Mystery School: The Power of Love

Mystery School with Jacob Cox
Mystery School: The Power of Love
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Next Episode: Mystery School: I am that, I am
All right, guys.
Tonight's topic is the power of the heart.
It is a, a big topic for us,
and, um, I hope that, uh, what we got, what we got
for you guys tonight is something that we all can resonate
with and really use in order to help create the world
that we really want to live in,
that we want to be a part of.
Um, so let's get started.
So, tonight's topic is power of the Heart.
Um, so we wanna talk about this organ right here.
Uh, the, the heart itself.
It is one that, um, you know, for the most part, uh,
most people think it's just an organ that pumps blood,
but there's a lot more to it than that.
And even in field development, the heart forms
and starts beating before the brain is even developed.
So, a lot of people who would think, you know,
the brain is the most important thing.
It's who we are, and it's where consciousness lies.
Even in development, the heart is, uh, you know,
created first and develops first,
and everything else comes after that.
So it is, you know, a very incredible, powerful organ
that does a whole lot more than pump blood.
And so let's get started to figure out
what exactly our heart can do and what we can,
and how we can use
and cultivate the, uh, the power of the heart.
So, educating the mind without educating the heart is no
education at all according to Aristotle.
Uh, I totally believe that.
And, um, and once I have really dove into the information on
the heart, I do feel like it is, uh,
probably more important.
And, um, there's more
to understand in the heart than even in the brain.
You know, they, that holds saying, we only use 5%,
10% of our brains.
Uh, I, I would say that we probably use the same amount
of our hearts regularly.
We're not really diving in deep to, um, all that's capable
of, uh, the power of the heart.
So we wanna be able to free ourselves,
free ourselves from the prison that we live in, of
what other people think, um, you know,
and be able to, to really explode.
And, uh, the feeling of love and love for ourself,
and compassion for ourself and others.
And I think that starts with being able to free ourselves,
uh, from the, you know, kind of emotional discord
that we're all kind of stuck in this little prison.
Uh, you know, um, so the heart is, you know,
when we talk about the heart, it's also one of the chakras,
uh, the green chakra in the middle of the, of the seven
main chakras.
There are, you know, many, many others.
But the seven main Roy, gbi, red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, indigo, violet, the heart is the, the center
of those seven chakras, three below, three above it.
Um, that's something to, you know, understand as well.
That is one of the chakra organs.
And with that, you know, there's more nerves and neurons
and things like that in the heart, uh, that really indicate
that this is a, you know, something that can light up
and glow just like, you know, other parts
of the chakras as well.
Um, so the heart's nervous system contains 40,000 neurons
called sensory neurons that communicate with the brain,
and it's called the little brain in the heart.
Our, our heart is like its own little brain.
It has its own little neuron network,
and it communicates with the brain.
Uh, the heart has a system of neurons that have both short
and long-term memory,
and their signals sent
to the brain can affect our emotional experiences,
even when people were put in front of a computer screen
not knowing, uh, what picture is going to be projected next,
the heart would respond seconds
before the picture was even, uh, flashed on the screen.
Whether it was like a, a scary picture or,
or happy loving picture,
or someone with gratitude, our heart would respond
and send information to our brain
and other parts of our bodies well
before the picture was even, uh, displayed on the screen.
So, our heart, by far, is more intelligent seeming and,
and quicker to respond to stimuli in the outside world
before the brain is, I feel like
that is absolutely fascinating information to know how much
your heart is picking up on things.
So energy feels people that, that people are admitting.
It's oftentimes when you meet someone, it's a feeling
that you feel about how someone you know is,
or, uh, do they feel homey?
Do they feel loving? Do they feel like a nice person?
You want to get to know those things happen in your heart
before your brain can even make the decision
or not whether you wanna, you know,
engage and talk to that person.
So you literally do have, you know,
a little brain in your heart, uh, if you will.
You know, you're, it's intelligent. It's knowing.
Um, even the Egyptians used to scoop out the brain,
and they believed that the heart was the center, uh, the
of the human, you know, of the,
of consciousness, if you will.
So to them, the heart was
so much more important than even the brain was.
So as we start to learn to dwell in our hearts, to realize,
uh, how important it is to, to stay in this heart fields
and emotions, and, you know, oftentimes we hear those,
you know, stories don't get,
don't step in feelings and things like that.
It is incredibly important to be in your feelings, to, um,
be aware of the emotions that you're feeling
and what they're providing for you.
And, you know, how long you gonna let them
stay or dwell on you.
But, uh, our heart and the,
and the things that we're emoting
and emitting is, is vital to a healthy human being.
Um, and so literally the things that we feel, emotions,
gratitude, compassion, empathy, uh, love, you know,
those feelings can have a direct impact on our DNA.
So, and the molecules that we're literally made up, made up
of it can literally change our physiology, uh, as we think
and feel certain emotions to a certain degree.
If you're really into gratitude, you're really into love,
really in compassion, you're feeling those things majority
of every day, every week, every month,
and every year, you're gonna have a, a different, uh,
a body than someone who's in the negative and who's angry
and bitter and cold, and all the things.
You are gonna have different feelings, different emotions,
but it has a literal impact on the
molecules that we're made out of.
And the DNA. So the two things
that are really important here is fear is a,
is a wave pattern that's very slow.
So it has really high crescent and low trials.
So as it moves to the DNA molecule,
it's touching very little of the DNA love is a higher,
higher frequency, shorter wavelengths.
And as love literally flows to the DNA molecule,
it is touching more parts of the DNA
and flipping it on like little switches.
So we've heard that, um, you know, 90%
of your DNA or so is junk, DNA, that is an absolute lie.
The universe doesn't make junk.
The universe doesn't make trash.
There's no junk and trash anywhere except for
what humans make, but the universe doesn't make that.
So why would the vast majority of our DNA be junk?
It, it is just a misconception by scientists.
I believe that 90% is the good stuff.
It is all the information of all
that ever has happened in the universe.
All the will, all the stored information, uh, telepathy,
telekinesis, these clairvoyancy, uh, cla audio,
all the psychic abilities that we've heard about,
and, uh, mystics and saints and superheroes
and gods throughout history, the things
that those people had, those were some
of them more awakened beings,
some of them had more abilities.
But I believe that our DNA is just for the, for the majority
of humankind on this planet, is a little bit more shut down
than than many other civilizations out in the universe.
So, as we learn to live in love, compassion, gratitude,
and, and have that love frequency
constantly being, uh, emitted throughout our DNA,
we're gonna turn more and more switches on,
and you'll literally have epiphanies,
revelations, aha moments.
It's, and those are kind of like your DNA turning on, like,
oh, I'm remembering something that happened.
I'm remembering, uh, how the universe works.
I, I, I've had one
before where I knew that the universe, all of a sudden, uh,
you know, the, the black holes in the center of the universe
and things were emitting from that,
that it was sucking in things.
But no, no energy can be created or destroyed.
And, uh, that the, the galaxy was the,
the light double helix spiral wave pattern coming from the
center of the galaxy was coming from a black hole,
walked into to the TV room, turned the TV on,
and that was exactly what was on television.
It was a huge epiphany for me,
but definitely make me realize that all
that information is stored inside of us,
and we're, we can remember everything.
There's nothing that nobody has more
access to that you don't.
So, um, so our emotions are, are directly affecting,
uh, the DNA molecule, uh, and what, what we get out of it.
And so when we change our heart rhythms,
we can literally change, you know,
our whole vibrational frequency.
When we live in frustration, anger, we have this really kind
of uneven, very, you know, it's not smooth, it's rough.
It's, you know, just looking at it, running in your finger
and, and tracing the lines of frustration.
It feels off, it feels bad.
But when you come down here to appreciation and you're,
and you change your heart rhythm, and you,
and you actually concentrate on what you're grateful for,
what you appreciate, again, running a finger on this line
and going up and down, it's a much smoother, harmonious, uh,
loving frequency.
Everything's higher vibrational, uh, than the frustration,
which is higher crescent, lower TRAs, very edgy.
Um, and so we, we can concentrate on those things.
And when we concentrate, just take those moments
of meditation and focus on what we do care about,
what we do appreciate.
We can literally change our entire heart rhythms.
And so it is important that we focus on seriously
what we love, what we appreciate, what we have compassion
for, and our heart can change.
I mean, it doesn't take much.
It's just an intention sometimes just realizing, Hey,
I'm focusing on something that's negative right now.
Lemme just take a second stop.
And a lot of times, you know,
I feel like it's really important maybe just
to put your hand on your heart
and focus on, okay, what am I grateful for right now?
What is it that I care about?
What is it that makes me happy?
My kids, my life, my job, my family, whatever it is.
Um, being at home, whatever you can think of.
But focus on that thing is to literally change that, uh,
frequency that's being emitted from you.
And you're admitting that it's not just something
that stays inside of you.
Your, your appreciation
and your heart rhythms, you know,
or that is that field that's all around you,
that energy that's all around you.
So when you, you know, you can't hide it, you can pretend
to be okay, but if you're not okay,
you walk into a room and people feel it.
It's something that you can't hide.
And oftentimes, even if you are walking into a room
and you think you're, you know, trying to hide it
and act like nothing's going on, people are picking it up.
They know it, they're understanding
like, Hey, what's going on with you?
What's wrong? Um, until you do the work
and you change it, people are gonna pick it up and feel it.
So, it is incredibly important to shift to a life
that's being, you know, that you're appreciative of,
that you're g that you have gratitude for, um,
that you have, you know, compassion and passionate about.
That's, that is something that's gonna pick up
and gonna be infectious to people.
Where, when you walk into a room like, oh, what is this?
What is this person doing? What are they all
About? Feel
the energy. I feel the appreciation.
I feel that their comp, their passion for life, um,
those are things that you can't lie about.
Your, your energy signature cannot lie.
You can lie, you can tell lies.
But as we move into a more awakened world, uh, avail,
that's much thinner, these things are easily more, uh,
easily pick up, easily to pick up from more people.
More people are more aware of these feelings,
and they're in tune.
They're in tune to themselves to their own intuition
and their own feelings.
And what doesn't feel right is, is easy, easy for,
for people to, you know, come to that conclusion these days.
So, uh, the positive emotions that we create
can, can actually, physiologically benefit our body.
So, again, when we're, when we're happy,
when we're compassionate, when we have empathy,
when we're focused on gratitude, we can have, you know,
positive emotions when you are, you know,
constantly dwelling on what you hate, what makes you upset,
what makes you angry, you know, it can give you wrinkles.
It could dry you up. It could just, you know what I mean,
like, literally make you older faster.
Um, so it is so important for us to stay in, uh, these
frequencies of gratitude and, and love.
Um, 'cause they can literally boost our immune system,
or the negative emotions can literally make us sick,
make us feel bad, make you know what I mean?
Like, you can literally think yourself into dis disease,
a body that's no longer at ease.
You're not in an ease state of gratitude and,
and flow and love.
You get out of ease, and you get into dise.
And I don't think it's necessarily bad, uh,
but we can think ourselves
and feel ourselves into those places to realize that, Hey,
I've done this, and it's now my responsibility
to get me back into ease, back into a state
of consciousness, flow, love, and gratitude.
Because I see the contrast of a healthy body
that's in flow with what I want.
And I, and now that I have a disease
and I'm no longer where I wanna be,
this has given me the opportunity to change back to that.
And I can flip at any time.
So it's so important to, you know, open up your heart, let
that love out, love others, love ourselves,
um, and do the work.
When we do the work on ourselves, we heal the world.
That's exactly what Gandhi said.
Be the change that you want to see in the world.
As we change ourselves, we change the world,
because we are part of it.
We are not separate. There is no way any of us are separate,
each one of us, like a small little cell in the body
of the world, right?
There's billions of cells that make up our body constantly,
that work in competition, our cooperation with each other.
I think when they start to work competition,
when we watch war on television,
when we're constantly competing ourselves, get that message
and they start to fight each other,
they start to compete with each other.
And a cell in cells that are, you know, constantly working,
competition are, are, you know, literally
we're doomed at that point.
When you, when your cells are in competition, in conflict
with each other, billions of cells,
it's like a war inside your body.
And that's where disease comes from.
Your body is warring against itself.
Your immune system is warring against itself.
Instead of being cooperation,
now you have a body with billions of cells.
It's so vital that we, uh, work in cooperation
with each other, um, in our own bodies, in our own world.
And like I said, each person is like a cell in
the body of the world.
And, uh, we're either working in competition
or cooperation with each other.
And, uh, when we work in cooperation, uh,
we're definitely healing the world, healing ourselves.
Um, so I think some of these, uh, you know,
the medicine, the antidotes to creating a world
that does work for ourselves, that does, you know,
work in our bodies, uh, is, you know, one of the, one
of the, one of the best things we can do is have
gratitude every day.
I think it's important, even just to wake up in the morning,
you know, that says shift your perspective.
Uh, you know, feel the, the abundance that you have,
concentrate on what you had.
You woke up today. You can walk, you can talk, you know,
you have a job to go to to make money.
You have a family. Uh, you know what I mean?
There's so many. You have a car to drive.
There's so many things that we can be grateful for.
And there's so many things that you
could not be grateful for.
You could be mad about so many other things.
But staying in the vibration of gratitude
and feeling gratuitous about your life
and what you have right now,
and the opportunity to be alive is so important.
As we dwell on that
and feel grateful for that opportunity to be here, now
we can get more opportunities for things to be grateful for.
If you're constantly being emotional
and angry about what you don't have, what doesn't serve you,
how the world is terrible,
I think there'll be more instances.
The universe has serve that, that same platter to you.
So it's so important to concentrate on our gratitude.
So I just added a couple quotes here about things
that I felt like for me, helped me to understand
a little bit more about love.
And so this is one of my favorite sayings, even
after all this time, the sun never says
to the earth, you owe me.
Look what happens with the love like that.
It lights the whole sky.
So the sun is constantly emitting light
and love to every planet, no matter
what the planets have said and done.
I think it's imperative that we emulate that as far as like,
I can be the sun of my own universe,
or my own solar system, right?
So everybody in it, my job, my coworkers family,
no matter what they say, no matter what journey they're on,
no matter where they're at, I can love every single person.
I can send them love. Um, I never have to judge them,
be angry at them, be mad or upset
because they did me a certain way
or didn't do me the way I wanted them to.
If, if we're constantly harking on what somebody didn't do
or didn't say or didn't do, we're gonna be really upset.
It's so important just to, you know, let them go.
Let them live their life, be happy
for them wherever they're at, love them.
And, you know, just realize that, hey,
I can love them and send them light.
And that's all that matters. Um,
how they live their life is up to them.
And, and it's so important for us to have peace,
because if we want to micromanage someone else's life
and think they should act like this
and do that, are gonna constantly be disappointed.
So it's just really important for us just to love, send
that light out to our little solar system
that we're connected to the planets and everybody else.
I often thought when, you know, referred to the son of man
and the Bible, uh, that Jesus was kind
of like the son of people, right?
He's, no matter who rotated around him, who followed him,
he was always giving out light to people all the time.
Uh, he was constantly being like a small little son
to the universe that he, that he was a part of.
Uh, another great one, I think is really important.
And this is one by John Lennon.
It matters not who you love, where you love, why you love
when you love, or how you love
it matters only that you love.
And I think that's so important, man.
It doesn't matter at all. And again, when anybody,
how anybody else is loving, who they're loving, who caress,
who caress, it doesn't matter at all.
Let everybody have their own journey.
Let everybody have their own life, you know, love them
and be grateful that they're just here,
and we're all walking each other home eventually.
You know, everybody's just a small part
of your journey on this planet.
And, you know, hey, I'm grateful to run into everybody
and to work with everybody
and to, you know, get to say hello to everyone and,
and exchange some energy and creativity with each other.
Um, but certainly, you know, I, you know, I find my peace
and my freedom comes from letting every single person out
there live their own life and have their own journey,
and just being grateful
that they're about the people out there loving each other.
And I'm not worried about, uh, you know, what, who or what
or why, or when, just the fact that I'm in love
with my own life and my own family.
And, um, everything that I got going on.
And I hope everybody else is too.
Um, another one from OSHA that I feel like is really helpful
to me, um, and some of you may not like it,
but he says, if you love a flower, don't pick it up.
Because if you pick it up, it dies,
and it ceases to be what you love.
So if you love a flower, let it be.
Love is not about possession. It is about appreciation.
And I feel like that is a tough one.
Sometimes realize, like, you know, when we date someone,
when we get married, when we have, uh,
certain family members or things, you know, best friends
or whatever, oftentimes, you know,
what we feel like they should,
how they should be living their life,
or, I've definitely had, you know, a feeling
before where I thought someone owed me an apology,
or, um, someone should treat me a certain way
because I helped them out, or I gave something to them.
They should tell me thank you and all the things.
And, um, you know, that, that in a way is possession.
I'm, you know, I'm really obsessed with how people react
to me because I have, you know, done something for them
or they owe me something.
Um, you know, they at least owe me a thank you or something.
Um, we need to step back
and say, you know, it's not about me being possessive over
people and how they should act
or react towards me, instead be appreciative of
that they're there.
That that's a beautiful flower.
And you know what I mean, it a flower blooms
because it's nurtured,
because it has water, sunlight, um, it has love.
And, um, you know, as we love others,
I think we can help them blossom.
But as we have judgment on them, um,
it's not gonna help them out as much, I feel like.
So it, I think it's just really important to realize the,
the appreciation for every moment, every being, no matter
where they are in life.
Um, I can guarantee you, you know, I, myself,
and, you know, all of us on this call
and everybody we know, we have so much more, all of us
to learn, to grow, to heal.
Um, and really that's what these busy
mystery schools are all about.
Let, let's just do it together.
Let's honor each other and know
that we're all in the same journey to get to the same place.
Um, but no judgment on anybody.
And this one may be one of the hardest ones.
You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe,
deserve your own love and your own affection.
Man, that's a, that is a big one.
So sometimes, you know, it's easy to love our parents,
our friends, or people that we admire,
but it, it can be extremely difficult
to give all ourself that love
and affection that we so easily give away to others.
To really be able to sit in a room by yourself
and really love yourself to, to not feel lonely,
to not feel like woe is me.
You know, the world is the terrible place,
and I'm sad and I'm lonely.
But to, if you can truly sit in a room by yourself
for long periods of time and feel okay,
and feel like you're not alone, that you yourself as much
as anyone is somebody,
and spending that time with that person, that person
that in, you know, your soul
and this person that you are, is so vital to being
happy content, to just realizing that
I can love me.
I can, I've loved other people,
but you know, I often forego that real love.
And I'm not talking about taking yourself
to get your nails done
and your hair to, to really being able to say,
you are a beautiful person.
I really do care about the person that I've become,
and even the person that I already am.
And just knowing deep down your heart, like, you know
what I mean, giving yourself that own, your own gratitude,
your own love, your own compassion.
And realizing that there is no book
to tell us all the answers, how to get there.
There isn't one I can guarantee you.
There's no book you got has that has all the answers to it.
Um, there are definitely books that help guide us,
but just sitting, being able to sit
by yourself and love yourself.
Have the affection for yourself, not judge yourself.
Forgive yourself. Gosh, forgive yourself.
The things that has happened
that have been done, they're over with.
But as long as we stay stuck on them,
we can't move forward in our life.
We're constantly having those certain things play over in
our, in our minds over and over again.
Let it go. Forgive yourself. 'cause peace is for you.
And even if it's somebody else that you need
to forgive, forgive them.
Not because they apologize to you or
because they deserve it.
It says so that you can have peace.
Forgiveness is for you so
that you're not attached to someone else.
And their outcomes and what they do.
I mean, dude, if Skeletor can do it, I mean,
I feel like anybody can, um, love yourself.
It's so important, so vital to being healthy,
healthy and happy.
Um, and to be yourself again. You know what I mean?
When you really love yourself, you can be you,
you can talk about whatever you want that you like, and,
and not care what anybody thinks.
I don't care if anybody thinks I'm crazy,
that I love Sasquatch, I don't care.
I love it. And I love me,
and I love that I can talk about it.
Um, it's one of my favorite subjects.
And so it doesn't bother me because I love myself
and I love that topic.
So no matter what anybody else thinks, I can't override
what I already feel for myself.
And as we do that, as we change ourselves, a change
of heart changes the world.
We can literally know that deep down our own souls,
when we forgive ourselves, when we love ourselves,
when we have compassion
and passion for the world, there is no doubt
that we have changed the world.
We are part of it. We're not separate. It's that crucial.
It's that vital. No, that we are changing the world.
We don't have to be the CEO of some company,
multimillionaire company.
Literally. You, you are the great work you doing.
Your work is what matters.
And so, as we fall in love with ourselves,
as we fall into the space of gratitude and love,
and we have that in our hearts now, marrying the heart
with your brain and having the heart brain communication
and what is literal, literally referred to as coherence,
that these two organs,
these incredible vital organs that we have in our body,
can sync up with each other to create coherence in our body.
This is so big that your brain
and your heart can have coherence between the two of them.
Because when you're constantly focused on the frustration
and that what doesn't work for you, man,
life is out of flow.
It's like you're running through the woods in the dark.
It's tough. But when we can be coming into coherence,
you know, when we take some deep breaths
and the things that we want,
and our intention intentions are married with that
of the emotions that we want, I think that is the powerful,
uh, equation for manifestation.
So we can't just visualize what we want and it be there.
And a lot of times we're like, I thought about it forever.
We have to think about what we want and have the gratitude
and the feelings that they're already there
and let go of it.
And when we come in sync with that, that's when we can run
through things and the light is on and we're flowing,
and time goes by so quickly,
and it feels like, you know, every place you go,
you're in the right place at the right time.
That's what flow is. That's what being in sync is.
That's what we call being lucky. But it's not luck.
It's literally, if you can find yourself in that flow, in
that coherence, you're gonna find yourself in the
right places in the right time.
So when we, uh, hunker down into that coherent state,
our blood pressure, heart rates, respirations,
all flow into the same patterns of the love frequency
vibration instead of a fearful one that is coherence.
And so that all our systems are on the same, uh,
the same wavelength.
You know what I mean? That is important.
So once all the body gets on that respiration, heart rates,
blood pressure, we're one unit all in the same wavelength.
And that's where it doesn't take much to get what you want.
And we can stay in these coherent states.
You know, that's where I believe
that saying we can move mountains.
There's nothing that we can't do.
And so, speaking of moving mountains, you know, we,
we have a superpower.
Each and every one of us have a superpower.
And this is not the only one, but this is the biggest one.
I think it's love. It is the greatest, most powerful,
uh, force in all the universe.
It is uniting.
It is, you know, bringing together, it is delight and love.
It is the most powerful thing that can move mountains.
It is the most powerful elixir in all of the universe.
And it's, it's more than just the saying.
When we really get into these coherent states,
and we really see how easy it is to manifest the world
that we want, we realize that there is no weapon
that is formed against us that shall prosper.
There is no, uh, policy, no laws, nothing.
We become master of the universe, I believe, you know,
there is an awakening process that starts
with unconditional love, no conditions,
and falling into alignment with that.
So man should not glory
or human should not glory in this, that they can kill,
that they can possess, that they can do all kinds of things.
Uh, man should glory in this that they can love.
That is the most powerful force.
A man who conquers a thousand people on a battlefield
is still no greater than the man who conquers themselves
to conquer your own demons, your,
and have discipline, uh, you know, connection and love.
That is the most incredible, um, warrior
that I can think of.
Not someone who could conquer others, conquer yourself,
you know, and, and realize that, you know,
I loving myself is the biggest rebel in the room.
In a world where so many people are asleep, um,
and not doing
and living their best life, not loving themselves enough,
the biggest rubble in the room is that
who really is loving themselves, caring about others,
and knowing that character, compassion.
Those are the things that really matter.
Who cares what kind of car you have
and what, what, how big your house is?
Those things are illusions and a relative.
I mean, it's crazy. That's what we focus on these days.
Look at my purse. Look at my bag.
When the greatest among us is those who have love
and compassion and understanding.
Um, man, that's
who I really feel like I look up to nowadays.
I definitely have been blinded to, you know, celebrities
or, uh, you know, sports players
or something like that in the past.
But to realize those people are, you know,
nothing wrong with them.
But, you know, let's focus on the, the greatest among us.
You know, these, these powerful, beautiful people
who care about each other.
Those are the people who I feel like have
moved mountains in my life.
And, you know, just hearing their words,
sometimes reading their books have
completely changed my life.
And so, this is probably one
of my favorite quotes, uh, of all time.
Martin Luther King said, everybody can be great
because anybody can serve.
You don't have to have a college degree to serve.
You don't have to make your subject
and your verb agree to serve.
You only need a heart full of grace.
A soul generated by, generated by love.
That means it doesn't matter what your title is,
where you went to school, what your name is,
what clothes you wear, none of that matters.
What matters is that you can help others.
That you can serve the world,
and you can have a heartful of grace,
and you can have a heartful of love.
That's what makes a person rich.
Not money, money.
I don't think that anything particularly wrong with it,
but I certainly know that when I think of the word rich,
I think about someone who has character, compassion, love,
empathy for others, that is a person
that I feel like is on a high vibrational frequency that I,
you know, think is beautiful, that I think is someone
that I want to emulate
and be like, um, you know,
there's other things are just illusions.
So this is an important one, uh, that Mother Teresa said
before, what can you do to promote world peace?
And she says, go home and love your family.
That sentence upon first hearing, it took me a while for it
to completely, and I still don't know if it's completely
marinated in who I, you know, fully
encompass everything about that quote.
So, sure. But it means so much that promoting world peace
that has nothing to do with putting signs up
and, um, you know, having a big company
or anything like that, literally going
home and loving your family.
Where do the biggest wars happen?
I don't think they happen on battlefields. Sometimes.
I, I tend to believe
that the biggest wars happen in our own kitchens,
in our own dining rooms, our own workplaces.
Uh, seven, 7 billion plus people on the planet.
And there's a lot of people, maybe millions
or maybe billions of people who can't even sit down
with their parents and have a conversation.
They can't sit down with them
and have dinner, uh, without arguing,
without fighting about politics or religion, spirituality.
That seems like that probably is the biggest war
that happens every single day to go home
and to realize that peace
and love is more important about being right.
It's more important than, uh, you know,
me pushing my spirituality or my truth onto others.
I that I did that for so long, I wanted my parents
to see the things and understand the, the journey
that I had been through and show them, you know,
uh, my awakening.
And it, and it didn't work out.
It caused a lot of turmoil, a lot of problems.
We couldn't sit down and eat dinner anymore.
Uh, we had to promise not to talk about politics
or anything, religion and spirituality.
And I did that. And I did it
because I knew that this quote had to be true in some way.
I wanted no more than anything that the people who loved me
and cared for me, and the only reason I was walking the face
of this earth is 'cause these two people, all
that we didn't see eye to eye on many things,
cared about me enough to make sure that I,
I live to be an adult.
And at 18, the rest was on me.
But if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be here.
And I know that even though we disagreed about
so many things, many of the conditioning
and the programs they gave to me was
because of their parents and their parents.
And when people are constantly in that fear, you know, fear,
state of survival, there's not time to think
and to, you know, really dive deep into conversation.
It's constantly work. And, um, you know, all that stuff.
So they're just passing down ideas
and belief systems that aren't very well thought out
because they don't have time.
And to me, to realize like, Hey, man,
give your parents some grace.
Give your family some grace.
Give everybody a little bit of grace,
and realize, like everybody's going through it.
Life is tough, can be very difficult.
Give everybody, you know, a little bit of grace to,
to know that it's okay.
They don't, you know, they don't have to define you.
They can give you things. You can take 'em.
You don't have to. So me realizing that I no,
I no longer wanted to, to have those arguments,
those fights, it was more important to have peace
has changed something to me so much that I,
I do wanna share this important thing with, with you guys,
that, you know, I'm not telling you to go home
and call your parents today, but forgive them.
Go in your room by yourself and do the hope ano thing.
You know, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I thank you.
I love you. And I just said those kind of things
to people over and over again.
There's healing that takes place there.
Uh, if you really mean it, um, and let it go.
And, and like I said, sometimes peace
is way more important than being right.
Um, and I, and I guarantee you it's a lot
more fun to be able to sit down.
Like I said, I can have conversation
with other people about different things, but first
and foremost, I wanna be able to sit down with my family.
And not just the parents,
but your, your friends that turn into tribe,
that become family, um, those people too.
But if you have negative thoughts about people,
if you have those people that you know,
when you think about them, rubs you the wrong way,
and you can't sit down with them, man, it is imperative
to change the world, to change that with them,
to forgive them and move on.
Even if they're no longer here on this earth,
you can still forgive them.
And that does make an incredible difference, um,
to the peace on this planet.
And so this is just a beautiful one.
Uh, Rumi said, close your eyes, fall in love and stay there.
How often do we just do that every day, you know,
in your car before you walk into the grocery store, um,
before you go to work?
Taking just a moment just to close your eyes
and say, I'm in love.
I'm in love with my life. I'm in love
with being able to go to the grocery store.
Whatever it is. If we just practice this little, you know,
mantra a couple times a day,
I think it would change your life just to be able
to fall in love with wherever you're at,
right here in this moment, gonna go in the grocery store
and have a beautiful time.
It's gonna be amazing. As opposed to,
oh my gosh, there's so many people here.
It's gonna be hectic's gonna be crazy.
What you bring into the grocery store with you,
what you bring into your life, what you bring into your,
your job place is either very chaotic world
that you're bringing, or it's a very, you know, harmonious,
loving place to bring into,
uh, you know, place that you're going.
So as your heart emits electromagnetic fields,
they can change according to our emotions.
So as we start to feel more love, more compassion,
more gratitude, that love doesn't stay inside our bodies,
as we said before, it is emitting a frequency that
as it gets bigger, as we grow more,
as we concentrate on these things more,
we're creating a huge field around our body.
And, and the shape is really a Taurus, a toal field, uh,
more, more like you can see here, like an apple
or an orange, um, the magnetosphere around the planet.
Um, so the microcosm, macrocosm, even, uh,
stars in our galaxy
and the Milky Way galaxy follow the same pattern
where they come out into the universe, down back,
and around and back to the center.
And, uh, the zero point is at, in the middle
where the heart is right in the middle.
And this, and that's the same thing.
That's where you find your seeds for your apples or oranges
and those tort fields right in the dead
center of the zero point.
So when we live in fear, we have a much smaller field.
Um, and it's, this is very easy to know. We all know this.
Like you live in a fearful world.
You live in a place where you don't really love yourself.
Someone says something to you,
they say, oh, you're not good enough.
You're not beautiful enough. You're not pretty enough,
you're not smart enough, and your field isn't big, man.
That stuff comes straight in and hits you and sticks to you.
When you have a big loving field,
when you really love yourself, there's no matter
what anybody says to you,
that stuff just bounces right off you.
'cause you literally have your own force field,
your own Taurus, your own aura, electromagnetic field
that you create, that you're responsible for, um,
that you can't say that you know,
it's somebody else's fault that you don't have it.
It's imperative for you to realize
that it's your responsibility
to create a big loving field that protects you.
And so, again, here's our Taurus. Everything is going up.
This is a perfect, balanced energy system.
We will find in the future that this is how we're gonna move
around the galaxy with Torro fields.
Uh, this is the, this is the secret of the spaceships
and, uh, civilizations that are interstellar.
Uh, the Taurus is just that.
So again, it's a magnetosphere around the earth.
It completely can be really big
or small, depending on your emotional field.
And this is what protects you from
thoughts and feelings of others.
And, you know, uh, and it, and it can protect you.
Uh, so that isn't, you know, like I said, it's imperative
for us to create our own elect.
We already are em admitting it, how big it is,
how strong it is, is up to you
and how long you wanna focus on those emotions.
Um, and did you know that others can pick up the,
a signature of your emotions through the electromagnetic
energy rating from your heart?
So the, like I said, when someone walks in the door,
you can feel what they're emitting.
It doesn't, they can't lie about it.
Um, you know,
and as we move into this higher vibrational frequency state,
people are gonna pick up on it quicker.
They're gonna pick up on your field sooner.
You know, if you're down, you're worried about certain
things, uh, people are gonna figure it out.
They're gonna be like, oh, hey, what are you worried about?
What's going on? You know, you can't deny it.
You can't lie about it anymore.
Our energy fields, our love, our compassion, or our hate or,
or our fear state is going to be picked up
and emitted are gonna be emitted from
us and picked up from others.
There's, there's no doubt about it anymore. Um, it is.
So it's really important to know, like,
don't belong to any religion.
Love, love, be your religion.
And every temple, every heart is my temple.
Um, man, that's just a powerful, uh, a powerful quote,
knowing that how we love
and the love in other people is where we need to dwell.
You know what I mean? To me, that's what church is.
Church isn't about a place that you go to my heart
and my brain are my temples that I need to dwell in,
that I need to pray in.
When I pray and love in those temples, everything changes.
And it's not about a place where I go.
So every heart can be picked up.
Those, these electromagnetic fields can
be picked up by others.
And so once one person gets into alignment with love,
compassion, um, gratitude,
and you really feeling that you can help others,
you don't have to even talk to each other.
Um, you could just be in the same room with someone
and have someone start to pick up your fields.
Our hearts are constantly talking to each other.
Our thoughts and emotions affect the heart's magnetic field,
which energetically affects those in our environment.
Whether or not we're conscious of it
or not, our hearts are always talking to each other.
So you bringing that light, bringing that love, bringing
that gratitude around with you,
like it's things, you know what I mean?
Like, it's a backpack. You're literally
bringing your own light wherever you go.
So there is no darkness anywhere
that like you should be afraid of
because I'm bringing my own light with me.
And, and if I have my own light,
there's no darkness I should be worried about.
And our hearts are talking to people all the time,
and even if they're aware of it or not.
And so I think that's really important to know, like,
you know, there is no weapon to form against me
that shall prosper, because no one is gonna wanna come
against you if you really feel a now art vibration, right?
Like, if you're a loving, connected person, I've had,
you know, people tell me, don't go talk to this person,
you know, because they're no good a terrible person.
I go over there and I go talk to them,
and I could talk to them for 20 minutes, you know,
and get to know them deeper
and have deep conversation with them,
sometimes longer than people I've known for 10 years.
So, um, it doesn't matter, you know,
what other people think, what other people pick up from
others, your heart field can literally change
a conversation, a feeling
that other people pick up from you.
Um, yeah. And that's imperative.
So we can all literally change the
world by changing ourselves.
And as we focus on gratitude, we focus on love,
it helps others get into alignment with the same feelings.
And so when you see this picture right here, Jesus
and Mary, you obviously, one
of the first things we see is the halo coming
from their pineal gland.
They have this halo that's not just a two-dimensional image,
but it's, you know, three-dimensional
or multi-dimensional bowl around their head of light.
You know, that, uh, that's emitting from that pineal gland.
But look at their hearts. Their hearts are on fire here.
Their hearts are emitting light and love too.
These two human beings are in coherence.
Their hearts and their brains are in
coherence with each other.
Um, you know, Mary Magdalene, unfortunately, you know,
Catholic church trying to say things
about it that aren't true.
Uh, I believe she, the word Mary is a title as,
as Christ is a title,
or Buddha is a title that's not a name.
I think married means to be married.
Her brain and her heart are married.
Her masculine and feminine are married.
She's married, she's married.
Um, she is an enlightened being just
as much as Jesus is.
Um, and both of them have reached this awakening state
where they have attained titles,
and they no longer go by the Yeshua and the,
and the, the common name they were given as, as children.
Um, they have attained titles of enlightenment.
Uh, Christ means the awakened one, uh,
or the Messiah, you know.
So these, these are two humans
that have gained enlightenment.
Their hearts and brains are in coherence,
and they can manifest, uh,
and do things that we would think were miracles.
But really they're the 90% of the things that are DNA
that they have illuminated, that we have not yet to do.
And I think when we have enough people in this state
and that care, that truly care about love
and about compassion
and about each other, when the power of love
overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.
That's what we're talking about.
How can it be any other way if we truly care about each
other, if we truly care about peace,
and we are admitting it towards each other,
we go into ceremony with each other.
We go to workplace and we don't argue with people.
We respect everybody's opinion.
Whether they respect ours or not.
It's not up, not up to me is my, what's up
to me is whether I respect them,
whether I give them space to be heard.
That is super important.
Uh, we have to care about the power of love so much
that it overcomes everything else,
because there's a few people right now
who are super concerned with the love of power.
But I guarantee you, it only takes a few of us
to be in this Christ consciousness, uh, state
that as we have a few people in that state,
we can literally change the world that it's not as hard
as we may perceive it to be.
We don't have to be the CEOs
or, uh, you know, leaders of big companies,
literally when a small portion, some may refer to
as 144,000.
Um, but I think a small portion of 7 billion
living in this unconditional love Christ-like state,
we can literally change the world back into a loving,
beautiful system that works for all of us.
And a body that is in total cooperation.
Uh, and systems are free energies
and technologies are completely available
to every single person.
Um, I see that coming for all of us.
I see the power of love being that foundation
for the new world that we're seeking.
And so it only, it only is gonna take us to start to learn
to love ourselves again.
Love that the people directly around us in, in our workplace
and our home environment, our family members.
And as we start to do this, unravel this tension
that we've all created
and been a part of the world starts
to become a little bit more harmonious,
a little bit more peaceful,
and then it snowballs into one that happens incredibly fast.
Um, so I wanna say thank you guys
every single one of you tonight.
I appreciate you all.
Let's continue to promote what we love, rather than bash
what we hate, what we don't like about the world.
Start to find what matters in each and every single person.
What matters about, uh, you know, life,
what matters about humans, um,
and let's focus on what we really care about
and create a world that really works for all of us.
So I wanna say thank you again to all of you.
I appreciate every single one of you.
I have so much gratitude for everyone
who joins these mystery schools.
Tonight's topic is the power of the heart.
It is a, a big topic for us,
and, um, I hope that, uh, what we got, what we got
for you guys tonight is something that we all can resonate
with and really use in order to help create the world
that we really want to live in,
that we want to be a part of.
Um, so let's get started.
So, tonight's topic is power of the Heart.
Um, so we wanna talk about this organ right here.
Uh, the, the heart itself.
It is one that, um, you know, for the most part, uh,
most people think it's just an organ that pumps blood,
but there's a lot more to it than that.
And even in field development, the heart forms
and starts beating before the brain is even developed.
So, a lot of people who would think, you know,
the brain is the most important thing.
It's who we are, and it's where consciousness lies.
Even in development, the heart is, uh, you know,
created first and develops first,
and everything else comes after that.
So it is, you know, a very incredible, powerful organ
that does a whole lot more than pump blood.
And so let's get started to figure out
what exactly our heart can do and what we can,
and how we can use
and cultivate the, uh, the power of the heart.
So, educating the mind without educating the heart is no
education at all according to Aristotle.
Uh, I totally believe that.
And, um, and once I have really dove into the information on
the heart, I do feel like it is, uh,
probably more important.
And, um, there's more
to understand in the heart than even in the brain.
You know, they, that holds saying, we only use 5%,
10% of our brains.
Uh, I, I would say that we probably use the same amount
of our hearts regularly.
We're not really diving in deep to, um, all that's capable
of, uh, the power of the heart.
So we wanna be able to free ourselves,
free ourselves from the prison that we live in, of
what other people think, um, you know,
and be able to, to really explode.
And, uh, the feeling of love and love for ourself,
and compassion for ourself and others.
And I think that starts with being able to free ourselves,
uh, from the, you know, kind of emotional discord
that we're all kind of stuck in this little prison.
Uh, you know, um, so the heart is, you know,
when we talk about the heart, it's also one of the chakras,
uh, the green chakra in the middle of the, of the seven
main chakras.
There are, you know, many, many others.
But the seven main Roy, gbi, red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, indigo, violet, the heart is the, the center
of those seven chakras, three below, three above it.
Um, that's something to, you know, understand as well.
That is one of the chakra organs.
And with that, you know, there's more nerves and neurons
and things like that in the heart, uh, that really indicate
that this is a, you know, something that can light up
and glow just like, you know, other parts
of the chakras as well.
Um, so the heart's nervous system contains 40,000 neurons
called sensory neurons that communicate with the brain,
and it's called the little brain in the heart.
Our, our heart is like its own little brain.
It has its own little neuron network,
and it communicates with the brain.
Uh, the heart has a system of neurons that have both short
and long-term memory,
and their signals sent
to the brain can affect our emotional experiences,
even when people were put in front of a computer screen
not knowing, uh, what picture is going to be projected next,
the heart would respond seconds
before the picture was even, uh, flashed on the screen.
Whether it was like a, a scary picture or,
or happy loving picture,
or someone with gratitude, our heart would respond
and send information to our brain
and other parts of our bodies well
before the picture was even, uh, displayed on the screen.
So, our heart, by far, is more intelligent seeming and,
and quicker to respond to stimuli in the outside world
before the brain is, I feel like
that is absolutely fascinating information to know how much
your heart is picking up on things.
So energy feels people that, that people are admitting.
It's oftentimes when you meet someone, it's a feeling
that you feel about how someone you know is,
or, uh, do they feel homey?
Do they feel loving? Do they feel like a nice person?
You want to get to know those things happen in your heart
before your brain can even make the decision
or not whether you wanna, you know,
engage and talk to that person.
So you literally do have, you know,
a little brain in your heart, uh, if you will.
You know, you're, it's intelligent. It's knowing.
Um, even the Egyptians used to scoop out the brain,
and they believed that the heart was the center, uh, the
of the human, you know, of the,
of consciousness, if you will.
So to them, the heart was
so much more important than even the brain was.
So as we start to learn to dwell in our hearts, to realize,
uh, how important it is to, to stay in this heart fields
and emotions, and, you know, oftentimes we hear those,
you know, stories don't get,
don't step in feelings and things like that.
It is incredibly important to be in your feelings, to, um,
be aware of the emotions that you're feeling
and what they're providing for you.
And, you know, how long you gonna let them
stay or dwell on you.
But, uh, our heart and the,
and the things that we're emoting
and emitting is, is vital to a healthy human being.
Um, and so literally the things that we feel, emotions,
gratitude, compassion, empathy, uh, love, you know,
those feelings can have a direct impact on our DNA.
So, and the molecules that we're literally made up, made up
of it can literally change our physiology, uh, as we think
and feel certain emotions to a certain degree.
If you're really into gratitude, you're really into love,
really in compassion, you're feeling those things majority
of every day, every week, every month,
and every year, you're gonna have a, a different, uh,
a body than someone who's in the negative and who's angry
and bitter and cold, and all the things.
You are gonna have different feelings, different emotions,
but it has a literal impact on the
molecules that we're made out of.
And the DNA. So the two things
that are really important here is fear is a,
is a wave pattern that's very slow.
So it has really high crescent and low trials.
So as it moves to the DNA molecule,
it's touching very little of the DNA love is a higher,
higher frequency, shorter wavelengths.
And as love literally flows to the DNA molecule,
it is touching more parts of the DNA
and flipping it on like little switches.
So we've heard that, um, you know, 90%
of your DNA or so is junk, DNA, that is an absolute lie.
The universe doesn't make junk.
The universe doesn't make trash.
There's no junk and trash anywhere except for
what humans make, but the universe doesn't make that.
So why would the vast majority of our DNA be junk?
It, it is just a misconception by scientists.
I believe that 90% is the good stuff.
It is all the information of all
that ever has happened in the universe.
All the will, all the stored information, uh, telepathy,
telekinesis, these clairvoyancy, uh, cla audio,
all the psychic abilities that we've heard about,
and, uh, mystics and saints and superheroes
and gods throughout history, the things
that those people had, those were some
of them more awakened beings,
some of them had more abilities.
But I believe that our DNA is just for the, for the majority
of humankind on this planet, is a little bit more shut down
than than many other civilizations out in the universe.
So, as we learn to live in love, compassion, gratitude,
and, and have that love frequency
constantly being, uh, emitted throughout our DNA,
we're gonna turn more and more switches on,
and you'll literally have epiphanies,
revelations, aha moments.
It's, and those are kind of like your DNA turning on, like,
oh, I'm remembering something that happened.
I'm remembering, uh, how the universe works.
I, I, I've had one
before where I knew that the universe, all of a sudden, uh,
you know, the, the black holes in the center of the universe
and things were emitting from that,
that it was sucking in things.
But no, no energy can be created or destroyed.
And, uh, that the, the galaxy was the,
the light double helix spiral wave pattern coming from the
center of the galaxy was coming from a black hole,
walked into to the TV room, turned the TV on,
and that was exactly what was on television.
It was a huge epiphany for me,
but definitely make me realize that all
that information is stored inside of us,
and we're, we can remember everything.
There's nothing that nobody has more
access to that you don't.
So, um, so our emotions are, are directly affecting,
uh, the DNA molecule, uh, and what, what we get out of it.
And so when we change our heart rhythms,
we can literally change, you know,
our whole vibrational frequency.
When we live in frustration, anger, we have this really kind
of uneven, very, you know, it's not smooth, it's rough.
It's, you know, just looking at it, running in your finger
and, and tracing the lines of frustration.
It feels off, it feels bad.
But when you come down here to appreciation and you're,
and you change your heart rhythm, and you,
and you actually concentrate on what you're grateful for,
what you appreciate, again, running a finger on this line
and going up and down, it's a much smoother, harmonious, uh,
loving frequency.
Everything's higher vibrational, uh, than the frustration,
which is higher crescent, lower TRAs, very edgy.
Um, and so we, we can concentrate on those things.
And when we concentrate, just take those moments
of meditation and focus on what we do care about,
what we do appreciate.
We can literally change our entire heart rhythms.
And so it is important that we focus on seriously
what we love, what we appreciate, what we have compassion
for, and our heart can change.
I mean, it doesn't take much.
It's just an intention sometimes just realizing, Hey,
I'm focusing on something that's negative right now.
Lemme just take a second stop.
And a lot of times, you know,
I feel like it's really important maybe just
to put your hand on your heart
and focus on, okay, what am I grateful for right now?
What is it that I care about?
What is it that makes me happy?
My kids, my life, my job, my family, whatever it is.
Um, being at home, whatever you can think of.
But focus on that thing is to literally change that, uh,
frequency that's being emitted from you.
And you're admitting that it's not just something
that stays inside of you.
Your, your appreciation
and your heart rhythms, you know,
or that is that field that's all around you,
that energy that's all around you.
So when you, you know, you can't hide it, you can pretend
to be okay, but if you're not okay,
you walk into a room and people feel it.
It's something that you can't hide.
And oftentimes, even if you are walking into a room
and you think you're, you know, trying to hide it
and act like nothing's going on, people are picking it up.
They know it, they're understanding
like, Hey, what's going on with you?
What's wrong? Um, until you do the work
and you change it, people are gonna pick it up and feel it.
So, it is incredibly important to shift to a life
that's being, you know, that you're appreciative of,
that you're g that you have gratitude for, um,
that you have, you know, compassion and passionate about.
That's, that is something that's gonna pick up
and gonna be infectious to people.
Where, when you walk into a room like, oh, what is this?
What is this person doing? What are they all
About? Feel
the energy. I feel the appreciation.
I feel that their comp, their passion for life, um,
those are things that you can't lie about.
Your, your energy signature cannot lie.
You can lie, you can tell lies.
But as we move into a more awakened world, uh, avail,
that's much thinner, these things are easily more, uh,
easily pick up, easily to pick up from more people.
More people are more aware of these feelings,
and they're in tune.
They're in tune to themselves to their own intuition
and their own feelings.
And what doesn't feel right is, is easy, easy for,
for people to, you know, come to that conclusion these days.
So, uh, the positive emotions that we create
can, can actually, physiologically benefit our body.
So, again, when we're, when we're happy,
when we're compassionate, when we have empathy,
when we're focused on gratitude, we can have, you know,
positive emotions when you are, you know,
constantly dwelling on what you hate, what makes you upset,
what makes you angry, you know, it can give you wrinkles.
It could dry you up. It could just, you know what I mean,
like, literally make you older faster.
Um, so it is so important for us to stay in, uh, these
frequencies of gratitude and, and love.
Um, 'cause they can literally boost our immune system,
or the negative emotions can literally make us sick,
make us feel bad, make you know what I mean?
Like, you can literally think yourself into dis disease,
a body that's no longer at ease.
You're not in an ease state of gratitude and,
and flow and love.
You get out of ease, and you get into dise.
And I don't think it's necessarily bad, uh,
but we can think ourselves
and feel ourselves into those places to realize that, Hey,
I've done this, and it's now my responsibility
to get me back into ease, back into a state
of consciousness, flow, love, and gratitude.
Because I see the contrast of a healthy body
that's in flow with what I want.
And I, and now that I have a disease
and I'm no longer where I wanna be,
this has given me the opportunity to change back to that.
And I can flip at any time.
So it's so important to, you know, open up your heart, let
that love out, love others, love ourselves,
um, and do the work.
When we do the work on ourselves, we heal the world.
That's exactly what Gandhi said.
Be the change that you want to see in the world.
As we change ourselves, we change the world,
because we are part of it.
We are not separate. There is no way any of us are separate,
each one of us, like a small little cell in the body
of the world, right?
There's billions of cells that make up our body constantly,
that work in competition, our cooperation with each other.
I think when they start to work competition,
when we watch war on television,
when we're constantly competing ourselves, get that message
and they start to fight each other,
they start to compete with each other.
And a cell in cells that are, you know, constantly working,
competition are, are, you know, literally
we're doomed at that point.
When you, when your cells are in competition, in conflict
with each other, billions of cells,
it's like a war inside your body.
And that's where disease comes from.
Your body is warring against itself.
Your immune system is warring against itself.
Instead of being cooperation,
now you have a body with billions of cells.
It's so vital that we, uh, work in cooperation
with each other, um, in our own bodies, in our own world.
And like I said, each person is like a cell in
the body of the world.
And, uh, we're either working in competition
or cooperation with each other.
And, uh, when we work in cooperation, uh,
we're definitely healing the world, healing ourselves.
Um, so I think some of these, uh, you know,
the medicine, the antidotes to creating a world
that does work for ourselves, that does, you know,
work in our bodies, uh, is, you know, one of the, one
of the, one of the best things we can do is have
gratitude every day.
I think it's important, even just to wake up in the morning,
you know, that says shift your perspective.
Uh, you know, feel the, the abundance that you have,
concentrate on what you had.
You woke up today. You can walk, you can talk, you know,
you have a job to go to to make money.
You have a family. Uh, you know what I mean?
There's so many. You have a car to drive.
There's so many things that we can be grateful for.
And there's so many things that you
could not be grateful for.
You could be mad about so many other things.
But staying in the vibration of gratitude
and feeling gratuitous about your life
and what you have right now,
and the opportunity to be alive is so important.
As we dwell on that
and feel grateful for that opportunity to be here, now
we can get more opportunities for things to be grateful for.
If you're constantly being emotional
and angry about what you don't have, what doesn't serve you,
how the world is terrible,
I think there'll be more instances.
The universe has serve that, that same platter to you.
So it's so important to concentrate on our gratitude.
So I just added a couple quotes here about things
that I felt like for me, helped me to understand
a little bit more about love.
And so this is one of my favorite sayings, even
after all this time, the sun never says
to the earth, you owe me.
Look what happens with the love like that.
It lights the whole sky.
So the sun is constantly emitting light
and love to every planet, no matter
what the planets have said and done.
I think it's imperative that we emulate that as far as like,
I can be the sun of my own universe,
or my own solar system, right?
So everybody in it, my job, my coworkers family,
no matter what they say, no matter what journey they're on,
no matter where they're at, I can love every single person.
I can send them love. Um, I never have to judge them,
be angry at them, be mad or upset
because they did me a certain way
or didn't do me the way I wanted them to.
If, if we're constantly harking on what somebody didn't do
or didn't say or didn't do, we're gonna be really upset.
It's so important just to, you know, let them go.
Let them live their life, be happy
for them wherever they're at, love them.
And, you know, just realize that, hey,
I can love them and send them light.
And that's all that matters. Um,
how they live their life is up to them.
And, and it's so important for us to have peace,
because if we want to micromanage someone else's life
and think they should act like this
and do that, are gonna constantly be disappointed.
So it's just really important for us just to love, send
that light out to our little solar system
that we're connected to the planets and everybody else.
I often thought when, you know, referred to the son of man
and the Bible, uh, that Jesus was kind
of like the son of people, right?
He's, no matter who rotated around him, who followed him,
he was always giving out light to people all the time.
Uh, he was constantly being like a small little son
to the universe that he, that he was a part of.
Uh, another great one, I think is really important.
And this is one by John Lennon.
It matters not who you love, where you love, why you love
when you love, or how you love
it matters only that you love.
And I think that's so important, man.
It doesn't matter at all. And again, when anybody,
how anybody else is loving, who they're loving, who caress,
who caress, it doesn't matter at all.
Let everybody have their own journey.
Let everybody have their own life, you know, love them
and be grateful that they're just here,
and we're all walking each other home eventually.
You know, everybody's just a small part
of your journey on this planet.
And, you know, hey, I'm grateful to run into everybody
and to work with everybody
and to, you know, get to say hello to everyone and,
and exchange some energy and creativity with each other.
Um, but certainly, you know, I, you know, I find my peace
and my freedom comes from letting every single person out
there live their own life and have their own journey,
and just being grateful
that they're about the people out there loving each other.
And I'm not worried about, uh, you know, what, who or what
or why, or when, just the fact that I'm in love
with my own life and my own family.
And, um, everything that I got going on.
And I hope everybody else is too.
Um, another one from OSHA that I feel like is really helpful
to me, um, and some of you may not like it,
but he says, if you love a flower, don't pick it up.
Because if you pick it up, it dies,
and it ceases to be what you love.
So if you love a flower, let it be.
Love is not about possession. It is about appreciation.
And I feel like that is a tough one.
Sometimes realize, like, you know, when we date someone,
when we get married, when we have, uh,
certain family members or things, you know, best friends
or whatever, oftentimes, you know,
what we feel like they should,
how they should be living their life,
or, I've definitely had, you know, a feeling
before where I thought someone owed me an apology,
or, um, someone should treat me a certain way
because I helped them out, or I gave something to them.
They should tell me thank you and all the things.
And, um, you know, that, that in a way is possession.
I'm, you know, I'm really obsessed with how people react
to me because I have, you know, done something for them
or they owe me something.
Um, you know, they at least owe me a thank you or something.
Um, we need to step back
and say, you know, it's not about me being possessive over
people and how they should act
or react towards me, instead be appreciative of
that they're there.
That that's a beautiful flower.
And you know what I mean, it a flower blooms
because it's nurtured,
because it has water, sunlight, um, it has love.
And, um, you know, as we love others,
I think we can help them blossom.
But as we have judgment on them, um,
it's not gonna help them out as much, I feel like.
So it, I think it's just really important to realize the,
the appreciation for every moment, every being, no matter
where they are in life.
Um, I can guarantee you, you know, I, myself,
and, you know, all of us on this call
and everybody we know, we have so much more, all of us
to learn, to grow, to heal.
Um, and really that's what these busy
mystery schools are all about.
Let, let's just do it together.
Let's honor each other and know
that we're all in the same journey to get to the same place.
Um, but no judgment on anybody.
And this one may be one of the hardest ones.
You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe,
deserve your own love and your own affection.
Man, that's a, that is a big one.
So sometimes, you know, it's easy to love our parents,
our friends, or people that we admire,
but it, it can be extremely difficult
to give all ourself that love
and affection that we so easily give away to others.
To really be able to sit in a room by yourself
and really love yourself to, to not feel lonely,
to not feel like woe is me.
You know, the world is the terrible place,
and I'm sad and I'm lonely.
But to, if you can truly sit in a room by yourself
for long periods of time and feel okay,
and feel like you're not alone, that you yourself as much
as anyone is somebody,
and spending that time with that person, that person
that in, you know, your soul
and this person that you are, is so vital to being
happy content, to just realizing that
I can love me.
I can, I've loved other people,
but you know, I often forego that real love.
And I'm not talking about taking yourself
to get your nails done
and your hair to, to really being able to say,
you are a beautiful person.
I really do care about the person that I've become,
and even the person that I already am.
And just knowing deep down your heart, like, you know
what I mean, giving yourself that own, your own gratitude,
your own love, your own compassion.
And realizing that there is no book
to tell us all the answers, how to get there.
There isn't one I can guarantee you.
There's no book you got has that has all the answers to it.
Um, there are definitely books that help guide us,
but just sitting, being able to sit
by yourself and love yourself.
Have the affection for yourself, not judge yourself.
Forgive yourself. Gosh, forgive yourself.
The things that has happened
that have been done, they're over with.
But as long as we stay stuck on them,
we can't move forward in our life.
We're constantly having those certain things play over in
our, in our minds over and over again.
Let it go. Forgive yourself. 'cause peace is for you.
And even if it's somebody else that you need
to forgive, forgive them.
Not because they apologize to you or
because they deserve it.
It says so that you can have peace.
Forgiveness is for you so
that you're not attached to someone else.
And their outcomes and what they do.
I mean, dude, if Skeletor can do it, I mean,
I feel like anybody can, um, love yourself.
It's so important, so vital to being healthy,
healthy and happy.
Um, and to be yourself again. You know what I mean?
When you really love yourself, you can be you,
you can talk about whatever you want that you like, and,
and not care what anybody thinks.
I don't care if anybody thinks I'm crazy,
that I love Sasquatch, I don't care.
I love it. And I love me,
and I love that I can talk about it.
Um, it's one of my favorite subjects.
And so it doesn't bother me because I love myself
and I love that topic.
So no matter what anybody else thinks, I can't override
what I already feel for myself.
And as we do that, as we change ourselves, a change
of heart changes the world.
We can literally know that deep down our own souls,
when we forgive ourselves, when we love ourselves,
when we have compassion
and passion for the world, there is no doubt
that we have changed the world.
We are part of it. We're not separate. It's that crucial.
It's that vital. No, that we are changing the world.
We don't have to be the CEO of some company,
multimillionaire company.
Literally. You, you are the great work you doing.
Your work is what matters.
And so, as we fall in love with ourselves,
as we fall into the space of gratitude and love,
and we have that in our hearts now, marrying the heart
with your brain and having the heart brain communication
and what is literal, literally referred to as coherence,
that these two organs,
these incredible vital organs that we have in our body,
can sync up with each other to create coherence in our body.
This is so big that your brain
and your heart can have coherence between the two of them.
Because when you're constantly focused on the frustration
and that what doesn't work for you, man,
life is out of flow.
It's like you're running through the woods in the dark.
It's tough. But when we can be coming into coherence,
you know, when we take some deep breaths
and the things that we want,
and our intention intentions are married with that
of the emotions that we want, I think that is the powerful,
uh, equation for manifestation.
So we can't just visualize what we want and it be there.
And a lot of times we're like, I thought about it forever.
We have to think about what we want and have the gratitude
and the feelings that they're already there
and let go of it.
And when we come in sync with that, that's when we can run
through things and the light is on and we're flowing,
and time goes by so quickly,
and it feels like, you know, every place you go,
you're in the right place at the right time.
That's what flow is. That's what being in sync is.
That's what we call being lucky. But it's not luck.
It's literally, if you can find yourself in that flow, in
that coherence, you're gonna find yourself in the
right places in the right time.
So when we, uh, hunker down into that coherent state,
our blood pressure, heart rates, respirations,
all flow into the same patterns of the love frequency
vibration instead of a fearful one that is coherence.
And so that all our systems are on the same, uh,
the same wavelength.
You know what I mean? That is important.
So once all the body gets on that respiration, heart rates,
blood pressure, we're one unit all in the same wavelength.
And that's where it doesn't take much to get what you want.
And we can stay in these coherent states.
You know, that's where I believe
that saying we can move mountains.
There's nothing that we can't do.
And so, speaking of moving mountains, you know, we,
we have a superpower.
Each and every one of us have a superpower.
And this is not the only one, but this is the biggest one.
I think it's love. It is the greatest, most powerful,
uh, force in all the universe.
It is uniting.
It is, you know, bringing together, it is delight and love.
It is the most powerful thing that can move mountains.
It is the most powerful elixir in all of the universe.
And it's, it's more than just the saying.
When we really get into these coherent states,
and we really see how easy it is to manifest the world
that we want, we realize that there is no weapon
that is formed against us that shall prosper.
There is no, uh, policy, no laws, nothing.
We become master of the universe, I believe, you know,
there is an awakening process that starts
with unconditional love, no conditions,
and falling into alignment with that.
So man should not glory
or human should not glory in this, that they can kill,
that they can possess, that they can do all kinds of things.
Uh, man should glory in this that they can love.
That is the most powerful force.
A man who conquers a thousand people on a battlefield
is still no greater than the man who conquers themselves
to conquer your own demons, your,
and have discipline, uh, you know, connection and love.
That is the most incredible, um, warrior
that I can think of.
Not someone who could conquer others, conquer yourself,
you know, and, and realize that, you know,
I loving myself is the biggest rebel in the room.
In a world where so many people are asleep, um,
and not doing
and living their best life, not loving themselves enough,
the biggest rubble in the room is that
who really is loving themselves, caring about others,
and knowing that character, compassion.
Those are the things that really matter.
Who cares what kind of car you have
and what, what, how big your house is?
Those things are illusions and a relative.
I mean, it's crazy. That's what we focus on these days.
Look at my purse. Look at my bag.
When the greatest among us is those who have love
and compassion and understanding.
Um, man, that's
who I really feel like I look up to nowadays.
I definitely have been blinded to, you know, celebrities
or, uh, you know, sports players
or something like that in the past.
But to realize those people are, you know,
nothing wrong with them.
But, you know, let's focus on the, the greatest among us.
You know, these, these powerful, beautiful people
who care about each other.
Those are the people who I feel like have
moved mountains in my life.
And, you know, just hearing their words,
sometimes reading their books have
completely changed my life.
And so, this is probably one
of my favorite quotes, uh, of all time.
Martin Luther King said, everybody can be great
because anybody can serve.
You don't have to have a college degree to serve.
You don't have to make your subject
and your verb agree to serve.
You only need a heart full of grace.
A soul generated by, generated by love.
That means it doesn't matter what your title is,
where you went to school, what your name is,
what clothes you wear, none of that matters.
What matters is that you can help others.
That you can serve the world,
and you can have a heartful of grace,
and you can have a heartful of love.
That's what makes a person rich.
Not money, money.
I don't think that anything particularly wrong with it,
but I certainly know that when I think of the word rich,
I think about someone who has character, compassion, love,
empathy for others, that is a person
that I feel like is on a high vibrational frequency that I,
you know, think is beautiful, that I think is someone
that I want to emulate
and be like, um, you know,
there's other things are just illusions.
So this is an important one, uh, that Mother Teresa said
before, what can you do to promote world peace?
And she says, go home and love your family.
That sentence upon first hearing, it took me a while for it
to completely, and I still don't know if it's completely
marinated in who I, you know, fully
encompass everything about that quote.
So, sure. But it means so much that promoting world peace
that has nothing to do with putting signs up
and, um, you know, having a big company
or anything like that, literally going
home and loving your family.
Where do the biggest wars happen?
I don't think they happen on battlefields. Sometimes.
I, I tend to believe
that the biggest wars happen in our own kitchens,
in our own dining rooms, our own workplaces.
Uh, seven, 7 billion plus people on the planet.
And there's a lot of people, maybe millions
or maybe billions of people who can't even sit down
with their parents and have a conversation.
They can't sit down with them
and have dinner, uh, without arguing,
without fighting about politics or religion, spirituality.
That seems like that probably is the biggest war
that happens every single day to go home
and to realize that peace
and love is more important about being right.
It's more important than, uh, you know,
me pushing my spirituality or my truth onto others.
I that I did that for so long, I wanted my parents
to see the things and understand the, the journey
that I had been through and show them, you know,
uh, my awakening.
And it, and it didn't work out.
It caused a lot of turmoil, a lot of problems.
We couldn't sit down and eat dinner anymore.
Uh, we had to promise not to talk about politics
or anything, religion and spirituality.
And I did that. And I did it
because I knew that this quote had to be true in some way.
I wanted no more than anything that the people who loved me
and cared for me, and the only reason I was walking the face
of this earth is 'cause these two people, all
that we didn't see eye to eye on many things,
cared about me enough to make sure that I,
I live to be an adult.
And at 18, the rest was on me.
But if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be here.
And I know that even though we disagreed about
so many things, many of the conditioning
and the programs they gave to me was
because of their parents and their parents.
And when people are constantly in that fear, you know, fear,
state of survival, there's not time to think
and to, you know, really dive deep into conversation.
It's constantly work. And, um, you know, all that stuff.
So they're just passing down ideas
and belief systems that aren't very well thought out
because they don't have time.
And to me, to realize like, Hey, man,
give your parents some grace.
Give your family some grace.
Give everybody a little bit of grace,
and realize, like everybody's going through it.
Life is tough, can be very difficult.
Give everybody, you know, a little bit of grace to,
to know that it's okay.
They don't, you know, they don't have to define you.
They can give you things. You can take 'em.
You don't have to. So me realizing that I no,
I no longer wanted to, to have those arguments,
those fights, it was more important to have peace
has changed something to me so much that I,
I do wanna share this important thing with, with you guys,
that, you know, I'm not telling you to go home
and call your parents today, but forgive them.
Go in your room by yourself and do the hope ano thing.
You know, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I thank you.
I love you. And I just said those kind of things
to people over and over again.
There's healing that takes place there.
Uh, if you really mean it, um, and let it go.
And, and like I said, sometimes peace
is way more important than being right.
Um, and I, and I guarantee you it's a lot
more fun to be able to sit down.
Like I said, I can have conversation
with other people about different things, but first
and foremost, I wanna be able to sit down with my family.
And not just the parents,
but your, your friends that turn into tribe,
that become family, um, those people too.
But if you have negative thoughts about people,
if you have those people that you know,
when you think about them, rubs you the wrong way,
and you can't sit down with them, man, it is imperative
to change the world, to change that with them,
to forgive them and move on.
Even if they're no longer here on this earth,
you can still forgive them.
And that does make an incredible difference, um,
to the peace on this planet.
And so this is just a beautiful one.
Uh, Rumi said, close your eyes, fall in love and stay there.
How often do we just do that every day, you know,
in your car before you walk into the grocery store, um,
before you go to work?
Taking just a moment just to close your eyes
and say, I'm in love.
I'm in love with my life. I'm in love
with being able to go to the grocery store.
Whatever it is. If we just practice this little, you know,
mantra a couple times a day,
I think it would change your life just to be able
to fall in love with wherever you're at,
right here in this moment, gonna go in the grocery store
and have a beautiful time.
It's gonna be amazing. As opposed to,
oh my gosh, there's so many people here.
It's gonna be hectic's gonna be crazy.
What you bring into the grocery store with you,
what you bring into your life, what you bring into your,
your job place is either very chaotic world
that you're bringing, or it's a very, you know, harmonious,
loving place to bring into,
uh, you know, place that you're going.
So as your heart emits electromagnetic fields,
they can change according to our emotions.
So as we start to feel more love, more compassion,
more gratitude, that love doesn't stay inside our bodies,
as we said before, it is emitting a frequency that
as it gets bigger, as we grow more,
as we concentrate on these things more,
we're creating a huge field around our body.
And, and the shape is really a Taurus, a toal field, uh,
more, more like you can see here, like an apple
or an orange, um, the magnetosphere around the planet.
Um, so the microcosm, macrocosm, even, uh,
stars in our galaxy
and the Milky Way galaxy follow the same pattern
where they come out into the universe, down back,
and around and back to the center.
And, uh, the zero point is at, in the middle
where the heart is right in the middle.
And this, and that's the same thing.
That's where you find your seeds for your apples or oranges
and those tort fields right in the dead
center of the zero point.
So when we live in fear, we have a much smaller field.
Um, and it's, this is very easy to know. We all know this.
Like you live in a fearful world.
You live in a place where you don't really love yourself.
Someone says something to you,
they say, oh, you're not good enough.
You're not beautiful enough. You're not pretty enough,
you're not smart enough, and your field isn't big, man.
That stuff comes straight in and hits you and sticks to you.
When you have a big loving field,
when you really love yourself, there's no matter
what anybody says to you,
that stuff just bounces right off you.
'cause you literally have your own force field,
your own Taurus, your own aura, electromagnetic field
that you create, that you're responsible for, um,
that you can't say that you know,
it's somebody else's fault that you don't have it.
It's imperative for you to realize
that it's your responsibility
to create a big loving field that protects you.
And so, again, here's our Taurus. Everything is going up.
This is a perfect, balanced energy system.
We will find in the future that this is how we're gonna move
around the galaxy with Torro fields.
Uh, this is the, this is the secret of the spaceships
and, uh, civilizations that are interstellar.
Uh, the Taurus is just that.
So again, it's a magnetosphere around the earth.
It completely can be really big
or small, depending on your emotional field.
And this is what protects you from
thoughts and feelings of others.
And, you know, uh, and it, and it can protect you.
Uh, so that isn't, you know, like I said, it's imperative
for us to create our own elect.
We already are em admitting it, how big it is,
how strong it is, is up to you
and how long you wanna focus on those emotions.
Um, and did you know that others can pick up the,
a signature of your emotions through the electromagnetic
energy rating from your heart?
So the, like I said, when someone walks in the door,
you can feel what they're emitting.
It doesn't, they can't lie about it.
Um, you know,
and as we move into this higher vibrational frequency state,
people are gonna pick up on it quicker.
They're gonna pick up on your field sooner.
You know, if you're down, you're worried about certain
things, uh, people are gonna figure it out.
They're gonna be like, oh, hey, what are you worried about?
What's going on? You know, you can't deny it.
You can't lie about it anymore.
Our energy fields, our love, our compassion, or our hate or,
or our fear state is going to be picked up
and emitted are gonna be emitted from
us and picked up from others.
There's, there's no doubt about it anymore. Um, it is.
So it's really important to know, like,
don't belong to any religion.
Love, love, be your religion.
And every temple, every heart is my temple.
Um, man, that's just a powerful, uh, a powerful quote,
knowing that how we love
and the love in other people is where we need to dwell.
You know what I mean? To me, that's what church is.
Church isn't about a place that you go to my heart
and my brain are my temples that I need to dwell in,
that I need to pray in.
When I pray and love in those temples, everything changes.
And it's not about a place where I go.
So every heart can be picked up.
Those, these electromagnetic fields can
be picked up by others.
And so once one person gets into alignment with love,
compassion, um, gratitude,
and you really feeling that you can help others,
you don't have to even talk to each other.
Um, you could just be in the same room with someone
and have someone start to pick up your fields.
Our hearts are constantly talking to each other.
Our thoughts and emotions affect the heart's magnetic field,
which energetically affects those in our environment.
Whether or not we're conscious of it
or not, our hearts are always talking to each other.
So you bringing that light, bringing that love, bringing
that gratitude around with you,
like it's things, you know what I mean?
Like, it's a backpack. You're literally
bringing your own light wherever you go.
So there is no darkness anywhere
that like you should be afraid of
because I'm bringing my own light with me.
And, and if I have my own light,
there's no darkness I should be worried about.
And our hearts are talking to people all the time,
and even if they're aware of it or not.
And so I think that's really important to know, like,
you know, there is no weapon to form against me
that shall prosper, because no one is gonna wanna come
against you if you really feel a now art vibration, right?
Like, if you're a loving, connected person, I've had,
you know, people tell me, don't go talk to this person,
you know, because they're no good a terrible person.
I go over there and I go talk to them,
and I could talk to them for 20 minutes, you know,
and get to know them deeper
and have deep conversation with them,
sometimes longer than people I've known for 10 years.
So, um, it doesn't matter, you know,
what other people think, what other people pick up from
others, your heart field can literally change
a conversation, a feeling
that other people pick up from you.
Um, yeah. And that's imperative.
So we can all literally change the
world by changing ourselves.
And as we focus on gratitude, we focus on love,
it helps others get into alignment with the same feelings.
And so when you see this picture right here, Jesus
and Mary, you obviously, one
of the first things we see is the halo coming
from their pineal gland.
They have this halo that's not just a two-dimensional image,
but it's, you know, three-dimensional
or multi-dimensional bowl around their head of light.
You know, that, uh, that's emitting from that pineal gland.
But look at their hearts. Their hearts are on fire here.
Their hearts are emitting light and love too.
These two human beings are in coherence.
Their hearts and their brains are in
coherence with each other.
Um, you know, Mary Magdalene, unfortunately, you know,
Catholic church trying to say things
about it that aren't true.
Uh, I believe she, the word Mary is a title as,
as Christ is a title,
or Buddha is a title that's not a name.
I think married means to be married.
Her brain and her heart are married.
Her masculine and feminine are married.
She's married, she's married.
Um, she is an enlightened being just
as much as Jesus is.
Um, and both of them have reached this awakening state
where they have attained titles,
and they no longer go by the Yeshua and the,
and the, the common name they were given as, as children.
Um, they have attained titles of enlightenment.
Uh, Christ means the awakened one, uh,
or the Messiah, you know.
So these, these are two humans
that have gained enlightenment.
Their hearts and brains are in coherence,
and they can manifest, uh,
and do things that we would think were miracles.
But really they're the 90% of the things that are DNA
that they have illuminated, that we have not yet to do.
And I think when we have enough people in this state
and that care, that truly care about love
and about compassion
and about each other, when the power of love
overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.
That's what we're talking about.
How can it be any other way if we truly care about each
other, if we truly care about peace,
and we are admitting it towards each other,
we go into ceremony with each other.
We go to workplace and we don't argue with people.
We respect everybody's opinion.
Whether they respect ours or not.
It's not up, not up to me is my, what's up
to me is whether I respect them,
whether I give them space to be heard.
That is super important.
Uh, we have to care about the power of love so much
that it overcomes everything else,
because there's a few people right now
who are super concerned with the love of power.
But I guarantee you, it only takes a few of us
to be in this Christ consciousness, uh, state
that as we have a few people in that state,
we can literally change the world that it's not as hard
as we may perceive it to be.
We don't have to be the CEOs
or, uh, you know, leaders of big companies,
literally when a small portion, some may refer to
as 144,000.
Um, but I think a small portion of 7 billion
living in this unconditional love Christ-like state,
we can literally change the world back into a loving,
beautiful system that works for all of us.
And a body that is in total cooperation.
Uh, and systems are free energies
and technologies are completely available
to every single person.
Um, I see that coming for all of us.
I see the power of love being that foundation
for the new world that we're seeking.
And so it only, it only is gonna take us to start to learn
to love ourselves again.
Love that the people directly around us in, in our workplace
and our home environment, our family members.
And as we start to do this, unravel this tension
that we've all created
and been a part of the world starts
to become a little bit more harmonious,
a little bit more peaceful,
and then it snowballs into one that happens incredibly fast.
Um, so I wanna say thank you guys
every single one of you tonight.
I appreciate you all.
Let's continue to promote what we love, rather than bash
what we hate, what we don't like about the world.
Start to find what matters in each and every single person.
What matters about, uh, you know, life,
what matters about humans, um,
and let's focus on what we really care about
and create a world that really works for all of us.
So I wanna say thank you again to all of you.
I appreciate every single one of you.
I have so much gratitude for everyone
who joins these mystery schools.
People: Jacob Cox
Topics: Health & Healing, Inner Work, Mystery School