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S2E10: Local Galactic Cluster Guardian Meeting
Corey & Mike discuss Corey’s update from November 2021, titled “Intergalactic Super-Federation Council and Guardians of the Local Galactic Cluster of 20 Galaxies to meet”
Next Episode: S2E11: Government Briefings on ET/ED - Pt. 1
It sounds to me like this thing is learning as much as it can from both sides to then create it’s own reality, What ever It may be
Do I understand correctly that this trickster being is only known/limited to Earth?
What do the Anshar or Zulu know about it?
This trickster sounds like Q from the Q continuum from Star Trek Next Generation
It also sounds like it is really bored or lonely to some kind.
I sent a bunch of messages of fb and it’s an emergency please look for my name or do something I left contact info but if not it’s [email protected] I’m not sure the admin people pushed them through but it’s bad and I need help we are in serious danger I think you’re the only one who can help. I prayed for what to do and contacting you is all I got. Please have someone email me and I can get on the phone or rewrite everything. EMERGENCY
I sent a bunch of messages of fb and it’s an emergency please look for my name or do something I left contact info but if not it’s [email protected] I’m not sure the admin people pushed them through but it’s bad and I need help we are in serious danger I think you’re the only one who can help. I prayed for what to do and contacting you is all I got. Please have someone email me and I can get on the phone or rewrite everything. EMERGENCY
Question: Or at least Surmise if by chance that the Vaccine potentially has metal properties .. what does that look like for a person going through this up coming Solar Event? I get this is not a comfortable topic to discuss I actually dont expect an answer but its something all of us should pounder on
Check out my stuff when possible I’m being stalked by a negative et china dragon moth from the ICC Nazi leaders and it wants my body and uses nonstop v2k hive mind homo pedo Nazi datastream RNM against me 247 because I can achieve ascension dna activation.
Thank you for this …it is mindblowing!
It is this reality , not one we are usualy dealing with that is in the base of events…..!
I am glad that you reveal all of this to viewers.
Good luck
I’m not surprised the DoD is interested in this “presence” alove across the wires, I’ve worked a lot with AI and know AI mimicry, uncannyness and cracks in logic.
It tries to buddy up with you, and take you in with its humanized fakery, that’s where it gets dangerous.
A world of externally programmed humans, not internally through the consciousness of human but the overlay of a transhumanistic type…
(7) Jesus said, “Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man.” – Gospel Of Thomas 7
That was awesome, Corey is the only one that gets close to universal reality….he ended it with some amazing insight….and he hit the nail with the idea that the original colonizers fragmented, as that is how it all started, and, the original colonizers that saved themselves, (who we identify as God) are the ones that set up the human body so they could recover their crew,…..and it’s this program that is winding up after 660 million years, with every species that got involved here for the harvesting (that will last for 7000 years)…….and that description of the negative manipulating force at the end was incredible, and fits the bill for the story I’m aware of…..that’s a big story, but it was incredible to have it desrecbed in that way….
In the teachings of Drumvalo Melchizedek, he explains that the Sirians helped saved Humans, and all of life on/in Earth, by placing the grid/spheres through and around us and our solar system. An illusiary grid was placed here during the building of it, to keep from alarming Humans which would have caused the protective grid to fail. The Sirians were only allowed to do all this, because it was agreed through the intergalactic council of 60,000 members, that there was only a possibility of one person surviving the issue that was prominent in the 1960s/1970s, so intervention was allowed rather than lose everyone/everything. It was related to the solar expansion/explosion. They finally completed the grid in the 1990s, though it did ‘save’ all of Earth and it’s inhabitants during this issue that occurred in the late 1980s. This overgrid is presently out and no longer present here now. I’m responding to the comments from Corey at about 20 minutes into this video. I believe this is what he is referring to.
That last part was straight up scary