Mystery School: Healing

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: Healing
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Next Episode: Mystery School: The Frequency of God
Welcome everyone tonight to tonight's a Mystery School.
Uh, tonight's topic is on healing, and let's go ahead
and jump right into it.
So, I like this quote, healing is a choice.
It's not an easy one
because it takes work to turn other, to turn
around your habits, but keep making the choice
and the shift will happen.
Very important. You know, um, a lot of people say, uh,
you know, we need to talk about the dark God of the soul.
And, and a lot of these things that the dark part
and everybody's talking about the the light and love.
I, you know, I agree 100% healing is hard.
And I know when I first really stepped into my journey,
there was a lot of things to look at.
You know, a lot of things that I particularly did
believed in that I had to question, I had to, you know,
ask myself, is, I need to turn these things around.
I need to question some of my political views, my
religious views, my spiritual views, and open up.
And one of the things, uh, just to be honest
and open, when I was in college,
I thought I was really smart.
And I believe love was a chemical imbalance in the brain.
And I would go around telling people that.
And I honestly believed, as I told people,
that now when I look back at it, I was like,
I could only even, um, I, that's how I,
the way I perceive love was the only way I could even take
it in that I couldn't actually, um,
I couldn't actually experience unconditional love
because it had no definition for that.
I had no openness to that when my belief was so
stuck into the fact of
it's only this chemical imbalance
in the brain, that's all it is.
There's nothing more that it could be, um,
I couldn't experience anymore.
So I really had to change my belief system, open up
to unconditional love
and different understandings of love to be able to receive
that kind of love that I was really looking for in my life.
So here's where we're going tonight.
We wanna talk about the physical healing, mental healing,
and emotional healing,
and how the combination of all these three, um, really lead
to a spiritual healing overall as well.
That if you work on the mental part,
it's gonna lead to spiritual part.
If you're gonna work on the physical
and the emotional part, it's gonna lead there too.
Uh, and, and even working on the physical can go
to the mental and mental to emotional.
All these things are all connected.
They're not separate from one another.
There are some practices that help the mental part.
There are some practices that help that physical part
and the emotional part, but seriously, all of them, uh, kind
of all work on each, uh, each of them.
And definitely all, uh, work
to go into your spiritual practice and, and,
and making it more deep for you.
So, you know, I wanna really stress, so, you know,
the physical body, you gotta move this thing.
You gotta, you gotta clean it out.
You gotta free your mind,
and you have to, I, I believe we're missing apart.
Open your heart and be this,
be this spiritual being that you are.
I mean, um, you know, that, that great Buddhist saying that,
uh, a great Buddhist saying, rather, um, we're not
physical beings trying to be spiritual.
We're literally spiritual beings
that are being physical just for a little bit.
You know, we're here just for a little while
to experience the physical
and all that has, all that has to offer.
Um, but we are serious to the souls
inside this body that are eternal.
And each one of our experiences, a human, you know, is a,
is an experience to learn the physical, um, and,
and learn lessons, and
to gather up information, to learn love.
And those things that we learn in that way, we bring
with us to the next slide.
Uh, you know, that's why it really isn't
as important all the times to gather up money
and material items.
None of that can go with you. It's the experience,
it's love, it's the understanding.
It's the lessons. It's the karmic patterns that you break
that's really important.
Um, and that's the information that you get to bring
with you from your soul to experience, to experience.
So just, you know, obviously we all know at this point
probably that, um, the physical body, the things
that we eat, it's crucial.
You know, if you wanna eat a bunch of sugar
and candies, you know, you're gonna be in this really kind
of slaw state where, you know,
you're just not catching a lot.
You're not, you're not really developing.
You're just completely absorbed with sugars and candies.
And, um, I believe 100% that the,
the most dangerous drug in the world right now is sugar.
Uh, it's an everything.
I've watched documentary, they talk about this bliss point
that these people know.
They put an amount of sugar in the, in a food
to create this euphoric feeling in you,
to get you completely addicted.
And so the sugar
and the amounts of sugar that we're eating now
is incredibly, uh, higher than just a couple decades ago.
You know, we're eating, you know, tens
of grams a day, some of us.
And, uh, we're not realizing how much
that sugar is acting like a drug to us.
And we're, we're addicts
and we're really having physical withdrawals.
We have to, um, continuously, uh, get that sugar fixed.
Um, but it's really important that we get out of it.
And, um, I think this is a great little little picture
because it's talking about the pharmacy.
And our pharmacy really should have cucumbers and vegetables
and all that kind of things in it.
Um, fruits and organics.
And it's not just the fact that these, these foods have, um,
you know, antibiotics and chemicals and all this crap in it.
The, you know, the plain truth is also that our soil is not
as rich as it once once was just a few decades ago.
We're not crop roast hating like we should.
So even, even these foods in general aren't as healthy
and nutritious as they once were.
Um, so I do think a vitamin supplement
for everybody is very important too.
Um, just to help with that body and,
and getting that body the right,
uh, nutrients that it needs.
When, I mean, I don't know if you guys experienced this,
I'm sure you have, when you eat a bunch of foods,
sometimes it's not very healthy.
You can eat a ton of it,
and then an hour later you're hungry again.
'cause your body didn't get what it needed.
It needs those vital nutrients.
And not just proteins, the fibers
and all the stuff that makes the body work properly.
Most of us get way more protein than we need,
and we're all focused on protein all the time.
Uh, but we definitely need all kinds of other, you know,
good sugars from the fruits and fibers
and, you know, potassium
and all those things are really important.
And not just one. We're always focused on
protein these days, it seems like.
But I love this quote, uh, Hippocrates.
He is deemed the father of medicine,
and doctors still take a hippocratic oath due to his name.
Uh, and he said,
and it was a 200 bc, he said, let food be that medicine
and medicine, be that food.
An incredible quote that literally,
we don't need these pills made in factories.
That if we ate the good fruits
and vegetables, the, the organic raw, um, fruits
and vegetables that are available to us, you know, we'd be,
we'd be optim, we'd be, um,
we'd be living in a more optimum way.
You know, our, our our everything about us would be
so much better, you know, uh, our ability
to think and breathe.
And, you know, uh, one
of the things we do is people eat a lot
of food, mucus and stuff in it.
You don't realize all the foods that are, that gear toward,
that create more mucus in the body,
which creates more disease.
So literally, just having a balanced diet with a lot
of these raw roots
and vegetables can change our life in a very drastic way.
You know, every bite we take is either fighting
disease or feeding it.
Are you eating these highly acidic, nasty,
chemically induced antibiotic in induced foods?
Um, are we eating really fresh, raw, organic foods
that help fight those diseases?
This is a great picture even to, to explain that
to health food store, got the fruits and vegetables,
or the pharmacy, which has got a ton of, you know,
what we know now is really highly addictive drugs, opiates
and all kinds of things like that,
that are literally killing people
that they're extremely addicted to.
But people think they're okay
because a doctor prescribed 'em to you.
Not knowing that most of these doctors have, you know,
um, a kickback.
They're, they're invested in these
companies that they're prescribing.
You know, when I was, you know, outta college
and I went to a doctor to go get, uh, Adderall, um,
it didn't even gimme a test or anything.
He was just like, oh, you're an adult.
You want Adderall, here it is. And
they'll just give it to you.
And I'm sure he got a kickback just to get it to me.
And, you know, and that's just a methamphetamine.
I mean, it's just, you know, constantly.
You're not in the here now, you're so juiced up,
you can't even really pay
attention to anything that's going on.
At least I couldn't. Um, maybe there is some people
that can benefit from a little bit better,
but to me, taking those things, it just isn't,
it didn't work out, and it wasn't something
that I would honestly, um, recommend to anybody else.
I really do feel like a lot of things that could help, uh,
these attention deficit disorders would be really solved
by eating, uh, you know, better foods, uh,
that would be more conducive to
a life that you want, you know?
So, yeah, again, it's sick care versus healthcare.
Which one will we choose?
Which, which one do you really want?
These, these pills over here are terrible for your liver.
Um, you know, they can really inflame the liver,
make it really big overwork.
And, you know, it's really gonna hurt you in the long run
for your body to get rid
of all the toxins in your body from other things.
So, um, you know,
I would really highly recommend if you're on those
medications, see if there are alternatives at this point.
Now we know there are foods that can help different kinds
of diseases and ailments,
and, um, you know, try to see if there's other things
that you could maybe switch to, to get off
of those things as much as possible.
Here we're talking about the mucus again, um, these milks
and dairies and butters, you know, uh, I do enjoy my ghee
as much as anyone, but, uh, I do try to, you know,
keep it to a low minimum.
Um, and obviously the sugar, the, the sweetss, the, um,
the chips and the fried foods are really gonna make your
body really acidic.
Um, and as opposed to these bo these foods over here
and these fruits and vegetables that are gonna really
eliminate the mucus in your body.
Um, and when we get sick, we know it, you know,
it's our body's way of telling us, Hey,
you're not eating the raw fruits
and vegetables that you're supposed to.
I'm getting sick. You know, just
because you're not putting what you need to in it.
Um, I think that's plain and simple.
Our body gives us these little subtle hints all the time
before you go full fledge into disease.
Dis-ease. Your body's no longer at ease. It's at dis-ease.
And so now you haven't listened to the sicknesses,
you haven't listened to the low energy.
Um, so here's what we gotta do.
We gotta give you a dise to help you really get
that sledgehammer blow from the universe to realize
you're not doing what you're supposed to.
I know this for a fact, for myself,
I got an autoimmune disease in college.
They couldn't tell me how to get rid of it.
Um, they could only give me, uh, something to make it, uh,
tolerable, uh, made me really tired, and it wasn't worth it.
So that really opened up my journey personally,
to seeking out, you know, different healing modalities, um,
foods, uh, trying to stay away from certain things
that I thought would feed it.
And eventually, after over a decade, I was able
to cure myself in my own autoimmune disease.
And that's, this is the real drug war.
I think this is the biggest drug war is not these plants
and, and, and things like that that are natural,
but these pharmaceutical companies that make millions
and billions and trillions of dollars off these people
who are addicted to these drugs
and have to have them not
realizing that there are better ways.
There are other things that we can take
in order to heal our bodies.
And if your food doesn't go bad, it's probably not healthy
because those, uh,
preservatives and things that they put in.
So something lasts for years, it's not good for us.
You know what I mean? Uh, the fact
that you can put a McDonald's hamburger down
and it never deteriorates, it never breaks down bacteria,
doesn't even eat it, um, should tell you right there
that this is probably something I should myself not be
putting in my own body as well.
Um, and I don't know if you guys know Dr.
sbe, but he is passed away now, but,
and what an incredible doctor.
What an incredible man. Um, a society that keeps,
cares a secret so they can continue to sell medication
for huge profits is not a real society,
but a huge mental asylum.
And I totally agree with them.
And, uh, I don't know if you know much about him,
but I'll just give you a little bit of update.
He did have to go to court
because he said he could cure diabetes, aids, cancer,
all these different diseases.
They took him to court, and I wanna say he brought in 30
to 40 people that he had actually healed with his dietary,
um, recommendations for them.
He cured people of cancer diseases,
autoimmune diseases, you name it.
And they came in, he actually won that.
I think he went to the Supreme Court
after that, and he won that too.
Um, because he was saying,
they were saying he's false advertising, basically.
You can't cure those things. And he actually did.
Uh, one of the most famous people
that he helped cure was Lisa left Eye Lopez.
She was going around telling everybody, she,
he helped cure her lupus and all these things,
and how great he was, and that her intuition was going
through the roof because of that, eating the right things,
eliminating things from her diet.
And, you know, she ended up dead in the airplane.
And, uh, I don't, I don't wanna put anything crazy out
there, but I, I can say this, you know, people
who put out the truth sometimes don't
always make it long lives.
So, um, you know,
but he definitely, he definitely did cure a lot of people
and was proven in court for doing that.
So, I, I think he is a legit guy.
And I do follow a lot of his recommendations for have,
for every human illness there exists
a plant, which is the cure.
And I a hundred percent believe that.
I believe that there are, you know, definitely plants
and trees out there in the rainforest
and other places around the world that can cure things, um,
that we're not even aware of yet.
But I definitely think the herbs and the, um,
and all these plants and a lot of the, a lot of,
we see a lot of plants that actually resemble certain body
parts that are actually good for those body parts.
It's like nature is like, has given us a huge billboard
to say, this is what this is for.
It's obvious. Use your intuition.
It, we have lost our intuition,
and we listen to people who got degrees that are sponsored
by pharmaceutical companies.
And, you know, it's a conflict
of interest as far as I'm concerned.
But let's start listening for intuition.
Start eating the things that we know that we should.
Um, although it may be hard, I believe in the long run,
it'd be more than worth it.
Um, this is probably one
of the most incredible medicines that there is.
So, go back to Hippocrates, the father
of medicine when he cured people of those diseases.
200 bc The two biggest things that I know
that he gave people was cider vinegar and raw honey.
Um, this thing, cider vinegar is good for so many things,
uh, whether you're taking a pill form or not.
I, I think honestly, probably the, the, the liquid here
with the mother is probably your best option.
Raw and unfiltered. Um, brags is a great company.
I think when it comes to cider vinegar.
It's good for so many things.
And what this does is, like many other, you know,
raw organic fruits, is this,
even though this is a very acidic drink,
this is gonna raise your body pH to an alkaline level.
So here is the smoking gun of, of healing.
Uh, as far as the physical body goes,
when your body is acidic, when you've eaten all these sugars
and fried foods, everything, your body's really acidic.
That's what creates the sicknesses, the diseases.
Um, every single person who has autoimmune disease,
who's sick, who has cancer,
has an acidic pH no doubt about it.
So if we raise our body to an alkaline level,
then there's no way we're gonna get sick.
Our body is fully functioning at a high, at a high capacity.
When your body is alkaline,
when you're eating the right foods, you can't get sick.
There's not, it's not gonna happen.
There's no, you're not, you don't have the environment
for those things to grow, for those things to thrive.
Um, so that to me is smoking gun.
Um, and as far as physical healing goes, getting
that pH level up, eating those foods that are gonna be, uh,
raise the body's pH to a high level, um,
and you're gonna eliminate the mucus.
You're gonna eliminate, uh, your diseases,
your autoimmune diseases, all those kind of things.
Again, so the pH for neutral seven,
we learned this in school,
but we, we learned about acidic and basic.
They don't really use the word alkaline,
but, um, that's what we're talking about.
We're we're raising the body's pH.
So an alkaline level, um,
sometimes you see waters with a high alkaline level.
I, I think that's fine,
but to me, honestly, the best water you can drink is
living spring water.
I think that's gonna be your best, your best bet.
Um, I'm not gonna down any alkaline waters.
I've definitely drinking them myself before.
But I, I think for me, the living spring water is, is just
where it's at as far as like getting
what you need the most natural, um, from your environment.
Water is essential. Drinking plenty of water.
Your body is, you know, 75% water, just like the earth is.
If you get below 50%,
I believe you pretty much dehydrate and die.
So, you know, it's trying
to stay away from the sugary drinks, trying to stay from,
certainly, I know some people be upset,
but certainly trying to stay away from coffee.
Um, coffee's very acidic
and is gonna make your pH very acidic.
Um, so we wanna try to stay away from those things.
Uh, I know everybody, and so a lot of people like it,
but I do think it is a, it is an intense drug
and is an addictive drug.
And just because it's legal on the counter, um,
and you can just go pick it up
and store, you know, you have to be aware
that this is a drug just like anything else.
And, um, just because it's, you know, legal
and right there on the counters, you have to be careful
what you put in your body over and over again daily.
Uh, one of the things that SBE said was, uh,
three glasses of water, or four.
Why? Because it's electrical.
Your body is an electrical system.
You know, you have a nervous system with
electrical circuits running through the whole thing.
You know, you want to increase that electric, you know, uh,
ability of the body.
That's what's gonna heal you.
That's what's going to eliminate these diseases.
And, um, you know, raise that alkaline pH.
So, you know, drink lots of water.
It's electrical, it's what your body needs.
You want a body that's very electrical, um,
that's almost like your spirituality running through you is,
is having a high electrical system.
And don't forget to drink plenty of water
because, you know,
you're basically a plant, get plenty of sun.
Um, you're basically a houseplant
with more complicated emotions.
Very true. You know, we are, you know,
Christ referred to us as trees.
Um, we are trees, we have fractal geometry, you know,
and our, our veins, our electrical system,
the way our lungs branch out,
just like the trees we see out in our front yard.
Um, and we are basically tree walking around.
Obviously, exercise huge, right?
Getting that heart rate up, moving the blood
through through your body.
Um, obviously I don't have to tell you guys much about that.
Everybody knows exercise is really good.
Here's one that I think we miss out on a lot.
Fasting will free up your energy.
So instead of digesting food, your body will renew itself.
Uh, I think one of the best things from money can do is
to fast for three days.
Um, it definitely resets the whole system.
Um, your body is constantly having to use so much energy
to break down the food that you had.
So, you know, when we eat a bunch of food, sometimes,
you know, a lot of times we get tired
and we have to go relax afterwards and we'll fall asleep.
Um, your body's taking a lot of energy to digest that food.
So it, I think it really is very helpful to fast, um,
you know, maybe do it with water first times.
But there are definitely reasons why you hear about these
Christ and Buddhas and Krishnas and everybody.
And they would fast for 40 days and 40 nights.
And it is a spiritual practice in itself to fast
and to allow that body to let all these things pass through
to allow energy to go to healing, instead
of constantly having to digest these really dense foods
that we are eating all the time
that are really hard for our liver to process.
We gotta give it a break. Sometimes it
takes a lot of discipline.
Maybe you wanna start with a day or a meal or two.
But, um, I think, you know,
practicing fasting is an absolute spiritual practice
that can help with a lot of parts of the physical,
the mental, the emotional,
and the spiritual body that we, um, are,
we all are yoga.
Yoga is huge.
Not just for the physical, but also for the mental, uh,
for the emotional, for the spiritual.
It's all about breathing.
It's all about, um, you know, stretching
and being flexible like a tree that blows in the wind.
If you're not flexible, when those challenges come about,
when the wind blows hard, those trees break.
And we need to be flexible when the challenges arise in
our life so that we can flow with them and not be so rigid.
Um, and when we become rigid
and stiff, we become rigid in our belief system,
become rigid in our ideas,
and we need to be flexible learning
to see both sides of the situation.
Um, I'll give you a quick little, you know,
glance into my life.
When I first started doing yoga many years ago,
I did a back bend and probably one
of my first class classes and did the back bend.
And I bend backwards. And I had this euphoric release of
what seemed to be, uh, grudges
that I kept grudges against people,
and that it had manifested as pain in my back.
And so when I did a back bend one day,
it just like released this euphoric.
And I knew instantly
that I had carried grudges in my, in my life.
And they had manifested as physical ailment to my body.
And so I realized like, wow, like I can't believe
that something that I would do that I would consider mental,
have a physical and probably even emotional, uh,
and even a spiritual effect on who I was.
Um, so I can't stress enough how much being flexible,
just stretching every day, uh, is really vital
to having a really healthy body as well
and helping with that, uh, breathing.
'cause you have to really slow down and breathe.
And the breath is so important, you know, keep calm,
breathe deeply, because when your body is constantly in
those shallow states of breath, you know,
when we're in fear mode, when we don't have enough,
when we're worried about the economy,
worried about our car breaking down, whatever it is,
you're constantly in that fear-based mode,
and you're just, you're just breathing
very shallow very quickly.
You're not getting enough oxygen
to the brain to make good decisions.
Um, and for that frontal lobe
to really turn on and click on 'em.
And, you know, it's kind of like, uh, when you're mad
and upset and you're yelling at people,
you get into a fight, you know, maybe it's hours later,
maybe it's days later, but when you finally calm down
and start to, you know, relax
and realize, man, I shouldn't have said that,
I shouldn't have thrown that punch, your, your,
your frontal amygdala and your frontal lobe has turned on
and made you realize that's that higher form of thinking
that we have as humans.
And it's come on. And it's helped you
realize, man, I shouldn't have done that.
That wasn't, that wasn't who I am.
That was my ego talk, and that was reaction.
I was reacting to things I didn't like.
Um, so it really is important to stay calm all the time,
to really take a deep breath when things are going on, so
that you can make the best decisions for yourself.
Um, and really knowing that, you know, deep down
how we believe we're gonna heal is how we're gonna heal
whatever modality we choose, the placebo effect guarantees,
whatever we believe is gonna happen.
So, you know, our thoughts are very powerful.
So, uh, if you believe going
to this doctor's gonna be better for you,
then going a holistic place, it probably will.
Um, you know, it's so important to realize
that whatever we believe is the best
for us tends to be that way.
You know, there's also that really famous quote,
whether you think you can
or you think you can't, you're right.
If you think you can't do
this, you're not gonna be able to do it.
If you think you can, it's possible.
You're probably gonna be able to do it with enough, uh,
intention and enough will.
Um, our thoughts are very powerful
and they breathe things into existence.
And what we'll begin, we need to begin to absorb.
This is very important to realize, you know, as we think so,
shall it be, you know, as what we ask for.
Um, and we're not just asking by words.
We're asking by our emotions.
We're asking by our thoughts and our feelings.
And if you think you're not good enough for a,
a certain person or a certain job, you're not gonna be,
you're not on the vibration of that.
You need to really realize I'm worthy.
I'm, I'm a beautiful person. I'm very smart.
A job would be lucky to have me.
Another human being was lucky
to be in a relationship with me.
Um, you know, I've done my work.
Those things, you know, bring our vibration up
and put us on par with the things that we want,
not just wanting them, but, you know, knowing that we are on
that vibration is very powerful.
Um, instead of, you know,
thinking that we're not good enough.
So, another way to get there, again, to believing
that we're all those things, to knowing
who we really are, is meditation.
You know, I can't stress it enough.
And I know this is a hard thing sometimes for many people,
and it's not something you have to get in there,
and you have to be boodle on day one.
You know, you're gonna get in there, you're gonna meditate.
You know, sometimes just laying in on your bed
in your room can be helpful.
And turning the lights off and turning the electronics off,
and giving yourself 20 minutes in there, um, you know, uh,
sitting down, back straight, all those things are great.
Giving yourself that time every single day to just relax
and just calm down.
And, you know, uh, I, I think one of the first, as a,
I'm a psychologist, um, so I'm really into science,
but I'm also into, um, the metaphysical.
So I had heard that Albert Einstein came up
with this whole theory of relativity, um, just
by imagining riding a wave of light.
So I wanted to, for myself, um, combine that
with, um, meditation.
And I was like, well, I wanna do the same thing
and see if anything happens for me.
And I honestly just turned all the lights off was laying in
my bed, and my first kind of meditating that I was doing,
I had some, um, tones in the back that I was listening to.
And, um, I just imagined myself riding a wave of light,
letting go of myself being Jacob Cox, uh, a male, uh,
white being from a small town, everything that, the labels
that I had grown to know, that's who I was.
And I just allowed those things to kind of dissolve
and just be a wave of light riding the universe.
And sure enough, I had many epiphanies and revelations, aha
or eureka moments just flood in all
of a sudden, in a split second.
I knew certain things. And, um, I really do believe, uh,
in Matthew, it says, those
who sat in darkness saw great lights.
And to me, that's what I was doing.
I was sitting in darkness,
and I was receiving great insight, great light.
And I, I think that's exactly what
that Bible verse was saying.
And it, it made sense to me at that point,
because when you go within yourself, you find yourself
who you really are, be still, and know that I am God, right?
Have you ever been so still that you knew
that you were God, right?
You have to be still to know that you have
to let go of the labels.
Let go of all the things people told you that you were,
and just be here in this moment
and realize at the end of the day, if I really let go of
all the gender and identity
and all the things that everyone's told me my whole life
that I was, and just be here now,
and I'm connected with everything that it is,
there's nothing that I'm not, you know, we had the,
the talk like was the last week, the revelation of I am,
that I am god's all the, thats that there is,
if God's all the, that's that there is, that you're a part
of that, that you and me
and everything that is here, every experience, the wind,
the water, every person, every planet, we're all that.
So just realizing, going within, find yourself,
you know, sit with yourself.
How important is it just to be able to sit with yourself
and like yourself?
Man, it's so hard for so many people just
to take a little time out every single day.
And as you do it, it gets easier and easier.
But don't beat yourself up because certain thoughts came in,
or you got distracted.
Let it go. And keep just going deep
and just concentrating on that breathing,
taking deep breaths over and over again,
and concentrating on that and letting go of all the things.
I don't think personally,
enlightenment is about gaining anything.
It's not about gaining peace
or gaining information necessarily.
I think a lot of it is just about letting go, letting go
of all the things that've been taught, letting go
of the labels, and just being here now
and being, you know, in this moment.
Um, and then whatever happens when you get there,
you know, will change your life.
But, um, you know, it's not about becoming Buddha or Jesus.
And, you know, in a moment, um, let go of your expectations.
And, you know, it's a practice just like everything else.
Like yoga's a practice.
And then, you know, when people do meditate
and they hook their brains up to EKGs,
and they, they, they measure the fields
of energy around them.
There's definite obvious scientific, um,
provable outcomes, right?
When a monk or something does meditation,
and they, they look at his
brain patterns when he is doing it.
Many of the times these guys are as active
or more active when they're sleeping.
That shouldn't be possible.
But most active that we see the brain
typically is during sleep.
So the fact that there's people who are awake
and having the same brain functions
as REM sleep is incredible.
That means they're using so much
of their brain, a waking state.
Um, so this is a provable, uh, a provable subject that, uh,
meditation and just re remaining calm
and breathing literally turns on your brain
and turns on your energy fields
and lights you up, um, in a way
that not many other things can.
And so here, uh, I think we're moving to a concept, the yin
and the yin and the y, you know, the light in the dark,
positive and negative, male and female, day
and night, active and passive.
There is this duality in us.
So when I was talking about earlier, the dark night
of the soul, and, you know, uh, I, I,
I believe in that, right?
I believe that, you know, we have to see
that the dark is the light.
The light is the dark that give birth to each other.
I believe in the center of our galaxy is a black hole.
And I believe in the center of every single human
is the void is a black hole from which we all come from,
and which we all shall return to.
And we do this over and over again,
but don't see it as duality.
See it as oneness.
You know, see it as, uh,
we couldn't have light on this planet all day long.
All the plants and everything would die.
We can't have darkness all day. Everything would die.
You have to have the balance of light and dark.
It's, it's permeating through the entire universe.
Um, it's just duality and see it as a wholeness, right?
So for me, personally, I was a bartender in Atlanta
for a long time before I left to come to Colorado.
And I honestly feel like I mastered the darkness first.
I mastered what was fake, what wasn't real.
Um, that dark night of the soul for me, it was imperative
to become who I wanted to be, to realize like the things
that I was doing was faking.
It wasn't really something feeding my soul,
and that I could no longer hide behind a bar.
I had to go, you know, move to Colorado to work with kids
and to know that was gonna change my life.
And I just followed my heart,
and it all turned out way
better than I could possibly imagine.
And I can't believe that I hid for so long
behind a bar back there.
Um, but that darkness gave birth to an incredible being.
You know, when you planted a little tiny seed into the
ground, it, it's immersed in darkness
before it blooms out of that out of the ground.
Um, it's absolutely necessary.
It's not something to shy away from.
I think a lot of times, you know, people say, well,
you know, the darkness is something evil.
It's something bad. I think that's a perspective,
but it, I think ultimately it can help you
grow in a great way.
The light can help you grow in a great way.
Um, all these things are catalysts and,
and contrast for, you know,
what do I want in my life and what do I don't?
What can I gain from this experience?
And how can I grow from what is,
because at the end of the day,
I think everything is business,
and we get to do whatever we want,
meaning we can make meaning out of it or not.
Um, but certainly I wouldn't look at the darkness as
as bad and the light as good.
Um, they're all needed. Uh, and it's all oneness.
Uh, this picture represents ayahuasca.
I dunno if any guys are familiar with it,
but a drink, uh, made in South America by the bark, uh,
of a vine and the leaves of another plant mixed together.
And they, um, and water heat it up for hours
to extract DMT dimethyl tryptamine orally.
This is another thing, I think just like mushrooms
or, um, you know, magic mushrooms or iboga
or different plant medicines as they're called, which I,
i a hundred percent agree with.
Um, but I think, you know, a great deal
of work is usually needed to be done oftentimes
before we get to these places.
I personally have never had like a bad trip.
I've definitely done ayahuasca and mushrooms
and things like that, but I had never had a bad trip.
I, I, I don't think it's necessarily bad.
I think it's, again, something that you can learn from.
Um, but if you haven't done your work, if you haven't been,
uh, you know, working on spiritual practice,
you haven't been working on that mental and physical
and emotional body, you, you could have
what people call a bad trip.
And it's, it's, I think really ultimately it's showing you
what's inside of you.
Um, that's what those plant medicines do.
They really show you what's there,
put it right there in front of your face
so you can do something about it.
So you want to, you know, you really want to dive in
and say, Hey, I wanna change who I am.
I wanna, you know, I wanna be the best person that I can be.
And, um, these things can help you do that
and help you grow in a way.
Um, but I definitely think a lot of, a lot of growing, a lot
of, um, a lot of work is done a lot of times
before we do these things and,
and not something I would recommend to everyone,
but it's definitely something, if you've done it, you know,
I think it's can definitely be beneficial.
Another practice
that I feel like most people don't know about it,
and I'm probably gonna really murder this word,
and I, I do my best ho pono, um, to make right.
The ancient Hawaiian practice has been used by, uh,
the kahuna, uh, mystic healers for centuries.
And so this basically what I understand as, as a healer went
to like, kind of like a psych ward,
and he got people's names that were literally in there,
and he said these prayers, and,
and he repeated these prayers over to these people.
Um, and without even meeting them, I'm sorry.
Please forgive me. Thank you, Anna. I love you.
And he would work on one person.
And, um, after he would do these prayers with people,
these people would literally be able to walk out of
that facility, uh, never have met them
or talked to 'em or touched them or anything.
Um, I use these for myself for different things,
and I've used these words, and I'll say, I'm sorry.
And I really dwell on, you know,
we all have the cords connected to people,
so you have some kind of problem with somebody,
even if you guys aren't in the same city
or state, you have this sign
of attachment towards each other, and you,
and you kind of have to like, snip it and let it go.
Um, but I think a great way with, you don't even have
to talk to these people literally telling you, I'm sorry,
what are you sorry for explaining it,
feeling it really immer immersing yourself
in s starness, right?
For the, for the, the harm that you've done them.
And then literally asking them, you know, please forgive me,
forgive me for these things,
because I didn't mean it, you know,
because, um, I truly am sorry,
I want to want to heal this thing.
And I, and I would practice these things, you know,
really feeling that feeling along with the words
that I was saying out loud and
practice, and then thanking them.
Thank you for your time. Thank you for the lessons.
Thank you for the journey and meeting
and the bonds that we've shared, um,
and then really expressing love to them.
I love you. I appreciate you.
You know, I'm really grateful that our time that we had,
when I've done these successfully with people,
I felt these attachments be completely released
and healing take place.
And, um, just incredible.
Then these people sometimes call me afterwards
or just, you know, uh, certain feelings of,
I no longer have to deal with that anymore.
It's gone, it's over with.
I've healed it, it moved on
and it just didn't affect me anymore.
And so these things, this really was
a price that changed my life.
So it's just another thing that I'm,
that I'm showing hopefully, that most people may not be
familiar with, that is a great practice in the healing of,
of our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional body.
Another one, uh, that's really helpful too,
is just the Solfeggio frequencies.
This was definitely one that I was listening
to when I told you earlier that I was, uh, listening to
tones, uh,
while I meditated on the Albert Einstein wave thing.
And I was listening to these waves.
I've listened to that 5 28 repairing DNA
for countless hours,
and all of them, uh, for countless hours, you know,
really focusing on things
that each one says that they're for.
And I 100% believe these things work.
Um, it's just an incredible, uh, tool.
Um, a lot of these tones are in, uh, churches and cathedrals
and stuff when they play music that makes people feel good,
they have the same hurts that are being played.
So if you don't know much about it, check it out.
It could definitely be helpful in your meditations
as you sleep or just, you know,
take a 30 minute nap playing them.
It's absolutely life changing.
He says, you know, at the end of the day,
what are we trying to realize here?
We're all trying to realize how powerful we are,
who we really are, you know,
and one, maybe the greatest gift that I can do is help you
and anybody else see, pass the illusion
of separateness past the illusion
of you're not worthy enough.
And recognize, honestly, at the end of the day, each one
of us truly are divine.
And to help, you know, that is imperative for me,
because if we live in a world where everyone knows this,
how much better is it to go to the grocery store,
to drive down the road, to visit people, to have friends
that are awake and aware
and understanding of their divinity, and see every human
and every moment as sacred, as opposed
to people yelling at each other and,
and being angry at each other online,
and, you know, uh, road rage and all these things,
and realizing when I'm yelling at someone
else, I'm yelling at myself.
When I'm, when I'm hurting other people, I'm hurting me.
When I'm helping others,
I'm helping myself, and I'm loving others.
I'm loving myself. Um, so that's, that's why I do this.
And that's why, why I think it's imperative.
I I wanna awaken the world as much as possible.
Um, you know, and,
and I think ultimately, uh, I didn't do that.
I didn't try to wake up for myself, for others.
At first it was for myself.
But when you reach a level of, of, of certain awareness
and you realize that everyone is you, it just seems like
that's the mission that while we came here on this planet,
is literally to help awaken our brothers and sisters.
And I, one of the ways I feel like
that we can make this life sacred as it, it really is,
is prayer, is to, you know, make
prayer essential in our daily lives, to pray over food,
to pray over people, you know,
and not necessarily the praying that we have come to know
as asking for things that we don't have,
but simply, you know, honestly, sometimes recognizing
and being grateful for the things that we do.
And one of the greatest prayers that I kind
of recently got into is, uh, an example of
what Greg Braden shared.
He said when he went to go pray
with a Native American one time,
and they, they were having a huge drought
and hadn't rained in a long time, and they needed some rain.
So the guy went out there to go pray,
and he went out there to pray with them.
And he literally, uh, described his prayer as going outside
and, uh, being sacred with oneness
and, you know, uh, smelling the smells
that rain would give off when you, when, when it rains,
to feel the mud between his toes,
to feel the water fall on his skin, to feel
that cool air come in
and that smell of rain, uh, when it starts to rain
and believing that it was already here right now,
in this moment, not asking for it as it, but if it's not,
but knowing that it's already here.
We are all creators. We can create anything.
We can make it rain. We can create abundance.
We can create anything in this life that you want.
And knowing that we're divine, knowing
that we have this incredible, powerful, uh,
ability within us and start to use it again.
Certainly a few people definitely, um, want us
to be disempowered, want us to be programmed
to believe that we're not good enough.
Um, a few people actually, you know, benefit from that.
But it will benefit us in the whole world for us
to know our divinity, excuse me,
and dwell and dwell within it.
And when we become, when we heal ourselves, you know,
that is when we're able, when we've done the work,
when you have healed yourself of the diseases,
when you've healed yourself of, you know, that, of lack
of all the things that hold you back.
I think that's when we really are able to heal others.
You know, everybody can do it. Everybody has the gift.
Um, I've had a very similar experience to this exact photo
where I was, you know, I went to go get a healing, uh, from,
um, a metaphysical place.
And we were doing, they were doing hands-on healing.
I just went for myself, uh,
upon my first hearing and sat down.
I heard the voice inside my,
my head say, now it's your turn.
And he just kept saying it.
And I knew that meant I was supposed to get up there,
but I was like, I don't have a a degree,
I don't have a certificate.
I've never practiced these things.
But, you know, I think about that I am,
that when Moses was talking to Burning Bush,
he didn't have those things either.
But there's a calling that happens when the universe calls
to you, when God calls to you and says, it's your time.
It doesn't matter if you have a certificate
or, you know, um, an education for it.
Each one of us is called by the universe in divine way.
That's all you need to know and have that confidence.
And there's a reason that you were called.
There's a reason that you're a vessel
that heard that calling.
And it's time for you to get up and do that.
And what an incredible feeling.
And I, and I know for a fact that's only one of many
that I've had, but I know once we get in there,
every single person can have those same callings.
Every single person is definitely divine
and can have the same kinds of experiences that I know
that I've had and I've talked to many others about.
And so I really push this on people.
'cause I want, I want so many people like,
you know, listen to the call.
You know, don't worry about what you have
or how much money you got,
or you know, what bus you know,
just start doing the things that you love.
Go and listen to intuition.
Whatever it says, do it what excites you.
Go out there and do it. You'll have the
experience that goes with it.
And when we heal ourselves, we heal the next generation
that follows pain is passed through the family line
until someone is brave enough
and ready enough to feel it, heal it, and let it go.
Man, that's so important to realize
that our whole family lineages is really
on our shoulders right now.
All these ideas of not being good enough
and not being great enough,
and, you know, we're not worthy of a great job.
We're not worthy of a great relationship.
It's all been passed down by so many people.
Not that it was their fault, but that's what they were told,
and that's the programs they were given.
They passed it on down to us.
You know, more than just our, our color of our eyes
and the color of our skin, you know, our emotions,
our mental states are, you know, all those things pass
through us and all these lessons.
And so when you finally take a stand
and say, you know, not me, not anymore.
I'm not gonna do this to my kid, I'm not gonna do that.
I'm gonna allow them to be themselves.
I'm gonna allow them to have their own spiritual journey,
their own spiritual practice, and give them the truth
and not tell them to go be Christians, to be,
you know, atheists, whatever.
Let them have their own experiences.
Tell them, Hey, man, you are as, as much as anybody else,
are entitled to have your own experience,
to go out there and find it.
I have a daughter and I definitely will let her
know, you know what I mean?
I can give her what I've learned
and things that I've experienced.
But at the end of the day, you gotta have your own journey.
You have your own experience.
And I think when we do these things,
when we break these cycles
and we, we become, you know, uh,
more like the universe,
more like this unconditional free will zone
that the universe is, and we start to give others free will
and others unconditional level love them no matter
who they are, where they're at on this journey,
what they've done, and just love them for them being here.
Now our whole life can change.
And we can, you know, create love
and, uh, a world that works for people,
and we'll find the others who are on the same frequency
as this and create life that, you know,
don't have to learn these lessons.
They'll know many of these things that we figured out.
We don't have to teach them as much anymore.
You know, a lot of the things I feel like that we, um,
that is happening to us as humans is, you know,
there are barriers and there are walls that we create
and we pass those barriers and walls onto our children.
And so if we don't have those barriers anymore,
we don't have these walls that keep us from this alignment,
these belief system, these ideas
and these political systems
that keep us from our own enlightenment.
You know, it's game over. These kids,
they come in and they don't need that.
They don't need the programming.
They don't, they're, they're, they're past it.
And so we can create, you know, families and children,
and not just giving birth to children,
but like, the work
that you do in this life now affects your family,
affects your brother, affects your sister.
You don't have to tell them.
You don't have to convince
them anything or teach them anything.
You being, you truly being who you are
and in your own power will create, you know, something
for them to see visually and to feel
and to realize, wow, what have you done?
How are you so different? And they'll want to talk to you.
They'll want to ask you questions.
Um, one of the things that happened
to me definitely was trying to explain things
and experiences.
And I couldn't explain an experience
that somebody else hadn't had it the same, similar thing.
It wasn't in their vocabulary, it wasn't in, you know,
it wasn't in their experience.
So how could they understand that?
Um, but I definitely could be me
and I definitely could be real and be honest
and be, you know, the person that I, you know, look up to.
And if you're that, you're gonna be that for them too,
eventually it's gonna, I definitely said things down
to my parents that, you know,
they may not have liked at the beginning,
but they've come to know, wow, it being,
it was the truth, you know?
Um, then when they said that,
and so, you know, we can change the world, was
what I'm trying to say by being who we truly are.
Gandhi said, be the change you want to see in the world.
That is so imperative, I think, to realizing like,
our power is within us.
We don't need a president
or a politician to pass a law to make something better.
Each one of us being that little drop in the universe
reverberates and resonates out that love and, and,
and beauty and rawness,
and realness just as much as anybody ever has,
uh, or anybody ever will.
So it is so important to realize
your journey is so important.
Who you, who you are, the things that you do,
what you resonate out, what you're focused on right now is
so important to change the world.
And one of my favorite quotes is from Mother Trace
that says, if you want to create world peace,
just go home and love your family.
And I have thought about that over
and over again for so long.
I couldn't sit down with my family
and eat a, a meal without arguing about politics
or whatever, and I realized it wasn't worth it.
That war wasn't worth it.
How many millions, maybe billions of people
around the world can't sit down
with their own family members, with their moms and dads, uh,
because their, their views are different.
How, how crazy is that?
How that's a war in itself for millions of people,
maybe billions of people daily, who can't even talk
to their family members because they have different views?
Why not let peace be the way?
And no matter what, nobody, I haven't met anybody
who thinks the same way I think about everything,
but I know this, I know
that I can be peaceful no matter what.
I know that I can always honor their beliefs no matter what,
and let them believe whatever they want to no matter what.
That creates a piece that creates a harmony between people
recognizing and, and honoring them
for whatever they believe in, um, that resonates out and,
and just changes everything.
Um, so I think this is the way for us
to exit the matrix of, you know, this world,
this holographic reality that seems to be, uh,
created in a way that kind of works off fear.
That we're all in fear mode.
We're off fight or fight or flight survival mode,
and get into a mode where, you know, we know we're loved,
we know that there's plenty out there that we, that,
you know, we can always be
at the right place at the right time.
We can literally change our reality by what we think
and how we feel about it.
And so I think this is, you know, really is a way to,
to exit the Matrix as Neo did become masters
of the universe, masters of our own lives.
And, uh, you know, really honestly,
the only world you're ever gonna experience is
the one you're experiencing.
You know, there's no reason to to believe that, you know,
the whole world's gonna change
for everybody at the same time.
Uh, you know, really it's,
it's gonna change for everybody individually.
So, um, thank you guys for joining tonight.
I really appreciate it.
Um, you know, healing is a, is an incredible journey.
And I know I have personally have a long way to go and it,
and I'm so excited that I've experienced so much.
And, you know, I wanna share so much with so many people
and, um, you know, it's just been an incredible journey
and I'm very thankful for it.
So thank you guys for joining us for tonight.
Uh, tonight's topic is on healing, and let's go ahead
and jump right into it.
So, I like this quote, healing is a choice.
It's not an easy one
because it takes work to turn other, to turn
around your habits, but keep making the choice
and the shift will happen.
Very important. You know, um, a lot of people say, uh,
you know, we need to talk about the dark God of the soul.
And, and a lot of these things that the dark part
and everybody's talking about the the light and love.
I, you know, I agree 100% healing is hard.
And I know when I first really stepped into my journey,
there was a lot of things to look at.
You know, a lot of things that I particularly did
believed in that I had to question, I had to, you know,
ask myself, is, I need to turn these things around.
I need to question some of my political views, my
religious views, my spiritual views, and open up.
And one of the things, uh, just to be honest
and open, when I was in college,
I thought I was really smart.
And I believe love was a chemical imbalance in the brain.
And I would go around telling people that.
And I honestly believed, as I told people,
that now when I look back at it, I was like,
I could only even, um, I, that's how I,
the way I perceive love was the only way I could even take
it in that I couldn't actually, um,
I couldn't actually experience unconditional love
because it had no definition for that.
I had no openness to that when my belief was so
stuck into the fact of
it's only this chemical imbalance
in the brain, that's all it is.
There's nothing more that it could be, um,
I couldn't experience anymore.
So I really had to change my belief system, open up
to unconditional love
and different understandings of love to be able to receive
that kind of love that I was really looking for in my life.
So here's where we're going tonight.
We wanna talk about the physical healing, mental healing,
and emotional healing,
and how the combination of all these three, um, really lead
to a spiritual healing overall as well.
That if you work on the mental part,
it's gonna lead to spiritual part.
If you're gonna work on the physical
and the emotional part, it's gonna lead there too.
Uh, and, and even working on the physical can go
to the mental and mental to emotional.
All these things are all connected.
They're not separate from one another.
There are some practices that help the mental part.
There are some practices that help that physical part
and the emotional part, but seriously, all of them, uh, kind
of all work on each, uh, each of them.
And definitely all, uh, work
to go into your spiritual practice and, and,
and making it more deep for you.
So, you know, I wanna really stress, so, you know,
the physical body, you gotta move this thing.
You gotta, you gotta clean it out.
You gotta free your mind,
and you have to, I, I believe we're missing apart.
Open your heart and be this,
be this spiritual being that you are.
I mean, um, you know, that, that great Buddhist saying that,
uh, a great Buddhist saying, rather, um, we're not
physical beings trying to be spiritual.
We're literally spiritual beings
that are being physical just for a little bit.
You know, we're here just for a little while
to experience the physical
and all that has, all that has to offer.
Um, but we are serious to the souls
inside this body that are eternal.
And each one of our experiences, a human, you know, is a,
is an experience to learn the physical, um, and,
and learn lessons, and
to gather up information, to learn love.
And those things that we learn in that way, we bring
with us to the next slide.
Uh, you know, that's why it really isn't
as important all the times to gather up money
and material items.
None of that can go with you. It's the experience,
it's love, it's the understanding.
It's the lessons. It's the karmic patterns that you break
that's really important.
Um, and that's the information that you get to bring
with you from your soul to experience, to experience.
So just, you know, obviously we all know at this point
probably that, um, the physical body, the things
that we eat, it's crucial.
You know, if you wanna eat a bunch of sugar
and candies, you know, you're gonna be in this really kind
of slaw state where, you know,
you're just not catching a lot.
You're not, you're not really developing.
You're just completely absorbed with sugars and candies.
And, um, I believe 100% that the,
the most dangerous drug in the world right now is sugar.
Uh, it's an everything.
I've watched documentary, they talk about this bliss point
that these people know.
They put an amount of sugar in the, in a food
to create this euphoric feeling in you,
to get you completely addicted.
And so the sugar
and the amounts of sugar that we're eating now
is incredibly, uh, higher than just a couple decades ago.
You know, we're eating, you know, tens
of grams a day, some of us.
And, uh, we're not realizing how much
that sugar is acting like a drug to us.
And we're, we're addicts
and we're really having physical withdrawals.
We have to, um, continuously, uh, get that sugar fixed.
Um, but it's really important that we get out of it.
And, um, I think this is a great little little picture
because it's talking about the pharmacy.
And our pharmacy really should have cucumbers and vegetables
and all that kind of things in it.
Um, fruits and organics.
And it's not just the fact that these, these foods have, um,
you know, antibiotics and chemicals and all this crap in it.
The, you know, the plain truth is also that our soil is not
as rich as it once once was just a few decades ago.
We're not crop roast hating like we should.
So even, even these foods in general aren't as healthy
and nutritious as they once were.
Um, so I do think a vitamin supplement
for everybody is very important too.
Um, just to help with that body and,
and getting that body the right,
uh, nutrients that it needs.
When, I mean, I don't know if you guys experienced this,
I'm sure you have, when you eat a bunch of foods,
sometimes it's not very healthy.
You can eat a ton of it,
and then an hour later you're hungry again.
'cause your body didn't get what it needed.
It needs those vital nutrients.
And not just proteins, the fibers
and all the stuff that makes the body work properly.
Most of us get way more protein than we need,
and we're all focused on protein all the time.
Uh, but we definitely need all kinds of other, you know,
good sugars from the fruits and fibers
and, you know, potassium
and all those things are really important.
And not just one. We're always focused on
protein these days, it seems like.
But I love this quote, uh, Hippocrates.
He is deemed the father of medicine,
and doctors still take a hippocratic oath due to his name.
Uh, and he said,
and it was a 200 bc, he said, let food be that medicine
and medicine, be that food.
An incredible quote that literally,
we don't need these pills made in factories.
That if we ate the good fruits
and vegetables, the, the organic raw, um, fruits
and vegetables that are available to us, you know, we'd be,
we'd be optim, we'd be, um,
we'd be living in a more optimum way.
You know, our, our our everything about us would be
so much better, you know, uh, our ability
to think and breathe.
And, you know, uh, one
of the things we do is people eat a lot
of food, mucus and stuff in it.
You don't realize all the foods that are, that gear toward,
that create more mucus in the body,
which creates more disease.
So literally, just having a balanced diet with a lot
of these raw roots
and vegetables can change our life in a very drastic way.
You know, every bite we take is either fighting
disease or feeding it.
Are you eating these highly acidic, nasty,
chemically induced antibiotic in induced foods?
Um, are we eating really fresh, raw, organic foods
that help fight those diseases?
This is a great picture even to, to explain that
to health food store, got the fruits and vegetables,
or the pharmacy, which has got a ton of, you know,
what we know now is really highly addictive drugs, opiates
and all kinds of things like that,
that are literally killing people
that they're extremely addicted to.
But people think they're okay
because a doctor prescribed 'em to you.
Not knowing that most of these doctors have, you know,
um, a kickback.
They're, they're invested in these
companies that they're prescribing.
You know, when I was, you know, outta college
and I went to a doctor to go get, uh, Adderall, um,
it didn't even gimme a test or anything.
He was just like, oh, you're an adult.
You want Adderall, here it is. And
they'll just give it to you.
And I'm sure he got a kickback just to get it to me.
And, you know, and that's just a methamphetamine.
I mean, it's just, you know, constantly.
You're not in the here now, you're so juiced up,
you can't even really pay
attention to anything that's going on.
At least I couldn't. Um, maybe there is some people
that can benefit from a little bit better,
but to me, taking those things, it just isn't,
it didn't work out, and it wasn't something
that I would honestly, um, recommend to anybody else.
I really do feel like a lot of things that could help, uh,
these attention deficit disorders would be really solved
by eating, uh, you know, better foods, uh,
that would be more conducive to
a life that you want, you know?
So, yeah, again, it's sick care versus healthcare.
Which one will we choose?
Which, which one do you really want?
These, these pills over here are terrible for your liver.
Um, you know, they can really inflame the liver,
make it really big overwork.
And, you know, it's really gonna hurt you in the long run
for your body to get rid
of all the toxins in your body from other things.
So, um, you know,
I would really highly recommend if you're on those
medications, see if there are alternatives at this point.
Now we know there are foods that can help different kinds
of diseases and ailments,
and, um, you know, try to see if there's other things
that you could maybe switch to, to get off
of those things as much as possible.
Here we're talking about the mucus again, um, these milks
and dairies and butters, you know, uh, I do enjoy my ghee
as much as anyone, but, uh, I do try to, you know,
keep it to a low minimum.
Um, and obviously the sugar, the, the sweetss, the, um,
the chips and the fried foods are really gonna make your
body really acidic.
Um, and as opposed to these bo these foods over here
and these fruits and vegetables that are gonna really
eliminate the mucus in your body.
Um, and when we get sick, we know it, you know,
it's our body's way of telling us, Hey,
you're not eating the raw fruits
and vegetables that you're supposed to.
I'm getting sick. You know, just
because you're not putting what you need to in it.
Um, I think that's plain and simple.
Our body gives us these little subtle hints all the time
before you go full fledge into disease.
Dis-ease. Your body's no longer at ease. It's at dis-ease.
And so now you haven't listened to the sicknesses,
you haven't listened to the low energy.
Um, so here's what we gotta do.
We gotta give you a dise to help you really get
that sledgehammer blow from the universe to realize
you're not doing what you're supposed to.
I know this for a fact, for myself,
I got an autoimmune disease in college.
They couldn't tell me how to get rid of it.
Um, they could only give me, uh, something to make it, uh,
tolerable, uh, made me really tired, and it wasn't worth it.
So that really opened up my journey personally,
to seeking out, you know, different healing modalities, um,
foods, uh, trying to stay away from certain things
that I thought would feed it.
And eventually, after over a decade, I was able
to cure myself in my own autoimmune disease.
And that's, this is the real drug war.
I think this is the biggest drug war is not these plants
and, and, and things like that that are natural,
but these pharmaceutical companies that make millions
and billions and trillions of dollars off these people
who are addicted to these drugs
and have to have them not
realizing that there are better ways.
There are other things that we can take
in order to heal our bodies.
And if your food doesn't go bad, it's probably not healthy
because those, uh,
preservatives and things that they put in.
So something lasts for years, it's not good for us.
You know what I mean? Uh, the fact
that you can put a McDonald's hamburger down
and it never deteriorates, it never breaks down bacteria,
doesn't even eat it, um, should tell you right there
that this is probably something I should myself not be
putting in my own body as well.
Um, and I don't know if you guys know Dr.
sbe, but he is passed away now, but,
and what an incredible doctor.
What an incredible man. Um, a society that keeps,
cares a secret so they can continue to sell medication
for huge profits is not a real society,
but a huge mental asylum.
And I totally agree with them.
And, uh, I don't know if you know much about him,
but I'll just give you a little bit of update.
He did have to go to court
because he said he could cure diabetes, aids, cancer,
all these different diseases.
They took him to court, and I wanna say he brought in 30
to 40 people that he had actually healed with his dietary,
um, recommendations for them.
He cured people of cancer diseases,
autoimmune diseases, you name it.
And they came in, he actually won that.
I think he went to the Supreme Court
after that, and he won that too.
Um, because he was saying,
they were saying he's false advertising, basically.
You can't cure those things. And he actually did.
Uh, one of the most famous people
that he helped cure was Lisa left Eye Lopez.
She was going around telling everybody, she,
he helped cure her lupus and all these things,
and how great he was, and that her intuition was going
through the roof because of that, eating the right things,
eliminating things from her diet.
And, you know, she ended up dead in the airplane.
And, uh, I don't, I don't wanna put anything crazy out
there, but I, I can say this, you know, people
who put out the truth sometimes don't
always make it long lives.
So, um, you know,
but he definitely, he definitely did cure a lot of people
and was proven in court for doing that.
So, I, I think he is a legit guy.
And I do follow a lot of his recommendations for have,
for every human illness there exists
a plant, which is the cure.
And I a hundred percent believe that.
I believe that there are, you know, definitely plants
and trees out there in the rainforest
and other places around the world that can cure things, um,
that we're not even aware of yet.
But I definitely think the herbs and the, um,
and all these plants and a lot of the, a lot of,
we see a lot of plants that actually resemble certain body
parts that are actually good for those body parts.
It's like nature is like, has given us a huge billboard
to say, this is what this is for.
It's obvious. Use your intuition.
It, we have lost our intuition,
and we listen to people who got degrees that are sponsored
by pharmaceutical companies.
And, you know, it's a conflict
of interest as far as I'm concerned.
But let's start listening for intuition.
Start eating the things that we know that we should.
Um, although it may be hard, I believe in the long run,
it'd be more than worth it.
Um, this is probably one
of the most incredible medicines that there is.
So, go back to Hippocrates, the father
of medicine when he cured people of those diseases.
200 bc The two biggest things that I know
that he gave people was cider vinegar and raw honey.
Um, this thing, cider vinegar is good for so many things,
uh, whether you're taking a pill form or not.
I, I think honestly, probably the, the, the liquid here
with the mother is probably your best option.
Raw and unfiltered. Um, brags is a great company.
I think when it comes to cider vinegar.
It's good for so many things.
And what this does is, like many other, you know,
raw organic fruits, is this,
even though this is a very acidic drink,
this is gonna raise your body pH to an alkaline level.
So here is the smoking gun of, of healing.
Uh, as far as the physical body goes,
when your body is acidic, when you've eaten all these sugars
and fried foods, everything, your body's really acidic.
That's what creates the sicknesses, the diseases.
Um, every single person who has autoimmune disease,
who's sick, who has cancer,
has an acidic pH no doubt about it.
So if we raise our body to an alkaline level,
then there's no way we're gonna get sick.
Our body is fully functioning at a high, at a high capacity.
When your body is alkaline,
when you're eating the right foods, you can't get sick.
There's not, it's not gonna happen.
There's no, you're not, you don't have the environment
for those things to grow, for those things to thrive.
Um, so that to me is smoking gun.
Um, and as far as physical healing goes, getting
that pH level up, eating those foods that are gonna be, uh,
raise the body's pH to a high level, um,
and you're gonna eliminate the mucus.
You're gonna eliminate, uh, your diseases,
your autoimmune diseases, all those kind of things.
Again, so the pH for neutral seven,
we learned this in school,
but we, we learned about acidic and basic.
They don't really use the word alkaline,
but, um, that's what we're talking about.
We're we're raising the body's pH.
So an alkaline level, um,
sometimes you see waters with a high alkaline level.
I, I think that's fine,
but to me, honestly, the best water you can drink is
living spring water.
I think that's gonna be your best, your best bet.
Um, I'm not gonna down any alkaline waters.
I've definitely drinking them myself before.
But I, I think for me, the living spring water is, is just
where it's at as far as like getting
what you need the most natural, um, from your environment.
Water is essential. Drinking plenty of water.
Your body is, you know, 75% water, just like the earth is.
If you get below 50%,
I believe you pretty much dehydrate and die.
So, you know, it's trying
to stay away from the sugary drinks, trying to stay from,
certainly, I know some people be upset,
but certainly trying to stay away from coffee.
Um, coffee's very acidic
and is gonna make your pH very acidic.
Um, so we wanna try to stay away from those things.
Uh, I know everybody, and so a lot of people like it,
but I do think it is a, it is an intense drug
and is an addictive drug.
And just because it's legal on the counter, um,
and you can just go pick it up
and store, you know, you have to be aware
that this is a drug just like anything else.
And, um, just because it's, you know, legal
and right there on the counters, you have to be careful
what you put in your body over and over again daily.
Uh, one of the things that SBE said was, uh,
three glasses of water, or four.
Why? Because it's electrical.
Your body is an electrical system.
You know, you have a nervous system with
electrical circuits running through the whole thing.
You know, you want to increase that electric, you know, uh,
ability of the body.
That's what's gonna heal you.
That's what's going to eliminate these diseases.
And, um, you know, raise that alkaline pH.
So, you know, drink lots of water.
It's electrical, it's what your body needs.
You want a body that's very electrical, um,
that's almost like your spirituality running through you is,
is having a high electrical system.
And don't forget to drink plenty of water
because, you know,
you're basically a plant, get plenty of sun.
Um, you're basically a houseplant
with more complicated emotions.
Very true. You know, we are, you know,
Christ referred to us as trees.
Um, we are trees, we have fractal geometry, you know,
and our, our veins, our electrical system,
the way our lungs branch out,
just like the trees we see out in our front yard.
Um, and we are basically tree walking around.
Obviously, exercise huge, right?
Getting that heart rate up, moving the blood
through through your body.
Um, obviously I don't have to tell you guys much about that.
Everybody knows exercise is really good.
Here's one that I think we miss out on a lot.
Fasting will free up your energy.
So instead of digesting food, your body will renew itself.
Uh, I think one of the best things from money can do is
to fast for three days.
Um, it definitely resets the whole system.
Um, your body is constantly having to use so much energy
to break down the food that you had.
So, you know, when we eat a bunch of food, sometimes,
you know, a lot of times we get tired
and we have to go relax afterwards and we'll fall asleep.
Um, your body's taking a lot of energy to digest that food.
So it, I think it really is very helpful to fast, um,
you know, maybe do it with water first times.
But there are definitely reasons why you hear about these
Christ and Buddhas and Krishnas and everybody.
And they would fast for 40 days and 40 nights.
And it is a spiritual practice in itself to fast
and to allow that body to let all these things pass through
to allow energy to go to healing, instead
of constantly having to digest these really dense foods
that we are eating all the time
that are really hard for our liver to process.
We gotta give it a break. Sometimes it
takes a lot of discipline.
Maybe you wanna start with a day or a meal or two.
But, um, I think, you know,
practicing fasting is an absolute spiritual practice
that can help with a lot of parts of the physical,
the mental, the emotional,
and the spiritual body that we, um, are,
we all are yoga.
Yoga is huge.
Not just for the physical, but also for the mental, uh,
for the emotional, for the spiritual.
It's all about breathing.
It's all about, um, you know, stretching
and being flexible like a tree that blows in the wind.
If you're not flexible, when those challenges come about,
when the wind blows hard, those trees break.
And we need to be flexible when the challenges arise in
our life so that we can flow with them and not be so rigid.
Um, and when we become rigid
and stiff, we become rigid in our belief system,
become rigid in our ideas,
and we need to be flexible learning
to see both sides of the situation.
Um, I'll give you a quick little, you know,
glance into my life.
When I first started doing yoga many years ago,
I did a back bend and probably one
of my first class classes and did the back bend.
And I bend backwards. And I had this euphoric release of
what seemed to be, uh, grudges
that I kept grudges against people,
and that it had manifested as pain in my back.
And so when I did a back bend one day,
it just like released this euphoric.
And I knew instantly
that I had carried grudges in my, in my life.
And they had manifested as physical ailment to my body.
And so I realized like, wow, like I can't believe
that something that I would do that I would consider mental,
have a physical and probably even emotional, uh,
and even a spiritual effect on who I was.
Um, so I can't stress enough how much being flexible,
just stretching every day, uh, is really vital
to having a really healthy body as well
and helping with that, uh, breathing.
'cause you have to really slow down and breathe.
And the breath is so important, you know, keep calm,
breathe deeply, because when your body is constantly in
those shallow states of breath, you know,
when we're in fear mode, when we don't have enough,
when we're worried about the economy,
worried about our car breaking down, whatever it is,
you're constantly in that fear-based mode,
and you're just, you're just breathing
very shallow very quickly.
You're not getting enough oxygen
to the brain to make good decisions.
Um, and for that frontal lobe
to really turn on and click on 'em.
And, you know, it's kind of like, uh, when you're mad
and upset and you're yelling at people,
you get into a fight, you know, maybe it's hours later,
maybe it's days later, but when you finally calm down
and start to, you know, relax
and realize, man, I shouldn't have said that,
I shouldn't have thrown that punch, your, your,
your frontal amygdala and your frontal lobe has turned on
and made you realize that's that higher form of thinking
that we have as humans.
And it's come on. And it's helped you
realize, man, I shouldn't have done that.
That wasn't, that wasn't who I am.
That was my ego talk, and that was reaction.
I was reacting to things I didn't like.
Um, so it really is important to stay calm all the time,
to really take a deep breath when things are going on, so
that you can make the best decisions for yourself.
Um, and really knowing that, you know, deep down
how we believe we're gonna heal is how we're gonna heal
whatever modality we choose, the placebo effect guarantees,
whatever we believe is gonna happen.
So, you know, our thoughts are very powerful.
So, uh, if you believe going
to this doctor's gonna be better for you,
then going a holistic place, it probably will.
Um, you know, it's so important to realize
that whatever we believe is the best
for us tends to be that way.
You know, there's also that really famous quote,
whether you think you can
or you think you can't, you're right.
If you think you can't do
this, you're not gonna be able to do it.
If you think you can, it's possible.
You're probably gonna be able to do it with enough, uh,
intention and enough will.
Um, our thoughts are very powerful
and they breathe things into existence.
And what we'll begin, we need to begin to absorb.
This is very important to realize, you know, as we think so,
shall it be, you know, as what we ask for.
Um, and we're not just asking by words.
We're asking by our emotions.
We're asking by our thoughts and our feelings.
And if you think you're not good enough for a,
a certain person or a certain job, you're not gonna be,
you're not on the vibration of that.
You need to really realize I'm worthy.
I'm, I'm a beautiful person. I'm very smart.
A job would be lucky to have me.
Another human being was lucky
to be in a relationship with me.
Um, you know, I've done my work.
Those things, you know, bring our vibration up
and put us on par with the things that we want,
not just wanting them, but, you know, knowing that we are on
that vibration is very powerful.
Um, instead of, you know,
thinking that we're not good enough.
So, another way to get there, again, to believing
that we're all those things, to knowing
who we really are, is meditation.
You know, I can't stress it enough.
And I know this is a hard thing sometimes for many people,
and it's not something you have to get in there,
and you have to be boodle on day one.
You know, you're gonna get in there, you're gonna meditate.
You know, sometimes just laying in on your bed
in your room can be helpful.
And turning the lights off and turning the electronics off,
and giving yourself 20 minutes in there, um, you know, uh,
sitting down, back straight, all those things are great.
Giving yourself that time every single day to just relax
and just calm down.
And, you know, uh, I, I think one of the first, as a,
I'm a psychologist, um, so I'm really into science,
but I'm also into, um, the metaphysical.
So I had heard that Albert Einstein came up
with this whole theory of relativity, um, just
by imagining riding a wave of light.
So I wanted to, for myself, um, combine that
with, um, meditation.
And I was like, well, I wanna do the same thing
and see if anything happens for me.
And I honestly just turned all the lights off was laying in
my bed, and my first kind of meditating that I was doing,
I had some, um, tones in the back that I was listening to.
And, um, I just imagined myself riding a wave of light,
letting go of myself being Jacob Cox, uh, a male, uh,
white being from a small town, everything that, the labels
that I had grown to know, that's who I was.
And I just allowed those things to kind of dissolve
and just be a wave of light riding the universe.
And sure enough, I had many epiphanies and revelations, aha
or eureka moments just flood in all
of a sudden, in a split second.
I knew certain things. And, um, I really do believe, uh,
in Matthew, it says, those
who sat in darkness saw great lights.
And to me, that's what I was doing.
I was sitting in darkness,
and I was receiving great insight, great light.
And I, I think that's exactly what
that Bible verse was saying.
And it, it made sense to me at that point,
because when you go within yourself, you find yourself
who you really are, be still, and know that I am God, right?
Have you ever been so still that you knew
that you were God, right?
You have to be still to know that you have
to let go of the labels.
Let go of all the things people told you that you were,
and just be here in this moment
and realize at the end of the day, if I really let go of
all the gender and identity
and all the things that everyone's told me my whole life
that I was, and just be here now,
and I'm connected with everything that it is,
there's nothing that I'm not, you know, we had the,
the talk like was the last week, the revelation of I am,
that I am god's all the, thats that there is,
if God's all the, that's that there is, that you're a part
of that, that you and me
and everything that is here, every experience, the wind,
the water, every person, every planet, we're all that.
So just realizing, going within, find yourself,
you know, sit with yourself.
How important is it just to be able to sit with yourself
and like yourself?
Man, it's so hard for so many people just
to take a little time out every single day.
And as you do it, it gets easier and easier.
But don't beat yourself up because certain thoughts came in,
or you got distracted.
Let it go. And keep just going deep
and just concentrating on that breathing,
taking deep breaths over and over again,
and concentrating on that and letting go of all the things.
I don't think personally,
enlightenment is about gaining anything.
It's not about gaining peace
or gaining information necessarily.
I think a lot of it is just about letting go, letting go
of all the things that've been taught, letting go
of the labels, and just being here now
and being, you know, in this moment.
Um, and then whatever happens when you get there,
you know, will change your life.
But, um, you know, it's not about becoming Buddha or Jesus.
And, you know, in a moment, um, let go of your expectations.
And, you know, it's a practice just like everything else.
Like yoga's a practice.
And then, you know, when people do meditate
and they hook their brains up to EKGs,
and they, they, they measure the fields
of energy around them.
There's definite obvious scientific, um,
provable outcomes, right?
When a monk or something does meditation,
and they, they look at his
brain patterns when he is doing it.
Many of the times these guys are as active
or more active when they're sleeping.
That shouldn't be possible.
But most active that we see the brain
typically is during sleep.
So the fact that there's people who are awake
and having the same brain functions
as REM sleep is incredible.
That means they're using so much
of their brain, a waking state.
Um, so this is a provable, uh, a provable subject that, uh,
meditation and just re remaining calm
and breathing literally turns on your brain
and turns on your energy fields
and lights you up, um, in a way
that not many other things can.
And so here, uh, I think we're moving to a concept, the yin
and the yin and the y, you know, the light in the dark,
positive and negative, male and female, day
and night, active and passive.
There is this duality in us.
So when I was talking about earlier, the dark night
of the soul, and, you know, uh, I, I,
I believe in that, right?
I believe that, you know, we have to see
that the dark is the light.
The light is the dark that give birth to each other.
I believe in the center of our galaxy is a black hole.
And I believe in the center of every single human
is the void is a black hole from which we all come from,
and which we all shall return to.
And we do this over and over again,
but don't see it as duality.
See it as oneness.
You know, see it as, uh,
we couldn't have light on this planet all day long.
All the plants and everything would die.
We can't have darkness all day. Everything would die.
You have to have the balance of light and dark.
It's, it's permeating through the entire universe.
Um, it's just duality and see it as a wholeness, right?
So for me, personally, I was a bartender in Atlanta
for a long time before I left to come to Colorado.
And I honestly feel like I mastered the darkness first.
I mastered what was fake, what wasn't real.
Um, that dark night of the soul for me, it was imperative
to become who I wanted to be, to realize like the things
that I was doing was faking.
It wasn't really something feeding my soul,
and that I could no longer hide behind a bar.
I had to go, you know, move to Colorado to work with kids
and to know that was gonna change my life.
And I just followed my heart,
and it all turned out way
better than I could possibly imagine.
And I can't believe that I hid for so long
behind a bar back there.
Um, but that darkness gave birth to an incredible being.
You know, when you planted a little tiny seed into the
ground, it, it's immersed in darkness
before it blooms out of that out of the ground.
Um, it's absolutely necessary.
It's not something to shy away from.
I think a lot of times, you know, people say, well,
you know, the darkness is something evil.
It's something bad. I think that's a perspective,
but it, I think ultimately it can help you
grow in a great way.
The light can help you grow in a great way.
Um, all these things are catalysts and,
and contrast for, you know,
what do I want in my life and what do I don't?
What can I gain from this experience?
And how can I grow from what is,
because at the end of the day,
I think everything is business,
and we get to do whatever we want,
meaning we can make meaning out of it or not.
Um, but certainly I wouldn't look at the darkness as
as bad and the light as good.
Um, they're all needed. Uh, and it's all oneness.
Uh, this picture represents ayahuasca.
I dunno if any guys are familiar with it,
but a drink, uh, made in South America by the bark, uh,
of a vine and the leaves of another plant mixed together.
And they, um, and water heat it up for hours
to extract DMT dimethyl tryptamine orally.
This is another thing, I think just like mushrooms
or, um, you know, magic mushrooms or iboga
or different plant medicines as they're called, which I,
i a hundred percent agree with.
Um, but I think, you know, a great deal
of work is usually needed to be done oftentimes
before we get to these places.
I personally have never had like a bad trip.
I've definitely done ayahuasca and mushrooms
and things like that, but I had never had a bad trip.
I, I, I don't think it's necessarily bad.
I think it's, again, something that you can learn from.
Um, but if you haven't done your work, if you haven't been,
uh, you know, working on spiritual practice,
you haven't been working on that mental and physical
and emotional body, you, you could have
what people call a bad trip.
And it's, it's, I think really ultimately it's showing you
what's inside of you.
Um, that's what those plant medicines do.
They really show you what's there,
put it right there in front of your face
so you can do something about it.
So you want to, you know, you really want to dive in
and say, Hey, I wanna change who I am.
I wanna, you know, I wanna be the best person that I can be.
And, um, these things can help you do that
and help you grow in a way.
Um, but I definitely think a lot of, a lot of growing, a lot
of, um, a lot of work is done a lot of times
before we do these things and,
and not something I would recommend to everyone,
but it's definitely something, if you've done it, you know,
I think it's can definitely be beneficial.
Another practice
that I feel like most people don't know about it,
and I'm probably gonna really murder this word,
and I, I do my best ho pono, um, to make right.
The ancient Hawaiian practice has been used by, uh,
the kahuna, uh, mystic healers for centuries.
And so this basically what I understand as, as a healer went
to like, kind of like a psych ward,
and he got people's names that were literally in there,
and he said these prayers, and,
and he repeated these prayers over to these people.
Um, and without even meeting them, I'm sorry.
Please forgive me. Thank you, Anna. I love you.
And he would work on one person.
And, um, after he would do these prayers with people,
these people would literally be able to walk out of
that facility, uh, never have met them
or talked to 'em or touched them or anything.
Um, I use these for myself for different things,
and I've used these words, and I'll say, I'm sorry.
And I really dwell on, you know,
we all have the cords connected to people,
so you have some kind of problem with somebody,
even if you guys aren't in the same city
or state, you have this sign
of attachment towards each other, and you,
and you kind of have to like, snip it and let it go.
Um, but I think a great way with, you don't even have
to talk to these people literally telling you, I'm sorry,
what are you sorry for explaining it,
feeling it really immer immersing yourself
in s starness, right?
For the, for the, the harm that you've done them.
And then literally asking them, you know, please forgive me,
forgive me for these things,
because I didn't mean it, you know,
because, um, I truly am sorry,
I want to want to heal this thing.
And I, and I would practice these things, you know,
really feeling that feeling along with the words
that I was saying out loud and
practice, and then thanking them.
Thank you for your time. Thank you for the lessons.
Thank you for the journey and meeting
and the bonds that we've shared, um,
and then really expressing love to them.
I love you. I appreciate you.
You know, I'm really grateful that our time that we had,
when I've done these successfully with people,
I felt these attachments be completely released
and healing take place.
And, um, just incredible.
Then these people sometimes call me afterwards
or just, you know, uh, certain feelings of,
I no longer have to deal with that anymore.
It's gone, it's over with.
I've healed it, it moved on
and it just didn't affect me anymore.
And so these things, this really was
a price that changed my life.
So it's just another thing that I'm,
that I'm showing hopefully, that most people may not be
familiar with, that is a great practice in the healing of,
of our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional body.
Another one, uh, that's really helpful too,
is just the Solfeggio frequencies.
This was definitely one that I was listening
to when I told you earlier that I was, uh, listening to
tones, uh,
while I meditated on the Albert Einstein wave thing.
And I was listening to these waves.
I've listened to that 5 28 repairing DNA
for countless hours,
and all of them, uh, for countless hours, you know,
really focusing on things
that each one says that they're for.
And I 100% believe these things work.
Um, it's just an incredible, uh, tool.
Um, a lot of these tones are in, uh, churches and cathedrals
and stuff when they play music that makes people feel good,
they have the same hurts that are being played.
So if you don't know much about it, check it out.
It could definitely be helpful in your meditations
as you sleep or just, you know,
take a 30 minute nap playing them.
It's absolutely life changing.
He says, you know, at the end of the day,
what are we trying to realize here?
We're all trying to realize how powerful we are,
who we really are, you know,
and one, maybe the greatest gift that I can do is help you
and anybody else see, pass the illusion
of separateness past the illusion
of you're not worthy enough.
And recognize, honestly, at the end of the day, each one
of us truly are divine.
And to help, you know, that is imperative for me,
because if we live in a world where everyone knows this,
how much better is it to go to the grocery store,
to drive down the road, to visit people, to have friends
that are awake and aware
and understanding of their divinity, and see every human
and every moment as sacred, as opposed
to people yelling at each other and,
and being angry at each other online,
and, you know, uh, road rage and all these things,
and realizing when I'm yelling at someone
else, I'm yelling at myself.
When I'm, when I'm hurting other people, I'm hurting me.
When I'm helping others,
I'm helping myself, and I'm loving others.
I'm loving myself. Um, so that's, that's why I do this.
And that's why, why I think it's imperative.
I I wanna awaken the world as much as possible.
Um, you know, and,
and I think ultimately, uh, I didn't do that.
I didn't try to wake up for myself, for others.
At first it was for myself.
But when you reach a level of, of, of certain awareness
and you realize that everyone is you, it just seems like
that's the mission that while we came here on this planet,
is literally to help awaken our brothers and sisters.
And I, one of the ways I feel like
that we can make this life sacred as it, it really is,
is prayer, is to, you know, make
prayer essential in our daily lives, to pray over food,
to pray over people, you know,
and not necessarily the praying that we have come to know
as asking for things that we don't have,
but simply, you know, honestly, sometimes recognizing
and being grateful for the things that we do.
And one of the greatest prayers that I kind
of recently got into is, uh, an example of
what Greg Braden shared.
He said when he went to go pray
with a Native American one time,
and they, they were having a huge drought
and hadn't rained in a long time, and they needed some rain.
So the guy went out there to go pray,
and he went out there to pray with them.
And he literally, uh, described his prayer as going outside
and, uh, being sacred with oneness
and, you know, uh, smelling the smells
that rain would give off when you, when, when it rains,
to feel the mud between his toes,
to feel the water fall on his skin, to feel
that cool air come in
and that smell of rain, uh, when it starts to rain
and believing that it was already here right now,
in this moment, not asking for it as it, but if it's not,
but knowing that it's already here.
We are all creators. We can create anything.
We can make it rain. We can create abundance.
We can create anything in this life that you want.
And knowing that we're divine, knowing
that we have this incredible, powerful, uh,
ability within us and start to use it again.
Certainly a few people definitely, um, want us
to be disempowered, want us to be programmed
to believe that we're not good enough.
Um, a few people actually, you know, benefit from that.
But it will benefit us in the whole world for us
to know our divinity, excuse me,
and dwell and dwell within it.
And when we become, when we heal ourselves, you know,
that is when we're able, when we've done the work,
when you have healed yourself of the diseases,
when you've healed yourself of, you know, that, of lack
of all the things that hold you back.
I think that's when we really are able to heal others.
You know, everybody can do it. Everybody has the gift.
Um, I've had a very similar experience to this exact photo
where I was, you know, I went to go get a healing, uh, from,
um, a metaphysical place.
And we were doing, they were doing hands-on healing.
I just went for myself, uh,
upon my first hearing and sat down.
I heard the voice inside my,
my head say, now it's your turn.
And he just kept saying it.
And I knew that meant I was supposed to get up there,
but I was like, I don't have a a degree,
I don't have a certificate.
I've never practiced these things.
But, you know, I think about that I am,
that when Moses was talking to Burning Bush,
he didn't have those things either.
But there's a calling that happens when the universe calls
to you, when God calls to you and says, it's your time.
It doesn't matter if you have a certificate
or, you know, um, an education for it.
Each one of us is called by the universe in divine way.
That's all you need to know and have that confidence.
And there's a reason that you were called.
There's a reason that you're a vessel
that heard that calling.
And it's time for you to get up and do that.
And what an incredible feeling.
And I, and I know for a fact that's only one of many
that I've had, but I know once we get in there,
every single person can have those same callings.
Every single person is definitely divine
and can have the same kinds of experiences that I know
that I've had and I've talked to many others about.
And so I really push this on people.
'cause I want, I want so many people like,
you know, listen to the call.
You know, don't worry about what you have
or how much money you got,
or you know, what bus you know,
just start doing the things that you love.
Go and listen to intuition.
Whatever it says, do it what excites you.
Go out there and do it. You'll have the
experience that goes with it.
And when we heal ourselves, we heal the next generation
that follows pain is passed through the family line
until someone is brave enough
and ready enough to feel it, heal it, and let it go.
Man, that's so important to realize
that our whole family lineages is really
on our shoulders right now.
All these ideas of not being good enough
and not being great enough,
and, you know, we're not worthy of a great job.
We're not worthy of a great relationship.
It's all been passed down by so many people.
Not that it was their fault, but that's what they were told,
and that's the programs they were given.
They passed it on down to us.
You know, more than just our, our color of our eyes
and the color of our skin, you know, our emotions,
our mental states are, you know, all those things pass
through us and all these lessons.
And so when you finally take a stand
and say, you know, not me, not anymore.
I'm not gonna do this to my kid, I'm not gonna do that.
I'm gonna allow them to be themselves.
I'm gonna allow them to have their own spiritual journey,
their own spiritual practice, and give them the truth
and not tell them to go be Christians, to be,
you know, atheists, whatever.
Let them have their own experiences.
Tell them, Hey, man, you are as, as much as anybody else,
are entitled to have your own experience,
to go out there and find it.
I have a daughter and I definitely will let her
know, you know what I mean?
I can give her what I've learned
and things that I've experienced.
But at the end of the day, you gotta have your own journey.
You have your own experience.
And I think when we do these things,
when we break these cycles
and we, we become, you know, uh,
more like the universe,
more like this unconditional free will zone
that the universe is, and we start to give others free will
and others unconditional level love them no matter
who they are, where they're at on this journey,
what they've done, and just love them for them being here.
Now our whole life can change.
And we can, you know, create love
and, uh, a world that works for people,
and we'll find the others who are on the same frequency
as this and create life that, you know,
don't have to learn these lessons.
They'll know many of these things that we figured out.
We don't have to teach them as much anymore.
You know, a lot of the things I feel like that we, um,
that is happening to us as humans is, you know,
there are barriers and there are walls that we create
and we pass those barriers and walls onto our children.
And so if we don't have those barriers anymore,
we don't have these walls that keep us from this alignment,
these belief system, these ideas
and these political systems
that keep us from our own enlightenment.
You know, it's game over. These kids,
they come in and they don't need that.
They don't need the programming.
They don't, they're, they're, they're past it.
And so we can create, you know, families and children,
and not just giving birth to children,
but like, the work
that you do in this life now affects your family,
affects your brother, affects your sister.
You don't have to tell them.
You don't have to convince
them anything or teach them anything.
You being, you truly being who you are
and in your own power will create, you know, something
for them to see visually and to feel
and to realize, wow, what have you done?
How are you so different? And they'll want to talk to you.
They'll want to ask you questions.
Um, one of the things that happened
to me definitely was trying to explain things
and experiences.
And I couldn't explain an experience
that somebody else hadn't had it the same, similar thing.
It wasn't in their vocabulary, it wasn't in, you know,
it wasn't in their experience.
So how could they understand that?
Um, but I definitely could be me
and I definitely could be real and be honest
and be, you know, the person that I, you know, look up to.
And if you're that, you're gonna be that for them too,
eventually it's gonna, I definitely said things down
to my parents that, you know,
they may not have liked at the beginning,
but they've come to know, wow, it being,
it was the truth, you know?
Um, then when they said that,
and so, you know, we can change the world, was
what I'm trying to say by being who we truly are.
Gandhi said, be the change you want to see in the world.
That is so imperative, I think, to realizing like,
our power is within us.
We don't need a president
or a politician to pass a law to make something better.
Each one of us being that little drop in the universe
reverberates and resonates out that love and, and,
and beauty and rawness,
and realness just as much as anybody ever has,
uh, or anybody ever will.
So it is so important to realize
your journey is so important.
Who you, who you are, the things that you do,
what you resonate out, what you're focused on right now is
so important to change the world.
And one of my favorite quotes is from Mother Trace
that says, if you want to create world peace,
just go home and love your family.
And I have thought about that over
and over again for so long.
I couldn't sit down with my family
and eat a, a meal without arguing about politics
or whatever, and I realized it wasn't worth it.
That war wasn't worth it.
How many millions, maybe billions of people
around the world can't sit down
with their own family members, with their moms and dads, uh,
because their, their views are different.
How, how crazy is that?
How that's a war in itself for millions of people,
maybe billions of people daily, who can't even talk
to their family members because they have different views?
Why not let peace be the way?
And no matter what, nobody, I haven't met anybody
who thinks the same way I think about everything,
but I know this, I know
that I can be peaceful no matter what.
I know that I can always honor their beliefs no matter what,
and let them believe whatever they want to no matter what.
That creates a piece that creates a harmony between people
recognizing and, and honoring them
for whatever they believe in, um, that resonates out and,
and just changes everything.
Um, so I think this is the way for us
to exit the matrix of, you know, this world,
this holographic reality that seems to be, uh,
created in a way that kind of works off fear.
That we're all in fear mode.
We're off fight or fight or flight survival mode,
and get into a mode where, you know, we know we're loved,
we know that there's plenty out there that we, that,
you know, we can always be
at the right place at the right time.
We can literally change our reality by what we think
and how we feel about it.
And so I think this is, you know, really is a way to,
to exit the Matrix as Neo did become masters
of the universe, masters of our own lives.
And, uh, you know, really honestly,
the only world you're ever gonna experience is
the one you're experiencing.
You know, there's no reason to to believe that, you know,
the whole world's gonna change
for everybody at the same time.
Uh, you know, really it's,
it's gonna change for everybody individually.
So, um, thank you guys for joining tonight.
I really appreciate it.
Um, you know, healing is a, is an incredible journey.
And I know I have personally have a long way to go and it,
and I'm so excited that I've experienced so much.
And, you know, I wanna share so much with so many people
and, um, you know, it's just been an incredible journey
and I'm very thankful for it.
So thank you guys for joining us for tonight.
People: Jacob Cox
Topics: Health & Healing, Mystery School