Mystery School: Aliens - A Fresh Perspective

Mystery School with Jacob Cox

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Aliens - A Fresh Perspective

Next Episode: Mystery School: Christianity & Matthew 5 with Mike


  1. Believing in God of Creation as He has 66 Books Explaining His Creation that I Believe–Does Not–Interfere with my Belief in a Alien World. Since there are possibly trillions of Stars/Suns and their Planets just in our Milky Way, people would have to be very Naive to not Believe in other Intelligent Life on other Planets. I believe that there are Billions of other intelligent Races in Deep Space, as Corey was told–Humans on Planet Earth are the Youngest of All Races thus for years our Technology was Abe Lincoln. Since we have Bartered–Delt with Aliens from other Solar Systems, we as a Human Race have Greatly increased our Understanding of this World around us….

  2. Years ago I saw a Huge Elongated-Cigar shaped UFO Up Close, it was moving very slowly along the HWY. that I was Driving on–I sped up to about 80 mph, drove down the Hwy. and shut the Engine and Lights off, it took several minutes to get to where I had stopped. It came by me very slowly as before, I got to see it fairly good even tho it was nighttime. It was as long as a Cargo ship with different Blinking Lights. This started my Research pertaining to the Secret Black Ops. Military Space Complex, I have been doing this for over 23 years now and have learned quite a bundle of Information. Listening to All of Corey’s Video’s has Richly expanded my Knowledge about this subject. Thanks Corey and David Wilcock’s..

Up Next:

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Christianity & Matthew 5 with Mike
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Mystery School with Jacob Cox
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Mystery School with Jacob Cox
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Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Hopi Blue Star Prophecy
Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Hermeticism
Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Synchronicity
Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Consciousness
Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Conspiracy

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