Ep3: Healing & Balance of the Body - Part 1
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Original Date: Dec 18, 2022
Original Date: Dec 18, 2022
Law of One Deep Dives
Next Episode: Ep4: Healing & Balance of the Body - Part 2
Nick got me at one point. I forgot what it was that.
Forgot again what it was but I was I was sort of
Some point and he goes okay now argue the
opposite and it was like hey, yeah felt
right into that. I'm like, all right. Well, yeah, then I definitely go
and it was it was like
whatever the obvious it was obvious the argument
against that I think was was more of this.
And I really love that. That was a great kind of
challenge for me, Nick.
yeah, I feel like anytime I get like
real deep into into a belief one way
and I feel myself like digging a rut
in that thought process like, okay.
Think the other way see if you can argue the other way because
if you feel that this is that correct then that
must be that incorrect try to poke holes go.
Yeah. Yeah and and raw talks about that a
lot in terms of the approach to to balancing
right and that every thought has an
antithesis and that we should or we are invited
to to experience of each
of our thoughts. So, yeah, I totally agree. It's
it's nice to find yourself in one of those sort
of ruts or you know in a
space to debate or to make an argument and then suddenly be
reminded that that I'm choosing that
you know, and it's like okay now she's choose the opposite and
go argue at the other way and it was like I was fun that was
fun to be reminded and invited
like all of our perspectives are more
transient and Something That We're just trying on
you know at the moment, so that was cool.
Yeah, that'll help me when I be out
in the world and something would happen. And I would I would you
know, I always use the example where you get cut off in traffic
and you get cut off in traffic. And then if you feel
some kind of way about it, well argue it from their perspective,
you know, and then I don't know just brings a little piece because
I I tend to give them the benefit
of the doubt after.
I feel like not the pat my own back. I've gotten a
lot better and being out. Here's a lot easier but on the East
Coast but I first started driving. Oh my God, it was
just infuriating and I had to do that
practice where I was like, okay. Well, you know see see
it from their eyes or or why are
you so angry, you know what if they had this to do, but
it's just that perspective thing.
Yeah, it's like the greatest example because that happens like
literally every single time you go and drive somewhere. So that's
a literally just happened to me today when I was drawn in the grocery store. So
I know what you mean and that's like the best way to keep that
in perspective. It seems like it's through that example or that constant
reminder when that happens.
and even if
just by like getting cut off in line, you know, if you're if you walk into
the subway and you called off in line, like I think everybody can
relate to that example one way or another.
Exactly. Yeah.
Yeah, there's definitely is a perfect segue to go back into the discussion about
the bouncing exercises and it's like the
Yeah, I I sometimes have don't totally different experiences in traffic
where I'm feeling guilty that I'm not going
past enough or it's like the guy on my
tail is wanting me to go faster. So I have to
I have to sometimes have to be the person who's going too fast and
too slow and I have I have both experiences on the
road a lot.
But yeah, it seems like
A lot of times it's an emotional reaction that allows me
to remember. Oh, yeah, I should try balancing this this reaction that I'm having
but sometimes it's more subtle and I think that sometimes
when we
have a strong attachment and we don't want to see it as
an emotional attachment or an identity attachment. That's when
it's the most important for us to dig in and try to find the opposite
and pull out what that bias was that we weren't
able to previously see within us and that seems to be what you're talking
about Andrew with you with with just general Arguments
for for truth. It's like what would be
the opposite argument if we're making one-sided argument? What
would be opposite that's so that's a great discipline and I
feel like yeah, it's it's a just just
the capacity to want to find the opposite when we're
already attached to one side of it
is like this spiritual practice. That's that the core of
this exercise.
Yeah, and and then in in so doing
you find yourself in you know, what the
The white White magical tradition
would call the middle pillar, but that's
it. It's all because of this polarity. So we have the bias see
the biases that pull us into one direction or the
other and this great reminder that says well
if there's a bias in that direction, there's going to be one on
the other direction and
And then as soon as you as soon as you allow for that
like it literally as soon as you do that it it
has effectively negated that that bias
that you have like, it's
just really interesting in that moment. You can literally flip gears.
Experience the opposite polarity except
that opposite polarity and
then realize that then either of those polarities effectively hold
the bias anymore. They've now balanced each
other out and it's a it is a really
interesting kind of thought experiment and you can experience it.
You can literally have that experience of having a bias. And
then and then just a minute later going. Wow. Now
I actually don't have that bias only because you've tried
on that.
that an antithetical thought
So might as well dive back into the session five
So last time we talked about we talked
about session for also in the last.
meeting and session five is the
expansion of session 4 and I
started out talking about the
The first of three teachings broken up by
mind body and spirit so we covered the Mind teachings.
and that was
relating to knowing yourself through
Mastering the concept of mental discipline and examining
itself knowing the biases bouncing them. Second mental
discipline being the acceptance of the completeness, which is
once you have the understanding of the biases, then you do
the work of accepting them and forgiving yourself. I think I
think forgiveness and acceptance are very related concepts for me. Would you
guys believe the same?
Yeah, I do because acceptance to me is what
comes with out judgment you accept something
literally at face value or you know
sort of at its beingness just it simply is
as opposed to us the assignment
of meaning to it. So I do actually equate
those two similar.
And then the third discipline is instead of
just analyzing yourself. It's with the Gaze outward.
And seeing the completeness and each entity
there exists completeness seeing that in everyone.
And then they said the next step is the acceptance
of other selves polarities.
and then the
fifth step involves observing the geographical and geometrical
relationships and ratios.
Of the Mind the other mind the mass mind and the
infinite mind.
So that's the step that seems to me about the most.
Archetypal and out there way out there.
Yeah, I would love.
A whole book on that sentence right there. Frankly. Yeah.
Yeah, before the law of one I would I would
analyze by saying, you know, is this coming
from lover fear whether it was my actions or what I
perceived other people's actions to be is this coming from love or
fear and then once reading the
law of one it just kind of puts different vocabulary in
it. Whereas you know, is this is this a service the self
is a service to other selves. How does this help me? How
does this help them? How does this help the greater? Good it
just it put a more comprehensive
vocabulary to some of the things and it's not
that it needs it because is this coming from love
or is this coming from Fear kinda is the to me to
the root of all of it and you know
having these other layers are helpful, but
it just it just gave
a different a different vocabulary, which has helped me
totally and it feels like
once we have the basics of accepting ourself, you
know through these.
mental processes then they
it seems like we do have a bigger job here with the planetary
Consciousness that they're referring to with this.
this fifth step
and you know I can speculate about what some
of this means with the
the relationships and ratios of
the Mind the other mind the mass mind.
And the infinite mind and I think you know it starts for me. When I
observe the relationships that I have with my thoughts
versus my wife's thoughts versus the
thoughts of those around me who are challenging me on different ideas. My parents
have different thoughts than I do in my my siblings
as a different thoughts than I do and I feel like there's
always a kind of
geometric symmetry across the
different distortions with those around me that
are the mirrors of my own distortions. And
so I feel like even when I when I
when I don't feel like there's a particular issue to be dealt with I've found
some benefit of trying to see
What does it seem like there? There is in this difference seeming difference
between me and these other people around me and the way that they're seeing
things and the way that they approach things and I
think that gives me a hint of
what the geometry of the Mind relationships might
be and the sense that maybe and I
think astrology is similar where it's like if you're
born on the same day of the year and your plants are in alignment,
then you have a great similarity in
certain aspects. And then if the person
is like 90 degrees from you in their
where their son was when when your son was and
the chart if their son is exactly 90 degrees, you
know a quarter of the year after born after
you were born then
There are specific alignments that
are interesting but then there's everything is still
feel like it's a little bit Askew in the way that they interpret things. This is my
possibly over analysis of some of
the relationships in my life based on the astrological.
Nuances and you know, my dad has some oppositions for
me and my wife has some oppositions for me where it's it's
like a straight line in the planet. My planet
was on one side of the chart their plan is on the other side of the chart when they were
And and that was one way that I feel like we can
get a hint of these relationships in a
sort of geometrical fashion.
this is like a big task for.
Over analyzing to some degree and I
think probably writing down like the the differences between
us and other people in our lives can help us get a sense of this to start
So I haven't done much in the astrology side of
things. Where do you looking at? Then more generic overviews of
like what where you guys may be don't get along
as well or yeah, how would you put that in the terms?
I guess. Yeah, I could give an example here. Yeah, so it's
my wife is the kind of person who doesn't want to be on
camera. For example, she I would love to have her in these meetings.
We have these discussions a lot and she doesn't want to be on camera. She feels
It's you know, it's safer to be.
keeping a distance and I feel like
it's like she's a perfect.
protector for my energy a little bit in that
way because she she is so much Enlightenment on
these particular kinds of mental processes that
we engage in when we have these conversations, but she's
also approaching it from an angle of of
Of I guess a humility that I don't a
different kind of humility that I don't process the
same way.
And it's it's like the way that she's processing.
Her relationships around her is
is coming from like a different perspective
that I have difficulty sometimes processing
but it's but when I see it, I
recognize it. I see it. Oh, yes, this is and she can
make fun of me a lot in the way that I
I processed my my own role and
overestimating my own understanding of things
and she she comes in with with like that. This
this Twist on things that I wasn't seeing.
I guess that might not be specific enough, but no that
makes sense. So I don't get where you're going with it. So make sounds
wouldn't it be fun and interesting to be able to
if everybody carried around the star chart and you can just be like, oh,
okay. Well, okay. I see you guys see that this was here
and it was there for me. So that makes sense that you see it, you know
in the complete opposite way of me and
Oh man. I wonder I wonder how much we could learn.
from that about like you said the the geometry of
the mind like
If if all of this this the stuff
in the theories around astrology are true. I tend to
believe they are but not everybody buys into a completely but like if you were
a soul-vectoring in
on a on a physical body and all of
the the energies of the planets and
the Stars around you influenced as you vectored in on it, wouldn't it
be fun to
To play with the charts of everybody and then, you know when you
get cut off in traffic if they had their chart displayed above
right but their car you could be like, oh, okay. You
got more Mercury I see what you got. Now you got not that
worrying body coming in is Mercury the
morning one?
Or Mars Mars. He got more
Mars in your chart. So, you know, obviously you want to be front of the
line. So go ahead. Yeah. Yeah, it's when
your Mars are in like a 90 degree or 180 degree relationship. I
think that's when you're most likely to have some kind of lesson that's
coming through that that relationship.
Um, I have two things on here real quick
one before I forget because I I couldn't even
because I don't understand astrology nearly enough and started Googling
it a little bit. I was watching something on I think
it was on YouTube last night. It was a YouTuber gaiah, but
it was very similar to some of
the Joe dispenser stuff, but it was describing and it
sort of getting into more of a Kundalini Awakening. I
think it's describing this process by which this fluid
is sent from a certain
part of the midbrain down the spine and
it comes back up and then comes into the pineal and
stuff. So they're assigning this chemical relationship to effectively
the Kundalini Awakening and part of
the practice that they were describing was.
I think it was abstinence on a particular
day. It was sort of just alluded to
this though. So I was kind of interested in in determining
more about what this practice is broadly but it
talked about when the moon is in.
The sun sign that you were born under and like
I couldn't figure out what that means. What does
it mean when the moon is in Scorpio? Like
when does that happen? The what I was watching implied that
it's once a month, but I couldn't tell if that was the
case or not.
Well, it's just like what part of
the sky is the moon in?
when you were born
It is be where the Moon is in your planetary chart and
then the sun is I mean, you know
when there's a solar eclipse or a lunar
eclipse, you know, they're they're the the moon and
the sun right on top of each other. So there's there's a very unique energy
because of that alignment.
Sure, so but when is when is
the moon in or one is
my moon in Scorpio or when is the
moon in my sport? Like what is that? I don't even know how to
ask the question. I know what you definitely have to look up your birth chart and there's
many, you know websites to do it you look up exactly you have to
put in where you're born on the planet the city are born
in and you have to put in the time of day you're born, you know, you have
to guess at that. If you don't know and then because based on all that information then
the calculation will give you
where all the planets were precisely and then
knowing that you can then see the relationship
of where you plan it's where when you're born and the moon
will determine
the relationship to where the planets are.
In the present and as as the as the
planets move around they sometimes they
sync up to where they were when you were born. And then that's a conjunction. Sometimes
they're 90 degrees and that's a square relationship.
So you have these different energies that will be related
to the energies from the moment of your birth. And actually Ross says
it's also related to the moment your conception. There's these two different overlays
of energy and astrologists. Very rarely
will ask you when did your parents have sex, but that's
that's one way to to get
a little deeper into the nature of your personality, too.
Interesting. Well Andrew, it's funny you bring
that up because I think I saw that same video just that last week too
and I was asking that same question about how do I find when the moon
is in my sign and I found a website. I think it
was what daily astrology and I'll tell you where the Moon
is. It's usually like a day to three days or
something like that. It's in each sign so it'll be once a month, but it'll
be for like a day and a half to two days. Oh so
today, it looks like it's in Libra and I'll
give you a time, but I looked it up too. Just because I was curious. I was
asking some of the same questions since I don't have a ton of astrology background
to it. But yeah, I can send you that website too
if you're curious, but I was kind of interested on that on that topic
also. Yeah, I would I would love to just I'd like
to kind of go down that rabbit hole just a little bit to see because they
seem to be implying again that it had this sort of
sexual energy related to it and that by
not they were
sort of I don't know again if you saw the same thing or not, but they
were using
Interesting words and language around it. But like basically
that this this oil is actually
what they described it as it's like super
Um, whatever spiritual oil that gets
sent down, you know from brain down the spine
and that it's like if you don't otherwise expend
it as sort of what they were saying that then
it can travel back up and then, you know
close the loop and suddenly, you know, maybe move you
on or or has some
you know, Progressive.
quality to it, I guess to approaching it this way
as opposed to
expending the energy and it
not then making the reverse trip back up though. The
spine is sort of how I was interpreting that.
What I'll go ahead as it
seemed to me like it had a lot of ties to the Korea yoga
practice of also pulling up the internal energy, but
that was giving it to us specific time of the month
where it seemed like that was more likely to have this actual Kundalini
Awakening and pulling that oil up to
what they call the cave of Brahma right up towards the pineal gland area
there to then be able to activate higher energy.
So that's that was at least my interpretation of
what what I was hearing too from there. But what you said was basically
what I took out of it as well.
That's awesome. Cool. Well, then I just
need to find out when the moon is in Scorpio and
At least then I'll know what what time of the month I'm you
know wanting to focus on and see
what's coming up around then.
this is interesting that we could talk about Cycles briefly too because they
said that
Well, the question was asked about cycling in streamings
of energy.
And maybe I could go to that one briefly.
Yeah, and and 60 1.2. They
were asking about Carla's condition.
they said in this particular entity the cyclical complexes at
the space-time Nexus are not favorable for physical energy levels.
And and when they were asked more about the the cycling instruments
of energy, we're also there are four types of
Cycles, which are those given in a moment of entry into incarnation.
There are which I assume is the moment you're born.
There are in addition more Cosmic and less regulate
regularized Imports which from time to
time effect.
A sensitized Mind Body Spirit complex the four rhythms
are to some extent.
Known among your peoples and called biorhythms. So
I wonder if this relates to what you're just describing.
And then they go on to say there's the fourth cycle which we may call the cycle of the
Gateway of the magic of the Adept or of the spirit. This is
a cycle which is completed and approximately 18 of your diurnal Cycles.
So every 18 days we go through this Adept
cycle, which I've been paying attention
to that one because it's they give it very precisely here.
That's 18 days and you can mark on your
calendar and our
a recurring event that happens every 18 days after the day
that you're born and you can follow the cycle and on days four five
and six you that's when I think you have the most potential for awakening experiences,
but I think life is a little bit more intense
because of more being expected you on of you on
those days and this is another section of the material they described
in and you can see here that the
the notes on Love 1.info Will Reveal a website that LL research
organization created
Which has the ability to show your
biorhythm calculation?
And and they they make some
assumptions here about the the number
of days which relate to the physical cycle being
23 days the emotional cycle being 28
days intellectual cycle being 33 days, but I
have no idea. These are valid day calculations
because of the fact that these are from some
other source. I don't know.
And I haven't analyzed this enough to know.
But I feel like this is a very interesting area.
It is interesting. I tried to get my bearings on it months ago. I
think I downloaded at least five biorem applications
and I could get any two
of them to agree on even
the three biorhythms that they all
purport to.
To talk about you know the same way.
Yeah. Yeah, I did the same thing too. I found one that
I liked the most I think it's called biorem and just simply by
Rhythm and then you can add in your own versions of it. So
I added in the Adept cycle that you're talking about. You can add that 18-day
thing in there so you can track it through the app. But
yeah, it was also just questionable I guess on the background
theory of how many days were for the different physical intellectual
and different Cycles like
going back to what you originally sharing there
Mike though. It does say.
There are four cycles and then it says there's a
fourth cycle. Yeah, there
are four types of cycles. And then the next paragraph is
there is a fourth cycle.
I don't maybe there um talking about
four rhythms.
Um, yeah.
I see that yeah, so is there four other these for the
four rhythms? Yeah, and I guess as the force cycle,
maybe they're saying that the fourth one is not known among
your people's in the three three of them are I don't know. Yeah, that's
yeah when it comes to numbers, obviously we know rock
can get a little ambiguous. So
yeah, we that they were intending to say three
above that and that there's
a fourth that we're less aware
of. Yeah, I might as well finish off reading this they say also the
cosmic patterns are also a function of the
moment of incarnitive entrance and have to do with your satellite. You
call the moon your planets of this galaxy, which they also
use Galaxy I mean solar system
So that's confusing and the galactic Sun.
Which I assume just means the Sun.
And in some cases the instreamings from the major Galactic points
of energy flow.
So I think a lot of this we can't even really know without having
some intuitive.
Reading on it what these in streamings are?
I know that a lot of the a lot of the stuff that I've been reading says
that right now we're coming up on like
dead center of the Milky Way.
Like we're receiving energies from the center of the
Milky Way galaxy into our solar system and
I mean
I get speed for myself, but I think a lot of people would agree. It
just seems like time is speeding up. It's it seems
like you know, and and you could
talk to some people and they're like, oh when you're a kid, you know
time is forever and and a week is
is years from now and you know, as you get older time
slows down, but even from you know,
five years ago to 10 years ago. It just
seems like everything is just at a Breakneck speed
and and things are just happening so rapidly and I
think that I think that that has something to
do with that energy. I think that that energy is
You know, I don't want to say manipulating time but
manipulating our perspective of time our perception
of it. Well, I think it's fifth dimensional Consciousness
which obviously transcends time. So
as Consciousness continues to elevate at a
collective level, and we're finding ourselves more and more.
A part of fifth dimensional Consciousness. That's why our
attachment to time is
is going by the wayside because we're just we're not
couched in the same.
You know requirement of the linear
experience. So I mean we're having more conversations even
in this group, for example around things like
non-linearity, you
know as a pertains to timelines and
whether or not we could
be jumping timelines or creating new timelines and
Our relationship to reality is very different
than what it was.
Both collectively and certainly individually, you
know just a few years ago. The things
that were possible then you know,
or are possible now weren't possible a few
years ago. Like we just couldn't conceive of these kind
of a thing and now I'm not entirely sure that that
my past and history as I supposedly know
it are even one, you
know linear experience and my relationship
to it certainly doesn't feel linear anymore.
It feels much
more like it's, you know assimilated for the most part and like
getting unpacked and then reassimilated back
in after things are healed or you know,
seeing a little bit differently.
Yeah. Yeah, I think that's a natural process of opening up
to the
the full extent of the influence of
the metaphysical dimensions and the flow of time.
Yeah, I think.
It's it's hard to say how much we're dealing with parallel timelines.
But I think everyone is unique in that in that respect. I forget
if we talked about this last meeting ever recorded ourselves
a different meeting.
But that's something to dive into a lot more as we
go on and discuss time spaces, especially because time spaces
like one of the more confusing areas of material. That's
the most revealing I think about these metaphysical laws
that affect us in a nonlinear way.
Yeah, almost like we're we are spending
the beginning of our lives in
space time. And as we grow into
these higher conscious beings that
would live in time space time speeding
up because it's you know,
you're getting used to all time being at once
as opposed to time being linear.
Exactly your need for the linearity is is
going by the wayside and therefore your experience
of it.
Is as well if you spend a lot less time lamenting the
past and being anxious about
the future.
Well, congratulations, welcome to the present moment awareness.
Yeah, and the old saying you know now is the only
time you know, because
You can't touch the past and the Futures
uncertain, you know.
Just be be present now. I mean that's that's the reason I was late for
the call my mind for the past couple days has just been wrapped up in two
days from now. We're driving to the east coast so,
you know checking weather thinking of what needs to
be done. How do we wrap this up? How do we do that? And poof I
missed the present moment. Yeah.
Um, that whole time is a construct thing
didn't used to set.
With me very much at all. Like I could not.
Comprehend that I knew it was a thing. I was able to accept it
as truth and yet
it just wasn't something that I could realize.
And now that's changed
quite a bit in that. This is you
know, the the awareness that this is the only moment that exists.
That's the only moment that's ever existed and and even more
so the notion that tomorrow and yesterday
are just ideas.
Strictly ideas ideas, like any other ideas
that's it. They're just ideas floating
around in Consciousness, but they don't
exist. The idea of yesterday is an
idea, but yesterday itself doesn't exist
And you know so-called tangible reality.
Yeah for me this also relates to the archetype of
great way of the Mind relating to the
the sense of the timelessness of the the way
in which the mind
flows through experiences
the Sphinx is where the symbol of the timelessness
and it's like it's just a process of
of flowing through manifestation in this
infinite consciousness
based on just the
the way that the Mind wants to operate basically is
the way in which we're experiencing this flow.
Yeah, that's it's just the Mind choosing
to have a linear experience. But as
we as we no longer identify as those
experiences as we no longer use those
as labels to say this is me, then the
purpose of those experiences the benefits that can
come from them can actually be assimilated. They
can be integrated into the self
Then they are no longer present because
they're no longer needed and that's how I felt
that my relationship with the past has changed
over the years is that as I
assimilate and integrate what it was, you know,
that could be learned through something it's gone.
It's effectively it's as though it didn't happen frankly
because now that the lesson has
learned through it the event itself no
longer represents.
Anything it just it doesn't the only
thing it ever represented was the opportunity to learn that lesson. So
once that lesson is learned that information is
is packed up and
and gone it reminds me
of the miracle in a way. It's almost like things never happened
at all. And I wonder how many things I'll
never remember as part
of my experience that we're just fully
assimilated and hopefully the vast majority of it. I remember very
little as it is it feels like
Yeah, there's a Star Trek episode that bothered me
a bunch of the kid about that. It's like there was an
episode where at the end of the episode everyone forgot the
entire content of the episode by the very
end of it. It was like they completed that that little package of
time anomaly and now they're done with it and no
one has any memory and I I think David Wilcock
once made a connection to
A verse in the Bible. He said that there's a
verse that says.
The old things will not be remembered.
Or come to mind and this new
new age and he likened that
to the Mandela effect, and maybe that's just it's just where Mandela
affecting our way out of the past.
I think it's been speculated. Also that that
I don't know if this is anything related to what Ross says
but it's been speculated that for example, maybe the planet
moldic which destroyed itself.
Through through War maybe at some
point that will just no longer be a destroyed Planet. It'll just
be another planet sitting out there because all of the karma that led
to its Destruction has been healed and no longer had to
have that experience of having been destroyed.
Yeah, that's I have no problem
with the with the non sequential
approach to time like
that and reactualizing a different point in
history based on a new chosen reality
today. That seems
okay by me. I don't I don't get lost in
any paradoxes in there. I don't
I don't claim to be able to explain it on a whiteboard.
That's for sure. But in terms of moving fluidly right
through the the dynamic of what it means to to
understand things at this
level. It's like you either decide to
to put a stake in the ground somewhere and
say this is my gospel truth and everything has
to be what did what we're talking about surveyors, right
Nick before we talk. Yeah, this sense of
Truth this carnal sense of whatever and
so when people do like civil engineering project that's what
we were talking about. The analogy is that somebody
goes out and puts, you know, a staking around effectively very
similarly and does that and says hey
this is what everything else is going to be, you know measured by
yeah The Benchmark we were talking about. Yeah The
Benchmark and I I
think I've let
go of the need for for that or at
least have let go of the expectation that it can exist.
Because because Infinity exists then
therefore everything is infinite everything
can be measured relative to other things.
But all of that is therefore
arbitrary. So if you go with this sort
of relativistic view of things and say, okay, well,
I'm just gonna ride along the top of this particular,
you know wave of reality than everything
is always just in respect to everything
else without this attachment that says
it really needs to fit this particular thing or
it's always got to be measured, you know versus you know,
this one particular kind of a thing. So
if any of that makes sense, but it really it's the finite
versus the infinite and having
having more comfortable
relationship with how things relate to each
other then having to
have that relationship with how I related to something
that I consider to be quote unquote true and
Reality, the things that are true are all outside
of space and time. They're literally everything
that's beyond my ability to to physically
measure it, you know with a tape measure right now.
yeah, yeah, it really is like being
the programmer of a simulation where
you know within the simulation the
simulation seems very finite and limited but
within the context of
authoring the simulation you have all power over
over the the reconfiguration of
the parameters of the
of the experiment
yeah, that's good point two different sizes of the same coin one
has all possibility and the other one has what
appears to be very little. Yeah.
So I'd be happy to switch over now to the discussion of
the body and continue that discussion that we briefly touched
on in the last discussion and I pulled up some other.
Quotes that we can go into but what
we could start out reading the first paragraph
So the second area of learn teaching is the
study understanding.
and they
they put study understanding together, I guess.
To imply that there's a relationship there.
The second area of learn teaching is the study understanding.
of the body complexes
because I think to study something implies that
you don't fully know it.
And you're looking for full understanding and to
fully understand something means you
you've studied it and you're now at that point.
That one struck me too. Because I mean some of
the other ones teach learning, you know, that is so obvious and then
you get the study understanding and you're like, you know,
even if you think you understand it.
You know.
Because like if you're if you're learning it and you're
like us yeah, if you're teaching something you're still learning as you're teaching
if you quote unquote understand something you could
still be studying it as you understand it. Yeah, I think it's
an ongoing process to study the body, but go ahead.
That's it.
All right. We need to hear it is necessary to know
your body. Well.
This is a matter of using the mind to examine how
the feelings the biases what you would call the emotions.
affect various portions of the body complex
It shall be necessary to both understand the bodily polarities
and to accept them.
repeating in a chemical physical manifestation
the work you have done upon the mind be thinking the consciousness.
and I think last time we talked about body polarities and
gave the example of
Cravings, I think we talked about maybe
the food is one easy way of understanding bodily polarities, I
can you can you extrapolate on
that a little bit my yeah, yeah, so
A person can easily see polarity in their bodily
complex between hunger and being
when you're
very very much into eating you may not have experienced the
polarity of fasting enough yet.
The polarized opposite of eating all
the time is is one I think simple example of this.
Okay, I assume there's many other I mean obviously sexual functions are
another bodily polarity.
Okay, and then like physical energy levels similarly,
like feeling either overly
tired or exhaust versus you know,
the hyperenergized. Okay, and I assume it
even goes down into the
fine-tuned chemical levels with dopamine
and serotonin and
testosterone and estrogen
each of these have a different effect on
The physical body I think.
It's polarized.
Yeah, and that's I mean for myself
I when I was like
I think it was like 15 15 or
16. I went away for like a
month and a half almost two months with a
friend of mine down the beach and his family and
his neighbors all rented a little condo
next to each other and they had four seadus and
so, you know, I've never experienced anything
like this. I've gone to the beach but I've never experienced like every
single day just hanging out with friends and and we
would do everything we would play cards we would go to the rides but
more importantly like every day we woke up. We were like, yes, let's go
out on the Sea-Doos and for this month and
a half two month period it was just
Go for me doping me dopami dopami dopamine. Oh my God. Oh my
God. Oh my God. Oh my God. This is so much fun so much fun. I remember coming home after
that and the day after two days
after taking a shower after just
laying on the couch and I
used to love laying on the couch and watch Santa Comedians and
I remember watching stand-up comedians and
sitting there and just being like Oh,
And so I got a shower just thinking like all
right, you know like whatever let's reset and I remember
being in the shower thinking like am I depressed is
this what is this? What being depressed is like
and this, you know that little voice in your head it
comes and guide you when you need it most was like no you idiot.
This is just being tired and overdone. You
just went through just this amazing month
and a half two months of just
like life and Breakneck speed reset yourself,
and I remember that was you know
It was right around the time. I just picked up a book called the
Zen Keys the Buddhism and it talks about witnessing the
mind and being more aware of the body and all
these things and it was just
I was like, oh my God, I'm depressed. This is depression.
And that little voice. No, dude. No be aware
of what like think think before you just jump to
this craziness. It's very fascinating to me how how
Physical exercise doing intense physical exercise can elevate
my mood.
and it's it's
Almost like you know, the the more depressed I
might feel the less likely and to want to do
that physical exercise too. Yeah, so it's like understanding this
relationship between our mood and our body is very
I think one other thing is noticing on your reading
that paragraph and considered before was the examine how
the feelings Rises when you call emotions affect the
various portions of the body complex. So
is coming to mind now is when you kind of think back in the previous experience you
had that either you don't necessarily like the way
you approached it or whatever, but you feel that in your body somewhere you
feel like a little twitch. When you think back to that experience that
that's being stored in your bodily complex then
as something that you need to go through and re-examine in order
to release that from the body.
And I don't know if you guys experience that but I know I have some of those
things looking back with interactions and revisiting them.
Yeah, I haven't had as
much direct experience of it because I
think in sort of the the process
that I went under I was
invited to bring those things up.
As recollection, I think first. So rather than going into
the body and seeing where is their Sensation that
could be a result of these things. It was more
like well think of the things that you know, you know, you haven't forgotten or
that are still really with you bring those forward into this
moment and kind of process them, but
That's interesting to be able to tie it, you know to the physical as well.
And this makes sense. This is this is healing and manifestation is
what they're
what they're describing here. Yeah. Yeah, like I don't
I don't think about the tensions in
my body that often.
and you know when I when I do like a Tai Chi exercise video
with my wife, you know, there's always like something
that loosens up and I
start standing up straighter that I hadn't, you know, I hadn't noticed that
that was an imbalance that needed healing
and I think and yoga also I've noticed
with certain things coming to mind when I'm
doing certain stretches or exercises that there
was something sort of stored there that pops back
into my memory that
you know, if you're not paying attention, you might not realize there's a connection there that
the healing of the
Or the bouncing of the body is related to the bouncing of the Mind still.
Yes, it can have a causal a causal
effect. Then is what we're saying is that you can manipulate
something in the physical in the
body and have that correct something in the
mind or or at least draw attention to it and create an opportunity that
you might right exactly just with eating healthy
or taking psychedelics. I think there's there's
a physical Catalyst that can bring about
the new frame of experience for
I guess emotional.
Yeah, so it says here necessary to
both understand the polarity.
And to accept them which I think makes sense and
it does it says it's basically repeating the same
thing that we do for the
And that makes sense, but then as I go on to the next.
paragraph the biological bias must
be first completely understood and then the opposite
bias allowed to find full expression
in understanding and
What does that mean for you
guys full expression that
mean that we should therefore physically experience the
opposite bias or
it finds full expression in our understanding
in that we apply this is this a
mental exercise that I apply the the opposite
bias to and when I'm able to fully express
it in my own understanding that I've done this effectively
or do you think that this is saying if I have now
experienced, you know being completely full
and satiated for example that now
I may find benefit and fully
expressing as someone in a fasted state.
Yeah, I think that's actually the healthiest way to
live is to after you've had a large meal don't eat
for a long time and then allow that that balance
to kind of reset everything but is
that how you interpret what raw is
saying here specifically is that you should actually physically Express
the opposite bias or
that you should understand it and I think that it depends on whether or
not it's really a bias. I think that
this this is kind of my assumption that there is
there is a kind of healthy balance.
Balanced State and when when you're experiencing
strong bias, that's the imbalanced state. So when
you have an addiction to Sugar that's an imbalanced state
that has to be balanced in some way. But when
you have a healthy relationship with sugar, maybe it's not something that
needs to be balanced.
Through okay. Yeah these
oh good.
I wasn't saying I think it might be situational jumping ahead just a
little bit on there when they go to the understanding of the biological male
is also female so that standpoint.
They're talking about getting yourself. Obviously the
understanding that you are both and have both within
you and obviously that's not something you can totally experience in
you know, that male body female body
from that standpoint. So I think it is a little bit of a mental
exercise at least from from what I'm understanding here.
Yeah, those say that the simplest example of this is to
understand that each biological males female. So like he's raw
is you know, making it
most accessible but that is the most
simple form of it. Meaning that it echoes into
the into the, you know, infinite complexity
of it. When I first read that the biological biases must
be first completely understood to me as someone
who just I I have loved
studying the the body.
Physically and how how you
can psychosomatically take
it take a feeling and emotion and put it into your body
and somatic a somatic psychologically
have something that
hurts and then it becomes an emotional state.
I used to do like a
healing method called rebirthing and you would Breathe
In This cyclical matter and
you would do it and every time I did it
I would I would.
I would just feel physically better and that
physical betterment. Would Echo
into my mind as well and it reminded me
There was a guy named Patrick Collard and through
a long complicated story. His
book is yet to be printed and I was
lucky enough to be able to look over the manuscript of
the book. It's it's an injustice
to everybody that this book has not been able
to be printed but different story.
he relates every portion of
the body to a different portion of your
Psyche so starting with
like your foot. Your right foot would be your father. Your
left foot will be your mother, you know the base of what you are.
They helped you grow up, you know, and then
you get to like the knee and you're you're other
people that helped, you know, if you had a close family it
might be like your grandparents. If you were close with your friends, it could
be your male friends or your female friends and then you get to the
hips and it's your intimate partner, you know, and not
just your sexual partner, but people that you are very close and
intimate with that might not have necessarily been.
Fundamental and how you grew up, you know, it could
be your sexual partner. It could just be you know, if you're
a guy and you have a really close guy friend.
But that person wasn't with you your whole journey. So he basically assigns
the whole body to different parts of
your psyche and you would then
be able to see somebody that has a limp on the right side and
the limp is like down in their foot as opposed like up in
their near in their hip and you'd be like, oh, they might have a fractured
relationship with their father because it
it is coming from that portion of the body.
So with all that being said the biological
body bias must first speak first must
be first completely understood. So to
me the bias would be unease, so
if you were in complete physical ease
your spine was perfect. You had all
the perfect curves all of your muscles were relaxed and
that would be
the opposite of a bias. So if you had
a bias there would be unease there would be
tension there would be you know, if it was deep enough. It could be like bone on
bone like a lack of cartilage was manifesting but it
would start as something like, you know how my shoulders a little
tight today. And then from your shoulder being tight, you're like breathing off
and then from breathing off, you know, you start to
twist your spine a certain way and it can Echo weeks and
months or years for some people if they
never address it, but if you can find the root
of it. Oh, okay. I just you know, why do I
have a tightness here? And you can find the biological
Stiff shoulder. My rhomboids are tight. You know,
I'm pulling back like this.
That is what they mean by first completely understand to.
In the same way that you can meditate quiet your mind and hear
the voice that's trying to help to.
To listen to your body in the deepest sense and to find
out to completely understand. What's that
what that biological bias is so that you can bring yourself
back to equilibrium. I
guess. Yeah that reminded me of this passage here
where the asked about you mentioned
that thoughts of anger are not causing
cancer. Can you expand this mechanism as an acts as a catalyst?
And Ross said the fourth density is one of revealed information cells are
not hidden to ourselves or others to sell for other selves.
The imbalances or distortions which are of a
destructive nature show therefore.
And more obvious ways the vehicle of the Mind Body
Spirit complex thus acting as a teaching resource for self-revelation.
These illnesses such as cancer are correspondingly very amenable
to self-healing. Once the mechanism of the
destructive influence has been grasped by the individual.
So that makes sense that as soon as you can see that connection and deal
with the direct imbalance of
your mental state then the healing
of the
physical state can follow
I think that also goes back to what we were talking about
the acceptance and forgiven
forgiveness as being one in the same. I had
a an experience where you know
a friend of mine stole something from me and
I didn't find out I didn't realize that this person had
stolen this thing for me until years later and then
I I harbored this anger for so
long. Like how could you do that? How could you take advantage of of my
kindness and and I did just it ate away
at me and then eventually I was like, all right.
I have to forget this person. I have to forget this person. I have to explore first.
I started saying I have to accept that it's going but I
still held the anger the minute I started for giving
the person just mentally forgiving the person
I could feel it physically playing
into over at least tension in the body and
then oddly enough.
It was like all these things echoed down
like as soon as I accepted it and forgave the
person all these things started falling into
place that did that I wanted to happen, but just weren't happening
in my life and to like
my I've always wanted to play hockey and
but just never had the
money it's expensive sport to start. It's expensive sport to
continue to play and right around the time when
I finally accepted and forgave this
person for what they had done in my past.
The opportunity to play hockey came up. I started
doing Chiropractic work and like I could feel
just an ease in my body. And I
know it's not all.
Just because of that but I found it to
be an interesting correlation to where the minute I fully
embodied the Forgiveness of that person and that event in my
past and accepted it.
All these things just started to open up like they were blocked for
my future because I was harboring this discontent.
How long was the period of time Nick between when
you discovered that the person had stole that from you and
when the process of forgiveness began?
Oh my God years.
I thought that I it was a it was a gold bracelet and
I thought that the gold bracelet was missing for one reason and
then definitively found out it
wasn't that reason and then I started thinking back on the day that
it went missing and I was like that's
that's the day that this person came over and this
person doesn't really play video games yet.
He decided he wanted to stay in my room and
play video games that day and we all went downstairs. And then the thing was missing.
I was like that was him. Oh my God.
I can't believe that and then I would picture like when I
see him in the future if I ever see him in the future, how would
I confront him and what if he was wearing it, you know
like oh my God, and I just went down this rabbit hole and then eventually
I was like, okay look, dude.
You don't even know if you're gonna see this person and this you
how much mental energy and time and
I spent analyzing this thing. The
fact of the matter is it's gone, bro. You gotta
let it go. You know what I mean accept that it's
gone and then furthermore forgive that person
because I know he was in a tough spot.
I don't agree with what he did to get himself out of
a tough spot. But you know, that's what he did
and now it's truly affecting me and then
after that I started to
forgive him I want to say
by the time when I found out that it was
definitely him and then
it started to go to accepting it. It
was probably over a year year and a
half and then when I started to be like okay, you need to forgive that
was probably closer to two two and a half years and then
at that two and a half year three year mark, you
know when I fully been like okay don't don't
put any more mental energy into it, you know,
everything started coming together every absolutely
everything just was making new
friendships was was enjoying life
more and I know it wasn't like I was walking
around all day thinking of it but to
some degree I may have been you know, it may
have always in your field whether it's something yeah consciously
noodling on or not. Your Consciousness
is you know, this this totality
right that has all this other information that
you're lugging around. So whether you're thinking about
it or it's just there in your field. Yeah. I
mean it's a part of your
Just lives. It was a huge parachute holding me
back. And then the minute I cut the lines just
took off. It was cool. It
was cool to see.
very cool
I I also know that there's the author
Louise Hay who had a lot of writings on that subject of correspondences between
specific diseases illnesses and specific
mental conditions that maybe we're
needing forgiveness. But I think that's probably you know,
intuitively written book two and I think it's up to us, but I
think our dreams are very similar in the
way in which you know different aspects of
reality will serve as symbols and then it's
up to us to interpret those symbols and go
a little deeper.
But I said about the different parts of the legs being
in different kinds of family members to it. Sometimes those
linkages are maybe more apparent than we give
them credit for.
That doesn't make sense. I think given how fractalized everything
is that's not surprising actually
to see that there's an there's an
overlay, you know that things.
As a framework and they overlap. I mean they have to I mean
that's that's essentially Oneness in the law
of one itself is that everything has to be it's necessarily
People: Andrew Shepard, Mike Waskosky, Nathan Olson, Nick Carletti
Topics: Law of One