Ep19: Emperor Archetype Pt.1 (Experience of Mind)

In this episode, the group dives into the fourth archetype from the Law of One series, focusing on the concept of the “Emperor,” which represents the experience of the mind. They explore the symbolic imagery from the archetype, discuss the nature of experience, and its implications for spiritual growth. The conversation aims to clarify complex ideas to better understand how experience shapes individual consciousness.
Notes on material for discussion (see: lawofone.info):
78.37 ” it is only through the catalyst which has been processed by the potentiated consciousness that experience may ensue.”
94.15 “Experience of the Mind reaches not, O student, but with firm authority grasps what it is given”
94.16 “the great cat which guards”
94.18 “the architecture of experience, both the fragility of structure and the surety of structure.’
94.20 “attention shall be constantly given varieties of experience”
94.26 “no experience which is not purchased by effort of some kind”
95.24 “to the pure, all that is encountered speaks of the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator”
92.34 “each potentiation which has been reached for by the Matrix is recorded by the Matrix but experienced by the Significator.”
There are so many discussions of “experience” that I thought might also be worthy of consideration, here are some we could possibly discuss – maybe a couple at the start like 28.13 and 46.16:
Next Episode: Ep20: Emperor Archetype Pt.2 (Experience of Mind)
Thank you guys for joining me again.
Uh, we're excited to have another chat today about the major
AA archetypes discussed in the Love one.
This is mainly in the original book four Material.
And now if you get the new versions of the books,
the raw contact, it's,
it's basically like it's all in the second volume is
scrunched down to two volumes.
But the, the archetypes were a huge discussion
and in these books, and, uh,
it's very hard to understand for a lot of people.
And so we're gonna try to break it down more.
And we're doing it one archetype at a time, which is
how Rah originally recommended the initial path of study.
But there are some recommendations with looking at some in,
uh, pairs and in the groupings of, for example,
the Matrix Potentiator of Mind, body, spirit, each
of those mind, body, spirit can be looked at together
and thought about together for some benefit.
So we may think about the nature of experience today
as we're dealing with Archetype four,
the experience in the mind, what's called the Emperor.
Uh, we'll probably talk about experience in a general sense.
And obviously it's, it's easier for us
to think about experience in a general sense
because it's kind of all, uh, in one term already for us,
that we don't really necessarily always separate a concept
of an experience into mind
and body, even though these are separate phenomenon, uh,
experience of body and experience
of mind are separate phenomenon.
We can get into that a little bit today.
Um, and for of course, the experience
of spirit is the most profound thing to,
to try to wrap your head around.
Um, but, and it's all connected.
Um, so you guys have any opening, uh, thoughts on,
on this discussion on the nature
of the experience of the mind or in general?
Uh, well, I would just play what you were saying, um, one
of the lead in about the experience
of spiritual being so profound.
'cause you know, we're, we're really grasping at straws
and we're trying to talk about that one,
but I think the experience
of the mind is a lot more tangible for us.
You know? 'cause if, if we are having this experience
with the mind, you know, this is the physical world
around us and what we're taking in
and all that, as opposed to the spirit, who knows?
Um, I've been looking forward to this.
I think the whole run through, obviously the mind, uh,
to net's point is a little bit more accessible, uh,
because we do tend to be a bit intellectual
and I think have a, a pretty mental experience.
Um, but it, it all starts there too,
and certainly what manifests in the body.
And so, um, I just love
that we're getting right into the meat of the
archetypes of the mind.
Yep. All right. I will share my screen now.
And first of all, I'll share the, what this image was
that will be analyzing from the tarau that the emperor,
this is from the CC Zane images.
Um, and there's a, a redrawn version of it
after they questioned raw significantly,
and they decided they could take out the elements
that weren't a part of the original drawings offered,
or the images offered by, by raw in the, to the Egyptians.
And they came up with a more simplified version,
which doesn't have the stars
or the astrological connections.
And this is the image we'll be discussing.
This is meant to be a masculine figure, a male figure,
which has some correlations with the, uh, card,
card one, the magician.
So the first card was matrix of mind,
masculine magician consciousness.
Second card was high priestess symbolizing the
unconscious mind feminine.
Third card is the, was the catalyst, the catalyst
of mind representing the point at which the,
the unconscious mind is initially becoming
useful in some way that we can begin to have, have some,
some focus point for, for, for how we're going
to be experiencing.
The catalyst is
before experience happens,
though it's on the deepest unconscious level.
And then as it rises up to the surface
of the conscious mind, that's when it becomes, uh,
the experience that we know of his experience, which,
because it's conscious, I assume
that's the masculine connection.
Um, and I, I kind of paraphrased a lot
and summarized that, but I hope to, we will get into this
with the, the, the quotes from the law of one right now.
Um, did, did everything I said sound accurate so far?
Yep. Yeah. And just see
flicking back and forth between those.
I keep thinking it's, it's amazing how
much more simple it got.
They simplified it and,
and it just, you know, gives you a lot to think about
and a little bit of image as opposed
to the old one has all this stuff going on.
Yeah. You know,
I know we're gonna get into a little bit about the direction
that, that he is looking, um,
because that is addressed here.
But as you were, as you were scrolling through those, I kind
of had that question, uh, around the magician.
Um, so we can wait until we get to that part,
but I would, I'd like to,
to get your guys' reflection on, on that as well.
I mean, the amount of
simplifications in the final drawing,
Um, no, yeah.
That he's looking to his left.
He's already torque the negative path.
And we will talk, that's pretty much in passage today.
But I was curious as to why the magician was also
oriented left or to his left.
I know why the potentiator is even
because she presents all things balanced
or, um, everything comes from the potentiator.
Um, has polarity built in,
why is a magician oriented to his left?
That's a good question. I think we might've touched on
this briefly in the last one.
I have a thought on this, but if, well,
I mean, we get into that right?
In 94, 12. So if we do the first one,
we'll just frame ex the emperor
and the experience of the mind with the first passage,
and then we'll get right into the directional.
That's pretty much the next one. Okay. Let's
Do it. Okay.
Um, there's a part of me that thought maybe it'd be good
to go over just two quick other, uh,
passages about the experience, the nature of experience,
28 13.
Before we dive deep into the images, I thought it'd be fun
to cover a couple of these that I, I noticed, um,
to give us a broader perspective about experience.
So Donna asked the question earlier on, in the material,
do all of the individualized portions of the logos,
the logos being the root consciousness from which the
archetypal mind is, is first imagined
and put into, um, application, I guess
do all these individualized portions
of the logos in the lenticular galaxy that we are in now,
the 250 billion stars, um,
do all consciousness then in this individualized form,
it goes into what we are calling the major galaxy.
Start out, it goes through all the densities
and order density of the consciousness,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, then to eight.
Or is there some, shall I say, who start higher up the rank
and go, um, so that there always is always a mixture
of intelligent consciousness in the galaxy.
So this is a question is,
does evolution happen in
different rates for different people?
And Ross said the latter is more newly correct, that there,
that there are different rates of evolution
and some are much quicker than others.
And each beginning, there is the beginning from infinite
strength free will acts as catalyst
beings begin to form the universes consciousness then begins
to have the potential to experience the
potentials of experience are created as a part
of intelligent energy and are fixed
before experience begins.
So this could explain why the potentiator
comes before experience.
We have the potential, the potentials, um,
essentially being first imagined by the unconscious mind,
and it starts to come to the surface, uh, with the catalyst.
And then these potentials are already in that, in
that creation of that energy.
And, and, and that's my interpretation of this at least.
Uh, however, there is always due to free will,
acting infinitely upon the creation,
a great variation in initial responses
to intelligent energies potential.
This almost immediately the foundations of the,
shall we call it hierarchical nature of beings, begins
to manifest as some portions of consciousness or awareness.
Yep. Learn through experience in a
much more efficient manner.
Yeah. So,
um, it doesn't
Down on the gate, It, it doesn't controvert
what it says it does.
It's still saying that the potentials are fixed, uh, just
that the variation happens rapidly.
Um, and the hierarchy more or less starts to manifest
because each individuated aspect is, um,
you know, learning through more
or less of a efficient manner.
I think it might be interesting points
that when they say hierarchy,
I think they're just talking about densities
of consciousness and not necessarily saying that one
is controlling another.
Oh, I would agree. It's densities of consciousness.
But at that point, the lines are kind of blurred.
And, and in fact, there isn't even, you know,
more individuated than more whole consciousness.
There's whole consciousness with sort of, you know, hints
of individuation or whatever.
But there's still a knowing of the self as one, I think.
And so, yeah, I would agree with you that it starts
to create density and structure,
but not necessarily, you know,
we're not looking at ego consciousness necessarily.
Yeah. The two life that get me are, uh, free will acts
as a catalyst beings begin to form the universe.
Like every decision sets the
whole universe in a different way.
I think that beings become,
or they form universes, as in that's what they manifest,
that's what they express as, so that's the logos, right?
That's a universe is a logo expressing
its flavor of free will.
And also with the whole butterfly effect, you know,
if you decide to go for a walk and then you crush an amp,
but that amp was gonna pour a colony, then blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
You know what I mean? That whole things can echo into, into,
uh, infinite time with just so many different translations.
And then, so that is every being is
beginning to form the universe.
Free will acts as a catalyst, you make a choice,
and then you begin to form the universe.
Yeah. And they also, uh, in material,
talk about the card number one, the magician
as essentially representing free will,
or the will, I should say the will.
And then the will is what chooses the point, the, the focus
of, of attack with the potentiator and working together.
Then they create the potential for experience
with the catalyst and the experience.
Yeah. We're gonna talk a little bit about the magician
or the matrix and a little bit of its dynamic nature
in one of those sessions here today.
And I'm kind of liking that
because it goes back to a question I asked, um,
a few months back, which is what's being transformed.
But we get some clarity today on both what's doing the
experience and at least, um, some indication
that the matrix itself is, is dynamic over time.
And there was one other quote I wanted to cover briefly
as a example of the nature of experience
before we get on into the more abstract concepts.
Um, Don had asked, what is the plan for the use
of the catalyst of cancer?
So he has a very specific question about the catalyst
of cancer, and they got the response,
the catalyst and all catalyst.
So they broadened it up immediately.
All catalyst of all kinds is designed to offer experience.
This experience in your density may be loved and accepted,
or it may be controlled.
These are the two paths.
So this was already hinting at why there are the two
different, um, sides to the, the image
with the left and the right side representing different
aspects of the, the potentials of using the catalyst
for a kind of experience.
Um, one the right hand path, the service to others path is
to love and accept the catalyst
or to try to control the catalyst.
And the experience is the other path, the left hand path.
When neither path is chosen,
the catalyst fails in its design and,
and the entity proceeds until catalyst strikes it,
which causes it to form bias towards acceptance and love
or separation and control.
There is no lack of space time in which
this catalyst may work.
So this could be why some entities
evolve quicker than others.
It's because of the efficiency of the use of the,
of the catalyst in one or the other direction.
The efficiency of choice. Yeah. And
When that, when that catalyst comes up to them.
Yep. Okay.
So now there was one introductory, uh,
quote in 78 when Don first started
asking about this archetype.
And it was, uh, the fourth archetype seen,
seen as the emperor seems to have to do with the experience
of other cells in the green ray energy center, the,
the heart chakra with respect to other selves.
Is this correct? And Ross says, this is perceptive.
The broad name for archetype four may be
the experience of the mind.
In the tarot, you find the name of emperor.
Again, this implies nobility.
And they say again, because nobility was also represented
by the empress, the card card three,
again, this implies nobility.
And in the case, in this case, we may see the suggestion
that it is only through the catalyst,
which has been processed by the potentiated consciousness,
that experience may ensue.
So we'll break that down in a minute.
Thusly is the conscious mind ennobled by the use
of the vast resources of the unconscious mind.
And so the word noble here seems to relate
to the nobility concept,
and I think they're playing on that.
And noble means to lend a greater dignity
or nobility of character to.
So it's interesting you think about how many
of our experiences do we have,
and we do not see any sort of dignity in those experiences,
and we have not seen it in
that archetypal fashion when we just say
as is just another one of these days, another experience.
And to appreciate the catalyst that led
to the experience is also a kind of ennobling
of the catalyst,
the conscious mind.
Oh, go ahead.
Well, um, I wanted to go back to the, uh,
the first part actually.
Um, Ross seemed to confirm Don's assertion
that this is experience most specifically to do
with other selves in the green ray energy center.
Um, and I don't know if that's splitting hairs
or if we can describe a case where catalyst
and experience are available when, when, not in the company
of, of an other self.
But I wouldn't think that would be super difficult to,
uh, envision.
I I think that when we're talking about the,
the greater dignity or mobility of character
for an experience, I think that that probably does imply
that we're using ourselves in
the, in the most balanced fashion.
Um, and that that would imply, yeah, uh,
helping other people and using yourself in a way that is
following that, that purified love
that's coming from the, the heart of the logos, the heart
of the, the mind of God
or the mind of the creator that is seeking to use
these incarnations for a purpose and love
and service to one another.
So I guess, I guess maybe that that's how I would see it, is
that the reason that, that this is not incorrect,
that he specifically focuses on the green ray energy center,
the left, the heart shark dealing with other selves, is
because that's how you would most
efficiently be using your experience.
Yeah. It just, um, I get
that it's just R's answer actually does not
directly mention other selves or green ray.
Yeah. At all.
Hey, This is perceptive.
I mean, that's, maybe that's the acknowledgement of it.
Yeah. Yeah.
This is perceptive doesn't necessarily
mean that this is right or wrong,
Right? Yeah. It doesn't
necessarily, it's not super clear. And
That's practically how they were with all the
interpretations of the archetypes Don gave.
They, I think they said this is
perceptive for a lot of, a lot of these,
You know, for, for the balancing exercises.
I would definitely agree that doing that with respect to
the heart chakra and experience
of other selves is probably the most effective.
Yeah. Uh, okay. Yeah.
When they talk about the catalyst, the mind rock
said things like, this is a thoughtful perception.
It cannot be said to be incorrect,
but they didn't go that far to say this
cannot be said to be incorrect.
But they clarified more when they went on,
was just slightly off there.
Yeah. They usually do a little egging on,
you know, this is perceptive.
Uh, but, you know, look over here,
Oh, student, I think we have, uh, one
or two of those list today.
Yeah. Um,
so let's break down the, this phrase.
Um, it is only
through the catalyst which has been processed
by the potentiated consciousness.
That experience means sue.
So the potentiated consciousness is the, is
that the matrix dipping into the potentiator to
select what will emerge as catalyst,
And that or
Physical, an example of catalyst
that has not been processed by, oh,
'cause they said that earlier, that if just if you fail to,
to meet the catalyst,
if you just don't make choices about it or don't evaluate it
or, or whatever, then then it has not been processed.
So then it's not experience, it doesn't move
beyond the phase of catalyst, I guess. That makes sense.
Yeah. Yeah.
And it's interesting that where we're headed
with all this is the idea that each
of these archetypes may be potentially useful
to be invoked at a different time.
So that what they say, you know,
we could become each archetype at will,
the adapt will become each archetype at will as needed.
So that would imply there is a time when it's appropriate
to become the catalyst,
when the catalyst has not been fully appreciated yet.
And I assume that's the, when the pro catalyst is not being
processed properly, and maybe that's when there's a
maybe an overwhelming influx of potentials for experience.
And we don't know, we're just scattered with our,
with our mind in a,
in a less than conscious fashion perhaps.
Yeah. You know, maybe when
we get to the end of the, the
first seven archetypes of the mind, we could go back and,
and, um, do that exercise.
We've talked about last year a little bit about coming up
with kind of examples in the day to day of, you know, what,
what is embodying the, the catalyst of the mind,
for example, what does that look like?
When would somebody use that? Yeah.
The conditions for which in our lives we would say,
this is now the right time to apply this archetype.
Exactly. I think you could also be embodying them
without even knowing, you know, you could,
you could be having a conversation if you were having a
conversation with somebody and it was affecting them
and it each way, but, you know, you were just having a back
and forth with them not knowing
how deeply it was affecting them.
You could be the catalyst
of the mind right there and not even know it.
Yeah. Yeah. We've talked a little bit about that too.
And there's this weird, you know, it gets into the,
the dualism, non-dualism thing there,
because is it, is it you who is the catalyst
or is it the biases that exist in whoever you're conversing
with that sort of determine that what it is
that you said even could be catalyst?
You know what I mean? It's not, not really what you said,
it's who you said it to.
So you could be talking to three people, for example,
and they might all three take it very differently based on,
you know, kind of what they're open to or looking for.
So, um, yeah, it's like,
But without your words, without your words,
you wouldn't have sparked the thought.
Or how about, I'll give you another example
where you would be catalyst of the body
if you performed CPR successfully on somebody,
they came back to life.
You could have been the catalyst of the body
and the catalyst of mine at that point.
Uh, I wouldn't say that could also be transformation
of the body, but, um, we, yeah. Yeah.
I mean, you know how many we haven
Archetypes yet, so Yeah.
But that's what I mean, like, you could be these things
and not even realize that you're just,
you're just doing an act.
Yeah. I still think though, that we have to contain all
of them within us.
Like it has to be a self-contained thing, though clearly.
Some of them definitely are with respect to other people.
So, you know. Yeah.
I look forward to noodling on that maybe Yeah.
A little bit when we get to the end
of the series or something.
Yeah, Sure.
We should get through before we start to do the, the over
Yeah. A little bit more clicks
every time.
So yeah, I think by the time we get to the end,
we might be in a better shape
to look back towards the beginning.
Yeah. And this is one thing, the, the catalyst discussion
that I keep, I keep wanting to return to for some reason,
they say, all that you perceive seems
to be consciously perceived.
This is not the correct supposition.
All that you perceive as perceived as catalyst,
unconsciously, by the time, shall we say
that the mind begins its appreciation of catalyst.
That catalyst has been filtered through the veil,
and in some cases much has veiled in the most
apparently clear perception.
Ha. Yes.
So it's almost like what we experience is really not
connected to the reality of another person's experience,
except through this veil, which is filtered by the,
our outward illusion, which is the manifestation
of our unconscious mind, which has all these layers
of potentials for confusion around what's actually there.
It's interesting. Some people, you know,
can be living a completely different reality in their head
and you have just have no idea.
Yeah. Yeah. It can go so many different ways there.
Yeah. Um,
so we can move on to 94 now, which was
what we were originally saying is this is the bulk of 94
or 95 were the bulk of the discussions
around the experience in the mind.
And it's, I wanted to start with 94, 12.
I think there were a few of these that we can skip over
'cause they were kind of, rod Don was fumbling around a bit
with his, his language,
um, or Yeah.
Already been covered. So,
and 94 12 Don asked, it seems to me that the experience
of the mind would act in such a way as to change the nature
of the veil so that catalyst would be filtered so
as to be acceptable.
Let me start over. It seems to me that experience
of the mind would act in such a way as to change the nature
of the veil so that catalyst would be filtered so as
to be acceptable and the more acceptable bias
that is increasingly chosen by the entity.
For instance, if the entity had chosen the right-hand path
service to others' path, the veil, the experience
of mind would change the permeability of the veil
to accept more and more positive catalysts.
And also the other would be true
for accepting more negative if the left-hand path were the
one that we're repeatedly chosen.
Is this correct? And Ross says, this is not only correct,
but there is further ramification
as the entity increases in experience, it shall more
and more choose positive interpretations
of catalyst if it is upon the service to others' path
and negative interpretations
of catalyst if its experience has been
along the service to self path.
So this reminded me of a principle that we learned, uh,
when we were doing the, uh, yoga studies and all that.
It was, uh, like begets like an opposite heel.
So it's like, you know,
You, You just keep doubling, tripling you,
you're making it, you're increasing the intensity of the,
of the choice as opposed to trying a different way
and maybe at a more centered mindset.
There's a lot in that, just in that, um,
what you have highlighted there.
I mean, that sort of sunrises the, the claim
of victimization, you know,
or life happens to me as opposed to life happens for me.
Yeah. And that's a, that's a very big difference.
Obviously it's a difference in polarity, but, um,
and I guess given
how much complacency there is in polarity, uh,
I wonder what that means for people that are, you know,
wallowing around the middle.
I suppose they can, it's probably just easier for them
to interpret it as either way, right?
It could be positive, it could go negative
because they haven't really fully
committed one way or the other.
Yeah. There's a lot of discussion about the sinkhole
of indifference, and it does seem like that's kind of
waffling between the two,
and that's just like a recipe for karma
to keep on throwing the same things.
Yep. Maybe slightly different ways,
but yeah, it keeps coming.
But it is fascinating that Don got
so much right in this initial, uh, explanation
that he thought the veil is, is is different.
The veiling that prevents us from having a full
awareness of a situation.
It's becoming like a filtering mechanism where we're,
we're seeing seemingly the same reality as other people,
but we're seeing it in a completely different way
as we continue to choose that, that that path
of interpretation.
I I, I see this slightly different with his use
of the word permeability.
It does say to accept more positive catalysts.
And I wanna say either in another passage that's on the list
or in the other material
that we're discussing in the other call
that I was reading today, that they clarified that
and said specifically that, no, it doesn't, doesn't mean
that you're, you're tearing down the veil,
but you are choosing to interpret it more positively.
And so you're just gonna keep doing that.
I don't know if that, that's again, splitting hairs,
but I don't know that it makes the veil more permeable.
It just means that the catalyst is coming through,
it's gonna be interpreted as more one way or the other.
It's interesting that the veil, you could say,
makes it difficult for people
to have any positive interpretation at times
because they just haven't broken some kind
of barrier around that potential.
Where does the veil live in terms of an archetype?
Does it live within the potentiator
or between the, the matrix and the potentiator? It
Might actually live with the significant
Interesting That the significant becomes complex
as a result of the veiling, but it's could, you could say
that all the archetypes are more complex
because of the bailing, right?
I think so.
Maybe it's every single archetype is influenced,
and maybe it, maybe to some degree it, it,
it created the fool archetype more
because the choice was more pronounced
and the fool represents the choice that is sort
of independent from all these other factors.
Right? The veiling creates the condition
where we can have a more
of a free will choice overall reality without having,
you know, the truth of the bigger picture
of what's gonna happen in the future
and what, what we're actually connected to
with the greater conscious collective.
Without, without those factors in, in our conscious view
that we, that we have to make a choice without anything.
Yeah. Sign indicators always.
Yeah. What's that?
I said that yields more catalyst making, you know,
choice without knowledge effectively.
Yeah. Without full knowledge.
Yay. Right.
We could continue on to, I think 15 seem like the next
one worth discussing here.
Um, in the fourth archetype,
the card shows a male whose body faces forward.
I assume this indicates that the experience of the mind
will reach for catalyst, however the face is to the left.
Well, let's look at the card here.
The face is to the left indicating to me that in reaching
for catalyst, negative catalyst will be more apparent in its
power or effect than the positive
would draw a comment on this.
The archetype of experience
of the mind reaches not o student,
but with firm authority grasps what is given.
The remainder of your remarks are perceptive.
So there's a suggestion that Don is correct in,
or at least on the right track, saying that
negative catalyst was more apparent in general in our
reality, because this is just that the programming
of the catalyst or,
or the experience of the mind
is to be looking in that direction.
And then, um, it is jumping ahead a little bit,
but the, uh, basically raw explains later that
it's not so much, it, it's just being distracted from
that side because that's, you know, the, the, uh,
the distractions that,
that could stray you from the path come from that side.
So I think it's the only part
that was rec was corrected was when Don said
it's reaching for catalyst.
Mm-Hmm. So there's no reaching, there is
was firm authority as the emperor
grasping what is given.
And that, that's fascinating to me.
What, what, what is this authority of the experience, right?
Is this, everyone is entitled to have an experience
And it says what is given is this, it's given this by
the matrix who's pulled it outta the potentiator
and now delivers it as catalyst.
I guess you're grasping the catalyst. Yeah.
Yeah. So it's kind of interesting about what,
what makes the bias or the predisposition negative
or that comes in the, the significant,
The, the experience you, after it's come through
and it's coming to the material world,
and then you interact with it, it becoming the catalyst
that's when your, the bias forms forms at that point.
It, the, all the world produced the events to happen to get
to the catalyst without bias, and you come in
and put yours on it.
Yeah. I don't, um, I don't feel
that they're indicating here that the experience
of the mind has any inbuilt bias.
I know that they're saying that it's, you know,
that there's the negative catalyst would be more apparent
and it's power effect.
But I'm still trying to grasp whether this has more to do
with, uh, experiences, relationship
with the other archetypes versus one of its own.
'cause it just, it seems like more of a,
it's purely functional, but Yeah.
And it, and it says specifically that it reaches not,
so it's not even actually choosing
or selecting from the left
or the right, it's grasping what it's being given.
And so what I'm reading here is that
it's a little bit more common in our current configuration
to be given catalyst that's interpreted negatively.
Yeah. And the ca the catalyst is
looking in that direction too.
I think that was a, that was discussed
in some other context of another archetype too, that facing,
I agree with while, while the, uh,
the bird had their wing extended pointing the other
direction because the catalyst always comes in the light
of the sun behind it.
And so like, it's always with the opportunity, right?
Like all catalyst comes with the opportunity
for spiritually enlightenment.
Yeah. And again, she's facing the other way,
which is the more distracting path.
Right. But the bird, her spirit is in the light,
You know, yo look, look the other way.
Exactly. Well, we did say
that all catalyst comes with polarity,
right from the potentiator.
Everything that comes outta the potentiator has
polarity in built.
So all catalyst is going to represent
probably both opportunities for, for interpretation, right?
Yeah. That's part of the structure.
That's why it's the columns, it's just the structure
of the potential.
Yeah. Yep. Okay.
Um, see, I think this is probably discussed in some,
on some other, the, the polarity question is discussed later
when we think, so I guess we could keep on going with that.
Um, but that is a good question.
It's like at what point does the, uh,
the bias override the tendency to, to look in
that direction, if that easy That even is possible.
Yeah. I don't think the bias actually exists
with the experience.
Obviously I know I'm going out on a, a limb a bit with that.
I, I would think the bias does exist once sign.
What's that? I assume the significant is, is where
we're storing up the, the biases.
Yeah. I, I feel that way as well.
And then I still have this, this latent suspicion
that the matrix itself is what's being transformed in so
that there is still some level of, um, biases
within the matrix itself that are being released
through positive transformation.
Um, so yeah, I still have not, um, fully worked out the
separation of responsibilities
between the significant in the matrix.
Obviously one is the will itself
and the other one seems to be making some choices
though. Yeah,
I was gonna say this earlier, but I stopped
'cause it seemed like you had it,
but the, I've always thought of the significant
as the more physical aspect of the three.
Like one is like the purely etheric one is, uh,
like consciousness driving the ethereal into reality.
And then the significant is the more physical side of it,
having the experiences and, and,
and, uh, you know, moving through the physical realm,
changing in the physical realm and all that because the,
because the physical realms already brought up to that level
to be played with, you know, to be experienced.
It would make sense since the significant is an, an
evolution of more primordial consciousness,
that would make sense that it then, um,
plays a role much more as it relates
to experience in the third density.
Here's a quote that, yeah,
we'll probably cover this a lot more next time.
Uh, each potentiation, which has been reached for
by the matrix is recorded by the matrix,
but experienced by the significant Yeah.
The experience of the significant
of this potentiated activity is
of course dependent upon the acuity of its processes
of catalyst and experience.
Yeah. So this says a lot.
I mean, obviously it tells us
that indeed the significant is the
one having the experience.
Um, but that each potentiation, which has been reached for,
uh, is recorded by the matrix.
Yeah. Oh, I, I always think
Some sort of dynamic nature to me.
Yeah. And I think that that, that, that the,
we're looking at it in a linear fashion where it's starts,
uh, you know, matrix,
and then it's then every potentiation is called for, uh,
to me is they're all there possibly.
And then that catalyst is presented in a neutral fashion
and then the experience happens
and how you respond to the catalyst.
You've chosen one of the pants of the infinite number
of pants that were possibly there
based on your reaction to it.
Yeah. You know, if you reacted extremely angry,
things could go real poorly.
Have you reacted mildly angry things could go just slightly
poorly and conversely the other way.
Yeah. I think that, to me, this does tell me
that it's sort of the significant
that's determining the orientation of the experience,
because this does say specifically here that it's
of course dependent upon the acuity of its processes
of catalyst and experience.
So it's, it's telling us very directly
that this is a subjective, um, function of the significant
to decide what each, uh, experience, uh, is stemming from
that catalyst that we know is already coming
out with polarity.
And probably to the extent that
that significant can appreciate, um, polarity,
but it's coming out with some level of polarity
and so it then gauges the experience
Right. And makes a decision
Decides how to see it. Yeah.
And you know, it's easier possibly for people to think about
recording by the matrix here.
This is matrix is consciousness in the mind.
So consciousness is obviously that which is having
the potential to be filled
with the experience in some way.
And, and once that experience is there,
then maybe the significant can also relate to things like
a memory or a, a sense of self that is built up over time.
And I think that's why they say the significant is become
complex after the bailing is
because it's, we've built up all these, um, perceptions
of ourself that become this complex structure
of that significance.
Would you contend that the, the matrix is more
or less the location that,
that the significant is performing this function?
So what's the catalyst pulled outta the potentiator is then
expanded into consciousness within the matrix and,
and therein the significant experiences it,
Could you ask that one more time?
Yeah. Would you say that the matrix itself is the place
that the catalyst is, is unfurled into consciousness,
and then the significant then experiences it?
I guess that makes sense. Even
if you think about the word matrix.
I mean, in men in math matrix is like this, this array
of data plots where you, you put in the numbers of
what it is that's here and there and there,
and with the matrix of the body you have, uh,
balance working or even functioning
and, you know, how is
that balance being expressed in our physical reality could
be the archetypal way of looking at the physical reality
and, um, how the, how the purified, um,
unfed mind is working with all potentials of mind is,
well, it, it is hard to say
because it's like I keep, I'm keeping conflicted
between the nature of mind
and the nature of the archetypal mind.
The nature of mind is perhaps the distortions of the,
the pure, the purified attention of the use of mind.
And what we're getting now is like the,
the refinements of the mind.
They continue to refine and refine and refine,
and we each get to choose refinements
past the original plan.
It was the archetypal plan.
Um, so the dimensions forming might
be a side effect of the archetypal mind more so than,
you know, directly congruent with it.
Say that again. What do you mean by dimensions for you?
The dimen the dimensions of our reality where,
so we had the matrix, we had the potentiator
before there was any space
or location ever in our, in our universe,
there was no such thing as space
or time at the foundations of our universe.
According to raw, just the matrix differentiator.
They had the matrix of, of my body, spirit, the potentiator
and the significant, all these concepts were there.
But, but to have a, have a, an instantiation
or a manifestation of these, uh, ways
of playing with her sense of the creator, we then had
to create the dimensions with light space and time.
And then like a movie screen,
we're now projecting out these images which are not
themselves archetypes.
They are the, the, the manifestations
of a way in which we could play with archetypes.
So which two did you say were before
The matrix? The potentiator
and the significant of mind, body,
spirit was the nine archetypes that existed at the start
of this universe before the big bang,
before the big lead of
the mind, body and spirit.
Yep. Because this is all existed in the previous universes
of the harvest, the previous octave of experience,
and they also had the energy body
Effectively. Okay. Okay.
So examples of,
but not necessarily those things
before matter became Yeah,
it's like I, go ahead.
Go ahead. I've always thought of it
as the matrix was essentially the, the
collected sea of consciousness, which all, um,
of our focus points of consciousness come out of
the potentiator was essentially the focusing of,
and then the significant was at the point of like
physical reality.
So there was, you know, uh,
the matrixes like you're saying like in the math,
that you fill in the data and then the data
produces the results.
And that that is like, you know, that that is the data set
and then the potentiation potentiation comes.
And that is, you know, forming a, a a, a line
of potentials within the infinite
that come out in the reality.
And then it's a, a continuous feedback loop is, is,
you know, where it gets tricky.
It's, you're constantly feeding back
and it's constantly feeding out.
But I think it's one path
in three different dimensions at the same
time. Do you think
There's polarity too?
What's that? Do you think there's polarity
primorial as well?
I think Blair comes at, at, at the point of, um,
when the catalyst is interacted with,
Well, there's No catalyst would
In, in this. We're
talking about only nine archetypes instead of 22.
And so I'm wondering if the significant is, is
performing some sort of selection, uh, the matrix pulls out
of a range of potentials
or a a what would be a catalyst, I suppose,
but it's simply exercising its will to, um, to dip into
potentiation and make something conscious.
And then I'm just trying to figure out what the,
the relationship between, you know, the significant of mind
in that primordial, um, place looks like.
I feel that polarity is one of the fundamental rules
or like axioms by which the universe plays.
So therefore it's just, it's it's ubiquitous.
It's kind of assumed built into everything.
Yeah. I tend to feel that same way
because you have positive
and negative between the, the matrix
and the potentiator themselves.
And so the significant seems to be the formation of
the perspective between the two of them.
And then one more thing comes out of that to form
a tetrahedron to, to create three dimensional reality.
Because now you have one thing
that's moved into a third dimension
that sees this whole triangle of creation, the the positive
and negative and the child of creator.
And that's why I always thought the significant was the
more physical point of it.
You know, if you're, if you're dealing
with all these different realms
and you're saying that it comes, it comes up out
of the ether and that it's interacted with,
and then it becomes, you know, more dense and, and
and becomes reality,
but it's all based off of this underlying, it could go
to light, it could go to dark, it could go to matter,
it could go to not matter.
You know, like these kind of,
that polarity is built into all of it.
Mike, do you gather
that these were the nine archetypes available
before our universe specifically or before all universes?
Just our octave specifically.
Okay. So going further back, we could probably end up
with a case where it was only matrix and potentiator
and potentially even just matrix, for example.
Yes. But we are way out on a limb at that point.
Yeah. Well, I, I think that's sort
of the unfolding fractal nature of consciousness.
I think that's exactly where it starts and, and it unfolds
and fractal lies down from there.
I completely agree. And I think that one of the biggest,
uh, most easily accessible analogies was
when they were talking about the cards.
You know, when you knew all the cards at the table,
it wasn't an experience.
So that's when, you know,
things were added in maybe four octaves back.
They added in, you know, significantly.
And, you know, and that's how we got here.
Yeah. Yeah. This is good.
It's like we have to con continuously loop back
and loop back on the, on the core concept of what these,
what this is we're talking about.
And I think most people are the same way.
And I was this way, I I'm still this way, you know,
e every time I look at this,
it's hits me in a different way.
But this is one example of a quote where they tried
to explain the nature of the archetypical mind.
They said, the archetypical mind when penetrated lucidly is
a blueprint of the builded structure
of all energy expenditures
and all seeking without distortion.
So I assume that this, this implies that
what we are seeing right now is energy expenditures
and seeking with distortion.
What we tend to experience is with added layers
of distortion that are,
and also remember the mind is a tree
that they talked about the archetypical mind as being closer
to the roots, not the deepest root.
The cosmic mind isn't the deepest root,
it's not the deepest root, but it is one
of the most informative
because it basically touches on everything.
When we can comprehend that that structure, that
that led to all energy expenditures on all seeking
and that that seeking included the seeking
of the logos becoming manifest as stars
and planets and densities of consciousness
and all that seeking came
after the archetypical mind was already a part
of the blueprint that was gonna be explored.
Yeah. The ever increasing
complexity of life.
Huh. It kind of reminds me the, um,
in the kabbalistic study, the Tree of Life, they kind
of described the SRA in, in similar fashion in
that you can sort of understand the nature of it
or you can understand things that are adjacent to it.
But that the, the influence of the, you know,
the essential energy itself is, is um, almost, you know,
impossible for us to comprehend just
because of the layers of distortion that we have.
Alright, so I would like to continue with, um,
It Session 94
And We were, I forget
where we were at in 94 now.
So we were at the, um, 94 15. We had done that one. Okay.
Uh, we were getting ready to skip to the next block.
94, 18 I think.
Yep. 94. Uh, well, so let's do 16 next.
So experience is seated on the square
of the material illusion.
So here it is.
We talked about the square since card number one
representing the material world.
Um, I skipped it.
Okay. And it's colored much darker
than in card number three.
So card number three looked like this.
Card number four is probably looks a little different,
different than what exactly dive
was working from, although it was very similar.
So however there was a cat inside this.
No, we have an addition
and the material illusion, instead of having the I
of horse, now we have a cat.
I'm guessing that as experience is gained,
the second density nature of this illusion is understood
and the negative and positive aspects are separated.
Would I comment on this?
So he interpreted the cat as being a second ethnic nature.
And then Ross said this interpretation varies
markedly from Ross's attention.
We drink, we direct the attention to the cultural,
Sorry. Yeah,
yeah, nice way of saying it. Why say
No when you can say, by other words,
We direct the attention to the cultural meaning
of the great cat, which GERDs.
So this is an instance where you can't just say the
cat represents all animals.
The cat represents specifically a guardian aspect.
And I guess maybe back, back in the day,
maybe they had more rats, the cats were chasing off the rats
or something in
Yeah. Whether it's the
Egyptian, you know, uh, god, uh,
oh my god, what her name, I can't remember her name
or, or whether they're talking about actual cats, you know,
they're guarding in one way or another.
Is that Isis as she associated with cats?
Oh, it's uh, something with an SI
Can look it up.
But this is a great cat which gars,
the Egyptian God associated
with cats is Bastet also known as bass
Ba. Yeah.
And she's got a cat like head.
Mm-Hmm, bae. And there's um,
In the ancient Greek religion, she was known as ero
ero, which meant
Cat Bassett was
Aspect that would say that down there powerful warrior
and protector aspect.
Was worshiped in B Basti originally as a lion,
as god role shared by other dds.
Eventually Bas
and SME were characterized as two aspects of the saved donus
with Segm representing the powerful
warrior and protector aspect.
And bast, which was increasingly was depicted
as a cat representing a jur aspect.
That's what I was thinking. Damn it.
What SME was, uh, like you said, the protector
of the pharaohs and led them in warfare.
She was associated with the eye of raw.
Alright, so what oud does this cat guard
and with what or fob
Swipe, Forget what that is already
Says that, uh, A scarlet banner
or knight standard, a principle
or ideal that serves as a rally point in a struggle,
I feel like they talked about that
It comes from, uh, gold and flame.
So the, um, the book says in this context,
or FLA can be defined as inspiring principle,
ideal or symbol.
Okay. That's what the, uh,
the raw wants, the raw context is.
So with what inspiring rallying point
does it lighten that darkness of manifestation?
We're still talking about the cat here.
So the cat is guarding something
and with what inspiring point does it lighten
that darkness of manifestation?
I think it's awareness of the, of the creator.
And certainly what they go on to say here is as you choose
along that path, you are protected accordingly.
But that's probably a different way of, of putting it.
'cause I think they even go so far as to say,
is it am I really protected
or is it that I'm just not calling that stuff anymore?
Okay. Well I guess it might be that thing.
You're talking about a future.
Yeah, I am. But this does suggest that that darkness
of manifestation is being lightened with something.
And so I would say awareness of truth, awareness
of the creator, um, is what will protect the path.
Yeah, yeah.
There's some kind of, uh, illumination that is lightning,
the darkness of manifestation and this is,
Yeah. And the darkness of
manifestation is the insistence
that the one infinite creator doesn't
exist in is not present
Well at, at the next line.
Exactly. The, the, the darkness of manifestation is
that we're all separate, you know,
and they say that indeed present
that the polarities are indeed present the separation not
existent except through the sipping of the result
of a cumulative experience.
They're basically saying like, you're all one,
but you're having individual experiences.
And because you're having individual
experiences, nobody else is having.
You feel like you're all separate,
but you all, you're all one.
Yeah. Yeah.
Hang on.
And that's the, that's the concept.
That's the orle that you know, that the lion is guarded,
that the, the cat is in the, in the realm
of reality guarding.
You know, that that's always there.
The non-existence is always there.
You just have to tap into it
or the, the knowledge of, um, non-separation.
I bet not non-existence.
Yeah, I hear you.
So the separation is non-existent except
through the sifting, which is the result
of cumulative experience.
Oh, great. I I would like no more of that. Thank you.
So the sifting is just sifting into polarity,
Um, which I'm Thinking that
Doing, I think is doing the sifting.
I was thinking that the sifting was, uh,
so the separation, uh, non-existent except
through the sifting.
Right? So you're taking all of the experience
of consciousness and you're sifting it through
what happens when you sift sand,
it like breaks up individual streams
of individual particles.
That's your individual consciousness.
So the separation is non-existent
before you sift consciousness
through individuated Yeah. Experience.
Yeah. Sifting implies
because it's going to a million parts,
not just two parts for the clarity.
This is, it's a million parts that are Yeah, Venus,
that the sense of separation
And the sifting is the result of cumulative experience.
So what is the result of cumulative experience?
It is you, your person, you know, it is the, the dog.
It is Mike, it is Andrew.
You know that we are sifted consciousness
and the reason we know we're sifting is
'cause we have this cumulation of experience
that the other people don't have, you know, all
around you. I want
To pull that apart a little bit.
The separation non-existent except through the sifting,
which is a result of cumulative experience.
So is there some experience that is not cumulative
or some experience that does not result in sifting, which
then results in the non-existence?
I think that is what is, that is what, that is
what consciousness is when everything is
The, the emptied consciousness, perhaps
that consciousness, which is before all bias.
Mm-Hmm, Yeah.
Then there's nothing really to sift through. Yeah.
So I, I feel like cumulative experience is
the operative word here.
And I think that experience that has been been balanced
and integrated is actually not cumulative.
What's cumulative? Uh, now we're gotta dig up the,
the exact definition of cumulative
because I thought I knew what it meant, but it
Means it accumulates, it builds and builds and builds.
And I would say, you know, unintegrated experience is
what builds and builds and builds layers of distortion.
But I'm, I'm obviously out on a limb here
because raw is not really saying this explicitly, but
nor is raw actually telling me that there's a route
to oneness through experience.
And so I'm trying to interpret this in a different way
that says my experience can lead to oneness.
I think that you're talking about the great way then we're
talking about experience as a archetype.
I think we're talking about a more purified principle,
which is that there will be this awareness of the fuel
that could, that could potentially lead to evolution.
Yeah. And it's, I could ask the question, do you feel
that there's any way to be in a body
without cumulative experience being implicit in that?
Um, I feel like, I feel like this idea that
that one infinite creator broke into an in infinitely
complex, uh, hierarchy of, of
sifted entities is, is just the nature of, uh,
the exploration of the logos and the sub logos
and sub sub logos
and Yeah. I wonder if that's implied that
Ation itself is non-existent,
which I think we would all agree with.
Yeah. And, And yet they're saying that it's this,
the act of sifting itself
and the, the sifting is to me is judgment.
And it's happens in complex ways through
our accumulated experiences, right?
Because we've got this whole lifetime of here's
how I look at things and how I judge things.
I didn't know if I should bring this up right away,
but here let's, let's look at the sift definition.
So sifting means to put a fine, looser, powdery substance
through a sieve so as to remove lumps
or large particles to cause or flow to flow
or pass through a sieve of snow
or ash to send or float down lightly
or sparsely as if sprinkled from a sieve.
And then the second definition is to examine something
thoroughly so as to isolate
that which is most important or useful.
That's how I interpret it. The second one.
Yeah. Yeah. It's the, what
We're doing, we're ting through these, these experiences
we're sifting through the experience all
of our past experience to judge the current experience.
And I would say that
that is why we're lost in the illusion is
because all of our existing experience is in
that same illusion of separation.
And so as long as we rely on past experience to
evaluate present moment, we're gonna keep looking at
it the same way.
Right. I'm satisfied with that discussion.
Alright. Oh wait, we didn't get
to milk white leg in pointed Foch.
That's okay. No, no, wait, that's, that's big though.
Whenever raw is gonna say something
so specific, you gotta look at it.
Well, they said other, other impressions were intended.
Right. But
So they're, they're saying other impressions were
intended, but they're specifically saying with what to look
for those other impressions.
Okay. So let's look at the milk white
leg and pointed foch,
Which I didn't clarify as a foot.
Yeah, yeah, that, yeah.
The, the next one was with raw, what was the last word?
Raw communicated. I didn't quite hear it.
We spoke the side vibration complex foot
due to some pain flares.
We are at times less than secure in speaking.
However, the way is open
and conditions remain good for this working.
Please continue to query if there is
any difficulty in transmission.
So Carla had a, Carla had a Stitcher rip
that they were working around.
So Which leg is
Milk? White
of the two.
Definitely the one being pointed.
They both are, I think that they both are as well,
but specifically mentioned that we could only
say definitely the one being appointed.
Why wouldn't you say the other one?
I, why wouldn't you say that?
Both are I I'm saying I personally think so,
but rah only specifically says the oh one milk white leg.
Yeah, that's a good point. Yeah.
Oh, do you wanna play that Mike? The end of that? Yeah.
Maybe leg is plural and they just missed it.
Let me, let me go ahead and, uh, share my sound here.
It's plenty if I stick. Okay.
The a polarities are
indeed in impresses
aware in God
godby this
configuration of the seated
image with it
milk a white leg
and is applied
it pooch,
There's the pooch butch, no white leg and pointed.
But so I, I love that they couldn't just correct it here.
They had to leave it in the butch.
Okay. So let's go back to the image here.
Um, I I,
I wouldn't be surprised if they meant both legs.
They're just talking about Yeah, I, I assume that, yeah.
So what would that indicate?
Why the legs are milk white
and I mean, the arms are milk white too.
All the, all the skin tone has been white
and all the cards so far.
Have the legs been, um, exposed before?
Well, there's a veil over this leg here in the,
in the catalyst, which makes sense.
'cause it's the unconscious, right.
If it's, if it's not yet perceived
and the way the conscious mind is still working
through this veil, so,
and I assume the legs are somehow related to the foundation
of the, of what this is.
That's, that's being processed.
And the the legs are completely
covered with the potentiator.
No, no veil. It's just completely blocked from
whatever ability to perceive.
And then one leg isn't uncovered with the magician. Ah.
But in the redraw version, they chose not to
have any leg show, which is interesting.
I don't know why they made that decision if that was
in just a different version of the image
that they're working from or what
Can you go down to the feet in that one?
But it still looks like stepping.
Yeah. Even though, even though there's no leg showing,
it still looks like the,
the magician is stepping towards that path.
And that was what I was gonna say to you earlier, Mike,
but I didn't want to get too deep in the weeds
or, uh, Andrew, but I didn't wanna get too deep in the weeds
because I was gonna say that the magician seems
to be an entity that's a little bit more knowledgeable,
maybe a little bit further down, choosing, um, the, uh,
the service to others paths.
And then it's choosing to step back
and help in the, in, in the, um, service to self path.
Whereas the, this one is clearly, it's got one foot up.
It's not stepping anywhere.
It's just sitting there,
but it's being distracted from that side.
It doesn't surprise me that the, the matrix would be,
I think, pointed to the left.
Because if we are looking at the matrix
as primordial consciousness, then it definitely had a role
to play in original sin and service to others,
or separation, or negative polarity or,
or whatever you wanna call it. It, it
All play. Let's
not forget, the matrix of the spirit is also
completely archetypal darkness.
So Yeah, there's that too, huh?
Yeah. So what we're supposed
to look at these matrix together.
So we have, uh, unfed consciousness completely clean
of any bias connected with archetypal darkness, which is
complete lack of any light
or illumination on anything in our reality.
Um, and then the balance working
and even functioning is the matrix of the body.
Um, which I guess you could say is,
is just sort of setting up the, a foundation for a fair
operation of the body.
Right. But interesting that it's sort
of balance is the quality of, of the body, uh,
or the matrix of the body, which I would say
that the matrices of the spirit
and mind seem to capture, right?
One's archetypal darkness
and one is unbiased un you know, like
presumably a different light altogether
So back to the legs, I guess, uh, it would make sense to me
that it was intentional to therapy one milk white leg.
If there's a connection with the conscious mind
being something where we have a more pure, uh,
foundation on something.
I wonder if that could be, Uh,
I was thinking maybe I was thinking the universal in
streamings from the root,
Um, Those are universal light,
and they do come through the feet
and the spine according to rock.
And the feet are elevated.
Both are elevated on card three
and card two, but not card one.
The feet are on the ground, the feet are elevated
with the unconscious,
and the feet are on a platform that's elevated,
which is symbolizing the feminine.
And then this, this, finally we have one foot on the ground,
one foot up to the T for,
We would have to infer that the fact that it's referring
to it and calling it out as being milk white would,
would be indicative of polarity, right?
I guess so. I mean, it, it, in almost all cases,
when raw is talking about imagery of the tarot,
black and white are representative of the two paths
of polarity,
and perhaps the black shoes are there to balance that.
And you've got legs to move you
through a three-dimensional experience.
And so your foundation has balanced opportunity
for choosing which direction you're gonna walk.
Yeah. Stab dark.
And if we're pairing this with the experience
of the spirit, which I should probably pull up as a separate
image here so I don't get confused.
Um, the experience of the spirit is
of course the mood light, which is a contrasted
black and white with
a black animal between the white pyramid
with the white animal in front of the, the black pyramid.
Yeah. So I think that the, the mentioning
of the leg being white, meaning that the, the, um,
entity in the picture is a being of light, a being that is,
uh, has great potential to live for other selves
and live in a way that is more cohesive with all of nature,
but all this stuff that's coming from that side, and it,
and it's, and it's drawing the attention there.
And the reason I think that the, the foundation
of this person being white is that they, they wanna live
that, that path, but they also have choice
and they don't necessarily have to is
because if you look at significant of the mind,
it's the only place where I could find someone that had, uh,
shaded legs, like the legs, the arms,
everything's colored in.
And see, it's not there on that one,
but it isn't on the one in the book.
Yeah. So
that could be like the per see the person in the middle
representing, you know, if you chose a life congruent
with nature and, and you know, not try to screw with things
and not be an all service selfie, then you would be
that, that light being.
But like they said, if you choose to be service
to self enough times, you start to get that compounding.
And now everything comes to you that's, that, that has
that hue and you become the the darkened person,
person who gave that.
So basically you start off good and with the best intentions
and then it's up to your choices to, to keep
that path as your path.
So we were at, um, oh yeah.
So all we were doing there was, was imagining what Rob meant
by the, um, look white leg and 20 foot,
but I know they talk about the, the legs more here,
so hopefully we can get more insight.
Um, so
let me pull up my notes again.
Alright, Senator 18 in card three, the feet
of the female entity are upon the unstable platform
signifying dual polarity by its color.
In card four, one foot pointed indicates
that if the male entity stands on the toe,
it would be carefully balanced.
The other foot is pointed to the left
would draw a comment on the observation
that if the entity stands on this foot, it will be very,
very carefully balanced.
Wait, which foot do you think he's talking about?
The one that has the toe down
or the foot pointed to the left.
I see. Toe Down. The toe down, yeah.
I raw this is an important perception where it is a key
to not only this concept complex, but to others as well.
You may see, well, first of all, what is, uh,
what is this key that he's talking about? Um,
About standing and being Balanced
Or just having the foot pointed in one direction?
I think he's talking about noticing the placement
of the feet in general, and then he's guiding him
to the look to see the T square.
Yeah. Well, let's, let's, I'll continue reading.
I just wanted to, I was wondering if this flows from that,
what was just discussed there.
Um, you may see the T-square, which at times riven
as is one foot from secure funment by the nature
of experience, yet still by the same nature of experience
is carefully, precisely
and architecturally placed in the foundation
of this concept complex
and indeed in the archetypical mind complex.
So let's, let's, let's define some of these words.
It's like, I've looked this up in the past,
I just forget that's,
I can see it's saying that experience throws us off
balance, but that it's
also built in architecturally.
Yeah. So rive means to split
or tear apart violently or to split or crack.
So the T square at times torn apart
as is one foot from secure fundamental by the nature
of experience, yet still
by the same nature of experience is carefully, precisely
and architecturally placed in the foundation
of this concept complex.
And indeed in the archetypical mind complex,
One foot is, Yeah.
So it's about balance and there's
Is put into that position to maintain the balance so
that the foot gets planned off
and we're off of a secure funment.
But it goes up to this lateral position in such a way
that we're still balanced because experience
itself is balanced.
Yeah. So
I guess this is reemphasizing, the, the use
of these images is for the purpose of development
of will and faith.
So we could have faith in the nature of all experience
that there is, uh, a balance, even if we seem to be
torn apart violently by the nature
of a particular experience.
There's still the balancing characteristic in the context
of the other, other archetypes.
And they did not say why the foot would be pointed
to the left in this case.
But I think it's sort of implicit here in saying
that this would be experience that we might describe
as negative or
Service to self.
Yeah. We might add, interpret as negative.
And so that can throw us off,
but it's placed in such a way that it can't,
it's also architecturally integral, I guess.
Right. Um,
and maybe we should talk about the, uh,
the crux on sata, uh, symbol before the end of it.
'cause I think that related to the T square two.
Um, but then the last sentence here is experience has,
or experience of the mind is what I guess they meant to say.
Experience has the nature of more effectively
and poignantly expressing the architecture of experience,
both the fragility of structure and the surety of structure.
That was always, I always thought of that
as like you're experiencing in the physical realm
and that your experience is in the physical realm are
reinforcing that you are in the physical realm.
Um, I put experience,
conforms builds confidence in the physical
world of experience.
And it shows you that this world could, it, it, it is,
it has some finite rules and boundaries,
but it doesn't have finite rules and boundaries.
It's very fragile in places,
and it's very firm in places like the, that that duality of,
um, the world around you that, you know,
bringing polarity into it again.
But the experience, lending to the experience always thought
to me like the firming up of, of the physical reality
and what you think you should be within it,
through your experiences, what kind of person you think
that you are and how you, what you bring to the world.
Yeah. Yeah.
Uh, I see that there's other definitions
of surety I did not know about money given
to support an undertaking that someone will perform a duty,
hey, their debts, et cetera, a guarantee,
but as a state of being sure or certain of something
interesting to think about experience in the context
of karma and carbon debt, that, that
the duty is almost implicit in the experience too.
Yeah, that's a, that's a good point.
I'm trying to discern what
The metaphysical Implicit is here for
what the structure looks like or what the architecture is.
Um, but that's a good example of it.
It certainly, yeah,
it seems like our experiences can shift so quickly,
and yet there, it's always part of a, of a greater arch
architecture plan for our, our evolution.
So there's really no getting away from
the, the structure of it.
And there's no getting away from the, the seeming fragility
of it, which it can just change at any moment.
The next day. The weather might be
completely opposite here in Colorado.
Oh my god, don't get me. Sorry about, I drove,
but my AC was broke.
I drove back 80 degree weather.
I got back here after sweating for two days,
and then it snowed the next day.
I was like, what is happening?
We can edit that out. We gotta, we can edit that part down.
I'd like to keep our eyes open for,
Um, Pointed feet,
um, and standing on one foot, um, just
because Ross says that this is important not just within the
context of this complex,
but others as well. So
It definitely, the next couple
passages definitely gets it.
All right. Well, the legs are covered up in a great way.
The chariot,
Uh, Feet are on the surface there with the matrix
of body uncovered legs with the potentiator wisdom.
So this was all, uh, what I was talking about
before with the John Anthony West stuff.
He was breaking down the hierarchly.
He was saying that one foot forward means one thing,
another foot forward means another thing.
If both feet are together, it means something.
So like the implication of motion.
That's why I was saying that the magician seems
to be walking towards the, to the service, the self path
with the wand, you know, of wisdom
and saying, uh, you know, like, I'm gonna go into that realm
with this knowledge and try and help.
Whereas the one that we're on now is seated, you know, not,
not in motion, but one foot rooted, like that was the,
the stuff that John Anthony was talking about.
Well, and it's also related to experience in this case.
And I saw that the other one, that one the significant
of the body obviously would come right on the heels
of the experience of the body. So
Look, and also the crux are kind, are, are agnostic.
What, whatever that thing is on top,
What's, what's the, what's the
common phrase for that? Uh,
An on, right? The
on, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Right. Let's go back and continue,
I guess.
Well, we've got half hour left.
We could, um, finish up
and I'll make a note to come back
Microsoft subject, if we have time,
Add it to that. Don't you have
a list of, um, that that's evolving as we go
with the different symbols and you,
and you add to it the things that we say?
Yeah. Yeah. We, I
I thought you had a, a document with that up. I have a
Document, but I have not been good about updating the
document and I have to make,
I would love to make it public too.
Yeah. This is important for everyone to have a public
database of, of these symbols.
And man, I, I feel like there, there's been one
or two books people have written,
but it wasn't like a database of information.
It was just a lot
of subjective interpretation mostly. Um,
Well now that we've had a somewhat collective
interpretation, maybe when we get to the end, we can go back
and, and be like, okay, this is what the sphere meant
to me throughout the whole thing.
Because the sphere comes up a couple times, you know,
in the different versions it means different things,
but there's, there's always some roots
to what each thing means.
Like the bird and the way its wings are,
there's roofing to that.
And then it gets implied to the card as it's, you know,
there we'll have to come back at the end
and do a, a sim, uh, symbols within.
What's the, um, can you scroll up again
just to the previous one?
I'm trying to see the difference in questions here.
Any stands on the toe?
Okay, so the other foot is pointed to the left.
Um, okay. So that question was really about the balance that
Ross says was an important perception,
but the subsequent,
which is also about the foot being pointed to the left,
has more to do with polarity and Ross as you're, you're off
I in number 19.
Yeah. Right.
It, it would seem to me that from this configuration, uh,
male entity in card four who looks to the left and,
and the right foot is pointed to the left,
this card would indicate
that you must be in a defensive position with respect
to the left hand path with no need
to concern yourself about protection
with respect to the right hand path.
Liberal comment on that.
Again, this is not suggestion, not the suggestion we wish
to offer by constructing this image.
However, the perception cannot be said to be incorrect.
So they're just saying by the foot specifically here,
they're not implying defensiveness.
Right. So they're saying that his,
his position is probably correct, that yeah, you need
to defend yourself on the left hand path,
but in this case, the toe, that toe being pointed
that way is not related to that.
Which means that with respect to the previous question
and balance that the left leg could have just
as easily been pointed to the right.
And you could have still had
that same question in 18 about balance.
And I'm not sure what that would've changed,
because raw says that in number 19 there that it's not
so much about polarity.
Well keep, keep going.
He further clarifies it in the, in the next couple ones.
Once they, once they coach Rod into talking a little bit,
he goes on a little rant, gives us some stuff.
Yeah. Alright, we'll get there. Alright.
Um, number 20 here.
Um, the magical shape is now almost well
is right on the right edge of the card, indicating that, uh,
so by the magical shape we're talking about, this thing
that he's holding looks like a snake,
and then they redrew it just to be the,
the sphere like they did with the magician card.
Um, so this symbol that's symbolizing the magical potential,
the symbol is on the right edge, indicating, let's say
that the, the spiritual significance is on the right edge
of the card, indicating to me
that the spiritual experience would be on the right hand
path, could rock comment on that serves to others path
raw says yes, very, very simple answer for that one.
But the, the figure is expressing the nature of experience
by having its attention caught by
what may be termed the left hand catalyst.
Its attention is caught by
what may be termed the left hand catalyst.
And this is part of the nature of experience.
Meanwhile, the power,
the magic is available upon the right hand path.
What do you suppose left hand catalyst looks like?
It looks like the world is not trying to help you.
Okay. Or Temptation. All
You're saying you're kind of projecting your own,
your own worldview onto everyone around you.
Of course. But that's nothing new there.
So, okay.
Left hand catalyst is just you feel
that you're being made an enemy of,
Or that there's a need to see in terms of separation
to protect yourself or something.
Well, I mean, that's all you can see.
I, I think of, of the left hand path in its most
extreme version, obviously being, um, narcissism
and yeah, a narcissist is convinced that
everyone is out to get them.
So what a narcissist, you know, even if,
even if they think that everyone's out to get them
is someone that, you know,
chooses themselves over everything else.
So, you know, if, uh, you know, just name a temptation,
uh, booze sits, stays out all night drinking instead
of being there for, you know, family or loved ones
or whatever, you know, so the catalyst would be just a bar
and that person would give in to the bar,
whereas someone who's going on the other path would just be
like, eh, maybe with,
with some other people on Friday, you know, or whatever.
Well, the, the significant ask could decide
what the experience is though,
and whether the experiences is interpreted
as positive or negative.
So you can have the catalyst be the bar with a range
of potential being had a great time met with some people.
Yeah, yeah. Talk about spirituality, et cetera,
or drowned my was, you know, went home and had
A hang. Right. So that's
the, the bar being just the catalyst
and then the, then the significant brings brings with it,
you know, it's built in polarities in which
way it's gonna square up.
Yeah, exactly.
So after they talked about the, the, uh, attention caught
by the left turn, left hand catalyst, while the power
of the magic is available upon the right hand path
with the experience, they say the nature
of experience is such
that the attention shall be constantly given
varieties of experience.
Those that are presumed to be negative
or interpreted as negative may seem in abundance.
Yeah, they do. It is a great challenge to take catalyst
and devise the magical positive
experience that which is magical.
And the negative experience is much longer coming,
shall we say, in a third density.
What does that mean? Maybe if you
are attempting to be a black musician, you have to
work at it quite a lot harder than just be
passively annoyed by everything.
That's just my theory.
All right. It is a great challenge to take cata catalyst
and devise the magical positive experience
that which is magical in the negative experiences.
So yeah, I think like they're more referring to
that previous statement.
Yeah, those are to be negative,
but it's great to convert them in, you know,
using magic effectively, um, convert them
to positive experience,
and that which is magical in the negative
experience is much longer coming. So, yeah,
I'm not actually sure here.
It seems like
This is thinking patience.
I also think it's what Mike said at the beginning
where the, the dark path of magic, um, is,
um, like, it's harder.
It's how about, how about go the other way
and say that the benefits of the, the light path are
more readily available instantly, almost, you know,
you help someone out and you know, you help someone out,
whereas if you're got a voodoo doll, somebody
and you're poking 'em in the arm with a needle every night,
you know, who knows if it's gonna be instant or not.
Like I, I just, Mike said it better the first time. Well,
I'm not actually sure how connected these
two sentences are meant to be then.
Yeah, it is, it is like,
I don't know if these are separate points you're making
about the positive magical experience
and the negative magical experience.
Um, yeah, there's multiple ways to read this,
I guess with longer coming, but maybe I should say what,
what is the, what is the definition of longer coming?
Longer coming, like just happens late. Yeah.
Does it come for a longer period of time
or does it not come for a longer period of time?
Long time coming? I think it's second is an idiom.
That means something has happened
after a significant amount of time has passed.
Uh, which, which is, I, well,
I don't wanna be dissuaded by that.
I liked the previous sentence just fine to tell me
that I can, you know, if I'm willing
to take on a great challenge that I can take catalyst
and devise a magical positive experience.
I like that. But the, the long time coming thing is a little
less, uh, optimistic.
Yeah. But
Magical Negative.
I, I, I could try to interpret it
and say that the, the negative experience,
because it's so abundant, is coming at you consistently
for a long time over a large portion of your life.
And so therefore, because of that, maybe
that makes it harder to, um, to sift through
what has been such, such a long time in your experience.
I mean, sift is not the right word here,
but to, to break it down and,
and change what you're seeing with, with
what is coming at you for such a long time.
What if what they're saying is the negative experience is
the service to self path?
And they're just saying that which is magical in the service
to self path is much longer coming
because the previous one is saying that it is, it is magical
to turn this great abundant opportunities
for negative experience into a positive experience.
But a magical experience in the negative polarity is
takes a lot longer because even
Harder. Yeah.
Yeah. They're not,
they're not converting one to the other.
And I don't even know what,
what a so-called negative experience.
And so-called positive experience on the
negative polarity would look like.
And whether they look opposite or
Yeah, I, I would've preferred if they had said instead
of much longer coming, even longer
coming, if that's what they meant.
But yeah, this is ambiguous enough that people can be left
to their own interpretation, I guess. But
There you go.
Um, but, but I, I like it better in a future.
I, I, I think it was probably clarified with, uh, one, one
of these that's coming up here.
I am 95, 24 was pretty great.
Oh, we got some material to get through here.
So let's, let's skip ahead to, well, let's do 21 next.
Um, now both the third
and fourth archetypes, as I see it, work together
for the sole purpose of creating the polarity in the
most efficient manner possible.
Is this correct? And Ron said,
this cannot be said to be incorrect.
We suggest contemplation of this thought complex.
So I'm not sure exactly why
that is not a completely correct.
Um, maybe the sole purpose of creating polarity
in the most efficient manner possible is not
the entirety of what happens with experience,
Maybe, or they're saying that it's not only the third
and fourth archetypes that work together
for the sole purpose of creating polarity.
Maybe Because, you know, there's a lot of little things
that could be tweaked in there that it could possibly be.
Yeah. Uh, we can skip 22 this soon to be a rephrasing
of what we've been talking about.
And then number 23, um,
then we're expect, we're expecting in card number four
to see the result of a catalytic action, and
therefore a more, a greater definition
between the dark and the light areas.
In this card, we are just looking glide saying at it.
We notice it is more definitely dark darkly colored in some
areas and more white in others.
In a general sense. The card number three, the,
the catalyst indicating to me
that the separation along the two biases has occurred
and should occur to follow the blueprint for experience.
I comment on this, you are perceptive of a student, so
this could indicate that there is a separation belongs
to biases has occurred.
Yeah. The experience sort of emphasizes
that bias, I suppose.
And then the significant gets to decide which,
which way it wants to see it.
Yeah. It builds up over time.
Good, Good. Long time coming.
Perhaps, uh,
the burden card three seems
to me now be internalized in the center
of the entity card four
and card four in that it has changed from the,
the flight has achieved its objective
and become part of a central part
of the experience or comment on this.
So where's the bird at?
Right here, right in the very center open wings,
almost like the on the on
or currency, perhaps.
How do they color it on the redrawn ones?
Oh, okay.
Those wings are way out there, dude,
And looks more white there than black. But
this is, this perception is correct Joe student,
but what shall the student find the bird to signify?
This is a good one. Take a stab, Don.
I would guess that the bird signifies that a communication
that comes from catalyst signified a cart three is accepted
by the female and used becomes a portion
of the experience, I'm not sure.
And all that Mara says that bears little of sense.
So we, we won't dwell on that.
He says I'll have to work on that.
Um, and maybe we'll cover that
and I forget if that's the next session here.
Well, we've, we've covered what
the bird is previous session. Yeah,
Yeah, we did.
But it's a few different things in a list
On the, on the positioning of its wings,
The wing and visions or images in the system are
to be noted, not so much for their distinct kindness
for the position of the wings.
All birds are indeed intended to suggest flight
and the messages and the movement,
and in some cases protection.
So the outstretch wings are clearly ready to take flight
or already taking flight, I think.
So that could be flight or protection.
Yeah. So you got the birds in
the cage in the first one.
Right. And then the birds pointing as a message
in the catalyst of mind, you know, go that path.
And in this one, the experience, the, the,
the bird has taken flight and the experience has happened.
I guess there's still more birds to come in the,
in the future cards here with the significant, it's
right up on the top, and I think that would be,
Yeah, certainly more wings things
and even a wing of turtle in one. Right.
Yeah. It's interesting that
that number five is not even a bird.
It's maybe it is a bird,
but it's just like the wings are completely in focus without
the bird being anywhere.
And that could, that could mean the protection aspect then,
or maybe it could mean that it's part of the structure in
Yeah, that's usually got the, uh, scab in the middle
of it, in the ancient Egyptian stuff.
Like it'll have the, the sun disk or the scab.
Yeah. The significance is found in, in what the,
the bird has been able to get to.
But it almost seems like within this, you know, uh, matrix
of the mind, catalyst of the mind, experience of the mind,
you know, those three in that progression,
the bird goes from in the cage to, uh, you know,
pointing, giving a message, pointing, go, you know,
that way, choose that path
and then to in flight, you know, and,
and more so, uh, as in the description is a, uh,
Integral part of, of the person,
I can't remember exactly how they said it.
I lost that page. I'd love to know where archetypes
of the spirit are indicated for these,
because there might be specific archetypes of the spirit
that these might be hearkening to.
Well, the bird is definitely in the world.
The la the great way of the spirit.
I don't see birds and the others.
Uh, let's,
let's continue on. Let's
Stay, yeah. Just stay focused on
the mind for now. Yeah.
It was just that last part of what you just pulled up
that said that the spirit takes flight.
So that's what made me think that. Yep.
Alright. So then Don asked about the crux on sata.
I'm guessing the cross legs of the entity in card four have
a meaning similar to the cross of the crux on sauna.
Is this correct and raw? This is correct.
The cross formed by the living limbs of the image signifies
that which is the nature of mind, body, spirit complexes
in manifestation within your illusion.
It's interesting that they call them living limbs.
Yeah, well, because the, the skeleton creature walking
around in the later cards.
Yeah. The death image. And so
there, there's no experience which is not purchased
by effort of some kind, no active service to sell
for others, which is not bare price
to the entity manifesting commensurate with its purity that
all things in manifestation may be seened one way
or another to be offering themselves in order
that transformations may take place
upon the level appropriate to the action.
So this is a big clue about the nature
of experience, I guess,
That is, There is no experience which is not purchased
by effort of some kind,
no active service to sell for others,
which is not bear price
to the entity manifesting commensurate with its purity.
All kinds of manifestation may be seen in one way
or another to be offering themselves in order
that transformations may take place upon the level
appropriate to the action.
I could totally see this in transformation.
If, if the cost is giving up the mask
and giving up, you know, aspects of the self that,
that need purity, then that's the,
that's the price, if you will.
That's the cost is releasing the ego
or parts of the self that are kept in shadow.
Whereas if you are entirely pure, then an act in service
to others really bears no cost at all.
So we think of cost
and price as something that we don't necessarily want to pay
or that it costs us, you know, from a, a lack standpoint.
But in this case, I think it might actually be at the cost
of our false identity.
Well, it could also just mean, you
Know, um, Effort in that, you know,
even if, even if you were having a mental experience
that you were, you were growing, uh, your own perception
of the world, you're still
thinking there's still effort there.
You have to, you have to put forth the effort to sit
and think and have that thought,
or you have to put forth the effort to, you know,
cross the street to help the old lady cross the street.
You know what I mean? That
that's the price that you have to pay.
We don't look at it as a price 'cause it's not necessarily
bad, but it's still what you, what you put forth
to get what you get back.
I'm so curious what the relationship
of purity is to the price.
So if you think of an act of self, uh, service to self,
for example, let's say that you're heavily impure, does
that bear a higher price or let's say you are really pure
and service to sell.
Does that bear a higher price or a lower price?
We're we're talking about an act of service to sell
for others and not just the, the polar of the entity,
but the act which is represented in the experience.
And I guess you could ask what is the experience for
and why did we want it?
And, and the will, the strengthening of the will
is gonna cause us to want something that can lead
to the higher level of transformation in manifestation.
Right. And I would say
that there's always a price then anytime something has
transformed the new comes at the cost of the old.
Yeah. But I mean,
your newer happier, uh, one
with the universe itself may come at the cost of your, uh,
previous unhappy, you know what I mean?
Yeah. In separation. Exactly. And yeah.
And yeah,
Paul s guides talk about cost all the time that way.
And so I've sort of been de desensitized to it,
but it it's negatively connotated in a reality that
is programmed and lack.
So we always think of pricing cost as Yeah.
Something that we're losing.
Yeah, I like that last statement too. That one.
What's that? Um,
that all things in manifestation may be seen in one way
or another to be offering themselves in order
that transformations may take place upon the level
appropriate to the action.
So everything is about purification, offering the self up
for reunification,
And the more pure the experience
which has been, uh, built up in its potential
for a strong bias towards
service to self or service to others.
When you have that purified serious to service
to others experience that at leads to the purity
of the potential of the transformation.
That's a good point. With high purity might come high
transformation, which might also bear high price, meaning
more, more transformation, more is, um, sacrificed
or offered up for transformation.
But then again, the more pure you are,
I guess the less you have to transform. But,
Well, I think that that that they're saying there,
that the, um, the manifesting, uh, co uh, commensurate
with its purity, meaning if it's purely like if you with
that cross the street to help the old lady, if you go do
that just to help the old lady, there's purity in that.
Whereas if you are doing it to cross the street,
because you know other people are gonna see it
and you're gonna be thought better of in their minds,
there's a lot less purity to that act,
but you're still helping the old lady get across the street
and it can go the other
way negatively. You know what I mean?
Yeah. I would, I would contend
that you are bearing a higher price when you're doing it
for, um, validation or you know, to be seen one way
or another by other people.
There's a, a carmic thing,
Get rid of the price, get rid of the price of the,
in this completely,
I'm just talking about the purity of the act.
Is it pure good?
Was there a kind of good, is it pure evil
or are you kind of evil?
And then the, then that is the scale
by which you can be transformed.
If you miss pure good, then you get that like
the pure good transformation from it.
You're saying that purity is is referring to the act here?
Yeah. And not itself. Okay. I
Understand. And then it, and
then it's, it says commensurate
with its purity.
So you get it, you get based on
how pure the act was,
you get the transformation based off of that.
Yeah. Interesting.
Yeah. Yeah.
This is, this is a big subject
and I, I feel like the concept of, well, uh,
I mean when you look at the martyr,
the martyr is the significant of the body in its purest
raw state of the use of the body is the act
of giving the body entirely.
And then the transformation of the body is, is death.
Um, so it's like death to self with every action
of the body on the most purified level of
how, how we could view it.
Not that we actually would die to become most in,
in the transformation of our body.
I think a simplest example of that would be
as we wanna transform the body, you can use the body more,
and if you're exercising the body more, then a portion
of it will die and be rebuilt by the body.
And there's a direct correlation between the amount
of transformation in your body and the amount
of effort you're putting in during exercise.
So I think that's a general principle.
Um, and I think they're talking about
experience in general here.
Um, in theory, the more transformation of our mind
that we can experience is gonna correspond to the amount of,
um, effort we're putting into using,
using our mind and faculties for imagining the, the process
of experience of ex of a service to others
or service to self action.
So I think this isn't the intensity
of the will that's being spoken of here.
I was thinking about the purity of an act
of service to others.
Uh, if you think about risking your life
to save someone else that's pretty pure.
Yeah. And perhaps comes at a recognition of
the concept of the significant of the, the martyr
and, you know, the, the great way of the body
almost ennobles, you know, more transformation of the mind.
I I don't know which of those is the horse
and which is the cart, but I can certainly
see how they would be related.
Yeah. It's the,
the inverse relationship, I guess with the it and outer.
Yeah. And it doesn't always bear a price.
You can risk your life to save someone
and you know, what are their three different outcomes?
You can save them at the cost of your own life.
You can save them and to not lose your life,
or you can fail to save them and one
or both of you die.
Yeah. So I wonder what the, well, whatever,
Yeah. This is, this
is worth revisiting.
I'm trying not to get hung up on the words,
but obviously I'm, you know, thinking
of these real world, you know, ideas.
If somebody risks their life and saves somebody else
and lives to tell about it, that was a very pure act
of service to others.
And I'm not entirely sure I see where the price is, but
I think That the, the word purity is the hag up.
And you could, you know, more
or less put genuine
how genuine you are in the act
because we keep framing it with this whole purity of like,
you know, saving people's lives
and helping an old lady cross the street.
But what if you were doing a pure act of evil?
You know, what if you, what if you were of someone
who could manipulate the stock market
and you needed, you had the brains to do it,
but you needed a little bit of money
because you know, your, your mom was dying of cancer.
Okay? So you did it one time.
You cheated the system one time to get money,
and then you got the cancer treatment,
and then it became a way of life.
So that one little cheating the
system gave back to you.
You, the price you paid was you, you gave up some
of your morality to cheat the system,
and the, the response was commensurate with how much you,
you, you wanted to cheat the system,
but the more you did it,
the more you were just doing it maliciously,
and then it was feeding back
to you maliciously the purest essence of malice,
the purest essence of e you know, it's, it's,
and then the price that you pay is, you know, and the,
and the devi you get from it are commensurate with that.
Right. I think that that word purity is
what's screwing it all up.
Well, I think that any act of service
to self encouraged karma.
And so there the price is right there.
That's actually pretty easy to, to see.
I think it's still a service to others that
I can see effort, obviously in the, the previous one.
And I suppose, you know, that effort might be the price,
you know, the, the running across the train platform
and saving a woman who's falling off the platform.
I guess there was a price of physical energy.
Mm-Hmm. That's why price
and purity, you know, get what they're saying.
But, but you know, almost like Newton's equal
and opposite reactions is, is a little bit more
to play in there because it's, it's, what did you put forth
to get the, to get the action?
And it could be anything,
Anytime raw describes, um, a metaphysical relationship,
let alone one that seems to be proportional in some way.
I think we're always drawn to try to figure
it out. 'cause there could be
Yeah. Something
more out The big one.
This is, this is a big one to process
and I think we should come back to it on another session
and see it in the context of the significance,
the martyr, the sun.
Should we, should we end here
and maybe Nathan will be able to join in
and we'll finish off the rest?
That, that might be nice.
Um, we've been going for two hours.
Um, yeah.
There's so much to cover with the nature of experience.
It's like, yeah, yeah.
Experience itself is, is a great, uh, focal point
because that's, that's what we seem to be experiencing is
so, um, I guess I could call the, well,
let's finish up session 94 maybe, and then Okay.
Session 95 will be, uh, part two and,
and we can retouch on some of this.
Yeah. Put, put a little, a little note in there.
We have to bring that up when we got Nathan involved.
Get another viewpoint. Yeah, I would love that. Great.
Um, so the bird is within a circle on the front
of the entity in card four.
Yep. Would that have the same significance as the circular,
circular part of the crux on Sada?
So the, the crux on Sada is the,
the T square with the circle on top.
It is a specialized form of this meaningful shape.
It is a, it is specialized in a great part due to the nature
of the crossed legs manifestation,
which we have previously discussed. So
They're, they're just saying that that kind
of finishes off the CRS on side of shape
between the legs and the circle.
Is that how you read that?
That's what I always read, yeah. Yeah. Let,
so the entity of card four,
I guess we'll talk about CRS on side of RMA next time too,
and we can go into the actual images
that we haven't had time to discuss here,
the aspects of the image.
Yeah. Uh, the entity
of card four wears a strangely shaped skirt.
Is there significance to the shape of the skirt? Yes.
The skirt is extended toward the left hand,
but a similar shorter toward the right.
There's a black bag hanging the belt
of the entity on the left side.
It seems to me that this black bag has a meaning
of the acquiring and material possessions of wealth as part
of the left hand path with comment on that.
Although this meaning was not intended by raw as part
of this complex of concepts, we find
that interpretation quite acceptable.
Um, and then they just had a, a note on the fact
that there was low energy bang
time for one more question.
So, so they ran out of time too. Yeah.
Couldn't get through everything.
Um, I would just state
that this card being mailed would indicate that
as experience is gained, the mind becomes the motivator
or that which reaches
or does more than the simple experiencer prior
to the gaining of, prior to the catalytic action.
That is, there's a greater tendency for the mind
to direct the mind, body, spirit complex.
And other than that, I would just ask if there's anything we
do may Anderson more comfortable.
So they're just concluding the session
with asking if the instrument made more comfortable.
So answering do Don's original query, they said,
we would suggest that you ponder again the shape
of the garment, which the image wears.
Such a bill is not natural.
The shape is significant
and is so along the lines of your query.
Um, and the lines for the query was about the, um, I,
I guess the pointedness and the,
I guess I got lost there, but let me read that again
Because he said that, um, yeah, he, he,
he wasn't just talking about the,
he wasn't mentioning the skirt that much at all.
He was talking about the, uh, the maleness of it. Right.
And maleness meaning the reaching out.
Yeah. Yeah.
They said the male principles
that which reach is at another point.
So maybe that's what they're, they're saying that,
Wait, the 29 was when he asked
about the shape of it. Right.
Or I think it's in the next one in 90 fives.
They get clarity on that,
Or Don let me asks again.
That makes sense. Yeah. Yeah.
They went into the skirt more
and the next one in beginning with,
oh, they had a lot, they had a lot to cover here.
They were going into the ritual cleansing.
They had, they had business
to deal with to cleanse their home
At housekeeping.
Yeah. Yeah.
And then they got back to the skirt
here in the last session.
We spoke with the shape of the skirt, um,
and extended to the left to indicate
that other selves would not be able to get close
to this entity if it had chosen the left hand path.
There'd be a great separation between it and other selves.
Whereas if it had chosen the right hand path,
there would be much less of a separation would run.
Comment on that observation. And then they said
the student's perceptive.
So going back to that. Yep.
So it's like you're keeping your distance with the hand
and the skirt and the foot are all pointed
that direction here, the hand is, uh,
less pronounced in the original,
but more pronounced pointed that way in the redrawn version.
All right. Yeah,
I think I'm gonna do more pondering on that.
Uh, the whole subject there of the,
the price that we pay with our chosen path
of polarity and purity.
Um, I, I do feel like it could relate
to energy expenditure also.
And higher energy expenditure is higher transformation
and higher
chakra activation on some level.
I couldn't see that. Is that the price?
Yeah, price on transformation. They
Didn't use the word price, they said
purchased with effort.
Yeah, yeah. But then they said price in the following
Sentence. Oh, yeah.
Yeah. So I think that they're kinda like, you know, let,
let purposefully blur in the lines for you
between those two statements.
Yeah. To me it seemed like those were parallel saying
that experience and any act of service are one and the same.
I mean, any act is an act of service
to self or others, right?
Yeah. Any act leads to an experience
or creates an experience which could lead to a
Yeah. Transformation is not
a requirement for experience.
And it's also interesting, you know, they, they say
that most adepts even remain groping in the moonlight,
the experience of the spirit
and don't grasp the light of the sun,
which allows the potential for spiritual transformation,
which they say the movements
of the spirit are the most profound.
So being able to grasp that infinite light, uh, that,
that, that pure, pure raw,
infinite potential within us is, is, is connected
to our ability to transform more rapidly.
Well I'm still in the moonlight.
There you go. Single flame.
Yeah. In time we'll become the sun.
Yeah. Sign me up.
Alright. Thank you guys for joining
and we'll pick, get back on this pretty soon.
Yeah, absolutely. I mean if we,
if we could even schedule one around Nathan's schedule
to get, you know, hammer out some
of those details even if we don't have
to record it or whatever, you
Know? Yeah.
Now I've gotta jump straight back into Love One studies
for my presentation coming up on the 27th this Saturday.
I only could be give presentation anyways. Yep. Very nice.
Any questions up perfectly.
Yeah, right. Any questions? Text over man. Text the group.
Yeah, I'm sure Nathan could give you some texts.
He might not be able to pull away for a full call, but
Yep. Yep.
A side text here and there. I appreciate it.
Alright, thank you guys.
People: Andrew Shepard, Mike Waskosky, Nick Carletti
Topics: Archetypes, Law of One
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Great show again guys! Sorry I missed the live, I was at an event.