Mystery School: Inner Earth with Jacob
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Original Date: May 31, 2023
Original Date: May 31, 2023
Mystery School with Jacob Cox

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Inner Earth with Jacob
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Hi, and welcome to another Mystery School audition. I'm your host, Jacob Cox,
and our topic tonight is Inner Earth. I'm very excited about this one.
I hope you guys are too, got a lot of cool things to share with you and, uh,
hope you guys are up for us. So let's go. Um,
so one of the first things I feel like I need to address with this topic that
kind of goes with it, but doesn't, um, and I,
and I debated on this all day about adding this two tonight's topic,
but I really think just getting it out the open and putting it out there in the
very beginning is important. Um,
I know a lot of people are gonna come at me with the flat earth theory thing,
too. I am someone who has dived into,
I don't even like the word conspiracy theory,
because I feel like it's a label that's not positive as it
should be. Um, I know the word of conspiracy theory comes from the JFK case.
When JFK was assassinated, they told everybody, you know,
this is the the narrative that we want to, uh,
you guys to know anything and or anybody that questions that narrative is, um,
a conspiracy theory theorist.
Someone that you're not gonna listen to what we say,
we're gonna label you something else, make you deem you crazy,
and that kind of stuff. So, and, uh, we know today, even, you know,
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Says that his dad and his uncle were murdered by a C I A.
So, you know, let's, let's call what it is, right? It's, um,
it's just something we have to deal with. So, anyways, I, I'm,
I'm a big person when it comes to, uh, deep truths. I, I wanna know the,
the answers as much as possible. I, I dig into them, not for or against,
but with an open mind and an open heart to see, you know, what the truth is.
What really is the truth, no matter what, you know,
I've been taught as a kid or what I've been told. Um,
but one of the things that comes up, I can't kind of,
with this topic is the flat Earth theory thing. And I,
I put my 2 cents into this topic. I've researched it,
and it just doesn't fly to me as many other, um,
conspiracy topics definitely do. I enjoy many of them.
It's just one that's all of a sudden came outta nowhere and has more
mainstream backing than anything else. And to me, you know,
call me whatever you want, but I,
there are people out there with intentions to completely disrupt truth,
to completely make us think that, you know, everything is crazy. And, and,
you know, we shouldn't be researching these topics, but this, to me,
the flat earth theory is at least one that is put out there.
And then every other thing, every other conspiracy theory,
every other big idea that's not mainstream is thrown in there with it. So,
you know, if you think this, then you think the flat earth is this then,
or whatever. And I, I don't subscribe to that. I don't, I don't,
I think that's intentional to kind of put everything in, in with the same,
with one big theory,
that if you believe this and you have to believe the flat earth theory and
everything too, I don't believe that I'm, I'm a, I'm a seeker of truth,
and that's what I'm here to do. So for me, um, I just,
I just want to put that out there. I I don't agree with it. Um,
I'm open to all things. I'll listen to anybody. I'll debate with anybody,
I'll discuss with anybody.
But there are certain things that I just know for sure.
Like when you take water and put it into a zero gravity atmosphere,
that water is going to combine into the smallest,
tightest sphere that it can be in. And then it's gonna start to rotate.
And then bubbles, the bubbles that are in the water will literally, um,
will literally fall into the center, um, of that bubble.
And the water makes the tight globe and zero gravity.
And as it rotates and moves to the center access with basically produce like a
bubble core. And so the water's spinning and the bubble's in the core,
and it almost has like a, a toal type, um,
a Taurus type energy to it, or a field.
And so there's a middle part that's kind of open with these bubbles in it,
and you can add things to it, tea leaves and certain things, and they'll,
they'll kind of stay on the surface.
And if you add other things that are the same buoyancy as water,
they'll stay in the middle. So to me,
when the worth is 70 something percent water, um,
that water is gonna con combine to, to create this really tight bubble,
uh, not a flat surface.
And when we look at the planets and the stars and everything,
everything's round the stars around. And, um, they have,
they're not flat.
So I just wanna put that out there because I feel like it's super important
these days to be very clear and very intentional with my information and what
I'm trying to say and what I'm trying to, to show people. Um,
so from that point, let's go on to the inner Earth stuff,
and I'm gonna share my screen with you guys right now. All right.
So hollow earth, let's go straight into it. Hollow Earth and inner earth.
Um, it, it kind of has many names,
but let's talk about some of the facts. First and foremost,
when it comes to the planet, um,
the planet is 4,000 miles from the earth, from the crust to the center,
we have drilled eight miles outta that.
So we have just a tiny fraction of that.
So anybody that tells you, we know what's at the middle of the earth,
we don't know what's at the middle of the earth. We, we have clues.
And the only thing,
the only reason we have any evidence to support any theories is seismographs.
When we create seismographs that goes through the planet, and, um,
we're able to look at them and see, you know,
how things are reverberating and how things are, um,
showing us that information from the planet. Um, but the earth is like an onion.
It definitely does have layers. We see different, um, sign graph comes back and,
and it, it shows us, you know, things are, uh,
definitely there to create the layers of the planet. Um, you know,
showing us like the crust is 25 miles deep, the mantle a hundred,
and then you get to core and your inner core and all that kind of stuff. I,
I mean, I agree with all that stuff. I'm not,
not gonna go out on the crazy lens and say, those things don't exist.
I'm just saying the,
the liquid iron magor that we say is a hundred percent fact.
There's always speculation. And until things are proven fact,
we, we, there's no reason to ever deem anybody crazy or anything by,
you know, honestly, just looking at evidence to see what else is out there.
We don't know. Why not look at it and try to figure out what,
what is the answer? What is the truth?
It's very important to try to figure that out. Um,
so one of the first stories that, you know, not first,
but one of the stories that's come up, you know,
that we all kind of know about Jules Burn's journey to the center of the Earth.
That book is, you know, really profound. And honestly,
I think Jules could have been channeling something, um,
past life or something that he was able to bring out that information and create
a modern day story of them going to the inner earth. I think that's really cool.
but there's certainly a lot of information on the inner earth and the
hollow earth theory. And there's a lot of people for many, many years. Um,
you know, just in modern eight times in the past couple of hundred years,
three or 400 years, we've had certain scientists to come up with this theory.
One being Edmund Haley. Now you guys probably know Haley as the comic guy.
He did discover the comic, but this guy was, you know,
when it comes to scientists of his time, he was the top elite. Um,
and he said that the solid core with inner spheres like a Russian doll
and the space in between each rotating at their own speed. Um, so he, you know,
he was one of these people that proposed that there's more to, um,
the planet than, um, than what we probably know. And, and,
and so it's important to realize that this is not a new idea.
It's not a new conspiracy theory idea. These Edmund Haley,
a guy named Leonard Jeweler, he was an incredible mathematician who said,
who basically said the core he believed was like a miniature sun.
And that goes along with many of these hollow earth ideas. Uh, and,
and I like to use the word inner earth because I don't,
I don't know that the earth is technically hollow, although space,
99% of most space and all space is hollow, right? It's empty space.
At least that's what we're told. Um, so he says,
Guer says that the, um, the inner core could be like a sun.
We do have descriptions of that from some ancient tech saying that there was
like, um, a light that came from the center, but it wasn't the sun,
cuz it could, they couldn't see the sun. Um, so that's important to know that,
you know, for the past 400 years,
this has been an accepted idea by many scientists.
And it's not just some crazy thing that people just came up with.
But beyond that, there are many other stories, um,
about the inner earth. And one of the big ones comes from, you know,
a military guy named Admir Burt. Now,
if you know anything about the inner earth,
this is probably the biggest guy we got, um,
when it comes to inner Earth and what, um, what he had to share. Now,
the thing about Admir Burt is the most of the information that we have about
him. So he goes and flies to the North Pole in, in,
um, in the early 19 hundreds. Uh, and so
supposedly when he goes up there and he goes inside the earth and everything,
he comes back and tell everyone what happened. And they, they just,
they hush it up. They tell everyone not to talk about it.
And so there's no information. Not until 1984 when supposedly his son,
you know, kind of put his diary out there to have this information that
he, you know, this is, this is what my dad's diary says of, of his, you know,
his expirations of the North Pole. And so I,
I wanna read a little bit to you because I think it's pretty fascinating.
And so he's flying up, he's flying to the North Pole, and he,
he writes in his diary, um, he flies in. He,
he sees mountains and he sees green grass and lushes
vegetation that shouldn't be here after he's already in the North Bowl,
and it's snowy and and icy and everything. Um,
he says that the light is different and he can't see the sun.
I think that's pretty, pretty to the point. You know, he can't see the sun,
but there's some kind of light that perms from the inside. Eventually,
um, he sees what at first he thinks is an elephant,
but then he knows right away that it's not an elephant,
that it looks more like a wooly mammoth in his diary.
And I think that's pretty fascinating.
And then all of a sudden as he's flying in, um, the,
you know, the, the things of the airplane, uh, they start to go crazy. You know,
all his dials and gauges and everything start to spin erratically,
and they seem to no longer be working. Um, and then after, after that,
his actually, his, his steering, um, is just, it goes away. I mean, it's just,
he has no control over the airplane anymore, and he's just flying.
And it's like someone has taken him over.
And he even says that there are ships like UFOs, um,
you know, he says like saucer type, metallic type discs that are all around him,
flying around him. And eventually they like, um,
they, they get into his, you know, the speaker box of the, of the aircraft,
and they start talking to him in English, and they tell him, you know, Hey,
everything's okay. You're in good hands.
We're gonna land you in like seven minutes. And so that's what happens.
And he, he lands and he goes, he goes into the, he goes into this, uh,
this place and he's, he's greeted by, you know, larger beings, um,
who talk to him. And they basically tell them,
this is right after War II that you guys shouldn't be, um,
you guys shouldn't be using nuclear weapons.
You're destroying the whole planet for all of us.
And to bring that message back to the people, uh, which I think is fascinating,
that's what they're most concerned about, the, the state of the planet,
you know, when it comes to really, hey, you got somebody you're bringing in. Um,
let's tell 'em about that. So
another thing he says, the aircraft, those aircrafts are really buoyant, the,
the ships and everything.
And another thing that he talks about is the temperature was like 74 degrees,
which I think is really kind of important because I've heard this kind of number
between 68 and 74 for different people going into the
planet, um, and different cave systems and things like that.
And it being like this really room temperature, which, you know,
obviously they're in the North Pole, people are in the South Pole,
and they're going in, and so they got this room temperature deal.
But what I think is really fascinating,
one of the first thing I thought about that was, you know, cold fusion, um,
hot fusion. We know scientists will,
will say straight up that in star systems stuff, hot fusion is,
is how these planets create their energy and everything. Well,
cold fusion takes place, would, would take place at room temperature. Um, and,
and that's, that's the theories of all the stuff.
So if there is some kind of huge reaction going on in the center of the planet,
and there's, you know,
everything seems to be room temperature and the ColdFusion could take place,
there are a lot of countries right now taking a lot of money and, um,
time to really work on this. So is it possible, maybe, I don't know,
but I think it's just cool to know that cold fusion could be the way that this
inner son is working in some way. Um,
and then also, um,
Byrd talked about crafts that could fly from multiple. So this is,
this is just fascinating information.
All the stuff that comes out about his diary, all the stuff that he's shared,
uh, that wrote down. And then again, there's no way we can prove this,
that he actually wrote this. But, um, you know,
certainly it looks like something that could have been his, it's, you know, um,
it's just information that we have and we can take it and not take it. To me,
it's just something I put out there and does it correspond with other things,
other information that we find? And I think often it does. Um,
but anyway, according to him, and according to Albert Einstein,
other scientists,
they did believe that there were openings on the North Pole and on the South
Pole in which that someone could fly in.
This would be consistent with that bubble I was telling you about earlier with
the bubble core, that there is some kind of open core to,
you know, um, water being in space as it rotates.
And so this is, this is incredible stuff.
This is what many ancient civilizations have talked about.
Many ancient civilizations have talked about, um, the inner earth, you know,
the Egyptians Native Americans, the Sue, the Inu, the Inuit, the Iceland,
India, Aztecs, Mayan, they all, even the Bible talks about, you know, uh,
the hell being inside the earth, um, and the underworld of the Mayans, they,
they go down there to, you know, uh,
have these spiritual journeys and meet these, you know,
really enlightened type beings that, you know, can be, uh, scary as well.
But certainly almost every culture seems to talk about coming up their
civilization, uh, the Hopi, um, and,
and civilizations coming out of the earth and submerging from this subterranean,
uh, you know, place within the earth. And not just in one area,
but all around the planet. So, um, that's, this is really cool. I mean,
this stuff,
we can't just say that's not what we were told in school anymore and,
and not look at it and give it a fair, honest look. That's,
that's where I'm at, man. I wanna know, because I believe at the end of the day,
the things that we've learned in school has just been stuff to regurgitate on
command and tell you, Hey, you know, I've learned this. I'm, I studied it.
I made my a I can go make my my way in the world when really, honestly,
I feel like the smartest people have the most questions. You know what I mean?
Um, I have questions if this is true, or that's true, you know, um,
and certainly the inner Earth is one of these subjects that it,
it definitely look, you know, we need to look at it and say, is,
is there something to this? Um, I mean,
think about the sinkhole that are happening now that are just falling in.
And some of 'em, they're so deep, you can't even see the bottom of it.
There are deep cas all over the world, um, and Vietnam,
San Dun cave is like six miles in,
and it has ancient forests and rivers in an ecosystem that doesn't even exist,
um, except in this cave. Uh,
and even people talk about seeing like reptilians down there and coming out of
there, uh, reptilian type, uh, hominoid, um, coming out.
So, do you just wanna dismiss every single story and never look at anything,
man, that's just, to me, that's just a black or white world. It's this or that,
it's black or white. To me, the world is much more multi-dimensional,
much more colorful, much more incredible than we've ever been told.
And that's what excites me. I feel like as a kid, if everything's already,
if everything's already discovered what the,
how the moon got there and the planet and all the stars,
there's no mystery in the world. There's no discovering for oneself. Like,
what's what's out there?
And that to me is super important because I feel like not,
it's not all figured out.
Maybe somebody has figured it out throughout their time,
but it's so important for you and I as individuals to learn and figure it out
for ourselves, to trust their own intuitions, to follow the teachers,
whether it be a book or a person or a video or an event,
and really listen to that. You ever hear that, um, that saying,
when the student is ready, the teacher appear. And like I said,
it could be a book, it could be an event, it could be a human,
it could be anything, but what you're ready for, what you're hungry for.
The universe will put it in your,
in your atmosphere to help you evolve to figure those answers out.
And that's where I feel so drawn to these dangerous subjects,
the conspiracy subjects. I love them. Um,
and I'd say I believe every single one. I certainly don't, but, uh, and I,
I said the beginning of the, of the talk today, so, but I, I do,
I do like a lot and I do really, um,
can see how things have been. And, you know,
not to say that every single person is trying to keep information from you,
but not everybody knows,
and they're just passing down information that was given to them that we've all
kind of accepted. But certainly we know we've found different species. And,
you know, the, the, even Antarctica itself could be a plant. I mean,
a planet could be a continent that has been in a place where it had no ice
on it at some point.
Certainly we have maps that show exactly what that continent looks like without
ice on it. And that's the only way we could know that is if,
if it was in a place at some point where it didn't have ice on it. So, you know,
history is not what we're told history, his story,
and that his story is usually a king or some very, uh, you know,
elite human being with information that they wanna hoard from the people.
And I think that's important. But to realize right, that, you know,
information is, is, is very powerful. You know,
when they say knowledge is power, information is light, I feel like, uh,
I feel like that's why I'm always going after it. I'm,
I feel like I'm poor in spirit, you know, there's so much information in and,
and, and light and information, I wanna know more. But there are all these, um,
incredible stories of inner earth, and that is incredible,
right? The a Garth the story in general, um,
that's, it's in the sin of the earth.
And basically the legend is it is an advanced race of giants,
and you can enter in different places in Peru and the Pyramid Giza.
And it's this inner, inner place with, you know,
oftentimes shamba seems to be the capital. Um,
shambala means the peace, happiness.
This is a legend of the Tibetan Buddhist, uh, in the Himalayas. They,
you know, believed it was highly developed, uh, people,
high spiritual technologies and understandings, um, beyond what we have today.
Um, it sounds like in the beginning of the legend of Shambala,
that it was a physical place that you could do.
And over time it seemed like that it became a higher dimensional place
that kind of disappeared.
But legend would always say that it would reappear again. Um,
and I think that's really important to know too. Um, and we'll go,
we'll get to that in a little bit later.
But another place inside the earth was Shangrila, right? The,
the fountain of Youth. And then even under,
even here in America, we talk about teos. Have you guys ever heard of that?
Are Lemurian and they say to be underneath the, uh,
Mount Shasta, there seems to be an inner city under there. Um, again,
you know, I even went to Mount Shasta myself to even try to, you know,
begin to find places like that because I'm so intrigued cuz I,
I don't wanna be a person who just sits here and says things.
I want to be someone who actually goes out and tries to find the truth myself
too. But, um, that's important, you know, to always,
to always go out there and try to,
try to discover more and not just be complacent with your own beliefs.
I am constantly evolving, constantly changing my belief systems,
but I certainly do believe this is something that is true,
something that is real.
That there are cave systems all over the world that are super deep. Um,
and I've talked about giants before and, and other talks, uh,
even in here in America,
as we talk about the red haired giants that come with caves.
And they're still seen today and many giants are still seen coming out of cave
systems and stuff. So it's really important. But, you know, like I said,
here's Shamala in this picture here. Uh, and again, you know,
it's this incredibly beautiful high technology city with high
spiritual, um, aptitude for the people that living in there. Um,
and, you know, maybe it is in a higher dimension now, you know, maybe,
maybe we
have to at least come to the conclusion that not everything is physical, right?
Um, I think it's important to say that. Let me, let me before I go to,
to a big hypothesis here and blow your guys' minds. Hopefully. Let's,
let's talk about the prophecy at least for a second. Um, in this event,
prophecy, uh,
a future where humans have deteriorated from materialism and surface,
people have become united under an evil king at this time.
Shambala is to rise from hiding.
And the 32nd ruler of Shalah will ignite a war employing powerful,
magical weapons to kill the evil king and his forces ushering in an era of
lasting peace between people. Now,
that doesn't sound like some other stories from other cultures that we know of,
you know, uh, you probably haven't read enough because certainly sounds,
um, it's very similar to many other stories that we have heard about over time.
So that's, that's important. You know,
we've got these incredibly similar stories about these times in the past that
happened, always, always saying, Hey, these things will happen again.
And inside the inside, you know, uh, the inner earth,
they tell all kinds of stories, different kinds of people,
different kinds of ships, huge, large vegetation, mushrooms, trees,
um, dinosaurs that live in the inner earth will e mammo that live in the earth.
You know,
plants all kinds of things that no longer exist on the surface as much.
But I do believe that there are large trees and vegetation and then plants
and trees and, and animals, obviously, that no longer exists on our planet.
You know,
one of the things that I think there's two possibilities when we talk about some
of the dinosaurs and stuff that are still seen,
the thunderbirds of the Americas are still seen when people still see tactiles
today. Uh, michaele and Bibe in Africa,
which is just like a smaller type brono arus, um, lake, uh,
Champaign has champ nessi. Um, we,
there are still dinosaurs that are seen on this planet all the time. Now,
I think some of those are portals where dinosaurs come through and they're seen
for just a small amount of time before they no longer exist because they don't
exist in our timeline anymore. So they kind of like dematerialize, if you will.
I think that's a huge possibility.
Or another possibility is they do come out of the cave system sometimes,
and we do see them, um, either or. I,
I kind of tend to go towards the portal route,
and especially for Nessie and Champ and those kind of things. Um,
Lockness has always been a high place of high spiritual vibration for things
like that to happen. But, um, certainly I do believe that there are,
um, still dinosaurs that exist on this planet that live inside our inner earth.
So what a magical place, you know, inside, uh, our planet.
How crazy is that, that there could be, uh,
a planet with our planet having civilizations, people,
technologies beyond what we have today in, you know,
these people live in a very harmonious way that we no longer live. And,
and it sounds like we probably did at some point live in this Garden of Eden,
but as of right now, our planet is very different from that.
But we seemingly are living in this time of great purification.
and that is the big idea that I wanna share with you guys
So there are lots of stories and lots of books about the Inner Earth and I
suggestion know, go read and check 'em all out for yourself. That's, you know,
super important. Um, you know, I,
I don't want anybody to believe anything that I say, you know,
I'm just simply someone who's doing some research and finding some pretty
incredible things,
and I feel like it's incredible enough to share with you guys. But, um,
the thing that I feel like is the most important thing to share about this
subject is the Native American, uh,
tales, legacies, um, stories that are passed down from their people.
And, you know, the Hopi in particular is one I really wanna share.
So this is a picture of the four Corners, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah,
and Arizona. Um,
and you see the Navajo Reservation Nation and the Hopi Reservation. Um,
this area is, has a lot of, of,
of story about what the Hopi called the ant people.
And the Hopi means peaceful person, just so you know.
And that kind of really goes along with Shamba being a place of peace and
happiness, right?
The word for aunt and Hopi is Anu
in the Bible, au was the leader of the giants.
The word for friend and Hopi is Nachi.
So Annu Nachi is aunt friend,
so their aunt friends who helped them during a cataclysm.
So they had at least two cataclysms in the past, fire and ice.
And when these things happened, they took their people down underneath into the,
into the earth in these incredible, uh, civilizations that they had.
They gave them food, they took care of them as these cataclysms happened.
And then, you know, once they were over, that's what I hope we say, their,
their people emerged from the earth and that's when they restarted civilization.
The mass extinctions, the cataclysms, the,
the dels, the flood,
all kinds of stories like this all around the world of the Earth having,
I think the best word for it is the purification that you know,
the people on the planet at some point, you know,
the planet has a purified itself. Every, you know, most days, most of us,
we wash our hands, we take a shower, we wash off and kill. How many,
you know, billions of bacteria off our hands. And do we care?
Those are living organisms. No,
we're purifying ourselves to clean ourselves so we can eat or, you know,
go on with our day at some point.
The plan is a living being herself who's conscious and aware.
She has to purify herself too, so that she can make it, you know, long term. Um,
and I think that's really important to see it as that,
not to see it as some devastation, terrible thing,
but the planet has to purify itself.
And so if there's a race of,
of beings who are able to live inside the earth and be a little more safer and a
little bit more harmonious with each other, and they bring in people,
this is an idea I'm very drawn to. Now, not only is this the only place,
like I said, I told you Mount Shasta and you know,
the Native Americans in Florida and different places throughout our country and
all over the world, again,
there are civilizations that talk about the people that brought them underneath
to be safe, um, from these cataclysms. Um,
so that's, that's important. So I i, I can't even,
I can't even tell you how drawn I am to this area right now and just wanting to
go down there with my family just to explore caves and caverns. And, um,
one of the things I definitely believe in is if you are,
if you have that inner child alive inside of yourself,
that's the number one key. An open heart. If you have, remember all the, the,
the movies, Indiana Jones and everything else, and, and you know, it's,
I know it's just a movie, right? But subconsciously these movies,
usually who finds the treasure, who finds these important artifacts?
It's the guy with the pure heart. You know, even in Indiana Jones,
the Nazis gotta go get Indiana Jones to go find the girl for him,
find artifacts cuz he's the one with the pure heart and he wants to put it in a
museum for all to see, and everybody, but they wanna use it for themselves.
That's the kind of person I believe when you watch these Atlantis movies and
stories that we have to be like,
we have to be like that child that's not doing it for pure power and pleasure.
You're doing it to help your family to survive and to thrive and to find out who
you really are. Um, one of the, you know, so, so the Hopi, again,
these are these peaceful people who live out there. They've,
they've gone on inside. And even when you see like a lot of their, you know,
outfits and things that they wear and the dances that they do,
a lot of them have these really crazy people that they're dressed up to be.
Some of these people, you know, versions of the, of the,
the entities that live within our earth, maybe so, I don't know. But it certain,
it certainly seems that they have an odd array of different kinds of beings that
they dress up to be and do these dances and stuff.
And the pictures of the aunt people that they have,
they're usually much bigger than the normal person. Um,
they usually have these weird antenna on them and everything, but, you know,
these Native Americans, they didn't draw things. They didn't see,
they didn't draw weird stuff.
They always draw the animals and the people and plants and the things that they
saw. And so when they describe these ant people, you know,
and they tell 'em, and they tell you about people that bring them down in there.
This to me is what's happening on our planet today. It's,
it is no coincidence that we are where we are.
There's an intention to this planet,
to the people who believe that they rule it and wanna rule it by fear.
And that's just an illusion, right? It's an illusion of,
of something that's projected because we're afraid.
So we create this illusion of what the world is and what it looks like.
But certainly if we remove ourselves from being completely terrified of what's
gonna happen to us and being in fight or flight mode all the time,
and we start to live in love, we can start to see the bigger picture,
the broader picture. And this is a, um,
this is a purification time of our planet that's super important and we can make
it through, you know, all everything I've read says you can make it through,
but you have to be someone who two ways, you know,
you have to be on the path to, to harmony, to harmony, to love,
not to money and power,
and people who are obsessed with those kind of things and don't think get
through to this new world, you know what I mean?
It's the people who care about each other who wanna live on the land and be in
the community, work with each other and those kinds of things.
That's what's super important here. That's what's sustaining right,
is people who, who want to get together and do things together. Nowadays,
we're so disconnected, you know, I have, you know, talking about barbering,
I have nothing to offer. We don't have anything to offer.
We don't have a lot of vegetables and fruits and food,
and we don't know how to make clothes anymore. Um, you know,
even what our, you know, our grandparents knew,
they knew so much more than how to make preserves. Most people learn,
know how to make a preserve to,
to save something for a long time without refrigeration. Um,
and so we have to get back to the necessities of life,
of learning how to make these things. Learning how to live with each other,
learning how to co-op with each other. It's so important. Um,
so again, I, I 100% believe that it is more than possible and,
and highly likely that there are civilizations that live in the earth.
There's no reason why so many cultures in so many continents should have
similar stories about beings who live in the earth. I mean,
even in Columbus's diary, uh, he's in the mu trigon,
near the Baha near Bahamas and Puerto Rico, right? And he sees a ship,
a light that flies out of the water and and into the sky in his time.
There should be nothing like that.
And Puerto Rico is supposed to be one of the number one places for like USOs
unidentified submerge objects. So, um, there is just, you know, I,
I'll be honest,
I believe that there are civilizations underneath the water as well. I mean, we,
we think that we know it all, and we're so smart, and we, and,
and just because we have tall buildings and cars and we're so civilized,
you guys, we are not,
there have been people on this planet that have been much more attuned and
harmonious to this planet and knowing much more tire technologies than we do.
We can't even build the pyramids in the precision that they were built.
We can't even build coral castle in Florida with the precision that a guy with
who was five feet tall and a hundred pounds, uh, built it, you know? Um,
because he had those secrets and he knew, he knew how to,
he had levitate blocks. Um, so here's, here's the big deal.
Here's the big idea. I think if we're in a purification process,
if we are in the end of this call, if the end of Pisces,
and we're moving into the age of Aquarius, right?
Then it's time, it's time to get your heart right.
It's time to get your life right.
It's time to get your spiritual body in place because that's
what's gonna get you to the next world. Um,
I believe this is a graduation period that we have reincarnated on this planet
over and over and over and over and over again to get to this point,
to take all the knowledge, all the information that you've gathered up.
If you win someone to gather up money and hoard money and,
and power and those of things, it's not gonna get you there. And so you,
you probably feel really poor right now,
but if you've been someone to gather of spirituality, gather of information, um,
connection, things like that, and this life, it probably feels like for you.
So many things are bleeding through so many lifetimes are bleeding through so
many remembering and downloads of all the things that you've,
that you've learned throughout these many, many lifetimes.
Because we are coming to this time, this incredible purification time where,
uh, you know, big things are gonna happen. And, and, and you know,
when a mother gives birth and, and there's pain and there's,
and there's agony and there's screaming and,
and there's a lot of stuff that goes on,
but there we don't see it as like this total devastation thing because there's
gonna be, you know, screaming and pain. We, we look to the end result,
which is a child is gonna be born. That's what I believe is more happening.
A new evolution of human beings on this planet, maybe homologous, I don't know.
But at least a way, when we look at evolution,
we see all of a sudden spontaneously, uh,
hoons that are different. Chrom, magnum, manic man, um, homo sapiens,
they're different people, right?
There's no millions of years evolving in from one to the other.
There's this and there's this.
I believe that we're coming to a time when evolution will take,
will take place spontaneously.
And those living in higher dimensional frequencies, uh,
will be able to encompass this frequency to,
to blossom into the,
the gods and the goddesses that we really are knowing that. And so here,
I wanna, I wanna say something here to,
to hopefully blow everyone's minds because many people will tell me, Jacob,
there's no way, there's no way that, that people live inside the planet.
There's no way there's civilizations inside the planet. You know what I mean?
Um, I think most of the people listen to this right now,
watching this on YouTube are, um, ascension works.
Television would probably assume that we have chakras, right?
I'm not even gonna assume it at this point. We, we, we know, we, we have, uh,
energy systems in the body, right?
Seven main seven main energy centers and many, many,
many multiple centers on top of that. And,
and with the seven main energy centers,
we should have nerve endings that end up at these points in the heart and in our
throat. And, and when they come together, the,
it's a lot of nerve endings in those places and in the gut and everything else.
If you were to die today and people were to cut you open,
no one would be able to pull out a chakra. Nowhere,
right? It, it's a spiritual idea.
Does it exist? A hundred percent.
But it's not something physically tangible that you can hold.
So regardless of whether these civilizations are
so physical, they can be touched and they can be drilled into and, and
intangible, maybe they're not.
Maybe shamala is in a higher frequency, higher dimensional frequency. Now,
maybe it is something that only those with the attuned eyes,
with the attuned hearts can see only those people who actually
believe it can see it. Um,
I do believe believing is seeing and not seeing is believing in my heart. I,
I believe many things that now that I can see, um,
although it's not the other way around, but that's,
that's my convincing argument.
You can't cut a chaker out of your brain. You can't, what about a thought?
We know that our brain is, there's tons of thoughts in there, right?
We all know we have many thoughts going on,
but you are never gonna find a place where you can pet it open and dissect and
find a thought. It's never gonna be in there. You're never gonna find that.
But you know, the brain has thoughts in it.
So I'm saying at the very least at the,
at that there has to be at least a higher dimensional frequency
within our earth that harbors higher dimensional beings that
are able to use those spaces for their own, for their own civilizations.
And at least some individuals, uh,
from Admir Bird to the Hopi, to Egyptians, to the Mays,
all talk about going within the earth to find, um,
to find them. And certain cer obviously not everyone who goes in there does,
but certainly some people have, and they come back and tell us these stories.
That's where I find so much incredible, honest, right?
Because it's absolute honest that something like this would exist,
that this could be in a higher dimensional frequency. And one of the things,
another argument for this is this.
I believe that in my spiritual journey,
that I have gone within myself enough to find treasures
untold, to find out who I really am,
what I'm really made out of my reincarnation stories that have kind of come to
me and bled through into this life. There's a vast amount of, you know,
what people could call consciousness are the kingdom of heaven.
The kingdom of heaven is within all of us.
And if you are able to see that kingdom of heaven within you,
then certainly if you know mother Earth is alive,
that there's a kingdom of heaven within her as well. That's where I'm,
that's what completely convinces me because I'm a microcosm of the earth
and I've found my inner worlds.
And I know there's more that I even have to discover beyond where I'm at right
now. So if, if there are inner worlds inside of me,
then there certainly are inner worlds inside of our earth. And you know,
just because you know,
you have a heart and a liver and lungs and you can cut those things out in
they're physical,
doesn't mean that you don't have chakras or you don't have thoughts or you don't
have love. Certainly love is something that comes from your heart,
but you can't, it's not tangible and you can hug someone and you can feel it,
but you can't show it to someone. I mean, you know, in a tangible way.
Um, that's the thing that makes this, this, these kind of discussions argument.
If you haven't,
if you're a person who hasn't really discovered the inner worlds of yourself,
the kingdom of heaven within you, if you haven't,
at least just touched on it a little bit,
I agree with you that those things don't exist because you're never gonna find
it, you're never gonna see it,
and you can't believe it cuz you can't imagine it in your mind. And what a,
what an incredible thing imagination is I magi nation
the place inside all of us were magicians in magi. That is super important,
right? To realize I have to be able to imagine it, to create it. That's where,
that's where it's created, is in my imagination.
So I just want to thank you guys tonight for being here with me,
for being on such a cool topic.
I think this is something that's super important and, you know,
let's not label things conspiracy theories,
but let's be open to different topics. Let's try out new things.
Let's be open to having a discussion on, and, and, you know,
instead of just shutting down a conversation because it doesn't make sense to
you right away, there are a lot of things that don't make sense in this world,
but I certainly want to have a conversation and a discussion with people, um,
just to find out, you know, hey, let's talk about it. Let's,
let's get there because there could be an incredible paradise inside of our
planet and they may be able to show us how to create a,
the paradise back into our surface part of the planet.
And that's what I'm interested in because I do believe the paradise on this
planet, you know, is this isn't just in it, but it's on it as well.
It's inside of us. It's everywhere. And we have just gone astray from that.
We don't see it anymore and we see, you know,
the world and the way people want us to see it.
But certainly when I'm in my everyday life,
I'm with hanging out with people and I,
I see the love and I see the beauty and I see the incredible parts of it.
So I know that paradise still exists and I,
and I think that's what I strive for.
And so it's stories like this that help me believe that paradise on this planet
still exists inside on and everywhere. Um,
and that's what's super important. So thank you guys for joining me tonight.
I'm incredibly thankful each and every time, uh,
we come here and we get to talk about these cool subjects. Um,
I certainly am thankful for everyone who comes and spends their time. And,
you know, again, thank you guys for joining me. Um,
for all of you who are watching on Central Works Live TV right now,
I can't wait to talk to you about this subject afterwards. Um, and
I, I wanna reach out some more people like say, Hey, come join us.
Come be a part of these conversations because I feel like so many people are
isolated and feel all alone.
And just to know for sure that there are people like you who believe that
the, there's more good out there to believe that the world's a beautiful place.
Turn your television off. Turn the programming off, programming off,
and let's brainwash ourselves and wash out all the gunk and all the old programs
and, and create a new world that works for everyone. So again,
thank you guys all for being here.
I'm incredibly grateful to have this platform to talk to you guys on. Um, and,
um, and I can't wait for more. So thank you guys.
My divine God understanding of myself, my,
my godlike nature sees and recognizes your, your god, your goddess,
your divine that you are. And I'm so thankful for it.
People: Jacob Cox
Topics: Inner Earth, Mystery School, Spirituality
I believe that sound and forces we are not aware of sculpt the earth and the whole universe.Have you ever seen the sand vibrating on a tray with sound waves making and sorting the sand , well Imagine those forces in 3 dimensions. Plus you have centrifugal forces as well. Just the fact that the poles are a no fly zone’s makes me suspicious , I mean why not fly the shortest route and who decides things like that anyway.I’m a believer It makes the most sense. The Tibetans are supposed to protect an entrance to Agatha. All the best Jacob
Love it!
Many Secrets have been kept from the people of this world, Cryptids around the World is a Big Secret that the Secret Black Ops. Military Gov. keeps from us Taxpayers. I saw my first Bigfoot in 1972 while Deer Hunting on Miss. River Levy in Arkansas Delta, it looked just like the Patty Bigfoot seen in CA in 1967-it was about 8 ft. tall and as Big as a Outhouse, possible 800 lbs.. I research the Cryptid World which includes Bigfoot, Dogman and Werewolves–they all exist right now–Genesis 6-the Nephilim. According to a recently retired Black Ops. Swat Soldier who has to Hunt Down and Kill Rogue Cryptids, every state in America and Canada has these Cryptids. The Secret Gov. started Breeding and Training the Dogman Creatures back in the late 50’s–a Super Soldier Project that has went on for over 60 years, they have recently Closed this Black Project. The Werewolf creatures are still being used in Drug Induced Counties–handled by CIA Operatives. Supposedly 2 Werewolves can Take Our-Kill a Whole Squadron of Drug Lord Soldiers, these Werewolves are very Intelligent and can speak Fluent English thus they are taken care very well even tho they are Brainwashed to Obey their Handlers. Many Black Ops. Secrets in this world that we live in–Exploration of Deep Space is just another Dark Secret…
I do believe in the Inner Earth as there are Many Deep Underground Military Bases spread around America–some 31 of them 25 years ago. I was eating at a small restaurant about 20 years ago talking to the owner whom I was friends with, we were discussing these Deep Military Tunnels and a Long Haul Trucker setting close to us overheard our discussing subject, he said I have been in several of these Deep Tunnels, I forgot what he was Hauling but he said that he had Driven over 50 miles into one out in Arizona best I remember. He said that he had to Show ID and Follow a certain Paint Colored Road and a Destination No. to Drop his Load, when he got to Destination-someone with a Fork Lift was waiting to Pickup Load, he could see Deep Large Rooms off side of Truck where Load was Taken, He was not Allowed to get out of Cab. He said no Telling how many of these Deep Tunnels Exist in America. So it is easy for me to believe in a Hollow Earth especially at Earth’s Poles like Admiral Byrd has written about in several books…
Thank you Jacob 🙂 this is wonderful. My dad used to tell me about Admiral Byrd and inner Earth, years ago. He died in 1997, but I found that Byrd book he had and kept it. He even built his version of the planet with the poles open. Everyone called him a kook but he was able to keep my mind open and always questioning. I appreciate your show, I’m sorry I missed the live feed. Now I’m the kook, lol,bi live with my son’s family and I don’t find the space to watch what I want.
Thank also for speaking on the silly earth theory lol..
Much love 🙂
Agree with you Jacob…we really do need to get back to nature…..we have lost our connection to our beautiful Earth. Power and money is never going to be the right way to go … love is the only way. I too believe in frequencies. There is inner earth people and under the ocean and many people know this but it’s been
kept from us because of power, greed and Agendas. Thanks for your great Mystery School:)
Please let us know about your findings at the Four Corners! I believe the Ant People will be visible to us soon. I am practicing looking at insects and feeling love so I will be used to loving insects as a normal reaction when I meet the Ant People. I have hundreds of photos of petroglyphs to further explore the meaning
Thanks Jacob. People need to know.
Great info – thank you!
Thank you for watching!! One Love! ✌️❤️🌎🌈🙏