Mystery School: Inner Earth with Jacob

Mystery School with Jacob Cox

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Inner Earth with Jacob

Next Episode: Mystery School: Torus


  1. I believe that sound and forces we are not aware of sculpt the earth and the whole universe.Have you ever seen the sand vibrating on a tray with sound waves making and sorting the sand , well Imagine those forces in 3 dimensions. Plus you have centrifugal forces as well. Just the fact that the poles are a no fly zone’s makes me suspicious , I mean why not fly the shortest route and who decides things like that anyway.I’m a believer It makes the most sense. The Tibetans are supposed to protect an entrance to Agatha. All the best Jacob

  2. Many Secrets have been kept from the people of this world, Cryptids around the World is a Big Secret that the Secret Black Ops. Military Gov. keeps from us Taxpayers. I saw my first Bigfoot in 1972 while Deer Hunting on Miss. River Levy in Arkansas Delta, it looked just like the Patty Bigfoot seen in CA in 1967-it was about 8 ft. tall and as Big as a Outhouse, possible 800 lbs.. I research the Cryptid World which includes Bigfoot, Dogman and Werewolves–they all exist right now–Genesis 6-the Nephilim. According to a recently retired Black Ops. Swat Soldier who has to Hunt Down and Kill Rogue Cryptids, every state in America and Canada has these Cryptids. The Secret Gov. started Breeding and Training the Dogman Creatures back in the late 50’s–a Super Soldier Project that has went on for over 60 years, they have recently Closed this Black Project. The Werewolf creatures are still being used in Drug Induced Counties–handled by CIA Operatives. Supposedly 2 Werewolves can Take Our-Kill a Whole Squadron of Drug Lord Soldiers, these Werewolves are very Intelligent and can speak Fluent English thus they are taken care very well even tho they are Brainwashed to Obey their Handlers. Many Black Ops. Secrets in this world that we live in–Exploration of Deep Space is just another Dark Secret…

  3. I do believe in the Inner Earth as there are Many Deep Underground Military Bases spread around America–some 31 of them 25 years ago. I was eating at a small restaurant about 20 years ago talking to the owner whom I was friends with, we were discussing these Deep Military Tunnels and a Long Haul Trucker setting close to us overheard our discussing subject, he said I have been in several of these Deep Tunnels, I forgot what he was Hauling but he said that he had Driven over 50 miles into one out in Arizona best I remember. He said that he had to Show ID and Follow a certain Paint Colored Road and a Destination No. to Drop his Load, when he got to Destination-someone with a Fork Lift was waiting to Pickup Load, he could see Deep Large Rooms off side of Truck where Load was Taken, He was not Allowed to get out of Cab. He said no Telling how many of these Deep Tunnels Exist in America. So it is easy for me to believe in a Hollow Earth especially at Earth’s Poles like Admiral Byrd has written about in several books…

  4. Thank you Jacob 🙂 this is wonderful. My dad used to tell me about Admiral Byrd and inner Earth, years ago. He died in 1997, but I found that Byrd book he had and kept it. He even built his version of the planet with the poles open. Everyone called him a kook but he was able to keep my mind open and always questioning. I appreciate your show, I’m sorry I missed the live feed. Now I’m the kook, lol,bi live with my son’s family and I don’t find the space to watch what I want.
    Thank also for speaking on the silly earth theory lol..
    Much love 🙂

  5. Agree with you Jacob…we really do need to get back to nature…..we have lost our connection to our beautiful Earth. Power and money is never going to be the right way to go … love is the only way. I too believe in frequencies. There is inner earth people and under the ocean and many people know this but it’s been
    kept from us because of power, greed and Agendas. Thanks for your great Mystery School:)

  6. Please let us know about your findings at the Four Corners! I believe the Ant People will be visible to us soon. I am practicing looking at insects and feeling love so I will be used to loving insects as a normal reaction when I meet the Ant People. I have hundreds of photos of petroglyphs to further explore the meaning

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