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“Woke” Culture Challenges
Posted by Debbie on March 1, 2023 at 12:51 pmThis is an important topic for parents with grown children who may have been thoroughly indoctrinated (brainwashed, literally!) into the woke culture, especially through their “higher” education. I personally have family in this category, and it’s extremely challenging when they can’t “hear” anything outside of the now-ingrained narratives. They adopt a sense of hopelessness and doom while at the same time lecturing us on how it’s our fault and we’re not doing enough.
One parent wouldn’t give up on her daughter, and we can all learn from her experience. Excerpt: “It was like walking a tightrope,” Melinda Rockwell said. “I couldn’t push too hard or I’d lose her, but if I let go I felt I might not see her again. It was as bad as trying to get a child off the streets who’s on heroin. Everyone is so sure it won’t happen to their child. But it will. [Professors and older students] tell the students they are special — it’s like they are anointed — then they tell them how oppressed they are and what victims they are and how they have to go out in the world and be activists to stop the oppression.” (The irony is astounding.)
While the type of resource this mom found is not likely an affordable option for many, we can hope that awareness and sensitivity in handling it can lead us to finding effective ways to address it.
Will replied 1 year, 9 months ago 5 Members · 11 Replies -
11 Replies
Thank you for sharing this! Me too with getting the liberal indoctrination at University. I still owe student loans for that mind f*…but hopefully I’m much more evolved today. I too had to be deprogrammed and I guess that actually began with a show called Cosmic Disclosure 😉 and really took on a deprogramming air with the Q posts.
Yes also on losing the adult children to the very same mind f* that set me on a path of self-destruction – and of course a mindset I did foster for years. My boys, ages 41 and 35, are slowly coming out of it with everything having reached a big head with the plandemic and my refusal to get a vaccine. I did not/do not want them to learn that “mom might’ve been right” through the loss of any friends or loved ones nor suffering themselves – I tried to share information only to be faced with much anger at what I was sharing. They were completely closed to “other” information.
For the past year I took a different approach with my family. I put my feelings into the bumper stickers on my car and try to keep my mouth shut and a smile on my lips …also I now have an unfailing trust in the One Creator, the Christ Consciousness, the fact that this life has purpose and mission and is sacred. That alone helps me “not have a concern” so much about those that refuse to consider truth…even among my own family.
Haha yes! It’s like Cosmic Disclosure helped us realize we can give ourselves permission to see things for what they really are. I’m inspired to keep going just by observing Corey’s relentless tenacity (that’s where stubbornness is a virtue, LOL) to stick to the mission. Thanks for sharing. Keep shining your light. ❤
Maybe we can gather some help how to approach these (grown up) children with whom we still have a relation.
I also can attest that it needs a great sense of sensitivity to approach. This can be a narrow path to walk. Emphatic knowing or sensing is making this easier and also the less distortion we our own have the better. So maybe this is a group therapy 😀 The things we say and write are always meant for us too. 🙂
Imho there is no one fits all procedure. Some may need a shock at a certain time to wake up, for other the gentil method is better. The following are some thoughts and keypoints which may be helpful.
This programming appears to be like an addiction. I do not know if that is true, but it seems to have the same keypoints. Without the physical addiction but more a mental emotional one. The programming seems to use also a traumatic experience or at least unpleasant memory which is either tried to be avoided or it is pumped up and repeated without understanding the underlying issue. By doing so an unworthy self image is created that allows an attachment which directs the negative flow of energy with the following changes:
- Increasing separation from family and old friends like being in a cult
- Change in relation (new friends)
- Mood change
- (not obvious: depression, reduced self worth often disguised by overacting ego)
- Activism which creates victims or people who suffer from the actions
- Simplistic worldview (blame others) , and too complex world view (there-is-no-optimal-solution-mindest) [our world is complex but the answers to our problems are easy, yet maybe difficult to put into action]
- Aggression, Radicalization
- Unable to process rational arguments
- Victim Oppression viewpoint (and always taking only one perspective, while we actually are always both and at least one is an enabler)
- (over) emotional response
- Low trigger level
My approach is basically the opposite:
- Become aware of the influence
- Find out which is the wound which is being exploited (helplessness, powerless, self worth, self image) (keep it to you, at least until there is improvement in the relation) and provide service to let your child self heal.
- Do not trigger emotional response.
- Do not violate privacy or use violence
- Be transparent and loving but do not allow any abuse.
- Listen. Ask.
- Talk, avoid trigger words :), think before you talk and let your words resonate inside you.
- Be logic and live what you try to teach (do not be a hypocrite)
- Show love and affection and compassion but have rules, red lines which may not be crossed
- Spend time together and at an increasing level (the time spent with the cult needs to be less attractive):
- Revive good times habits.
- Time in nature
- Whenever the time is right and the emotional level is low use logic and provide solutions which work without using or creating victims. Start small.
- Propose a project which is not destructive but creative and bringing joy to the world and life >it can involve animals, nature, garden, art, other people, technology if it is creative and constructive.
- Let them reflect on the good things achieved
- Practicing sports and also contact to balanced people is good.
- Creating a better world actively by improving small things.
- Start strengthening the parts and good traits instead of exaggerating the bad ones (do not allow abuse)
- Addictions and external control make weak. Build up strength self worth and an opinion which is their own. Made up from experience and active research. (only weak minds can be exploited or be taken advantage of)
- Be patient and have trust in your abilities and in your child.
I recommend also the book Psycho Cybernetics from Maxwell Maltz, very profound.
This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by
André Zschenker. Reason: forgot to check the notify me box
This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by
André Zschenker. Reason: some formatting
This is very well thought out. Thank you for taking the time to compile such helpful information. 🙏❤️
Thank you André. Especially helpful for me are
- Be transparent and loving but do not allow any abuse.
- Listen. Ask.
- Talk, avoid trigger words :), think before you talk and let your words resonate inside you.
- Be logic and live what you try to teach (do not be a hypocrite)
- Show love and affection and compassion but have rules, red lines which may not be crossed
Namaste 🙏
Thank you, you both are awesome. 🙂 I hope other can take something from it too or just add more detail or experience to it.
It’s not really a challenge. It’s more like a sickness. They will heal themself after falling flat on their face and reality hits them hard. It’s a catharsis they have to go through. Until then I will just lean back and let them fail hard like SVB did
For those you feel not connected to this attitude is easy and I tend to think the same way at times, though I know it will also affect me because humanity is one and we do not live in physical isolated boxes (luckily). But if your loved ones like your children go this route your challenge will be real, because you love them and have compassion and wish them to have a good live and to avoid fatal mistakes, you cannot just ignore them stepping into the abyss.
Our decisions do have impact on one another and we can be a catalyst for positive change. I am not able to foresee if the effort to inform or warn people is successful. Maybe it is our inner standing towards those if our effort to warn them is of success. (so if it is based on love maybe we have more success that if we act based on aggression or control)-
Don’t get into this challenge. You can just give help and advice to those that ask for help and advice. Many are deeply indoctrinated and they will reject even your love and empathy. They have to wake up first.
You learn in life from your failures more than from successes. If you involve yourself too early they will see you as the reason for their failure.
This was never intended, as far as I’m concerned to be a challenge to anyone; rather, it is just a story of one mother and what she did. It’s not likely that her chosen option would be one that many of us would be in a position to undertake. It was intended to provoke thought and discussion. It’s a complex issue and we should absolutely be very cautious and thoughtful if we want to be helpful to those we love who may be affected by this.
Funnily enough, you mentioned that it was like getting someone off heroin and THERE is your answer also. You said it but didnt see it. Thats how you have to attack it. You have to separate them from the people that are pushing that crap and if that means a new school or other accommodations you make it happen. Next introduce a question they have to research and ask them for both sides of the argument, that way they have their side but they have to dig a little to get the other side of the story. This is key. This is whats actually turned many people around in the midst of there mental illness and helped them see their way out. They found the info on their own and nobody force fed them, cause as we all know, kids will buck when you force anything at them. Thats the easiest, most effective and gentle way to turn it around. It will be more effective and faster if you can set the environment where they arent being bludgeoned everyday with it, but if thats not possible you can still try.
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