.
Same numbers are used over again, um, like in a matrix
where they're changed up.
So like 5 28, 8 52, um, they're, they're changed up.
And there are other ones that are, you know, lower
and the hertz and higher and hertz,
but they create these snowflake like images.
So when you're watching somatics on, you know, YouTube
and the metal plate has these frequencies being played in
it, what's fascinating is, you know,
you've got this one image,
and as the frequency starts, gets higher and higher
and higher and higher, it holds, holds, holds,
and then all of a sudden it just
one quick change of the hurts.
And man, everything just changes abruptly and super quickly.
Um, and that is, it's just astonishing
that they hold these frequencies just for a while,
and then all of a sudden, bam, once
that frequency gets high
enough, it changes into something else.
Now that, that's, this is a prelude
to another talk that'll happen later on,
but that is what's going on on our earth right now.
We're having a frequency sweep, that's why everything is
to be sped up, and everything seems
to be changing so rapidly.
We are in a frequency seat.
And the, the hertz of the earth,
which is the Schumann cabinet residents, was said
to be about seven hertz.
And they thought, you know, a hundred years ago,
that was just what it was gonna be
and what it would always be until the eighties
where it started to really rise up.
And I think we're almost about 14 hertz now,
so we've almost doubled in my lifetime.
So we are high, we are going up in a higher vibrational
frequency, we're having a frequency sweep.
Uh, we call that essentially we can call
that whatever we want to, but we are literally all,
you know, the, the music of the earth is speeding up
to a more harmonious, uh, symmetrical, uh, if you will,
harmonious frequency that we can either match or we won't.
Plain and simple, it's not any judgment on it.
You either match it or you don't.
Uh, if you don't match it, you'll, you'll get a chance
to go somewhere else and,
and use your vibration somewhere else.
But this earth is having a, a frequency sweep.
And, um, so we have to move along with it.
And it's just incredible that, I mean, here again,
these are the hertz 10 21, 2 41,
and these are plates, just what I was showing you
before, metal plates and sand and sugar
or sand and sugar or something on it.
Salt can do a salt too.
Um, but just look at the coherency here,
where these obviously look exactly like this turtle shell.
So all life, you know what I mean?
Again, these are two dimensional images of salt
or sugar on a flat plate,
but if we didn't have gravity,
you know, this is what we would see.
Probably, you know, a multidimensional, you know,
most people say three-dimensional,
but, um, you know, an animal that's, that's living
and breathing, and the whole reason for his whole existence
of what it looks like has to do with the sound vibration
that's emitting from this earth.
So I would, I would, you know, um, honestly suggest that,
you know, as our frequency changes, the human beings,
the animals, the plant life
on this planet will literally change right along with it.
Some of the things may still look similar,
but some of the old things
that we had may not be here anymore,
and they may evolve to look
completely different than they did before.
Now, continuously talking about that sound, the sound
that resonates through all the universe, through all life,
through all the multiverse, probably even, right?
And, uh, you know,
we have this symbol called the ohm in eastern religions
that they, that they came up within.
To me, a symbol is something that's, it's important, right?
They didn't just write this little 30 down
and be like, oh, man, this is what we're gonna call
the frequency of God right here.
We're gonna call the Om and we're just gonna make it up.
So I, I don't believe in that.
In fact, I had a bit of a download one day
after watching hours and hours and hours of the somatics.
Uh, it hit me that, um, I just looked at this,
you know, metal plate, and I was like,
that's the ohm sign in there,
but it's the microcosm of the macrocosm.
Now, if this right here doesn't make your hair stand up on
your edge of your, in your arms,
you're in the wrong zoom call tonight,
because to me, this is absolutely 100% proof that this
symbol came from somewhere.
They didn't just make it up, but it is, I just took a pen
and I just drew over the top.
It's just a, you know, microcosm of the macrocosm,
the dots are there and everything,
and I just cut it in half.
You know what I mean? Again, this would extend out,
but, you know, you can't put that whole thing on a piece
of paper or, you know, on a symbol or something.
You just have to take a portion of it.
It may not work for you.
But to me, this is 100% coherence that I had a,
I had a moment, I had a revelation, I had a realization.
I was like, you know, this thing came from somewhere.
This symbol came into my life.
I was very attracted to it, just like somatics did.
And then all of a sudden I took those synchronicities,
and I, I made 'em one,
and I realized, whoa, this thing came to my life
for a reason, to show me something.
What an incredible, uh, symbol here,
and what an incredible thing to realize.
Like, these people are talking about something that's real.
They're not just made it up.
Um, this symbol literally, you know, goes along
with somatic pictures that you see.
Um, it's just absolutely astonishing and amazing.
Changed my life and, you know,
made me really honestly understand, um,
that God really is a frequency.
It's, it's a way of being, it's a way of understanding,
of tuning in to who we really are, the science of God,
and how to tune in to God frequencies.
We all know that quantum physics is teaching us that we need
to tune into God, but it's not just the frequency, the gain
or volume of the frequency is equally important, right?
So when we're talking about those,
those frequencies earlier, 8 52, 7 41, 6 39, um,
the scientific chart shows us analysis
of which God frequencies have the highest gain in which
chakras operate at those frequencies.
In order to stimulate the chakra vibration,
they must be struck just as a piano string must be struck
to an acute vibration, a tuning fork
of the matching frequency works best,
but due to their small size, the blow must be forceful.
River rocks work.
Well also, you know, you can
hit these frequencies
and tune up yourself, like literally, I believe that, um,
we all get outta tune our emotions, get us outta tune,
our thoughts, our beliefs, our laws
to our own universe, get us outta tune.
And we need yoga, healthy eating, you know,
living spring water, um, mantras, meditation,
all of those things help us tune up a little bit more.
But I, I definitely believe the frequencies,
there's a reason why these monks sit on top of mountaintops
and ohm and, and, and chant
and sing these, you know, ancestral songs of frequency
with these ancient languages that create tones
and vibrations in our body
that's different than English, right?
It's not a very powerful language.
It's very, almost kind of a dumb down language in comparison
to even Hebrew or Greek or Latin.
Um, but when you go back to Sanskrit
and those things, these really, you know,
very vibrational frequency languages to me,
they're almost like technologies
to open up these chakra points in us.
And so, uh, these are a little bit more extended of some
of the ones we've already seen, 1 74 to 9 63.
But again, if you look across,
you look across the line on each, each and every one of 'em.
Uh, 1 74 becomes four 17 to 7 41, um,
3 96 to 6 39 to I ct.
They're the same numbers switched.
Uh, very, very cool, very incredible patterns
of geometry there to see, to know, to recognize,
and to realize, you know, that each one
of these frequencies does different things for people.
Um, one of the things I would probably suggest right away,
if you never heard of these and you wanted to sit down
and have a meditation with one, you know, 5 28, you know,
it's a frequency of love, it repairs.
DNA, um, uh, just quickly, one
of the first times I ever really started to meditate,
listening to some of these tones, like this, imagining, uh,
you know, being like a, a wave of, of, of energy, um,
you know, letting go of my name
and everything, I had huge revelations, um,
listening to these things.
And I would say, you know, when you listen to 1 74
that removes pain, let think about yourself removing the
pain, you know, liberation of fear
and guilt when you listen to 3 96, think about that.
Allow yourself to let go of the fear
and the guilt that we've all felt for
so many dumb things, right?
That, that, that we should have been better.
No, man, life is tough and it's hard.
And this is, you know, just,
you're gonna experience things, that's fine.
You know, things are gonna happen.
Don't, you know, bring yourself down and hate yourself
because of something that you did.
Let that go. Um,
but when you're listening to certain things, you know,
research it and find out what all these, these have, uh,
what do they have in tune with them?
What do they, what do they help with?
What do they help release? And really imagine those things
happening where you're listening to these.
Listen to 'em overnight sometimes, uh, while you're asleep.
I, I've experienced incredible, um, revelations,
aha moments, eureka moments, whatever you wanna call 'em,
just by listening to these, you know, sitting in meditation,
laying in the dark, in my bed.
Um, you know, a number of, uh,
really cool things have happened just by, you know,
really listening to this kind of music.
Um, and one other thing I think is important too, the, um,
the frequency of music ha is outta tune.
Um, I believe we were at what,
uh, was it?
4 4, 4 30, 4 40,
and we completely, it was 4 32,
and then they changed it to four 40.
It's unharmonious sound, right?
Uh, an unharmonious frequency as, as 4 32 is.
So all music and everything has been really lined up in, in,
in tuned to this music that's out
of vibration with everything else.
And I feel like if we went back to what we had
before this change, for whatever reason, it was done, um,
to 4 32 frequency, it would really change, um,
everything for us, you know, as far as more harmonies, music
and lifestyles.
And, um, it was just really interesting, um, while,
while we all of a sudden just everything was from 4 32, went
to four 40, um,
but I think if we were to tune musical instruments
and everything back to that, uh, much more harmonious,
more loving people and gen
and, uh, uh, people that we would be.
So the environment is in us, not outside of us.
The trees are our lungs. The rivers are our bloodstreams.
We are all interconnected.
And what you do to the environment,
ultimately we do to ourselves.
We are not separate from the whole.
We are all connected to the sun, the earth, the air.
You don't have a life. You are a life.
Each and every one of us are the universe.
We are life itself.
We're not separate from it, you know,
wishing to be a part of it.
I think that's part of whatever has happened
to us in the past, through music, through culture, um,
through some religion, education.
Uh, we've all got off on to a path
that makes us see ourselves as separate.
We we're not good enough, but to be honest, each
and every one of us is as good as anybody
who ever has cane or whoever will.
And we're just as important. We're just as connected.
We just have to go inside ourselves
and see that connection again.
And to hear that frequency of God that's inside of all of us
that's creating everything, and that we're all a part of it.
No matter if we look at a brain cell, the birth
of a cell in our own eyes,
we see the same things over and over again.
Each and every one of us, you know, the same as the birth
of a star, the death of a star, of a nebula.
You have a nebula in your own eye.
Each of us are made of star dust, you know, created
and pulled together in a way to be completely special,
to be completely unique.
And we aren't even, not even the slightest
seeing how incredible each and every single one of us are,
and each and every single one of us out there.
Not because of the color of someone's skin
or their political views, or how cool their car is, but
because they are here and that they exist, that each
and every single person that's alive is a beautiful universe
with a beautiful frequency.
They may not be the smartest of the, or the best,
or, you know, the most understanding.
That's okay. Let them be them and let them be their lives.
But just to go out in earn life, I think how,
how incredible your life would change if you were
to walk out your door every day realizing like, I can't wait
to meet the next person.
I can't wait to meet the next universe.
I can't wait to, you know, see what their laws are,
what their, what their laws of the universe are.
Can't see how they've, you know, done up their body
and their life and their belief systems and their heart,
and, you know, to look at their character.
I can't wait to, you know,
learn some more today about this incredible universe instead
of, you know, seeing with our eyes this kind of tainted
and almost just
dumbed down reality.
That's just been really manipulated in a way to we think
that, oh, I live on this crappy street,
in this crappy part of town.
Or, uh, you know, um, it's just, no, it's just,
it's just really incredible place to be, just
to be alive, just to be here.
And now, um, we just need to tune in to
that higher vibrational frequency, um,
and realize that, you know, what?
If God really is just a metaphor for the universe,
and we really are created in his image, we really are.
God, you know, Christ said, you are all Gods.
And I do, I have, I do believe that.
And I'm starting to, I'm starting to believe it.
I'm starting to know it, that God really is a frequency
that exists inside of me, inside of you.
And all we have to do is tune in
and realize like, there's nothing else.
There's nothing else to, to fear.
There's nothing else to worry about.
There's nothing else to believe that I don't have nothing.
Everything is here inside of me, everything that I need.
And God is with me all the time,
and I just have to tune in and never left.
I, I, I feel like I'm the prodigal son.
I've gone out, I've done all the things,
but God never left me always there waiting for me
to come back, unconditional love, waiting for me
to come back to realize, like, you know,
there's been there all along.
And I think each and every one of us realize
that at some point that, you know,
God is unconditional love,
and we have those incredible moments, sometimes usually
by ourselves in our living, living rooms
or our bedrooms, where you feel completely enamored by
that unconditional love for us,
that God really does love you,
then your life has completely changed,
and you just work for those moments, you know,
to get back on that pedestal, back on that wave, um,
to feel it all the time.
Because I've, you know, I've given, I've been given
that message, I've been given that information that,
you know, it's not something to get while you're at church
or while you're with your most spiritual friends,
or while you're in some, you know, retreat in Bali.
The greatest spirituality is having here
with you all the time, wherever you go, when you go
to the grocery store, when you go to the doctor's office,
when you bring that most incredible natural essence
of yourself wherever you go,
and you light up the room wherever you are, that, that
to me is the most incredible part of spirituality.
It's not something that you have
to get when you're at some place
or you're listening to some music.
That music is here now all the time.
And I just wanna say thank you guys for joining me tonight.
Um, it's definitely a pleasure to, you know, express some
of these ideas that I just love to talk about.
So, thanks for being here,
and I appreciate each and every one of you.
And Imma stay.
People: Jacob Cox
Topics: Metaphysics, Mystery School
Tags: Fibonacci Sequence
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