Mystery School: Cryptozoology
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Original Date: Sep 06, 2023
Original Date: Sep 06, 2023
Mystery School with Jacob Cox

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Cryptozoology
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Next Episode: Mystery School: Aliens - A Fresh Perspective
If you guys want to take a couple deep breaths with me,
and so we're all present here in this moment, this time,
and just know that even though we're doing something fun,
talking about cryptids, we are really raising the consciousness of the world,
talking about things that need to be talked about,
growing and learning together, becoming one,
sharing valuable information with each other,
and know that it doesn't just stay within our minds,
but permeates throughout the universe all around our world.
And help us see conversations be easier for others who are willing to wake up
and be here now
and take back this planet that we've been gifted. Hi,
and welcome to another mystery school edition.
Our topic tonight is cryptozoology. It is one of my all time favorite subjects.
I am absolutely thrilled to talk about it with you guys tonight. Um,
something I have been totally enthralled with for as long as I remember,
probably as a little kid I can remember, um,
being in school and talking about the Lochness monster and Sasquatch and all the
other things. And, you know,
they didn't really give too much other than these were fake things. Uh,
I definitely wanted to talk about 'em more.
And my whole life I felt like I wanted to talk about these subjects that have
been really taboo and almost laughable, uh,
to so to some people or even sometimes most people. Um,
but now after doing my own research and looking at things with a fine tuned
tooth comb and, and really going through all the data and leaving no,
no rocks unturned, no information unseen, and giving it my full,
um, attention,
I have come to some really big realizations that I'm sure some of you guys out
there have come to a lot of your own realizations too,
about many of the cryptids. Uh, I'm super excited tonight to talk about 'em. Um,
the first one in general is my all time favorite and probably the staple
of Cryptics in general. And so that's why I chose it to be first.
So if we could go ahead and start that slideshow again.
Cryptozoology one of my favorite topics, and we will only scratch the surface,
um, to the cryptics tonight. I I probably got seven or eight,
something like that. Um, there are dozens and dozens, if not hundreds of,
of cryptos out there, um, to talk about. And when I, when I,
first of all, when I talk about cryptozoology,
I'm talking about a science to study undocumented unclassified animals,
um, sometimes legendary or maybe even extinct animals. Um,
and, uh, you know, something like the Bigfoot Lochness monster, Chupa, Chabra,
Yetis, uh, Michaela and Bibe, we're gonna talk about a few of those tonight.
But we're talking about things that aren't on, aren't in the science books yet.
People see them and have seen them for hundreds or sometimes thousands of years.
And I think it's, it's,
it's due diligence that we need to do on these animals just to give them a good,
you know, check it out. Let's see if it's not real, totally fine,
that's totally fine. But if it is real, then it means something really big.
And we need to open our minds to everything is not every,
everything that we've been taught in school,
everything that's in a couple of science books that you've read in middle school
and high school, but that the universe is more spectacular.
It's more incredible than each of us can possibly imagine.
And that is super exciting to me. So first and foremost,
number one to me is the Sasquatch. By far, probably, like I said again,
the staple of, uh, the crypto, the cryptozoology and cryptids.
it is something that has been seen all over the world for as long as humans have
been on this planet, I'm sure.
And it's something that I think is really important to dive into,
to understand what is it, and not just totally dismiss it and laugh it off,
give it its due diligence. Let's talk about it and let's do it tonight.
So in native cultures,
they have totem poles with these gorilla type beings on them.
They're plain as day. And this one, this is in, um, British Columbia,
the, um, Vancouver Island. I've stood right here in front of this, this, uh,
picture in this totem pole. Um,
this is probably basically what they would account as a mother holding or
holding her child. And pretty cool. I mean,
there have been people who have seen, you know,
sasquatches that have their children on their backs or on their,
on their fronts. And then they go up to a tree and, and then that,
that little baby jumps up on the tree and,
and runs around in the tree like a monkey. Uh,
the big ones don't seem to do that anymore.
They're too big to be up in those trees, but the babies de definitely do.
And they're definitely videos of that.
They're experiences and stories people tell about that,
and I think that's pretty incredible. Um, another one, they,
they have actual masks that are Sasquatch. And, um,
and this one's pretty cool because he is,
he's kind of looks like he's making that whoop sound with his mouth. Um,
there's no doubt, you know, that's what you have to, to,
to your mouth has to look like, um, to even make that sound.
And that's what people say, you know, Sasquatch are doing,
they're whooping and they're extremely loud,
just like monkeys or gorillas would do over p you know,
vast distances so they can contact and, you know, talk to the other ones. Um,
and they're very loud. They can, um, you know, Sasquatch is,
have been documented, uh,
vocal making vocalizations that are higher than the average person can make,
lower than the average person can make.
And simultaneously making high and low sounds at the same time,
which I think is absolutely incredible.
There's no human beings that can do things like that. And, um,
so their vocal range is much higher than ours.
And they even have Native Americans even have, you know,
paintings and drawings and caves of what is obviously not human. Um,
this one right here, you know, you can tell the,
it's much thicker and broader at the waist. It looks like it has lines on it,
like it has hair. And, uh, these are definitely different.
They're people in this picture, but it's definitely different from people. Uh,
and it's pretty obvious that, you know,
they're drawing things that they saw that they know about,
that they wanna make people aware of. And they're,
even Native Americans are even carving heads, you know,
monkey type heads can gorilla type heads.
And one thing about North America is we don't have any monkeys.
We don't have any gorillas. Um, interesting fact though,
if the Pacific Northwest, which is a, basically a rainforest,
if it doesn't harbor Sasquatch,
it's the only rainforest in the world that doesn't harbor its own natural
primate. So it just makes sense that there has to be, uh, there should be,
you know, primates like that in, in the wilderness up there.
But all over the world, we have these incredible stories, not just in America,
but everywhere. Um, pretty much everywhere except for Antarctica.
There's no cultures down there. But, um, you know, the Yeti, um, you know,
let's go through the names. The Sasquatch, the wood booger, the boogeyman,
the Ruga roo, the Yeti, the urine, the Ywe Orang pen deck,
the almost the Snowman. Um,
there are probably hundreds of names for Sasquatches around the world.
You know, each little area that, that they're seeing, you know,
because it has its own language, its own culture, have different names.
You know, just in Russia alone, there's several names besides Jeti, um,
for Snowman or, you know,
gorilla type upright walking hominids. Um,
which is probably more like Neanderthals Chm, Magna Man, paleolithic Men.
And that's basically, I believe what we're talking about,
if we want to get deep for a second. I think we're discussing
natural occurring hominids that,
or organically growing on the planet, evolving on the planet.
And in my own personal opinion, opinion, I believe that, um,
aliens from other planets, uh,
especially Nibiru and Anki came down.
They were mining their gold. They came in contact with, um,
you know, they needed help. And they came in contact with the,
the national current hominids that were on the planet. And they said, okay,
well let's mix our d n A with theirs and create homo sapiens. And when they did,
they can use those homo sapiens to help them mine the gold and bring it back to
their planet. And that's exactly what I think happened.
That's exactly what I believe.
And I feel like in my past lives that I've actually experienced, um,
I believe that I was, uh, someone of a Sasquatch, uh, family and I was caught.
And they used my d n a to help create humans. Not that I was the only one,
I think there was multiple ones. Um,
it just so happens that my partner's name is Lulu.
And, um, I always ask her like, why, why do you have that nickname?
Your name is not even anywhere close to that? And she said, I don't know.
My parents call me that, my family calls me that, uh, best friends.
And it's just something that's very, um, very prevalent.
And everybody she knows, especially people she grew up with. And,
but nobody has any reason why. So I, you know,
done a lot of studying with Sumerian tablets and, uh, legends.
And one day I saw a video come up and I'd had to watch it. And, um,
who was explaining that very fact that they did take these hominids and mix
their d n a, but once they mixed the d n a,
they had to put that being into a woman to be birthed.
And they called that woman the Lulu. And when I saw that, I just, you know,
hair stood up on my, on my arms and all over my body. And I was like, wow,
that's, that's pretty incredible. That's a, you know, I was searching for the,
the meaning of this nickname and, and all of a sudden, you know,
asking the universe to give it to me. And then here it was.
So that's pretty incredible. Um, that's just my personal story, my connection.
I've always been very, you know, called and,
and enamored by these beings and, and the look in their faces and, and,
and something that resonated really highly for me. And, um,
and so my whole life,
I feel like I've just been really intrigued in these creatures and in these
animals, um, because it is, it's a, it's a, they're animals and we're animals,
and I would say they're the wild people. And we're the domesticated people.
They're the wild, naturally occurring organic humans.
And we always wanna be organic and clean and natural. And these are the,
these are those kind of people. These people, um,
they don't care about your religion or your light beer or your politics.
They care about each other taking care of each other.
And that's their main priority, I do believe is,
is taking care of everybody in the tribe, everybody in the family. Um,
and everybody has different roles and things they do to, for their own survival.
And, um, you know, that's, that's what's going on. And, you know,
there are males, there are females, there's babies, there's whole populations,
there's white ones and orange ones, and black ones, different colors,
different sizes. Um, you know, in different locations they have,
you know, some that are much bigger, and then some are smaller.
Like a earlier when I was talking about the Iran Pandic,
'cause there's much smaller, um, three foot tall,
but still muscular and gorilla, like walking upright and having,
you know, superior, um, information, uh,
or superior computing skills. I mean, they're just incredibly smart,
intelligent, connected to nature to the universe,
and probably on average, much more connected than we are.
They even have elongated skulls. Um,
and probably harbor a much larger brain than the average human. I mean,
the NALs definitely had a much larger brain than the average human does. Now,
um, to say to, to say that caveman or NALs were not as intelligent,
we were is is just as polonious. It's,
there's nothing that really could support that. I mean,
just because they don't drive around in cars and have tall buildings,
that doesn't mean they're not, you know, intelligent. And I mean, if that's,
that's our marker for intelligence, you know,
it's almost a cancerous one because it means it's the bigger the buildings,
the bigger the houses, the bigger the cars, then the,
the more intelligent and more smarter and more civilized.
But that's just can't be true.
It has to be people who are much more connected to nature,
much more connected to Mother Earth and that have a much more higher
understanding of the universe. And I, and I definitely believe that, and I, the,
these, these animals are built to be in the woods.
They're built to walk in that rough terrain and have that hair on their bodies.
And we've been disconnected, you know,
and it's hard for us to believe in the wild people when we are
so domesticated. And, um, we're so domesticated.
We live on concrete and,
and we don't really go out in the woods for long periods of time where we have
to bring lots of stuff with us to get there. And, um, you know, to,
to live in that environment for a long time where these animals are just living
completely off the land and they're not, for the most part,
it looks like they're not using any fires and they're not leaving any traces of
themselves typically, other than footprints. And I mean,
that seems to be a hard concept for many people to understand,
is that they can only leave footprints. They don't leave, uh,
trash and garbage and, you know what I mean, tents and pole. I mean,
they're literally just so connected to the planet that they don't even need
those things. Just like a, you know, a very organic, natural, um, animal,
wild animal that would be, so these to me are wild people.
But that doesn't mean, like I said, less,
they're wild and free and more connected than we are.
And I think that's really inspiring to be more like them,
to be more connected to each other and not care about these other things that
many of us usually seem to be caring about.
But it's funny because if, if they're the wild people,
and we are, you know, these, uh,
domesticated altered humans, then,
then we've done exactly to the nature what was done to us.
And we've taken wolves and created dogs.
We've taken wildcats and created domesticated cats,
and we're domesticating animals instead of them being wild and free,
just like we, exactly what's been done to us, we're doing to the animals.
And not only that, we're taking wild animals and putting 'em in zoos and cages,
and so we can look at 'em and check 'em out. But, you know, people,
a lot of times people don't believe in Sasquatch 'cause you can't go see it at a
zoo. But there are a lot of stories of people catching them,
people having in carnivals,
and I'll talk about some of those a little bit later.
But there are stories of them being caught and, and, and, um,
uh, not say domesticated,
but definitely at least captured and kept for some periods of time.
One of those stories is in Georgia, the country near Russia,
where they did catch a female Sasquatch. They put her in a hole,
they left her in there, you know,
until she basically gave up her wildness and then they kept her in a cage.
I do know that they eventually would give her wine to drink and she would drink
so much wine that she would get drunk.
And then some of the neighboring village people would go in there and guys would
actually, supposedly have sex with her and she would have children,
and she would take those children down to the river and, um,
get 'em in the river. If it was so cold, it usually killed 'em.
So eventually they would take those babies from her before she did that.
And she did birth several babies, and some of these people were bigger hairier.
Um, and there's a record of these people actually,
and somebody going in and doing d n a testing and showing that they did have
neandertal d n a in them, which a small portion of humans definitely do. It's,
that's an obvious thing that Neandertals and homo sapiens have. Um,
you know, um, had sex and created offspring. And like I said,
a lot a portion of our,
of homo sapiens do have d n a and of Neandertals in them. So, and they,
the people that they tested definitely had that.
And some of 'em had weird abilities, like they could, you know,
a little bit stronger, a little bit more hair, a little less neck. Um,
and um, that's, that's the story.
And there's several stories of people having caught these things sometimes,
sometimes when take 'em around the circuses or carnivals or whatever. And, um,
so it's not, somebody says, we've never seen one, we never caught one.
Maybe you've never seen one, maybe you never heard a story.
But there are hundreds of stories, uh, throughout the ages of people seeing 'em,
documented people from Daniel Boone to people nowadays.
And as you just can't cut it off and say, well,
I've never seen it so it's not real. Or I've never seen one in a zoo. You know,
just because you haven't seen something in a zoo doesn't mean that it doesn't
exist. Um,
but definitely these incredible beings are all around the globe and
usually covered in hair.
They're bigger bones that harbors the bigger muscles for them. So even,
you know, a five or six or seven foot tall Sasquatch, and, you know,
we have people that tall,
but these things are gonna be much stronger than any person because their bones
are stronger, uh, and that, and more dense. And that way they are able to, um,
be stronger as well. And harbor large muscles. Um, and again,
they're walking around the forest all day, you know,
they're not sitting on their couch and you know,
they're exercising and they're moving around and they're probably walking vast
distances, um, all the time.
Here's a picture of that rain panic I was talking about earlier. Indonesia,
three foot tall, you know, some of 'em times they do see 'em in trees,
but definitely usually more in groups when we see these guys. And, um,
they're pretty, you know, they're just smaller, uh, Sasquatch type of people.
They definitely live in the woods and, you know, very organic, very natural, um,
uh, no fires or anything like that. And they are, you know,
supernatural in some aspects. And that's what we're talking about.
We're talking about animals that are supernatural.
They are beyond what we can do. And we think, you know,
we're so advanced and we're so evolved and we can do all these things and we
understand so much. But I really believe if, you know,
let's say half of people believe it,
and half people don't believe in these animals.
All of their people believe in us. They know that we exist.
And that's probably one of the first things that they're told us.
There's humans out there. We want you to see 'em, we want you to interact.
And they watch us, but they rarely let us see them, you know, like ninjas.
They're just in the brush and they can move in and out so quickly
and so fast and so quietly. And they have incredible abilities.
I've, for what I've read and the things that I've studied,
I do believe that they can mimic any animal in the forest. And again,
I think they're supernatural interdimensional. They can move, uh,
from dimension, dimension.
There's sometimes people say they shoot at 'em and they just disappear in a
flash of light, and they're gone.
But they are physical and they do leave a trace.
One of the things that the biggest things that they leave is footprints.
And a cool thing about footprints is whether it's a human or a gorilla
or an a, we all have dermal ridges. It's the same thing as your fingerprint,
the little ridges on your fingerprint that make you unique.
But everybody has similar,
all homo sapiens have similar to classify you as a homo sapien as opposed to,
you know, chimpanzees or gorillas have, um,
dermal ridges on their fingerprints as well. But, um, they,
they have some that are that show that they're chimpanzees,
that show that they're gorillas.
Why we have ones that are only associated with humans,
but each one is different. Same thing with your feet.
You have dermal ridges on your feet,
and their dermal ridges are different than hu Homo sapien, uh,
dermal ridges. And one of the things that's cool, you see these toes on here,
in this picture, is that the toes are really spread out.
This seems to happen a lot, even for homo uh,
homo homo sapiens walk around the woods without shoes on all day,
your your toes will spread out like that. And, um,
so it's just one of the things,
like if somebody's going around putting footprints in there,
how are they getting dermal ridges on there that show animals that have prints
on them that should not be something that someone could just make up.
And then in the al caves, they have footprints of this is, you know,
NAL paintings and stuff on there.
And of course then they have these footprints and they, they look like sass,
wash footprints. They look like flat feet, you know, wider toes. Um,
and, um, they don't look homosapien like they look much flatter.
And that brings us to Patty, the Roger Gimlin film. 1967.
He goes out to make a video, make a movie about Sasquatch, and he finds one,
and this is a female Sasquatch, which, you know, again, this,
this video's never been debunked 'cause people said that they were person in
the, in the, in the film, but no one's ever produced a, um,
the costume. Of course,
there is no person that's gonna produce a costume 'cause they don't think there
is one. When you watch Patty,
as they call her in this movie, that's a few seconds long,
you watch her breast bounce up and down, you see, uh,
she has a herniated herniated disc in her leg that pops as she walks.
Um, her gait is different than a human. Uh, she turns and looks,
and you can see the, the hair on her side is much, you know,
less and shorter than what's around her whole body. Um, this is,
this is the suit. This is the most incredible suit. I mean, there,
this is the time when they're making Planet of the Apes. So there's nothing,
this is way beyond anything probably that we're making today. Again, with the,
with the breast bouncing up and down as she walks. Um,
this is an absolutely incredible, when you see her arm, she looks muscular.
You can see her muscles ripping in her body as she walks.
And her muscles are a little bit different than the homo sapien muscles. Um,
this is an incredible video. It's probably one of the best of all time.
It's incredible that he got it in 67 and, and as good as he did.
And I think we need to look at this with fresh eyes and not be so skeptical.
I'm not saying look at everything, be like, oh, that definitely is one.
We shouldn't look at anything so skeptical that we can't see the truth either.
Look at it for what it is, look at for what it's worth, um,
and keep going and don't stop there and connect the dots.
But this is one of the best ones.
This video is absolutely incredible when you really take a second and look at
And the arms are way down next to her knees as those crow magnum men neandertals
are, because they're much more primate like than we are.
Much more gorilla like in that way that, you know, and ours are much shorter.
Again, we've been manipulated. We don't have, um, the hair on our bodies yet.
We have to wear clothes 'cause we get cold.
We don't have the vocalizations that these com these animals can make.
We don't have the muscles that these things have. And, um,
we just can't cut it naturally as these animals do.
And a lot of people are counting on that.
A lot of people are counting that we're gonna be domesticated folks that need us
need water sent to them and electricity sense to them because we're so helpless
and we're so, you know,
domesticated that we need all these things're little babies in the world,
you know? But these are the masters, the masters of life,
the masters of the world. Uh, they don't need your life. They don't,
they don't need your religion. They don't need your light beer,
they don't need your politics. They're like, we got, we got everything.
We don't need anything from you guys.
That's the ultimate badass as far as I'm concerned.
Anybody who's completely independent on themselves without any, you know,
suckling off the government. Like they're awesome.
This is exactly why they probably don't want you to know about these animals
more than anything. Plus, we would have to protect large areas of wilderness,
which we cut down all the time.
And there's an artist rendering of what Patty looked like, a drawing, uh,
of what they thought should probably look like closeup. And it just, it looks,
yes, it's got that, that gorilla type look in it. When you look in the eyes,
it looks, you know, like it's got intelligent,
it looks super intelligent and smart and all the things. And
we need to open up our eyes just a little bit and realize that, um,
these animals are incredible.
They are probably well more advanced than we are. I mean, a lot of,
lot of times people see 'em getting in and off, in and out of spaceships when,
you know, lights in the sky happen. They come down. People say they see sass,
watchess get in and out of spacecraft. I mean, star Wars is not a, you know,
crazy sci-fi movie. It's pretty much a documentary. You know,
chewy is the main character,
and they definitely get in and out of those of those craft.
And there's just so many stories.
I could go on and on for hours and hours about just stories about, uh, you know,
people catching them. I mean, this is the Iceman,
which went around in the carnival,
and he got shot with a shotgun just under his arm. And so they froze him.
They take 'em around the, the, the carnivals and the circuses,
and people look at 'em.
And one thing that's hard when you have like wax dummies and stuff is to do
And you stick hair and then you have to pull it out and just keep doing that to
create all the hair on the body. Well, it creates a little hole in,
in the body apparently when you do that.
And so it's pretty easy to tell when something's fake.
'cause you're gonna see all the holes from the hair.
This animal didn't have that. It looked like it had been shot by a gun.
No one could debunk it, and then all of a sudden,
just one day just completely disappears.
So there are stories of people who have caught live ones, people that have,
uh, shot them and displayed them, and they're, they're taken out,
they're taken away. Um, once it's too much, they,
people get rid of those things. And I don't know if they pay somebody off,
if they steal it, whatever, but they're just gone. Uh, another one,
there was another circus where someone had a juvenile and they took it around,
and eventually it sounds like it got away on a train ride to one of the next
cities. And that to me is just, you know, wild that they,
somebody had a juvenile Sasquatch taken around from circuses and back in like
Barnum Bailey's day, right? In the circuses and stuff, they,
they loved that unique, raw, weird stuff.
And so that's the things that they displayed. And, um,
that's what got people excited to come check 'em out.
And so that was one of the things that, you know, places and,
and events like that definitely loved.
And so this,
this is a picture of what I consider probably to be some of the best modern day
pictures. Todd stand in Canada. He takes pictures of Sasquatches,
and he is in Canada right now trying to advocate for the protection of the
species, which I think is great. Uh,
I don't think anybody should be shooting or killing them or, you know,
doing anything to harm these animals. So I, I really,
really look up to him what he is doing. But he's a, he's a woodsman man.
He's out there and he's taken incredible pictures,
and I do believe what he's taken is real. Um, he gets scrutinized a lot,
but I, I, I definitely think that what he's showing is, is real.
And he's showing not just pictures,
but real time video images with these animals. And they're incredibly still,
and, you know, so still to be still for like a long time,
and you can just barely see 'em, blink their eyes sometimes, but they're there.
And that is the secret to being a wild animal. When you go out to wild animal,
animals can be super still and quiet,
and that is their advantage when you can't, they could be standing just 10,
20 feet in front of you and you can't even see 'em. Um,
I've seen bighorn sheeps like that up in the mountains, um, deer, elk.
And it's like sometimes when they're in their element and they're quiet and
they're, look, they, you can't even tell that they're there. Um, and that is,
I think, one of the things that they're do.
They can almost become literally the environment I that,
one of my favorite sayings and quotes is when you stare into the abyss and
eventually you realize the abyss stares back, um, they're staring at you.
They're, and they're there and they're watching,
and they're literally becoming like their environment. Um,
and I think this is a juvenile one. Um, I think this is just a juvenile.
You can see the black eyes, it's nocturnal. Um, they usually come out at night.
This is obviously a daytime picture,
but they're mostly out at night and they have black eyes, um,
except usually at night. Usually at night, people say they see red glowing eyes,
um, and they have eyes shine. So with us,
we have to shine a flashlight on ours or any other animal to get those lights
or, you know, kind of red eyes that come out.
Sasquatch is like two lit lanterns for eyeballs when they're looking around at
night. And I do believe that's because even, you know,
in the Bible says Christ would come back with red glowing eyes.
And I think for the most part, these animals live in the Christ consciousness.
They're very advanced, and they're able to see in the dark as well,
or better than we can see during the daytime. And that fire,
that light that's in their eyes, is their, their fire is built up,
their passion, their compassion, their love,
their fire in their bodies is built up such a high level and such a pure level
that they can literally use that as a, you know,
supernatural power to be able to see in the dark. Like, again,
better than I think that we can see, um, during the daytime.
And so when you look at pictures like this, you're like, wow, man, that is,
if that is fake, that is a super incredible picture. Um,
here's one of what's called the swamp paper in Florida,
where a woman had reported seeing, uh, you know,
seeing this animal doing things to her house and finally gets a good picture of
it. They see the eyes shining out there.
It's almost got this like really sinister grin on there, you know, looking,
but the, the swamp aps are a little bit smaller,
usually five to six feet longer, hair smell terrible. Um,
they're not the big ones that we see in other places. Again,
different places have different sizes, different environments that they like,
that they enjoy. The swamp ape is definitely a smaller, uh, crypted.
And then here's a trail cam of what looks like a Sasquatch bend over to pick
something up. Again,
you can see the kind of thinness of the hair in certain places.
And if it's a suit, it's a really good suit. It's a great suit, um,
when you can see the thin hair and, um, you know, and,
and see some of the muscles and things like that. Um, and in the Bible,
there have been many, many ins of, of hairy men,
giant monsters that have been in,
in those stories and all kinds of other cultures around the world.
It is something that is in almost every culture that we see. Um, you know,
again, there are certain places where things are not seen, like Hawaii,
nobody ever sees a Sasquatch in Hawaii. And that, that kind of breaks the,
the thought that, okay, people are hallucinating. If they're hallucinating,
how come they don't see 'em in Hawaii? If they're hallucinating,
they should be hallucinating in every place all around the globe and see the
same thing, at least some point everywhere.
But they only see 'em in certain places, especially high precipitation,
especially different times of the year, I believe. Um,
kind of October to March is our best time to see a Sasquatch,
because that's when things are really cold.
They're probably down a little bit in elevation to find food. And, uh,
as opposed to in the summertime, they're much higher and we're not up there. So,
um, there shouldn't be, uh, coincidences like that,
or just findings of certain data that
consistently happens across the board for sightings.
If it's just something that's fake,
then there should be just random data everywhere. But everywhere we look,
it's just data that says, you know, precipitation times of the month. I mean,
it's just times of the year. Sorry. Um, well,
we're gonna see these things more often than not. And again, the Yeti is one,
and, and, you know, different environments, you know, seems like the,
some of the one live up in colder environments have longer hair than some of the
ones in, uh, America. Um, but always similar, you know,
big muscles, hairy animals. Um, and there's just, I mean,
and people say, you know, besides, you know, dermoids and stuff,
there's there d n a evidence. Heck yeah, there's d n a evidence,
there's literally hair and sca that's been found, that's been analyzed.
D n a evidence that comes back with a primate. That's not human,
that's not any gorilla or anything on the planet. There's literally,
d n a evidence suggests that there's an unclassified animal. 100%.
We were to take it to court today and say,
here's d n a evidence of an animal that's not classified.
Someone saw a Sasquatch before this, they saw 'em run into this tree.
This is the hair off that tree. You'd have to, you'd have to say 100%, like,
that's it, case closed, it's over. Um, there's literally d n a evidence,
there's vocalizations of, of,
of that are done that can't be done by any other animal.
Um, and there's just so many stories. Um, we just have to get over,
you know, I haven't seen it, so I can't believe it. I mean,
believing is seeing not the other way around. You have to, it's like,
really look at the information and ask the universe to give you the breadcrumbs
to line up, gimme the truth, whatever it is.
But I can promise you there are much more incredible things going on on this
planet than anybody's ever told us much more. And this is Jeff Meldrum,
who is one of the leading Sasquatch researchers. And this is just a fake,
basically, uh,
Sasquatch skeleton that he made just to show something that's eight feet tall
and big. And I think it's just a cool picture. It's not a real skeleton,
but just to show you what something like this look like with the hands all the
way down, big hands, the big bones, big heads, and what something like that,
you know, what it would look like close up.
And I think these things are monsters. And you know, anybody says, you know,
how come there's not, there's a lot of great videos out there,
but if somebody saw an eight or a nine foot tall monster gorilla man out there,
I'm, you know, most folks are not looking for their phone.
You're not looking for, uh, how can I get this? I mean,
some people describe the growl as an elephant and a lion and tiger
all at one time. And, you know, these things are scary.
And before people even see 'em or smell 'em, a lot of people report that the,
all the hair on their bodies is standing straight up on 'em and they're
terrified and they get out of there before they even see or hear or smell
anything, which, you know,
just goes to show you like you are kind of wired to be afraid
of this thing. You know, just like I hear,
I heard Joe Rogan one time talking about, I was on a dog, went to a dog park,
and somebody brought a wolf out there. And most of these dogs,
I've never ever seen a wolf, no one's ever told a dog about a wolf.
But as soon as a wolf steps out there, all the dogs run away,
and their tails go under under, they go under them, and they're terrified.
You know what I mean? They innately know that's the wild guy,
and he will kill us. And he just, you know, he's the one to fear.
He's that powerful. He's that strong. Um, even wolfs that, you know,
they're not a hundred percent, I think most people don only have 90, 95%,
but when they come out on the dock part, most of the other dogs know,
and they run away scared, even the little ones to the big ones.
And here's just some AI renderings of Sasquatch.
People I thought were cool to share,
walking through the woods with those big arms, big legs, big chest. And, um,
you know, it's, it's cool because a lot of them, people do say they look alike,
they look monkey like. But to be honest,
there are a lot of people who say there are some that looked more as human as
they could look, um, that they were, you know,
really human-Like they had humoral human-like faces. And, um,
that's definitely the thing that people notice is that some look more ape-like
some look more human-like, some have a little bit more longer hair,
some have less hair. They vary from, you know,
from area to area and sightings that people have. You know,
just like people vary with,
vary in skin color and hair color and height and width and, and all the things.
So, you know, and then Asian people look different than Caucasians and,
you know, every and everybody else. So in the, in the,
in the huge greatness of diversity that we as humans, homo sapiens have,
they have that same diversity in, in the Sasquatch. People I do believe in,
in their family, uh, and their species, um, which is their,
which is their strength, you know, to have smaller ones and big ones. And, and,
you know, just as the way, same thing is for us,
it is our greatest strength to have diversity. But some reports,
again, like some of the places in Russia where they have, uh, um, Yetis,
some people say, dude, that thing looked like a caveman.
It looked like a Neanderthal. And,
and so those are the differences that we see sometimes with, um,
the Sasquatches and Yetis. And, and there are differences.
And they're not all the same. They're not all this brown or black, you know,
big looking men. Some of them are women and some of are females,
and some of them are younger juveniles and, and,
and smaller monkey looking animals that are, you know, smaller babies and stuff.
But they do grow up to be these really large, uh,
sometimes 10 feet or more sometimes, you know,
I've heard 13, 14, 15 feet. I think there are,
there are beings out there on this planet that are 15 or 20,
probably even more larger than that. That is my opinion, I believe.
But I do believe there are some highly high dimensional beings that are very
humongous on this planet. And, um, you know,
people have seen some that are 10 feet plus and reports of huge,
huge wild men. But again,
just because they're wild people doesn't mean that they are any less
intelligent. I think they're much more intelligent, much more connected.
There's a lot of evidence to support these guys and, and females. And,
um, you know, it's one of the most incredible things.
And if we can just open our mind to this mystery alone, it helps you realize,
the reason I use this one as much for the,
for the information is because there is so much good information.
D n a evidence, dermal ridges, um, you know, the vocalizations, um,
the, the places that they make, the pictures, the videos, the legends,
the stories, um, there's so much good evidence on this one.
It helps to see the other ones that don't have as good evidence that they can be
real too. If there's 8, 9, 10 feet tall hominids on this planet,
that's incredible. You know, people are always saying,
I wonder if we're alone in this universe, dude, we're not alone on this planet.
There's a lot of things, a lot of crazy things. We'll get into some more.
But anyway,
Sasquatch is the guardian of the forest can mimic all the animals.
He's, you know, incredibly in tune. And, um, I believe the animals love them.
And, you know, they do eat other animals, of course,
but not more than they need just in balance with nature.
And they are super spiritually connected interdimensional type beings that are
far beyond what we can do. What, what? We can do those things. We just don't,
most of us don't believe it. We don't know it.
I think there are human beings on this planet that are interdimensional and
magical and can do much more than what, uh, you've been told, uh,
is possible. So that's the first one I wanna,
I wanted to just let you guys know the crypted, um, one of my favorite ones,
Sasquatch people. It's incredibly amazing. And, um,
the reason why I use it is because there's so much good evidence.
So what we can go to something like this, the next one, the mermaid sirens,
and know that if the Sasquatch people are real and there's so much good
evidence, is, you know, there's not as much good evidence on a mermaid.
But certainly I do believe that mermaids do exist.
And there are cave drawings. Probably most of us have seen that.
I think it's a mockumentary on animal planet.
One of the biggest one things they've ever showed the most views.
And they say it's fake, and that's totally fine. Um,
but there are some good infinite information on there where there are cave
drawings of mermaids, uh, around the world.
And I think that's something to take for what it's worth,
that why would somebody spend so much time drawing these things if it wasn't
real? Why would there be so many legends around the world?
I mean, mermaids day back to ancient Babylon, um,
deities like anon and Triton and Hindus,
worship mermaid goddesses and natives,
famous explorers like Henry Hudson have all reported seeing, uh,
mermaids. And that is pretty cool. I mean,
the Philistines and other people in the Bible worship the dag on the half man,
half fish guy, you know? And, um,
there's just so much good information on these creatures that
explorers and people have seen them for long periods of time.
And for us to just dismiss it and say, oh, no, that's just not real. You know,
give it its due diligence. Look it up. Go look up some information.
Go look at all around the world,
these incredible drawings and paintings and people spending, you know,
their time to draw these things and to, you know,
kind of leave a memory for us to remember, Hey, don't forget guys, don't forget.
No matter what they do to us, don't forget the crypta.
Don't forget the wild people. Don't forget where you came from,
who we really are, the magic inside of us, the power that we all possess.
Don't forget that stuff, you know? And then people did put those things in, in,
uh, painting stuff, or hopefully, I think for us too, to remember. Um,
and there are a lot of good info. There's a lot of good information about it.
Um, in 1493, um,
this guy saw Columbus saw three mermaids near Dominican Republican, uh,
Dominican Republic that he saw. Uh, I think that's an incredible story.
And there was this one guy, um, in,
oh, where was it? Um,
I got it written down somewhere, but I can't find it. Anyway, one guy who said,
he captured one, I believe, and it was in India,
and he drew this a picture similar to this one with a mermaid,
a female mermaid with a long tail. Uh,
it said in his story that the mermaid then refused to eat.
And after a couple days she died, I thought that was pretty cool,
that even a wild animal, even if it was caught, it's not gonna,
I'm not gonna stay your pet. I'm not gonna live in your cage. Um,
I think that's pretty incredible. There have been, you know, uh, d**o,
that's the, you know, the, the half man, half fish, God from the Bible,
Philistines, and other people worshiped him. Um, this one was,
this picture was from Hawaii, and a guy that they,
there's a legend of my mermaid there. Um, he sees that he takes pictures of it.
Over 10 other people in 1998 saw this,
this mermaid and all saw it the same thing. They, he let people look at his,
his pictures and nobody could debunk it. Um, you know, just a cool story,
whether it's sure or not. I mean, nobody could debunk his pictures.
And one of the cool things about, you know, these,
these mermaids is usually they're very, sometimes very attractive.
Sometimes they're not.
Sometimes they seem to be really positive and and beautiful,
and sometimes they're not. And I think, you know, that's fine.
Good days and bad days.
And if you're a wild animal that doesn't want to be seen,
doesn't wanna be caught, and you somebody sees you,
sometimes it's probably good to stir up a little fear in them.
So they'll leave you alone. They'll stay their distance.
I think the Sasquatch people do the same thing, you know, don't come in my,
in my land, don't come in my territory, and I'm gonna scare these people out.
Don't, you know, don't try to bother me and I'm in my, my living room, my,
my place that I'm living. Um,
and I think sometimes these mermaids maybe do the same thing.
Sometimes they're legends of certain ones that are
more scarier than others, and, um, and some that are, you know,
more benevolent and nice and, and, and beautiful.
Sometimes people say they see 'em, they look so beautiful,
look more beautiful than any person that they could ever see. Um,
and there are mermaids just like, uh,
I told you some other stories where they're literally taken around in exhibits
and shown for a couple years the Fiji mermaid,
and then all of a sudden it's gone. It just disappears,
like what happened to it?
And there are these kind of stories of around Alaska and the Arctic where you
have these, um, let's say,
it's hard to say. Um, um,
I think that's how you say it. Anyway, this is a kind of a, a female,
two legged, one tail mermaid, um,
which is a little different than some of the stories that we've heard before.
But there are kind of two legged tailed mermaids,
and she kind of has this bag and they say, if you get too close,
kids get too close, she will take kids and eat 'em.
And that's how she stays living forever, is eating kids.
And so they tell the story to their kids to keep 'em away and keep 'em,
you know, um, aware to be aware. And this is a story of,
of people who see this thing today, some not too long. A couple years ago,
some guy and his girlfriend, he's out in the water off the coast of Alaska.
He gets pulled under, his girlfriend sees a green tail and a green foot. And,
you know, he was like, I can't explain what pulled me under. So, um,
there are incredible stories today of, in,
of animals and mermaids and mermaid and,
and things that have, do,
have feet and legs and tails that still at least live in the water and look
drastically different from regular homo sapiens. Um, but yeah, I mean,
they're doing incredible things. They're,
they're swimming and keeping up with dolphins, and they're turning into seals,
and they're turning,
sometimes they turn into people like the story of a little mermaid,
where they actually do turn into people. And when they do turn to people,
they do look so beautiful that, you know,
they're irresistible to some folks. Um, it's,
people have even taken videos in ess of Mexico,
of mermaids swimming in the cenotes. Um, and again, they're magical.
Sometimes they're a little bit eish. Um, and again, they may be, they're just,
they may be trying to scare people. Um,
some people have claimed to ca to catch 'em. And, and, and like I said,
there are a lot of stories.
So what I think is really important in talking about all this is there's no
tangible evidence that you can show somebody. I mean,
you can only say that video isn't real or that legend is just a story.
But when you add 'em all up across the board from ancient Babylon to now,
people are still seeing 'em today. I, what I believe is,
is that people's imaginations were much more incredible and vast in the past.
And as we become older or, or, you know,
as we've come through the ages and we're more programmed and,
and told what to think more and stay in the domesticated side of things and
don't really see the wild part of the, of our imagination,
the depths of reality,
we're scared to think that those things are real and just don't even give it any
time of day to even really consider it.
But there are incredible stories that have lasted throughout the ages and still
and people are enamored with it because I think deep down in our subconscious,
we know that those things are real. We absolutely know it. And it,
and that's why kids love it. They love stuff like that.
They love magical creatures like unicorns and dinosaurs
and all those kind of things. Um, upon looking at a unicorn,
there are things that I do a little research on,
and I didn't know about unicorns. And really, honestly,
for the most part,
a lot of the legends talk about unicorns not being this big beautiful stallion,
white stallion, but different colors. Um, sometimes goat or,
you know, like a j*****s type smaller, you know, goat beards kind of long,
almost like lion tails with little, little fizz on the,
on the fuzz on the bottom bottom of it. But you know, more goaty,
like more small. Um, and, you know,
not these big beautiful stallions sometimes, but always again, with the horn.
And, um, you know, they symbolize purity and grace,
and sometimes they have split hooves and goat beards and, um,
they're always described as extremely wild woodland creatures. Um, they are,
they are pure. And some,
a lot of times they say they can only be captured by a virgin.
And I think that necessarily means that somebody who has to have someone who's
never had sex, but someone who's really pure in their mind and thoughts,
someone who is a Christ or a Buddha or a Christianna who, uh,
has mastered that and discipline and, and not, you know,
desiring people and, and lusting over people, you know,
that kind of purity I think they were talking about. But that's what they say,
you know, only they can only be captured by a virgin.
So a lot of the painting stuff that you see will be these beautiful, um,
young women who, that these things are sitting with. Um, but they are,
you know, they're throughout history,
just like every other story I'm telling you guys over and over again.
And not only do they have legends, but one of the cool things is, you know,
people said, if, if you got a horn, you know,
that was like a magic wand and it could purify poison water and it could
heal sicknesses, and it could do all these crazy things and, you know,
different parts of the animal if you'd eat 'em, could make you live forever.
And all these incredible stories. And I think that's quite a thing too, to say,
you know, if you got part of these animals, you know, then these,
these magical things would happen for you. And I think that's a pretty,
pretty cool part of the story is not just that, uh, there's stories, but like,
parts of the animal would do different things. So are they just, uh,
making these things totally up or is there some truth to these stories? And, um,
and one of the things is in the Hebrew Bible, and people say there's no,
there's no unicorns in the Bible. Not the word unicorn,
but the word re is in the Hebrew Bible,
and it's mentioned nine times and is translated as unicorn, sometimes rhino,
but unicorn for sure, and is,
is best known as it's best known that it really is something that is in
those stories. But names have been changed.
There's so many things written in Greek and Hebrew and Aramaic.
And so you can't just say, well, it's not in there. It,
there are actually people that say that, yes, reim is a unicorn name,
and it is in the Bible, and they're known all around the world. Again,
symbol in Scotland, unicorn is believed to be the natural enemy of the lion.
And so their emblems are on, um, you know, their crests and stuff like that.
And they're just stories and legends and tales throughout history
of these incredible creatures. And, and that's where we have to, again,
we have to say, oh, man, are these, these stories?
Are these these things that are just made up and they're on
Babylonian seals and, you know, and, and, and stories everywhere?
And we just, we just can't say that these things are not real. Um,
too many legends, too many stories. Uh,
it's just an incredible thing to me personally.
If we think about reality as this multidimensional high, you know,
high points and low points, and everywhere in between,
these animals live in these higher dimensions. I mean,
and it's not to say that how did these things evolve?
We have to figure out how they evolve so we can know how they exist.
Like now to get off of that,
realize that it doesn't matter how they came evolved. I mean,
it could be literally an enlightened horse for all we know.
It'd be like the Buddha of a horse or the Christ horse, you know what I mean?
Who cares? But at the end of the day, this is a magical creature who is,
is is far beyond, you know, probably the average human being. Uh,
it's intellect, it's spirituality.
And probably some of us have literally been unicorns.
And then as the fall from grace of these incredibly divine creatures,
we fall to humans. And,
and we go through that kind of dark period to learn the contrast,
to become beautiful spiritual beings again, but these animals, um,
all over the place, all over the cultures. Um,
and one of the things that was pretty cool, I realized they had split hooves.
And like I said, it's just not,
they're more kind of God-like sometimes than these big,
beautiful white unicorns that we see today.
But maybe they've evolved into that now, I don't know. And this is a, um,
kind of mosaic from 1213, um, and ravina, uh,
of a unicorn. So they're just,
they're absolutely everywhere and throughout history,
but one of the pictures that I saw that really kind of grabbed me,
grabbed my attention was this picture.
And this was this trapped unicorn and a fence. And, and, and that's it,
right? The minute we see something magical, something incredible,
we want to cage it. We wanna lock it up, we wanna hold it, we wanna obtain it.
And no wonder these incredible,
these incredible spiritual animals don't want us, don't want to be caught.
They don't wanna be caged, they don't wanna be found.
So they become more elusive. They, they don't let us see 'em as much anymore.
And you know, it's, and our imaginations have dwindled to that of nothing.
And so we can't imagine that these things still exist,
so we're not gonna see 'em, you know what I mean?
We have to start to open our pineal gland again.
We have to start realizing that these higher dimensional creatures
are all around us. There's angels all around us.
There's incredible things all around us all the time.
We're just not seeing it with our eyes.
I think we start to fill it with our heart first,
and then we can really start to open up and we can start to kind of meld into
the ether of all that is available to us. But certainly,
I think now in this time of, in history, our evolution is speeding up.
Our imaginations are turning back on,
and we are gonna start seeing these creatures,
but you're not gonna see 'em probably in your living room. You, you know,
I've heard people say they've been in, you know,
big nice houses in forests and stuff where they saw a Sasquatch walk through.
'cause they can walk through a house if they want to. Uh, not physically,
but like Interdimensionally. Um, and I've experienced something similar to that.
But they, you know, we have to be open.
We have to change our mind. We have to change the way we think.
And everything that we're told is in these little books. It's not, but you know,
again, if we're gonna lock everything up and cage it,
then those things don't wanna be caged.
They're gonna be wild and free and they're gonna run from us. So,
moving on. Unicorns super awesome and there are a lot of creatures that,
that we find sometimes cryptics that have one horn, which is pretty cool.
We'll talk about another one later. But here's one I wanna move to really quick.
I don't have a lot on this one 'cause it's kind of like a new one. Um, and,
and there's not a lot of information on it,
but it's one of my favorites and it's super weird. And, you know,
pictures that I'm showing are not gonna do it. Sadly,
it's pixelated for some reason on the version that came through to my computer.
Oh yeah, I can't even see it. Um, so yeah,
basically what we got here is like a little compass. Um,
it looks like a compass walking around.
And what people are calling these things are night crawlers.
They're first seen in Fresno,
so sometimes people are calling them Fresno Night crawlers. Um,
sometimes in Yosemite. But one of the first documented times,
I think it was in 2007, this guy's dog is barking. He puts a security camera up.
He wants to catch some kind of, you know, weird animal or a person or something.
He catches this weird thing walking in a way that looks like a compass and it's
bending its knees and it doesn't have a body or arms just head and legs.
And so they take this video and then there's another video that comes out in
Yosemite where there's two of 'em. There's a bigger one,
a small one looks like a mom or a dad and a baby.
And they're walking and they're walking with their body back and their legs
forward and they're bending in a gate. That's, again,
it's really be tough to do, I think since far someone to make it up.
So that TV show factor fake, you know, picks it up.
They try to discredit the video, they can't do it.
They try to remake the video themselves and they can't remake it. Um,
so they can't prove it was fake. Um, and, you know,
have to say like they think it's a real video and they don't know what it is.
Well, pretty cool. And I think that was pretty neat just in itself.
And I've watched a lot of videos on it,
but one thing most videos don't really talk about is that the native people in
that area, in Yosemite and stuff have literally built, you know, these, um,
statues showing these night crawler people who they say,
some of 'em say are extraterrestrials from a kind of a swampy, boggy planet.
That's why they can walk the way they do and, and, and, and walk around better.
But these are like highly spiritually animals that help us awaken and,
and help us get connected to nature that they are from our planet.
Whether they are from another planet or not.
I think's absolutely awesome that there are these creatures found.
And there are a couple other places where people have seen similar stuff,
but for the most part,
these white walking compass looking guys legs in the head, um,
mostly seen in the California area from Fresno and Yosemite. Very,
very cool, very neat. Um, like I said,
you don't see that very many other places has been some stuff kind of close.
But you know, again, they say this is a creature that is here to connect us.
It's here to help us wake up. It's here to get us connected back to nature.
And I think that's super cool. And they almost kind of, there's no, you know,
reports of them being angry or mean or ferocious or anything like that.
You know, I would love to see one of these things in the wild. Uh,
I think you're talking about something that may look as crazy as something from
Alice in Wonderland,
from your wildest imagination and maybe something that's really cool, you know,
and something that is kind of benign and,
and beautiful and wonderful as a unicorn or something.
Just not crypted that we normally see.
It's something I just wanted to throw out there 'cause I thought it would be
fun. I thought you guys would enjoy it. But that brings me to the next crypted,
which is probably one of our most famous cryptos of all time.
Nessie. You guys all know Nessie,
probably some lesser ones that you probably don't know about.
It would be Champ from Lake Champaign and Ogo Pogo are
two similar creatures where they are said to be like plesiosaur type
creatures. You know, sadly, that that last picture, the surgeon picture,
they say after overtime has been, uh, something that's fake. And it probably is.
You know, I don't show you pictures that make you believe things,
but the legend is true. You know, the legend,
the legend holds for a long time.
And lochness in that area around it has always been a high, uh,
energy place where lots of incredible things have happened. And, um,
I think that's something to know is a lot of times we see these places,
they see these cryptos in places that are high,
significant kind of holy places or holy ground or, um,
you know, vortex places. And, you know,
things are a little bit easier to pop in and out of.
And that's one of the things I do believe is I don't believe personally that
there is a family of, of,
of Plegia swords that have survived millions of years. I,
I do believe actually that, you know, in the inner earth,
the dinosaurs are very prevalent and um, you know,
they come in and outta cave systems and stuff and vortexes and portals. Uh,
and that's why sometimes we don't see them for very long periods of time.
You see 'em, few people see 'em, and then they're gone.
They dematerialize maybe they don't belong here, they don't want to be here,
they don't want to be seen. And they go back to where they came from, um,
either through portals or de de dematerializing.
Just like if someone was to go through the, you need a triangle.
I think if people disappear in there,
they go to a time and a place that they're not supposed to exist and they
dematerialize and then, you know,
it sounds kind of sucks, but you know, you die. You,
you reborn. You do something over, you learn something, whatever.
It's just an experience. Keep going. Don't get stuck on the death part.
Death is birth. So anyways,
I don't believe that there's a family of plesiosaurs out there that,
that live in these areas. And Lake Champaign and Loch Ness,
I believe that they do come through portals and, uh, inner earth sometimes.
And they're here for a short amount of time. Um, this is champ.
This is one of the best pictures of all time I think,
of what we call the Plegia.
So she said this thing rose like about six feet above the ground out of its
head, and the body was, you know, like eight,
eight to 10 feet or something like that. Um, so pretty big animal overall,
great picture that she took. Nobody can debunk it. Um, some people say it's log,
whatever, definitely, you know,
just that neck alone doesn't look log like to me could be.
But this lady said her family, her, her husband, and her kids,
and they all saw it for five or six minutes,
she snapped this picture and said she wouldn't even have told the story had she
not had the picture.
And I think a lot of people who probably see these things don't tell the stories
of sasquatches and mermaids and lochness because who's gonna believe you?
You know, people are gonna call you crazy. Um,
and it's just not worth it sometimes. And you might tell your closest friends,
but a lot of these stories in these sightings probably never get out.
So what we have are hundreds or, you know, thousands could be much, much,
much more throughout history of these incredible documentations of these
sightings. Um, but yeah, a lot of these people, they go back.
I mean, even Lake Champaign, uh,
1609 Samuel de De Champlain said he saw eight to 10 feet
with scales and double rows of teeth. And, you know, that's what he claimed.
And, and so since the lake has been named for this explorer guy,
they've literally,
people have seen it and sometimes sightings up to 25 or 30 feet,
almost capsizing boats, numerous witnesses. Um,
one lady even said that she found in Lake Champaign, uh, echo location,
which is only done by like whales and dolphins. And she,
she shows this echo location and she says,
this thing is highly intelligent and you know,
there's no whales and no dolphins in Lake Champaign.
So what is making these echo locations? Um,
it is just fascinating stuff. And like I said, one thing is good,
but when you have coincidence or you know,
coincidence after over and over and over again, or anomaly,
anomaly after and over again, over again, you have to ask yourself eventually,
like, you know, one or two is one thing and it just keeps happening. Um,
you have to, you know, have to, like, maybe, maybe there's something to this.
And I mean, I didn't,
I learned this in the little bit of study that I did on these things.
And the 40 to 60 degrees north lines of latitude,
40 to 60 degrees north lines of latitude in the northern hemisphere is like the
lake monster belt.
So that little belt across the planet is where we see almost all
the lake monsters.
Like this temperature is like the best place or this area or this line, I think.
and that goes along with kind of like the grid and the lay lines of the planet.
There's certain places we're gonna see certain things,
and that's certainly where we see these incredible lake monsters are
sea dragons or whatever you want to call 'em,
but they seem to be on this, you know, this line across the planet that's, um,
pretty obvious for people to see. Water horses, I guess some people call 'em.
Um, all I know is I would absolutely love to see this. Um,
I think it would be incredible. Uh, I, I, you know, it's just,
it makes me realize, you know,
the universe is so much more incredible than we could possibly imagine.
And I'm thankful right now saying this,
that we don't have this really bland, you know,
unimaginable universe. It's, there's, everything's possible.
All things are out there.
Everything that you can imagine and and beyond that is out there.
And that's a cool part, you know, of the,
of this universe is that there are so many incredible things,
and we're not even talking about the tip of the iceberg here.
There's so many other cool things.
And that brings us to the Thunderbird, um, legend, which is,
you know, again, another one of my favorites, uh,
talk about mostly in the southwest here in America,
but it definitely stretches north of that. Um, the Thunderbird,
is frequently depicted in art songs and oral histories of many Pacific
Northwest coast cultures,
but is also found in various forms among some people of the American southwest
East coast of the United States. Great Lakes and Great Plains. Um,
one of the coolest stories that I heard about, um,
and sometimes people say they look like giant birds,
and sometimes we talk about, um, axles and I,
and I think could be both. I never say it's this or that. Always. I like to,
it could be both. You never know what could come through a portal.
But one of the craziest stories I found was in April 26th, 1880 in Tombstone,
Arizona. Yes, the OK Corral City. Um, there's a newspaper that printed,
uh, a startling report that two cowboys saw a giant bird outside of town,
shot it, carried it into a gigantic carcass into tombstone.
The creatures wingspan, they said was an alarming 160 feet, which is,
I don't even know, how would you carry that thing?
92 feet long and had a head that was eight feet long and had no feathers,
but a smooth skin and wing flaps composed of a thick and nearly transparent
membrane, easily penetrated by a bullet. And now, like I said,
I don't even know how you would move something that big,
but that's a story outta tombstone. Um, and maybe it was just a legend,
but they said that there was a picture, you know,
nobody knows where the picture is anymore, again, with a lot of these things.
So I think all these, the pictures I'm showing now are fake. Uh,
I think they're just fun to imagine.
But I do think that people do now report seeing
pterodactyls in those areas. And again, to me, I come through a portal,
pterodactyls here, picks up, somebody, eats something, flies around,
people spot it, maybe in a couple minutes, hours it's gone. Um,
and there's no trace. It dematerializes, it's not supposed to be here. Um,
and so it, it, it doesn't exist in here. And our reality,
our imaginations are so poor we can't see it. But, you know, just like,
kind of like, uh, channels, right? So I was talking about like just dimensions.
So think about, it's like channels on the TV when you're watching it.
Back in the day when I grew up, they had like rabbit ears.
You could watch channel 36 and you could see a little bit of 35 on there.
You know, sometimes. And they would just kind of come through in a little bit.
You could see an arm or a leg or a head.
Sometimes you could see other channels kind of coming through your channel
'cause you didn't have a really clear reception.
I think maybe that's what's happening.
Sometimes you're just seeing something that is real. It it,
it is something that's valid. Um, and it just doesn't exist in this channel.
And so, you know, you see it for a second, it disappears, it's gone.
But I wouldn't discredit, there are a lot of, um,
scenarios I think that could be real and authentic. And we shouldn't just say,
oh, that's a dinosaur lived 65 million years ago. We shouldn't,
we shouldn't say that, that those people are, um, telling the truth. I mean,
why not? I mean,
I don't think most people would want to tell that story because most people not
think they're gonna believe anybody.
But certainly we have to just be open to different, um,
scenarios of how these things could be real instead of just saying, well,
if it's real, it has to be this. Like, who cares how it's,
it's just the fact that it's there, it's cool enough for me.
And I think sometimes that's what always should be open to is that these things
could be real and these sightings could be there.
And that if pterodactyls are happening and um,
you know, please, your sos are happening. Then, then we've got another,
another instance of a story in the Congo where people call it macal and bibe,
which literally means the one who stops the flow of rivers is basically
a mythical water dwelling entity that supposedly lives in the Congo, right?
And sometimes described as a living creature, sometimes as a spirit.
But basically a sorrow pod, which is a four-legged, kind of like a brontosaurus,
but smaller with a long tail, long neck, you know,
kind of a snake-like head on top. And, um, people literally say they'll see,
mostly see in the water, but they say it's a plain eater.
But they say if you're in a canoe, watch out.
'cause that thing will come after you and turn them hoover,
but it won't eat people. So I think that's pretty, pretty cool story. It's like,
yeah, it will come after you, it will, you know, stomp your canoe out,
but it won't eat people. But they do show footprints of it.
These people are illiterate.
And so when people go in there and explorers ask what they're seeing and they
point to these dinosaurs and say, this is what we saw,
they always point to soar pods.
And I think that's incredible that no matter the fact that these people have
never read a book or can't read books and don't have books,
that they would point to the same thing over and over again and describe the
same preachers. Um, you know,
these quadro pads herbivores with smooth skin, a long neck.
And then a lot of times people say they see a tooth on it,
like it has like a horn, like a single horn or a tooth on the end of its head,
which is something that they say they see a lot of.
And I think that in itself is pretty incredible as well. Um,
that the same things are seen by people who don't know each other, uh,
but in the same kind of stories. And again, um,
maybe it comes out of a k maybe there's portals,
but the fact that certain things they don't see, you know, this,
and then all of a sudden see a T-Rex or see a axel,
they see this thing over and over again. Um, so I, you know,
I think there's a lot of credit to that when you say you see that people say
they see the same things over again for long periods of time.
So that brings us to the fact that there are dinosaurs literally that are seen
on our planet regularly. And, you know,
we have to be open to houses as possible. And I just don't think that the,
the story of 65 million years ago was the last dinosaurs here. That's it.
Because the fact is,
is that there are stories and pictures of dinosaurs all over
the place. Um, and Ancor watt,
there's a ste asosa on one of the temples there. Um,
even in the Bible it literally talks about behemoths. And people say, well,
dinosaurs are in the bottle, but they are.
But the word dinosaur didn't come about till very recently.
And so there was no word for dinosaur when the Bible written,
but it literally says behemoth, which means, look now at behemoth,
which I made along with you, he eats grass like an ox.
See now his strength is in his hips and his power in his stomach muscles,
he moves his tail like a cedar, like a cedar tree.
Um, well, I can't even barely read that one. So this,
the sinus of his thighs are tightly knit. His bones are like beams of bronze.
His ribs like bars of iron. He is the first of the ways of God.
Like literally talking about this thing being massive.
I don't think there's anything on the planet,
not even elephant that to described because an elephant has a very,
very small tail. This thing said it was, you know, gigantic big thighs,
big thighs like of bronze, ribs of iron,
and it has the tail of a cedar tree. That's not an elephant.
That's something bigger and stronger and, and,
and more incredible than an elephant is. So that to me is, is really incredible.
description in the word behemoth is used a couple times in the descriptions like
these are saying. Um, but that story's in the Bible,
which is something that was only written relatively recently,
but we know they're retelling of stories.
And so what it's saying to me is that humans were on the planet at the same time
as dinosaurs. And yes, I'm saying that I,
I 100% believe that humans and dinosaurs have co-existed.
And I'm not talking about just antal type people,
I'm talking about the homo sapien type ones too. Um, and one of the best,
evidences for that is the eco stones in Peru. There's a flood that happens.
It's illiterate farmer who can't read or write finds I think 15,000 stones
with dinosaurs on them. There's pictures of heart and brain surgeries,
people who are holding telescopes, dinosaurs. Um,
this one does kind of look like a hairy man.
If you look at the guy in front of the dinosaur,
it does look like a kind of a hairy man. This one is a, is a guy's,
two guys attacking a dinosaur,
which could be maybe a T-Rex or something like that. Kind of a two leg,
you know, small arm standing upright dinosaur. But two guys, you know,
kind of fighting a dinosaur,
literally pictures of upright walking dinosaurs, you know,
brontosaurus soro pods, uh,
stegosaurus triceratops, all of 'em. And it's like, what? That's crazy.
The, I mean, there's no telling how old these things are. You can't date rock.
But the fact that there's this, I mean,
I don't know how long it would take to carve one of these things.
It looks like it's, it would take you more than a day or so, but 15,000,
you're talking about years. If you carved one a day, 365, you know, a year,
I mean, you're talking about a massive amount of work. And this guy's a farmer.
He works all day as a farmer. So I don't believe it's hooked.
I think this is the real deal. Um, these are pretty incredible.
And here's one where a guy's smoking his pipe and he's riding a steak of swords.
And I mean, you know, there, there shouldn't be this guy's illiterate.
He shouldn't be able to, to draw a right, a stake aosa that's, you know,
kind of atomically correct upright walking and for what reason would you put a
guy riding it on there? It just makes no sense, you know,
unless it's just something real that somebody saw, which I do 100% believe,
and I do believe that dinosaurs are actually much more intelligent than we give
credit to. I think that they are highly intelligent,
highly evolved spiritual beings as well,
and that many of 'em still do live inner earth and there arete OSAs and
triceratops and trying to source rexes that are still alive on this planet
inside the inner earth. I do believe that craze, whatever you want to,
but that's my opinion. And again,
there are lots of these cool pictures of dinosaurs, surgeries,
telescopes, all of them. And even one,
probably the ultimate crypted. Yeah, the dragon. I think if,
if Sasquatch is a staple crypted of cryptozoology,
the dragon is probably the ultimate, you know,
powerful crypted of all time.
It is the one where we've seen all over the world, you know,
a lot of people represented with mostly China,
but man dragons all over the world, literally. Um,
huge serpent. Everybody knows that.
But the dragon that we think of today with a big fat body isn't normally what
history kind of tells history does kind of tell bit more of a skinny, uh,
skinny bodied animal, but definitely huge serpent,
draconian, uh, creatures that appear virtually on every, uh, continent.
All cultures around the globe.
And the earliest attested reports of draconian creatures resembled giant snakes
that ate livestock. Um, people use parts of them for medicinal purposes,
you know, just like the unicorn. So again,
like a dragon horn was something that was magical to have, you know,
if you ate dragon brain or heart, like it was something that, you know,
could heal, had healing properties. Um, all these things, again,
stories that go along with this thing that just makes it, you know,
something incredible. Um, this is one I found absolutely, um, amazing.
This is on a gate. This is on ish star's gate from the city of Babylon.
And this one is really cool because the tail is something different than you
would think on a dragon. It looks almost doggish,
but it has the head of like a snake.
It has the front paws of a lion and the back legs of a bird. Um,
just, just wild, right? Just not even what you would think a dragon to be.
Um, and I think, again, some of it's kind of been washed throughout time,
but the historical accounts suggest really wild
and crazy looking creatures that know almost always breathe fire and those kind
of things that sometimes fly around, but definitely just wild and crazy things.
Um, even Marco Polo wrote a Dragons. Um, and, and again, a lot of these,
I love the one with the eyes on 'em because it makes me feel like there's
something, especially with the wings. 'cause when I, I went to Edol,
I didn't mounds. The, the bird man who has wings on him has eyeballs in it.
And you know, when we see D M T type artwork, we always see the eyeballs on 'em.
So these things, again, are very highly attuned spiritual animals, you know,
that are, you know, some, some may be negative,
definitely negative spoken to, spoken about by negative ways. And some,
you know, more positive, you know, kind of the ying and the yang of,
of incredible creatures.
But the dragon is something that is definitely talks about in all cultures.
And even in the Bible.
Leviathan is a sea serpent noted in theology and mythology.
And in the Bible it is referred to in several books of the Hebrew Bible.
They're dragons, um, called Rahab and ot.
And they're often represented by the devil, which I think is, you know,
is, is again, stories that you have to think about. Um, and this one,
the scales, this was from job,
I believe the scales on its back are like rows of shields.
When it raises itself up, the gods are afraid from its mouth,
flaming torches, sparks a fire leap out from its nostrils,
come smoke as from a boiling point at and burning rushes
it's breath, it's breath. Kindly Coles Kindle's Cole, sorry,
it's breath kindle's Coles. And a flame comes out of its mouth. I mean,
that is just, you know, you can't just say that they don't exist. I mean,
it's this, it's like the one legend that just doesn't go away. And,
but this one is an deciding that people see and talk about a lot. But the,
and and, and mythology and reports and stories,
it's something that people always talk about. Oh man.
And I don't even think that I can read this one unless I was to like,
um, sorry, I can't read it. The, the, the typing is too small on the slide,
but another revelation. 21 through three. 21 through three. Yeah,
I'm gonna try that. Can I? Oh, that's better. Yeah, let's do this. Okay. So
I saw an angel come down from heaven with the key of the abyss in his hand,
in an enormous chain. He overturn, he overpowered the dragon,
that primal serpent, which is the devil, and Satan,
and chained him up for a thousand years.
He hurled him down into the abyss and shut the entrance and sealed it over him.
Revelations 21 through three.
And I just think this is quite incredible metaphoric that a
reptilian type monster is the devil, right? And, you know,
for what we know about the Anki and other stories seem to be reptilian.
And, um, I think a lot of this is pointing to that.
But it always talks about these dragons reappearing. And here again,
in Revelations,
then another sign appeared in heaven and an enormous red dragon with seven heads
and 10 horns and seven crowns on his head, on his heads Revelations 12, three.
And then another one,
the great dragon was hurled down that ancient serpent called the devil,
or Satan, who leads the whole world astray.
He was hurled into the earth and his angels with him. So, you know,
literally saying that these angels and the devil is like this reptilian dragon.
I even imagine a lot of these stories go back into shape shifting
people. And I didn't talk about vampires or werewolves, and I,
we'll have to do that the next time. We'll probably have to do, like I said,
a crypto cryptozoology. 2, 3, 4, 5, and six are beyond.
But with these shapeshifters, the things that can turn into dragons,
that could turn into werewolves. And, um, we have to ask ourselves, you know,
these advanced beings that are shapeshifters that can turn into other things,
that can cloak themselves to look like humans. They can be other things,
but these dragons are literally always kind of referred to as these devil type
creatures. Sometimes. And like I said, sometimes they're benign,
but that we're gonna throw these,
these reptilian type dragons into this abyss to have this thousand years of
peace. That's what has to be done at the end times.
So I'm saying in my own personal opinion, shit's about to get crazy.
You know what I mean?
We're gonna start our imaginations and our pineal glands are about to blast wide
And the interdimensional things that are happening that we're seeing already
with the corruption and politics and everything,
that's just the tip of the iceberg of what you're about to see.
I think we're gonna see more sasquatches unicorns, uh,
dinosaurs, dragons, and, and, and I think those things are coming.
I think they're already here.
And I think we're setting up for an incredible time on this planet to be really
excited about. Um, and we're in the middle of it. And, you know, cool,
hallelujah. Like, I'm excited. Um, what an incredible time to live.
But on the benign side, one of the things that comes up is quass codal,
the feathered serpent. Uh, and Tza and the Mayans talk about it.
And that he even set up the whole civilization,
but he was a man kind of turned into the serpent. So again,
when we become enlightened, when we become the Buddha,
the Christian of the Christ, I mean, and you're gonna fight, you know,
these battles of good and evil, whatever you wanna call 'em,
light and dark or whatever. I mean,
it would seem that people could shapeshift in anything they want.
And what would be cooler than to shapeshift into a dragon and, you know, to
kind of fight the final battles and,
and these end time things that are happening. And, um, you know,
that's why dragons is so prevalent in our culture. And, you know,
everybody kind of has their own dragons, you know, and, and their life.
And to me it's super important to make friends with that dragon that you have.
Um, and those things that are in your life. Um, you know,
kind of like Pete's dragon, he made friends with them and it helped him. And,
and it, it got 'em through certain things, um,
magically that other people couldn't get to.
'cause they hadn't met their dragon. They hadn't befriended their own dragon.
And so I believe that we live in an incredible time
where we are about to see some incredible things. And you know,
cryptozoology is not just a science to kind of classify things and make sure
that people know that they're real. I mean,
there may be no evidence to ever support the dragon exists,
or some of these other dinosaurs and stuff exist or unicorn and that's great.
There's nothing wrong with that. Um, that doesn't mean they're not real.
It doesn't mean that it's not something incredible.
It doesn't mean that the universe isn't something that's incredible,
that these things can exist in another way, in another dimension,
in another channel that is bleeding through right now.
'cause that's what's happening. We're having bleed throughs in our past life.
Things that we're remembering,
cultures that we're remembering things that we're attracted to.
And it's because we lived different lifestyles, different life, you know,
times and different times and different epochs and eras.
And so there are things that we're attracted to because of those,
those lives that we lived in.
And we live in an incredibly special one to now where all those lives can bleed
through into now we can know and we can understand,
and we can become these very, um,
incredible people that we talk about.
That we have made stories and cultures and religions and you know, about.
And that's all that story of us. It's a story of human being.
It's a story of each and every individual for all of us to do that in our work
and to become the very thing that we see and that, that we want to be like.
And instead of wanting to cage the wild,
because we're not free ourselves and we wanna put things in Zeus and,
and think that, you know,
that's can't be real because it can't see in a zoo or it's not written in a
book. Get outta that mindset.
Free yourself from the domestication of human beings and become like the wild
Sasquatch again, to free yourself from your religion,
free yourself from your politics, to not be Democrat or Republican,
to be none of those things. And to be completely a wild, dangerous human being.
Again. 'cause the wilder you are,
the more dangerous you are to society when someone who doesn't need to be hooked
up to the, to the government, to the, to the money, to the water,
to the electricity where you can freely walk around this planet and not be,
not need those things and be totally wild and free,
that's the most dangerous person on the planet.
And these are the wild creatures that don't need those things, but are now, I,
I believe, again, are showing back up for us to realize that, you know,
it's for us to see our own wild nature again. We've lost our imagination.
We really have. We've lost it.
And so we don't believe in these things and we don't see these things anymore
like we used to. But it's coming back.
We've been in the winter of our imagination. But spring is coming.
I think the veil is thinning.
And it's time for us to unlearn all the things that we've been taught and to
give every subject, no matter what it is.
It's it's due diligence to look at it, to, to research it,
not to believe it, and not to be, not to not believe it,
but to look at everything and connect the dots.
Really get to the bottom of the mystery. The kingdom of heaven is a mystery.
And those who know themselves shall find it. And we gotta get deep down,
not to this universe and to this world, but to ourselves. And who are we really?
I'm a wild creature that's been domesticated in my mind and in my heart.
And if I can only free myself from that,
I've done this world and this universe a great justice by doing that to myself
as opposed to trying to change the world. No, I'm changing myself.
I'm freeing myself. And by freeing myself, I help others free themselves.
I am I'm incredibly thankful for seeing one of you guys that have joined
tonight. I know it's gone a little longer than I want to,
and I did a few and we'll do some more another time.
But I want each and every single one of you to find that wild within you,
that wild human, that wild being that you are,
that knows no bounds, that's completely free in your mind,
body and soul and your spirit.
That you are the most wild beloved creature of the universe.
The universe loves you beyond your wildest dreams,
and you are more magical and more incredible than you've ever been told you ever
been taught.
And it's time to break our change and break our programming of who we think we
really are and become the wild creatures. Again,
I wanna thank every single one of you. I'm so thankful, so thankful.
I'm gonna say it again. To be here on the century works television to,
to talking to you guys tonight, to have this little YouTube channel, um,
rumble channel to have these incredible podcasts. Please, like and subscribe,
share them. Get the word out. I mean, you know, it's not about me,
it's about this information. If, if, if, if what I'm saying gets out there,
it makes me feel so good because it's not about me.
It's about this information that's important for us to know to become these
people again, to take back our planet. 'cause we need to do it collectively.
It's, it was something that we have to do together.
We have to get together and care about each other. Like it's your own mama,
it's your own dad, it's your own brother. We're all brothers and sisters, guys.
Every single one of us.
We can't look at each other because the color of our skin,
our politics are different. Screw that. We are all one,
we're all humans and we're all
Mother Earth's children. I wanna say thank you guys so much.
The divine in me sees honors and recognize divine in each and every single one
of you.
People: Jacob Cox
Topics: Mystery School, Sasquatch
Good to see people talking about Crypto’s. FYI there are over 100 DNA tests results on Sasquatch and they all read- Modern Human Female DNA, Male DNA Unknown.
Are they a patt of us…Or are we a part of them?🤷♀️😊👍
Keep at it!
Thank you Jacob! God bless you!