Forum Replies Created

  • mystic *

    December 13, 2023 at 2:14 pm in reply to: Getting Demonic Attacks

    It does seem there is quite the uptick in negative activity. Keep calling in your protections and invoking your Highest Guidance and spiritual support. I just counseled a friend through an attack. We determined that the high amount of stress in the household, due to her husband’s recent cancer diagnosis; and the fact that she drifted away from her meditation and prayer practice, allowed those negative greeters a hold. Best to you, Namaste – sonia

  • mystic *

    March 3, 2023 at 6:12 am in reply to: “Woke” Culture Challenges

    Thank you for sharing this! Me too with getting the liberal indoctrination at University. I still owe student loans for that mind f*…but hopefully I’m much more evolved today. I too had to be deprogrammed and I guess that actually began with a show called Cosmic Disclosure 😉 and really took on a deprogramming air with the Q posts.

    Yes also on losing the adult children to the very same mind f* that set me on a path of self-destruction – and of course a mindset I did foster for years. My boys, ages 41 and 35, are slowly coming out of it with everything having reached a big head with the plandemic and my refusal to get a vaccine. I did not/do not want them to learn that “mom might’ve been right” through the loss of any friends or loved ones nor suffering themselves – I tried to share information only to be faced with much anger at what I was sharing. They were completely closed to “other” information.

    For the past year I took a different approach with my family. I put my feelings into the bumper stickers on my car and try to keep my mouth shut and a smile on my lips …also I now have an unfailing trust in the One Creator, the Christ Consciousness, the fact that this life has purpose and mission and is sacred. That alone helps me “not have a concern” so much about those that refuse to consider truth…even among my own family.

  • mystic *

    August 18, 2022 at 12:10 am in reply to: Fake account on Telegram

    I think there is also a AscensionWorks.Tv

    note the little v…it is not a channel but someone’s account

  • mystic *

    July 19, 2022 at 3:16 am in reply to: Off world food

    I love this question…cause I wanted to ask it years ago. I want to know: if the food is replicated doesn’t that make it GMO? And if no…how? Very curious.

  • mystic *

    July 14, 2022 at 2:50 am in reply to: Starting to remember 20 and back life times

    I do know that there are support groups out there for contactees/abductees and experiencers in general. Kathleen Marden has such a group called Awakening Souls and you can apply to join through her website There are more though and I encourage you to research the group if possible or at least join with a very discerning eye. What Corey says about the rift in the Ufology movement is very true and that there are those that focus more on the science or hard evidence than the science of spirituality (which I think this group is more about).

    Another person that might be of help is Tony Rodrigues. He is behind a paywall but offers a very good course for $40 where he talks through retrieving memories etc.

    I found it helpful and he also recommends the Gateway Experience course in meditation by Semi-Sync…that alone has helped me with both memory and my dreams. Best of absolute and abundant good luck to you, my friend. sonia😊

  • mystic *

    June 3, 2022 at 5:07 pm in reply to: I really need your reply

    I’ve taken my question to my Guides in meditation. What I am “told” is that there is no way to accurately predict what will occur because the collective human element is core. Also I am reminded that I volunteered for this mission so my placement or geographic location is a part of that pre-birth plan. The catalyst for me is to understand and accept that and also to prepare.

    Thank you I think the Safe Zone questions are important because it really did kinda hold me in fear for awhile…and I’d wait for Corey to respond to it….but here my guides are handy again. They ask me what do I think Corey would say? I think he’d say to me “thank you for volunteering for this mission”… 😂 Ok, good enough.

    Blessings One and All

  • mystic *

    April 14, 2022 at 10:55 pm in reply to: Resources on Researching Corey’s Testimony

    Thank you Admin. Although I’ve followed CG story for 7 years now but I do still need the links for my personal research. 😄

  • mystic *

    March 20, 2022 at 1:18 am in reply to: Please help

    I’m very sorry to hear. Do you regularly pray or call to your spiritual source? Do you do clearings around your house?

    The Prayer for Mercy and Miracles is one that I use. If not Christian you can change the words to fit your spiritual source.

    Also ECETI has a very good clearing prayer that I use regularly too:

    I do hope this helps. Keep meditating and know the closer we get to our own personal Awakening the more the dark side turns up the juice. That means you are over target. Sending you Love and Light and Abundant Protection friend 🙏❤

  • Hearing MICCA’s story is very helpful. Especially when it comes to having empathy for those still sleeping…the shift had to occur somewhere so it began with a few that shared “conspiracy theories/realities”. Also the description of the AI Gods and snowing a mass of people into believing they are doing good by them. That’s the piece I really needed; to see how society allows itself to be lured into group think. I had not read all of the SBA posts in the past so it was a nice reminder to review that information. Yup…you been walking the talk a long time CG and I thank you. Take care and Blessings all 🙂

  • mystic *

    March 6, 2023 at 2:50 pm in reply to: “Woke” Culture Challenges

    Thank you André. Especially helpful for me are

    • Be transparent and loving but do not allow any abuse.
    • Listen. Ask.
    • Talk, avoid trigger words :), think before you talk and let your words resonate inside you.
    • Be logic and live what you try to teach (do not be a hypocrite)
    • Show love and affection and compassion but have rules, red lines which may not be crossed

    Namaste 🙏