Mystery School: Hermeticism

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Hermeticism
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Hi, and welcome to another mystery school.
My name is Jacob Cox, and our topic tonight is Hermeticism.
Uh, it is something I really, really do enjoy.
I love esoteric information.
Um, I really love agnosticism, and I think Hermeticism
and gnosticism are very close together.
We'll do an episode of Gnosticism, uh,
probably in the next couple months,
but it's one that I feel like it's important, um,
coming straight from, you know, our man Hermes trips, Magis,
um, somebody who has been passed down, uh, for many, many
thousands, if not even longer.
Um, so his name brings out, you know, someone like Jesus
or Buddha, but it's a little bit more unknown.
It's a little bit more secret, but he is definitely,
at least, um, even in the, in the history
that we're taught in school, or not something you taught in
school, but at least the, the accepted
history that we have today.
You know, we're talking about before Jesus, before Buddha,
but you know, if, if he is someone who is like Thoth,
and Ian is probably a much older even than that.
So, uh, again, he's a, he's a super cool guy to talk about.
We're gonna talk about mainly the seven Herma principles
tonight, and I think we will talk about these in a way,
hopefully that can help you in your life, um,
master yourself, master your emotions, your, your life,
your spirit, and, um, you know, really help you
to become the person that you were meant to be.
And that's exactly why we're sharing it tonight.
So we wanna talk about Hermeticism again.
I told you guys it's an ancient spiritual philosophy
tradition that comes from a collection of texts, uh,
called the Corpus Hertica.
Um, and that is written by the legendary Hermes Tris.
Magus, who was paid, who was, who was said
to have profound knowledge and spiritual wisdom.
Um, and again, this guy is passed down through the,
the eons and the ages, um,
and, you know, so revered, so incredible,
so spectacular on par with someone like Jesus or Buddha
or Krishna, um,
and what he's associated
with Emerald tablets and those kind of things.
We'll talk about that a little bit here.
But, uh, that'll be another episode as well.
Um, yeah, he said to have profound wisdom
and information, uh, called Hermes in Greece
and Thoth, the Atan in Egypt.
And again, if he comes from Atlantis, my guess is,
and other people, you know, Atlantis was
around 13,000 years ago when it sunk in the day.
So it was around probably before that.
So we're talking about this guy could be
this Henry's trier guesses can be from a, a, a much,
much older time period.
A time where many things were a lot different than they are
on the planet today, uh, which I think is really cool.
Um, but he's definitely associated with both, and Hermes
and even more people too.
He's suspected to be Moses,
or at least associated with Moses in some way.
And Muslim, the writings, uh, say that he is
Iris, which is Enoch.
And I think that's pretty crazy.
And then some people in South America even, you know, claim
that not in South America around the world, say the, uh,
God was a quale.
Um, they say they could be him too.
And I, and although I think that's very possible
that he could be these different people,
one thing I think is really important
to realize is enlightened beings would have similar
understandings and of the universe
and spirituality, and probably have similar.
So it is, you know, it could be,
I'm not gonna say either way, that he is all those people,
but I would say that they're probably
more, more likely different.
It could be the fact that he is both
and Hermes at the same time, and just based on where you go
and the language that they speak,
they might call you something different.
Uh, of course, you know, like just Christ in general is
not a name, but a title.
The Buddha is a title that was not their name.
Then when, when they became the anointed one.
That's what Christ means. When they become the anointed one.
You, your name changes. And
I think that's important to realize.
And it's something that even today, like the Pope,
when they become the Pope, they change their name into
something to symbolize the same thing.
Although we know that they're not, that, that person
that has done that work
and become an annoyance when become a Christ,
become a Christian, become a Buddha.
Um, so it's important to realize that, you know,
enlighten people's names.
There's a stone written on it in the Bible, says that
with your name on it.
And I think that is when you become this enlightened being,
you realize this, this Christed name,
this Christed name that's there for you.
Um, and I think it's like a title like Doctor
or anything else, but this is, to me, our Mary,
I think would be what, um, women were given back in the day
that they're married, they're masculine
and feminine, their energies are married.
And so those, again, so those are me, your titles.
But, um, I do think that Hermes, Chris Magus was definitely
a real being who passed these teachings
and understandings down to his disciples,
just like other teachers have throughout history.
And these are things that were super important
and we have passed down and, uh, through the ages
and the aons and eras
and everything to make sure that this
incredibly important information doesn't get lost.
So, so
yeah, that's, um, that's where I think we're at.
I think we're, we're talking about a guy,
Hermes Trista is an enlightened being who beyond time
and space, who has mastered himself,
who sees into other dimensions,
and, you know, he's here to share that information with us.
So, um, hermeticism is also closely associated
to the Emerald Tablet, what I was talking about earlier,
which is said to be guarded by the great white brotherhood.
And that's something that I knew before,
but it didn't ring a bell until obviously the last,
last week's episode, or two weeks ago, three weeks ago,
when we did the Hopi Hopi prophecy.
And it's funny because the hope you're waiting
for the great white brother, right?
And upon reading this to, you know, reading this information
and going back, that's why it's so awesome to go back
on things that you've read and stories that you, um,
dived into, um, about spirituality and things.
You can always go back and almost learn something new.
And when you kind of change
and you become this, you know, kind
of deeper person understanding, and you go back
and you read something, you read before,
and it's like, wow, I take on so much more.
I've learning so much more understanding more than I
did that first time I read it.
But to me, I was like, what a, what a great synchronicity.
What a coincidence.
Um, I don't believe in coincidences,
but that, you know, it's guarded
by the great white brotherhood.
And, you know, they, they said, they, Hopi said
that they were, they were gonna have artifacts,
they were gonna have spiritual symbols and things like that,
and they were gonna come back to the Hopi people,
and that's how they would know who they were.
And these people, the great white brotherhood,
are literally, um, guarding this Emerald tablet,
which would be an incredible artifact
to have, just to see.
I mean, it's described as a four foot long, three foot wide,
uh, Emerald tablet
with the seven Herma principles on it and other information.
So it's cool.
Maybe the great white brotherhood shows up in, uh, Arizona
and New Mexico and, and comes and, and talks to them and,
and brings them that information.
Who knows? But, uh, at this point, anything's possible.
So I'm open to it all.
Um, that's just my wishful thinking, I guess.
But I think it is, I think that the information is
that connected and they're,
they're these people passing down these
prophecies with that right on.
And you have to open up your mind and,
and make the connections and connect the dots.
And, and eventually there's this crazy puzzle that's there.
And that's what's so awesome about mysteries to me.
I absolutely love it. I mean, I don't know all the answers,
but I know everything at this point is somehow
connected to each other.
And I'm, I'm just doing my best to put
that together and share it with you guys.
So, but anyway, these texts, uh, you know,
from the Corpus eda, um, they're really important
and they have all kinds of,
and really natural laws of the universe on 'em.
And our basic understanding of that comes from the kabalan,
um, the Alion.
Um, it's a study of the Herma philosophy
of ancient Egypt in Greece.
This is the most modern, one
of the most modern books about hermeticism kind
of our modern understanding.
Back in 1908 is when this book book came out.
It was originally published in 19 eight
by the three initiates.
In the beginning of the book, it says, it will appear
to you when you're ready for the wisdom.
And that to me is how I feel about a lot of things
where I have opened myself up, opened my bowl up,
asked God and my angels
and the spirit guides to guide me to information that I need
to fill, that I need to see, that I need to read,
that I need to know, that I need to remember, uh,
'cause I feel like I've been gathering up this
information for lifetimes.
And now it just kind of comes through me sometimes,
and I download it and I see these
breadcrumbs that connect to other things.
So, um, I think that's
a profound statement to say that these things are ready.
It reminds me of that saying,
when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
And that I found to be true so often in my life, now
that I'm actually ready for,
and I'm willing to listen to other people
and learn from other people.
Um, I find that all the time,
and there are things that I didn't even know that I need
to know that someone gives me when I'm ready for it.
And so I think that's really cool that
that's one of the first sentences in there.
And, um, so most of these concepts, um,
I just knew a lot of these concepts
have the seven matic principles.
I knew for myself all of a sudden, like,
there would be things that would happen
and be like, that's just how
that works, and this is how it is.
And, uh, in meditations, I would have downloads
of the whole understanding of like a part of the,
part of the hermeticism.
I wouldn't get like the whole seven at one time,
but I, I definitely got, you know, one at one time
and another at another time.
And I knew some of these things, you know,
and I was like, wow, you know, it's really cool that,
you know, it is just in a split second in a meditation
or, you know, just relaxing
and, you know, asking the universe to fill up your cup.
I've been like, you know,
downloaded with really cool things.
And, and then eventually, you know, I, I would come with one
or two of these things at a time,
and then I would find the whole thing somewhere, you know?
And back in the early two thousands
where this information really wasn't readily available,
you might see a TikTok
or some kind of short on one
of these principles of these topics.
It wasn't, wasn't that way as much back then.
So I felt really, you know, like, cool.
And I was part of this secret club
and knew some things that everybody else didn't know about
and didn't even s honestly care about.
So, um, I think that is really important to realize
for everyone listening and watching tonight,
and that Willis is information and comes to you.
The universe is not like, got us back towards you.
It loves you. It cares about you, you know,
everything is happening for you to grow, to learn.
And if you're receptive to that and you understand that,
and you're looking for breadcrumbs, man,
those synchronicities will happen.
And you'll, the things
that you're looking for, you'll find it more.
So these texts describe the nature of existence,
and they have a mystical, spiritual,
and philosophical insights.
The rediscovery of these texts
and information has helped cultures bloom into Renaissance
because of our experience is based on what we think.
So, you know, if we think, you know,
everything's limited, resources are limited.
And we, and we believe that as a societies, as a culture,
we're limited, you know, we really believe that.
So things are limited, and, um, when we change our view,
and sometimes it only takes a few of us to do that,
we can change the collective conscience of a, you know,
of a state of a, of an area of a, of a consonant, uh,
of our world eventually.
Um, that really works for everybody.
So I think that's really important to realize, like, um,
these things are, you know, for you
and for the, for the initiate, the person who's ready
for it, who's made that, that empty bowl, who's got rid
of all the things that you were told
and said, I'm willing to look at things a different way.
I'm willing to read things.
And you, I I don't ever say go into anything, believe in it,
don't believe it, or disbelieve it.
Give it it's due, read about it, you know, listen
to your intuition and then go on to the next thing.
And then you never know.
You may be called back to the
information again at some point.
I know I have almost everything I ever got in, uh,
got excited about things I felt really attracted to.
I would always work on the way back around to it.
Something else would push me back in there and,
and I would get to look at it
and learn it deep more deeply into it.
So, um, so yeah,
how we think about things, having limited resources can
definitely limit our reality, because that's how we think.
So collectively, the more people who believe certain ideas,
the more the effect the field.
Um, you know, so I was saying earlier, like,
we believe things and we truly know it in our hearts
that transmits into the people you're closest to
and when you go to work.
And so it really starts to, uh, take the spell out.
You know what I mean? We're under a spell of programming
to believe a certain way, and to think a certain way
and to feel or not feel.
And that's really important.
So we we're here to come break that spell, you know,
hallelujah, amen.
Whatever you wanna call it. We're really, we're here
to break a spell that we, you know, that, uh,
a few people work really hard to keep it.
And it's information like these hermetic principles,
I believe certain people know.
Um, and they don't want us to know,
because if people know some of these underlying laws
of the universe can use 'em forever, they want
to, it's just a tool.
You know, you can use a gun to hunt
or you can use it to murder people.
Um, it doesn't make the gun bad
or anything, it's just what a tool that you use it for.
You can do the same thing with a garden tool.
Uh, it can hurt people with it, or,
or till up your, your land.
So we have to realize that information
that's been esoteric, that seems to be negative or evil
or something like that, we need to look at it with a new way
and say, okay, I'm willing to look at this just
how it is wrong or right.
Um, I'm not gonna judge it anyway,
but I, I definitely need
to give it its day in the sun and check it out.
So that's what we're doing here today.
Um, but these ideas help us, help us see the true nature
and help us jailbreak the matrix.
And that's what I feel like is most important.
We are here, we are here to jailbreak the matrix, right?
We have been put under a spell.
A few people care enough to know some of these things,
but they don't wanna share it with us,
and they do it to their advantage, plain and simple.
That's it. And I feel like the more we know,
the more we understand, know the better.
And that helps us, you know, live the lives
that we wanna live and what's good for everybody.
And I feel like that's the innate feeling in most people is,
is you want to do good and you want everyone to feel good,
and you want to feel good yourself,
and you don't really wanna take advantage of people.
You don't really wanna hurt people. I think people do that
'cause they have no resources or,
or at least they feel like they have no resources or access
and, you know, they're hungry or, you know, cold or hurting.
And, you know, I, I feel like we've seen a lot of
that happening in our world because of the lack of energy
and resources that people have in the past couple years.
And I think that alone would change everything.
If people had those things, you wouldn't have
to feel like you need to go take from other people.
So let's getting back. So let's get into it.
So this information really, honestly belongs to no body.
Um, to me, this is the deep truth of the universe,
which is revealed to the initiated
that seeks deeper consciousness.
These understandings come to people.
Um, that being said, if every, if every book was torn up,
burned, thrown away,
and we didn't have any information,
there would be certain things, certain laws of the universe
that people would find out
and figure out that would come back no matter what.
And the herma principles, these ideas, uh,
they may not come back in the same way,
but I think they would come back in a very similar way.
Most of these, uh, seven laws,
and some people even say they're 12,
we're gonna just explore seven today.
They're very interconnected,
they're very overlapping to each other.
Um, but they're pretty basic.
When you start to realize
like, yeah, man, that really is true.
So there's so many, there's so much to think about
that really, you know what I mean?
Like certain information,
certain religions, they would never come back.
But there are certain mathematics, certain truths,
certain understandings, whether anybody wants
to believe them or not, they're still the truth.
And those things would still come back,
and I believe these traumatic principles would do that.
And, uh, last thing I wanna say, rich,
before we get into it, I think I love these principles
so much because they're so dualistic.
It's so much about duality.
And I told you guys before, I'm a Gemini,
so I love, I'm that air sign.
I love that information. I love duality.
Uh, I always played the devil advocate when I was a kid.
Probably one of my funnest things to do was someone
to be on one side of something
and I could totally just take it the other side.
Not that I thought more about that side,
but I could always see both sides of the story.
And I was, you know, it felt really good to me to
maybe a little bit mischievous in a way,
but it felt really good to me to just take that other side
for somebody and say, well, well what about this?
What if this happened? You know,
and just help them see the other side.
And, you know, not that one or the other is better,
but both have valid points.
And both are, you know, both are here for a reason.
And sometimes it's, you know, it's, it, to me,
it felt better to be able to see both sides of the story,
both sides of an opinion.
Um, and we'll get, we'll get into
that a little bit more later on one of these principles.
But, um, uh, let's go ahead and move through it.
So here they are, the seven herma principles by Tris Mag,
tri Magus, and number one, the principle of mentalism.
You guys probably heard this one for sure. The all is mine.
The universe is mental.
So basically, when it comes down
to it saying the universe is like one huge brain, uh,
the principle mentalism states
that the universe is one giant mind,
like a mental pro projection.
We are, in my opinion, like synapsis in the ultimate mind,
meaning, you know, synapsis
where all the things start to connect.
It's where that, you know, the big spot glowing spot is.
I think that's us. I think as we learn more information,
as you get connected to more things, to more people,
to more events, to life itself, you become connected.
And that's what we're looking for, right?
Everybody's looking for connection.
I don't have enough connection in my life.
I need to go do this thing to feel better or whatever.
But like, as you connect to the universe, to information,
to people and everything else,
you become like a huge synopsis, a bright light of energy,
just like a sun or a star.
Um, and that allows you to be able
to flow energy more, you know, quickly through yourself.
And I feel like the more connections you have
and the more things you have, those aha eureka moments,
you're making connections to yourself in the universe.
Like a giant mind. Uh,
I definitely felt like this many times, uh, for me,
I feel like this is a total true statement.
I hope it, you guys understand it the way I explain it.
Um, so using this law, we too can harness the power
of our minds to create the life we want.
So ultimately, that being said, this is kind of like the law
of attraction principle, you know, as we think.
So, it shall be your thoughts shape reality for anything
to be a thought must proceed.
It, it's like every single thing in the, this microphone,
my water bottle, the camera, someone had to think about
that, how to design it, what it was for,
what's it gonna do, how's it gonna work?
Like, every single thing had to be, every house.
Everything that's ever built had to be designed.
It had to be created in your mind first
before it became a physical object.
And I think, uh, when you really think about that,
it's really empowering
because every thought that everybody had to come up
with something, you had the same ability.
We had the same brain, you know, two hemispheres,
and it's just like, we're not using it to the full extent.
And some people did, and people like Tesla and Einstein,
and they told us, they said, the brain isn't the creator
of ideas, it's the receiver of 'em.
So all you have to do is be in that receiving mode.
And that's why certain things, you know, uh, technologies
and things like that came at about the same time.
When those things were needed, certain people were ready
for it, and they were listening,
and those ideas came to the steam, the steam engine
and the phone and everything else.
Like, you know, what would be cool if we had
this and it would help us out?
And then certain people across the world at the same
times came up with it.
Um, that's super important to know.
Information in itself can, should not be patented in any way
because it all comes from source.
And we're all but receivers to it.
And I don't think patents really do us much
of a favor in any way.
Information and ideas are not inclusive to one individual.
One individual may have got it first.
They may have received a first,
but it's, it's still, you know, something that is for all
of us, as much as the water or the food
or anything else that are, that are
here, it's for every single one of us.
Not because we got more money in our pocket,
or taller, better looking or whatever.
Everybody deserves the same amount of resources.
And, um, you know, everybody's entitled to these ideas.
And nobody should be able to hoard it and say, it's mine.
I'm the only person who can make money off of it.
That's a capitalist society. You know, it's all about money.
So let's keep going.
So your thought shape reality for anything
to be a thought must proceed it through this principle.
It's believed that God is consciousness.
Our thought and the universe is a
manifestation of the mind of God.
And that is pretty cool in itself.
Like our universe is a manifestation of the mind of God.
And I've often believed that
it's almost like one being becomes a universe,
and there are multiple universes out there,
and you can become as you take on more consciousness.
I've always, you know, I've kind of felt this, you know,
you can become a planet or a star or a galaxy
or a universe, you know, each person,
as they expand their consciousness,
they expand their physical matter that they are.
And that every galaxy is a living being
just as much as we are.
It's just one that's expanded themself
and their consciousness even more than the person have.
And that may be what enlightenment is, is to, you know,
when they said you don't have to be reincarnated again,
you don't forget who you are, you no longer have to,
you completely woke up, you're awake is
what the Buddha called himself.
And you move on, you transition to other things.
And you know, the work is never done.
It's not like I wanna get enlightened, and then that's it.
Oh, there's a lot more. You, you become a planet
and create rivers and streams and places for people to live
and love and be alive for billions of years.
And then, you know, maybe a star, a galaxy and even more.
And just more expansion. Just more consciousness.
Um, I don't know, I just feel like there's a lot of, lot
of beautiful work out there
and, uh, who knows where it ends.
But it's exciting, I think
nonetheless, to just know that that's not the end.
The end is not just to become an enlightened being
and that's it, you know, everything's great.
You know, there's feel like there's even more beyond that,
beyond my wildest dreams.
Who knows? So everything we do, everything we think
or do is a thought.
You know, when you think about, uh, I'm gonna go,
I'm gonna go out and, you know, okay, you plan
that out, you're gonna go do it.
You get the membership, you go out there
and like, even working out stocks like moving the bar up,
you're not just muscles, just your brain is literally
telling your arms to pull it up.
And it's like, how's your brain even doing that?
Telling my brain is telling my body to move in certain ways
to get bigger and things like that.
And you can literally get bigger just by thinking about it.
Science, you know, science proves that, just thinking about
that for an hour a day, you can literally gain muscle mass
by imagining working out without even doing it.
Um, I think that's pretty incredible thing
that just shows us how powerful our
minds are affect our body.
You don't even have to do it. You can just be,
just think about it enough
that you could actually gain muscle mass.
I mean, that's just incredible.
We have not even yet begun, I believe, to
dive deep into our own minds
and our own brains and what we're capable of.
And I think that's really exciting too.
So when we recognize that our thoughts manifest every day,
whether internally as a physiological or emotional state
or externally, like the things we do in places we go, we see
that when we control our mind, we control our lives.
This is something we can master
through meditation and discipline.
And I think that is it.
It's important, you know, not to, uh, judge yourself
because you got off track today and you went
and did something or you, you know, did, you know,
looked at something you shouldn't have looked at
and normally wouldn't do,
or gave into a certain, uh, feeling
or something that's inside of you, whatever.
And don't judge just to get back on track.
Discipline yourself
to not do the things that you don't need to do.
And, and say concentrated on the things that you do want
to focus on and you do want to continue to do.
Our conscious is that is what allows us to interact
with reality that is super important.
Our consciousness is what allows us
to interact with reality.
Who we are. The more
that we are conscious of, the more we interact with.
Now you think about that
I only have English and a little bit of sign language
and a little bit of Spanish, so I, you know,
normally can only connect with those people
who speak those languages.
However, the more languages I know,
the more people I can interact with.
The more I understand, the more I can interact
with the things around me.
I mean, you know, I realize now
that you can speak the trees.
So when I go out into the woods,
into especially ancient forest groves
and things like that, I'm receptive
and I'm aware to ask the, you know, those trees to talk
to me, give me any piece
of information I don't know or I'm ready for.
Um, so the more I'm aware
of what's consciousness is
and what is alive, the more I can interact with that.
And that's really powerful.
Um, I've asked the ocean
before to gimme a p piece of the puzzle I didn't have.
And I had a huge download and got something really big.
And so I love that saying,
when you stare ba when you stare into the,
into the ether, I don't think that's the actual code.
But when you're staring into ether long enough,
you realize the ether stares back.
And that I have realized like this whole thing is alive.
You know, the whole thing is consciousness.
And we're just a small part of that,
but we're connected to it as well.
So it's really, it's really exciting.
It's really incredible. The more conscious we obtain,
the more we can interact with things around us, to the point
where you could probably move objects with your mind.
You can lift things, you can, the things
that we see on movies and Jedi
and superheroes doing, there's none of that
that we're not, that we can't do.
And I think the thing that we love about those superheroes,
and we love about those, the Star Wars and the Jedi,
and the force, is that deep down their archetypes
of people like Christ
and Buddhists who learn how to interact
and not tell it what to do, I don't think,
but at least interact somehow with the universe
by asking it in some kind of, you know, cosmic dance.
I mean, 'cause I can move my arm here
and my brain's just telling my, my arm to lift everything,
but I don't really know how that works.
So in some way, I would assume that, you know,
the same thing is relative to things
around us that we can interact with.
Things, um, are beyond what we've been told in school
and, and, and other places.
But that really, honestly, there is no limits.
And the things that we do see that we're so attracted to,
like those superheroes and, and, uh, Jedi
and things like that, using the forest, certainly we can do
as well that nothing is impossible with God.
So, so the more that we are conscious of the, the more
that we interact with, no, you can interact
with some people, but you could
eventually interact with all people.
Like I said before, you can learn their language.
And not even like just languages, but body language.
You know, people who are expert body languages.
So that, you know, just the way someone says something
when their body says
something, something completely different.
I think it's really important too,
because I, I've definitely felt that in my life
as a behavior therapist.
I'm, you know, what people say is, is great,
but you know, I notice your behavior
and I notice a lot more about somebody,
whether they're telling the truth or not,
based on their behaviors and how they act
and things that they, they do.
And, um, you know, how they held,
how they hold themselves and everything.
So that even that interaction is a small interaction
with the universe, and you can trust it.
And you have intuition about that, that says,
Hey, check that out, man.
Watch that They see that person do that same thing.
That's no coincidence. You know, follow it, watch it.
And so, like I said, we can, we can interact with animals,
we can interact with plants and the universe itself,
and we can, you know, probably move in
and out of, um, dimensions a lot easier than we think.
Uh, just with our own self, not not needing, you know,
some kind of ship or tools or whatever.
You know, we can remote view
and we can, we can really check up on things in other places
that we shouldn't be able to
and have telepathic thought with people, uh,
in other countries and stuff.
And even in other worlds
and in the universe, out in their spaceships,
you can connect with people like that too.
So literally, the more that we're aware of,
the more we can interact with.
So as you think, so, it will be,
and what an incredible first principle.
Like, everything's a mind, we're a part of it.
And then that way there's nothing
that you can't be can't know, you know, you can know,
you know, everything.
Um, and I feel like even that is simple terms.
'cause I feel like the universe is constantly evolving.
There's more to gain. But these basic principles,
you know, you don't need books.
You could find it anywhere. Um, as long
as you are connected in that space
and you're asking the universe to give you that information
to guide you, to show you the breadcrumbs that you need
to see, you could be in a prison somewhere locked away
and be getting this information.
Nothing can keep you from it.
And that's how powerful each
and every single one of us are when we know
that it's a game over too.
Any kind of system that wants to, you know, um, put us down
and, and put a spell over us
and make us think that we're this poor little me.
They don't have a million dollars on R Ferrari.
Like that's nothing comparison to knowing these concepts
and feeling connected, uh,
and feeling like a human being that has purpose.
Uh, number two, the principle of correspondence.
And a lot of you have heard this one,
but as part of this, uh, herma principle is number two as
above, so below as, below, so above, so within,
so without, so without, so within
pretty basic understanding, what's above us
is the same thing as what's below us.
What's within us is the same thing.
That's without what's out here.
And understanding this deep truth can help
us in so many ways.
This principle embodies the truth
that there's always a correspondence between laws
and phenomena of the various planes of being in life.
If something is happening on the physical level,
then there has to be something on another level happening
on some plane of existence.
It's not just some random thing
that's happening on one place.
So harmony would be a balance
of all dimensions of our being.
This concept basically
to me is the microcosm is in the macrocosm.
The all is in the small.
And when we study the universe,
we understand ourselves better.
So, and we know this like life, like
what happens in the cosmos happens in your body.
And that's why astrology works, right?
Because literally how these bodies, Jupiter
and bigger planets have effect, you know,
in smaller planets as well.
Um, they have an effect on our bodies when they go
retrograde, when they move around, when they line up.
And that's something that's literally not just happening out
there in the universe, it's happening in our bodies.
And these bodies, these planets have these push
and pulls on us, and they do have an effect on us.
And literally, it's the same thing going on here.
So you know, what's going on in the universe?
These planets are falling in love with each other.
They're respecting each other, they're waring
with each other or whatever.
There's going on. It's happening in us too.
And so it's so relative.
Uh, I'm not a, a, um, a guru of astrology.
I know a few people who are, I have to go talk to them,
but I, I ask regularly, you know, what,
what does it say up in there?
What does the stars say? Um, what's going on?
What kind of alignments are happening?
That's why 2012 is such an important time
with all those planets lining up.
And, um, you know, it really,
it makes a difference in what's going on in our own bodies
and what's going on in our, you know, relationships
with people where these planets are all stacked at.
And the same thing with, you know, just
how the universe works.
Like when you look at a tree, uh, you see all these branches
that come to the top, and it gives life to the birds
and the squirrels and everything else.
And deep down in the ground, there's a whole nother system,
whole root system that looks identical almost
to the way the branches branch out, up into the tree.
They're just in the ground, but it's the same thing.
They give life to the worms
and the bugs and everything else.
So there's a whole ecosystem at the bottom of the tree,
and there's one of the above the tree as well,
but they're both giving life to different animals
and insects and, and things like that.
And so, you know, as above, so below,
we hear this concept all the time,
and we don't even, you know, I don't have a lot
of conversation with people about it.
I, I feel like I'd like to have more
because I feel like it is such a profound understanding.
Um, so within, so without, uh, you know, what's going on,
how, you know,
and you're just talking about trees, I mean, our,
the nervous system in our bodies, uh,
the veins in our bodies,
they all branch out in the Fibonacci
sequence, just like a tree does.
So we're literally walking trees.
Um, and, and how
that things are going in our body are the same things going
on in outside world.
And I, you know, to some extent, the,
the way we live on the top of the planet, on the top
of the earth is definitely how, you know, similar
to what's going on inside our earth,
I definitely 100% believe inside our earth,
there are many cities, some made by man, some made
by other, you know,
or some made by homo sapiens, some made by other,
other folks down there.
Um, but there's definitely life that's going
and living, uh, beneath us
and beneath our feet in a way that we, you know, most
of us would be totally shocked to understand.
And so how the things in the, in the animals, I mean,
just like birds flying around in the sky,
and then there's, you know, man rays
or whatever flying around in the water down below.
I mean, it's, you know, and,
and not, there's things that we can see,
but even the microscopic level where, you know,
our cells are dividing like little
universes out there in the universe.
And so the biggest, you know, cosmic scale, we can think of
how cells are born.
And I mean, how stars are born and stars die.
Our cells are really doing the same thing.
So, so within, so without,
and in learning how this works, learning, to me, one
of the biggest things about just knowing this principle in
general is like, knowing that I am the universe.
I'm not disconnected from not a part of it.
I'm not, you know, a part, I am it literally.
And that is one of the things that for me, many years ago,
like looking for a connection, I really wanted a connection.
I didn't want to be some random person walking
around the universe who wasn't a part of it.
Like, I, to know that, to know, you know,
the way your fingers branch out and the Fibonacci sequence,
and you, you carry that
blueprint in your body, in your DNA
and your DNA is a double helix, spiral white pattern,
just like the Milky Way galaxy that you're, it,
you know, you, everybody's saying,
I wanna look for God, I wanna find God.
I'm like, man, God's in you, man.
There's nothing out there that's not gonna be in you.
And so that to me was one of the things like, man,
it really gave me a lot of peace, a lot of, a lot of love
for myself, a lot of grace for myself
and gratitude for myself to say, you know what,
Hey man, you're an awesome person.
You're a good person. And not just blowing myself up here,
same thing for every single one of you, every single one
of you, no matter where you, where you are,
where you're at right now, you know what you've done.
You know, the universe loves you, man.
You're a part of it as much
as anybody else ever has been or ever will be.
So give yourself a little bit of grace and,
and a little gratitude and love yourself a little bit.
Principle three, the principle of vibration.
Nothing rests, everything moves, everything vibrates.
Everything has its own vibes in a
constant state of vibration.
Thoughts, feelings, the earth itself.
And different planets have different vibratory frequency
about them even rocks.
Um, you know, I love
that quote in Avatar when he is talking about Jake sell.
And he is like, even a rock sees more, you know, a rock is
part of that consciousness still, you know, we may not think
of it like that, but like, if everything's conscious,
there's some things that are just a little bit more
conscious and have a little bit more awareness than others.
And you know, to some extent, even
that rock sees a little bit to me
and books, even like a book.
And it would be hard to think, well,
all books are made of paper.
You know, some are soft and some have hardbacks,
but you know, relatively made the same things were printed,
you know, printed ink on 'em.
And people say, how could a book have a different racial?
What's in that book? You know, what fills those pages?
Those words have vibration, even words and letters.
And you know, like the letter A may not have
as high a vibration as some Sanskrit symbol,
or even like maybe a Japanese symbol,
because a Japanese symbol,
usually just one symbol means a lot of things
where letter A is just a, um,
but the words literally have a vibration themselves.
And so when information that is truth, that is deep truth,
like seven matic principles being on a book, as opposed to
how to draw a cat, having that book with you,
just not even reading it.
Keep it in your back pocket, keep it in your car.
Uh, I would suggest I have a couple books like that,
the Do Ching and other books that I just, you know,
I want 'em with me all the time, you know?
And I heard Wayne, Wayne Dyer say that before.
He is like, you know, just keep it with you all the time.
You know, and that's why osmosis is a real thing.
Like just putting a book under your pillow
and, you know, telling the university, you know, I'm willing
and open to hear anything you have to gimme and say.
I'm not saying don't read those books,
but I, I really do believe and know,
and I've experienced keeping things with me
of high vibration, whether it's crystals or books
or, um, you know, certain jewelries and and stones
and things like that have carried, uh, information for me
and helped me, um, feel a different way, a certain way.
You know, keeping a a rose quartz makes me feel a little bit
more loving than keeping, you know,
like an emerald in my pocket.
And each one of us has a different vibration.
They do different things. They're good at different things.
And, um, you know, it really doesn't matter.
I, I mean, I don't carry 'em around as much as I used to,
but I used to carry, and I really started waking up
and, you know, really felt like these things are important.
I carry a lot of crystals in my pocket,
little pocket size ones.
And just think about the structure of how that thing is made
and how this, this stone has become crystallized.
And, you know, same kinda word from Christ.
I mean, Christ and all our bodies are made of water.
And so if you become a Christ,
you become someone who's completely loving and
and beautiful as you, you know, as you deep down are, um,
you could crystallize your own water.
And so if these structures
that we just keep in our oric field really kinda help,
um, align your or field just a little bit more.
So books, crystals, things of
that high vibrational frequencies, uh,
I would say if you're, you know, something's struggling,
a little something, need a little extra
help, man, go find that crystal.
Go find a book and keep it with you.
Read it, uh,
but keep it with you all the time and help you out.
So everything has, um, you know, vibrations, you know, our,
our emotions, our thoughts, you know,
there are higher vibrational thoughts
and higher vibrational emotions, you know,
especially the ones that, you know, really feel good.
Um, love is a higher, more sporadic way pattern than fear,
which has higher crescent and lower draw.
So love is definitely 100% a more higher
vibrational frequency than fear.
And that to me is, you know,
a hundred percent obvious when you really think about it.
And just think about just in general, you know,
mountains and things like that.
Like the mountains are high
and have these really high, um, peaks and everything to 'em.
And when you're in the mountains as opposed
to like low lying elevation, um, you know, flat lands, uh,
of our country or whatever, in America, you feel
so much more like a higher vibrational frequency.
And to me, a lot of times the things I wanna talk about,
when you go find these ashrams
and, um, you know, different spiritual centers and stuff,
and they're all, you know, especially like Creststone
Colorado up from the top of these mountains
and then Tibet, all these, you know, different ashrams
and everything, um, on the top of mountaintops.
And, you know, that's, that's
where this high vibrational frequency is, you know,
because these mountains are high, high frequency.
And, um, you realize sometimes for me,
there's some things I think about like, man,
you don't even want to fight somebody.
You don't wanna argue with somebody while you're up here.
Um, you feel peaceful, you know, you feel like you
sometimes don't have as much energy to, to do a lot
of things, so you wanna stay focused on what's good.
And, and sometimes, you know, I notice
for some people being up here in these high elevations can
bring up things that you are
struggling with and you're dealing with.
And some people can't handle it and they have to leave
and move back to where they came from.
But, um, high vibrational frequencies are all around us,
and all the things and all the things, books, emotions,
feelings, thoughts.
And so, you know, really honestly, it's really important
to learn how to master our thoughts and master our emotions.
'cause when you master thyself in your environment,
you can master harmony and resonance
and be that person that you want to be
and be that change you wanna be.
And you can change the eyes of a room instantly.
I've definitely gone into places where people are, um,
you know, maybe it's talking about somebody
or something, gossiping, and I walk in
and, you know, it's not something that I do
or engage with people about.
And so, uh, whether people know that about me
or not, it definitely something that people stop doing,
I feel like, as opposed to invite me in to that conversation
where a lot of people, you know, be willing,
they want to invite your friend.
They want invite people in.
They want people to bash at the people and,
and talk about other people and feel that emotion.
'cause it, there's something about, it kind
of feels like mischievous
to talk about others and things like that.
So, um, and they want to add to that vibe.
But you can, you can clear that out real quick
and people stop doing it
because ultimately, you know,
it's not what you should be doing.
And yeah, your higher vibration can supersede that
of all these lower vibrational fears.
And, and that's what it's, you know,
talking about people is, you know, fear
of being different and things like that.
Making yourself feel good
because you're tearing other people down.
So, vibration, I love it.
I think it's an incredible, you know,
Nick Esla talked about everything is vibrational frequency.
So these are things, these, some herma principle are things
that we, we see these incredible scientists,
these spiritual leaders, um, these really people of,
you know, kind of profound knowledge
and wisdom talking about, not usually
to these things together.
But you know, we, we've talked about all these things many
times with many different people around the world.
Um, and they, they, they talk about it with vigor,
how important it is to know these things
and that everything vibrates.
Number four, the principle of polarity.
This is probably one of my favorites. Everything is dual.
Everything has poles, everything has its pair of opposites.
Like, and unlike are the same
opposites are identical in nature,
but different in degree extremes meet
all truths are, but half truths
and all paradoxes can be reconciled.
That's a crazy one. I love it.
I love everything about that statement.
Something about that. For me, the duality in me,
you know, I see it, I get it.
I realize, you know, so many people
in our world today are polarized
and we have to see the wholeness.
Uh, I'll get to that in a second.
But hot and cold are usually
the extremes of temperature.
And that's probably one of the first things people use to
explain this, the principle number four.
But they are extremes of temperature.
They're both temperature and hot and cold.
They're a different degree,
but in all honesty, they're relative.
I mean, where you think hot is
and where I think hot is different.
What's hot in comparison to bath water
and what's hot into washing your dishes are
two different temperatures.
Um, cold's the same way. And, and that's relative.
But in all honesty, you know, when you get
to be the extreme part to these of temperature,
you can burn something
with cold in the same way you can burn something hot.
And so they're alike in that way.
And I think that's really important to realize.
And these, this is one of the ones for sure that, um,
you know, and just studying things, you know,
reading things, reading Christ's teachings, he said,
it's better to be hot or cold than lukewarm, so it's better
to be cold than lukewarm.
And what is he saying? And he's saying, it's better
to be one of these extremes than than to be in the middle,
because you learn something from those extremes.
You got a cold life living, homeless, maybe hungry,
you know, you realize, okay,
whatever I've been doing may not be the thing I want to do,
but this is the extreme to get me on track, to do
what I need to be doing in my life,
to feel good about myself, to feel like I'm,
I'm here doing my mission that I came here to do.
So no judgment.
Hey, you hot or cold things are working for you.
They're not working for you. But if they're not,
that's great, because that's just sledgehammer blow.
You eventually need to get up
and go do something and change your life.
Uh, and sometimes people won't do it if they're lukewarm.
Oh, I got some money, I got a job, got a little extra cash.
You know, you don't see the importance
of going, having to do something.
But when you lose that job, when you,
that relationship has ended, you know, it,
it you're like, okay, now's the time.
You know, I feel like my low
and I don't like that residence of feeling like that.
I wanna change myself. So it gives you
that opportunity to change.
But yeah, both hot and cold are relative and,
and how we perceive those things,
we have to realize that they're really
eventually the same thing.
Um, kind of like hate and love.
Um, and I know that sounds crazy, like how are hate
and love identical, but they're both extremes of emotion.
And you can change, go to go back to either one if you want
to, and they're both needed at some point.
But there were definitely people in my life
that I felt like I truly hated.
Like I hated the person that they were.
And, but they would keep coming back on my life
and I couldn't get him to go away.
And I was like, all right, I'm just gonna listen to
what this person has to say today.
And when I did, I realized
that person was more like me than I ever could imagine.
And that the judgment I had against him
was really against myself.
And that when I learned to forgive
and move on, then this person
that I hated turned into person that I loved,
like almost instantaneously.
And in one moment of just talking to them
and hearing them out, and that changed my life.
And I was like, you know, I remember
I heard a celebrity one time say,
Hey, he's just love in reverse.
And people were laughing at him. I was like, man, you know,
in some way it kind of is like, it is just an extreme
of emotion and um, you can flip it any way you want to.
You can really hate someone. And next, you know,
next moment if you're willing to
listen 'em, you can really love them.
And to be honest, like, you know, people say, well,
you should only love people and they should
only feel love all the time.
And I, you know, I do talk about that a lot,
but there are cases in times when hate is needed.
Um, I think that's super important to realize,
like even Christ said, you'll learn
to hate your mother and father in my name.
I thought about that, and that's something I never heard
about in church, but I was like, how is this relative?
How is it that I need hate?
How does, why would I need to hate somebody?
And especially my parents, you know, like in the name
of truth, yeah, I get it.
But I, you know, I thought about this for so long.
Eventually I just came to the realization that sometimes
hate motivates us.
That if I was to see something terrible happen out there in
the world, sometimes it wouldn't be just the love
of my heart to want go do something.
Sometimes what you see has to make you so mad, make you
so angry that you get up and you do something about it.
Or maybe love doesn't motivate me in that same way.
Um, I often think about, you know, people working out.
Sometimes you get pumped, you get a little angry,
but it's not like angry at anything.
But that feeling allows you to do things.
Sometimes being in angerer, feeling adrenaline.
You can do things you're not capable of without it going.
So like, feeling, you know, maybe feeling,
sometimes feeling some anger
and feeling that bad adrenaline flow through.
You can move things and pick things
up that you normally couldn't do.
So I think honestly, there is a time
and a place for everything.
You can get a boost from love.
You can feel those endorphins and feel that feeling.
You can get a boost from hate. You can feel some adrenaline.
They can help you do something
that you wouldn't normally do.
And like I said, stop, uh,
stop somebody from doing something
that they shouldn't be doing,
taking advantage of somebody else.
And you know, you see these videos where people do
that sometimes, and some people never do anything.
And you know, I know they're feeling
probably confusion, whatever, what to do.
Or maybe I, maybe someone else will say something,
but maybe someone else will do something.
But you know, if you can learn to live in these extremes,
sometimes they can motivate you to do
and give you that boost to do
something that you need to do at that time.
So all those, all though we say, you know, love everybody,
love everyone, and, and live in that love frequency, man.
There are time and a place for everything.
And, um, sometimes hey, hey,
can't help you kick a little butt when you need to,
um, moving on.
And, and so both important for us to realize, uh,
and realizing it's a spectrum.
What, uh, being polarized is, is really,
I feel like in the end of the day,
detrimental to our growth.
And we can see both sides. You can realize they're the same.
You know, oftentimes everybody, you know,
some people on this side, this left wing
or somebody's right wing gets you guys fighting the whole
time 'cause you're polarized to one side or the other.
But when you sit back and you see man left
or right wing at both part of the same bird, I don't,
you know, I'm not gonna support somebody just
because they're this, or just because they're that.
I, I wanna see who's in the center
and who, who really wants to do the good
for the people, you know?
And if you have someone who's strictly gonna vote
for someone just because they're Democrats, strictly vote
for someone, just because they're
Republican, you're not seeing it.
And that's a way that duality
of these things being different,
but they're literally the same thing
and they play off of each other.
So beautiful. It's incredible.
When you sit back and look at it, it's easy to see.
And I think that's what's so important
in this polarized world where people take sides like dark
Republican, Democrat, you know, whatever it is.
Um, see the whole picture, see the whole thing,
and realize they're both part of the same thing.
And come back and send yourself a master that,
and not be engaged
and be fighting people for reasons
we really don't understand completely.
And when I sit back and I, I, I allow myself to fall in
that center and not be polarized,
there's a lot of freedom that comes with that.
And so, you know, that's one of the things about these,
these principles are they're
so profound in mastering yourself, mastering this kind
of walk with the universe for you to wake up
and take back your life and take back your power.
And, um, that's, you know,
the main reason why I'm sharing these tonight.
I think these principles can bring us
to our own personal renaissance.
Uh, and I'll talk about that again later.
So number five, the principle rhythm.
Everything flows out and then everything has its tides.
Everything has its rise and fall.
The pendulum swing manifests in everything.
The measure of the swing to the right is the measure
of the swing to the left rhythm compensates.
So that's pretty obvious. You know, you see a pendulum,
you pull one ball, you let it go, it knocks more.
One ball over here do two
and two, when it hits, two will come off three and three.
Um, and that's always the coolest one
because if you got five balls on there
and three swing over, that means one from the previous side
had to come over here and four and the same thing.
So I just, you know, when it, when you first see that I was,
look kid, you're like, there's this really
cool, there's something to that.
And I think that's why we like stuff like that.
'cause deep down we know that there's even more to it.
This is something that's really important.
Um, and as a kid, I definitely remember playing
with the pendulum and being like, um, you know,
if I swing it this way
and it's gonna go back same amount this way,
um, it's in everything.
The pendulum swing is in everything.
When you pull your leg back to that degree
to kick a ball, it has to go back.
You can't pull your leg forward
and kick the ball the other way when, you know,
it's kinda like Newton's law of motion
when you pull it back to the extreme.
And the other thing can go to the extreme the other way.
Um, and then I think, uh, we've all heard that, you know,
we all heard, we all know that our lungs expand
when you take a break of breath in.
And then when you blow your breathe out, you contract.
And that's constantly doing that.
Your lungs are constantly flowing that air in and out, in
and out contract, you know, contracting and expanding.
And, um, so that's something
that we have just in our bodies.
And then the universe where people have said for so long,
the universe is expanding,
it's getting bigger and bigger and bigger.
And now you're hearing some of the signs say, well,
at some points in some places,
it also looks like it's contracting at the same time.
Um, and that is pretty awesome.
And I feel like that has to be a truth as well, that
as the universe expands, it also has
to contract then at some point.
Like it's a big lung itself,
breathing in and out, ebb and flow.
Um, you know, I think those are things that, you know,
realize and come to know.
Uh, that's how this universe is working.
And so that means creation and destruction.
There's an ebb and flow
and that destruction, just as I said earlier, hey, um,
destruction is something that's needed.
I mean, when the forest burns down from a fire
or whatever, it gives the new growth underneath
of the opportunity to grow up.
Um, and that's why they even have, you know,
foresters have prescribed burns
and things to do just that, to mimic nature.
Um, but, you know, civilizations are created,
they're destroyed, they're built over again.
Uh, these bodies, they're created.
We live and we die,
and they're destroyed back into the earth.
It goes. And it's just this ebb and flow cycle over and over
and over again of something that really, honestly, you know,
again, I think it's just one of those things
that you really just open yourself up and think about it.
Like it's just kind of obvious.
Yeah, that's, you know, some
of these things are pretty obvious.
Like they're not, these aren't secrets, Jacob.
I mean, um, they're just kind of natural things that are,
and they're explaining the
universe in a way, and that's what it is.
These are laws the universe, this is how things work.
And understanding that
and understanding how the universe works
and understanding how you work.
And again, that's why I said, you know,
your lungs are contracting in and out all the time.
And I think this is, you know, even one of the, uh, big, um,
understandings of the Bible is the God, you know, God,
the Lord giveth and taketh away.
You'll have things, you'll have cars, you'll lose cars.
You'll have, you know, certain objects for a while.
They'll, you'll lose objects, you'll find new ones.
Things come and they go, money comes and goes.
You know, um, things like that happen.
And we have to just understand, don't try to hold anything.
You try to hold onto too tightly.
You can be almost assured that thing is gonna leave.
But allow that ebb
and flow to happen for you, for things to come in your life,
relationships, people, events things and come out.
And it's constantly gonna happen to you in life.
People are gonna, uh, die.
People are gonna come in, people are gonna be significant.
People are gonna move away.
And the ebb and flow is, uh, completely, uh, important
for you to understand in your life.
So mastering this principle is learning how
to center yourself so
that you don't consciously are subconsciously act
to counter an emotion causing the pendulum
to swing too wildly from one side to the other.
And that's exactly what I think fear is, is that, you know,
things are really great and then things are really bad.
And it's just you're in this fear state where
it's really hard to, you know, feel good.
It's like, 'cause man, the highs are really good,
but then these things down here are really bad.
And that can really devastate you.
And if you're not in that good feeling time,
and then all of a sudden something's bad
and you're not realizing, Hey man, the things
that I'm getting the love that's here now,
this incredible moment that I'm
in, it's not gonna last forever.
And there's gonna be something else
that happened that's gonna challenge me.
It's gonna help me grow.
And I can't be too focused on one or the other,
but stay centered in that
and know that everything is truly happening for me.
That leads to a state
of inner peace in which the foundation,
your foundation is strong
and you can remain unbothered by circumstances around you.
That's, that's the most important thing I feel like in this
whole, um, understanding of this principle.
It's like the universe is a giant wave happening
with tides coming in
and out, you know, low tide and high tide.
And we are all kind of surfers trying to surf on this wave
of, of life.
And when you are not surfing on top
and you fall down and you're crashing in the water
and the tides are high, you know, it's tough.
You feel like you're drowning.
You feel like, you know, you're missing out
and life is hard and you're struggling.
And if you can learn how to, you know, surf that
in incredible wave called life, and it can be really fun
and really exciting
and, you know, you have a lot of gratitude,
but it doesn't stop people from dying.
It doesn't stop challenging things from happening,
but it changes the way you see it.
That you see the challenge, that you see the next big wave.
And you can be like, okay, I'm ready for it.
Let's jump on it and go.
And I think that's what's most important about this one is
to realize that you're not gonna stop certain things from
happening, but you can center yourself
and be ready for the things
and be grateful for everything that happens and,
and have a sense of peace about life that a lot
of people don't have probably in this particular time
because things are really tough
and maybe many people feel like they are drowning
and not on top of the wave, but rather being crushed by it.
So we learned to adapt and we learned to change
and learned to surf the wave.
Number six, the principle of cause and effect.
Every cause has its effect.
We know, and every effect has, its cause.
Everything happens according to law.
Chance is, but a name for law not recognized.
There are many planes of causation,
but nothing escapes the law.
So the universe is governed by laws,
meaning nothing happens without reason.
You may not be able to directly pinpoint a specific cause
for the certain effect
because a cause may happen on different planes of existence,
existence, but every action has a ripple effect that leads
to a con to to consequence.
So, you know, just
because something happened to you physically,
and many people think, well, you know, it's just,
I'm old getting old, so this thing happened to me
and now I gotta go to the doctor
and then he can gimme a pill
and, you know, make it terrible,
make it better for the most part.
You know, just, that's just happened 'cause I'm old
or whatever, you know?
No, you can live a long, beautiful, happy,
physically abled life
and never have to have anything happen to you.
I really believe. And, you know, die, you know, uh,
transition back into the ether, into, you know, in,
in a very peaceful, harmonious way as many people do.
And then some people struggle and are in, uh, hospice care
and other places for long periods of time.
I don't find that something that's just a coincidence
or something that just happened to certain people.
If this law is true,
and I believe that it is, that means
that nothing is by chance.
We have to realize that everything has happened for us,
like I said before, for opportunity to grow
and to learn and to be better people.
If we realize that, I think that helps us to know
for sure, for certain that these things are happening
for us and not to us.
The universe isn't just, you know, beating us up
and hating us and jealous
and all the things that we were told back in the day.
Um, so yeah, I mean, it's like karma.
People talk about karma being positive
or, you know, are negative.
Um, you know,
karma doesn't always have to be a b***h, right?
It's, and I said this
before, you know, karma's usually the only b***h if you are,
if you, if you're rude, people be rude back to you.
If you're, if you're an angry guy,
people might be angry back to you.
It has to be, it has to show you, it is gonna show.
The universe is literally gonna show
you exactly what you are.
Here it is. And that toal field that I'm giving out has
to be what I get back in my and get back in my field.
And when I get back from everybody else
and everybody else is just the mirror back to me
of, of what I am.
And that gonna show you a lot eventually to grow.
I'm like, okay, what I put out in the field is important.
What I say to people,
how I make people feel, that's super important.
So karma is something that can be something beautiful
for you and something great for you.
If you're putting the right things out
and you're receiving that back.
Sometimes we don't realize the universe is not giving us
because we held back.
So sometimes when you see that homeless person
and you look at 'em or, or somebody
who needs a help in hand in some way,
or somebody calls you to help you move their stuff in their
house and you have the opportunity
and you feel called to do it and you say, I could,
but I just don't really want to.
And that's fine, you know, no judgment.
But when it comes around next time when you need help,
when you need somebody to come see you and you ask somebody
and they can't do it for you for the same reasons,
the universe, I felt like at
that point is mimicking your actions.
And I feel like a lot of times when I held back
and giving money is when I
had the opportunity to get something.
I didn't. But when I gave happily
and gratefully he gave to people, then sometimes that day,
sometimes right after, sometimes a couple days later,
I would sell something or get something
or find something, um, on the side of the road at a,
at a thrift store or something, I'll say, man,
this is exactly what I needed.
And if you're someone who gives somebody exactly
what they need and a little bit more, guess what?
The universe is gonna give you exactly
what you need and a little bit more.
If you're someone that holds back from giving
'cause you feel like you don't want to,
or you're limited in your resources, I mean, it's funny
because you don't, you don't not give hugs out
because they don't have enough hugs to give,
but people do that with money.
Money's energy too. Just as much as a hug is,
you think will think money's limited.
I only have, I only have $55 in my
account, so I can only give so much.
But money's an energy like anything else.
And if you weren't, if you're not gonna hold back on giving
someone a hug because you have plenty of love to give,
then you shouldn't really think of money in the same way.
Think of money as just a resource
and energy that you have an unlimited amount
of and you can give to people.
And when you do that, I really have seen,
at least personally for myself, when I do it with gratitude
and, you know, gratefulness, uh, to be able to give somebody
and help somebody out, the universe gives back to me.
And that's not the, you know, probably the reasoning for it
as I feel like it is oftentimes better to give.
I feel better about giving than getting myself.
But there are, I'm definitely gonna say definitely
receiving is good too.
There are time we all need to receive
and we all wanna feel that we're being looked after
and the universe is given to us.
And you know what I mean?
Receiving is an art just as much as giving is.
Sometimes people give you a compliment, tell you
how good you look today, or, you know,
you seem really light things, you know, whatever it is.
And it was say, oh nah man, you know, whatever,
you don't even wanna take it in.
You don't even wanna receive a
compliment from somebody sometimes.
'cause whatever reason you don't feel good enough.
You don't, you don't, you're not allowing
and receiving to come in.
But that given flow and given receiving is an ebb
and flow as much as anything else is.
So instead of being affected by
all the other things that people are saying
or doing, become your own cause
so that you're not affected by what other people do.
I remember when I was a kid and I would following around
with other people, were doing just to be a part of something
and I would get in trouble for things
that I wouldn't normally get in trouble
for, I wouldn't normally do.
Now as you get older, you're like, man,
I'm not gonna hang around with that crowd.
I know if I hang around with
these people, what we're gonna do.
I know if I go do this place, I know what's gonna happen.
I know if I date that kind of person, I
what my life is gonna be like.
But if I can stand behind my intuition
and the things that I know become my own cause of
what I'm gonna do, what I'm gonna strive for,
and what my focal points are gonna be,
I become now like my own cause to my own effect.
And I think that is profound.
And we all know that if you wanna, you wanna work out
and you have bigger muscles, go hang
out with people who are doing that.
Go to the places that that's happening.
That's not gonna happen at the bar, you know,
or think about it for an hour or a day
and you know, really think about it.
And you probably gain some muscle mass too,
but become your own cause so that that's
what you're affected by instead of by other people.
That I think is probably one of the most important things
for this particular, uh, principle of,
um, cause and effect.
All right, so last one. Number seven,
the principle of gender.
Gender is in everything.
Everything has its masculine and feminine principles.
Gender manifests on all planes, not,
so this is not about like sexual gender.
This is about like the balance of masculine and feminine.
So just like our brain,
we have two hemispheres, we have two sides.
Our left is masculine and the right brain is feminine.
So the left has the logical, the analytical, you know,
thoughts, the math sciences and the,
and the right side's, the feminine side,
the creativity, the art.
And you know, really
that's why we have called a left brain society.
And where most people are right-handed
because the right hand is, is connected
to that left hemisphere.
The whole right side of the body is, um, that as we become
engaged with that right side, with that creativity
and that art and those characteristics that really, um,
are what the right brain is all about,
you can become like ambidextrous.
Like someone like Leonard Da Vinci was able
to write and paint with both hands.
'cause he was encompassing both parts of his brain.
I think it's really important for us to use
whatever non-dominant you hand you, uh,
non-dominant hand more often so that you can help
that brain, um, that half of the brain to work more,
which is usually for most of us
that right part of the brain.
So we have to realize like not only do we have, you know,
this masculine, feminine parts of our brain
that we can use more of
and we can have balance in, which is really important.
Realizing that the masculine and feminine have qualities
and characteristics that manifest in all of us.
So just because I'm a guy doesn't mean
that I don't have feminine characteristics,
that I don't have, um,
feminine emotions and, and things like that.
In fact, me diving into those
and being balanced with my masculine emin is gonna make me
much more centered and peaceful human being and knowing more
and understanding more and being in more flow for myself.
So typically the the feminine is nurturing, it's preserving,
it's more receptive what we talked about earlier.
So being able to receive things, compliments, uh,
understandings, and that energy that sustains and gives, um,
and it gives and it gives them sustains
and gives value to existence.
And the masculine is more active and assertive, explorative.
It's the giving out of, of, uh, energy and more often
and expressing in that driving forward force
and explore to go out, you know?
But if you, if you have imbalance in these energies,
it can lead to a lot of disharmony.
So, you know, say you had, uh,
and it can be true for, you know,
you have too much masculine for a woman
or a man doesn't mean 'cause a man's gonna be too masculine,
a woman gonna be too feminine, that we know that's not true.
A woman could have way more, uh,
masculine characteristics than a and than she does feminine.
And for me personally, for me personally,
I feel like I'm in this body to learn more of the masculine.
That throughout lifetimes I've been both mass men and women.
And I, I feel like I really,
for myself perfected a lot of things in the,
in the women in the, in the feminine
department for things that I learned.
How to nurture, how to care, take, um, how
to receive and those kind of things.
And so, you know, as I, as I kind of master
that essence now, the universe says, okay, now you need to,
you really need to work on that masculine.
Let's put you in some masculine bodies
and learn how to be a father.
Learn how to be, um, you know, go out and explore
and, um, do embody those, um,
assertiveness and things like that
that I'm normally passive about.
It's time to go in a body
and be that so you can learn more because you use mouse.
And this is the whole, this is the whole lifestyles.
Um, I mean life and reincarnation and being different people
and learning different essences and, and attributes
and characteristics to become a more
fulfilled human and more.
And this is all, you know, these, these lifetimes
that we're all deep down our souls
and they're just a, there's just a snap, you know,
just a tiny little piece of the wholeness of that you are.
But we do go live these lives to learn and to grow.
And we take that stuff with us when we leave.
I really do believe every life is embedded and,
and sealed down in our DNA.
It's never forgotten. We deeply only know.
And I feel like now more than ever, for me,
it feels like all these lives
are bleeding together into now.
So I have access to these,
to these characteristics into these lives.
So anyway, what I was saying, too much masculine leads to
expansion or progress without regard
of the impact that you have.
So I, and I feel like we do see
that the things people are trying to do, make more money,
um, you know, take over countries and nations
and you don't care what you have to do to get there.
What you have to do to expand your empire, what you have
to do to make more money.
Who do you have to hurt? Who do you have to talk about?
Um, that's that masculine being out of balance, right?
Too much. And, um, and, and it hurt.
And you don't care who you hurt.
And that's, you know, where the feminine, if you have some
of that, you're not gonna do that, you know, balance out.
You, you're still gonna do that expansion and exploration,
but you're not gonna do it to the
disregard of hurting others.
And then too much feminine without that balance
of the masking can lead to stagnation
where progress is hindered
by focusing on preservation and the present.
And that's important too.
You know, we need both of these aspects, both
of these estimates to come together, both of our brains
to be equally used, both of that divine masculine
and feminine within us to help us have so much more harmony,
balance and higher stake of consciousness and being in flow.
To me personally, as someone who is a caretaker, which is,
you know, typically, you know, a female job, uh, I love it.
I absolutely embody it and I feel like I'm really good at it
and I work with young people and older people, um,
and I feel like I'm at my best when I really am ebbing
and flowing in my masculine
and feminine, uh, you know, I can be strong
and, um, loving in a masculine way to people and helpful
and, you know, get my point across and let them know
and be assertive and say, you
know, that's not gonna work for us.
And then, you know, there's some points in my job
where I feel like I'm totally need
to be nurturing right now to this individual.
I totally need to be accepting a loving and,
and that feminine kind of way,
and embrace them, hug on them,
let 'em know they're doing a good job.
And if I only were to stay in one
of these essences of the masculine f
or the other, it would be harder,
much harder for me to do this job.
And I feel like because I'm able to flow into those
different feelings of different, you know, different aspects
of myself, that I can do my job in a better way
and that I can be around other people in a better way
and make people feel supported
and that I truly, I really do care.
I really do care about your wellbeing.
I care about you growing and being a better person.
I feel like honestly, every single person I work with
really knows that about me.
Like that's true and genuine.
And, um, I think that's, you know, something
that we can all do and we can all be in flow.
And even in these incredibly challenging
or difficult times, jobs, events that happen,
if you are able to embody
that divine masculine sometimes
and sometimes flowing that divine feminine,
whatever comes your way, you can be ready for it.
Those two powers inside of you.
I don't even think we, I I know for me,
I don't even realize, I mean, I'm starting
to realize the importance of both,
but I don't even think I truly realize the, the,
the full capacity of what, um, being able to go back
and forth in those things and flow with that,
what it could, what it could be.
But I do believe 100% it could put you in the right place
with the right person at the right time, always.
You're always ready, you're always, um,
in that flow state.
So whatever happens to you, no matter what, you can
be your best self, put your best foot
forward, put your best foot forward.
So bringing all these together in balance can birth,
in my opinion, your own personal renaissance.
Learning how each
and every single one of these principles help you
master yourself, master your thoughts and your emotions.
So you're not saying things that you regret later on.
You're not not doing the things that you wish you said in
that moment or you wish you did in that moment.
You are doing those things.
You are reaching out to that person who's at the end
of their rope and,
and you feel like I need
to reach out to 'em and talk to them.
Um, you are living the life
that you have without any regrets, uh,
any wish I did this or that.
Um, and you're doing it in a way that you feel good about
and it's authentic to yourself.
That to me is, you know what I mean?
And, and, and really bringing out your creativity
and your art and your, and your work
and your personal life in your relationships.
You're bringing out the best in everybody that you know,
they're bringing the best outta you.
And that is what that, that to me is just part of
what your personal renaissance can look like.
Being in the, in a in a great relationship, you know,
being in the right job, feeling like, man, everywhere I go,
I'm in the right place at the right time, always.
Um, and honestly, I think there are a few people
that know these principles
and they don't want you to know it.
And and
that's why they call stuff like this esoteric information.
It's secret information
and they don't want people empowered with it.
And so things like this are not talked about in school
or not talked about in colleges.
They're, you know, things written that have been preserved
and passed down that you have to find
and you have to be an initiate.
You have to be ready to learn new things and to grow.
I think a few, a few people out there want us to think
that life is random.
That the universe is just a result of some kind
of implosion, that negative and positive are opposites
and not the dual explanation of oneness.
They want us to think that something physical is only,
that something is only physical,
and that to treat
and hold on, that something is physical only
and not treat the way it's happening
and that it could be a spiritual reason
that this is happening.
Lemme go back, I just wrote that wrong.
I want you to think that something is just a physical
problem or something, and that there's nothing
that you're doing emotionally or spiritually
or mentally that could be causing cancer
or causing a problem in your life.
Um, they just say, oh, well you got cancer.
Take this radiation that'll fix you. Um, take this pill.
It'll make you feel better. And we don't realize those are
like bandaids and they, we may stop something from happening
now, but it may cause other problems
because you're putting chemicals and stuff into your body
and realizing that maybe sometimes the way we think can
cause cancer, maybe the way we feel sometimes can cause
cancer or cause other autoimmune diseases or ailments.
So they want us to think something's physical only
and that we can't treat and,
and not treat it the why it's happening.
And yeah, I messed that up.
And so anyway, this could be
for a spiritual reason that this is happening.
And for us to be polarized to one side,
not realizing the whole situation.
They want you to be on a Democrat
or I want you to be on publican.
I don't care which one, you know, as long as you're on one
or the other, instead of sitting back
and being, being independent and being like, you know what?
I just want freedom. I want freedom for everybody.
I want everybody to thrive.
I want everyone to be able to do
what they want without hurting somebody else
and be happy with that.
And so they want people to be polarized to one side
or the other and not seeing the whole situation.
And they don't, and they, and they want us to
not realize the wholeness of this whole situation.
I am and you are. All that is.
I embody all and I'm therefore whole.
And I think that's so important
with these dualistic concepts.
Everything is valid, everything's important.
Every side is a side to the wholeness.
It's important for us to understand these concepts
and to balance, harmonize and master our lives
because so many on this planet are slaves to their life.
They're slaves to their desires, to the things
that they feel they have to do because they don't have
that connection that we were talking about earlier.
And they don't feel connected.
So they give into porn, they give to drinking, they're given
to drugs, they're given to sex with people
that you don't really love and care about,
and you just wanna take advantage of people.
Uh, and they're giving in to these desires
that make you weak.
Instead of having discipline, you know,
not eating the sugars
and the taking the drugs and all the things.
Um, we can master our emotions, we can master our thoughts,
we can master the ability to not give into those things
and give into those desires.
And I think ultimately that's what many
of these ancient masters told us.
You know, you can master this, this life in this universe
and your and your desires.
So no discipline and give it all into temptation
or you can master your life and have discipline
and be content happy, fulfilled.
Realize dual, the dualistic nature of life
live in the light and the dark.
Everybody wants to be a light working and a light,
but at the same time, if we don't have
darkness, the light's gonna kill you.
If it was light all day outside,
we wouldn't be living on this planet.
The balance of light and dark is, is needed.
It's inevitable. It's, it's something that we have to come
to terms with and realize that the balance is important.
Can't have light without
dark, can't have dark without light.
The yin and the yang, light gives
birth to the dark and the dark.
Dark gives birth to the light.
You give into one easier than into another.
But if you feel full, you don't need those things.
When you do harmonize
and balance your life, then you do the same for this world,
which is very polarized.
When we don't realize that how important us getting out
of the polarization of feeling, uh, a certain way or,
or subscribing to a certain political view,
when we take ourselves out and we send ourselves in and,
and find that peace and harmony and realize and look back
and see the whole picture, you do that in your own life.
You are literally creating a little bit
more balance of this world.
There's absolutely no doubt about that.
We have a world that's completely off balance,
it's completely wild on a crazy ride right now,
and it could be so much more harmonious
and so much more balanced and centered.
And all we have to do is do that for ourselves.
Because first of all, and foremost, you'll reality
is based on your thoughts and your, and your emotions
and your feelings and how you interact
and react to what the universe has given you
and challenges that are happening for you.
So all you have to do is balance yourself
and you balance yourself and your life,
and your partner can do that,
and your kids will reflect that.
The relationships we're gonna have are gonna reflect that.
If you truly have done the work, people that you meet up at,
at random places, you're gonna constantly be in that state
of flow where you're at the right place at the right time,
meeting the right people in the right situations,
and finding the next piece of
that next puzzle, the next bread Trump.
I say all these things to you guys because I know it's true.
I know it's happening for me
and I know it's happening for other people around me.
This is a teaching that I wanna,
I really do believe can bring us in our own personal
renaissance and a collective cultural renaissance
that I believe that we are on the cusp of.
I believe that what happened in the Renaissance in the past,
what happened in the great awakenings of the past,
we are on the cusp of an incredible awakening
happening on this planet.
It's not happening, it's not gonna happen. It is happening.
Um, the snowball effect is real.
The ripple in the universe is real.
And as we think so it shall be
and as we feel, so it is you guys.
I'm incredibly grateful to be here with you guys tonight.
I'm incredibly grateful to share a message like this.
It kind of ends up being my message every night, I think.
But it is true as we do the work,
as we be the change we want to see, it really does happen.
And it happens more and more.
And it gives permission for the others to, to know
that it's possible to not believe in somebody else,
but believe in yourself and believe that you can do it.
I don't need someone to come save me from my problems.
I need to save myself from my problems.
I need to be the hero of my own journey.
And if we do that, I 100% the Renaissance on this planet
will be far beyond probably our wildest dreams
to have pyramids of Giza with the,
the white coated lime stone
and have the stone hinge be rebuilt and the pyramids
and the temples, and to live in a world again
where these things will be rebuilt in incredible way
that they were in the past
and live in a, a life like Atlantis or La Maria.
And we will live in similar lives again.
What has happened will come back and come, come back again.
That's the ebb and flow. That's what we have to know.
These things not just happened during the past,
but they're here now too.
And there are people who live this way already,
whether it's on top of the, the earth
or in inside it, it's already here and it's now.
And we just have to dive into that deeply and knowing that.
And so it is.
I wanna thank you guys all tonight
for joining me another great episode of Mystery School.
I'm incredibly grateful to be here.
The light in me sees honors
and recognize the light, the divine, the godlike nature,
the love, the oneness that's in each
and every single one of you.
My name is Jacob Cox, and our topic tonight is Hermeticism.
Uh, it is something I really, really do enjoy.
I love esoteric information.
Um, I really love agnosticism, and I think Hermeticism
and gnosticism are very close together.
We'll do an episode of Gnosticism, uh,
probably in the next couple months,
but it's one that I feel like it's important, um,
coming straight from, you know, our man Hermes trips, Magis,
um, somebody who has been passed down, uh, for many, many
thousands, if not even longer.
Um, so his name brings out, you know, someone like Jesus
or Buddha, but it's a little bit more unknown.
It's a little bit more secret, but he is definitely,
at least, um, even in the, in the history
that we're taught in school, or not something you taught in
school, but at least the, the accepted
history that we have today.
You know, we're talking about before Jesus, before Buddha,
but you know, if, if he is someone who is like Thoth,
and Ian is probably a much older even than that.
So, uh, again, he's a, he's a super cool guy to talk about.
We're gonna talk about mainly the seven Herma principles
tonight, and I think we will talk about these in a way,
hopefully that can help you in your life, um,
master yourself, master your emotions, your, your life,
your spirit, and, um, you know, really help you
to become the person that you were meant to be.
And that's exactly why we're sharing it tonight.
So we wanna talk about Hermeticism again.
I told you guys it's an ancient spiritual philosophy
tradition that comes from a collection of texts, uh,
called the Corpus Hertica.
Um, and that is written by the legendary Hermes Tris.
Magus, who was paid, who was, who was said
to have profound knowledge and spiritual wisdom.
Um, and again, this guy is passed down through the,
the eons and the ages, um,
and, you know, so revered, so incredible,
so spectacular on par with someone like Jesus or Buddha
or Krishna, um,
and what he's associated
with Emerald tablets and those kind of things.
We'll talk about that a little bit here.
But, uh, that'll be another episode as well.
Um, yeah, he said to have profound wisdom
and information, uh, called Hermes in Greece
and Thoth, the Atan in Egypt.
And again, if he comes from Atlantis, my guess is,
and other people, you know, Atlantis was
around 13,000 years ago when it sunk in the day.
So it was around probably before that.
So we're talking about this guy could be
this Henry's trier guesses can be from a, a, a much,
much older time period.
A time where many things were a lot different than they are
on the planet today, uh, which I think is really cool.
Um, but he's definitely associated with both, and Hermes
and even more people too.
He's suspected to be Moses,
or at least associated with Moses in some way.
And Muslim, the writings, uh, say that he is
Iris, which is Enoch.
And I think that's pretty crazy.
And then some people in South America even, you know, claim
that not in South America around the world, say the, uh,
God was a quale.
Um, they say they could be him too.
And I, and although I think that's very possible
that he could be these different people,
one thing I think is really important
to realize is enlightened beings would have similar
understandings and of the universe
and spirituality, and probably have similar.
So it is, you know, it could be,
I'm not gonna say either way, that he is all those people,
but I would say that they're probably
more, more likely different.
It could be the fact that he is both
and Hermes at the same time, and just based on where you go
and the language that they speak,
they might call you something different.
Uh, of course, you know, like just Christ in general is
not a name, but a title.
The Buddha is a title that was not their name.
Then when, when they became the anointed one.
That's what Christ means. When they become the anointed one.
You, your name changes. And
I think that's important to realize.
And it's something that even today, like the Pope,
when they become the Pope, they change their name into
something to symbolize the same thing.
Although we know that they're not, that, that person
that has done that work
and become an annoyance when become a Christ,
become a Christian, become a Buddha.
Um, so it's important to realize that, you know,
enlighten people's names.
There's a stone written on it in the Bible, says that
with your name on it.
And I think that is when you become this enlightened being,
you realize this, this Christed name,
this Christed name that's there for you.
Um, and I think it's like a title like Doctor
or anything else, but this is, to me, our Mary,
I think would be what, um, women were given back in the day
that they're married, they're masculine
and feminine, their energies are married.
And so those, again, so those are me, your titles.
But, um, I do think that Hermes, Chris Magus was definitely
a real being who passed these teachings
and understandings down to his disciples,
just like other teachers have throughout history.
And these are things that were super important
and we have passed down and, uh, through the ages
and the aons and eras
and everything to make sure that this
incredibly important information doesn't get lost.
So, so
yeah, that's, um, that's where I think we're at.
I think we're, we're talking about a guy,
Hermes Trista is an enlightened being who beyond time
and space, who has mastered himself,
who sees into other dimensions,
and, you know, he's here to share that information with us.
So, um, hermeticism is also closely associated
to the Emerald Tablet, what I was talking about earlier,
which is said to be guarded by the great white brotherhood.
And that's something that I knew before,
but it didn't ring a bell until obviously the last,
last week's episode, or two weeks ago, three weeks ago,
when we did the Hopi Hopi prophecy.
And it's funny because the hope you're waiting
for the great white brother, right?
And upon reading this to, you know, reading this information
and going back, that's why it's so awesome to go back
on things that you've read and stories that you, um,
dived into, um, about spirituality and things.
You can always go back and almost learn something new.
And when you kind of change
and you become this, you know, kind
of deeper person understanding, and you go back
and you read something, you read before,
and it's like, wow, I take on so much more.
I've learning so much more understanding more than I
did that first time I read it.
But to me, I was like, what a, what a great synchronicity.
What a coincidence.
Um, I don't believe in coincidences,
but that, you know, it's guarded
by the great white brotherhood.
And, you know, they, they said, they, Hopi said
that they were, they were gonna have artifacts,
they were gonna have spiritual symbols and things like that,
and they were gonna come back to the Hopi people,
and that's how they would know who they were.
And these people, the great white brotherhood,
are literally, um, guarding this Emerald tablet,
which would be an incredible artifact
to have, just to see.
I mean, it's described as a four foot long, three foot wide,
uh, Emerald tablet
with the seven Herma principles on it and other information.
So it's cool.
Maybe the great white brotherhood shows up in, uh, Arizona
and New Mexico and, and comes and, and talks to them and,
and brings them that information.
Who knows? But, uh, at this point, anything's possible.
So I'm open to it all.
Um, that's just my wishful thinking, I guess.
But I think it is, I think that the information is
that connected and they're,
they're these people passing down these
prophecies with that right on.
And you have to open up your mind and,
and make the connections and connect the dots.
And, and eventually there's this crazy puzzle that's there.
And that's what's so awesome about mysteries to me.
I absolutely love it. I mean, I don't know all the answers,
but I know everything at this point is somehow
connected to each other.
And I'm, I'm just doing my best to put
that together and share it with you guys.
So, but anyway, these texts, uh, you know,
from the Corpus eda, um, they're really important
and they have all kinds of,
and really natural laws of the universe on 'em.
And our basic understanding of that comes from the kabalan,
um, the Alion.
Um, it's a study of the Herma philosophy
of ancient Egypt in Greece.
This is the most modern, one
of the most modern books about hermeticism kind
of our modern understanding.
Back in 1908 is when this book book came out.
It was originally published in 19 eight
by the three initiates.
In the beginning of the book, it says, it will appear
to you when you're ready for the wisdom.
And that to me is how I feel about a lot of things
where I have opened myself up, opened my bowl up,
asked God and my angels
and the spirit guides to guide me to information that I need
to fill, that I need to see, that I need to read,
that I need to know, that I need to remember, uh,
'cause I feel like I've been gathering up this
information for lifetimes.
And now it just kind of comes through me sometimes,
and I download it and I see these
breadcrumbs that connect to other things.
So, um, I think that's
a profound statement to say that these things are ready.
It reminds me of that saying,
when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
And that I found to be true so often in my life, now
that I'm actually ready for,
and I'm willing to listen to other people
and learn from other people.
Um, I find that all the time,
and there are things that I didn't even know that I need
to know that someone gives me when I'm ready for it.
And so I think that's really cool that
that's one of the first sentences in there.
And, um, so most of these concepts, um,
I just knew a lot of these concepts
have the seven matic principles.
I knew for myself all of a sudden, like,
there would be things that would happen
and be like, that's just how
that works, and this is how it is.
And, uh, in meditations, I would have downloads
of the whole understanding of like a part of the,
part of the hermeticism.
I wouldn't get like the whole seven at one time,
but I, I definitely got, you know, one at one time
and another at another time.
And I knew some of these things, you know,
and I was like, wow, you know, it's really cool that,
you know, it is just in a split second in a meditation
or, you know, just relaxing
and, you know, asking the universe to fill up your cup.
I've been like, you know,
downloaded with really cool things.
And, and then eventually, you know, I, I would come with one
or two of these things at a time,
and then I would find the whole thing somewhere, you know?
And back in the early two thousands
where this information really wasn't readily available,
you might see a TikTok
or some kind of short on one
of these principles of these topics.
It wasn't, wasn't that way as much back then.
So I felt really, you know, like, cool.
And I was part of this secret club
and knew some things that everybody else didn't know about
and didn't even s honestly care about.
So, um, I think that is really important to realize
for everyone listening and watching tonight,
and that Willis is information and comes to you.
The universe is not like, got us back towards you.
It loves you. It cares about you, you know,
everything is happening for you to grow, to learn.
And if you're receptive to that and you understand that,
and you're looking for breadcrumbs, man,
those synchronicities will happen.
And you'll, the things
that you're looking for, you'll find it more.
So these texts describe the nature of existence,
and they have a mystical, spiritual,
and philosophical insights.
The rediscovery of these texts
and information has helped cultures bloom into Renaissance
because of our experience is based on what we think.
So, you know, if we think, you know,
everything's limited, resources are limited.
And we, and we believe that as a societies, as a culture,
we're limited, you know, we really believe that.
So things are limited, and, um, when we change our view,
and sometimes it only takes a few of us to do that,
we can change the collective conscience of a, you know,
of a state of a, of an area of a, of a consonant, uh,
of our world eventually.
Um, that really works for everybody.
So I think that's really important to realize, like, um,
these things are, you know, for you
and for the, for the initiate, the person who's ready
for it, who's made that, that empty bowl, who's got rid
of all the things that you were told
and said, I'm willing to look at things a different way.
I'm willing to read things.
And you, I I don't ever say go into anything, believe in it,
don't believe it, or disbelieve it.
Give it it's due, read about it, you know, listen
to your intuition and then go on to the next thing.
And then you never know.
You may be called back to the
information again at some point.
I know I have almost everything I ever got in, uh,
got excited about things I felt really attracted to.
I would always work on the way back around to it.
Something else would push me back in there and,
and I would get to look at it
and learn it deep more deeply into it.
So, um, so yeah,
how we think about things, having limited resources can
definitely limit our reality, because that's how we think.
So collectively, the more people who believe certain ideas,
the more the effect the field.
Um, you know, so I was saying earlier, like,
we believe things and we truly know it in our hearts
that transmits into the people you're closest to
and when you go to work.
And so it really starts to, uh, take the spell out.
You know what I mean? We're under a spell of programming
to believe a certain way, and to think a certain way
and to feel or not feel.
And that's really important.
So we we're here to come break that spell, you know,
hallelujah, amen.
Whatever you wanna call it. We're really, we're here
to break a spell that we, you know, that, uh,
a few people work really hard to keep it.
And it's information like these hermetic principles,
I believe certain people know.
Um, and they don't want us to know,
because if people know some of these underlying laws
of the universe can use 'em forever, they want
to, it's just a tool.
You know, you can use a gun to hunt
or you can use it to murder people.
Um, it doesn't make the gun bad
or anything, it's just what a tool that you use it for.
You can do the same thing with a garden tool.
Uh, it can hurt people with it, or,
or till up your, your land.
So we have to realize that information
that's been esoteric, that seems to be negative or evil
or something like that, we need to look at it with a new way
and say, okay, I'm willing to look at this just
how it is wrong or right.
Um, I'm not gonna judge it anyway,
but I, I definitely need
to give it its day in the sun and check it out.
So that's what we're doing here today.
Um, but these ideas help us, help us see the true nature
and help us jailbreak the matrix.
And that's what I feel like is most important.
We are here, we are here to jailbreak the matrix, right?
We have been put under a spell.
A few people care enough to know some of these things,
but they don't wanna share it with us,
and they do it to their advantage, plain and simple.
That's it. And I feel like the more we know,
the more we understand, know the better.
And that helps us, you know, live the lives
that we wanna live and what's good for everybody.
And I feel like that's the innate feeling in most people is,
is you want to do good and you want everyone to feel good,
and you want to feel good yourself,
and you don't really wanna take advantage of people.
You don't really wanna hurt people. I think people do that
'cause they have no resources or,
or at least they feel like they have no resources or access
and, you know, they're hungry or, you know, cold or hurting.
And, you know, I, I feel like we've seen a lot of
that happening in our world because of the lack of energy
and resources that people have in the past couple years.
And I think that alone would change everything.
If people had those things, you wouldn't have
to feel like you need to go take from other people.
So let's getting back. So let's get into it.
So this information really, honestly belongs to no body.
Um, to me, this is the deep truth of the universe,
which is revealed to the initiated
that seeks deeper consciousness.
These understandings come to people.
Um, that being said, if every, if every book was torn up,
burned, thrown away,
and we didn't have any information,
there would be certain things, certain laws of the universe
that people would find out
and figure out that would come back no matter what.
And the herma principles, these ideas, uh,
they may not come back in the same way,
but I think they would come back in a very similar way.
Most of these, uh, seven laws,
and some people even say they're 12,
we're gonna just explore seven today.
They're very interconnected,
they're very overlapping to each other.
Um, but they're pretty basic.
When you start to realize
like, yeah, man, that really is true.
So there's so many, there's so much to think about
that really, you know what I mean?
Like certain information,
certain religions, they would never come back.
But there are certain mathematics, certain truths,
certain understandings, whether anybody wants
to believe them or not, they're still the truth.
And those things would still come back,
and I believe these traumatic principles would do that.
And, uh, last thing I wanna say, rich,
before we get into it, I think I love these principles
so much because they're so dualistic.
It's so much about duality.
And I told you guys before, I'm a Gemini,
so I love, I'm that air sign.
I love that information. I love duality.
Uh, I always played the devil advocate when I was a kid.
Probably one of my funnest things to do was someone
to be on one side of something
and I could totally just take it the other side.
Not that I thought more about that side,
but I could always see both sides of the story.
And I was, you know, it felt really good to me to
maybe a little bit mischievous in a way,
but it felt really good to me to just take that other side
for somebody and say, well, well what about this?
What if this happened? You know,
and just help them see the other side.
And, you know, not that one or the other is better,
but both have valid points.
And both are, you know, both are here for a reason.
And sometimes it's, you know, it's, it, to me,
it felt better to be able to see both sides of the story,
both sides of an opinion.
Um, and we'll get, we'll get into
that a little bit more later on one of these principles.
But, um, uh, let's go ahead and move through it.
So here they are, the seven herma principles by Tris Mag,
tri Magus, and number one, the principle of mentalism.
You guys probably heard this one for sure. The all is mine.
The universe is mental.
So basically, when it comes down
to it saying the universe is like one huge brain, uh,
the principle mentalism states
that the universe is one giant mind,
like a mental pro projection.
We are, in my opinion, like synapsis in the ultimate mind,
meaning, you know, synapsis
where all the things start to connect.
It's where that, you know, the big spot glowing spot is.
I think that's us. I think as we learn more information,
as you get connected to more things, to more people,
to more events, to life itself, you become connected.
And that's what we're looking for, right?
Everybody's looking for connection.
I don't have enough connection in my life.
I need to go do this thing to feel better or whatever.
But like, as you connect to the universe, to information,
to people and everything else,
you become like a huge synopsis, a bright light of energy,
just like a sun or a star.
Um, and that allows you to be able
to flow energy more, you know, quickly through yourself.
And I feel like the more connections you have
and the more things you have, those aha eureka moments,
you're making connections to yourself in the universe.
Like a giant mind. Uh,
I definitely felt like this many times, uh, for me,
I feel like this is a total true statement.
I hope it, you guys understand it the way I explain it.
Um, so using this law, we too can harness the power
of our minds to create the life we want.
So ultimately, that being said, this is kind of like the law
of attraction principle, you know, as we think.
So, it shall be your thoughts shape reality for anything
to be a thought must proceed.
It, it's like every single thing in the, this microphone,
my water bottle, the camera, someone had to think about
that, how to design it, what it was for,
what's it gonna do, how's it gonna work?
Like, every single thing had to be, every house.
Everything that's ever built had to be designed.
It had to be created in your mind first
before it became a physical object.
And I think, uh, when you really think about that,
it's really empowering
because every thought that everybody had to come up
with something, you had the same ability.
We had the same brain, you know, two hemispheres,
and it's just like, we're not using it to the full extent.
And some people did, and people like Tesla and Einstein,
and they told us, they said, the brain isn't the creator
of ideas, it's the receiver of 'em.
So all you have to do is be in that receiving mode.
And that's why certain things, you know, uh, technologies
and things like that came at about the same time.
When those things were needed, certain people were ready
for it, and they were listening,
and those ideas came to the steam, the steam engine
and the phone and everything else.
Like, you know, what would be cool if we had
this and it would help us out?
And then certain people across the world at the same
times came up with it.
Um, that's super important to know.
Information in itself can, should not be patented in any way
because it all comes from source.
And we're all but receivers to it.
And I don't think patents really do us much
of a favor in any way.
Information and ideas are not inclusive to one individual.
One individual may have got it first.
They may have received a first,
but it's, it's still, you know, something that is for all
of us, as much as the water or the food
or anything else that are, that are
here, it's for every single one of us.
Not because we got more money in our pocket,
or taller, better looking or whatever.
Everybody deserves the same amount of resources.
And, um, you know, everybody's entitled to these ideas.
And nobody should be able to hoard it and say, it's mine.
I'm the only person who can make money off of it.
That's a capitalist society. You know, it's all about money.
So let's keep going.
So your thought shape reality for anything
to be a thought must proceed it through this principle.
It's believed that God is consciousness.
Our thought and the universe is a
manifestation of the mind of God.
And that is pretty cool in itself.
Like our universe is a manifestation of the mind of God.
And I've often believed that
it's almost like one being becomes a universe,
and there are multiple universes out there,
and you can become as you take on more consciousness.
I've always, you know, I've kind of felt this, you know,
you can become a planet or a star or a galaxy
or a universe, you know, each person,
as they expand their consciousness,
they expand their physical matter that they are.
And that every galaxy is a living being
just as much as we are.
It's just one that's expanded themself
and their consciousness even more than the person have.
And that may be what enlightenment is, is to, you know,
when they said you don't have to be reincarnated again,
you don't forget who you are, you no longer have to,
you completely woke up, you're awake is
what the Buddha called himself.
And you move on, you transition to other things.
And you know, the work is never done.
It's not like I wanna get enlightened, and then that's it.
Oh, there's a lot more. You, you become a planet
and create rivers and streams and places for people to live
and love and be alive for billions of years.
And then, you know, maybe a star, a galaxy and even more.
And just more expansion. Just more consciousness.
Um, I don't know, I just feel like there's a lot of, lot
of beautiful work out there
and, uh, who knows where it ends.
But it's exciting, I think
nonetheless, to just know that that's not the end.
The end is not just to become an enlightened being
and that's it, you know, everything's great.
You know, there's feel like there's even more beyond that,
beyond my wildest dreams.
Who knows? So everything we do, everything we think
or do is a thought.
You know, when you think about, uh, I'm gonna go,
I'm gonna go out and, you know, okay, you plan
that out, you're gonna go do it.
You get the membership, you go out there
and like, even working out stocks like moving the bar up,
you're not just muscles, just your brain is literally
telling your arms to pull it up.
And it's like, how's your brain even doing that?
Telling my brain is telling my body to move in certain ways
to get bigger and things like that.
And you can literally get bigger just by thinking about it.
Science, you know, science proves that, just thinking about
that for an hour a day, you can literally gain muscle mass
by imagining working out without even doing it.
Um, I think that's pretty incredible thing
that just shows us how powerful our
minds are affect our body.
You don't even have to do it. You can just be,
just think about it enough
that you could actually gain muscle mass.
I mean, that's just incredible.
We have not even yet begun, I believe, to
dive deep into our own minds
and our own brains and what we're capable of.
And I think that's really exciting too.
So when we recognize that our thoughts manifest every day,
whether internally as a physiological or emotional state
or externally, like the things we do in places we go, we see
that when we control our mind, we control our lives.
This is something we can master
through meditation and discipline.
And I think that is it.
It's important, you know, not to, uh, judge yourself
because you got off track today and you went
and did something or you, you know, did, you know,
looked at something you shouldn't have looked at
and normally wouldn't do,
or gave into a certain, uh, feeling
or something that's inside of you, whatever.
And don't judge just to get back on track.
Discipline yourself
to not do the things that you don't need to do.
And, and say concentrated on the things that you do want
to focus on and you do want to continue to do.
Our conscious is that is what allows us to interact
with reality that is super important.
Our consciousness is what allows us
to interact with reality.
Who we are. The more
that we are conscious of, the more we interact with.
Now you think about that
I only have English and a little bit of sign language
and a little bit of Spanish, so I, you know,
normally can only connect with those people
who speak those languages.
However, the more languages I know,
the more people I can interact with.
The more I understand, the more I can interact
with the things around me.
I mean, you know, I realize now
that you can speak the trees.
So when I go out into the woods,
into especially ancient forest groves
and things like that, I'm receptive
and I'm aware to ask the, you know, those trees to talk
to me, give me any piece
of information I don't know or I'm ready for.
Um, so the more I'm aware
of what's consciousness is
and what is alive, the more I can interact with that.
And that's really powerful.
Um, I've asked the ocean
before to gimme a p piece of the puzzle I didn't have.
And I had a huge download and got something really big.
And so I love that saying,
when you stare ba when you stare into the,
into the ether, I don't think that's the actual code.
But when you're staring into ether long enough,
you realize the ether stares back.
And that I have realized like this whole thing is alive.
You know, the whole thing is consciousness.
And we're just a small part of that,
but we're connected to it as well.
So it's really, it's really exciting.
It's really incredible. The more conscious we obtain,
the more we can interact with things around us, to the point
where you could probably move objects with your mind.
You can lift things, you can, the things
that we see on movies and Jedi
and superheroes doing, there's none of that
that we're not, that we can't do.
And I think the thing that we love about those superheroes,
and we love about those, the Star Wars and the Jedi,
and the force, is that deep down their archetypes
of people like Christ
and Buddhists who learn how to interact
and not tell it what to do, I don't think,
but at least interact somehow with the universe
by asking it in some kind of, you know, cosmic dance.
I mean, 'cause I can move my arm here
and my brain's just telling my, my arm to lift everything,
but I don't really know how that works.
So in some way, I would assume that, you know,
the same thing is relative to things
around us that we can interact with.
Things, um, are beyond what we've been told in school
and, and, and other places.
But that really, honestly, there is no limits.
And the things that we do see that we're so attracted to,
like those superheroes and, and, uh, Jedi
and things like that, using the forest, certainly we can do
as well that nothing is impossible with God.
So, so the more that we are conscious of the, the more
that we interact with, no, you can interact
with some people, but you could
eventually interact with all people.
Like I said before, you can learn their language.
And not even like just languages, but body language.
You know, people who are expert body languages.
So that, you know, just the way someone says something
when their body says
something, something completely different.
I think it's really important too,
because I, I've definitely felt that in my life
as a behavior therapist.
I'm, you know, what people say is, is great,
but you know, I notice your behavior
and I notice a lot more about somebody,
whether they're telling the truth or not,
based on their behaviors and how they act
and things that they, they do.
And, um, you know, how they held,
how they hold themselves and everything.
So that even that interaction is a small interaction
with the universe, and you can trust it.
And you have intuition about that, that says,
Hey, check that out, man.
Watch that They see that person do that same thing.
That's no coincidence. You know, follow it, watch it.
And so, like I said, we can, we can interact with animals,
we can interact with plants and the universe itself,
and we can, you know, probably move in
and out of, um, dimensions a lot easier than we think.
Uh, just with our own self, not not needing, you know,
some kind of ship or tools or whatever.
You know, we can remote view
and we can, we can really check up on things in other places
that we shouldn't be able to
and have telepathic thought with people, uh,
in other countries and stuff.
And even in other worlds
and in the universe, out in their spaceships,
you can connect with people like that too.
So literally, the more that we're aware of,
the more we can interact with.
So as you think, so, it will be,
and what an incredible first principle.
Like, everything's a mind, we're a part of it.
And then that way there's nothing
that you can't be can't know, you know, you can know,
you know, everything.
Um, and I feel like even that is simple terms.
'cause I feel like the universe is constantly evolving.
There's more to gain. But these basic principles,
you know, you don't need books.
You could find it anywhere. Um, as long
as you are connected in that space
and you're asking the universe to give you that information
to guide you, to show you the breadcrumbs that you need
to see, you could be in a prison somewhere locked away
and be getting this information.
Nothing can keep you from it.
And that's how powerful each
and every single one of us are when we know
that it's a game over too.
Any kind of system that wants to, you know, um, put us down
and, and put a spell over us
and make us think that we're this poor little me.
They don't have a million dollars on R Ferrari.
Like that's nothing comparison to knowing these concepts
and feeling connected, uh,
and feeling like a human being that has purpose.
Uh, number two, the principle of correspondence.
And a lot of you have heard this one,
but as part of this, uh, herma principle is number two as
above, so below as, below, so above, so within,
so without, so without, so within
pretty basic understanding, what's above us
is the same thing as what's below us.
What's within us is the same thing.
That's without what's out here.
And understanding this deep truth can help
us in so many ways.
This principle embodies the truth
that there's always a correspondence between laws
and phenomena of the various planes of being in life.
If something is happening on the physical level,
then there has to be something on another level happening
on some plane of existence.
It's not just some random thing
that's happening on one place.
So harmony would be a balance
of all dimensions of our being.
This concept basically
to me is the microcosm is in the macrocosm.
The all is in the small.
And when we study the universe,
we understand ourselves better.
So, and we know this like life, like
what happens in the cosmos happens in your body.
And that's why astrology works, right?
Because literally how these bodies, Jupiter
and bigger planets have effect, you know,
in smaller planets as well.
Um, they have an effect on our bodies when they go
retrograde, when they move around, when they line up.
And that's something that's literally not just happening out
there in the universe, it's happening in our bodies.
And these bodies, these planets have these push
and pulls on us, and they do have an effect on us.
And literally, it's the same thing going on here.
So you know, what's going on in the universe?
These planets are falling in love with each other.
They're respecting each other, they're waring
with each other or whatever.
There's going on. It's happening in us too.
And so it's so relative.
Uh, I'm not a, a, um, a guru of astrology.
I know a few people who are, I have to go talk to them,
but I, I ask regularly, you know, what,
what does it say up in there?
What does the stars say? Um, what's going on?
What kind of alignments are happening?
That's why 2012 is such an important time
with all those planets lining up.
And, um, you know, it really,
it makes a difference in what's going on in our own bodies
and what's going on in our, you know, relationships
with people where these planets are all stacked at.
And the same thing with, you know, just
how the universe works.
Like when you look at a tree, uh, you see all these branches
that come to the top, and it gives life to the birds
and the squirrels and everything else.
And deep down in the ground, there's a whole nother system,
whole root system that looks identical almost
to the way the branches branch out, up into the tree.
They're just in the ground, but it's the same thing.
They give life to the worms
and the bugs and everything else.
So there's a whole ecosystem at the bottom of the tree,
and there's one of the above the tree as well,
but they're both giving life to different animals
and insects and, and things like that.
And so, you know, as above, so below,
we hear this concept all the time,
and we don't even, you know, I don't have a lot
of conversation with people about it.
I, I feel like I'd like to have more
because I feel like it is such a profound understanding.
Um, so within, so without, uh, you know, what's going on,
how, you know,
and you're just talking about trees, I mean, our,
the nervous system in our bodies, uh,
the veins in our bodies,
they all branch out in the Fibonacci
sequence, just like a tree does.
So we're literally walking trees.
Um, and, and how
that things are going in our body are the same things going
on in outside world.
And I, you know, to some extent, the,
the way we live on the top of the planet, on the top
of the earth is definitely how, you know, similar
to what's going on inside our earth,
I definitely 100% believe inside our earth,
there are many cities, some made by man, some made
by other, you know,
or some made by homo sapiens, some made by other,
other folks down there.
Um, but there's definitely life that's going
and living, uh, beneath us
and beneath our feet in a way that we, you know, most
of us would be totally shocked to understand.
And so how the things in the, in the animals, I mean,
just like birds flying around in the sky,
and then there's, you know, man rays
or whatever flying around in the water down below.
I mean, it's, you know, and,
and not, there's things that we can see,
but even the microscopic level where, you know,
our cells are dividing like little
universes out there in the universe.
And so the biggest, you know, cosmic scale, we can think of
how cells are born.
And I mean, how stars are born and stars die.
Our cells are really doing the same thing.
So, so within, so without,
and in learning how this works, learning, to me, one
of the biggest things about just knowing this principle in
general is like, knowing that I am the universe.
I'm not disconnected from not a part of it.
I'm not, you know, a part, I am it literally.
And that is one of the things that for me, many years ago,
like looking for a connection, I really wanted a connection.
I didn't want to be some random person walking
around the universe who wasn't a part of it.
Like, I, to know that, to know, you know,
the way your fingers branch out and the Fibonacci sequence,
and you, you carry that
blueprint in your body, in your DNA
and your DNA is a double helix, spiral white pattern,
just like the Milky Way galaxy that you're, it,
you know, you, everybody's saying,
I wanna look for God, I wanna find God.
I'm like, man, God's in you, man.
There's nothing out there that's not gonna be in you.
And so that to me was one of the things like, man,
it really gave me a lot of peace, a lot of, a lot of love
for myself, a lot of grace for myself
and gratitude for myself to say, you know what,
Hey man, you're an awesome person.
You're a good person. And not just blowing myself up here,
same thing for every single one of you, every single one
of you, no matter where you, where you are,
where you're at right now, you know what you've done.
You know, the universe loves you, man.
You're a part of it as much
as anybody else ever has been or ever will be.
So give yourself a little bit of grace and,
and a little gratitude and love yourself a little bit.
Principle three, the principle of vibration.
Nothing rests, everything moves, everything vibrates.
Everything has its own vibes in a
constant state of vibration.
Thoughts, feelings, the earth itself.
And different planets have different vibratory frequency
about them even rocks.
Um, you know, I love
that quote in Avatar when he is talking about Jake sell.
And he is like, even a rock sees more, you know, a rock is
part of that consciousness still, you know, we may not think
of it like that, but like, if everything's conscious,
there's some things that are just a little bit more
conscious and have a little bit more awareness than others.
And you know, to some extent, even
that rock sees a little bit to me
and books, even like a book.
And it would be hard to think, well,
all books are made of paper.
You know, some are soft and some have hardbacks,
but you know, relatively made the same things were printed,
you know, printed ink on 'em.
And people say, how could a book have a different racial?
What's in that book? You know, what fills those pages?
Those words have vibration, even words and letters.
And you know, like the letter A may not have
as high a vibration as some Sanskrit symbol,
or even like maybe a Japanese symbol,
because a Japanese symbol,
usually just one symbol means a lot of things
where letter A is just a, um,
but the words literally have a vibration themselves.
And so when information that is truth, that is deep truth,
like seven matic principles being on a book, as opposed to
how to draw a cat, having that book with you,
just not even reading it.
Keep it in your back pocket, keep it in your car.
Uh, I would suggest I have a couple books like that,
the Do Ching and other books that I just, you know,
I want 'em with me all the time, you know?
And I heard Wayne, Wayne Dyer say that before.
He is like, you know, just keep it with you all the time.
You know, and that's why osmosis is a real thing.
Like just putting a book under your pillow
and, you know, telling the university, you know, I'm willing
and open to hear anything you have to gimme and say.
I'm not saying don't read those books,
but I, I really do believe and know,
and I've experienced keeping things with me
of high vibration, whether it's crystals or books
or, um, you know, certain jewelries and and stones
and things like that have carried, uh, information for me
and helped me, um, feel a different way, a certain way.
You know, keeping a a rose quartz makes me feel a little bit
more loving than keeping, you know,
like an emerald in my pocket.
And each one of us has a different vibration.
They do different things. They're good at different things.
And, um, you know, it really doesn't matter.
I, I mean, I don't carry 'em around as much as I used to,
but I used to carry, and I really started waking up
and, you know, really felt like these things are important.
I carry a lot of crystals in my pocket,
little pocket size ones.
And just think about the structure of how that thing is made
and how this, this stone has become crystallized.
And, you know, same kinda word from Christ.
I mean, Christ and all our bodies are made of water.
And so if you become a Christ,
you become someone who's completely loving and
and beautiful as you, you know, as you deep down are, um,
you could crystallize your own water.
And so if these structures
that we just keep in our oric field really kinda help,
um, align your or field just a little bit more.
So books, crystals, things of
that high vibrational frequencies, uh,
I would say if you're, you know, something's struggling,
a little something, need a little extra
help, man, go find that crystal.
Go find a book and keep it with you.
Read it, uh,
but keep it with you all the time and help you out.
So everything has, um, you know, vibrations, you know, our,
our emotions, our thoughts, you know,
there are higher vibrational thoughts
and higher vibrational emotions, you know,
especially the ones that, you know, really feel good.
Um, love is a higher, more sporadic way pattern than fear,
which has higher crescent and lower draw.
So love is definitely 100% a more higher
vibrational frequency than fear.
And that to me is, you know,
a hundred percent obvious when you really think about it.
And just think about just in general, you know,
mountains and things like that.
Like the mountains are high
and have these really high, um, peaks and everything to 'em.
And when you're in the mountains as opposed
to like low lying elevation, um, you know, flat lands, uh,
of our country or whatever, in America, you feel
so much more like a higher vibrational frequency.
And to me, a lot of times the things I wanna talk about,
when you go find these ashrams
and, um, you know, different spiritual centers and stuff,
and they're all, you know, especially like Creststone
Colorado up from the top of these mountains
and then Tibet, all these, you know, different ashrams
and everything, um, on the top of mountaintops.
And, you know, that's, that's
where this high vibrational frequency is, you know,
because these mountains are high, high frequency.
And, um, you realize sometimes for me,
there's some things I think about like, man,
you don't even want to fight somebody.
You don't wanna argue with somebody while you're up here.
Um, you feel peaceful, you know, you feel like you
sometimes don't have as much energy to, to do a lot
of things, so you wanna stay focused on what's good.
And, and sometimes, you know, I notice
for some people being up here in these high elevations can
bring up things that you are
struggling with and you're dealing with.
And some people can't handle it and they have to leave
and move back to where they came from.
But, um, high vibrational frequencies are all around us,
and all the things and all the things, books, emotions,
feelings, thoughts.
And so, you know, really honestly, it's really important
to learn how to master our thoughts and master our emotions.
'cause when you master thyself in your environment,
you can master harmony and resonance
and be that person that you want to be
and be that change you wanna be.
And you can change the eyes of a room instantly.
I've definitely gone into places where people are, um,
you know, maybe it's talking about somebody
or something, gossiping, and I walk in
and, you know, it's not something that I do
or engage with people about.
And so, uh, whether people know that about me
or not, it definitely something that people stop doing,
I feel like, as opposed to invite me in to that conversation
where a lot of people, you know, be willing,
they want to invite your friend.
They want invite people in.
They want people to bash at the people and,
and talk about other people and feel that emotion.
'cause it, there's something about, it kind
of feels like mischievous
to talk about others and things like that.
So, um, and they want to add to that vibe.
But you can, you can clear that out real quick
and people stop doing it
because ultimately, you know,
it's not what you should be doing.
And yeah, your higher vibration can supersede that
of all these lower vibrational fears.
And, and that's what it's, you know,
talking about people is, you know, fear
of being different and things like that.
Making yourself feel good
because you're tearing other people down.
So, vibration, I love it.
I think it's an incredible, you know,
Nick Esla talked about everything is vibrational frequency.
So these are things, these, some herma principle are things
that we, we see these incredible scientists,
these spiritual leaders, um, these really people of,
you know, kind of profound knowledge
and wisdom talking about, not usually
to these things together.
But you know, we, we've talked about all these things many
times with many different people around the world.
Um, and they, they, they talk about it with vigor,
how important it is to know these things
and that everything vibrates.
Number four, the principle of polarity.
This is probably one of my favorites. Everything is dual.
Everything has poles, everything has its pair of opposites.
Like, and unlike are the same
opposites are identical in nature,
but different in degree extremes meet
all truths are, but half truths
and all paradoxes can be reconciled.
That's a crazy one. I love it.
I love everything about that statement.
Something about that. For me, the duality in me,
you know, I see it, I get it.
I realize, you know, so many people
in our world today are polarized
and we have to see the wholeness.
Uh, I'll get to that in a second.
But hot and cold are usually
the extremes of temperature.
And that's probably one of the first things people use to
explain this, the principle number four.
But they are extremes of temperature.
They're both temperature and hot and cold.
They're a different degree,
but in all honesty, they're relative.
I mean, where you think hot is
and where I think hot is different.
What's hot in comparison to bath water
and what's hot into washing your dishes are
two different temperatures.
Um, cold's the same way. And, and that's relative.
But in all honesty, you know, when you get
to be the extreme part to these of temperature,
you can burn something
with cold in the same way you can burn something hot.
And so they're alike in that way.
And I think that's really important to realize.
And these, this is one of the ones for sure that, um,
you know, and just studying things, you know,
reading things, reading Christ's teachings, he said,
it's better to be hot or cold than lukewarm, so it's better
to be cold than lukewarm.
And what is he saying? And he's saying, it's better
to be one of these extremes than than to be in the middle,
because you learn something from those extremes.
You got a cold life living, homeless, maybe hungry,
you know, you realize, okay,
whatever I've been doing may not be the thing I want to do,
but this is the extreme to get me on track, to do
what I need to be doing in my life,
to feel good about myself, to feel like I'm,
I'm here doing my mission that I came here to do.
So no judgment.
Hey, you hot or cold things are working for you.
They're not working for you. But if they're not,
that's great, because that's just sledgehammer blow.
You eventually need to get up
and go do something and change your life.
Uh, and sometimes people won't do it if they're lukewarm.
Oh, I got some money, I got a job, got a little extra cash.
You know, you don't see the importance
of going, having to do something.
But when you lose that job, when you,
that relationship has ended, you know, it,
it you're like, okay, now's the time.
You know, I feel like my low
and I don't like that residence of feeling like that.
I wanna change myself. So it gives you
that opportunity to change.
But yeah, both hot and cold are relative and,
and how we perceive those things,
we have to realize that they're really
eventually the same thing.
Um, kind of like hate and love.
Um, and I know that sounds crazy, like how are hate
and love identical, but they're both extremes of emotion.
And you can change, go to go back to either one if you want
to, and they're both needed at some point.
But there were definitely people in my life
that I felt like I truly hated.
Like I hated the person that they were.
And, but they would keep coming back on my life
and I couldn't get him to go away.
And I was like, all right, I'm just gonna listen to
what this person has to say today.
And when I did, I realized
that person was more like me than I ever could imagine.
And that the judgment I had against him
was really against myself.
And that when I learned to forgive
and move on, then this person
that I hated turned into person that I loved,
like almost instantaneously.
And in one moment of just talking to them
and hearing them out, and that changed my life.
And I was like, you know, I remember
I heard a celebrity one time say,
Hey, he's just love in reverse.
And people were laughing at him. I was like, man, you know,
in some way it kind of is like, it is just an extreme
of emotion and um, you can flip it any way you want to.
You can really hate someone. And next, you know,
next moment if you're willing to
listen 'em, you can really love them.
And to be honest, like, you know, people say, well,
you should only love people and they should
only feel love all the time.
And I, you know, I do talk about that a lot,
but there are cases in times when hate is needed.
Um, I think that's super important to realize,
like even Christ said, you'll learn
to hate your mother and father in my name.
I thought about that, and that's something I never heard
about in church, but I was like, how is this relative?
How is it that I need hate?
How does, why would I need to hate somebody?
And especially my parents, you know, like in the name
of truth, yeah, I get it.
But I, you know, I thought about this for so long.
Eventually I just came to the realization that sometimes
hate motivates us.
That if I was to see something terrible happen out there in
the world, sometimes it wouldn't be just the love
of my heart to want go do something.
Sometimes what you see has to make you so mad, make you
so angry that you get up and you do something about it.
Or maybe love doesn't motivate me in that same way.
Um, I often think about, you know, people working out.
Sometimes you get pumped, you get a little angry,
but it's not like angry at anything.
But that feeling allows you to do things.
Sometimes being in angerer, feeling adrenaline.
You can do things you're not capable of without it going.
So like, feeling, you know, maybe feeling,
sometimes feeling some anger
and feeling that bad adrenaline flow through.
You can move things and pick things
up that you normally couldn't do.
So I think honestly, there is a time
and a place for everything.
You can get a boost from love.
You can feel those endorphins and feel that feeling.
You can get a boost from hate. You can feel some adrenaline.
They can help you do something
that you wouldn't normally do.
And like I said, stop, uh,
stop somebody from doing something
that they shouldn't be doing,
taking advantage of somebody else.
And you know, you see these videos where people do
that sometimes, and some people never do anything.
And you know, I know they're feeling
probably confusion, whatever, what to do.
Or maybe I, maybe someone else will say something,
but maybe someone else will do something.
But you know, if you can learn to live in these extremes,
sometimes they can motivate you to do
and give you that boost to do
something that you need to do at that time.
So all those, all though we say, you know, love everybody,
love everyone, and, and live in that love frequency, man.
There are time and a place for everything.
And, um, sometimes hey, hey,
can't help you kick a little butt when you need to,
um, moving on.
And, and so both important for us to realize, uh,
and realizing it's a spectrum.
What, uh, being polarized is, is really,
I feel like in the end of the day,
detrimental to our growth.
And we can see both sides. You can realize they're the same.
You know, oftentimes everybody, you know,
some people on this side, this left wing
or somebody's right wing gets you guys fighting the whole
time 'cause you're polarized to one side or the other.
But when you sit back and you see man left
or right wing at both part of the same bird, I don't,
you know, I'm not gonna support somebody just
because they're this, or just because they're that.
I, I wanna see who's in the center
and who, who really wants to do the good
for the people, you know?
And if you have someone who's strictly gonna vote
for someone just because they're Democrats, strictly vote
for someone, just because they're
Republican, you're not seeing it.
And that's a way that duality
of these things being different,
but they're literally the same thing
and they play off of each other.
So beautiful. It's incredible.
When you sit back and look at it, it's easy to see.
And I think that's what's so important
in this polarized world where people take sides like dark
Republican, Democrat, you know, whatever it is.
Um, see the whole picture, see the whole thing,
and realize they're both part of the same thing.
And come back and send yourself a master that,
and not be engaged
and be fighting people for reasons
we really don't understand completely.
And when I sit back and I, I, I allow myself to fall in
that center and not be polarized,
there's a lot of freedom that comes with that.
And so, you know, that's one of the things about these,
these principles are they're
so profound in mastering yourself, mastering this kind
of walk with the universe for you to wake up
and take back your life and take back your power.
And, um, that's, you know,
the main reason why I'm sharing these tonight.
I think these principles can bring us
to our own personal renaissance.
Uh, and I'll talk about that again later.
So number five, the principle rhythm.
Everything flows out and then everything has its tides.
Everything has its rise and fall.
The pendulum swing manifests in everything.
The measure of the swing to the right is the measure
of the swing to the left rhythm compensates.
So that's pretty obvious. You know, you see a pendulum,
you pull one ball, you let it go, it knocks more.
One ball over here do two
and two, when it hits, two will come off three and three.
Um, and that's always the coolest one
because if you got five balls on there
and three swing over, that means one from the previous side
had to come over here and four and the same thing.
So I just, you know, when it, when you first see that I was,
look kid, you're like, there's this really
cool, there's something to that.
And I think that's why we like stuff like that.
'cause deep down we know that there's even more to it.
This is something that's really important.
Um, and as a kid, I definitely remember playing
with the pendulum and being like, um, you know,
if I swing it this way
and it's gonna go back same amount this way,
um, it's in everything.
The pendulum swing is in everything.
When you pull your leg back to that degree
to kick a ball, it has to go back.
You can't pull your leg forward
and kick the ball the other way when, you know,
it's kinda like Newton's law of motion
when you pull it back to the extreme.
And the other thing can go to the extreme the other way.
Um, and then I think, uh, we've all heard that, you know,
we all heard, we all know that our lungs expand
when you take a break of breath in.
And then when you blow your breathe out, you contract.
And that's constantly doing that.
Your lungs are constantly flowing that air in and out, in
and out contract, you know, contracting and expanding.
And, um, so that's something
that we have just in our bodies.
And then the universe where people have said for so long,
the universe is expanding,
it's getting bigger and bigger and bigger.
And now you're hearing some of the signs say, well,
at some points in some places,
it also looks like it's contracting at the same time.
Um, and that is pretty awesome.
And I feel like that has to be a truth as well, that
as the universe expands, it also has
to contract then at some point.
Like it's a big lung itself,
breathing in and out, ebb and flow.
Um, you know, I think those are things that, you know,
realize and come to know.
Uh, that's how this universe is working.
And so that means creation and destruction.
There's an ebb and flow
and that destruction, just as I said earlier, hey, um,
destruction is something that's needed.
I mean, when the forest burns down from a fire
or whatever, it gives the new growth underneath
of the opportunity to grow up.
Um, and that's why they even have, you know,
foresters have prescribed burns
and things to do just that, to mimic nature.
Um, but, you know, civilizations are created,
they're destroyed, they're built over again.
Uh, these bodies, they're created.
We live and we die,
and they're destroyed back into the earth.
It goes. And it's just this ebb and flow cycle over and over
and over again of something that really, honestly, you know,
again, I think it's just one of those things
that you really just open yourself up and think about it.
Like it's just kind of obvious.
Yeah, that's, you know, some
of these things are pretty obvious.
Like they're not, these aren't secrets, Jacob.
I mean, um, they're just kind of natural things that are,
and they're explaining the
universe in a way, and that's what it is.
These are laws the universe, this is how things work.
And understanding that
and understanding how the universe works
and understanding how you work.
And again, that's why I said, you know,
your lungs are contracting in and out all the time.
And I think this is, you know, even one of the, uh, big, um,
understandings of the Bible is the God, you know, God,
the Lord giveth and taketh away.
You'll have things, you'll have cars, you'll lose cars.
You'll have, you know, certain objects for a while.
They'll, you'll lose objects, you'll find new ones.
Things come and they go, money comes and goes.
You know, um, things like that happen.
And we have to just understand, don't try to hold anything.
You try to hold onto too tightly.
You can be almost assured that thing is gonna leave.
But allow that ebb
and flow to happen for you, for things to come in your life,
relationships, people, events things and come out.
And it's constantly gonna happen to you in life.
People are gonna, uh, die.
People are gonna come in, people are gonna be significant.
People are gonna move away.
And the ebb and flow is, uh, completely, uh, important
for you to understand in your life.
So mastering this principle is learning how
to center yourself so
that you don't consciously are subconsciously act
to counter an emotion causing the pendulum
to swing too wildly from one side to the other.
And that's exactly what I think fear is, is that, you know,
things are really great and then things are really bad.
And it's just you're in this fear state where
it's really hard to, you know, feel good.
It's like, 'cause man, the highs are really good,
but then these things down here are really bad.
And that can really devastate you.
And if you're not in that good feeling time,
and then all of a sudden something's bad
and you're not realizing, Hey man, the things
that I'm getting the love that's here now,
this incredible moment that I'm
in, it's not gonna last forever.
And there's gonna be something else
that happened that's gonna challenge me.
It's gonna help me grow.
And I can't be too focused on one or the other,
but stay centered in that
and know that everything is truly happening for me.
That leads to a state
of inner peace in which the foundation,
your foundation is strong
and you can remain unbothered by circumstances around you.
That's, that's the most important thing I feel like in this
whole, um, understanding of this principle.
It's like the universe is a giant wave happening
with tides coming in
and out, you know, low tide and high tide.
And we are all kind of surfers trying to surf on this wave
of, of life.
And when you are not surfing on top
and you fall down and you're crashing in the water
and the tides are high, you know, it's tough.
You feel like you're drowning.
You feel like, you know, you're missing out
and life is hard and you're struggling.
And if you can learn how to, you know, surf that
in incredible wave called life, and it can be really fun
and really exciting
and, you know, you have a lot of gratitude,
but it doesn't stop people from dying.
It doesn't stop challenging things from happening,
but it changes the way you see it.
That you see the challenge, that you see the next big wave.
And you can be like, okay, I'm ready for it.
Let's jump on it and go.
And I think that's what's most important about this one is
to realize that you're not gonna stop certain things from
happening, but you can center yourself
and be ready for the things
and be grateful for everything that happens and,
and have a sense of peace about life that a lot
of people don't have probably in this particular time
because things are really tough
and maybe many people feel like they are drowning
and not on top of the wave, but rather being crushed by it.
So we learned to adapt and we learned to change
and learned to surf the wave.
Number six, the principle of cause and effect.
Every cause has its effect.
We know, and every effect has, its cause.
Everything happens according to law.
Chance is, but a name for law not recognized.
There are many planes of causation,
but nothing escapes the law.
So the universe is governed by laws,
meaning nothing happens without reason.
You may not be able to directly pinpoint a specific cause
for the certain effect
because a cause may happen on different planes of existence,
existence, but every action has a ripple effect that leads
to a con to to consequence.
So, you know, just
because something happened to you physically,
and many people think, well, you know, it's just,
I'm old getting old, so this thing happened to me
and now I gotta go to the doctor
and then he can gimme a pill
and, you know, make it terrible,
make it better for the most part.
You know, just, that's just happened 'cause I'm old
or whatever, you know?
No, you can live a long, beautiful, happy,
physically abled life
and never have to have anything happen to you.
I really believe. And, you know, die, you know, uh,
transition back into the ether, into, you know, in,
in a very peaceful, harmonious way as many people do.
And then some people struggle and are in, uh, hospice care
and other places for long periods of time.
I don't find that something that's just a coincidence
or something that just happened to certain people.
If this law is true,
and I believe that it is, that means
that nothing is by chance.
We have to realize that everything has happened for us,
like I said before, for opportunity to grow
and to learn and to be better people.
If we realize that, I think that helps us to know
for sure, for certain that these things are happening
for us and not to us.
The universe isn't just, you know, beating us up
and hating us and jealous
and all the things that we were told back in the day.
Um, so yeah, I mean, it's like karma.
People talk about karma being positive
or, you know, are negative.
Um, you know,
karma doesn't always have to be a b***h, right?
It's, and I said this
before, you know, karma's usually the only b***h if you are,
if you, if you're rude, people be rude back to you.
If you're, if you're an angry guy,
people might be angry back to you.
It has to be, it has to show you, it is gonna show.
The universe is literally gonna show
you exactly what you are.
Here it is. And that toal field that I'm giving out has
to be what I get back in my and get back in my field.
And when I get back from everybody else
and everybody else is just the mirror back to me
of, of what I am.
And that gonna show you a lot eventually to grow.
I'm like, okay, what I put out in the field is important.
What I say to people,
how I make people feel, that's super important.
So karma is something that can be something beautiful
for you and something great for you.
If you're putting the right things out
and you're receiving that back.
Sometimes we don't realize the universe is not giving us
because we held back.
So sometimes when you see that homeless person
and you look at 'em or, or somebody
who needs a help in hand in some way,
or somebody calls you to help you move their stuff in their
house and you have the opportunity
and you feel called to do it and you say, I could,
but I just don't really want to.
And that's fine, you know, no judgment.
But when it comes around next time when you need help,
when you need somebody to come see you and you ask somebody
and they can't do it for you for the same reasons,
the universe, I felt like at
that point is mimicking your actions.
And I feel like a lot of times when I held back
and giving money is when I
had the opportunity to get something.
I didn't. But when I gave happily
and gratefully he gave to people, then sometimes that day,
sometimes right after, sometimes a couple days later,
I would sell something or get something
or find something, um, on the side of the road at a,
at a thrift store or something, I'll say, man,
this is exactly what I needed.
And if you're someone who gives somebody exactly
what they need and a little bit more, guess what?
The universe is gonna give you exactly
what you need and a little bit more.
If you're someone that holds back from giving
'cause you feel like you don't want to,
or you're limited in your resources, I mean, it's funny
because you don't, you don't not give hugs out
because they don't have enough hugs to give,
but people do that with money.
Money's energy too. Just as much as a hug is,
you think will think money's limited.
I only have, I only have $55 in my
account, so I can only give so much.
But money's an energy like anything else.
And if you weren't, if you're not gonna hold back on giving
someone a hug because you have plenty of love to give,
then you shouldn't really think of money in the same way.
Think of money as just a resource
and energy that you have an unlimited amount
of and you can give to people.
And when you do that, I really have seen,
at least personally for myself, when I do it with gratitude
and, you know, gratefulness, uh, to be able to give somebody
and help somebody out, the universe gives back to me.
And that's not the, you know, probably the reasoning for it
as I feel like it is oftentimes better to give.
I feel better about giving than getting myself.
But there are, I'm definitely gonna say definitely
receiving is good too.
There are time we all need to receive
and we all wanna feel that we're being looked after
and the universe is given to us.
And you know what I mean?
Receiving is an art just as much as giving is.
Sometimes people give you a compliment, tell you
how good you look today, or, you know,
you seem really light things, you know, whatever it is.
And it was say, oh nah man, you know, whatever,
you don't even wanna take it in.
You don't even wanna receive a
compliment from somebody sometimes.
'cause whatever reason you don't feel good enough.
You don't, you don't, you're not allowing
and receiving to come in.
But that given flow and given receiving is an ebb
and flow as much as anything else is.
So instead of being affected by
all the other things that people are saying
or doing, become your own cause
so that you're not affected by what other people do.
I remember when I was a kid and I would following around
with other people, were doing just to be a part of something
and I would get in trouble for things
that I wouldn't normally get in trouble
for, I wouldn't normally do.
Now as you get older, you're like, man,
I'm not gonna hang around with that crowd.
I know if I hang around with
these people, what we're gonna do.
I know if I go do this place, I know what's gonna happen.
I know if I date that kind of person, I
what my life is gonna be like.
But if I can stand behind my intuition
and the things that I know become my own cause of
what I'm gonna do, what I'm gonna strive for,
and what my focal points are gonna be,
I become now like my own cause to my own effect.
And I think that is profound.
And we all know that if you wanna, you wanna work out
and you have bigger muscles, go hang
out with people who are doing that.
Go to the places that that's happening.
That's not gonna happen at the bar, you know,
or think about it for an hour or a day
and you know, really think about it.
And you probably gain some muscle mass too,
but become your own cause so that that's
what you're affected by instead of by other people.
That I think is probably one of the most important things
for this particular, uh, principle of,
um, cause and effect.
All right, so last one. Number seven,
the principle of gender.
Gender is in everything.
Everything has its masculine and feminine principles.
Gender manifests on all planes, not,
so this is not about like sexual gender.
This is about like the balance of masculine and feminine.
So just like our brain,
we have two hemispheres, we have two sides.
Our left is masculine and the right brain is feminine.
So the left has the logical, the analytical, you know,
thoughts, the math sciences and the,
and the right side's, the feminine side,
the creativity, the art.
And you know, really
that's why we have called a left brain society.
And where most people are right-handed
because the right hand is, is connected
to that left hemisphere.
The whole right side of the body is, um, that as we become
engaged with that right side, with that creativity
and that art and those characteristics that really, um,
are what the right brain is all about,
you can become like ambidextrous.
Like someone like Leonard Da Vinci was able
to write and paint with both hands.
'cause he was encompassing both parts of his brain.
I think it's really important for us to use
whatever non-dominant you hand you, uh,
non-dominant hand more often so that you can help
that brain, um, that half of the brain to work more,
which is usually for most of us
that right part of the brain.
So we have to realize like not only do we have, you know,
this masculine, feminine parts of our brain
that we can use more of
and we can have balance in, which is really important.
Realizing that the masculine and feminine have qualities
and characteristics that manifest in all of us.
So just because I'm a guy doesn't mean
that I don't have feminine characteristics,
that I don't have, um,
feminine emotions and, and things like that.
In fact, me diving into those
and being balanced with my masculine emin is gonna make me
much more centered and peaceful human being and knowing more
and understanding more and being in more flow for myself.
So typically the the feminine is nurturing, it's preserving,
it's more receptive what we talked about earlier.
So being able to receive things, compliments, uh,
understandings, and that energy that sustains and gives, um,
and it gives and it gives them sustains
and gives value to existence.
And the masculine is more active and assertive, explorative.
It's the giving out of, of, uh, energy and more often
and expressing in that driving forward force
and explore to go out, you know?
But if you, if you have imbalance in these energies,
it can lead to a lot of disharmony.
So, you know, say you had, uh,
and it can be true for, you know,
you have too much masculine for a woman
or a man doesn't mean 'cause a man's gonna be too masculine,
a woman gonna be too feminine, that we know that's not true.
A woman could have way more, uh,
masculine characteristics than a and than she does feminine.
And for me personally, for me personally,
I feel like I'm in this body to learn more of the masculine.
That throughout lifetimes I've been both mass men and women.
And I, I feel like I really,
for myself perfected a lot of things in the,
in the women in the, in the feminine
department for things that I learned.
How to nurture, how to care, take, um, how
to receive and those kind of things.
And so, you know, as I, as I kind of master
that essence now, the universe says, okay, now you need to,
you really need to work on that masculine.
Let's put you in some masculine bodies
and learn how to be a father.
Learn how to be, um, you know, go out and explore
and, um, do embody those, um,
assertiveness and things like that
that I'm normally passive about.
It's time to go in a body
and be that so you can learn more because you use mouse.
And this is the whole, this is the whole lifestyles.
Um, I mean life and reincarnation and being different people
and learning different essences and, and attributes
and characteristics to become a more
fulfilled human and more.
And this is all, you know, these, these lifetimes
that we're all deep down our souls
and they're just a, there's just a snap, you know,
just a tiny little piece of the wholeness of that you are.
But we do go live these lives to learn and to grow.
And we take that stuff with us when we leave.
I really do believe every life is embedded and,
and sealed down in our DNA.
It's never forgotten. We deeply only know.
And I feel like now more than ever, for me,
it feels like all these lives
are bleeding together into now.
So I have access to these,
to these characteristics into these lives.
So anyway, what I was saying, too much masculine leads to
expansion or progress without regard
of the impact that you have.
So I, and I feel like we do see
that the things people are trying to do, make more money,
um, you know, take over countries and nations
and you don't care what you have to do to get there.
What you have to do to expand your empire, what you have
to do to make more money.
Who do you have to hurt? Who do you have to talk about?
Um, that's that masculine being out of balance, right?
Too much. And, um, and, and it hurt.
And you don't care who you hurt.
And that's, you know, where the feminine, if you have some
of that, you're not gonna do that, you know, balance out.
You, you're still gonna do that expansion and exploration,
but you're not gonna do it to the
disregard of hurting others.
And then too much feminine without that balance
of the masking can lead to stagnation
where progress is hindered
by focusing on preservation and the present.
And that's important too.
You know, we need both of these aspects, both
of these estimates to come together, both of our brains
to be equally used, both of that divine masculine
and feminine within us to help us have so much more harmony,
balance and higher stake of consciousness and being in flow.
To me personally, as someone who is a caretaker, which is,
you know, typically, you know, a female job, uh, I love it.
I absolutely embody it and I feel like I'm really good at it
and I work with young people and older people, um,
and I feel like I'm at my best when I really am ebbing
and flowing in my masculine
and feminine, uh, you know, I can be strong
and, um, loving in a masculine way to people and helpful
and, you know, get my point across and let them know
and be assertive and say, you
know, that's not gonna work for us.
And then, you know, there's some points in my job
where I feel like I'm totally need
to be nurturing right now to this individual.
I totally need to be accepting a loving and,
and that feminine kind of way,
and embrace them, hug on them,
let 'em know they're doing a good job.
And if I only were to stay in one
of these essences of the masculine f
or the other, it would be harder,
much harder for me to do this job.
And I feel like because I'm able to flow into those
different feelings of different, you know, different aspects
of myself, that I can do my job in a better way
and that I can be around other people in a better way
and make people feel supported
and that I truly, I really do care.
I really do care about your wellbeing.
I care about you growing and being a better person.
I feel like honestly, every single person I work with
really knows that about me.
Like that's true and genuine.
And, um, I think that's, you know, something
that we can all do and we can all be in flow.
And even in these incredibly challenging
or difficult times, jobs, events that happen,
if you are able to embody
that divine masculine sometimes
and sometimes flowing that divine feminine,
whatever comes your way, you can be ready for it.
Those two powers inside of you.
I don't even think we, I I know for me,
I don't even realize, I mean, I'm starting
to realize the importance of both,
but I don't even think I truly realize the, the,
the full capacity of what, um, being able to go back
and forth in those things and flow with that,
what it could, what it could be.
But I do believe 100% it could put you in the right place
with the right person at the right time, always.
You're always ready, you're always, um,
in that flow state.
So whatever happens to you, no matter what, you can
be your best self, put your best foot
forward, put your best foot forward.
So bringing all these together in balance can birth,
in my opinion, your own personal renaissance.
Learning how each
and every single one of these principles help you
master yourself, master your thoughts and your emotions.
So you're not saying things that you regret later on.
You're not not doing the things that you wish you said in
that moment or you wish you did in that moment.
You are doing those things.
You are reaching out to that person who's at the end
of their rope and,
and you feel like I need
to reach out to 'em and talk to them.
Um, you are living the life
that you have without any regrets, uh,
any wish I did this or that.
Um, and you're doing it in a way that you feel good about
and it's authentic to yourself.
That to me is, you know what I mean?
And, and, and really bringing out your creativity
and your art and your, and your work
and your personal life in your relationships.
You're bringing out the best in everybody that you know,
they're bringing the best outta you.
And that is what that, that to me is just part of
what your personal renaissance can look like.
Being in the, in a in a great relationship, you know,
being in the right job, feeling like, man, everywhere I go,
I'm in the right place at the right time, always.
Um, and honestly, I think there are a few people
that know these principles
and they don't want you to know it.
And and
that's why they call stuff like this esoteric information.
It's secret information
and they don't want people empowered with it.
And so things like this are not talked about in school
or not talked about in colleges.
They're, you know, things written that have been preserved
and passed down that you have to find
and you have to be an initiate.
You have to be ready to learn new things and to grow.
I think a few, a few people out there want us to think
that life is random.
That the universe is just a result of some kind
of implosion, that negative and positive are opposites
and not the dual explanation of oneness.
They want us to think that something physical is only,
that something is only physical,
and that to treat
and hold on, that something is physical only
and not treat the way it's happening
and that it could be a spiritual reason
that this is happening.
Lemme go back, I just wrote that wrong.
I want you to think that something is just a physical
problem or something, and that there's nothing
that you're doing emotionally or spiritually
or mentally that could be causing cancer
or causing a problem in your life.
Um, they just say, oh, well you got cancer.
Take this radiation that'll fix you. Um, take this pill.
It'll make you feel better. And we don't realize those are
like bandaids and they, we may stop something from happening
now, but it may cause other problems
because you're putting chemicals and stuff into your body
and realizing that maybe sometimes the way we think can
cause cancer, maybe the way we feel sometimes can cause
cancer or cause other autoimmune diseases or ailments.
So they want us to think something's physical only
and that we can't treat and,
and not treat it the why it's happening.
And yeah, I messed that up.
And so anyway, this could be
for a spiritual reason that this is happening.
And for us to be polarized to one side,
not realizing the whole situation.
They want you to be on a Democrat
or I want you to be on publican.
I don't care which one, you know, as long as you're on one
or the other, instead of sitting back
and being, being independent and being like, you know what?
I just want freedom. I want freedom for everybody.
I want everybody to thrive.
I want everyone to be able to do
what they want without hurting somebody else
and be happy with that.
And so they want people to be polarized to one side
or the other and not seeing the whole situation.
And they don't, and they, and they want us to
not realize the wholeness of this whole situation.
I am and you are. All that is.
I embody all and I'm therefore whole.
And I think that's so important
with these dualistic concepts.
Everything is valid, everything's important.
Every side is a side to the wholeness.
It's important for us to understand these concepts
and to balance, harmonize and master our lives
because so many on this planet are slaves to their life.
They're slaves to their desires, to the things
that they feel they have to do because they don't have
that connection that we were talking about earlier.
And they don't feel connected.
So they give into porn, they give to drinking, they're given
to drugs, they're given to sex with people
that you don't really love and care about,
and you just wanna take advantage of people.
Uh, and they're giving in to these desires
that make you weak.
Instead of having discipline, you know,
not eating the sugars
and the taking the drugs and all the things.
Um, we can master our emotions, we can master our thoughts,
we can master the ability to not give into those things
and give into those desires.
And I think ultimately that's what many
of these ancient masters told us.
You know, you can master this, this life in this universe
and your and your desires.
So no discipline and give it all into temptation
or you can master your life and have discipline
and be content happy, fulfilled.
Realize dual, the dualistic nature of life
live in the light and the dark.
Everybody wants to be a light working and a light,
but at the same time, if we don't have
darkness, the light's gonna kill you.
If it was light all day outside,
we wouldn't be living on this planet.
The balance of light and dark is, is needed.
It's inevitable. It's, it's something that we have to come
to terms with and realize that the balance is important.
Can't have light without
dark, can't have dark without light.
The yin and the yang, light gives
birth to the dark and the dark.
Dark gives birth to the light.
You give into one easier than into another.
But if you feel full, you don't need those things.
When you do harmonize
and balance your life, then you do the same for this world,
which is very polarized.
When we don't realize that how important us getting out
of the polarization of feeling, uh, a certain way or,
or subscribing to a certain political view,
when we take ourselves out and we send ourselves in and,
and find that peace and harmony and realize and look back
and see the whole picture, you do that in your own life.
You are literally creating a little bit
more balance of this world.
There's absolutely no doubt about that.
We have a world that's completely off balance,
it's completely wild on a crazy ride right now,
and it could be so much more harmonious
and so much more balanced and centered.
And all we have to do is do that for ourselves.
Because first of all, and foremost, you'll reality
is based on your thoughts and your, and your emotions
and your feelings and how you interact
and react to what the universe has given you
and challenges that are happening for you.
So all you have to do is balance yourself
and you balance yourself and your life,
and your partner can do that,
and your kids will reflect that.
The relationships we're gonna have are gonna reflect that.
If you truly have done the work, people that you meet up at,
at random places, you're gonna constantly be in that state
of flow where you're at the right place at the right time,
meeting the right people in the right situations,
and finding the next piece of
that next puzzle, the next bread Trump.
I say all these things to you guys because I know it's true.
I know it's happening for me
and I know it's happening for other people around me.
This is a teaching that I wanna,
I really do believe can bring us in our own personal
renaissance and a collective cultural renaissance
that I believe that we are on the cusp of.
I believe that what happened in the Renaissance in the past,
what happened in the great awakenings of the past,
we are on the cusp of an incredible awakening
happening on this planet.
It's not happening, it's not gonna happen. It is happening.
Um, the snowball effect is real.
The ripple in the universe is real.
And as we think so it shall be
and as we feel, so it is you guys.
I'm incredibly grateful to be here with you guys tonight.
I'm incredibly grateful to share a message like this.
It kind of ends up being my message every night, I think.
But it is true as we do the work,
as we be the change we want to see, it really does happen.
And it happens more and more.
And it gives permission for the others to, to know
that it's possible to not believe in somebody else,
but believe in yourself and believe that you can do it.
I don't need someone to come save me from my problems.
I need to save myself from my problems.
I need to be the hero of my own journey.
And if we do that, I 100% the Renaissance on this planet
will be far beyond probably our wildest dreams
to have pyramids of Giza with the,
the white coated lime stone
and have the stone hinge be rebuilt and the pyramids
and the temples, and to live in a world again
where these things will be rebuilt in incredible way
that they were in the past
and live in a, a life like Atlantis or La Maria.
And we will live in similar lives again.
What has happened will come back and come, come back again.
That's the ebb and flow. That's what we have to know.
These things not just happened during the past,
but they're here now too.
And there are people who live this way already,
whether it's on top of the, the earth
or in inside it, it's already here and it's now.
And we just have to dive into that deeply and knowing that.
And so it is.
I wanna thank you guys all tonight
for joining me another great episode of Mystery School.
I'm incredibly grateful to be here.
The light in me sees honors
and recognize the light, the divine, the godlike nature,
the love, the oneness that's in each
and every single one of you.
People: Jacob Cox
Topics: Mystery School, Spirituality
Thank you Jacob!
Thank you. That means a lot to me!!