Mystery School: Conspiracy

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Conspiracy
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Hi everyone, and welcome to another
edition of, uh, mystery School.
I'm your host, Jacob Cox,
and I'm super glad to be here tonight,
back from a few months of vacation,
and I'm super excited to be here.
Like I said, thanks everyone for joining us.
Our topic tonight is conspiracy, really is one
of my favorite, uh, topics, probably of all time.
Um, obviously most of my,
my shows episodes are about conspiracies in general.
Tonight, we're gonna touch on a few of those.
Um, probably not go into detail about a lot of them, just
for time's sake for tonight.
And we will definitely go into a much more, uh,
in depth shows later on about some of these, um,
some of 'em we've done before.
Um, but just want to touch a few tonight,
talk about why it is, it's so important for us to
talk about conspiracy, because it's such
a taboo word, right?
That we're not allowed to talk about these things,
that they can't be true, obviously.
And I just find that to be really, honestly, so crazy,
because why is it
that we don't think people conspire to do things?
I mean, someone conspire to build my house,
someone conspired to build the roads and buildings
and, uh, you know, do all kinds
of things in our world today.
And so it just really doesn't make any sense why people just
all of a sudden, you know, kind
of throw these things under the bus
and say, oh, well, they're conspiracy.
We're not supposed to talk about 'em.
We're not supposed to question it.
And from my point of view, I have always had a lot
of questions, and I just don't feel like the teachers
and my parents and, uh, preachers, uh, everybody
with some kind of authority, um, has got all the answers.
Um, I, I just, I just didn't get that
and didn't resonate with me, really, truly to, uh,
just not feel like the truth was coming out.
I mean, isn't it Christ that said that, you know,
seek the truth and the truth, he'll shall shut, set us free,
um, seek the truth and the true self set us free.
Yeah, I mean, why not?
Um, so many incredible things out there,
and we are told to believe these things in school.
You know, that was, um, really pushed by the Rockefellers
to give us an education that really didn't give us a lot
of information, just made us, you know, gave us enough
so we can do our jobs and not ask any questions.
And I feel like that's not what I'm here to do.
I'm not here to just live and, and pay bills and,
and die, you know, and pay my taxes and die.
I'm here to experience something much greater than that.
And I feel like if you're watching this tonight
or somewhere down on the recording,
that you're here for that same reason.
You're here to find out what your purpose is,
what life really is about,
what this reality has to offer for us.
And I think it's much more than we've been told, um,
why is the world the way it is?
And tonight, I'm gonna ask a lot of questions
because I got a lot more questions than I
got answers for you guys tonight.
But I feel like sometimes the smartest person in the room
has more questions than answers.
And what is, I mean, is this, this natural evolution
of what's going on in our world?
Is this, is this naturally what happens on other planets
and how things happen,
or something much more intended going on,
uh, to the human race?
And, you know, as we were little kids
and we asked, why, why, why, you know,
all the time, I needed to know why.
And a lot of times people say, because it said so, or
because that's what we're doing,
or for whatever reason, that got shut down.
And I feel like for a lot of us, it shuts us down and,
and we stop asking those questions.
We're told not to question authority.
If you, if you don't listen to the,
the subject at hand and, and,
and take it in by what's being told to you verbatim,
then something's wrong with you.
You know, like the, the pyramids got built this way,
and there's no other way for, um, us to talk about it then
what we're being told in school.
And like, that's, I don't think that's fair,
because we don't really honestly know.
And who really does know,
and who really does have the authority over us
to tell us not to question things, to tell us not to
go out in the deep end and researching something on our own.
And how is that not valid?
How is my or your, or anybody's personal journey, um,
and your own, you know, really just digging in
for the information, how is that not valid?
I, I think it's totally valid.
My feelings when I'm thinking about certain information,
when I'm researching information,
I feel like is super important.
How I feel about a subject oftentimes leads me on a huge
journey to a lot of connecting, uh, truths
and a lot of connecting ideas
that I feel like is really important for me.
And I feel like it's probably really
important for a lot of you guys as well.
So, I am here tonight to ask you guys what is going on,
what, what's happening?
Um, what kind of conspiracies are true, maybe
what some are not so true.
And, uh, I just wanna dive into
it deep with you guys tonight.
So I hope you guys will join me that,
and then maybe at the end, we'll open up
and, uh, share some more conspiracies
after this on Ascension Works tv.
So again, who, who is the authority of this reality really?
Um, who is designing education, politics,
you know, social aspects of the human experience,
who really is in control of that?
Is anybody in control of that?
Because it seems like collectively we all
are to some aspect.
And then it seems like some people have a little bit more
intention than that, and
that's important to know who those people are.
And I wanna find out who those people are,
if there is anyone that's doing that.
So it's, I think, again, it's important
for us to ask those questions.
And like I said, the word conspiracy really just means
to me who's conspiring together.
We know politicians and presidents
and prime ministers always, you know, get together
and talk about agendas and, and things that they wanna do.
And then now, there's no doubt about it
that there are people who are globalists
who are getting together to decide
what people should do in every country.
People who are unelected, uh, trying to make policies, laws,
and agendas for people.
Um, and that doesn't suit me very well.
And I feel like the more we know that the more we're on top
of those things, uh, the better for us.
Because we don't wanna get caught
with our pants down when big things happen,
and be afraid to be scared and,
and do something that we wouldn't normally do if we had
thought it through or questioned something first
and seen, Hey, maybe something's coming,
and I want to be on top of that.
I don't want to, I don't want to give in outta fear
and do something that, you know, could hurt my body, um,
could hurt my family, could hurt my finances.
And, you know, uh, I think as a chess player,
I feel like I'm always watching moves.
I'm watching, you know, moves by politicians, globalists,
you know, friends and family,
everything, you know, in my life.
'cause everything that happens, everything that I am a part
of is a part of my journey and a part of, uh, my experience.
So, the word conspiracy,
I believe came 60 years ago after the JFK assassination.
Uh, we were told, if you don't accept the narrative of
what we're being given to you,
then you're a conspiracy theorist.
You know, you're saying that JFK was murdered
and assassinated other than by the person that we told you.
And we all know that that's a, there's a lot of, you know,
questionable things going on in that, that particular event
and that particular conspiracy, right?
Um, I've seen videos
and heard a lot of different things about
that in particular case, you know?
Um, and that's
60 years later, you know, our president's supposed to let
that information out, let us have that,
and still we're not getting it.
'cause of covid. We can't, can't put that out.
So, um, why 60 years later, you guys aren't gonna tell us
what exactly happened?
Where, where's the disclosure of information
that we're promised that we should be knowing?
Why is there so much secrecy in the government?
All the speeches and things that JFK, uh, talked about,
you know, about that shadowy government,
about the shadowy group that, uh, relied on covet means, uh,
those speeches are important.
And when you go back and look at it,
it just doesn't seem like it was just some lone gunman
who was trying to end the presidency.
It seemed like there was a lot of Melissa's intent by,
you know, certain groups and stuff.
And it is important for us to, you know,
like I said, ask these questions.
So if we don't understand history, you know, what's
that saying, then we're doomed to repeat it.
I don't want to continue to repeat
things because we're not aware.
We're not paying attention. We just got our noses in ground.
We're, we're working and we're not paying attention.
So let's start paying attention.
Let's start looking at these conspiracies and,
and talk about 'em.
Right or wrong, good or bad, positive or negative.
There's no reason why anybody should never,
ever at least get down and deep into, uh, into a topic
or an idea and see why is it that, you know,
somebody is saying a certain thing
and somebody else is saying something else?
You know, it's our duty.
I feel like as, as citizens, as, uh, you know,
human beings on this planet to make sure that we take care
of each other, to make sure that, you know,
things aren't happening that aren't for the good of all.
And so, again, that started 60 years ago with that saying,
and it's been, you know, a term
that's been used ever since then to kind
of throw things under the bus and,
and, you know, call people names.
That, uh, I just don't think that's a fair,
uh, a fair way to go with that.
And, um, you know, we need to start getting into a place
where we can have open dialogue,
right or wrong, good or bad.
Every idea, every topic should be studied.
Um, you know, there've been
so many things throughout history where we believed it
to be one way, and then find out, oh, it's not.
So, you know, even science is something that is,
can be questionable, something that can change.
It's a search for answers, not necessarily
that it has all the answers all the time, but we do test
and we try to figure things out.
And that's all we're here for, is to figure out the truth.
That's, that, that deep truth, that
if we really are ready for it, if we're humble,
if our bowl is open, I believe if we ask these questions out
to the universe, to God, whatever you wanna call it, that
that universe, that God is going
to answer our questions some way, somehow through books,
through television, through videos, through people,
through events that we go to,
I have discovered so many things that way.
And they start to open up, and it's like breadcrumbs.
And then you start to follow the breadcrumbs,
and you find, oh, wow, this thing connects
to this thing and this connects to this.
And, um, that's really important to start to follow it
because in certain ideas where I've seen a certain thing
and I, and I'm reading about it, a conspiracy,
and then I don't even understand it fully or completely,
but it leads me on something else.
And I follow that, uh, I follow that trail of breadcrumbs
and it brings me into other things.
And understanding something over here helps me realize, oh,
the thing that I was looking at, I needed
to see other things.
I needed to understand other things just
to get this thing right, just to understand this one idea.
So I wanna dig into a few tonight.
Let's dig into some conspiracies for sure.
Um, so probably gonna go ahead
and start with, uh, the flat earth theory.
Um, it's one I've talked about a couple times
before on, on my shows and everything,
and I'm just gonna tell you guys flat out,
I just don't believe in the flat earth theory.
I don't believe that's how it goes.
I mean, it was just a couple hundred years ago, seriously,
that people started coming out
and say, Hey, man, the world is not flat.
Pretty sure it's round at least.
And people were killed for those ideas, you know?
Um, and so many people were killed for those ideas.
And so that's something
that's really important to think about.
Like people lost their lives
for just mentioning something different than the
narrative of that day.
And so we're gonna go back to that theory all of a sudden.
I just, it doesn't make any sense to me, honestly, I believe
that the earth is a Taurus.
It is a toradal field, um, which is basically like an apple
or an orange, meaning there are basically two tornadoes,
two vortexes from the top and the bottom,
and then there's a zero point in the middle,
and the energy comes up, it comes out, down
and back up again.
That is a tors field that's around every human
that's around our earth.
That's around, um, you know, like I said, how apples
and oranges and, uh, our entire universe works,
even stars moving through this, uh, pattern up
and outta the Milky Way and back again.
And, and we've seen that pattern before.
So I think the, the universe is a toal machine.
It just creates Tauruses all day long.
And that would make sense to why Albert Einstein
and different, uh,
scientists believe that the earth was hollow.
Because if you look in your app while you're orange,
when it comes down and in, there's a core in there.
And then the middle is what seeds. That's the zero point.
And I believe this is a pattern for our lives
and history and, uh, that this not some just linear
timeline, that we have this incredible spiraling energy of
how things come back around.
That's why karma comes back around and events,
and the same people with different names,
but it's the same person over again at the same
job over and over again.
We see the same stuff. And it's because it's pattern.
And once you learn that thing
and you kind of alleviate that karma from you,
you no longer have to repeat it again over
and over again once you learn a lesson.
And so, to me, that is why at the, they knew,
many people have known, known for long periods of time
that the earth was a Taurus,
that it does have an inner earth, um,
that there is probably some kind
of power generating in the middle of that zero point, um,
and allows people to live inside these caverns
and stuff inside the earth at these poll points.
So I, in my personal belief, I just believe that
that is a theory that's come up,
and it's the main thing that you hear about nowadays,
flat earth theory, anywhere you go in any kind of app or,
or, or conspiracy place, right?
And I think it really is just created by a group
of individuals who want to make you think
that all conspiracies are just false.
And so we we're gonna just have a blanket term, a conspiracy
of this flat earth theory,
and then we'll throw everything else under there.
So we'll make this really kind of one
that doesn't make sense.
And, and I'm not gonna say it doesn't, some of the things
that I've read, some of the things that I've seen,
some of 'em are really good.
But when I'm listening to something
or I'm reading, reading something,
I get this really incredible feeling
where I have like goosebumps
and, you know, I just feel like, wow,
this is really, you know, intriguing me.
And that's just one that doesn't do it for me personally.
I'm open to hearing more.
If somebody got some good things,
I'm more than willing to listen.
But for me, I feel like this is something that was created,
um, literally
to throw everything else under the bus under it
and just say, well, this one is so kind of dumb.
All of 'em have to be dumb if you're a conspiracy person,
and you have to believe that one true.
And I don't believe that there's a couple of 'em
that I don't believe, but over the course
of my lifetime must, the conspiracies that I have, uh,
you know, kind of dug into, um, a lot of 'em have a lot
of meat, you know, on those bones.
And, um, they're good. You know, there's a lot to 'em.
So, but for me, that one, personally,
I just wanna get outta the way
because I know some people are gonna ask,
I just don't believe that the earth, the earth is flat
and has some kind of firmin around it
that just doesn't make sense.
I believe that most planets probably are toal fields,
stars are toal fields, galaxies,
and our universe itself is probably a big Taurus, uh,
along in the multiverse of, of universes.
And the same thing is happening, uh, continuously.
So, um, another one that's really good, you know,
is the Titanic, the Titanic conspiracy, some
of you probably heard about before,
but seriously, the richest people on the planet at the time,
literally are on this boat,
and they're against, you know, uh, federal reserve banks
and central banks, and they get these guys on a boat,
and then all of a sudden, uh,
it hits a iceberg, supposedly, right?
And all these people are dead.
And then the next year, 1913, uh,
the Federal Reserve was enacted, you know,
just over a year later.
That, to me, is quite a coincidence, um,
to have the richest people who are against that, these,
these centralized banks and these federal reserve banks.
Um, is it a, is it just a coincidence,
just a mere coincidence?
I don't think so. There's actually people who wrote books
that said, who, who survived the, the Titanic
and said that they, you know, thought they got hit
by something, um, you know, some kind of missile,
a huge, loud explosion.
Seriously, the guys that recently went down there, you know,
the people went down there in
that submersible sub to go look at it.
As soon as those guys were going down there,
I knew they weren't coming back up a lot,
if they were coming back up at all.
I was like, there's no way. There's no way that
if somebody deliberately shot this Titanic down
and it sunk at a bottom ocean,
there's no way they're gonna let
you come back up with pictures.
I mean, there's no way. And, you know,
obviously I ended up being right about that one.
Um, it just doesn't make any sense,
and it doesn't make any sense
that an iceberg sunk the ship to me personally.
I've never heard of any iceberg sinking a ship, ever.
That's the only one in the court of history that I know of
that supposedly hit a, an iceberg
and then sinks to the bottom of the ocean.
This doesn't happen like that.
Um, and I just don't think it happened to the Titanic.
And like I said, it, what a coincidence
that the Federal Reserve has
enacted a year later after that.
And I think that's just too much for me personally,
to believe that.
And that means to me that there are a lot
of incidences like this, um, you know, false flags
and things that have happened to distract us and,
and to do different things, um,
to get certain people outta the way.
And that just seems to be something
that's happening all the time, especially today.
Um, upon telling my parents about that a couple years ago,
about the Titanic, I just, you know, was thinking,
and a lot of times I just, you know, I kind
of receive little nuggets of, of, of information sometimes
to go, to go, uh, research it.
And I was telling my parents about the Titanic
and this huge ship and, and,
and all the things I told you guys about the, you know,
uh, icebergs and everything.
And then all of a sudden I get this kind of message denberg,
and I was like, oh yeah, the hindenberg
and I, right there in front of, while I was talking to him,
I just went to go research it
and just see if there was anything about the Hindenburg.
This, you know, this huge ship in the sky
was a hydrogen balloon or whatever.
And come to find out some
of the things I found out about the pilot
and everything, saying that this thing
shouldn't have blown up.
This thing shouldn't have, this, shouldn't have happened.
This, there's no way that this could happened without some
kind of intention for, for it to happen.
Someone had had to have wanted it to happen.
Um, and then to think about just if you were
to take a hydrogen balloon
and you put a lighter underneath it,
that thing explodes in a second.
The hindenberg, I think it took about a minute
to finally burn up.
And if there was that much hydrogen gas in there,
you would assume that thing would have blown
to smithereens in the second.
No, it burned for over a minute.
So to me, the fact that I just got this little message,
I go in there and research it for a second,
and then I said, the pilot himself is saying this is,
this is not right something, this is not just,
this should not have happened.
And there are a lot of conspiracies about
who blew it up and why.
And those kind of things just made me realize
all the events in our life, all these big things
that have happened, these big distractors, these big things
that people have done, so they can do other things.
Whether you're looking over here,
we're gonna do something over here.
You know, um, those things are planned out.
I think a lot of 'em have to be planned out.
And we have to maybe at least come to the conclusion that
so many events in our world are probably, are planned.
I mean, from, I mean, even like Vietnam, we know that, uh,
the Gulf of the Tonka incident where, you know, they said
that the Vietnam, uh, you know, bombed one of our ships
that took us into the war with them.
But if I come to find out later, that never happened,
these people fund both sides of wars to distract to,
you know, to basically use us like dogs
and fight each other and kill each other.
The same thing has happened since we, since we've been here.
All these different gods telling us
to fight each other and kill each other.
Why? What is, what's the purpose? We have to go back.
What is the intention for these people?
These gods making us fight each other for
so long since human beings have literally been here.
And that may become conclusion that the Bible
and the Old Testament was full of, you know, well,
some people call the fallen angels to me.
Um, I think those are people from other planets
that they were, you know, angels come from heaven, right?
Well, I don't think they were talking about heaven being
in another dimension.
I think heaven literally referred to the heavens.
Everything outside of the earth, you know, was the heavens.
And people came out of the heavens, came to this planet,
had sex with the women that were here,
and, you know, uh, their religion came with them
and their prejudice came with them,
and they got us to fight each other.
And, you know, they created the nephilim
and different entities
and, um, you know, things like the Tower of Babel where
God man had become one man had become one.
It had one universal language.
So God came down and confused men with language.
And that's why it's called Babel, baby Babel today.
And, um, to me is like, is that the God of love
that I serve, that that lives when, you know,
the New Testament being saying
that no man has ever seen the face of God, that God is love.
And when, when we love God, d wealth us to a, a God
who lands on mountains and the fiery chariots
and thunders applause, and hands out commandments
and rides in a pillar of, uh, you know, a cloud by day
and a fiery pillar at night,
and people have to, you know, fall
after them, I don't think that's the God that we,
that Christ was telling us to serve, that
that was telling us to love.
Um, that seems like something completely different to me.
So that's why I think there is an Old Testament,
and then there's a New Testament.
There's a new way to live. There's a new way
to be on this planet.
So we have to, I just think right
or wrong, the questions that we have, the conversations
that we need to have and talk about these ideas,
it's, it is really important.
It's important for all of us to try to get to the bottom of
who we are, how we got here, our true human history.
And to find out, you know, at the end of the day,
that really we're all brothers and sisters,
and, uh, no matter the darkness of our skin,
the pigmentation that we have,
we are all way more alike than we could ever be different.
And, and finding these things out that,
that some people have some dark agenda
to continuously fight ourselves, to fight each other,
to have culture wars, to see people different for the color
of their skin or their politics
and just hate each other all day long.
That is a distraction.
As a chess player, I know that's a distraction.
They're all over here doing all these things,
but they're just behind the scenes doing whatever they want.
And I think what's going on
behind the scenes is pretty nasty, awful stuff.
And we have to take our heads outta saying,
stop fighting each other and realize, you know,
we're all one, and it's time for us to take our planet back.
And so I think that's why, for me personally,
after researching so many conspiracies,
I'm just, I have to keep going.
I can never stop. I have to continue
to, to keep researching.
'cause I feel like there's no end to these things.
Um, you know, another conspiracy that
I don't feel like it's talked about very much.
I feel like everybody kind of feels like they got the,
the 4 1 1 on, on this conspiracy, and,
and there's not much about it.
I, I feel like I wanted to make a whole video about this,
but I, I just want to kind of go over it tonight
because I want people to think,
or at least realize that the first thing
that someone gives you, the first information that you see,
maybe you see something over
and over again, doesn't necessarily mean that's true.
And the biggest one that I'm seeing right now
has happened just recently was the Georgia Guidestones.
And I, I'm a, I'm a man from Georgia,
and I have personally been to
the Georgia Guidestones a couple times.
Um, I doing my research, man,
I probably visited 15 years ago at this point, maybe,
probably even before that, um, 2024.
Yeah. So my first experience, I just want to go by myself.
I don't even, you know, want anybody to come with me.
I just wanna go see what it is.
See it, for what it's worth, it seemed pretty
interesting to me personally.
So I go out there and it's a beautiful place, you know,
it's really wide open, big field, really beautiful.
And, um, you know, so I, I just go to check it out
and immediately nobody else is there.
And there's a couple horses out there, and I walk right up
and a couple horses walk right up to me.
I pet the horses. They're really beautiful.
You know, it's kind of, kind of cool little,
you know, situation that I'm in.
And, um, I enjoy myself.
I go check these things out, and it seemed pretty cool.
And through my research, you know, I feel like
to me personally, there's a lot of people
who think there's some really negative, uh, energy
behind the creation of these Georgia Guidestones.
I didn't, I didn't get that. Um, I didn't get that.
I got something completely different.
I got what I believe was a secret group
trying to guide us into a new age.
Um, and I wanna read you the, the, um,
the guidestones, what they actually say on them really
quick, because everybody always talks about number one,
the first, the first guided law, right?
And that is, um,
to maintain humanity under 500 million, I believe.
Yeah. To maintain humanity under 500 million
and perpetual balance with nature.
And now most people don't even use that last part
and perpetual balance with nature,
which does sound pretty good.
And I'm not saying that the people who intended this wanted
to kill off billions of people
because we have, you know, seven
or 8 billion people on the planet right now.
I think these things were supposed to be
a guide to a new age.
And just as this group knows, and many other groups knows,
and Native American, uh, traditions that I followed,
everybody's always has a, a reset some kind of deluge,
or the next one's supposed to be by fire.
There are all these times in humanity when things would be
destroyed, people would go under the, under the,
under the ground into these caverns and the cave systems
and to come back up later and kind of restart humanity.
So there's all these kind of resets that happen.
I would say probably a lot of 'em probably happened
around the 26,000, uh, procession of the equinoxes
where we go back into the age of Aquarius,
which is the beginning, which is kind of like the rebirth
and the birthing period of a new, new era, new age.
Um, and so that's number one,
maintain humanity in 500 million.
I don't think that that, that this, this group in particular
who made these stones are
saying, we should kill off everybody.
I'm saying after the cataclysm happens, these are the things
that people find and, and you learn about.
And they, they help you to guide you to a new,
uh, new reasonable age.
So that's number one, number.
And the rest of 'em, almost no one ever even talks about.
Number two is to guide reproduction wisely improving
fitness and diversity.
Again, people get kind
of weird about the guiding reproduction and everything else,
but it's, it does say it like wisely in
improving fitness and diversity.
That's, I don't think there's anything wrong with it.
Fitness and diversity's good as, as opposed to some
of the things that are growing now where, you know,
that's not necessarily, you know, we're not fit.
Most of us aren't fit, you know, looking at a,
a picture from the 1950s swimming pool.
I mean, there's almost no one that's overweight.
And now, like all of us are, you know,
more overweight than we need to be.
Uh, not because we eat too much, probably just
'cause of food is so terrible and poisoned.
Um, so that's number two.
Number three, unite humanity with a living new language.
And again, that kind of goes back to the tower Babel,
when we were all one at one time,
we had a universal living language that everybody spoke.
Everybody could talk to each other before the God came down
and confused us with language
and told us not to, you know, uh, mate with the other people
of different races and different
cultures and all that kind of stuff.
Although there is only one race, the human race.
So that's number three, unite humanity
with a living new language
that I think is a great thing too.
Rule, passion, faith, tradition,
and all things with tempered reason.
That's number four. Still pretty good overall.
I think these are pretty good things to start a new society.
Number five is protect people and nations with fair laws
and just courts, which we know we don't have now.
We know we don't have a society full of fair laws and, and,
and just courts, you know, many times often people
with more money get away with things that people
who don't have money don't get away with.
And certainly are being, you know, fined
and ticketed for things that other people don't even
even have to worry about.
So, you know, what's, what's a law for one is for everybody.
And so, again, that's another one I don't feel like is a
super negative, bad thing.
Number six, um,
let all Nations rule internally resolving external
disputes in a world court.
That is something that some people get, like a world court,
but it also is saying, you know,
to let them rule internally resolving
their external disputes.
Um, you know, maybe it's for a lot of us, we do believe
that we're going back to this kind of one world.
One, one love, one humanity.
Um, to me, I don't think we need the borders.
I don't think we need the walls.
I don't think we need all these things.
Um, you know, it's very possible that the, the world
that we're gonna see in the near future is gonna be
completely different than the one that we live on right now.
And, um, you know, that may be something that we
are much more okay with,
with different circumstances at the time.
Um, number seven, avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Now, that's one for sure.
If this was done by a group that wanted to rule over people,
I doubt that they would put that in there.
Petty laws and useless officials.
'cause we got a lot of petty laws and useless
officials, I can guarantee that.
And number eight, balance personal
rights with social duties.
Number nine, prize truth, beauty, love seeking harmony
with the infinite man.
Those are some good ones right there too,
that I totally resonate with.
And number 10, be not a cancer on the earth.
Leave room for nature. And it says it one more time.
Leave room for nature.
These, these are all pretty good, pretty good laws,
pretty good guides to, you know, if a cataclysm happens
and a lot of people die off, a lot of people aren't ready
for this purification that's happening.
I mean, mother Earth has gotta wash her hands of dirty germs
and the things that are working for her.
And, you know, so many civilizations talk about
these things that have happened.
People had to go on the ground and they come back up.
And I believe that if you're living the way you should be,
angels, guides, spirits, mother earth,
father son will give you the tools,
will give you the insights to know what's gonna happen.
And you'll never have to fall into an earthquake
or a volcano like, you know, that's not gonna happen to you.
You'll be at the right place in the right time when you're
in sync with the universe, when you're in sync
with the world, as opposed to, you know, in sync with
profits and, uh, you know, uh,
everything else that, that's of this world.
I mean, really, um, all this other stuff is just,
it just doesn't matter, you know, to be in this world really
and truly, but not of it.
Um, so I think those are some of the big things for me.
Um, and then another one
that is probably kinda like the nail in the coffin for me is
that literally it says kind of the person
who put this thing together, his name is RC Christian,
and right next to that name says pseudonym,
as if this means something.
This isn't his actual name,
it's a pseudonym, so it means something.
So to me, the best thing I could come up
with is this means Rosa, cia, RO Rosa Cru Christian,
and that's the secret sec that I feel like has some privy
to, uh, some information that is not mainstream.
And they know, uh, you know, they study the ancient text
and they know that the earth has these,
these cataclysms that happen.
You know, it's more like a birthing period when a woman
gives birth, there's screaming and there's blood,
and there's pains and birthing pains and all stuff.
And if you just looked at that right there,
you'd think she was dying if you didn't know otherwise.
But if you look at the bigger picture,
she's giving birth to a new child.
And I think that's what's happening is evolution is
something that when it gets to a certain point, those
who live in love in a higher frequency vibration, literally
harmonize and resonate with that vibration, are, are able
to, uh, evolve.
I don't think evolution is something
that happens over millions of years.
I think it happens spontaneous.
And those people with that frequency are able to take on
that spontaneous, um, evolution to further themselves.
And like I said, evolution doesn't stop
with opposable thumbs.
We're, we're gonna evolve.
And we may even look completely different.
The difference between us and Crow, Magna man
or Paleolithic men will,
could possibly look completely different
to homo sapiens in the same way we
look different to Neonatals.
So that's just something that I believe
and I feel in my heart and my journey.
Um, you know, not, you know,
no one's caring about the germs when you wash your hands,
although you're killing, you know, billions
of germs when you wash your hands.
Mother Earth has to, has to wash herself
and has to purify herself again.
And this is just a process just like spring, summer, winter,
or fall of, of birth and,
and rebirth and death and life.
And that's just what it is.
And that's, that's how, for me, I believe evolution works.
And I think once we start to realize that, um,
it's very possible that that Georgia guidestones
where something that was given to us by a group of people
that were hoping
to help guide us into a new age in a better, in a, you know,
more harmonious way as opposed to, um, you know, evil people
with an agenda to depopulate their, which I think there is,
I definitely think there are people who definitely have
that agenda on their mind.
Um, but I don't think the people who created
that one did that.
I've never heard anybody really talk about this subject.
This is my personal belief. I could be wrong.
I'm open to hearing different stories, uh, understandings
and ideas about this particular event,
this particular conspiracy or, um,
but for me, right now, where I'm at,
that's where I'm at with this one.
And I share that because there's so many people
who say these things are negative,
and they just hear that first law,
and they're like, oh, man, that's it, it's done.
You know, glad it's, glad it's broken.
I'm glad they blew it up. But for me, I, I don't,
I think there's a lot more, and I think you have
to dig really deep these days.
Don't just take the first thing someone says to you,
really dive deep into your own research and be humble.
Have an open bull. Listen, you know, ask the questions.
Ask God, ask the universe to guide you to the answers.
And I believe if you do that
and you really mean it, the universe
and God really will do that for you.
Um, so I, I talked about it a little bit already,
but the wars, many of the wars I believe are completely
orchestrated by groups who want us to fight each other,
to not find out are who we really are.
As long as we're distracted, hating, killing, punishing,
destroying other people with weapons, we're not learning,
um, to love.
We're not learning to have love dwell within us.
And that's what God is. How could you be?
How could God be dwelling within you
and have this love inside
of you if you're constantly fighting and bickering
and killing and torturing other humans?
There's no way. There's absolutely no way.
So that is the complete opposite of, of God to me.
Um, so I think that is why, you know,
there is so much war.
There is so much, you know, anger and, and hate.
Um, but I think that's orchestrated by a few who want the,
the majority of us to can to fall in line with that.
And the more that we don't, the more that we resist,
the more that we say, no, we're not gonna do that.
I'm not gonna kill my brothers and sisters.
I'm gonna love my neighbor. I'm gonna send
that past the people that live
next to me on the same street.
I'm gonna send that to the people in every country
around the world that I know
that every single person in this world is more like me
than they could ever be different.
And if I know that
and I believe that, then it's a game over.
It's a game over for people
who want to continue to divide us.
Um, so I think that's something that's super important
to kind of, kind of come to terms with.
So the wars, the buildings that get blown up,
distractions that happen, um, you know, missing money
and the Pentagon, and then a plane
supposedly looks more like a missile, hit it to me, um,
hits the Pentagon in nine 11
and blows up the exact place where they're, you know,
counting the trillions of dollars that are supposed
to be missing.
Uh, same thing with like the World Trade Center,
not the World Trade Center, uh, Oklahoma City bump.
And then there's somebody, you know, uh, president's, uh,
wife, um, who's going to be, uh, you know, uh,
she's going to be, you know, go to court
for the scandals that she did.
And then that's supposed to happen four days later
after it was blown up at the exact same place
where they were doing the research and, and everything else.
So we really have to come to terms
that the assassinations, the killings, the bombs blowing up,
the wars, all this stuff is something
that's really orchestrated
and that normally this just doesn't happen.
This is not a society, you know, we're,
we're wired to love each other.
We're wired to help each other out,
even in those biggest times of destruction.
And, um, you know, kind of cataclysms,
people go help each other no matter what, no matter
how dangerous people go die in those
buildings to pull people out.
So sadly, that's where it comes to the point
where you realize, like even in this deep, dark despair,
people really actually do love
each other and help each other out.
I love that Mr. Rogers quote.
And he goes, when you see these kind
of bad things happen, look for the helpers.
You know, concentrate on those things.
You know, I'm not sitting there saying these things
to scare people, to make everybody think the world is a
terrible place, but there are things that are happening,
and, you know, there are parasites in our world.
We have to take 'em off and do something about it.
If there was a huge tick on you,
you are not gonna let it suck you, you know, completely dry,
so you can't, you know what I mean?
So it gets humongous and you're no longer able to live
because it's parasites on you,
or tapeworms in you just completely taking
all your nutrients until you die.
You're gonna do something bad.
You're gonna get the parasites out.
You're gonna pull the tick off.
And I think that's what's going on.
We literally have parasitic beings on this planet
who are just feeding off of us all the time,
and that's why they constantly promote the fear.
So we have to rise above that
and know that the love is the
most powerful force in the universe.
And I know everybody watching this tonight knows that.
And if you don't know that, I ask you
to really dive in the deep into love yourself,
to love others, to forgive yourself and forgive others,
because that's really, I think first
and foremost, the way out of this thing.
And, and to really get to this new world that's coming
and it's, you know, it, it's here.
Um, it's definitely here,
and I wanna be a part of that.
I feel like I have reincarnated over
and over again so many times.
The reason that I understand these things is lifetime
after lifetime has been my search for truth to find out
what is going on on this planet.
And so now after millions of reincarnations,
this stuff isn't just randomly coming up for me.
It's stuff that I've researched before
and literally sometimes where I just get a
inkling to go look at something.
And the next thing you know, I'm an expert on it,
and like in 24 hour period later.
And I feel like it's just because I almost like remembering
it more so than learning about it.
So, you know, again, crazy things are happening.
You know, Epstein didn't kill himself, you know,
that's another one where it's kind of like,
oh, yep, Epstein's dead.
Does anybody actually know that he is dead?
Because I don't even know that he is dead.
I really, honestly don't even know.
I don't even know that that is an actual real person
who was born with that name.
Um, same thing like Issam Bin Laden.
I don't know that Issam Bin Laden was a real person.
And the fact that if,
if a guy named Issam Bin Laden was responsible
for all the deaths of nine 11,
how come they just threw him over a ship into the
water and killed him?
It just just doesn't make any sense at all.
I've seen too many things about, uh, you know,
different agencies and stuff coming up with these people
and then giving us something to fight.
I think we literally create Al-Qaeda.
They literally create Hamas, they create isis,
the governments and agencies create these terrorist
organizations so that we constantly have someone to fight,
someone to hate, someone to be angry at.
And we are completely
blindsided by just lies
and deceit, just
to keep us distracted, just to keep us angry.
Um, I really, honestly, the more
and more you look at it, it just seems like this.
That's what's really going on.
Sadly, that's what's really going on.
But once we wake up and realize it's all smoke
and mirrors, it's just this reality
where fear is being pumped into it
and creating this fake world, you know, kind
of illusion of separation
and an illusion of, of people hating each other.
Illusion of the majority of people don't like each other.
The majority of people are mad at each other.
And I don't think that's true. When I walk out on the street
and I go, go to work, most people are nice.
Most people are, are helpful. Most people are loving.
Um, and I think they want us to paint a picture
that the world's not like that.
And as, as long as we continue to believe the lies
and continue to live in the fear,
that's the experience that we get.
If you believe that the world's a terrible place,
when you go out and you go on vacation, you go places
and you think that everything is, you know,
people are killing each other and stealing from each other,
that's the kind of experience I
believe that you'll draw to yourself.
But if you honestly believe that the world's a helpful,
loving place, that's the kind of world
that you're gonna experience.
And so we all live in the same world,
but we get different realities out of,
we literally get different experiences
and events that we show up to and places
and, and all these things.
And you can go to, you can go to a restaurant
with different people and go to the same place
and sit at the same table, and somebody's gonna get,
you know, food that's cold
or something they didn't order, have a bad experience,
and somebody else sit at the same table with two people down
and get the food they wanted.
Tasted great service was great to them.
Same waiter, same table, same restaurant.
What's the difference? The difference is
what you believe the world to be like.
That's what I 100% believe.
What you believe the world to be like is what you get over
and over and over again until you
realize, I don't like that anymore.
I wanna change it. I wanna change the channel
and channel something differently.
And, and so I feel like that's for me, what my
goal is in life, is to see a loving world,
to see loving humans, to see people who are, you know,
just distracted.
But ultimately, deep down, they're,
most people are good people.
They're all good people. They're all God.
They're literally all God,
whether you, whether they know it or not.
Um, and then, oh man, another, another great story
that's been coming out a lot lately.
Again, not one that I'm a hundred percent know about,
but I I'm gonna share it with you guys.
The Giant Tree theory.
So I don't know if you guys have, you know,
some social media lately
where they're talking about places like Devil's Tower
and a lot of places in the Four Corners region
where they have these really tall kind of rock mountains,
and then all of a sudden they're cut off at the very top.
There's a lot of people going around saying
that these are giant trees.
My first hearing about it, I was like, okay, you know,
that's a cool, that's a cool theory.
I, I like that. But to find other civilizations
and cultures talking about similar things is
what really kind of pulled this together for me.
So in the Zulu legend,
there was massive trees on the planet back in the day.
And then when the moon came in, the moon comes in
and the, the world is spinning upright, the moon comes in.
'cause somebody brought it in.
Literally, the moon is not a natural satellite.
It's too big, too heavy, um, to be natural.
Um, it pulls the earth over. It's so, it's so big.
It pulls the earth over.
And that's why we have the seasons the way we do.
We're actually closer to the sun in winter
and farther away in the summer.
It's, it's wild. But that's because of, it's
because the earth is tilted off of its normal,
probably natural access.
We don't have a natural, uh, access anymore.
We're being pulled over by the moon.
And they said when that happened,
there was a lot of fog on the planet.
These major huge trees on the planet.
And you know, in California, the Sequoia trees
and everything, they're, they grow so big
because of the fog that comes in from the Pacific Ocean.
And so when the moon comes in, it pulls all the water down,
which make, which causes the flood according to them.
And then the giants that are on the earth in those days,
they go cut the trees down.
And as I'm thinking about that, I, this, the story
of Paul Bunion comes to me right away.
Paul Bunion was a giant cutting down trees
with his blue babe, you know, blue Hawks babe.
And just to think about that like that is, I mean,
whether right or wrong, it's just incredible story.
Like there obviously were giants.
I imagine at, at very least there were at least much bigger
trees back in the day when there was more carbon on the
earth, um, than there is now.
And obviously there are a lot of other bigger things back in
the past that we know it for sure, were bigger.
And so it makes sense that, you know,
bigger trees would be back then anyway.
And then the jack and the Bean stock story comes
to my mind too, where these giants are going up
and down the beanstalks and you have to cut 'em down, right?
Um, to stop the giants.
Uh, again, this is an incredible story.
I'm working it out myself right now.
I'd love to hear anybody else's, uh, opinions
and ideas on this particular one.
'cause it's definitely fascinating to me.
Um, we all know that, uh,
trees can become petrified over time
and turn to rock, basically.
So this is, to me, is something that is, um,
I think it's good information.
I, I enjoy learning about it.
One of the things after learning about these different kinds
of, uh, like plateaus or,
or whatever they're referred to as now,
but they're like kind said the Devil's Tower, um,
is the King of the Wings.
They also call it momo's wing,
where literally it looks like, again, a giant tree stump,
but it's got what looks like an ax
petrified rock rocked over at this point
with a tree coming off of the stump.
Like a, like an ax handle coming off as if one
of the giants left this tree there, you know,
left his ax there, which I haven't visited yet on my own,
but I definitely, uh, have it on my, um,
to-do list of places to go.
This is an incredible, incredible idea. Um, conspiracy.
I don't know either way.
I feel like for me personally, it's a great story.
I'm into it. The fact that the Zoo
of Legends talk about something very similar,
it's pretty incredible to, incredible to me.
And these stories that, that are in, uh, these kids stories,
the Jack and the Beanstalks and the, and the Paul Bunion.
I think it's something deep down in our subconscious
that these stories come up
and when people are imagining coming up
with kids stories, they're coming up with these stories.
They're coming from somewhere.
They're not just coming from nowhere.
They're coming from the ether somewhere.
And I feel like it's important for us
to at least realize like, man, there's a lot more
to these stories that are being told.
There's a lot more going on in history
that we've ever been told his story.
Whose story is it? It's definitely not one of the peoples.
It's from a king or, you know, a queen
or someone up who's telling his story
and his version of the events.
That's important to, to realize.
Um, the stories that we learn are,
are from a certain perspective and the same wars
and the same stories are taught
totally different in another country.
That's for sure. So again, my,
my intention is just to be completely
wide open about those things.
And just like the moon as well,
the moon is definitely something
that's not a natural satellite.
It has a huge effect on the tidal waves or the, and the high
and low, um, tides of the planet.
And our body is mostly made out of water.
So it has a huge effect on us.
There's more rapes and murders,
aggressive act on the full moon than
any other time of lunar cycle.
Um, every month, uh, police officers know that they,
you know, um, a lot of people know this.
They're more seizures, just more
intense things that are going on.
Uh, the, the time of lunar cycle
and lunatic lunacy is all about the moon.
I made an entire video about this.
You guys can go back and watch it.
Um, I think it's a good one
because I think it's important to know, um,
just like Star Wars literally is a AI being riding
around on the Death star, which is the moon
that moves it on planets and takes it over.
That's the kind of story
that we are that we're talking about.
That this isn't just some random, you know,
natural evolution of our people.
There's literally a huge problem going on, on,
on our planet, and we have to wake up.
We have to realize and see what's happening,
what's going on, and we need
to start doing something about it.
We have to start resisting the things
that they're telling us to do.
And, and, and I think that's really important.
Um, it's time. It's time. You know what I mean?
This is, this is our planning now.
This is our world and we need to take it back.
And if we don't know some of these things
that are going on, it's gonna be really tough.
I feel like, to,
to know this kind of truth that's gonna set us free.
Because, you know, just because we don't have shackles
and chains and are behind bars
doesn't mean we're not slaves.
Price literally said, if we don't seek the
truth, we're not gonna be free.
You have to seek all the truth, no matter
how hard it is to swallow.
And that's, I know that some of these are some big pills
to swallow, but at the end of the day, you gotta swallow.
We have to, we have to get to the, get to the nitty gritty,
deep truth of what's going on in our planet.
If we're ever gonna get to a point
where we're gonna become the rebels
and take on the great imperial, you know,
AI lords that are out there.
So I want to, I want to, that's what I'm here for.
That's what I wanna do. I wanna encourage
all of you guys to do the same thing.
Um, another good one is Antarctica.
Antarctica's full of good conspiracies.
Um, one of which is the temples
and the things that people are starting to see on there.
Now, I believe Antarctica
'cause of the Perry East Map shows that it wasn't, uh,
that they mapped it not too long ago.
I believe that the Perry East map is real.
Uh, I believe that, um,
Antarctica was definitely a continent,
probably somewhere closer to the equator at some point.
Uh, the pole shifts when they happen.
They move the crust around, they move,
they move the land masses around.
And Antarctica was a continent.
Um, has many temples, ancient technologies,
all kinds of stuff all over it.
It's just frozen over.
And as that thing starts to melt more
and more, we're gonna start to see more and more.
Uh, although, you know, obviously a lot of it, uh,
they're gonna try to hide from us,
but those poles, I mean,
nobody's even allowed to fly over the poles.
That's such a weird thing.
If there's not openings there,
why is the US government over the poles of Antarctica
and, uh, the North Pole?
And it's a no fly zone,
and you can't fly over it if there's nothing there to see,
because it all in all, that would be the quickest way
to get over it and back.
Um, so Antarctica, I think is gonna, is harboring a lot
of our ancient secrets that, um, and temples
and stuff that are gonna eventually gonna be the thing
that really wake people up.
Like, wow, you know, uh, that shouldn't be that way.
It shouldn't be things underneath that ice.
But I can promise you, I'll promise you
that there definitely is things under there.
Um, you know, it's just other things like the Great Wall
of China, and people say it was built by China,
but actually the steep sides faced China
as if they were trying to keep people in the Chinese out.
And that kind of leads us to the whole tarter story, right?
Um, that tarter kind of this in, uh, umbrella term for these
civilizations and not too long ago had free energy
and had these, you know, buildings
that had these chute steeples on 'em.
They were, you know, from what I've read
and studied, that there's mercury in there
and it's able to swirl around
to give these buildings free energy and that people had it.
And I believe, um, you know, like the pyramids
and Stonehenge and these, you know, um, Seattle,
TW Con literally looks like a computer board.
I mean, it looks like it could create energy.
Um, and I believe that they did.
And so, tarter not necessarily for me, is like a one place,
but if it's an umbrella term that the civilizations
and cultures had free energy on this
planet, I'm, I'm with it.
I a hundred percent believe that. I believe that even
after, uh, Atlantis and Lamu
and of those places, that there have been
civilizations that have had that.
And there are people, right now, I believe in civilizations
that have free energy on this planet that they want
to cover up and they want people to know about.
Um, so yeah, I, uh, that's one
that I definitely subscribe to too.
Uh, another one, dinosaurs a lot.
I've heard a lot of people recently say,
dinosaurs don't really exist.
We don't really have a full skeleton.
I, I could see that I, I think a lot of the dinosaurs, most
of all dinosaurs that you see are just, um,
plaster cast made.
And, uh, I think for me at least,
I think their dinosaurs did exist.
And I think they still do exist.
There's too many stories from the Thunderbird being a
pterodactyl to McKayley
and Bimba in Africa to the, you know, kind
of ple OSA type thing or kind of sea serpents that you see.
Lake Champaign, uh, lochness.
There are, I believe, dinosaurs still on the planet.
And I think most of them probably dwell within the earth.
But portals, uh, kind of open up
and come through every once in a while.
That's why when you see something like that,
it's there for a short amount of time.
Then it's completely dissolved, kinda like to in a triangle
and someone goes through the electronic fog.
We see the, they see the, you know, start to see the,
everything go crazy and haywire
on their instruments and everything.
And then all of a sudden they disappear.
I think they're going back to different time periods.
And if they are, I think it could be possible
that they dissolve after a certain amount of time.
'cause they're not supposed to be there.
Again, these are all theories.
Everything's a theory at this point.
I mean, they told us in the, when we were little kids,
that the moon got there from a double whack theory
because, you know, it hit the earth
and, you know, something hit the earth
and a big chunk came off and made the moon.
Well, the moon doesn't look anything like the earth,
number one not made of the same stuff.
It looks much older. And
that's not typically how moons happened.
They grabbed the gravitational field of a planet
and they start rolling around elliptical orbit.
So it's just theories upon theories.
And some are right and some are wrong,
and we have every right to question every single one of 'em,
because one is in a book
or someone's taught in school doesn't mean
that that has to be a fact.
It's definitely not. So to me,
I think dinosaurs in general, um,
are co somewhat covering up the fact that dragons exist.
Uh, they did exist. Um, they still do exist.
I believe that dinosaurs do exist.
I think some dinosaurs could be dragons.
I think that may be part of it to cover it up.
But, you know, again, it talks about in the Bible
of the stories, the dragons coming back,
dragons being on the earth and they're coming back.
And, um, I do think we will probably see that soon.
And that's a, that's a whole topic
on its own, on another show.
Um, yeah.
And there's just so many pictures
and carvings on temples, thete of sources and osa.
It's just, to me, I, I am someone who does believe
that some kind of dinosaurs do exist.
And whether or not those dinosaurs could be other things,
that's something else too.
Because, um, there are lots of different animals.
There are lots of different, as sentient beings,
there's lots of different aliens out there.
There's some that look like us.
Uh, there's some that look like bird folks.
There's some that look like reptilian people.
There's some that go to other planets even though they're
not supposed to and become gods.
And then, you know, probably part
of their laws is don't make engraving images of us.
Don't make statues of us. 'cause we don't want
people to know what we really look like.
Uh, that would be the first law
of the 10 Commandments, right?
Don't make engraving images of God.
Probably 'cause the people that they were,
they didn't want people to know who they were.
So there is so much
deception going on
that this is just a smoke and mirrors show.
It literally is a big stage of event.
And it, it is your duty as an informed person
to make good decisions and to research stuff on your own.
And to me, that's where I'm at and that's where I'm doing.
Um, another one, cern.
The, the head drawn Collider,
I think is a pretty crazy thing.
Um, I didn't realize till recently
that the whole mandala effect is, came
after the CERN thing fired up.
So I, I kind of believe that what they're doing,
I don't think is a positive thing
and trying to bring things at end,
they probably shouldn't be.
And if they're doing things with cern, um, the whole
changing the reality could definitely very well,
very well be because of that.
Changing the names of things, things
that people thought happened that, that didn't happen.
I mean, I for sure definitely thought it was the Bernstein
Bears, not the burn stain bears.
That's one that gets me still today. But I don't know.
I don't know. And I don't think a lot
of people really understand
how crazy the head drawn Collider is
to smashing particles at
speed of light just to see what happens.
We are doing things because we can, not
because necessarily that we should.
And I think that's a scary thing too,
and we have to be careful with those kind of things.
But, uh, I certainly had done a little bit
of research on the Mondal effect.
And you know, at first I was like, that's, that's weird.
Um, but seeing that some of these things kinda happen,
ater made me realize, man, that's,
that's definitely more than possible.
Um, definitely going longer than I thought already.
Uh, I'll hit you guys with a couple more.
You know, mk, ultra mind control.
Uh, I definitely think there's a lot
of people being mind control, celebrities, politicians, um,
to further agendas.
You know, just, just because someone is a celebrity
or someone has a lot of money
or some, doesn't mean you should take their word for it
or vote for the person that they say to vote for.
A lot of these people we know are compromised
and they have to say these things.
They have to go with certain agendas
and certain political views,
and they can't talk about certain things.
I think a lot of the people that are admired actors
and celebrities and famous people,
and so they're more enslaved than the rest of us.
There are things that they can't talk about.
There are things that they've been compromised by
that they can no longer do.
Um, they're much more enslaved than a lot of us are.
Even though they, we think that, oh, they got lots of money.
They got a big boat or something.
I think a lot of 'em are miserable.
And that's why they ended up some of the ways that they do,
because it's hard to live a lie like that.
And, you know, you see it so many times, um,
and so many people talk about it
and the ones who do normally don't live very long.
Um, but I think, you know, there are a lot
of people are, are brainwashed.
We, I mean, we're literally my, I think everybody has been,
to some degree brainwashed
and programmed to believe a certain things, you know,
through television and media.
And, you know, his story, his story.
Um, we think things are totally true.
There've been things that I probably won't even talk about
tonight because they're so,
they're too hot to talk about.
Um, but there are things that I didn't even think
that I would ever even question
things that I learned in school.
And then all of a sudden one day had one
of those little epiphanies that I should research something.
Next thing you know, I'm way down deep in a rabbit hole
and seeing that, oh my God, as someone
who believes in inner earth, who believes in the moon,
who believes in aliens, that there are things that happened,
uh, in history that I would never have questioned in my,
in my existence at all, to realize that oh my God, I believe
that we're completely lied to about a lot of things.
Um, it's time we wake up
and realize, you know, we have been all brainwashed.
We all have been lied to, that the rulers of this world
have pretty negative intentions for a lot of humans.
And they don't, they may have a
little bit over us in some aspects,
but once we, once you realize that someone takes,
has taken advantage of you, someone has, has done something
to hurt you, and you no longer need that in your life.
It's like you've been pulled down by rubber bands so far
that we're like just a fraction of who we really are.
Once we let go of that rubber band
and we, I mean we shoot, we're gonna shoot up.
A lot of us are gonna let go of the suffering and the pity
and the anger and the resentment, and I'm not special.
And you realize that's, that you really are God in the flesh
and you came here to create heaven on
earth this game 'em over.
I mean, that's exactly what
they're trying to distract us from.
The main, the main ideas every single one of us,
um, is God in the flesh.
And that's what we're here for.
Um, and that, you know, goes straight into, you know,
the aliens and fallen angels
that I was talking about from heavens earlier.
You know, where is heaven? Um, I think the heavens
that they were talking about was just everything out there
was considered to be the heavens and their angels.
'cause they came out from those heavens.
And you know, they have deceived us.
Many of them, not all of them,
but some of them deceived us with religion and politics
and ways of thinking and ways of being.
But as we let go of those things,
we're not gonna be distracted anymore.
Um, we're gonna change, changing the, changing the meaning
of things by saying something over
and over again until people believe it.
Like, that's, that's the whole agenda.
Keep saying stuff over and over and over
and over again until I says, I mean, it has to be true.
They say it all the time. No, that's what they want you
to believe because they keep saying it again,
but don't believe it, uh, as we believe
we start to help create it.
And so a lot of these things, I feel like
to me is just like realizing how much I've been deceived
and that I need to completely unlearn all the things.
And com you know, it's like just wa wiping the software of
what we've been programmed to be.
You know, these little humans from these little towns,
from these little places that don't really matter.
When we are infinite beings who reincarnated over
and over again and they gotta put stuff in our food
and our water and our politics and our,
and our, uh, programming and all these things to stop us.
And they still can't stop us. We're still gonna wake up.
We're still gonna come together
and we're gonna take our dang planet it back.
And that's the truth. Um,
and they wanna change things all the time.
They wanna change the meaning of things and words and stuff.
One of those in particular things is the word apocalypse.
And every time that someone says the word apocalypse, now
so many people think that means dooming, gloom and war
and riots and, and all the things.
The apocalypse is literally a Greek word that means,
um, to unveil, to disclose that things
that are hidden to be revealed.
And that's where we're at. We are at,
we are in the apocalypse right now.
How many of us are questioning everything now?
And how many of us are seeing through this kind of
illusion spell that's been cast around us all?
And looking outside of that
and saying, oh my God, there's so much more out here.
There's so much more to reality.
There's so much more to me
and there's so much more to everything.
Um, and they want to, I mean, even
that, and that's the big picture.
And even like the small picture of our own,
our own country and our own governments.
And how many times have you heard the words, you know, uh,
our democracy and, you know, people want
to take away our democracy or, or we don't have a democracy.
First of all, we have a constitutional republic.
Guys, that means in a democracy,
51% can take away the 49 percent's rights.
And yes, we do vote on the president and things like that,
but constitutional republic means that our whole, um,
government is set up by the constitution
that all our rights are inal.
No one can take away your rights away.
But if they tell you as a democracy
and you really believe that, that's when
they're gonna start taking them away.
Because they can. We have a constitutional Republican,
we have inable rights to life.
What is what life, I mean, water, food, air,
the right to breathe, the right to exist, liberty,
I have the right to be free without you taxing me.
And, you know, doing all these crazy things to me.
And I have the right to pursue happiness.
That means I have, I don't, I cannot be burdened
by your fees and your taxes and your laws.
I I cannot pursue my happiness with all the boundaries
of your laws and all the things
that you take away from me when you take away
my income and all the things.
That's not a pursuit of happiness.
That's a pursuit of for them to enslave us.
That's why we have to really know these documents.
I think sometimes because we have amenable rights
that we are free sovereign human beings.
And just like a bear doesn't need a fishing lights,
neither do i, I I have the right to food.
I have the right to go, uh, provide
for myself and my family.
And you know, it's hard for people to think that, you know,
like almost like anarchy to the point where we really
man bears and, and deer and they don't have laws.
Um, I think they have universal understandings
and I think we have universal understandings.
And I don't want to hurt anybody
and I don't want to, and I don't want anyone to hurt me.
And I think the majority of people do that.
But when people are suffering, people are hungry
and their families are hungry
and they have nothing in this world is crazy,
then they're gonna do things that are against their
natural state.
I think we're seeing a world that is not natural.
It's not this how it is, this is unnatural.
And this is how things happen when you take away rights
and you and you literally, uh, the things
that are happening on this planet are not normal.
And so we're seeing, you know, things
that are not normal happening with people.
So I don't want to fall for things because I'm in a panic
and I don't want other people to fall
for things 'cause they're in a panic.
So I think what's important to me is that I've studied
and I've researched and I've listened to all the people.
And there's been so many people who have said the things
that are coming that in the past four years
that have happened on this planet have said
for a long time before.
And I feel like if you just know a little bit,
if you do your research, you're not gonna succumb
to something 'cause you're afraid of
what can happen or you lose your job.
You know, I was told I had to do certain things
and I didn't, and I fought back and I,
after that I didn't have to.
And literally on the phone with my dad talking
to him about it, I saw a rainbow appear right over my head.
And it just gave me that confirmation that never fear,
never worry, stay true, resist, be free.
You're a free sovereign human being.
No one can make you put anything in
your body, and I'm gonna tell you what to do.
Um, and I think that's why it's so important.
Don't allow other people, uh, to make decisions for you.
If you're, if you're a free thinker,
if you're someone who's studying these things,
when they do happen,
you're not gonna have to worry about it.
'cause you, you, oh, I saw this coming
and I've seen a lot of things coming recently
and my intuition gets better, and you fine tune it.
And I think that's as as important as anything
and any tool that you can have to know where to go, when
to leave, when to, um, you know, when to listen, when to,
when to bear down and pray, uh, when
to ask God for guidance.
Those kind of things are really important.
Um, Christ is returning,
but I don't believe Christ is returning on the cloud.
I believe Christ is returning in us.
And I honestly believe if Christ is returning in you
and Christ has returned into your heart, there's no reason
that anybody should be looking for him on the cloud
to come back and save you and pull you up away from this.
The Bible does talk about a thousand years of peace
that happens on this planet.
I believe that if we become these Christ of beings,
we can do all the things that he did
and more things as he said we could.
And we actually believe it.
I don't need anybody to take me off. I want to be here.
I want to take back our planet.
I wanna take back this world.
And I want to enjoy the thousand years a peace
that I believe that many of us will evolve and,
and go through this, uh, huge period of transformation
and change into a world of a thousand years.
A peace so that we're promised.
And every culture talks about
that in a golden age that happens.
I believe that that is what's coming, what is
what is already here.
And, um, it, it doesn't have to be something that's scary.
I think it's something that if you've done your research,
if you've listened and watched the signs, you know
that mother Earth has given birth.
And that may look a little bloody and scary and and and loud
and stuff for a minute, but at the end of the day,
a whole new being is coming in and we can be those beings.
And I think that's what we're, we're gonna see.
Um, Christ said, I'm gonna be with you to the end
of the Aon, which means age.
He didn't mean to the end of the world.
He meant to the end of the age, the age of Pisces,
the two fish into the age of Aquarius.
Uh, the Bible does talk about the man carrying the pale
of water to look for him.
It literally full of Zodiac references,
but people don't see it.
Um, the age of Aquarius is here. The new world is coming.
I believe we are going to change in the twinkling of an eye.
I think that change is spontaneous evolution.
We're gonna evolve into beings
beyond your wildest dreams flying.
And there is gonna be a spiritual war.
And we get to be heroes. We get to be superheroes.
I believe we're gonna get to be superheroes
and take back our planet.
Some of us, some of the people will hide in the, in the,
you know, uh, in the, in the inside the earth.
And some of us, I believe,
will evolve into Christ beings ascended masters
and take back this planet,
which I feel like is incredibly exciting.
It's awesome. Um, that's something I I am,
I do believe in 100%.
And that's why I feel like this is an incredible time.
It's not a time to be sad, not a time to be upset,
but it is a time where, um,
an evolution is taking place.
A revolution is taking place, and love is the answer.
I think if you guys keep, continue to do this,
to learn the conspiracies, to open up, start
to connect the dots, being patient, wait
for the next pieces of the puzzle.
You realize the apocalypse is happening right now
and it's revealing the truth to you personally, to
what is gonna happen on this planet and what is happening.
And that it's not something that's, um, to take lightly,
to pay attention, to stay focused, to have discipline,
to rid yourself of the sugars, rid yourself
of the, of the toxins.
Stay humble, stay awake and stay aware.
You guys, I'm incredibly thankful to get back on
here tonight and do this after several months.
Again, I feel a little rusty, um,
especially when we started out,
but it feels good to be with you guys tonight
to share some good ideas,
to hopefully somebody can share some good
ideas with me after this.
Um, I'm always, I'm always open to hearing new things,
to learning about new things.
Um, and I hope you guys are too.
I'm incredibly thankful to be here on Ascension works
with you guys tonight, um, to be in this space,
to be on this planet, to be in this reality,
to be alive and to be here.
Now, I want to thank every single one of you
and that the divine to me sees honors
and recognize divine in each and every single one of you.
edition of, uh, mystery School.
I'm your host, Jacob Cox,
and I'm super glad to be here tonight,
back from a few months of vacation,
and I'm super excited to be here.
Like I said, thanks everyone for joining us.
Our topic tonight is conspiracy, really is one
of my favorite, uh, topics, probably of all time.
Um, obviously most of my,
my shows episodes are about conspiracies in general.
Tonight, we're gonna touch on a few of those.
Um, probably not go into detail about a lot of them, just
for time's sake for tonight.
And we will definitely go into a much more, uh,
in depth shows later on about some of these, um,
some of 'em we've done before.
Um, but just want to touch a few tonight,
talk about why it is, it's so important for us to
talk about conspiracy, because it's such
a taboo word, right?
That we're not allowed to talk about these things,
that they can't be true, obviously.
And I just find that to be really, honestly, so crazy,
because why is it
that we don't think people conspire to do things?
I mean, someone conspire to build my house,
someone conspired to build the roads and buildings
and, uh, you know, do all kinds
of things in our world today.
And so it just really doesn't make any sense why people just
all of a sudden, you know, kind
of throw these things under the bus
and say, oh, well, they're conspiracy.
We're not supposed to talk about 'em.
We're not supposed to question it.
And from my point of view, I have always had a lot
of questions, and I just don't feel like the teachers
and my parents and, uh, preachers, uh, everybody
with some kind of authority, um, has got all the answers.
Um, I, I just, I just didn't get that
and didn't resonate with me, really, truly to, uh,
just not feel like the truth was coming out.
I mean, isn't it Christ that said that, you know,
seek the truth and the truth, he'll shall shut, set us free,
um, seek the truth and the true self set us free.
Yeah, I mean, why not?
Um, so many incredible things out there,
and we are told to believe these things in school.
You know, that was, um, really pushed by the Rockefellers
to give us an education that really didn't give us a lot
of information, just made us, you know, gave us enough
so we can do our jobs and not ask any questions.
And I feel like that's not what I'm here to do.
I'm not here to just live and, and pay bills and,
and die, you know, and pay my taxes and die.
I'm here to experience something much greater than that.
And I feel like if you're watching this tonight
or somewhere down on the recording,
that you're here for that same reason.
You're here to find out what your purpose is,
what life really is about,
what this reality has to offer for us.
And I think it's much more than we've been told, um,
why is the world the way it is?
And tonight, I'm gonna ask a lot of questions
because I got a lot more questions than I
got answers for you guys tonight.
But I feel like sometimes the smartest person in the room
has more questions than answers.
And what is, I mean, is this, this natural evolution
of what's going on in our world?
Is this, is this naturally what happens on other planets
and how things happen,
or something much more intended going on,
uh, to the human race?
And, you know, as we were little kids
and we asked, why, why, why, you know,
all the time, I needed to know why.
And a lot of times people say, because it said so, or
because that's what we're doing,
or for whatever reason, that got shut down.
And I feel like for a lot of us, it shuts us down and,
and we stop asking those questions.
We're told not to question authority.
If you, if you don't listen to the,
the subject at hand and, and,
and take it in by what's being told to you verbatim,
then something's wrong with you.
You know, like the, the pyramids got built this way,
and there's no other way for, um, us to talk about it then
what we're being told in school.
And like, that's, I don't think that's fair,
because we don't really honestly know.
And who really does know,
and who really does have the authority over us
to tell us not to question things, to tell us not to
go out in the deep end and researching something on our own.
And how is that not valid?
How is my or your, or anybody's personal journey, um,
and your own, you know, really just digging in
for the information, how is that not valid?
I, I think it's totally valid.
My feelings when I'm thinking about certain information,
when I'm researching information,
I feel like is super important.
How I feel about a subject oftentimes leads me on a huge
journey to a lot of connecting, uh, truths
and a lot of connecting ideas
that I feel like is really important for me.
And I feel like it's probably really
important for a lot of you guys as well.
So, I am here tonight to ask you guys what is going on,
what, what's happening?
Um, what kind of conspiracies are true, maybe
what some are not so true.
And, uh, I just wanna dive into
it deep with you guys tonight.
So I hope you guys will join me that,
and then maybe at the end, we'll open up
and, uh, share some more conspiracies
after this on Ascension Works tv.
So again, who, who is the authority of this reality really?
Um, who is designing education, politics,
you know, social aspects of the human experience,
who really is in control of that?
Is anybody in control of that?
Because it seems like collectively we all
are to some aspect.
And then it seems like some people have a little bit more
intention than that, and
that's important to know who those people are.
And I wanna find out who those people are,
if there is anyone that's doing that.
So it's, I think, again, it's important
for us to ask those questions.
And like I said, the word conspiracy really just means
to me who's conspiring together.
We know politicians and presidents
and prime ministers always, you know, get together
and talk about agendas and, and things that they wanna do.
And then now, there's no doubt about it
that there are people who are globalists
who are getting together to decide
what people should do in every country.
People who are unelected, uh, trying to make policies, laws,
and agendas for people.
Um, and that doesn't suit me very well.
And I feel like the more we know that the more we're on top
of those things, uh, the better for us.
Because we don't wanna get caught
with our pants down when big things happen,
and be afraid to be scared and,
and do something that we wouldn't normally do if we had
thought it through or questioned something first
and seen, Hey, maybe something's coming,
and I want to be on top of that.
I don't want to, I don't want to give in outta fear
and do something that, you know, could hurt my body, um,
could hurt my family, could hurt my finances.
And, you know, uh, I think as a chess player,
I feel like I'm always watching moves.
I'm watching, you know, moves by politicians, globalists,
you know, friends and family,
everything, you know, in my life.
'cause everything that happens, everything that I am a part
of is a part of my journey and a part of, uh, my experience.
So, the word conspiracy,
I believe came 60 years ago after the JFK assassination.
Uh, we were told, if you don't accept the narrative of
what we're being given to you,
then you're a conspiracy theorist.
You know, you're saying that JFK was murdered
and assassinated other than by the person that we told you.
And we all know that that's a, there's a lot of, you know,
questionable things going on in that, that particular event
and that particular conspiracy, right?
Um, I've seen videos
and heard a lot of different things about
that in particular case, you know?
Um, and that's
60 years later, you know, our president's supposed to let
that information out, let us have that,
and still we're not getting it.
'cause of covid. We can't, can't put that out.
So, um, why 60 years later, you guys aren't gonna tell us
what exactly happened?
Where, where's the disclosure of information
that we're promised that we should be knowing?
Why is there so much secrecy in the government?
All the speeches and things that JFK, uh, talked about,
you know, about that shadowy government,
about the shadowy group that, uh, relied on covet means, uh,
those speeches are important.
And when you go back and look at it,
it just doesn't seem like it was just some lone gunman
who was trying to end the presidency.
It seemed like there was a lot of Melissa's intent by,
you know, certain groups and stuff.
And it is important for us to, you know,
like I said, ask these questions.
So if we don't understand history, you know, what's
that saying, then we're doomed to repeat it.
I don't want to continue to repeat
things because we're not aware.
We're not paying attention. We just got our noses in ground.
We're, we're working and we're not paying attention.
So let's start paying attention.
Let's start looking at these conspiracies and,
and talk about 'em.
Right or wrong, good or bad, positive or negative.
There's no reason why anybody should never,
ever at least get down and deep into, uh, into a topic
or an idea and see why is it that, you know,
somebody is saying a certain thing
and somebody else is saying something else?
You know, it's our duty.
I feel like as, as citizens, as, uh, you know,
human beings on this planet to make sure that we take care
of each other, to make sure that, you know,
things aren't happening that aren't for the good of all.
And so, again, that started 60 years ago with that saying,
and it's been, you know, a term
that's been used ever since then to kind
of throw things under the bus and,
and, you know, call people names.
That, uh, I just don't think that's a fair,
uh, a fair way to go with that.
And, um, you know, we need to start getting into a place
where we can have open dialogue,
right or wrong, good or bad.
Every idea, every topic should be studied.
Um, you know, there've been
so many things throughout history where we believed it
to be one way, and then find out, oh, it's not.
So, you know, even science is something that is,
can be questionable, something that can change.
It's a search for answers, not necessarily
that it has all the answers all the time, but we do test
and we try to figure things out.
And that's all we're here for, is to figure out the truth.
That's, that, that deep truth, that
if we really are ready for it, if we're humble,
if our bowl is open, I believe if we ask these questions out
to the universe, to God, whatever you wanna call it, that
that universe, that God is going
to answer our questions some way, somehow through books,
through television, through videos, through people,
through events that we go to,
I have discovered so many things that way.
And they start to open up, and it's like breadcrumbs.
And then you start to follow the breadcrumbs,
and you find, oh, wow, this thing connects
to this thing and this connects to this.
And, um, that's really important to start to follow it
because in certain ideas where I've seen a certain thing
and I, and I'm reading about it, a conspiracy,
and then I don't even understand it fully or completely,
but it leads me on something else.
And I follow that, uh, I follow that trail of breadcrumbs
and it brings me into other things.
And understanding something over here helps me realize, oh,
the thing that I was looking at, I needed
to see other things.
I needed to understand other things just
to get this thing right, just to understand this one idea.
So I wanna dig into a few tonight.
Let's dig into some conspiracies for sure.
Um, so probably gonna go ahead
and start with, uh, the flat earth theory.
Um, it's one I've talked about a couple times
before on, on my shows and everything,
and I'm just gonna tell you guys flat out,
I just don't believe in the flat earth theory.
I don't believe that's how it goes.
I mean, it was just a couple hundred years ago, seriously,
that people started coming out
and say, Hey, man, the world is not flat.
Pretty sure it's round at least.
And people were killed for those ideas, you know?
Um, and so many people were killed for those ideas.
And so that's something
that's really important to think about.
Like people lost their lives
for just mentioning something different than the
narrative of that day.
And so we're gonna go back to that theory all of a sudden.
I just, it doesn't make any sense to me, honestly, I believe
that the earth is a Taurus.
It is a toradal field, um, which is basically like an apple
or an orange, meaning there are basically two tornadoes,
two vortexes from the top and the bottom,
and then there's a zero point in the middle,
and the energy comes up, it comes out, down
and back up again.
That is a tors field that's around every human
that's around our earth.
That's around, um, you know, like I said, how apples
and oranges and, uh, our entire universe works,
even stars moving through this, uh, pattern up
and outta the Milky Way and back again.
And, and we've seen that pattern before.
So I think the, the universe is a toal machine.
It just creates Tauruses all day long.
And that would make sense to why Albert Einstein
and different, uh,
scientists believe that the earth was hollow.
Because if you look in your app while you're orange,
when it comes down and in, there's a core in there.
And then the middle is what seeds. That's the zero point.
And I believe this is a pattern for our lives
and history and, uh, that this not some just linear
timeline, that we have this incredible spiraling energy of
how things come back around.
That's why karma comes back around and events,
and the same people with different names,
but it's the same person over again at the same
job over and over again.
We see the same stuff. And it's because it's pattern.
And once you learn that thing
and you kind of alleviate that karma from you,
you no longer have to repeat it again over
and over again once you learn a lesson.
And so, to me, that is why at the, they knew,
many people have known, known for long periods of time
that the earth was a Taurus,
that it does have an inner earth, um,
that there is probably some kind
of power generating in the middle of that zero point, um,
and allows people to live inside these caverns
and stuff inside the earth at these poll points.
So I, in my personal belief, I just believe that
that is a theory that's come up,
and it's the main thing that you hear about nowadays,
flat earth theory, anywhere you go in any kind of app or,
or, or conspiracy place, right?
And I think it really is just created by a group
of individuals who want to make you think
that all conspiracies are just false.
And so we we're gonna just have a blanket term, a conspiracy
of this flat earth theory,
and then we'll throw everything else under there.
So we'll make this really kind of one
that doesn't make sense.
And, and I'm not gonna say it doesn't, some of the things
that I've read, some of the things that I've seen,
some of 'em are really good.
But when I'm listening to something
or I'm reading, reading something,
I get this really incredible feeling
where I have like goosebumps
and, you know, I just feel like, wow,
this is really, you know, intriguing me.
And that's just one that doesn't do it for me personally.
I'm open to hearing more.
If somebody got some good things,
I'm more than willing to listen.
But for me, I feel like this is something that was created,
um, literally
to throw everything else under the bus under it
and just say, well, this one is so kind of dumb.
All of 'em have to be dumb if you're a conspiracy person,
and you have to believe that one true.
And I don't believe that there's a couple of 'em
that I don't believe, but over the course
of my lifetime must, the conspiracies that I have, uh,
you know, kind of dug into, um, a lot of 'em have a lot
of meat, you know, on those bones.
And, um, they're good. You know, there's a lot to 'em.
So, but for me, that one, personally,
I just wanna get outta the way
because I know some people are gonna ask,
I just don't believe that the earth, the earth is flat
and has some kind of firmin around it
that just doesn't make sense.
I believe that most planets probably are toal fields,
stars are toal fields, galaxies,
and our universe itself is probably a big Taurus, uh,
along in the multiverse of, of universes.
And the same thing is happening, uh, continuously.
So, um, another one that's really good, you know,
is the Titanic, the Titanic conspiracy, some
of you probably heard about before,
but seriously, the richest people on the planet at the time,
literally are on this boat,
and they're against, you know, uh, federal reserve banks
and central banks, and they get these guys on a boat,
and then all of a sudden, uh,
it hits a iceberg, supposedly, right?
And all these people are dead.
And then the next year, 1913, uh,
the Federal Reserve was enacted, you know,
just over a year later.
That, to me, is quite a coincidence, um,
to have the richest people who are against that, these,
these centralized banks and these federal reserve banks.
Um, is it a, is it just a coincidence,
just a mere coincidence?
I don't think so. There's actually people who wrote books
that said, who, who survived the, the Titanic
and said that they, you know, thought they got hit
by something, um, you know, some kind of missile,
a huge, loud explosion.
Seriously, the guys that recently went down there, you know,
the people went down there in
that submersible sub to go look at it.
As soon as those guys were going down there,
I knew they weren't coming back up a lot,
if they were coming back up at all.
I was like, there's no way. There's no way that
if somebody deliberately shot this Titanic down
and it sunk at a bottom ocean,
there's no way they're gonna let
you come back up with pictures.
I mean, there's no way. And, you know,
obviously I ended up being right about that one.
Um, it just doesn't make any sense,
and it doesn't make any sense
that an iceberg sunk the ship to me personally.
I've never heard of any iceberg sinking a ship, ever.
That's the only one in the court of history that I know of
that supposedly hit a, an iceberg
and then sinks to the bottom of the ocean.
This doesn't happen like that.
Um, and I just don't think it happened to the Titanic.
And like I said, it, what a coincidence
that the Federal Reserve has
enacted a year later after that.
And I think that's just too much for me personally,
to believe that.
And that means to me that there are a lot
of incidences like this, um, you know, false flags
and things that have happened to distract us and,
and to do different things, um,
to get certain people outta the way.
And that just seems to be something
that's happening all the time, especially today.
Um, upon telling my parents about that a couple years ago,
about the Titanic, I just, you know, was thinking,
and a lot of times I just, you know, I kind
of receive little nuggets of, of, of information sometimes
to go, to go, uh, research it.
And I was telling my parents about the Titanic
and this huge ship and, and,
and all the things I told you guys about the, you know,
uh, icebergs and everything.
And then all of a sudden I get this kind of message denberg,
and I was like, oh yeah, the hindenberg
and I, right there in front of, while I was talking to him,
I just went to go research it
and just see if there was anything about the Hindenburg.
This, you know, this huge ship in the sky
was a hydrogen balloon or whatever.
And come to find out some
of the things I found out about the pilot
and everything, saying that this thing
shouldn't have blown up.
This thing shouldn't have, this, shouldn't have happened.
This, there's no way that this could happened without some
kind of intention for, for it to happen.
Someone had had to have wanted it to happen.
Um, and then to think about just if you were
to take a hydrogen balloon
and you put a lighter underneath it,
that thing explodes in a second.
The hindenberg, I think it took about a minute
to finally burn up.
And if there was that much hydrogen gas in there,
you would assume that thing would have blown
to smithereens in the second.
No, it burned for over a minute.
So to me, the fact that I just got this little message,
I go in there and research it for a second,
and then I said, the pilot himself is saying this is,
this is not right something, this is not just,
this should not have happened.
And there are a lot of conspiracies about
who blew it up and why.
And those kind of things just made me realize
all the events in our life, all these big things
that have happened, these big distractors, these big things
that people have done, so they can do other things.
Whether you're looking over here,
we're gonna do something over here.
You know, um, those things are planned out.
I think a lot of 'em have to be planned out.
And we have to maybe at least come to the conclusion that
so many events in our world are probably, are planned.
I mean, from, I mean, even like Vietnam, we know that, uh,
the Gulf of the Tonka incident where, you know, they said
that the Vietnam, uh, you know, bombed one of our ships
that took us into the war with them.
But if I come to find out later, that never happened,
these people fund both sides of wars to distract to,
you know, to basically use us like dogs
and fight each other and kill each other.
The same thing has happened since we, since we've been here.
All these different gods telling us
to fight each other and kill each other.
Why? What is, what's the purpose? We have to go back.
What is the intention for these people?
These gods making us fight each other for
so long since human beings have literally been here.
And that may become conclusion that the Bible
and the Old Testament was full of, you know, well,
some people call the fallen angels to me.
Um, I think those are people from other planets
that they were, you know, angels come from heaven, right?
Well, I don't think they were talking about heaven being
in another dimension.
I think heaven literally referred to the heavens.
Everything outside of the earth, you know, was the heavens.
And people came out of the heavens, came to this planet,
had sex with the women that were here,
and, you know, uh, their religion came with them
and their prejudice came with them,
and they got us to fight each other.
And, you know, they created the nephilim
and different entities
and, um, you know, things like the Tower of Babel where
God man had become one man had become one.
It had one universal language.
So God came down and confused men with language.
And that's why it's called Babel, baby Babel today.
And, um, to me is like, is that the God of love
that I serve, that that lives when, you know,
the New Testament being saying
that no man has ever seen the face of God, that God is love.
And when, when we love God, d wealth us to a, a God
who lands on mountains and the fiery chariots
and thunders applause, and hands out commandments
and rides in a pillar of, uh, you know, a cloud by day
and a fiery pillar at night,
and people have to, you know, fall
after them, I don't think that's the God that we,
that Christ was telling us to serve, that
that was telling us to love.
Um, that seems like something completely different to me.
So that's why I think there is an Old Testament,
and then there's a New Testament.
There's a new way to live. There's a new way
to be on this planet.
So we have to, I just think right
or wrong, the questions that we have, the conversations
that we need to have and talk about these ideas,
it's, it is really important.
It's important for all of us to try to get to the bottom of
who we are, how we got here, our true human history.
And to find out, you know, at the end of the day,
that really we're all brothers and sisters,
and, uh, no matter the darkness of our skin,
the pigmentation that we have,
we are all way more alike than we could ever be different.
And, and finding these things out that,
that some people have some dark agenda
to continuously fight ourselves, to fight each other,
to have culture wars, to see people different for the color
of their skin or their politics
and just hate each other all day long.
That is a distraction.
As a chess player, I know that's a distraction.
They're all over here doing all these things,
but they're just behind the scenes doing whatever they want.
And I think what's going on
behind the scenes is pretty nasty, awful stuff.
And we have to take our heads outta saying,
stop fighting each other and realize, you know,
we're all one, and it's time for us to take our planet back.
And so I think that's why, for me personally,
after researching so many conspiracies,
I'm just, I have to keep going.
I can never stop. I have to continue
to, to keep researching.
'cause I feel like there's no end to these things.
Um, you know, another conspiracy that
I don't feel like it's talked about very much.
I feel like everybody kind of feels like they got the,
the 4 1 1 on, on this conspiracy, and,
and there's not much about it.
I, I feel like I wanted to make a whole video about this,
but I, I just want to kind of go over it tonight
because I want people to think,
or at least realize that the first thing
that someone gives you, the first information that you see,
maybe you see something over
and over again, doesn't necessarily mean that's true.
And the biggest one that I'm seeing right now
has happened just recently was the Georgia Guidestones.
And I, I'm a, I'm a man from Georgia,
and I have personally been to
the Georgia Guidestones a couple times.
Um, I doing my research, man,
I probably visited 15 years ago at this point, maybe,
probably even before that, um, 2024.
Yeah. So my first experience, I just want to go by myself.
I don't even, you know, want anybody to come with me.
I just wanna go see what it is.
See it, for what it's worth, it seemed pretty
interesting to me personally.
So I go out there and it's a beautiful place, you know,
it's really wide open, big field, really beautiful.
And, um, you know, so I, I just go to check it out
and immediately nobody else is there.
And there's a couple horses out there, and I walk right up
and a couple horses walk right up to me.
I pet the horses. They're really beautiful.
You know, it's kind of, kind of cool little,
you know, situation that I'm in.
And, um, I enjoy myself.
I go check these things out, and it seemed pretty cool.
And through my research, you know, I feel like
to me personally, there's a lot of people
who think there's some really negative, uh, energy
behind the creation of these Georgia Guidestones.
I didn't, I didn't get that. Um, I didn't get that.
I got something completely different.
I got what I believe was a secret group
trying to guide us into a new age.
Um, and I wanna read you the, the, um,
the guidestones, what they actually say on them really
quick, because everybody always talks about number one,
the first, the first guided law, right?
And that is, um,
to maintain humanity under 500 million, I believe.
Yeah. To maintain humanity under 500 million
and perpetual balance with nature.
And now most people don't even use that last part
and perpetual balance with nature,
which does sound pretty good.
And I'm not saying that the people who intended this wanted
to kill off billions of people
because we have, you know, seven
or 8 billion people on the planet right now.
I think these things were supposed to be
a guide to a new age.
And just as this group knows, and many other groups knows,
and Native American, uh, traditions that I followed,
everybody's always has a, a reset some kind of deluge,
or the next one's supposed to be by fire.
There are all these times in humanity when things would be
destroyed, people would go under the, under the,
under the ground into these caverns and the cave systems
and to come back up later and kind of restart humanity.
So there's all these kind of resets that happen.
I would say probably a lot of 'em probably happened
around the 26,000, uh, procession of the equinoxes
where we go back into the age of Aquarius,
which is the beginning, which is kind of like the rebirth
and the birthing period of a new, new era, new age.
Um, and so that's number one,
maintain humanity in 500 million.
I don't think that that, that this, this group in particular
who made these stones are
saying, we should kill off everybody.
I'm saying after the cataclysm happens, these are the things
that people find and, and you learn about.
And they, they help you to guide you to a new,
uh, new reasonable age.
So that's number one, number.
And the rest of 'em, almost no one ever even talks about.
Number two is to guide reproduction wisely improving
fitness and diversity.
Again, people get kind
of weird about the guiding reproduction and everything else,
but it's, it does say it like wisely in
improving fitness and diversity.
That's, I don't think there's anything wrong with it.
Fitness and diversity's good as, as opposed to some
of the things that are growing now where, you know,
that's not necessarily, you know, we're not fit.
Most of us aren't fit, you know, looking at a,
a picture from the 1950s swimming pool.
I mean, there's almost no one that's overweight.
And now, like all of us are, you know,
more overweight than we need to be.
Uh, not because we eat too much, probably just
'cause of food is so terrible and poisoned.
Um, so that's number two.
Number three, unite humanity with a living new language.
And again, that kind of goes back to the tower Babel,
when we were all one at one time,
we had a universal living language that everybody spoke.
Everybody could talk to each other before the God came down
and confused us with language
and told us not to, you know, uh, mate with the other people
of different races and different
cultures and all that kind of stuff.
Although there is only one race, the human race.
So that's number three, unite humanity
with a living new language
that I think is a great thing too.
Rule, passion, faith, tradition,
and all things with tempered reason.
That's number four. Still pretty good overall.
I think these are pretty good things to start a new society.
Number five is protect people and nations with fair laws
and just courts, which we know we don't have now.
We know we don't have a society full of fair laws and, and,
and just courts, you know, many times often people
with more money get away with things that people
who don't have money don't get away with.
And certainly are being, you know, fined
and ticketed for things that other people don't even
even have to worry about.
So, you know, what's, what's a law for one is for everybody.
And so, again, that's another one I don't feel like is a
super negative, bad thing.
Number six, um,
let all Nations rule internally resolving external
disputes in a world court.
That is something that some people get, like a world court,
but it also is saying, you know,
to let them rule internally resolving
their external disputes.
Um, you know, maybe it's for a lot of us, we do believe
that we're going back to this kind of one world.
One, one love, one humanity.
Um, to me, I don't think we need the borders.
I don't think we need the walls.
I don't think we need all these things.
Um, you know, it's very possible that the, the world
that we're gonna see in the near future is gonna be
completely different than the one that we live on right now.
And, um, you know, that may be something that we
are much more okay with,
with different circumstances at the time.
Um, number seven, avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Now, that's one for sure.
If this was done by a group that wanted to rule over people,
I doubt that they would put that in there.
Petty laws and useless officials.
'cause we got a lot of petty laws and useless
officials, I can guarantee that.
And number eight, balance personal
rights with social duties.
Number nine, prize truth, beauty, love seeking harmony
with the infinite man.
Those are some good ones right there too,
that I totally resonate with.
And number 10, be not a cancer on the earth.
Leave room for nature. And it says it one more time.
Leave room for nature.
These, these are all pretty good, pretty good laws,
pretty good guides to, you know, if a cataclysm happens
and a lot of people die off, a lot of people aren't ready
for this purification that's happening.
I mean, mother Earth has gotta wash her hands of dirty germs
and the things that are working for her.
And, you know, so many civilizations talk about
these things that have happened.
People had to go on the ground and they come back up.
And I believe that if you're living the way you should be,
angels, guides, spirits, mother earth,
father son will give you the tools,
will give you the insights to know what's gonna happen.
And you'll never have to fall into an earthquake
or a volcano like, you know, that's not gonna happen to you.
You'll be at the right place in the right time when you're
in sync with the universe, when you're in sync
with the world, as opposed to, you know, in sync with
profits and, uh, you know, uh,
everything else that, that's of this world.
I mean, really, um, all this other stuff is just,
it just doesn't matter, you know, to be in this world really
and truly, but not of it.
Um, so I think those are some of the big things for me.
Um, and then another one
that is probably kinda like the nail in the coffin for me is
that literally it says kind of the person
who put this thing together, his name is RC Christian,
and right next to that name says pseudonym,
as if this means something.
This isn't his actual name,
it's a pseudonym, so it means something.
So to me, the best thing I could come up
with is this means Rosa, cia, RO Rosa Cru Christian,
and that's the secret sec that I feel like has some privy
to, uh, some information that is not mainstream.
And they know, uh, you know, they study the ancient text
and they know that the earth has these,
these cataclysms that happen.
You know, it's more like a birthing period when a woman
gives birth, there's screaming and there's blood,
and there's pains and birthing pains and all stuff.
And if you just looked at that right there,
you'd think she was dying if you didn't know otherwise.
But if you look at the bigger picture,
she's giving birth to a new child.
And I think that's what's happening is evolution is
something that when it gets to a certain point, those
who live in love in a higher frequency vibration, literally
harmonize and resonate with that vibration, are, are able
to, uh, evolve.
I don't think evolution is something
that happens over millions of years.
I think it happens spontaneous.
And those people with that frequency are able to take on
that spontaneous, um, evolution to further themselves.
And like I said, evolution doesn't stop
with opposable thumbs.
We're, we're gonna evolve.
And we may even look completely different.
The difference between us and Crow, Magna man
or Paleolithic men will,
could possibly look completely different
to homo sapiens in the same way we
look different to Neonatals.
So that's just something that I believe
and I feel in my heart and my journey.
Um, you know, not, you know,
no one's caring about the germs when you wash your hands,
although you're killing, you know, billions
of germs when you wash your hands.
Mother Earth has to, has to wash herself
and has to purify herself again.
And this is just a process just like spring, summer, winter,
or fall of, of birth and,
and rebirth and death and life.
And that's just what it is.
And that's, that's how, for me, I believe evolution works.
And I think once we start to realize that, um,
it's very possible that that Georgia guidestones
where something that was given to us by a group of people
that were hoping
to help guide us into a new age in a better, in a, you know,
more harmonious way as opposed to, um, you know, evil people
with an agenda to depopulate their, which I think there is,
I definitely think there are people who definitely have
that agenda on their mind.
Um, but I don't think the people who created
that one did that.
I've never heard anybody really talk about this subject.
This is my personal belief. I could be wrong.
I'm open to hearing different stories, uh, understandings
and ideas about this particular event,
this particular conspiracy or, um,
but for me, right now, where I'm at,
that's where I'm at with this one.
And I share that because there's so many people
who say these things are negative,
and they just hear that first law,
and they're like, oh, man, that's it, it's done.
You know, glad it's, glad it's broken.
I'm glad they blew it up. But for me, I, I don't,
I think there's a lot more, and I think you have
to dig really deep these days.
Don't just take the first thing someone says to you,
really dive deep into your own research and be humble.
Have an open bull. Listen, you know, ask the questions.
Ask God, ask the universe to guide you to the answers.
And I believe if you do that
and you really mean it, the universe
and God really will do that for you.
Um, so I, I talked about it a little bit already,
but the wars, many of the wars I believe are completely
orchestrated by groups who want us to fight each other,
to not find out are who we really are.
As long as we're distracted, hating, killing, punishing,
destroying other people with weapons, we're not learning,
um, to love.
We're not learning to have love dwell within us.
And that's what God is. How could you be?
How could God be dwelling within you
and have this love inside
of you if you're constantly fighting and bickering
and killing and torturing other humans?
There's no way. There's absolutely no way.
So that is the complete opposite of, of God to me.
Um, so I think that is why, you know,
there is so much war.
There is so much, you know, anger and, and hate.
Um, but I think that's orchestrated by a few who want the,
the majority of us to can to fall in line with that.
And the more that we don't, the more that we resist,
the more that we say, no, we're not gonna do that.
I'm not gonna kill my brothers and sisters.
I'm gonna love my neighbor. I'm gonna send
that past the people that live
next to me on the same street.
I'm gonna send that to the people in every country
around the world that I know
that every single person in this world is more like me
than they could ever be different.
And if I know that
and I believe that, then it's a game over.
It's a game over for people
who want to continue to divide us.
Um, so I think that's something that's super important
to kind of, kind of come to terms with.
So the wars, the buildings that get blown up,
distractions that happen, um, you know, missing money
and the Pentagon, and then a plane
supposedly looks more like a missile, hit it to me, um,
hits the Pentagon in nine 11
and blows up the exact place where they're, you know,
counting the trillions of dollars that are supposed
to be missing.
Uh, same thing with like the World Trade Center,
not the World Trade Center, uh, Oklahoma City bump.
And then there's somebody, you know, uh, president's, uh,
wife, um, who's going to be, uh, you know, uh,
she's going to be, you know, go to court
for the scandals that she did.
And then that's supposed to happen four days later
after it was blown up at the exact same place
where they were doing the research and, and everything else.
So we really have to come to terms
that the assassinations, the killings, the bombs blowing up,
the wars, all this stuff is something
that's really orchestrated
and that normally this just doesn't happen.
This is not a society, you know, we're,
we're wired to love each other.
We're wired to help each other out,
even in those biggest times of destruction.
And, um, you know, kind of cataclysms,
people go help each other no matter what, no matter
how dangerous people go die in those
buildings to pull people out.
So sadly, that's where it comes to the point
where you realize, like even in this deep, dark despair,
people really actually do love
each other and help each other out.
I love that Mr. Rogers quote.
And he goes, when you see these kind
of bad things happen, look for the helpers.
You know, concentrate on those things.
You know, I'm not sitting there saying these things
to scare people, to make everybody think the world is a
terrible place, but there are things that are happening,
and, you know, there are parasites in our world.
We have to take 'em off and do something about it.
If there was a huge tick on you,
you are not gonna let it suck you, you know, completely dry,
so you can't, you know what I mean?
So it gets humongous and you're no longer able to live
because it's parasites on you,
or tapeworms in you just completely taking
all your nutrients until you die.
You're gonna do something bad.
You're gonna get the parasites out.
You're gonna pull the tick off.
And I think that's what's going on.
We literally have parasitic beings on this planet
who are just feeding off of us all the time,
and that's why they constantly promote the fear.
So we have to rise above that
and know that the love is the
most powerful force in the universe.
And I know everybody watching this tonight knows that.
And if you don't know that, I ask you
to really dive in the deep into love yourself,
to love others, to forgive yourself and forgive others,
because that's really, I think first
and foremost, the way out of this thing.
And, and to really get to this new world that's coming
and it's, you know, it, it's here.
Um, it's definitely here,
and I wanna be a part of that.
I feel like I have reincarnated over
and over again so many times.
The reason that I understand these things is lifetime
after lifetime has been my search for truth to find out
what is going on on this planet.
And so now after millions of reincarnations,
this stuff isn't just randomly coming up for me.
It's stuff that I've researched before
and literally sometimes where I just get a
inkling to go look at something.
And the next thing you know, I'm an expert on it,
and like in 24 hour period later.
And I feel like it's just because I almost like remembering
it more so than learning about it.
So, you know, again, crazy things are happening.
You know, Epstein didn't kill himself, you know,
that's another one where it's kind of like,
oh, yep, Epstein's dead.
Does anybody actually know that he is dead?
Because I don't even know that he is dead.
I really, honestly don't even know.
I don't even know that that is an actual real person
who was born with that name.
Um, same thing like Issam Bin Laden.
I don't know that Issam Bin Laden was a real person.
And the fact that if,
if a guy named Issam Bin Laden was responsible
for all the deaths of nine 11,
how come they just threw him over a ship into the
water and killed him?
It just just doesn't make any sense at all.
I've seen too many things about, uh, you know,
different agencies and stuff coming up with these people
and then giving us something to fight.
I think we literally create Al-Qaeda.
They literally create Hamas, they create isis,
the governments and agencies create these terrorist
organizations so that we constantly have someone to fight,
someone to hate, someone to be angry at.
And we are completely
blindsided by just lies
and deceit, just
to keep us distracted, just to keep us angry.
Um, I really, honestly, the more
and more you look at it, it just seems like this.
That's what's really going on.
Sadly, that's what's really going on.
But once we wake up and realize it's all smoke
and mirrors, it's just this reality
where fear is being pumped into it
and creating this fake world, you know, kind
of illusion of separation
and an illusion of, of people hating each other.
Illusion of the majority of people don't like each other.
The majority of people are mad at each other.
And I don't think that's true. When I walk out on the street
and I go, go to work, most people are nice.
Most people are, are helpful. Most people are loving.
Um, and I think they want us to paint a picture
that the world's not like that.
And as, as long as we continue to believe the lies
and continue to live in the fear,
that's the experience that we get.
If you believe that the world's a terrible place,
when you go out and you go on vacation, you go places
and you think that everything is, you know,
people are killing each other and stealing from each other,
that's the kind of experience I
believe that you'll draw to yourself.
But if you honestly believe that the world's a helpful,
loving place, that's the kind of world
that you're gonna experience.
And so we all live in the same world,
but we get different realities out of,
we literally get different experiences
and events that we show up to and places
and, and all these things.
And you can go to, you can go to a restaurant
with different people and go to the same place
and sit at the same table, and somebody's gonna get,
you know, food that's cold
or something they didn't order, have a bad experience,
and somebody else sit at the same table with two people down
and get the food they wanted.
Tasted great service was great to them.
Same waiter, same table, same restaurant.
What's the difference? The difference is
what you believe the world to be like.
That's what I 100% believe.
What you believe the world to be like is what you get over
and over and over again until you
realize, I don't like that anymore.
I wanna change it. I wanna change the channel
and channel something differently.
And, and so I feel like that's for me, what my
goal is in life, is to see a loving world,
to see loving humans, to see people who are, you know,
just distracted.
But ultimately, deep down, they're,
most people are good people.
They're all good people. They're all God.
They're literally all God,
whether you, whether they know it or not.
Um, and then, oh man, another, another great story
that's been coming out a lot lately.
Again, not one that I'm a hundred percent know about,
but I I'm gonna share it with you guys.
The Giant Tree theory.
So I don't know if you guys have, you know,
some social media lately
where they're talking about places like Devil's Tower
and a lot of places in the Four Corners region
where they have these really tall kind of rock mountains,
and then all of a sudden they're cut off at the very top.
There's a lot of people going around saying
that these are giant trees.
My first hearing about it, I was like, okay, you know,
that's a cool, that's a cool theory.
I, I like that. But to find other civilizations
and cultures talking about similar things is
what really kind of pulled this together for me.
So in the Zulu legend,
there was massive trees on the planet back in the day.
And then when the moon came in, the moon comes in
and the, the world is spinning upright, the moon comes in.
'cause somebody brought it in.
Literally, the moon is not a natural satellite.
It's too big, too heavy, um, to be natural.
Um, it pulls the earth over. It's so, it's so big.
It pulls the earth over.
And that's why we have the seasons the way we do.
We're actually closer to the sun in winter
and farther away in the summer.
It's, it's wild. But that's because of, it's
because the earth is tilted off of its normal,
probably natural access.
We don't have a natural, uh, access anymore.
We're being pulled over by the moon.
And they said when that happened,
there was a lot of fog on the planet.
These major huge trees on the planet.
And you know, in California, the Sequoia trees
and everything, they're, they grow so big
because of the fog that comes in from the Pacific Ocean.
And so when the moon comes in, it pulls all the water down,
which make, which causes the flood according to them.
And then the giants that are on the earth in those days,
they go cut the trees down.
And as I'm thinking about that, I, this, the story
of Paul Bunion comes to me right away.
Paul Bunion was a giant cutting down trees
with his blue babe, you know, blue Hawks babe.
And just to think about that like that is, I mean,
whether right or wrong, it's just incredible story.
Like there obviously were giants.
I imagine at, at very least there were at least much bigger
trees back in the day when there was more carbon on the
earth, um, than there is now.
And obviously there are a lot of other bigger things back in
the past that we know it for sure, were bigger.
And so it makes sense that, you know,
bigger trees would be back then anyway.
And then the jack and the Bean stock story comes
to my mind too, where these giants are going up
and down the beanstalks and you have to cut 'em down, right?
Um, to stop the giants.
Uh, again, this is an incredible story.
I'm working it out myself right now.
I'd love to hear anybody else's, uh, opinions
and ideas on this particular one.
'cause it's definitely fascinating to me.
Um, we all know that, uh,
trees can become petrified over time
and turn to rock, basically.
So this is, to me, is something that is, um,
I think it's good information.
I, I enjoy learning about it.
One of the things after learning about these different kinds
of, uh, like plateaus or,
or whatever they're referred to as now,
but they're like kind said the Devil's Tower, um,
is the King of the Wings.
They also call it momo's wing,
where literally it looks like, again, a giant tree stump,
but it's got what looks like an ax
petrified rock rocked over at this point
with a tree coming off of the stump.
Like a, like an ax handle coming off as if one
of the giants left this tree there, you know,
left his ax there, which I haven't visited yet on my own,
but I definitely, uh, have it on my, um,
to-do list of places to go.
This is an incredible, incredible idea. Um, conspiracy.
I don't know either way.
I feel like for me personally, it's a great story.
I'm into it. The fact that the Zoo
of Legends talk about something very similar,
it's pretty incredible to, incredible to me.
And these stories that, that are in, uh, these kids stories,
the Jack and the Beanstalks and the, and the Paul Bunion.
I think it's something deep down in our subconscious
that these stories come up
and when people are imagining coming up
with kids stories, they're coming up with these stories.
They're coming from somewhere.
They're not just coming from nowhere.
They're coming from the ether somewhere.
And I feel like it's important for us
to at least realize like, man, there's a lot more
to these stories that are being told.
There's a lot more going on in history
that we've ever been told his story.
Whose story is it? It's definitely not one of the peoples.
It's from a king or, you know, a queen
or someone up who's telling his story
and his version of the events.
That's important to, to realize.
Um, the stories that we learn are,
are from a certain perspective and the same wars
and the same stories are taught
totally different in another country.
That's for sure. So again, my,
my intention is just to be completely
wide open about those things.
And just like the moon as well,
the moon is definitely something
that's not a natural satellite.
It has a huge effect on the tidal waves or the, and the high
and low, um, tides of the planet.
And our body is mostly made out of water.
So it has a huge effect on us.
There's more rapes and murders,
aggressive act on the full moon than
any other time of lunar cycle.
Um, every month, uh, police officers know that they,
you know, um, a lot of people know this.
They're more seizures, just more
intense things that are going on.
Uh, the, the time of lunar cycle
and lunatic lunacy is all about the moon.
I made an entire video about this.
You guys can go back and watch it.
Um, I think it's a good one
because I think it's important to know, um,
just like Star Wars literally is a AI being riding
around on the Death star, which is the moon
that moves it on planets and takes it over.
That's the kind of story
that we are that we're talking about.
That this isn't just some random, you know,
natural evolution of our people.
There's literally a huge problem going on, on,
on our planet, and we have to wake up.
We have to realize and see what's happening,
what's going on, and we need
to start doing something about it.
We have to start resisting the things
that they're telling us to do.
And, and, and I think that's really important.
Um, it's time. It's time. You know what I mean?
This is, this is our planning now.
This is our world and we need to take it back.
And if we don't know some of these things
that are going on, it's gonna be really tough.
I feel like, to,
to know this kind of truth that's gonna set us free.
Because, you know, just because we don't have shackles
and chains and are behind bars
doesn't mean we're not slaves.
Price literally said, if we don't seek the
truth, we're not gonna be free.
You have to seek all the truth, no matter
how hard it is to swallow.
And that's, I know that some of these are some big pills
to swallow, but at the end of the day, you gotta swallow.
We have to, we have to get to the, get to the nitty gritty,
deep truth of what's going on in our planet.
If we're ever gonna get to a point
where we're gonna become the rebels
and take on the great imperial, you know,
AI lords that are out there.
So I want to, I want to, that's what I'm here for.
That's what I wanna do. I wanna encourage
all of you guys to do the same thing.
Um, another good one is Antarctica.
Antarctica's full of good conspiracies.
Um, one of which is the temples
and the things that people are starting to see on there.
Now, I believe Antarctica
'cause of the Perry East Map shows that it wasn't, uh,
that they mapped it not too long ago.
I believe that the Perry East map is real.
Uh, I believe that, um,
Antarctica was definitely a continent,
probably somewhere closer to the equator at some point.
Uh, the pole shifts when they happen.
They move the crust around, they move,
they move the land masses around.
And Antarctica was a continent.
Um, has many temples, ancient technologies,
all kinds of stuff all over it.
It's just frozen over.
And as that thing starts to melt more
and more, we're gonna start to see more and more.
Uh, although, you know, obviously a lot of it, uh,
they're gonna try to hide from us,
but those poles, I mean,
nobody's even allowed to fly over the poles.
That's such a weird thing.
If there's not openings there,
why is the US government over the poles of Antarctica
and, uh, the North Pole?
And it's a no fly zone,
and you can't fly over it if there's nothing there to see,
because it all in all, that would be the quickest way
to get over it and back.
Um, so Antarctica, I think is gonna, is harboring a lot
of our ancient secrets that, um, and temples
and stuff that are gonna eventually gonna be the thing
that really wake people up.
Like, wow, you know, uh, that shouldn't be that way.
It shouldn't be things underneath that ice.
But I can promise you, I'll promise you
that there definitely is things under there.
Um, you know, it's just other things like the Great Wall
of China, and people say it was built by China,
but actually the steep sides faced China
as if they were trying to keep people in the Chinese out.
And that kind of leads us to the whole tarter story, right?
Um, that tarter kind of this in, uh, umbrella term for these
civilizations and not too long ago had free energy
and had these, you know, buildings
that had these chute steeples on 'em.
They were, you know, from what I've read
and studied, that there's mercury in there
and it's able to swirl around
to give these buildings free energy and that people had it.
And I believe, um, you know, like the pyramids
and Stonehenge and these, you know, um, Seattle,
TW Con literally looks like a computer board.
I mean, it looks like it could create energy.
Um, and I believe that they did.
And so, tarter not necessarily for me, is like a one place,
but if it's an umbrella term that the civilizations
and cultures had free energy on this
planet, I'm, I'm with it.
I a hundred percent believe that. I believe that even
after, uh, Atlantis and Lamu
and of those places, that there have been
civilizations that have had that.
And there are people, right now, I believe in civilizations
that have free energy on this planet that they want
to cover up and they want people to know about.
Um, so yeah, I, uh, that's one
that I definitely subscribe to too.
Uh, another one, dinosaurs a lot.
I've heard a lot of people recently say,
dinosaurs don't really exist.
We don't really have a full skeleton.
I, I could see that I, I think a lot of the dinosaurs, most
of all dinosaurs that you see are just, um,
plaster cast made.
And, uh, I think for me at least,
I think their dinosaurs did exist.
And I think they still do exist.
There's too many stories from the Thunderbird being a
pterodactyl to McKayley
and Bimba in Africa to the, you know, kind
of ple OSA type thing or kind of sea serpents that you see.
Lake Champaign, uh, lochness.
There are, I believe, dinosaurs still on the planet.
And I think most of them probably dwell within the earth.
But portals, uh, kind of open up
and come through every once in a while.
That's why when you see something like that,
it's there for a short amount of time.
Then it's completely dissolved, kinda like to in a triangle
and someone goes through the electronic fog.
We see the, they see the, you know, start to see the,
everything go crazy and haywire
on their instruments and everything.
And then all of a sudden they disappear.
I think they're going back to different time periods.
And if they are, I think it could be possible
that they dissolve after a certain amount of time.
'cause they're not supposed to be there.
Again, these are all theories.
Everything's a theory at this point.
I mean, they told us in the, when we were little kids,
that the moon got there from a double whack theory
because, you know, it hit the earth
and, you know, something hit the earth
and a big chunk came off and made the moon.
Well, the moon doesn't look anything like the earth,
number one not made of the same stuff.
It looks much older. And
that's not typically how moons happened.
They grabbed the gravitational field of a planet
and they start rolling around elliptical orbit.
So it's just theories upon theories.
And some are right and some are wrong,
and we have every right to question every single one of 'em,
because one is in a book
or someone's taught in school doesn't mean
that that has to be a fact.
It's definitely not. So to me,
I think dinosaurs in general, um,
are co somewhat covering up the fact that dragons exist.
Uh, they did exist. Um, they still do exist.
I believe that dinosaurs do exist.
I think some dinosaurs could be dragons.
I think that may be part of it to cover it up.
But, you know, again, it talks about in the Bible
of the stories, the dragons coming back,
dragons being on the earth and they're coming back.
And, um, I do think we will probably see that soon.
And that's a, that's a whole topic
on its own, on another show.
Um, yeah.
And there's just so many pictures
and carvings on temples, thete of sources and osa.
It's just, to me, I, I am someone who does believe
that some kind of dinosaurs do exist.
And whether or not those dinosaurs could be other things,
that's something else too.
Because, um, there are lots of different animals.
There are lots of different, as sentient beings,
there's lots of different aliens out there.
There's some that look like us.
Uh, there's some that look like bird folks.
There's some that look like reptilian people.
There's some that go to other planets even though they're
not supposed to and become gods.
And then, you know, probably part
of their laws is don't make engraving images of us.
Don't make statues of us. 'cause we don't want
people to know what we really look like.
Uh, that would be the first law
of the 10 Commandments, right?
Don't make engraving images of God.
Probably 'cause the people that they were,
they didn't want people to know who they were.
So there is so much
deception going on
that this is just a smoke and mirrors show.
It literally is a big stage of event.
And it, it is your duty as an informed person
to make good decisions and to research stuff on your own.
And to me, that's where I'm at and that's where I'm doing.
Um, another one, cern.
The, the head drawn Collider,
I think is a pretty crazy thing.
Um, I didn't realize till recently
that the whole mandala effect is, came
after the CERN thing fired up.
So I, I kind of believe that what they're doing,
I don't think is a positive thing
and trying to bring things at end,
they probably shouldn't be.
And if they're doing things with cern, um, the whole
changing the reality could definitely very well,
very well be because of that.
Changing the names of things, things
that people thought happened that, that didn't happen.
I mean, I for sure definitely thought it was the Bernstein
Bears, not the burn stain bears.
That's one that gets me still today. But I don't know.
I don't know. And I don't think a lot
of people really understand
how crazy the head drawn Collider is
to smashing particles at
speed of light just to see what happens.
We are doing things because we can, not
because necessarily that we should.
And I think that's a scary thing too,
and we have to be careful with those kind of things.
But, uh, I certainly had done a little bit
of research on the Mondal effect.
And you know, at first I was like, that's, that's weird.
Um, but seeing that some of these things kinda happen,
ater made me realize, man, that's,
that's definitely more than possible.
Um, definitely going longer than I thought already.
Uh, I'll hit you guys with a couple more.
You know, mk, ultra mind control.
Uh, I definitely think there's a lot
of people being mind control, celebrities, politicians, um,
to further agendas.
You know, just, just because someone is a celebrity
or someone has a lot of money
or some, doesn't mean you should take their word for it
or vote for the person that they say to vote for.
A lot of these people we know are compromised
and they have to say these things.
They have to go with certain agendas
and certain political views,
and they can't talk about certain things.
I think a lot of the people that are admired actors
and celebrities and famous people,
and so they're more enslaved than the rest of us.
There are things that they can't talk about.
There are things that they've been compromised by
that they can no longer do.
Um, they're much more enslaved than a lot of us are.
Even though they, we think that, oh, they got lots of money.
They got a big boat or something.
I think a lot of 'em are miserable.
And that's why they ended up some of the ways that they do,
because it's hard to live a lie like that.
And, you know, you see it so many times, um,
and so many people talk about it
and the ones who do normally don't live very long.
Um, but I think, you know, there are a lot
of people are, are brainwashed.
We, I mean, we're literally my, I think everybody has been,
to some degree brainwashed
and programmed to believe a certain things, you know,
through television and media.
And, you know, his story, his story.
Um, we think things are totally true.
There've been things that I probably won't even talk about
tonight because they're so,
they're too hot to talk about.
Um, but there are things that I didn't even think
that I would ever even question
things that I learned in school.
And then all of a sudden one day had one
of those little epiphanies that I should research something.
Next thing you know, I'm way down deep in a rabbit hole
and seeing that, oh my God, as someone
who believes in inner earth, who believes in the moon,
who believes in aliens, that there are things that happened,
uh, in history that I would never have questioned in my,
in my existence at all, to realize that oh my God, I believe
that we're completely lied to about a lot of things.
Um, it's time we wake up
and realize, you know, we have been all brainwashed.
We all have been lied to, that the rulers of this world
have pretty negative intentions for a lot of humans.
And they don't, they may have a
little bit over us in some aspects,
but once we, once you realize that someone takes,
has taken advantage of you, someone has, has done something
to hurt you, and you no longer need that in your life.
It's like you've been pulled down by rubber bands so far
that we're like just a fraction of who we really are.
Once we let go of that rubber band
and we, I mean we shoot, we're gonna shoot up.
A lot of us are gonna let go of the suffering and the pity
and the anger and the resentment, and I'm not special.
And you realize that's, that you really are God in the flesh
and you came here to create heaven on
earth this game 'em over.
I mean, that's exactly what
they're trying to distract us from.
The main, the main ideas every single one of us,
um, is God in the flesh.
And that's what we're here for.
Um, and that, you know, goes straight into, you know,
the aliens and fallen angels
that I was talking about from heavens earlier.
You know, where is heaven? Um, I think the heavens
that they were talking about was just everything out there
was considered to be the heavens and their angels.
'cause they came out from those heavens.
And you know, they have deceived us.
Many of them, not all of them,
but some of them deceived us with religion and politics
and ways of thinking and ways of being.
But as we let go of those things,
we're not gonna be distracted anymore.
Um, we're gonna change, changing the, changing the meaning
of things by saying something over
and over again until people believe it.
Like, that's, that's the whole agenda.
Keep saying stuff over and over and over
and over again until I says, I mean, it has to be true.
They say it all the time. No, that's what they want you
to believe because they keep saying it again,
but don't believe it, uh, as we believe
we start to help create it.
And so a lot of these things, I feel like
to me is just like realizing how much I've been deceived
and that I need to completely unlearn all the things.
And com you know, it's like just wa wiping the software of
what we've been programmed to be.
You know, these little humans from these little towns,
from these little places that don't really matter.
When we are infinite beings who reincarnated over
and over again and they gotta put stuff in our food
and our water and our politics and our,
and our, uh, programming and all these things to stop us.
And they still can't stop us. We're still gonna wake up.
We're still gonna come together
and we're gonna take our dang planet it back.
And that's the truth. Um,
and they wanna change things all the time.
They wanna change the meaning of things and words and stuff.
One of those in particular things is the word apocalypse.
And every time that someone says the word apocalypse, now
so many people think that means dooming, gloom and war
and riots and, and all the things.
The apocalypse is literally a Greek word that means,
um, to unveil, to disclose that things
that are hidden to be revealed.
And that's where we're at. We are at,
we are in the apocalypse right now.
How many of us are questioning everything now?
And how many of us are seeing through this kind of
illusion spell that's been cast around us all?
And looking outside of that
and saying, oh my God, there's so much more out here.
There's so much more to reality.
There's so much more to me
and there's so much more to everything.
Um, and they want to, I mean, even
that, and that's the big picture.
And even like the small picture of our own,
our own country and our own governments.
And how many times have you heard the words, you know, uh,
our democracy and, you know, people want
to take away our democracy or, or we don't have a democracy.
First of all, we have a constitutional republic.
Guys, that means in a democracy,
51% can take away the 49 percent's rights.
And yes, we do vote on the president and things like that,
but constitutional republic means that our whole, um,
government is set up by the constitution
that all our rights are inal.
No one can take away your rights away.
But if they tell you as a democracy
and you really believe that, that's when
they're gonna start taking them away.
Because they can. We have a constitutional Republican,
we have inable rights to life.
What is what life, I mean, water, food, air,
the right to breathe, the right to exist, liberty,
I have the right to be free without you taxing me.
And, you know, doing all these crazy things to me.
And I have the right to pursue happiness.
That means I have, I don't, I cannot be burdened
by your fees and your taxes and your laws.
I I cannot pursue my happiness with all the boundaries
of your laws and all the things
that you take away from me when you take away
my income and all the things.
That's not a pursuit of happiness.
That's a pursuit of for them to enslave us.
That's why we have to really know these documents.
I think sometimes because we have amenable rights
that we are free sovereign human beings.
And just like a bear doesn't need a fishing lights,
neither do i, I I have the right to food.
I have the right to go, uh, provide
for myself and my family.
And you know, it's hard for people to think that, you know,
like almost like anarchy to the point where we really
man bears and, and deer and they don't have laws.
Um, I think they have universal understandings
and I think we have universal understandings.
And I don't want to hurt anybody
and I don't want to, and I don't want anyone to hurt me.
And I think the majority of people do that.
But when people are suffering, people are hungry
and their families are hungry
and they have nothing in this world is crazy,
then they're gonna do things that are against their
natural state.
I think we're seeing a world that is not natural.
It's not this how it is, this is unnatural.
And this is how things happen when you take away rights
and you and you literally, uh, the things
that are happening on this planet are not normal.
And so we're seeing, you know, things
that are not normal happening with people.
So I don't want to fall for things because I'm in a panic
and I don't want other people to fall
for things 'cause they're in a panic.
So I think what's important to me is that I've studied
and I've researched and I've listened to all the people.
And there's been so many people who have said the things
that are coming that in the past four years
that have happened on this planet have said
for a long time before.
And I feel like if you just know a little bit,
if you do your research, you're not gonna succumb
to something 'cause you're afraid of
what can happen or you lose your job.
You know, I was told I had to do certain things
and I didn't, and I fought back and I,
after that I didn't have to.
And literally on the phone with my dad talking
to him about it, I saw a rainbow appear right over my head.
And it just gave me that confirmation that never fear,
never worry, stay true, resist, be free.
You're a free sovereign human being.
No one can make you put anything in
your body, and I'm gonna tell you what to do.
Um, and I think that's why it's so important.
Don't allow other people, uh, to make decisions for you.
If you're, if you're a free thinker,
if you're someone who's studying these things,
when they do happen,
you're not gonna have to worry about it.
'cause you, you, oh, I saw this coming
and I've seen a lot of things coming recently
and my intuition gets better, and you fine tune it.
And I think that's as as important as anything
and any tool that you can have to know where to go, when
to leave, when to, um, you know, when to listen, when to,
when to bear down and pray, uh, when
to ask God for guidance.
Those kind of things are really important.
Um, Christ is returning,
but I don't believe Christ is returning on the cloud.
I believe Christ is returning in us.
And I honestly believe if Christ is returning in you
and Christ has returned into your heart, there's no reason
that anybody should be looking for him on the cloud
to come back and save you and pull you up away from this.
The Bible does talk about a thousand years of peace
that happens on this planet.
I believe that if we become these Christ of beings,
we can do all the things that he did
and more things as he said we could.
And we actually believe it.
I don't need anybody to take me off. I want to be here.
I want to take back our planet.
I wanna take back this world.
And I want to enjoy the thousand years a peace
that I believe that many of us will evolve and,
and go through this, uh, huge period of transformation
and change into a world of a thousand years.
A peace so that we're promised.
And every culture talks about
that in a golden age that happens.
I believe that that is what's coming, what is
what is already here.
And, um, it, it doesn't have to be something that's scary.
I think it's something that if you've done your research,
if you've listened and watched the signs, you know
that mother Earth has given birth.
And that may look a little bloody and scary and and and loud
and stuff for a minute, but at the end of the day,
a whole new being is coming in and we can be those beings.
And I think that's what we're, we're gonna see.
Um, Christ said, I'm gonna be with you to the end
of the Aon, which means age.
He didn't mean to the end of the world.
He meant to the end of the age, the age of Pisces,
the two fish into the age of Aquarius.
Uh, the Bible does talk about the man carrying the pale
of water to look for him.
It literally full of Zodiac references,
but people don't see it.
Um, the age of Aquarius is here. The new world is coming.
I believe we are going to change in the twinkling of an eye.
I think that change is spontaneous evolution.
We're gonna evolve into beings
beyond your wildest dreams flying.
And there is gonna be a spiritual war.
And we get to be heroes. We get to be superheroes.
I believe we're gonna get to be superheroes
and take back our planet.
Some of us, some of the people will hide in the, in the,
you know, uh, in the, in the inside the earth.
And some of us, I believe,
will evolve into Christ beings ascended masters
and take back this planet,
which I feel like is incredibly exciting.
It's awesome. Um, that's something I I am,
I do believe in 100%.
And that's why I feel like this is an incredible time.
It's not a time to be sad, not a time to be upset,
but it is a time where, um,
an evolution is taking place.
A revolution is taking place, and love is the answer.
I think if you guys keep, continue to do this,
to learn the conspiracies, to open up, start
to connect the dots, being patient, wait
for the next pieces of the puzzle.
You realize the apocalypse is happening right now
and it's revealing the truth to you personally, to
what is gonna happen on this planet and what is happening.
And that it's not something that's, um, to take lightly,
to pay attention, to stay focused, to have discipline,
to rid yourself of the sugars, rid yourself
of the, of the toxins.
Stay humble, stay awake and stay aware.
You guys, I'm incredibly thankful to get back on
here tonight and do this after several months.
Again, I feel a little rusty, um,
especially when we started out,
but it feels good to be with you guys tonight
to share some good ideas,
to hopefully somebody can share some good
ideas with me after this.
Um, I'm always, I'm always open to hearing new things,
to learning about new things.
Um, and I hope you guys are too.
I'm incredibly thankful to be here on Ascension works
with you guys tonight, um, to be in this space,
to be on this planet, to be in this reality,
to be alive and to be here.
Now, I want to thank every single one of you
and that the divine to me sees honors
and recognize divine in each and every single one of you.
The world is like it is Jacob, because there are a very large percentage of humanity that are just low life, greedy, filthy fucked up, dog eat dog rock ape retart mentality holders, the arrogantly ignoran. Just re-incarnate all this filth. Why not, their spending all your taxes on shit they want to do without telling you the truth about it all, mainly on deals with aliens, ( shit that will kill millions) your Fucken money, just get up off your arse and fuck all this filth off once and for all
Thank you, good show!
Welcome back Jacob and congratulations. Great show!
Nice to know about different theories. Thanks for sharing, peace and blessings to everyone. 🙏