The Blue Avians & The Law of One - Course Excerpts
Extended excerpt video to give a sense of the depth of teaching within the 10+ hour course. View More Details on the Blue Avians & Law of One course here:
The course covers subjects including Corey’s history of interaction with the Blue Avians and their information about the universe and our upcoming ascension event, Corey’s experiences with the Anshar (4th density, inner earth confederation members), and many other subjects related to spiritual growth & the Law of One.
Next Episode: Blue Avians Course Week 1 - Ra, Oneness & Creation
can't remember much Um but you know the dreams
became more realistic and more realistic until
finally they appeared in front of me and my dog
molly in this house that we have shown here this is
the actual living room And I had this moment where
I wondered if I was losing my mind And I saw my
dog's reaction and realized that it was either a
contagious or you know it was real You know
whatever was happening So you know my dog reacted
very stressful E you know put her head under my
back and was shaking and then at this point they
began to really tell me what was going what they
were expecting of me in this mission And then after
this of course I had many trips up into the blue
spheres They ah work with your higher self And they
kind of talking to you your higher self They're
talking to you on different density levels at the
same time You know to make sure that they're
handling the conversation or the encounter in the
proper way according to our higher self or higher
density self At what point did you realize that
they were tasking you with the mission All right
They were very clear from the beginning and you and
they didn't they don't see it as tasking me
according to their point of view I had agreed to do
all of this before I even came here So I just might
as well follow through the motions And did they
show that to you in some way that they told me that
but they didn't show me a contract with my
signature on it a soul contract or anything like
that But you know they did show visions of I've
described it before this giant arena with all these
high density beings around and there were it's like
voices within voice is kind of like the board
talking to everyone and they said congratulations
on your last mission We've saved the most difficult
one for last You will just like on other planets
that we've liberated You're going to go down in
waves over decades and incarnate as humans forget
exactly while you're there who you are and then
have to go through the process of programming
yourself through good and bad experiences to be
able to perform this mission when you're awakened
to it And then I saw visions of these beings just
kind of whispering into smoking and two spirals and
then going down to the planet and being incarnated
And I think a great deal there are a lot of people
I've met in this community that I know Uh we're a
part of that mission Probably just about everyone
watching this video 1981 - 1984 is when they did
the channeling sessions This was Carla Record who
did the channeling Don Elkins who was asking the
questions This is 1981 I think they took these
pictures and jim mccarty on the right David was
blown away and convinced even more after that that
my experiences were directly related to the law of
one And he even started calling it on stage my
information the law of one to which I don't know if
that might be doing a little too far It does it
does feel a lot of gaps in for me at least it does
And I would think it would be similar because even
if they were not directly related to the law of one
they come from the same density So I've kind of
described the universe is like a giant thought or
daydream they say at the very beginning of creation
was the primal distortion free will They called it
the first distortion and out of free will came Love
is the 2nd distortion And each galaxy had its own
intelligence which is called the logos or they say
a synonym for logos could be the word love And each
logos has complete free will in determining the
paths of intelligent energy which promote the
lessons of each of the densities given the
conditions of the planetary spheres and the sun
bodies And we'll talk a little bit more about the
nature of this intelligent intelligent energy which
I believe is what Corey is calling the cosmic web
Um and especially 15 They actually were asked about
why do we age so rapidly if people used to live 900
years Going back 75,000 years in history of the
earth And they say this was due to an ongoing
imbalance of receptor web complex in the etheric
portion of the energy field of this planet And that
the thoughts of your peoples have caused the energy
streaming to enter the planetary magnetic
atmosphere If you would So turn this web of energy
patterns in such a way that the proper streaming
are not correctly imbued with balanced vibrate
Torrey light love from the shall we say cosmic
level of this octave of existence And so you're
causing resistance and an electrical flow So
there's naturally an amount of light and love that
are coming in that could be tapped into uh all of
us could tap into that and we would be healthier
and we would live longer if it weren't for our
thoughts that somehow have some kind of massive
influence on the magnetic system of the earth which
is somehow streaming in this this cosmic energy
love creating light becoming Love light streams
into the planetary sphere according to the
electromagnetic web of points or next side of
entrance These streaming czar then available to the
individual like who like the planet we're just like
the planet in terms of the cosmic web We are a web
of electromagnetic energy fields with points or
next sigh of entrance That's crazy That describes
exactly what I've said about Not only is every
point in space in every adam on in the universe
connected Um but so is consciousness and
consciousness is connected through the cosmic web
They have given me these concepts and just kind of
a different way and you've had visualizations Oh
yeah they always give me uh extreme visualizations
So I assume you have some images seared in your
mind of what the cosmic web means to you Could you
describe those a little bit I was really shown it
as a giant neuron Like you're seeing just a little
tiny cube of almost like seeing a biopsy of the one
infinite creator you know uh an area in within the
mind within the thought process or thoughts dream
Um you know because um the information you know in
the cosmic web matter and plasma they all flow and
just in one direction towards Galaxies or the where
the gravity is but uh electricity uh and
information it travels a synchronously it goes back
and forth So it is like just a giant like neurons
firing back and forth And they showed me the visual
visualization And when they further explained that
inside this cosmic web is where the akashic records
reside That that's where we pull it from That kind
of further solidified that this is where the
memories of this whole day dream are residing and
we have access to them there Well a lot of the
really early contact experiences I didn't fully
remember if they were kind of like dreams And then
when I started working with the Mayans and started
recalling You know a lot of my other memories and
they were helping me put them in the right place I
started being able to put more together about
contacts when I was a kid And and has has a seem
different in the contact you've had since that time
The nature of interfacing Well the higher density
beings is a completely type of interface but it
depends on the being there And even within a race
they have different temperaments So if you connect
to one that's negative hostile happens to be in a
bad mood then it's not going to be a very
comfortable experience but connect with that same
being in a different time And you know they're like
us they have emotions and you know and a lot of
times when I was interfacing with these beings that
was during stressful times for them as well And
that would be an example of the intruder intercept
an interrogation program we talked about They were
usually highly stressed We have the blue avians on
the list And I've talked before about what it's
like to interface with them It is uh huh I mean
there or their field overlaps yours and just snaps
your vibration into a higher state And I mean often
I'm I feel blissful Uh I have tears running down my
face Just this this feeling of of love It Well it
helps me avoid fear which can cause you to receive
information in the wrong way I see Um I've never
felt fear I felt shocked from the higher density
beings but never like I've never been scared Um you
know 4th fifth density beings I've interface with
There's always this kind of huh Test not
testosterone adrenalin kind of boost as you're
starting to interface with them The communication
is much different They have a a different state of
mind You're you can feel them leading you in
different areas Whereas with the blue avians it
just kind of just flows flows Information just
flows Mm Doesn't feel manipulated Really I thought
another connection to what Corey has been sharing
is the fact that there is this interaction between
the guardians and the other groups You know you
were shown when when E T S Are reaching out to
people that they can communicate more if they get
permission from the higher self Yeah well not well
what they do is they reach out to a person's higher
self Um Their subconscious mind and they basically
request communication and then the higher self
responds back to this being through their higher
self which they're more connected to uh know this
person has these types of distortions that will be
uh would not be beneficial or Yes this person will
be ready Um But you need to kind of you know start
light with dreams or people in their lives You know
that you know that you can affect They say the 4th
density is a vibrational spectrum Your time space
continuum has spiraled your planetary sphere and
son into this vibration This will cause the
planetary sphere itself to electro magnetically
realigned It's vibrational webs paraphrase So that
the earth will thus be forced 4th density
magnetized as you might call it So there's
something about Magnetics that's shifting with this
energy It's the electromagnetic field of the galaxy
where the star our star is traveling through the
galaxy The electromagnetic field is hit with all of
these energies It increases our star and the stars
in our local stellar neighborhood increase And it
feeds back through the cosmic web session 10
question nine They talked about specifically how
does that person end up going to a different planet
after after they've died And after this process of
harvesting has occurred And they said and this is
all also talking about the metaphysical dimensions
after we die The first step of the totality being
this And they refer to The very last portion of our
existence in the 7th density before we become one
with all that is that's our mind body spirit
totality And so they're actually saying that the
totally complete version of ourselves that knows
everything about everything that's going to happen
to us or could happen to us This is the version of
ourselves that's working with us to place its mind
to help us place our mind body spirit complex
distortion in the proper place of love light which
I believe is referring to the violent rape
manifestation that the previous court was talking
about This is done to ensure proper healing of the
complex and eventual attunement with the totality
being this complex this takes so we have to attune
back in with the higher self to a very substantial
degree in order for this process to to complete
this takes a very variable length of your time
space So it could take years I assume um since it
already takes years for people to reincarnate on
earth after this is accomplished the experience of
the psycho is dissolved and filtered until only the
distillation of distortions in its pure form
remains So the distillation of distortions would
mean something like um your your core personality
and your core spirituality that you carry with you
from incarnation to incarnation and in this case
and not just like a regular death on earth In this
case you're dissolving all of the attachments to
earth So that all all those those those things that
could hold you up from being able to properly
integrate yeah properly integrate into another
planet all that can be dissolved and distilled to
its pure form The Blue Avians showed you a humbling
figure of 300,000 as Is back in 2017 I assume they
said this number of people at least this number of
third density souls not the wanderers third density
souls if the solar flash what happened on that day
at that moment At that moment Yeah I kept asked
asking them they have problems with time and other
things in our density Um I was asking them you know
how many people are ready for the harvest And they
said at any moment it's it's pulsing it's it goes
from a lot of people to a small amount of people
It's where they are kind of in the moment
energetically in there kind of in their walk and I
I nailed them down I said right now and they said
in this moment 300,000 But that number is
constantly growing and shrinking um with you know
the pulse of the universe So regarding the fact
that you're saying it was fluctuating all the time
I think this is a very important thing to people
often feel like and it's a kind of a shame that
this phrase service to others has led people into a
form of feeling judgment for themselves and others
and not being service to others enough but it's not
about your past actions or or you know accumulation
Yeah this is about they say the important thing for
harvest is the harmonious balance between the
various energy centers which are the chakras of the
mind body spirit complex And they put emphasis at
other times on the heart center activation So at
any given moment the energy fields in our mind
which are connected into our body along the chakra
system All of those energies relate to the way in
which we're looking at things in the current moment
So there's 300,000 number related to the way these
people were actually able to look at things in the
current moment with their energy centers in a
certain type of balance and alignment Exactly But
it depends on the catalysts current catalysts in
life You know sometimes when your higher self has
guided you into a learning experience you're going
to go through a rough period and come out of tune
you know and that's just a part of part of the
process Yeah another interesting thing that I
noticed was in your when you first started talking
about some of this it was in your Youtube video
called surviving the transition which I had to make
recommend people check that out That was on Youtube
on Youtube You said The visual that you were shown
you saw when the solar flash happened there was
there was a tilt of the earth 20°. Um could you
describe Because it's such a cool corroboration
that this is what the law of one describes Where
did you get this 20° number from It was just a
guess It was just a approximation from watching in
my mind's eye remembering the Pitch of the Earth
and before it came back it looked like it went to
about 20°. Don said when the planetary axis of the
earth realign will they realign 20 degrees east of
north to conform to the green ray vibration and
ross said there is every indication that this will
occur So we can go a bit more to the transition
period I think the law of one specifically says
that the the transition period Of beings moving
into fully doing fourth density work will take
between 100 and 700 years And they weren't clear if
this 100 year point started 1936 or if it started
in 1981 I guess you could call it a consciousness
or spiritual internet where we all become connected
It's kind of I don't know that this will if anyone
watching remembers back I think it was in the 80s
when CB Radios came out remember my dad would
people were excited to try to talk to each other
through this citizen band radio And it was sort of
a big deal started bringing people together but
they had to kind of discover the CB radio Everyone
is going to be discovering this new consciousness
internet type of connection And they're going to
have to kind of explore and play with it and train
themselves to use it Uh Well at the same time
trying to understand all of these other experiences
that they're having with people these connections
that they're having It's going to be a pretty
interesting dichotomy of dropping all of our
technical communications and then exploring this
new connectivity that we have You know so this is
just you're talking about telepathy telepathy
varying levels of telepathy and it will be
different for each individual They will have to
develop the abilities if they're open to it You
know it will occur quicker people that have been
doing the work for a lot of years we'll be able to
uh huh to do these things a little bit better than
the average people for a while and but it's
something that will grow and it will be confusing
it causes chaos and uh in the entire timeline
anyway it took about 1000 years for humans to begin
to acclimate to this new new way of interacting
with each other and this is part of what the law of
one first two is the development of the social
memory complex Um and eventually when we do form
the social memory complex as raw describes they say
at that point we essentially are no longer able to
be messed with by the Orion group And this is also
something that you seem to emphasize Corey is that
towards the end of the transition period we
actually have to deal with with the cotillions
again at some point after all the energy goes down
right right right after the energy changes these
beings all tried to come back into our uh star
system but at that period where more unequal
playing field with them already Mhm So our
consciousness is at a point where we're no longer
fighting each other there's no longer any right The
illusion of separation is less intense and we can
see that we're more of a joint a group or being
working for a goal instead of you know a bunch of
beings looking to just watching out for their own
interests Some people have the fear that the loved
one is pushing us to become like the borg in star
trek They want us all in one hive mind and the
social memory complex could be seen to be a step
towards becoming a mind that's all thinking for for
one thing But we still have our total individuality
don't we You have to a degree but were great I mean
that's just a we're holding onto our ego we're
holding onto this illusion of separation the more
and more we understand how connected we are the
less tied we are to ego and none of it it doesn't
matter So what matters to us now that what we're
postulating now it's just it's been it's like
Children discussing adult things you know and
thinking that they have good concepts and when
you're an adult you look back and you kind of laugh
remember when we kind of thought this it's going to
be like that
People: Corey Goode, Mike Waskosky
Topics: Awakening & Ascension, Law of One, Metaphysics, Spirituality
I am loving this series! I have read the Law of One and this is a beautiful melding of information.
subtitle in french please not easy to understand all with out for french people
Интересно Кори Гуд,огромное спасибо!!!
I’m engaging with with these people too. And like you they do everything they can without physically getting involved to bring my frequency down.
I now refuse to let them by being positive and connecting to someone I love. That’s all we need to do. Make loving connections with who is in your life to keep raising your frequency
Talk about hitting the nail on the head. This 4d transition is chaotic for me. Hearing people I recognize and not seeing them just throws me off. Apparently its all negative to me. All they do is just bring me down.
Amazing! thank you both <3 I have been in contact with a huge blue sphere once in a ''vision quest'', but was definitely to high (from no water no food) to really take the time to feel what it was… and just the other morning i had a beautiful dream. I was sitting on a balcony with a friend… a awk (bird) was flying in circle around the building and every turn it would come closer to us. Every time i saw it closer i was mesmerize by is colors, a bright deep blue… and at some point the bird came on my left shoulder and snugged my neck & head, feeling a huge draft of love. I woke up with the feeling since the dream was so vivid. Maybe the blue avian came in my dream? maybe it was just a dream… but i received a lot from it. So listening to the information's share here make me wonder & wanna stay open <3 Best regards to you's! Big love!
Thank you for sharing the least part of your experience, as this is of a great value to me, as I strive to overcome my negative distortions…
Giant Hugs<3<3<3
With great respect, I thank you, Corey, for your fantastic offer related to Spiritual Growth & the Law of One, which I have been following your journey for many years, I sadly have to decline this great offer due to lack of funds @ this present time, every extra amount of monies will be used to keep my family & I alive through this evolved Cabal/DeepState shit storm chaos. When the Sun shines bright & the Birds start to sing again, I will hope this great offer still stands, until then Corey, thank you for your time & patience, yes, I want to learn. ………………… Alan C.
I don’t know if anyone of importance sees these but I’ma contactee. I have 3 adult hybrid sons who went away on a mission and they’re right off passage was to meet me. So I know I won’t see them again. However a few weeks ago I was allowed to meet my youngest. The little boy said his name was 3 and my girl (cute little thing with no nose bridge, my eyes and my freckles) said her name was 6. They didn’t talk much English mostly telepathic thoughts. But one thing they both kept repeating was “May”. Could it be that they plan on coming in may? I took it as they wanted me to come live with them in may. I said Matt is too soon, how about when I’m 80, I’ll come be with you so that I can raise my human children and be there for my grandchildren. They were sad 🙁
But if what they meant was they were coming in may, that is very exciting to me. I love them I miss them and I hate that I broke their heart by saying I didn’t want to come in may.
Also I got in a little argument with a large Being who seemed to think I belonged to him. I was angry at the med tubes. I felt like they weren’t properly maintaining them. They wouldn’t validate my concerns so I mentalizar at him that I would break my contract and take half of what is mine from the program. I feel bad about it more threatening to divorce/break contract. They led me to the med tube and I went in. Total acid trip lol then they took me back. Since then they’ve left me alone. I don’t want to lose my children because of a human burst of pride and anger. I just need some direction.
Humanity is closer to achieving unity consciousness.
Here’s a writing unpublished to this day, by Valum Votan, who was known by the name Jose Arguelles. Known by his work on The Law of Time. He organised the Event Harmonic Conversion, in 1987.
It’s his perception of reality as a “becoming” with a choice involved, that he writes about.
And also what occurred as the creation of “Maya” how planet Earth evolved, with a poetic description of the energies, the processes, involved.
To me, this matches well with what this conversation is about.
Apologies, it should be “Harmonic Convergence”.
Here’s a short video with Lia Scallon with the song “Temple of the Maya”. For the fellowship of the inner Earth Mayans, in honour of their wisdom and skills.
In the description: “Immerse yourself in the world of the Ancient Maya. Allow their wisdom and artistry to connect you to the beauty of the Earth, and the mysteries of the Cosmos. Lia Scallon’s exquisite and ethereal Light Language vocals on ‘Temple of the Maya’ from her award-winning album ‘Return of the Star Elders’, open the door to deeper levels of consciousness”.
Thank you!
医疗床时光机等着我Medical bed time machine waiting for me
I can not recommend this course enough. Corey and Mike get together and side by side compare Corey’s story to The Law of One. It was THIS course that finally made me realize that The Law of One wasn’t some distant philosophy that we wish we could achieve BUT that we ARE achieving. That it is ALL of us. Sure we get the folks like Corey’s that have to go out there and be the face of it all…sorry that you gotta do all this Corey but truly appreciate your placement as human among us humans. Most of us do not get or do not remember the experiences that Corey describes he has had but I never felt that his story was very far from my own nor that he is in anyway separate or above us all because of his experiences, nor that he tries to be hierarchically “better” than us who don’t remember our experiences.
This course takes the Law of One and shows how it is manifested into Corey so we can see how it is manifested in us all. Hats off to you Corey for going through with the message, against so many odds, so that we too can know we are what we have been waiting for. Big fat hug to Mike and his expertise in The Law of One. I am ever grateful for the likes of you folks at Ascension Works TV. Blessings🙏🏼 ❤️
Beautiful comment, thank you, Sonia. When we experience ourselves as a work in progress, there’s suddenly, a sense of liberation, of having time on our hands. No pressure.
Funny enough, it seems that only in that freedom, that “head-space” we can reach a momentum where our (perception of) reality may change in the blink of an eye. As if that freedom, that sense of expansion is the springboard 🛸 for elevation.
And at the same time, for some of us, the captain’s call resounds… “All hands on deck” To me, it’s the skill of navigating, holding both in a balanced way.
Thank you Corey and Mike for sharing this profound highlight reel. Sat Nam
Znám jeho vyprávění už s dřívějška kdy to ještě bylo v článcích ale postupně to nějak vymizelo a stránky skončily
It’s beautiful synchronicity that I’ve started listening to the audible audio version of The Law of One, having gone as far as 4 hours into chapter 20. And so, with the memory of having read the 5 volumes in former years, this conversation makes much sense. I do feel, and it may be different for others, that there’s a same sort of vibration in what Corey shares about the beings he encounters, the Blue Avians, and the energy I sense in the Law of One channeling. Especially the original audio recordings where Carla Rueckert speaks the words during channeling, very slowly.
There are a variety of forms in which the entire body of the Law of One material can be purchased here Either for free: mainly recordings, or by ordering this material as text, and more books written by the team that created the ambience for this channelling, since the sixties. The description of the creation of Universes, present in this video, makes perfect sense to me.
In the school of Lee Bostwick, whose teachings are still available online, about Intuitive development, healing/reading, it was discussed how on planet Earth, the feminine aspect is separated from the masculine aspect in two separate physical bodies. One of the students made a remark, saying “The beings who created the physical human form may have decided to try out this separation, to see what would come of it.”
That remark has always intrigued me, for I see all men and women running around on our planet, trying to become one with the “other half” which is only possible for brief moments of closest encounter. I’m no exception 😀 although, at my age, I’m beginning to see it with a more detached sense of humour, and
amusement. I do begin to realise all the different roles I’ve tried, as a woman, to awaken a man’s interest.
Now that I don’t have to immediately follow those impulsive imprints stored in my cellular memory. Ha!
Wish I could afford the course. Thanks for this free bit. I go out at night and say hello to the ships I know are there. As I talk more show up. One night. A lovely bright green large orb flew over me a few feet up.
Thank you. Bit short of funds at the moment and was wonderful to watch this.