Ep22: The Lovers Archetype (Transformation of the Mind)

Law of One Deep Dives

Law of One Deep Dives
Law of One Deep Dives
Ep22: The Lovers Archetype (Transformation of the Mind)

In this episode, the group discusses the sixth major arcana archetype, The Lovers, and its association with the transformation of the mind. They explore the symbolism within the card, such as the crossed arms of the male figure and the presence of two females representing different paths. The conversation delves into the significance of making a choice in polarity, the impact of subconscious patterns, and the deeper understanding of relationships between conscious and unconscious mind. They emphasize the importance of attitude towards the use of one’s mind and resources, and how maintaining a positive polarity shapes experiences and transformation.

Notes on material for discussion (see: lawofone.info):

Transformation as the purpose of polarity:
77.12 “Upon the foundation of transformation of each complex, with free will guided by the root concepts offered in these cycles, the Logos offered this density the basic architecture”

93.3 “pithy or eloquent description of the polarities of third density”

Archetype 6 discussion:
79.39-40 “As you observe Archetype Six you may see the student of the mysteries being transformed by the need to choose betwixt the light and the dark in mind.”

99.8 “Let us now observe the evaluation of the two females”

100.6 “one principle governing the use of the deep mind must be abandoned”

Interrelated archetype discussions:
95.27 [crux ansata recap] “builds towards transformation using the spirit’s bountiful shuttle to intelligent infinity”

81.13 [Transformation of the Body] “each moment and certainly each diurnal period of the bodily incarnation offers death and rebirth to one which is attempting to use the catalyst which is offered it.”

80.20 [Transformation of the Spirit] “This material world is transformed by the spirit into that which is infinite and eternal”

Also considering, as time allows and as appropriate:

92.20 “that which reaches may be seen as a male principle. That which awaits the reaching may be seen as a female principle”

78.24 “The purpose of polarity is to develop the potential to do work”

99.10 “many signposts in the deep mind indicating to the alert adept the more efficient use of catalyst.”

84.22 “polarization increased many fold if the mating were not indiscriminate”

54.25 “transmuting selfhood and place in society into energy transfer situations in which the entity may merge with and serve others”

52.2 ” The hitchhiker sees the same beauty but has not prepared itself for the establishment, in the roots of mind, of the experience”

6.1 “The purpose of carefully and consciously opening this channel is to serve in a more dependable way, in a more commonplace or usual way, as seen by the distortion complex of the healer”

Next Episode: Ep23: The Chariot Archetype (Great Way of the Mind)


  1. Thank you for breaking down some acts of service to self that can be helpful towards service to others in a positive sense. The intention of service to self can be a good thing if the intent in the end is for service to others. I hope that’s received well.

Up Next:

Law of One Deep Dives
Law of One Deep Dives
Ep23: The Chariot Archetype (Great Way of the Mind)
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Law of One Deep Dives
Ep24: Becoming Archetypes of the Mind
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Law of One Deep Dives
Ep25: The Matrix Archetypes
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Ep26: Potentiator Archetypes
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Ep20: Emperor Archetype Pt.2 (Experience of Mind)
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Ep19: Emperor Archetype Pt.1 (Experience of Mind)
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Ep18: The Empress Archetype (Catalyst of Mind)

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