Sale-30% Off Most Products- Homeopathy, Herbal, Graphic Design

Hi, friends! Just for you, I’m offering 30% off all of my digital download products and other deep discounts on other products. But the sale only lasts through January first, so get a move on!


  • Homeopathy Cold and Flu Charts
  • Homeopathy First Aid Charts
  • Dairy Names hidden in Menus (list)
  • French beginner language lesson
  • Herbal gift baskets (-Etsy)
  • Lotion bars, cut/scrape/bruise lotion bars
  • Graphic design of logos and business cards (-Etsy store only), and more!

Check it out now!!

At my Transform Health website (preferred), please use the code SAVENOWBEFORE1/1

At my Etsy Shop, the discounts are already marked.

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Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Health & Healing, Practical Skills, Uncategorized


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