Ep23: The Chariot Archetype (Great Way of the Mind)

Law of One Deep Dives

Law of One Deep Dives
Law of One Deep Dives
Ep23: The Chariot Archetype (Great Way of the Mind)

In this episode, Mike, Andrew, Nick, and Nathan discuss the “Chariot” archetype, known as The Great Way of the Mind, from the Law of One material. They explore various passages, focusing on the culmination of mental processes, symbolism, and the integration of the previous six archetypes. The conversation delves into themes of unity, spiritual evolution, and the role of catalyst in personal growth.

Notes on material for discussion (see: lawofone.info):

79.41 “the Path, the Way, or the Great Way of the Mind”

92.17 “that portion of the archetypical mind which denotes and configures the particular framework”

100.7 “intended to limn the milieu within which the work of mind, body, or spirit shall be placed.”

100.8 “so that the positive orientation has more aid ”
100.9 “polarities are both dependent upon a limited viewpoint”

100.11 “mental/emotional complex ripens and moves and is transformed in time”
100.13 “overriding spiritual environment and protection for the environment of the mind”
(99.7 referenced “The Significator owns a covenant with the spirit”)

103.11 mood “dependent upon its notable difference from the Significator”
103.12 “What then, O Student, links and harnesses the chariot’s power of movement to the chariot?” [unanswered question]
103.13 (sphere replacing sword)
103.14 (sphinx legs)
103.15 we “wish to soften the significance of the side-long look”

Potentially Related Discussions

81.14 “the Great Way of the Body must be seen, as are all the archetypes of the body, to be a mirror image of the thrust of the activity of the mind.”

80.21 [Great Way of the Spirit] “one may also see the reflection of this contact [with intelligent infinity], as well, as the contact with intelligent energy which is the Universe or, as you have called it somewhat provincially, the World.”

73.7 “the great way of the development of the light” (followed up in 73.8)

References to “The Path”
15.14 “The understanding, experiencing, accepting, and merging of self with self and with other-self, and finally with the Creator, is the path to the heart of self”
74.11 “clearing the path towards the great indigo gateway to the Creator” Disciplines of the personality connection? Shared yesterday via text: Maybe becoming Significators are like knowing the self, becoming transformation is like the full acceptance of self either through self seen in all others or self seen as separate, and maybe then becoming the great “way” could be like becoming more and more the creator who is increasingly the architect of the entire manifest path of beingness itself
52.7 “Acceptance of self, forgiveness of self, and the direction of the will; this is the path towards the disciplined personality.”
86.7 “As a mind/body/spirit* consciously chooses the path of the adept and, with each energy center balanced to a minimal degree, begins to open the indigo-ray energy center, the so-called dreaming becomes the most efficient tool for polarization”

6.1 The “great work” connection to great way of the spirit? “With the mind single-pointed, balanced, and aware, the body comfortable in whatever biases and distortions make it appropriately balanced for that instrument, the instrument is then ready to proceed with the great work. That is the work of wind and fire.”

49.6 Kundalini connection? “In the north pole the crown is already upon the head”

Next Episode: Ep24: Becoming Archetypes of the Mind


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Ep24: Becoming Archetypes of the Mind
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