Mystery School: Consciousness

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Consciousness
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In this thoughtful episode, Jacob Cox explores the profound topic of consciousness, touching on its elusive nature and its fundamental role in our existence. Through insightful quotes and personal reflections, he delves into the interconnectedness of the universe, the importance of awareness and perception, and the journey of mastering one’s thoughts and emotions. The episode offers a heartfelt invitation to viewers to explore their inner selves and embrace their intrinsic connection to the greater cosmos.
Next Episode: Mystery School: Conspiracy
Hi, and welcome to another mystery school.
My name's Jacob Cox. And our topic tonight is consciousness.
A very beautiful topic, yet probably the biggest mystery
that we've ever gone and did on this show.
Uh, 'cause I feel like it's pretty much unsolved for most
of us, because we can talk about it, we can,
we can define it, but, uh, it's something that,
it's almost outta reach for us.
But we can, let's, we can dive into tonight
and try to figure out exactly the best we can
to kind of find out what is pure consciousness.
What are, what is consciousness,
and what is the awareness that most of us seem
to be seeking so often in our life?
The really, the simplest, um, definition
of consciousness is really just awareness of eternal
and external existence.
And that just means what are we aware of on the outside,
the things that are going on in our life,
and what are we aware of on the inside?
Those, you know, the emotions, the thoughts, the feelings,
uh, all the things that are going on on the inside.
Uh, I really like this first quote,
and I have a few quotes for tonight.
And, um, I feel like to honor some people, I, I, I will,
you know, throw out those quotes and give their names on.
But this one, first one is from Max Plank.
He says, science cannot solve
the ultimate mystery of nature.
And that is because in the last analysis,
we ourselves are part of that mystery
that we are trying to solve.
I think that's a beautiful quote, meaning,
how can we solve this great mystery
unless we realize that we ourselves are exactly
part of that mystery?
And that is something I feel like first
and foremost, we do need to have, we do need to realize that
the great mystery of all is ourselves.
That the kingdom of heaven is truly within us.
That's something that we must ultimately, not just believe,
but to know, to start this incredible
journey of what is consciousness.
Another great one from Max is all matter originates
and exists only by virtue
of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration
and holds the most minute solar system of the atom.
Together. We must assume behind this force, the existence
of a conscious and intelligent mind.
This mind is the matrix of all matter.
And we've talked about this matrix, um, the, the mind
to the matrix of all matter before, uh,
and many other episodes that you literally, the universe
is one giant mind.
And each of us, like a synopsis, a place
where things connect and all things come together
and just shines.
Um, the electricity, the connection, the prana, all
of it comes full force.
And we are part of that center.
We are literally the center of a universe.
Um, each and every single one of us we're our own universe.
Um, Einstein said, I want to know the mind of God,
the rest, or details.
And I, after I really kind of started my own journey,
I really got that quote myself.
'cause I, I too wanna know that mind.
I wanna know it because I want to be it as well.
Like, that's the most admirable thing to be.
And, you know, imitation is the highest form of flattery
to be just like a Christ or a Buddha
or a Krishna, uh, a Mary, any of those people.
I want to be that. I wanna know that mind.
I wanna know that heart as well. So what is the mind of God?
It consciousness, that's exactly what it is.
And what does it mean to know the mind of God or an Eckhart?
It's awareness to be aware again,
to be aware of everything that's going outside, everything
that's going on inside.
And it seems almost at the very beginning of that,
it's like a daunting task to know all those things,
to be aware of all those things.
But that's why it's a journey.
And every journey has to start with one small step.
We don't just get from one place to another.
If we, if we do that in our lives,
we're just constantly trying
to get somewhere the fastest we can get
it, that we can get there.
But that's not part of it.
The part, the the most important part is
what do you learn along the way upon the
journey on the hero's journey?
Who do you meet up with? The challenges that you face?
The whole thing is part of it.
You know, even, you know, when I go places, I tend
to try to take the scenic route instead of the fastest way,
because I want to see the things along the way.
I wanna stop at a, at a country store.
I wanna meet somebody. I want to get something
that I didn't know about before.
You know, a place that, a campsite
or something that I haven't, that I haven't been to yet.
So, uh, I take the scenic route instead of just trying
to get to there at the end.
But if we take those small steps, we realize we don't,
we don't learn it all at one point, we empty our bowl,
we follow the breadcrumbs,
and the universe gives us exactly what we need.
The teacher appears when the student is ready every single
time, exactly when we're ready for it.
And I think what's incredibly cool about this is we have
to think how this all started.
Where did all this consciousness come from?
There is some kind of void, right?
And out of that void came awareness.
The first might be described as prime creator, you know, not
that that person was better or, you know, more intelligent
or anything like that, but it's like the first rose
that blooms on a rosebush.
It's not the most beautiful one.
It may not be the biggest one.
It may not, some may even smell better,
others may be prettier,
but they all create more beauty in this now.
And if you just had one rose on the bush,
I mean it, that would be great.
But how much greater than is the entire bush?
Because all of the blooms, all of the roses have bloom.
And I believe that is what's so important to realize.
We literally are creation and we are creators.
And it is to our benefit that everyone blooms,
that everyone realizes their worth,
that everyone realizes that they matter.
And so it's almost with more consciousness
that we feel this responsibility, I feel like at least
to give back, to help the others,
to help them see who they are.
When I first started this journey, it was just, for me,
it was just for me to realize, did God exist?
What was spirituality?
Um, I didn't care if Jesus or Buddha
or atheism, whatever it was, I,
I just needed some truth in my life.
Going to school for quite a long time and, and,
and finishing, it just felt like
there was nothing there for me.
I didn't gain anything. So I asked the universe
and God just to give it to me.
Whatever it was the truth, I just ultimately needed it.
And that opened up my path.
And, um, and that's sometimes what all we have
to do is just be open and be ready
and empty our bowls completely
and let that universe start to fill it up.
So consciousness is not really mind.
It is the basis of all being, though the basis
of both matter and mind, matter
and mind are both possibilities of consciousness.
And I think that's pretty powerful statement
that we ha must have to kind of come
to realize at some point.
That the physical world that we see
all comes from thoughts, everything, the chairs, the bikes,
the roads, the earth, the flowers.
It all had to have some kind of thought, some kind
of consciousness first for it to manifest.
Those things are all the possibilities of consciousness.
And I believe that is something profound.
It's kinda like the what came first, the chicken or the egg.
The chicken or the egg are both in the field,
but they're both resonate in our physical world
because of the consciousness
that creates both when they're needed,
that's when they appear.
So the brain, when we talk about the mind, the brain is more
to me like an instrument
that plays the melody of the universe.
As, as Tesla said, you know, I am not creating these ideas.
Therefore, he didn't have patents.
He gave all his patents to the public.
But he said, I know
that there's a core from which all things come from all
these thoughts and all these ideas,
and that I haven't penetrated the core,
but I know that it exists.
I think that's really quite profound.
And that's why the patent shouldn't be all this information.
It belongs to all of us.
And the only difference between him
and us was he received, he cleared his mind, he calmed down.
And when things that needed to happen happen, technologies
that we need at the time come to certain people
because they're ready and their receiver is clear
and they're listening loud and clear.
So we can, we can teach, we can teach our mind how
to play the universal song by being still and staying calm.
We access more information
and realizing we are part of this great creation, knowing
that we're worthy, we're worthy for this information,
we're worthy for understanding.
We're worthy for great things to happen to us, for us
to create new things
and come up with new ideas of ways to do things.
And I think it's even important to know that we are,
we are this great creation and everything is that too.
You know, people, animals, galaxies, universe, plants,
and even rocks.
And it may at first seem difficult to realize
that even a rock sees, you know, that line from Avatar
where this is even a rock sees more than Jake Sully,
you know, but I, I heard that line so many times watching
that movie, and I just kept thinking about it.
Even a rock is conscious.
When they asked, the Dalai Lama asked about, about, um,
the coherence, um, instruments that were picking up,
um, ones and zeros and everything.
And somebody said, are those, are they conscious?
And he goes, and he thought for a second,
and he said, if you think
they're conscious, they're conscious.
But don't think of it just as a rock.
The rock is like a cell of the earth.
And if you were to take a cell outta my body
and put it under a microscope, you would say,
that cell doesn't have any consciousness.
But of course my entire body does. Right?
And you can't, it's not even something you can see even in
me, even though I'm, I'm awake and I'm aware
and I'm speaking, you can't really
scientifically measure it.
But the rock is like a cell of the earth,
just like our bodies are cells.
And it sometimes, that's what I said, this may be one
of the greatest mysteries that we've covered,
but obviously the earth and humans are conscious beings.
And who are we really?
Albert Einstein said, A human being is a part
of the whole called by the called us, called by us universe,
a part limited in time and space.
He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings
and something separate from the rest.
A kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us
to our personal desires
and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.
Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison
by widening our circle of compassion
to embrace all living creatures
and the whole of nature and his beauty.
And just hearing that from a guy who lived, you know,
a hundred years ago, give
or take one of the greatest recognized scientists.
And we know about the theory relativity
and all these other things, but these incredible spiritual
quotes that he had makes you realize
that his mind was working so well
because he was getting in tune with it.
He was getting alignment with this consciousness just
as philosophers and saints and mystics have for millennia.
And Einstein obviously realized that compassion
must embrace all living creatures
and all of, all of nature in itself.
And that makes us realize that we ourselves
are that exact nature.
We are that exact God that we're looking for,
and everybody's looking for God without, without.
And you're never gonna find that
because God, I mean it is without, but it also is within.
And I think sometimes we negate that
and we have to realize we
too are part of that great mystery.
So we are obviously more than our names,
we're more than our gender, our skin color, um, small town
that we think we're from.
We're literally God consciousness coming into this body
to be humans for just a small time.
Brian Cox says, we are the cosmos made conscious.
And life is the means
by which the universe understands itself.
That the universe almost needs people
and beings to blossom, to come
to fruition, and to get to know each each other, to get
to know itself, to get to understand itself, to evolve
and to grow even more, more conscious and more awareness.
I think that's an incredible feeling to know
that at some point, that you are part of the great mystery,
and therefore your exploration is just as profound
as anybody who has come or ever will come.
The universe is literally like a, like a conscious factory
creating more all the time where it's to expand and grow.
We, we are each our little universe at
each and every single one of us.
We have our own inner laws that reflect our reality.
And how you perceive the universe determines the
reality that we experience.
That's incredibly profound.
Literally how you perceive it is
what you get back.
How do you see the universe?
How do you see people, how do you see
the underlyings of all this?
How has it worked? Is this happening to you
or is it happening for you?
Are you being punished? Are you just growing and,
and you're are, um,
really just having consequences for your actions
and not the consequences are bad consequences
would be positive or negative.
Um, I think it's really important
to know we are in this world, but we are not of it.
Meaning you go to school,
you go to work, you stop at the red lights,
you pay your taxes, you do all the things
because we are here.
But we came from the one, we came from consciousness.
And that in itself helps us realize that, you know,
what Christ was saying, give what, what Caesar's to Caesar,
but give God what is god's?
So if you, they ask you to pay taxes,
pay 'em if you need this, um, if they, if they need you
to give this, give it to 'em
and give it with gratitude, give it with grace, give it
with I, I'm glad I have it to give it to you.
Um, even when Jesus was asked for money to get
for his taxes, he said, go down the stream
and find this fish and you'll find gold in his mouth.
You know, and he came up with this magic.
He, you know, magically came up with that solution to,
to pay his ties or whatever, but he did it.
Um, give what, give what the government give
what they ask for you.
At some level, we have to be in this world,
but we're certainly not of it.
We are certainly more mystical,
magical than we could possibly know.
And that is a small part
of being on the 3D dimension is doing those little things.
But for sure, definitely realize the mystical, magical part
of yourself and give into that just as much, if not more,
more so.
Is consciousness a state of being
or is it an endless journey?
Because I hear so many people say, you know,
that enlightenment is a state of being,
and I don't disagree,
but I also do believe
that it's still continuously an an endless journey.
We explore outer space so often we go to the moon,
we go to the depths of the ocean
while forgetting inner space, how important that is.
And it's just as infinite as well to reside in the spirit
of your own soul, to go deep within yourself
and to realize the great I am that I am.
And I've been in those moments where I've been completely
by myself meditating and realized I was part of the earth
and part of the Milky way and part of the universe,
and part of the multiverse,
and I was connected to every single part of it.
And I felt quantum peace with it.
And that was incredibly important for me at least,
to realize that there's so many, there's no reason
to be jealous 'cause somebody gets to go to Italy
or somebody gets to go to Peru or whatever else.
You can become just as conscious, just as aware, just
as enlightened by sitting in your own room,
by yourself than those other things.
And those other things are great, those traveling
and going to spiritual places,
but it is certainly just as important, if not more, to
go within yourself and to find out who you really are
to free yourself from these prisons
that Einstein and other people were talking about.
And this leads to our growth.
I mean, that's ultimately it, right?
Growing in awareness, growing in our consciousness, and,
and finding out who we really are
and what we're really made of, what we're capable of.
Zu said, the key to growth is the introduction
of conscious into our awareness,
the introduction of consciousness into our awareness,
being completely aware of all the things
that are going on all the time, why things are happening
to us, why the person said the same thing to me
that they said yesterday, or, you know, the same girlfriend
or a different girlfriend said the same thing as one before,
or this job ends up the same way.
Why is that happening to me? Am I unlucky?
Am I being punished or is simply a
lesson that the universe has given me
and it's gonna give it to me over and over
and over again until I learn why it's given
it to me, then I know.
And if I master, then step.
If I master that class, I no longer have to take it.
But there's, they're gonna be more obviously on top of that.
But that, that karma, that perpetuating cycle
no longer abides to the, to my universe.
I've overcome that and I go and I go through it
and I move on to grow into other things.
So then life will always give us whatever experience we need
for the evolution of our consciousness.
And we need to evolve our consciousness
because Einstein said,
no problem can be solved from the same level
of consciousness that was created.
So we got these problems with our society, with education,
with politics, and we're like, we're just gonna fix it
and slap this bandaid on and everything, okay?
No, we've got to completely rise above
and see what actually caused these problems on our planet.
What's actually causing these cycles of, of,
of karma that we don't want, that are not
for the highest good, for the all the people.
Well, we've got to rise our conscious to a level
that supersedes that.
So we can look up from another place and say, you know what?
All we have to do is do something completely different.
You know, this isn't working,
so why we keep doing the same thing over
and over again, that's insanity.
Um, instead let's, let's rise above it
and see what is the, what is the way
to actually solve the problem so that we can move on
and we don't have to deal with it over and over again.
Just keep continuously put bandaids on it.
And that's part of that is
changing the way we look at things.
And when we change the way we look at things, we change
what happens to us, the things we look at change, right?
Because when I, when I look at someone
and say, that person is that person's, you know,
for the better part, evil, or they're no good,
or there's nothing you can get outta them.
And I, and I'm probably gonna get that.
I'm gonna get those bad things, those negative things,
those, uh, encounters with that person
that are gonna seem like things that just hurt me
or make me mad or trigger me.
But if I can say, you know what?
I really know that that person's just hurting.
I know that they're suffering in some way.
I know that they're going through some things,
but I know ultimately that's gotta be a good person.
It's gotta, you know, it's gotta be someone who's got some
piece of the puzzles that I need.
If I keep running into 'em, then that's happened to me.
When I go on, I decide, you know what?
I'm gonna let this person be who they are.
I'm gonna stand here and listen,
and I'm gonna see what they have
to offer me in my journey every single time.
That is exactly what happens.
And I realized just because I changed the way I looked at
that person, well, I changed when I looked at that event,
that situation, that circumstance,
literally the things started to change
because I saw it differently.
And that every single person can see the same
circumstance differently.
You know, you can walk up, you can wake up in the morning,
stub your toe and say, man, today's gonna be a crappy day
and probably will be for you.
You will find yourself at every red light.
You'll run into every negative person.
You'll spill things on yourself.
But if you can just say, you know what,
it's just an isolated incident, I'm not gonna let it happen.
I'm going to take that as a sign to slow down for the rest
of the day and, and be humble and relax a little bit
and listen, so that doesn't happen again.
Then there may be some unre revealing of things that happen
for you that you say, oh, well I'm glad that that worked out
that way, because if that wouldn't happen
that very first part of the morning,
I might have had some other bad things.
Even worse things happen.
But certainly if you think
that's what's your day's gonna get bad, it can build up
and build up and build up and get worse.
And I know probably most of us listening
to this tonight have had situations just like that where,
oh, it's gonna be a crappy day when it rains, it pours.
Those are laws to your universe
that you do not want to have.
When it rains, it pours. It's gonna be a bad day.
You say stuff like that, it's, especially with the emotion
that you feel it, oh, I know it's gonna be a bad day, boy,
you can create that instantly
and the rest of your day can be terrible.
And once it starts going, it's even harder to get out of it.
But that first time that something happens, if you can stop
for a second and forgive, let go understand, you know,
say, Hey, look, that's fine.
It's all good, and move on.
It tends to be a whole lot easier in that first moment than
after it's building up, at least for me.
Einstein said, the most important decision you'll ever make,
the most important decision you'll ever make is whether you
live in a friendly universe or a hostile one.
I think that's super important.
I'm gonna say it one more time. The most important decision
we will ever make is whether we live in a friendly universe
or a hostile one.
So important is going out into the world.
Is it happening to you? Are you unlucky?
Does the world hate you? Do you think everything is in chaos
and going to hell in a hand basket?
Or do you think we are just getting to know ourselves,
we're learning, we're growing, um,
we're becoming more aware.
These instances of things I don't necessarily like,
at least give me the opportunity to not be a part of them,
to not gossip with them, to change, to see contrast.
All those things I think are beautiful
and perfect things that help us on our journey
and to give us those challenges that we need
and those triggers that we need to see so
that we can evolve and grow past that.
But if we believe that the universe is hostile
and the things we're gonna have bad
and bad things are gonna happen, that if I go
to another country by myself, that I could end up dead.
I would not go to the country by yourself.
And I have been to countries by myself,
and I believe
that it was all gonna work out, and I believed it was going.
Things were gonna happen better than I could imagine.
And instead of buying certain things in America
to go to Peru or go to Panama
or something, I said, you know, I'm gonna find a local
to sell me that ticket
to Machu Picchu and those kind of things.
And when I did that, and I didn't try to mess it all up,
murky the water, and I went there feeling good
and being in excitement, in my highest alignment,
I ran into the people just
magically on the street picking me up in a taxi, taking me
to their place, giving me the most incredible ticket
for $300 to go all the beautiful places that I wanted
to go and more.
And it just happened with the flow.
And I think that's the, we have to do it.
The universe is a beautiful place where beautiful people
come into alignment with me, gimme the things that I need.
And so I think that is really, honestly one
of our most important laws universe.
It is this universe hostile or is it friendly?
Definitely it can be both. It is both.
I'm a Gemini, so I totally believe in, you know,
both sides being totally relevant.
But how we see it is what we experience.
And that is super important.
You know, there people say it's the end of the world.
It is the end of the world coming.
But guess what, that's great because that the end
of this world's coming, that a new one has to be coming.
What are you looking for? Are you looking for the end?
Because if you're looking for the end,
don't be surprised if you fall on a crater, fall on a a,
you know, um, an earthquake
or a volcano takes you out or whatever.
Tsunamis, you're on the wrong place at the wrong time.
But if you're in the, if you believe it's the beginning
of a new one and that you see
that new world coming into emerge,
then you can be a part of it.
Then you'll be at the right place, at the right time
with the right people, giving you the right information when
you need it to be where you need to be at all times.
And then be like a magical flowing journey for you.
So is it loving and creating for you
or is it happening to you?
That's your decision to make.
Both are right for whoever wants to make it.
So consciousness to me is everything.
And really, honestly, when you think about it,
the scientists say this all the time,
nothing is solid, right?
They say everything is 99.9% empty space, right?
So that means we're just a thought.
My home is just a thought.
My family and the people that I hang out with in this world,
everything is just this imagination
of the mind of the matrix.
And it's all literally like a dream.
It's a big fricking dream.
And we can fall into alignment with that dream.
Or you can fall into alignment with a nightmare,
believing that it's the end of the world, believing
that it's a hostile environment.
It is up to you and every person is right.
If you believe it's a nightmare, it's a nightmare for you.
If you believe it's heaven on
earth, it's heaven on earth for you.
I, for myself, felt like I had created hell on earth.
And I knew at a moment in time
before I moved to Colorado, that if I was powerful enough
to create my own hell, then surely I had
to be powerful enough to create my own heaven.
And that changed everything for me and empowered me.
And I believe if that's where you're at right now,
if you're in your own personal, hell take a step back
and think about how powerful you must be then
to create that for yourself.
And if we do get in alignment with that dream,
the dream life that we always wanted, that we know
that we're worthy of, then that oneness is really our reward
that will become one with, with life itself,
with consciousness with God.
One of the most beautiful quotes I think I've ever
heard comes from Rumi.
This aloneness is worth more than a thousand lives.
This freedom is worth more than all the lands on earth.
To be one with the truth just for a moment
is worth more than the world and life itself.
I don't know about you guys, but there have been
many times in my life at this point that I have become one
with the truth that I followed the breadcrumbs I read the
books, I went to the places I felt the gratitude
in most of the time by myself.
But oftentimes too, with people and, and events
and things that I felt like I was downloaded
with information, mysteries
that I never even suspected even think about
were revealed to me.
I felt like I was part of a secret club.
And I feel like that's why there's so many secret clubs.
'cause they, they want to emulate
what the universe has given, but they're not really getting
the real juice, the real pure
consciousness part of this mystery.
The universe loves us all
and it wants to divulge to us incredible insights,
to truth, to freedom.
And in those moments where I felt like I was on this quest
and I was following these breadcrumbs,
and I was listening to the universe,
and all of a sudden in just a blink of an eye,
I was downloaded with information,
or maybe even sometimes it felt like I was just totally
remembering it, that it was just coming alive inside
of my DNA inside of me.
And I felt that Holy Spirit come across me
and just completely
become one with love, unconditional love,
that I knew God unconditionally loved me,
that my angels were with me,
my ancestors were with, were with me.
And in those moments of pure cons consciousness,
all division dissolved.
And I stand in the oneness of truth.
Man, those feelings, that freedom, that love,
that I know God has for me,
and I know God has for every single one of us,
and we should have it for ourselves
obviously, is so freeing.
It's so incredible to me.
It's, it's, it's better than going
to Machu Picchu and improve.
It's better than going to these sacred sites just to have
that moment of aloneness with truth.
To know you have been divulged something
by the universe to you directly, because you are worthy now.
You have opened up your bowl, you emptied your bowl, you've
realized that there's a lot more to what's going on.
And you've asked the universe for the breadcrumbs
and you listen and you've done your work.
That is one of the most incredible feelings
of worth worthiness that I feel like I've ever felt to know
that I solve part of this great mystery.
And, and you know what? All the things I've been privy to,
all the things the universe has given me,
the mysteries that have been divulged to me.
It's like, you know, this much, just a tiny little drop
of the universe, but that feels good
because you know it's infinite.
And that, you know, with school told us about certain things
and mysteries and that almost everything is solved.
And we figured everything out. It's all a lie.
Even if it's not a lie, at the very least,
they're definitely mistaken.
There are so many incredible things to learn about yourself,
about this universe, about the world, about love,
that it's awe inspiring,
that you can continuously learn incredible amounts
of new things every single day and every single moment.
It's infinite. You're never gonna run out.
To me, it's consciousness is not a state of being.
It is an endless journey that never ends.
And that even after we become enlightened
and we learn some things,
there's gonna be things beyond that.
Universe is beyond that.
That we are gonna contin, continuously learn,
continuously have to understand and solve
and be a part of.
I mean it. There's no end to it. There's no limit to it.
And I, and like I said, that makes me incredibly excited,
um, and grateful.
Like I said, I have been divulged this
incredible amount of information.
And I know if, if, if I, if the universe thought enough
of me for me to be created, if it thought enough of me
to divulge these secrets to me,
then I know every single person out there.
If you just start to get serious about it
and start to speak out to the universe like you would speak
to anybody else, and start to believe in what you're saying
and mean what you're saying, and ask it for real.
You know, divulge to me some information
today that I'm ready for.
You know, uh, stand in line with that.
Say it true and move on.
And I guarantee the, the universe will divulge those things
to you that you are ready for.
Um, it happens all the time, um, every day now.
I feel like for me, there's new things that are happening.
And just last night I feel like going to a, a circle
with men and everything else.
There's so many things of synchronicity
and alignment that just feel so good.
Um, I've definitely appreciated to be in more circles
and more spiritual events.
Um, you know, just to feel like these events
that were online talking, rally now, um, they matter.
Every single bit of it matters.
Get into alignment with those things.
Go to those events that make you feel happy,
that make you feel gratitude.
That emotion that you feel in yourself is incredibly
important for your journey to get in alignment with.
So at the end of the day,
when we are talking about this consciousness,
we're talking about this enlightenment.
I think most people want
to hear me talk about Christ's consciousness, right?
You want to hear that word, Christ's consciousness,
that pure, vibrant consciousness that is the mind
of God, that loving all and giving others free will
and seeing in them their highest state,
that we can get in alignment with that
a hundred percent, a hundred percent.
We can all get in alignment with that,
with that Christ consciousness.
And to me, when it talks about like the only son of God,
it doesn't, it doesn't say, you know, that we're not,
we're all sons and daughters of God, right?
But the only son is perfect in the way I believe
that it reflects He
or she reflects the way that God loves us, the way
that God sees us, that it does see us in our highest state.
It does give us free will to be exactly who you are.
And I, and I see you right now, exactly who you are,
but I also see you in your most highest light,
in your most highest joy.
And I think that's how Christ could magically heal people,
is that I can see you healed already.
I can see what you, what you think, what you're doing,
what you're feeling, you're dise that you might be, um,
stuck in that keeps you from feeling your best self.
And if you could only change this up a little bit,
you would go back in that state of ease.
Christ consciousness is something I feel like we think of
as somebody who's obtained it and they've got it
because they have unconditional love.
That's kind of, kind of right.
But at the same time, each
and every single one of us
have unconditional love within us.
You think about that. It's not
that you don't have unconditional love.
I think the only difference between someone like Christ
and a saint and
and us ourselves is that's all they have to offer.
That's all they have to give. Give is unconditional love.
There are times when I felt totally in line
with these things and I have experienced
situations in the same way.
You know, for instance, when someone completely abstains
from wanting to hurt others, having lustful thoughts
or evil thoughts about something
or somebody other beings, even animals
feel safe around you
and you're totally happy when you're totally feeling
that kindness and that awareness of, you know, my thoughts
and my feelings affect everyone in the room.
You guys all know and probably experience yourself when I'm
feeling that dogs come sit with me, babies want to come,
want to come, you know, play with me.
Uh, children want to play with me.
But when I'm feeling afraid, when I'm feeling depressed,
when I'm feeling angry, I'm the same, in the same body.
But I go to places and I don't feel the same resonance from
those babies, from those animals.
But when you completely master
and discipline your own thoughts, feelings,
and emotions, you can sit with lions and not get eaten
because they see you as a brother.
They see you as a master,
and they see you as someone who wouldn't hurt them.
Therefore, they're not gonna hurt you.
I do 100% believe that is attainable for all of us.
But first, we must master
our own thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
And that we harbor no hatred for anybody else.
We harbor no feeling of wanting to, to lust over someone
or do anything to someone that's not in a positive life.
And, and when we really do obtain that exact feeling
in our awareness and our consciousness,
and we have that with us everywhere we go, it doesn't matter
where you go, you are that no matter what
people feel relaxed next to you.
Pe you know, animals feel relaxed next to you.
Um, and I feel like I've been that person
where I've walked into a room with small dogs
and our other dogs and had, um, feelings
and of thoughts of, you know, I don't wanna get jumped on
or those kind of things.
And those things happened to me
and I felt like, oh, you know, sweet and nice
and then all of a sudden the dog walks
up to you and looks at you, whatever.
And same thing with people.
I've had situations where people just say, sitting next
to me before I said, man, you just feel so calm
and relaxed and everything.
And that's not me touching 'em.
That's them saying they're sensing my aura.
They're sensing that feeling of I feel okay around you.
I feel calm around you. I feel I can trust you.
Those are feelings
that people have, not necessarily thoughts.
They can be thoughts too. But the thing that
that really resonates with them is the feeling
that I feel when I get next to those people.
I think that is the most pure, vibrant consciousness
that we are looking for to obtain.
But first we must master our thoughts, feelings,
and emotions, and have discipline.
It's not to get mad at yourself.
When those things arise, see them, feel 'em,
understand them, and know, you know, they're there.
I'm not gonna dwell on 'em.
I'm not gonna keep thinking about it.
I'm gonna move on and think about something else.
Or I'm gonna, you know, what is it that I need to work on?
Am I angry at someone? Am I mad at someone?
Can I let that go? Can I forgive people?
And the forgiveness, I feel like is one
of the most important recipes for
alleviating those thoughts.
If I'm not angry with anyone, if I'm not mad with anyone,
if I forgive them, I certainly can't
be angry anymore about that.
And I don't forgive because they deserve it,
because they apologize.
Um, I forgive for my own freedom, my own peace.
And I feel like that is really, honestly, at the end
of the day, one of the most important things is that
how can the mind of God resonate in
me if I'm not peaceful?
If I'm all murky in the water, moving around and afraid
and angry, I am not still.
And I must be still to feel
that God presence, be still
and know that I am God and so are you.
And that calmness, that relaxation,
when we are calm in our prefrontal, cordex, prefrontal corn
free frontal cortex turns on.
It allows us to think better.
We have deeper emotions, deeper thoughts,
deeper understandings.
You know, you don't say things you don't regret
because you're being fully awareness in your own heart
and your own brain and your own
emotions, and you can master them.
And you don't allow yourself to get angry about things
and be triggered about things.
There's something that comes up
and you realize that there's something about something
someone's saying that you need to hear.
You realize it. But I'm not gonna let it make me get angry
so that I say things and push those people away
because they have something that I need.
Instead, I say calm.
I realize there's something about what they're saying
that's on the agenda for me to grow a little bit more.
And that I feel like is super important.
The more calm, relaxed you can stay in any situation,
the more I believe,
and I felt often that we can allow that mind of God
to incarnate into us.
That Christ consciousness, that Buddha nature,
that cist spirit that can come into us
and be with us and be here now that I have experienced.
And when I had that experience, to me, I knew
I felt amazing at that moment.
I felt love. I felt power. I felt humbleness.
I felt unconditional love.
And it only lasted for a small time.
And I felt like it was riding a wave.
You know, you get up and you feel good
and you're riding, you're in the flow, but you fall down.
You have to keep getting back up there.
You have to keep falling into alignment.
You have to keep feeling that gratitude,
mastering those emotions
and getting back into that, that moment, that pure,
vibrant con consciousness that we all are.
We, we know that we are made of the elements.
When our compassion is in full force, we can walk
through fire and not get burned.
When we master our emotions, we can walk on water.
I think it is so important that each
and every single one of us learn to master
and have discipline for ourselves in this life,
for those emotions, for those thoughts, the feelings,
the lustful ideas that we have.
'cause Christ said, if you lust over someone, you might
as well have done it because the brain
thinks that you've done it already.
It is now time for us in these moments to master ourselves.
They're the greatest mystery of all.
I think it's so important that we learn to drop our labels,
love our neighbor as ourself,
because we are all one.
We are all one. We are the greatest mystery that there is.
And we just have to dive into ourselves
and find that pure, vibrant, radiant consciousness
that lies within each and every single one of us.
I've felt it many times
and I feel like that's the
path that I always want to get on.
I feel like it has a a lot of recipe.
What goes with the gratitude, love for yourself,
forgiveness, compassion, and feeling those emotions
and honoring your code, how you wanna show up in the world.
That's super important. I want to thank each
and every single one of you tonight for being here with me.
Probably one of, one of our greatest mysteries.
And I feel like we've got a little bit tonight,
just the tip of that iceberg.
But there's so much underneath
and I feel like I'm ex really excited to hear
what you guys have to say about this
at the Ascension Works tv.
Um, so I just wanna say thank you guys all for showing up,
for being here, for doing your work,
for mastering your emotions, having
that discipline showing up.
Because each and every single one
of you matter in this world.
So I just wanna say thank you guys.
All the light, the divine nature,
the love of my heart sees honors
and recognizes the divine love
and the most beautiful part of you as well.
My name's Jacob Cox. And our topic tonight is consciousness.
A very beautiful topic, yet probably the biggest mystery
that we've ever gone and did on this show.
Uh, 'cause I feel like it's pretty much unsolved for most
of us, because we can talk about it, we can,
we can define it, but, uh, it's something that,
it's almost outta reach for us.
But we can, let's, we can dive into tonight
and try to figure out exactly the best we can
to kind of find out what is pure consciousness.
What are, what is consciousness,
and what is the awareness that most of us seem
to be seeking so often in our life?
The really, the simplest, um, definition
of consciousness is really just awareness of eternal
and external existence.
And that just means what are we aware of on the outside,
the things that are going on in our life,
and what are we aware of on the inside?
Those, you know, the emotions, the thoughts, the feelings,
uh, all the things that are going on on the inside.
Uh, I really like this first quote,
and I have a few quotes for tonight.
And, um, I feel like to honor some people, I, I, I will,
you know, throw out those quotes and give their names on.
But this one, first one is from Max Plank.
He says, science cannot solve
the ultimate mystery of nature.
And that is because in the last analysis,
we ourselves are part of that mystery
that we are trying to solve.
I think that's a beautiful quote, meaning,
how can we solve this great mystery
unless we realize that we ourselves are exactly
part of that mystery?
And that is something I feel like first
and foremost, we do need to have, we do need to realize that
the great mystery of all is ourselves.
That the kingdom of heaven is truly within us.
That's something that we must ultimately, not just believe,
but to know, to start this incredible
journey of what is consciousness.
Another great one from Max is all matter originates
and exists only by virtue
of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration
and holds the most minute solar system of the atom.
Together. We must assume behind this force, the existence
of a conscious and intelligent mind.
This mind is the matrix of all matter.
And we've talked about this matrix, um, the, the mind
to the matrix of all matter before, uh,
and many other episodes that you literally, the universe
is one giant mind.
And each of us, like a synopsis, a place
where things connect and all things come together
and just shines.
Um, the electricity, the connection, the prana, all
of it comes full force.
And we are part of that center.
We are literally the center of a universe.
Um, each and every single one of us we're our own universe.
Um, Einstein said, I want to know the mind of God,
the rest, or details.
And I, after I really kind of started my own journey,
I really got that quote myself.
'cause I, I too wanna know that mind.
I wanna know it because I want to be it as well.
Like, that's the most admirable thing to be.
And, you know, imitation is the highest form of flattery
to be just like a Christ or a Buddha
or a Krishna, uh, a Mary, any of those people.
I want to be that. I wanna know that mind.
I wanna know that heart as well. So what is the mind of God?
It consciousness, that's exactly what it is.
And what does it mean to know the mind of God or an Eckhart?
It's awareness to be aware again,
to be aware of everything that's going outside, everything
that's going on inside.
And it seems almost at the very beginning of that,
it's like a daunting task to know all those things,
to be aware of all those things.
But that's why it's a journey.
And every journey has to start with one small step.
We don't just get from one place to another.
If we, if we do that in our lives,
we're just constantly trying
to get somewhere the fastest we can get
it, that we can get there.
But that's not part of it.
The part, the the most important part is
what do you learn along the way upon the
journey on the hero's journey?
Who do you meet up with? The challenges that you face?
The whole thing is part of it.
You know, even, you know, when I go places, I tend
to try to take the scenic route instead of the fastest way,
because I want to see the things along the way.
I wanna stop at a, at a country store.
I wanna meet somebody. I want to get something
that I didn't know about before.
You know, a place that, a campsite
or something that I haven't, that I haven't been to yet.
So, uh, I take the scenic route instead of just trying
to get to there at the end.
But if we take those small steps, we realize we don't,
we don't learn it all at one point, we empty our bowl,
we follow the breadcrumbs,
and the universe gives us exactly what we need.
The teacher appears when the student is ready every single
time, exactly when we're ready for it.
And I think what's incredibly cool about this is we have
to think how this all started.
Where did all this consciousness come from?
There is some kind of void, right?
And out of that void came awareness.
The first might be described as prime creator, you know, not
that that person was better or, you know, more intelligent
or anything like that, but it's like the first rose
that blooms on a rosebush.
It's not the most beautiful one.
It may not be the biggest one.
It may not, some may even smell better,
others may be prettier,
but they all create more beauty in this now.
And if you just had one rose on the bush,
I mean it, that would be great.
But how much greater than is the entire bush?
Because all of the blooms, all of the roses have bloom.
And I believe that is what's so important to realize.
We literally are creation and we are creators.
And it is to our benefit that everyone blooms,
that everyone realizes their worth,
that everyone realizes that they matter.
And so it's almost with more consciousness
that we feel this responsibility, I feel like at least
to give back, to help the others,
to help them see who they are.
When I first started this journey, it was just, for me,
it was just for me to realize, did God exist?
What was spirituality?
Um, I didn't care if Jesus or Buddha
or atheism, whatever it was, I,
I just needed some truth in my life.
Going to school for quite a long time and, and,
and finishing, it just felt like
there was nothing there for me.
I didn't gain anything. So I asked the universe
and God just to give it to me.
Whatever it was the truth, I just ultimately needed it.
And that opened up my path.
And, um, and that's sometimes what all we have
to do is just be open and be ready
and empty our bowls completely
and let that universe start to fill it up.
So consciousness is not really mind.
It is the basis of all being, though the basis
of both matter and mind, matter
and mind are both possibilities of consciousness.
And I think that's pretty powerful statement
that we ha must have to kind of come
to realize at some point.
That the physical world that we see
all comes from thoughts, everything, the chairs, the bikes,
the roads, the earth, the flowers.
It all had to have some kind of thought, some kind
of consciousness first for it to manifest.
Those things are all the possibilities of consciousness.
And I believe that is something profound.
It's kinda like the what came first, the chicken or the egg.
The chicken or the egg are both in the field,
but they're both resonate in our physical world
because of the consciousness
that creates both when they're needed,
that's when they appear.
So the brain, when we talk about the mind, the brain is more
to me like an instrument
that plays the melody of the universe.
As, as Tesla said, you know, I am not creating these ideas.
Therefore, he didn't have patents.
He gave all his patents to the public.
But he said, I know
that there's a core from which all things come from all
these thoughts and all these ideas,
and that I haven't penetrated the core,
but I know that it exists.
I think that's really quite profound.
And that's why the patent shouldn't be all this information.
It belongs to all of us.
And the only difference between him
and us was he received, he cleared his mind, he calmed down.
And when things that needed to happen happen, technologies
that we need at the time come to certain people
because they're ready and their receiver is clear
and they're listening loud and clear.
So we can, we can teach, we can teach our mind how
to play the universal song by being still and staying calm.
We access more information
and realizing we are part of this great creation, knowing
that we're worthy, we're worthy for this information,
we're worthy for understanding.
We're worthy for great things to happen to us, for us
to create new things
and come up with new ideas of ways to do things.
And I think it's even important to know that we are,
we are this great creation and everything is that too.
You know, people, animals, galaxies, universe, plants,
and even rocks.
And it may at first seem difficult to realize
that even a rock sees, you know, that line from Avatar
where this is even a rock sees more than Jake Sully,
you know, but I, I heard that line so many times watching
that movie, and I just kept thinking about it.
Even a rock is conscious.
When they asked, the Dalai Lama asked about, about, um,
the coherence, um, instruments that were picking up,
um, ones and zeros and everything.
And somebody said, are those, are they conscious?
And he goes, and he thought for a second,
and he said, if you think
they're conscious, they're conscious.
But don't think of it just as a rock.
The rock is like a cell of the earth.
And if you were to take a cell outta my body
and put it under a microscope, you would say,
that cell doesn't have any consciousness.
But of course my entire body does. Right?
And you can't, it's not even something you can see even in
me, even though I'm, I'm awake and I'm aware
and I'm speaking, you can't really
scientifically measure it.
But the rock is like a cell of the earth,
just like our bodies are cells.
And it sometimes, that's what I said, this may be one
of the greatest mysteries that we've covered,
but obviously the earth and humans are conscious beings.
And who are we really?
Albert Einstein said, A human being is a part
of the whole called by the called us, called by us universe,
a part limited in time and space.
He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings
and something separate from the rest.
A kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us
to our personal desires
and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.
Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison
by widening our circle of compassion
to embrace all living creatures
and the whole of nature and his beauty.
And just hearing that from a guy who lived, you know,
a hundred years ago, give
or take one of the greatest recognized scientists.
And we know about the theory relativity
and all these other things, but these incredible spiritual
quotes that he had makes you realize
that his mind was working so well
because he was getting in tune with it.
He was getting alignment with this consciousness just
as philosophers and saints and mystics have for millennia.
And Einstein obviously realized that compassion
must embrace all living creatures
and all of, all of nature in itself.
And that makes us realize that we ourselves
are that exact nature.
We are that exact God that we're looking for,
and everybody's looking for God without, without.
And you're never gonna find that
because God, I mean it is without, but it also is within.
And I think sometimes we negate that
and we have to realize we
too are part of that great mystery.
So we are obviously more than our names,
we're more than our gender, our skin color, um, small town
that we think we're from.
We're literally God consciousness coming into this body
to be humans for just a small time.
Brian Cox says, we are the cosmos made conscious.
And life is the means
by which the universe understands itself.
That the universe almost needs people
and beings to blossom, to come
to fruition, and to get to know each each other, to get
to know itself, to get to understand itself, to evolve
and to grow even more, more conscious and more awareness.
I think that's an incredible feeling to know
that at some point, that you are part of the great mystery,
and therefore your exploration is just as profound
as anybody who has come or ever will come.
The universe is literally like a, like a conscious factory
creating more all the time where it's to expand and grow.
We, we are each our little universe at
each and every single one of us.
We have our own inner laws that reflect our reality.
And how you perceive the universe determines the
reality that we experience.
That's incredibly profound.
Literally how you perceive it is
what you get back.
How do you see the universe?
How do you see people, how do you see
the underlyings of all this?
How has it worked? Is this happening to you
or is it happening for you?
Are you being punished? Are you just growing and,
and you're are, um,
really just having consequences for your actions
and not the consequences are bad consequences
would be positive or negative.
Um, I think it's really important
to know we are in this world, but we are not of it.
Meaning you go to school,
you go to work, you stop at the red lights,
you pay your taxes, you do all the things
because we are here.
But we came from the one, we came from consciousness.
And that in itself helps us realize that, you know,
what Christ was saying, give what, what Caesar's to Caesar,
but give God what is god's?
So if you, they ask you to pay taxes,
pay 'em if you need this, um, if they, if they need you
to give this, give it to 'em
and give it with gratitude, give it with grace, give it
with I, I'm glad I have it to give it to you.
Um, even when Jesus was asked for money to get
for his taxes, he said, go down the stream
and find this fish and you'll find gold in his mouth.
You know, and he came up with this magic.
He, you know, magically came up with that solution to,
to pay his ties or whatever, but he did it.
Um, give what, give what the government give
what they ask for you.
At some level, we have to be in this world,
but we're certainly not of it.
We are certainly more mystical,
magical than we could possibly know.
And that is a small part
of being on the 3D dimension is doing those little things.
But for sure, definitely realize the mystical, magical part
of yourself and give into that just as much, if not more,
more so.
Is consciousness a state of being
or is it an endless journey?
Because I hear so many people say, you know,
that enlightenment is a state of being,
and I don't disagree,
but I also do believe
that it's still continuously an an endless journey.
We explore outer space so often we go to the moon,
we go to the depths of the ocean
while forgetting inner space, how important that is.
And it's just as infinite as well to reside in the spirit
of your own soul, to go deep within yourself
and to realize the great I am that I am.
And I've been in those moments where I've been completely
by myself meditating and realized I was part of the earth
and part of the Milky way and part of the universe,
and part of the multiverse,
and I was connected to every single part of it.
And I felt quantum peace with it.
And that was incredibly important for me at least,
to realize that there's so many, there's no reason
to be jealous 'cause somebody gets to go to Italy
or somebody gets to go to Peru or whatever else.
You can become just as conscious, just as aware, just
as enlightened by sitting in your own room,
by yourself than those other things.
And those other things are great, those traveling
and going to spiritual places,
but it is certainly just as important, if not more, to
go within yourself and to find out who you really are
to free yourself from these prisons
that Einstein and other people were talking about.
And this leads to our growth.
I mean, that's ultimately it, right?
Growing in awareness, growing in our consciousness, and,
and finding out who we really are
and what we're really made of, what we're capable of.
Zu said, the key to growth is the introduction
of conscious into our awareness,
the introduction of consciousness into our awareness,
being completely aware of all the things
that are going on all the time, why things are happening
to us, why the person said the same thing to me
that they said yesterday, or, you know, the same girlfriend
or a different girlfriend said the same thing as one before,
or this job ends up the same way.
Why is that happening to me? Am I unlucky?
Am I being punished or is simply a
lesson that the universe has given me
and it's gonna give it to me over and over
and over again until I learn why it's given
it to me, then I know.
And if I master, then step.
If I master that class, I no longer have to take it.
But there's, they're gonna be more obviously on top of that.
But that, that karma, that perpetuating cycle
no longer abides to the, to my universe.
I've overcome that and I go and I go through it
and I move on to grow into other things.
So then life will always give us whatever experience we need
for the evolution of our consciousness.
And we need to evolve our consciousness
because Einstein said,
no problem can be solved from the same level
of consciousness that was created.
So we got these problems with our society, with education,
with politics, and we're like, we're just gonna fix it
and slap this bandaid on and everything, okay?
No, we've got to completely rise above
and see what actually caused these problems on our planet.
What's actually causing these cycles of, of,
of karma that we don't want, that are not
for the highest good, for the all the people.
Well, we've got to rise our conscious to a level
that supersedes that.
So we can look up from another place and say, you know what?
All we have to do is do something completely different.
You know, this isn't working,
so why we keep doing the same thing over
and over again, that's insanity.
Um, instead let's, let's rise above it
and see what is the, what is the way
to actually solve the problem so that we can move on
and we don't have to deal with it over and over again.
Just keep continuously put bandaids on it.
And that's part of that is
changing the way we look at things.
And when we change the way we look at things, we change
what happens to us, the things we look at change, right?
Because when I, when I look at someone
and say, that person is that person's, you know,
for the better part, evil, or they're no good,
or there's nothing you can get outta them.
And I, and I'm probably gonna get that.
I'm gonna get those bad things, those negative things,
those, uh, encounters with that person
that are gonna seem like things that just hurt me
or make me mad or trigger me.
But if I can say, you know what?
I really know that that person's just hurting.
I know that they're suffering in some way.
I know that they're going through some things,
but I know ultimately that's gotta be a good person.
It's gotta, you know, it's gotta be someone who's got some
piece of the puzzles that I need.
If I keep running into 'em, then that's happened to me.
When I go on, I decide, you know what?
I'm gonna let this person be who they are.
I'm gonna stand here and listen,
and I'm gonna see what they have
to offer me in my journey every single time.
That is exactly what happens.
And I realized just because I changed the way I looked at
that person, well, I changed when I looked at that event,
that situation, that circumstance,
literally the things started to change
because I saw it differently.
And that every single person can see the same
circumstance differently.
You know, you can walk up, you can wake up in the morning,
stub your toe and say, man, today's gonna be a crappy day
and probably will be for you.
You will find yourself at every red light.
You'll run into every negative person.
You'll spill things on yourself.
But if you can just say, you know what,
it's just an isolated incident, I'm not gonna let it happen.
I'm going to take that as a sign to slow down for the rest
of the day and, and be humble and relax a little bit
and listen, so that doesn't happen again.
Then there may be some unre revealing of things that happen
for you that you say, oh, well I'm glad that that worked out
that way, because if that wouldn't happen
that very first part of the morning,
I might have had some other bad things.
Even worse things happen.
But certainly if you think
that's what's your day's gonna get bad, it can build up
and build up and build up and get worse.
And I know probably most of us listening
to this tonight have had situations just like that where,
oh, it's gonna be a crappy day when it rains, it pours.
Those are laws to your universe
that you do not want to have.
When it rains, it pours. It's gonna be a bad day.
You say stuff like that, it's, especially with the emotion
that you feel it, oh, I know it's gonna be a bad day, boy,
you can create that instantly
and the rest of your day can be terrible.
And once it starts going, it's even harder to get out of it.
But that first time that something happens, if you can stop
for a second and forgive, let go understand, you know,
say, Hey, look, that's fine.
It's all good, and move on.
It tends to be a whole lot easier in that first moment than
after it's building up, at least for me.
Einstein said, the most important decision you'll ever make,
the most important decision you'll ever make is whether you
live in a friendly universe or a hostile one.
I think that's super important.
I'm gonna say it one more time. The most important decision
we will ever make is whether we live in a friendly universe
or a hostile one.
So important is going out into the world.
Is it happening to you? Are you unlucky?
Does the world hate you? Do you think everything is in chaos
and going to hell in a hand basket?
Or do you think we are just getting to know ourselves,
we're learning, we're growing, um,
we're becoming more aware.
These instances of things I don't necessarily like,
at least give me the opportunity to not be a part of them,
to not gossip with them, to change, to see contrast.
All those things I think are beautiful
and perfect things that help us on our journey
and to give us those challenges that we need
and those triggers that we need to see so
that we can evolve and grow past that.
But if we believe that the universe is hostile
and the things we're gonna have bad
and bad things are gonna happen, that if I go
to another country by myself, that I could end up dead.
I would not go to the country by yourself.
And I have been to countries by myself,
and I believe
that it was all gonna work out, and I believed it was going.
Things were gonna happen better than I could imagine.
And instead of buying certain things in America
to go to Peru or go to Panama
or something, I said, you know, I'm gonna find a local
to sell me that ticket
to Machu Picchu and those kind of things.
And when I did that, and I didn't try to mess it all up,
murky the water, and I went there feeling good
and being in excitement, in my highest alignment,
I ran into the people just
magically on the street picking me up in a taxi, taking me
to their place, giving me the most incredible ticket
for $300 to go all the beautiful places that I wanted
to go and more.
And it just happened with the flow.
And I think that's the, we have to do it.
The universe is a beautiful place where beautiful people
come into alignment with me, gimme the things that I need.
And so I think that is really, honestly one
of our most important laws universe.
It is this universe hostile or is it friendly?
Definitely it can be both. It is both.
I'm a Gemini, so I totally believe in, you know,
both sides being totally relevant.
But how we see it is what we experience.
And that is super important.
You know, there people say it's the end of the world.
It is the end of the world coming.
But guess what, that's great because that the end
of this world's coming, that a new one has to be coming.
What are you looking for? Are you looking for the end?
Because if you're looking for the end,
don't be surprised if you fall on a crater, fall on a a,
you know, um, an earthquake
or a volcano takes you out or whatever.
Tsunamis, you're on the wrong place at the wrong time.
But if you're in the, if you believe it's the beginning
of a new one and that you see
that new world coming into emerge,
then you can be a part of it.
Then you'll be at the right place, at the right time
with the right people, giving you the right information when
you need it to be where you need to be at all times.
And then be like a magical flowing journey for you.
So is it loving and creating for you
or is it happening to you?
That's your decision to make.
Both are right for whoever wants to make it.
So consciousness to me is everything.
And really, honestly, when you think about it,
the scientists say this all the time,
nothing is solid, right?
They say everything is 99.9% empty space, right?
So that means we're just a thought.
My home is just a thought.
My family and the people that I hang out with in this world,
everything is just this imagination
of the mind of the matrix.
And it's all literally like a dream.
It's a big fricking dream.
And we can fall into alignment with that dream.
Or you can fall into alignment with a nightmare,
believing that it's the end of the world, believing
that it's a hostile environment.
It is up to you and every person is right.
If you believe it's a nightmare, it's a nightmare for you.
If you believe it's heaven on
earth, it's heaven on earth for you.
I, for myself, felt like I had created hell on earth.
And I knew at a moment in time
before I moved to Colorado, that if I was powerful enough
to create my own hell, then surely I had
to be powerful enough to create my own heaven.
And that changed everything for me and empowered me.
And I believe if that's where you're at right now,
if you're in your own personal, hell take a step back
and think about how powerful you must be then
to create that for yourself.
And if we do get in alignment with that dream,
the dream life that we always wanted, that we know
that we're worthy of, then that oneness is really our reward
that will become one with, with life itself,
with consciousness with God.
One of the most beautiful quotes I think I've ever
heard comes from Rumi.
This aloneness is worth more than a thousand lives.
This freedom is worth more than all the lands on earth.
To be one with the truth just for a moment
is worth more than the world and life itself.
I don't know about you guys, but there have been
many times in my life at this point that I have become one
with the truth that I followed the breadcrumbs I read the
books, I went to the places I felt the gratitude
in most of the time by myself.
But oftentimes too, with people and, and events
and things that I felt like I was downloaded
with information, mysteries
that I never even suspected even think about
were revealed to me.
I felt like I was part of a secret club.
And I feel like that's why there's so many secret clubs.
'cause they, they want to emulate
what the universe has given, but they're not really getting
the real juice, the real pure
consciousness part of this mystery.
The universe loves us all
and it wants to divulge to us incredible insights,
to truth, to freedom.
And in those moments where I felt like I was on this quest
and I was following these breadcrumbs,
and I was listening to the universe,
and all of a sudden in just a blink of an eye,
I was downloaded with information,
or maybe even sometimes it felt like I was just totally
remembering it, that it was just coming alive inside
of my DNA inside of me.
And I felt that Holy Spirit come across me
and just completely
become one with love, unconditional love,
that I knew God unconditionally loved me,
that my angels were with me,
my ancestors were with, were with me.
And in those moments of pure cons consciousness,
all division dissolved.
And I stand in the oneness of truth.
Man, those feelings, that freedom, that love,
that I know God has for me,
and I know God has for every single one of us,
and we should have it for ourselves
obviously, is so freeing.
It's so incredible to me.
It's, it's, it's better than going
to Machu Picchu and improve.
It's better than going to these sacred sites just to have
that moment of aloneness with truth.
To know you have been divulged something
by the universe to you directly, because you are worthy now.
You have opened up your bowl, you emptied your bowl, you've
realized that there's a lot more to what's going on.
And you've asked the universe for the breadcrumbs
and you listen and you've done your work.
That is one of the most incredible feelings
of worth worthiness that I feel like I've ever felt to know
that I solve part of this great mystery.
And, and you know what? All the things I've been privy to,
all the things the universe has given me,
the mysteries that have been divulged to me.
It's like, you know, this much, just a tiny little drop
of the universe, but that feels good
because you know it's infinite.
And that, you know, with school told us about certain things
and mysteries and that almost everything is solved.
And we figured everything out. It's all a lie.
Even if it's not a lie, at the very least,
they're definitely mistaken.
There are so many incredible things to learn about yourself,
about this universe, about the world, about love,
that it's awe inspiring,
that you can continuously learn incredible amounts
of new things every single day and every single moment.
It's infinite. You're never gonna run out.
To me, it's consciousness is not a state of being.
It is an endless journey that never ends.
And that even after we become enlightened
and we learn some things,
there's gonna be things beyond that.
Universe is beyond that.
That we are gonna contin, continuously learn,
continuously have to understand and solve
and be a part of.
I mean it. There's no end to it. There's no limit to it.
And I, and like I said, that makes me incredibly excited,
um, and grateful.
Like I said, I have been divulged this
incredible amount of information.
And I know if, if, if I, if the universe thought enough
of me for me to be created, if it thought enough of me
to divulge these secrets to me,
then I know every single person out there.
If you just start to get serious about it
and start to speak out to the universe like you would speak
to anybody else, and start to believe in what you're saying
and mean what you're saying, and ask it for real.
You know, divulge to me some information
today that I'm ready for.
You know, uh, stand in line with that.
Say it true and move on.
And I guarantee the, the universe will divulge those things
to you that you are ready for.
Um, it happens all the time, um, every day now.
I feel like for me, there's new things that are happening.
And just last night I feel like going to a, a circle
with men and everything else.
There's so many things of synchronicity
and alignment that just feel so good.
Um, I've definitely appreciated to be in more circles
and more spiritual events.
Um, you know, just to feel like these events
that were online talking, rally now, um, they matter.
Every single bit of it matters.
Get into alignment with those things.
Go to those events that make you feel happy,
that make you feel gratitude.
That emotion that you feel in yourself is incredibly
important for your journey to get in alignment with.
So at the end of the day,
when we are talking about this consciousness,
we're talking about this enlightenment.
I think most people want
to hear me talk about Christ's consciousness, right?
You want to hear that word, Christ's consciousness,
that pure, vibrant consciousness that is the mind
of God, that loving all and giving others free will
and seeing in them their highest state,
that we can get in alignment with that
a hundred percent, a hundred percent.
We can all get in alignment with that,
with that Christ consciousness.
And to me, when it talks about like the only son of God,
it doesn't, it doesn't say, you know, that we're not,
we're all sons and daughters of God, right?
But the only son is perfect in the way I believe
that it reflects He
or she reflects the way that God loves us, the way
that God sees us, that it does see us in our highest state.
It does give us free will to be exactly who you are.
And I, and I see you right now, exactly who you are,
but I also see you in your most highest light,
in your most highest joy.
And I think that's how Christ could magically heal people,
is that I can see you healed already.
I can see what you, what you think, what you're doing,
what you're feeling, you're dise that you might be, um,
stuck in that keeps you from feeling your best self.
And if you could only change this up a little bit,
you would go back in that state of ease.
Christ consciousness is something I feel like we think of
as somebody who's obtained it and they've got it
because they have unconditional love.
That's kind of, kind of right.
But at the same time, each
and every single one of us
have unconditional love within us.
You think about that. It's not
that you don't have unconditional love.
I think the only difference between someone like Christ
and a saint and
and us ourselves is that's all they have to offer.
That's all they have to give. Give is unconditional love.
There are times when I felt totally in line
with these things and I have experienced
situations in the same way.
You know, for instance, when someone completely abstains
from wanting to hurt others, having lustful thoughts
or evil thoughts about something
or somebody other beings, even animals
feel safe around you
and you're totally happy when you're totally feeling
that kindness and that awareness of, you know, my thoughts
and my feelings affect everyone in the room.
You guys all know and probably experience yourself when I'm
feeling that dogs come sit with me, babies want to come,
want to come, you know, play with me.
Uh, children want to play with me.
But when I'm feeling afraid, when I'm feeling depressed,
when I'm feeling angry, I'm the same, in the same body.
But I go to places and I don't feel the same resonance from
those babies, from those animals.
But when you completely master
and discipline your own thoughts, feelings,
and emotions, you can sit with lions and not get eaten
because they see you as a brother.
They see you as a master,
and they see you as someone who wouldn't hurt them.
Therefore, they're not gonna hurt you.
I do 100% believe that is attainable for all of us.
But first, we must master
our own thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
And that we harbor no hatred for anybody else.
We harbor no feeling of wanting to, to lust over someone
or do anything to someone that's not in a positive life.
And, and when we really do obtain that exact feeling
in our awareness and our consciousness,
and we have that with us everywhere we go, it doesn't matter
where you go, you are that no matter what
people feel relaxed next to you.
Pe you know, animals feel relaxed next to you.
Um, and I feel like I've been that person
where I've walked into a room with small dogs
and our other dogs and had, um, feelings
and of thoughts of, you know, I don't wanna get jumped on
or those kind of things.
And those things happened to me
and I felt like, oh, you know, sweet and nice
and then all of a sudden the dog walks
up to you and looks at you, whatever.
And same thing with people.
I've had situations where people just say, sitting next
to me before I said, man, you just feel so calm
and relaxed and everything.
And that's not me touching 'em.
That's them saying they're sensing my aura.
They're sensing that feeling of I feel okay around you.
I feel calm around you. I feel I can trust you.
Those are feelings
that people have, not necessarily thoughts.
They can be thoughts too. But the thing that
that really resonates with them is the feeling
that I feel when I get next to those people.
I think that is the most pure, vibrant consciousness
that we are looking for to obtain.
But first we must master our thoughts, feelings,
and emotions, and have discipline.
It's not to get mad at yourself.
When those things arise, see them, feel 'em,
understand them, and know, you know, they're there.
I'm not gonna dwell on 'em.
I'm not gonna keep thinking about it.
I'm gonna move on and think about something else.
Or I'm gonna, you know, what is it that I need to work on?
Am I angry at someone? Am I mad at someone?
Can I let that go? Can I forgive people?
And the forgiveness, I feel like is one
of the most important recipes for
alleviating those thoughts.
If I'm not angry with anyone, if I'm not mad with anyone,
if I forgive them, I certainly can't
be angry anymore about that.
And I don't forgive because they deserve it,
because they apologize.
Um, I forgive for my own freedom, my own peace.
And I feel like that is really, honestly, at the end
of the day, one of the most important things is that
how can the mind of God resonate in
me if I'm not peaceful?
If I'm all murky in the water, moving around and afraid
and angry, I am not still.
And I must be still to feel
that God presence, be still
and know that I am God and so are you.
And that calmness, that relaxation,
when we are calm in our prefrontal, cordex, prefrontal corn
free frontal cortex turns on.
It allows us to think better.
We have deeper emotions, deeper thoughts,
deeper understandings.
You know, you don't say things you don't regret
because you're being fully awareness in your own heart
and your own brain and your own
emotions, and you can master them.
And you don't allow yourself to get angry about things
and be triggered about things.
There's something that comes up
and you realize that there's something about something
someone's saying that you need to hear.
You realize it. But I'm not gonna let it make me get angry
so that I say things and push those people away
because they have something that I need.
Instead, I say calm.
I realize there's something about what they're saying
that's on the agenda for me to grow a little bit more.
And that I feel like is super important.
The more calm, relaxed you can stay in any situation,
the more I believe,
and I felt often that we can allow that mind of God
to incarnate into us.
That Christ consciousness, that Buddha nature,
that cist spirit that can come into us
and be with us and be here now that I have experienced.
And when I had that experience, to me, I knew
I felt amazing at that moment.
I felt love. I felt power. I felt humbleness.
I felt unconditional love.
And it only lasted for a small time.
And I felt like it was riding a wave.
You know, you get up and you feel good
and you're riding, you're in the flow, but you fall down.
You have to keep getting back up there.
You have to keep falling into alignment.
You have to keep feeling that gratitude,
mastering those emotions
and getting back into that, that moment, that pure,
vibrant con consciousness that we all are.
We, we know that we are made of the elements.
When our compassion is in full force, we can walk
through fire and not get burned.
When we master our emotions, we can walk on water.
I think it is so important that each
and every single one of us learn to master
and have discipline for ourselves in this life,
for those emotions, for those thoughts, the feelings,
the lustful ideas that we have.
'cause Christ said, if you lust over someone, you might
as well have done it because the brain
thinks that you've done it already.
It is now time for us in these moments to master ourselves.
They're the greatest mystery of all.
I think it's so important that we learn to drop our labels,
love our neighbor as ourself,
because we are all one.
We are all one. We are the greatest mystery that there is.
And we just have to dive into ourselves
and find that pure, vibrant, radiant consciousness
that lies within each and every single one of us.
I've felt it many times
and I feel like that's the
path that I always want to get on.
I feel like it has a a lot of recipe.
What goes with the gratitude, love for yourself,
forgiveness, compassion, and feeling those emotions
and honoring your code, how you wanna show up in the world.
That's super important. I want to thank each
and every single one of you tonight for being here with me.
Probably one of, one of our greatest mysteries.
And I feel like we've got a little bit tonight,
just the tip of that iceberg.
But there's so much underneath
and I feel like I'm ex really excited to hear
what you guys have to say about this
at the Ascension Works tv.
Um, so I just wanna say thank you guys all for showing up,
for being here, for doing your work,
for mastering your emotions, having
that discipline showing up.
Because each and every single one
of you matter in this world.
So I just wanna say thank you guys.
All the light, the divine nature,
the love of my heart sees honors
and recognizes the divine love
and the most beautiful part of you as well.
People: Jacob Cox
Topics: Consciousness, Metaphysics